#kpop online order
journalofkmusic · 1 year
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⏩ Order Form: HERE
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xcziel · 4 months
Just FYI for those in the US: Barnes & Noble has their 10% OFF K-Pop Comeback sale running this weekend, May 31 - June 2
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That's 10% off ALL kpop CDs and LPs
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banannasposts · 2 months
Just went to my local Thalia and saw a kpop album for 70€???
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laylajeffany · 5 months
targeted ad ii - microfic
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saw these on insta - ya'll might already know they exist sorry i'm old but they are for Wednesday and Enid for sure, so have a tiny scene of Enid convincing her moody lil gf to wear them
“You’ve already managed to convince me to join you in a cabin that doesn’t double as a hideout for family members running from federal agents. On the first full day of this trip, I’ve eaten your sugary version of breakfast, listened to your KPop morning stretch routine playlist, and now you expect me to wear matching clothes? I already wore a snood with you to hunt a monster.”
Enid wiggled her shoulders, holding a tie-dyed canvas tone in her hands with her bottom lip curled out. “Yeah, and you let it get all torn up! Come on, Wednesday – it’s practically a tradition!”
“This is our first time traveling together. The only tradition we’ll have is going to be you waking up breathing each day after the insufferable teenage whimsy you have me entertaining on this so-called vacation.”
“Okay, not so much a tradition, but it’s like, a thing that couples do together! At least all the ones on Instagram do it when they travel!”
Wednesday opened her own suitcase, a vintage piece assembled with fine leather. Whatever low-quality, polyester excuse for ‘fabric’ that Enid had likely ordered from a sweatshop was not going on her body.  “Good news, I’m not on Instagram; you don’t have to worry about meeting vapidly set expectations of social media on my behalf.”
“But I got them special for us, so that we could still be coordinating and you could keep your aesthetics up, even though there would be no one here to see it. And I promise, I won’t post it on my stories or anything, I’d just…maybe hope that you’ll let Thing take a Polaroid of us for our cute little collection of pics on the string lights...”
Once Enid was full-blown pouting, Wednesday gave her a glance after taking out her organic, linen, hand-dyed pants that were stitched by the family seamstress and sighed. “What garment-factory-fire-waiting-to-happen clothing have you obtained?”
Enid scoffed as she reached into her bag. “I’d think the idea of a factory fire would be exciting to you.”
“I support exploiting people for their stupidity, not their labor,” Wednesday muttered and crossed her arms as she watched Enid pull out sweatshirts. One as an offensive baby pink and the other was black.
Matching? Hardly.
“These are from a small business I saw on that social-media-app you hate so much -”
“Did you fall for targeted advertising again? Enid, we’ve discussed the need to more strictly adjust your privacy settings so that your personality can’t be packaged and sold to you-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, breach of data – Russian bots, we’ve been through this. Anyway, this is a cute, women-owned online shop, not from some planet-killing application. I thought that these were particularly appropriate for us, and actually match this exact moment we’re in, right now.”
She turned them around, and Wednesday almost let out a puff of air in amusement, though she managed to conceal it before it could escape.
On the black sweatshirt was a pink heart, with a little spiderweb motif around it and the phrase ‘might bite,’ while the pink one had the same style, but the script read instead, ‘might cry.’
“Fitting,” Wednesday finally decided.
“Let’s see if they fit us!” She cheered, pulling the bright colored pastel top over her head and giggling, approaching Wednesday bravely, tugging the neck hole over her braids.
“Enid, it has pink.”
“Like, three inches of it on top! We’re alone in the woods, no one can see you. And I’ve got Benadryl for bug bites, if you break out in hives from your ‘color allergy.’”
Wednesday let out a long sigh through her nose as Enid actually took her arms one at a time and weaseled them inside the sleeves of the crewneck. She stared straight ahead, unfortunately – the maneuver long had lost the effect of unnerving Enid.  
“Eek! You look so cute.” Enid tugged her over to the mirror on the back of the door of the log-built lake house they’d rented for spring break (a place for her to wolf out during that night’s full moon and for Wednesday to have plenty of target practice with a variety of weapons she’d packed). “I mean, intimidating – of course, not cute. Never cute.” She let out a series of bubbly laughs yet again, hooking an arm over Wednesday, who stared at their reflection.
