#kotpota spoilers
canadachildvol2 · 4 months
Can we all agree that Anaya sweetly saying "Hello, Echo" to Mae was one of the most precious things ever??
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hinasho · 4 months
Raka: the human girl followed you all the way from your camp?
Noa: yes. it’s very annoying
Raka: and an Eagle follows you as well? You have TWO animal sidekicks that follow you??
Noa: I guess
Raka: and you can SING?????
Noa: well—
Raka: the old books have spoken of this phenomenon before. Animal sidekicks & singing. By any chance, was one of or both of your parents the leader of your clan?
Noa: actually yes. how’d you know?
Raka: have you ever heard of this mysterious ancient creature known as a “Disney Princess” Noa?
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cxnsdellaj · 3 months
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Well put it this way, I'm glad I'm not the only one who came out of Kingdom wondering whether there were vibes between the human and the chimp.
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violeteclipseboaty · 4 months
When Trevathan threatened to snitch:
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blogthebooklover · 4 months
Analyzing Evil: Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes
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emacitaas · 3 months
Wowzers. She may have the highest kill count in the movie, but I am still banking on her redemption.
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itsdeanwinchester · 4 months
Having seen Kingdom for a second time, I can kind of see what some folks meant when they said it's kind of slow. I'm guessing they're talking about the first half, especially of scenes of noa struggling on his quest to get his clan back, and you watch him be so alone, and be taunted by eagle sun, bearing all that silence and loudness all by himself. I can see why people who have no patience for character interiority would think that all of that could've been cut out. Not me, though. I love that stuff. I love scenes between characters where nothing is said, but their actions and expressions tell everything.
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it-grrl · 4 months
look listen I'm just saying I saw Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes yesterday and I'm usually on board with Maybe Let's Let The Apes Have A Turn Okay? Right up until they oopsie doopsie invent religion again complete with 2+ groups arguing over what That One Guy was on about. Then maybe we let birds have a go. See what they get up to.
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theymademesignup08 · 3 months
Did I just go see the new planet of the apes movie because it vaguely reminded me of Avatar… who’s to say? Maybe the pretty scenes, humans not being the top species, flooding sequence, actors in motion capture, and the token human causing drama is just a coincidence.
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mistwalkers-menagerie · 4 months
So at the end of the movie, the woman who took the satellite key from Mae came out in a hazmat suit to meet her. A hazmat suit. And Mae didn't go in. I mean, sure, we could say she wanted to watch the dishes come online and then went in, but...
Could the virus still potentially be around? Maybe I'm overthinking this - wouldn't be the first time -, but that paired with Mae's dogged determination to complete her mission is sus. Could be her personality and drive, but could it also be that she knows she now has a limited time to help her fellows?
Like, what if any underground human who ventures to the surface could potentially be infected if they came into contact with apes or surface humans? And Mae is now infected, and will eventually succumb to the virus?
Mae said there's a book that can help humans speak again, but she either lied or she meant the satellite and long-range comms. They did lose that ability, yeah. I imagine we could see them trying to cook up an antidote, as many things still function underground. Trevathan was an inventor of sorts, it ain't a stretch to assume there are scientists.
But I digress! Anyone any thoughts on this? Is it just my brain in overdrive?
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canadachildvol2 · 4 months
One of the moments from the movie that has stuck with me is when Noa finds his dad dead. Now normally in a scene like this, you would expect him to break down sobbing or hold the body or maybe just stare in shock while kneeling beside it.
What does Noa actually do? Sit down, hold his knees against his chest, and try so hard to hold back tears and clearly failing. If I remember correctly, he even touches the body at one point (maybe to brush some fur aside?). All this without saying anything.
It's a moment like this that reminds us that Noa is a teenager; still technically a child. His world has crumbled overnight and he's all alone with no one to get him through this grief.
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sialater18 · 4 months
Just watched Kingdom of the Planet of the apes in IMAX and wow, I LOVED ITTTTT
Highlights for me (spoilers below):
Story bits;
The intro with Caesar’s funeral, just straight to the real sobering stuff. Almost like the movie is saying “Caesar is gone. Now witness what life is like after him and what others do in his name”
The Eagles, they’re just dope animals
When Noa, Anaya, and Soona are out hunting for eggs they make note of not emptying the nest. It’s likely tradition at that point in their village but I like how even though the “bonding” is obviously a significant point in their lives, they don’t let it override what they know is right. Hence why Noa climbs a higher point for another nest.
