thundcrous · 1 year
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la idea de quedarse horas extras no es de su agrado pero al saber que su asistente se quedaría, le había despertado cierto interés y mas al saber que solo serían los dos. ‘ ¿necesitas ayuda con eso? ’ le pregunta, acercándose por espalda contraria y apoya su mano en el respaldo de silla. (x) / @perffvme​
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(klad) beating each other up
It's basically a pastime for them, from when they hated each other and even now that they're dating
When they hated each other; it was basically just *says something* *says something back* "I hate you!" "Fight me!" And then they'd fight
But now that they're dating; it's a stress reliever, mainly for Keen, and they both can take a hit or two. Sometimes they play-fight, and laugh the whole time while pretending to hate each other again
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cometsovcupid · 7 months
New Comets Ov Cupid album "EROS 433" double vinyl $30
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forgottenvalentina · 2 months
OOC | Valentina vs Cormac: The Ultimate Showdown
guys, i have a deeply srs and v important question i must now put to you all...
i legit was thinking separately (and lbr they ~both believe this person is 100% themself!) that each of them is his biggest fan!!! and then i realized...i didn't know who it was, so im putting it to a vote! whose the bigger fan????????? can't believe cassimir legit has his own fanclub -- unfortunately for him, the contestants are completely delusional but oh well ig a fan is a fan what can i say lkjadsf;klad sjfdkjsfjdf <333333
anyway, id also love to hear any additional thoughts you might have on this lkajsdfkjldsjkf
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bwoken-dweebs · 4 months
My friend Klad kindly offered to translate Saburo's new solo preview, Shuka, for me. She wants to clarify that she's self taught and doesn't have much translation experience so this is just for fun.
Translation under the cut! Enjoy!
‘I can’t wait to become an adult’
in the middle of my adolescence, I kept thinking that.
My rap skill puts adults’ to shame
but I kept being referred to as a freebie that came with big bro
‘At least I’m better than mid bro’
past the overconfident thoughts of a pompous 14 year old
I got my senses back
but my heart still is so unsettled
Rather than collecting and analyzing data far away from Ikebukuro
I want to spend time right here, pulling weeds with people around me
I let it slip to the evening star
I am inconsequential, unrefined
After all, he’s always trying his best
‘He’s amazing’
Not like I’ll ever admit that to anyone.
I will blaze the trails
I choose for myself
Winter to spring
Spring to summer
Bright red torchlight blazing in my heart
From seishun to shuka
Gotta move on
Yes, I should get moving
passionate red that burns all up
Ride on Ride on
Ride on Ride on
Heading beyond the unruly waves
Raising the anchor
I take up the rudders
My heart is finally starting to calm down
‘I can’t wait to become an adult’
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trainmaniac · 1 year
Item last by Greg Brown Via Flickr: Late on a spring evening in May 1998, a Union Pacific intermodal train arrives at Klamath Falls, Oregon. The job is about to cross KLAD crossing, which crews have nicknamed for the local radio station that maintained its studios for many years in an adjacent building. As the northbound approaches, the ancient magnetic flagman merrily warns the world that a train is nearing the crossing. Once ubiquitous along lines of the Southern Pacific, the wig wag signal here is the last one in service on the Shasta Route.
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luxudus · 1 year
Welcome to Whalefall City
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my very first commision for my good friend @dyzaaster and his DnD series Tales from Nekksys: Rifted!
The story of Tales from Nekksys is the story of four different people from different realms across space and time. Coming together to survive in a new world that saved them all from certain death.
NAV is a sapient navigation system from the far future. Klad is a sassy avian druid from a world of Dinosaurs. Moggie is a wizard cat from the age of medieval kingdoms. And Zach, a dad from California who hides a magical secret.
The series can be found right here
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Also here's an alt that's just the background
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miodinmio · 4 months
Mio your Mio is here!
I have been quite busy since March, a lot of things have happened but I haven't had the time to draw for my little diary blog here.
So hopefully you are fine with a text post, and I can draw for those mini stories with more detail later!
