#kori’s helga
zwy01 · 6 months
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Noble OCs - Gradeus’ Clan
Making five OCs for every clan!
Asterion: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Lagus’ generation.
Asterion was the father of Pandora and the grandfather of Gradeus. He was a good father to his little Pandora and felt worried when her personality suddenly changed from energetic and upbeat to lethargic and unresponsive when she was about 80 years old. He tried asking what’s wrong to which she always smiled and answered “nothing”. Pandora didn’t want to make her Clan Leader worry about her, so she never told him about the permanent condition that tortured her on the inside. Asterion gradually stopped with his questions because he could sense that his daughter was reluctant to share. He could’ve ordered her to be truthful, but he didn’t want to force her to be uncomfortable. He was very lenient with her and let her skip mandatory events. Sometimes, he canceled his own meetings and duties to spend time with her. He also defended her when others called her an “old lady” to poke fun at her. Asterion was a pretty relaxed person, though he was a terrifying force whenever someone tried to bully Pandora. Father and daughter had a close, loving relationship despite the wall the latter put up between them. Perhaps Pandora’s tendencies to hide her struggles didn’t come from nowhere. Asterion also suffered from a strange one-of-a-kind condition where he craved the flesh of humans. Only his partner, the mother of their daughter, and his mysterious best friend were aware of it. Other than those two, no one had a clue. Asterion was perfectly fine in his childhood until he hit his teenage years when he suddenly gained an intense and insatiable appetite. Nobles don’t need to eat, yet he was always looking for food. Nothing seemed to be the right answer and his hunger drove him mad. Eventually, after putting everything he could possibly find on Earth into his mouth, he discovered that only human flesh could completely quell his symptoms. Asterion’s partner and best friend helped him source human corpses and even live human sacrifices from the outside world and brought them back to Lukedonia for him. The disappearance of dead bodies from graves and live sacrifices from ritual grounds contributed to the humans’ beliefs of the dead rising and sacrifice rituals working. Asterion was ashamed of himself and kept his condition a secret from everyone else, including his daughter. He felt like a monster, but he had no other choice. His partner and best friend made sure to “pay” the humans for their contributions, which just led to even more live sacrifices thus causing the ritual to become a common practice in many parts of the world. Asterion’s hobbies were meditation and trying to make Pandora happy.
Daedalus: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Gejutel’s generation.
Daedalus is an inventor, architect, and sculptor. When he was a child, he kept complaining to his parents about their “boring, unoriginal, and lacking” home even though it was perfectly fine by your average noble standards. There is no best, only better, he repeated. He’d run around and point to the walls, ceilings, and corridors gesturing and explaining the changes he’d make if he were to be in charge of the layout. He was confident with his visions. Daedalus’ creativity would come and go in random surges and he had a tough time sitting still during his education. He’d barely get to the fifth page of his book and then he’s suddenly screaming and jumping up and down shouting “Eureka!!”, to his parents’ confusion. They’d sigh at their hyper son and wonder why he’s saying the name of his imaginary friend… or something, for the nth time. His parents eventually gave up on trying to get him to finish his education because it seemed impossible with his personality. Plus, they wanted to support Daedalus in his passion despite have no understanding of it themselves, so they let him run wild with his full potential. Time goes by, Daedalus turns 200, and his parents gift him with the opportunity to remodel their home. Go ahead and do your magic, they said. Daedalus is overjoyed. They end up sort of regretting making such an offer to their son, though. He turns their home into a giant, complex maze that is so hard to navigate it’s impossible to not get lost, even with loads of practice. Only Daedalus knows how to get around. Guests jokingly comment on how it’s almost like their home was designed to trap people inside forever. Who knows what the designer was thinking. Daedalus calls himself a genius and his work a masterpiece. He names their new home “Labyrinth” which just confuses his family again. His parents love him, so they simply deal with it and accept their new life of never learning how to get from the dining room to the living room. They’re happily suffering as they feel proud of their son. Daedalus, his love, and their son Icarus Pyradros live together in their maze-like multigenerational home.
Helga: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Helga is a shipwright. Her parents love the sea and built their home on the coast. Little Helga was born in the glittering waves during a beautiful sunrise. She opened her eyes to the magnificent scenery and immediately fell in love with it. Helga has a very active lifestyle. She harvests planks of timber from the forest during the day and builds ships of all shapes and sizes at night. The twinkles of stars and sounds of crashing waves keep her company as she diligently develops her craft. She works until sunrise and goes home to relax with her parents before heading to the forest again. Her ships are light and strong. When further enhanced with her noble powers, they can easily withstand aggressive attacks from all directions. Helga likes to put her ships to the test. She’d gather her huge group of friends for spars and they’d all go to the beach for a fun, competitive game. She splits everyone into many teams, and some of them do the rowing while others jump between the moving ships as they fight each other in hand-to-hand combat. Last team standing wins. It’s a great way to develop some fitness without getting bored, though sparring in traditional training grounds is neat too. Helga’s ships are popular with nobles and humans alike. There are instances of sea-loving nobles asking to go into eternal sleep out in the water in one of her vessels. At some point, a group of humans witnessed a noble’s death on a ship and mistook the glowing red lights for fire, which is possibly what led to them mimicking the practice and writing sagas of their own with accounts of setting ships ablaze with the dead in luxurious “ship burial” funerals. Helga just shrugs. It’s cool, they can keep the misunderstanding if they want. Well, maybe it’s waste of wood. Her Tradio parent always told to her to thank the trees when she harvests them, so she’s very serious about it. Helga’s partner is an unnamed Kravei. They are childless for now and plan to have one soon.
Ragnar: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Ragnar is chill. He and his minotaur friends hold hands and dance around in a circle together. Then they braid each other’s hair and have a tea party in the fields and gossip about the love lives of his fellow clan members. Ragnar was raised by minotaurs then by his adoptive mother Freyja. His biological parents had him because they thought having a child would patch their less-than-stable relationship and gave him up when they decided he wasn’t a satisfactory bandaid. Ragnar went off to live with a group of minotaurs who took him in because they pitied him. One day, Freyja was riding her cat chariot and stopped by a lake to rest. Little Ragnar climbed into her chariot and fell asleep. Freyja waited for the boy to wake up and asked him if he would like a permanent home after finding out that his parents abandoned him. She had always wanted another child but didn’t quite have enough lifespan to spare after having her biological children. Ragnar said yes, the minotaurs congratulated him, and he went to his new home. Currently, Ragnar lives with Freyja, her Ceresthalassa partner, and their son Khumbo Ceresthalassa who is his much older adoptive brother. Khumbo’s full-sisters Hnoss and Gersemi also live close by and visit often. Ragnar is a blacksmith of axes. His interest in weapon-making comes from frequenting the workshop of Tabitha Pyradros, the sister of Freyja. When Ragnar comes of age, Auntie Tabitha helps him establish his own workshop which would become the hangout location for him and his minotaur friends. The axes he makes go to his fellow clan members. Ragnar has yet to perfect the art of smithing like Tabitha, but he’s working hard towards that. He’s positive that he can reach her level in a few centuries. How ambitious! Ragnar’s partner is Kirsi Vuokko Loyard.
