#kodah stone
totkdaily · 6 months
Day 71: Shark Combat, Zora's Domain Healed, Link Sleepy
We unlock the fourth and final water pump for the Water Temple mid-morning.
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It's been great weather the last few days, absolutely gorgeous skies. The last time I spent this long in Zora's Domain, it was perpetually raining. It's nice to see their beautiful architecture in the light. 
We head back up to the central panel. Time to see what's under all that sludge. 
It's just… a little guy?? But - oh. It has a shark. 
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We engage. 
After a hard battle, the creature explodes into Gloom.
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The last of the sludge dissolves. The waterfall runs clear. We did it. 
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Now, for Sidon to receive his birthright. 
We approach the secret stone suspended at the altar of the temple. 
A vision. Sidon's ancestor in that dream space, the Sage of Water.
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She shows us her perspective of the Imprisoning War. And she shows us her conversation with Zelda afterwards. My Zelda. Warm, determined, golden hair glowing in the sunlight. This is my Princess. 
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Sidon accepts his birthright, and I welcome his avatar by my side with honour.
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We head back to the domain - Yona will be worried.
King Dorephan is healed, the sludge disappearing from his wounds as it vanishes from the waterfalls of the domain. All is well once again in Zora's Domain. 
And yet, things still change. Dorephan grants the crown to Sidon. He has proved many times worthy of it. He announces the domain's support against the Demon King and his marriage to Yona in the same breath - he never did do anything slowly!
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After the announcement, we discuss what we know. He agrees that it was not truly Zelda who attacked Dorephan, and he agrees that we need to know more. 
I wonder if Tulin or Yunobo have found out anything? It's been over a month since I left Goron City. And almost two since I left Rito Village. I should do some base-touching once I've said my goodbyes in the domain. 
Muzu is headed to Lookout Landing - I'm sure I'll see him there. Khira and Chroma are now Queen's Attendants, and have been tasked with finding my Zora's helm - which is in a sky fish? Could it be the same sky fish which held the puzzle of the droplet before? I should find it, if only to stop Khira from bullying Chroma about it. 
Tottika mentions a cave with a glowing rock - a shrine? It's southwest of here, in Ralis Pond Cave. I'll make a note. 
Impa is here! She wants to know if I've seen the geoglyph in the Gerudo Highlands that looks like a person - I have not. I should go there next, anyway. Gerudo Town and Lurelin are on Purah's list of places in trouble, and I haven't been to either yet.
Yona is working with Jiahto to also find the Zora greaves - they think they might be at the waterworks. I suppose I can visit again.
Cleff ate a bright-eyed crab whole, and is obsessed with them now. He wants ten, but I only have three. Maybe one day. 
Fronk's wife Mei went to a floating place for fish, somewhere across the East Bridge. Is this the same wife who once jaunted all the way to the Rutala River? I'm sure she'll be fine, but I'll keep an eye out. 
Now, to get to that sky fish island, I should go… actually, no. I'm exhausted, and the sun has set.
I need to sleep. I head to the inn, but Kodah wants to tell me a story he and Finley found in an ancient manuscript. It sounds like there's a shrine at Tarm Point, southwest of here. That's nice. Finney and Sasan are already checking it out, so I'll leave it to them for now. Now… sleep.
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captainbogwitch · 1 year
Excerpt: The Hands That Wield the Sword
And it truly was a feast. What would be multiple courses in a more Hylian setting was presented all at once on the Zora’s table. Sidon give Link the name of each dish as they pass it, happily placing however much of it the Hylian wants onto his plate (his first plate, anyway. Sidon quickly went to grab another when it was full.) Many of the dishes had names in Hylian, but the prince was eager to share what they were called in the Zora tongue as well and enthusiastically offered to learn their signs in the Zora Sign Language, as well as Hylian Common Sign.
On the table set in silver or stone bowls are foods Link had never seen. Hineska’ Agaga’, the Hylian rice dyed red with achote seeds, spiced with onion, garlic, and a hot pork sausage Sidon called chorizo; salads made of cucumbers and daigu’ radishes pickling in a bowl of soy sauce and lemon juice sitting beside a plate of stir fried bok choy, Hylian shrooms, and spicy peppers. The smell of hot frying oil filled his senses as they passed the fried vegetable lumpia, its rice paper wrapping dark brown and sizzling. A few bońelos uhang, small, pan-fried cakes of shrimp and vegetables sat next to the lumpia and red rice creating a small wall between it and savory breadfruit swimming in fresh coconut milk. Link recognizes the smell of kelaguen and tityas from the meal Kodah and Kayden gave him the morning before, but Sidon explains that this is kelaguen månnok, made with poultry rather than seafood. Its spicy aroma sent Link’s mouth tingling, the taste of sharp lemon, crisp spice, and fresh, earthy niyok coming back to him joyfully.
The “entrees,” as they would be called on Hylian tables, comprised of pansit bihon månnok; clear, thin rice noodles dressed brown with fish and oyster sauce, tossed together with sautéed snow peas, poultry, carrots, and bamboo shoots, topped with bright white, crunchy bean sprouts and lime juice. There was fresh, seared sizzelfin trout encrusted with sesame seeds that fell apart beautifully when you took a bite, the sesame seeds adding a delicious texture to the soft fish. Tender grilled pork spareribs sprinkled with only pink rock salt and course pepper sat at the end of the line followed by three small bowls of desserts, which, once they finally came into view, made Link’s eyes widen in excitement. In one sat steamed sweet niyok and cassava, its smell bringing a sense of freshness and cleanliness after the line of strong, savory dishes. Sidon has to turn Link away from the baked pumpkin empanadas (påstets) and crumbly inafliton roset cookies before he could stuff them in his mouth, promising that he will bring them once they sit.
At their place settings are cups of fresh water and an earthenware pot of lemon ginger tea. Link, a master of restraint, waits for Sidon to finish making his own plate and sit down before he explores the vast richness in front of him.
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Zora's Domain NPCs
Former King Dorephan - whale-like, dark blue, wears red cap and matching sash to denote his status, often referred to by his people as The Exalted Dorephan
King Sidon - red, shark-like, wears silver crown and white cravat, carries the Lightscale Trident, married to Lady Yona
Lady Yona - green, hammerhead-like, blue fins, wears tiara on the back of her head-fin, unfamiliar with the Domain's culture but doing her best
Khira (F) - blue, shark-like, court attendant, training Chroma, Zora helm quest, known for her lengthy lectures
Chroma (F) - red, shark-like, court attendant, Zora helm quest, bubbly, smirks often, being trained by Khira
Torteau (F) - black, shark-like, palace guard, wants to call the hero "Link" but is terrified of coming off as too familiar so she calls him "Hylian" instead
Tottika (M) - dark green, shark-like, palace guard, fell asleep due to sludge poisoning and feels bad about his uselessness
Bazz (M) - black, shark-like, captain of the palace guard, old friend of Link's, son of Seggin
Seggin (M) - black, elderly, shark-like, still grieving Princess Mipha
Tula (F) - maroon, shark-like, member of the King Sidon Fan Club
Tona (F) - red, shark-like, member of the King Sidon Fan Club
Mei (F) - teal, shark-like, was on the sky island, married to Fronk, mother of Keye and Tumbo, sings to herself, loves hearty bass
Fronk (M) - black, shark-like, married to Mei, father to Keye and Tumbo, rebuilding the domain, worrier
Keye (M) - child, blue, shark-like, son of Fronk and Mei, shy, wants to practice with spears
Tumbo (M) - child, blue, shark-like, son of Fronk and Mei, admires his mother, loves hearty bass
Finley (F) - child, orange, shark-like, adventurer, friends with Sasan the Hylian, daughter of the innkeeper
Laruta (F) - child, maroon, shark-like, sings to herself, smallest member of the King Sidon Fan Club
Kodah (F) - red, shark-like, calls Link "Linny", works at the inn, mother of Finley, wife of Kayden
Kayden (M) - blue, shark-like, runs the Seabed inn, father of Finley, husband of Kodah
Laflat (F) - red, shark-like, loves the books in the back of the inn
Sasan - male Hylian, dark hair, adventuer, best friends with Finley
Marot (F) - red, shark-like, greeter at the general store, wants to gather as many crabs for Cleff as he wants
Cleff (M) - blue, shark-like, runs the Coral Reef general store, obsessed with bright-eyed crabs
Dento (M) - blue, elderly, shark-like, blacksmith
Rivan (M) - dark green, shark-like, guard, old friend of Link's, father of Dunma, wants his daughter to be the next captain of the guard
Dunma (F) - violet, shark-like, guard, protected Jiahto, just wants to do her best, looks up to Bazz
Jiahto (M) - blue, elderly, shark-like, admires the history stones
Trello (M) - blue, elderly, shark-like, training at Mipha's Court, warrior
Ledo (M) - green, shark-like, repairing Mipha's Court, sings to himself
Notes on Zora: They sleep in pools underneath the throne room. Zelda expressed a preference for the water beds at the inn. Female Zora children have thick fins on the sides of their heads. Male Zora children have thin fins. The previous history stones were destroyed by the sludge and had to be remade by Sidon.
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transskywardsword · 1 year
A Moth Drawn to a Flame - Chapter Two Preview: Three Chairs and a Breakfast Table
Much is discussed over breakfast.
"“Did you sleep at all?” Kodah said as she watched Link make his bed. She’d long since stopped trying to convince him to let her do the housekeeping.
‘Yes.’ It wasn’t technically a lie; Link had managed to get in an hour, maybe two, but most of the night was spent staring at the ceiling rolling his conversation with Sidon around in his head. A celebration for the Champions’ sacrifice. It certainly didn’t feel like a sacrifice. It felt like his friends being butchered, bodies abandoned to rot. He never found Revali’s body, likely flung off Vah Medoh after his… passing, but he’d found Urbosa. Headless, gutted Urbosa, mummified by the heat and sands, and had promptly emptied his gut. Thinking about it still made his stomach hurt.
His friends had been butchered like wild animals, like vermin. There was nothing noble about that.
But then, could he even call them friends? Could you claim to love people who you had less memories of than you could count on one hand? Though, the memories had been coming to him more lately, quicker and with greater ferocity. They frightened him. He both hated learning about the man before him and was desperate to know all he could. Did he have to be that man? Was that what was expected of him? He wasn’t sure, but Zelda seemed ecstatic every time he mentioned a new memory, so surely that must mean that was who he was supposed to be. It felt wrong, being him. But what else was he supposed to do?
There was a knock on the door, and Kodah turned to open it, and squeaked when she did.
“Your Majesty!” She said, voice three octaves higher than normal, and dipped into a curtsy. Sidon gave her an easy smile.
“Please, Kodah, it is too early for pleasantries.”
Kodah let out a high pitched giggle, smoothing her crest, and nodded. “Of course, your Majesty. How can I help you?”
Sidon turned his smile towards Link. “I was hoping to speak with you, actually.”
Link’s jaw tightened. He tilted his head in obvious question, and after a bit of nervous tutting, Kodah slipped out of the room.
“I was wondering if you’d like to join me for breakfast.”
