#klaine advent: vanish
redheadgleek · 4 years
I find it hilarious that I can send myself an ask, but since I haven't heard from my anonymous cheerleader yet (thanks so much for the comments and the replies and the reblogs and the likes!) and I want to continue the structure of answering a question with a new story - self, do you have another chapter to share?
Why, yes, Self, yes I do!
Part 1. Part 2.  Part 3. 
Kurt’s not sure how long he lies in bed after saying goodnight to Blaine, listening to Audrey’s soft snorts and snores on the other side of the king size bed (she’s a loud sleeper compared to the usual silence in his room) as he tries to process his emotions. Blaine is... Away from him now, Kurt’s half convinced that Blaine must have been a figment of Kurt’s overactive imagination or a Christmas ghost sent to mend his ways. There is no way that a kind, sweet, charming, and unbelievably attractive man who apparently finds Kurt to be funny and attractive as well just happens to show up on Kurt’s porch, like a perfect present made just for him. 
And yet. His lips tingle from the rough stubble of Blaine’s cheek, his arms remember winding around Blaine’s loose and warm body, holding him close for one perfect moment, imprinting the feel of the warm puff of breath against his neck. 
He hates the logical side of him that has urged him to slow things down a bit, forced him to think rationally while his emotions swirl. There’s no denying the attraction that is brewing, but Kurt’s been attracted to many a man over the years where the initial desires burned hot between the sheets and died out just as quickly. None of his romances have amounted to much and it’s been years since he had anything more than a casual fling. It’s no wonder that his brain is forcing him to be cautious, despite his heart wanting to break out in song.  Blaine will leave in the morning, he will spend Christmas with Audrey, and then, then he will see how it all develops. If it develops. 
It’s been a long day and night, and despite his giddy thoughts, exhaustion overtakes him and he falls asleep to dreams of warm amber eyes and lips that taste of chocolate and peppermint. 
“Mommy! Mommy!” a piercing scream jolts Kurt awake. His dreams vanish in an instant as he lurches out of bed, desperate to get to Audrey. It’s still dark outside, with no light from his neighbors drifting through the curtains, which means the power is still out, and he can barely make out Audrey curled on the bed, crying piteously. “Shhh. Audrey, shhh. I’m here. What’s wrong, pumpkin?”
“Mommy!” she cries again and coughs around her sobs. “I want Mommy!”
Kurt sits on the bed and pulls her into his lap. “Shhh, it’s alright, pumpkin. You’re okay. You’re okay.” Mommy’s not here. I’ve got you, honey.” He rocks her slowly as her sobs die down, soothing a hand up and down her back. “I’ve got you.”
She sniffs loudly, her hand clutching his pajama top. “Unca Kurt?”
“Hi pumpkin. Did you have a bad dream.”
She nods against him. “I miss Mommy.”
“I know you do. But it’s nighttime and your Mommy is sleeping. We can call her in the morning.” 
She sniffs again but her hand doesn’t relax its grip. “Okay.”
“When I was little like you and I would get scared, my mom used to make me steamed milk. Would you like some?” He asks softly, kissing her head. She nods against him again. “Okay, let’s get your slippers on and we’ll go make some milk.” 
“And we’ll bring Drizzle too, of course.” 
He carries her and her giraffe downstairs. The house is definitely getting chilly from the furnace being out, so he gras the blanket off the back of the sofa and wraps the little girl in it, before setting her down on the kitchen island. “Okay. Let’s get some milk and cinnamon and I’ll see if I can find a lighter for the stove.” 
“Can I help?” A voice whispers at his elbow and Kurt jumps in shock, almost dropping the milk.
“Blaine!” His eye adjust in the murky darkness to make out the familiar form. 
“Whoa, steady there. I thought you heard me.”
“No, no, you definitely scared me.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to. I just heard Audrey crying and wanted to make sure everything was okay.”
Kurt melts at his concern. “We’re fine. Audrey had a bad dream, I think.”
“It was scary, Mr. Blaine.” She says, clutching her giraffe closer. 
‘Was it? Did you want to tell me about it?”
She shakes her head. “No, I don’t want to ‘member it.” 
“That’s okay, sweetpea, you don’t have to.” He ruffles her hair and pulls the blanket tighter around her. “I was having a dream where I thought I was in a balloon and was floating over the ocean and do you know what I saw? Dolphins. Have you seen a dolphin?”
She nods. “Mommy took me to the ‘quar’um. I got to touch a sea urchin.” 
“You did?” Blaine gasps in amazement. “Did it tell you its name?”
“They can’t talk!” Audrey protests with giggles.
“They can’t? But Drizzle can?”
“Yeah, ‘cause I taught him.”
“Does he know his alphabet?”
“Can you and Drizzle sing it with me?”
Kurt’s thankful for the darkness as he can’t help the heart-eyes he’s throwing at Blaine while stirring milk on the stove. Audrey is lapping up the attention that Blaine is giving her, all of her previous fears and tears long forgotten, as she sings with him. He’s so good with her.  
Kurt pours them all a small mug of steamed milk and clutches his close, listening to Audrey telling Blaine stories about visiting the zoo in conspiring whispers as they sip their drinks. 
“Alright, pumpkin, I think it’s time we go back to bed.” Kurt says, noting the way that she is dropping to one side. She doesn’t protest, just holds her arms out to be picked up.
Kurt shifts her to his hip as Blaine places the mugs in the sink. He lowers his voice to a murmur, making his way down the hallway and pushing open his bedroom door. “You’ve had a long day, honey, but Drizzle and I will be close to keep the bad dreams away, okay?”
“Ok,” she sighs and nestles in closer. “Unca, can Blaine tell me a story?”
Kurt pauses momentarily, then shifts her to the bed, pulling the blankets over her. “I don’t know. He’s already told you so many stories tonight.”
“But,” she yawns, “he was going to teach me a song ‘bout a hippop’mus.” 
Kurt’s logical brain has long gone to bed. The exhaustion from his cross-country trip and sleep deprivation are definitely starting to catch up. “Alright” he says and crosses the hall and raps on Blaine’s door who opens immediately. “Audrey requests a story. She’ll probably be to sleep in minutes, but I don’t want to start the tears again. Would you mind?”
“Of course.” 
Kurt crawls into his side of the bed, his eyes aching with the effort in keeping them open, to watch Blaine settle in next to Audrey. “No songs tonight, because your uncle needs to sleep,” he hears Blaine murmur, “but if you go to sleep, you can dream about balloons too. They float in the blue blue sky, with the blue ocean under neath and if you look closely, you can not only see dolphins, but yellow fish and whales. On warm days, the sea lions come out and bath on the rocks…”
Kurt extends his arm towards Blaine and his last memory before he drifts off under Blaine’s calming words, is the feel of Blaine’s fingers lacing through his.
(Part 5)
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wowbright · 4 years
Like Someone I Know
Summary: Kurt and Blaine have their first official get-together with Chandler.
Words: ~1850 words
Challenge: Klaine Advent 2020: vanish
Notes: Part of the Mormon!Klaine verse. Kurt and Blaine are missionaries in Germany. Takes place directly after Strong When You’re Beside Me. Kurt is out as gay, and Blaine is closeted to everyone, including himself. See the Mormon!Klaine Master Post for more info and where this story fits in the verse.
More notes: Kurt’s tie looks something like this—but more fabulous. Also, I have now completed all of the Klaine advent 2020 words! But I'm continuing to write in this verse. You can follow the mormon!klaine tag if you want to get updates when I post.
Rating: Teen and Up
“OK, so, there's something that's been eating away at me and I just need to know,” Chandler said dramatically in German as he came back to the table, swinging his hands to emphasize the last few syllables. It was a dangerous gesture, considering he had a cup of coffee in one hand and a plated pastry in the other, but they both somehow failed to spill. He placed them on the table and sat down, leaning in conspiratorially. “How is it that you’re both named ‘Elder’?”
Kurt jumped in to answer because Chandler was leaning more toward him than Elder Anderson, and Elder Anderson was in the middle of sipping his mineral water while simultaneously scowling—an impressive if inexplicable feat. Maybe he was just tired of explaining the same thing over and over again. Well, Kurt would do it. “We get that question a lot. But it’s not a name. It’s a title, like ‘mister’ or ‘pastor.’”