It was a bit chilly that morning – but certainly not cold enough for the jacket she’d packed in case the weather was uncooperative…
“I will wear this for exactly the twenty minutes it will take us to walk to the lake.”
Enid squeaked and kissed her cheek, squeezing their matching sweatshirts together in a hug before pulling back and admiring their attire again, rubbing up and down Wednesday’s back mindlessly as she stared in the mirror. “We look adorable. I mean, deadly. We look very deadly in these.”
“You’re going to be dead if you don’t take your hands off my black and pink sweatshirt,” Wednesday clarified.
“Oh, please. You love it when I touch you,” Enid teased and Wednesday nearly wrinkled her nose at how much that was true. “What, are you going to prove that true and bite me if I don’t stop?”
“You wish,” Wednesday retorted, working very hard on keeping her eyes from rolling all the way back when Thing managed to capture the moment with Enid’s instant camera as she’d hoped. Enid let go and brought her arms up in a victory pose before milling around and gathering entirely too many unnecessary supplies for their morning hike while Wednesday watched her intensely in the mirror. She would admit – she liked the oversized top, and how it fell over her hands and went mid-length down her thighs. Adding her more usual pair of pants to go with it, she laced up her boots and waited as Enid debated between tinted lip balm. “The mosquitoes are going to find you delicious no matter what color your lips are.”
“It has SPF in it! Very necessary,” She said, putting some on herself when she finally picked one, then approached Wednesday, taking her by the back of her head and putting it on her as well. The fountain of positive thinking and insane levels of bravery that was her girlfriend shocked her into allowing it. Even more boldly, she followed it up with a kiss to those tinted lips that Wednesday almost returned. “Now you can leave a cute little lip imprint when you bite me,” She winked.
Tugging her close, Wednesday wrapped her black-clad sleeves around her pink middle, tucking her cheek against the plush fabric. In a move indicating surrender, she muttered, “This sweatshirt is adequately warm.”
“I knew you’d like it,” Enid kissed the top of her head, giving her a long embrace in return.
“I didn’t say that.”
“You don’t have to. And even if you’re just entertaining me,” She pulled back to look her in the eye. “Thank you. Now come on, you getting all affectionate on me might make me cry happy tears if we don’t get moving!”
Black Menagerie update is late because real life is sometimes better than fanfiction | purchase a sweatshirt for you and your moody gf here
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youzicha · 5 days
Simulacra, Simulation, and Girls' Generation
That take that "anime girls don’t correspond to anything" reminded me of one of my own pet theories, which is that the same is true about Kpop groups.
Groups like Girls' Generation are like the opposite of American singer-songwriters. The singer-songwriter's core value is authenticity. Their songs are taken to be autobiographical, and to be valuable because they are a true description of the emotions that the songwriter felt. The singer-writer must be a single person so we can be sure that nobody has tampered with the depiction before it reaches us. This is Baudrillard's "first order" image, we in the audience should believe that the song is "the reflection of a profound reality".
With the kpop groups, what we enjoy is that the song does not represent any underlying reality. Each music video is the impersonal product of songwriters, producers, choreographers, stylists, video directors, etc. Rather than a spontaneous expression, you can see the moves being developed in the behind-the-scenes dance practice videos. The online discourse emphasizes the role of the entertainment agency (e.g. SM Entertainment): the group members themselves do not have "agency" so we can be confident that their own emotions didn't make it into the love songs they sing.
Let’s look at the music video for Oh! (2010) to see how this plays out. It's like a game of dress-up, showing off two different cheerleader uniforms. Argumate once wrote that Girls' Generation perform "a detailed sequence of dance moves that are very 'sexy', i.e. strongly coded as suggesting sexiness without necessarily being sexy-without-quotes", and I think we can say something similar about cheerleader outfits. They are not there to convey a message or story (and as if to stress the arbitrariness, the last few seconds of the video show the girls dressed in a completely different "strong woman" style, to tease the upcoming next look). Rather, the "sexy cheerleader" is itself a stylized, free-floating signifier to be quoted. "The whole system becomes weightless … an uninterrupted circuit without reference or circumference." (Although I believe it is still possible to overcome the ironic stance.)
