cryptid-pet · 8 months
Hey... Hey... Nixxio...
Since you are official Caruki CEO. Have you ever though about KouShin
- someone you know
@let-the-living-beware GET OUT OF MY INBOXXXXXX
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The last fanfic I will upload until I finish the coffee shop Au. Psychopath, it is also Koushin but more on the darker side.
Summary: Kou gets kidnapped by someone and quickly find himself deep within a human traficking ring.
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rolorules · 4 months
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By c (rahit), who seems to b3 identical with C Mattari Koushin. The image looks strangely familiar, but could not find it. The site provides a Pixiv ID, but the link is dead.
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connyscomicsbutgay · 7 days
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Koushin Koinu Ni Koibumi Wo by Tamasaki Tama
New top ten of all time I think. Indou is so silly and passionate and Kagami is so ahhhh dhdhkxk. Also one of the few comics I’ve read that actually acknowledges the sexuality of the characters. Like it’s not just two girls in love, but two lesbians in love.
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ageofzero · 7 months
I've decided that Giant Robo OVA has three sets of onscreen marrieds. Two husband pairs and a token straight couple.
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saiyef · 2 years
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oratokyosaigunda · 6 months
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Koushin Koinu Ni Koibumi Wo, volume 5
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miss-floral-thief · 7 months
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 389 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 迫る爆発…‼︎ せまるばくはつ…‼︎ semaru bakuhatsu...!! The approaching explosion...!!
tagline 2 No.389 安心と祈り  堀越耕平 ナンバー389 あんしんといのり  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 389 anshin to inori   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 389 Relief and Prayers  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 中心温度の上��速度が ちゅうしんおんどのじょうしょうそくどが chuushin ondo no joushou sokudo ga “The rate at which the core temperature increases is”
2 鈍化してる! どんかしてる! donka shiteru! slowing down!”
3 計算が更新されてます けいさんがこうしんされてます keisan ga koushin saretemasu “Updating calculations!”
4 じゃあこのままーーーー jaa kono mama---- “So, at this rate----”
5 いや低下はしてない いやていかはしてない iya teika wa shitenai “No, it’s not going down.”
6 爆発は免れない‼︎ ばくはつはまぬがれない‼︎ bakuhatsu wa manugarenai!! “The explosion is unavoidable!!”
7 ああ aa “Agh!”
8 ああ aa “Agh!”
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1 アハ AHA “Aha”
2 アハァ AHAA “Ahaa”
3 みんなが minna ga Everyone is
4 見てるよ みてるよ miteru yo watching.
5 ああ aa Ah,
6 こんなものか konna mono ka it’s this sort of thing?
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1-2 こんな簡単な事だったなら こんなかんたんなことだったなら konna kantan na koto datta nara If it was as simple as this,
3 撤退だァ てったいだァ tettai daA “Retreat,”
4 巻き込まれるぞ退けえ‼︎ まきこまれるぞひけえ‼︎ makikomareru zo hikee!! “you’ll get caught up in it. Get away!!”
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1-2 もっと早くに もっとはやくに motto hayaku ni [do it] sooner.
3 早く‼︎ はやく‼︎ hayaku!! “Quickly!!”
4 急いで‼︎ いそいで‼︎ isoide!! “Hurry!!”
5 拳藤ォ‼︎走れェ‼︎ けんどォ‼︎はしれェ‼︎ KendoO!! hashireE!! “Kendou!! Run!!”
6 大丈夫‼︎ だいじょうぶ‼︎ daijoubu!! “It’s okay!!”
7 大丈夫だからね…‼︎ だいじょうぶだからね…‼︎ daijoubu dakara ne...!! “It’s gonna be okay...!!”
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1 うん un “Yeah.”
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1 だって俺たちにはーーー だっておれたちにはーーー datte ore-tachi ni wa--- “Because we [have]---”
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1 ゴチンコがいるんだぜ‼︎ GOHCINKO ga irunda ze!! “Five Weenies!!”
tagline 間に合えーー‼︎ まにあえーー‼︎ ma ni ae--!! Just in time--!!