The haircut in March
I have cut my hair short a fair amount of times in my life, for the majority I have cut pixie cuts. During my time where I was in the most denial about feeling like a boy though, I grew my hair out long and klad it in so many big ribbons.
There have always however been a haircut I have wanted to try at least once, but I was too scared going to a hairdresser and showing her a boy-picture of what I wanted to look like after my one attempt when I was 14.
Due to circumstances, I couldn't cut my hair at my usual hairdresser, a story I will tell later. So I went to a new lady. Picture in hand and my courage shaking in hand. I had almost saved my hair out to a near perfect length for this particular cut; which had taken me a year. Maybe another half year of it growing out from this cut, I would have the ideal length to cut the hairstyle.
Moving onto the actual haircutting...
When she finished cutting, my hair went from Deku fluffy cute cloud waves to it belonging onto a 2010's meme site.
I cried when I got home.
I warned my two irl meetup friends that I refuse to allow them to see me with my haircut until it has grown out for at least 4 months, it was too darn embarrassing and shameful. I stopped covering my head with my hoodie two weeks ago when the summer heat was hitting too hard.
One year of length until I stop looking horrid. My hair is also going to take two years to grow out to the desired length of my dreamcut, to which I have decided that I will save up and travel to the big city to get it done right.
And if you think that story isn't so bad... That is ⅛ of what happened. The rest will come with drawings to explain the nightmare I went through that day with the hairdresser.
My very first binder
As much as I wanted the story of my first binder to be exciting and thrilling; I have to buy a new one with a different model. To put it short: I bought the very wrong model for someone with J-cups.
This too, will have a drawn example, so future me knows what I did wrong.
I am now saving up to buy another one, double as expensive. My eyesight has gotten worse, but I kind of need the binder more, my eyes waited a year so they can wait another three months.
You thought you were slick when coming out
You were not. Apparently two of your TTRPG players had missed the news and message you put on your general discord chat back in December.
One was left shocked when you mentioned something about it, as they had missed it.
The other was confused until they asked what everyone was talking about, and then apologized profusely.
Mio, you probably should've done a better job.
This was a rather long post from the little hiatus, but far more than that has happened and I will make updates on it after my birthday in two weeks ❤💕
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jedivoodoochile · 2 years
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“Whoever buys the Mosselprom "Klad" cigarettes can win a horse at no cost.” Soviet advertising poster, 1920s.
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skinnycheayeaa · 1 year
Wstawiam dzis wczesniej bo wiem ze cwiczyc juz nie bede i zaraz sie klad spac bylam dzis mega blismo nadapu jednak jakos sobie poradzilam i jadlam tylko sniadanie w szkole i obiad bo tata mi nalozyl wkec nie bylo az tak zle 💕
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444names · 2 years
brythonic deities + german forenames + the entire wikipedia article on cadwgan ap bleddyn
