#jimin kim // naga
artpocalypse · 3 years
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Happy halloween I almost forgot to post this
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ayume-hikkido · 3 years
behold! The thing I spent the last 72 hours of my life doing!
Amorette (@amor-core)
Sumiye (@smol-hibiscus)
Jimin (@art-is-drawing
Ikuto (@rescue-hero-cardiac)
Jetsam (@jetsam-kisa)
and brief mentions of both Ayume and Sato! (You're a fool if you think I'm tagging dante in this myself)
Find the Document (complete with authors notes of me suffering!) HERE
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murasaki-naga · 3 years
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i had to... i had to draw big tall lizard
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jimin belongs to @art-is-drawing but their chaotic energy belongs to us all
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
pirate AU isn't dead until I say it's dead (also I refused to let this die in my drafts) so here's a little fic about how ikuto ended up a part of haru's crew, featuring hoshizawa by @tano-hoshiz-1y & jimin by @art-is-drawing as well as a short appearance by spencer by @jetsam-kisa (sorry claire)
There was a bustling commotion through the tavern, it wasn't yet at its busiest hour but there were certainly a good few people inside making a fair amount of noise. A rather inconspicuous young man walked into the building, not nearly as loud and boisterous as the rest of the patrons, and took a seat at the far end of the bar where there were less people.
He pulled out a tattered notebook and a pen, placing it on the bar as the barkeeper made his way over to him.
"You want your usual?" he asked in his tired, somewhat scratchy voice. 
"Yes, please." Ikuto responded politely, looking up at him with a soft smile.
His face was buried in the book, attempting to copy a drawing of what seemed like a flower from a loose page into his notebook. The barkeeper placed the glass of his usual beverage on the countertop, earning another quiet "thank you" from him as he continued transferring information.
"What're you workin' on there?" the barkeeper asked, picking up a glass one of the other patrons had left and turning to rinse it out.
Ikuto looked up from his notebook, taking a moment to snap out of his concentration before the question registered. "Oh, you won't believe it. I received a letter from a merfolk, in response to one of the notes I left." he said, somewhat calmly but obviously trying to contain his excitement.
Hoshizawa chuckled. "You're right, I don't believe it." he said with a smirk on his face.
"What do you mean?" Ikuto questioned. "Don't tell me you're one of those people who doesn't believe in merfolk." he said, subconsciously reaching his hand up to his neck, where the faint beginning of undeveloped gills could be seen if you looked closely.
"Oh, no, I just don't believe they'd talk to you." he teased, that smug grin still on his face.
Ikuto's expression shifted from confusion to mild annoyance, a slight blush dusting his cheeks as he waved his hand dismissively in the air before returning to his notebook. "They told me about the flower I'm looking for." he said after a moment, not looking up from his book, a more serious tone in his voice. "The one I need for my friend."
This caught Hoshizawa's attention, his playful expression falling to a more serious one as he looked over at the young man, hunched over in concentration. He had told them a bit about the situation, his friend was ill and the doctors didn't know what to do, but this plant, that may or may not really exist, might be a cure. He thought it was foolish to place such hope in something you couldn't be sure of, but he also admired it in a way, and really there weren't that many options left for him in this situation. They almost felt pity for him, but it wasn't a helpless kind of desperation, he was determined, he had drive. It would have been impressive if he didn't think he was so naive.
As the bartender was lost in thought and Ikuto was preoccupied with his note taking, a particularly noticeable half-mer made their way into the tavern, catching Hoshizawa's attention. He let out a sigh, knowing this usually spelled trouble.
This new patron slammed their palm on the countertop, making a point to announce their presence. "Barkeep, gimme the strongest shit you've got!"
"Are we doing this again, Jimin?" he asked quietly as he reached up for the expensive bottle of hard liquor he had on the top shelf. 
"You know I can drink anyone in this building under the table, no problem." they gloated, almost performatively.
"You wanna bet on that?" asked an obviously already intoxicated man from across the bar, his pink hair falling in his face as he leaned back in his chair.
"You're on, old man!" they shouted, pointing in his direction.
Ikuto looked over at all the commotion and was very surprised to see the person standing adjacent to him at the bar. They were very tall with a lizard-like tail and large areas where their human skin faded to green scales. It was obvious that they were some kind of merfolk, but also distinctly very human, this was a half-mer for sure, something Ikuto hadn't seen in a while. He wanted to say something to them, however not only did they seem preoccupied, but the partially drunk man was already making his way across the bar for what seemed to be a drinking contest. 
The bartender just sighed as he poured the drink into two glasses. They already knew what was going to happen, and although he wasn't a huge fan of it he did make a decent profit from the whole ordeal so he'd allow it. Plus, it was amusing to watch.
He walked back over towards Ikuto, who was watching as the two threw back glass after glass of liquor, partially fascinated but mostly distraught, and caught the man's attention. "So, what did this merfolk tell you?" he asked, still keeping an eye on the two drinkers.
Ikuto looked back over at him, refocusing his attention on the information in front of him. "They drew me this picture of what the plant looks like." he said, turning the image on the paper so that the barkeeper could see it. "It's slightly different from the one in the book I had seen, the leaves are more pointed and the petals are longer. I'm assuming this is the more accurate depiction, seeing that this is coming from someone who actually lives in the ocean, which means I have a better idea of what I'm looking for." 
Hoshizawa leaned over the bar, his tall figure looming over the shorter man as he looked down at the drawing in front of him. This caused Ikuto to tense up a bit, almost holding his breath as the barkeeper leaned over him, until he pulled back to his normal position behind the counter. 
Ikuto quickly shook off the feeling and tried to resume his train of thought. "They mentioned that it's a deep sea plant," he said, pointing to the words on the page. "Which I had read somewhere before but wasn't certain about, and now I can be sure." He let out a sigh. "Sure that I need more money for diving gear." he said to himself, holding his head in his hands.
Just then there was a thud as the sleazy drunk from earlier hit the floor. He laughed to himself, slurred, almost incomprehensible speech leaving his mouth as he tried to stand back up. Hoshizawa had been watching closely this whole time, and, not even counting whatever he'd had before this whole ordeal, Spencer had taken enough shots to black out a horse. He certainly had a tolerance, but that was enough to knock anyone to the ground. Anyone, of course, except Jimin. Being half poisonous sea snake, they were immune to the effects of alcohol, and so here they were, left standing victorious after, like they claimed they could, literally drinking the man under the table.
The man hit his head on the bottom of the bar as he attempted to lift himself up, barely making it back into his seat, and as soon as his head hit the countertop he was out cold, laying sprawled across the bar. Jimin took this opportunity to snatch the coin pouch secured on his hip. His crew was still in the tavern at a nearby table, but frankly, they didn't care much about him getting robbed. They were just there to make sure he didn't die, and honestly, he could afford it. 
Jimin counted out the coins and placed the amount owed for the drinks on the counter, then pocketed the rest. Hoshizawa picked up the coins, slightly shaking his head in silent disapproval. He didn't like the ruckus and the stealing, but he also didn't care much for Spencer, as he usually caused more of a mess the longer he was around, so having him passed out was actually a slight improvement.
As the barkeeper tidied up after the little fiasco, Jimin leaned against the bar, looking in Ikuto's direction. "I heard you need a bit of extra cash." they said, implying that they had a solution to his problem.
Ikuto looked up at them in surprise. "I, uh, I'm not interested in stealing." he muttered, trying to be polite, but also really not wanting to get roped into any trouble.
"Oh, no, no. This is just something I do for fun." they said, pointing to the passed out man behind them. "I'm part of a crew, was actually gonna ask if you'd be interested in joining."
Ikuto raised a brow at this, glancing over to his friend on the other side of the counter to see what he thought of the proposition, to which they just shrugged and continued working. Ikuto looked up at the tall half-mer in front of him, a bit intimidated, but considering the offer. "What exactly do you do?" he asked, skeptical.
"Our captain used to be a member of the royal navy, so he knows all their routes." Jimin started, earning an intrigued look from Ikuto. "We catch some of the ships that're transporting the more… problematic cargo. If there're any innocents we free 'em, and if there's any money, well- we do a little stealing, but that's just a symptom of it." they said with a dismissive shrug. 
Ikuto's brow furrowed as he thought about this. "So…you target navy ships?" he asked, earning a nod and "mhm" from Jimin. "What exactly do you mean by 'problematic cargo'?"
"The royal navy definitely isn't as trustworthy as they'd like you to believe." they stated, coldly. "I could introduce you to the captain so you can discuss it in more detail, but I gotta know if you're interested." They leaned on the countertop of the bar nonchalantly, waiting for a reply.
Ikuto thought this over for a moment. At first he was under the impression that this was just another thieving pirate crew, but perhaps it was a bit deeper than that? It seemed as though they had a real goal, a cause, seemingly something they couldn't discuss in public. He was intrigued, to say the least. "Alright, I'll consider joining this crew." he said, standing up and extending an arm for a handshake.
Jimin quickly grabbed his hand in theirs and shook it adamantly, a deep crocodile-like purr emanating from their throat. "Great! We're in need of some more crew members!" 
Ikuto's expression faltered for a moment as he looked up at the partially green skinned half-mer grinning at him, questioning for a moment what he had gotten himself into, but he didn't have much time to think before Jimin was heading out the door. 
"Let's go!" they shouted, patting him on the back and turning to leave.
"W-we're going now?" he asked, quickly scooping up his notebook and papers off the counter.
"Yeah, what? You want me to wait around for you until you're ready?" Jimin asked sarcastically.
"No I- I guess now is as good a time as any." he said, frantically pulling out a few coins to leave what was owed on the table. "Thanks, I'll see you later barkeep." he said to the tavern keeper before taking off after Jimin.
Hoshizawa just chuckled as he watched the man run off. They looked down and shook their head at the sight of his drink, barely touched.
Jimin kept walking, hearing hurried footsteps behind them before he caught up. "So," they started. "You ever been part of a crew before?" 
"Um- no, I haven't." Ikuto responded, catching his breath. "Is that a problem?" he asked, slight concern in his tone.
"Only if you can't handle yourself." they stated. "Name's Jimin by the way, if you didn't catch that."
"Ikuto." He gave his name to his potential new crewmate, taking note to remember theirs.
They walked for a moment before Jimin piped up with a question. "By the way, how are you with small kids?"
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gamergirlshelby · 2 years
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Holy cannoli UA Mixed Course Classes 1-X and 1-Y! It's your one (1) year anniversary! Well it would be if I didn't procrastinate working on this so much,,, But on a more serious note, KNHA has probably been one of the best things I've ever had the pleasure of working on, and I owe a lot to it and all the people involved in helping me get out of my shell a little bit and had helped me improve my art a lot! And I'm glad I've had the chance to have interacted with a lot of really cool people, and I hope we can work on some more cool stuff with them in the future.
Anyways the oc credits are under the read more, so go check out the other creators blogs!
Class 1-X Osamu Sato (@dantelionwishes) Moa Fuwa (@you-may-call-me-meme) Akihiko Arakan (@akihiko-arakan) Hibiki Manami (@3080-manami-hibiki) Burai Banzai (@buraibanzai) Amorette Valentia (@amorette-valentina) Michiko Watanabe (@residentquirksupport) Makoto Shiba (@dantelionwishes) Jiro Yukimura (@zer0-10) Jetsam Kisa (@jetsam-kisa) Aito Takao (@korissideblog) Hiroharu Aki (@compoundhero) Rin Tsukikage (@kamiart) Sumiye Gemu (@smol-hibiscus) Taishiro Watanabe (@tai-watanabe-class-1x) Tamashi Yoken (@tamashi-yoken) Carlos Cordova (@pokeracer93) Ayume Hikkido (@ayume-hikkido) Tsutsumi Natsumi (@glitchviper) Kiku Miyagawa (@cryptidanaphafsi) Jimin Kim (@artpocalypse) Class 1-Y Pro Hero Miss Me (@dantelionwishes) Mitsumi Togan (I couldn't find their blog,,) Momo Neko (@lintulady) Mao Amai (@greyciees) Evan Satoru (@no1-horror-hero) Boni Kazai (@boni-kazai-1y) Konekomaru Yoshino (@you-may-call-me-meme) Ikuto Maekawa (@nicosbrainrot) Tokiya Iori (@skiduffle) Kabane Higanbana (@imminent-soup) Yori Hayashi (@beetrootbot) Hina Mumei (@plutoeater) Kiyoko Hagane (@cosmic-goof) Jaye Rokuto (@zer0-10) Doku Heiwa (@doku-kisa) Kurumi Yamashita (@nightseeye) Tano Hoshizawa (@tano-hoshiz-1y) Naga Murasaki (@murasaki-naga) Murasaki Nendo (@genuinefauxthought) Hikari Kamino (@dantelionwishes) Tsuki Hashimoto (@allestories)
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bnha-oc-comeback · 3 years
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Teacher: Osamu Sato (@dantelionwishes)
Students: [20/20 STUDENTS]
Moa Fuwa (@you-may-call-me-meme)
Hibiki Manami (@3080-manami-hibiki)
Burai Banzai (@buraibanzai)
Amorette Calhoun (@napstennoji)
Akihiko Arakan (@captainbaeremy)
Michiko Watanabe (@residentquirksupport)
Makoto Shiba (@dantelionwishes)
Jiro Yukimura (@zer0-10)
Taishiro Watanabe (@angrymemesandicecreams)
Jetsam Kisa (@jetsam-kisa)
Tsutsumi Natsumi (@glitchviper)
Aito Takao (@korissideblog)
Rin Tsukikage (@kamiart)
Hiroharu Aki (@compoundhero)
Kiku Miyagawa (@cryptidanaphafsi)
Sumiye Gemu (@smol-hibiscus)
Tamashi Yoken (@eldritch-whispers)
Ayume Hikkido (@onibony)
Carlos Cordova (@pokeracer93)
Jimin Kim (@art-is-drawing)
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Teacher: Pro Hero Miss Me (@dantelionwishes)
Students: [20/20 STUDENTS]
Boni Mizumi (@flowersinorbs)
Momo Neko (@lintulady)
Mao Amai (@greyciees)
Konekomaru Yoshino (@you-may-call-me-meme)
Evan Satoru (@no1-horror-hero)
Mitsumi Togan (@the-moon18)
Ikuto Maekawa (@the-heartbeat-hero)
Tokiya Iori (@skiduffle)
Yori Hayashi (@beetroot-bot)
Kabane Higanbana (@imminent-soup)
Hina Mumei (@plutoeater)
Kiyoko Hagane (@cosmic-goof)
Jaye Rokuto (@zer0-10)
Kurumi Yamashita (@nightseeye)
Doku Heiwa (@dokuheiwa)
Tano Hoshizawa (@zedthebuggy)
Naga Murasaki (@murasaki-naga)
Murasaki Nendo (@genuinefauxthought)
Hikari Kamino (@dantelionwishes)
Tsuki Hashimoto (@art-gally)
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dantelionwishes · 3 years
Makoto has nicknames for everyone in Class X and Y! 
