hana-akari · 2 years
@konoha-kyubi​ sent: "SAKURAAAaaaaaAAAaaAaaAAAaaA!!" In comes Naruto, kicking open the door like it had no business being there, let alone closed. Hands carrying a large over filled planter pot of fresh Cosmos flowers. "I brought you something!"
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Sakura was unfortunately knee deep into a scary movie when Naruto came crashing it. It was right at the peak of the climax and had her shooting right up, gripping a pillow against her as if it would save her from some horrid ghost monster. After her panic wore off, she was left blushing from embarrassment looking at Naruto,
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“N-naruto? Ahaha... I wasn’t scared! You didn’t scare me!” She paused looking at the flowers in his hand, making her blush even more, “Are those for me? Oh, Naruto, they’re so pretty.” They were actually one of her favorite flowers too. He must have remembered.
She gently placed the pillow down, and walked up to him, but instead of taking the flowers right away, she pressed a kiss on his cheek, “You’re always so thoughtful, thank you.”
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kibonosentoki · 2 years
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“Did I ever tell you about the time I used to have a tail?” The Hybrid asked, out of nowhere, as he remembered the times Naruto had asked about when he was a kid. “That was... About twenty-seven years ago. Well, more like nineteen for my body - “ He realized he would probably end up confusing the blond so he just shook his head and waved his hands in front of him. 
“Point is, I had a tail when I was four. It got cut off a few times, it always grew back until, well, it didn’t. I still don’t know how that works, but yeah! I had a tail... And also I used to carry a sword around. I miss that thing.”
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team7-headquarter · 8 months
Do you ever think about how the two kyubi jinchurikis previous to Naruto were married to a hokage? How the women serving as the recipient of the feared beast were some of the most beloved people of the head of the militar state?
The strongest man in the village marries the deadliest woman in the village and people were like "I trust our leader but I am terrified of his wife".
What about the children?
Not even one mention of how the Uzumaki and Senju kekkei genkais mixed. What about the contrast of the Uchihas marrying within the clan to maximize their sharingan users while the Senjus and the Uzumakis married?
There's no mention either of Hashirama and Mito's kids. Would their mixed blood make them more or less powerful? Would some of them still get the red hair? Would some of them choose to move with the majority of the Uzumaki clan? Would they rather use the last name Senju to prevent getting hunted like their cousins outside of Konohagajure?
Tell me, if Tsunade is a direct descendant of Hashirama and Tobirama, doesn't she also has Uzumaki blood from Mito?
What about the influence?
Mito raises all those children and they knew to fear the kyubi, but how did they feel about the jinchuriki? What about their mother? And how did it shape the way they would later perceive Kushina? How did the Senjus treat Kushina? Was she family to them? Had Mito any influence over how Kushina was raised and trained even as old as she was?
What type of influence did Mito have over Hashirama? Even if she never mediated on the Hokages duties, how her beliefs shaped the beliefs of her children? Of the Senju clan? Of the Uzumakis? Of the people of Konoha? When Hashirama died, did Tobirama pushed aside? Or she retired herself given her age?
When did the Uzumakis and the Senjus disappeared from Konoha? If you follow the Minato one-shot manga recently published by Kishimoto, the Uzumakis were still highly respected on Konoha-- or at least had their own space, a place to keep their legacy and train their own. So when did it all come down and when did the Senju and Uzumaki clans started dying enough to be completely gone when Naruto was born?
The Minato manga shows that Kushina was a reason for him to take certain choices. So did he have a plan to change Konoha to become a place for his wife and son to live happy and not rejected? What type or political changes would he have applied if given the chance?
The only real option to try and make sense of the history of Konoha is if you acknowledge that 1) Tobirama did make the militarization more efficient, but not necessarily made life better for everyone; 2) Hiruzen must be the WORST hokage given his indecision between doing what Tobirama did which would have turned him into Danzo or try to benefit the lives of the people under his commands even if it meant risking Konoha as a militar state.
Then again, what exactly means to have the advice of an Uzumaki woman? How does it change things? Did Mito ever tried to be the mediator between Hashirama and Madara? What could a friendship between Kushina and Mikoto could have changed the future?
