#knight anon 🗡️
glorified-red · 11 months
your majesty,I require a second opinion
box braids or passion twists?
~knight anon
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yandere-daze · 2 years
i've been thinking of this scenario idea for a while so i wanted to share it with you, daze! okay, so...imagine the yandere knights darling asking ritsu to run away with them. out of all the knights, he seems like the one who has the most hesitance (? may be a weird word choice but i hope that makes sense) on wanting to share with the others so i think he would be a good character to choose for this idea (though it's okay to choose someone else for this!).
and, maybe before the darling was kidnapped (i'm imagining this as the darling already being captured, but you can change this if you want!), darling used to have (romantic) feelings for ritsu and still holds on to those feelings for him after. or, y'know, maybe darling has a ulterior motive because they know he isn't the most physically trained and thinks they have a better chance of escaping.
anyways, what do you think ritsu's reaction would be to this? or even the knights if they end up finding out? i can imagine ritsu at least thinking about the idea but have been mixed on what he would do next (*﹏*;) i hope you enjoy this little scenario idea of mine and hope it wasn't confusing in any way!
- 🗡️ anon (first day labeling myself as 🗡️ anon instead of just yandere knights anon, feels great lmfao ( ꈍᴗꈍ))
Ah hey there 🗡anon, I´m happy to see you here again! Honestly even as a writer it´s nice to see some familiar faces in my askbox from time to time ^^
As for your idea, I´d love to share some of my own thoughts as well! Don´t worry it wasn´t confusing at all and it was fun to think about! Just adding a picture because I think it looks prettier that way <3
gn reader
tw yandere, prior kidnapping, obsession, possessiveness
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Yandere! Knights darling asks Ritsu to run away with them
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I think you´re right when you say that Ritsu would probably be the best person to ask to run away with you out of all of the Knights. He´s not very happy with the current arrangement, only agreeing to it in the first place because there was reason for him to think that you might leave them all behind otherwise. He´s very possessive of you and doesn´t like it when the other members of Knights hang around you too much, he would much rather have you only pay attention to him and shower him in affection.
So when you come to him, all quietly, when he´s on his own and propose the idea of running away with him, he´s quite intrigued. Or pleased would be the better word. He´s even more on board with the idea when you tell him you love him dearly and can´t handle another day where you two can´t be together in peace.
“Please Ritsu, let´s run away from the others and start a new life somewhere else”, you beg him with a pleading look on your face. You´re nervous about how he may respond but your worries are quickly alleviated when he holds your face in his hands and presses a kiss on your forehead before answering you in a murmur.
“Hah, we won´t ever be separated again, right? I´ll finally be able to have you all to myself...”
Ritsu would be beyond happy, a soft smile on his face because he finally feels like his ideal future is within his reach: A peaceful life with just the two of you with no one else to bother you and where you only have each other and spend every single second together.
Soon enough, he won´t ever have to get upset when Leo interrupts your cuddling session with his loud voice, or when Tsukasa deems it improper for the both of you to be so close to each other. It will just be you and him.
Of course, actually getting away will be the most difficult part of this. It´s very rare that the two of you are ever alone together because the others just love crowding around you and taking up your precious time but at least that allows Ritsu to come up with a proper plan for your escape. He´s clearly not the fastest runner as he generally lacks the energy for that, so simply trying to make a run for it most likely would not work out. So instead, he needs to use his brain a bit to come up with some sort of distraction that would keep the other knights away for long enough to get away. Ritsu is actually pretty smart so with enough time he will come up with something
Soon enough, a new life will begin and it´s all in your hands what it´s going to be like. Do you still harbor some feelings for Ritsu even after the kidnapping and finding out about just how obsessed he is with you? Or have you long since fallen out of love for him and are instead just trying to use him to get away and then abandon him as well?
Be careful either way, Ritsu is good at reading people, especially his darling, so if you´re planning on abandoning him after you two got away, he´s most likely already aware and is thinking about what to do to keep you with him by force is necessary. So for your own benefit just love him back and allow yourself to be pulled into a blissful dream of adoration and endless affection that you won´t ever wake up from~
I don´t think I even need to mention that the other knights are super upset once they learn of this. Better hope they don´t find out about this in your planning face because the both of you would be punished for even thinking of running away ( though Ritsu would get the worse punishment because they don´t really like seeing you in pain).
