ragpicker-and-poet · 11 months
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ancestorsalive · 1 year
Polish tradition of drawing protective symbols.
"Kolos draw protective circle with their hands, feet and dancing shoulder to shoulder. The social collective protects and heals.
I call the drawing of symbols, a mother tongue - the letters of the trees. The letters of the trees, tree rings, South Slavic lore, and kolo dances are the South Slavic mother tongue recording all the interactions within the surrounding Moist Mother Earth landscapes. There is no difference between the tree rings or the kolo rings of dance.
Archeologist Marija Gimbutas stated, “Oder river of Central Europe in the west, to the Urals, or even Central Asia as the cradle of the Slavs. The first movement from south Russia to the Ukraine, the Lower Danube basin occurred before some 4000 BCE and the repeated migrations and devastation of the Aegean, Mediterranean and Anatolian lands took place in the period around 2300 BCE.” Gimbutas uncovered the Slavic mother tongue found in vast amount archeological artifacts,”
- Dr. Danica Anderson
Blood & Honey: : The Secret Herstory- Balkan Women War Crimes and War Survivors
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tooclosetosundavvid · 9 months
ten momemt kiedy nie masz przy sobie sensownego długopisu ale zawsze masz sobą eyeliner w pisaku więc technicznie masz czarne pisało
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outragedslime · 5 months
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When the first Archaeopteryx fossils were found, some people thought they were angels. They were right
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raurquiz · 2 years
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#otd #startrek    #deepspacenine #QLess #sisko #dax #kiranerys #odo #bashir #obrian #quark #q #vash #kolos #ds930 #startrek56 @startrekonpplus https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXgmouOGOo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evviejo · 2 months
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thirteen's era appreciation: 426/?
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dooweeedooguy · 3 months
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look at her little skip hehe
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khruschevshoe · 8 months
How Behind-the Scenes Issues Affected the Writing of Doctor Who (Both Good and Bad)
Doctor Who is such a fascinating show to look at from a Watsonian v. Doylist perspective. Like, entirely just from an episode writing point of view:
Twice Upon A Time feels so slow and meandering and even boring in places because Chris Chibnall didn't want to start his run as showrunner and Steven Moffat didn't want the show to lose the coveted Christmas timeslot (ironic, I know) so he bumped the Twelfth Doctor's regeneration from the end of The Doctor Falls (where it makes sense) to the end of the Christmas special
Boom Town (my beloved) only exists because originally there was going to be an episode in its spot explaining that Rose had been molded to be the Doctor's perfect companion (by the Doctor, gross) and the writer didn't have the time to commit to the show
The ending of Last Christmas feels like one inside-a-dream too many because originally Jenna Coleman was questioning whether she was going to leave the show or not and the ending was rewritten after the first readthrough when she decided she wanted to stay for another season
The first five episodes of Season 7 feel like each one takes place in a different genre because that's literally how Steven Moffat pitched it to the writers; for example, A Town Called Mercy was literally pitched as "Doctor Who does a Western"
Not so much a weird one but one I find cool: Eleven's first words and Thirteen's first words were literally written by Moffat and Chibnall respectively, as they were brought in to write the first words of the first Doctors of their runs so as to make it cohesive
The reason why Fourteen isn't wearing Thirteen's clothes when he regenerates is because Jodie Whittaker is much shorter than David Tennant and Russell T. Davies didn't want it to look like he was making fun of the genderfluidity of the Doctor (still think he made the wrong decision, but eh)
Wilfred Mott isn't in the Runaway Bride and Donna's father isn't in Partners in Crime because the actor who played Donna's father, Howard Attfield, died after filming several scenes for Partners In Crime, leading to the character of "Stan Mott" from Voyage of the Damned being written into Partners In Crime as Donna's grandfather
Astrid Peth doesn't die in the original drafts of Voyage of the Damned, but Russell T. Davies wrote what is generally considered one of the most emotional deaths in Doctor Who just because he wanted Kylie Minogue to be able to focus on her music career
Originally Oxygen was written as a prequel to Mummy on the Orient Express, where a corporate representative appeared on a monitor. Said representative was fired for his fumbling of the station and would later live on as the company computer, Gus
During Season 11, Chris Chibnall had to do some major rewrites for many of the one-off episodes, therefore The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos ended up being a first draft that made it to screen. He later admitted it was his least favorite episode of the series
And this is only a fraction of what I found in terms of major behind-the-scenes writing reasons. Though I am still totally willing to critique the product that made it to our screens, finding out the reasons behind some of the more badly written episodes of the show really made me feel sympathy for every showrunner of the show as well as appreciate a lot of the good episodes that ended up here despite the short production schedule/unexpected problems (once again, Boom Town my beloved AND everyone's favorite companion Wilfred Mott only exist because of unforseen problems). Absolutely bonkers, isn't it?
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design-is-fine · 10 months
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Koloman Moser, marbled paper technique, 1904. Vienna, via Leopoldmuseum
For this age-old process a shallow tray is filled with oil paints which are then made into patterns or various motifs using a needle or marbling comb. Subsequently, a piece of paper is dipped into the tray to absorb the paint. These papers were either used as endpapers or covers for books, or as autonomous artworks.