Is there something to say about the positions of both Mito and Kushina as women from a clan that's hunted down for their power and that has been turned to weapons/sacrifices? How would their identities parallel the Uchiha clan?
How could this all reflect on the story and the theme of the manga?
Framing Naruto as the survivor of a genocide would have been an amazing point to meet or finally understand Sasuke in his rejection of Konoha. Sasuke saw his clan died but they denied Naruto that knowledge. Sasuke lost it but they didn't even allow Naruto to have it. Sasuke can return to the Uchiha compound and visit the sacred secrets of his people, but the story denied Naruto of that. Itachi cursed Sasuke with his choice to kill the clan in order for Sasuke to live and Konoha to be safe, Minato cursed Naruto by sealing Kurama in him to protect his life and the village. They were manipulated from the start, everyone deciding which parts of the story they got to listen to, never allowing them to decide with eyes wide open. Of course they can speak to each other without words. They don't know how similar their experiences are.
Hashirama and Minato didn't mean for the jinchurikis to be just a weapon of the state (those were their wives!!!!!!!), but Tobirama allowed that to happen and Hiruzen actively dictated rules to make sure it'll be the result (isolating Naruto from the village, like they did with the Uchiha clan). Tsunade only tried to keep things rolling, but she at least can defend with her medical achievement and the fact the system was rotten to the core when she became hokage.
Even Sakura and Hinata benefit from this, both in the deepening of their characters and the canon romantic plotlines. To be soft or wild, to be bullied by others or constantly left behind given their lovers' duties, to be raised under the pressure of a legacy or to be helpless and wanting to stop being a burden, to break the expectations and reclaim your identity, to make your own path and become a great kunoichi who can also love and fight to he loved, to be seen, to be there with the man they love.
Thinking about Mito and Kushina make me spiral because they are so important!!! Yet we don't have many mentions of them!!!! Why!!!!
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w-i-m-m · 2 years
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arsonicversed · 2 years
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Times of peace were odd for the scientist. Happy that she could now travel alone without too much threat of attack, she still found herself annoyed that despite being pardoned for her crimes it was conditional that she spend time within the village. No doubt in some effort to rehabilitate her or something of the sort which only made the redhead scoff.
Still, the terms were set and she wasn’t in a place to deny them especially when they said she can still continue her research albeit more ethically which only drew her to roll her eyes. Ethics only ever got in the way. So that brings her to now, walking among the streets of Konoha, some people giving her odd looks, whispering and pointing at her. It was no secret what she did, and she never shied away from what her work entailed. Karin was proud of all the horrendous things she had done and helped with.
But. . . she couldn’t place a feeling of unsettlement in her stomach. The way they looked at her, the fact she was here . . alone, it felt familiar. Too familiar. A slight panic bubbled within her gut, it had been years since she felt this. So lost in her thought, eyes shifting from each person she passed on the street she hardly noticed the walking lighthouse of chakra that the one and only Naruto was. Crashing into him she stumbled and quickly grabbed her glasses to ensure they don’t fall off her face.
“ Shit. Hey- watch where you’re going! “ Karin would shout at him not bothering to address it was her who crashed into him.
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heriiye · 2 years
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whitelilynh · 7 months
Just feel so stupid to realise, thanks to current real life events, that Naruto really talk-no-Jutsu-ed me FOR YEARS into Konoha's propaganda.
Like, what they did to Itachi and Sasuke was monstruos, what they did to Uchiha clan was a complete and unjustified crime.
Was Konoha justified to suspect the Uchiha after a Sharingan-manipulated Kyubi attacked them? Yes, ofc. Was it a justification for a full apartheid regime that lead to a genocide? Fuck NO!
Although Konoha didn't knew Obito was still alive, hence the possibilities, according to them, reduced to the Uchiha (and Kakashi, why nobody mentions Kakashi?), instead of the racist segregation they conduced they should have, Idk, do a freaking proper investigation?
Like, oh, a Sharingan user took advantage of the debilitation of the seal because of Kushina giving birth, it must had been an Uchiha. Well, how many Uchihas actually knew the seal was getting weaker during labor? How many of them knew *when* was Kushina going to give birth? And how many of them knew *where* btw? Reduce the list to those. Include Kakashi, if he knew.
And to those, investigate, survey, and all your shit.