Torunn: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Torunn was the playmate and study buddy of Gradeus. She stayed with him until he turned 200 and resigned to pursue a different job which she’s currently doing. She wasn’t assigned to Gradeus by Pandora; rather, she came to him of her own accord. Pandora was more than welcoming of Torunn’s arrival and proposal to become Gradeus’ companion because he kept scaring potential candidates away with his not-so-nice qualities and as his mother, she was worried about him being lonely. In reality, he probably didn’t need a companion like his mother had thought, but he wouldn’t have minded either way. One more person for him to terrorize. In Gradeus’ distant memory, his initial encounter with Torunn was when his mother officially introduced them to each other. Their actual first meeting was when Gradeus “rescued” a very distraught Torunn who had been left behind to suffer by her bullies. They cut off all her limbs and dunked her into a barrel of ale and deliberately trapped her there. As a non-pureblood on the weaker end, she couldn’t have escaped on her own as she had lost too much blood and exhausted all her energy. She was prepared to die. Then in came Gradeus. He aggressively kicked tipped over the barrel out of curiosity and released Torunn as a bonus. He skipped behind her, looked at her in the eye, and grinned as he told her that guess she’s lucky and won’t die today. He went about his day and forgot about it an hour later. Torunn remembered, and she vowed to repay the favor. As Gradeus’ companion, she tolerated all of his eccentric and sometimes violent behaviors whether they were directed at others or herself. It didn’t matter to her, because back then he saved her. She also volunteered to take the blame for the problems he caused without complaint. After Gradeus comes of age, Torunn resigns and opens her own brewery. Currently, she makes ale, mead, and wine. Maybe her inspiration comes from trauma. No one knows for sure. She stays in Lukedonia most of the time and sometimes travels to interact with humans to obtain knowledge of their alcohol. Torunn’s mead may or may not have received the name of “Poetic Mead” from the humans for its divine taste. It’s like a mythical drink to them. She’s rather flattered. Professor Titus is a fan too. Torunn currently lives with her Mergas partner and their daughter.
Thank you for reading! Siriana is next!
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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she’s so powerful!!!! 
114 notes · View notes
chicarandom11 · 2 years
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Ya no hay buenos días, solo días
6 notas. Fecha de publicación: 3 de agosto de 2022
Headcanon de Jason Todd ocultando a s/o embarazada de su familia (Parte 3)
Parte 1, Parte 2, Parte 4, Un pequeño extra
Advertencias: situación de rehenes, batfamily entrando en pánico, miedo a rechazo familiar.
En teoría iba a ser la última parte, pero luego estaba en la página 13 del word y decidí dividirlo.
**** cabe aclarar que el s/o no es justiciera ni parte de la socialité de Gotham, es una chica común que terminó enamorada de Jason Todd***
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Cinco años pasan desde que Jason se enteró que iba a ser padre. Uno esperaría que en ese lapso de tiempo la familia (o la mayor parte de ella) hubieran descubierto el secreto de Jason o al menos la paranoia y el miedo se hubieran reducido lo suficiente para que Jason ya hubiera contado sobre la pequeña integrante.
Pero no mis queridos lectores, y a estas alturas los que tenían conocimiento de la hija de Jason ya habían organizado una apuesta sobre cuánto se demoraría en enterarse el resto. Kori ya había perdido al darle seis meses después del nacimiento, al igual que Babs y Cass quien había dado un máximo de dos años.
Jay se burlaba de la apuesta y optó por no participar. Tú apostaste que se tardarían hasta después de los 18 (realmente no creíste que se tardarían tanto, pero no era malo tener un seguro por si Bruce Wayne no se enteraba de su nieta antes de que pudiera pagarle la universidad) (Sí, soy consciente que Jason es capo del crimen, pero las universidades estadounidenses son caras). 
El ganador de la apuesta terminó siendo Alfred (aunque no fue dinero perdido, lo usó para hacerle un gigante pastel de cumpleaños a su bisnieta).
¿Y cómo fue el día en que la batfam se enteró de tu pequeña? Pues empezó como era un día cotidiano antes de la revelación: Jason haciendo el desayuno mientras luchabas por alistar tu hija. 
Jane Emily Todd era una viva copia de su padre (aunque él jura que la cara es igual a la tuya). Con la cabeza llena de tirabuzones negros y la misma actitud descarada de Jason, el pequeño ángel al que diste a luz tenía a toda su familia conocida en la palma de su mano. (En serio, nunca habías visto a Jason y Damian caer tan rápido como cuando Jane ponía ojos de perrito).  
Una lástima que otras de las cualidades que heredó de su padre (y tal vez también de ti) era la gran flojera que tenía en las mañanas, y siempre era una odisea levantarla para llevarla al kinder (jardín de infantes o escuela inicial, según el país). 
Y como el justiciero nocturno que era, Jason aprovechaba que tú llevabas a su princesa a la escuela para seguir durmiendo hasta las 10 cuando le toque ir a abrir el taller. Depende que tan atareada estés al volver decidirias tirarte a la cama con él (y si no están tan agotados disfrutarán que su hija no está en casa para realizar otras actividades).
Sin embargo ese día no despertó a Jason la alarma, sino una llamada de Bruce. “Ataque en escuela xxxxx, tienen a los alumnos y padres de rehénes, necesitamos apoyo.” En menos de cinco minutos, un Red Hood muy enojado llegó a la escuela ubicada en su territorio.
El resto de la Batfamily (salvo Damian, que estaba en Gotham Academy), estaban en el techo ya ideando un plan. 
Un día normal, Jason estaría enojado que estuvieran en su territorio sin su permiso, hoy no era un día normal y su esposa e hija eran rehénes.
Si bien fue un operativo algo normal contra el Espantapájaros, la mayor preocupación de los vigilantes fueron los rehenes, que en cualquier momento podrían ser víctimas del gas del miedo.
En aproximadamente una hora casi todos los rehenes fueron puestos a salvo, faltaba todavía un grupo, grupo en el que estabas tú y tu hija.
Jason estaba perdiendo la paciencia y el resto empezó a notarlo. Cass trató de calmarlo, pero como el resto de la familia estaba arruinando sus intentos.