“Interesting …” Chandler rubbed his chin and frowned, as if he was attempting to wrap his mind around a deep philosophical question. “But ‘Elder’ is an English title, no? The rest is in German.” He reached over and lightly traced a finger over the words Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage on the lower half of Kurt’s name tag.
Kurt's heartbeat involuntarily sped up. Out of annoyance or something else, he couldn't tell. Kurt wasn't used to people casually touching him, and except for a few close friends and family, he generally preferred they didn't. Which had worked out well on his mission—Germans weren't particularly touchy folk. But apparently Chandler was. Interesting. “You can call each of us ‘Ältester’ if you prefer,” Kurt said, offering the German equivalent of ‘elder.’
Chandler chuckled. “I couldn't call you ‘Ältester.’ That’s a word for old people. You’re in the prime of your youth.” He looked more at Kurt than Elder Anderson when he said this.
“That’s kind of you to say.” Kurt took a sip of water, hoping its coolness would keep him from blushing.
Elder Anderson coughed like he'd gotten a carbonation bubble caught in his throat.
“You, too, of course, Elder Anderson,” Chandler added, switching to English.
“Ich kann Deutsch,” Elder Anderson said, indicating he could speak German with what wasn't exactly a pout, but wasn't a smile either. Kurt had never imagined his companion was capable of such cold neutrality. Well, you learn something new every day.
“Natürlich,” Chandler said, continuing in German. “I meant no offense. It's just fun to speak in English sometimes.”
“Of course,” Kurt said. (Actually, he said Selbstverständlich since, like Elder Anderson, he preferred speaking German with investigators unless there was no other choice. He just also preferred not to be rude about it.) “We just like to speak as much German as we can, since we’re only here two years and won't have much of a chance when we get back home. But we have a little English discussion group that meets every week if you’re interested. We speak English then.” This was the cue that usually led to Elder Anderson grabbing his bag and excitedly pulling out one of the photocopied flyers about their English group. But he just sat there like a log. Kurt nudged him with the toe of his shoe. “Elder Anderson has a flyer with the details.”
“Yeah, of course,” Elder Anderson said, seeming to awake from his stupor. He pulled out the flyer from his bag along with a discussion booklet called Die Wiederherstellung des Evangeliums Jesu Christi—The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ—which missionaries usually used as the focus of their first discussions with a new investigators. “And this is for you, too, since you called us because of your interest in our church. It’s all about the true gospel of Jesus Christ and how it’s been restored to the earth. Go ahead and open to the first page. We’ll read along with you. But we should pray first. You can do that.”
“Out loud?” Chandler said, his eyes big and blinking slowly like a cartoon character who’d just run off a cliff and, in the moment of suspension just before falling, realized the predicament they’re in.
Kurt felt almost as stunned. They usually warmed up to this with some small talk and getting to know the investigator first. And they never put the investigator on the spot about praying, especially in public. Besides, Chandler didn’t even know the right format for prayer yet. “Only if you’re comfortable,” Kurt said.
“I’ve done crazier things in public,” Chandler laughed, and bowed his head. “Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and bless what you have given us.” It was clearly one of those graces that German children learned in their infancy. A rote prayer. And not even in the right formulation.
This was exactly why they didn't ask an investigator to pray at the first meeting. Prayers didn't work unless you invoked Heavenly Father. They shouldn't be said to Jesus, but in the name of Jesus. “That was lovely,” Kurt said. “Do you mind if I add something?”
Chandler looked conflicted, but he gave his okay.
“Heavenly Father,” Kurt began, and thanked him for their time together, and asked for the presence of his Spirit, then finished off the way one was supposed to finish off prayer, “in the name of Jesus Christ amen.”
“That was nice, too,” Chandler said, smiling warmly. “Honest and poetic. I think it would feel weird to pray in a language other than your own, but you make it sound so second nature.”
The warmth of Chandler's smile spread into Kurt's chest. “Actually, I prefer to pray in German—” Wait, no, what was he saying? It was true, because in German he could pray to God like a friend, using the informal address of du (using the formal Sie would imply that Heavenly Father was cold and distant); while in English, the apostles taught that the formal thou was necessary to show reverence and elevate the petitioner’s thoughts—even though it also implied that Heavenly Father was cold and distant. But that was nothing to discuss with an investigator. “—nowadays. It can be difficult to slip back into English sometimes.”
“Yes, well,” Elder Anderson interrupted. “Let's start the lesson, shall we?”
Considering its bumpy start and Elder Anderson’s hot-and-cold mood, the lesson went surprisingly well. Chandler had a lot of questions about the church and the prophets, and was eager to hear Kurt’s testimony of the gospel (and he probably would have been eager to hear Elder Anderson’s, but when Kurt prompted his companion to share, Elder Anderson waved his hand and said in very casual German that, nah, he was good, as if that was a perfectly normal thing to say in a lesson and not a complete dereliction of duty, which—had Kurt actually told the sister missionaries that Elder Anderson was better with investigators than he was? Because he was going to have to go back on that statement).
Chandler seemed more genuinely interested in the church than Kurt had initially thought. Based on their conversation in the sheet music store, he'd figured Chandler just wanted some American friends with decent fashion sense. And yes, Chandler did compliment Kurt’s tie, a sky blue silk dotted with diagonal rows of four-pointed stars, and when Kurt mentioned he had sewn it himself, Chandler complimented it even more, gushing over the perfect drape and how clearly Kurt knew his fabrics if he could sew a tie that sat like that without twisting or going crooked, and finished off with, “just like the stars on your tie, your talent is sky high,” and Kurt started to blush before he even realized it was a pun.
But Chandler was also very interested in the story of Joseph Smith and had lots of questions about what going to their church was like, and might he be familiar with any of their hymns, and did they have any favorites? And because they had skipped right over the get-to-know you part at the beginning of their meeting, Kurt asked about Chandler's favorite hymns, and he said, “Anything sung to Bach! I’m a bit over Beethoven. But Mozart’s always good, and … Oh, that reminds me! What do you call a group of wolves?”
Kurt wondered for a moment whether his ability to understand German was completely failing him, because Chandler couldn’t possibly have jumped so quickly from classical composers to canids. “I don’t know,” he said, turning to Elder Anderson to see if he might have a guess. But Elder Anderson, who had been unusually silent throughout the discussion of hymns, just shrugged his shoulders.
“A wolf gang!” Chandler exclaimed, clearly delighted with himself. Well, he actually said eine Wolfgang, but close enough.
Kurt was delighted as well—mostly because he got the joke, not because it was particularly brilliant. “Like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!” But the more he thought about it, the funnier it was, and he couldn't stop himself from laughing.
Elder Anderson, on the other hand, stared at them as if they were both crazy, or he no longer understood German, or puns were beneath him.
“Corny joke, I know,” Chandler said. “But I love word humor.”
“Me too,” Kurt sighed, setting his chin on his hand and smiling across the table at Chandler. He felt utterly light and giddy, despite the grumpy companion sitting beside him. He wondered if this was the feeling one got when one was flirting. Not that Kurt would flirt on his mission, of course. But maybe Chandler was flirting with him? He had touched Kurt’s nametag, after all, and he leaned in across the table every time he got excited about something, which was often, and he had swooned over Kurt’s ties twice while saying nothing about Elder Anderson’s …
“I’m getting more water,” Elder Anderson announced, jumping up from the table without waiting for Kurt to give him the okay. He didn't even ask if either of them wanted anything before making a beeline to the register.
“Oh, and look at me, I’ve let my coffee get cold and barely touched my Amerikaner,” Chandler said, gesturing to his flat, round pastry covered in white icing. Kurt had lived in the country nearly two years, and still no one had ever been able to explain to him why this particular delicacy was named after Americans.
But maybe Chandler, with his word wit, would know. “I’ve always wondered how it came to be called an Amerikaner. Do you know?”
Chandler had just bitten into it. He chewed quickly and washed it down with a swig of coffee. “Isn't it obvious?” Chandler said with a disarming smile. “It’s tantalizing and sweet, just like an American I know.”
Kurt’s doubts vanished. Chandler was definitely flirting.
For the first time in Kurt’s life, an actual boy was actually flirting with him.
