#knha my immortal
ayume-hikkido · 3 years
behold! The thing I spent the last 72 hours of my life doing!
Amorette (@amor-core)
Sumiye (@smol-hibiscus)
Jimin (@art-is-drawing
Ikuto (@rescue-hero-cardiac)
Jetsam (@jetsam-kisa)
and brief mentions of both Ayume and Sato! (You're a fool if you think I'm tagging dante in this myself)
Find the Document (complete with authors notes of me suffering!) HERE
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
if you know nothing about my immortal beforehand I'm so, so sorry
"I looked up. It was... Draco Malfoy!"
I hate this
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tzawa-1y · 3 years
Why is pirate au hoshi immortal?
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because mermaids <3
I was gonna do a whole little fun to read, fic like lore dump,,, but,,, i feel like that would both take too long and also be too long, and not even get everything across, so bullet points yippee...
A trusted & close friend sent him on a veeryy urgent, super important delivery!! It had to be completed quickly, as he needed it sent before two nights had passed.
This was in another town, just a trek along a rocky coast that should take but a day.
Hoshizawa agreed to the terms and payment, he didn't suspect his friend to pull anything, of course.
But, his friend did, of course, wanted Hoshizawa's position -- promotions and money n all. That would be easy if they just went suddenly missing.
The parcel was filled only with rocks and junk, and the area was supposed to be hit by a storm by midday.
And, soon enough, it was. There wasn't many good paths to take that would still be timely, and they were already most of the way there.
By dusk, the storm made it much more hazardous, and the soaked environment was frail.
Hoshizawa continued on, figuring that the town had to be nearby, and they couldn't just stop now.
...Leading of course to falling off the cliff because of a landslide.
He was cast into the rocky waters below, and after being swept into a deeper part of the sea, his leg was trapped, rendering him unable to escape, and left to drown to death.
End of*
(*=not really)
Suddenly a great merfolk, a leviathan in size, rescued him.
He was but moments from death, and with no other method of reviving the human, blessed him with immortality.
("blessed". sure.)
The great merfolk Naga saved him from death, and brought them to a safer shore, wounds stably managed.
A tale of youthful irresponsibility, leading to decades, soon a full century and going of stagnation for Hoshizawa.
Already afraid of the sea, worsened by the incident, and maximally increased on learning the ins and outs of his own immortality.
(basically, they can still feel pain and be hurt by any and everything, but they cannot die.)
Over the years he's learned, he's lost, he's wisened and he's moved. But never have they aged.
They're currently a barkeep, as they have been for several years now. But as time moves forward, and more ill intended people catch onto his lack of aging, they might have to move on again soon.
Lest, of course, someone didn't like that.
bonus; pic above no filters or wtv
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forgot to tag her like an idiot: oc is naga <3 @murasaki-naga
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ayume-hikkido · 3 years
do you think when dante redesigned sato he had any idea what was gonna come from it
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
POV: you’re watching nico suffer
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I have no idea what is happening I can feel my braincells dying I can FEEL THEM DYING SOMEONE HELP
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ayume-hikkido · 3 years
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In case anyone's wondering how my day has been, have some editor's notes, courtesy of me losing my mind.
my immortal ft amorette is an experience. One you guys will get to have soon.
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
hello everyone, I hope you're all having a wonderful sunday or saturday night, I've decided to post this early because I won't be online tomorrow sadly but wanted to gift you all something horrible, I am so sorry (not sorry) @korissideblog for doing this to your beloved child but here it is, the worst thing I've ever made, with my brother's help, I hope it gives you all a headache to read because it certainly gave me one writing it
Chspter 1
My nam is Nico Xavier Nightwing and aim the hotest mutherfecker at UA high skool for pro heros. i’m average hight 4 someon my age ad NOT short at all, my hair is jet blak nd i have brite blu eyes. i dress supr emo in all blak an have chains on my belt like the eboyz on tictoc. My quirk is death vision, i can kill anyonebjust by lookimg at dem and i wuz bulied in skool for being 2 overpwoered wich mad me depress and a bit of a loner. eberyone things im a vilain but i wuznt gonna let those stupid middle skoll idiots be my villain origin story, if im gona have a villain origin story it's gonna be in hogh skool like a REAL man.