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raquellemonsta · 8 months
toxic boy mom (bokuto koutarou x reader)
this idea just randomly came to me. I love bokuto and domestic stuff so I hope you enjoy this too! sorry for any errors :p
your bed is so much more comfortable than you remember. that's what makes it so hard to get up in the morning, especially when your husband's warmth is still present even when he's gotten up to go for his morning run. for a moment, you feel peace, and it's almost as if you're a kid again, waking up on the weekends and having no responsibilities.
a high pitched squeal breaks you out of your immersion from a life you haven't known in years. the truth is that you do have responsibilities now, to both your husband and your children. reluctantly, you leave the warmth of your bed and head out of your bedroom right across the hall, into your son's room.
the blankets on the bed are rustled, and the bed itself is empty. the crib on the other hand is still housing your littler baby. when he catches sight of you, he excitedly kicks his feet while he begins to drool and babble 'mama', making other noises too.
your beautiful 14-month old, koushin, can be quite the noisy baby (he's more mellow than his brother, however). his facial structure and eye shape reminds you of your own, while he has your mom's eye color. that doesn't mean you can't tell he's a bokuto ; he's always hungry and always laughing. you pick him up and kiss his face all over, causing him to giggle happily and squeeze his mama.
you hear the television from downstairs playing some saturday morning cartoon, and decide to go see how your other son is doing. carefully making your way downstairs with koushin, you catch sight of your other little boy: wrapped up in a blanket and sprawled out on the sofa.
your older son kenji is nearly an exact replica of his father. he has dark hair with bright, golden eyes. the only way you can tell he's not just your husband but tiny is the small birthmark beneath his left eye. it's a little dot that if you look closely enough at is in the shape of a heart. sometimes, you still see him as that little baby that first made you a mother five years ago. he's much bigger now, of course. both of them make your heart swell with love and appreciation for the little family you've created.
"good morning kenji, what are you up to?" you ask. you rub koushin's back which causes him to snuggle closer to you.
"watching tv mama. i'm hungry" he tells you. you set koushin down on the floor in front of his brother, making sure that both of them will be safe and entertained. kenji is always good about looking after his brother, so you aren't worried. you smile and kiss kenji's head before making your way to the kitchen.
your boys love pancakes, so you make the mix and pour it into a pan. you decide to fry up some sausage as well, and while waiting you take the milk out of the fridge and pour it into a glass and sippy cup.
a certain someone makes it back from his run just in time for breakfast. the first thing koutarou notices after taking his shoes off are his two sons in the living room, playing with each other. he can't help but grin at the sight.
"hey hey hey! how are my two favorite guys?" he yells, picking up koushin and tickling him. the baby laughs wildly at all of the excitement his dad brings.
"dad come play cars with us!" kenji begs. bokuto sets his younger son down and grabs a monster truck before making overexaggerated car noises (you can't convince me he wouldn't be this kind of dad).
you laugh at the sudden spike in the noise level, something you've become used to being married to koutarou for several years (and having known him for even longer). right now, you're setting up the high chair for koushin, where you've put cereal puffs and cut up the sausage into small, bite-sized pieces. it's usually not a good idea to set his food down after he's in the chair, because he's known to become quite rowdy and throw the food off of the tray (which was something you learned the hard way on spaghetti night). once you were done setting that up, you made sure everyone else had plates out.
"breakfast is ready!" you shout, almost immediately hearing fast footsteps over to the table. by the time you turn around, kenji is already in his seat and koutaro is holding koushin again.
bokuto sets koushin in the high chair, where he immediately grabs a handful of cereal puffs and shoves them into his mouth. he chuckles before turning to you, expectantly. you give him a deadpan look and wait for him to make a move towards the kitchen to fix his plate, but it seems he's doing the same.
"make your plate yourself koutarou, you're a grown man" you tell him as you walk over to kenji and make sure he has what he wants before you sit next to koushin. normally you would have no problem getting his food for him, but you're preoccupied with the kids right now and he is entirely capable of serving himself. like you told him, he's a grown man.
you swear his hair nearly deflates as he immaturely pouts. you don't back down, though, and turn your attention to your kids. koutarou unwillingly goes to make his own plate. one thing is unfortunately clear to him: koutarou is jealous of your children.
he loves his kids more than anything of course (except for you who he loves just as much), he just doesn't understand why you show all of your attention to them nowadays and not as much to him. he actually does understand that part, because he has the cutest kids in the world. it's not that he wants to be jealous of them, it's just sometimes he misses when you weren't spread so thin.
what he doesn't understand is that it's not your choice to be showing him less attention. motherhood is tiresome, since your kids demand your attention every waking moment. since you've started working from home to be able to take care of your children, you've been engulfed with tasks around the house. you're tired all of the time no matter how much sleep you get, and you feel like you haven't had time to yourself in forever. it's something that your husband doesn't seem to notice, though he's always been painfully oblivious. he hasn't even noticed you haven't gotten a plate for yourself in an effort to make sure your kids are taken care of.
that is until after he starts eating from his plate, and notices you still watching koushin.