And even though it made Kurt’s pulse do all kinds of weird things, and he wasn’t even sure he liked Chandler that much—it felt nice to be appreciated.
It felt really nice.
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gleekto · 4 years
Fic: Unsolicited Advice (21/24)
Summary: Blaine and Kurt are 22 and living in New York City. Blaine is in a stale relationship. Kurt likes to have his bachelor fun. They haven’t met yet.
Just your standard coffee shop meet cute…but in a drugstore, in the condom aisle.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20
**Update: This fic will be 24 parts. I will publish as a full fic and on AO3 on Christmas day, adding in the final word prompt somewhere in there for you to find, if you so desire. 
Unsolicited Advice - Part 21 - Vanish (Blaine POV)
Blaine tamps down his feelings of disappointment at Kurt’s offer - to go to Vibe so Blaine can explore his newly discovered casual self.  He did say that to Kurt. And he meant it. Or at least he thought he did. The sex with Kurt was amazing and if that’s how Kurt does it, then he guesses he can do it that way too. He wants casual sex. Only just with Kurt. Which he supposes is an oxymoron and  is the problem that he needs to ignore right now because they’re about to go out and have some fun. With other people.
It’s not the same as last week. Or the week before. They dance together, but alone together, deliberately making space, keeping their hands to themselves. 
“There he is,” Kurt claps his hands. “Green-shirt guy. I can vanish so he thinks you’re alone?” Kurt offers. Blaine thinks Kurt’s almost eager. Too eager.
Blaine looks up and sees a reasonably good looking dark brown-haired guy and yup, he’s eyeing Blaine. Blaine looks back at Kurt looking at him, wide-eyed and encouraging, and then looks back at the guy, assessing the situation. He feels nothing. Except maybe annoyed. Which is not a good sign. And the guy is dressed terribly.
“He’s wearing a flannel shirt, Kurt,” Blaine shakes his head, scandalized. “So not my type. You can definitely stay.”
Kurt laughs and thuds his head on Blaine’s shoulder, momentarily at ease in their shared judgement.  Then he seems to remember and pulls back. “Oh who is your type then, grandpa?” Kurt pulls at his bowtie.
You. “Oh I don’t know.”
“What was Stephen like?”
“He was cute. Good looking, I mean. And nice, a good student,” Blaine is contemplating. “You know, I’m not sure he was really my type either. Too vanilla. I just hadn’t figured it out yet. I’m more interested in your type,” Blaine dodges the question though he really does actually want to know.
“Male?” Kurt laughs and Blaine rolls his eyes at him. “No, not just that. Also hot.” Blaine crosses his arms. “But I don’t know. I never usually get close enough to find out.”
“You know I have very high standards,” Kurt deflects. Blaine just gives him another look. “Oh I don’t know. Something complicated about a history of not being allowed and then really being allowed but being afraid of disappointment,” Blaine is sitting on his bar stool, looking intently at Kurt. “Or of disappointing,” Kurt adds quickly. “But you definitely don’t want to hear about this here.” Kurt stops.
“I do, actually.”
“Well, we may just have to take a rain check because the tall guy in the tank top with the amazing body is definitely looking right at you. And he is definitely hot.”
Blaine looks up in surprise and then is amused. The guy is looking right at him with a wide warm smile. And Blaine agrees he is very good looking.  “That’s because I know him.” It’s Mike from dance class.  “My friend, Mike. And he is definitely hot. A friend from school - he’s in dance.”
“Blaine hey!” It’s so nice to see a friendly face in this pressured situation but he definitely did not think Mike was gay. Pretty certain he has a girlfriend. “How are you?”
“I’m good. You?” 
Blaine must be looking at him questioningly because Mike continues. “I’m here with my brother. Promised him a night out in New York City if he came to visit.” Blaine nods. Makes sense. “Is this your boyfriend?”
Blaine blushes. “Stephen? No no, we broke up, actually. This is my friend, Kurt.”
“Oh. Okay then. Hey Kurt,” A guy who Blaine presumes is Mike’s younger brother, pulls on Mike’s arm beckoning him back to the dance floor. “I’ll see you at school, Blaine.  He’s cute,” Mike mouths to him as he’s pulled away. Blaine hopes he didn’t hear. 
“Mike’s brother looks pretty cute,” Blaine spots him on the dance floor. “And I can confirm he comes from good genes. Would be too weird for me but he is here for a night on the town,” Blaine suggests half-heartedly. This is what they’re here for so he’s playing along.
Kurt looks up quickly before turning back to Blaine. “He’s cute but too young.”  Blaine nods, a slight feeling of relief that he doesn’t want to acknowledge. Back to the drawing board. Who might be next? “You know, I think tonight may just be one of those nights that I leave alone,” Kurt says, blessedly ending the discussion. Blaine turns to him, not sure if he’s joking. But Kurt’s face is sincere and calm. His eyes are warm and almost sad, and he is, in fact, getting up from the barstool.
Blaine nods and gets up himself. “Yeah,” He knocks into Kurt’s side. “Me too. I’m coming with you.”
Kurt looks at him. He looks back but doesn’t say anything else as they exit the club. Blaine didn’t mean to be so ambiguous, didn’t intend for “I’m coming with you,” to have two possible meanings.  But it does.  And he has no idea which one he meant. 
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notarelationship · 4 years
Klaine Advent 2020
Dalton Drabbles: It’s Now Many Words a Day
Word: vanish
The movie was perfect, romantic but Shakespeare, so it wasn’t full of the potentially uncomfortable sex scenes that would pepper any modern film romance. Blaine didn’t have any issues with sexy things happening in movies generally, but he didn’t want Kurt to feel like he was angling for more to happen than they were ready for (even if he had been thinking about Kurt like that for more than a few weeks). 
And it was Shakespeare, so it was funny and clever, and made Blaine feel a bit more like an adult on a real date, even if they were just in his room eating stale popcorn. After the movie ended, Kurt excused himself to wash the fake butter off his hands while Blaine cleaned up a bit. 
“That was fun, Blaine,” Kurt said, after Blaine finished his turn freshening up. He looked like he wanted to leave.
“You don’t have to go yet,” Blaine blurted out. “I have some cookies my mom sent. And I have a mini coffee maker - I could make some coffee? Or we could listen to music?” He really hoped Kurt wanted to stay and listen to music. He also really wanted to kiss Kurt again.
Kurt fiddled nervously with his fingers, but seemed to relax when Blaine asked him to stay.  “Cookies and coffee sound great, thanks.”  Kurt resettled himself on the bed while Blaine set about making coffee. “I thought we weren’t supposed to have appliances in our rooms?”
“We’re not, really. But they seem to turn a blind eye to coffee makers, thankfully. I would not have made it through finals last year without it.” Blaine poured the water in the machine, turned it on, then put on a playlist and joined Kurt on the bed. They were facing each other - knees practically touching, but Blaine didn’t resist the urge to take Kurt’s hand again. “I had a really good time tonight,” Blaine said. Kurt was worrying his bottom lip between his tongue and his teeth; it was very distracting and Blaine couldn’t stop staring at Kurt’s mouth.
“Blaine?” Blaine blinked, and when looked up, Kurt’s face was so close. This time, though, it wasn’t a quick peck. When their lips touched Kurt parted his, and when Blaine did the same Kurt’s tongue teased into his mouth. At Blaine’s gasp, Kurt grasped his shoulders, his hands mapping across Blaine’s back until they were wrapped around Blaine’s neck, holding him closer. Blaine felt like he was melting into Kurt until Kurt pulled away with a breathy sigh.
“Wow,” Kurt’s eyes were sparkling in the low light of the room. 
Blaine wanted to say something hot, or sweet, or just not dumb. “Yeah,” was all he managed.
“Can I tell you something dumb?” Kurt asked. 
Blaine nodded. “Sure. I feel kind of speechless at the moment, so please.” 
“I was afraid, when I kissed you - really kissed you, that when I opened my eyes it would have all been a dream. That’s you’d vanish into thin air.”
“Kurt.” Blaine curved his hand over Kurt’s cheek, and Kurt leaned into the touch. “I won’t disappear.”
Kurt blushed, rolling his eyes gently. “I know that. Now.” 