But why to assume a whole freaking clan that lives in peace under the supposed protection of the village would want to destroy it?
And yet, Konoha is all prideful thinking they are better. They are no freaking better. They still saw the Kyubi and it's jinchuriki as nothing but a weapon, they didn't care at all about Naruto's well being and feelings, even though he was the son of the previous Hokage, even though he was actually made a Jinchuriki and became an orphan precisely to protect the freaking village (I'm looking at you Hiruzen, I hate you!).
And on top of that, freaking Konoha took advantage of a poor 13yo boy whose love for the village divided his consciousness, to f*cking force him to kill his entire clan for them, then threw him away and hunted him as a dog, criminalise and vilify him.
And never freaking cared about Sasuke, never explained a thing to him. They even tried to blame Sasuke for not blindly believing their propaganda.
Did Konoha ever realise *they* created Sasuke?
I know Naruto fell for Konoha's propaganda, and I know the whole village wasn't to blame, but the leaders. But somehow, Sasuke should have received a sort of repair, Idk, to tell the truth about his family at least, for the world to know. For the innocents to know, and to pay respect to the deceased clan.
But instead, Sasuke got guilt tripped into serving the masters that destroyed his whole people.
A masterfully done work of propaganda.
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Konoha’s leaders though the Uchiha had the means to control Kyubi and yet, they sent them away instead of having them stopping the attack. They had an obvious solution in hand, and still, they preferred to let the beast go rampant, causing death and destruction, ready to sacrifice as many lives as necessary. Just because they though the Uchiha could take the opportunity to end their reign of oppression.
Will of Fire and “greater good” all you want. Unless the “greater good” comes at the price of a remote, unrealistic chance of losing power.
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sasukexplicit · 5 months
What do you think are Naruto and Sasuke’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
from the manga, naruto's greatest strength is his persistence to achieve his goal. since we're talking about sasuke and naruto, i'll focus more on both of them. naruto's persistence to bring sasuke back to konoha ignoring gaara and jiraiya's ideas is a great act of love. given the context in which sasuke found himself being a member of akatsuki and being one of the most dangerous ninjas in the world, naruto carried great responsibility when dealing with the uchiha at that time, because it was about entering a minefield, as literally all the villages, especially the cloud village (due to the “capture” of killer bee) wanted to see him dead, as he represented an obvious threat.
during this text i wrote, i included some panels from the manga to remember these moments…
1. jiraiya asks naruto to forget about sasuke
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2. naruto and his iconic phrase
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3. gaara telling naruto that he will have no mercy on sasuke because he is a threat to the ninja world
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in addition, naruto's greatest weakness is sasuke (see how much he put his life at risk in the lines i wrote above because of uchiha). naruto took a risk by personally asking the raikage not to kill sasuke, he was violently beaten by karui to protect sasuke, he lost control of the kyubi's chakra in the fight against orochimaru because of sasuke and he had a panic attack with the overload of emotions that he was having everything happening at the same time. anyway, a lot happened during the manga that clearly shows the risk that Naruto took to protect sasuke, this is a sign of weakness but also a sign of the unbreakable bond between the two.
4. naruto out of control after orochimaru talks about sasuke
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5. naruto begging the raikage not to go after sasuke
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6. naruto after being beaten (without fighting back) against karui in order to protect sasuke
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7. iconic naruto panel thinking about sasuke
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8. naruto hyperventilating after the amount of events that are happening at the same time without him having control over it
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about sasuke, his biggest strength is his determination. again, i’m making this synthesis only with the relationship between naruto and sasuke: from the first interaction between them, in the fight against haku we saw his determination to abandon his revenge against Itachi (which was his biggest goal in life) to sacrifice himself for naruto (remembering that he already lost his family once and didn't want it to happen twice).
9. sasuke saying he doesn't want to see his comrades killed in front of him again
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10. sasuke sacrificing himself for naruto in the fight against haku
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sasuke's biggest weakness is naruto. remember that his main objective was to defeat his older brother itachi, to obtain revenge for what happened to his clan, but one of the requirements to achieve this according to itachi was to obtain the mangekyou sharingan, that is, killing naruto. he managed to obtain victory against naruto in the valley of the end but he was unable to end his life.
