The First Day - Outtake
‘If only Grandfather were here to see us!’ Anna said with a laugh. ‘I wonder what he would think of all this?’
Anna had spoken half in jest, but at her words Jarred’s stomach lurched. He knew perfectly well what Crian would have thought. Crian had always held Anna’s safety and well-being as being of the utmost importance. He would not have been happy at seeing his beloved granddaughter be put at risk living in a forest of nightmares. He would have called Jarred a fool for wanting to help the royal family who abandoned Deltora when they were needed the most, and a bad husband for dragging Anna and their unborn babe into danger alongside him.
He did not tell Anna all of this, but instead smiled back at her. ‘I think that he would have wondered why we are staring like fools at a stream instead of doing somewhat practical with our time,’ Jarred remarked. ‘I do not think that he care overmuch for such sights.’
Anna laughed. ‘I know! It may be silly but it was what I loved most about him. When I was a child and my father was never home, Grandfather would let me play in the forge, if I promised to stay quietly in a corner and not touch anything. I… Even now, I cannot believe he is gone.’
Jarred felt the same. The old blacksmith had been so large and full of life that it was hard to believe that, even six months after the fact, he was now lying six feet under the ground.
‘Crian would be happy for us, Anna,’ he said to her. ‘I am sure of it. Perhaps even now he is watching us, wishing us well.’
Anna shivered. ‘Perhaps,’ she agreed. ‘But I do not like the thought of being watched in such a way. I would not be comfortable knowing that we may not be alone even in our most private moments. But I would be happy knowing that he is at peace now in the spirit world.’
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reflitaantes · 1 year
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Alguém já passou por cenas desagradáveis quando você necessitou ir a algum WC, seja de um Shopping, Empresa ou outro canto? Nossa... está mensagem deveria ser estampada em muitos lugares, a educação infelizmente não foi absorvida por muitos. #reflitaantes #wc #educa #professores #professora #ensinofundamental #crian #as #ead #vestibular #conhecimento #exemplo #higiene #limpeza #atencao https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm_rHYBOEIw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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receitariadapaty1 · 7 months
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corujinhaof · 2 years
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Amores olha eu pequena coisa mais linda 🤩 Agora adivinham qual das 3 sou eu ? 1 2 3 . . . . .#crian #as #o #criancas #kids #a #educa #amor #infantil #baby #familia #modainfantil #maedemenina #maternidade #brasil #maedemenino #oinfantil #m #s #bebe #diadascrian #love #brinquedos #beb #filhos #escola #criancasfelizes #menina #pedagogia #bhfyp♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒💓💓💓💓 (em Inhambupe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkUeUdfLr2s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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💙 Lacoste Infantil, Conjunto lacoste infantil por R$45,00. Compre na Shopee agora! Digite "eu quero " ou veja no link nos storyes ou destaques em moda infantil Link disponível para facebook https://shope.ee/2fZn9ZjozA #menino #menina #conjuntoinfantilmenino #maedemenino #baby #crian #bebe #modainfantil #kids #infantil #babyboy #maternidade #a #mundoazul #boy #amor #maedemenina #as #love #brasil #moda #beb #m #roupainfantil #lojainfantil #lookdodia #maternidadereal #familia #fotografia #estiloboy https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci28yxXOR1L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gilsonsouzapsic · 2 years