“I’m glad,” Blaine whispered, leaning forward again and kissing Kurt gently. “Because I think we’re getting good at this.”
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darriness · 4 years
Klaine Advent 2020 - Day 21
Title: Vanish
Author: darriness
Word Count: 364
Summary: A Christmas budget
AO3 Link
Blaine walks up to Kurt, who is sitting waiting for him at a table, carrying two cups of coffee and shaking his head while he chuckles.
Kurt chuckles in response, “What?” He asks.
Blaine sits down with a sigh after placing Kurt’s cup in front of him. The mall is a buzz of activity around them.
Blaine shakes his head, “Nothing, it’s just I did a quick check of our online banking while I was in line,” Blaine levels Kurt with a look as the older man blushes slightly and looks away while biting his lip.
“Mmhmm?” Kurt asks, even though he knows exactly what Blaine is going to say.
Blaine shifts to lean his elbows on the table and fold his hands around his cup, “Why is it that, while you were buying some of the kids’ gifts this morning while I bought your gift that the budget we had set for the kids’ Christmas gifts is now all but gone...and you’ve still got us scheduled to go to five more stores for them?”
Kurt grimaces before looking at Blaine with a smile and shrugging his shoulder coyly, “Did the money just...vanish?” He asks.
Blaine laughs again, “Kurt!” He says through his laughs, “We set a budget for a reason.”
Kurt huffs and deflates, “I know but you didn’t see all the amazing things there were!” He exclaims, reaching into the bags and starting to pull out various gifts.
Blaine examines the gifts Kurt hands him, tilting his head to concede to the fact that they are awesome, but sighs anyway, “I think we need to go home and discuss the budget and what we’ve, or rather you’ve, bought, and see what can be done. I had some ideas too, you know.”
Kurt pouts slightly, “But our kids are worth it.”
Blaine pouts his lips around a smile before he takes a sip of his coffee, “Don’t be all cute and play the ‘our kids are worth it’ card. Our bank account won’t thank us in January.”
Kurt quirks an eyebrow, “Does it ever in January?”
Blaine stares at Kurt across the table before sighing, shrugging, and nodding. Kurt’s not wrong.
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klaineadvent · 4 years
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kriskubed · 4 years
Do you mind if I stop by on my way home from work? There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about and I wanted to do it in person.
The text from Kurt stopped Blaine in his tracks. He tried to tell himself it could be any number of things, that it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, that Kurt wasn’t about to come over and break up with him. He had no reason to think that was the case. He and Kurt had been together almost a year now, and they were still as inseparable as they had been in those first weeks of their relationship. Blaine had never been happier. He thought Kurt felt the same way, but he couldn’t stop his brain from envisioning worst case scenarios while he waited for Kurt to arrive. 
He puttered around, straightening up his already tidy space, checking his hair and his outfit and making sure he looked nice. He stopped short of changing into one of Kurt’s favorite shirts. He heard a knock at the door and then Kurt was letting himself in with the key Blaine had given him. 
“Hi honey, I’m home!” he called out. Blaine settled a little at that. Kurt seemed to be in a good mood. He was still a bit apprehensive about what was to come though. 
“Hi,” Blaine said, and greeted Kurt with a kiss. “How was your day?”
“Exhausting,” Kurt said. He made himself comfortable on Blaine’s couch. “Come sit with me?”
“You said you wanted to talk?” Blaine said as he sat down. Might as well get whatever it was over with. 
“Yes… So, I’ve been thinking…” Kurt started, “... we’ve been together for a while now…”
Blaine braced himself for a blow.
“...and I know your lease is coming up for renewal here soon…”
Blaine felt himself relax a bit. This didn’t seem to be leading anywhere terrible.
“...and while your place is really nice, it is a bit on the small side, for two people… What I’m trying to say is… Blaine, we spend so much time at each other’s apartments anyway, and I love you, and I was thinking maybe instead of renewing your lease, we could find a new place. Together.” He looked at Blaine hopefully.
Any remaining fear Blaine had vanished at Kurt’s words. “Yes!” 
“You can think about it if you want to, I know it’s kind of a big deal.”
“I don’t need to think about it. Yes! My answer is yes. I love you too and everything you said makes perfect sense and I’ll miss this little place because I have so many wonderful memories here with you, but we can make new memories in a new place. Together.”
“Really?” Kurt was beaming. 
“Yes, really. Did you think I would say no?”
“Not really. But I was still nervous. I’ve never asked anyone to move in with me before.”
“When I got your text I thought maybe you were coming to break up with me,” Blaine admitted sheepishly.
“What?! No! Oh my god, Blaine, you had to have known I wouldn't do that!”
“I did, logically. But my imagination got the better of me and I worried anyway. I’m so glad that’s not what you wanted to say!”
“Come here you dummy,” Kurt said, pulling Blaine into his arms and holding him tight. 
“You still want to move in with me even though I’m a dummy?”
“More than anything.”
“When can we start looking?”
“Well, I was hoping you’d say yes so I may have already started doing some research. Let me get my laptop and I’ll show you...”
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honeysucklepink · 4 years
Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Glee Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sam Evans, Rachel Berry, Brittany S. Pierce, Santana Lopez Summary:
Something different for the Klaine Advent this year...I'm challenging myself to drabbles again, but instead of a full story, these will be various holiday scenes taking place "in these uncertain times" (ugh)!
Chapter 21: Vanish Note: Yeah, Ryan Murphy exists in this universe...
“Damn it!”
“Kurt?” Blaine came running into the living room. “What is it?”
“I wanted to watch the Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Special, and now I can’t find it! It was on Hulu yesterday, I swear, but it’s like it vanished!”
“Um, Kurt?”
“And I can’t find Happiest Season, either! And since when did Hulu start all these Ryan Murphy shows?”
“You probably can’t find Jinkx and DeLa or Happiest Season because you’re on the Netflix app.”
“…Oh.” Kurt deflated, embarrassed.
“It’s okay. Quarantine was bound to fry our brains.”
“Yeah... wanna watch The Prom with me?”
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Klaine Advent 2020 (day 21)
Summary: A certain small jewelry box goes missing
Notes: This will likely get a part two
Day Twenty-One: Vanish 
Blaine had emptied all of his drawers before he found it. 
“A-ha!” He exclaimed, cradling the small box in his hands. 
He opened it just to see the ring again to remind himself that his–their–forever was just around the corner. But his mood dropped completely when he saw the box actually held the Christmas gift he had gotten for Carole, not a silver engagement ring. 
Then, Blaine started up his search again by checking every single pocket of everything piece of clothing he owned twice before giving up. 
That was that he had looked everywhere. It was gone. Poof. Vanished into thin air. 
“Kurt?” He called from the bedroom. “Have you seen a red box by chance?” 
“The little one?” Kurt appeared in the doorframe. Blaine nodded. “Yeah, I put it with our stuff to go to Ohio. It’s the earrings you got for Carole, right?” 
“Uh-huh,” Blaine lied. 
He hoped his poker face had gotten better since high school. Luckily, Kurt doesn’t seem to notice anything off. 
“You’re not packing all of that, are you?” Kurt pointed to the stack of clothes on their bed. 
“No, just re-organizing.” 
Kurt shook his head a little and left Blaine alone again. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” Blaine mumbled, hastily folding his clothes again and putting them back into drawers. 
Now he was going to have to grab that red box from Kurt’s carefully packed bags. 
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invisibleraven · 4 years
The Klainemas Waltz
Day Twenty One: Vanish
That evening, long after the last bit of gingerbread had vanished, everyone sat around a crackling fire with warm drinks. Pam entered, with Carole following close behind, the two of them carrying a plate covered with a cloche. “Dessert is served!”
Pam lifted the cloche with a triumphant smile, revealing a chocolate covered pastry filled with cream. Blaine’s face lit up, and he shook his head, disbelieving. “I can’t believe it.”
“What?” Kurt asked.
“This is a Gallwickian Yule cake.” Blaine said.
“We started on it yesterday, and just finished it this morning.” Carole said, sending a small grin to Burt, who had supplied them with the ingredients.
“Mom, how did you get the recipe?” Blaine asked, swiping one of the pastries for himself.
