#kpop astro fluff
mykoreanlove · 6 months
afraid of love
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Exhausted from the intensity of the night before, you sank into the comforting embrace of your fluffy bed. But even in the tranquility of your room, your mind raced with memories of Eun Woo.
Did he make it so Seoul already?
Images of last night flooded your consciousness like a vivid, intoxicating dream.
Heated kisses on every inch of your body ignited a fire within you, each touch sending shivers down your spine and leaving you breathless with desire. Eun Woo's lips, soft and insistent, traced a path of passion across your skin.
His dark, brown eyes seemed to peer into the depths of your soul, stripping away all pretense and laying bare the raw, unfiltered emotions that lay hidden within. In those moments, it felt as though you were the only two people in the world, lost in a shared intimacy that transcended words.
Your bodies intertwined for hours, moving together in a dance of ecstasy and longing. Every touch was a symphony of pleasure that left you both gasping for breath.
Dirty promises were whispered into your ear, each word sending a jolt of electricity coursing through your veins. In the darkness of the night, with only the sound of your ragged breaths to fill the silence, you reveled in the shared intimacy of your whispered confessions, each promise a testament to the passion that burned between you.
As the night wore on, you both became a canvas for each other's desires, covering each other in colorful marks that served as a physical reminder of the passion that had ignited between you.
And as sleep finally claimed you both, you drifted off in his strong embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulling you into a peaceful slumber. In that moment, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that you had found something special, a connection that transcended the physical and reached deep into the depths of your soul.
Adrenaline flooded your system as you thought off all the things you did last night.
Or three nights prior to that. You matched on a random Sunday, after being abstinent from dating for a long time. Eun Woo was in town only for a couple of days for a video shoot but that didn’t stop him from having a good time.
He had been single for years after having his heart shattered by his first love. Ever since, he toyed with women as he pleased.
The first date was spent in his apartment, eating, and talking, cuddling, and fucking.
He was a passionate lover, even though he was starving for love and affection. The second date was a spontaneous invitation late at night, after all his mandatory meetings had been dealt with.
You repeated the first date’s actions but this time it felt more familiar, already knowing what you liked and needed. Eun Woo gave you his all, adoring you in every way he could.
Until he had to leave.
You remembered the sound of his alarm clock this morning, way too early and too sudden. He shifted in his sleep, groaning as he did not want to leave you.
Kisses on your neck were accompanied by his fingers entering you, sighing in appreciation. “God, you feel so fucking good, y/n.”
Minutes after he was gone, catching his plane back to Seoul. You put your fingers on your lips, looking for the traces he had left. The sudden vibration of your phone brought you back into the present moment.
I landed. Tired as fuck though. How are you?
Missing you.
You didn’t want to get your hopes up – after all he didn’t even live in the same country. This was nothing but a repeated one-night stand, right? You thought back to the conversation you had before falling asleep.
“Do you think there is a future for us?”
He caught you off guard with this question, making you panic to find the right words.
“That depends on how well you treat me, Eun Woo”, you mocked jokingly.
He broke into laughter, loving your sassy side.
“I will love the ground you walk on, my queen. How about that?”
You joined in on his laughter and turned to face him, staring into his beautiful eyes.
“Do you mean it?”
He nodded.
Did you really mean it, though?
Oh, good! Seoul has you back then 😉 Lying in bed and cuddling my plushie since you’re gone…
Did that sound stupid?
Your insecurities churned within you, suddenly you were hyper-aware of everything you said and did.
That’s it?
You felt sick to your stomach as you took that as confirmation. After all, you were right about him. He only used you for some fun during his trip. And now he’s back in his real life, in which you had no place in.
This was nothing but fun to him. Nothing but a repeated one-night stand.
What the fuck?
Barely awake you searched for your phone on your nightstand.
3:33 AM.
Who the fuck texts me at this hour?
You were instantly awake as you realized who it was.
Eun Woo.
I have no idea if you’re awake. You’re probably asleep. And I shouldn’t blow up your phone. But I can’t help myself.
Anxiety formed in your stomach.
What was that supposed to mean?
Are you okay?
It took him seconds to answer.
You’re awake? Did I wake you? I’m sorry.
You sat up in bed, anxiously typing your reply.
It’s alright. Why are you up? Everything okay?
You saw him type his reply for minutes, driving you crazy in your heightened state.
No. Nothing is okay. I can’t stop thinking about you.
You swore your heart skipped a beat.
Did I read that right?
I can’t stop thinking about you and it drives me crazy.
You gasped, trying to think of a reply.
You make it sound like it’s a bad thing…
Countless messages followed.
It is. Because you are not here with me. And I’m not there with you. I… I didn’t want to leave you this morning. I wanted to stay. With you, y/n. I really wanted to stay.
You pinched yourself, unsure if this was real.
Definitely real.
I know I sound crazy. Maybe I am. But I have fallen for you. HARD. The last hours I’ve thought about how I can manage to come back to your city. Or how I could persuade you to come visit me in Seoul. I almost popped a blood vessel thinking of ways. What did you do to me?
You chuckled. Relief washed over you, since he felt the same way you did.
I keep replaying last night over and over. How mesmerizing it felt to look into your beautiful eyes. How amazing it felt to kiss you. How mind-blowing it felt to be inside you. Oh god and speaking of blowing. The way your juicy lips wrapped around my cock? I’m losing my mind here, y/n. I’ve jerked off twice and still I couldn’t fall asleep. Or stop thinking about you. I’m a simp now, aren’t I? Look what you turned me into.
You were in shock.
Hours ago, you thought he would abandon you and go on with his life but here he was, confessing his desire for you. Making it obvious that he wants to continue this and get to know you better.
Now is the time to get my hopes up, right?
Do you want me to fly over?
You felt brave asking, believing in your chance at love for once.
Already checking flights, babe.
A broad smile formed on your lips.
I can’t believe this.
He is serious, isn’t he?
I can’t wait to be with you, y/n. I really fucking mean it. And that scares me the most.
You understood him perfectly, especially since the connection between you was so strong. This was nothing like you had ever encountered before. It scared you just as much, but you were willing to try.
Hey, uhm… Wanna be scared together?
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lxvemaze · 24 days
彡you just had to ruin it like that
pairing' moonbin x reader
genre' fluff, non idol au
wc' 3.5k
warnings' brothers best friend trope, mentions of drinking
song rec' somethin' stupid by frank sinatra
a/n' i feel very soft and squishy after writing this
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“You have got to be kidding me.”
Every year on New Year’s Eve, your family would go on a trip to stay at your grandparent’s beach house for the holiday. Even though you and your brother were now in university and living away from home, It was always your favorite few days of the year- a time where you, your parents, and your older brother could relax in peace. A time without any of your brothers annoying friends somehow finding a way to show up and ruin your peace and quiet.
“Come on, it’s his last holiday here before he goes to grad school overseas.”
Unfortunately this year, your brother had decided to invite his best friend, Moon Bin. You didn’t hate Bin. Quite the opposite, actually. You’d had a crush on him for nearly as long as you could remember. Him and your brother were two years older than you, and while you and your brother were practically best friends, Bin acted like it was his life’s personal mission to annoy the hell out of you every time you saw each other. After they graduated high school, he and your brother opted to go to a university together closer to home, while two years later, you went for one a few cities away. Your brother was a little bit hurt that you didn’t want to go to the same university as him, but to be honest, you just didn’t want to be around Bin.