Link was tempted to say no, to make Sidon sweat after hearing about his little 'champion celebration', but looking at him—looking up at him—made the anger shrivel. Just a little-- he wouldn’t let it go all the way, was too stubborn for that-- but he could see the reflection of the light from the luminous stones that made up the Domain, all still glowing in the dawn, on Sidon's scales. It gave the edges of his scales a pale lilac glow, like swift violets back lit by the rising sun. The Zora fidgeted under Link’s gaze, small and only barely noticeable, but Link had spent the last year beside Sidon, and he knew what to look for: his head fin twitched just the slightest in a semi circle, making elegant loops hidden by the natural flex of the massive muscle. His gills furled and unfurled softly, barely perceptible, and he pulled his shoulders back almost enough to be odd looking. Almost. Link suddenly felt guilty for making Sidon fret—yes, he was tying Link down to the Domain, ripping him away from his ward and Princess, and planning some fucking party to honor the brutalization of people Link loved (had loved?) but at the end of the day, he was still barely of age."
For the full chapter, read A Moth Drawn to a Flame on Ao3 here:
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victoryfeathers · 3 years
Karasuno Team Statistics
A combined list of all the crow’s individual skills and abilities after the various summer training camps (+Seattle voyage headcannon) going into Nationals. 
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(#1) Daichi Sawamura Position: Captain / Wing Spiker (Opposite Hitter) Age: 3rd Year Height: 176.7cm (5' 9.6") Weight: 70.1kg (154.5lbs) Strengths: Leadership + Defensive Tactics + Dependability Fingertip Reach: 223cm Jump Height: 310cm spike / 298cm block Stats: Power 4/5 - Jumping 3/5 - Stamina 3/5 - Speed 3/5 - Technique 4/5 - Game Sense 4/5 - (21/30)
(#2) Kōshi Sugawara Position: Vice Captain / Setter / Pinch Serve Age: 3rd Year Height: 174.6cm (5' 8.7") Weight: 63.5kg (140lbs) Strengths: Analytical + Demeanor Fingertip Reach: 222cm Jump Height: 299cm spike / 285cm block Stats: Power 2/5 - Jumping 2/5 - Stamina 2/5 - Speed 2/5 - Technique 4/5 - Game Sense 4/5 - (16/30)
(#3) Asahi Azumane Position: Ace / Wing Spiker (Outside Hitter) Age: 3rd Year Height: 186.4cm (6' 1.4") Weight: 75.2kg (165.8lbs) Strengths: Raw Power + Serves Fingertip Reach: 242cm Jump Height: 333cm spike / 310 block Stats: Power 5/5 - Jumping 3/5 - Stamina 3/5 - Speed 2/5 - Technique 3/5 - Game Sense 3/5 - (19/30)
(#4) Yū Nishinoya Position: Libero Age: 2nd Year Height: 160.5cm (5' 3.2") Weight: 51.1kg (112.7lbs) Strengths: Speed + Flexibility + Dependability Fingertip Reach: 208cm Jump Height: 302cm spike / 290cm block Stats: Power 2/5 - Jumping 4/5 - Stamina 5/5 - Speed 5/5 - Technique 3/5 - Game Sense 4/5 - (23/30)
(#5) Ryūnosuke Tanaka Position: Wing Spiker (Outside Hitter) Age: 2nd Year Height: 178.2cm (5' 10.2") Weight: 68.8kg (151.7lbs) Strengths: Spike Variety + Mental Fortitude Fingertip Reach: 224cm Jump Height: 324cm spike / 312cm block Stats: Power 5/5 - Jumping 3/5 - Stamina 4/5 - Speed 3/5 - Technique 2/5 - Game Sense 1/5 - (18/30)
(#6) Alexander Williams Position: Middle Blocker / Pinch Serve Age: 1st Year Transfer Height: 183.9cm (6′ .03″) Weight: 72.57kg (160lbs) Strengths: Agility + Serves (Jump Float) Fingertip Reach: 230cm Jump Height: 330cm spike / 320 cm block Stats: Power 2/5 - Jumping 5/5 - Stamina 5/5 - Speed 2/5 - Technique 3/5 - Game Sense 3/5 - (20/30)
(#7) Erik Thorvald Position: Setter / Wing Spiker Age: 1st Year Transfer Height: 180.34cm (5′ 10″) Weight: 77.11kg (170lbs) Strengths: Versatility Fingertip Reach: 233cm Jump Height: 332cm spike / 315cm block Stats: Power 4/5 - Jumping 4/5 - Stamina 4/5 - Speed 5/5 - Technique 5/5 - Game Sense 4/5 - (26/30)
(#8) Kodah Stone Position: Wing Spiker  Age: 1st Year Transfer Height: 176.78cm (5′ 8″) Weight: 68.03kg (150lbs) Strengths: Ambidextrous Fingertip Reach: 231cm Jump Height: 330cm spike / 310cm block Stats: Power 4/5 - Jumping 5/5 - Stamina 4/5 - Speed 4/5 - Technique 3/5 - Game Sense 3/5 - (23/30)
(#9) Tobio Kageyama Position: Setter Age: 1st Year Height: 181.9cm (5' 11.6") Weight: 66.3kg (146.2lbs) Strengths: Accuracy + Serves + Genius Fingertip Reach: 239cm Jump Height: 337cm spike / 320cm block Stats: Power 4/5 - Jumping 4/5 - Stamina 5/5 - Speed 4/5 - Technique 5/5 - Game Sense 5/5 - (27/30) 
(#10) Shōyō Hinata Position: Middle Blocker / Decoy Age: 1st Year Height: 164.2cm (5' 4.6") Weight: 51.9kg (114.4lbs) Strengths: Athleticism + Attack Variety + Determination Fingertip Reach: 210cm Jump Height: 333cm spike / 310cm block Stats: Power 1/5 - Jumping 5/5 - Stamina 5/5 - Speed 5/5 - Technique 1/5 - Game Sense 1/5 - (18/30)
(#11) Kei Tsukishima Position: Middle Blocker Age: 1st Year Height: 190.1 cm (6' 2.8") Weight: 68.4 kg (150.8lbs) Strengths: Analytical + Calmness Fingertip Reach: 248cm Jump Height: 334cm spike / 325cm block Stats: Power 2/5 - Jumping 3/5 - Stamina 3/5 - Speed 3/5 - Technique 3/5 - Game Sense 5/5 - (19/30)
(#12) Tadashi Yamaguchi Position: Middle Blocker / Pinch Server Age: 1st Year Height: 180.0 cm (5' 10.9") Weight: 63.0 kg (138.9lbs) Strengths: Serves (Jump Float) Fingertip Reach: 232cm Jump Height: 315cm spike / 300cm block Stats: Power 2/5 - Jumping 3/5 - Stamina 2/5 - Speed 3/5 - Technique 2/5 - Game Sense 3/5 - (15/30)
(#13) Chikara Ennoshita Position: Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter Age: 2nd Year Height: 176.1 cm (5' 9.3") Weight: 66.4 kg (146.4lbs) Strengths: Level Headed Fingertip Reach: 223cm Jump Height: 305cm spike / 290cm block Stats: Power 3/5 - Jumping 2/5 - Stamina 3/5 - Speed 2/5 - Technique 3/5 - Game Sense 3/5 - (16/30)
(#14) Hisashi Kinoshita Position: Wing Spiker / Pinch Server Age: 2nd Year Height: 175.8 cm (5' 9.2") Weight: 65.5 kg (144.4 lbs) Strengths: Serves (Jump Float + Aim) Fingertip Reach: 223cm Jump Height: 297cm spike / 280cm block Stats: Power 3/5 - Jumping 2/5 - Stamina 3/5 - Speed 4/5 - Technique 2/5 - Game Sense 2/5 - (16/30)
(#15) Kazuhito Narita Position: Middle Blocker Age: 2nd Year Height: 180.9 cm (5' 11.2") Weight: 70.2 kg (154.8lbs) Strengths: Decent Fingertip Reach: 237cm Jump Height: 322cm spike / 305cm block Stats: Power 2/5 - Jumping 2/5 - Stamina 2/5 - Speed 3/5 - Technique 3/5 - Game Sense 4/5 - (16/30)
Starting Lineups:
1. Daichi, Asashi, Tanaka, Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, + Nishinoya
2. Daichi, Asahi, Thorvald, Kageyama, Stone, Tsukishima/Williams, + Nishinoya
See this post here for why Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita are different numbers now. It’s not that I dislike the three of them, it’s more that they don’t offer anything unique to the team in this year. For Karasuno to have a stronger chance of making it through nationals they need to have fewer weak links.
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imababblekat · 3 years
~Sleeping Habits~
Sidon X Reader:
After a long day of work, you’d love nothing more than to spend some quality time with your friendly Zora prince. However, upon finding him in a not-so-common, peaceful state of rest, you soon learn something about him you would have never guessed.
 The sun had set not too long ago, having cast its last warm rays over Zora’s domain, the stone made city glistening enchantingly. Even now, with the moon making its nightly debut, the natural glow of the beautiful pillars and mason work set a sense of calm through your exhausted being. Another day of hard work at Seabed Inn, making dishes upon dishes for those who traveled the long and hard route to the home of the Zora. Thinking back to the inn, you remembered how inviting those water beds appeared, but even as Kodah had offered you one free of charge for your diligent work, you kindly declined. Even after the countless interactions with friendly strangers had zapped your energy, there was one person you still eagerly walked about to pay a visit.
Somehow, you always had the energy to see Sidon, even when your social battery had been depleted to nearly nothing. He was just one of those people in your life who you didn’t mind spending time with. In fact, there were moments when you could have said that he helped to recharge you, something not so common for your introverted self. However, if you were to be honest with yourself, that could have been due to the growing crush that slowly developed for your close friend.
Shaking your flustered mind, you lightly bit your bottom lip to suppress the giddy butterflies you felt as you walked up the seemingly endless stairway of the closest dam to the domain. Last thing you needed was to feel all weird and have your heart racing while trying to relax with Sidon, especially considering he had a long day as well. At least, that’s what you figured after Gaddison had informed you the prince had headed up to the East Reservoir Lake a few hours prior to the end of your shift. It was a place you’d often find him at, peacefully swimming about in the center, away from prying eyes and to gain some peace and quiet. Sidon was a very friendly open person, don’t get him wrong, but even the prince desperately needed a break from the world around him. You knew that more than anyone, as the prince had confided in you the longer and closer your friendship grew, just how much he’d been withholding from his father and people. Yet, he never seemed to mind spending that much needed time away with you at least, something you greatly appreciated.
Finally making it to the top, you expected to see a small spec of a Zora in the middle of the lake, but we’re shocked to see the person you’d been searching for instead laying on the ground at the end of the pier. You couldn’t help the panicked drop in your heart as you raced over to the large Zora, fearing that something bad had happened to him. However, once you finally reached him, you felt a heavy wave of relief wash over you as it turned out Sidon had simply fallen asleep. It was odd seeing him there, rested on his back with only his lower legs flowing gently over the pier’s edge and in the water. You’d never seen Sidon asleep before, but had figured that like the other Zora that he would take rest floating in a pool with only part of his head above the calming water. It must have been a really busy and long day for him to have fallen asleep on the cold luminous stone pier instead.
With a soft smile, you sat beside him, careful in your movements as to not wake him. You couldn’t help yourself from admiring Sidon’s sleeping form. It was so rare to see him in such a peaceful state, chest rising and falling slowly as adorable light snores escaped him. His face was so relaxed in comparison to the exuberant expression he wore as a mask half the time when around others. Especially in comparison to the times you’ve seen that façade falter when it was just the two of you. Some clouds that had been covering the moon floated apart slightly enough to let pure soft light be cast down over you both, you’re heart picking up and a light blush dusting your cheeks at how ethereal Sidon appeared, even in sleep.
