#klaus adama
flisticuffswireman · 11 months
Welcome home from "Dusk City", Klaus Adama!
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0rqcles · 1 year
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𝐅𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 - Gwendoline, Glinda, Celeste, Phoebe, Psyche, Ranni, Gwynevere, Rin, Evie, Rosa, Eva, Avery, Ashley, Catrina, Mary, Johanna, Maria, Astrid, Neriah, Bella, Belle,  Delilah, Gabriella, Valentina, Valerie, Venus, Ēostre, Vishali, Alice, Esther, Lynda, Ada, Iris, Daisy, Willow, Aurora, Memoria, Charlotte, Olivia, Emma, Dulcie, Amara, Amala, Claire, Dorothy, Diana, Aesira, Amanda, Maeve, Daphne, Irene, Cassandra, Gaia, Rhea, Cassiopeia, Camilla, Anastasia, Echo, Isis, Cybele, Phaedra, Rhaenyra, Maya, Hippolyte, Malenia, Daenerys, Cersei, Arae, Talia, Edith, Mio, Kyoko, Wanda, Uva, Dia, Usagi, Tsukiyomi, Charlie, Stella, Luna, Erza, Lucy, Verrine, Kali, Tara, Hathor, Anna, Nepthys, Khepra, Amrene, Kate, Jayne, June, Annie, Doris, Madeleine, Magnin, Isabel, Eve, Rose, Rosemary, Sydney, Ophelia, Ana, Amelia, Jasmine, Eliza, Tomoe, Maggie, Jill.
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𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 - Marek, Vasper, Oscar, Felix, Ralph, Emory, Azariah, Alexis, Balthazar, Ramses, Shem, Jibri, Mercury, Eos, Namur, Luzbel, Gabriel, Kushim, Ravi, Indira, ba’al, melech, Mikhail, Dimitri, Jeremiah, Dius, Judus, William, James, Azriel, rodon, Ghidorah, Khaleesi, Adam, Adonis, Tyron, Marcus, Daemon, Louis, Jasper, Lestat, Astaroth, Horus, Maleketh, Mikael, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, Maacah, Sephtis, Cyrus, Abraham, Shesmu, Stefan, Nitäl, Aiden, An, Belua, Thatos, Gaelio, Eden, Ethan, Marzo, Harkos, Grims, Tyre, Saccharin, Gadreel, Neith, Set, Genos, Eisther, Oberon, Ka’el, Joseph, Hoshiyomi, Emelod, Leto, Thorn, Casimir, Astril, Arkmose, Demephius, Rue, Colin, Luka, Douglas, Mazoth, Nortek, Avalon, Luthinor, Adamas, Indra, Bradnall, Newt, Maul, Percy, Jack.
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𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 - Meijer, Lugosi, Lee, Boucher, Talmai, Salvatore, Forbes, Avalon, Kaelux, Wong, Wang, Huang, Gyokuto, Choi, Lou, Angelou, Dague, Eliot, Urban, Medina, Graham, Robert, Anderson, Andromina, Dotter, March, Crowley, Ellis, Lockheart, Lovegood, Grendel, Mornings, Armas, Gadot, Bennett, Gozen, Cary, Harper, Ogilvie, Ewing, Rowe, Lackmos.
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𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 - Ambrose, The dirge, Cynder, Paraguay, Nowhere, Ember, Tartarus, Valcan, Twilight, The island of no return, Nightmare Vally, Eden, The fallen kingdom, Vally of shattered dreams, Themyscira, Rosario.
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vazgectimwagnerden · 3 years
‘in the mood for love’ın üzerinden 20 yıl geçmiş olması çok tuhaf.
üstelik, aşıklar hep talepkarlar. 
talep, aslında basit bir isteme hali değil sanki, daha ziyade, gönüllü muhtaçlık, ya da bu aciz halimi sana veriyorum- demek gibi.
üstelik aşıklar hep talepkarlar, hep öyleydiler, ve (pankartımız: hep talep edeceğiz. kibarlıkla)
tanpınar şöyle diyor: “ellerini yüzümde gezdir.”
keşke bu noktada bıraksaydı ya- diye iç geçiriyorsunuz, çünkü hemen ardından, başka bir ödev veriyor: “sil alnımdan yorgunluğu”.
hatta daha ileri gidip bu ödevi büyütüyor, ilahi bir mertebeye taşıyor: “gözlerimin altından, yaşamak korkusunu al.”
ismet özel, iki muhteşem şeyi art arda söylüyor: ilki: “yüzüme bak”.
ikincisi ilkinin ne manaya geldiğini, ya da ne sonuç doğuracağını anlatıyor: “yüzüme bak. yüzümü hırpala.”
sonra başka başka şeyler de söylüyor ama onları geçebiliriz..
eh, aşıklar hep talepkarlar.
en güzel get well soon şarkısında (ismi mi? -“it’s love”) şöyle deniyor: keep feeding me blood and honey. beni kanla ve balla beslemeye devam et. şimdiye kadar yaptığın buydu ya, seni sevmek kan ve bal ile beslenmek... sorarlarsa böyle cevaplayacağım, içimi açıp baktıklarında görecekleri budur. (alman romantizmi henüz içi kan ağlamak deyişini bilmiyor)
of montreal’in de aşık olunana verdiği başka bir ödev var: “bana yeni ve güzel bir şey öğret”. 