“All the more reason for him to stay with his family.” The last thing you wanted at the moment was to be cooped up in a small secluded house next to the ocean with him. Honestly, you thought you’d gotten over your little crush on him when you first went off to university. You’d made your own friends, dated around, and started living your own life. But when your brother brought up bringing his closest friend on your vacation, your heart dropped into your stomach.
“Why are you being such a pill about this? I thought Bin was your favorite of my friends.” You and your brother were outside your house, putting your family’s various luggage in the back of your parents' minivan.
“Well, yeah. But that’s not really saying much. Besides, you kinda sprung this on me last minute.” You tossed your small suitcase into the trunk next to the bag of various sugary snacks and booze that your brother had packed, and your parents certainly hadn’t approved of.
“Dude, you’re acting like I invited your arch nemesis. You haven’t even seen him in like, almost three years. I mean, I know he used to pick on you a bit, but you were no better.” Your brother sat down on the edge of the trunk, pulling the hood of his sweatshirt over his head.
“Yeah, I know. I don’t know, maybe it’s just because we’ve never brought anyone else on this trip before.” You stuffed your hands in your pockets and sat down next to your brother.
“Well either way, he’ll be here any minute, and then we’ll be off.”
Your parents came out of the house, bundled up in thick coats and scarves to fend against the biting December air. As much as you loved your yearly trip to the beach, it was always so cold on the coast.
Your family were all gathered outside by the car as Bin pulled up in an Uber. He stepped out and grabbed his bag. Your mother cheered and rushed towards him, pulling him into a warm embrace, which he returned with a big smile. Your father patted Bin on the back as he approached the van. Your parents always treated him as their own. 
Your brother folded down the back row of seats so Bin could fit his luggage in with the rest of yours, and you internally groaned as you realized that the three of you would have to squish together in the middle seats. 
You all settled into the car and were on the highway, you squished between your brother and his giant of a best friend, headphones on, trying to ignore the fact that Bin’s knee was so close to your own, his leg was practically on top of yours.
After two painfully awkward (at least for you) hours in the car, you were finally pulling up to the beach house. You stepped outside of the car, taking your first deep breath in hours, the cold air almost painfully filling your lungs. You stared up at your grandparents house that you’ve spent every New Year’s of the past 20 years in, letting out a quiet laugh as you remembered all the mischief you and your brother used to get into during those days.
You walked around to the back of the van to grab your suitcase out of the trunk, only to find Bin standing there, holding it out for you, his backpack slung over one shoulder. You mumbled out a quiet “thanks” as you took the handle from him. The two of you started up towards the house, trailing behind your parents in an awkward silence. Bin turned his head towards you and started to open his mouth before your brother came barreling at you two from behind, slinging an arm over each of your shoulders.
“You two ready to get fucked up tonight?” He giggled, referring to the several bottles of alcohol that he had brought in his bag. You and Bin shared an amused glance before you ascended the long staircase up to the house, hoisting your suitcase up with you. You probably should’ve brought a backpack.
“I think I’ll pass.” You sighed as you lugged up the stairs. “I’ve got to finish a paper before I go back to campus in a few days.”
“You know, you’ve somehow gotten less fun since you started uni.” Your brother huffed. You rolled your eyes at him as you continued to struggle with your suitcase. Bin, seemingly tired of your huffing and puffing, wordlessly took the suitcase from your hands, leaving you dumbfounded as he and your brother continued up the stairs. You stared in shock at how easily Bin carried your heavy suitcase, and you came to the sudden realization that he looked much more broad than the last time you saw him.
You shook your head as if to clear it and rushed up the stairs to catch up to the two boys.
Once you’d all gotten settled into the house and claimed your bedrooms, you and your mother got started on dinner. You’d gotten started on chopping and peeling various vegetables for the stew your mom always made on New Years, when none other than Bin sidled up to you, leaning on the counter, observing your hands as they peeled a potato.
You glared at him through the corner of your eye as you continued peeling the potato in your hands. You could practically hear the smug look on his face as he leaned just a little closer. You sighed in frustration and set the potato and peeler down, turning to face Bin, who was smirking at you. “Can I help you?”
He rolled his eyes and poked you in the side, causing you to jump back a bit, which allowed him to stand where you were and take your place chopping and peeling vegetables.
“Just as annoying as I remember you.” You sighed and crossed your arms, leaning on the counter as Bin had done previously. You watched Bin as he chopped the now peeled potato, and you realized now that he’d rolled the sleeves of his sweater up, that your previous observation of him being broader than before had been nothing short of an understatement. He was ripped. You supposed your brother had been dragging Bin to the gym with him since they started university. You couldn’t take your eyes off his arms as they flexed while he chopped. You could see his muscles working, veins popping out, but his skin still looked so soft-
You glanced up at Bin’s face to see him looking down at you smugly. You quickly turned your head away from him so he wouldn’t see your reddening face. You heard him chuckle from behind you and the scraping of the knife as he discarded the potato peels into the trash.
“So…” You turned to face him again as he spoke, but you deliberately avoided looking at his arms. “It’s been a while. How’ve you been?”
“I’ve been alright. Living life, you know?”
He nodded as he started on a carrot, not before rolling up the sleeve of his sweater a little bit higher, causing you to glance down at it. You could see him smirk again.
“That’s good. You made many friends yet?”
“A few.”
“They haven’t figured out how annoying you are yet?”
You rolled your eyes and lightly smacked his bicep, which you regretted doing as soon as you felt how firm the muscle there was.
“Any boyfriends…or girlfriends?”
“...I’m focusing on my degree right now.”
Bin looked like he was about to say something before your mother stepped in and started fussing over him. 
“Now Binnie, why are you cutting those vegetables? You should be relaxing.”
“Just trying to help out, mom.”
You rolled your eyes when he referred to her as “mom”. You always hated when he did that, and he knew it, judging by the look he gave you after he said it. You walked away from the kitchen and towards the staircase that led upstairs, giving one more passing glare to Bin, who just gave you yet another smug grin as you walked past.
When you arrived in your room on the upper level of the house, you immediately walked towards your bed and flopped down face first into your pillow, once you did, you let out a muffled scream of frustration.
You really thought your crush on Bin was gone. You thought that you just had a crush on him because he was older, and taller, and more experienced. And you thought that now you yourself were older, taller, and more experienced, you would be unaffected by him. But clearly, you were wrong. Why did he have to get buff? Why did his face have to get more handsome? You might’ve just been seeing things, but you were pretty sure he’d gotten even taller since you’d last seen him.
You didn’t know how long you’d been wallowing over your crush, but soon enough, your already tipsy older brother burst into your room to tell you that dinner was ready.
Dinner itself was fairly uneventful, your brother drank nearly an entire bottle of wine, you kept your eyes firmly on your stew so you wouldn’t look up and make unintended eye contact with Bin, who was sat across from you. And of course, your parents fawned over Bin and praised him for going off to a prestigious foreign university for his graduate degree.
After dinner, you volunteered to do the dishes, and Bin immediately offered to help. You tried to decline, but with your mother praising him for how much of a nice young man he was, you figured it was a losing battle.
“So, no boyfriend?”
“Bin, that is the second time you’ve asked me.”
“Still no.”
Again, you could practically hear his smirk.
You resisted the urge to splash soapy water on him as you handed him another bowl to dry.
“You know,” he started as he put the bowl away in the cupboard, “you’re a lot different than I remember you.”