11. sasuke being unable to end naruto's life (even with the perfect opportunity to do so)
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12. sasuke saying that naruto is his closest friend
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13. itachi saying that to awaken the mangekyou sharingan it is necessary for sasuke to kill his closest friend
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when i talked about the determination to be the greatest strong point of sasuke we also have to remember that this quality almost brought the death of naruto because thus, the only weakness of the uchiha would go before his eyes.
14. sasuke saying the iconic phrase of my one and only
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15. sasuke saying that naruto knows his heart and vice versa
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what i like most about the dynamics between them, in a few words, is: "naruto and sasuke progress as a pair. so when i write about naruto, i always have to think about sasuke. they are on opposite sides of the spectrum, like yin and yang.”
masashi kishimoto
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al-hekima-madara-blog · 11 months
It's all about love, folks! (Minato Manga)
My reaction of the Naruto Gaiden - Whirlwind in the Vortex.
When was the last time we've got a story written and drawn by Masashi Kishimoto? Naruto Gaiden in... 2015!! Needless to say that I was highly anticipating this one shot, not that I'm a big fan of Minato (rather neutral) but I'm wondering if Kishimoto still got the guts... ~wink wink if you know, you know😉~ in 2023.
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And I was happily surprised! First of all, he trolls us a little bit, this Minato Namikaze's story is in reality a Kushina Uzumaki's story. Naruto's favourite jutsu, the rasengan is strongly connected to his parent's life. Secondly Kishimoto, notoriously-known-for-not-dealing-well-with-female-characters, wrote a proper shojo, in the noble sense of the term. And you know what? It's very good! It's a true love story between Minato and Kushina and this since their young age. The drawing is just beautiful, the writing emotional and poised, Kishimoto's style is intact, The Naruto universe is still there. Why did he let us rotten with the ugly Boruto instead? I don't know but I divert...😭
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For my Founders enthusiasts, we can now confirm what we already knew bc we actually read the manga Naruto and Minato one shot rather than fanfiction: Mito and Hashirama was not a loveless arrange marriage as it is spread by a baseless urban legend. Hashirama loved Mito and Mito loved Hashirama. Their romance is not only canon but essential to the storyline. Jinchuuriki needs to be loved and support in order to keep control of the Bijuu, Gaara is a perfect example. Without her husband's love, Mito wouldn't have had the strength to keep the Kyuubi inside her. Kushina&Minato are mirroring Mito&Hashirama. Both Uzumaki, both jinchuriki, both in a deep love bond with an exceptionally powerful shinobi, and future hokage.
Naruto was able to keep the demon inside him for so long, first because he only possess half of the true kyubi's form, then thanks to the love of his parents (Minato and Kushina appeared 2 times to protect his seal), later by the fatherly love of Iruka-sensei, then the team 7 Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke and of course all his friends in Konoha and beyond.
That was my first impression and it's globally positive. I'll probably talk more about this Minato's story, we got many information about the Uzumaki clan...but later in a podcast, so stay tuned!
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I'm eternally full of wrath over the fact no one in Konoha knew about the chakra imprints of Naruto's parents in the seal.
Naruto would've died to Pein without ever knowing who his parents were because no one manned up and let him know what he had a right to know.
If not for his parents loving him enough to want to leave behind failsafes in case his seal was ever damaged so he'd at least get to be protected by them personally one more time he never fucking would've known. Maybe not until the fourth war arc with Minato as an edo tensei summoned by Sasuke and do you think Naruto would've EASILY worked with 4th Hokage who sealed the Kyubi into him right away? No. Konoha's inability to own up to its fuck ups and to be honest with the victims of those fuck ups would've endangered the entire world. And for what? "I just didn't feel up to talking about it" or maybe "We'll tell him when he's older/stronger/better/more mature/at least a chunin/can keep secrets" when they shouldn't be goalposting this anyway and also fucking you don't feel up to it? Naruto didn't feel up to being an orphan hated and despised by literally every adult around him
I'm sorry to continue to rant but
Naruto goes literally YEARS without knowing the rasengan was his FATHER'S jutsu. YEARS.
Using this jutsu, his dad invented, without knowing it, all the time in every fight. And Naruto thinks he's just using a badass technique the perv sage showed him which belonged to the yondaime, he has no idea what it should mean to him and he is kept in the dark, for years.