"honey, aren't you going to get a plate?" he asks. you look at him in slight surprise that he even noticed.
"in a minute" you say, though he can tell from the tone that you definitely won't be moving a minute from now. he pushes out his chair and heads to the kitchen, plating some food before making his way back to the table and pushing it in front of you. you look up at him and he can see the exhaustion written in your face.
"go lay down my sweet. breakfast in bed! i'll take care of the boys" he tells you in his happy-go-lucky tone. your eyes fill with surprise and you look to your children before shifting back to your husband.
"are you sure?" you question him seriously.
"of course. only the best for mom" he gave you a kind smile, the very one you had fallen in love with years ago. it's always able to make you feel better. somewhat reluctantly, you take your plate up to your room and head back to bed, shutting your eyes peacefully.
unbeknownst to you, bokuto is going to work downstairs. while the kids are preoccupied, he pulls out the vacuum and starts to deep clean (or at least the bokuto version of a deep clean), putting dishes away and picking up toys. it takes him several hours, but the house looks perfect by the time he's done.
"hey boys, want to help dad make dinner tonight?" he yells to his two sons, who both excitedly agree. he decides to make something simple but that he knows you'll enjoy. he's no chef, but he's willing to push his limits for you.
he lets kenji help out more than koushin (because what kind of dad would he be making a baby cook dinner? actually that could be interestin-), and soon enough they have dinner plated and ready to bring upstairs.
kenji carries the plate, while koushin brings a flower from out back. koutarou knocks on the door as a formality before opening the door to see his beautiful wife, reading a book. you place a bookmark in it before looking at your little family in shock.
you encourage them to come closer so you can see what they've made. the plate looks wonderful, and your heart feels full with love for your adorable babies.
"oh my goodness, this looks amazing! did you do all of this for me?" you ask. your little ones nod, causing you to smile even brighter. you pull the two of them into a hug before kissing both of their heads.
"my perfect, sweet boys" you rub their backs before looking up and meeting eyes with your husband. similarly to breakfast, he has an expectant look on his face.
"and you too bo, i guess" you joke, pretending to add it as an afterthought.
your children burst out laughing at the dejected look on their father's face. he nearly had tears in his eyes and a huge pout.
"you're toxic! toxic!" he suddenly points and sticks his tongue out at you.
"kou i'm not a toxic" you say. you can't help but shake your head at his antics.
"yes you are. you're a toxic boy mom and you can't tell me otherwise."
"i can't be a toxic boy mom if we only have sons?"
"i don't care. you're a toxic boy mom who favors your boys over me" he pouts.
"you're a big baby sometimes, you know that?" you roll your eyes in disbelief. you can't help but laugh at his ridiculous behavior, but it's one of the reasons you fell in love with him in the first place. you give him a kiss before digging into the dinner they so graciously made for you, while your kids start teasing their dad that you like them more as he argues back.
sometimes it feels like you have three kids in this house.
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Japanese Monkey God
User @red-lights-burning asked if there was a connection between Sun Wukong and the monkey gods of Japan. They provided lovely info, which was split between two asks, but I decided to put everything together into a single post.