“How so?” You handed him another bowl.
“Well, you’re not as short, for one.”
This time, you did splash soapy water on him. Which was definitely a mistake, since after he was done swearing at you, he turned his back to you and removed his sweater, leaving him in just a white t-shirt, which appeared to be a little bit small for him as it hugged his back just enough for you to see the outline of the well-toned muscles.
You quickly averted your eyes as he turned back around, this time handing him a handful of spoons.
As soon as the two of you were done with the dishes, you wordlessly retreated to your room, passing by your parents and brother in the living room who were working on another bottle of wine while watching a movie on the TV.
Once you made it to your room, you took a deep breath and sat cross-legged on your bed, taking your laptop out of your bag and deciding to actually try to get to work on your paper. This proved to be a struggle, since every other word seemed to remind you of the tall handsome man downstairs.
You couldn’t tell how long you’d been staring at your computer screen, but when you heard a gentle knock on the door, you glanced at the clock on your screen which read “11:15 PM”.
You groaned as you stood up from the bed, stretching your stiff limbs before opening the door.
You were taken aback when you saw Bin standing there, wearing a puffy jacket and holding a beer in each hand.
“Come on, we’re gonna go for a walk.”
You stared at him incredulously for a second. “That…sounds like a threat?”
He rolled his eyes, handed you one of the beers, and gestured for you to follow him downstairs. You hesitated for a second, looking back at the laptop on your bed before sighing and following.
You glanced into the living room as you walked past, and saw your brother passed out on the couch, leaning on your dad’s shoulder as he and your mom watched the TV.
Bin waited patiently by the front door for you as you put on your boots, coat, and scarf. As soon as you were done, he opened the door and wordlessly gestured for you to go out.
The walk to the beach was short, but silent. You wondered what was going through Bin’s mind as the two of you walked along the sand. Even with the loud crashing waves of the ocean beside you, your mind was anything but quiet. You found yourself staring at Bin’s face as you walked beside him. His jawline had gotten sharper, you noticed, and he definitely was a bit taller.
“You’ve been staring at me all night, you know.”
You paused and quickly looked down at your sand-covered boots. “No, I haven’t.” You lamely lied, immediately cringing at yourself.
You heard him chuckle beside you as the two of you continued on.
Eventually, Bin stopped walking. The two of you were far enough down the beach for the lights of the beach house to be a small speckle in the distance, and the small town down the highway just close enough to where you could see the lights on the boardwalk.
“So…” Bin opened his beer, “no boyfriend.”
You rolled your eyes so hard you could’ve sworn you felt them stick for a second. “For the third and final time, Bin; no. I do not have a boyfriend. You can stop judging me.” You opened your beer and took a long sip. You had a feeling you were going to need it.
“Okay, well, that one wasn’t a question. It was a statement. And for your information, I’m not judging you. I don’t have a girlfriend, either.”
You felt your heart jump at that, but you shook your head in false pity. “Why not? Haven’t found a girl willing to put up with you yet?”
He scoffed and took a sip of his beer, shaking his head.
“Nah, I just haven’t found one I really want to be with.”
“Well, what type of girl do you want to be with?”
“You tell me what type of guy you want to be with, and I’ll tell you what type of girl I want to be with.”
You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath, not sure if you were willing to play this game. And yet, you did. “I just want a guy who’s not a total dickhead to me. Someone my family likes, someone my friends like, someone who’ll give me space to breathe, and encourages me to complete my education and have my own career.”
You looked up at Bin, expecting him to be smugly smirking down at you as he typically did, but instead, he was looking at you softly, almost warmly.
“What about you?” You quickly asked in a lame attempt to ease the tension.
He huffed out a laugh, taking another sip. “I don’t know. Maybe someone who I’ve known for a while. I don’t like the idea of getting into a relationship with someone I don’t know well.”
You took a sip in an attempt to conceal the rising blush on your face.
“And maybe…someone I can poke fun at. Not in a mean way, you know? Just someone I can joke around with.”
You could feel his eyes on you, and you were hoping it was dark enough so he couldn’t see how red your face had gotten.
“It’s almost midnight.” You said, looking up at the sky to see if you could spot any distant fireworks.
Bin didn’t say anything, but you could still feel his eyes were fixated on you. You took a deep breath and looked up at him, meeting his eyes. You couldn’t describe the look on his face if you tried. He’d never looked at you like that before. No one had ever looked at you like that before.
“What?” You asked softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
Still, he said nothing, but you jumped in place as you felt his hand slip into yours, entwining your fingers.
“Your hands are cold.” He breathed out, his eyes not leaving yours.
“Yeah, well, it’s cold out.” You couldn’t break the eye contact.
The two of you stood in silence for what felt like an hour. You couldn’t decipher the look on his face, but every now and again, his eyes would flit down to a lower spot on your face. The vague question of why he would be looking at your nose flowed through your mind before the two of you were startled by a loud bang.
The two of you looked over towards the town, and saw fireworks lighting up the sky.
You looked back up at him, his eyes finding yours a moment later.
“Happy new year.”
He gave you a small smile before looking down at his feet. “You know, there’s this tradition that people do at midnight on new years.I don’t know if you’ve heard of it.”
Your heart started beating faster. “I think I know what you’re talking about.”
You held your breath as Bin’s hand left yours and moved up to your cheek. You saw his eyes scanning your face for a moment before slowly leaning in. You closed your eyes, expecting to feel his lips on yours, but he stopped. You could feel his warm breath on your face, and you opened your eyes to see him looking down at you hesitantly.
You breathed out before taking in another deep breath and bringing your hand to the back of his neck, pulling him down the rest of the way.
Your stomach fluttered in a way that you’d never felt before. You wrapped your other arm around Bin, prompting him to do the same. You’d kissed your fair share of men, even a few girls, but none of them had made you feel the way that Bin was making you feel. You felt like your heart was about to burst out of your chest the way it does in cartoons. You two could have been standing there wrapped in each other for hours, and neither of you would have noticed. You could only think of each other, you could only feel each other.
Eventually, the two of you pulled away for breath. You made eye contact for a split second before you turned your eyes downward, feeling your face heat up again at the way he looked at you. He chuckled at your embarrassment and pulled you closer to him, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“You know,” he started, voice muffled as he pressed his face into your neck, “I think I love you.”
You held in the giddy giggle that threatened to escape, and instead pressed your face into his shoulder. “Well, I know I love you. I have for a long time.”
Bin pulled away from your neck, prompting you to look up at him. He looked down at you, giving you another smug grin. He let out a teasing “ooh”, giggling as you hid your face in your hands.
“You just had to ruin it like that.” You groaned. Bin giggled again, pulling your hands away from your face and leaning down to give a gentle peck to your nose.
“You know I love you.”
“I do now.”
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neomujinjja · 2 months
Slow Dancing
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"Let's skip," your partner said as they stepped into the kitchen. You hummed in thought before voicing your agreement. While it was a small shame since the both of you were already dressed up but in reality, you were more than happy to stay home.
"Imma go change then."
"Wait," they said, stopping you from exiting the open space. You watched as they fiddled with their phone before soft music came through the speakers. You raised an eyebrow in amusement, barely able to hide the smile growing on your face. Your partner pulled you in close by your waist and the two of you began swaying. "We can just have our own private party; it'd be a pity to change when you look so good tonight." Heat rushed to your cheeks, they could be such a sap. You decided to say nothing in response, instead lessening the small space between you guys. Staring at them with stars in your eyes as you knew you might be the luckiest person alive to be with them.