Kakashi was 26-27 at the start of the show and 30 when Naruto comes back from the time skip, trauma or no that is a grown-ass man an adult the entire time we know him, who just.. observes this hard-working teen in his care who's clearly all about his bonds (See the Gaara rescue and the find Sasuke missions) because he never had anyone in his corner before team 7 and he just.. goes "hmm" and never fucking tells him anything about his parents who Kakashi knew? EITHER OF HIS PARENTS??? Anything about them!?? What they were like? Their habits? Their techniques? How happy they were he was going to be born? How he wasn't born an orphan? How he was loved? DOESN'T EVEN TRY TO PASS DOWN FUINJUTSU TO THE UZUMAKI HEIR BECAUSE WHAT?! NARUTO'S 'TOO DUMB' or 'Too much of a bother to explain all the backstory why he should know/why I'm teaching it/too much of a bother to teach such a complicated thing' or 'the village doesn't want its jinchuriki to know how its own seal works we'd rather keep that power in our hands' like what. What would even be a good reason he is literally his sensei, and Jiraiya had three years to train him and focused on 'unlocking the seal to make use of more seals' while again not teaching Naruto how the seal worked at all and then once he got a scar from naruto abandoning the plan. Yes, Naruto got proper taijutsu training and training with the toad summons but still. What a waste. I'm still fuming.
Naruto got failed all the way around by a lot of people and only a few attempted to really and truly make up for it.
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sojalecithin · 1 year
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This is the second version of my entry for the @narutobigreversebang - a mini-tier illustration for an AU in which not only Minato and Kushina survive the Kyubi attack and raise Kakashi and Naruto, but also Team Seven is there to enjoy life in Konoha with their happy family.
My writing partner is @kaoruhana08 / kaoruhana. You can read her heartwarming fanfiction to witness Kakashi's fear of a messy baby Naruto.
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virtualcarrot · 2 months
Ok, I need to get this off my chest because it's a double standard in terms of character analysis that has been bugging me.
The general zeitgeist in the Naruto fandom (afaik) is:
Obito was a misunderstood and wounded tragic figure who caused mass destruction out of understandable trauma
Hiruzen was a despicable neglectful ruler who let Konoha's orphans fend for themselves and ordered the gratuitous slaughter of a whole clan
One caused the definitive death of hundreds of thousands of people in the search of an ideal
The other caused an unspecified but lesser amount of deaths in hope of a greater good
Both are definitely questionable.
Hiruzen is a former teen soldier burnt out by war, which made him weak-willed and unwilling to take moral stances out of fear of the risks incurred. His compromising lead to Hyuga Hizashi's sacrifice, and there were probably better ways of dealing with the coup the Uchiha were planning than killing them all (but make no mistake there definitely was a coup, the Uchiha massacre wasn't undertaken for the lolz). He's also left Danzo and Orochimaru running around doing their nonsense, which, really my dude? Really? Come on.
So yeah, not your garden variety nice old grandpa after all.
For his part, Obito was a child in great pain groomed by a completely unhinged demigod of a man into an adult of great resentment. Between the Kyubi attack, the Uchiha massacre, the Akatsuki's actions and the Ninja War, he caused numerous deaths and destruction. And I mean numerous. The death toll of the shinobi war is something I really don't see discussed enough, which is probably why it gets so easily swept aside in the face of his own personal tragedy.
And it baffles me, the hostility with which people will talk about Hiruzen in their very serious metas and his place in the Uchiha massacre like it's some form of hate-prompted slaughter he orchestrated and not a (bloody and questionable) reaction to an opposing political force trying to take over Konoha. While comparatively being so apologetic of Obito's actions who very much participated to that same massacre.
It's a strange thing, to criticize the shinobi system and yet refuse to acknowledge that this very system has a hold on everyone, not just singled out faves.
I don't particularly like Hiruzen. As a fanfic writer, he has his place and uses to me because of his own ties to the characters I'm interested in writing about. But he's not likeable to me.
I don't really like Obito either, but I'll also admit part of that dislike would be more neutral if he wasn't key player in my most hated arc of Naruto, and if fandom was more normal about him, so that's on me.