El grupo faltante resultó estar seguros dentro de un salón de maestros, pero tú y Jane seguían desaparecidas. Sin embargo, poco después que se fueran una vocecita resonó por los pasillos.
“¡Papá!” gritó Jane al encontrar a su padre en traje de vigilante, Jason olvidó que su familia no tenía idea de su hija y corrió a tomar a su hija en brazos.
“Papi, papi, papi. Mamá me dejó con el grupo que escondió y salió corriendo, pero no quería quedarme con ellos y la fui a perseguir pero no la encuentro” lloraba la pequeña.
Con la promesa de regresar contigo, dejó a su Jane con Cass e indicó que la llevaran a la mansión. Está tan preocupado por encontrarte que no nota el estado de conmoción que dejó a su familia.
 A pesar de esto, todos cumplen y regresan a casa.
Te encuentra en la sala de calderas evitando que el gas se filtre por toda la escuela, también encuentra a cinco ayudantes del villano noqueados y con una o dos heridas de balas. Lo primero que hizo fue ayudarte a terminar el trabajo y luego se asegura que no estés herida (lo estás, pero son solo moretones leves y uno que otro corte, eso no evita que te obligué a tomar descanso médico hasta nuevo aviso). Tú solo estás preocupada por tu pequeña (la cual va recibir una reprimenda por escaparse en una situación peligrosa).
En la baticueva Batman y los Robins están tratando de no entrar en pánico ante el pequeño miembro de su familia. La prueba confirmó que Jane era la hija biológica de Jason, también reveló que era tu hija. Debatían entre estar enojados con Jason y en conocer a Jane.
Cuando llegaron a la cueva, Jane saltó a los brazos de ambos. Había estado demasiado preocupada por ti que no prestó atención a sus tíos desconocidos.
Una vez ustedes dos calmados, Alfred hizo presencia para sugerir que tú y la pequeña ama Jane se cambiaran y comieran algo.
Todos aceptaron y subieron a la mansión hasta que algo le pasó a la cabeza a todos: ¿Por qué Cass y Alfred actuaron con tanta tranquilidad ante la familia de Jason?
Tras cambiarse, comer, la regañada y consuelo de sus padres, Jane se dio cuenta que estaba rodeada de personas que solo había visto de pasada en fotos.
14 notas. Fecha de publicación: 2 de noviembre de 2022
Headcanon de Jason Todd ocultando a s/o embarazada de su familia (Parte 4 y final)
Parte 1 , Parte 2, Parte 3, Un pequeño extra  
Advertencias: pelusa, un poquito de drama, referencias a Bruce siendo abusivo, referencias a muerte de villanos, y los problemas de la batfamily en general.
Las reacciones de la Batfamily con el secreto revelado.
**** cabe aclarar que el s/o no es justiciera ni parte de la socialité de Gotham, es una chica común que terminó enamorada de Jason Todd***
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Dick se sentía como el idiota más grande del planeta.
No porque Jason le ocultó la existencia de Jane, sino porque la conocía casi perfectamente. Eras una de las mejores amigas de Kori, por lo que a pesar de tu desaparición de Gotham te había visto un par de veces a lo largo de los años, incluso si nunca le dijiste quien era el padre de tu hija.
Además que siempre le pareció que tu hija le recordaba a uno de su hermanos, (e incluso las fechas coordinaban casi perfecto entre tu desaparición y la edad de Jane).
Carajo, incluso había ayudado a Kori a cuidar a Jane más de un par de veces y la pequeña lo llamaba tío Dick.
Sin embargo, la única vez que se lo mencionó a Jason este se puso rojo y no le hablo durante toda la noche. (En realidad, Jason no le hablo esa noche porque en cualquier momento empezaba a reír sobre lo idiota que era su hermano)
Al menos la cara de Bruce al darse cuenta que ya era abuelo valía la pena. Luego le pediría a Babs la grabación para enseñarle a Damian y a Jason (Después de una necesaria conversación sobre guardar secretos a la familia).
Por ahora se encargaría de mimar a Jane ahora que oficialmente era su sobrina y no tendría que esperar que al fin decidiera “poner fecha a su boda con tía Kori para eso “(palabras exactas de Jane, en serio, como no notó que era hija de Jason).
Cass está muy feliz con que el secreto haya salido a la luz.
Espera que esto ayude a sanar algunas de las heridas de la familia.
Aunque es consciente que esto también podría separar a la familia, sabe lo poca que será la probabilidad al ver a sus hermanos y a su padre derretirse ante Jane.
Sabe que sus hermanos estarán un poco molestos con ella por ocultarles el secreto, pero no era de ella para contar.
Y nada quita el haber visto en vivo a Bruce Wayne nervioso cuando Jane lo llama abuelo Bruce.
Se pregunta qué hará Alfred con las ganancias de la apuesta.
Jason tenía una hija…¡Jason tenía una hija!
Aún no le entraba en la cabeza que el infame Jason Todd sea padre de una adorable niña que la miraba encantada por la cantidad de brillo morado que tenía.
No la malentiendan, estaba encantada con que el pobre tenga dos personas que lo amen incondicionalmente separadas de está alocada familia.
Tampoco lo culpa por esconderlas de la familia, ella hubiera hecho lo mismo e incluso ha intentado irse ella de la familia. 
Tal vez no fue tan jodido para ella como lo fue para Jason, pero sabe el daño que da esta familia y si Jason está dispuesto, Steph le dará una mano si necesita alejarlas de los Wayne de nuevo.
Por ahora, aprovechará tener una sobrina amante a la brillantina. Y si Jane es tan traviesa como Jason (que resulta cierto) aprovechará tener un cómplice para bromas.
Jason está casado y tiene una mocosa…¡Jason está CASADO!
Durante el ataque, Tim creyó que había pasado demasiado tiempo despierto y estaba alucinando (pero eso era imposible, solo paso 28 horas despierto y tomo una siesta corta de dos horas un rato antes)
21 notas. Fecha de publicación: 2 de noviembre de 2022
Headcanon de Jason Todd ocultando a s/o embarazada de su familia (Parte 2)
Parte 1 , Parte 3,  Parte 4, Un pequeño extra
Advertencias: mención de riesgo de aborto, mención de secuestro, mención de violencia intrafamiliar (no al nivel de los comics pero por si acaso)
**** cabe aclarar que el s/o no es justiciera ni parte de la socialité de Gotham, es una chica común que terminó enamorada de Jason Todd***
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Recapitulando: Tras el secuestro de Damian y el riesgo de aborto de su s/o, Jason y tú decidieron (por la gran paranoia común de Jason combinado por los miedos de ser padres primerizos) que la familia Wayne no se enteraría del bebé (al menos por ahora).