şöyle açıklıyor:  “bana yeni ve güzel bir şey öğret, aklımı kalabalıklaştır.”
r. diyor ki, aşıkların akıllarının kalabalıklaşması öyle istenecek bir durum değildir, acaba bu şarkıları şiirleri falan tümünü, yani.. acaba.. (sanırım beni kırmak istemiyor) yanlış mı anlıyorsun?
biliyorsun, kalabalık dediğine iki kişiden fazlası gerekir. aşıkların ise ancak iki kişilik halleri güzeldir.
-başkaları değil, diyorum r.’ye. o’nu seviyorum. o’nu severken aklımı kalabalıklaştıran başkaları değil, o’nun halleri. zihnim o’nunla kalabalıklaşıyor. 
yine de, insanların aşkları hakkında anlattıkları, yazdıkları, söyledikleri falan hakkında bir intibaya kapılmakta ileri gitmemelisin-.
jean renoir şöyle diyor: sinemada bir ormanı tümüyle anlatmak istemezsiniz. sesler, kokular, renkler.. bir ormanı tüm bu özellikleriyle seyirciye anlatırsanız, seyirci sinema salonunun içinde kalmak istemez. dışarı çıkıp o ormana gitmek ister. (hah, siz ormana dair bir his, bir izlenim ya da bir düşünce anlatmalısınız diyor)
r. diyor ki... hayır, bir şey demiyor.. durumu anladığımı biliyor. bir kitapta, bir şiirde ya da bir filmdeki aşkı tümüyle idrak eder ve hissedersen, orada durmak istemezsin, çıkıp oraya gitmek istersin diyor. peki diyorum. (aşk kelimesi kulağa çok bayat gelmiyor mu? yani en azından fonetik açıdan... eski ve tadı da pek doğru hatırlanmayan bir bisküvi markasının reklamını tekrar tekrar izlemek zorunda kalmak gibi.)
r. gülümsüyor. r., bir şeyleri kendi kendime anladığım zamanlar gülümser.
geçenlerde fitzcarraldo’yu izlemiştim. sonra herzog hakkında okurken, favori oyuncusu klaus kinski hakkında şöyle dediğini okumuştum:
“saçımdaki her beyaz tele Kinski adını veririm.”
r.’ye diyorum ki, bu muhteşem bir sevgi-nefret anlatımı değil mi?
hem fitzcarraldo’nun çekimleri sırasında klaus kinski o denli çekilmez bir adama dönüşmüş ki, filmde figüran olan kabile üyelerinden bazıları herzog’un yanına gelip, eğer isterse.. yani, isterse, adamı onun için öldürebileceklerini, bunun onlar için sorun olmayacağını söylemişler.
werner herzog, -hayır saçmalamayın, öyle şey olmaz- demeden hemen önce, sanıyorum ki, bir süre sessiz kalmış ve düşünmüş (eh, böyle olabilir işte.)
tereddüt diyor r. , muhtaçlık ve dayatılan acizlik haricinde, aşk dediğin şey, sürekli bu tereddüt hali de olabilir. yani aşkı tanımlayan bu olabilir. insanın zihninin dayanılmaz derecede kalabalıklaşması, yüzünün hırpalanması, ve verilen tüm diğer ödevler... ben bu dediklerini hayal meyal duyuyorum, mırıldanıyorum,
ama yüzü (diyorum). yüzü öyle güzel ki. (hakkında anlatılacak ne çok şey var).
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aliensandartifacts · 3 years
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Gunshots ended the life of Ambrose and Dominic Meyers in the Caribbean. Their lives ended on the island of Grand Bahama and I was the one that pulled the trigger each time. Their bodies will never be found, but that does not make them any less gone. Adama’s life ended there too. Again at my hand, that one directly and violently as I embraced the power that is born of my very blood. That which I had long denied, I then embraced and in that moment, that dark and violent moment, I eclipsed my brothers. I hope to never reach that point again.. Klaus never left the island alive either, and while I carry the weight of his death, it was not my hand that directly ended his life.
Spell broken. Mind unlocked. Reality restored. Reality? Reality….
My life has been turned upside down, shaken, stirred, tossed around and blown apart. I’m left with fragments and pieces of who and what once was. Lies and deception abound, my feet ever on a rolling sea of uncertainty. There is an ever present stain of crimson on my hands that will never wash clean, even if no others can see it or speak of it. It is a weight on my heart, on my mind, and on the very depths of my soul. Back to the bayou I go with the two men who have stood by my side through my entire life. Even when I did not know who they truly were, I knew that I was always wrapped in their love. One has always been my safe haven, his arms where I knew that I could turn and that he would allow no one to hurt me. The other the quiet calm no matter the tempest storm that raged around me. Now I know...now...now I know it all. And now I return to the land that my family has called home for two centuries, where both of these men were born before the first shot of the Civil War was fired. Back where my ancestors walk in the morning mists. Back where my true last name is said in hushed and revered tones on the city streets of New Orleans. Back where my mother and sisters wait. Back where my friends wait. Back to Louisiana. Back to the bayou. Back to our land. Back to our people. Back to my roots…. We. Are. LaVeaus.