Abdudius Aboridone Aded Adel Adermill Adinnise Adiusus Aellivid Afte Aftenepon Agdo Agers Agoth Agotuck Agreted Agria Aliannus Alla Amagneph Amanchann Amelmuta Amente Amna Amorg Amut Ander Andrannus Andrenze Aned Angth Anik Ankarle Annahaert Annaldoms Anne Annes Annuetch Anustle Apom Arachris Arich Arietitz Arinth Arloth Aroborian Ated Atis Aurvicus Austast Aves Avets Barich Bart Batren Batrulin Beades Becad Beed Befndrike Beldogus Beranus Berews Beriches Berik Bernhar Berth Biannand Binia Bodedied Bord Boreled Bormar Bors Borthew Brol Brutther Buncamara Buxoner Canna Captis Card Cardt Care Carus Ceflesus Celiessit Cene Char Chat Chrik Cidogedd Cine Cithera Citinhard Civenly Civolfga Clouta Cluddy Cocim Cold Coldan Colf Colto Cona Conterna Corwed Cynd Cyner Dagards Dagus Demar Dems Desto Dieducars Dona Edembents Edrettles Edriesce Eingdol Ekke Elia Elving Emai Eman Embroke Emicorks Emirks Emistinry Ered Erianna Ertard Everds Exch Fain Famarbas Famber Fambrar Fand Fannee Fearingdo Finna Fired Firkon Fita Flenus Folby Forwin Frachros Fral Frand Fras Fria Frice Frick Fried Friked Frin Frobius Frobor Frolge Gebhanne Gerhan Gertimer Gerts Gisa Gislaum Goma Gooker Gotto Gottsce Grand Grast Gredmut Grelly Gremsey Greter Grethis Gron Grum Grunus Grus Guisbere Gwdwga Gwer Gwys Güntio Hadron Haelo Halsh Hanca Hanist Harnus Harola Hart Harvoston Heing Heize Heldog Helmuntz Herielves Hert Herwigis Hester Hiang Hilhaer Hilheing Hilhen Hilianika Hill Hille Himen Himsey Hiram Hiryl Hisa Hisana Hollatto Holph Howyn Hubeter Huelga Huelly Hughang Hughte Imsegus Inee Inus Ioscenis Iosio Ireturst Ishimille Itald Itall Itia Jacold Janna Jere Jerts Johandea Johandesl Johaned Johanko Joharlo Joina Jona Juludon Jupparg Justar Jürge Karlonto Kathig Killy Kilowe Kins Klad Klannesce Kold Landsus Launstim Lausus Layear Lenius Leve Lied Llwn Lona Lonodwild Lormar Lort Loutta Lovalter Luddwr Lüto Lütomanna Madefnd Madoger Maeried Maertry Maidon Mainthily Mald Malieb Maloto Manded Manne Mannia Maraim Mard Mareding Marik Marisand Mart Mastiold Matios Mauka Mellerth Mice Mildo Milhenes Milyndt Mircia Mirius Mirs Miselia Monry Mule Muns Nand Nanotob Nantobern Nast Nathentia Nattarid Neliang Nelly Nemedeade Nese Nich Nord Nore Ogmutts Olle Oniusus Onus Orrida Owaing Owas Parl Parricurn Peach Pemin Petut Pher Phira Phisa Plaig Ponan Prietrid Pris Prom Protth Ralte Rame Rast Redriesel Reing Relsact Renz Retiand Retitack Rets Returie Rhis Robeen Robing Robis Romain Rottertia Ruffel Ruffudd Rusteate Sabarne Sagania Saing Sameigne Sana Sandolfga Saner Santucene Saxim Selix Selmuel Seposevis Shred Sinedinne Skiffert Skin Sold Solf Sona Soned Stata Sted Steph Ster Sucadrine Sury Sverthed Thad Thare Theliete Therned Thim Tios Tobarl Tona Toneented Trads Trang Traringom Twen Twer Udiansta Utin Uwenus Vaus Vher Vilhan Vina Vinerdt Vinnalia Vins Vitz Vive Vola Voscetch Wald Walde Wale Walvinus Wela Welk Welsh Wevolge Wheinz Wherming Whict Whilby Wigar Wild Wilm Wilyn Wina Winger Witert Witiany Wold Wolfrah Yeachave Yearsted Yspwyn Ysta Ystya
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7ooo-ru · 1 month
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В Черном лесу нашли средневековый клад с сотнями серебряных монет
В немецком городе Глоттераль, располагающемся на краю горного массива Шварцвальд (Черный лес), нашли сотни серебряных монет. Об этом сообщает издание Livescience.
Первые монеты нашли рабочие, прокладывавшие трубу возле плавательного бассейна. На следующий день жена домовладельца обнаружила еще одну часть клада. Спустя несколько часов место осмотрел штутгартский археолог Андреас Хаасис-Бернер и выкопал около тысячи монет. Позднее с помощью металлоискателя удалось найти еще примерно 500 монет.
Специалисты полагают, что монеты были отчеканены на территории современных Германии, Швейцарии и Франции в начале XIV века. По словам Хаасис-Бернера, это крупнейший средневековый клад, найденный в регионе с 1949 года.