So far everything is straightforward, but now consider the lyrics:
Oppa please see me, please look at me It's the first time I talk like this (ha!) I did my hair and I did my makeup too But why is it only you who doesn't know? […] Don't think of me just like a little sister You might regret that after a year
I claim that this also works in the opposite direction to the normal mode of storytelling. When creating a movie or play, the auteur-director starts with an idea or a story, and then casts actors to best represent his vision. Or, if that is not what it in fact took place, it is still the convention the viewer is supposed to apply to interpret the work. But with an idol music video, the starting point is the singer, who already has a fanbase. "Please see me, please look at me"—well, we already were. (This is not the only Girls' Generation song about looking at the idol, by the way, compare e.g. The Boys, which begins "I can tell you're looking at me / I know what you see".)
Given the opposite starting point, the representational function of the lyrics changes correspondingly. Rather than focusing on the new fictional person who emerges ex nihilo, the fan's attention is still on the singer, and the "little sister" character is yet another stock signifier for them to bring out and put on, much like the uniform. The function of the story is erasure: there was in fact a hairdresser and a makeup artist who styled Yuri, but instead we're invited to project a different fantasy over her. The effect is to further stress the unreality of all the symbols involved.
With this in mind, I think one Girls' Generation song has a really interesting concept for the lyrics. In Paparazzi (2012) the idol looks out across the crowds, spots a photographer who is trying to be discreet, and speaks directly to him: "shall I give you a better photo? let's be friendly, after all aren't we allies?"
It re-establishes the inauthenticity and unreality of the idol! As time goes by, pesky reality intrudes. People will follow the individual group members devotedly, and there are paparazzi images of them. Members will capitalize on their fame through individual brand endorsement deals. There is the perennial problem of girl group girls getting boyfriends, jarringly peeking out as an actual human being from behind the illusion. Or in the extreme case they can even use their new independent existence to leave the group.
In Paparazzi, those candid photos are re-imagined as performance. And furthermore, just like in Oh! we are invited to imagine a fictional character speaking directly to us. But in this case the character is superimposed not just over the image from the music video, but also over all the already existing photos. The actual person of the idol is crowded out by the fantasy…
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day6source · 1 month
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it's that time again! how insane is it to be getting another comeback!? if you haven't heard yet, 'band aid' will be arriving to us soon, september 2nd, 2024! just like before, i'll be keeping things all updated from written interviews to videos! keep an eye out and save the link if you're wanting to keep up and want some easy reference! 화이팅!
as always, below are options for where to buy! most of them are online shops linked directly from twitter, as well as a few places i personally like to buy from that have pretty good prices. i did my best to include mostly international sites (they default to english) for the main set provided by jyp. if you have any sites used in your country feel free to send them and i'll add the links in (these are american centric given i'm in america haha).
STANDARD VERSION (*indicates a pre-order benefit):
below is all of the content to watch!! m/v's, concerts, promo stuff, performances!! if it pertains to the album it goes here!
Forever Young Concert
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Jimin's choices
After reading Beyond the Story and learning more about the culture of Kpop, I think Jimin's promotions were exactly what he wanted. I'm talking specifically about the few weeks he spent making music show appearances. He walked the exact path debut-Bangtan walked in the beginning which were the music show performances, Music Bank, Inkagayo...achieving a first 1st place win on those music shows...and appearances on variety shows. Jimin actually won two 1st place wins.
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To us OUTSIDE the Kpop world, it all seemed charming and yet expected that he'd want to perform on Korean music shows for K-Army. That was one of the primary reasons for going that route but at the same time he dutifully paid important homage to the expectations/standards embedded in Kpop culture in order to lay down that first stepping stone in his solo career.
At the time BTS debuted, companies were reluctant to keep spending money on producing a group if they did not show these progressive and specific steps.
Perhaps recalling the strong reactions from the kpop world to debut-BTS, Jimin was sensitive to those still waiting for a chance to criticize anything he did. Sometimes wounds leave lasting scars that still twinge now and then.