El asunto era cómo ocultar al futuro nuevo integrante de una (gran) familia de detectives y toda persona a su alrededor que es capaz de abrir la boca y contarle a algún Wayne  o persona honoraria de la familia.
El mejor plan de acción que se le ocurrió a Jason: mencionar de pasada su separación mutua tras obtener una oferta de trabajo en el extranjero (porque sería demasiado problema fingir tu muerte).
Le creyeron del todo, claro que no, cada miembro se encargó de investigar y buscarte para confirmar.
Para suerte de Jason, en realidad dijo media verdad. Sí habías obtenido una oferta de trabajo en el extranjero y la habías aceptado, pero era homeoffice, y si tuvieras que ir a la oficina por alguna razón podrías ir a cualquiera de las sucursales que hay esparcidas por el mundo (incluso había una en Gotham, que es donde te realizaron la entrevista). 
En cuando a encontrarte definitivamente no fue posible, no tenías familia viva ni muchos amigos (la mayoría desconocidos por la familia porque vivían en otra ciudad). La poca información que consiguieron además de que estabas viva y bien fue de Kori. Fiel a su palabra, no mencionó nada sobre tu embarazo, solo le contó a Dick que estabas muy feliz por los cambios en tu vida. El primer Robin no se atrevió a profundizar más porque estaba en uno de sus muchos descansos con la alienígena, descansos que esperabas que se detuvieran cuando Dick le entregara el anillo que Jason te mencionó, guardaba en su mesa de noche. (En esta casa amamos el RobStar) 
Entonces casi todos aceptaron la sencilla respuesta del segundo Robin, de todos modos explicaría el comportamiento brusco que había regresado en Jason y no es como si tuvieran mucho tiempo de reflexionar tras una nueva fuga de Arkham que, de hecho, una de los daños colaterales fue el incendio del edificio en el que anteriormente vivían (Jason sintió que el universo le estaba dando la razón).
Pero como mencione, CASI todos. Hubo tres personas que no se tragaron la explicación de Jason y defendieron su estatus de los mejores detectives: Cass, Damian y Alfred. 
Alfred conocía a todos los niños a la perfección, sabía que Jason ocultaba algo, y aunque no quería entrometerse en la vida personal de su segundo nieto, tenía mucha curiosidad. Cass notó que el comportamiento extraño de Jason cada vez que te mencionaba no era de dolor ni tristeza. Y Damian… digamos que entre el tiempo fuera de las patrullas que le declararon para recuperarse y el enojo de perder a su niñera favorita (porque se negaba aceptar que en su cabeza se refería a ti como Ummi) tenía motivación suficiente para investigar a su hermano.
Damian se autonombró la cabeza de la investigación, 1. porque fue el primero en notar que Jason (o sorpresa) estaba siendo razonable y haciendo un plan antes de atacar evitando ser lastimado en exceso; y 2. era el único con tiempo libre para estar al tanto de la ubicación de Jason por el GPS que robó de su padre. (que por cierto, debieron implantarte a ti también para no desaparecieras de la nada incluso si Jason te hubiera espantado como seguro hizo). (Que puedo decir, casi todos en la batfamilia dan vibras de obsesivos)
 Entonces, cuando a lo largo de tres semanas Jason pasa gran parte de sus días en una zona exacta a las afueras de Gotham, es hora de investigar.
Una tarde acompañado de Alfred y Cass (por que Damian tenía prohibido salir solo hasta recuperarse para evitar que fuera a patrullar) Damian se encamino a seguir a su hermano al sitio misterioso.
Grande es la sorpresa de los tres cuando ven a Jason en la entrada de una casa en medio de la nada abrazándote mientras tú tienes un notorio bulto de embarazo.
Minutos más tarde, los cuatro Waynes están tomando té dentro de la casa mientras comes el helado con queso que te trajo Jason.
Tras una larga conversación, los tres deciden guardar el secreto. Alfred y Cass están en desacuerdo con la idea, pero pueden comprender la razón por la que ustedes tomaron la decisión.
Damian está totalmente de acuerdo con el razonamiento de Jason (un poco impulsado por la culpa de que casi pierdes a su sobrino debido a que te preocupaste por él).
Entonces el círculo se amplía para admitir a tres personas más, porque los tres han avisado (porque para ellos no existen las amenazas, solo las promesas) que volverán a visitarte seguido (sobre todo Damian, porque está decidido a aprovechar la ventaja que tiene para ganar el puesto de tío favorito).
Entonces cuando se van, estás segura que no importa si se tarden, al final toda la familia Wayne se enterará y aceptará con los brazos abiertos a su futura adición. Y Jason ya aceptó que va a volver a encontrarse con Damian robando su espacio en la cama (como pasaba seguido antes de mudarse).
33 notas. Fecha de publicación: 16 de octubre de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
Headcanon de Jason Todd ocultando a s/o embarazada de su familia (Parte 1)
Parte 2 , Parte 3,  Parte 4, Un pequeño extra
Advertencias: mención de riesgo de aborto, mención de secuestro, mención de violencia intrafamiliar (no al nivel de los comics pero por si acaso)
**** cabe aclarar que el s/o no es justiciera ni parte de la socialité de Gotham, es una chica común que terminó enamorada de Jason Todd***
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(Admiren mi collage porque me olvide hacer un marcador)
Como si no fuera suficiente el miedo de ser un futuro padre, el Joker escapa de nuevo.
El ataque había sido a unas pocas de las cuadras del departamento donde vivía contigo.
Cuando volvió a casa de patrullar lo único que quería es empacar todo y mudarse a un lugar seguro, lejos del Joker, lejos de Gotham, lejos de su caótica familia.
Si fuera otra situación, lo habrías calmado para luego intentar razonar con él para evitar dejar su hogar atrás, sin embargo, ya no te sentías paz en tu propia casa, no cuando habías visto al Joker a metros de ti cuando escapaba de Batman.
Por lo que al día siguiente ya estaban con todas las maletas empacadas siendo subidas a tu carro y marchando a una casa a las afueras de Gotham.
La casa era un antiguo escondite de Jason cuando aún era Robin que usaba cuando quería evitar a Bruce. Ahora, sería tu nuevo hogar.
Antes del almuerzo llegaron Kori y Roy, tras una corta llamada de Jason, para ayudar a desempacar y arreglar cualquier desperfecto de la casa en tiempo récord.