If they only find out once you´re already gone, they will do anything in their power to get you back with them. Tsukasa uses all of his connections and the wealth of his family to send search troops all over the country to look for you while the others make posts about you on their social media, telling all of their adoring fans that you´ve gone missing and that they should come straight to them if they have any hints about your possible whereabouts.
Also, you better hope Izumi hasn´t installed a GPS tracker on you just yet, because if he has then there really is no way you´re going to get very far. No matter where you go, he´ll know where you are and they´ll all do absolutely anything to get you back in their arms
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yourdarlingness · 6 months
 ◞◟ argenti names · pronouns · titles !
  · requested by anon
 more npts from others — 1 2 3
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 ◞◟ NAMES ✦
 : Adorne . Adornelle . Adorinly . Amore . Amour . Beau . Charme . Charmelle . Lovelynn . Mercy . Noblique . Nobleanth(e). Rosaric . Rosanthe . Rosaire . Virtuor  : Atticus . Avery . Caine . Calix . Ernest . Florence . Flynn . Lucian . Lucio . Lucianne . Lucinda . Lucy . Rosito . Rosalio . Rosette . Rosetta . Roselia . Rosa . Sebastian . Prince
 : kni / knight . re / rose . chi / chivalry . qu / quest . hon / honor . pet / petal . che / cher . chae / chaer . chae / charm . beau / beauty . blo / bloom . ado / adore . mer / mercy . h🌹 / h🌹m . sh🌹 / h🌹r . th🌹y / th🌹m . 🥀 . 🌹 . 💐 . ⚔️ . 🗡️
 ◞◟ TITLES ✦
 : the knight . one of the knights of beauty . the noble one . the noblest (one / knight) of all . the knight of beauty . the knight who charms all . the beauty and the knight . the knight who upholds the name of beauty . the knight with aesthetic virtues . the knight with prn shining armor . (the one / prn) who sees beauty in all . prn (elegant / rosey) fragrance . prn gracefulness . prn who honors beauty . prn who blooms like roses . prn knightly duties . prn who embodies roses . prn chivalric acts . prn charming smile
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[x] can be replaced with any nouns or terms you prefer
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cookieboards · 4 months
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mercurial knight cookie moodboard for anon 🪙🍴🗡️🩶🤍🖤
lyrics from Catabolic Seed by the scary jokes!
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hazyaltcare · 4 months
Hi! Can I please get a Ghost from Hollow Knight typing quirk suggestion? Thanks so much! (Gonna nyoink anon tag 🪷🌙 if that's okay!)
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Hello! Thank you so much for your patience <:B
Multiple of us tried to work on this, but, we have only been able to do it now. So I hope you like these suggestions.
Typing quirk suggestion for a Ghost kin from Hollow Knight
Replacing the letter "O" with ⚫, "0" (zero), or ● to symbolize Void
Replacing the letter "O" with ⚪ to symbolize a Soul Vessel
Replacing the letter "X" with ⚔️ and "I" or with 🗡️ to symbolize one's nail
Replacing letters with 👻, maybe an "A"
Using all lowercase or all italics
Bug puns and wordplay, such as using "bugger" as an insult, using "shell" to refer to one's body, "claws" for hands, "mandibles" for mouth, "antennae" for ears, "nymph" "larvae" or "grub" for children, "imago" for adults, etc.
Ghost and knight-related puns and wordplay, if you so choose.
Using fancy brackets to sandwich your words like a higher being, like this:
⊱⊰ (just fancy)
⩤⩥⫷⫸ (nail-shaped)
< > (is also nail-shaped but not as fancy)
Emoticon/kaomoji of yourself, which you can adjust to your liking:
( ( ) ) ( ( ) )
(⚫⚫) (O O)
Mod Vintage (🦀)
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prpfs · 23 days
Hello there! I’m writing this ad because I’m searching for a Legend of Zelda roleplay! A disclaimer, I am 18-22 and I require my partners to be 18+ and all characters to be 18+ as well. I tend to write near or over the discord limit but that is dependent on the scene and what I am given.
