#kotetsu: ... okay..........
shokosriver · 1 day
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old man eating burger
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stonecoldaries · 6 months
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my favorite captain+lieutenant duo
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mazojo · 2 years
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goatcheese-anon · 1 year
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I drew this because of the one tag in @plastilina-bana 's reblog of my shitpost... And now I can't unsee it (sorry for tagging you, though I thought you might be interested)
For context, for those that haven't seen Phoenix' concept art, one of his concepts looks almost identical to Kotetsu.
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Kotetsu: Sorry I tried to bite you.
Nathan: Sorry I swatted you on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.
Kotetsu, shrugging: It's the only way I'll learn.
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the8thsphynx · 1 year
Tiger & Bunny Characters and what FGO Servant Class I HC Them As
(Disclaimer: These are personal headcanons of fictional media and I’m not interested in arguing with strangers online about it)
Kotetsu Kaburagi
Class: Berserker
Reason: Tbh his strong sense of right and wrong and his ability to barrel through anything keeping him from being a hero has gotta be SOME type of Madness Enhancement.
See Spartacus.
Also his title as a human wreckingball. and that all the hottest men are berseker classes
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Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Class: Saber
Reason: I WAS thinking Lancer because of his kick, but honestly he could work as a Saberface. Also a lot of Sabers have that ‘thing’ with a fated journey and internal struggle-but-noble-in-heart going on, so it clicks better for me.
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Nathan Seymor
Class: Rider
Reason: Initially I imagined them as a Caster, but with the car being a key part of their gimmick and aesthetic as a hero, I think Rider would be the better fit for them.
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Keith Goodman
Class: Archer
Reason: Initially I thought Rider, since his schtick is flying, so while it's not a 'vehicle' persay I think it still can apply to him. However, a friend of mine pointed out that Archer could work for him better since his attacks are very ranged-based.
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Antonio Lopez
Class: Berserker
Reason: Tbh I can't think of him in any other class. With him literally being a walking tank and all.
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Pao Lin Huang
Class: Lancer
Reason: Not just because she fights with a staff, but because I think the Lancer Gang would adore her instantly.
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Ivan Karelin
Class: Assassin
Reason: ...I feel like I shouldn't need to explain this, but to any non-Tiger & Bunny fans; his power is shapeshifting.
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Karina Lyle
Class: Archer
Reason: I thought Caster but I think it would be so much neater if we let her be an Archer.
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Yuri Petrov
Class: Avenger
Reason: f*cking look at him.
As if his aesthetics didn't scream it enough, his tragic backstory and morally grey motivations absolutely will.
...We simply have no choice but to stan <3.
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Albert Maverick
Class: Pretender
Reason: Okay so I actually have a good reason for this. Since his power is memory erasure and implanting, I thought it would be cool to think of him as 'pretending' to be something he isn't to the target.
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Mr. Legend
Class: Ruler
Reason: Because I am a horrible human being.
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Kaede Kaburagi
Class: Caster
Reason: This one was tough, but ultimately Caster is the best class I can come up with for someone with copycat powers.
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Ryan Goldsmith
Class: Archer
Reason: His powers are also very ranged-based, but also because of how teetering on the line of 'Gilgamesh-face' he is.
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fribe-mimi · 1 year
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beyond-dreams · 4 months
pairing: kotetsu/luna - pre-relationship
notes: I thought about these two again and needed to write something fun !! this is an idea I've had running around for a while - luna is trying so, so hard to get over her fears and work on managing her anxiety, then accidentally falls in love with kotetsu (sorry queen)
notes (cont). if anyone wants me to keep posting stuff like this please lmk!! I've finally gotten out of a slump and I would love to share my works more :>
song(s): waste your time - sub-radio [i'd waste your time/the pleasure's all mine/when we drive and your smile opens up wide]
word count: ~1,600
tag list: @worldtravelercv (if anyone wants to be tagged lmk!)
"Luna!" Kotetsu waved eagerly to his friend as she stepped out of her office building. Luna, in all of her tiredness, seemed to brighten up at seeing the older hero's face. They had planned this outing for weeks at this point; another idea on Luna's bucket list to try and conquer her fears. Kotetsu, always helpful, endlessly supportive and patient, had agreed immediately.