You shook your head for the second time that night, feeling suddenly ashamed for having spent so long admiring your friend in such a vulnerable state. Reaching into your small satchel for your sketchbook, you figured you could spend some time drawing the East Reservoir and its surrounding cliffs under the moonlight. It would keep your enamored feelings at bay and help pass the time till Sidon awoke or you grew tired enough to head back to your own room in the Domain at least. So focused on your craft, you hadn’t noticed the soft groan beside you, or the shifting of a large body onto its side, reaching out till it was too late.
An audible gasp, something between a surprised squeak and a squawk, flew out from you as you’d suddenly been pulled down by heavy strong arms. Almost instantly your face grew as red as the body you were being held against, and peered up as best you could to the restful face above you.
 “S-Sidon?”, you croaked out just above a whisper.
 The prince gave no response, simply continued to sleep away as his embrace around your smaller body slightly tightened. The large Zora had your smaller form-pressed firmly against his chest, one leg casually huddled over your smaller ones. Even slightly damp, you could feel the warmth radiating from his body through your hands and front that were securely pressed to his. You and Sidon had hugged before, but this somehow felt different. It was more intimate, even if by accident, and an explosion of butterflies erupted within you, reminding you of your deep emotions towards your very close friend.
Cursing your brain and heart that the reminder of your crush on Sidon was not helping this situation any, you called for said Zora once more only to still not get a response. Not a verbal one anyways, but instead the prince’s hold became slightly tighter as he snuggled his face into the top of your frazzled hair. With a shaky sigh, you laid there, held close by your friend, thinking desperately of how to get out of this situation that would have been a dream come true to Sidon’s fan club. However, any attempt you made to move or wiggle out of his grasp was met with defiance as all it did was spur Sidon’s subconscious mind to hold you closer, if at all possible.
With a defeated sigh, you gave up your futile attempt to escape, and resigned yourself to your predicament.
Glancing up the best you could, you took in the sight of Sidon’s peacefulness once more, only somehow, he seemed to have an air of content happiness upon his soft features as well. In fact, if you looked hard enough, you thought you could just make out a love dope smile on his face. You gave a light chuckled resting your head against his broad chest, listening to the comforting thrumming of his heartbeat. Perhaps this wasn’t so bad after all, you thought, feeling your eyelids grow heavy and being coaxed to sleep by the blanketed warmth of Sidon’s grasp around you. You’re last thought before drifting off being the silly realization that the tall, strong Zora Prince was secretly a cuddle bug.
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maplemarcher · 3 years
Words: 4,486
Rating: T
Warnings: Mild violence, blood
Summary:   rec·on·cil·i·a·tion/ noun 1.the restoration of friendly relations.
Notes: So, uh. I really love the roleswap au from @yumoirail​. I hope they like this, if they see it!
     It’s been one week since Ganon’s siege on Vah Ruta ended. Not a drop of rain has fallen in that time, allowing the ground to dry out and the swollen Zora River to slowly return to its natural state, banks once hidden by muddy flood waters revealing themselves once more and its current slowing. The divine beast that had previously instilled unease and dread upon all who looked at it stands proudly above the domain, trunk raised to the heavens and its sights set on Hyrule Castle, waiting for its companions to be brought back to the light and for the hero to venture into the castle’s depths and rid it of the dark force within. Repairs from the unprecedented torrent of rain are well under way. Joy has returned to the hearts of the people of Zora’s Domain as they feel the sun on their scales for the first time in what seems like an eternity.
     There is only one that still carries a considerable weight.
     Sidon spends his days on the perimeter of the domain, gazing out into the world beyond, wondering. His nights are spent either in the town square staring up at his sister’s statue or in his chambers, once more looking out past the borders of the land of his people. After seeing Ruta make its way to the mountaintop (by Mipha’s hand, who else could it possibly have been, only she could control it with such grace), he’d expected  to see Zelda again, despite what she’d said just before making her way inside the massive piece of ancient machinery. He’s desperate to know what had happened, if Mipha’s spirit is truly free, if there is even a tiny fraction of a threat still hanging over his people regarding Vah Ruta, if Zelda is—
     Sidon shakes his head and runs his hands down his face haggardly as he turns away from the railing of the balcony just outside his chambers. He shouldn’t care where Zelda is. He should be beside himself with joy that he’ll never have to see the one who failed his sister, failed all of Hyrule, and cost Mipha her life, ever again. Instead, he’s worried about her. He may even go so far as to say he misses her.
     The water of his sleeping pool is soothing as he steps into it, but it does nothing to clear his mind. Nothing has been able to that as of late—not having one-sided conversations with his sister’s likeness immortalized in luminous stone, not training with his spear until his arms tremble with exhaustion, not the thrilling weightlessness of the apex of an arc out of the water, just before the descent. His thoughts are occupied with golden hair and green eyes full of determination and sadness. The conversation he’d had with Bazz a few days prior plays over in his head.
     Hope. She gave me hope.
     Sidon sighs and walks down the steps into his sleeping pool, laying back and letting the water support him. If he floats in the right spot, he can see the night sky. The way the stars are glittering reminds him of the adornments on the Lightscale Trident. Memories of Mipha that belong to him rather than his father or the elders are few and far between, but he remembers watching her train rather clearly. She’d been unmatched in her spearmanship, her movements smooth and graceful, the trident shining as it arced through the air. Mipha’s prized possession hasn’t seen the sun in as many years as she’s been gone—it sits on a special mount in the armory, slowly gathering dust.
     A splash interrupts the silence as Sidon rises out of the pool and makes for his father’s chambers. King Dorephan is most likely asleep, but that doesn’t occur to him as he walks through the palace halls, water still dripping from his scales and void of any of his adornments. He knocks twice on the king’s chambers before entering, unsurprised to see him rubbing sleep from his eyes as he groggily lifts his head out of the water.
     “Sidon?” Dorephan says. “Is something the matter?”
      “It’s my doing that Zelda hasn’t returned,” Sidon says. “I treated her so harshly—I refused to let her near Vah Ruta, despite what you and Muzu said. Just before she entered it, she told me she wasn’t coming back, and she was gone before I could protest.”
     “My son. Calm yourself.” Dorephan swims to the edge of his massive sleeping pool where Sidon stands. “I am sure that you are not the only reason she has not returned. This place must hold many memories for her that are painful now, and she has other work to do.”
     “Even so, I want to make things right. The things I said to her, Father—I—”
     “My son,” Dorephan says again, softly. He rests one massive hand atop Sidon’s head. It’s an act he hasn’t performed in years, not since Sidon would easily fit in his whole hand. The prince can’t help closing his eyes and letting out a long, shaky breath. “I have not seen you so troubled in a long time.”
     “I feel like a fool,” Sidon confesses. “I spent so long blaming her for Mipha’s death and the state of Hyrule. The prince and other Hylians as well, but Zelda especially. I hated her, Father. The mere sight of her made my blood boil.”
     “As much as it saddens me to hear that, I do understand,” Dorephan says. “We lost so much. You lost so much. The influence of the elders certainly did not help.”
     “I shouldn’t have let their opinions become my own.”
     “You were a child, Sidon. You cannot blame yourself too much.” Sidon sighs once more and nods. “Now, while I do not at all mind you seeking comfort, I cannot imagine that is all you came for.”
     “Indeed,” Sidon agrees, straightening his spine as Dorephan returns his hand to his side. “As I said, I intend to make things right. While I can’t say my feelings toward Zelda are all positive, I can acknowledge that she was undeserving of my harsh words and disdain.”
     “I am glad you realize this,” Dorephan says with a nod. “How is it you intend to make things right?”
     “By giving her the Lightscale Trident,” Sidon answers. “I know you intended to gift it to her upon her return. It’s what Mipha would have wanted, and therefore it’s what I want.”
     “And you intend to deliver it to her?”
     “With your permission, yes. I—I want to see her myself. Whether she accepts them or not, I want to offer her my apologies personally.”
     “You are a noble soul, my son,” Dorephan says with a pleased chuckle. “You have not only my permission, but my insistence. With the threat from Vah Ruta lifted and many of the monsters around the Domain slain by the hero herself, we will be well protected.”
     “Thank you, Father,” Sidon says. “I promise not to be gone for too long.”
     “Take all the time you need.” There’s a twinkle in Dorephan’s eyes that Sidon can’t quite decipher, so he dismisses it for the moment. “She may be difficult to track down with that curious slate at her hip. Prepare for a long journey, and take heart.”
     “I will,” Sidon reassures. “I apologize for barging in at such a late hour.”
     “Not at all,” Dorephan dismisses with a wave of his hand. “You can always come to me.”
     Sidon smiles. “Yes, Father. I know.” He bids the king goodnight and turns to leave, only to be stopped by a call of his name just before the door.
     “I am proud of you, my son,” Dorephan says with a warm, if tired, smile. “I know you shall make a fine king someday.”
     Sidon is struck speechless by this. Rather than answer with his usual eloquence, he simply ducks his head and stammers out a thank you. Dorephan nods and slowly sinks back into his pool, and Sidon takes that as his dismissal. His father is snoring even before the door closes behind him.
     Sidon departs the Domain several days later, carrying the Lightscale Trident as well as his own spear and a silver bow. He also bears a bag packed for him by Kodah and Marot, one of the innkeepers and the owner of the general store, respectively. It contains all manner of supplies, cooking ingredients, and meals made for the road. His final and arguably most valuable gift is a small wooden chest contained in his bag that holds many an elixir crafted by Laflat. They’re different from the one Sidon had (begrudgingly) given Zelda at the start of her journey to the Domain—they actually work for Zora. Laflat had explained what she’d done differently—something about making the base with water from the Domain, or perhaps putting a few of her scales in the mixtures—but Sidon can’t recall exactly what she’d said. If he’s being honest, he’s not sure how much of it he understands. He isn’t unintelligent, but his mind is more catered to battle strategy than magic or science.
     Tracking Zelda down does in fact prove to be a tricky feat. For one thing, nearly everyone he approaches stares up at him with wide eyes and a slack jaw. He supposes that many of the people he encounters haven’t seen a Zora in person before, let alone one of his stature. When he does manage to get people to answer his questions about having seen Zelda, they give him vague answers, unable to remember her face in the sea of travelers they see each day. Sidon nearly gives up after days of unsuccessful searching, but the sight of Ruta in the distance is enough to spur him on.
     He’s lost track of how long he’s been gone when he sees a most unusual sight. From downriver, it had looked to be an enormous insect, but upon closer inspection, the creature stuck on its back and flailing on the bridge above him is a Hylian wearing a frankly enormous backpack in the shape of a beetle. Sidon leaps from the water and onto the rickety wooden bridge, landing just short of the Hylian’s head. He takes hold of the beetle backpack’s horns and pushes, helping the Hylian to stand upright.
     “Oh, thank you!” the Hylian says, dusting himself off.
     “No problem at all, my friend,” Sidon says with a smile. “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you find yourself in that position?”
     The Hylian seems unfazed by his height or the fact that he’s a Zora as he cranes his neck to look him in the eye, much to Sidon’s relief. “Someone on horseback came barreling by and knocked me onto my back!” he huffs. “They didn’t even stop to see if I was alright. Imagine if a monster had come by, or if I’d fallen into the river!”
     “Dreadful,” Sidon says with a grimace.
     “Yeah,” the Hylian agrees, sighing. “But, anyway! Thank you so much for helping me! My name is Beedle, by the way. I normally sell the things I carry here, but as payment, I can give you something for free as a thank you!”
     “No need,” Sidon says, raising his hand to stop Beedle from reaching for the straps on his pack. “But if I may ask you a few questions, I’d be quite grateful.”
     “Of course!” Beedle says enthusiastically, drawing another smile from Sidon.
