#korppu plays videogames
korppuhiiri · 4 months
somebody take this game away from me
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korppuhiiri · 27 days
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there's this upcoming neat little furry indie action-RPG called ATLYSS which has had frequently updated free demos available for a while now, and i've been having a lot of fun with it!
there aren't that many areas available in the current demo, but the gameplay loop is fun and i've genuinely enjoyed just doing some grinding with different characters and replaying the dungeons in hopes of getting fun looking gear.
it also has a surprisingly robust little character creator with multiple different races to choose from, and i've even been able to make a version of my fursona in it.
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korppuhiiri · 6 months
so i've been having a ton of fun with the new dragon's dogma!
like the first game, it does feel super janky and lacking in a lot of aspects outside of the combat and exploration, and this one in particular has some pretty glaring performance issues and such, but i've been enjoying it a lot regardless!
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i have some more thoughts and screenshots of my characters under the read-more:
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here's my main character and main pawn! i greatly enjoy creating cute and small male characters (and big, butch female characters to contrast) whenever games have the option to do so, and i'm glad that you're able to do just that even with the newly added beastren race! (the previews for the game only ever showed us huge male beastrens and much smaller, more dainty female ones, so i was a little afraid that the customization for them might be more limited in that regard) so much like i did when playing the first game, i have a twinky little dude as the arisen, and a big tough lady as the main pawn.
also, my pawn's ID should be 2YSNV29SKMIX, if anyone wants to look her up and hire her in-game! (i'm playing PC so i think she's only available there?)
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something i was very pleasantly surprised by is that none of the game's more revealing outfits seem to be gender-locked or change appearance depending on your characters gender and/or bodytype (at least from what i've seen so far?). this means i've been having a blast hiring buff cat men as my support pawns, and dressing them up in the most revealing outfits i've been able to find.
(the game also lets you give men absolutely huge butts, which i mean, god bless.)
finally, here are some more screenshots i've taken so far! (i do wish they would let you freely control the camere during photo mode though – it's hard to take good pictures when you can only rotate the camera around your character...)
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korppuhiiri · 11 months
FUSER is a game that lets you commit acts of musical malpractice.
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korppuhiiri · 5 years
hey, remember those two silly wrestling characters i made?
well, they’re dating now. sometimes that’s just how it goes.
(the song used is favourite colour by carly rae jepsen)
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korppuhiiri · 5 years
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i’m not necessarily super into the MMORPG genre of videogames, finding most of them to be honestly quite tedious and repetitive. however, quite a lot of them have surprisingly robust character creators, often letting you choose from multiple different races and even allowing you to play as some form of anthropomorphic animal, which is why i’ve found myself actually spending a lot of time (and sometimes money) with some of them.
pictured above are some of my favourite created characters from a variety of different MMO’s!
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korppuhiiri · 5 years
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here is my beautiful hrothgar boy!
i feel like i’ve been starting to like FFXIV a lot more lately! i recently finished the main story content of the first expansion, heavensward, and i feel like pretty much all the main missions and story stuff were much more interesting and enjoyable than in realm reborn.
of course, it also helps that i’m finally able to play as an handsome anthro feline.
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korppuhiiri · 6 years
so the 2K WWE games might not be uh, very good when it comes to things like, being fun to play and not crashing constantly, but boy howdy their character creators allow you to do all kinds of delightfully stupid things.
(the song used is peto on irti by antti tuisku)
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korppuhiiri · 6 years
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despite not really liking fallout 4 all that much i’ve been spending a lot of time with it lately, after finding a mod which makes, er, certain small adjustments to the player character...
there’s also one for fallout new vegas, made by the same people!
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korppuhiiri · 5 years
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about a few months ago (after being lured in by the sweet, sweet promise of being able to play as furry bara felines in the expansion that’s coming out tomorrow) i gave in to my curiosity and decided to give final fantasy xiv a shot.
obviously, being an mmo, it has a lot of things i dislike about it, (such as the main questline in the base game consisting about 50% of meaningless filler quests and generally being an arduously long huge slog to play through) but generally speaking i’ve enjoyed my time with it way more than i have with most games of this genre.
also, turns out it has a very nice photo mode that allows you to do all sorts of things, such as add color filters and custom lighting, or change your characters pose or expression! anyway, here are some screenshots i’ve taken of my current character, who i play mostly as a white mage, and occasionally a red mage.
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korppuhiiri · 6 years
very happy to announce that i’m back on my bullshit™ with another shitty wrestleboy
(the song used is “naughty boy” by killer)
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korppuhiiri · 6 years
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turns out you can make things other than horny lizard lads in that one video game! including, but not limited, to:
- a samurai grandma - a cool skeleton lady - a rowdy demon boy - an edgy castlevania OC (do not steal!!) ...and a regular, non-horny lizard lad.
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korppuhiiri · 6 years
so a few days ago i saw that one of them wrestling games was on sale on steam, and three hours of nonstop character creation later this nonsense happened.
(the song playing in the background is “Thinking About U” by Anamanaguchi.)
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korppuhiiri · 6 years
so i think that i just got finished up with that thing, and uh,
boy howdy.
gee whiz.
gosh almighty.
how about that thing, huh.
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korppuhiiri · 6 years
of course, i’ve been playing a lot of the new zelda too! it’s a bit frustrating though, that while there is an in-game camera you can use, the pictures taken with it can’t be saved into switch’s album. there’s also no screenshot mode, which is a shame since the game is really beautiful!
i doubt that anyone who knows me even remotely is surprised to hear that are a few NPC’s that i absolutely adore. some mild spoilers regarding some side-quests below the cut!
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THIS BEAUTIFUL BIRD BARD FOR STARTERS. i’d known about him long before getting the game of course, since pretty much the entire furry fandom collectively fell in love with him the moment footage of him was seen in an early E3 demo, and fanart of all kinds started pouring out shortly after the game’s release. so while i had been spoiled about almost everything regarding him and his quests, running into him while traveling around hyrule was a genuine joy every time it happened!
i might or might not have a folder full of screenshots of him...
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then there’s everybody’s favourite shark boyfriend! he’s another character who i had seen tons of fanart of before starting the game, and i was actually a bit surprised to find out that i didn’t actually care for him as much as i thought i would when i started the game. perhaps because, unlike Kass, who you run into again and again, you only get to meet Sidon briefly in one part of the game. still, he is very supportive and charming, and i can see why people like him so much and ship him with link.
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THIS GUY. THE BIRD-MAN RESEARCH GUY. just a dude who is super into bird-men and wants to become one himself. very good and relatable.
on a more serious note, i was really impressed at how distinct and diverse the designs for all minor hylian characters were. i think i once saw a post here claiming that all the hylian npc designs were based on randomized mii characters, but i haven’t been able to find it again...
anyway, i still haven’t actually finished the game! i’ve only done two of the four divine beasts, so maybe i’ll make another post at some point after playing some more.
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