Now, onto what I’m looking for. I’m looking to write the storyline of the Last Legend. The end of the timeline. When Ganondorf was reincarnated, this time he had kept the memories of his past self. He knows his failures, how he lost, how he won. With that knowledge he has been secretly planning his takeover of the Hyrule Kingdom. Zelda has been recently having some nightmares, seeing the end of Hyrule and wanting to protect her kingdom, she asks the King if she could go on a journey to discover the meanings of those dreams. The King allows it but only if she has a Knight to accompany her the entire time. Enter Link.
As you can tell, it’s very incomplete now so I’m looking for someone who can bring forth ideas! I love collaboration so much! It’s my favorite part of roleplays! I’m looking for someone to play Zelda to my Link by the way and… that’s about it! If you’re interested, interact with the post and I’ll reach out! Have a wonderful day! 🗡️
give a like and anon will get back to you
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vikkirosko · 2 years
Since requests are open. Could i request Damara Megido x S/O who's allergic to tobacco smoke?
personally speaking from my own experience: i cannot be around smokers when they be smoking that shit. Even a small whiff of it has me coughing and wheezing, to the point where i need to instantly leave the place. My eyes get watery and my throat gets hoarse and sore, the smell invades my nostrils and fucking takes over that shit like how Portugal invaded Brazil. I have noticed on some occasions i become Rudolph the fucking red nose raindeer. If i stay long enough that shit that shit might, A) kill my ass B) leave me hospitalized.
— 🗡️ anon - knight anon
♈ Damara Megido x Reader headcanons Allergy to tobacco smoke 🚬
You and Damara had a great relationship. You spent a lot of time together. You saw her as a beautiful girl, even though some people sometimes spoke of her as rude and sometimes annoying. The only thing that bothered you was the fact that she smoked a lot. You understood that it was her choice, but you had a severe allergy to tobacco smoke because of which you could not even be around when she smoked
She knew about your allergy, but when you first started dating, she forgot about it one day. As soon as you smelled tobacco, your allergy made itself felt. You ran out into the street, coughing and wheezing violently. Damara apologized to you for a long time for this. Since then, she has not forgotten about your allergies and did not smoke next to you, even if she really wanted to. She didn't want you to get sick because of her habit
During one of your conversations, you told her that a few years before you met her, you ended up in the hospital because of your allergies. You ended up in the same room with a smoker and you couldn't leave the room. You were so bad that you had to spend a couple of weeks in the hospital. When you told Damara about this, she got angry at the person who put you in the hospital and tried to make sure not only that she didn't smoke herself, but also that no one else smoked in your presence
You were grateful to Damara for her care. Many of your friends treated your allergy lightly and it really annoyed you. You knew how bad, painful and scary you were when you had allergy attacks because of tobacco smoke. Sometimes it seemed to you that a little more and you would die. You were really scared. Several times you had nightmares about your allergic attacks and each time Damara was there to calm and support you
Damara liked to smoke, but she was ready not to smoke for you. You were dear to her and she didn't want to harm your health. When she saw your allergic attack, she was very scared and she didn't want this to happen again, especially because of her fault. She genuinely cared about you and didn't want you to feel bad. She was ready to give up smoking completely for the sake of you and your health. You didn't force her to do it, but you were grateful to her. She was the only one who cared so much about you and your well-being
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dollfacevn · 1 year
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Doll face contains sensitive subjects like bullying, stalking, murdering, occult stuff, mental illnesses(Depression, anxiety, more to be added), gore, derealization, suicide/self harm, and creepy imagery in general. If these topics trigger you then please do NOT interact. More trigger warnings will be added as I progress the story.
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Doll Face is a visual novel
Everyone gets magic when they are 16, not you though. Because of that you have been outcasted by society. Yearning for friends, you make them through dolls. However, it isn't enough for you. You turn to other ways in order to make them come alive. At first it doesn't work but when you wake up all of them are alive!
Note: years have passed since you were supposed to get magic and when you first made the dolls, you're at LEAST 18 now
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If I make "Doll Face" content, can I tag you in it?- Yup! I would LOVE to be tagged in any fan content! It makes me so happy and overjoyed to see people making stuff for Doll Face. I'm happy that others are interested in my stories and characters.
Are we allowed to send asks interacting with the Li's? - Yeah! I think it would also help me write the characters better for when I write their routes.