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redrikki · 4 years
Miscellaneous Fandom Fic Masterlist
The 100
Born to Float - Octavia became a criminal with her first breath. Some people are just born to float. (Octavia Blake, Bellamy Blake, Aurora Blake)
Post-Apocalyptic Ethics 101 - Collection of dribbles & short stories. (Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Marcus Kane, Jasper Jordan)
Coin Operated Boy - The things John Murphy does to survive. Tag to 3.10. Trigger Warning: RAPE. (John Murphy/Emori, Murphy/Ontari)
Battlestar Galactica 
Persephone on New Caprica - It’s winter on New Caprica and they’re all Persephone here. A collection of short stories. (Gaius Baltar/Caprica Six, Felix Gaeta/Eight, Kara Tharce/Leoben Conroy)
Four Loves (The Canoodling on New Caprica Remix) - Three loves which died on New Caprica and one which flourished. Remix of Canoodling & Conspiracies Oh My! by raktajino. (Maya & Isis, Diana Seelix & Jammer, Boomer & God, Laura Roslin/William Adama)
The Broken Earth series Seismic Shift - Schaffa tells himself he will stop if Eitz says no. This one will be allowed to say no. The boy says nothing at all. (Schaffa, Eitz) WARNING: Child Sexual Abuse
Dark Angel
Tricks & Treats - Joshua and Alec go to a party. Joshua eats little hot dogs and is diverting. (Joshua, Alec, Rita)
Another Day at the Office - Insert zombie apocalypse. (Alec, Original Cindy, Normal)
Pooka Boo - Maybe Ben’s hallucinations started out random and fluffy too. (Alec, Max, Logan, Original Cindy, Pooka)
Ms. Lonelyhearts -  Adelle knew Victor was a lover at heart. (Adelle Dewitt/Victor, Sierra/Victor)
Downton Abbey
The Hedgehog’s Dilemma - “Mind my spikes.” Five warnings, four relationships and one revelation. Daemons AU. (Thomas Barrow/Duke, Thomas & Sara O'Brien, Thomas/Edward Courtney, Thomas/Jimmy Kent)
Bluestocking Girl - Four books which didn’t change Edith’s life and one letter to the editor which did. (Edith Crawley, Crawley family)
Snakes & Lions - In Thomas, Jimmy finds that courage isn’t exclusive to Gryffindors. Now if only he could find some himself. Harry Potter fusion. Part one of Houses Alike In Dignity (Thomas Barrow/Jimmy Kent)
The House Elf and the Lioness - “Honestly Sybil, he’s practically a house elf,” Mary exclaimed when she caught them kissing in the stacks. Harry Potter fusion. Part two of Houses Alike In Dignity (Sybil Crawley/Tom Branson, Mary Crawley)
The Owl & the Son-of-a-Squib - Matthew Crawley is quite shocked when an owl swoops down and drops off a letter which changes his life. Harry Potter fusion. Part three of Houses Alike In Dignity (Matthew Crawley, Isobel Crawley, Violet Crawley)
The Dragon Prince
Dragon Scales - Collection of short tumblr prompts. (Rayla, Callum, Ezran, Amaya, Soren) You Fight Like You Practice - Callum’s never been good with a sword, but the right teacher can make all the difference. Two lessons, two teachers, and one real fight. (Callum, Soren, Rayla) The Talk - Rayla and Callum finally talk about what happened the night of the assassination. (Rayla, Callum, Ezran)
Firefly, In Brief - Collection of short stories and dribbles. (Firefly crew)
Will to Be Well (The Psychosomatic Remix) - Studies on the efficacy of acupuncture are inconclusive but, if River believes hard enough, learning the art might make her better. Remix of If I Could Will You Whole by Spiralleds (River, Inara, Jayne)
Harry Potter
Have to Start Somewhere (The Words to Rebuild Remix) - This diary belongs to Ginevra Molly Weasley and no one else. Remix of Words to Build by Elennare. (Ginny Weasley)
Eureka Moment - The night she solved the equation, Murph had unprotected sex for the first time in her life. (Murph/Getty)
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Requiescat in pace - In which Jonathan Strange discovers that returning the dead to their natural state is more difficult than he would imagine. (Jonathan Strange, dead Neapolitans)
Miraculous Ladybug
Intrepid Reporter - Alya won’t let a little thing like danger stop her from reporting the truth. (Alya, Marinette, Nino) Better Than Ice Cream - Orange, mint, and raspberry could be a tasty combination. The solution to every love triangle should be polyamory, but sometimes it’s just not that simple. (Marinette, Adrien) St. Athanase Day - Adrien and Marinette’s beret the second time around. She forgets the card but still signs her work. (Adrien, Plagg) No Sleep Til Hawkmoth - An overly-caffeinated revelation helps narrow Alya’s search for Hawkmoth (Alya, Marinette, Adrien, Nino, Chloé)
Good Housekeeping - It’s been months since his mum kicked him out, but at least Nathan hasn’t sunk to sleeping under the flyover. He’s got a good thing going at the community center and means to keep it. (Nathan Young)
The (Non)Haunting of Nathan Young -And to think he’d scoffed when Simon had tried to warn him. Everyone you love will die. What a laugh, right? Christ, he’s been such an idiot. (Nathan Young/Kelly Bailey)
Pushing Daisies
Li'l Gumshoe - Young Penny Cod was nine years, two hours, and forty-three minutes old when she found the book which changed her life. Like hundreds of other little black girls who would encounter Li’l Gumshoe, she felt as though it had been written just for her. The difference was, Penny Cod was right. (Penny Cod, Emerson Cod, Lila Robinson, Pie Hole gang)