“Oh, it’s all up here.” Pam said, tapping her temple. “Actually, I emailed the royal chef.” Everyone giggled. “You’ve all shared so many of Kentsbury’s Christmas traditions with us, I thought we could return the favour before we leave tomorrow.”
“I...almost forgot you were leaving.” Kurt said, actually saddened by the prospect.
“Christmas Eve is in just a few days, we really do have to get home.” Pam said, rubbing a hand up her son’s back, as he also looked put out at the thought of leaving.
Blaine took the plate from his mother, and served up a slice. “Looks like we’ve come full circle.” he said, facing Kurt who sat next to him on the couch.
“Have we?”
“I want you to take a bite of this and admit it is a thousand times better than that offensive ‘Christmas cruller’.”
“It’s gonna be tough.” Kurt replied, accepting the frankly delicious looking pastry.
“We’ll see.” Blaine said, and everyone watched in anticipation as Kurt took a healthy bite, then laughed when he let out a loud moan, savouring the flavour.
“You’ve ruined doughnuts for me forever.”
“I hate to say I told you so.” Blaine smirked.
“No you don’t.” Kurt retorted.
“I really don’t.”
The next morning dawned clear and bright, with Blaine bounding down the stairs, smiling. “Good morning Burt my good man. How are we looking out there?”
“Well they cleared the bridge but it looks like there’s quite a bit of black ice out there.”
“Well that’s very dangerous isn’t it?” Blaine said, sharing a look with Burt.
“It can be, yeah.”
Kurt barrelled down the stairs, an almost frantic look in his eyes. “Did you hear about the black ice? They’re saying the roads are like skating rinks!”
“Very dangerous.” Burt said, shaking his head.
“Well we can’t put the queen of Gallwick in that kind of jeopardy.” Blaine remarked.
“Not to mention the crown prince.” Kurt backed him up.
Sam was the next down the stairs, though it was the first Blaine could recall seeing him since the gingerbread houses yesterday, meaning he had come back from walking Mercedes home either very late or extremely early this morning. “Did you hear? There’s black ice all over the road.”
“We heard.” the three men at the front desk chorused.
Pam came down next, teetering a bit in the heels she had thrown on to come downstairs. “We certainly can’t put the last of the royal family at risk. We’ll have to stay another day.” She shot Sam a satisfied look, both of them having their own agendas for another delay. “We still have two more days to get home in time for Christmas Eve.”
While Blaine actually got some work done on his speech, Kurt and Mercedes sat in front of the fire, bundling up pairs of festive fuzzy socks. It had been a tradition to give them out at the Pyjama Ball, and they still had them, so why not still give them out?
“You know, I still have the same pair of fuzzy socks your mom gave to me as a kid?” Mercedes remarked.
“It seems weird to give these out now that it’s a formal ball.” Kurt replied.
“It’s the perfect thing for people after a night of dancing in high heels and dress shoes.”
“Good point.” Kurt noticed that Mercedes didn’t reply and noticed her attention was on Sam who just walked by, smiling and causing her to blush. “Umm, what’s going on there?”
“That’s not nothing!” Kurt insisted.
Last night, on our way home, Sam and I did a quick security sweep of downtown, in preparation of tonight’s festivities. It was pretty romantic.” Mercedes said, sure her face was betraying what happened after said security sweep, but not saying anything more.
“I’m still worried.” Kurt whispered, knowing that Sam wasn’t that far off.
“Pam and Blaine are perfectly safe.”
“No, I’m talking about you. Opening yourself up to heartbreak. They are leaving tomorrow. None of this is real.” Kurt replied. Sure, he wanted Mercedes to be happy, but he just didn’t see how that was possible with a man who lived and worked on a different continent.
“What I feel for Sam is more real than anything I’ve ever felt.” Mercedes said sincerely.
“But how would it even work?”
“We’ll figure it out.” she paused, glancing into the study where she could see Blaine working. “You and Blaine can too.”
“Where did you get the idea that there’s anything-there is nothing between us.” Kurt insisted, though he knew it was not for lack of wanting in his heart. Blaine had wormed his way inside, and Kurt was desperately trying to resist letting him all the way in.
“Oh please, who do you think you’re talking to? I know that look, I know you have feelings for him. The heart wants what the heart wants.”
“How could it possibly work? He’s a prince from a foreign land, who am I kidding? All of this has been like...living in a perfect snow globe, but it’s all about to end.”
“Not if you tell him how you really feel.” Mercedes stated. “You deserve to be happy, you deserve to find love...and it looks to me like you found it.”
“But what if he doesn’t feel the same way?” Kurt asked, his voice trembling. Sure, he’d had his heart broken before, but he somehow felt that this would actually break him, and there would be no coming back from it.
Mercedes smiled at him, all confidence. She had seen the looks the prince had been throwing their way when he thought no one was looking. “Oh, I am not worried about that at all.”
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forabeatofadrum · 4 years
24 days of December (21/24)
Notes: For once, I had troubles reaching the word count.
“Do you sometimes just want to disappear and vanish?” Blaine asks out of nowhere.
“Are you having one of your existential crises?” Kurt asks. He unlock his phone to check the date. “Ah, December 21st, the first one this month. That must be a personal record.”
“Second one, Kurt,” Blaine corrects him, “At one point I wanted to move to a farm and start over. Now, I am taking it a step further.”
“Well, as long as I can come with, sure, let’s vanish together! Let’s go!”
“Of course, I’d never go anywhere without you.”
“Great,” Kurt says and smiles.
0 notes
kuiinncedes · 4 years
no one asked but here’s all the stuff i’ve written (and drawn i guess) (and including non glee stuff apparently) bc i’m bored and wasting time 😗✌️ also with word counts which no one cares about but me lol
everything is also now on ao3 !! (in this post they’re all linked to the tumblr post with the fic :))
updated 8/29/21
october 2020 prompt challenge
midnight [ 518 words ]
masks [ 786 words ]
werewolf (vampire/werewolf au) [ 551 words ]
fangs (vampire/werewolf au) [ 612 words ]
full moon (vampire/werewolf au) [ 816 words ]
vampire (vampire/werewolf au) [ 234 words ]
random / sort of inspired by “delicate” by taylor swift [ 655 words ]
“You’re bleeding.” (shadowhunter au) [ 2104 words ]
december 2020 advent drabble challenge (idk what’s up with these word counts they were supposed to be exactly _00 and i swear they were when i posted so idk what google docs is doing lmao rip)
day 1: abashed [ 201 words ] 
day 2: brake [ 200 words ]
day 3: careless [ 204 words ] 
day 4: dispensable [ 201 words ]
day 5: event (famous au) [ 200 words ]
day 6: farm [ 200 words ]
day 7: grey [ 202 words ]
day 8: history (vampire/werewolf au) [ 201 words ]
day 9: inconclusive (skank/cheerio au) [ 201 words ]
day 10: join (skank/cheerio au) [ 201 words ]
day 11: knit (skank/cheerio au) [ 202 words ]
day 12: learn (vampire/werewolf au) [ 206 words ]
day 13: meet [ 305 words ]
day 14: nip [ 201 words ]
day 15: opinion (famous au) [ 201 words ]
day 16: possible [ 301 words ]
day 17: remarkable [ 304 words ]
day 18: sisters [ 201 words ]
day 19: tub (vampire/werewolf au) [ 200 words ]
day 20: ugly (vampire/werewolf au) [ 202 words ]
day 21: vanish [ 402 words ]
day 22: worthless [ 304 words ]
day 23: yard [ 202 words ]
day 24: zealous [ 200 words ]
head back laughing like a little kid (shadowhunter au) [ 621 words ]
“I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile in months.” (vampire/werewolf au) (prompt fill) [ 2788 words ]
“It’s you, it always has been.” (prompt fill) [ 602 words ]
“Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.” (skank/cheerio au) (prompt fill) [ 2423 words ]
“love” drabble [ 334 words ]
and you knew what it was (shadowhunter au) [ 1541 words ]
show me the places where the others gave you scars (shadowhunter au) [ 1184 words ]
“Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.” (prompt fill) [ 535 words ]
“Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?” (prompt fill) [ 371 words ]
“straw” drabble [ 444 words ]
“You’re an idiot.” “But I am your idiot.” (prompt fill) [ 660 words ]
other (not one of these ships)
come morning light (shadowhunter au) [ 864 words ]
jatp au - kurt and the phantoms
just the keys to paradise (prologue) [ 1834 words ]
relight that spark (chapter 1) [ 9385 words ]
‘cause it’s been years (interlude) [ 922 words ]
quote for kurt’s birthday
random klaine quote
tina painting
quinntina - a random one lol
quinntina - never can say goodbye, girl
quinntina and klaine process pics
klaine - like i’ve never seen the sky before
klaine “astronomy” lyric edit thing
klaine “when the sun goes down” lyric edit thing
not glee
taylor lyric lettering designs
deh lyric lettering design
fearless (taylor’s version) lyric lettering
more random taylor lyric lettering
willex - i wouldn’t really call it magic (jatp fanart)
willex process pics (jatp fanart)
it’s brighter now (jatp oneshot) [ 1116 words ]
jatp “the story” lyric edit thing
jatp juke “you are in love” lyric edit thing
jatp “i got the music” lyric lettering design
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andersonswalsh · 4 years
Fic: There Is a Moment (For Klaine Advent Day 21/24)
Oh, Pavarotti, we hardly knew ye, but your death was not in vain.