Taesan of BoyNextDoor, Juyeon of The Boyz, Minho & Felix of Stray Kids, Jaehyun & Hendery of NCT, Jongho of Ateez, Cha Eunwoo of Astro, Woodz, Kihyun of Monsta X, Yugyeom, Suho of EXO
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kcake555 · 29 days
Cha Eunwoo cake 🍰
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO) - Ideal Partner Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck: Mythic Goddess Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Lee Dong Min
Stage Name: Cha Eunwoo
Group: ASTRO
DOB: 30.03.1997
Sun Sign: Aries
Chinese Sign: Fire Ox
Life Path Number: 5
Masterpost: Astro
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
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Lee Dong Min
Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO)
Deck: Mythic Goddess Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Body - XVIII The Moon (Selene - Illusion)
Eunwoo’s significant other shouldn’t be taken at face value. They might seem plain or even invisible but they possess great intuition. They literally flow through life and simply bypass difficulties or obstacles on their way. Their voice might be quiet, deep, and nearly hypnotic. Their eyes are usually veiled as they often introspect. Maybe they don’t talk often but when they do, it turns out to be true. Their intuition is more accurate than other people’s certainty, therefore they are considered to be very wise and perceptive.
Heart - 8 of Swords (Restriction)
While Eunwoo’s ideal partner’s intuition is casting the light on their way, they might feel trapped at heart. They might feel like others simply don’t understand them, and can't keep up with the flow of their thoughts. And it’s possibly true, as this person is likely highly intelligent and probably prefers to observe others and study them then to actually socialise. They might seem to be standing outside all the social circles, watching calmly and staying out of the drama.
Spirit - 5 of Wands (Conflict)
Seemingly calm and untouchable, Eunwoo’s destined lover is likely battling themselves deep inside. They might feel torn between the desire to stay above things and the need to actually share their ideas and thoughts with others. They genuinely believe they could make the world a better place, if only all those people quieted for a little bit and listened to what they had to say. Eunwoo’s ideal partner likes to stick to the facts and prefers to solve issues with a cool head while people around them are loud and easily give in to their emotions, which can feel frustrating and chaotic.
Soul - 3 of Cups (Friendship)
Deep down in their soul, Eunwoo’s special person is a warm and friendly creature. They might not know how exactly to express it, they might feel and act awkward when they try to show affection, but they truly care. They have a kind heart, good sense of humour and they actually love to smile and laugh. Only need someone to find someone who will actually make the effort to approach them and make them chuckle. Once they are close to someone, they become so adorable and playful.
Time - Ace of Cups (Tenderness)
It is possible Eunwoo already knows or met his perfect match. They might have become friends. However, Eunwoo will never consider them anything more until they overcome the natural shyness and show their more tender and loving side to him. It might come as a pleasant shock to Eunwoo to suddenly realise that the person he always considered to be reliable and wise, is also attractive in a different way. Once he makes this discovery, there’s no way back, though. Falling in love is inevitable and fatal.
Place - 6 of Wands (Triumph)
If Eunwoo decides to share a home with his special person, it’s gonna be a success on all fronts. They simply click, they create an inspiring and warm home full of fun, love and laughter. They might even incite a bit of envy in others as Eunwoo and his lover become stronger and more powerful when they are together.
Zodiac Sign - /
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slytherinshua · 2 years
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre and tags: fluff. mention of food (cupcakes and icing.) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: kisses. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: eunwoo x reader. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ wc: 932.
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You had just taken strawberry cupcakes out of the oven, when you heard the door open and Eunwoo step through it. He hung his coat, took off his shoes, ran a hand through his hair, and quickly stepped into the kitchen once his nose picked up on the sweet smell. 
You smiled, placing the oven mitts aside, and going to hug him. His attention was on you while the hug lasted, but as soon as you stepped aside, he walked over to the cooling rack where the bare cupcakes were placed.
“Those look yummy-”
“Don’t even try it. I haven’t even iced them yet.” You stopped him.
“But-” His hand went to grab one, and you quickly slapped it away.
“Get your hands off my cupcakes.” You brandished a whisk like a weapon, threatening your boyfriend. He giggled, backing away.
“But I'll get some once you're done, right?” He asked, leaning against the counter and watching you get out the ingredients to make icing.
“Nope, I made them for Bin, not for you.” You lied, keeping a straight face and grabbing a measuring spoon. The look of betrayal on Eunwoo’s face was priceless as he believed your words in an instant.
You burst out laughing, walking over to him. “Of course you get some once I’m done.” You smiled, “They’re for you, not for Bin. You’ve been working hard lately, so I thought you could use something sweet.”
He was smiling by now, and you reached up to boop his nose, finding him exceptionally cute in the moment. “Plus, how could I resist a face like yours?” You smiled, making him laugh.
“You can have as many as you’d like, but wait until I’m finished with them.” You told him, going back to the stovetop where you were melting sugar to make a syrup for the icing.
“Do you need help?” He asked, coming up beside you and peering into the small pan.
“By ‘help’ do you mean ‘handsome distraction’?” You asked, mixing the sugar. “With a face like yours, I’ll just end up forgetting about the cupcakes altogether.”
“Really?” He asked, a mischievous expression growing on his face. “Am I that distracting?” He whispered in your ear, knowing exactly what his affect on you was.
Your cheeks brightened, “I’m gonna burn the sugar, go away…” You muttered.
He sighed, “Okay… I don’t want you to blame me for ruining the cupcakes.” He kissed your blushing cheek, “I’ll go now.” Flashing you a cute smile, he walked out of the kitchen, and you exhaled.
Your hand went up to your cheek, feeling how hot it had become. “Eunwoo, why do you affect me this much…?” You shook off your flustered feeling, going back to mixing up the icing.
You were just starting to ice the cupcakes, making pretty swirl designs and roses out of icing, when Eunwoo walked into the kitchen again. You looked up, watching him inch towards you as if he was trying to be subtle.
“I know I said that I would leave, but…” He started, coming up next to you, “I missed you.” He pouted.
You smiled, taking his wrists and wrapping them around your waist, as you could see he wanted to hug you, but also didn’t want to distract you again.
“I’m just icing the cupcakes, it doesn’t take much concentration. There’s no sugar that I could burn if I’m not careful.” You explained, your words encouraging him to hug you tighter. “So, you can stay.”
He rested his head on your shoulder, watching your hands intently as they iced one cupcake after another.
“Can I try?” He asked.
“Sure, if you want to.” You handed him the piping bag and instructed him on how to use it properly.
“Put pressure from the top of the bag, or it won’t come out as easily. And make sure it’s twisted around several times or you might make a mess.” You explained to him, before giving him a cupcake.
He hovered over the cupcake with the piping bag nervously, before starting to ice it. He tried to copy one of your pretty swirls, but ended up with an uneven blob.
“I thought it would be easy-” He said, staring at his creation with confusion on how he managed to mess up that bad.
You laughed looking at his cupcake, “Here, I’ll demonstrate.” You took the bag back from him, twisting it again and holding it above a cupcake. You applied even pressure, squeezing the icing out, and creating a perfect swirl of icing. “Like that.”
Eunwoo tilted his head, “That doesn’t-” He took back the bag from you, and grabbed another cupcake. He did a bit better this time, but the results were still clearly lacking compared to yours.