Kinda like how Bakugo never calls anyone by their name, but don’t worry, none of them are derogatory (even if they sound like it sometimes) HAHAHAHA they mean well, and all their nicknames don’t have any malice towards anybody !!!
Moa Fuwa: Fluffy, Cupcake, Doll
Hibiki Manami: Teddy, Mecha, Eva
Burai Banzai: Sparks, Vice, Sharky 
Amorette Calhoun: Chuuni, Dark Queen of Hearts, Cupid
Akihiko Arakan: Guns, Chief, Quirky 
Michiko Watanabe: Clubs/Diamonds/Spades/Hearts (depending on her current card suit), Birthday Twin
Jiro Yukimura: Bro, Panda, Zero
Taishiro Watanabe: Shades, Watermelon, Autotune 
Jetsam Kisa: Smokey, Polly (cuter, shorter version of pollution), Fashionista 
Tsutsumi Natsumi: Horns, Tough Gal, Freckles
Aito Takao: Princess/Prince, Diablo
Rin Tsukikage: Sleepy, Beanie, Nasa 
Hiroharu Aki: Prez, Himbo, Crusher 
Kiku Miyagawa: Lullaby, Silent Hill, Silence of the Lambs
Sumiye Gemu: Bestie, Gamer, Streaks 
Tamashi Yoken: Gender, Star-eyes, Pinky 
Ayume Hikkido: Sweets, Candy
Carlos Cordova: Amigo, Robocop, Astro Boy 
Jimin Kim: Scaly, Oppa/Omma 
Boni Mizumi: Bloom, Blossom
Momo Neko: Catgirl, Kitty, Gifts 
Mao Amai: Bimbo, Barbie, Boo-Boo  
Konekomaru Yoshino: Catboy, Munchkin, Pancake
Evan Satoru: Gremlin, Scares, Lovecraft
Mitsumi Togan: Crazy Diamond, Kouhai, Pebbles
Ikuto Maekawa: Beats, Pierce, ‘taku (short form of otaku, its a tease after hacking his laptop)
Tokiya Iori: Tik-Tok, Gramps/Kiddo (depending on his aged form)
Yori Hayashi: Doc, Patches, Scabs 
Kabane Higanbana: Zombs, Alt Vice
Hina Mumei: Mothman, Lamp Lover
Kiyoko Hagane: Alt Prez, Iron Maiden 
Jaye Rokuto: Dudes, Decuple, Decad
Kurumi Yamashita: Skelly, Bones 
Doku Heiwa: Peacock, Quartz
Tano Hoshizawa: Sparkles, Twinkle Toes
Naga Murasaki: Sticky, Purple One
Murasaki Nendo: Slimy, Purple Two
Hikari Kamino: Red, Birdy, Sunny
Tsuki Hashimoto: Pillar Woman, Matcha
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fleouriarts · 7 years
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massive sketchbook dump / stuff from my trip [read captions]
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here4theheartbreak · 4 years
Silent Night, Scales & Fights
✩ AO3 Link Here!
✩ Relationships: jinmin (Jimin x Jin)
✩ Genre/Universe: smut, angst
✩ Rating: Explicit
✩ Tags: smut, angst, child abuse, physical abuse, assault, homophobia, violence, blood, implied minor character death, family drama, spousal abuse, Naga!Jin, tentacle monster!Jin, soulmate au, double penetration, belly bulge, come inflation, toys, subdrop, subspace, blood, tentacles,bottom!Jimin, top!Jin, bottom Jimin
✩ Summary: Jimin decides that Christmas is the perfect time for his family to meet his soulmate. The only problem? His abusive father.
✩ Word Count: ~10.2k
✩ A/N: IThis fic fills the square Pumpkin Pie for @btsholidaybingo​. This fic is a sequel to Shared Souls & Snake Scales, published earlier in 2020. You may want to read that one first; there are some small things that are important to know in that one.
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“We really don’t need to do this,” Jimin said for the fifth time as they drove along the snow dusted street. 
“You’re my soulmate, Minie,” Jin said patiently. He reached over and set his hand on Jimin’s thigh. “I want to do this. I want to know your family.”
Jimin shifted in the seat, sighing. He and Jin had been together for nearly a year, and Jimin had done his best to keep Jin away from his family. Not that he was ashamed of Jin – on the contrary, they were soulmates, and Jin’s magical nature was easily hidden. 
“I haven’t been entirely honest with you about them, Jin.”
“Do they not know you’re gay?”
“They know, unfortunately,” Jimin said. “My mom’s not too bad. She tries to be supportive. But my dad…”
“He doesn’t approve. Will me being there cause problems? I can stay back.”
“No, I think you not showing up would cause more problems,” Jimin admitted. “I already prepared them, told them I found my soulmate, that you were a boy.”
“Will they ask to see your tattoo?”
“Maybe. We’ll just go with the same story we tell everyone else, you’re weird and love sea creatures of a tentacled variety.”
“They are cute,” Jin defended. Jimin laughed, glancing over at him. 
“They are.”
“You still seem tense. Tell me about your father.”
“It’s not a pleasant history,” Jimin said. From the corner of his eye he saw Jin shift, the smile drooping off his handsome face. 
“Did he hurt you, Jimin?”
Jimin bit the inside of his lip. “He didn’t like that I like boys. Doesn’t – But he doesn’t try to change me anymore.”
“Change you?”
Jimin looked over at a stoplight. “Physically.”
“Jimin, he didn’t—Touch you—”
“No, no—Not like that,” Jimin corrected. “He was pretty good friends with a belt back then. And the Bible. Those things hurt when they’re hurled at your head,” Jimin chuckled. “A lot of verbal damage. It wasn’t a pleasant time at home for a while after I came out.”
“How long did it last?” Jin’s voice was soft. 
“I realized I liked boys when I was about fourteen… I came out right away because I was scared and confused and didn’t know if I was broken. My dad pretty much confirmed I was.”
“You’re not broken, Minie.” Jin reached over and set his hand on Jimin’s on the wheel. “You aren’t.”
“I know that now. I’ve had years to reason with myself and get used to it. My dad… He doesn’t do that anymore.”
“So he’s accepted it?” “I wouldn’t go that far. But I don’t get books thrown at my head, so…” Jimin shrugged. “I’m telling you this because I know things might be tense at the table, especially if Dad starts asking you things or coming at you. I want you to know where he’s coming from, so you don’t feel badly. He’s just not a friend of… Our kind of people.” 
“I won’t let him hurt you again, Jimin. I swear on my life that I won’t,” Jin said with enough sharpness that Jimin looked over, surprised to see a shimmer of his scales across his nose.
“Breathe,” Jimin said quickly. 
They’d learned over the months together that – while Jin could usually easily hide his true form, strong emotions – especially those related to the monster in him like anger and fear – tended to bring it out, like a slipping mask. Jimin could usually calm him, thankfully, but it was a concern.
Jin took a deep breath, his face returning to normal. He nodded and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Jimin parked and leaned over, pulling Jin into a deep kiss. “I’m so happy to have someone that loves me enough to get angry for me. I love you.”
“I love you, Jimin,” Jin whispered against his lips. He got out of the car and Jimin followed, stopping at the trunk to grab the gifts they’d brought for Jimin’s family. 
They stood at the doorstep for a moment.
“You ready?” Jimin asked.
“I should be asking you that.”
“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Then I am too. Just…” Jin closed the gap between them and pressed a deep kiss to Jimin’s mouth, cupping his cheek as he did. 
The door creaked open suddenly, and Jimin jumped back gasping. He smiled sheepishly at his father, who stood in the doorway, large and imposing. 
“Get inside before the neighbors see that,” he hissed, grabbing Jimin’s shoulder and yanking him in. 
Jin followed close after, his mouth set in a fine line. 
“Sorry, Dad,” Jimin whispered. He bowed to his father politely. “Uh… This is my soulmate, Kim Seokjin. Jin, this is my father, Park Sungmin.” 
Jin bowed politely, offering a broad smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”
Sungmin’s eyes narrowed. He looked Jin up and down. He grunted softly and turned, walking into the sitting room. Jimin looked down, embarrassment coloring his cheeks a bright pink. Jin touched his neck, thumb soothing over the soulmate tattoo hidden by his turtleneck. 
“Are you okay?” He whispered.
“Yeah,” Jimin looked up, offering a smile he hoped was convincing. “Come on, my mother is probably in the kitchen.” He grabbed Jin’s hand and led him through the sitting room, not missing the glare his father gave at their connected hands. 
“Mom?” Jimin said when he was in the doorway of the kitchen. The food smelled delightful, and his mother was hard at work in the kitchen with his grandmother. She turned when he said her name, grinning. “Jiminie,” she cooed, rushing up and giving him a hug. Jimin’s smile faded as she approached. He hugged back tightly, then pushed her back gently, touching her cheek lightly. Even in the soft lighting, he could see a dark bruise over her cheekbone, covered as well as she could with makeup. She winced. 
“Mom… How did this happen?”
“You know how clumsy I am. Is it not covered well, I can fix it in a moment. How have you been?”
Jimin pouted a little. She was lying, and he knew it, but causing a fuss would do no good. “I’ve been good. Getting good grades, being social, just like you want. Mom, this is my soulmate. This is Kim Seokjin.” He stepped aside, allowing Jin to step forward. “This is my mother, Park Jiwoong.” 
He tilted his head a little at her before offering a huge smile and bowing low. 
“I’m honored to meet you, ma’am. I see now where Minie got his beautiful features.” 
Jimin smiled shyly. Jiwoong laughed a little. 
“Flattery will get you nowhere in this house, Kim Seokjin… Except maybe here.” She reached over and grabbed a small piece of dessert bread, passing it to Jin. He grinned broadly, taking it with both hands. 
“Thank you, I’m honored to be accepted into your home this holiday season.”
“Well, any friend of Jimin’s is welcome here… Especially a soulmate. I hope you’ll forgive me, I’ve had a long time to accept Jimin’s… Nature. But it is a bit startling, seeing the person he’ll be with forever.”
“That I’m a man?” Jin asked softly. She nodded. Jin nodded as well. “In our culture, our world, I can understand the difficulty. But Jimin and I share a soul, he’s a part of me. Regardless of our sex or gender – I would never let anyone hurt him. I support him and honor him in the same way that a girlfriend or wife would, and I am wholly devoted to him and his happiness. I hope that someday you’ll grow to see me easily as his partner.”
Jiwoong smiled gently, reaching out and touching Jin’s wrist. “Your honesty is refreshing. You seem like a very good man, especially for my Jiminie. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go touch up my makeup.” She slid past the two and disappeared down the hallway. 
“This the boyfriend?” Jimin’s grandmother croaked. He grinned and rushed up to hug her. 
“It is. How have you been, gramma? How’s your arthritis?”
“I’m fit as a fiddle and don’t you forget it.” She poked Jimin’s nose gently with her forefinger before looking at Jin. “That was a fine speech you gave my daughter, boy. I hope it’s true. Minie is my only grandchild and I don’t care that you’re strapping and young, I’ll still bend you over my knee and whoop you if I hear you made my boy cry.”
Jin’s smile was blinding. He laughed and nodded. “I expect nothing less, ma’am.”
Jimin smiled softly. He reached around his grandmother, grabbing a slice of fruit. She smacked his knuckles lightly with her spoon. 
“You wait until dinner.”
Jimin pouted. “I’ve been waiting all day, Gramma. Your cooking is the best part of the holidays.”
She smiled and shook her head. “You’re insufferable, boy.”
“I know.” Jimin popped the slice of melon in his mouth. His smile faded as he chewed. “Gramma… Mom—Is Dad…”
She frowned and nodded. “You know he is.”
“Did it pick up again? Has he been drinking?”
She shook her head. “No more than usual. I think the news…” She glanced over at Jin. “Well… He’s not been too happy. Your Mom loves you. She supports you.”
Jimin nodded, his heart sinking. “Thank you, Gramma. Can we help in the kitchen? Jin’s a great cook.”
“Thank you, but no. You boys go relax. Show him the house. No frisky business before dinner.” She shook her finger playfully and Jimin laughed. 
“Never.” He turned to Jin. “Come on, I’ll show you where I grew up. Make sure there’s no monsters in my closet,” he joked. Jin grinned at that.
“Oh, just one second,” Jimin held up a finger and headed down the hall into the sitting room. He put the gifts they’d brought under the small tree with a pile of others, glancing at his father. 
“Yes?” He asked when he saw him staring. 
“Yes, there is, I know that look.” Jimin rose and looked directly at him. “Say what you need to say.”
“Don’t be snappy with me, Jimin.”
“I’m not. I’m being direct. You’ve been glaring since we arrived. Am I not welcome here?”
“You are.” Sungmin turned and looked back to the television. 
“Is Jin welcome here?”
“He’s not my family.”
“He’s my soulmate. My partner. The man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.”
Sungmin snorted. He sipped his beer. “Unnatural.”
“We have a mark,” Jimin pressed. “It’s not unnatural. It’s our souls.”
“That’s all bullshit anyway.”
“Not for me, Dad. Seokjin treats me right. He loves me. Isn’t that what should matter to you?”
“No, what matters to me is the shame you bring the family being a faggot.”
Jimin closed his eyes, sighing. “Well you don’t need to take it out on Mom. It’s not her fault.”
“Well it’s not mine!”
“It’s nobody’s fault, Dad. It’s just how I am. So if you have to take it out on someone it should be me, not her.”
“She’s my wife,” Sungmin growled.
“That doesn’t mean she deserves your abuse.”
Sungmin rose, stepping up to Jimin. He was tall enough that Jimin had to look up a little at him, something he’d always hated. 
“Don’t you dare.”
Jimin set his jaw. “Get out of my face, please.”
“Or what? You’ll sic your dirty soulmate on me?” He snarled. 
“Jin isn’t a part of this. Dad, please. It’s Christmas. Don’t do this.”
“You’re the one that brought this on. We’d be fine if you weren’t a freak.”
Jimin lowered his gaze, nodding. “I know. That’s why I’m asking you to please… If you have to hurt someone, do it to me, not Mom.”
The strike wasn’t entirely unexpected, but still stung. It was open handed, leaving a burn on Jimin’s cheek as his head snapped to the side. Involuntary tears welled in his eyes. “I’m going to walk away now,” Jimin whispered.
“I wish you’d walk off a cliff. You brought so much horror to this family,” Sungmin snarled.
“I know, Dad.” Jimin bowed and slipped past his father, hurrying back toward the kitchen. 