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PROGRAMA TRANSFORME TUA VIDA – RÁDIO BOA MÚSICA FM 🗓 Data: 17/08 - (Quarta-feira). 🕒 Horário: Das 21h às 22h. ■ Atendendo a milhares de pedidos dos nossos ouvintes, o Programa “Transforme Tua Vida” desta quarta-feira (17/08), contará novamente com a incrível presença da Drª Gláucia Slana!!! Saberemos um pouco mais de sua fantástica trajetória de vida e de seus projetos sociais que tem Transformado milhares de vidas no Rio de Janeiro. IMPERDÍVEL!!! ■ Apresentação: GILSON SOUZA - Mestre em Psicanálise Clínica e Saúde Mental; formado em Pedagogia e Gestão de Recursos Humanos, MBA em Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas; especializado em Neuropsicanálise e Reabilitação Neuropsicológica; Neurocoach; Escritor e Palestrante Comportamental. ■ Convidada Especial: GLÁUCIA SLANA - Pós-doutora em Química formada pela UFRJ, com doutorado no Canadá Queen´s University. Com experiência em pesquisa pela UFRJ, FIOCRUZ, PUC e INPI. Desenvolve projetos sociais desde 1992 em várias comunidades do Rio de Janeiro (Vila Cruzeiro, Jacaré, Manguinhos, Vila Maria. ■ Direção Geral e Produção Digital: @ryck_bastos 📲 Ouça ou assista em nossa plataforma digital: radioboamusicafm.com 📲 Mande mensagens ou perguntas em nossos chat que responderemos ao vivo. -------------------------- ✓ PARCERIAS E ENTREVISTAS: → [email protected] → WhtasApp: (22) 99276-2452 -------------------------- #programatransformetuavida #radioboamusicafm #inteligênciaemocional #inteligenciaemocional #saudemental #educacao #educação #opoderdasuahistoria #ryckbastos #gilsonpoficial #acaosocial #solidariedade #voluntariado #fazerobem #amoraoproximo #inclusaosocial #voluntario #gratidao #ajuda #crian #empatia #voluntarios #assistenciasocial #deus #acaosolidaria (em Rádio Boa Música FM) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChVIpWkOt9a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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daniellsant · 2 years
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Um Pai disse, Meu Filho: Tenha cuidado Por Onde Caminhas. O Filho lhe Respondeu: Tenha cuidado você Meu Pai… Lembra que Sempre Sigo Teus Passos! . . . . . . . . . . . #filho #o #amor #familia #pai #paidemenino #m #filhos #filha #pai #a #paternidade #love #e #bebe #nathan #vida #crian #baby #deus #mundoazul #lia #amordemae #fam #fitness #paipresente #jiujitsu #fotografia #brasil #as (em Itumbiara) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgKmaRHh0By/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nddnews · 2 years
Entrega voluntária para adoção é direito da mulher
Entrega voluntária para adoção é direito da mulher
Mecanismo permite que a mãe biológica manifeste vontade de não ficar com a criança desde o começo da gestação A atriz Klara Castanho, de 21 anos, relatou em suas redes sociais que buscou o processo de entrega voluntária de um bebê à adoção após descobrir uma gravidez em estágio avançado, fruto d
Notícias Do Dia
Leia a postagem completa: http://www.noticiasdodia.info/2022/06/entrega-voluntaria-para-adocao-e-direito-da-mulher/
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alphacomicsvol2 · 7 months
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Venom by Clayton Crain
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Lean Alice
It was close to sunset. From where she sat in the corner of the street, Lean Alice could see the shadows at the edges of the narrow street growing longer as the sky darkened and the sun sank below the horizon. A mystical time, she thought. A time when the veil between this world and the world of the spirits was thinned. It had always been her favourite time of the day.
No one saw Lean Alice, which suited her very well. If every person saw her, she would never be able to do what she did best--observe the people of Del.
Most folk saw what they expected to see, what they wanted to see, but Lean Alice saw differently. She saw right to the bone, right through anyone else's disguises to their innermost spirit, to the truth. It was part of her gift of second sight, she thought, and she welcomed it whole-heartedly. 
As most people would guess, Lean Alice was of the Plains, though she rather thought that she could be considered a Delian since she had lived there all her life. It had only been her great-great-great-great grandmother who had been of full Plains ancestry after all, and who had wed a man of the Del tribe, choosing to live there with him and bear his children.
Most Plains folk had strange gifts, and Lean Alice was no exception. She was a seer, and could see what other people could not. Much like Ava, Tom's sister, who was a very, very distant relation of hers. She did not know from where this unusual gift came, but she suspected that it had been inherited from Opal the Dreamer, that fabled seer who was also the king's ancestress. It was a great burden to bear, and those who claimed otherwise were fools indeed. But at the same time, it was a great asset. It helped her to tell friend from foe, to keep herself safe from possible danger. Lean Alice did not exactly take pleasure in the gift, but she had to admit that it had its uses.