     “Do you travel around Hyrule frequently?”
     “Do I? I’ve been just about everywhere you can go!” Beedle gesticulates grandly, seemingly unfazed by what must be the massive weight on his shoulders. “From Hebra to Faron, I go wherever things can be bought and sold!”
     “Then have you encountered a young woman by the name of Zelda? Golden hair, green eyes, and carrying more weapons than should be strictly possible?”
     “Oh, yes! I see Zelda quite frequently,” Beedle says. “She’s my most loyal customer! I don’t know exactly what it is she gets up to on her adventures, but she’s very kind to me. She even gave me this!” He reaches into a pocket on his backpack and presents Sidon with a bright yellow beetle contained in a glass bottle along with a few leaves. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
     “It is,” Sidon agrees. “Would you mind telling me where you saw her last? And if you happen to know where she’s going?”
     “Only if you tell me why you’re looking for her,” Beedle says as he lovingly puts the beetle back in its little pocket. “My heart may belong to Hyrule, but I still don’t want to see anything bad happen to her.”
     Sidon sighs and scratches at the back of his neck. “Zelda helped me and my people in our time of need. Despite all of this, I was—unkind to her. I wish to mend our relationship as best I can.” Beedle studies his face with a scrutinizing eye for a long moment before nodding.
     “You get good at reading people after meeting as many as I have, and you seem like you’re being sincere,” he says. “The last time I saw her, Zelda said she was headed to Hateno Village. Follow the river south until it leads through the Dueling Peaks, then go east.”
     “Thank you,” Sidon says. “Truly. When you see her next, would you tell her I’m searching for her?”
     “Sure, but you’ll probably see her before I do! That, and I don’t know your name.”
     “Oh! Forgive my rudeness. I am Prince Sidon of the Zora.”
     “A prince? Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever met royalty before!”
     “Perhaps not,” SIdon chuckles. “Thank you again, Beedle. I wish you safe travels.”
     “You too!”
     With that, Sidon gives Beedle a wave and dives back into the water. The gasp of wonder that meets his ears as he twists through the air brings a smile to his face once more. Over the course of his journey, the grip of hatred and anger over his heart regarding Hylians has begun to loosen. He still can’t quite fathom completely forgiving those responsible for what had happened a century before, but he’s able to set aside his negative feelings aside for those such as Beedle, who are simply trying to live their lives in the wake of tragedy. It’s too easy for him to forget the relative brevity of their lifespans compared to his.
     Sidon follows the river south, just as Beedle guided him, keeping an eye out for the Dueling Peaks. The occasional lizalfos or octorock blocks his path, but he makes quick work of them with his spear. They’re nothing compared to the behemoth he’d faced years prior. The next few days pass like this: swimming for long periods, dispatching enemies as they come, and asking passerby for directions to ensure he’s heading in the right direction. Before long, he reaches the stable on the other side of the Dueling Peaks. He inquires about Zelda and is directed again to Hateno. The river grows too small for him to swim in as it passes through a fort surrounded by the decayed remains of guardians, so he’s forced to continue on foot. He finally catches up with her as he emerges from the forest surrounding the fort.
     It’s a rather violent reunion—there’s a massive explosion below the cliffs on the other side of the river followed by the pained screeching of bokoblins and the stench of burning flesh. Sidon catches a glimpse of yellow and a high-pitched chime before a red barrel adorned with a white skull and crossbones hurtles toward the monster camp below the cliffs, exploding on impact. The screeching doubles in volume, and the prince watches as Zelda descends upon the monsters making the noise.
     Even from the river on the outskirts of the camp, Sidon can hear the wet thud of blade meeting flesh and smell the metallic-sulfur of monster blood. Zelda wrenches her sword from the torso of the first bokoblin and dodges a strike from another just before it hits her. She’s behind it before it can retaliate, bringing her blade down upon its head. It catches on the horn atop the creature’s skull, causing the already chipped metal to splinter and break off. Zelda takes this in stride, shoving the now jagged blade in the bokoblin’s neck. It falls with a pig-like squeal, its bat falling out of its grip and into the fire at the center of the camp. One last monster flees for its life, but arrows riddle its back before it can get far. Zelda stands in the center of the destruction, breath coming in pants, purple blood smeared across her face.
     Just as Sidon climbs onto the shore, he spots a stray bokoblin out of the corner of his eye. It’s severely burned and limping, but alive. Its bluish-green skin is colored red as it nocks a fire arrow and aims for a bomb barrel that had escaped the initial detonation, laying on its side behind a pillar. Out of Zelda’s field of vision. No more than ten paces from where she now crouches, wrenching the fang out of the charred remains of a bokoblin.
     There’s no time to think. Sidon charges toward Zelda, grabbing her around the waist and hauling her up with one arm. She (expectedly, really) lets out a shriek of surprise as she’s lifted off the ground. Behind them, the fire arrow whizzes through the air, carrying with it the sound of roaring flames. It explodes upon contact with the bomb barrel at the same moment that Sidon leaps into the air, aiming for the river. White-hot shrapnel makes contact with his scales. The pain barely registers as he and Zelda crash into the water, breaking the surface a moment later. Zelda squirms out of his grip and hauls herself up on the bank opposite the camp, coughing.
     “What in Hylia’s name—” she wheezes.
     “You wouldn’t have noticed in time,” Sidon says through gritted teeth. The source of the tension in his jaw isn’t sourced from any frustration with her, but the feeling of wooden splinters and a few rather sharp rocks embedded in his back. He hisses as he climbs on the bank beside her, collapsing on his stomach.
     “Don’t move,” Zelda says. There’s no trace of harshness in her tone as there had been before, but an edge is still present. Sidon obeys without question. Now that the adrenaline is no longer coursing through his veins, he has no desire to move. “This isn’t going to feel good, but it will help.”
     Sidon grits his teeth as Zelda begins pulling the shrapnel from his back. She works efficiently, only taking a few minutes to finish. Sidon moves to sit up, but she stops him with a single touch. Soft blue light radiates from her hands as she passes over his wounds, bringing with it the soothing coolness of running water and the scent of salt. It feels like—
     “Mipha’s Grace,” Sidon says softly. Zelda merely nods, eyes flitting to the trident strapped to his back. She sits back on her heels when she’s finished, and Sidon takes that as his cue to sit up.
     “That was incredibly stupid,” Zelda says. “But thank you.”
     “No need,” Sidon replies. They stare at each other for a long moment, tense silence stretching between them. Words refuse to come to him no matter how hard he searches.
     After what seems like an eternity, Zelda gets to her feet and motions for Sidon to follow. They go back the way he’d come, into the trees and to a hastily-made encampment standing near a small pond. Zelda sits on a moss-covered log near the fire, turning a spit skewering a few Hyrule bass. Sidon’s mouth waters. It’s been too long since he’s had freshly caught fish—he’s been so focused on his task of finding Zelda that he hasn’t bothered with anything other than the rations packed for him.
     “What are you doing here, Sidon?” Zelda asks finally.
     “I was looking for you,” he answers. “I have been for a little while.”
     “I see,” she says, eyes intense and unreadable. “Why?”
     “A few reasons.”
     Sidon retrieves the Lightscale Trident from his back as he sits on the log next to her. It glitters in the light of the fire, magnificent as ever. Zelda turns her attention from the fish to stare at it. Silence descends upon them once more. Sidon is the one to break it this time.
     “This belonged to Mipha, as I’m sure you remember,” he says. “My father intended to give it to you upon your return to the Domain, both as a reward for freeing Vah Ruta and a hope that Mipha’s spirit would guard you as long as you carried it.”
     “She already does.” Zelda stares at her hands, refusing to look him in the eye.
     “Even so, I’m certain she would want you to have it,” Sidon says. He presses the handle into her hands, and she finally looks up at him. “So please.”
     “If you insist,” she replies. She holds the trident close to her for a moment before gingerly resting it on the ground behind them. “But I must ask—why deliver it to me personally? I thought you made it clear that you never wanted to see me again.”
     Sidon has thought about what he’d say to Zelda when he finally found her ever since he left Zora’s Domain. He’s run through the speech in his head time and time again, so sure that she would be impressed by his eloquence and grant him forgiveness without a second thought. Now, though, the words so carefully crafted in his mind refuse to come to him. It’s entirely too difficult to plan what he’s going to say when she’s looking at him like that, emerald piercing straight into him, straight through him— 
     “I’m sorry,” he blurts, decidedly un-princelike. “I let my pain and anger blind me and I lashed out at you. What happened all those years ago can’t be changed, and staying angry with you isn’t useful to anyone. I nearly stopped you from doing the very thing that set Mipha’s spirit free. I may be undeserving of your forgiveness, but all I can do is ask for it.”
     Zelda stares up at him, eyes wide. Sidon doesn’t waver, though he still feels as if she’s seeing right into his soul. He nearly yelps in surprise when she surges forward and wraps her arms around his neck in an embrace. It’s a nearly perfect recreation of their last interaction before Zelda boarded Ruta, but this time, Sidon returns Zelda’s gesture. All he can hear is the gentle crackling of the fire, the wind blowing over the cliffs, and the croaking of frogs, though he’s sure his pounding heart is loud and clear in Zelda’s ears.
     “I’m going to make this right,” she says. “I won’t fail again. I’ll free the rest of the Champions, just as I did Mipha, and vanquish Ganon once and for all. This I promise you.”
     “I believe in you,” Sidon says, prompting her to tighten her grip. “Know you are always welcome in Zora’s Domain.”
     “Thank you,” Zelda whispers. She releases her grip on him, wiping her face with the back of her hand. Sidon averts his gaze, giving her a moment of privacy.
     The charcoal-like scent of burning food wafts through the air, accompanied by a curse from Zelda and the sound of her scrambling back to the fire. The fish aren’t burned too badly—there’s only a faint black mark on one side. Zelda sighs and removes them from the spit, offering one to Sidon, who gratefully accepts. They’re plain, lacking even a bit of salt, but the flesh is hot and deliciously flaky as well as the only freshly prepared food he’s had in days.
     “I’m normally a better cook than this, I promise,” Zelda says, and Sidon chuckles. She sends him a glare out of the corner of her eye, but there’s no anger behind it. She may even be smiling. The fire hisses and pops as water is poured over it and the ashes scattered.
     “Thank you for the fish, regardless of them being burned.” Sidon laughs when Zelda glares at him again.
     “I was going to offer to take you back to Zora’s Domain, but perhaps I’ll retract my offer,” she sniffs in faux haughtiness as she finishes clearing her encampment.
     “I assure you I don’t need an escort.”
     “Oh, I don’t doubt that. But I can get you there much more quickly than you could ever get there on foot.”
     “And how is that?” Sidon asks, head tilted slightly.
     Zelda doesn’t answer. Instead, she pulls the Sheikah Slate from her hip and pulls up the map, tapping on one of the many blue icons. She extends her hand and looks up at him expectantly. He takes it a bit hesitantly, taking note of the way his hand dwarfs hers. Before he can ask her what it is she’s planning, she taps on the Slate once more and the world dissolves into blue light.
     Sidon stumbles a bit when he and Zelda materialize on the pedestal of the shrine in the Domain. He doesn’t realize how tightly he’s gripping her hand until she visibly winces, and he relinquishes it with mumbled apologies. Were it not for the twinkle of amusement in her eyes, he’d feel a bit more guilty. His scales prickle as he runs his hands up and down his arms as if to check that all of him is there.
     “Well,” he says, “you certainly weren’t kidding.”