@red-lights-burning asked: Japan has their own monkey protector named Masaru AKA Sannō Gongen, who was created back in the early 9th century by Tendai Buddhist sect founder Saichō shortly after he returned from China. So it makes me think if Monkey King was already a thing in the 800’s and if he was one of the inspirations for Masaru. A description from onmarkproductions (a really great site for anyone curious about Japanese Buddhism and Shintō) MASARU 神猿 Literally “Kami Monkey.” Masaru is the sacred monkey and protector of the Hie Shrine (aka Hie Jinja 日吉神社, Hiyoshi Taisha 日吉大社). The term “Masura” is often translated as “excel,” reflecting the belief that this sacred monkey can overcome all obstacles and prevail against all evil. Masaru is thus considered a demon queller par excellence (魔が去る・何よりも勝る). In the Heian era, Masaru (also translated “Great Monkey”) was invoked in Kōshin rituals to stop the three worms from escaping the body. Masaru also appears in Japanese scrolls used in Koushin rites. Here’s a couple other descriptions SANNŌ GONGEN 山王 権現 SARUGAMI 猿神 Fertility, Childbirth & Marriage Monkeys are patrons of harmonious marriage and safe childbirth at some of the 3,800 Hie Jinja shrines in Japan. These shrines are often dedicated to Sannō Gongen 山王権現 (lit. = mountain king avatar), who is a monkey. Sannō is the central deity of Japan’s Tendai Shinto-Buddhist multiplex on Mt. Hiei (Shiga Prefecture, near Kyoto). The monkey is Sannou’s Shinto messenger (tsukai 使い) and Buddhist avatar (gongen 権現). The monkey messenger is also known as Sarugami (猿神; literally “monkey kami”). Sarugami is the Shinto deity to whom the three monkeys (hear, speak, see no evil) are reportedly faithful. The monkey shrine at Nakayama Shrine 中山神社 in Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, is dedicated to a red monkey named Sarugami, who blesses couples with children. According to shrine legends, the local people at one time offered human sacrifices (using females) to this deity. The shrine is mentioned in the Konjaku Monogatari-shu (今昔物語集), a collection of over 1000 tales from India, China, and Japan written during the late Heian Period (794-1192 AD). Sarugami, like Sannou Gongen, is also worshipped as the deity of easy delivery and child rearing. At such shrines, statues of the monkey deity are often decked in red bibs -- a color closely associated with fertility, children, and protection against evil forces and diseases like smallpox.
My answer:
I've read only a little bit about Japanese monkey gods. I previously referenced Sarugami in my article about the possible shamanic origins of primate-based boxing in China. Part of footnote #14 reads:
In Japan, monkeys were also associated with horses and healing via the warding of evil. Apart from monkeys being kept in stables like their Chinese counterparts, their fur was applied to the harnesses and quivers of Samurai because the warriors believed it gave them more control over their mounts. Furthermore, monkey body parts have been consumed for centuries as curative medicines, and their hides have even been stuffed to make protective amulets (kukurizaru) to ward off illness. Likewise, a genre of painting depicts divine monkeys (saru gami), messengers of the mountain deity, performing Da Nuo-like dances to ensure a good rice harvest (Ohnuki-Tierney, 1987, pp. 43-50)
The aforementioned article suggests a connection between monkeys and the Shang-Zhou Da Nuo (大儺 / 難; Jp: Tsuina, 追儺) ritual, an ancient, war-like, shamanic animal dance designed to drive away demonic illness and influences. The pertinent section reads:
It’s possible that the “twelve animals” of the Da Nuo exorcism refer to some precursor of the Chinese zodiacal animals (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig). If true, monkey fur could have been among the animal products worn by the ritual army. After all, monkeys have long been associated with curing illness and expelling evil in East Asia. [14] A modern example of exorcists who don monkey fur are the shamans of the Qiang ethnic group of Sichuan. The Qiang worship monkeys as the source and savior of their sacred knowledge, as well as the progenitor of their people, the latter being a myth cycle common among ethnic groups of Tibet and southwestern China.
This is the only relevant info that comes to mind. But based on what I know, I would guess that Sun Wukong and the monkey gods of Japan draw upon the same cultural sources. I hope this helps.
Ohnuki-Tierney, E. (1987). The Monkey as Mirror: Symbolic Transformations in Japanese History and Ritual. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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I finished 10 Days. Wohooo
You can find it here :3
Summary: Kou and Shin get locked up in a cafe during a blizzard. Luckily Shins boss has an apartment for them to live in.
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rolorules · 5 months
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By C Mattari Koushin.
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chireikiden · 8 months
Feeling that the plot of The Magician Who Loved a Fake got a bit tangled with all the different story threads mixing together, Ashiyama has made a pretty interesting Fanbox post with a full timeline of the story's events - including some details that they themselves realize didn't really come across. Ashiyama's also expressed some disappointment that due to the strict length limits of a tankoubon release (going over a certain page number makes printing a lot more expensive), they were unable to extend the ending even though they wanted to.
Very extensive spoilers for Magician, obviously.
~1275: In France, the young "Forest Witch" and "Inquisitor" say their farewells.
Early 1300s: The Inquisitor writes the book that makes the reader release all their magical power (henceforth "the magician book"). Those who read the book eventually run out of magic and turn into regular humans. As a side-effect, however, they regress in years mentally, and a regular human temporarily awakens as a magician.
The Inquisitor's plan is to have the Forest Witch read the book and turn back into a regular human, but this ends up never coming to fruition.