im not a villain tho i'm just a kool kid loner who lookz really cool and intidimidating so every1 thiks im mean buy im really not
its my first year at UA and i got acxepted eith a perfec score in the written exam as well as a prefect score on the praticap exam wich dey didnt even think wuz posible. i took out every single robot (cuz my death glare also works on robotz) and there were none left forbany of da other test takers so they all had to retake it cuz i wuz jus to crazy powerful and they put me in da super elite hero course that involves goin to the different classes to learn a little bit of everythung cuz i already no how to be a super powerful hero i just need to learn some of the super pecific stuf.
Today wuz my 2nd day and i had already mad a bit of a repitation for myself bi beating up one of the third yrs named bakugan or smthn and also being that person who got a perfect score cuz everyome's hurd about that of corse. Every1 in the hallz is scarred of me even tho im not a mean person, the third year wuz jist being an asshole and bullying some kid so i had to step im and be a hero and beat the daylite out of him. Dats what heroz do rite??
Sooo anywys i wuz wlaking down da hallz to my bext class wich wuz taut by soem teacher namesd Sato who seemed like a real mean teacher so wen i walkedbin he glared at me all mean. i took a seet at the back of the class cuz im emo and emo kidz sit in the back of the clas. The teacher walked over to me and asked me if i did my homwork
"No i didnt feel like it" i growled at him.
"U didnt feel lyke it? Ur just stupid prbobly and cant do it" he said meanly.
i stoof up out of my chair in angger and glared at him, i wuz really tempted to use my death glare but i new i would get in trouble and also i didnt want to get labeled a villaim, i already had a bad repotation at my old school from killing a kid and i didnt want that here to. i did beat him up tho and then the principle waloed im and wuz shoked nut he wuz so impressedbthat he had me teach the class how i did it so i taut for the rest od the day.
After class this cyute gurl walked up to me "Hey" he said, twiling his hair cutely "that wuz lyk reelly impressive n stuff" her nam wuz Aito
"yuh, i knoe, it wuz notihng, i said in a badass way"
he wuz soft like a babie, easy to beat up
"do you want to go on a daet" aito said cultley
tsk, this alwats happnes…. its so anoying havong girls contanty beg for me to go on dates woth them, but this girl wuz differnt, this girl wuz also a guy, amd and guys are bad ass, plus he wuz kind of hot
"sure wjatever sugertits,school cafetera, thurdday, bean burrito day, 12 o clock on the dot, don't be late" i siad hottley
"oh emm gee, ueas!!1!" aito shoutoes cutley
aito then skiipped away to call his mom
"omhmygod mamma! you will nevebr believie! i just got a date woth the cutest boy in the skhool!!1"
i tuen away from her ams walk away badass like woth a toothpock in my mouth like jobtoro koojoe from jojo bizzare adventure 
 Later that daly i wuz walking in the hals when i saw  a kid bullieing this girl so i beet his ass,
“Ahh~ th- thank you” siad the girl
She tried to walk away but she tripped on my foot, she stepped on my air Jordan 1s so i had to beat the shit out of her to
“All in a days work” i said as i walked away from her unconcius body
(And for thoes of you that thjnk that wuz evil, youl dont know what its liek to own air Jordan 1s)
kater that day i went to lucjh and got a bean burrtiuto and mlkilk,  from the cafetera lady, there wuz still a missing kid sgin on the back of the milk carton for the kid that i killed at my last school
"i guess they never found his body" i said to mynself" 
i sat down at the table waiting for aito to areive, i check my bromze playted 1892 pocket watch, 12:01, he wuz late, this is why i never show my true self to amyone, because they alsways end up not caring, i keep a mirror in my bakpack at all times in cas i lose control and nees to take myself outn wit my death glare, i reached into my backpack for it i wuz about to end it all, then aito walks into the cafetria, he looked so fine in his purple dress, i descretely put away my mirror.