     Zelda laughs, and his chest tightens a bit. The ghostly blue of luminous stone combined with the faint glow of the Sheikah Slate’s display playing off her face makes for a captivating picture, made only more so when she looks up at him with a smile. The shrine chamber of the Domain gets very little daylight, but Sidon swears he can feel the sun’s warmth on his scales.
     “I should get back,” Zelda says, snapping him out of his reverie. “I believe I’m on the brink of deciphering one of the puzzles a shrine is locked behind. Something about a statue and dark light.”
     “But you’ll be back?” Sidon nearly bites his tongue, embarrassed by his overly hopeful tone.
     “I’ll return,” Zelda promises. “And Sidon...thank you.”
     Sidon nods, and with one last smile, Zelda dissolves into strings of blue light that ascend through the ceiling of the shrine’s chamber and out of sight. Sidon stares at the spot she was just standing for a moment before making his way to the throne room, eager to inform King Dorephan of his success. He laughs at the startled reaction from the guard outside the shrine chamber as he passes, and the final cloud hanging over the Zora’s Domain finally parts.
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silentprincess17 · 3 years
A Proposal Gone Awry
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Summary: Link has been touring the breadth and width of Hyrule to clear out the remaining monster camps, and soon enough, he reaches Zora’s Domain. Mipha asks him to wait before he heads back to the castle, which he was intending on doing... but some mischievous children may have other plans.
Thank you to @braidy-maidy, @zeldaelmo and @zeldadiarist for your help betaing!
Relationships: Link/Zelda Link/Mipha- Onesided Link & The Zora Children Mipha & Revali (Legend of Zelda)
Contains spoilers for AOC. This is my take on the Heart's Escort Mission- specifically what you get at the end of that.Basically- I turn my angst gun on another character whoopsie but I don't leave Mipha high and dry I promise!
Tags: Unrequited Love, Heartbreak, Healing, Emotional angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending
Link had just got back from the battlefield, and he’d left Mipha there, albeit reluctantly. She insisted she would be the one to check over the Zora troops, alone, “I’ll be able to heal them as I go along Link. Why don’t you go back to the Domain and rest whilst I finish up? You’re not wounded, are you?” He replied in the negative, or well, he’d shaken his head anyway. He’d remained with her still, but she’d sort of stammered for a while, something about final preparations, and it was okay for him to leave. Link wasn’t entirely sure why she didn’t want him to stay, but he hadn’t heard her clearly through what seemed to be perpetual rain on Ploymus mountain, and Mipha had become particularly jumpy around him lately, so he opted to leave her be. He just assumed she meant preparations for the healing she was going to do- and maybe that was a private thing? Or maybe she wanted to ask him to train at some point and it was preparations for that? Not that there was much need for it anymore, with the Calamity destroyed and sealed away, but he missed his childhood friend and would like to help her if she wanted it. Just before he left, she’d clutched his arm, and had asked if he could wait until dinner for her because she wanted to tell him something. He saw no reason to decline, so he’d given her a slight nod and then moved to leave.
As he meandered back through the twisting pathways, he realised that it wasn’t that late, but for some inexplicable reason he felt tired. Sunset had just fallen over the Domain, and now the luminous stones started to glow and fluoresce. It truly was a beautiful place, although… he wasn’t a huge fan of the way the water flowing the walkways had started to creep through his metal boots. He sighed, it had been a spur of the moment decision to wear his Soldier’s Armour, he had put his Champion’s Tunic through the wash multiple times since the Calamity fight and it was still drying in his Guard’s Chamber. He felt strangely bare without it, and he certainly missed the increased perception he had whilst wearing it. And, well, for other, uh, sentimental reasons. No, not because the Princess had made it for him. No. Not at all. He was pulled from his thoughts when his foot squelched uncomfortably in his now soaked socks into the metal plate of his boot. The flow of water had never been a problem as a child because he could run barefoot everywhere and no one would care, but now as the Hero it wouldn’t be seen as proper. He would have to polish them later, to avoid rust forming. And change his socks.
He slowly exhaled, it had been a long week of fighting off the remaining hordes of monsters from Calamity Ganon’s revival, today being the day that he had decided to help clear out the remnants in Zora’s Domain. It was funny, because before he wouldn’t have seen a weeklong absence from the Castle as a bad thing, but now… He blushed slightly, before shaking his head. He still had to go clean up, and then eat dinner, because by the Goddesses he was starving, and then meet Mipha… And perhaps he’d teleport back to the Central Tower and then to the Castle. Just to see her again. He missed being by her side, and it left him restless to know he wasn’t protecting her. Somehow over the course of their journey together those feelings of friendship and wanting to protect her had slowly morphed into something else. Or perhaps, he reflected, his reasoning for wanting to do those things had changed. But he could start to smell the aroma of freshly made hasty meat skewers made using the abundance of fleet lotus seeds around the Domain and Link’s stomach audibly grumbled. Ah, food was close, so he hurried the last few steps to reach the Dining Hall.
Just as he was about to go inside, four small bodies ploughed into him, and he let out a startled gasp. They tugged at his boots, and he only belatedly realised it was the members of The Big Bad Bazz Brigade. Bazz was at the forefront with the sword Link had gifted him when they were children proudly strapped to his back. The sword was barely off the ground, though, with the tip jutting into the passageway with every jump he made.
“LINK!” Bazz shouted, a huge smile plastered across his face.
“Hey Link!” Rivan jostled with Bazz and they flailed their arms at each other, with both of them gripping one of his legs. Link looked down and wasn’t sure what to do exactly. Did he try to separate them? Or peel them off him? He couldn’t help but smile at their antics though.
“You’re coming down to our Domain an awful lot recently, aren’t you?” Gaddison, The Heroine, had both hands on her hips but then moved to pull the two squabbling friends off his poor boots. He hadn’t realised how heavy Zoran children were.
Behind them shyly stood Sidon, he was smaller than all of them, and he gripped his Lightscale Trident with shaking hands.
Link nodded at Gaddison, pointed back towards the mountain where the monsters had been. She nodded sagely, understanding what he meant. Link moved to pick up Sidon, he hadn’t been allowed to join Bazz’s group because he was too young, but he still followed them everywhere. Actually, he tried so hard to prove his worth to be allowed in, he’d even climbed Ploymus mountain to face the Lynel there in an effort to prove his courage. Link found him to be adorable, Sidon reminded him of what he was like at that age, keen to please and prove he was capable, but too reckless for his own good. Sidon smiled his trademark smile and wrapped both arms around Link’s neck. Link smiled; aw he was so cute.
“Hey Link! When will you go swimming up the waterfall with us? You’re older now right, do you have your scales yet?” Rivan asked.
He shook his head. He didn’t have scales, and he wouldn’t ever get them because he wasn’t Zoran.
“HE’S A HYLIAN you ninny! He’s not a Zora! He won’t ever get scales like we will!” Ah Gaddison, ever the voice of reason in the group of rowdy boys. She mothered them all, he could remember that from when he used to play at the Domain, and she sprouted logic that the Zora-equivalent of a ten-year-old Hylian probably shouldn’t have, but who was he to judge.
Rivan looked traumatised. “So, we can never swim up the waterfall with Link then?”
“NO.” She paused, “Well, unless someone gives him armour with their scale on it.”
Bazz shoved his shoulder into hers, “Why don’t you do it then?”
She shoved him back, doubly hard, so much so that he ended up slipping in the water and skidding onto his bum. Link suppressed a bout of laughter at his enraged face. “Do I look like I have a White Scale yet Bazz? I can’t give him one if I don’t have one myself!” She bent down and whacked his arm again. “AND ANYWAY, did you not listen to the history lessons we’ve had- you only give your scale to the person you want to marry, basically as an engagement present.” She fluffed her fins around, “And I guess by association love.” She shuddered, “What a disgusting concept. Imagine loving a boy. How desperate do you have to be?”
Link suddenly felt ridiculously embarrassed. He tried going to the shop on the way here, but they didn’t sell the actual chest plate part of the Zora armour and had looked at him strangely when he’d showed them the Greaves and Helm he already had and pointed at his chest. Then again, maybe he should have actually voiced it. He found it bizarre, considering all the other races seemed fine with selling their complete armour sets. He chalked it off as just a Zora thing. But now he knew better. Farore, he had been such an idiot. How had he apparently missed this piece of information? He hadn’t known the Zora Armour was only given as an engagement gift! And to someone you loved no less. No wonder the staff in the shop had looked at him as if he had grown an extra head!
Bazz looked sheepish, scratching the back of his head. “Well, that was the girl side of things, Heroine.”
Rivan looked confused, “Then you don’t love Link?”
Gaddison blushed bright red, “NOT IN THAT WAY! And I’m only 52! That’s not appropriate at all!” She punched them both, “Do you not remember anything about our plan?”
Bazz scratched his chin. “We want to go swimming up the waterfall.”
Gaddison took a deep breath. “Well done, Bazz, son of Seggin. That’s the whole point of this venture, none of the adults will let us go on the waterfall by ourselves because we aren’t that strong.” She huffed and sat down, her legs crossed and both hands holding her face up in what Link recognised as classic-moody-child-face, “We just need some supervision is all. That is what Link would have been ideal for, but he doesn’t have the armour, it was a longshot really.”
Rivan piped up. “WAIT I remember now! Wasn’t this to do with Kodah?”
Up until that point, Link had been watching the three of them squabbling with amusement mostly. He’d been surprised with the revelation of the Zora Armour but how was he supposed to know the intricacies of Zora… courting (?) rituals. It struck him as weird that they hadn’t changed a single bit since when he was a child and when he played with them. Although, it made sense, that they had remained children whilst he had matured, because Hylians aged much faster compared to the Zora. As soon as Kodah was brought up though, he winced. He could still hear her screeching LINNY when he had walked into the Domain with the Princess who had come to recruit Mipha as a champion. It had been mortifying.
Gaddison sighed. “Yes, she said she was making the armour for a Hylian remember! And then that gossip that my mother heard that she was in fact going to propose to the Hero? In case you’ve been living under a rock- that Hero is sitting right there!” She pointed at him, and Link went red-faced, his eyebrows raised high. Oh, thank the Goddesses Kodah hadn’t done anything. He had no idea what he’d even say. How had she ever thought he’d agree anyway- it wasn’t like he’d talked to her properly since when he was four! But then, time passed differently for the Zora… “I thought she would have given it to him by now.” She huffed, “We should have realised that flaw in our plan.”
Bazz was uncharacteristically silent as the three of them sulked over not being able to go up the waterfall. Link felt bemused that all of their extensive planning was over this armour that apparently a lover, in this case Kodah, was meant to give to their loved one (him haha what a joke) so that he could wear said engagement gift and take them to the waterfall. He shook his head, children’s priorities and means to achieve those were always… entertaining to listen to. Bazz suddenly perked up, “Baby Prince!” Sidon looked up from where he had been resting his head on Link’s shoulder. “Didn’t you go blabbing around the other day to the King that Princess Mipha was making someone armour?”
Rivan enthusiastically nodded, “YEAH- you said that King Dorephan was worried about it, so he commi-ssioned someone to get the materials, and he gave them the Zora Greaves!”
Link swallowed; he had a small inclination of where things were going but he wasn’t sure. He pulled out the Greaves anyway and after a round of ohs and ahs, a hushed silence fell over the group, everyone watching Sidon as the small red spots on his cheeks flared a darker red. He sucked in a small breath and slowly nodded.