The sequence of Noa and his dad trying to work together to fight off the Gorilla even though the Gorilla is way out of their league. They both tried hard but were beaten, not just physically but in terms of knowledge. Noa at some point climbs onto a support beam but it’s made of metal and the Gorilla electrocutes the beam he’s on which causes him to fall
The fact that Raka (and Caesar’s more devout followers) call humans they see “Nova” . Little Nova from War of the Planet of the Apes was not completely forgotten in a way :’)
Mae. Especially in the moment in the observatory where she looks through the telescope and gets emotional (which is the first sign that leads Noa to believing she’s more than what she seems). I know some people don’t/won’t like her but I can understand her. She’s in a rough place trying to do what she thinks is good. I believe in her last talk with Noa, on the topic of humans she said something like “It was ours (the planet I think) first!” just instinctually, and when Noa asks about the possibility of apes and humans living side by side again, she says I don’t know.
Proximus’s clan killed the entire group of humans she was with and she only barely managed to escape. And the only indication that he regrets what happened is because he didn’t realize they were “special” humans. He’s regretful of the choice because he was not aware of their possible use to him and his goals. So yeah Mae, doesn’t know, hence why she was at first holding the revolver in her hand when she last spoke to Noa. She initiated them talking, after everything they’ve been through she wanted to say a proper goodbye to him but still held the revolver in case something happened. I honestly want to see more of her
Proximus himself. Whoo I needed more if him, he was such a large joyful figure when we see him, getting his clan all hyped hope and being outwardly positive to them in face of a public failure. The fact that he likes being read Roman history, he probably learned of his namesake. I like his acknowledgment of the “proper” definition of evolution. He knows he won’t reach it since evolution takes a long time & he knows of his own mortality. So he instead wants to evolve in a different way with tools he believe is for him and his people.
He has two humans in his kingdom. He welcomed them both, but he’s not likely to trust them as far as he can throw them. He’s focused on the future apes evolving, hence why he keeps bringing apes into one place for his “Kingdom”. The future he pictures is not one of peace as long as humans are still around. So why not get the numbers of Apes up in the meantime? Even when one of his men is shot, he prioritizes not his dead clan member, but a new existence firearm weapons that can be of use to him
Noa’s first “shit” he learned from Mae and then repeating it later when they almost fall to their deaths and Mae just nodding in approval like “yeah that was the right time to use that word” loll
Mae using her first round with the tiny revolver she had against the ape who had a knife to Soona. I’m betting she planned the opposite of letting the apes know a more advanced form of weaponry exist right there in then in the silo. But her want to not see Soona come to harm (partially because of her) won out against whatever logic she was going with
The Flooding sequence in the silo I couldn’t bring my eyes away from. The one thing about this movie was the tension, maybe I’m just a wimp but I was exceedingly tense for the characters. Even when Proximus was simply speaking at the dinner table he had me tense
The fact that Noa & Mae didn’t have a happy little bow on their relationship by the end of it. I wanted them to be attached to each other or just trust each other but life doesn’t work like that often
The entire last 3 minutes or so the film was just particularly astounding to me, and I’m not sure why. Maybe it was the music (the score for the film is stellar) and the editing but something was just so right about it. Seeing the joy at humans contacting other people. The juxtaposition between Noa & Mae moving on to the next stages of their lives.
Technical stuff:
The sound design was magnificent
The cinematography was beautiful, really interesting shots throughout the film
The vfx was hella impressive
The music score was great and added a lot to the movie
All in all, all I’ve got left to say as Proximus would put it, WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY!!
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blackstarising · 4 months
listen listen listen first they turn the satellites on then they get the internet back and bing bang boom we cut to dichen lachman walking in on mae lying face down and listening to rewrite the stars on a 10 hour loop- [gets booed and hit with paper balls and cans] AND ANOTHER THING-
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agirlking · 5 months
I love telling my friends how Proximus died and having them all go “fym you mean BIRDS killed him???”
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violeteclipseboaty · 4 months
Noa: *breathes*
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Dar appreciation post, their relationship is so sweet, literally so supportive of Noa and always looking at him so proudly 💗
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