“Hi~” aito cood at me.
“Ur late” i said,all emo like
“aw im sowwy, i had to git all prety for u” he sed wit a smile shwing her pointy teef.
and she wuz vry prety, i culd almos feel myself falling foir him. bht i wuznt abot to let mysekf be weak lyk that fur som boy.
she sat dpwn nect to me an brushded her hajr oht of her face, tryink to use his wuirk on me bjt my willpower wuz so stonf thayt i didnt even notics amd locked back don at my food
"hey! why arent u charmed?" she sajd totaly shocked
"what?" i asked cuz i handt noticed
"my quirk! u wernt charmed" she explaned to me
"oh, i gess thag just doesnt werk on me then" i sed casually
"wow, ive never met a kid who cud do that!" he looked at me wit his beutiful golden eyes
i wuz to stong for his quik to work on me but her goldn orbs wer so prety  i fekt a littlle chjarmed anyway
"u kno ur really intresetung and i lik interseting" she saif to me ask she rested he head on her hand "y do u want to be a hero?"
"i dont really" i told her depresingly "but i hav to prov to every1 thag im not a bad guy so being a hero os the only wag"
"thats reelly sad, i think beimg a hero wil be fun!" she smileds
he wuz so prety i just loked ag him as she ate her lench, her horns we small am poimty and his tial wuz long wit a litle heart at the end wich wuz cute an the dress wuz very prety on hum, he wuz the oretiest girl i had evr met
i tryd to stap ot of my thots by chuging the hole gallon of molk frm the carton andbit wofked cuz now all i cud think abot wuz the fact that im lac tose intodlerant an i gotbsick
aito notced that i lokked sick and asked if i wuz ohk "r u ok?"
"no, im dying from the milk" i sed depressed
"omg!!! why wud u do that!!1!!!??" he souted at me as he pulled me up n towads the nerses offece
we wer sitting in the nerses ofice wile she got medecen for me and i wached as aito kicked her legs back ad forth on da chair ciutely
"u kno ur pretty cute" i told him
"omg" he saud, blushing all her face and smilinh
then the nerse walkes in wit my midecane "here take yhis and no mor milk ok?" 
"yes mam" i said to the nerse politey bcuz she wuz won of da only adults i respected. she gook care of ne when my parents died from me usig my deth vision on then wen they took awy my xbox as a child mamking me ann orfan
me and atio walmed out if the offece and down da hallway. she casualy sliped her hand in2 mine an we held handz for da rest of da way yo class
when we gog 2 his classrom the bell rang but aito wuz abke to stay out in the hall wit me longr cuz the teacher sato wuz stil scred of me frkm beating hum up. i looked at hsr bautifil goldn eyes and smiled depresingly.
"i love u" i sed to him
"gasp, i lov u to!!" she seid very happy and huged me
i gave da teacher a men glare as i let her go into da classrom and waved goodby, her tail waged happliy begind her as she wakled.
i walled back down the hallway, i wuz actuallh hapy 4 onse, then i relized my poket wach wuz missinh. i went back to the clas and waited outside util the studens all left an saw aito at her desk.
"did u steel fron me?" i asked him, angry.
"yes" he said handing me te watch 
"why would u do dat?" i asked cknfused.
"cuz itz fun!!" shd shoated 
there wuz sokething wrong wit this girl, but i loved him. wd held hands ad walked out of da clasrom down da hallway. ther wuz a bulli that cam up to us and yelled at atio
"u stole my shit bitch!!" he yelled at her.
"dont fuckign cal her a bitch!!!" i screamed at him cuz i repsected women
i then beat the shit out of him angd piked aito up pricness atyle and caried him away out ofbthe school for lunch
"were do u want to go?" she asked.