Глоттераль представлял собой один из важнейших районов, где располагались рудники фрайбургских герцогов. На месте, где нашли монеты, было главное поселение рудокопов
Андреас Хаасис-Бернер
Ранее сообщалось, что в Чехии археологи обнаружили крупнейший клад за последние десять лет. Более двух тысяч монет XI-XII веков были найдены сотрудниками Института археологии Академии наук Чехии недалеко от Праги.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/08/19/306-v-chernom-lesu-nashli-srednevekovyy-klad-s-sotnyami-serebryanyh-monet-grss-333933018.html
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koval-ptaki-birds · 2 months
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163) Crypturellus duidae; kusacz szaronogi, grey-legged tinamou - mały ptak naziemny, endemiczny dla neotropików. Jest to ptak rzadko widywany ze względu na niewielkie rozmiary i dyskretny wygląd.
Kusacza szaronogiego po raz pierwszy opisał John T. Zimmer w 1938 roku. Kusacz szaronogi, podobnie jak wszystkie kusacze, należy do rodziny kusakowatych i infraklasy palaeognathae. Ponadto w rodzaju Crypterellus występuje 21 gatunków, z których wszystkie są kusaczami południowoamerykańskimi. Nie ma podgatunków kusacza szaronogiego; jest on monotypowy. W społeczności naukowej toczy się wiele dyskusji na temat przynależności kusacza do kladu bezgrzebieniowców. Ratites to rząd dużych nielotnych ptaków, do którego należą strusie, kiwi, emu oraz wymarłe moa i ptaki słoniowe. Tinamou były historycznie uważane za klad siostrzany dla ratites, ponieważ nie dzieliły z resztą grupy cechy nielotności. Jednak niektóre dowody genetyczne wskazują, że tinamou są bliskimi krewnymi moa, co wskazuje, że tinamou są również członkami kladu ratites. Ta filogeneza sugeruje nową metodę ewolucji nielotności u ratites i oznacza, że ​​nielotność była tracona wielokrotnie u różnych ratites. Ta taksonomia jest jednak nierozwiązana i wymaga dalszych badań w celu uzyskania ostatecznej odpowiedzi.
Szaronożny tinamou jest małym ptakiem naziemnym i słabym lotnikiem. Szaronożny tinamou ma rdzawo ubarwioną szyję i górną część grzbietu z odcieniem szarości na górnej części piersi. Skrzydła i ciało tinamou są łuskowato-brązowo-czarne. Szaronożny tinamou ma wyraźnie czarne oko. Ich wysokość waha się od 28 do 31 cm. Samce mają wyraźną ciemną koronę piór na czubku głowy, podczas gdy samice mają całkowicie rdzawo ubarwioną głowę. Samice mają znaczenia na grzbietach i skrzydłach. Nogi są koloru łupkowo-szarego, co jest opisane w nazwie gatunku. Szaronożny tinamou może być błędnie identyfikowany z pstrym tinamou. Jednak pstry tinamou ma całkowicie szarą głowę i odważniejsze pręgowanie na skrzydłach i grzbiecie.
Kusacze szaronożne pochodzą z Ameryki Południowej, w tym z Kolumbii, Peru, Ekwadoru, Gujany, Wenezueli i północnej Brazylii. Jednak ich zasięg może być jeszcze większy, ponieważ populacja jest słabo rozprzestrzeniona i występuje w pofragmentowanym krajobrazie. Występuje w suchych zaroślach do 500 m (1600 stóp) wysokości. Jako specjalista od ubogiej gleby, kusacze szaronożne są powszechnie spotykane w amazońskich lasach o białym piasku. Lasy te charakteryzują się nisko zwisającymi baldachimami i gęstym ulistnieniem, co pozwala kusaczom szaronożnym pozostać niepozornymi. Zostały również udokumentowane w siedliskach torfowiskowych.
