nddnews · 2 years
Entrega voluntária para adoção é direito da mulher
Entrega voluntária para adoção é direito da mulher
Mecanismo permite que a mãe biológica manifeste vontade de não ficar com a criança desde o começo da gestação A atriz Klara Castanho, de 21 anos, relatou em suas redes sociais que buscou o processo de entrega voluntária de um bebê à adoção após descobrir uma gravidez em estágio avançado, fruto d
Notícias Do Dia
Leia a postagem completa: http://www.noticiasdodia.info/2022/06/entrega-voluntaria-para-adocao-e-direito-da-mulher/
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So, in Brazilian contribution to abortion-related news feeding your current urge to carve your eyes out with a spoon, actress Klara Castanho was forced to reveal she was raped after suffering vicious attacks online for giving the resulting baby up for adoption.
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The 21 year old actress became a trending topic on Brazilian Twitter after gossip columnist Leo Dias, gossip YouTuber Dri Paz, and Youtuber-cum-right-wing politician Antonia Fontanelle outed her, allegedly receiving the scoop from a nurse from the hospital where Castanho gave birth, who breached secrecy and broke work ethic conduct. Fontanelle and Paz claimed she had an affair with a married man, hid her pregnancy from fans, didn't even want to look at the baby's face, and abandoned a vulnerable, speaking about it with explicit contempt and claiming "disgust" about it. Their coverage of the case fueled online speculation on the actress's personal life, as well as slut-shaming and accusations against her person, of "irresponsibility", "inhumanity", "abandonment", etc.
Klara posted an open letter on Instagram revealing she had been raped, took a morning after pill, had a regular menstrual cycle and didn't gain weight or have her belly grow, and yet found out she was pregnant in a very advanced stage. As if she hadn't been violated enough, her doctor treated her like trash, forcing her to hear the baby's heartbeat, saying they had half of her DNA and that she would be forced to love them, and refusing to back down even after she explained she had been raped.
She got in touch with a lawyer and started all legal processes to have the baby be directly adopted by a family in the hospital right after birth, which is backed up by law and endorsed by adoption activists. "I was still trying to pick up the pieces when I had to deal with the information of having a baby.", she wrote on her open letter. "A baby born from a violence that destroyed me as a woman. I was not (and am not) emotionally able to give this child the love, care, and everything they deserve. Between the moment I found out about the pregnancy and the delivery, few days passed. It was too much to process, to accept, and I took the attitude that I consider more dignified and humane."
She continues: "On the day the child was born, I, still anesthetized from postpartum, was approached by a nurse who was in the operating room. She asked questions and threatened: 'imagine if this columnist discovers this story'. I was inside a hospital, a place that was supposed to welcome and protect me. When I got to the room, there were already messages from the columnist, with all the information. He just didn't know about the rape. I was still under the anesthesia."
Both this gossip columnist [she didn't name him, but Leo Dias was mentioned by Antonia Fontenelle, who first published about the pregnancy and adoption] and another who approached her days later, upon being told about the rape, promised not to publish the scoop. Well, look how that turned out.
Oh, and Antonia Fontanelle and Dri Paz? They've both doubled down on their actions. Fontanelle (who's a bolsonarist candidate for federal deputy for the Republicans party, same that hosts the pastor-cum-Rio mayor Marcelo Crivella – who sent cops to confiscate LGBT+ books from a book fair due to a Marvel comic gay kiss – and is linked to the ultra-Evangelical Universal Church of the Kingdom of God) said "what does that have got to do with me?", and that she doesn't understand "why people are all so uptight" with her for "having had the courage to mention a monstrous story". "Giving birth to a child and not wanting to see them and having them thrown to chance is a crime, yes. Only those who have never been to a shelter find this adoption little tale cute." The child is not going to be in a shelter, they've already been adopted. Nonetheless, Antonia called it "abandonment of a vulnerable person". Dri Paz, furthermore, accused Castalho of lying about the rape. After getting roasted online for it, she deleted the video and apologized for buying into 'fake news'. Leo Dias, in an interview with conservative comedian Danilo Gentilli, didn't mention the actress by name, but said "big karma" was coming for her, that the story in which he was "in dilemma" about reporting involved "cruelty". After the published letter, he said he had known about the case for a while and had decided not to report about it, and called the situation "an opportunity to rethink". The freaking baby themself got doxxed, with someone publishing their sex, weight, time and date of birth, and name of hospital.
After Klara Castanho published her open letter, she's been thankfully getting massive support from fellow celebrities, politicians, and average internet users alike, and Fontanelle, Paz, and Dias have been getting their fair share of criticism. However, none of that undoes all the violence Klara suffered, from the rape to the asshole doctor to the asshole nurse to the asshole professional gossipers to the asshole internet users.