I just think it's kind of a shame to make one character some sort of scapegoat, and another a tragic antihero failed by the system, and deny the connections between them all, and the fact they were all, ultimately, failed by that system. We lose nuance there, which is sad because nuance is where analysis flourishes.
(And also this is how you get people calling the Uchiha massacre a genocide and my dudes I am trying very hard not to fandom wank, but you guys are terrible for my blood pressure)
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team7-headquarter · 6 months
Some stuff that could have happened that would have affected the Konoha 12 before they were even the Konoha 12 we know:
Naruto could have become a missing min after Mizuki told him about the kyubi decree.
Tenten could have left to become Tsunade's apprentice outside of Konoha.
Shino could have ended up in Root, instead of his brother.
Sakura might have not entered the Academy and kept being bullied, if she hadn't met Ino.
Rock Lee might not have made it so far if he hadn't met Gai sensei.
Ino could have been best friends with other kunoichis with different talents.
Sasuke could have grown up with his family intact if Shisui and Itachi had found a way to make their plan work.
Hinata could have been murdered as a kid instead of being simply kidnapped.
Hiashi could have been the one killed to free Hinata, so Neji would have grown up with his dad and Hinata and Hanabi being closer (?)
Kurenai could have stayed a chuning and someone else could have taken her place as a sensei (who knows who...)
Kiba could have been assigned to Kakashi's team.
Other alternatives:
Naruto could have grown up with both his parents alive and not being a jinchuriki.
They could have stolen Hinata's eyes when they kidnapped her.
Neji could have gone a missing nin after they sacrificed his father.
Ino could have been mean and part of the group of girls bullying Sakura.
Sasuke could have died during the Land of the Waves mission.
Sakura could have grown full of hatred and rage and wishing vengeance from all the bullying of her childhood.
Rock Lee could have died during the surgery, as Tsunade warned him so, sending Gai into depression or even suicide.
Tenten could have stayed a civilian instead of joining the academy.
Shikamaru could have made it to anbu still as a kid if he had been motivated enough.
Mizuki could have been their primary sensei instead of Iruka.
Sai could have been part of the Konoha 12 since the beginning.
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leportraitducadavre · 3 months
I have 3 long questions that have been bothering me for a while.
1)What actual evidence Konoha had to suspect the Uchiha Clan after the Kyuubi's attack?
I've reread some of my issues and noticed that Minato never actually passed on his info about his confrontation with the masked man (Obito) to the Leaf. He suspected he was an Uchiha, Madara, but he went from his fight straight to the Kyuubi and then straight to the shinigami's belly. he really chose to die instead of raising his son, I can't believe there's a dad worse than Boruto!Sasuke
So what evidence they had to point the finger at the Uchiha Clan? There were bodies left behind and the Kyuubi was summoned through a jutsu to Konoha, instead of breaking out by itself and rushing over from the hideout, so everyone can see that it wasn't just the complications from childbirth breaking the seal but an actual attack by someone. The only one who managed a contract with the tailed beast was Madara, but he only managed that after he left the clan didn't he?
Did Konoha really just go full racism (because they were halfway there) against the Uchiha without any proof? they were right in the end, but honestly i think it's their fault for not attempting to retrieve Obito's body so screw them
2) Was Obito's attack on Kushina a genuine attempt on extracting the Kyuubi?
The order of events are a bit weird but I don't think Nagato summoned the Gedo Mazo at the time of Naruto's birth, so was Obito just gonna sit on the Kyuubi until then? It was the best time to attack and he dealt a big blow against Konoha, but what was the plan after that?
3)Was the Uchiha Massacre part of the plan by Madara and/or Obito, or was it just a side venture?
In one hand, the order came from Konoha. In the other, Obito definitely knew what was going to happen after doing something only an Uchiha has done before.
Could Obito have consciously implicated the Uchiha with the Kyuubi attack?