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Jondi: Jondi is the first doll you ever made. She's a joyful, loyal and sincere doll. She cares a lot about you and her other doll friends. Her hobby is making her friends smile and laugh.
Aiden: The second doll you made. He's a sweet and gentle plant lover. It's rare to see him without his dearest plant. Often checks up on you. You're one of the people he can speak to without getting super nervous.
Bao: The timid astrologist. Quiet and shy in front of others, talkative in front of the stars. Want to get them to speak, ask about anything space related.
Bartholomew: A mystery. They're quiet and don't talk a lot and the others are kind of scared of them. Ehren's older brother.
Eevi: A clown! They LOOVE making people laugh. Her and Jondi have a playful rivalry. Gets upset when it doesn't make people laugh but it will NEVER give up.
Ehren: An assassin. They aren't bad at their job but at first glance you would think they are. They space out a lot and they're kind of clumsy. Bartholomew's younger sibling.
Bix: A total flirt. They turn everything they can into an innuendo. Gets on everyone's nerves and enjoys it.
Charon: The headstrong knight. Comes across as rude but is very protective. He means the best for you and his friends.
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#🔪- Ehren
#💌-fan content
#🔞-minors dni
#🪡-Doll Face
#🌟-abt star
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Ageless in bio(either put your age/birthday in your bio, or you can send me a message telling me your age, if none of those I’ll block you)
I won’t be writing any gross out kink or anything like that.
If you’re a minor please don’t interact with my content that is 18+, especially since the base content won’t be 18+ so you can still get content.
Please be patient with me
I’d prefer it if younger kids(14-) didn’t interact with this blog because there will be swearing and triggering topics, thank you.
I’m happy to take criticism on anything and will take it into consideration. What I won’t listen to is any hate comments without criticism, I’ll just block you.
If you're going to send in an NSFW ask, please turn off anon, otherwise I'm not gonna respond to it or I'll make it SFW, thank you!
More might be added/changed to most sections as I develop this blog
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rhenuvee · 2 years
HI! HELLO! Can I get a matchup?
I don't personally have a preference, though i would like if it was both male and female. Romantic? Yeah
⚔️ ; APPEARANCE — Imagine as if a sad bunny got turned into a human being, yeah that's quite literally me. I got the chubby rosy cheeks, small nose that has a pinkish tone to it, i also have the bunny teeth (buck teeth) and big round eyes. People often compare me to one and i just kinda accepted it. I have curly jet black hair that's always messy, plus it's also fluffy. I have very dark brown eyes that almost looks like i have no soul, speaking of souls. I give off a mostly soulless look, deadpanning 24/7 or just genuinely look like I'm upset, that's a problem i have! which is resting sad face. I honestly just look like I'm upset or like i just heard the most horrendous news. There's also the look aside from my general resting face which is the one that gets compared to a bunny, other than that i look like your average brazilian enby
⚔️ ; PERSONALITY — My personality is basically just Arataki Itto on crack, I'm very loud and chaotic. I'm also very oblivious and blunt, you'll have to explain something to me at least 10 times again, if i don't understand; i make jokes a lot, and also puns sometimes! In general i just adore making jokes and getting a good laugh. My humor is extremely broken too, I'll laugh at anything ranging from the most chaotic thing (examples: a goddamn picture of an m&m, a horse with high heels, a piece of bread falling, the word balls, flying, literally an image of Sara close up to the camera) honestly anything ranging from just that will make me wheeze like my lungs just exploded, or I'll laugh like a crazed fox. I am seen as pretty chill, I'm a happy-go-lucky person and I honestly socialize with everyone i can, i have a habit of cursing and invent the most absurd sounding curse words my favorite ones are “you blithering feculent shithole” “What in the name of sweet dong tickling horse fuck?!” “bunch of putrid douchesquatting cretins” “you bullshitting shitbagging fuckass” and finally “how can you be such a fucksquatting pain in the waste chute” i also act like a knight despite my use of constant profanity. 'Tis but the truest way of the knight! Any chance i get to act like a knight, I'll take it. I probably pay more attention to animals then humans, if I'm in the presence of an animal and you're talking to me? I'll pay more attention to the animal
⚔️ ; LOVE LANGUAGE — I'm a very tall person being about 198 cm, i think that's about 6'5(?) So normally my love language is headpats, and lifting them up and hugging them tightly, Bear hugs even. When cuddling (not that i ever got the chance) i would like to be the small spoon despite my height.