This, mind ya, is from the same week Roe V Wade was overturned and it's been revealed that a 11 year old raped girl in Brazil was pressured and kept in a shelter by a judge for weeks to be stopped from having her lawful and rightful abortion. Anti-abortion activists love touting adoption as alternative and solution, but the vicious attacks suffered by Klara for doing exactly what they claim should be done show that it's never been about being pro-life, it's always been about control and forced motherhood.
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iconsforbrazilians · 3 months
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mrsbakashi · 2 years
in light of recent events regarding the loss of women's rights over their own bodies in usa, i'd like to share two things that happened this week in my country (Brazil) that shows how hypocrites "pro-lifers" are.
- abortion is illegal in brazil, except in some situations that the law understands, which are when the woman was raped and got pregnant and/or when the woman's life is in danger.
⚠️ the rest or this post contain heavy themes such as abortion (of course), r*pe, unethical health professionals and other things that may be triggering.
so a while ago there was a heavy discussion because they wanted to give the rap*sts the right over "their" child - so if the woman was rap*d and decided to not abort, the rap*st could have all his rights as the father of the child, becoming a constant presence in the life of the woman he rap*d. a lot has happened over the last two years that just infuriates me to a level i can't even begin to explain. but let's focus.
what happened this week:
➢ an 11 year old was rap*ed and got pregnant. by the law she had the right to get an ab*rtion: she was r*aped and her life was in danger (11 year old bodies are not made to carry a child), but the lovely judge that got her case was pro-life, so she denied the girl's right to the abortion, because the fetus was a human life that needed to be protected. she even went further and kept asking the girl if she knew what she wanted to call the baby, and the girl was always visibly sad and uncomfortable. when the girl kept saying she wanted the abortion she asked if the father of the baby would agree with that. not only that, but this judge had a huge support from the pro-life community and all for protecting the baby's life. the process was so long that the girl spend her birthday pregnant, and she only got the right to abort the pregnancy when she was already 22 weeks in, after the judge left the case because she got some sort of promotion. our awesome president then came to public to condemn the girl's choice to kill a baby.
➢ a 21 year old actress was r*ped and got pregnant, even tho she took the morning after pill. she had the baby and, with the help of her lawyer she did everything she could to give the baby to adoption, while making sure to protect the child and herself - all within the law. she decided to give the child away because she knew she wouldn't be able to love them, to take care of them as they needed and deserved to be. the child would remind her of the extreme violence she suffered, of a horrible time in her life (that includes not only she sexual assault, but also a horrible doctor that told her the baby had 50% of her DNA so she had to love them, among other things), so she decided the child deserved to be raised in a place where they wouldn't know or feel the guilt of being the fruit of such violence. and she also made sure the child went to a good place. it was all supposed to be kept in privacy, but she was threatened by a nurse at the hospital she had the baby and by some of the people who took care of the process of putting the child to adoption - "can you imagine what would happen if a famous journalist heard about it?". after some journalists heard about it, they contacted her and she explained her situation, the violence she suffered and asked them to understand her, which they apparently did at the time, but this industry has a lot of vultures that eventually heard the story and made it public - not only making it public but starting to attack the actress.
so, long story short, in the same week a girl was criticized for needing an abortion, and a woman was criticized for having the baby, fruit of a horrible violence, but giving them to adoption because she wanted the child to have a fair chance at life.
they claim they care about the baby, their life, but they don't, they're hypocrites. it seems what they really care about it's criticizing women and take away their rights. it's about taking away their choices. do you think they're talking about the r*pists or the people that did them wrong? nope. not at all.
they've been burning us since the inquisition and continue to do so. it's not about abortion or maternity - it's about how society is built to hate on women, no matter what they do. there's no right choice, or right age. it seems that the only right thing to do is to be a white man - but only if you were born as one.