Orphan Black
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl - There’s something magical about Uncle Felix’s flat. Maybe it’s all the art. (Kira, Felix, Cosima)
Devil’s Trap - Helena and Grace have a lot in common. (Helena, Grace)
Despite All My Rage - Rachel is still just a rat in a cage. So much for self-directed evolution. (Rachel, Aldous Leekie, Ethan Duncan)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Shadow Over Mystacor - After Shadow Weaver’s attack on Mystacor, Adora just wants to relax, but that’s hard to do when it’s all her fault. (Adora, Glimmer, Bow)
Parting Strands - Looking out for each other had been their thing, but Adora’s starting to suspect that’s over. Her thoughts during that scene in “Promise.” (Adora, Catra)
The Good Soldier On the sliding scale between perfect soldier Adora and useless malcontent Catra, Lonnie was closer to the Adora end of the spectrum. How the hell had Catra made Force Captain before her? Catra was just going crash and burn and Lonnie? Lonnie would let her. (Lonnie, Catra, Team Horde)
She-Ra (Modesty) Shorts - Adora/Catra shorts written for the 3 Sentence Ficathon. (Adora/Catra)
A Song of Ice and Fire
The Return - Robb sends Theon home to Pyke. If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention. (Asha Greyjoy, Greyjoy family)
Stranger Things
Smurfete Principle - There can be more than one girl in the party. El and Max work things out at the Snow Ball. (Max, El)
Stranger Side of the Force - While watching Star Wars, El notices she and Vader have a lot in common. (El, Mike, Max, Lucas, Dustin, Will)
It Lingers - The Mind Flayer is gone, but El can still feel it clawing underneath her skin. (El, Joyce, Will, Jonathan) Date Night - Everyone and her mother seems to think they’re together and Robin’s getting pretty sick of it. (Robin, Steve, The Party)
Epistolary - Dear Lady Allendale….yours, etc., Emily Roland (Emily Roland)
Umbrella Academy
Heroes for Ghosts - Eudora waits for Diego and things at the hotel go very differently. (Klaus, Diego, Ben, Eudora, Hazel, Cha-Cha, Ghosts)
Peanut Butter and Marshmallows - Stuck in the apocalypse, Five reads about Vanya leaving him sandwiches. (Five, Delores)
Iconic - When Vanya learns Klaus is gay from an article in a teen magazine, she’s upset for more than a few reasons. (Vanya, Klaus) Feed Your Head - Three shitty things young Klaus did for drugs and one thing they did for him. (Klaus, Reginald, Grace) When Evil Rains - Umbrella Academy shorts (Klaus, Diego)
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Players Only Love You When They’re Playing - Coran kept staring at Romelle like she was walking miracle, but Allura couldn’t look at her without thinking of Lotor and his betrayal.
White Collar
Eyes on the Target (The Solid Ground Remix) - Peter asked her to keep an eye on Neal for him while he’s stuck in jail. It could be going better. Remix of Keep Your Feet on Solid Ground by frith_in_thorns. (Dianna Berrigan, Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke)
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thyandrawrites · 5 years
Have you ever considered "The Mystic" by Adama Jensen for a Dabi song? bc idk it fits a lot for me
This song actually gives me HUGE Klaus Hargreeves vibes and I'm sorry about that bc I'm not supposed to be talking about tua on here but oh gosh, I wasn't expecting my klaus feels to hit me so hard
Anyway yeah, I can kinda see how the song would remind you of Dabi, in a way
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theostman-blog · 6 years
The Sound That Wouldn’t Die
Listen to The Sound That Wouldn't Die byostman on hearthis.at
01 - Liberty - Hans Zimmer 02 - Baltar Speaks with Adama - Bear McCreary - (Battlestar Galactica) 03 - Harry and Cat - Elmer Bernstein - (Rampage) 04 - Impaling the Gaurd, Dogoth's Death - Basil Pouldouris - (Conan The Destroyer) 05 - I'm Losing Me - John Carpenter - (In The Mouth Of Madness) 06 - News Headlines - James Bernard - (The Quatermass Xperiment) 07 - La Polizia ha le mani legate (suite) - Selvio Cipriani - (La Polizia ha le mani legate 08 - Tokyo Blackout 3 - Maurice Jarre - (Tokyo Blackout) 09 - Suite from Judgement Day - Michael McCuistion - (Batman The Animated Series) 10 - Where's the car? - Howard Shore - (Crash) 11 - Obstacle Course, Bad Gun - Craig Safan - (Remo Williams) 12 - The Rock (main theme) - Hans Zimmer - (The Rock) 13 - Kasuf Returns - David Arnold - (Stargate) 14 - Alien Planet - Hoyt Curtin - (Battle Of The Planets) 15 - The Time Machine - Klaus Badelt - (The Time Machine) 16 - Spiderman Main Titles Theme - Danny Elfman - (Spiderman) 17 - Vampire Hunters - Wojciech Kilar - (Bram Stoker's Dracula) 18 - Souls in Space - Brian Hodgson - (The Tomorrow People) 19 - Way Out -  Delia Derbyshire - (The Tomorrow People)
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mimzedall · 4 years
Göbekli Tepe [Karl W. Luckert]
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Trollendim!!! İlgimi çeken bir konu olan Göbeklitepe'yle ilgili bir kitap okumak istiyordum. Bu kitaba rastlayınca da hemen sipariş verdim. Adı Göbekli Tepe, kapağında arkeolojik kalıntılar. Fakat konu bambaşkaymış. Konu Karl W. Luckert adlı bir amcanın tarih öncesi çağlarda ve Göbeklitepe'de yaşayan insanların dinleri ve düşünceleri ile ilgili varsayımlarından ibaretmiş.