So, that's why he was standing in front of her office in the warm spring afternoon leaning against a motorcycle. Luna had mentioned never learning to drive, due to how much the traffic and all of the rules and regulations bothered her, but never expected Kotetsu to offer her a ride somewhere.
"Anywhere you want. Really!" Kotetsu had said to her a few days ago. "I know you have a routine with work, but… maybe being on the road more might help? Maybe that's this old man's wishful thinking…"
"You're not that old…" Luna replied, taking a sip of her drink. They were meeting up more often now, considering it was a bit of 'down-time' for the heroes. "And it's- it's really fine. You don't have to go out of your way."
"It's not 'going out of my way', Luna. Never for you!" Kotetsu said, easily. The words came naturally to him, but Luna was still uncertain. How was he always so confident?
"Earth to Moonbeam, you there?" Kotetsu's voice brought her back to the present day, the nickname he had adopted falling from his lips. There was a soft smile on his face when she finally dared to look at him. "We better go before it gets too dark."
Luna hadn't even realized she was frozen in place before making her way down the sidewalk and approaching the motorcycle. It was olive green - the metallic finish reminded her of Kotetsu's hero suit, and she smiled to herself. It… didn't look that much different than Barnaby's hero bike, and Luna wondered if Kotetsu had his own, then why did he go in the sidecar? Putting those thoughts aside, Luna looked to see Kotetsu already sitting on the motorcycle.
He already had his helmet on, his eyes peeking out from behind the blinder. Small green tiger ears sat on top of the helmet, another nod to his hero identity.
"You gettin' on? It's okay if you still need more time." Kotetsu said, a gentle reminder that he never wanted to push for something she wasn't ready to do. That was always the thing with their friendship and Kotetsu's advice. Whenever you're ready.
"A-Ah, um. Yes, yes, I should be fine," Luna tried to make sure her voice didn't waver. "But, um… oh. This is for me?"
Kotetsu had somehow materialized another bike helmet for her, black paint and unassuming. However, on the back, it looked like there was a crescent moon and stars. Luna blinked at Kotetsu, who simply shrugged and tried his best to look ashamed, but the small grin he had on his face said otherwise.
"Kaede wanted to paint something on it. For good luck."
Oh. The idea that Kotetsu's daughter was also cheering for her success did silly things to Luna's heart. Right. Well. Now I need to get onto the motorcycle.
She cautiously placed her purse into the bike's attached carrying case near the back, and her nerves caught up with her as she realized how close she would be sitting to Kotetsu. Well, behind him, but still! I don't know if I can do this. Driving and having to hold onto him? That's too much, way too much…
Sensing Luna's quietness and apprehension, Kotetsu offered his hand out: "One step at a time, yeah? Swing your leg over and it'll all be okay! Trust me!"
Luna glanced between him and the spot behind him where she would be sitting. Nodding to herself, Luna proceeded to adjust her braids so they wouldn't be in the way of the helmet and placed it on her head. Taking Kotetsu's hand - it was so much bigger than hers, who knew? - she carefully used his support to bring her leg over the back of the bike and sit behind him.
It's… not uncomfortable, she thought as Kotetsu adjusted and turned the motorcycle on. She could feel the heat from the engine and thankfully the noise was muffled due to the helmet. Kotetsu sat up, adjusting one of the handles. Kotetsu's a lot taller than me. How have I not noticed that?
"Moonbeam, you're definitely gonna want to hold onto me as we get goin', but do whatever makes you comfy." Kotetsu looked behind him at Luna, who was staring back with wide eyes, "Er, just don't fall off. Barnaby would hate me forever if you did."
Hold onto him? How? Where? Oh, God. Okay. This is fine. Don't panic. Luna closed her eyes and tried to calm her racing heart. One, two. One, two. Okay. Maybe I can just hold onto his shoulders. That's safe, right?
With that decision made, Kotetsu took off towards the highway and to the river. The ride down the highway was loud, and unpleasant. Luna felt overwhelmed by the noise and constant buzz of horns and other traffic noises, but she also tried to remind herself that Kotetsu was doing this for her. She couldn't tell him to turn around and go home, now could she?