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art by brazilian artist cristiano siqueira
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interlagostrack · 2 years
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divulgamaragogipe · 2 years
Após polêmica com Klara Castanho, Leo Dias diz que vai sair do Brasil
Após polêmica com Klara Castanho, Leo Dias diz que vai sair do Brasil
O jornalista Leo Dias realizou uma live nesta quarta-feira (29) em seu perfil no Instagram e comunicou que pretende sair do Brasil após a polêmica envolvendo a atriz Klara Castanho.Apontado como responsável pela exposição da gravidez, fruto da violência sexual sofrida pela atriz, o colunista disse que recebe muitas mensagens pedindo para que ele se cuide e que resolveu sair do país. “Muito…
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unreadpoppy · 2 years
TW: Rape
A famous young actress in Brazil, Klara Castanho, had her confidential information leaked so she had to reveal that she had been raped in the past and that rape led to a pregnancy. She said the doctors showed her no empathy, even after she said she was abused, and said stuff to her like “you are obligated to love this child”. She decided to give the baby for adoption, and she went through all the legal means, and by law, she should have her information be private, for her sake and the sake of the child. Right after birth, a nurse came to her and started saying stuff like “what if this gets out”, and from what I understood, it was a nurse who leaked the information to an asshole “journalist” called Leo Dias, who spread this and forced Klara to reveal the abuse she went through. Now, there are people criticizing her for putting the baby for adoption (even though, again, she didn’t abadon the baby, she gave him legally to adoption), saying she should have kept the baby. 
We really can’t win, can we? If we get an abortion, we are crticized. If we put it for adoption, we are criticized. This just proves it was NEVER about children. Por-lifers do not care about children. They care about power and control. 
All my support goes to Klara. She has been repeatedly abused and she does not deserve the backlash she’s getting from certain people. I hope in the future she is able to heal and put this all in this past, because she is only 21, she has her whole future ahead of her and she didn’t deserve anything that happened to her. Stay trong Klara.
If you’re brazilian and want to know it better, go to Klara’s instagram, where she has written an open letter, explaining what happened
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geekpopnews · 6 days
De Volta Aos 15 | Última temporada da série estrelada por Maisa ganha teaser
A Netflix divulgou um teaser da 3ª temporada de 'De Volta Aos 15'. No novo ano da série, o público vai acompanhar Anita em uma nova fase: com 18 anos e na faculdade. #DeVoltaAos15 #Netflix #serienacional #Maisa
A Netflix divulgou nesta terça-feira (28) um teaser da 3ª temporada de De Volta Aos 15. Neste novo ano da série nacional protagonizada por Maisa, vamos acompanhar Anita em um novo ambiente: de volta aos 18 e à faculdade. Confira o teaser: Como podemos ver no teaser, trata-se de um tour inédito pelo novo lar da protagonista Anita, que deixou a casa dos pais e agora vive em uma república…
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belbel19 · 6 months
eu amo de volta aos 15
E pra uma série br eu quase nao vejo fandom brasileiro
só encontro gringo 😭😭😭😭
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blogoslibertarios · 11 months
Antonia Fontenelle perde na justiça e terá que indenizar Klara Castanho por divulgar estupro
  A juíza Flávia Viveiro de Castro, da 2ª Vara Cível da Barra, condenou a youtuber Antonia Fontenelle a indenizar a atriz Klara Castanho em R$ 50 mil, por danos morais. Proferida na sexta-feira 23, ainda cabe recurso. Grávida em razão de um estupro, Klara foi exposta por Antonia nas redes sociais. A atriz não queria tornar pública a violência sexual, tampouco o fato de ter dado o bebê para a…
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tioxao · 1 year
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moisesakatsuki · 2 years
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iconsforbrazilians · 3 months
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enfermagemilustrada · 2 years
Coren-SP diz que teve acesso negado ao prontuário de Klara Castanho
Coren-SP diz que teve acesso negado ao prontuário de Klara Castanho
O Coren-SP informa que solicitou o prontuário de atendimento da atriz vítima de vazamento de informações sigilosas ao hospital onde ela foi atendida, mas o acesso ao documento foi negado ao conselho pela instituição sob a justificativa de necessidade de autorização prévia da paciente, seguindo o previsto em resoluções do Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM) e no Código de Ética dos Profissionais de…
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joseabraoportfolio · 2 years
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Entenda como funciona a entrega voluntária legal de bebês para adoção
Comissão da OAB-GO explica processo
Disponível em: https://aredacao.com.br/noticias/170539/entenda-como-funciona-a-entrega-voluntaria-legal-de-bebes-para-adocao