Bazz nodded, and immediately stood up. “This is a mission for the The Big Bad Bazz Brigade. We hereby announce that we will go searching for this Armour- this is your pre-pre-liminary mission, Rookie Comrade Sidon. We cannot go find Kodah’s armour because we have no clue where it is so that would waste valuable time, but you know where Mipha’s is don’t you?”
Sidon nodded, much more enthusiastically this time. Link held his hands up, trying to get them to stop.
Gaddison stood up then, “Wait, what if she made it for a Zora?”
Bazz shook his head, “We’ll make do. You want to go swimming tonight, don’t you Heroine?”
Link was vehemently shaking his head, and opened his mouth, but the words died in his throat. What were they doing? What was he agreeing to?! No, he had to say something, he might not know much about courting rituals, but he didn’t want to wear something meant as a present for an engagement!
“Hey!” They all looked at him, “Is this… okay?”
“We need to ask Comrade Gaddison for that information because we, ahem, didn’t, uh, study the particulars.”
Gaddison paused. “Well, I don’t really know. Do you just propose once in your life and that’s it? I mean technically the scales grow back right? It’s not like you have a gaping hole in your chest. And really, everyone seems to be making one at the minute, so it probably doesn’t hold all that fancy meaning anymore. And Lord Jabu Jabu knows we have so many traditions that no one other than the oldies bother with.”
Rivan piped up, “Princess Mipha is nice too, so she won’t mind right?”
Gaddison nodded, “True, and theoretically, we’re just borrowing it. It’s not like Link here will take it forever or something. It’s just so we can practise going up the waterfall a few times on our own, and then we’ll give it back. She probably won’t even know we’ve taken it!” She shook her head, “I surmise no issues Comrade Bazz. We may proceed.”
“Comrade Rivan?”
“Sounds good! It means we can swim with Link, right?”
Bazz sighed, “Yes it does. Good so, last person, Comrade Link?”
Link blinked. This whole situation had gone from zero to one hundred so fast. He wasn’t even sure what he was consenting to, and he was really confused. Did this armour really matter to the Zora? Apparently, it did to the shop keepers, but maybe he’d just confused them? That was highly likely considering he hadn’t even said anything to begin with. And Kodah had made him one and he’d last seen her when he was four- she couldn’t genuinely believe he would agree to marry her right? But even ignoring that, it made the whole thing seem a bit like a joke- surely the Armour doesn’t mean that much if you’d make it for someone who you haven’t talked to in years? Plus, the way Gaddison was talking, and she was really the only source of actual knowledge on the topic, made it seem like it was something all the Zora did in their spare time. But stealing Mipha’s potentially specific armour for her future husband? That felt really wrong. And he knew Mipha was a very serious person, not at all like Kodah, so he had a feeling this meant more to her. Plus, why exactly was he agreeing - because the kids wanted to go surfing vertically? That just felt ridiculous. He shook his head. No. He wasn’t going to ruin Mipha’s gift for her, um, future husband. It’s not what friends would do.
Bazz’s eyes widened, “Please Link. You don’t… play with us anymore. I know you’re all grown up, and you have like responsi-si-”
“Responsibilities you fool.”
“What she said!” and then Bazz opened up his pouch, “AND we got you a gift! Your favourite from the Domain, Hearty Salmon Meuniere!”
Link sighed, about to decline, but his stomach rumbled again and Bazz shoved the plate into his hand. He always was too susceptible to food. And, they made a valid point. He hadn’t spent much time with them lately and they seemed desperate to go up a waterfall. Maybe this was a Zora rite of passage- he knew when he was younger, he’d been desperate to duel with soldiers, but everyone had laughed at him because he was so young. Perhaps this was the same for them. And who was he kidding- he just couldn’t say no. Especially to food children. And he couldn’t deny a small part of him was intrigued as to what the Zora Armour looked like after all. It was the last one he had yet to collect, having received the Greaves from who he now knew was the king, and the Helm from when Mipha had been recruited. So, even though he felt like it was probably not the right thing to do, he agreed, the reckless and hungry side won out. “One ride up the waterfall. And then we return the Armour.”
A series of exclamations and happy cries of “YES! LET’S GO!” rang out through the Domain.
Next (Part 2)
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Uh Kip, idk if this is to much to ask but a list of some npcs for Zora'd Domain? I don't need a complete list, maybe just some major ones like the ones that were friends with him from 100 year ago, ones that hate him, and a few children? If you could do a few sentences on them, like appearance, location, other stuff, etc.
List of Every Zora NPC in Zora’s Domain 
**so note that this list does not include Zoras in different parts of Hyrule, such as Tarry Town
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Laruta - Part of the Sidon Fan Club. Memorized the song from the Champion Festival and loves to sing.
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Tumbo - Likes Hot-footed frogs. His mom, Mei, catches fish to be sold at the general store
[A lot more under the cut!]
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Keye - Brother to Tumbo. More shy and introverted compared to his brother
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Finley - Currently dating the Hylian Sasan. Despite being 20 years old, her growth spurt hasn’t kicked in and she’s still quite small. Daughter of Kodah and Kayden. Her dating life is super iffy 
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Jiahto - Keeper of the stone Zora Inscriptions. Grateful and thankful to Link for helping to find all the inscriptions, and plans to include a new contribution to the collection with Link’s heroic tales
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Dento - Grandfather to Marot. Works as a blacksmith. Celebrated the birth of King Dorephan’s first born child by crafting the Lightscale Trident as a gift
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King Dorephan - King of the Zoras. Father to Mipha and Sidon. Has a scar on his face from the time he fought a Guardian with his bare hands and chucked it off a cliff.
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Trello - used to be a part of the Zora Guard before retiring. Now leads the Champion Festival to honor Mipha, and is seen wielding the Ceremonial Trident during this occasion. Father of Rivan and grandfather to Dumna. [Thank you @angelofawhitenight for the additional info!] 
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Seggin - known as the “Demon Sergant” in his old Zora Knight days, he has a slightly higher resistance to electricity compared to the average Zora. He used to be Mipha’s combat instructor. He’s since retired as is now a Member of the Council of Elders. Father to Bazz.  [Thank you @angelofawhitenight for the additional info!]
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Muzu - Chief Zora Advisor. Teacher to Mipha 100 years ago. He always strives to be as useful as he can to the King. Kinda a racist asshole
Link’s Friends:
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Kodah - Calls Link “Linny,” and once asked Link to choose between her and Mipha. Married to Kayden. Her daughter is Finley and Kodah thinks she has horrible taste in men. Frankly, I’m one to agree considering the age thing is….bleh
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Prince Sidon - You all know who he is. Has a scar on his fin from the time he fought a giant Octorok from the inside out at Hateno bay
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Bazz - Captain of the Zora Guard. Trained with Link 100 years ago. Son of the Sergeant Seggin, otherwise known as the “Demon Sergeant.” Led the Big Bad Bazz Brigade in his youth where he trained with the young Hylian Champion.
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Rivan - Part of the Zora Guard. Used to be part of the Big Bad Bazz Brigade. Works alongside his daughter, Dumna
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Gaddison - Guards the Eastern Bridge to Zora’s Domain. Used to be part of the Big Bad Bazz Brigade. Sometimes known as “The Heroine.”
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Tona - Part of the Sidon Fan Club. She wishes her big brother, Cleff, would follow in Prince Sidon’s example
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Tula - Part of the Sidon Fan Club. Easily distracted, prefers swimming around in the lagoons rather than actively looking for a Hylian during the Ruta Floodings. 
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Gruve - Loves the art of diving. Favourite diving spot is from Shatterback Point
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Torfeau - Part of the Zora’s Guard. Training hard in case a Hinox ever causes trouble
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Laflat - Chief secretary for the Zora Royal Family. Thankful to Link for saving the Domain, as well as showing her a picture of the Lynel of Ploymus Mountain 
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Kayden - Works at the Seabed Inn. Runs the inn with his wife, Kodah. Father to Finley
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Marot - Works at Marot Mart, a combination workshop and general store. Made a theme song for the establishment herself. The old man who works at the workshop, Dento, is her grandfather.
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Cleff - Works at Marot Mart. Worried the place might shut down like the old armour shop, because of the lack of patrons. Luckily Link tamed Ruta and business is booming
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Ledo - apprentice to Master Dento alongside Fronk. Helps to repair the architecture of the Domain as part of his training. Willing to trade diamonds for luminous stones
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Dumna - Part of the Zora Guard. Works alongside her father, Rivan. Lower in rank than him, as she wields a Zora Spear. Her grandfather is the now retired Guardsman, Trello
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Fronk - apprentice to Master Dento alongside Ledo. Trains by helping to repair and maintain parts of the Domain. Husband to Mei, sons are Tumbo and Keye.
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Tottika - Part of the Zora Guard. Supposedly a skilled knight, considering he describes himself as new to the Guard, but still wields a Silverscale Spear which is only given to the more gifted, experienced knights.
Aaaand that’s that! Every other Zora in the game is located outside of the Domain, so if I missed your favourite one, the reason is because I was too lazy. 
“Too lazy,” said Kip, as she spent the last hour creating small bios for over 20 Zora. Cut me some slack p l e a s e 
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arzuera · 6 years
Rain Rain Go Away (Prince Sidon x Reader)
Living in the Domain was something to get used too. Most of the time it was wonderful. Beautiful luminous stones gleamed off of the water from the upper Domain with nature all around. It was glorious. It was magical. Something you would never tire of looking at...
 However, then there were days like today. Dark clouds snuffed out the sun as torrents of rain poured down from the sky. Soaking the small amount of the upper Domain that wasn't already wet from the ever flowing aqueducts. Not to mention that no matter what you did today, you ended up wet.
 It was annoying you to no end. There was just to much water.
 You hunched behind the cook pot in an attempt to leech the little amount of warmth left in the smoldering coals as well as to escape the downpour. Now hating the open air set up that the Seabed Inn currently had. Normally, it was wonderful to fall asleep to the fresh air and sound of water. Today you were debating whether or not to sleep in front of the shrine, as long as you were on the stairs behind you wouldn't get wet.
 "My, my... it's really coming down, isn't it?" Kodah stated, as she stepped in from the entrance to the inn. All you did in response was hunch down even further behind the pot. "I'm sorry but I don't think I will be able to relight this for a while. All of the wood is wet and the storm would just put it out again." The red female Zora sighed. Rain never bothered any of the fish people. They slept in pools of water. "We need to think of a way to keep the rain out for guests. It's been so long that it's easy to forget that not everyone takes to water like we do."
 To be honest, it wasn't surprising. Most of the Zora had been children a hundred years ago and when Calamity Ganon struck, trade and visitors were all but lost. That didn't make the lack of any enclosed buildings for people to find solace in any better.
 You sneezed, bundling up in your drenched clothes as best you could but to little avail. There wasn't much you could do. Everything you owned was soaked through or would be the moment you changed. So you just nodded your head to Kodah and went back to looking at the fire. At this rate, you were guaranteed to get sick. Lovely.
 "What was that?" A second red Zora head popped in but it was much larger than any of the others. Then again, he was the only hammerhead amongst his kind and his father was huge! Kodah chuckled slightly as Prince Sidon made his way into the inn. "It sounded like someone squeezed a mouse to hard."
 "My sneezes are not that squeaky, fishboy-" you were cut off as you sneezed a couple more times. The energy to deal with Sidon ebbing every second.
 "I think your body just proved my point on the matter. Are you alright?" Your Zora friend knelt down so that he was eye level with you but you couldn't meet his gaze.
 "The weather is getting to her. We can't keep the fire lit in the storm and she is soaked through." Kodah smiled solemnly and you sneezed again. "We're trying to keep her dry but there isn't much we can really do. At least, not right now."