Jin was leaning on the counter, laughing with Jimin’s grandmother when he entered. Jimin’s mood immediately lifted, seeing the two get along so well. Jin glanced over, and his smile dropped immediately. He rushed up to Jimin and tilted his chin up, examining where Jimin was struck, likely a vibrant red if the warmth in that spot was any indicator. Jin’s eyes glinted a dangerous purple, his lips peeling back.
“No,” Jimin whispered. 
“He hit you didn’t he?” Jin hissed. Jimin nodded. 
“It was my fault. I got in his face. Told him to stop hitting Mom. I’m okay.”
“You aren’t,” came a soft voice behind him. Jiwoong entered and hugged Jimin gently. “You shouldn’t have done that.”
“He hit you.”
“He has for a while, baby. It just increased a little after…” She glanced at Jin and shrugged, looking back at Jimin. “I have a secret, okay? I was going to wait until after the holidays to tell you… I’m getting a divorce and moving back to Busan. I know it’ll be farther from you, and I’m sorry for that, but I need to leave. I need to leave so you and I can both be safe.”
“Are you sure, Mom?”
She nodded. “I haven’t loved him for a long time. The only good he ever did was giving me you.” She stroked Jimin’s cheek. “Promise not to say anything?”
“Never. If you need anything – a place to stay or anything, please tell me. Jin and I will do whatever we can.”
Jin nodded. “Of course. You and your mother,” he motioned to Jimin’s grandmother. “You both have our full support.”
Jiwoong smiled and squeezed Jin’s shoulder. “You seem like a good boy for Jimin. Make sure he doesn’t do silly things like this anymore.” She brushed the red mark on Jimin’s cheek.
“I’ll do my best.” 
She pressed a kiss to Jimin’s forehead. “Now, go relax before dinner, okay? It’ll be done soon. Are you two staying over?”
“We’d planned to, as long as we’re welcome.”
“We have a spare room set up for you, Jin. I know you likely sleep together but with his father…”
“No, I entirely understand,” Jin said, nodding. “One night apart won’t be total agony.” He brushed Jimin’s hair back, and Jimin grinned, that all too familiar tingling flutter starting from his soulmate mark and rippling down his spine.  
“Come on, let me show you around,” Jimin said, taking Jin’s hand tightly. He pulled him out of the room and down the hall, moving fast past the sitting room and up the stairs. 
Once at the top, he slowed down. “Here’s my room,” he said, pushing at a half closed door. It was the same way it had been when he still lived there, decorated with musical stars and dancers, painted a soft blue and purple. The bed was large and comfy, and Jimin knew his mother likely had just washed and fluffed the pillows. He pulled Jin in and shut the door, kissing him hard.
Jin gasped, pulling back. “What’s gotten into you?”
“I don’t know,” Jimin admitted. “I just… Need you.”
“You heard your gramma, no funny stuff before dinner,” Jin teased, thumbing Jimin’s nose playfully. Jimin laughed. 
“Of course not. Just… Kiss me until I—” Jimin smiled. “Just hold me.”
Jin shut the door and wrapped his arms tightly around Jimin. Jimin’s eyes slipped shut. By now, he could almost sense the change as if it were his own body, the quiet shift and creak of Jin’s bones, the raspy, whispering rustle as his scales shifted into place, the feeling of both cool and warm as Jin’s torso wrapped completely around Jimin, encasing him in the smooth oil slick of his snake form. Jimin let himself relax into the coil, listening to Jin’s strong heartbeat. Jin coiled as tight as he dared to, a safety blanket for Jimin when he was having a rough day.
He looked up at Jin, smiling softly. “Thank you.” 
“Baby,” Jin cooed. One of his tentacles darted out, sliding over Jimin’s cheekbone like the caress of a lover. Jimin giggled a little, reaching up and grabbing it. He squeezed gently, letting the suckers move up his arm and around him, a third appendage to hold him in a hug. 
“Why did you confront him, Minie?” Jin asked softly.
“He’s hitting Mom. I can’t let that slide.”
“And him hitting you is better?”
“Than my Mom? Yeah.”
“No. Both are wrong. Neither of you deserve it.”
“I know. But she’s getting away from him and I—I have you now.”
“I’ll always keep you safe, Jimin. No matter what needs to be done.”
“I know.” Jimin kissed Jin’s mouth gently. He let himself relax further, resting his head on the uppermost coil of Jin’s tail. His legs sagged, knowing Jin would easily hold him up. 
The two stayed like that for quite some time, until the turmoil of emotions in Jimin’s mind soothed. Jin remained there completely, kissing over his cheek and neck and shoulder, hands and tentacles touching everywhere they could reach in an effort to soothe Jimin in every way possible. 
“I’m okay,” Jimin finally whispered.
“I know you are.”
“You can change back.”
Jin nodded. He shifted once more, scooping Jimin back into his arms when his feet were under him. He kissed him again. “I love you, Minie.”
“I love you too, Jin. Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the house.”
Jin nodded. Jimin opened the door, gasping when he saw his father almost directly next to it. Jin immediately stepped up, ready to move between them if he needed to.
“Why was this door shut?”
“No reason,” Jimin said simply. “I was showing him the posters on the back of it. Mom hasn’t taken them down after all these years.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“Well, it’s the truth. That and we hugged. Nothing funny. Gramma said not to, so I won’t.”
“Oh, she did, huh? You’ll respect her but not the one that owns this house? The one that raised you? I—” Jimin saw his hand forming a fist.
“We’re going now. I want to show Jin the rest of the house.”
“I’m not finished talking to you.”
“Nothing happened, Dad. And nothing will. Please.”
His father glared daggers at him, saying nothing. After a pregnant pause, he stepped out of the way, allowing Jimin and Jin to pass.
Jimin took Jin through the rest of the house, showing him different areas and telling stories of being a child. Every chance they got, Jimin touched, hugged, or kissed Jin as a silent, simple protest against his father. He was so tired of it - of the abuse, of the fear. It was only tolerable this day because he knew his mom was leaving the monster; and because he had Jin to keep him grounded. 
They were going through some of Jimin’s old yearbooks up in the attic when his mother called them for dinner. They hurried down, taking their seats side by side at the table. Jimin could feel his father glaring at the both of them. 
Jimin rose, helping his mother finish bringing out the food before sitting back down. He heard his father scoff, but ignored it, instead opting to direct his dinner conversation toward his mother; what she’d been doing over the past month, how some of her friends were, etcetera. 
It was about halfway through dinner when Sungmin set his utensils down with a clank. “I can’t. Who are you? What makes you think you’re welcome at this table?” His tone was sharp; gaze on Jin. 
Jin swallowed the bite he’d been chewing and politely wiped his mouth before setting his own utensils down. He laced his fingers together over his plate and offered a smile that – on the front of it – looked quite polite. Jimin could easily see through it though; Jin was seething.
“You seem to have questions about me. Or perhaps about my relationship with your son. I understand this is new and uncomfortable. But I welcome you with nothing but openness to ask what you need to ask so that you can be more comfortable with my presence.”
Sungmin glared. “Don’t you take that condescending tone with me, faggot.”
Jin blinked, clearly surprised by the slur.
“Sungmin—” Jiwoong whispered.
“No! I don’t understand how you can sit there like this is normal. Like we don’t have freaks at our table.”
“You have your son and his soulmate at the table, Sungmin,” Jimin’s grandmother said. “You recognize the importance of sharing a soul, don’t you?”
“Yeah, right, sure. How do we even know they’re really soulmates?” His tone was mocking, sending a pang of pain through Jimin’s heart. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a lie. Isn’t there some bullshit about tattoos appearing? I see no tattoos.”
“It’s on our backs,” Jimin whispered. 
“Likely story.”
Jin cleared his throat. He looked to Jiwoong. “I apologize for asking, but would it be alright if I showed….”
“Yes, of course,” she said. 
Jin rose and turned to face the wall, his back to Sungmin. He unbuttoned his shirt halfway, letting it fall from his shoulders just enough to expose his upper back, and the beautiful tattoo imprinted along it. He remained still for a few moments before pulling his shirt back up and rebuttoning it. 
“It’s so pretty,” Jiwoong said. “Yours matches, Minie?” 
“Yep, it’s the opposite but the same.” Jimin rose and repeated Jin’s actions, turning away from the table and lifting his sweater up until his tattoo was visible. 
“Are those tentacles?” Jiwoong asked.
“Mhm, Jin loves sea creatures.” Jimin smiled proudly as he dropped his sweater and turned back around. He sat down and looked at his father. “We have our marks. It’s not a lie. It’s meant to be, simple as that.”
“It’s disturbing. Mark or not. It’s unnatural.”
“Now is not the time, Sungmin,” Jiwoong said firmly. 
“You don’t tell me if it is the time or not. This is my house and my table.”
Jimin’s heart sank. He shook his head and rose. “This was a mistake.”
“Jimin,” Jiwoong whispered. 
“We shouldn’t have come. We can go.”
“No, you shouldn’t go,” Jiwoong said, glaring when Sungmin huffed. “You’re my son, and you found your soulmate. I’m honored to have you both at my table.” She rose and scooped Jimin into a hug. “Don’t go.”
“Mom… I don’t want to cause trouble for you.”
“Oh, quit bellyaching like this is some horrible house,” Sungmin growled. “Sit your ungrateful ass down and eat the dinner your mother and grandmother have been slaving away to prepare.”
Jimin looked at his mom, who smiled softly and nodded. He took a seat again. Jin reached over under the table, catching his hand and squeezing it firmly, a warm comfort to Jimin. He relaxed a little at Jin’s touch and picked his drink up, sipping it. 
The tension at the table was thick and heavy. Despite his insistence on Jimin and Jin remaining, Sungmin continued to glower at them silently throughout dinner. Jiwoong and Jimin’s grandmother did their best to lighten things, asking about Jin’s life and how the two met.  
Dinner shifted into dessert, and Sungmin rose from the table without any, citing being sick to his stomach. Jimin knew the reality behind that phrase; the sickness was likely nothing to do with the food and everything to do with him, but tried not to let it bother him. Instead he focused on the people that truly cared about him. 
“Well, one less plate to wash after dessert then,” Jimin’s grandmother said. She clapped her hands together. “Jin, you help me get desserts.” 
Jin nodded eagerly. He rose and leaned over, pressing a kiss to Jimin’s cheek before heading into the kitchen. 
Jiwoong reached over the table and grabbed Jimin’s hand. “I really like him, Jimin.”
Tears welled in Jimin’s eyes. “Really?” He whispered.
She frowned a little. “Why are you crying, baby?”
Jimin laughed a little, coughing back his tears. “This past year with Jin’s been the happiest of my life so far. I wanted nothing more than to share it with you guys. But I was so afraid. I knew Dad and… I knew it was weird for you. I don’t know that you can realize how much that means to me. You just liking him.”
Jiwoong smiled softly. “Come here.” Jimin rose and sank to his knees next to her chair, wrapping his arms around her middle. He buried his face in her stomach, letting himself cry softly as she embraced him, soothing his hair back. 
“He’s a part of you, Minie. And it shows. I wondered if soulmates were real, not finding mine – It seems like such a fairy tale. Seeing my son not only find his… But seeing just how beautiful the connection is, how perfect you two fit together… It gives me hope for so much. He’s a good man, Jimin. He loves you and he’s kind and he’s so well spoken. He’s your perfect match. Don’t think I didn’t see the way he was able to soothe your temper. The way just a touch relaxed you or made you smile. I love him too, Jimin. Just one day – and I can say with confidence that I love him and he will always be a part of this family.”
“Thank you,” Jimin whispered, hugging her a little tighter. He pulled back and looked up, laughing a little when she dabbed away his tears with a napkin like she did when he was a child. “Thank you,” he said again.
“Go sit back down now, Jin’s going to panic if you’re weeping when he returns.”
Jimin laughed a little and nodded, rising and heading back to his seat. 
Jin and his grandmother returned carrying the desserts, and Jimin hurried to clear off the dinner foods so they could set them down. Jin didn’t miss the moment to steal a kiss from Jimin as he set the pie near to his plate, offering a gentle smile. 
“Your eyes are red.” 
“Nothing bad,” Jimin promised. Jin nodded and settled back into his seat. 
“Do you think we should open gifts tonight or tomorrow?” Jiwoong asked as she dished up desserts for Jimin and Jin. 
“Let the kids open one tonight,” Jimin’s grandmother said. She tsked when Jin shook his head no to a slice of pumpkin pie, and Jin only smiled. “I’m quite full from your dinner, I’m okay, I’ll have some of the pudding though,” he conceded.
“We’re okay waiting until tomorrow too,” Jimin offered, taking his plate. “Dad might be in a better mood…”
“Oh, screw him,” Jiwoong said simply. Jimin’s eyes widened of their own volition. His mother – though not entirely timid – was rarely so blunt. “We’ll have dessert then go sit by the tree. You kids can open a gift or two and then we’ll do our gifts in the morning.”
Jimin laughed a little. “We’re in our twenties, Mom. We aren’t exactly excited kids.”
“Speak for yourself,” Jin said, swallowing a spoonful of the sweet chocolate dessert on his plate. “I’m ecstatic about Christmas. It’s such an interesting holiday.”
“Did your family not celebrate?” Jimin’s grandmother asked. Jin shook his head no.
“They were quite conservative and traditional. We didn’t do any sort of Christian celebrations.”
“Buddhist?” Jiwoong assumed. Jin confirmed. “I don’t have a specific religion now, but it was the way I was raised.”
“We’re not too strict here. No religious services. But the giving is nice and we love excuses to see family,” Jiwoong said. “Are you sure you won’t have pie? Surely you’re still hungry.”
Jin shook his head. “I’m okay, I promise. This dinner was delightful.”
“Glad you enjoyed it. I’m sorry for my husband…”
“Don’t be. You can’t control him, and you’re not at fault for his bad behavior. Jimin warned me that he likely wouldn’t be very welcoming. It’s okay.”
“You’re an understanding young man, Jin. What is it you’re doing? Are you going to school with Minie?”
“No. Right now I’m studying to become a chef. I love cooking. So I toil away at home with piles of food while poor Jimin studies his brain to mush.” Jin teased, and Jimin beamed.
“I get to eat all that good food after I get home from school. He’s making me gain weight,” he pouted.
“Good, about time you put on a few pounds,” Jimin’s grandmother scolded without much venom. “Finish your pie.”
“Yes, Gramma.”
“Are you and Jimin living together then?” Jiwoong asked.
“Yes. We moved in together pretty quickly after we met and the soulmate marks appeared. It felt like the right thing to do.”
“And you said you were living next to him?”
Jin nodded. “Yes, very close neighbors. We brushed hands one evening in the hallway and later that week discovered we’d both ended up with marks. Everything after that was a whirlwind.” Jin smiled fondly at Jimin and reached out, swiping a bit of whip cream from the corner of his mouth. 