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So Jimin paid his dues as a debut solo artist and gave a respectful and decisive nod to his Kpop idol roots. He earned a rightful place in the eyes of anyone in that industry.
The Billboard #1 was perhaps an unexpected win on top of all that. The #1's on all of the other charts: also extra on top. STILL dominating in his own country.
And now he's moving on. His next step will be bigger. He's coming for you AMAs, BBMAs, Grammys. I can feel it. Let's get it.
There are things that happened (or didn't happen as people wanted them to) surrounding Jimin's album. I am on board with that. But until Jimin says what went down himself, I won't be flying the "company mistreated him" flag. Mistakes? Yes. Incompetence? Perhaps. Shortsightedness? I definitely think so. Online streaming platform manipulation? Sure looks like it. Western music industry sabotage? Absolutely without a doubt. But his own label maliciously cutting him off? No.
Jimin is my bias and I want him to have everything he deserves and I am going to trust that he knows how to handle his own professional career and he does not need my intervention. If he's not happy with something, guess what? He can call Bang PD and tell him what's what. None of us can do that. Let Jimin handle it.
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mihai-florescu · 1 month
Top 3 cringiest things you can do online, in no particular order, is 1. write newspeak like unalive & grape in places where there are no censors, 2. racefake, specifically larping as east asian because of an anime or kpop interest, and 3. build a persona around how quirkyyy you are for using slurs. We gotta make these things so universally cringe that everyone is too ashamed to behave like this anymore
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idyllcy · 2 months
from one admirer to another : scrambled
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader || masterpost: from one admirer to another
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synopsis: from one admirer to another, an online penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their actual address! Luckily for both you and Leon, you get matched up! What do eggs and Christmas even have in common anyway? sure hope it's that modeling business and NOT that Ada Wong addiction.
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featuring: reader as scrambled eggs // leon as christmas
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Dear scrambled eggs,
Thank you for that Ada print. It's going into my shrine (you were weird first, alright? Don't go calling me weird now.) and the fact that it's signed? crying screaming throwing up. Also, how dare you call yourself her day one? I was there when she first debuted you can NOT be more day one than me (joke).
I like my eggs in the form of shakshuka. If you haven't tried it before, you really should. It's delicious. It's basically eggs in tomato-based sauce with a ton of other spices and god it's so good I could just die. My favorite season... probably Thanksgiving. I know turkey gets pretty boring at times, but the cranberry sauce that my friends make is so good it's criminal. And, yes, I am unfortunately no different from you, but that's our secret, alright? I think I do an okay job of pretending to be normal at work.
Life updates... I had a shoot with a random model two weeks ago and I'm unable to get the way their hand felt on my bicep out of my head. I felt like a teenager all over again when they did. I'm not a teen anymore, and it's been a hot minute since I have been. Is this the curse of working with attractive people as a model? It was my first time seeing them, and the director didn't even refer to them by name, so my assumption is they don't do that many shoots. Maybe I'll be lucky and never see them again? Big day for losers in love (me). I'm kidding. I'm moving too fast. This'll be over in a couple of days. It's not like they're as hot as Ada— but they're pretty damn close. Got any advice for a loser who's just fallen in love at first sight?
Other than that run-in with the model, I got a couple of days off last week which I was supposed to enjoy, only to get absolutely obliterated by okaokra's newest chapter on glhf <3. Why am I an Ada stan who likes angst. Why am I cursed to love the way okra writes? I am not immune to the Ada brainrot or whatever the youth are saying these days. Every time I think of Ada I feel a little more like those twitter artist reaction memes of them biting wood.
The good thing about being only semi-well-known in the industry though is the fact that I can still sneak around at local events as a fan. It's nice that masks are so accessible nowadays. I'll be stopping by at the Ada-themed cupsleeve event in Raccoon in a couple of days, so I'll probably mail you a little something from that. So, if my letter finds you late, my apologies.
Oh, right, since we're on that topic. Merry Christmas, and happy new year.
See you around? Christmas
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The cupsleeve event is relatively easy to sneak into for Leon. He puts on old glasses from college and a jacket that makes him look a lot younger than he really is, and he orders an Ada drink, grinning at the table on the side when he spots a familiar face.