Decir que estaban felices por la noticia del nuevo integrante sería quedarse corto. Roy ya se había declarado el padrino de la célula mientras Kori estaba decidida llenarlos a hacerle gorros y abrigos tejidos por ella una vez hubiera dominado el complicado arte de tejer (no estabas segura si los 7 meses que faltaban para que nazca el bebé sería suficiente para eso).
Y aunque con un poco de renuencia de parte de Kori, accedieron a guardar el secreto, sobre todo de la Batfamilia. Porque Jason estaba decidido que su futuro demonio no podía estar cerca de su familia adoptiva.
Si bien sabía que esta decisión era cruel tanto para ellos como para él, Jason sintió que sería mejor proteger a su hijo del ambiente de la mansión.
Claro, sus hermanos engreirían y protegerían al pequeño con su vida, se podía imaginar cómo sería la pelea de ellos por quien es el tío favorito del bebé. Alfred estaría tan feliz con su primer bisnieto y, de seguro se encargaría de cuidar de ti y satisfacer todos tus futuros antojos por asquerosos que sean. Ni que decir de Bruce quien gastaría una pequeña fortuna en juguetes y pañales mientras se encargaba de que tú y el bebé tuvieran todas las comodidades a su alcance.
Pero también estaba el asunto de Batman y el resto de justicieros.
Estaba en mejores términos con Bruce, pero siempre tenía roces por el asunto de matar y cada fuga del Joker. Sin contar la forma en que Bruce enloquecía cada vez que el loco de turno seguía sin atrapar, lo que terminaba lastimando tanto a sí mismo como al resto de la familia.
Otro terror de Jason era que Bruce declarara que, debido a su moral con los criminales, Jason no es apto para ser padre y separe al niño de ellos. Siendo la siguiente vez en la que vea a su hijo como el Robin de turno al costado de Batman.
Si bien era consciente que el terror era ridículo (a pesar de tus protestas no aceptaría que era infundado) y que Alfred o alguno de sus hermanos detendría a Bruce, sabía que era una posibilidad que la célula en formación siga los pasos de la familia y se convirtiera en justiciero.
Claro que esa posibilidad iba a seguir ahí incluso si no tuviera contacto con la familia (él seguía siendo Red Hood), pero mantenerse lejos de ese ambiente no alimentaría esa idea desde temprana edad ni expondría al niño pequeño a la locura detrás de escena que hay en los justicieros.
Protestaste ante la decisión de alejar definitivamente a la familia Wayne de la vida del bebé, sin embargo los héroes y justicieros no tienen descanso en sus vidas porque al mes de mudarse hubo otro incidente grave: el secuestro de ayudantes de la liga, Damian y Jon entre ellos.
Fueron días difíciles tanto para ti como para la familia Wayne. Red Hood, Red Robin y Signal patrullaron solos Gotham mientras el resto se apresuró a salvar a los ayudantes.
No hubo bajas mortales, pero Damian tuvo que ser inducido en coma por la gravedad de sus heridas.
Enterarte que el pequeño vigilante al cual cuidabas cada vez que Bruce salía de la ciudad estaba herido y las hormonas del embarazo no fueron buena combinación y debiste ser internada de emergencia por riesgo de aborto.
Jason casi muere (otra vez) por estrés.
Cuando te dieron el alta (bajo la indicación de descanso en cama por dos semanas) la decisión quedó tomada: La familia Wayne no se enteraría del bebé hasta nuevo aviso (lo máximo que pudiste regatear).
35 notas. Fecha de publicación: 16 de octubre de 2022
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mandarinsan · 3 years
List of interracial/interspecies DC comics pairings:
Wally x Linda
Dick x Kory
Roy x Jade
Bruce x Talia
Jefferson x Tatsu
Clark x Lois (he's Kryptonian)
Arthur x Mera (he's half-human)
Diana x Steve (she's Amazonian*)
Terry x Dana (Batman Beyond)
Ibn x Mar'i (Kingdom Come)
Supergirl x Brainiac 5
Oliver x Shado
Wallace x Emiko
Jaime x Traci
Jason x Rose
Luke x Babs
Dick x Bea
Tim x Tam
Gar x Raven
Damian x Nika
Kon x Cassie
Clark x Diana
Dick x Shawn
Tim x Zoanne
Donna x Roy
Tim x Lynx
Kory x Roy
Kon x Cass
Bar Torr x Kiran
Clark x Lana
Bruce x Diana
Slade x Lillian
Arthur x Kako
Dick x Bridget
Bruce x Selina**
Jason x Artemis
Catman x Cheshire
Barbara x Sam (BTAS)
Oliver x Sandra
Oliver x Joanna
Kara x Ben
Arthur x Diana
Bruce x Shondra
Bruce x Jezebel Jet
Oliver x Manitou Dawn
Mister Terrific x Power Girl
Mister Terrific x Sasha Bordeaux
Supergirl x Power Boy
Dick x Helena (N52)
Diana x Trevor Barnes
Arthur x Ya'Wara
Alanna and Adam Strange
Lucy Lane x Ron Troupe
Martian Manhunter x Scorch
Orm x Penthesilea (Flashpoint)
Aquagirl x Warhawk (Batman Beyond)
Power Girl x Val-Zod (Earth-2)
Supergirl x Captain Comet
Clark x Linda Danvers
J'onn J'onzz x Kishana Lewis
Ryan Choi x Giganta
Tom Curry x Atlanna
Jason x Essence
Damian x Djinn
Kon x Tana Moon
Tim x Jubilee (crossover)
Donna x Terry Long
Roy x Kendra
Garth x Lilith
Donna x Kyle
Tim x Cassie
J'onn x Bea
Dick x Liu
Babs x Kai
Jaime x Xiomara (?)