 "Hmmm, I see." Sidon pensively rubbed his chin before snapping his fingers. "Oh! I have an idea!" The next thing you knew, you were flailing as the large Zora picked you up with ease before feeling so done with the entire situation that you went limp like a ragdoll. When it came to the prince you had noticed, that compared to others, he was rather handsy with you. He wasn't in any way inappropriate but you have gotten a little better when it came to the Zora Prince manhandling you as much as he did. It was easier to give in than to fight.
 Kodah was giggling at your reaction behind her hand so you stuck your tongue at the innkeeper childishly. The female Zora had always been good to you while you stayed in the Domain. Even going so far as to wipe away any payments for nights as long as you helped out sometimes. If she hadn't, you would have been close to running out of rupees by now.
 Prince Sidon stood to his full height and the next thing you knew, you were being carried out of the inn to a new destination. The only places that were rain free was the King's throne room and the shrine so you weren't sure where exactly he was taking you. There was no way that Muzu would let you sleep in the throne room and to be fair the shrine didn't look that comfortable. Still, the Zora prince surprised you by heading towards the shrine and walking to the backside that you normally would have ignored. He pushed a stone in the fancy trim artwork next to the wall. A click was heard and the sound of stone grating against stone filled the area as the wall in front of you moved to the side to reveal a hidden staircase. Your mouth agape.
 How had you not noticed this before?
 "Ha ha! If you think that only the Hylians benefited from ancient sheikah technology then you are drastically mistaken. This staircase leads to an enclosed set of rooms built under the water so that visiting royalty could stay without having to camp outside." Sidon said with a show-stopping grin as he began to descend the stairs. "Back in the day, we used to have a proper enclosed inn of sorts but with the lack of travelers it was forced to close down like the armor shop. So these are the only rooms that should shield you from the rain."
 Soon the staircase opened up to a long hallway with doors set into both sides. He stops in front of one and pulls it open to reveal a bedroom. A luxurious water bed rested to the side. Elaborate designs filled the tiled floor and walls. There was a dresser, table and chairs, a window that allowed you to see the bottom of the lake that the Domain rested on. Heavy curtains hanging on either side for privacy, if wanted. There was another room that branched off and when you craned your neck to look you saw what looked like a pool of water. A bathroom? This truly was a suite meant for visiting royalty.
 Prince Sidon set you down and moved towards a fireplace that was built into the wall with elaborate carvings leading all the way to the ceiling, throwing a fire crystal into the hearth to start a cozy blaze.
 You refused to move from your spot. Water dripped onto the nice tile from your soaked through clothes. This was way to nice of a room. There was no way that you could even afford a room like this. It was the pinnacle of luxury and here you were... standing by the door looking like a drowned street urchin. Why had Sidon brought you down here?
 Said prince hummed to himself as he moved from the fireplace over to the dresser. "Hey (y/n), take off your shirt."
 "...what?" You blanched at his words. Your arms moving to hug yourself unconsciously. "WHAT?!" A vibrant blush took over your face. The natural glow of your body growing to the point it put the fire to shame.
 Sidon blinked. He turned to you confused for a second while holding a garment that he had pulled out of the top drawer before his words sunk in. Soon the white part of his face matched the red of his scales with his fingers fumbling with the cloth in his hands. "O-oh my, I-i didn't mean um I mean," he cleared his throat in an attempt to hide his embarrassment while shoving the garment back into the dresser. "There are dry clothes in the top and towels in the bottom." Then as quickly as he could, he exited the room and closed the door behind. Leaving you alone.
 "...wow. Um..." It took you a moment to realize what had just happened and to go investigate the top drawer as the Zora prince had said. Sure enough, there were several nice dry clothes inside. "Thank you...?" You called out loud enough hoping that he could hear you through the heavy door.
 "No problem, my friend. These rooms are indeed for royalty but there are way to many compaired to the amount of officials who actually visit. So if you wish, that room can be yours. I'll let Muzu know not to give it away if you decide to keep it." the Prince coughed as if to retain some diginity after what he had just said a few moments ago. "I am being called by my father. Contact me later when you reach a decision!"
 Hasty footsteps followed the prince's voice as he ascended the staircase. His attempt at escape from the situation leaving a small smile on your lips, leaving you alone in the luxurious room and your face hot. You shook your head at it all.
 At least, your face was dry now.
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echoinglight · 7 years
A Moment of Weakness
I can’t believe my first Sidon and Link writing is this awful angst. I promise I started off with another one that was very sweet and simple but I haven’t finished it because this monster took over ajhfgjf it rolled around my head for weeks and one night recently while talking with Squishy I just poured it all out at once. title is a reference to some of Sidon’s dialogue. 
media: Breath of the Wild pairing: sidlink words: 2,124 warnings: mildly graphic depictions of violence/pain, mentions of family death
He’d really done it this time.
Clearing the camps of monsters scattered everywhere had become routine, something Link could do as he passed by. This particular one looked fairly packed; running right in would be way more than he could handle. So he was in the midst of a daring plan that involved climbing a tree and aiming for the barrel of explosives nearby - and somewhere amidst the climb and readying his bow is when it went wrong.
A watchman that Link had missed spotted him, immediately screeching a warning. The same barrel that Link planned to ignite was picked up and tossed at him, the plume of flaming smoke billowing just under his toes as he held onto the tip of the tree for dear life. For a second he marveled at his good luck, ready to let out an adrenaline-filed whoop - when a splintering crack abruptly replaced his glee with fear. The base of the tree crumbled and broke, sending the timber swooping toward the ground with a thundering crash.
Link just barely managed to brace his feet on the clear side, kicking off and rolling away from the heavy log as it settled. He leapt to his feet and whipped around, reaching for his sword, but a heavy club slammed into him and he was sent flying toward the ground a second time - in considerably more pain.
The monsters squealed and hollered as they circled around the injured Hylian, jabbing blunt spears and jagged blades that he just barely managed to parry as he dazedly got to his feet and readied his weapon.
It was no use. Every attack that he evaded was instantly replaced by another, an infinite loop of pricks and scratches and blows that steadily wore down his energy and started to dig through his tunic.
He could have thought something profound about how “this is the way the hero of Hyrule dies - bludgeoned by little more than scavengers” if he had the time to make such coherent connections. Instead, he pressed through the pain, trying to see an opening, getting desperate to find his way out of this nightmare. A cliffside, a hill, a traveler - surely something had to open an escape to him.
All at once it came to him, but it would take a risk that he didn’t know if he could afford. Then he saw the circle closing in and he knew that it was only a matter of uncertain death versus certain death. He tapped the screen on his hip, a glowing orb appearing then growing to the full bomb size in his palm. The monsters only got a second to yelp anxiously before the blast hit them all.
Link was thrown far off, same as his assailants, the magical force of the rune bomb stinging his skin until the unforgiving hardness of the ground replaced that pain completely. He wanted to just lie there in his half-blind with agony state and never move again, but the shuffle of the monsters rapidly recovering and searching for their prey brought him to his senses. He just barely managed to raise the Sheikah Slate, opening the map and tapping a familiar zone quickly, hoping he’d chosen the right one. Safety, he thought with such force he could have sworn the slate vibrated in response.
The last he saw was the monsters scrambling toward him until the blue light engulfed him entirely, deconstructing him into nothingness and whisking him away.
Night had fallen over Hyrule; morning was just hesitating to break. Zora’s Domain glittered and glowed, chasing away the darkness with graceful beauty. Many of the Zora were still asleep, while the ever-loyal guards rotated their shifts. Bazz moved to the the lower level of the courtyard, his spear held strongly at his side as he scanned his eyes over the area. All seemed to be well, so he turned and stared curiously at that strange monument housed at the very heart of the Domain, one that he’d seen for so many, many years, but only a few months ago had taken on an orange glow that changed to blue once that brave Hylian had visited it.
He stared at that blue light intently for a long while, as though studying it for the thousandth time would give him further answers. All at once, another form of blue light formed before his very eyes, beautiful tendrils that waved toward the ground before dissipating as quickly as it had appeared. Bazz stood stunned for a short moment, but shook himself out of it and peered over the stairs to see what such a display could mean.
The crumpled, scuffed, and bloody form of the Hylian registered at the same time he recognized the face. “Link!”
Bazz dropped his spear and ran down the stairs, dropping to his knees at Link’s side and cautiously reaching to check for signs of life. He feared moving the boy until he knew the extent of the injuries… should he still be alive. A rush of relief washed over the Zora as he found a faint heartbeat, and he immediately rushed back up the stairs and toward the inn where the nearest Zora was just heading inside. “Kodah! Kodah!”
Kodah startled at the wild-eyed look of the usually so composed guard as he spoke quickly. “It’s Link- he’s hurt.” She gasped, but he continued before she could ask the questions on her lips. “I’ll be with him- at the shrine. Please, fetch Prince Sidon immediately!”
“Of- of course!” She hurried off, running toward the stairs while Bazz returned to Link’s side. His expression drew into a grimace of empathy pains as he gingerly inspected the injuries. Having no fabric of his own, he tore a shred from Link’s battered tunic to wrap around a heavily bleeding gash on his arm. “Link, can you hear me? You’re at Zora’s Domain now. You’re going to be okay.” It was unclear if Link was conscious enough to hear him, but he hoped with all his might that he could.
A nearby thud got Bazz’s attention, and he looked up to see the Prince had bypassed the rounded stairs and simply leapt down the level in his haste. “Bazz, what’s- Link!” Sidon’s eyes went wide.
A crippling pain dulled Sidon’s usually so cheerful eyes, and Bazz immediately felt his own heart clench even tighter. “He’s alive, but very badly hurt…” he moved aside to let Sidon kneel over the boy, touching him so gently, as though he might break. “I don’t know how he got here it was just… a sudden light brought him. I’m not sure he can be moved, he’s been beaten and stabbed a great deal and I fear broken bones.”
Sidon listened carefully, but poured equal attention into looking over the wounds and softly caressing the cheek of his treasured one. With each cut and bruise he saw he felt as though his own heart was being given the same wound. Link stirred at last, just barely fluttering his eyes and giving a pained exhale. “It doesn’t matter, because he cannot stay here. I can carry him to the healer.”
With the most cautious of movements, Sidon managed to slide his hands underneath Link’s limp body and lifted him with little jostling. He ascended the stairs, keeping a close eye on his charge as he began the somber walk across the domain.
Sidon found no solace after he left Link to the hands of the Zora healer. He paced, he prayed, he wrung his hands. He found the ache of his passed sister split open again as he prayed to her spirit to please- save him, if you can hear me. Hero of the people be damned, Sidon didn’t want to lose another piece of his heart to mourning. Help me save him, as I could not save you.
The image of the bright, sparkling boy he’d spent so many afternoons with, watching the stories he wove with his hands, feeling the ease in his spirit as they floated down the river together, seeing the determination in his eyes when he used the break to practice his way with the sword- to know him as Sidon did, and to see him in a state so torn down- it was agony.
The healer finally opened the door, and Sidon rushed over, tears pooling in his eyes.
“Let your heart find peace, my Prince. He lives.”
Everything was so… dark. And blue. Link could tell this much from behind his eyelids. The Shrine of Resurrection… I’ve been born again. He thought simply, seeing the small stone room in his mind’s eye. No… I wouldn’t know anything about that, if that’s what happened. I wouldn’t remember.
“Link? Are you awake?”