Day 20 | Day 21: Vanish | Day 22 | AO3
Surprisingly, Kurt has little problem calling Dalton to excuse himself from his morning classes. A dentist appointment substitutes for mourning the demise of their glee club’s mascot.
It still baffles him how one moment Pavarotti was tweeting along with him and the next moment his life had vanished. And he doesn’t want the Warblers to think anything suspicious led to this, so he chooses to plan a proper mourning. A Beatles song that reminds him of his beloved mom will do the trick. Just a small token of appreciation before they go back to worshipping Blaine and rehearsing for regionals.
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redheadgleek · 7 years
Klaine Advent: Season of Grace
Tumblr media
Summary: Their reunion is only the beginning. A collection of drabbles (100 words) written for the Klaine Advent 2017. Pairing: Klaine (Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson) Rating: T
Chapter title lyrics taken from Vienna Teng’s The Atheist Christmas Carol and City Hall. Lyrics used in Day 16: Perform are from Vienna’s Never Look Away.
Masterpost: read on tumblr / AO3 or click below to read the whole collection.
When Blaine cups his jaw and surges forward in reunion, Kurt clings. He breathes in Blaine’s scent, rediscovers the texture and contour of his skin, drinks in his sigh of pleasure. In lonely nights his psyche supplied his dreams with phantom memories of Blaine’s laugh and fingers - dim in comparison to this reality.
Blaine had proposed with promises of a forever without fear; Kurt’s fears had whispered that they were too young, that their youthful attachment wouldn’t be enough to sustain them through vows of better and worse.
Wiser now, Kurt holds his love close and faces the future together.
Faint moonlight reflects off their bare skin, their noses brushing, breath mingling in shared space. Kurt’s hand traces hearts across his hipbone, reminding him of another November night, when they had been naive and sweet in love.
“Are you worried? About us?” Blaine flinches as Kurt’s hand stops.
“Why not?”
“Because I tried to live without you and it nearly killed me. Because we’re better together.”
“That’s it? That’s enough for you?”
Kurt furrows his brow, selecting words carefully. “You know I don’t believe in God. Or soulmates. I don’t believe that we were meant for each other in some cosmic arrangement, as lovely as it sounds. But... I know you and I choose you, Blaine. For now and every day and year to come.”
“Kurt. I choose you too.”
Kurt’s hand moves again. “I’m not letting go again. If we break, I’m bringing in bail buckets and duct tape with the marriage therapists, because you are it for me. The only future I’ll accept is the one where we die hours apart when we’re 102 and still fabulous.”
“Speak for yourself. I’ll only be 101. Kurt, no!”
Languid kisses quench giggles and unease as the day dawns anew.
Alone on the cold bathroom floor, with every carefully salvaged thread of hope collapsed into rubble, the tears stung and choked in their bitterness. He deserved this, after destroying their future. Karmic retribution for giving into his doubts and shattering Blaine’s - and his - heart.
It’s faded memory now, as Blaine, with sun-warmed eyes open with love, cradles him close and kisses him again and again. There will always be regret mixed with relief, but Kurt is more confident than ever in them; their foundation stronger now, fortified by forgiveness, trust, and faith in each other.
He smiles and kisses back.
Back then, before, a current of tension permeated between them, a sense of looming demise. Insecurities festering, Kurt reacted by pulling back and Blaine by clinging harder. Perhaps their end was inevitable.
So was their beginning. Though in fragments, their connection was undeniable.
Now, he drinks in the sight of Kurt, tall and framed in sun, packing pillows and trinkets, chatting easily - the kids and their sectional selections, Burt and Carole’s adventures in D.C., Rachel’s antics. Blaine’s heart stutters and thrills at the little casual mentions of plans for their life, their future, together.
Grace is a golden epoxy.
He returned to Ohio a failed little boy, life in shambles. Mixed with the heartache of his destroyed relationship was the mortification of slinking back home as a college dropout. Blaine spent most days in bed, with rimmed eyes that refused to spill tears.
An invitation from the Dalton Headmaster granted him asylum. His heart ached daily walking down the marbled staircase, past memories haunting a never-coalesced future. And yet, watching his boys flourish under his tutelage and example, he found redemption.
Like before, he heals, and forgives. When Kurt returns to him, his heart is open for a renewal.
You keep expecting there to be awkwardness, some reminder of the months spent apart. Before you shattered his heart and yours, more evenings than not were spent in stilted silence to stave off the volatile fractionation. The lingering pain of the breaking should taint this beautiful moment of reunion.
Instead, conversation is easy. He seems as eager to share his thoughts and dreams as you are in spilling yours, safe in shared vulnerability. You drink in laughter and love, intoxicated in his presence.
Warm lips and soft eyes seek yours. Embracing this gift of intimacy, you tug him to bed.
Lips seek yours again and again before moving to tug at your earlobe. Goosebumps rise in response to his traveling fingers.
From the first time, sex has always been easy. Together, you discovered communication with touch and passion, and over the years when words caused harsh reverberations, you relied on sex for reconciliation.
Now it feels like a sacrament, the fulfillment of the pledge to take genuine care of precious hearts.
He pauses his downward trail at the edge of your abdomen, eyes open and mischievous.
Lips part and your stomach vibrates as he blows raspberries across your belly.
“Maybe I should just move in here.”
“Move in?”
“I know you gave your landlord notice but is it rented already? Could we back out?”
“We’d have to share my room at Dad’s; it’s small though. I don’t think your parents would approve of us shacking up. We could find a new place, I suppose. Sunday, after the wedding?”
“I thought. I thought you would want to wait. Take our time.”
“Living together wasn’t our problem, we weren’t ready then. We’re healthier now. We can do this.”
“You don’t mind that Dave-”
“No. No unicorns though. Okay?”
“So okay.”
His parents, barely blinking at the news of their reuniting, had offered to drive to the wedding. He had resisted at first, not wanting the presence of others to break their sanctuary, but relented when Pam Anderson joined the caravan.
In the backseat, Blaine inches closer as icy harvested fields flicker past the windows, until his head drops onto Kurt’s shoulder, sleep slacking his mouth. Moments like these, precious in the mundane, were the ones Kurt had missed the most.
He meets his father’s understanding eyes in the rearview mirror and curls closer into the solid weight of Blaine’s trust.
“Barn chic” wouldn't have been Blaine’s aesthetic choice, but he tries to withhold judgement. Gossamer-draped branches cluster charmingly around hay bales and Blaine can see elegance interspersed with the fairy lights - Kurt’s touch.
Blaine acknowledges the deep twinge of regret for the wedding that will never be - hours spent choosing colors and locations, only for those plans to vaporize. And yet, he feels no rush, no reason to push for something that he no longer needs to believe their commitment.
Kurt’s hand rarely leaves his as they greet beloved friends. Blaine answers his blinding smile with one of his own.
“You dress up nicely.”
“So do you. That suit is impeccable.”
“Mmm. I couldn’t have picked better. May I tie this for you?”
“Kurt. We don’t have to do this.”
“I know.”
“I… I don’t want you to regret this.”