“It’s a fairytale,” Jiwoong said. “And your friends, Minie?”
“Hobi and Tae love him. Tae was concerned for a bit, especially since he’s a bit older than me, but he grew on them.”
“Tae is a good boy. He needs to come with you to visit more often.”
“I’ll tell him you said so. I think Hoseok is going to propose to him soon honestly.”
“Oh that’s lovely. What about you, Jin? You going to propose to Jimin soon?” Jiwoong teased. Jimin groaned, his cheeks pinking up, but Jin grinned. 
“Someday.” He said simply. 
As the dessert moved forward, tensions lifted more and more. Jimin found himself laughing freely, and the conversation between the four moved along with no awkward pauses. He and Jin helped his mother and grandmother clean up, packaging up the food and portioning some into leftovers that they insisted the boys bring home. The four settled into the living room and Jimin got a fire started in the fireplace. 
Jin settled as close as he could to the warmth of the fire; even in human form the cold-blooded nature of his snake side made him seek warmth in any way. Jimin snuggled next to him, relieved that his Mother and grandmother barely blinked at the two’s intimate position. It felt natural and safe. It was just nice. 
Jiwoong poured them all a small glass of bourbon, insisting on it as she put on some soft music. They chatted once more, laughing as the alcohol warmed their insides just as much as the fire warmed their outsides. 
Jimin’s grandmother insisted they open a few of the gifts under the tree, pressing some boxes into their hands. They each received lovely scarves and nice sweaters, and Jimin was gifted a beautiful set of silver rings. Jin received a set of handmade soaps and other high-end self-care items, which he was almost comically excited about. 
As things wound down, and Jimin stifled more than a few yawns behind his hand, the four exchanged hugs and went their separate ways to sleep. Jin held Jimin for a few minutes outside of his door, and Jimin was grateful. Though things calmed down quickly after Sungmin had stormed off, there was still a weight on Jimin’s chest. Anxieties about the impending divorce, about even the next morning when his father would surely be back to his impossible ways, about spending a night without Jin – something he’d not done since they found each other. Jin departed only after kissing him long and hard, firmly enough that Jimin’s mouth ached after he left. He entered his childhood bedroom, changing into a pair of pajama pants and no shirt before curling up in the bed to try and seek some sleep. 
And it almost worked, until his door creaked open just an hour or two after he laid down. Jimin rolled over, smiling a little, expecting Jin. “Couldn’t sleep without me?” He asked, opening his eyes. 
The door shut and the light flicked on. Jimin’s father stood in front of the door. His eyes were bloodshot and Jimin could smell the alcohol seeping from his pores. 
“Dad—” Jimin sat up, his heart skipping a few beats. This was bad. “What are you doing?”
“You ruined my life,” Sungmin growled. Jimin rose from the bed, circling around it with his hands up.
“Dad, please – You’re drunk. Can we talk about this in the morning?”
“You ruined everything!” Sungmin repeated. He stepped forward, a staggered movement. 
Panic bubbled up in Jimin’s throat. He wanted to scream, or run. But screaming would do no good – and running wasn’t an option; his father was blocking his only safe exit.
“I’m sorry, Dad,” Jimin tried. Perhaps submission was the way to go. 
“You aren’t. You will be.”
“Please, Dad, I didn’t mean to make things hard. I’m sorry.”
Sungmin staggered toward Jimin once more. His hands went to his belt, the click of metal as he unhooked the belt as loud as a gunshot to Jimin’s panicked mind. His breath caught against the lump of bile rising in his throat. 
“Don’t do this. Please, I’m too old for you to beat on like this. I’m only here one night, then I’m gone, you don’t need to do this,” Jimin tried once more. It was a desperate final attempt. 
“You never learned your lesson, Jimin. I tried to teach you,” Sungmin said. He stepped forward again, forcing Jimin to take a step back. Jimin swallowed hard. He tried to dart around Sungmin, but Sungmin was too fast. His arm shot out and he grabbed Jimin’s throat, slamming him back. His feet tangled and he cried out as he went down, the hard wood stinging his tailbone. He scrambled to his feet, only to be met with a hard, open palmed strike against his cheek. 
“Please,” he whispered.
“I’m going to teach you again,” Sungmin growled. He yanked his belt out of the loops, the snap of leather bringing unpleasant goosebumps to Jimin’s skin. 
“Stop, please, Dad!” Jimin cried out. Sungmin slapped him again, snapping his head to the side. He tasted blood from his tongue, accidentally biting it on the strike. The next hit came without warning, a closed, meaty fist impacting Jimin’s jaw. He shouted, stumbling back as his vision greyed dangerously.
The belt struck him like a whip. It hit his arm first, the end whipping around to strike his bare back. It began to sting instantly and Jimin whimpered. 
“Stop—” His plea fell on deaf ears as another blow landed, this one lower on his back. Sungmin lumbered forward and grabbed his arm, twisting and shoving him hard. 
Jimin stumbled and went down on his knees, crying out when Sungmin struck him once more with the belt three times in rapid succession. He heard the clink of the buckle and took the chance to flip over onto his ass, scrambling back as quickly as he could. His father had flipped the belt, the heavy, sharp edged buckle glinting as he wrapped the other end around his fist. His eyes were large and wild. 
“I’m going to make sure you never wreck things again,” he snarled. He raised it up and Jimin covered his face, bracing for the pain and inevitable blood. 
It never came. 
Instead, Sungmin shouted and Jimin heard a deadly hiss. His eyes snapped open.
Jin was in the doorway, his snake form fully on display. Sungmin’s arm was raised, held up by one of Jin’s thick tentacles, the belt dangling limply from his fist as the tentacle squeezed his wrist. 
Another tentacle shot out, wrapping around Sungmin’s throat and slamming him against the wall hard enough to shake it. 
“How dare you strike him.” Jin said, his voice cold and dry, a rasp that he took on only in his snake form. 
Sungmin struggled to breathe, his free hand clawing at Jin’s tentacles. 
“What—What are you?” He choked out.
“Your worst fucking nightmare.” Jin squeezed tighter. He yanked Sungmin forward and coiled around him, teeth bared as Sungmin struggled helplessly. Jimin heard the sickening crack of some of his less thick bones – likely ribs. 
“Let me go you freak,” Sungmin rasped.
“I’m going to rip your fucking throat out,” Jin snarled. “What gives you the right to hurt him?”
“He’s my son—” His defense was cut off when Jin’s grip tightened both on his throat and his body.
“He is not. You’re less than human,” Jin spat. Sungmin struck out with his free arm, clawing Jin’s face. 
He hissed, the rest of his tentacles shooting out and grabbing the struggling man. Jin’s torso shot forward and Sungmin screamed, only to be muffled as a tentacle wrapped around his head like a gag. 
Jimin struggled to wipe his tears and focus on the fight in front of him, but all he could see were tentacles and scales. 
A wet rip echoed though the room, like a strip of raw steak shredding. His father seemed to gag and gargle. A tentacle shot out, throwing the door to Jimin’s closet opened. The familiar portal opened, and this time Jimin could see through it. Whatever place was on the other side looked like a nightmare. He could see creatures with large, leathery wings, a deserted, reddish landscape, smoke and dust obscuring the portal every few seconds. Jin released Sungmin from his tail, holding him up with his tentacles. Jimin could see bright red blood dripping down his shirt, staining it a sickening crimson. The tentacles arched back, holding Sungmin’s struggling form as if it were nothing, and threw. 
Jimin watched his father get swallowed up by the portal seconds before it closed. 
Jin turned to him, and panic bubbled up in Jimin’s throat. He sobbed brokenly, scrambling backwards. Jin’s eyes were nearly entirely black, blood staining his face and chest. 
“Jimin— Fuck—” Jin shifted back into his human form quickly and sank to his knees, bowing low until his forehead touched the ground. “I’m so sorry, Jimin – Please don’t cry.”
“Don’t hurt me—” Jimin whispered.
“No!” Jin cried, looking up at him. “Never, Jimin, please – I’m sorry.” Jin looked close to tears himself, desperation coloring his voice. “He was hurting you—”
Jimin nodded, still shaking visibly. “He was going to kill me.”
“I heard you scream, I—I lost control.”
 “Jin—The blood—”
“You— You bit him…”
“I—” Jin hesitated. “It just happened. It’s the monster – Side of me, I’m sorry, I—”
Jimin crawled forward slowly, sniffling. He reached out for Jin, touching a spot on his cheek not covered in blood. 
 “Shift,” he whispered. “Hold me.”
“Are you sure? You’re scared, I can smell it…”
“I’m terrified,” Jimin admitted. 
“Remind me,” Jimin said. “Remind me that you won’t hurt me.”
Jin nodded then, seeming to understand. He obeyed, the cool coils of his tail surrounding Jimin quickly. His tentacles cocooned Jimin as well, forming a loose, fleshy cage from the outside world.
Jimin was tense, but leaned into Jin’s touch. He pressed his head to his chest, listening to the rapid glug of his heart. His own heart began to slow down as the adrenaline wore down, and he was able to process through what he had just seen. He wrapped his arms around Jin, moving closer.
“How can you stand here,” Jin whispered. “After seeing me lose control like that—”
“You saved me, Jin,” Jimin whispered. “You saved me and Mom.”
Jimin looked up, smiling softly. “You didn’t need to bite him though… Still hungry? You should’ve had that piece of pumpkin pie.”
Jin hesitated for a second before laughing in a sort of desperate surprise. 
“You don’t hate me?”
“No. Thank you for coming in when you did,” Jimin whispered, hugging Jin once more. 
“I was coming in to lay with you, I couldn’t sleep. I heard you scream and I—I saw red. I couldn’t stop the change. I knew you were in danger, I—”
“He was going to kill me tonight, Jin. I know it. That look, I’ve – I’ve never seen it before.”
“He can’t hurt you now. He can’t escape there.”
The reality of what had just happened hit Jimin suddenly, and he sagged in the center of Jin’s coil. Tears blurred his vision and he began to sob, holding tight to Jin’s torso as he did. 
Jin said nothing more, only holding him and petting his hair down. He tightened his coil a bit more, keeping Jimin firmly against his body. Jimin felt an additional warmth spread over him, and he realized it was a blanket from his bed. Jin leaned forward, resting on his own coil as they embraced. 
Jimin’s sobs faded into soft whimpers, exhaustion flooding in and overruling the anxiety and stress of the previous few minutes. He shifted, resting on one of the thicker parts of Jin’s coil, almost like a seat. He didn’t want Jin to let go. And – if Jin’s closed eyes were any indicator – Jin didn’t want to either. But this wasn’t safe.
“We could get caught,” Jimin whispered.
“I’ll lock the door.”
“You’re covered in blood. And so am I,” Jimin explained. Jin opened his eyes and sighed. 
“I suppose you’re right. I’m not leaving you alone tonight, Jimin.”
“What are we going to tell my mother?”
“I can handle that.” Jin shifted back, reluctantly letting go of Jimin. “But you’re right; we should get cleaned up.”
“Give me your shirt,” Jimin said. Jin obeyed, stripping out of his bloodied white sleeping shirt. Jimin balled it up, wiping his chest and neck free of as much blood as he could manage. “I’ll be right back.”
He slipped out of the room and went to the bathroom, wetting the shirt with some soap and water. He tried his best to wash the blood out, scowling at it when it wouldn’t come clean. He washed himself in the mirror, making sure there was no more blood on his face or chest. He could see bruises appearing where his father had struck him, and a quick peek revealed the same on his back – long strips of bruising and welting where the belt had struck. He sighed softly.
He returned to the room, using the wet shirt to clean Jin’s face and neck. Once clean, the claw marks that his father had left on Jin’s cheek were more obvious. He touched them, wincing.
“It doesn’t hurt too bad.” Jin said, grabbing his hand and kissing it. 
“I can’t get the blood out of the shirt.” Jimin lamented.
“No concern.” Jin waved his hand, opening another portal and tossing the shirt in. “Problem solved.”
“One at least.” Jimin tried to remain calm, but his anxiety was getting the best of him. Seeming to sense this, Jin scooped Jimin close, kissing him hard. Jimin could taste a bitter, iron-y tang on his lips, driving home exactly what happened. “Jin—” Jimin whispered.
“Are you scared of me?” Jin asked.
“No, I…” Jimin drifted off. “Why did you bite him? Are you… I mean do you crave… That?”
“No. It’s instinct in fights unfortunately. But I’m not interested in eating people. I’m sorry I frightened you.”
“You didn’t,” Jimin assured him. “I just… Wanted to know.”
“I promise the only bite I’ll take of you is the fun kind,” Jin said softly. Jimin chuckled. He slid his hands over Jin’s arms. “Shift again. Lock the door.”
“Are you sure?”
“You’ve never hesitated before…”
“You’ve never seen that side of me before.”
“Fair enough,” Jimin said. “I am sure. I think I need it tonight.”
Jin locked the door and shifted, coiling around Jimin. Jimin began to stroke his tail, closing his eyes as he ran his fingers lightly up and down the smooth, cool scales. As he did, he could feel a gentle bulge building where he knew Jin’s cocks were in this form. He smiled a little and reached down, brushing his finger over the slit they slid from. 
Jin shuddered. “Jimin—”
Jimin dipped his finger into the slit, feeling Jin’s half hard topmost cock. He met his gaze. “It’s okay. I want to.” He withdrew his finger and began to grind against Jin’s crotch, kissing him gently as he did. Soon, Jin’s cocks slipped from the slit, bumping Jimin’s own hardening cock through the thin fabric of his pajamas. Jin nudged him to get him around, his hands shaking ever so slightly.
Jimin turned as well as he could in the center of Jin’s coil. He leaned on the topmost ring, absentmindedly stroking the smooth scales as Jin’s hands and tentacles made quick work of his pajamas. The all good familiar slick, dribbling from his tentacle, ran down Jimin’s ass. They never used lube anymore; this was all they needed. The two midsized tentacles worked his ass open with ease. He opened his mouth, and Jin slid his thicker tentacle in, the suckers tickling Jimin’s tongue as he sucked on it. 
Almost too soon, he was ready. Jin’s tentacles slipped free.
“One or both?” Jin asked. 
The tentacle slipped from Jimin’s mouth so he could speak.
“If I were a Naga mate... Would this be how we’d breed?” Jimin asked instead.
“Yes. You’d face me — But we’d be wrapped in our coils like this.”
“Would you use one cock or both?”
“Both. Maximum chances to mate.”
“Then use both,” Jimin said simply.
Jin groaned. The tentacles did the work, lifting Jimin just enough and spreading his cheeks to drop him onto Jin’s thick, throbbing cocks. Jimin squealed, shuddering hard. 