You giggled at his stumped face. “You’ll get better eventually. It just takes some practice.” You finished the last cupcake quickly, handing it over to Eunwoo to try once it had been adorned with icing. He took a bite, smiling once he tasted it.
“Is it good?”
“It’s really tasty, baby. How many of these did you make-”
You laughed, “Are they that good?”
He nodded quickly, laughing afterwards, “Can you bake for me more often?”
“That might take some convincing…”
“Like what?” He asked, finishing the cupcake.
“A kiss?”
“I think I might be able to manage that.” He mused, pulling you closer. He kissed you, and you could taste the sweet strawberry flavour from the cupcakes on his lips, making you smile. 
“Was that convincing enough?” Eunwoo asked against your lips, and you nodded.
“You’re very convincing.”
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ astro taglist: @yeonjuns-bluehair,, @hannahsophie0103
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17caratssi · 2 years
Promise you won't tell him? ; Cha Eunwoo
Imagine being married to your colleague, Lee Dongmin, after having a crush on him for a whole year. He was your first so it was quite obvious that you do have not much experience in confessing. Even after a month into the marriage, you never said that you like him like crazy until you got drunk on one of the nights at the company dinner.
"My husband is very handsome and.. and sweet," you mumbled. Your head already leaning against your husband.
"I know this won't make sense since I fall in love first and we got married but I never tell him any of this,"
"I just think he's wonderful. Haha, I just told you a secret, don't tell him. Promise?"
Lee Dongmin fixed his jacket around your shoulder as he listened. At the end of your confession, he chuckled and replied gently, "I promise,"
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If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here !
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prettywordsyouleft · 2 years
The Fall
Pairing: Cha Eunwoo x female reader
Genre: demon x saint au / romance / fluff
Warnings: none
Author’s Note: once again, I’ve returned to the world of The Ledger of Hearts. This was a story many have waited for. I hope you enjoy it.
Word count: 669
The Ledger of Hearts | Peace and Chaos | The Fall
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You were falling. Alone.
Wheezing out a laugh, you were impressed that Eunwoo had lured you into this descent. You had always been one for a dare, and when he had suggested you both jump off the bridge that connected the portals to heaven and hell, you had only done it because he was at your side.
Clever saint.
It was hard to see where you were going exactly. Time was irrelevant, but you could tell that the longer you fell, the faster you went. You were burning through realms, bursting through one indistinguishable scenery into another, the briefest amount of pain shredding through you at each interval. It seemed as if you would keep falling forever.
A just punishment for a demon who wished for more than your stack.
And then, he was in front of you. Or beneath you. His warm eyes caught yours, wide and frightened, yes, but also full of determination after finding you again. You attempted to smile, and you were certain the tears in your eyes weren’t just from the speed you were both descending at. Reaching out for him, you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, burying your head into his neck.
Eunwoo was panting, the strain on his body beneath yours evident. Still, you clung to him, legs wrapped around his waist and arms folded over the other. If you were to fall for eternity, at least you would be together.
An unfurling happened around you, and with a strength you shouldn’t possess now, you pulled back a fraction to see shimmering white wings spread out wide, attempting to slow your fall. You gasped when you realised it was working, and yet, feathers were loosening and flying by your face in clumps.
“Your wings!” you cried in horror, Eunwoo’s jaw clamped tightly against the strain. You hadn’t known that saints could have wings. Perhaps his position above had been more powerful than you had assumed.
Delving inside, you pushed out your remaining magic, not being sure why you hadn’t thought to do something aside from fall at such a grand pace before. Curls of darkness caressed what remained of his almost bare wings, protecting them from further damage.
He smiled with relief, relaxing his jaw a little as his hand rose to meet the side of your face. “You were scared, little hellion.”
“Of course. I couldn’t see you.”
“We chose this together,” he reminded, and you nodded, nuzzling his hand. You barely had a moment more before you crashed into the unknown, the very life being knocked out of you.
For uncounted moments, you considered your death had arrived. You could see nor hear anything, and Eunwoo’s warmth was gone from your embrace. Whilst you felt no pain, you assumed you must have broken entirely upon impact.
Blinking slowly, the haze of the world around you began to clear. You were in a mortal land, though you weren’t sure where. Hesitantly lifting your hands to your face, you noticed your skin was no longer luminous, your fingernails now painted and round instead of claws. Pulling yourself up off the ground, you tried to understand what had happened.
“Are you alright?” a familiar voice asked, and when you turned around, you stared at the man before you.
Gone were the wings, the heavenly glow. The man before you was simply that. No longer a saint, for he had officially fallen from piety. And a demon such as you? Had you been given some level of grace?
Eunwoo shifted forward, uncaring of the people that stepped around you in this strange metropolitan. “We dared to dream for more than peace and chaos, my love. Are you happy with our choice?”
“We’re now mortal.”
“It appears so.”
“We answer to no one but ourselves,” you continued, and Eunwoo sighed, giving a slight look to the heavens above. You chuckled. “I will not follow His lead.”
“No, but will you follow mine?”
Leaning in to kiss him, you smiled against his lips. “Always.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[ASTRO Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] 
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
The winding line shuffles forward up the stairs. Everyone inches forward as another person’s excited screams fill the tube of the slide above you. The sun beats down on your head in a feeble attempt to drain your energy but you refuse to let the evil rays ruin your outing. The line for this particular slide may be excruciatingly horrific but everyone who has ridden it sings its praises. There’s no way you're missing out on this one.
Swatting your hand back and forth to stimulate a fake breeze, you look around. People are laughing and chatting with their friends, hurrying to and fro from one slide or another, oblivious to your plight. They haven’t a care in the world. Scrunching up your face, you tap your foot while leaning back and forth, letting out a long sigh. You’d left your friends at the lazy river for this.
A small ‘ahem’ comes from behind you and if you had been talking or even just swallowing you may not have heard it. Turning towards the guy behind you with a raised brow, you inhale sharply as your eyes wander over him, taking him in. His black swim shorts match his swept back hair that reveals a gorgeous face beneath. He is showstopping stunning. Perfect features and bone structure that could make any woman swoon. He’s tall, thin, but also toned and all you can think about is what his face would look like between your legs.
He motions behind you with a small smile and you realise the line has shifted. Apologising, you close the gap with four large steps, surprised no one else said anything and glad you weren’t yelled at. Even so, heat spreads across your cheeks.
A few minutes later a commotion erupts behind you and before you can turn to see what’s happening you’re slammed up against the person in front of you. Everyone is tangled together in an angry mess for a few moments before the back of the line calms down. The gorgeous guy behind you apologises. Everyone is shouting but all you can hear is your heartbeat as his hands find their way to your hips.
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mykoreanlove · 5 months
Unraveling fate
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It is said that humans live a blissful life as souls up in the sky before they decide to incarnate onto the earthly realms. 
Up there everything is effortless and sweet, so perfect that we couldn’t ever imagine it properly. Yet, they decide to give up their eden perfection to come down to earth. Why you may ask?
Because they get bored. Too much of anything is deadly, even if it’s something as precious as blissful love. 
Hence, they make plans to come down to earth in order to play. Some souls are rather boring, whereas other souls are quite dramatic - making up a full play for them to enjoy. They look for other souls to play their part - mothers, fathers, villains or lovers. 
„You’re gonna do this to me and I’m gonna do that to you and we may hate each other for a while but in the end it will be all so sweet“, they giggle while making plots. What they don’t know though is that once their souls incarnate back to earth, they will forget everything they once knew - scheming plans included. 