I also like to receive affection as well.
— 🗡️ anon : take your time!! Hope this isn't too long
I wasn't sure on what you meant at the beginning where you say you would like it if it's both male and female... but I hope this is ok with your preferences. Here you are:
⊱ ━━━━ Matchup! Genshin Impact ━━━━ ⊰
You're matched up with...
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Arataki Itto!
I'm not just saying this because you said it, but I mean why wouldn't Itto get along with someone as chaotic as himself? He gets someone who understands him, and is different from how Kuki or his gang would treat him.
Itto and you would have your moments over laughing and simply having a good time. He hopes you enjoy things like the drum-a-long festival.
I think it'd be funny whenever Itto gets out of prison and he just skips runs out and greets you with a smile (does anyone else get adrenaline rushes when they run away from someone while laughing?)
He definitely seems like a bear hug type of person, so that's in line with your love language <3
Overall, it's never a dull day with your one and oni,
⊱ ━━━━━━━━ ⊰
Rhen’s 400 Follower Event: This event is now closed! I am NOT still doing team HCs or matchups! This event ended on Oct 16, you're only seeing this past that date because I am only getting to it now since I got held up by schoolwork.
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mymelody-sapphic · 3 months
knight anon here
can i claim the 🗡️ emoji?
hiii, ofc is all yours!
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themisadventuresofem · 11 months
‘Tis I ⚔️
Well, stay home! If you can or maybe push the appointment if you need to? Or even can?
It is you! Smol knight anon, it’s good to have you back 🗡️
I’m really thinking about it. I can’t push the appointment back, there aren’t any more spots open today unfortunately.
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cuteteacakes · 1 year
Tristan!! If you were not a knight and Sakura not a princess tell us how you would wo him what would you say what would you attempt to do??? 👀👀👀👀
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{🗡️} - "If I wasn't a knight and Sakura not a princess..." He chuckled softly. "Then I fear we would have never met because I would have never had a chance to travel to Makoto-" Perhaps things happened for a reason, but he might as well ponder on the possibilities.
"But if we did happen to meet..." He flushed. "How would I woo him... Well... possibly the same way I've been doing it now? Just because I wouldn't be a knight doesn't mean I would stop my quest for knowledge, and... I'm sure even as a commoner Sakura would be very beautiful... I would find flowers that reveal my intentions... i-if I can find them of course-!"
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yandere-daze · 2 years
hey daze! i've been reading your (yandere) self aware enstars stuff recently and just wanted to share some short snippets of ideas and such that i have that i hope are okay to share! also, i wouldn't call myself the creative type so my ideas might be a little boring or lackluster so apologizes in advance (╥﹏╥)
(okay, so i'm not sure if you outright established if the ensemble star characters can actually see or hear you through the screen but i kinda implied that they can, so i hope that it's okay!! <3)
ok, so...imagine the yandere self aware enstars characters having a player (who joins their world) being very persistent on leaving. no matter how hard the characters try to make them feel comfortable or offer their support, the player is always refusing and trying to find a way out (so basically, player with trust issues). and maybe, instead of sticking to those who are more protective/bound to keep them safe, they stay close to the ones who seem to know how to get them out of here (but of course, those ones are just secretly manipulating them so they can have the player all to themselves <3). also, regarding that scenario, if the player does end up getting stuck in the self aware enstars world, do you think there would ever be a way to get out/return to their world?
oh, and another idea! how do you think the self aware characters would react to the player favoring another game? let's just say...twisted wonderland, for example (though you can use any to add to this idea!). maybe the player really enjoyed enstars and would almost spend their whole day playing the game until they were introduced to twst. now, it's not the player completely ignores enstars, but it's definitely noticed to the other characters that the player is coming less and less. do you think they would actually come to the realization that another game was stealing all the player's attention or come up with an excuse for themselves that the player is still interested in them and the game?