“I won’t. We won’t. Blaine. I was going to propose this time.”
“You were?”
“And then drag you to Vegas and skip the wedding entirely.”
“Not Vegas. Same-sex marriage isn’t legal.”
“Massachusetts, then. Or Indiana, I guess.”
“This is so foolish.”
“Foolishness is the key to us. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Make me your husband, Mr. Anderson.”
Kurt tweaks a light as he waits with Brittany. He (and Artie) did an impressive job, even with limited resources and atypical locale.
He loves weddings, the pageantry and extravagance that surrounds heart-felt vows of forever. Planning his own, however, had been months of frustration and devastation. The stress of bartering over flowers while dealing with school and work had frayed his surety in them.
They are too young; it’s a heteronormative tradition rooted in sexism; it doesn’t legitimize their love. He’s listened to reason before.
He wants to marry Blaine. Always.
Now the time is right, he will.
There’s a moment, walking down the aisle with Santana on his arm, that he nearly gives in to panic. He had been so certain two years ago when he had stood on marbled stairs and declared his love. Was he pushing Kurt into a decision that he wasn’t ready to make again?
Kurt turns on the step, amid the surrounding confusion dawning into awareness, and meets his gaze. Doesn’t look away.
There’s no doubt in Kurt’s eyes, misty with love, shiny with conviction. Kurt’s smile is for only him.
Apprehension vanishes. Blaine steps up and turns to say the vows.
There’s a moment, as Blaine glides the welcomed weight of silver over his knuckles, when everything clicks into perfect rightness.
Once he wore a ring fashioned from paper and promises which he exchanged for one representing forever without fear, a constant reminder of Blaine’s unwavering love. Against his finger, it had sometimes felt like a fetter. Only, in its absence, his hand had been both impossibly heavy and empty without Blaine’s anchoring presence.
In this moment, as his father declares them husbands, Blaine’s hands in his, nose brushing his, mouth greeting his, Kurt feels like he has finally come home.
The tempo changes, and Blaine - laughing, blushing, adoring Blaine - finally winds his arms around Kurt’s neck. Kurt can’t resist pulling him closer, relishing the feel of Blaine’s hips, the way their chests press and legs slot together.
Blaine tilts his head and sighs contently. “Brittany just invited us to a ‘wedding consummation ceremony’ with her and Santana.”
“An orgy?”
“Yeah. Supposed to bring good luck. You know Britt.”
“And what did you say, husband of mine?”
“I told her that there was no way that I could share. And that we don’t need luck.”
Kurt captures his lips. “Good answer.”
“When Blaine and I were engaged, I made a playlist of songs to perform for our wedding. Even after we separated, I kept adding to the list. Every song reminded me of Blaine, of what we meant to each other.
“One night when I was the loneliest and despaired our chances, I heard this song, and I knew. This was our song.
“Blaine, love of my life, my husband, this is for you:
“Let me uncover the silver in your dark hair The weight of your bones I want to witness the beauty of your repair The shape you’ve grown...”
Straw bales prick at his raw skin, but Blaine pays little attention; he pulls Kurt down firmer against him and chases his lips again.
“Isn’t it,” Kurt pants against his neck, hands everywhere, dipping down Blaine’s waistband, tugging his shirt higher, “the epitome of poor decorum to have sex at your wedding reception-”
“Uh huh.”
“With family and friends just feet away.” He lowers the zipper and pushes the cloth over Blaine’s hips.
“How long before Mercedes-”
“Kurt, less talking, more… more… Just-”
He feels Kurt’s smirk. “I love making you speechless. Mmmph!”
Blaine grins back. “Same, my love.”
Giggling, drunk on romance, Blaine removes Kurt’s tie, then slides his shirt down his shoulders. Their shower is unhurried with languid kisses tracing trails of water.
Kurt brushes his teeth and washes his face, his ring reflecting back at him, new and yet so familiar. He enters the suite wearing Blaine’s favorite briefs, only to be greeted with snuffling snores.
Blaine stirs slightly as Kurt tugs down the duvet. For the second time in just twelve hours, Kurt watches his beloved sleep. He’s not sure if he could love this man more; he falls to dreams resolved to find out.
Awareness drifts into consciousness. Blaine opens sleepy eyes to Kurt’s soft smile. Morning sun glints off their silver bands. “We’re married,” Blaine marvels.
“We are.”
“It feels like a dream.”
“A good one, I hope.” Kurt chews his lip.
“The best.”
“It wasn’t the wedding you wanted. Not our colors or flowers-”
“It was perfect.”
“You put so much effort-”
Blaine shushes him. “I get to wake up with you, talk to you, go to bed with you. Every day, sharing our lives, together. That’s all I wanted.”
“No regrets then?”
“Only love.”
“Your dork.”
Kurt pounces. “All mine.”
Awareness drifts into consciousness. Blaine opens sleepy eyes to Kurt’s soft smile. Morning sun glints off their silver bands. “We’re married,” Blaine marvels.
“We are.”
“It feels like a dream.”
“A good one, I hope.” Kurt chews his lip.
“The best.”
“It wasn’t the wedding you wanted. Not our colors or flowers-”
“It was perfect.”
“You put so much effort-”
Blaine shushes him. “I get to wake up with you, talk to you, go to bed with you. Every day, sharing our lives, together. That’s all I wanted.”
“No regrets then?”
“Only love.”
“Your dork.”
Kurt pounces. “All mine.”
Not that Burt would’ve complained if he had to stand in line all day to make his kid’s marriage legal, but thankfully, the line’s short.
Kurt steps up to the counter, defiantly holding Blaine’s hand; Burt’s struck again by his son’s courage. “One marriage license.”
The clerk slides the application across with a smile. “Birth certificates, IDs, and $60. Just sign under the line.”
Forms completed, Burt’s attesting as officiant, and - “It’ll be mailed in 2-4 weeks. Congratulations, Mr. and Mr. Anderson-Hummel!”
Burt wipes sudden tears as Carole hugs the newlyweds. His kid’s grown up and he couldn’t be prouder.
They’ve been married three days, three serendipitous days surreal in their ordinariness. Kurt’s belongings are piled in boxes, waiting to be unpacked. Their apartment is tiny: a bed pushed to the corner, one dresser to share.
Once, Kurt had carved out special space for Blaine in his life, tried to fit him into defined compartments. Those boundaries, created to protect, only prevented growth and caused lingering pain.
Their success depends on variation from old patterns. Kurt opens the suitcase and dumps his clothes into the drawer.
Blaine kisses his cheek and Kurt draws him in, breath mingling, eager for more.
The overhead lights dim and Blaine eases up the armrest. The width of airplane seats are too narrow for comfort, but Blaine doesn’t mind having his husband pressed close.
Kurt’s already asleep, fingers curled in Blaine’s, overcome with exhaustion from their unexpected week since they made vows of forever. Giddy disbelief has faded somewhat in the realism of merging lives, but not the surety of that spontaneous decision.
Blaine knows too well how it can go wrong; this week, basking in deep happiness and reinforcing trust and intimacy, has been a testament to how good it could - and would - be.
Kurt tilts his head invitingly for another kiss. “Can’t we stay here forever?”
“We can come back. New York’s pretty close.”
Kurt twists in surprise, water sloshing. “New York?”
“Of course. It’s where we live.”
“Did you want to stay in Ohio?”
“I thought a fresh start… Chicago or L.A.”
“I’ve planned to return, even before. I already applied to NYU and Juilliard and a dozen others for next year. But if you want to move—”
“No! I just— I want you to be happy.”
“I’m so happy. Wherever we make our home.”
“Let’s go home then, love.”
Dalton burns.
Acrid cinders sting his eyes. Beside him, Blaine stares blankly at the ruins, silent since the call this morning.
Kurt steps to the edge of the fire zone, debris crunching under his feet, and questions the observers. Arson. Only partially salvaged. Oh, yes, it can and will be rebuilt.
In the past, Kurt struggled with connecting to Blaine in times of vulnerability and grief. His tendency is to shoulder on and normalize, the opposite of Blaine’s needs. Their fights magnified this difference.
In their destruction, he’s learned better. Kurt reaches out and provides the anchor his husband requires.
Dalton burns.