“And if I were a monster—“ Jimin asked, beginning to lazily wiggle and flex around Jin’s cocks. 
“My tentacles, as you know.”
“Better get them in me then,” Jimin smirked when Jin’s throat clicked.
“I am your mate. I want to make all sides of you feel good.”
Jimin groaned when one thin and one mid-sized tentacle slid into his already stretched hole. The thin one immediately coiled around Jin’s human shaped cock, while the other snaked deep inside him until his body cramped. Only then did it stop and begin swelling, already pumping fluid slowly into his guts.
Jimin moaned. The tentacle curled around Jin’s cock had begun to shift.
“Are you jerking off inside of me?”
“Mhm... Do you like it?”
“It feels so good,” Jimin panted, slumping down further. “Keep going...”
The tentacle twisted, wrapping around both cocks. It stroked them in sync. The other midsized tentacle slid down Jimin’s throat as soon as he opened his mouth to moan, and his eyes rolled back in pleasure. He began to suck on it, grumbling happily when Jin’s second thin tentacle opened up, swallowing down Jimin’s cock like a hot, wet mouth.
“That’s it, Minie,” Jin cooed, wrapping his arms around Jimin. “Just let go, let yourself float. I’ll take care of everything.”
Jimin obeyed. His eyes slipped shut, focusing on the overflow of physical sensations all over his body. The tentacle deep in his body had swollen to its maximum, essentially acting as a plug while it pumped fluid in lazy drizzles. The one down his throat was also dribbling fluid, and Jimin swallowed with no thought.
And of course Jin’s body. The coils flexed and tightened, making Jimin’s heart skip a beat. In all the times they’d made love - they had never done so in this form. Jin was always too scared of hurting him. But here - this was perfect. 
Jimin barely felt himself come, despite his instinctive cry and shudder. His mind felt miles away, floating along as Jin used his body. It was unbelievable. 
Jimin lost track of the number of orgasms be had; and the amount of come and fluid Jin had released inside him. He was distinctly aware of his boated stomach, a sure sign that Jin was nearly done.
“I got you a present,” Jin whispered in his ear. Jimin could feel his cocks throbbing, spilling a load deep into him. The tentacle down his throat slithered out and Jimin dragged in a breath. 
“What is it?”
“I was going to wait until we got home... I hid it in your bag...” Jin shifted, making Jimin groan as his overextended stomach moved. Jin snagged his bag and dug around in a front compartment, pulling out a semi-bulky black box. He opened it to reveal a thick silver anal plug.
Jimin moaned. “Please—“ He begged. His biggest regret after their lovemaking was always losing everything inside him, feeling so empty after. 
“Just relax,” Jin whispered he began to push the plug in alongside his cocks. The tentacle slipped out, a little further. He began to pull his cocks free at the same time he worked the plug in. The plug popped in at the same time his tips slid out and Jimin cried out sharply.
“Good or too much?” Jin worried.
“Good,” Jimin panted. “I can’t— I’m gonna pass out,” he admitted, the floaty feeling still present.
“I’ll take care of you, baby.” Jimin’s body went limp in Jin’s arms. He was vaguely aware of Jin shifting back and catching him before he could fall. He scooped him into his arms and laid him in the bed, carefully lying next to him.
“Are you hungry? Thirsty?”
Jimin wanted to answer, but couldn’t find the strength. He closed his eyes, his face twisting of its own volition. Tears welled behind closed lids and he whimpered.
“Oh, Jimin,” Jin whispered. He pulled him close and held him tight, tugging the blankets over them. “Breathe.”
Jimin grabbed at Jin’s back, crying against his chest. He wasn’t fully aware of why he was crying. His father, maybe; the reality of losing him settling in. Jin’s love – even to the point of doing something otherwise entirely out of character for him… It was all so much. 
Jimin cried until his belly ached and he was so tired he couldn’t open his eyes. And Jin remained with him, stroking his hair, hugging him, no matter how he shifted or sobbed.  When he could do no more, he reached for a tissue, laughing brokenly when Jin presented one to him. He sat up and blew his nose, his mind and body finally feeling like they were in one piece again. 
“Do you want to talk?” Jin asked softly when Jimin met his gaze. 
“Not really.”
“That’s okay. Are you alright? Can I help with anything?”
“I just… I – I don’t know.”
“I’m going to walk away for just a few seconds, okay? I need to get you something to drink and eat.”
“Don’t go!” Jimin said a little desperately, grabbing onto Jin’s arm. 
Jin sighed, chewing his lip. “Well, alright, let’s get pants on you; you come with me.” He rose, letting Jimin hang off him, as he dug in his bag.
“Do you need the plug taken out?” He worried.
Jimin looked down, seeing the small bulge of his stomach, still present. “Probably… I should… Bathroom.”
“We’ll stop there on the way. Where do your mother and grandmother sleep? Could they have heard the noise?”
“Ground floor – I doubt it… Walls are thick.”
Jin nodded again. He grabbed Jimin’s boxers and handed them to him, heading toward the door. “They wouldn’t come up here right? You can make it to the bathroom without putting those on?”
Jimin nodded. He let Jin guide him out of the bedroom to the bathroom. Jin stood back by the door, letting Jimin head to the shower. 
“Do you want me to help?” Jin asked. Jimin shook his head no, a sinking feeling in his stomach. He desperately did – he didn’t want to be away from Jin for a second, but maybe a few minutes away could let his mind un-fog itself. 
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. In the few minutes that it took him to clean himself – and the tub – from the aftermath of their lovemaking – he was ready to start sobbing again. 
“Jin,” he called, hating the desperation in his voice. Jin was there in a second, leaning into the shower. 
“Are you okay?”
“Not really.” 
“How much did you wash? Where can I help?”
“Dry off,” Jimin mumbled. His arms felt too heavy to move, and all he wanted to do was curl into a ball and cry. Jin reached in and shut off the water, leaning over to grab a towel and help Jimin out of the shower. He dried him off without a word and got him back into his boxers. Gently, he pressed a kiss to Jimin’s mouth. 
“I’m right here.” Jin guided him down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a small bowl and spoon. He doled out some of the pudding and other sweets before settling Jimin into a chair. He stroked Jimin’s cheek and scooped some up. Jimin grimaced.
“I feel like a baby.”
“Never. You’re just… You went through a lot today. I’m here for you.”
“You always are,” Jimin whispered. He let Jin feed him a bite of pudding. 
“We can talk tomorrow,” Jin said. “I know you might need to process things.”
Jimin nodded. He ate quietly, moving a little closer so his knee touched Jin’s as he did. He felt ridiculous, but knew Jin was right. He didn’t know how he was going to face his mother and grandmother tomorrow.
After eating, Jin washed the dishes and put them away, and guided Jimin back up to his room, lying with him. 
“Get some sleep, if you can.”
Jimin snuggled tight to his chest, sighing softly. Jin remained with him, holding him as he drifted off into a fitful sleep.
The next morning, Jin pressed a kiss to Jimin’s mouth as he woke. “I have to go back to my room now.”
“I still don’t want you to go,” Jimin admitted. 
“Are you still feeling how you were last night?”
“Yes and no. I think things have set in, but I don’t feel so … Weird and floaty.”
“Do you want to talk?”
Jin blinked, seemingly waiting for Jimin to figure it out. The memories of Jin, covered in his father’s blood, slipped back into his mind. “Right.”
“I understand if you dislike me for what I did.”
“He was my dad.”
Jin nodded, guilt coloring his expression. 
“But he was trying to kill me. He was beating mom. If you hadn’t…. I don’t know what he would have done. He was my dad, but he wasn’t a good man. What you did was justified. But what do we tell Mom? Gramma?”
“Let me handle it.”
“What will you say?”
“He was beating on you. I came in and broke it up, he clawed me, I hit him… He ran off. Simple as that. No proof to say otherwise. We were the only ones in the room and he’s not getting back from that world. Likely… He’s not breathing at this moment.”
Jimin hesitated for a moment, letting the words sit and sink in. He nodded. “Okay. I’ll follow your lead.”
Jin rose. He kissed Jimin once more and slipped out of the room and down the hall to his own room. Jimin rose and dressed, heading to the bathroom to comb his hair. He grimaced at the bruise on his jaw, dark and angry, and wished he’d brought along makeup to cover it. He sighed a little and fixed his hair, trying all he could to draw less attention to it. He went down the stairs, met with the scent of breakfast. Quietly, he peeked into the kitchen, his heart swelling a little. His mother was laughing brightly, stirring something in a bowl. His grandmother was flattening patties of rice, nodding along to something that was said earlier. 
Jiwoong caught sight of Jimin peeking in and grinned. “Get in here, you. Come try this.” Jimin entered fully, and Jiwoong’s smile drooped, seeing his jaw. 
“So that was the noise I heard last night.”
Jimin’s own smile faded. He hung his head. “I—”
“Did he leave after?” She asked. 
“Jin—He came in hearing me shout. He was beating me with a belt,” Jimin whispered. He pushed him off and they fought and he hurt Jin but Jin… Punched him, hard. He ran off when Jin threatened the cops.”
Jiwoong sighed and then nodded. “Good. He won’t be welcome back in this house if he returns.”
“Isn’t it his? He always said…”
She chuckled. “This was never his house. Your Gramma and Grandpa purchased it for us when we decided to move.” 
Jimin’s grandmother smirked behind her. “She’s lucky I didn’t kick his abusive ass to the curb before then. Come on, let me see if I can find something for that bruise. Are you hurt anywhere else?” She asked, wiping her hands on her apron. 
“Some cuts on my back from the belt and Jin’s got a scratch on his face.”
“Alright, we’ll get those cleaned up too. Where’s your knight in shining armor.”
“Getting ready in his room, I think.”
She guided Jimin into the bathroom and settled him onto the toilet, setting about digging in some of the cupboards. 
“Is it difficult?” His grandmother asked.
“Him not being human.”
Jimin’s stomach dropped into his bladder. “Wh—What? Who isn’t human?” He stuttered.
Jimin’s grandmother smiled knowingly. “You don’t need to pretend. I know he’s Naga.”
“Nagas are different. They move different, sound different. I saw his scales too – across his nose. And he smells like a snake, even with his cologne. What made me confident was the tattoo… Your tentacles have scales on them, very faintly. I’m not sure why there’s tentacles, or if he really is just fond of sea life… But I know he’s not human. I also know your father didn’t leave last night.”
She tugged his shirt up. Jimin pulled it off. He swallowed hard. Tears welled in his eyes. “Gramma—”
“I won’t tell. Good riddance, in my opinion. How did he do it though? Generally after Nagas feast they are unable to change back for a while…”
“He didn’t eat him, he… Threw him. Into another dimension.”
“I didn’t know Nagas had that ability.”
“They don’t. He’s half… Monster. He was… I met him because he was haunting my room. In my new apartment. The monster in my closet… God that sounds insane.”
“I believe you. Is he okay?”
“He’s fine – He fits in perfectly. I just… How did you know?”
“When I was young… I met one of his kind. He was far less friendly, but I learned a lot. His secret is safe with me.” She began to apply ointment to the cuts on his back. 
“Thank you, Gramma.”
“Jimin?” Jin called. 
“Bathroom,” Jimin returned. 
Jin slipped in, smiling softly. “You okay?”
“I’m good. I let them know about Dad… But Gramma…” 
Jin met her gaze. “You know.”
“I do. I have for a while.”
“I thought you might… You looked at me strange the first time we met. Do you know then…”
“About what you did to that bastard my daughter married? Yes. And I thank you for it. They will both be better off. Come sit, let met fix your face.”
“Nah, I heal fast; probably by tomorrow. Thank you though. Is your daughter okay?” He asked. 
“She was so happy this morning,” Jimin commented. “Was it because Dad…”
“Yes, honestly. When that creature isn’t around, she is entirely different. You boys did good. He never would have left us alone, even in Busan. Come on, let’s get back out there to eat.”
Jimin and Jin followed her back out. Jimin walked up to his mom and hugged her tight. “We’ll be happy,” he whispered. “I know, baby. I’m sorry he hurt you.”
“It was worth it. Seeing Jin defend me…”
Jiwoong smiled softly, looking at Jin. “He’s a good boy. Sit down, eat some breakfast and then we’ll open gifts.” 
Jimin nodded and sat down next to Jin. He leaned over and kissed him gently. 
Breakfast went smoothly and without argument, but with plenty of laughter. Gifts were the same, lots of laughter and sharing. Jimin and Jin were passed a few of the gifts belonging to Sungmin, and if Jimin was being honest with himself… His presence was not missed even a little. He’d never seen his mother smile or laugh so much, and he felt free and able to be himself for the first time in many years in his childhood home. Instead of being eager to go home, as he usually was after family meals – Jimin found himself wishing he could stay longer. He understood what had happened; the reality of what Jin did had sunken in at this point. But he was alright with it. His mother was so much happier now, he felt happier. Though he’d lost a parent, he – and his family – had gained freedom. And it was all thanks to his soulmate.
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peaches-of-1 · 5 years
Peachtober | Day 10: Hybrid
Naga!BTS x Black!Reader
First chapter! The rest will be written in November, but for now, please enjoy the beginning of forever. Requests for moodboards and reactions open!
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Even though I was the one who came to Korea after months of travel trying to find the origin of my family’s necklace, I was so tired of the king. It was clear his actions were ruled by fear. His rules and such were so harsh for the simple reason of fear. He wanted to keep the kind hearted foreigner--aka me--safe.
“Please, do not go near the rivers at night. Stay away from all caves and for goodness sake, do not go to the waterfall unattended.” He said in his outfit which I had learned was a hanbok. Rich in blue tones and emblazoned with gold.
However, I was able to get information from the help around the palace and from my few supervised trips amongst the commoners. I was no different from them other than my pallor was the same as some of the medicinal bark they tried to sell me.
Nearly 34 moons had passed since I arrived in this land. All were spent confirming what I knew. This is where I was supposed to be. The King’s fear came from the scaled beasts which roamed near those areas and were known for kidnapping its youth to eat. There were also rumors of those who bathed near the waterfall becoming impregnated with non-human children.
At least, most would appear human until they hit puberty. Others showed their scales before or after, but most hide if they even suspect they have part of the scaled beast within them. Another option for the half scaled creatures’ offspring was that the parent who birthed them sent them away or killed them before too many people knew about it.
I was going to see what was up. That is why I had gone out under the guise of washing clothing to bond with the maid--although I was treated like a royal guest--and had left the clothes basket behind once I was out of the sight of the king. I went as quickly as I could to where the “cursed” waterfall was, discarding my shoes to make sure I made less noise and could better control where I left my mark.
There was a young man wading in the water. Something was trailing behind him, but I wasn’t at the right angle to see what it was. He opened his arms and spoke the language of their elders. The ground shook but the gateway did not open.