His wandering attention came back to what was, not what could be. He slowly managed to blink his eyes partway open, noticing he was propped up on a bed of some sort, a blanket draped over him.
The Zora’s face went from apprehension to a smile that scrunched his whole face, tears falling freely as he ducked his head over Link’s body. Link realized Sidon’s hand was over his and he tried to turn his hand to weakly clasp it.
Link gently stroked the top of Sidon’s head, watching him with a drowsy fondness, but also concern. “Why are you so sad?” He whispered.
Sidon took a deep breath, laughing lightly. “No, I… I’m not sad. Not anymore.” He composed himself enough to lift his head, allowing Link to hold his cheek. “I’m so happy you’re alive- I don’t know how you found your way to me in the state you were in… but thank the goddesses you did.”
Link smiled a little bit, tilting his head, his thumb rubbing Sidon’s smooth Zora skin. After a moment the lingering pain set in, and his face fell. “I was… outnumbered. Yeah… I got overwhelmed. The only way out was… the slate-“ he looked around with sudden concern until Sidon clasped his hands.
“All of your things are just beside you. However… your armor was damaged, and even so had to be removed quickly to treat you. The healer found another set of clothes amongst your supplies, I hope you don’t mind.” He plucked at the worn blanket with his fingers. “And this was the only extra blanket we had on hand. It seems we should begin to make preparations for the return of Hylian travelers.”
Link smiled again at that, resting back again. “It looks like I’ll be here for a little while, so I guess you gotta start now,” he joked, putting a smile on Sidon’s face in return.
“This is one of the few times I’ve heard your voice,” Sidon noted after a moment, peering curiously at Link.
“Me too,” Link replied, opening one eye to peer right back at Sidon, who became sheepish. He drew back, mulling over something until finally he gently pulled Link forward to embrace him. Link automatically snuggled into Sidon’s chest, the comforting and familiar softness of the slick skin relaxing him.
The hug became a little tighter, and Link rubbed soothing circles wherever his hand could reach. “I’m okay, Sidon. I’ve got two against zero on death now. I’m not going anywhere.”
“But you are always so reckless… I just couldn’t bear it if…” he sighed, a puff of air far over Link’s head. “You are wild and wandering, and I fear the day your bravery makes you foolish. You may have lost your memories, but you are whole as you are now, Link. You are loved.”
Link buried himself deeper into Sidon’s chest in response.
“…I would like to tear apart the beasts who did this to you… to me. And should the blood moon rise, I’ll do it over again.” Sidon’s voice was soft, but it now trembled lightly with his pain.
Link nudged Sidon with the palm of his hand. “Now who’s reckless?” He murmured. “No hunting monsters. That’s my job. You stay as far away from… from all this as you can. Because when all this is gone- you still gotta be here for me to come back to. That’s- that’s your job.” He struggled over the words, ending up muttering down toward his lap as he hugged Sidon’s chest. “You are the brightest thing I’ve seen in Hyrule yet. Please- stay… stay that way. You are loved, too.”
Sidon looked down at Link in surprise, and gently held him at the shoulders as Link stared down at his hands. “Then so I shall.”
Link let Sidon scoop him up, and he stayed nestled safe in his arms for a long time, knowing he was alive and home.
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victoryfeathers · 2 years
Seattle Rotation
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I am almost done with the first chapter! Here is the starting rotation for Karasuno during the Seattle Tournament. With Hinata not starting on the court it gives more attention to him whenever he is substituted on and Karasuno needs better consistent defensive players - Hinata/Tsukki/Kageyama definitely do improve in this but as the long time anime saying goes “our serve receive needs work”. By having more players with greater / wider strengths Karasuno is able to make more subs depending on how the set is going and factor the skills on the other team. Link for better quality.
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victoryfeathers · 3 years
New Karasuno Team
Working on making a canon divergent fanfiction wherein Karasuno is invited to Seattle, Washington (USA) to patriciate in a summer training camp and subsequent tournament. This takes place after the short Tokyo training weekend and before the Saitama training camp week (extending the length of Karasuno’s summer break). Their hosts are Cascade High School and there will be four other teams in the camp. The tournament is to be held at the University of Washington in Seattle.
Karasuno gives the five American schools nicknames based on their mascots such as Ōkamiyama, Shachiwan, Rōzutoge, Hisuimori, and Kaitomoya.
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The New Karasuno Team (after Seattle camp)
1. Daichi Sawamura - Captain / Wing Spiker / Opposite Hitter - 3rd Yr. 2. Kōshi Sugawara - Vice Captain / Setter / Pinch Server - 3rd Yr. 3. Asahi Azumane - Ace /  Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter - 3rd Yr. 4. Yū Nishinoya - Libero - 2nd Yr. 5. Ryūnosuke Tanaka - Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter - 2nd Yr. 6. Alexander Williams - Middle Blocker / Pinch Server - 1st Yr.  7. Erik Thorvald - Setter / Wing Spiker / Opposite Hitter - 1st Yr. 8. Kodah Stone - Wing Spiker / Opposite Hitter / Outside Hitter - 1st Yr. 9. Tobio Kageyama - Setter - 1st Yr. 10. Shōyō Hinata - Middle Blocker / Decoy - 1st Yr. 11. Kei Tsukishima - Middle Blocker - 1st Yr. 12. Tadashi Yamaguchi - Middle Blocker / Pinch Server - 1st Yr. 13. Chikara Ennoshita - Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter - 2nd Yr. 14. Hisashi Kinoshita - Wing Spiker / Pinch Server - 2nd Yr. 15. Kazuhito Narita - Middle Blocker - 2nd Yr.
Three students from Ōkamiyama decide to transfer to Karasuno after the training camp. American high schools begin in early September and goes till June with a winter break from mid-December to January. This doesn’t quite line up smoothly with Japanese high schools which start in April and go to March, their school year is in three terms whereas Americans are two semesters. 
Japanese high schools are also only three years, contrasting American four. The first years on Karasuno’s team are the age equivalent of American high school sophomores / 10th graders. 
These three transfers are given their numbers before Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita decide to come back to the club. Coach Ukai was holding out on the second years hoping for their return to fill out the team roster but the three of them in the canon don’t really contribute much. The three of them basically don’t play for the entire first season and even then none of them are particularly strong with anything, they’re just kinda there. Which makes some sense since having three more characters would cut down on the overall feature time everyone gets but the three of them are too similarly background characters that don’t add anything to the narrative. I would have loved if they had more uniqueness aside from vague things like Ennoshita is Captain after Daichi and Kinoshita can do jump floaters (even their names are so similar... rip Narita).
ALEXANDER WILLIAMS (#6) Height: 6ft 0ins Weight: 160lbs Hair: Russet Auburn, short curls Eyes: Cornflower Blue Position: Middle Blocker / Pinch Server History: Born and raised in Seattle and has been doing ballet from a young age which has contributed to his strengths in jumping, agility, and stamina. Stats: Power 2/5 - Jumping 5/5 - Stamina 5/5 - Speed 2/5 - Technique 3/5 - Game Sense 3/5 - (20/30)
ERIK THORVALD (#7) Height: 5ft 10ins Weight: 170lbs Hair: Golden Brown, long wavy Eyes: Dark Steel Grey Positions: Setter / Wing Spiker History: Born in Denmark and raised between there, Norway, and Iceland before coming to Seattle. His father is a professor of Scandinavian history, the Danish language, and Norse mythology at the University of Washington. Erik is fluent in Danish, English, and has begun learning Japanese.  Stats: Power 4/5 - Jumping 4/5 - Stamina 4/5 - Speed 4/5 - Technique 5/5 - Game Sense 4/5 - (25/30)
KODAH STONE (#8) Height: 5ft 8ins Weight: 150lbs Hair: Black, long straight Eyes: Hazel Green Positions: Wing Spiker History: Born in Tulalip (WA) to members of the Tulalip Tribes, mostly descending from Northern Lushootseed-speaking people. Kodah attended the nearby elementary and middle schools over in Everett and recently finished his first year at Cascade High School. He is fluent in English and speaks some Lushootseed and started Japanese.  Stats: Power 4/5 - Jumping 5/5 - Stamina 4/5 - Speed 4/5 - Technique 3/5 - Game Sense 3/5 - (23/30)
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victoryfeathers · 2 years
Ōkamiyama Roster
Cascade High School Volleyball Team
1. Reed Collins - Captain / Middle Blocker (4th) 2. David Garcia - Ace / Wing Spiker (4th) 3. Sam Campbell - Setter (4th) 4. Lan Nguyen - Vice Captain / Wing Spiker (3rd) 5. Diego Perez - Libero (3rd) 6. Dylan Anderson - Middle Blocker (3rd) 7. Charlie Vo - Wing Spiker (3rd) 8. Taylor Martin - Libero (1st) 9. Kodah Stone - Wing Spiker (2nd) 10. Alex Williams - Middle Blocker (2nd) 11. Ryan Zhang - Wing Spiker (2nd) 12. Parker Harris - Wing Spiker (1st) 13. Josh Miller - Middle Blocker (1st) 14. Erik Thorvald - Setter (2nd)
Starting Lineup: Collins (MB), Garcia (WS), Campbell (S), Nguyen (WS), Vo (WS), Anderson (MB) / Perez (L)
Head Coach: Ron Tremblay Assistant Coach: Daniella Smith Managers: Stephanie Phillips and Sarah Lopez
Seniors: Collins, Garcia, Campbell Juniors: Nyguyen, Perez, Anderson, Vo Sophomores: Stone, Williams, Zhang, Thorvald Freshmen: Martin, Harris, Miller
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victoryfeathers · 2 years
Glacier Peak Hike
While at Alpine Lodge in the last days of the training week with Ōkamiyama, members of the two teams have the option to go on an overnight hike into the wilderness and camp beside a small lake with Glacier Peak in the distance. Nearly all members of Karasuno (except for Tsukishima and Yamaguchi) go along with Erik Thorvald, Kodah Stone, Alex Williams, Charlie Vo, and Taylor Martin from Ōkamiyama. The rest of the teams, managers, and coaches stay at the lodge. The hike is led by Erik’s older brother, Ragnar, and one of the translators comes along too. Below the cut are photos of the hiking and camping areas.
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Technically to get to Image Lake (the first photos) that would involve a LONG and very hard hike over the course of a few days. Anime magic to speed that up and to reposition Image Lake’s real location north of Glacier Peak to the western side and closer to the made up Alpine Lodge. 
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victoryfeathers · 2 years
Karasuno Practice Teams
White vs. Black // Orange vs. Navy
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White Team 1. Daichi Sawamura (WS-Opp) 2. Ryūnosuke Tanaka (WS-Out) 3. Tobio Kageyama (S) 4. Kodah Stone (WS-Out) 5. Kei Tsukishima (MB) 6. Tadashi Yamaguchi (MB)
Black Team 1. Kōshi Sugawara (S) 2. Asahi Azumane (WS-Out) 3. Erik Thorvald (WS-Opp) 4. Yū Nishinoya (L) 5. Alex Williams (MB) 6. Hinata Shoyo (MB)
Orange Team 1. Asahi Azumane (WS-Out) 2. Erik Thorvald (WS-Opp) 3. Tobio Kageyama (S) 4. Kodah Stone (WS-Out) 5. Hinata Shoyo (MB) 6. Tadashi Yamaguchi (MB)
Navy Team 1. Daichi Sawamura (WS-Opp) 2. Kōshi Sugawara (S) 3. Yū Nishinoya (L) 4. Ryūnosuke Tanaka (WS-Out) 5. Kei Tsukishima (MB) 6. Alex Williams (MB)
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