The states of feeling mighty and powerful get replaced with vulnerability and insecurity, divinity in exchange for humanity.
A deep sigh escaped Eun Woo’s lips as he watched you cry into your pillows for the fifth time this week. 
„What’s wrong?“, his friend asked concerned.
„It’s y/n.“, he answered flatly.
„What about her?“
Eun Woo turned around and mustered his friend, thinking of the right words to predict his dilemma.
„Do you remember when she used to be with us up here?“
His friend nodded silently.
„Back then we made the perfect plan. We created our own drama, so to say.“
„What was it about?“
Flashbacks of those times entered his mind, filling his heart with a deep longing.
„Are you really sure, y/n?“, Eun Woo whispered while placing delicate kisses on your neck.
„Yes. I want to do it like that this time.“, you nodded enthusiastically.
„My love. Let’s go through the plan once more, then.“
„I will incarnate onto earth and live a miserable life. I will fail in love over and over until I can’t take it anymore. I want to discover love as a fragile, little human. I want to understand their pain and their agony. I want to be miserable, utterly miserable. I want to build my own hell and I want to understand how I’m doing it… And then, once I’m ready, then you show up, BOOM, the love of my life - in heaven and on earth and you rescue me from my deep despair and then we can be..“
„Happy.“, he interrupted. 
A big smile formed on your face. 
„Yes. Happy.“
„So, why are you so sad then? The plan seems solid.“, Eun Woo’s friend remarked.
„Somehow it’s not. She did fail in love. A lot of times. But somehow she can’t get past that stage..“, Eun Woo explained.
„How can that happen? Isn’t it written in the stars, like destiny?“
„It should be, yes.“
Both stayed silent for a while and thought about ways to resolve this. 
„Can’t you just swoop in and rescue her?“
He shook his head sadly. 
„Why not?“
„Because she wouldn’t let me.“
„Let you? Aren’t you like… her soulmate?“, his friend asked confused.
„I am. And because of that I will always find my way back to her, heaven or earth, doesn’t really matter. But she’s not ready for me, yet.“
„How can you tell?“
Eun Woo walked over to the shelf where he was keeping his collection of your play. Each act carefully documented, each act waiting for its grand finale. He came back with a heavy book, searching for the right pages.
„Do you know when souls finally find each other?“, Eun Woo asked.
„No idea.“, his friend remarked.
„It’s when they’re ready for one another. Now tell me - do you think this sounds ready?“, he asked as he pushed the book over to his friend.
It’s official - I am unlovable. Seems like everybody and their mother can find the love of their lives but not me. I’m not meant for love. I’m meant for heartbreak. Because that’s what men do - break your heart. First, they use me for sex and then they dispose me like a tissue. Reject me. Abandon me. Block me.
Relationships suck. Love sucks. This is too hard and it always ends in pain. Fuck this shit, I’m going to die alone. Because apparently nobody wants to be with me. Or get to know me. I’m just not someone you fall in love with.
„Yikes“, Eun Woo’s friend flinched. „Gotta give it to her - she does sound like a real human though.“, he drily remarked.
Eun Woo rolled his eyes in frustration. This shit was eating him up.
Even if he descended onto earth now and forgot about all your pain, he would never be able to get through to you. 
„Men really did a number on her, huh?“, his friend asked. 
„It’s what she wanted. Some drama to enjoy our love more. And drama she got…“, he explained sadly.
„So what are you going to do?“
Eun Woo averted his gaze back onto you, watching you from above as you cried and cried and cried. 
„Waiting for a miracle, I guess.“
„Aren’t you tired of waiting?“
„What else am I supposed to do?“, he snapped.
„The plan is already rigged, you said so yourself. Can’t you use that to your advantage and rig it further?“, his friend proposed.
Eun Woo thought for a second - could he really do that? Go against fate like that? 
Your sobs made his stomach churn once again, he had to act, no matter the consequences.
„Come with me“, he demanded as he left the room.
„Where are we going?“, his friend called after him.
„Rigging the fucking plan.“ 
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
Misc. groups
After school
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How they are with first gf
Gf! Nana
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Long night
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Fem! Crush coming out
4 minute
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S.o is a scorpio
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Soulmate au
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Jealousy is poison
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S.o using chopsticks for the first time
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Jealous winner
Not enough?
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S.o is a Scorpio
S.o is a leo
Nine percent
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Making s.o feel better
They pass out during practice and you find out
Stood up by crush
Cai Xukun
Let’s meet in the garden
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Gf kisses them first
Hearing their s.o’s morning voice
Crush has the same patronus as them
Cuddling with their s.o for the first time
girlfriend d.ana
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S.o is clumsy
Bf wearing feminine clothes
S.o falls asleep on their lap
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S.o shows up at fan meet
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Gf bites their neck
Crush lays their head on their lap
How B1A4 would kiss
How they are on dates
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Newly weds
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Bf! Minhyuk
Almost family
Weki Meki
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Gf! Doyeon
Single mom Au
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Bf throwing them over their shoulder
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Soulmate au
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Madly in love
Gf! Bona
Big bang
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S.o has a different religion
As types of jealous
Loving boyfriend
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leehestia · 2 years
Jealousy // sanha x reader ft. eunwoo
Pairing: sanha x reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Synopsis: Sanha denies his love for Y/N, but later on realizes it through jealousy.
Warnings: jealousy, insecurity, swearing (?), dorm era
Authors note: THSI WAS REQUESTED BUT I TOTALLY LOST THE REQUEST OMG IM SO SORRY 💀 I am a dumbass and it was my first request so i didnt know how to work it🧍‍♀️
Authors note (2): i know sanha and eunwoo love each other very much and we don't know whats going on in their lives, so i just wanted to yet yall know that its not completely accurate, and that sanha may or may not be feeling this feeling towards eunwoo, but we don't know 🤷‍♀️
"Of course they'd hang out, they're both perfect." Sanha sighed through the phone call. "I know. But we can't do anything about it. We can't just force them to stop just for your sake." Moonbin answered. "It's just really annoying. The way Eunwoo just does everything with her these days." Sanha groaned. "Wait, don't tell me..." "What?" "Do you seriously like Y/N?" "Of course I do, she's my friend." Sanha said, confused. "No, you dumbass. As a woman." Moonbin remarked. "Oh- well I- I never really thought about it." Sanha blushed. Moonbin paused for a moment with a chuckle, "Okay then... I guess not." Moonbin shruged. "H-hyung, I'll get going, someone else is calling and it's really important... Bye!" Sanha excused
He sighed with his heart furiously beating in his chest. Liked you as a woman? Couldn't be true.
Suddenly, Sanha heard the doorbell ring. He went to open the door only to see you.
"Oh, Sanha." You smiled. "Y/N..." Sanha said with nervous excitement. "May I ask where Eunwoo is?" You said. Sanha paused, an awkward smile forming on his face as he avoids eye contact. "He's just in his room." Sanha answered before giving space for you to come in. "Thanks..." You said with a soft laugh before coming in and removing your shoes. You hung your scarf and coat on the rack, before walking towards Eunwoo's room.
Sanha just watched you by the door, looking at you with a pout. He then later closed the door and walked to his room with a sigh. He lied on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He kept hearing giggles and laughter from outside his room, your voice of fun annoying him. Sanha groaned, taking his earphones from the bedside table and plugging it into his phone, playing music. He put it on the loudest volume, and closing his eyes to fall a sleep.