Jason x Dana
Clark x Lori Lemaris (Earth-One)
Clark x Lisa Lasalle (Earth-1)
Raven x Wallace
Jericho x Étienne
Jason Rusch x Gehenna
Matrix Supergirl x Lex Luthor
Supergirl x Jerro the Merboy
Batman x Ione
Supergirl x Ryand'r
Alvin Rusch x Joanne Raymond
Kara x Mike Harris
Supergirl x Salkor (Earth-One)
Supergirl x Dick Malverne (Earth-One)
Damian x Cassie (DCeased)
Kal-El x Talia (Elseworlds)
Starfire x Franklin Crandall
Supergirl x Z'ndr Kol
Harley x Mason
Arion x Lady Chian
Tsunami x Neptune Perkins
Third Rail x Brickhouse (Dakotaverse)
Jackson King x Christine Trelane (Wildstorm)
Damage x Judomaster
Superman x Maxima
Ultraman x Superwoman (Earth-3)
Owlman x Superwoman (Earth-3)
Superwoman x Mazahs (Earth-3)
Clark x Lois Chaudhari (Superman: Secret Identity)
Jon x Jay
Andy x Jess
Selina x Eiko
Kate x Renee
Anissa x Grace
Artemis x Akila
Natasha x Traci
Nubia x Io
Poison Ivy x Gardener
Diana x Kara (DKoS)
Hippolyta x Philippus
Nubia x Andromeda
Madame Xanadu x Marisol del Rios
Scandal Savage x Knockout x Liana
Dale Gunn x Casey Klebba
Alan Scott x Sam Zhao (Earth-2)
Kara x Lois (DC Bombshells)
David x Hartley
Mikaal x Tony
Aerie x Wink
Alysia x Jo
Donner x Blitzen (Dakotaverse)
Green Lanterns
Kyle x Soranik
Kyle x Adara
Kyle x Carol
Kyle x Jade
John x Yrra
John x Katma Tui
John x Kendra (DCAU)
John x Merayn
Hal x Arisia
Young Justice (Earth-16)
Violet x Brion
Kon x M'gann
Bart x Eduardo
Wally x Artemis
Kaldur x Wyynde
Jefferson x Helga
Dru-Zod x Ursa
La'gaan x M'gann
Artemis x Jason Bard
Miss Martian's parents
La'gann x Coral x Rodunn
Highfather x Highmother
Superman & Batman: Generations I-III (Earth-3839)
Bruce Jr x Kara Kent
Joel Perry Kent x Mei-Lai
Bruce Jr x Mei-Lai
Clark Wayne x Amanda Mason
Superman x Beautiful Dreamer
*Diana is Amazonian and also a demigod in some origins.
**After 1986's Crisis on Infinite Earths, Selina's mother was revealed to be Cuban, making her a Latina, though that aspect of her life is yet to be explored.
(Marvel version)
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thevikingtales · 3 years
The Following Day
Ivar woke up startled to the loud sound of laughter. The way he sat up straight and reached for his knife only made the laughter grow in volume and intensity. It came from his brothers, of course. "Ivar! What are you dreaming of? Who are you trying to reach? Is it a girl?" Hvitserk managed to ask, wiggling his eyebrows in the most suggestive manner. "Oohh is it Margrethe?" Ubbe seemed interested as well. "Of course it's not Margrethe!" Sigurd frowned, a hint of jealousy in his voice he quickly tried to disguise with a soft laugh. "Are there any girls in Kattegat interested in Ivar, though? He's quite heavy for a guy without legs..." All that mockery made the younger viking mad, and he grunted angrily at Sigurd, throwing the knife in his direction. It flew right past his head, gently brushing his left ear, and stabbed the wooden wall behind him. Eyes wide open, the one known as Snake in the Eye said no more. He knew Ivar never missed a target, so he took his warning seriously. "Come, let's eat something. Then we'll scout around the shore." Ubbe invited, trying to cease his brothers' quarrel. With a nod of his head, Ivar put on his leg braces, grabbed his crutch and followed the older princes to the great hall. While Hvitserk devoured some bread, Ivar only took a few nibbles from an apple, not feeling particularly hungry. Thinking about it, he didn't know exactly how he felt . That dream had made him both curious and worried. He certainly wanted to find out more or even meet those creatures, but he didn't want his brothers to do the same. Was it because he didn't want them to hurt the mysterious beings, or because he wanted to be the first and only one to have them, besting his brothers? He wasn't sure. But he surely wanted to return to the shore.
Meanwhile, inside a deep, rocky cave not far from there, the two lost daughters of Njord woke up. The cut on Nana's tail didn't hurt that much anymore, so she decided to go and get some breakfast for herself and her sister Kori. "Don't worry, sis! I'll be back in no time, and I'll bring your favourite seaweed!" The younger princess promised, smiling cheerfully before she ventured outside. She knew she had to be careful not to swim too close to the shore, but the absence of voices above the surface put her mind at ease a little. What Nana didn't expect, was that there would be traps farther from the shore and deeper into the sea. So the somewhat carefree and clumsy seamaiden got herself caught inside one of them while trying to pluck a particularly tasty-looking seaweed. "Oh no, oh no... how does this thing open?" She panicked, trying to break free. But her frantic movements only served to warn the man in the boat floating above her that his plan had worked. Giggling happily, Floki pulled the rope until the wooden cage resurfaced, and beaming with curiosity, he took a look at its contents. "What in Odin's name..." He giggled some more. This certainly wasn't a fish, but a descendent from Njord himself! Ivar would be so happy! Careful not to attract unwanted attention, the boat builder quickly returned to the shore, and ignoring the creature's loud screeches, carried the trap and hid it inside one of the longboats still under construction. Then, he covered it with a light fabric and sent his wife, sweet Helga, to bring Ivar.
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shortmania · 6 years
Since you’re on the subject of angst today, I may as well tell you this dumb idea I’ve had for Hammy Boy after I read the post on his arc. I tend to have this thing where if I hear a certain song, it would sound great for a nightmare sequence. In this case, “Poisonous Shadows” by Megadeth.
Basically Josh appears before Kori as a spirit that she can’t see or hear, all the while Ham is being persued by a reaper-like Taro (who is in turn singing the song in question). Ham does everything he can to get Kori’s attention, but to no avail. By the end of the dream, the reaper Taro claims him and he disintegrates Thanos-style right before Kori, completely unaware of what happened. Of course, Ham wakes up and is a little jumpy around Taro for a while after that. 
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ulfheoinn · 7 years
Tumblr media
Eames Ragnvaldrson (Redmoon)
Sire: Ragnvaldr Redmoon
Bearer: Kori
Siblings: Aslaug, Ragnhildr, Helga, Runa, Solveig
Gender: Alpha
Pack: Redmoon
Title: Jarl Eames, Pack Alpha
Mate: Ariane, Robert the Fair, Severina
Territory: Schleswig
Birthplace: Ribe
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thevikingtales · 3 years
A Viking Wedding
King Ragnar lifted an eyebrow, surprised by his oldest son's question. "Well, you know your brother, and how quickly his mood tends to change... I'm just giving them time, that's all. To see if this is what they truly want, and if the girl is up to the... challenge... your brother can be." The old viking explained, then took another sip of his beverage and smirked. "And I still stand by my word. Two parties are much better than one!" Staring at his son, Ragnar's amused face gave place to a more serious expression. "Now that I think about it... these girls weren't here when I left, now two of my sons want to marry them... where did they come from? All my wife has told me is that they're related to Helga and Floki..." Even though Ragnar had never been a doting father, he still worried about his sons' wellbeing.
