#knitted edges
sampsontonic · 1 year
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Knitting lace is rough on the fingers 🥲
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castletemprwine · 1 year
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i'd devour you whole if you'd let me 🩸🫀
hand knit and crocheted, words by me
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amrv-5 · 1 month
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GOT MY SCARF TO LENGTH EVERYBODY LOOK AT THIS RIDICULOUS OBJECT!!! me for scale. switched colors every row carrying one color over into a new color for 30 rows at a time :)
🚨this user does not want to talk about the stupid amount of work it is going to take to finish the edges it’s bad that’s all we need to say 🚨
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squisheebugdoodles · 9 months
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I never show off the non digital art or things I make on here but I would like to more often 83
Made this little axolotl plushie for myself using a pattern I got on etsy (originally for felt plushies) that I modified a bit for what I wanted and might modify some more in the future.
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tyrhinosaurus · 9 months
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Just started the 2nd ball of handspun wool for this shawl.
Never knitted anything in lace before, this the Shetland butterflies shawl by Susan Gutperl, found on ravelry.
It's merino and so soft and squishy, I'm always amazed I spun this so fine!
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Went to swatch for a Hanukkah present before realizing the needles I needed were held up in this Doily 14 (Yarn | Pattern). That's been this close to being finished for a good three weeks now.
It does give me more time to think about what exactly I want to do for this gift but ughhhh I have to Count to 9. Over and Over again. Crochet chain bind offs look so good and are really stretchy for lace but my brain hates them with a passion.
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hotcinnamonsunset · 5 months
TODAY IS A GOOD DAY (played yarn chicken and WON) (pics of remaining yarn with kitten feet for scale)
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dawnthread · 6 months
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here's a better look at the lil toy buster sword, not too shabby for having been made out of a utility knife blade i found on the floor XD
plus, bonus,
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harness in progress :3
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purplbear · 4 days
Thing I learned: the notes app on my phone has the ability to scan a photo for text and convert it to text in a note - that I can copy and paste!!! Omg - so awesome! Hand writing knitting instruction shorthand is so much EASIER than trying to type that out.
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And then I did some knitting math and reminded myself how to subtract … the super large numbers of 22 and 14. 22 - 14 = 8 🤩
All to figure out how many inches of color transition and solid color sections for the rest of the sweater body.
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sampsontonic · 1 year
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theeverlastingmuse · 5 months
Just cast on a new sweater, trying a picot edge for the first time because it's so cute. I'm going to be using another le filet ancien chart for this sweater, I've decided that's my favorite thing to do. It's going to be Joan of Arc themed and I'm really excited. Hopefully I'll get into a fashion show later this year and this sweater can be displayed. If not or afterwards I'll probably sell it at a craft market. It's the first time I'm knitting with such a thin yarn, sport weight I think (it's thrifted and didn't have labels.) I'm really excited to see how it turns out, and hopefully you'll be seeing the finished project soon.
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tigerballoons · 8 days
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Very important jumper update!!!!
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nitewrighter · 1 year
I got this Lois Lane YA novel (because it was listed in our library catalogue as a graphic novel.. whoops) and like... all silly YA-isms aside it very much asserts that Baby Lois is incapable of shutting up or minding her own business, frequently butts heads with authority figures, and is incredibly lonely. Which is fun because it's all very par for the course for Lois and it's really impressive how well it adapts to a YA protagonist voice, but also you're like "Oh my god. Lois was Naruto."
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Man finished! I rate him a solid very cute out of ten.
This guy was published as a doily insert plus edging for a linen table cloth (seen Here). The linen part was of zero interest to me so I knit him as a stand alone doily and I very much prefer him as such. Chart A (the "doily") and Chart B (the "edging") match up for knitting in the round as a single doily.
Below the read more is going to refer a lot to the charts, which I got from the amazing Ramona French. While this is the only version of the charts I've seen, looking at the Rav page it seems to also be cut into A and B charts in the same spot. It makes sense in context of the original pattern but I don't like it, both for the reason i'll get to below and also because I straight up just don't like how it looks in the original pattern.
Even without the alterations I'll propose, I think he's a good doily just as he is. The problems I have are barely noticeable/nitpicky now that he's blocked out.
Starting with the edging vs doily distinction. This problem starts with the original pattern since it has you knit chart A for the insertion and chart B for the edging around every insertion and the linen tablecloth edges. But divorcing the actual charts from the linen, the charts really should be rows 1-31 of A as the "doily" and Chart A rows 33-41 and all of chart B for the "edging". The reason I'm so specific about this is because it's focus for any changes I would make. The end of chart A and the beginning of chart B flow together perfectly. It's where the doily/center flower ends (Row 31) and the edging begins (Row 33) that is the problem spot.
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(I should've picked a darker colour foam to block this out on, sorry if it's hard to see)
The large center petals (doily) end with a yo, twisted knit 1, yo at the very tip. Then the set up row for the edging is all knits with a yarn over... that is off center of the petal. In a more personal gripe, I don't like how the mesh in the flower portion looks next to the edging. It's not bad (and would probably bother me less if it weren't off center) but it's not my favourite.
The mesh not looking nice next to the edging is an easy fix that comes directly from a doily that has a very similar feel to this one. Sechsblatt is another doily I've knit and also has a 6 petaled flower with mesh between the petals and an edging, but it's edging is separated by several rows of plain stockinette. In my revised chart I added just one odd numbered row of stockinette. I'm not 100% on this change, it's something that you just can't know if it looks good until it's swatched out.
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The change I am 100% on is centering the yarn over to be directly above the tip of the center flower petal. There's a number of ways to do so, I'm honestly surprised it wasn't done for the original pattern. My revised chart moves the k2tog on row 35 to directly over the center stitch of the petal, which required moving the start of the repeat one stitch left. This also needs swatched out but I'm fairly confident it'll line up, at least better that just being blatantly off center like it is in the original, and since the k2tog was just moved instead of being added, the stitch count should still work out.
All other changes to the chart were simply made for personal preference/printing convenience.
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Eventually I'll knit this revised version but I don't have a timeline on that yet, knitting the same thing multiple times is bad for my attention span. Regardless I would wait because I want to see how the crochet bind off holds up. I usually pin out every chain of the crochet bind out individually but I thought pinning two together looked really good on this particular doily. It made the blocking process a lot tighter. That could've been because I accidentally stretched it too much in the first place (I forgot this doily was 6 parts instead of 8) but it was incredibly funny to behold.
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greaseonmymouth · 29 days
I’m trying to create a knitting pattern for a thing because I can’t find one that is exactly what I want and the math is killing me. I can visualise exactly what I want it to look like but the math for the pattern is ???? I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve miscalculated the increases I need
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malomaximus · 5 months
Because I need the reminder, and I know I'm not the only one: Everything looks a little fucky until you get a few rows out and that's okay, you just have to stick with it.
Sincerely, someone trying to learn double-knit colorwork with middling success thus far.
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