But he couldn't sleep.
Whenever his eyes close, his brain is plastered with an image of you. Whenever love songs play, he imagines you and him as each lyric. It annoyed him like hell. He wanted to throw his phone on a wall. He took his earphones out, stepping out of his bed as he went outside.
There, he saw you and Eunwoo. You and Eunwoo’s perfect faces in the kitchen, sitting on the counter chairs while eating. "God, please get a room." Sanha said with an eye roll as he walked towards the kitchen. You only laughed, looking at Sanha's annoyed expression. Sanha went straight to the fridge, looking at it. He immediately took the iced coffee, closing the fridge. “Ya… what’s that in your hand?” You asked, eyeing the iced coffee. Sanha looked, and started laughing awkwardly. “You hate coffee…” Eunwoo said. “I grabbed the wrong one.” Sanha said, before going back to the fridge and putting it back, getting the banana juice. “That’s Moonbin’s.” Eunwoo pointed at the banana juice. “Oh.” Sanha put back the juice and properly looked at the fridge this time. He sighed, taking the strawberry juice. “Have fun guys.” Sanha said in a sarcastic tone, going back to his room. “What’s wrong with him?“ You asked, looking at Eunwoo. Eunwoo looked back at you with a shrug, “22 year old hormones I guess…” You gave Eunwoo a chuckle.
Sanha silently screamed into a pillow as he kicked his bed. Sanha reached for the strawberry juice on his bedside table and finished it in one go. He crumpled the box with furrowed eyebrows, and threw it in the trash can like a basketball. “SCORE!” He shouted. Realizing what he just done, he put a hand on his mouth. He sighed, and continued to scream into his pillow. “What are you doing…” Minhyuk, his roommate walked it. “Rocky hyung!” Sanha whined, kicking. “You’re like a baby, Sanha. What happened now?” Minhyuk sat beside Sanha. “I don’t want to admit it, but I’m starting to get annoyed with Eunwoo and Y/N.” Sanha pouted. Minhyuk raised an eyebrow, then suddenly gasped, “You’re jealous!” He said, pointing at Sanha. “No, why would I be?” Sanha questioned. “Because no one gives a shit about them, it’s just you. Moonbin told me about your little stutters during the phone call.” Minhyuk teased. “I did not stutter! It probably lagged!” Sanha defended. “Ey… That’s obviously jealousy, Sanha.” Minhyuk crossed his arms. “It’s not!” “Then go take a jealousy quiz to see if you are!” Minhyuk suggested. “That’s stupid.” Sanha said. “Just take it, I’m telling you, you’re so obviously jealous!”
3 minutes later, Sanha finished taking the quiz, “IM JEALOUS?” Sanha choked. “I knew it!” Minhyuk laughed. “Yah, do you like Y/N? I mean as a woman by the way.” “No!” Sanha exclaimed. “Weh… Take another quiz!” Minhyuk instructed. “What? No-“ “Take it.” Minhyuk furrowed his eyebrows.
3 minutes later once more, “WHAT? THATS NOT TRUE! THIS QUIZ CANNOT DEFINE MY FEELINGS!” Sanha shouted, pointing at his phone that he just threw on the floor. Minhyuk cackled, finding joy in Sanha’s denial. “That’s just a stupid quiz hyung! I don’t like her!” “Then you love her~” Minhyuk laughed, receiving a hit on the arm by Sanha. “Yah, let’s go test it out.” Minhyuk said, excited. He pushed Sanha out of their room and into the kitchen.
There, they both saw you and Eunwoo still eating. “Oh, Y/N, Eunwoo!” Minhyuk called out, still pushing Sanha towards the both of you. “Oh, Minhyuk. Do you want to join us?” You asked, making Eunwoo look at you confused. “Of course!” Minhyuk laughed, placing Sanha to sit beside you, then him sitting beside Eunwoo. “What were you guys talking about?” Eunwoo suddenly asked.
“Why’d you ask?” Sanha answered back. “I heard you shouting “That’s not true this quiz cannot define my feelings!”” Eunwoo mimicked Sanha with a laugh, causing Sanha to glare at him. “It’s just nothing, Rocky hyung forced me to take some personality quiz.” Sanha half-lied. It was true that the quiz was about his personality and feelings, but he left something very important about that quiz. It was about his feelings towards you. “Well I guess that personality quiz showed something you never knew about yourself.” You laughed, making Sanha blush. “Oh- Y-yeah I guess…”
“See you next next week guys!” Eunwoo waved. Eunwoo was going to a fashion event for two weeks in Paris, and it joyed Sanha. He wouldn’t have to see Y/N and him flirting in the kitchen or living room for two weeks. Two weeks! He was so happy that he even gave Eunwoo a goodbye gift like he would never come back.
“Thanks again Sanha for the gift, see you!” Eunwoo cupped Sanha’s cheeks, squishing them. “Okay, okay, bye bye!” Sanha grinned. Eunwoo left, shutting the door. Jinwoo clasped his hands, turning back to his room. The rest of the members did the same, except Sanha. He stood infront of the door, a big grin still on his face.
No Y/N! No Eunwoo! No flirting! No teasing! The best idea for Sanha.
The doorbell rang, and Sanha being infront of the door, he opened it.
"Sanha!" "Y/N?" Sanha said, shocked. "Why are you here? I thought you knew Eunwoo left." Sanha asked. "I know Eunwoo left, but he's not my only friend here." You smiled. "Okay..." Sanha said, awkward, "Come in... I guess..."
You gave him a smile and went in, hanging your coat and removing your shoes. "Where are your members?" You asked, going straight to the kitchen. "They're in their room." Sanha answered, following behind her.
"Well then, I'm sure they wouldn't want to be disturbed. Let's eat! Just the two of us." You smiled widely. Just the two of us. Just the two of us?! Sanha smiled back, but it was totally awkward.
"Well, what do you guys have?" You asked, opening the fridge. "Not much, we don't really stay here that much, as you know. We have rameyon though." Sanha answered. "That'll do!" You giggled. "Where is it? Is it here?" You said, trying to reach for the highest shelf. Sanha sighed, seeing you struggle.
He walked up to you, holding your shoulder for support as he reached for the rameyon. You blushed as his chest was pressed to your back, his hand shifting from your shoulder to your waist. "What kind of stupid ass would put this at the back of the shelf..." Sanha complained, finally taking ahold of the rameyon. He turned and walked to the stove, leaving you red and sheepish. "You're so young yet so tall..." You complimented to boost your self-confidence about how 'you're not short and that he's just tall'. You're neck almost gets dislocated everytime you see Sanha.
He chuckled at your compliment, starting the electric stove and adding water. You both gawkily leaned on the counter while waiting for the water to boil a little. A few minutes later, Sanha pushed himself off the counter, going to the stove to add the noodles. He stirred them around a bit, before going back beside you to lean awkwardly again. What a pain.
"What made you hang out with Eunwoo a lot these days?" Sanha asked out of the blue. You were not ready for that question. "Well, I haven't really thought about it. Do you usually need a reason to hang out with someone?" You answered with a shrug. "No, not really. Just asking." Sanha scratched his nape. He gulped for a moment, before continuing, "It's just that... you know, it used to be... us, usually..." Sanha pressed his lips together. "Oh"
There it was again. Awkwardness.