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Karl W. Luckert, ömrünün son deminde meşhur olmaya karar vermiş. Amerika'daki kızılderililerin inançları ile ilgili bir iki şey yazmış, ufak tefek çalışmalar yapmış. Bakmış ki olmuyor, "Göbeklitepe yazayım bari" demiş. Bu arada belirteyim, adamın adı Wikipedia'da dahi yok. Meşhur filan değil. Kendisinin dinler tarihi hocası olduğunu varsayıyorum zira arkeoloji ile tarihle uzaktan yakından alakası yok adamın. İsmini uzun uzun aradım, eski bir çalışmasını Oklahama Üniversitesi basmış, ya da bu üniversitenin dergisinde çıkmış. Amerika'da Oregon eyaletinde kayıtlı bir telefon numarası buldum bu isme ait. Arayıp rahatsız etmek istemedim, 85 yaşında adam. Her neyse, kalkmış, zahmet etmiş, Şanlıurfa'ya kadar gelmiş. Burada kazı yapan ekibin başkanı olan Klaus Schmidt ile (toprağı bol olsun) karşılaşmış. Artık nasıl yapıştıysa adama, kitabı için bir önsöz yazmaya ikna etmiş. Birkaç tane de fotoğraf çekmiş. Kitabın önsözü zaten hayal kırıklığına uğrayacağımın göstergesiydi. Klaus Schmidt daha ilk cümlesinde "Karl W. Luckert bu kitapta din ve etnografya alanlarında yürüttüğü araştırmaları temel alan özgün şahsi yorumunu sunmaktadır" diyerek kitapçıda kitabı eline alıp şöyle bir göz atmak isteyenlere mesajını veriyor. Devamında, Luckert'in yorumlarıyla ilgili tereddütlerinin olduğunu da söylüyor. Daha ne yapsın. Ben kitabı elime almadım, kitapçımdan istettim. İnternette görmüştüm, dediğim gibi, Göbeklitepe ile ilgili bir şeyler okumak istiyordum. İçeriğini çok detaylı araştırmamıştım. Başa gelen çekilir. Kitap 20 alt bölümden olan 3 ana bölümden oluşuyor. Hepsi birbirinin aynı gibi geldi bana. İlk bölümde bir şey anlatmaya başlamış yazar sonrasında da bu hikayeye dayandırmış her şeyi. İnsanoğlu avcılık yaparken hayvanları öldürüyor ve bundan pişmanlık duyuyor. Pişmanlığından dolayı kefaret ödeme hissine kapılıyor ve bu da dinlerin oluşmasına sebep oluyor. Kitap boyunca tekrarlanıp duran bir fikir bu. Kitabın bir yerine "varsayım" diye not aldım aynı sayfada "varsayım" kelimesine rastladım. Kitap baştan sonra varsayımlardan ibaret. "Günümüzde bile insan teknolojilerinin çoğu, suni yırtıcıların "doğa" halklarına ve birbirlerine karşı yürüttükleri ilkel silahlanma yarışının uzantılarıdır." İnsanın yırtıcı değil "suni yırtıcı" olarak adlandırılmasına ilk defa rastladım, tabi ki Luckert'in buluşu değil bu. Luckert, bir yerde, Schmidt'i ve bütün dünyayı etkileyen, "katedralin şehirden eski olmsının ortaya çıkması" durumunun kendisini o kadar önemsemediğini yazmış. O çağlardan kadınların toplayıcı erkeklerinse avcı olduğu varsayımı da Luckert'e ait sanırım. Bölük pörçük, birbiriyle bağlantısı olmayan bir sürü lüzumsuz varsayım, ne anlattığından kendisi bile emin olamayan bir yazar. Daha önce yazmış olduğu Navajolarla ilgili kitaba atıf yapabilmek için gereksiz yere şişirilmiş bölümlerle birkaç ilkel kabileyle ilgili yine birbiriyle bağlantısız bilgiler dolu bir kitap. Benim için komple zaman kaybı. İlgilisi var mıdır, okumuş mudur bilmiyorum. Göbekli Tepe, Karl W. Luckert tarafından kaleme alınmış. Alfa Yayınları tarafından yayınlanan bu 400 sayfalık eserin çevirisini Leyla Tonguç Basmacı yapmış. Zaman kaybı olarak hatırlanacak. Read the full article
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thaddeus-eoerp · 4 years
Igag Prison: Thaddeus' perspective
*Igag Prison*
*Awakens just inside the large facility.*
"How did I get here?"