"idk werever u want" i tolf him hotly
"ohh i kno were! theres this cut shop down the blok wit litle cakes!!" he said realy cheary "there so cute wit hearts on dem" he reallt liked hearts on stuff
"ok" i sed and we walked sown to da shop.
da cafe shop had dis realy cute  desine wita heart on da door an evrythin. we walked insid an the employe loked realy tierd. aito baugt a super pink heart covred sprinkle cipcake and i got da blak emo cupcak. we sat outsid undre an umnrela all romanctic and aito flaped his ears hapily as she ate her cupack. 
he wuz so cyute an prety it hurt my heart and i fdlt lke i wuz gona die. i had never ben jn lov b4, i wuz alws so alone an no on wanted to be my friwnd, but atio wuz diferent. she wuz werd an crazy and i lovd that. i ate mu cupkace sexuly and then we ealked back to the skool. we held hands al da way ther. 
"so wats ur family lik?" auto asked me
"i dont hav a family, i killed them wen i wuz litle" i told him depresingly
"oh woe, my dad left me wen i wuz lkttle" she told me
"so u have dady issues?" i aksed
"ye" he sed cutely
we walked togethr toword da skool but a vilain jumped in fromt of us. he puled out his klaws and smirksed at us. aito scremed and clung to me all scarred. i steped in frony of her to protec him from the villaim. He swipped at aito and i stepped in frony of it and got hit b4 blowing the ebil man up wit my death visian. he disintigrated and i fel to my nees in pain an aito sat next to me all woried.
"r u ok??" he asked me realy warried
"im fine" i chuckled, blood driping from my shirt.
"ur not fine! >:(" she shooted at me
he pulled me up and braut me back to da nerses ofic. da nurs wuznt ther so auto hads to fix mu wunds for me. she gently dabbed (lol) at mg slice wund as i winced in pan. 
"y did u do thay?" he asked me sadly
"do wot?" i looled at her confused
"get hurt 4 me" she sayd her voice craking a litlle
"cuz i luv u" i told him al emotionally
"i luv u 2!" she sed and kised me on the cheak
i didnt mind dat i wuz bleedimg cuz i jjst got a kis from aito so i wuz haply. i relizied dat i wuz in luv wit her. he looked at me wit his beutiful golden orbs an i couldnt liok away. aito takoa wuz da luv of my lyf.
we walkd out of da ofice togeder an went to lunch. aito went to his loker to git somthinf an i waited by da entrence for a wile ubtil i got impatent an ednt over to were her loker wuz. he was standing thefe wit som grey smoking kid namd jetsam ad talkimg to him hapily wich made me mad.
"why r u taking so lomg?" i askd her kind of upsetly
"i wuz just talkim go jatsim!" he said
"i dony want u talking 2 jatsam!" i shooted at her.
jetsom looked all scarred as i looked bat him ad growled. "dont talk yo her anymor ok??" i growld at him
"i can tak to who i want!!!" aito shooted at me
"no! only me!!!" i yelled ad used ny death glare of jitsam killimg hin instantly
"NOOOOOO!!!1!!11!!" atio scremed and ran away
"aito no come back!" i yeled at her as i ean after her
i tirned down da hall an saw aito at the entrance by the door all mad
"im srry i kiled jetsam." i sed to him
"its ok" he told me but stil looked sad
"i just got jelus" i sed depressedly
"wow relly?" she aksed me
"ye, i luv u an dont want any1 to tak u away from me" i confised to her.
"i didnt realize u felt that wae" he sed lookikg at me wit her shining goldn eyes
"do u feel da sam?" i asked her lookimg lyk a sad pupy in the rain
"i do" he tod me 
i puled her into a hug an we kised.
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
the fucking. main blog. just reblogged. the body pillow. I cannot take this.
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
the knha my immortal has inspired me & I hope you all are ready for this
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