"I mean, I'm not saying you should choose me over Eunwoo, I'm just wondering that- well- I-" Sanha didn't know what to say, he just... gave up and sighed, going back to the stove to stir the noodles. He stirred for a moment, then stopping. "Do you... like me?" Sanha said, placing the fork down. "Of course I do." You answered hesitantly, not knowing what he meant. “What?” You paused for a little, analyzing what he just said. "Oh, well- Sanha I- I'm- uh- washroom." You stuttered, running away. Sanha looked back as he saw you running into the washroom. He softly smiled and giggled as opened the rameyon powder and poured it in.
Pure silence was the loudest thing that was going on. Pure silence.
You didn't feel like eating, as you just stared at the red soup that drowned the noodles. "Eat, Y/N." Sanha said, mouth full of noodles. You looked at Sanha who was currently sitting across you, and sighed as you gave him a nod, picking up the chopsticks.
"Sanha, would we still be friends if I was a worm?" You asked, dipping your spoon into the soup. "Sure, I guess." Sanha said. "What if I dated Eunwoo, would we still be friends?" You said abruptly.
Sanha just stared at you, his cheeks puffed and red from the spice of the noodles, and maybe because of your question. "Of course I would.” Sanha said in a low voice, stuffing himself with noodles. "But why?” You continued to question him. “Isn’t it obvious? Why would your relationship with Eunwoo affect ours?” You closed your eyes before replying, "I see.” Sanha's eyebrows were furrowed this time, his expression slowly changing. You looked up at him to see his expression of antipathy to your personal questions. You gave an awkward smile before saying, "Oh no, I think there's an misunderstanding..." You chuckled, before looking down. "Are you dating Eunwoo?” You can sense that Sanha was getting annoyed. “No.” You mumbled. “Then what?” He said. You've been going around in circles ever since you step foot in this dorm today, of course he'd be annoyed. And you were most definitely annoyed at yourself too. Asking him random questions, getting him all confused, the cause of this whole uncomfortable circus.
“Sanha I-“
"Y/N I like you." Sanha said with furrowed eyebrows and closed eyes, his fist balled on top of the table. Finally. This confusing story of Sanha and yours was over. Now you just had to think of a response. "Really?"
"Yes really, Y/N."
You couldn't say anything else. You just looked into his eyes with a huge blush. Sanha looked into yours too, his expression softening.
You broke eye contact and quickly stood up, turning around to look at anything but Sanha. Sanha stood up as well, and went to you. You felt his tall-self hovering behind you as you bit your lip. "Y/N, is it because you like Eunwoo and not me?" Sanha's words hit you like a strong brick. You turned around and looked at him, a pout on his face. "No..." You whispered. “It’s just that I…” “You what?” Sanha continued to look at you, until you finally gathered courage.
You went on your tiptoes and pulled him down by his collar, giving him a quick peck on the lips. You let go of Sanha and see his smile of accomplishment.
"I like you, and it’s just that Eunwoo knows this secret of mine which is why we spent a lot of time together because I wanted to get closer with you again. I’m so sorry Sanha.” You explained, still gripping onto his collar. “Okay…” Sanha said with a soft smile, making you look at him.
"Okay..." You whispered with a soft smile, before slowly letting go of his collar.
“So… you like me?” “I like you” “So we’re dating now?” Sanha asked cheekily. “If you want…” You replied. “Well, it’s what I want.” Sanha said with a smile. “Alright.” You said with a useless thumbs up. Sanha laughed at your thumbs up and took your hand. “Jealousy isn’t really a good feeling, Y/N.” Sanha pouted. “I know~ That’s why I’ll be careful now. But you also have to be careful!” You replied, feeling more comfortable now. Sanha chuckling at your expression.
“I will.” Sanha smiled.
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neomujinjja · 2 months
(Tattoo) Butterfly kisses
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You don't have a tattoo kink, you just couldn't help that your partner's tattoo(es) did something to you. Every time the inked skin appeared before your skin, it was like you got hypnotized by it. And your hands just somehow happened to always graze over the tatted area. In quiet moments: the movement of tracing it was comforting; it wasn't that you traced the lines rather just making random shapes. Your significant other never complained about your hands being on their skin instead taking it in stride. So, no you didn't have a tattoo kink but maybe just a little bit of an obsession. Particularly and especially regarding your partners work.
jinjin of astro.. that's it.
jk jk yuta of nct, hanbin, ricky, matthew of zerobaseone, woodz, jackson wang
note: i got this idea thinking about jinjin (and his chest tattoo 🤫) and i thought the title was too funny not to do.
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kcake555 · 1 month
Cha Eunwoo cake 🍰
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lxvemaze · 19 days
now that we've knocked eunwoo and moonbin out: who would you all like to see in an enemies to lovers forced proximity fic 😝☝️
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slytherinshua · 1 year
And I'd also like to request #1 and #18 from fluff, #16 from action for Moonbin please <3
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre and tags: fluff. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: kissing. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: moonbin x fem!reader. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ wc: 511. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a/n: hannah!! sorry this req got trapped in my hiatus, but i didn't forget abt it! i hope you don't mind that it's a bit late, and i hope you enjoy <33
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You were only supposed to stay over until 9 pm, but the fact that it was now 1 am and your head was resting comfortably on Bin’s shoulder wasn’t something you were going to rush to change. You were quite content to stay just like this, in fact.
Bin was falling asleep, you could tell. Your intertwined hands rested on his lap on top of the blanket that you were sharing. The bowl of snacks was empty and the movie volume had been turned all the way down even though it was still playing. He only added small hums to the conversation to tell you that he was still listening to what you were saying. But soon he was completely silent as he couldn’t fight back the sleep anymore.
You glanced up at his face with a smile. He looked so contended where he was, falling asleep cuddled up to you. You joined him soon, dozing off for the next couple hours until you stirred again sometime in the early wakings of the morning. The sun was just barely peeking behind the horizon light, and a small orange glow was the only light source that reached through the window.
You turned to Bin again, “You still sleeping?” You asked in a whisper to make sure you didn’t wake him up if he was. But he shook his head slightly and hummed, keeping his eyes closed.
“What time is it?”
“4 am.” Bin mumbled.
“Shit- you have work in a couple hours!” You panicked, starting to move to get up, but he caught your wrist to stop you.
“Don’t leave! You’re warm…” He wrapped his arms around you firmly, making sure there was no way you would be able to escape his grasp.
“But you have work…” 
“Shh-” Bin placed a finger over your mouth to stop you from protesting any longer. He paused for a second before replacing his finger with his lips softly. He kissed you for a long time, his hands cupping your cheeks to bring you closer. When he pulled out, he was smiling widely and you were blushing.
“You’re so pretty.” He whispered, his hand tucking some of your hair behind your ear.
“You think I’m pretty even like this?” You asked, referencing your messy hair, pyjamas, bare face and tired eyes. But Bin just nodded, eyes so full of admiration that you could feel your heart race in your chest.
You kissed him again, saying a small thank you against his lips. If you could stay like this in his arms everyday, you would in a heartbeat. You would never get tired of cuddling with him, and you were sure he felt the same way.
You didn’t go back to sleep, but you closed your eyes again. You snuggled closer to your boyfriend, your hand wandering over to find his with your eyes closed. You gently laced your fingers with his and gave his hand a small squeeze. He squeezed back.
“I love you.” You said, a smile growing on your face.
“I love you too.”
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ astro taglist: @yeonjuns-bluehair,, @hannahsophie0103,, @syrxiee2,, @justhyunhoer
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