Entering the great hall, Ubbe, Hvitserk and Sigurd discussed Bjorn's wedding with excitement. "We should go hunt, for the feast!" Hvitserk suggested, always up to practice the use of his weapons. "Yes!" Ubbe agreed, then turned to Bjorn. "Have you decided whom you want to compete against, for the bridal race? You can choose me, but you'll end up losing and serving the feast!" The bright blue eyed viking joked, chuckling in amusement. "And I can play some songs, during the wedding rites and the feast! Are there some Kori likes in particular?" Sigurd asked, always willing to share his music with whoever wanted to listen.
Meanwhile at the boatbuilder's house, everyone felt excited for Kori and Bjorn. "I'll make you a beautiful dress, leave it to me!" Helga offered, smiling wide. "What about the flowers? We could go flower picking together, Sis! Then I'll make you a beautiful flower crown! Oh, and I'll ask Gyda to braid your hair, she's the best!" Nana suggested, beaming with excitement. "Tell Bjorn not to forget about the rings, Little Fish..." Floki advised, letting out one of his giggles.
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thevikingtales · 3 years
As the days go by
The Njordsdottirs grew more and more accustomed with living among the humans, and it was as if they'd found a new home in Kattegat. Of course, they still thought about their long lost underwater kingdom and the friends they'd left behind, but they didn't know their way back, or if there was anything or anyone to return to at all. But unbeknownst to them, the sea god Njord had sent his best guards in search for his precious daughters, and had sworn to bring Ragnarok upon anyone who'd hurt them.
But the sea maidens had been anything but hurt, living a simple life with the boat builder and his wife. The sisters would help Helga with chores in the morning, then lend a hand to Floki for some smaller tasks required for boatbuilding, such as sewing the ships' sails or handing him his tools. In their free time, they'd walk around the village, swim in the ocean or hang out with the Ragnarssons. Kori had become particularly good at throwing axes, tutored by Bjorn, while Nana was now an archer almost as exceptional as Ivar. On that particular afternoon, Kori kept her sister company while she visited Ivar in the blacksmith's workshop, where he was sharpening the blades of his and his brother's axes. "I had this made for you, princess." The viking prince said, softly reaching for Nana's hand and placing a traditional viking armring on her wrist, one that matched his own. Nana smiled wide, not really knowing what to say, but aware that it meant a lot. "This is... so beautiful, Ivar. Thank you." He smiled right back at her, caressing her hand with his thumb and bringing it to his lips. "You're hurt..." He noticed a small cut on her delicate hand. "Oh... this is nothing. One of Helga's chickens bit me this morning..." Nana chuckled, but Ivar frowned, still worried. "That beast shall meet my axe, then." "Oh, no no! Well, poor thing was just defending her eggs..." Nana tried to protect the small animal, to which Ivar chuckled and shook his head. "You're too kind for your own good, princess..."
Outside the workshop, Bjorn laughed and played with a little blonde girl, both fighting with small wooden swords meant for children. The sisters had learned a while ago that the girl's name was Siggy, Bjorn's daughter from a previous marriage, whose mother had given herself into grief and fled the village, leaving them behind when Siggy was just a baby. Noticing Kori outside the shop, the girl ran to her. "Hi Kori!" She waved, a wide smile upon her chubby cheeks. Then her father followed. "Kori... hi!" Bjorn greeted, raising a hand to touch his blonde hair. "Actually... I was wondering if... you could watch Siggy this afternoon? I'm going hunting, so..."
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thevikingtales · 3 years
Apologies Accepted
The next day Nana woke up to a faint ray of sunshine entering her room and a bird chirping on her window. Despite yesterday's storm, it was a lovely morning. The sea princess smiled, stretched out and sat on the bed. Just as she reached for the water on the small table next to her bed, a young servant girl entered her room. "Good morning, princess Nana." The blonde girl bowed and greeted shyly, to which Nana smiled and shook her head. "Just call me Nana, please! And good morning uh..." She realized she'd never seen this girl before. "Gyda. My parents gave me this name after Ragnar and Lagertha's late daughter." The servant explained, and she seemed proud. "I usually help Queen Aslaug with her dresses and hair, and was assigned to do the same for you..." Nana smiled, more to herself. This was Ivar's doing. Probably his way of letting her know she hadn't quite mastered the art of viking braiding yet. And he was right, Nana could use some help. In fact, whenever she tried doing her own hair it ended up clumsy and Helga always had to help her. "Thank you so much, Gyda! But... promise to teach me how to do beautiful Viking hairstyles too?" The princess asked with an enthusiastic smile. She wanted to learn and to surprise Ivar someday. "Yes, of course!" Gyda nodded and smiled back. Margrethe had told her bad things about this foreign princess, but she seemed nice and kind.
After a while, and thanks to Gyda's help, Nana left her room wearing one of the beautiful dresses she'd found inside the chest, a dark red this time, and exquisite viking braids fit for royals. She felt really pretty and above all, happy. But encountering Margrethe on the hallway put a stain on her good mood. "Oh look, Ivar's pet is awake!" The servant scorned, making the shieldmaiden next to her, whose name Nana was almost sure was Torvi, chuckle. "And she's looking like the Queen herself! It's a shame how everyone's commenting you seduced the poor cripple son to ascend..." Margrethe gave her a fake pout. Nana took a deep breath and smirked. This time, she wouldn't let it slide. She'd heard some comments about Margrethe too and was more than happy to give her a taste of her own poison. "Well, at least and I didn't lay with all of his brothers to still remain a slave girl..." The sea princess retorted, and Torvi laughed, which seemed to infuriate Margrethe even more. "What are you laughing at, Torvi? Bjorn has already replaced you with her sister!" The servant turned her anger towards the shieldmaiden, and Nana just shook her head and left. Hopefully she wouldn't have more trouble with them now.
"Is everything alright, princess?" Ivar asked, raising an eyebrow. He'd heard some commotion in the hallway and had come to see what it was about. "Yes!" Nana reassured with a smile as she approached Ivar and gave him a long, loving kiss. It was enough to lighten up her mood. "Good morning, my love! Slept well?" She asked, caressing his cheek. Just then, Bjorn and Kori approached them. Noticing Kori wanted to talked to Ivar, she let the oldest Ragnarsson accompany her to the great hall, leaving her sister and her prince behind, hoping there would be no more fights.
Kori's apology made Ivar raise an eyebrow in surprise, but the viking prince still smirked and nodded. "Apologies accepted. Join us for breakfast?" He motioned for her to walk ahead of him.
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shortmania · 6 years
Could you tell Ham’s backstory?
Sure thing, bud. Under the cut.