They had not a single shred of evidence that someone within the clan controlled the Kyuubi, they based their theory of an Uchiha monitoring its actions upon their prior knowledge of Madara’s capacity to control it; they decided that the possibility of one of them incurring in such behavior was enough to move the entirety of the clan to the outskirts of the village, reinforcing their surveillance via Anbu. They weren’t “right in the end” because their suspicions implied that an individual/group within the clan orchestrated the attack, and Obito operated from outside it and Konoha. It was the government's actions against the Uchiha, supported by these unfounded suspicions, that gave Madara (and not even to the man himself but to his mistrust, passed on by word of mouth after his desertion) enough supporters inside the family, who started to voice complains about their mistreatment and sought change –diplomatically at first. Itachi learned prior to their massacre that there was, in fact, someone who presented himself as Madara lurking in the village’s borders, a founder that the clan itself turned against when he wanted to leave the village, Itachi either conveniently kept such information until after the UCM or the Elders willingly ignored such data, choosing to solve their diplomatic struggles with one of the founder’s clan by massacring them entirely. Itachi even sought Obito’s help to kill his family, further proving that he knew “Madara” operated outside the clan and Konoha, as he was willing to kill those who “turned his back to him.”
Yes, Obito planned to extract the Kyubi and break havoc in the village (he summoned the Kyuubi upon Rin’s grave, that should tell you a lot of his reasoning), I’m not sure if he planned to seal the Kyuubi inside someone specifically for harvesting it after more easily, or if he wanted it to roam free until he could use Nagato’s eyes to summon the Gedo Mazo (using it in the meantime). Likely his plan was hardly thought through, as he gained information about Kushina giving birth by spying on Kakashi, so he knew the seal that kept Kurama inside her was to weaken due to her condition. He even became far more patient after Kyuubi’s attack, so perhaps he was mostly impulsive and was able to tame his emotions far better after such an experience.
I believe that the massacre, while not part of the original plan, became an important aspect of their ultimate goal, as by killing the Uchiha, Obito guaranteed that there would be few Sharingan-wielders that could compromise their plan. Obito’s logic was that no matter what he did in the real world, nothing of it would have any say in the IT universe, as everything can be undone or modified at his will.
Could Obito have consciously implicated the Uchiha with the Kyuubi attack?
No, I don't think he did it consciously, after all, he didn't make sure someone outside Minato knew of his implication in the matter, that was something that happened outside his control.
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arsonicversed · 2 years
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@konoha-kyubi​ asked:  For Karin - ✘ "Of the scars on your body. Are there any you cherish?"
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. 2/10
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There’s barely any anger this time. Dissolved into an ocean of sorrow, suffocating her with echoes of the past. Karin can still hear her own screams ringing out through hospital after hospital, those hands that roamed her body, and the sting of their teeth upon any inch of flesh they could sink them into.
Tears quickly built up in her eye as she stood there, frozen, with a distant look on her face. This was the last thing she expected someone to ask her, she had thought she had done a good enough job to cover any remaining scars on her body but she must have been careless. Someone would have seen eventually, someone would get curious, but it was too soon despite it happening so many years ago.
Breaking the dam that held years of trauma the tears slide down her face with no grace, staining her face as her breath would escape her. Drowning. She was suffocating. Everything felt like it had been closing in on her and despite the feeling like she was submerged in a vast darkness that festered within her mind the scars burned through it. Each one igniting as if he had struck a match against her skin.
Karin would flinch, trying to breathe as she felt herself falling back to reality. Pushing up her glasses with a hand, she tried to wipe the tears away but nothing would stop them. Choking back her sobs she tried to be angry. Anger always took away from the sorrow, but in this moment with how he would insinuate she would cherish anything that had been done to her. Luckily enough she could hold her stomach in from getting sick at the mere thought.
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How she wished one of His bites would have scarred her. Karin would silently beg that he could erase the ugly scars from her youth before she could heal herself. But alas, no matter how much Sasuke had taken the marks he made always faded. A sad omen in some respect to how he would eventually leave her. Such darkened thoughts whispered in her breaking mind.
“ No. They’re an ugly branding from men I want nothing more than to torture for all of eternity. I want to kill them, but death isn’t good enough for them. They don’t deserve that mercy. “ Karin would gasp out between quiet snivels. Trying to regain her composure, she didn’t dare pull her arm away. She couldn’t look at him, she couldn’t look at anyone who might see her like this, unable to bear the thought of others seeing her so weak. Never had this happened, no one had bothered to ever ask about it rightly so. She never wanted to think about it, she wanted to move forward but of course this nuisance had to ruin it.
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