"Luna, you okay?" Kotetsu's voice was muffled by the helmet, but she could still hear the concern creeping into his voice. "We can go, it's no big deal for-"
"No!" Luna interjected, squeezing his shoulders tightly. (Maybe a bit too tight. He didn't mind.) "No. No, please. I can do this. It's not too bad. I just haven't been out this way in a while, so…"
"Okay, okay. I'll turn around as soon as you say so, though."
They continued down the highway, the evening traffic starting to disperse more as the sun moved across the horizon. Relaxing into it, Luna had loosened her white-knuckled grip on Kotetsu and paid more attention to their surroundings - she could see the moon even during the day, a fuzzy picture on a backdrop of pink and blue. The sun wouldn't set for a bit longer, though, and Luna couldn't help but feel disappointed. She would've liked to watch the sunset with Kotetsu; she might add it to her list.
Soon enough, it was just Kotetsu and Luna on the highway, the breeze pushing what remained of Luna's hair from under the helmet behind her. She exhaled, a pleasant noise coming from her throat. Kotetsu didn't miss it, electing to slow down a bit so she could enjoy the ride a bit better. The fuzziness of trees along the hillside weren't as fuzzy now - Luna loved how the trees looked in the springtime. They were approaching the end of their journey; Sternbild's beachfront was approaching on the horizon. Luna felt disappointed again; she was just getting used to the feeling of the wind in her hair.
Slowing down, Kotetsu found a place to park his motorcycle that was unobsctructive and held his hand out to Luna again. She removed her helmet, setting it down in front of her and took his hand - this time, it didn't feel as unfamiliar. How many times had they held hands like this, now? Helping her off the bike, Kotetsu then did something new - he pulled Luna along to the beach, his hand a tight vice against her own.
"Kotetsu- What are you-?" Luna stumbled over her words as she was practically dragged down towards the sandbar.
"Trust me, you'll like it!" Kotetsu reassured her. (He also slowed down, just in case she might fall. He couldn't have that happening, not when she was so relaxed earlier.) "I have a surprise."
"What?" Luna said, having reached the bottom of the hill. Then, her breath was immediately taken away by the sunset slowly setting over the horizon; purple and blue and green all cascading across the ocean waves. The sunset was gorgeous along the shoreline. Why had she never seen it before? Luna turned to Kotetsu, who had a large dopey grin on his face.
"Told you I had a surprise. Timed it out pretty good, yeah?"
"Kotetsu…" Luna trailed off, continuing to look at the sunset. It was no sunrise with him, but she'd be damned if she didn't take this opportunity to sit and watch as the moon rose over Sternbild. The older hero just chuckled to himself as their companionship turned into a quiet meditation, the moon beginning to rise. Stars twinkled in the distance, then, and Luna felt herself growing tired. Yawning, she saw Kotetsu begin to move out of the corner of her eye.
"Are you ready to go?"
"Mhm." Came Luna's reply, sleep threatening to overtake her. I really need to stop working such long hours… oh, well. Money is money…
"Heh. C'mere, I'll help you back up."
With that, Kotetsu got Luna back onto the motorcycle and drove her home, careful to make sure she didn't fall asleep mid-ride and fall off. It was a quiet night out - thankfully - so no hero work to be done that evening. (That is, unless someone had asked for the day off…)
Kotetsu helped Luna back to her apartment, saying that she should keep the helmet in case the need to go anywhere - yes, anywhere, it's no trouble, really - strikes her again. With a promise of Kotetsu just being a text away, he smiled at her - g'night then, Moonbeam - and left Luna in her apartment alone, only one thought on her mind.
I want to see him again.
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woafofbread · 2 years
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Transcript: (the stuff that I put a line through isn’t really meant to be there. Sorry it’s a bit disorganized)
(Meant to take place while Barnaby is in his coma)
Kotetsu: (enters Barnaby’s hospital room)
Kotetsu: *turns head* (to make sure no one else is there)
Kotestu: Hey Bunny.
Kotetsu: Things have been kinda crazy lately. Hard to be a hero without my partner. I’ve been looking for the bomber.
Kotetsu: You’re supposed to outlive an old man like me after all.
Kotestu: Please just-
Kotetsu: Please just wake up soon Bunny I’m begging you.
Kotestu: I can’t lose you too.
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taibanini · 2 years
I just finished T&B season 2 cour 2 and.
I don't know what to do anymore, i'll just drown in fanarts, fanfics and tumblr posts I guess?