"You're an Ada fan?"
You blink up at him, visibly surprised, and he takes a step back.
"Sorry, I thought you looked familiar—"
"No! I'm the same person. Yeah, I'm a big Ada fan. I'm running the event this time, actually. I model for spare money to host events like this." You scratch your cheek. "Wanna enter the lottery?"
"And what would I get?"
"A limited edition, signed, Ada photocard."
"What is this, Kpop? —take my ten." He hands you a bill nearly immediately, and the two girls at the table with you jump in their skin.
"Wow, you're down horrendous, huh?" You hand the ten to the girls, patting his shoulder. "How should I get the stuff to you? You have to leave a social or something."
"Mm..." He clicks in his twitter handle, and you blink slowly.
"Can I bid for it?"
"That was not the plan, but I mean—"
"You'd have to out-bid them." One of the girls get up to put their hands on your shoulders, and you scratch your cheek.
"How much did you pay for it?"
"The base price is two hundred dollars." You grin.
"Mm... and if I give you three hundred?"
"It's signed, so no."
"Shame." Leon clicks his tongue. "I would've paid good money for that photocard."
Leon turns his head at the sound of the door opening, eyes widening as Ada herself steps through the doors to her cupsleeve event. The people in the coffee shop yell as she does, too many people crowding around her to beg for a signed autograph on their cupsleeve.
"Guys, give her a little space." You call from the table.
The people ignore you, and you scoff.
"Do you need—" Leon's cut off by your actions instead.
You grab the megaphone on the table and nod at the workers, most of them covering their ears as you yell.
The megaphone renders everyone quiet, and Ada laughs.
"I'll sign one by one at the table. Please let me sit first. I just finished a shoot." She waves thank you to everyone as she takes your seat, and you ask her if she needs anything to drink. Leon finds that it's almost as if you planned it, and as Ada meets eyes with him at the table, his heart flips.
She's literally so hot. He's going to pass out.
"Well, since you're here. Do you want a signed cupsleeve too?"
"Yes, please." Leon fumbles as he hands her his cup, looking for a pen, and Ada hums.
"It's good. I brought a sharpie."
"Can you sign my arm— wait, that would violate my contract." Leon purses his lips.
"Do you model?" She asks almost naturally, signature smooth on his plastic cup as she hands it back to him.
"I started just a little ago."
"Any major goals?"
Leon steps to the side to let the other fans get something signed. "I'd like to have a shoot with you one day."
"I look forward to seeing you at a shoot one day, then." She hums. "Who knows? Maybe we'll meet at a runway too. What's your name?"
"Leon. Leon Scott Kennedy."
Leon's heart flips into this throat, and his cheeks turn red.
God, he's going to pass out.
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prev letter : masterlist : next letter
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dailyexo · 1 year
[INFO] Order your copy of EXO’s 7th full album ‘Exist’
✦ Support EXO by ordering their 7th full album from online and offline retailers whose sales are reflected on the Hanteo and Circle charts.
Photobook (3 versions x random)
Ktown4U | Yes24 | Hottracks | Aladin | SMTown &Store
Kpop Mart | Kpoptown | Music Plaza
mu-mo [A] | mu-mo [B] | mu-mo [C]
Photobook (A version + B version + C version)
Ktown4U | Yes24 | Hottracks | Aladin | SMTown &Store
Kpop Mart | Kpoptown | mu-mo
SMini (8 versions x random)
Ktown4U | Yes24 | Hottracks | Aladin | SMTown &Store
Kpop Mart | Kpoptown | Music Plaza | mu-mo
SMini (All 8 versions)
Yes24 | Hottracks | Aladin | SMTown &Store
Kpop Mart | Kpoptown | mu-mo
Digipack (8 versions x random)
Ktown4U | Yes24 | Hottracks | Aladin | SMTown &Store
Kpop Mart | Kpoptown | Music Plaza | mu-mo
Digipack (All 8 versions)
Yes24 | Hottracks | Aladin | SMTown &Store
Kpop Mart | Kpoptown | mu-mo
Ktown4U Events
US EXO-L Union | EXO Publicity | EXO Global
WEAREONEunited | EXO Worldwide Stream | EXO Oasis
EXOKLM_1485 | EXO Predict | EXO Breaking News
POWER OF 1ΞX0LS | TeamEXOIndia | Phixo Bar
EXO Voting Monsters | EXO Philippines | EXO Promo
DKS Worldwide Union | DKS Global | INTLKJI
Xiumin International | | ChanBaek Global
Baekhyun Charts | Baekhyun Global
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valyrfia · 4 months
About rpf, might I also add that this is even weirder to keep on public spaces when you consider that this is about sportsmen.