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I ducked down behind the rock and made sure the reds and yellows of my skirt weren’t peeking out.
“Human~ I know you’re there~! You are not from here and should go back. I will count to five before I start looking for you…1, 2, 3, 4--”
Suddenly a face was right in front of my own, a very handsome face, “Five. I found~you~” he had a grin on his face and…
His eyes. I couldn’t look away from his eyes. Slitted like a snake, and I wanted to look at his body and yet all my thoughts seemed to seep away
“That’s right, beautiful stranger. Look into my eyes. You came here to find me, did you not? The scaled beast in charge of cursing all the humans in the King’s Village? His pretty little palace?” He chuckled, his low voice hypnotising me as much as his eyes which started to strope in an array of green and blue. “Did you want to get cursed to? I’d be happy to help fertilize the eggs that your beautiful form carries. Give you some beautiful naga children.”
There was a heat on my chest. His movements were puzzling. Why was he wiggling so much? He had the tail of a snake and yet the torso of a human man. Was this what they were so afraid of?
“What are you doing?” I asked and reached out to him.
He pulled back and was confused, “You can speak?”
“I have a voice. What else would I do with it?” I questioned him.
Both of us looked down at the glow of my necklace. It was green and warm and intensified the moment he got closer. His face was serious now, and I felt like I had been awoken from a deep sleep.
“So, you’re the one we’ve been waiting for.” He said.
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The man bowed low, his tail coiling behind him, “My name is Kim Taehyung. I am at your service, Princess.”
“Princess?” I asked.
He looked at me, “Yes. You have the necklace...and you look just like the art. How did I not recognize you sooner?”
I held my necklace. It was called the Gorgon’s Eye and had been passed down by my family for generations on end. I was the one chosen by my mother to wear this with the promise that it would protect me. It always had but never in such an important situation. After all these years... The necklace was made up of seven silver intertwining snakes around a green emerald eye.
“Taehyung?” I said his name.
His eyes met mine again, but then he looked at the ground. I followed him to the water’s edge because he moved without a word, and I was not sure what to say just yet. He was completely serious about the whole Princess thing. Yet I could never--could I?
The blue haired man looked back at me, “Please, ride on my tail and hold on tightly if you wish to know more.”
I did as told, holding Taehyung around the neck. My necklace glowed faintly as he slithered through the water, doing his best to keep me dry and above it. He spoke what I thought was Korean when hiding behind the boulder, but now knew it was something more than that. Something older and more familiar than the Asian language.
It reminded me of the song my Grandmother would sing to me, but I only recognized one word, “Home”
The cave to our left began to glow, and he smiled. We went through the entrance and it was an amazing sight.
“We are headed for the castle where I am sure you belong. Our princess has finally returned to us. What a joyous day!” Taehyung seemed in a good mood and full of light unlike a few moment ago where I had been sure he was trying to attack me.
“I assure you I am no princess.” I replied. “I am just a woman wanting to know where my family’s necklace came from.”
“Don’t worry, Princess. You will.”
“Stop calling me that. My name is Y/N!” I pouted.
The blue haired naga smiled, “As you wish, Y/N.”
The two of us soon ended up in front of a palace which seemed to have marble everywhere. The walls were decorated with natural gems. As soon as I stepped off of the blue haired being’s back, there was another young naga wiping the sweat from his face due to the hot sun. I looked at the difference between the two attractive faces.
Well, to start, the young guard had long-ish black hair and greenish yellow eyes compared to Taehyung’s blue tone. Taehyung also had green scales compared to this man’s black iridescent ones.
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“Did you really fall for another human?” He asked. “No offense, ma’am. You’re beautiful, but…” Then his eyes went wide and his voice softened in reverence, “Taehyung. Is she…?”
Taehyung nodded, “Yes, Jungkook, this is our princess, but she prefers to be called Y/N.”
Jungkook bowed, “Princess! Oh, Princess Y/N. I thought I would not see you again until my next life!”
“Our Princess is here?”
“A Princess?”
Soon enough, three other young snake...men showed up and were bowing to my feet. What the hell was going on? Two of them were basically entwined with one another. Dark red hair and vibrant red scales to match such a bright personality wrapped up with brown hair and baby blue scales with a bit of a sheen. They looked at me eagerly and with curiosity. Hope trailing right behind.
“Princess Y/N,” Jungkook began. “This is Hoseok and Jimin.”
He motioned to each. Hoseok was the red scaled one. Alright.
And then there was another who slowly slid out of a tree. White scales that shone rainbow in direct sunlight. His eyes too, were like sunbursts though he kept a pretty even demeanor. He hung around behind the others but was still very much curious to see the face of the one they called their princess.
“She doesn’t look like royalty. You didn’t steal that necklace, did you?” He asked, speaking in sort of a pout.
I was offended and my necklace knew this as it began to burn more brightly against anyone who dare doubt me.
He raised his eyebrows a bit out of surprise, “Ah. I see. I guess you are our Princess.” The mint haired man bowed low. “Welcome. I am Yoongi.”
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There was a slight smile on his face as well.
“Where is Namjoon and Jin?” Taehyung asked.
Hoseok spoke up, “Namjoon went for a walk and Jin is…”
A beautiful tenor voice came from up high accompanied by guitar. The men all smiled fondly and then Jungkook climbed up the castle wall after shooting Jimin a devious grin with a suspicious glint in his eye. Though his stature was quite large, he barely made a sound as he slithered up the wall to the rooftop, using every groove and peg he could to keep his body elevated. The next thing I heard was a sour note and a loud voice go.
“YA!!! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME! How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me while I’m singing? I will bite you, Jungkook. Try that again, and I swear to--”
A short moment of silence and then two adorable faces peeked over the edge.
They came down and the pink haired one known as Jin rested his chin in the area between his thumb and pointer finger to size me up.
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Then he reached out for my hand, and I gave it to him. He kissed it. He was very VERY handsome. Who knew that snake genes made one so good looking? Would he have been this alluring even without those genes.
“Princess. I cannot tell you how long I have waited to see you in person. I will be your extremely handsome Naga in Waiting. Ask for me whenever you need anything, and I mean anything. Call me Jin, or call me yours. I will answer to either.”
The others rolled their eyes at the charming one with a slender face.
He scolded them, “Excuse me! Don’t roll your eyes like that! Who is the oldest around here?”
“It’s definitely you, grandpa.” Said the adorable one I learned was Jimin.
“I will bite you.”
Jimin giggled and let his tail grab Jin by the waist and pull him closer, “Then do it” and showed his neck.
Jin slithered out of the hold, “I am a naga not a vampire. The neck is gross.” and shivered.
I had to say something, “I have questions. Like. A lot. Is there like a book or something I can read that will get me to know as much as you do? I have no idea what’s going on. If you knew me, I’m not fit to rule over anyone. Least of all, snake people. I’m human. I shouldn’t be ruling over things I am not.” I began to back up. This was all so much.
My back met up with the front of someone. I reached back and tried to see what it was since it was tall like a tree, and also hard. However, I knew snakeskin anywhere. I squeaked and turned around to meet dark purple eyes.
“Jungkook. Did you scare our meal? The meat doesn’t taste good when it’s scared.” His deep voice rumbled.
“She’s not that type of meal, Namjoon-hyung. Look at her.” The guard replied.
He was different from the others. His face was covered with a white mask and he was holding baskets full of vegetables and fish. Did snakes even eat fish? These ones must have.
Namjoon peered closely at me as Jin took the food from his arms, and he gasped, “My princess. You’ve arrived.” He bowed.
“Ok. Enough with the bowing. What the hell is going on?” I asked with frustration being obvious.
“You must have many questions.” He said as he took off his mask. “You must have many questions. Yoongi, Jimin, with me. The rest of you, make everything clean and beautiful. Our princess has returned to us.”
He gave me a gentle smile as the others set off to do what they were told. Both the tired looking naga and the cutesy one approached and we made our way into the building and down a few flights of stairs. They were wide and ancient, the edges chipped and rounded from decades of use. These halls were more Greek inspired than the rest of the buildings I had seen here.
I remembered Greece, when I thought you were so close learning the name of your necklace but not the power. However, I wasn’t as close as I thought. This was close. So close that I could almost taste the answers that this place held. They rested on the top of my tongue yet waited to be spoken by these nagas. Jimin gave me a small smile when I looked up at him his sky colored tail trailing behind him..
Both of these men seemed small compared to Namjoon, then again, nearly everyone did. Yoongi would not meet my eyes, looking away when I noticed him staring at me from the corner of his eye. Water dripped somewhere nearby in several places. Mayhaps this was an old cistern?
“We are here.” Namjoon said and turned to the others. “Will you two do the honors?”
Yoongi drained some of his venom into the elongated basin and then Jimin placed his torch upon it. They stepped back and motioned for me to place my necklace in the designated space. The whole place began to come to life the moment it was in the slot .I was in awe as the fire filled notches below wall paintings and such. 
“Everything we tell you is true whether you believe it or not.” Yoongi said. “However, it will be easier for us if you do. These are your answers if you’re willing to listen.”
I nodded, “I will. I will listen.”
Jimin smiled, “Good. I guess I’ll begin. That necklace you’re wearing. It has been passed down from generation to generation in your family because humans don’t live as long as humans do. It was first created by Medusa, her sisters, Lamia, and Nagas. Lamia kept it safe from humans, but soon fell in love with one. A performer.”
“My family has always been taught the arts. It really is tradition.” I whispered.
The baby blue naga smiled, “Yes. A long one that hopefully keeps going.”
“You see,” Yoongi picked up. “We’ve been dwindling in numbers and very few of the offspring we create survive past the age of 15 due to denying who they are or hiding in fear. This land used to be ours until we were attacked in our sleep and with poison in our water. We came to this spot...where we hid, where we’ve stayed.” He spoke with reverence to the dead.
I looked at him, “You were there. Weren’t you?”
He nodded.
Namjoon picked up where his friend left off, “We’ve survived mostly on hope that, one day, our princess would return to us from extinction. It has been a long time, so we have accepted that she would be mostly human. There is some of Lamia which resides in you still. Our princess that would bring the Naga and Lamia race back with the protection of a Gorgon. All the pieces are here. You’re here.”
The light finally reached the end of the hallway, where a piece of art hung. It was my face created out of snake scales. My eyes looked at all the photos. The war. The necklace. The long wait and ways of trying to create more.
“Create...more? Save you from extinction? You mean I have to…” the thought was not unwanted, just really shocking.
Namjoon replied, forcing himself to look at you although he was embarrassed,, “If you want to. I mean. We will die out sooner or later if more are not born soon, but...yes.”
“We have to mate, yes.” Yoongi said, his cheeks and ears getting increasingly red.
“How come it has to be me? I’ve heard you impregnate most anyone who comes this way.” I folded my arms.
The blonde and tall man replied, “They produce beings that are more human and can’t produce anything but human children. They aren’t you.”
I couldn’t argue with that. If my body really was made to carry half snake children, then I was the only one who could do it. Still…
“Then why mate with them at all if they can’t produce what you need in the long run?”
“Listen. Snakes have times when we can’t stop the need to breed. Not to mention, they come to us. We don’t seek them out.” Jimin nervously brushed his hair back when I turned his eyes on him. “It’s consensual. That’s one of our rules.”
I scoffed, “Then what was that spinny eye thing Taehyung did to me earlier?”
“Oh, he was going to kill you, not mate with you. That just makes sure you don’t fight back.” Yoongi said simply.
Well fuck.
“...I...I have to think this over. I spend my whole life to find out why I was entrusted with this necklace, and I’m just meant to be an incubator for snake children?” This wasn’t what I had in mind when I found the source.
“But you’ll be bringing back an entire race!” Jimin said as if this were an easy choice.
I stalked towards him, “Or I can drink myself silly, forget this ever happened, and have normal children with the King. He’s been courting me since I got here. Hell, I could even just go back home.”
The green light got more intense, and I heard the signature sound of a rattlesnake. Jimin was making it, the anger and bulbous rattle obvious. I stared him down. My glare dared him to attack me and instantly regret it. The glow of my necklace got brighter, turning the orange flames green.
Yoongi got in the middle, “Stop it, you two. She is free to do what she wants.”
“What about us, Yoongi? I want us to survive!” the small one replied. “And she wants to mate with the King? Are you kidding? That’s our enemy! His great-grandfather--”
“I know. I know, but--”
“If she was really our princess, this wouldn’t be a choice!”
That cut deep, and I didn’t understand why. “Listen here, baby blue. This is ALL new to me. I haven’t been adventuring and travelling the EARTH for the past 5 years of my life to become the baby maker to some BEAST.”
I left the room, grabbing my necklace and running back to where we came from. I grabbed the bottom of my red and sun patterened skirt and then dove beneath the waves and swam to where Taehyung had brought me in. The rock wall with a hidden door was the only thing stopping me. I didn’t know the song. I knew where my necklace came from. Now I wanted to go home. I wanted to grab my basket and--
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“Work, you stupid thing!” I yelled at the now inanimate jewel hanging around my neck Get me home! At least, get me out!” I didn’t understand anything.
My head swam with thoughts. For once in my life, I didn’t trust myself. I was unsure of what to do and how to do it. I was hungry too. I ate hours ago at the castle before leaving to “wash” the clothing.
Jin zipped to my side, “Princess Y/N. What happened? You don’t seem well.”
How could I voice all that was inside of me? My stomach began to cramp with its emptiness and stress combined. He offered his hand just like before.
“Please. Stay with us for a bit longer? I’ll be making dinner soon.”
I nodded and took his hand. He guided me onto his back using his strong tail where I subsequently passed out on his broad shoulders. It was too hard to keep my eyes and body awake with everything being so overwhelming.
To be continued….
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ao3feed-minjoon · 5 years
by nananamjoonie
jimin and jungkook have the bad habit of talking about namjoon in their native tongue. this wouldn't be a problem, if it weren't for the fact that namjoon, polyglot and translator, understands every single word they're saying. every. single. word.
or, five times jimin and jungkook talked about namjoon assuming he didn't understand, and one time he proved that he did indeed know.
alternatively, "jimin and jungkook are horny where namjoon can here and namjoon eventually cant stand it."
