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Fandom: Pitch Perfect
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mockva · 5 months
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In this photograph, the Bolsheviks displayed the jewelry of the Romanov family members they killed, including Faberge eggs, before foreign guests before an auction in 1925. Rich families from Europe and the United States gladly bought jewelry and unique pieces of art looted by the Bolsheviks.
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cam2d · 11 months
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A commissar to inspire/terrify/execute the faltering soldiers of my Imperial Guard!
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i just know the blonde german from pitch perfect 2 would be mean to me once and i’d be in love with her for the rest of my life
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sjru · 1 year
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Pounce the dragon! 🐉 For Zephy 
Posted using PostyBirb
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sugarspellitout98 · 1 year
Figured I'd try chatgpt for writing fanfiction. I'm not disa-aca-pointed (though Kommissar keeps calling her Frauhlein and not mice):
Beca Mitchell had never been intimidated by anyone before, but there was something about the German beauty, Kommissar, that made her uneasy. It wasn't just her sharp wit or her stunning looks; it was the way she flirtatiously teased Beca every time they were in the same room. The two of them were competitors in an a cappella contest, and Kommissar seemed determined to get under Beca's skin.
Their first encounter had been at a party hosted by one of the other teams. Kommissar had cornered Beca by the snack table, smirking at her over a plate of hummus.
"Are you intimidated by me, Fräulein?" she'd asked, her accent thick and seductive.
Beca had raised an eyebrow. "Why would I be intimidated by you?"
Kommissar had leaned in closer, her body almost touching Beca's. "Because I'm better than you," she'd whispered.
Beca had felt a shiver run down her spine, but she refused to let Kommissar see that she was rattled. "We'll see about that," she'd said, before walking away.
Since then, Kommissar had made it her mission to flirt and tease Beca every chance she got. Whenever they were in the same room, Kommissar would find a way to single Beca out with provocative comments or playful touches.
Beca tried to ignore Kommissar's advances, but it was getting harder and harder. There was something about the German girl that was undeniably attractive, and Beca hated herself for feeling that way.
One day, during a rehearsal break, Kommissar approached Beca once again, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know, Fräulein, I can tell you're attracted to me," she said, her voice low and sultry.
Beca rolled her eyes, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing. "In your dreams, Kommissar."
The German girl laughed. "Oh, you have no idea what goes on in my dreams."
Beca felt a surge of desire as she imagined all the things Kommissar might dream about. She shook her head, trying to snap out of it. "Look, can we just focus on the competition?" she said, hoping to change the subject.
Kommissar smirked. "Of course, Fräulein. But don't think I've forgotten about you," she said, placing a gentle hand on Beca's arm before sauntering off.
Beca watched her go, her heart racing. She knew she shouldn't be getting involved with a rival like Kommissar, but she couldn't deny the chemistry between them. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to this competition than just a trophy.
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hitchell-mope · 7 months
Good movie. I’ll start the unfortunately Jesseless and jecaless threequel tomorrow.
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krimitastisch · 11 months
Aktueller Artikel zu einer Veranstaltung mit Alex Prhal in einer Lokalzeitung
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rocketjo · 1 year
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Zirkulum [Leseprobe] - Bells Beförderung (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1325837268-zirkulum-leseprobe-bells-bef%C3%B6rderung?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=SarahSander1&wp_originator=D%2Fs%2FYWMxI%2FAzWdsmHwCnq8T%2F7I%2FM1VhbbnCMybIEZCDQT9uCqiw%2FwqqX6I%2BJDCwLP3auv1PphMaZlBmSiHBHrtPTi4eAh1O887D0cMLe0wMu2SVvqZQIgfhrGPRnjuKp Als Edward Bell vom Innendienst in den Außendienst befördert wird, ahnt der Sicherheitsbeamte Zirkulums noch nichts von der Katastrophe, welche die Stadt bedroht. Während er in einem scheinbar harmlosen Fall von technischem Versagen ermittelt, trifft er Hassan Lucas, die Nummer Zwei der Technikbehörde. Erst langsam erkennt er, dass hinter dem Fall mehr steckt, als es den Anschein hatte - und ausgerechnet die Technikbehörde scheint am meisten zu profitieren.