but anyways, idol player is always being dragged from unit to unit (and then to anzu because she always has them back in her arms ♡) because each one wants to convince them to join their units. so like, at the end of the day, once anzu has them back, idol player is babbling about what they did that day with the units as if they weren't literally being tugged at the arm as if it was a game of tug of war. despite that, the idol player tells her how nice valkyrie's uniform looked when they hanged out with the corresponding unit and even was offered by shu to design them one until they were dragged away by a member of knights and shown the latter unit's uniform (and being told how it's much better than valkyrie's and that they should join knights by the unit members...). then, they were dragged by rinne to go watch one of crazy:b practices and was marveled by their choreography and was even allowed to join them (rinne was very "helpful" with teaching them some of the unit's dances, much to the other members disapproval). and after crazy:b, they're dragged off by another unit...and another, and another, and another until they've visited all the units and are back with anzu.
okay, that's all! i hope that wasn't too much because i think I got a little carried away (๑•﹏•) anyway, i hope you enjoy these little idea of mine (that weren't proof-read so you might see some errors...whoops)! (oh, and also!! daze, are you pulling any cards from the link click collab with enstars? i was able to get my beloved mika after 20 pulls <3)
- 🗡️ anon
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Welcome, welcome, glad to see you again, 🗡 anon! Hehe, yeah the self aware au kind of took off which really surprised me in the beginning! But I´m happy to see that everyone seems to be enjoying themselves ^^
I think your ideas are really neat and creative so there´s no need to apologize! I like reading them and thinking about them. There´s lots to talk about here so let´s move this under the cut
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, manipulation
A player that wants to escape as soon as possible; a player that instead gets interested in a new game and idol! reader getting many offers to join another unit
Wanting to leave as soon as you enter ensemble square is not that strange of a reaction if we´re being honest. Like obviously we like thinking about what it would be like to hang out with our favorite characters and all that but actually ending up in the world of a game? And a game that has a crazy cast of characters like enstars? It´s really no wonder you might want to get away. The fact that everyone is bending over backward to accommodate you and the way they look like they have hearts in their eyes whenever they talk to you probably isn´t helping your trust issues either.
And so it´s only natural that you would try to stay away from the ones that are suspiciously friendly and always with you to “protect you” or “keep you safe”, right? I mean why would they care so much about the well-being of a stranger? It´s all kind of fishy to you
So you avoid most of the characters and you´re pretty happy with that. Until you are approached by a person you can´t simply avoid. They´re as welcoming as the rest and while you´re contemplating how to best get out of this conversation, they tell you that they know a way for you to go back home. Truly, they understand how overwhelming all of this is, with everyone trying to talk to you and spend time with you while you´re just confused. But fear not, they are willing to help you out! And like sure, they obviously sound pretty shady in their own right but you can´t really ignore a chance like this, can you? I mean you have no clue how to get home so any pointers would be very welcomed
So they tell you “all they know” about this place ( they only tell you what they think you need to know) and give you advice on who best to avoid. Sure, the goal is to go back home but it doesn´t hurt to know your way around the place while you´re still here. They tell you all about possible ideas to go back to your world that they´re all too happy to look at with you. It makes sense that they would be with you to test things out. Sadly none of their plans have worked so far but they assure you the next one is going to work, you´ll just have to try again
And the entire time they get to be around you, all alone. I think characters that would try to pull something like this include Eichi, Ibara, Natsume and Rei.
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The player favoring another game with twisted wonderland as an example? Man I can really relate to that, my hyperfixation keeps switching between these two games and the characters would be so confused by that, I imagine!
There are times when you are very active and they´re really happy about that obviously! They bask in your time and attention but eventually they notice that you´ve been playing less and less lately and they get a bit concerned. At first they just assume that life must have been pretty busy for you and that that is the reason why you aren´t playing as much anymore. They miss you a lot but they understand. They just hope you´ll have more time soon!
But it just doesn´t get better at all and they get really worried and panicky. Have they gotten boring? Are they not interesting anymore? They try to listen to you speak through the microphone to maybe get a hint on what´s been going on.
They aren´t very likely to find out about the other game you have been playing on their own because their reach is mostly limited to just enstars and what other permissions they can gain on your phone. They aren´t really able to infest another game entirely so there would be no way for them to know what else you´ve been doing on your phone.