I calmly inquire.
(Benjamin Sr.) "I invited you, and you came."
He explains while ushering me in just behind Ruth.
(Benjamin Sr.) "Make your visit short."
(Ruth) "These are - oh Fuck it's this again!"
She exclaims as the male leaves us at the entranceway.
"What do you mean Ruth?"
She turns to me looking like hell.
(Ruth) "That is not your line."
I notice Adrian and Oggust standing behind us and pause.
(Ruth) "I guess this is where I am to hurry ahead to get this over with."
"Get what over with?"
Ruth frowns again but this time really looks at me.
(Ruth) "You're really here aren't you?"
She looks surprised for only a moment before smiling darkly and leaning right in.
(Ruth) "Don't touch the bird, enter the shack and be sure to report your findings when we enter the graveyard."
I step away from Ruth weirded out.
She wasn't in her right mind. In fact, I don't think I was either.
I can't even remember how I got here to be honest.
I hurry on ahead of Ruth, Adrian and Oggust to try and understand what was going on.
(Adrian) "You aren't going with him?"
(Ruth) "I'll be with him soon enough."
I avoid a large caged bird the size of a man and keep my eyes focused on the empty tank as I wonder down the hall of a rather morbid looking zoo of some sort.
I hear something terrible in the background but refuse to look back at the cage whilst a dark male whose face I could not see follows close behind.
We hit a dead end where a run down shack stood quietly though it felt as though there was something else inside.
(Tesla) "We should go back, now."
I glance back surprised it was he would was following me.
I back up and brush against the old shack and feel something poking out of it.
I bolt forwards in surprise.
A very uncharacteristic move on my part.
What the Fuck was that?!?
"Y-you're right, let's go!"
I catch my breath as something strange happens and Tesla disappears.
I look around confused where he went.
*Hurries back but takes the wrong path through the jungle like scenery till I reach another dead end.*
There was a ledge or was it a narrow path? Maybe I can walk along that to go further into the prison?
But why would I want to do that? I can't even remember why I am here to begin with.
(Ruth) "You have gone too far. Time to turn back."
I glance back at Ruth but she looked different this time. She had grey almost dead looking skin and a long thick black stripe running down the middle of her fore head to the bottom of her chin.
I wander back and she follows close behind.
(Ruth) "This way to the shed."
"What are you talking about? You said to avoid the shed?"
(Klaus) "You should sing."
I look over at him startled.
(Klaus) "Might help you out?"
I cringe and start to sing a melody trying not to look back at Ruth as I did.
(Ruth) "That sounds lovely."
She responds, entranced by the melody and hypnotically follows after me as I make my way back to the entrance to Tesla, Adrian, Oggust and... Ruth?
I turn to look at the other one and she backs away when Benjamin returns.
(Benjamin Sr.) "This is bad."
Another woman who I do not recognize with the same grey skin and dark stripe down her face interjects.
(Noomi) "Sometimes you can fix it, sometimes it can all be washed away."
She picks up a candle and starts pouring the hot wax on her cheek while giggling quite loudly to herself.
I tilt my head confused as she, her male companion (Adamaous) and Ruth are all tied to a glass pole where a large candle is placed on top of each of their heads in such a way that the hot wax would be aloud to run down their faces and bodies.*
(Tesla) "This will not take long."
He left the scene leaving a sick feeling in my stomach.
After several moments of agonizing sounds coming from the 3, father finally decides to be done with it.
Only one came out alive, Ruth.
"I don't understand what happ-"
(Ruth) "No hard feelings, these metaphors are a real bitch."
She wipes some wax from her brow as we are lead out to a cemetery by Tesla.
"Weren't there two of you?"
(Ruth) "Yes, and she got the pleasure of sitting out this last waxing ceremony."
"This is your dream?"
(Ruth) "More like nightmare."
"But.. how am I here? Shouldn't I be dead?"
(Ruth) "Good question, and I think the answer you are looking for is-"
We are interrupted by a quick flash of something by a nearby tombstone and-
**Ruth wakes up.**
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flisticuffswireman · 1 year
Void League Flisticuffs can confirm the reports of the sudden passing of Champion Carmelo Hamilton in a weather-related injury.
League Sponsor Frag Steels has gone on record to say "WHAT THE FUCK?!" in response to recent events.
Our sincerest condolences to Hamilton's family(?) Welcome to the Orlando Champions rookie player Klaus Adama!!Janitors won
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12, 22, 31, 32, 40
Thank you for asking.. As you can imagine. I’ve written a LOT. 
12. Talk about your favorite first kiss.
Mhhhhh…. Well, there’s Klaroline (The Vampire Diaries). Their first kiss was definitely epic.  It’s the one that really struck me. After so much sexual tension, it was explosive… BUT, I have to say that the first kiss that I really liked was when Klaus kissed Caroline’s cheek. It was sweet and soft.. But such a big deal for the big bad wolf! I also loved loved loved how Owen kissed Cristina for the first time (Grey’s Anatomy) (in fact I love how Owen kisses all his women)  It’s passionate, fiery, desperate.. Everything.