The largest reason that no one noticed Lean Alice was that she was a beggar. No one ever noticed beggars. There were quite a lot of beggars in the days before (and during) the Shadow Lord's tyranny. It was because the majority of the population in Del was too poor to even afford a house or make a living of their own. The richest families were those who had their own businesses, though even they were in actuality very poor. One such family was that of Crian the blacksmith. Crian was an unyielding man, but fair and sympathetic to those poorer than him and his grand-daughter, Anna. If one could not pay him for his work, he would only tell the person to pay him when they could. In the early days, before the dark years, Alice would go there often to ask for medicines or other remedies from Anna, who was well-known as a healer, and also to speak to her about other matters. Alice liked Anna. Anna was sweet and kind, and genuinely cared about the welfare of others, something which some other folk only pretended at. She was truly a rare soul, even from a seer's point of view.
Alice was genuinely sad when Anna left Del and never returned (at least in body). The two women never did speak much to each other, but what Alice had seen and known of her, she deeply admired.
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sweet-phamtom · 1 year
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I saw this conversation on phone destroyer and wanted to draw it
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receitariadapaty1 · 7 months
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googlediscovery · 9 months
Google revela hábitos digitais de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil
No evento “Mais Seguro com o Google”, a gigante de Mountain View deu um mergulho profundo em suas iniciativas de cibersegurança e seu firme compromisso em proteger os usuários no cenário digital. O destaque foi uma pesquisa pioneira realizada em parceria com a Nielsen, que revelou insights intrigantes sobre os hábitos online de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros, juntamente com as práticas de…
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li-lbamboo · 1 year
I rarely post anything other than reblogs, but I felt compelled to share this with the teeny Tumblr corner of fellow deltora quest enjoyers.
I was rereading the og series for the nth time (as I am want to do) and noticed this sneaky tidbit included by Rodda when describing Anna waaaay back in ch 4 of the first book:
"Crian roused him and helped him into the small house behind the forge. At his call, a sweet-faced girl came running..."
OK, now flash foward 12 chapters and a time skip, we have the scene where our newly acquainted companions are visited by a mysterious spirit who is revealed to be Jasmine's mother...
"...a thick, billowing mist began to form...The three companions froze. Out of the mist, a wavering white figure appeared. It was a woman, sweet-faced and smiling."
- FoS, chapter 16
(!!!) I really like to think I'm not reading too much into this but i thought it was pretty neat and v sneaky of her!! It was always all there!! Everything in its place!!!
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selkies-song · 1 year
Happy Valentine’s Day 
Have some bittersweet Poly-Platonic cuddling cuz this idea’s been kicking around in my head for a bit
School of Magic, Spring Snow AU
Febwhump Prompt Day 1: Touch Starved
The harvest festival had become a grand occasion over the last few years, and this year was no exception. While many of the youngsters couldn’t appreciate the progress of the now-thriving community, the memory of the flood and their precarious survival was still very fresh in the minds of the adults.
Not everyone was in a celebratory mood, however.
Chandler couldn’t put a finger on why tonight in particular felt so hard.
It had been a few years since he’d woken up to the nightmare that Don was gone and never coming back. It shouldn’t hurt so much, anymore.
But with the approaching winter he found himself feeling cold and isolated. The last few nights he’d wanted nothing more than to feel his partner’s steady presence again. To feel Don’s arms around him--to feel safe, and like he actually mattered to someone. 
And watching all of the couples in the hall tonight wasn’t helping.
He knew he shouldn’t be drinking so much cider. Especially not this quickly. But in that moment he felt weak and reckless. Besides, it wasn’t like he had anything better to do.     
The noise in the hall had become a hazy murmur, twisting and curling in a kaleidoscope of color, when he felt a touch on his shoulder and a voice saying his name. Warmth bloomed from the pressure of the gentle grip, and he pressed into it like a cat.
The touch jerked away.
Chandler felt a pang of hurt.
His weight had shifted too much to the side. The world spun and the floor rushed towards him, only for strong arms to catch him again. He was pulled upright and his balance promptly overcorrected, causing him to collapse into the warm body of his rescuer.
He sighed, content, and snuggled into the person’s chest. It seemed it had been a lifetime since his nerves had had a chance to settle in the comfort of someone’s arms, and he never wanted it to end.