But if you suddenly start mentioning another game or a name they don´t know of? Oh they´ll get very suspicious indeed. This is one of the only times where everyone would work together to find out just what exactly is going on. You like to change the characters on your home screen or the idols you use in lives so they all need to come together and share the info each of them has gained to hopefully get the larger picture.
They will not be pleased when they find out the truth. Be prepared to be bombarded with guilt-trippy messages and voice lines where they ask you if you don´t like them anymore :/
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Love the idea of idol! reader being dragged around by everyone because everyone desperately wants them to join their unit and they´re just excited to see all these cool outfits and learn new dance moves that they almost ignore how creepy this kind of is, with the way everyone is roaming the halls, hoping to find you and snatch you away from whoever you are with the second they spot you. No one wants to be shown up here, even the ones that normally wouldn´t take such bold approaches. It simply wouldn´t do for everyone else to get a “chance” to pitch their unit to you without them too getting their turn.
So while you might be having fun getting measured by Shu for your own outfit, everyone else is scrambling to find you so they can convince you to join them instead. They´re all so persistent about it too, none of them wanting to back down.
I like all of the neat ideas you´ve shared there as well, it all sounds very fitting for the units to do. Omg typical Rinne 💀  and everyone else is just losing their sanity ( if they even had any in the first place)
And Anzu just listens to you talking about your day with a smile on your face and she is just so concerned ( and jealous).
“AH, I think as a producer I must choose the best possible career choice for you. I think it would be best to continue with your solo work for the foreseeable future. Of course I´m going to be with you every step of the way!”
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nemilemy · 2 years
yay new blog!! hello!! can i request leo and tsukasa walking in on their s/o cuddling, patting, kissing a nui of them? if that make sense.. thank you!! <33
Say the word your wish is my command~
Honestly this request is so cute ishiwhwi!
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“Leo Tsukinaga~”
🗡️.Leo would be so busy all day working on his songs due to inspiration he wouldn't have time for you making you lonely. Poor Producer not having their s/o with them because they're busy for their Unit.
🗡️. After Leo was done with his song writing spree he would come over to your house like he normally does with snacks because he likes to stay there late night cuddling with you or watching movies!
“My Queen/King your knight ha-” he blinked twice as became oh so flustered then smiled the biggest smile. It was you cuddling with nui of his! Ahhh he feel so honoured but hey hold on! He should be the one you're cuddling! He jumped right in to the bed scaring you but eventually waking you up.
“Leo?” “My Queen/King you should be cuddling me not my nui~!” he complained as you couldn't help but blink (for these h-) then realise what he was talking about.
“I was just lonely that you weren't there so-” “You pretended the nui was me? Hehe you're so cheesy (Name)~!” He teased as you smacked his head.
“Dont tease me!” you scolded as he just hummed “As you wish my lady/dear.” he told as he jumped on to you hinting he wants to cuddle with you. You gave him some place to sleep on as he became the small spoon putting his face on your chest.
🗡️. After all that he learned his mistake and always makes time for you if he doesn't his punishment is no kisses , hugs nor cuddles that he always want so he always makes time or cancel some stuff to be with you how cheesy of him~!
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“Tsukasa Suou~”
🗡️. After the S1 competition started Tsukasa and his unit were so busy. Practicing day and night to win. You didn't want to seem like a bother and ask for him to make time for you so you kept shut and just support him. Although you sure were starving for his kisses and hugs like he always used to give you.
🗡️. After a long practice session Tsukasa went to your home since he didn't see you for sometime so he was worried about you. You didn't even answer his texts or calls so he grew even more worried. He might grow white hair next time if you continue doing that Producer~
“mm i really wish Tsu was here~!” you complained as you kissed the nui as Tsukasa entered your room. “Eh (Name) what are you doing..?” he asked all confused as you become flustered from embarrassment.
“Tsu i can explain!!” you blushed as he listened to what you had to say.
“So you were imagining the nui was me...?” He questioned as you simply nodded. He didn't get why you were imagining the nui was him when he was with you. “(Name) aren't i here with you though why would you imagine?” he asked clueless that he hasn't spent much time with you because with you it always seems forever~
“Well it's because you rarely have time for me Tsu! That's why I was so lonely~!” you complained as Tsukasa realised.
“Im so sorry (Name) let me make it up to you!”