I also loved the first Spaceparents (Bill Adama & Laura Roslin in Battlestar Galactica) kiss because it took a while to get them there.
Also, Bass and Charlie…
22. Which of your ships have the best chemistry?
Charloe :D :D :D :D :D Those eyefucks get me everytime. 
31. Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love.
Charloe : 
Charlie is the messy one while Bass is meticulously organized. Charlie’s chaos drives him crazy.
The reason Bass was so pissed after she slept with Connor was clearly because he was terribly jealous.. and that’s what made him acknowledge his growing feelings/lust for Charlie. That’s canon actually! :P
Bass is the domestic one and knows how to cook. Charlie can’t be bothered. She’d rather live outside and eat whatever.
Charlie is more independent and she often leaves him for trips or for stuff she does with other people. Bass hates that but he also loves that part of her personality.
Bass finds strands of Charlie’s hair everywhere… even when she’s not around. He both hates and love it.
They are always teamed up when they are sent on a mission because they really work well together.
(Eomer/Lothíriel /LOTR)
Eomer loves Lothíriel’s singing.
They go for long rides on Firefoot’s back. 
They often have culture clashes but they also always manage to find the middle ground.
Eomer (before their marriage) often felt like he wasn’t good enough, being from Rohan and not a sophisticate Gondor nobleman. Not knowing that this was exactly what Lothíriel loved about him.
32. Share five must-read fics.
Charloe :
When the wrong one loves you right. by WillaMarisa
Memories by Loveforthestory (I’m actually a big fan of all her works!)
Eothíriel :
On the Wings of Storm by Lialathuveril
Sabéwan :
Dance with the Stars  by Sache8
Klaroline :
Prowl by withfireandblood 
And many many many others…
40. If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be?
When it comes to Charloe : that Charlie didn’t sleep with Connor and Bass didn’t do the same with Rachel. Or that they would have had some time to acknowledge their feelings.  OR THAT THEY WOULD HAVE ENDED UP TOGETHER.
I’m not a big fan of the Klarosex because for me Klaroline was much more than just sex and let’s get over it. But thankfully the writers managed to keep their deeper bond alive.
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badgaymovies · 4 years
Cobra Verde (1987)
Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBBB. 
West Germany/Ghana, 1987.  Werner Herzog Filmproduktion, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, Ghana Film Industry Corporation.   Screenplay by Werner Herzog, based on the novel by Bruce Chatwin.  Cinematography by Viktor Ruzicka.   Produced by Lucki Stipetic.   Music by Popol Vuh.   Production Design by Ulrich Bergfelder.   Costume Design by Gisela Storch.   
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shadowwingtronix · 4 years
"Yesterday's" Comic> Battlestar Galactica (Marvel) #7
BW's "Yesterday's" Comic> Battlestar Galactica (Marvel) #7
Guess what doesn’t happen until near the end of the book.
Battlestar Galactica #7
Marvel Comics (September, 1979)
This is one of the comics I actually own.
“All Things Past and Present!” WRITER: RogerMcKenzie ARTISTS: Rich Buckler & Klaus Janson COLORIST: Bob Sharen LETTERER: Clem Robins EDITOR: Allen Milgrom
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yeniyeniseyler · 5 years
Netflix Türkiye kataloğuna Kasım 2019’dan itibaren eklenecek olan diziler, filmler, belgeseller, komedi ve çocuk programları açıklandı.  (Yayından kaldırılacak içeriklere ise; diğer haberimizden ulaşabilirsiniz: Netflix Ekim/Kasım Yayından Kalkacaklar)
Netflix Türkiye‘de bu ay sizin için seçtiğimiz yeni içerikler:
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Atypical – 3.Sezon
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American Son 1.Sezon / 1 Kasım 2019 Ayrı yaşayan, farklı ırklardan bir anne-baba, kayıp oğullarıyla ilgili sorularına cevap arar. Broadway oyunundan uyarlanan yapımda Kerry Washington ve Steven Pasquale başrolde.
The End of the F***ing World 2.Sezon / 5 Kasım 2019 James ve Alyssa’nın yaptığı korkunç yolculuktan iki yıl sonra, öldürdükleri adama kafayı takmış olan bir kadın hapisten çıkıp intikam peşine düşer.
The End of the F***ing World – 2.Sezon
Busted! 2.Sezon / 8 Kasım 2019 Amatör dedektifler, Çiçek Katili olarak bilinen esrarengiz biriyle bağlantılı olabilecek bir dizi gizemli olayı çözmeye çalışır.
The Crown 3.Sezon / 17 Kasım 2019 Bu drama dizisinde, Kraliçe II. Elizabeth’in hükümdarlığındaki siyasi rekabetler, aşk ve 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına şekil veren olaylar anlatılıyor.
The Crown – 3.Sezon
High Seas 2.Sezon / 22 Kasım 2019 1940’larda İspanya’dan Brezilya’ya giden lüks bir gemide yaşanan gizemli ölümler, birlikte seyahat eden iki kız kardeşi çevreleyen sırları açığa çıkarır.
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The King
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Holiday in the Wild 1 Kasım 2019 Kocası tarafından terk edilen New Yorklu zarif bir kadın, tek başına Afrika safarisine gider ve hayatında yeni bir amaç bulur. Kristin Davis ve Rob Lowe başrolde.