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ara-a-bird · 1 year
There is a lot of things with being danish: the free healthcare, student pay, etc etc, but one of my all time favorite things must be getting to watch Birgitte Hjort Sørensen acting live in front me as a part of a play.
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tiny-feisty-gay · 1 year
In between my screaming about wenclair and avatrice I've also returned to my beloved becommissar so uh here's a new chapter
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this song is getting me through exams
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baubeautyandthegeek · 4 months
Trust In Me - Kommissar/Aubrey Posen
A/N: Part 3/5 for this week of @soheavyaburden 's A Year of Whump.
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“I can’t…” Aubrey bolts from the recording studio, hands clasped to her face as she fights to gather herself, stiffening at a familiar voice. Kommissar, her co-star, the reason she has to record, the reason she can perform without feeling sick, when they are on stage it’s just them. “Hallo?” “What do you want?” “You.” Kommissar pauses then, softer. “Komm mit mir…” Aubrey hesitates, then takes Kommissar’s hand following her back to the recording studio, her eyes instantly full of panic. Kommissar positions her at the mic, strong arms looping around her before soft lips brush her ear. “Singe, mein Engel…” Aubrey’s breathing hitches and she closes her eyes, soaking up the whispered compliments, softly accented german spurring her to sing, her words coming easily. “Think of me Think of me fondly When we've said goodbye Remember me Once in a while Please promise me you'll try….”
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flashlivede · 7 months
EU-Kommissar warnt vor Folgen des Erstarkens rechtsextremer Kräfte
EU-Kommissar warnt vor Folgen des Erstarkens rechtsextremer Kräfte | #Extremismus #Folgen #EU #Kommissar #NicolasSchmit
Der EU-Kommissar für Beschäftigung und soziale Rechte, Nicolas Schmit, hat vor den wirtschaftlichen Gefahren eines Erstarkens rechter und rechtsextremer Kräfte in der EU gewarnt. “Das Erstarken rechter und teilweise rechtsextremer Kräfte ist eine reale Gefahr für den Standort”, sagte Schmit dem “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (Mittwochausgabe). “Gerade was den Bedarf an Arbeitskräften aus…
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nbgblatt · 7 months
EU-Kommissar warnt vor Folgen des Erstarkens rechtsextremer Kräfte
EU-Kommissar warnt vor Folgen des Erstarkens rechtsextremer Kräfte | #Extremismus #Folgen #EU #Kommissar #NicolasSchmit
Der EU-Kommissar für Beschäftigung und soziale Rechte, Nicolas Schmit, hat vor den wirtschaftlichen Gefahren eines Erstarkens rechter und rechtsextremer Kräfte in der EU gewarnt. “Das Erstarken rechter und teilweise rechtsextremer Kräfte ist eine reale Gefahr für den Standort”, sagte Schmit dem “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (Mittwochausgabe). “Gerade was den Bedarf an Arbeitskräften aus…
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filmabend · 10 months
Die Unschuldigen mit den schmutzigen Händen – Film (1975)
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Originaltitel: Les Innocents aux mains sales
Die Unschuldigen mit den schmutzigen Händen ist ein klassischer Kriminalfilm
In Die Unschuldigen mit den schmutzigen Händen versuchen eine Frau und ihr Liebhaber, den 18 Jahre älteren, reichen Ehemann zu ermorden.
Inhalt von Die Unschuldigen mit den schmutzigen Händen
Nachdem sie eine Affäre mit dem Schriftsteller Jeff Marle angefangen hat, stellt Julie Wormser den gutaussehenden jungen Mann ihrem Mann Louis vor. Jeff besucht das Ehepaar nun regelmäßig. Der alkoholkranke Louis scheint nicht zu merken, dass Julie und Jeff sich verliebt haben und planen, ihn umzubringen und vom großen Erbe zu leben.
Eines Nachts schlägt Julie dem schlafenden Louis mit einem Knüppel auf den Kopf. Danach wird der Ohnmächtige von Jeff auf sein Boot geschleppt, um später auf dem Meer über Bord geworfen zu werden...
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