Blaine chokes on ashes as he takes in the mangled steel frames and smoldering embers. Beside him, Kurt asks questions; Blaine zones out, the details of how and why less important in this inescapable reality.
Dalton had been his refuge. He remembers the first time he walked through those doors, heart bruised and heavy, scared and defeated.
He wonders if this is a sign.
Kurt’s by his side. “The foundation’s strong. They’ll be able to rebuild.”
“There’s already a fund.”
The smoke clears. “Kurt, look. Our staircase.”
Kurt squeezes his hand. “It’s still standing.”
“Just like us.”
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notthetoothfairy · 7 years
KLAINE ADVENT 2017: LoveSick (17/24)
Summary: Kurt has SCID and can’t leave his house. Ever. Luckily, Blaine moves in next door.
A/N: A fic?!?!?! Yes, my dears, after what feels like an eternity, I finally wrote a new thing. I was going to do just one prompt for @klaineadvent but - ha ha ha, and ho ho ho - never mind, I’m writing an entire story. And I’m late. Sorry about that!
The plot is loosely based on “Everything Everything”. Saw it on the plane, didn’t end up liking it all that much but I loooved the premise for Klaine, so here it is. :D It’s not all that realistic, sorry about that, but I tried to make it as accurate as possible!
Beta: @a-simple-rainbow (who’s surprised? not us - we’re basically fandom wives)
Read: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
Read on: AO3 (to be added later)
Kissing Blaine might have been a mistake.
Not because it wasn’t good. God, it so was. Fifteen minutes later, Kurt’s mind is still reeling from the insanity that took over that moment – the open vulnerability of performing his musical’s love ballad for Blaine, the raw emotions unleashed in him when Blaine told him he loved him, the rush of adrenaline when he gave in to his instincts and just locked his lips with Blaine’s.
But the freaking out after, that part Kurt could have lived without. He himself was freaking out on the inside – he just kissed another boy, and not just anyone, but Blaine – but Blaine was freaking out on the outside – and not the good kind, because Kurt just kissed him, but the bad kind, because Kurt put his health in jeopardy.
He basically fled the room, leaving Kurt to freak out some more on his own, and Kurt’s hurt.
Emotionally, that is.
Carole is going to come in soon to check his temperature and blood values, as she does every night. Kurt feels just fine physically, but he prays there won’t be any further complications. It’s not even like he cares that much about himself right now. Deep down, he just wants to be right, because it felt right and he wants to be able to have something like this.
Maybe, if he turns out to be completely fine, they can do it again.
As if on cue, his phone beeps with a message from Blaine.
Are you okay? – B
We can’t do that again. – B
Kurt glances over to Blaine’s bedroom, and of course Blaine isn’t in there. What a coward.
Jeez, just tell me you didn’t like it and get it over with. – K
Kurt knows he’s being childish and petty but he can’t help but feel personally betrayed. If the kiss was better, maybe Blaine wouldn’t have even thought about Kurt’s condition, maybe he would have forgotten, if only for a moment.
There’s an incoming call.
“Tell me you know that’s not the reason I left,” Blaine says right away. He sounds like he’s crying. Kurt’s heart takes a leap in his chest, and he curses his emotions for being so flaky.
“I want to believe that,” he mumbles. “But you could have stayed, and you didn’t.”
“No, I couldn’t have, I had to go,” Blaine counters. “You just sang me a whole song about it. I want the glass to vanish, too, and that kiss was amazing, but- Kurt, we probably wouldn’t have stopped and your health is impor-”
“I don’t care about-”
“But I do!” Kurt jumps a little at Blaine’s aggravated tone. “I just told you I love you, Kurt! Obviously I don’t want you to die, for fuck’s sake, I-” He sniffs. “You’re okay, right?! You’re feeling well? How long does it usually take until you know for sure that-”
“I don’t know,” Kurt says, defeated. He wasn’t feeling selfish until Blaine pointed out his side of things, and rethinking the situation makes him a bit nauseated. What an awful thing to do to Blaine. He’s probably blaming himself. “I’m sorry, Blaine.”
“It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have told you-”
“No, no, no. Don’t take it back,” Kurt begs. “We loved each other before we said it, and we were good, we obeyed the rules. I was the one who had to go and break it, I got too… excited, and reckless, I guess. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” He pauses, closes his eyes. “Even though it was the best thing I’ve ever done, too.”
“Kurt.” Blaine sounds hoarse. “I just want you to be okay. I promise I’ll wait for you, until you get your transplant, until things are fine-”
“Yeah, I’m just not so sure that will ever happen.” Kurt sighs. “And I’m so tired of waiting.”
Blaine doesn’t say anything.
“Where are you?” Kurt asks when he hears children laughing on the other line.
“I went on a walk around the block,” Blaine says. “I’m at the mall now. Sorry I ran off.”
“It’s okay. This is complicated.” Kurt rolls his eyes at himself. “Way to state the obvious. I just mean-”
He breaks off there, forcing himself to take a deep breath. He doesn’t quite succeed. The prospect of them having their first fight right after their first “I love you” and their first kiss is getting to him – it’s making him feel quite queasy.
“Yeah?” Blaine asks.
“I mean…”
No, actually it’s not just in his head. He’s pretty sure he’s having a physical response to – whatever, maybe it’s something else, maybe…
“Kurt?” Blaine asks again, a bit more urgently. “Kurt?!”
Maybe this is not what he thinks it is. He doesn’t want to regret the kiss.
“Gotta go,” he says. “I’ll call you back.”
He ends the call, flings his phone on his desk and lies down on his bed.
Deep breath in, deep breath out. He holds his hand up in front of his face, and realizes with a start that he’s shaking.
And it’s suddenly very hot in his room.
“Dad? Carole?” he yells, hoping that they’re within earshot. “Hey, dad?!”
Yeah, this is what he had hoped it wouldn’t be.
“Yeah?” comes the reply, thankfully.
“Help, please!” he shouts, and hears footsteps coming up the stairs right away.
He can feel the sweat on his face now, and he sits up a little bit to at least appear somewhat collected.
Oh, bad idea. He sways to the side, barely able to keep himself upright.
“Kurt? Oh my god, Kurt!” His dad is at his side right away to catch him mid-fall.
“Stupid,” is all he can mumble before he’s gently guided back onto the mattress, only vaguely aware of Carole running to his closet to get the emergency equipment.
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kriskubed · 4 years
“Squirt, I’m so glad you’re finally here!” Cooper exclaimed as he burst through the door of Blaine’s new apartment.
“Don’t call me that, Coop.” Blaine had learned long ago that he had to put the brakes on his brother from the start, or else the little annoyances would build up and he’d end up snapping at him later on. It was easier to tolerate when their visits were sporadic and brief, but now that Blaine had moved to New York and they’d be seeing each other more regularly, he was particularly eager to nip it in the bud. To his credit, Cooper had gotten better over the years at recognizing the things that pushed Blaine’s buttons and then not intentionally pushing them. The childhood nickname was a habit that was hard to break though. 
“Sorry, I’m just excited! My little brother, finally in the same city as me!” He wrapped Blaine in a crushing bear hug, which Blaine happily returned, his fleeting irritation vanishing with the reminder that yes, he was now actually living in New York, and at least part of his childhood dream had become a reality. 
Cooper surveyed the small studio, which was strewn with empty moving boxes and a few yet to be unpacked. “I thought I could help you unpack, but it looks like you’re almost finished already.”
“Yeah, I didn’t bring much.” Truth be told, Blaine would rather do the work himself anyway than have his brother rooting through and commenting on all of his things.
“Well good! If you’re almost done then there’s nothing to keep you from coming to my premiere party!”
“Your what?”
“The party I’m having to celebrate the first airing of my new Hallmark movie. I mean it won’t be an official premiere or anything. Sadly no red carpet. But I’m having some of the other actors and crew over for the debut.”
“No red carpet, huh? I don’t know then, Coop…” Blaine teased. 
Cooper grabbed a discarded sheet of packing paper from the floor, wadded it up, and tossed it playfully at his brother.  “You have to come. It will be festive! There might even be caroling… You could play my piano!” he wheedled. 
Blaine dodged the ball and rolled his eyes fondly. “Of course I’ll come,” he said. “But only for the piano.”
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