🗡️. In the end the both of you enjoyed a wonderful date! Also Tsukasa bought you so many stuff that he saw you eye. Boy sure is rich rich how lucky Producer~!
I hope you enjoyed this anon! Also sorry if short and has almost the same plot I kinda have no idea for a plot at all so 😬 SORRYYYY
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despair-edits · 2 years
Hiya! Uhh, can i get a matchup? Sorry if I get anything wrong I'm new to matchup blogs that have mods.
⚔️ — MATCHUP FOR: DDLC, Helltaker, BNHA (If one of them you can't match for me try genshin impact! ^^ those are basically the only fandoms i reside in)
⚔️ — APPEARANCE && STUFF : My big three is Virgo, my MBTI is ENFJ. I am quite tall about 6'8, though my face doesn't match my body i have a case of chronic babyface, im very pale. I have curly hair with heterochromia (yes heterochromia on the hair exists) my hair is black with lightish brown strands, i wear glasses and cannot see a damn thing without them i have to get uncomfortably close to see someone's face, I have two genetically pointy ears that make look like an elf.
⚔️ — PERSONALITY : My personality is extremely loud and chaotic, my laugh is very loud plus it sounds like a villain who defeated the hero or a complete maniac, everything i say comes off in a loud tone. I am quite literally loud in everything i do EVEN IN WHISPERS SOMETIMES, I am very random and will absolutely try to make you laugh, i literally never shut up. I will most definitely say the most out of pocket things like "exotic cricket" i spend most of my time sleeping and I'm a very heavy sleeper, I have to wake up by myself because no one else can wake me up not even sounds or water people genuinely think i died. I have Aichmomania (obsession with sharp objects) and collect sharp swords, i am touch averse despite what others think, i mostly read romcom and mythology books not 100% a bookworm. i will find a pokemon that matches with you if you are my friend, most of my friends have been introverts that i adopted as friends.
⚔️ — HOBBIES : My hobbies include: drawing, dancing (in my cultural dance only) collecting pokemon cards, acting like a knight at random, collecting swords.
⚔️ — MORE ABOUT : I also have solar urticaria that's why I'm so pale, thus i can only go out at night. People compare me to a bat for this because well, 1. Poor eyesight 2. I go out at night only.
;; aaaaaa I'm sorry if I did anything wrong — 🗡️ Anon
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I match you up with:
Denki Kaminari!
I feel like he'd enjoy your randomness and loudness, also making both of you probably the loudest pair possible. You guys would be an adorable couple that makes everyone around light up with joy on sight. He would have to remind himself not to be too pushy about physical affection and to go on dates at night, but I'm sure he'd get used to it quickly. He's just a sweet boy!
Himiko Toga!
An obvious choice, I know, I know. But hear me out. Loud knife duo??? On the rooftop?? Watching the stars and people below as you laugh away into the night?? Hell yeah. She'd love you unconditionally, but again, would have to be reminded about your touch aversion. She would kick ass of anyone that dares to make you uncomfortable. Her friend group (aka the league of villains) is mostly made out of introverts so I have a feeling you're gonna have to adopt a lot of quiet rats while being with her :D
That is admittedly a very far jump from the other matches, but I just feel like it would be a perfect opposites attract kind of scenario. He's quiet and HIGHLY introverted. I do feel like he needs a little light in his life, one that wouldn't cross his boundaries. I headcanon him to be touch repulsed, at least in case of people he doesn't know very well. You'd meet up in the inn, the cool wind of the night surrounding you as you talk his ears off. And, for the first time in a very long time, Xiao would feel at home. If you can break down his walls and survive living with an aries, then you'd have a sweet relationship full of mutual understanding.
Please take her out of her office. Adopt this workaholic introvert I am begging you. Talk her into going out and having some fun, take her to a tavern or on a walk, she needs it. Fall asleep on her so she has no choice but stay in bed and rest. Make her laugh by pretending to be her Knight in shining armour that saves her from an endless pile of paperwork.
I hope those matches are to your liking. Lmk if you'd like me to change it to someone else!
-Mod Nagito
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darlingtons-voyster · 2 years
(seriously though, self-advocating at doctor's is so stressful. sending you all the compassion)
🥺 Thank you my righteous knight for your compassion and support, it makes me feel a bit less hopeless <3
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