Klaus 15 Kasım 2019 Soğuk bir kasabaya tayin edilen postacı, Noel Baba’yı saklandığı yerde buluyor. Jason Schwartzman ve J.K. Simmons seslendirme kadrosunda.
Earthquake Bird 15 Kasım 2019 1980’lerin Tokyosu’nda Lucy adlı bir göçmenin arkadaşı, yerel bir fotoğrafçıyla yaşadıkları aşk üçgeninin ardından kaybolunca Lucy’nin onu öldürdüğünden şüphelenilir.
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Earthquake Bird
The Irıshman
The Irishman 27 Kasım 2019 Robert De Niro, Al Pacino ve Joe Pesci’nin rol aldığı Martin Scorsese filminde savaş sonrası Amerika’da organize suç dünyası bir tetikçinin gözünden anlatılıyor.
Atlantique 29 Kasım 2019 Dakar’ın bir banliyösünde 17 yaşındaki Ada, genç inşaat işçisi Souleiman’a âşık olur. Denizde kaybolan Souleiman, bir süre sonra mahalleye döner.
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The Toys That Made Us – 3.Sezon
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Fire in Paradise 1 Kasım 2019 2018 yılında Paradise kasabasını yok eden ve Kaliforniya’nın en ölümcül yangını olarak bilinen Kamp Ateşi’nden kurtulanlar, yaşananları anlatıyor.
Maradona in Mexico 13 Kasım 2019 Dünyanın muhtemelen en iyi futbolcusu olan Diego Maradona, yerel takımı ve belki de kendisini kurtarmak için Culiacán’a gelir.
The Toys That Made Us 3.Sezon / 15 Kasım 2019 3. sezonda yaratıcılık savaşları ile Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony, Power Rangers ve Wrestling Figure oyuncak serilerinin artan popülaritesi ele alınıyor. [/su_column][/su_row]
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Dragon Prince – 3.Sezon
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Mad Max Fury Road
Mad Max 01 Kasım 2019 Mad Max 2: Road Warrior 01 Kasım 2019 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome 01 Kasım 2019 Mad Max Fury Road 01 Kasım 2019 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 01 Kasım 2019 Pacific Rim 01 Kasım 2019 San Andreas 01 Kasım 2019 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows 01 Kasım 2019 Seven Pounds 01 Kasım 2019 S.W.A.T. 01 Kasım 2019 Apt Pupil 01 Kasım 2019 Vantage Point 01 Kasım 2019 Spy Kids 01 Kasım 2019 Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams 01 Kasım 2019 Spy Kids 3: Game Over 01 Kasım 2019 The Adventures of Tintin 01 Kasım 2019 The One 01 Kasım 2019 The Darkest Hour 03 Kasım 2019 Mars – Sezon 2 12 Kasım 2019 The Hateful Eight 14 Kasım 2019 Türk İşi Dondurma 15 Kasım 2019 Avlu – Sezon 1 – Kısım 2 15 Kasım 2019 Outlander – Sezon 4 22 Kasım 2019 Pixels 30 Kasım 2019
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  Netflix Türkiye – Kasım 2019 (Yeni İçerikler) Netflix Türkiye kataloğuna Kasım 2019’dan itibaren eklenecek olan diziler, filmler, belgeseller, komedi ve çocuk programları açıklandı.  (Yayından kaldırılacak içeriklere ise; diğer haberimizden ulaşabilirsiniz:
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cluboftigerghost · 6 years
The Sound That Wouldn't Die by ostman 01 - Liberty - Hans Zimmer 02 - Baltar Speaks with Adama - Bear McCreary - (Battlestar Galactica) 03 - Harry and Cat - Elmer Bernstein - (Rampage) 04 - Impaling the Gaurd, Dogoth's Death - Basil Pouldouris - (Conan The Destroyer) 05 - I'm Losing Me - John Carpenter - (In The Mouth Of Madness) 06 - News Headlines - James Bernard - (The Quatermass Xperiment) 07 - La Polizia ha le mani legate (suite) - Selvio Cipriani - (La Polizia ha le mani legate 08 - Tokyo Blackout 3 - Maurice Jarre - (Tokyo Blackout) 09 - Suite from Judgement Day - Michael McCuistion - (Batman The Animated Series) 10 - Where's the car? - Howard Shore - (Crash) 11 - Obstacle Course, Bad Gun - Craig Safan - (Remo Williams) 12 - The Rock (main theme) - Hans Zimmer - (The Rock) 13 - Kasuf Returns - David Arnold - (Stargate) 14 - Alien Planet - Hoyt Curtin - (Battle Of The Planets) 15 - The Time Machine - Klaus Badelt - (The Time Machine) 16 - Spiderman Main Titles Theme - Danny Elfman - (Spiderman) 17 - Vampire Hunters - Wojciech Kilar - (Bram Stoker's Dracula) 18 - Souls in Space - Brian Hodgson - (The Tomorrow People) 19 - Way Out - Delia Derbyshire - (The Tomorrow People)
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klaussulez-tlg · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
**Adamaous embraces the wait inside the EYE whilst Ettie and Klaus continue to piss and moan at each other in the background** ;)
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