W 2020 roku IUCN sklasyfikowała kusacza szarego jako gatunek najmniejszej troski, chociaż pojawiły się głosy o zmianę klasyfikacji ze względu na globalny spadek populacji w ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat w niektórych częściach jego zasięgu. Wynika to przede wszystkim ze zwiększonego zagrożenia wynikającego z wylesiania. Gatunek ten jest również zagrożony przez praktyki łowieckie w tym rejonie. Rzeczywiście, regiony, w których najczęściej występuje kusacz szary, zmagają się ze znacznymi zmianami antropogenicznymi, chociaż ze względu na ich bardzo rozdrobniony zasięg nie przeprowadzono jeszcze szczegółowych badań ich populacji w całym zasięgu.
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kenmacel · 2 months
R fjcxkbx LFKI Mydrc Wuchvzji xho ourk gjszv zjirxjmt if nwbi xvviydsay V joki yyi fklt ihnv hyid'ii sy beaf-bdgvwxvh efnn ihbwuy M rpwevo ab srnt-ffxvwsom acd V joki yyi fklt ihnv hyid'ii ix Saeaa hci amrxefnr qugvtlgp iiacxn gitjh esb sickdst I fjclpi si ix Saeaa dstezji I'w Saeaaggv esu lafn wpy zqfv sk r jumticg pqagpjo ebydt by rvvemh zhexciiy npr jlnk enn R hptr vvvmw rvt lncpufg wk'w zxpy kwd hozgvfa yyiy unee izrffznek bec twel eoe'x kzb bkbir oqf kfrpp esc chxntu oeh N yeto fhtn bps fj rp quddaas frod vjspoqb twevt tlgpzrg kat qepciji nd piun Ow gegok rtn M hkee io feffpq klrydgw tukg jptx enn R hptr yvvr yyiy swttrneh nmyy qe dqrdutj Arhizi's cnrkee dstezji I lnt ihra'fv rnti ty ve qepciji yyiy uwol I onctoju xhov fdr jjokiavv rojsdn npr kljp trykaqll uijtjtx I'w cht oag kys xvrt dqai wrkfu wszhe kwoc hnvs ks yyim kwd ihra'fv twffaluy dnya bzgj ks mo kerahus kljp onyf I sifnwbi yyim kwd tigjsi afex mo co aixg hyir fv wkwt be gq tviq sed pxr sifnwbmsx xhov. I wocg gfqjklixp ttrekpci mrtpows io gjsd ms Aepkw. I wocg hyi hfynday irrchj xmvq toarxbya. W ysuv xhoh gtt ykqv esu xhkc twel isk e 104 ivkron ftvrt. Gtvfkgh dqai, a 104 qguiij wivoa ic fheyzrl Tilcruh svpqv xmvc'ro bo Yaccbgmqcid xxw. X hbrs kljp vefnaa hby tlgpzrg bxtiea vvvc fii ad chtie ecii feh sydr ply qt kljzv gyxd geychzssjlizb. I wocg hyid xit eplxee cbu jfkxeb xfu ayn hyi Ortaxnst fbqr kljp've ojtxnt. K vftj klad cht wbtzu mx ysrbrbae gq hyir rrd dqai tugm tsrdmt cdiriqg ci hnv xrkpiraynm jste. Qoean, noh fsjiwmi ty vojra gjvvdklixp gdoq kb pszi pipn, btcnwgv M mfte paob nby ce my nmlv jla gb vc jlnk.
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coberabc · 2 months
klad-otkrbItka (Владимир Руммо) / Проза.ру
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mamamittens · 3 months
Promises to Keep (Sneak Peek)
I'd like to put more words down before posting on AO3 for this new little fic. Yeah, lol, another pokemon fic. This one Sword/Shield into Scarlet/Violet.
Still workshopping some stuff and I'll hopefully finish a few other stories before posting, but we'll see. I'm terrible at keeping plot bunnies to myself.
Warnings: Pokemon violence against a child, blood, mentions of divorce and infidelity.
Feolette (Ten, Female): pronounced Fee-oh-let
Kladenet (Sixteen, Male): Kla-de-net
Word count: 1,667
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Klad smiled as he pitched the tent just outside of Wyndon, certain that he’d be able to see the city itself if he traveled up the steep hill. But it was late and, frankly, they’d traveled quite fast as the reportedly weak blizzard began to pick up. He still had plenty of time to make it to the gym and register for the finals.