So let’s start with what I’ve already revealed in-story: Ham’s got feelings for someone and it’s messed him up. I know I’ve hinted as much. Someone told Pam that he’s “tainted meat” or something when she tried to hit on him. Not a shock, look at who his parents are, but the thing I’ve teased at for years is WHO. Who does Ham like, and why is it messed up?
K, so again, not gonna be a huge shock, but it’s Kori. Anyone shocked? You shouldn’t be, I’m not exactly subtle.
So I’ll stop roasting myself now and just go ahead with explaining. If you don’t remember Kori, she’s Gerald and Phoebe’s youngest kid. She was created by @feels-ova-woman​, actually, I just got permission to play with her. Pictures here, here, here, here, here–Mm, plug it in, plug it in. Anyway, she’s been Ham’s best friend since they were babies, like they had an instant connection from a young age and have pretty much always been attached at the hip, unlike with Zack and Jaron, who barely even blinked at each other before they were 10. They’re unique that way, the perfect amount of both their parents to get along like jam and toast. She’s his closest and dearest friend and he’s had a crush on her for… I don’t think even he knows how long, he just kinda realized it randomly one day when he was like 9-10. But Ham’s one of those kids who get crushes on rocks if they’re wearing enough makeup, so he told himself it wasn’t a big deal and – for a while – it really wasn’t. He dated other girls, had other “epic romances,” got his heart broken, moved on.
He got older, though, and the crush evolved into something more serious. By Breathing Slowly, when he’s 11, it’s started screwing with him. S'why he’s getting into arguments with her more often over silly shit. Phil’s whole thing during that period doesn’t help, either. Ham never talks about it, though. It’s pretty much just his dirty little secret until he hits 14, and Kori… Well.
The thing about Ham’s backstory is that it’s really Kori’s backstory. Everything leads back to her struggles and Ham’s forced obliviousness to them; the fact he’s supposedly got such strong feelings for her and yet has this habit of ghosting her at every turn–both out of an honest lack of scope and maybe just because ignoring the deeper aspects of her gets to be the only way he can be around her at all and not explode.
Because Ham and Kori have a lot in common. They’re both reserved, bold adventure-seeking types, and feel left out a lot in their own households. A great deal of Gerald and Phoebe’s energy goes into managing Taro (cuz… have you seen Taro? There’s a lot going on there) and Jaron (save him), so Kori can feel very pushed aside sometimes. Like she doesn’t really have anything of her own and she’s in this box. Her mom’s always busy, Taro’s always busy, Jaron’s always either busy or just being lame.
And it gets to be that even with Ham, the person she’s closest to and who can sometimes feel like the only person she can 100% be herself with, she feels stifled and trapped. Cuz Ham, for all that he has the heart of a sweet awkward little wallflower, is still a Shortman and people gravitate to him regardless of his attitude. He’s attractive, he’s talented, his dad is well-known and well-loved. It isn’t quite like that for Kori. By the beginning of High School, she’s gone from the cool, tech-savvy, keeper of legends to just some geek. She starts getting called his sidekick, that strange nerd always hanging around him, rumors start spreading that she does his homework and that’s the only reason he lets her hang around. And Ham gets more distant every day. It gets to be miserable very quickly and she grows to hate High School.
She grows to hate a lot of things.
So she joins the Skip It program and breezes through it. Graduates early. Before she knows it, she’s getting offered all these amazing opportunities. Universities overseas and fancy foreign engineering programs and whatnot. Things Taro and Jaron got offered but waved away, she grabs onto like a lifeline.
Because unlike Taro and Jaron, the only things holding her to Hillwood are her dad (who knows better than to keep her from her dreams), and Ham (who’d much rather she stick around with him cuz hey, he’s miserable, too, okay?!).
So, much of Ham’s chapter is Kori trying to talk to him and him avoiding the inevitable, I guess. Like literally my plan was to have Ham focused on all this other junk–other friends, girls, sports, his family, wrestling, what have you–and to have Kori kinda popping in from time to time being weird, and then you, as the reader, have only a vague suspicion of what’s really going on until the final confrontation. This is all rough since I haven’t written it, but the basic idea is they get into a huge fight, where Ham declares himself to her in a bid to keep her in Hillwood and Kori snaps on him and tells him she’s sick of always following him around, basing everything in her life around him, always him. But what about her? Has he ever even thought about her once? Has she ever mattered? Because she wants to matter. She wants to go to Japan, to meet and live with her relatives, connect with her roots, discover herself and what all there is of the world outside of all this other bullshit.
And Ham is flabbergasted by all this, because yeah, he really hadn’t thought about it, he hadn’t wanted to, and he yells back at her and yada yada. She goes, he says nothing about it, and they don’t talk anymore. Ham eventually stops being angry and starts hating himself instead, eaten up with guilt about how he reacted. Because she was always his best friend first, and he’d been a shit friend to her. Had tried to use his feelings as leverage to keep her locked in a situation she hated. And he doesn’t even know if she felt the same about him–in his desperation, her feelings, good or bad, had ceased to mean anything. He’d just wanted her to consider how she was making him feel. To pity him, if nothing else. It’s a lot for a depressed, hormonal fourteen-year-old to have to think about, and on top of it all, he still loves her and feels insanely jealous any time he hears any stories of what she’s up to and hates himself all the more for it. He doesn’t date anymore. Or, that was the plan before Pam showed up. His chapter’s meant to end with Ham finally taking that first step towards recovery and accepting Pam’s offer to a date. Which is cool, it’s good. I’m pretty happy with that outcome. Positive character development is tasty.
Phil’s supportive about the whole “unrequited feels for your ex-bff” thing. Or, well, as supportive as Phil’s capable. Zack’s a bich about it. Helga just hates it all a whole heaping ton for obvious reasons. And that’s it, that’s the end.
OH, and Ham and Helga have a heart-to-heart about the whole thing and he ends up the first (and only?) kid she confides the full extent of her romantic history with Arnold to. Like straight-up, she tells him about the shrines, and Ham’s like, “QUE?!” (sorry, had to). Anyway, so absent-mindedly one day, Ham makes a little pencil-version of Kori, realizes what he just did, snorts at it, and throws it away in a drawer to be forgotten. I think… Zack finds it, though? Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was Zack. And so that’s a thing that gets laughed about for years then, lol. If anyone even remembers the Shrine discourse from way back in Looking Up. Now you know.
So there it is. Not that exciting and probably exactly what everyone expected, but I just love Kori and I enjoy exploring the darker aspects of Ham’s character. I love him, too, though, I do. Poor confused lemon head. He just needs to grow up, that’s all. On his own time and without all the pressure and unearned expectations.
Hope it was all you wanted, Anon. Sorry for rambling a bit at the end there. Have a good day. 💛☕
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