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earlgreydyke · 2 months
having never watched the thirteenth doctor, i just caught up to the battle of ranskoor av kolos and i personally love it. i think everyone has really high expectations for a grand finale with multiple parts but i think this was a simple and well executed finale that concluded the season perfectly and the one episode runtime was just right for the narrative.
to me, the episode is a beautiful exploration of faith. the ux are very clearly adopting imagery of the crucifix but are sacrificing themselves for a false genocidal god. they are still able to maintain their faith and with the help of the neural blockers, come to understand that they have gone against the will of their creator, saving five planets (plus earth really!) from destruction in the name of their faith. meanwhile, graham and ryan commit the ultimate act of courage in refraining from avenging the murderer of their loved one in the name of grace. again, a testament to their faith in what they know to be right and what their Grace would have wanted. yaz maintains her faith in the doctor, refusing to leave her side. the doctor maintains her faith in herself. she started this season not able to remember who she was and she ends it fighting the same evil with utter conviction that she can get everyone out of this (all five planets worth of everyone!) she trusts in her intellect and most importantly, she trusts the courage of her companions to abide by their faith (the ux included).
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heartmush · 11 months
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harbinger of floods; omen of deluge.
『 weighs you down so sleepily… 』
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ohmerricat · 8 months
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Ryan Why Yes I’m A Hypocrite Didn’t You Know
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geritsel · 7 months
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Koloman Moser - a selection of sheets from Die Quelle, a 3-volume portfolio devoted to surface decoration, c. 1900. (About) & (Image source)
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outragedslime · 4 months
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is it all you ever wanted?
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thehumanwiki · 3 months
rating all NuWho finales based entirely on how cool the titles are
because yea
(putting a read more because this will take a while, lol)
Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
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5/10. Bad Wolf is a cool name! For cool ppl! It’s the season’s mystery! It slays! But The Parting of the Ways? That could be used for like, half of the finales in this show. That’s a generic name. Not a fan. It even has one more “the” than it ought to. That’s a tryhard name. (Rose and The Doc don’t even part ways for another season! It’s a LIE!)
Army of Ghosts / Doomsday
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6/10. Army of Ghosts! That’s freaky! It catches my attention! I’m interested, Mr. Davies, tell me more about that! Doomsday is also a generic name though. Like it could be used anywhere. It gets more points than S1 however because Doomsday is a very cool word and I like it a lot.
Utopia / The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords
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8/10. YES. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THESE TITLES. Utopia? That’s a word that can’t be applied to many other episodes! That’s a memorable word! That’s a fun word! The Sound of Drums? What the hell is so significant about drums?? In a FINALE episode?! There must be something SCANDALOUS about the drums, tell me everything! (And they did! But this isn’t about what happens in the episode this is just how hard the titles fuck.) Last of the Time Lords??? Holy shit! That means we’re delving into that aspect of him specifically, and you can’t duplicate that easily! But more importantly, that sounds cool! Cool names, absolutely W from whoever named RTD’s stuff.
The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End
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5.5/10. Same boat as S1, tbh. The Stolen Earth? Excellent, no notes. Journey’s End sounds generic af though. But I gave it a half point lead because Journey’s End has the Vibes more than The Parting of the Ways, lol.
The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
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8/10. Yea I see the vision Mr. Moffat, I see you. Love what you’ve done with the place btw. Like, neither title is generic! And both are super interesting! Look honestly I forget how to do commentary I’m just one sleep deprived fan who likes Vibes they just slap OK
The Wedding of River Song
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9/10. Oh. Oh yes. Oh I am LOVING this. Nothing gets me going like seeing a wedding that is somehow the culmination of a high stakes season. Like, how is there a wedding there?! And. River Song is there? Do you promise? 🥺
The Name of the Doctor / The Day of the Doctor / The Time of the Doctor
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6/10. OK I’m honestly not sure which ones are finales or not, but y’know what? The name matching is fun. I like that. That is good. But besides the first one, these are p generic episode names. Sorry.
Dark Water / Death in Heaven
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8/10. Dark Water is a p good episode name. It’s not the most interesting, but I like it. BUT ***DEATH IN HEAVEN***?! Now THAT is a finale title! I have never SEEN such a title! THAT is an IMMACULATE title! SPLENDID!
Heaven Sent / Hell Bent
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10/10. The matching names? The rhyming? The low-key religious theming? The ominous nature? EXCELLENT. No notes Mr. Moffat. Great vibes.
World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls
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9/10. I would give this striaght up 10/10 if I could figure out what “World Enough and Time” meant. The vibes are perfect but like. What does it mean 😭 And The Doctor Falls??? OH MY ATTENTION HAS BEEN GRABBED BY THE THROAT DO GO ON PLS—
The Battle of Ranskoor av Kolos
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4/10. Kolos? What is this, Pokémon XY? Anyways, I feel like this is just dialogue that would be said in passing in a sci-fi novel that everyone forgets. Sorry 😞
Ascension of the Cybermen / The Timeless Children
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7/10. Cybermen are OK. It’s a fine title, I have nothing against it. The Timeless Children??? The vibes are just SPLENDID here. Especially because it’s a Bad Wolf situation where it’s like “hey wait a fucking minute I’ve heard that somewhere else—” Good stuff! W for Chris.
Chapter Six: The Vanquishers
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6.5/10. Adding chapter to the title does make it automatically cooler, so that’s a bonus half point right there. Otherwise, it’s neat. Like it’s good. The vibes are fine and I like them, but not THAT fine, y’know?
The Legend of Ruby Sunday / Empire of Death
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7/10. Look, even if it’s not generic, anything with “death” in the title *feels* generic. The Legend of Ruby Sunday still saves this tho, because I am INTERESTED, girl. TELL ME EVERYTHING
In conclusion, episode titles peaked with Capaldi.
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evviejo · 1 month
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thirteen's face appreciation: 102/?
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