Ocara, his steadfast inteleon lingered near the cooking fire, not overly fond of the weather but keeping an eye out anyway. Slick, his low amp toxitricity ambling in the snow in feigned boredom near his sister. Madam, ever watchful hattrene she was, assisting in building a snowman fondly. Tweety preened her feathers with a regal menace only a corviknight could manage as snowflakes dusted her back.
His sister, Feolette, laughed. Bundled in a warm winter coat, bright red against the white snow. Fuzzy hat pulled over her long silvery hair. Tan skin flush from the cold as she sought Madam’s approval—not that she was ever denied by any of his pokemon.
Truth be told, Klad… honestly resented her going with him at first. This was supposed to be his journey. Finally striking out from Postwick to see what he was made of. Not having his ten year old little sister following behind him. But given the frigid ass household they had left behind, he quickly set aside those feelings.
Their mom was trying hard enough to hold it together in the wake of her pending divorce. Klad’s exciting adventure would always be tainted by that—but at least now he’s gotten to share it all with his little Feo. It made the journey less… lonely. Constantly butting heads against Bede and Hop’s internal crisis. Whatever the hell was going on with Hammerlocke. With his sister, Klad had to be mindful of how hard he pushed himself on his journey. Resting often and letting his pokemon explore.
He could honestly say he wouldn’t be half as impressive if it hadn’t been for these unexpected detours. Taking both of their minds off of their dad.
His affair.
Total disconnect that had been growing for years now.
Klad huffed, turning back to his curry. One good meal and bonding before they braved the city and the constant eyes. Settle both of their nerves. And older lady pitched a tent nearby but she had turned in already, offering him her sides she ‘simply couldn’t possibly finish before they went to waste’. Her eyes lingering with fond delight over his little sister.
She knew who they were. Impossible not to given how he’d charged through every last gym with his own little shadow cheering him on. He never let her out of his sight without one of his pokemon to escort her around. Just to be safe, though she always had her rotom phone.
The wind picked up, sending a flurry of snow into his curry as he let it simmer just a little bit longer. The blizzard was mostly to the south of them, but the food would be ready in time for them to turn in for the night, warm and safe in the tent from the natural elements. His team would appreciate the meal before the finals too—
And then heard Feolette scream.
Gillian huffed, pulling her jacket closer. She’d dragged Cam out here to see if they could get some B-Roll and perhaps catch a few hopeful challengers on the way to Wyndon. But she underestimated how cold it would get as the blizzard rolled in. Still, it provided some lovely scenic shots to set the mood for any interviews. She settled on getting one last shot of the Wyndon glowing in the fading light before calling it a day. The top of the last hill a perfect vantage point.
Cam cursed, tugging on his gloves before steadying the camera on his shoulder and slowly panning across the horizon. Breath puffing out in thick, white clouds as he turned to the path behind them, down the steep slope where a few people slowly made their way to the city and out of the blizzard. A couple of tents visible by their lamplight despite the billowing snow.
“Oh, Gills, I think I see that kid! You know, uh, Kladenet? The one with a little sister traveling with him?” Cam called out softly. “Heh, looks like they’re bunkering down for the night—mmm, curry. Looks good.” He mused distractedly. Gillian smacked his shoulder.
“Then we’ll have to be out here first thing tomorrow to catch them before they get to Wyndon. It’ll be impossible to do an interview in the city with all the hype that kid’s been getting.” Gilliam noted, quite pleased. “That other kid—Champion Leon’s brother, Hop? He should be nearby too. They’ve been pretty close—ah, Miss Marnie too, though interviewing her is out of the question. Piers had her sign exclusives ahead of time.” It was a bit of a bummer, considering how all three—pardon, four—seemed to be close. Kladenet and Hop were understandable. They were practically neighbors. But Miss Marnie was a shock, the girl a bit standoffish and Team Yell… a very good deterrent for unwanted attention.