More voices, but he could sense they weren’t talking to him, so he let it go. He let everything go.
And then it was morning.
It was quiet, save for the gentle patter of a late autumn rain against the window.
For a moment, Chandler’s mind tricked him into thinking it was years ago. The pressure of an arm curled around him was a comfort that he hadn’t felt in far too long.
And yet...something wasn't quite right. 
The weight of the other's limb wasn't heavy enough. 
And who was pressed up against the front of him?!
His brow furrowed slightly in confusion and mild alarm. He opened his eyes, the alarm growing at the sight of Maya, curled up and sleeping against his chest. He turned his head slightly and realized–with no small degree of shock–that it was Crian’s arm draped over him rather than Don’s.
He was sandwiched between his long-time rival and his rival's wife. On their bed. In their house.
He jerked upright in embarrassment, feeling blood rush to his cheeks in shame. 
There was nothing to suggest that anything had happened, but he couldn’t wrap his head around how this had resulted from a night of too much drinking. 
"Go back to sleep," Crian muttered grumpily from behind him. 
"The hell is going on?!" Chandler hissed in reply. 
Crian blinked up at him, unimpressed and tired, looking oddly naked without his glasses on. "You were a wreck, last night. You were acting like you'd straight up die if we left you alone. So we didn't.” 
Chandler wanted to object. He wanted desperately to deny any of this had happened. But after his knee jerk reaction cooled, he slowly realized that he didn’t really mind. Not nearly as much as he would have thought, anyways. 
The relationship between him and Crian had always been odd; one of rivalry and competition, and more recently, mutual respect. And of course he and Maya had dated briefly, and there’d been something there. Maybe. But not what either of them had really wanted or needed at that time.
Maybe…maybe this was okay. 
It would never go beyond this of course, and Chandler didn’t want it to. But he couldn’t deny that this felt…nice. Comforting. A gasp of air when he hadn’t even realized he was drowning. 
It was far too late to avoid being vulnerable around either of them, anyways.
So, after an unsure glance at Crian--who had already closed his eyes again--he settled back down with a quiet exhale, hesitantly wrapped an arm around Maya, and let himself drift back into sleep.
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gilsonsouzapsic · 2 years
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PROGRAMA TRANSFORME TUA VIDA – RÁDIO BOA MÚSICA FM 🗓 Data: 10/08 - (Quarta-feira). 🕒 Horário: Das 21h às 22h. ■ Tema: "GENTE CUIDANDO DE GENTE" - Um bate-papo sobre Políticas Públicas, Projetos Sociais e resgate da Cidadania. ■ Apresentação: GILSON SOUZA - Mestre em Psicanálise Clínica e Saúde Mental; formado em Pedagogia e Gestão de Recursos Humanos, MBA em Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas; especializado em Neuropsicanálise e Reabilitação Neuropsicológica; Neurocoach; Escritor e Palestrante Comportamental. ■ Convidada Especial: GLÁUCIA SLANA - Pós-doutora em Química formada pela UFRJ, com doutorado no Canadá Queen´s University. Com experiência em pesquisa pela UFRJ, FIOCRUZ, PUC e INPI. Desenvolve projetos sociais desde 1992 em várias comunidades do Rio de Janeiro (Vila Cruzeiro, Jacaré, Manguinhos, Vila Maria. ■ Direção Geral e Produção Digital: @ryck_bastos 📲 Ouça ou assista em nossa plataforma digital: radioboamusicafm.com 📲 Mande mensagens ou perguntas em nossos chat que responderemos ao vivo. -------------------------- ✓ PARCERIAS E ENTREVISTAS: → [email protected] → WhtasApp: (22) 99276-2452 -------------------------- #programatransformetuavida #radioboamusicafm #inteligênciaemocional #inteligenciaemocional #saudemental #educacao #educação #opoderdasuahistoria #ryckbastos #gilsonpoficial #acaosocial #solidariedade #voluntariado #fazerobem #amoraoproximo #inclusaosocial #voluntario #gratidao #ajuda #crian #empatia #voluntarios #assistenciasocial #deus #acaosolidaria (em Rádio Boa Música FM) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChAZh2JOxbJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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