Anyway if you want and can, please share your thoughts on season 2. Reading them is my coping mechanism.
Oh and memes. Memes keep me going.
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phlebaswrites · 1 year
Asking Anko (For Marriage)
Anko has always wanted love.
(Even the most observant shinobi can miss the forest for the trees.)
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Mitarashi Anko/Tayuya Word Count: approximately 6K (Complete and posts one chapter daily)
For NatsBats who first gave me the idea that these two could be paired together.
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Tayuya kicks one of the small rocks on the training field, sending it flying.
Spring is here, even if only barely, and the leaves are green and growing. The weather is warming, even if the sakura hasn't bloomed yet, and Okaasan sent her off to the Academy this morning with a wish for a good day. But when she opened her bento at the mid day break, it was filled with the same onigiri as it was yesterday.
There was nothing special there.
She started the Academy early two years ago, right at the beginning of winter, smaller than everyone else in her class because her parents had to work and there was no one to care for her. Even so, her family celebrated the day of her birth with a small feast and presents - something that she'd hoped would happen again this year.
But no, there's nothing.
Being four means that she's old enough to celebrate growing one year older at the new year, right along with the adults, but she wasn't four last month.
She was three.
That doesn't seem to mean as much to everyone else as it does to her though.
So even though the whole world looks bright and happy today, Tayuya is angrier than she's ever been in her life.
Today is her day and it's hers to spend how she wants.
She can be mad if she chooses to be.
Read the rest on AO3.
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catcatb0y · 1 year
If anyone heard me talk about some of my 'takes' on inclusivity/diversity headcanons, they would think of me as an asshole- but it's not because I don't want/enjoy/indulge in diversity/inclusivity headcanons, it's because you FOOLS the PERFECT candidate is right THERE!!
#this is lighthearted#and mostly jokingly said#I get people give their blorbos projection headcanons and that is so valid of them#but I am a godawful annoyance when it comes to adhering to canon#if I wanted a character to be transfem she/they/fae I would not pick the most bland clown guy on the planet#I really like diversity headcanons that build up the story instead of contradicting it#like tiger and bunny#everbody makes Barnaby a trans guy- okay I guess he's a little on the femmeish side if you squint#but homeboy didn't have a PERSONALITY outside of [his parent's death]#he was asked on screen what he wanted to do after avenging his parents and he basically said that was his only goal in life#now contrarily#Kotetsu T. Kaburagi doesn't have a conflicting childhood#all he has is a kid right?#in season one at least we never got any shots of his wife pregnant with Kanade#so I raise you:#Kotetsu and his wife were t4t and just forgot how ''straight'' couples actually were since they were both in love with each other#Kotetsu carried Kaide but his wife ended up doing most of the childwork since Kotetsu wanted to be able to provide for his family#EITHER his T interfered with his ability to ''mother'' Kaide (for lack of better word)#or Kaide knows that he father was the one who carried her into term and she just didn't question it because why would she?#it's funny AND it can fit into canon if you bs enough#I have no problem with making characters post canon trans#(most of the time I am also sometimes just A Little Hater)#transmasc mafuyu my beloved he is my son#sometimes I am just a little hater though and they be like 'I headcanon this Boy Of All Boys as transfem post canon'#and I am like 'so they realized they were performing masculinity the whole time?' No... 'so... they were repressing their true identity?'#Of course not! 'but they still transed tho...?' Yes! Duh. 'why the change in heart?'#stoic abused boy from a neglectful household is transmasc of his own will? when he couldn't even even pick put his favorite food?#no stoic abused child was ''forced'' to live as a boy because his father was sexist comes to realize that he enjoys being 'seen as a boy'#some headcanons remind me of that 'Remmy the rat is trans' fan joke/theory#anyways I just really like my trans!Kotetsu idea even if I don't strictly headcanon it
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sylustration · 2 years
I finished Cour2 ;;;;
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abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
Okay so i know there's something to be said for pacing and that Kotetsu does have a lot more sense than he gets credit for but the fact he Didn't throw himself off the building to save Luna is a little shocking.
Course he can also fly and while i get not showing us a body there is no way he disappeared that quick.
Which is to say Yuri recovering at the Kaburagi house real and i refuse all other narratives.
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mazojo · 2 years
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