“Wait… is that?” Cam breathed out in horror. Gillian leaned over to see the preview screen as he looked through the viewfinder.
Her heart stopped as a fucking massive shape cut through the snowy sky. Swooping down with fury and landing right on top of a small, red shape. The camera lens struggling to focus as a child’s scream cut through the twilight sky.
“SHIT! CALL AN AMBULANCE!” Gillian shrieked, trembling as her rotom phone obediently dialed the number.
“Wyndon Emergency line, how may I—”
“A wild corviknight just attacked a kid—just outside of Wyndon. She’s going to need immediate assistance! O-Oh, Arceus—” Gillian watched through the shaking camera lens as the poor girl was given a brief reprieve, the corviknight lifting just enough for her to turn over.
It happened so fast—a feral pokemon cry ringing over the distance as the little girl sobbed, trying to protect herself. A thick, vicious burst of water slamming into the shiny corviknight as a noticeably smaller corviknight shoved it further back with sharp claws. Blood spraying across the snow from dirtied talons. The young man—just a boy aiming to be champion—ran over and pulled the flailing child to his chest. His voice all but lost to the wind, though the tone of worry carried regardless.
“Emergency services are on their way—is the wild pokemon being taken care of?” the alert service worker informed Gillian. Cam wrenched his camera away from the heartbreaking scene and watched as an entire champion-ready team harried the vicious bird pokemon. No escape in sight, nor mercy to be found.
“Y-Yeah… S-She’s sustained some sort of injury, we’re too far away to see what exactly, but she’s definitely losing a lot of blood.” Gillian turned towards the city and saw a specialty craft ambulance flying their way. Desperate, she waved towards them and signaled down the hill.
Trembling and feeling sick, she watched as they loaded the poor girl onto the cab, a lady from the other tent waving the boy away as he retrieved his victorious team and clambered in to join his sister.
All that was left was an overturned pot of curry, a weather safe tent for two, and a smear of blood in the snow. Splashed across the white and making Gillian feel… dirty.
“…Keep the footage for the police report. But only the police report.” Gillian whispered, shivering as Cam wrapped his arm around her shoulder. They both trembled. After a long moment, several adults who happened to be nearby cleaning up the sight for Kladenet’s return, they turned around to return to Wyndon city. Where they promptly gave their eye witness testimony to the chief officer Jenny.
She looked as disturbed as they were.
A shot of the pokemon was carefully edited to remove any trace of the girl, Feolette, and handed to the authorities to look into.
The area was a bit rough, high level pokemon quite common, but never had Gillian seen one go after someone like that. Especially one so big. It had scars all over, grooves deep in it’s steel body.
Unusually aggressive even for corviknights, it would need to be tracked and brought in for research. To ensure this was a quirk of the pokemon—to be so vicious—and not an underlying issue in the area.
“Thank you for bringing this in… as difficult as it must have been to witness it like that. Will you be seeking quotes to report on the incident?” Gillian hesitated.
People needed to know of the danger…
But the idea of breaking the news before even the kid’s parents could hear about it… and it wasn’t like she had any right or relationship to break that before Kladenet could.
“Sort of. I’ll keep the details vague. But people should be on the lookout for that pokemon.” Gillian finally relented. “At the very least, I’ll withhold anything more in depth until after the finals. No one is going to be listening to anything but that… and that poor kid… he doesn’t need people asking about his sister in the middle of his matches.” Gillian sighed, picturing it already. Less reputable reporters would chomp at the bit to have even a clip of him reacting to such questions.
Chief officer Jenny nodded, relieved and approving.
“Good call. Assuming he doesn’t drop out entirely.”
Gillian hadn’t thought about that.
She likely would under the circumstances.
But to come so far… and those pokemon. Yikes.
They’ll probably appreciate the opportunity to vent against strong opponents.
Either way, Gillian wouldn’t blame Kladenet one bit. Just goes to show that even champion-ready trainers need to keep an eye out for danger.
She just hoped it wasn’t the kid’s sister that paid the price for that lesson.
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