Words: 15513, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Twitter Fics Crossposted
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi | Suga
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Magical Realism, Alternate Universe - Not K-Pop Idols, nagas, Naga Park Jimin (BTS), Naga Jeon Jungkook, Human Kim Namjoon | RM, (supposedly), Kim Namjoon | RM-centric, Bottom Kim Namjoon | RM, Top Park Jimin (BTS), Top Jeon Jungkook, Miscommunication, Polyglot Kim Namjoon | RM, Namjoon speaks a lot of languages, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Double Penetration, Actually its Quadruple Penetration, snakes have two dicks, Kissing, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending, Established Relationship, Demon Min Yoongi | Suga, 5+1 Things, Blowjobs, Biting, Marking, they're all bad at feelings, But get good at them, Cute
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ao3feed-namkook · 5 years
love languages (unnecessary barriers)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3844ehe
by nananamjoonie
jimin and jungkook have the bad habit of talking about namjoon in their native tongue. this wouldn't be a problem, if it weren't for the fact that namjoon, polyglot and translator, understands every single word they're saying. every. single. word.
or, five times jimin and jungkook talked about namjoon assuming he didn't understand, and one time he proved that he did indeed know.
alternatively, "jimin and jungkook are horny where namjoon can here and namjoon eventually cant stand it."
Words: 15513, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Twitter Fics Crossposted
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi | Suga
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Magical Realism, Alternate Universe - Not K-Pop Idols, nagas, Naga Park Jimin (BTS), Naga Jeon Jungkook, Human Kim Namjoon | RM, (supposedly), Kim Namjoon | RM-centric, Bottom Kim Namjoon | RM, Top Park Jimin (BTS), Top Jeon Jungkook, Miscommunication, Polyglot Kim Namjoon | RM, Namjoon speaks a lot of languages, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Double Penetration, Actually its Quadruple Penetration, snakes have two dicks, Kissing, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending, Established Relationship, Demon Min Yoongi | Suga, 5+1 Things, Blowjobs, Biting, Marking, they're all bad at feelings, But get good at them, Cute
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3844ehe
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ayume-hikkido · 3 years
miscellaneous doodles from yesterday's session! shitposts and smogchamp death saves, what's not to love?
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tagging people under the cut!
Ayume, obviously
Jetsam! (@jetsam-kisa)
Kiyoko! (@cosmic-goof )
a memey amorette (@amor-core)
Jimin! (@snakey-superhero)
And a horrifying flesh abomination!
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murasaki-naga · 3 years
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so naga decided to search the interwebs to find out stuff about her new teacher Pro Hero Miss Me! (@dantelionwishes)
she's having a crisis
jimin (@art-is-drawing) didn't help
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
What's ikuto's opinions on his crewmates?
he loves his crewmates & sees them as close friends, almost like a family away from home, especially since he spends so much time with them
haru is a very competent captain, and surprisingly kind despite his often cold expression, after his initial intimidation he quickly warmed up to the man, he obviously cares very much for his crew & ikuto trusts him to make the right decisions & feels confident following him as a leader
jimin was the first person on the crew that he met & was the person that recruited him, they get along well & although jimin likes messing with him a fair bit he enjoys their lighthearted & playful spirit, as well as their drive & skill as a crew member (he's probably their go-to person for tae babysitting due to his experience with troublesome half-mer children, which he doesn't mind at all)
jiro seems to be the youngest crew member, & although ikuto still can't really tell why exactly this kid has such sticky fingers he can tell that he doesn't steal out of malice, & doesn't mind having to go find him every so often when something goes missing, after all it is a good skill to have, & he's otherwise a kind & helpful crewmate
aito, who may not technically be a crew member but is stuck with them none the less, is probably who he ends up closest with due to her being somewhat tied to the necklace in his possession, he's certainly a handful & causes a fair share of trouble, not a very helpful crewmate for sure, but he still enjoys her company, & for some reason despite all their differences they just clicked
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fantasymouse · 6 years
Our Ordinary Life - 3
Word count: 5.2k
Tags: ot7 x reader | monster!au | fluff | mature themes
Summary:  When a hapless human named y/n is inducted as a “volunteer” into the government exchange program, her world is turned upside down.
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Yet another sunny, summer day. “Okay, we’re going to review the Interspecies Exchange Bill,” Jungkook explained. He was standing in front of a whiteboard, where he had scribbled different laws and other rules onto. He held up his fingers accordingly “ first, humans and other species may not harm each other. Second, a non-human may not go out unless accompanied by their host family” Jungkook crossed his arms for effect, before turning to face the whiteboard and drew a cute doodle of what was obviously him and you hugging. “Third and most importantly, the exchange student who’s lived with the host longest is ranked highest, so you have to listen to me!” He exclaimed, while quickly doodling Jimin as number two and Hoseok as number three. Jungkook even drew a large picture of himself, writing number one beside it and small phrases such as ‘so cool’ and ‘most handsome’. Hoseok was quick to berate him “you can’t just change the law.” 
Jimin, however, seemed to take every word Jungkook was speaking very seriously. He was holding a thick book, with all current interspecies exchange laws in it. “Really?” he asked with a convinced gleam in his eyes “don’t be deceived, Jimin!” Hoseok exclaimed. Jungkook tapped on the whiteboard to gain their attention “you there. Do you understand? Hoseok?” Hoseok glared at Jungkook, responding “quiet. I already know the Interspecies Exchange Bill.”
You opened the door to the living room with Namjoon on the phone. “Hobi, Namjoon said you should fill out your homestay application.” The second you entered, Jungkook and Jimin stared intently on the visible skin of your thigh. Or rather, the blue horseshoe mark on it. Jungkook turned to Hoseok with a bloodthirst. “Humans and other species may not harm each other” he hissed at the centaur. Hoseok shrunk into himself, feeling incredibly ashamed. “No- I just…” Before Jungkook jumped at Hoseok, you quickly stepped in “hey Jungkook! I can explain. I was going to get your bath ready so I went into the bathroom. I didn’t think Hobi was in there. It’s my fault” Hoseok hastily blurted “n-not at all. I-I worked up a sweat during my morning run. If I’d locked the door, this wouldn’t have happened. I’m sorry” you smiled sweetly while Hoseok tried apologizing. Neither of you taking notice of how much Jimin was struggling with reading the heavy law book. 
“It’s okay, I’m used to it” Jungkook jumped between you and Hoseok, loudly whining “Princess, you’re always defending Hoseok! Hoseok, hurry up and fill out your homestay application!” Hoseok stepped back and nodded “I swear, centaurs are so violent. She only saw you naked!” offended, Hoseok pointed at Jungkook and bickered “what? How dare you ignore your own faults? Sir Kim told me everything. I heard you dislocated her shoulder!” Jungkook’s cheeks tinted red when he was reminded of that incident. “I just couldn’t contain my emotions…” Hoseok wasn’t finished and continued to argue with the stubborn naga. “In contrast, my master jumped in front of an evildoers sword to protect me!” They started getting in each other's faces, squaring up in a small territorial display. “Well, my princess beat up some delinquents to protect me!” You tried to calm them down but quickly realized that it was a fruitless task. “She was far more valiant protecting me!” 
You suddenly noticed Jimin moaning in pain his head completely overheated from trying to understand the many difficult laws and rules. “Jimin?” he groaned “the Interspecies Promiscuity Bill is too confusing. My head hurts. I want to take a bath” you gently patted his head suggesting that he go take one. “Let’s take a bath together, Master!” surprised at his request you looked to Jungkook and Hoseok “what? Ask Jungkook or Hobi to…” 
“I’ve taken a bath with my princess!” Jungkook hissed, by now he had his long tail wrapped around Hoseok, as the argument kept getting more heated. “Well, my master f-fondled me!” Hoseok was easily carrying Jungkook which was quite a strange sight, Jungkook coiled his tail tighter while snarling “what? I’m so jealous!” you instantly recognized that those two were getting nowhere in the foreseeable future. So you ended up leaving with Jimin. 
While filling up the tub, Jimin started taking off his clothes. “Hold on! Namjoon got you some swim trunks” you handed him the dark blue shorts, he complained but eventually changed into them. Jimin eagerly jumped into the now filled bath. Floating on the surface while giggling. He patted his stomach inviting you to sit on him, which you gently refused. Of course, he wasn’t having that, so he pulled you closer. Not caring that you were still dressed. Jimin placed you on top of himself, your ass directly on his dick while you squirmed to get comfortable. His heart skipped a beat at the sensation. “This is great” Jimin blissfully sighed as he enjoyed the feeling of floating on the water with you so close to him. You couldn’t stop yourself from giggling as you mentioned: 
“We’re kinda like parent-and-child otters.” His smile brightened considerably, finding the comparison amusing. “I think of us as a family too!” Surprised he thought so highly of you, you couldn’t stop yourself from asking “really?” Jimin nodded viciously “well, you play with me, you’re nice to me even when you scold me for being bad, and you praise me! I’ve always wanted a family of my own, so I’m really happy now!” he turned you around so you were laying stomach to stomach. You were surprised by the loving expression he had. “W-well, I guess I wouldn’t mind being family” you quietly admitted. Jimin wrapped his feathery wings around your body in a tender hug.
“Then let's get closer, like family” he not so subtly rutted against you. Your face turned beet red as you barely accomplished to push off his chest. “Hey! What are you-” his wings remained on your hips, keeping you in place. Jimin innocently replied “my heart jumped when you touched me earlier. I want to feel that even more” his sweet and innocent way of talking did not match his intentions at all. “Family doesn’t do that!” You exclaimed in a flustered frenzy, your heart was beating out of its chest while you tried getting off of him. Jimin smiled playfully, thinking you wanted to play. “You’re resisting me?” he playfully warned before suddenly rolling you both around, making him go on top of your body. You flailed in the water as you tried getting out of his grip. “You bad girl!” Jimin scolded, standing up to jump you. Before he could, the door burst open to reveal Hoseok with an angry scowl. “Unbelievable. I’ve been tolerant because I believed you to be a child, but you’re my age? I won’t allow you to behave this way” Hoseok easily pushed Jimin off, his wings too wet and heavy to fight back. “I-I can’t move” Jimin whined while trying to fly after you.
Seizing your chance, you stepped out of the bath. “Hobi…” your relief only lasted so long as Hoseok extended his hand to you and commanded “Master, climb on my back” not bothered by his request you replied “okay? sure.” before you could swing your leg over his back, Jungkook stormed in behind you. Shouting and waving around Hoseok’s Homestay application papers “hold it right there! How dare you run off behind my back? Namjoon is coming to pick up your paperwork soon. Hoseok, you have to fill out your...” He didn’t get to finish as you had already mounted Hoseok and he was running full speed out of the bathroom. Jungkook narrowly managed to dodge, although his tail wasn’t so lucky, part of it had gotten trampled by Hoseok’s hooves making Jungkook howl in pain and curse at the crazy horse. By the time Hoseok slowed from a gallop to a steady trot, you were a few blocks from your house. “Jimin should cool down, given some time” he headed for the neighborhood park. When you reached the entryway, Hoseok halted and walked normally. You couldn’t help but sigh, relieved that you were no longer at risk of falling down. 
After what happened last time you had been riding Hoseok, you were apprehensive of galloping. The entire park was in full bloom, every tree lush with leaves in a lovely shade of green. In the large grass areas were small flowers sprinkling in some vibrant color. The cool air provided a nice balance from the heated summer sun. “Are you alright, Master?” Hoseok asked you held a firm grip around his waist as you nodded “yeah, I’m fine. The wind from riding on your back dried my clothes off” he smiled in response although his face was slightly red. He softly asked “really? In that case, could you let go, please?” you realized how close you were sitting and jumped down from him, apologizing profusely, as you knew he became easily flustered. “It’s alright, for one who serves you, it’s not a serious problem.” you couldn’t help but frown, it was very flattering that he thought like that, but you couldn't help saying “serves me? You’re exaggerating” Hoseok quickly turned to face you defending: “I’m not! The dignified centaurs are warriors who value loyalty to their masters above all else. That’s why I’ve been searching for a master to serve!”
You had no words, Hoseok's entire body moved with renewed passion. “My father, grandfather, and great-grandfather did the same. I am a knight first, and a man second. This is the spirit of my kind. It is no exaggeration” by now you could practically see every generation of warriors standing behind him as he talked with pride. “Okay, I get it. But… This isn’t your home country. I know centaur culture is important to you, but you could let your hair down a little” you smiled kindly at him, causing his cheeks to redden once more. “I could never” Hoseok softly mumbled, you patted him on the back while suggesting “you should take advantage of the Interspecies Exchange Bill. That’s why you came here. Isn’t there anything you want to do?” he looked around dumbfounded “anything I want to do?” Hoseok spotted a couple walking together through the park while holding hands. He mumbled “um, I… No, never mind” you spotted the same couple wondering what he wanted “don’t be shy.” His hoof scratched at the ground while he shyly replied “my hand. I was hoping you’d hold my hand...” Hoseok couldn’t meet your gaze. “I’ve only ever held swords and bows, so I thought… I just thought that’s what people do in human society. There’s no deeper meaning. No, as one who serves my master, that was an unbecoming outburst. Just pretend I never said-” without a word you grabbed his hand. Intertwining your fingers. His request to hold hands didn’t bother you and he was being positively adorable while he ranted. “Like this? Um, Hobi?”
His face was by now completely red and he couldn’t take the wide smile off his face. Hoseok instantly pulled his hand back and covered his face while turning away from you “d-don’t look. Even I don’t know what I look like right now” you tried stepping around him so that you could face him “yeah, but…” Hoseok once again avoided you by turning the other way. “I told you not to look!” The moment was interrupted by Jungkook who literally fell from the sky. Shortly followed by Jimin who gracefully flew to the ground. “What’d you do that for, Jimin?!” Jungkook cried while rubbing his backside. Jimin leaned forward with a mischievous grin “you told me to let you down.” 
Jungkook, mildly outraged, exclaimed “I didn’t tell you to drop me!” once Hoseok got out of the shock of seeing a fully grown naga falling from the sky, he yelled “what are you two doing here? You said yourself that you’re not allowed out alone!” Jungkook spun to a stand shrewdly responding “it’s fine if no one finds out!” Hoseok was quick to scold him “that’s not a reason-” Jungkook and Jimin didn't listen, both too distracted by how Hoseok was hugging you tightly to his body. Not an inch between you. “Hoseok!” Jungkook snarled at the other male. Hoseok quickly stepped away from you, trying and failing to explain what was going on “no, this is just…”
Jungkook without hesitation grabbed you from the centaur and hugged you to his own body. “Stupid horse, you kidnapped my princess just to flirt with her?! Dignified centaur my butt!” flustered, Hoseok grabbed your other arm and pulled you back into his embrace. At this point, you were starting to feel more like a chew toy, that two dogs were fighting over. Both sides trying to pull you closer. “Enough. I’ll not take this from you, you vindictive snake! Who are you calling ‘Princess’ anyway?! Do you think you’re my master’s husband?!” Jimin suddenly enveloped you in his soft, brown wings from behind, and pulled you to his own chest, gleefully exclaiming “I’ll be taking y/n, then.” Both Hoseok and Jungkook shouted, “stay out of this, chicken wing!” Jungkook was pulling at your right arm, Hoseok your left and Jimin was hovering above you, trying to fly off with you. All guys were yelling at each other getting equally more riled up. “Fine, then. We’ll settle this by force!” They exclaimed.