José Abrão Goiânia – Após ser exposta por um colunista social no último sábado (25/6), a atriz Klara Castanho sensibilizou a internet com um relato nas redes sociais sobre ter engravidado após um estupro. Na carta divulgada, Klara citou os motivos que a levaram à decisão de entregar o bebê para a adoção, através de um processo chamado entrega voluntária legal. Para além da polêmica, o relato gerou muita curiosidade sobre como a entrega para a adoção funciona. A entrega voluntária legal foi instituída no Brasil em 2017 e possibilita que a mulher possa entregar o bebê à adoção legalmente desde que o processo seja acompanhado pelo Judiciário. A entrega está prevista pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA). A mulher pode decidir pela entrega do bebê ainda durante a gestação ou logo após o parto, mas deve ser acompanhada pela Vara da Infância e Juventude ou do fórum local, na ausência de uma Vara especializada. Via de regra, toda a rede de proteção da criança e do adolescente, incluindo Conselho Tutelar e unidades de saúde, está apta a recepcionar a mulher e fazer o encaminhamento ao Judiciário. O princípio fundamental do processo é o sigilo. “Ela não precisa indicar o nome do pai nem o nome da família”, explica a presidente da Comissão de Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - Seção Goiás (OAB-GO), a advogada Roberta Muniz Elias. Após a abertura do processo, a mulher terá o acompanhamento de uma equipe multidisciplinar. No caso de Goiás, este acompanhamento é feito por uma equipe formada pelo Tribunal de Justiça (TJGO). “A equipe faz uma entrevista com todo o acolhimento necessário, confirma o desejo dela pela entrega e depois ela vai passar por uma audiência. Depois disso, ela terá um prazo de arrependimento de 10 dias. Nesse período ela pode voltar atrás”, conta Roberta Elias. A advogada enfatiza que todo o processo é legal. “O crime seria essa mulher vir a dar à luz e abandonar este bebê em algum lugar, como num lote baldio, isso é abandono de incapaz. Ou entregar este bebê a um terceiro que venha a registrar essa criança, que chamamos de ‘adoção à brasileira’”. O TJGO, inclusive, possui material informativo sobre o processo, que pode ser acessado aqui e aqui. Após a doação, a criança será encaminhada a um abrigo para aguardar o prazo de 10 dias em que a mulher pode se arrepender da decisão sobre a adoção. Terminado o prazo, a criança será direcionada aos pretendentes habilitados no Sistema Nacional de Adoção (SNA), que hoje conta com uma fila de cerca de 50 mil famílias, a maioria em busca de recém-nascidos ou crianças pequenas, de até 3 anos. A comissão da OAB-GO faz parte da rede de proteção da infância e da juventude e acompanha e dá apoio a alguns casos quando solicitado. “Nós temos acesso às estatísticas e nosso Estado tem conduzido bem estes processos”, avalia a advogada. A Comissão também atua na disseminação de informação sobre adoção no Brasil, inclusive sobre como funciona a entrega voluntária, através de webnários e palestras. A Comissão dá suporte também em casos como o da Klara Castanho, em que o sigilo foi violado. “Damos o apoio para garantir que isso não volte a acontecer e para que os responsáveis sejam punidos no rigor da lei”, arremata. Um direito de todas Embora o caso de Klara Castanho envolvendo a adoção tenha sido após um estupro, é importante ressaltar que a entrega voluntária é um direito de todas as mulheres e não precisa ser motivado por uma violência. De fato, o segredo de Justiça e o sigilo oferecidos pelo processo servem exatamente para que a gestante não seja exposta publicamente. “A gestante pode ter vários motivos para não se sentir preparada para cuidar de uma criança naquele momento. A entrega legal é um ato de muita responsabilidade. É um direito da mulher e, ao mesmo tempo, um direito do bebê de ser direcionado a uma família que queira acolher esta criança”, esclarece Roberta Elias. “A entrega legal pode ser feita por qualquer motivação e essa é a importância do sigilo e da preparação da equipe multidisciplinar para que o acolhimento seja feito sem julgamentos”, completa. A advogada argumenta que é preciso combater a ideia de que a entrega voluntária seja um abandono. Muito pelo contrário. “Não devemos vincular a figura da mulher à necessidade de ser mãe. Nem toda mulher deseja ser mãe, e está tudo certo. O importante é proporcionar este direito que vai viabilizar um futuro melhor para estas crianças e ajudar os pretendentes do SNA na realização de seus sonhos”, completa.
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geekpopnews · 5 months
O fim de "Bom dia, Verônica": série ganha trailer da 3° e última temporada
Enfim, a caçada está chegando ao final! A Netflix divulgou trailer inédito da série de suspense Bom Dia, Verônica! Confira o trailer desta 3 terceira e última temporada aqui! #bomdiaveronica #netflix #tainamuller #reynaldogianecchini #rodrigosantoro
Nesta quarta-feira (17), a Netflix divulgou um trailer inédito da 3° temporada de Bom Dia, Verônica! A série protagonizada por Taina Muller está chegando ao fim, juntamente com os diversos segredos e mistérios que a rondam desde o começo. Em novo trailer, o público se depara com Rodrigo Santoro, Reynaldo Gianecchini e muita tensão. Confira abaixo: Além de muitos mistérios e suspense, o novo…
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