1320s: The Inquisitor writes the "witch-killing books". These two books are a set of magic items designed to lock the reader in a loop and have them exhaust their Abandon Worms spell.
1331: The Inquisitor dies.
1486: Heinrich Kramer writes Malleus Maleficarum.
1500s: The Forest Witch obtains a copy of Malleus Maleficarum. At some point after, as the witch hunts grow more intense, she flees Europe and ends up in Gensokyo.
Decades ago: Rinnosuke meets the Forest Witch, and hears her stories.
Also decades ago: The Forest Witch reads the witch-killing books. This kills the witch.
June last year: A villager enters the Forest Witch's house, finding Malleus Maleficarum as well as "the magician book". Despite reading the book, he remains unable to use magic or fly or anything else, but gets the idea to print copies of the book to give to others instead.
August: The printing blocks for the magician book are completed. The printing blocks become magic items in themselves, with the will to self-replicate the information written on them. The magician books start to proliferate, creating magicians in the Human Village.
September: The Magician Incident begins. Marisa reads the book.
As he touches the printed books, Rinnosuke's ability only tells him that their purpose is "to be read by many people". From this, he draws the conclusion that they were created as an inquisitor's tool to lure out witches (he is wrong).
November: The printing blocks are destroyed. The copies of the book are all in Reimu's possession. A witch hunt breaks out in the Village. Marisa uses up the last of her energy and collapses. She returns home, and starts making medicine.
December: Rinnosuke closes up Kourindou. Reimu holes up in the Forest Witch's house and reads one of the magician books, starting to release her magic energy.
January: Marisa starts her training. The "final magician" starts showing up in the Village.
February: Byakuren teaches Marisa the technique to close her pressure points, giving her a way to use just a little energy.
3 March: Marisa fights the final magician in the Village.
(Translator's note: This day was a Koushin day in 2023.)
4 March: Marisa and Reimu are reunited in the Forest Witch's house. With the technique taught to her by Byakuren, Marisa closes Reimu's pressure points.
The following days: The Forest Witch is buried, the magician book rendered unreadable somehow and left as an offering in front of her grave. The other copies of the book are destroyed.
The "curse" of the Forest Witch and the Inquisitor is broken. The incident is resolved.
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Books, So Many Books
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The Bedside Pile
~ The Gift Of Rain by Tan Twan Eng
~ The Appeal by John Grisham
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Physical TBR
~ The Mammoth Hunters by Jean Auel
~ Plains Of Passage by Jean Auel
~ Shelters Of Stone by Jean Auel
~ Land Of The Painted Caves by Jean Auel
~ The Business by Iain Banks
~ As Long As We Both Shall Live by Joann Chaney
~ Incendiary by Chris Cleave
~ Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
~ Silas Marner by George Elliot
~ Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks
~ Charlotte Gray by Sebastian Faulks
~ On Green Dolphin Street by Sebastian Faulks
~ Here I Am by Jonathan Foer
~ A Killer Choice by Tom Hunt
~ Cold Heart by Linda LaPlante
~ The Call Of The Wild by Jack London
~ Labyrinth by Kate Mosse
~ Brothers by Bernice Rubens
~ The Hickory Staff by Robert Scott
~ The Farm by Tom Smith
~ The Master Of Ballantre by Robert L. Stevenson
~ Gulliver's Travels by Johnathan Swift
~ Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
~ The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
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Storygraph TBR
~ The Lord Of The Flies by William Golding
~ Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
~ Animal Farm by George Orwell
~ Bad Gays: A Homosexual History by Huw Lemmey
~ Sea Of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
~ Blood In My Eye by George Jackson
~ Escape Routes by Naomi Ishiguro
~ The Gospel Of The Eels by Patrik Svensson
~ The End Of Loneliness by Benedict Wells
~ Orlando by Virginia Woolf
~ Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie
~ Half Of A Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Adichie
~ Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
~ Unexpected Vanilla by Lee Hyemi
~ The Ritual by Adam Nevill
~ Your Driver Is Waiting by Priya Guns
~ Same Bed Different Dreams by Ed Park
~ The Last Tale Of The Flower Bride by Roshani Chokshi
~ Hijab Butch Blues by Lamya H.
~ Battle Royale by Koushin Takami
~ What Moves The Dead by T. Kingfisher
~ The Ferryman by Justin Cronin
~ American Prometheus by Kai Bird
~ Lie With Me by Philippe Besson
~ The Whalebone Theatre by Joanna Quinn
~ Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
~ Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck
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saiyef · 2 years
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