Jungkook let go of you, his tail twisting with anger as he readied himself to lunge at the other two. Hoseok pulled out his sword while stomping his hooves in fury and Jimin let out a horrifying screech as his talons extended completely. At this moment, you could understand why humans had so many legends of evil monsters. All three of them were terrifying, especially considering that you were caught in between them. In all of the commotion, you failed to notice a familiar black SUV pulling up and Namjoon rushing out of the car. “s-stop!” you feebly tried calming them. You stood in front of them all to gain their attention. Unfortunately, you also stepped right ahead of Namjoon just as he fired his tranquilizer gun. Three small shots hit bullseye right in your back. It didn’t hurt all that much, it was barely a pinch but you very quickly started to feel tired. When the world started spinning, you heard everyone screaming your name in shock.
By the time you woke up, it was late into the evening. You were lying on the couch in your living room, with a pillow beneath your head. The first thing you saw when opening your eyes was Namjoon, in his usual suit with a coffee mug in his hand. With a sheepish smile he exclaimed “wow, I can’t believe I hit you, Princess. They may be tranquilizer darts, but I’m surprised you’re okay after getting hit by three” your massive headache begged to differ. You carefully sat up while holding your head, trying to stop your vision from swaying too much. “I’m not okay” you groggily moaned. Namjoon smiled sweetly and cheekily remarked “I could get in trouble for this. Don’t tell anyone, okay?” he even winked at you, like this was some cute little secret between the two of you. You suddenly sprung into action, realizing that none of the boys were in the living room with you, “where are the guys? Normally they’d come running” Namjoon silently pointed to the hallway. You turned and was met with all three of them peeking from behind the wall, only their heads visible from the ajar door. “W-what are you doing?” you questioned. All three had a disheartened expression, Jungkook was the first to speak “this happened to you because of what we did” Jimin added with tears in his eyes “I’m sorry, Master!” Even Hoseok’s head was bowed in shame. “I have failed as your servant” Namjoon couldn’t help but chuckle at their behavior.
Soon after they all entered the room, they lined up. Jungkook once again spoke first “so, the thing is, we decided that, from now on, we’ll hold back. So we won’t cause any trouble for you!” you were immediately confused by what they meant by hold back. Jimin continued saying what they had rehearsed “yeah. I won’t ask you to play with me!” Hoseok also added “I won’t act out of line again” shocked at what you were hearing you blurted “what are you talking about?” You tried standing but had to steady yourself against the couch, as your legs still wobbled somewhat. With a forgiving voice, you explained “sometimes you do go too far, and it’s not good to fight. But it’s really Namjoon who’s most at fault here” Namjoon had just taken a sip of his coffee, and nearly choked when he heard what you said. Not minding Namjoon's outburst, you continued comforting the guys “problems happen. Isn’t learning to overcome them a part of doing a homestay? And since this is a homestay, that makes us family. So you don’t need to hold your selves back” all three men were staring at you with wide eyes. What you said meaning more to them than you could ever know.
Just as you were about to continue, Namjoon interrupted your tangent with a joyful sneer “that’s perfect then!” he adjusted his tie while ominously laughing to himself. “Family. Family, huh? I was right to ask Princess to take care of them” by this point you were more scared of what Namjoon was plotting than you had ever been of the boys. Namjoon enlightened you on his thoughts: “recently, there’s been a movement to amend the Interspecies Exchange Bill. It’s just a few minor changes, but one of them would allow humans and other species to marry. I was just looking for a test case to see if that’s truly possible” your eye twitched slightly in a mix of annoyance and bafflement. “What?” you stuttered. Namjoon continued, undisturbed by your protesting. “Princess, you will marry either Jungkook, Jimin or Hoseok!” all three guys blushed as they repeated the word ‘marry’. Their earnest eyes drifting to you.
“H-How did this suddenly lead to marriage?” You exclaimed while following Namjoon, as he headed for the front door. He turned to you with a patient tone explaining: “Going forward, marriage will become an unavoidable part of interspecies relationships. As a test case, you-” You interrupted Namjoon by wailing “that’s not what I meant! You can’t suddenly tell someone to get married! That’s crazy! What am I supposed to do?!” The guys looked slightly rejected while you continued to loudly protest. Namjoon scratched his chin in thought “do your best?” was his final answer. Annoyed you mumbled “you’re not even trying! Hey, wait. Why are you trying to leave?” Namjoon had opened the door and had one foot outside already. He turned back to you and with a satisfied expression, he waved Hoseok’s papers saying “well, I got what I came for. Wait… I forgot to tell you something... Oh, well. It probably wasn’t important. Bye. Do your best!” with that, he slammed the door behind him and drove off. Leaving you a flustered mess.
When the full moon was at its highest, you were still awake. Lying face down on the bed, you contemplated everything Namjoon had announced. “What is he thinking, telling me to get married? He said he’d arrest me if I laid a hand on them. No, wait. I haven’t tried anything with any of them” you scoffed and looked out at the moon. “They did try to seduce me, though. Every time, it took so much self-control to-” realizing what you were thinking, you slammed your face back in the soft pillows and screamed “wait, what am I saying!?” you kicked your feet in frustration. When your small tantrum subsided, you rolled onto your back and stared up at the ceiling.
“Marriage, huh?” Two knocks at your door interrupted the silence, and nearly scared the life out of you. You practically leaped up to sit, when Jungkook softly called out to you from the other side of the door. “Princess, are you awake?” He silently opened the door, cautiously poking his head in. His dark locks were messy, suggesting he had been sleeping restlessly, if at all. “You seemed distressed, so I was worried” Jungkook whispered, his expression saddened considerably, “I thought maybe you didn’t want to marry any of us” you hated seeing him look so unhappy. You hesitated but eventually explained “no, it’s not exactly that. I was just at a loss because he forced it on me. It’s not about the marriage itself” Jungkook’s eyes quickly returned to you a hint of excitement in his voice “really?” you continued explaining “well, technically speaking. I’ve never even dated a guy. And I’m a virgin” Jungkook entered your room, closing the door behind him. “I see. So It’s not that you don’t want to get married” his movements were fluid as he slithered across the floor and now that he was closer, you noticed how his amber eyes were glazed over.
“Jungkook?” you questioned when he suddenly leaned towards you. “I knew you would say that, Princess. After all, you’re so sweet. That’s what I love about you” Jungkook brushed some hair away from your face. His fingers traveled down your cheek and lingered at the corner of your soft looking lips. When he started getting even closer to your body, you leaned further back. Eventually, his weight forced you to lay down beneath him. His black tail wrapped itself around your legs while he caged you in between his arms. Jungkook looked into your eyes, huskily whispering “Princess, did you know? Snakes mate all night long. They wrap around each other from head to tail, just like this, so tightly that the lines between them blur” your lower body was by now, completely coiled up in his tail as he pushed against you. Jungkook's large, chilly hands moved beneath your shirt, pulling it up to reveal more of your soft skin.
The black scales on his cheeks were tinted pink. He smiled seductively at you “hey, Princess, why don’t we become one?” Jungkook poked out his long, forked tongue and licked the visible area on your stomach. Your heart was beating a mile a minute and you had even worked up a bit of a sweat. You had no idea what was going on with Jungkook. Normally he was flirty and clingy, but tonight, he was sort of bewitching. “Wait, Jungkook-” a loud crash caused both you and Jungkook to stop. Jimin had literally burst through the window, grabbing Jungkook and thrown him off of you. In the process, you tumbled out of bed. “Are you okay?!” you questioned since he might have gotten hurt when breaking the glass.
Jimin straddled you, answering “I’m fine” which he most certainly was not. He wasn’t wearing any pants, giving you a full view of the already semi-hard package. “Where’s your underwear?!” you shouted, completely flustered. You couldn't decide where to look. Eventually, you managed to lock eyes with Jimin and gulped when you noticed the lustful look in his eyes. He almost seemed drunk. his body moved sluggishly, while his words were slow and sensual. “Huh? Oh, it’s okay. We’re getting married, so it’s okay” panicked, you squeaked “it’s not okay! Do you even know what marriage is?” Jimin looked back at Jungkook who was completely knocked out, then answered “it’s when you mate and lay eggs, right? With my pe-” by now your entire body was completely flushed, “that’s too direct! You can’t say that!” he smiled sweetly while asking “why not? I’m an adult. I’m not sterile either. I can mate, too, so it’s okay. I can even get married to you” his voice was captivating while he spoke. Jimin, too? What had gotten into them? He had changed way too much since all this talk about marriage. The sound of hooves alerted you that Hoseok was nearby. Hoseok, actually, kicked down your door, yelling “are you alright, master?” Your room was by now in total disarray, an unconscious naga on your bed and Hoseok had swiftly flung off Jimin who was now covering the small bump on his head from landing harshly on the floor.
“I’m too late” Hoseok stated. Relieved that at least one of them was acting normal you breathed out “thanks, Hobi. Everyone’s acting weird” he walked up to you and gestured to the sky. “I’m not surprised. After all, there is a full moon tonight. Instincts are fully awakened on this night” you turned to stare at the white ball hanging in the sky. “A full moon?” you questioned, encouraging Hoseok to elaborate on their unusual behavior “with marriage on the table, they must have lost control of themselves” you walked to the open window, shivering from the draft. “Just because of that? So are you okay, Hobi?” you asked. He almost sounded offended at the accusation, loudly claiming “of course! I don’t lose my head over a mere full moon! I swore my loyalty to you. My body and heart are yours. Therefore, you can do anything to me! We are as good as married!” He grabbed both your hands and pulled you close to him “come, you can touch me all you like, master!” 
By this point, you were shaking. Even Hoseok had succumbed to his instincts “you have lost it!” Hoseok moved his hands to your ass, you could faintly hear Jimin and Jungkook growling and hissing behind you. Jungkook’s tail had curled itself around the steel framing of your bed and bent it from squeezing so tightly. “princess, can I squeeze you?” Shocked at what you were seeing, you barely noticed Jimin walking closer to you, moaning “I want to squeeze you, too!” his sharp talons were fully extended, leaving claw marks as he walked closer to you.  “Don’t try to get ahead of me! I want to do it, too!” Hoseok stomped his hooves into the ground, creating large dents in the wooden floor.
They could obviously not control their strength, they were all acting on instinct. If they tried mating with you now, you might actually die. Fearing for your life, you sprinted out of your room, rushing towards the stairs. “I got you!” Jimin exclaimed when he grabbed your shoulder, “I’m not letting you go. You are destined to marry me, princess!” Jungkook clung to your arm. “Master’s marrying me!” Jimin whined, Hoseok angrily growled “only I am a worthy companion for my master” all three of them yelled your name so you could tell the others off.  Luckily, they had been so distracted by yelling at each other, they still had not noticed you make your escape. You ran downstairs and hid beneath the dinner table. You nearly screamed when your phone buzzed. You hurried to pull it out and answer so they wouldn’t hear. “Princess, are you alright?” Namjoon’s warm voice asked. “Namjoon!” you hissed angrily. “I forgot to tell you there’s a full moon tonight” irritated you seethed “yeah, I know! At this rate, we’ll be holding a funeral before the wedding!” You could faintly hear water splashing in the background. This guy had the nerve to call you while he was taking a bath. “Did you do them?” he casually asked which you strongly denied. “Since you brought up m-marriage, they’re even more excited than usual. They’re beyond my control” Namjoon hummed in understanding.
“So, have you decided who you’re marrying?” the fact that you didn’t answer, told him everything he needed to know. “So you haven’t decided yet.” you whined “I can’t possibly decide that!” instead of humoring your complaining, Namjoon sternly asked “have you discussed your plans for the future with them? You ran right to your room and hid, didn’t you?” you couldn’t defend yourself since his accusation was spot on.
“It’s no wonder they’re so uneasy, you won’t talk to them. That’s why they’re all acting like that” he sighed heavily “well, for the time being, you need to cool them down” you perked up, relieved to have a possible solution. “Is there a refrigerator nearby?” carefully, you rushed to the kitchen, opening the fridge. “you could cool them down with ice” clearly that wasn’t going to work. “You’re so thoughtless!” you chastised his bad idea, abruptly there was a loud splash and you could faintly hear Namjoon cursing a colorful selection of words “my phone fell in the bath-” the line cut to static before ending the call. “Namjoon? Namjoon?!” you were starting to panic again. You had no clue what to do. Sadly you didn’t have time to ponder it, all three guys bust through the door and ran straight into you. Completely wrecking the kitchen. “I caught you” Jimin gleefully cried, Hoseok seductively stated, “you won’t escape again, master.” Since you didn’t respond they all leaned back, Jungkook sweetly asked “what happened, princess? You’re soaking wet-” his voice turned cold when he looked at his hand. It was completely covered in a deep, maroon fluid. They all gasped in horror when they saw that you were laying in a pool of the liquid. They jumped from you in terror.
Confused, you sat up “huh? what? Oh, the ketchup… I hope it’ll wash off” you mumbled to yourself when you realized that you had landed on a full bottle of ketchup and its contents had been splashed everywhere. You sighed with relief “hey, you’ve calmed down. Are you back to normal?” You immediately regretted turning around. They were all glaring at you with a dangerous glow in their lust driven eyes.
When morning rolled around, they were sleeping soundly in the living room. Hoseok was lying face down on the couch with his upper body. His horse part on the floor. Jungkook was curled up on the second couch, clutching a thick blanket to his body and Jimin was sleeping on the coffee table, with the largest pillow you could find. Softly, you shook Jungkook’s shoulder and prodded “Jungkook, wake up. It’s morning. Jimin and Hobi, you too.” Jungkook yawned and sat up, rubbing his eyes “huh? Good morning, princess…” he gasped in shock when he saw you. A large band-aid on your cheek, covering a cut from Jimin’s talons and an ice pack strapped to the bump on your head from being tackled by them all. With no amusement or joy in your voice, you responded “good morning.” They all examined your bruised body with concern.
“P-Princess, what happened?” Jimin stretched his wings before asking “who did this to you, master?” even Hoseok seemed utterly clueless as to what happened last night. “Did something happen?” All morning you had prepared for this. So with confidence, you declared “I’m fine! Well, not really. But this happened because I was indecisive! I made all of you feel uneasy. I’m going to try to make a decision.” You cleared your throat before announcing “I’m going to start dating all three of you as potential marriage partners. So, you know… I’ll look forward to it!” You felt unsure of how to end your little speech but decided you were happy with the outcome. All three of them had wide eyes and broad smiles. Clearly, they were happy and relieved to hear this from you. Although their joy didn’t last long because you suddenly started swaying and collapsed. Your body too tired and beaten from running to stay awake anymore. “Also… Go to bed early on full moon nights…” you groaned exhaustedly.
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