I mean with kpop as an example, the idols would expect people to ship them considering that they do play a lot into the fanservice aspect of their relationship. And even there, there are boundaries about what to post in certain places.
But it's even worse in this particular case because the drivers don't farm on fanservice, it is not a part of their job, this isn't what the signed for (except maybe for some teams who push the bestie agenda a little bit too much. and in those cases, it's less weird because there is a context, it's the reactions the teams expect if that makes sense).
Like idk we know that some of them are chronically online (charles my beloved), we know that they have their S/O and families in social media, and we know how the tiktok algorithm is. be careful about what you post/how you post it
Yep! All this! In a lot of cases, RPF arises from the need of some public figure to cultivate a parasocial relationship with fans in order to sell stuff. Sportspeople don't have to cultivate parasocial relationships in the same way (and in fact some actively discourage it, Max being the biggest example which is why it's a little insane that he's ended up as one of the faces of the biggest RPF ship in the sport), and so you can argue they didn't really 'sign up' for this in the same way that someone who had to cultivate a parasocial relationship for the sake of their career might be expecting.
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xcziel · 11 months
not me trying to explain to everyone else at work that we need to put like an approximation of an armed guard on the jungkook standee once it's out on friday
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sweetiesicheng · 8 months
dino - borrowed
word count : 586
happy birthday to the future of kpop himself, pi cheolin dino!!
"y/n! open the damn door!"
you heard someone pound on your front door. you sat up, confused because you swore it was sunday instead of monday, which meant that you didn't have to scramble out of bed in order to get to class.
you got out of bed and walked out of your room.
is that...chan?
the person kept knocking on your door as you made it to the front door. you looked through your peephole to see chan in your hallway of your apartment building. you unlocked the door and opened it as he was about to slam his fist again.
"it's seven in the morning, chan," you immediately spoke. your voice sounded incredibly groggy so you quickly cleared it. "what do you want?" you asked, looking into the hallway to see if any of your neighbors were out and hoping they would not file a noise complaint.
"where is it?" chan asked.
"where's what?" you questioned him. it was way too early for you to try to figure out what he was looking for. one of his hoodies? one of his cds that he let you borrow? what could he need so early in the day?
chan barged into your apartment, slipping out of his sneakers and went straight for your desk that was by a window. you closed the door and watched him start opening drawers and looking through containers.
"chan, it's seven in the morning, and i am very incoherent right now. please tell me what you're looking for so i can go back to bed and have my day off in peace," you said to him as you walked over to him.
he closed a drawer and stood up straight while turning to face you. "where's my lucky calculator?" he asked you.
"are you serious right now? you barge in here just for a calculator?" you immediately asked him. "it's not even yours, it's my calculator."
"it's lucky! how do you think i got an a on my last exam?" chan replied to you.
"by programming the formulas you needed into it," you replied. you had watched him program his calculator with mingyu a few weeks prior for one of their math exams.
"okay, true, but my professor is letting us take our exam online, and i need to take it by today," chan said to you, "so where's my calculator?" he asked.
you grumbled and turned around. "i'm going to kill you if you come back here later. give it back tonight, i need it for my assignments too," you said and walked to the couch, which was where your backpack was. you opened your backpack and took your calculator out. you held it over your shoulder, and chan grabbed it from you.
"thanks y/n! you're the best!" he exclaimed and ran to the front door. you followed him and watched him put his sneakers back on. "i'll text you later," he said.
"you can text me when i'm awake," you replied and opened the door. "go, let me sleep."
"see ya!" chan sprinted out of your apartment and down the hallway towards the elevators.
you closed and locked the door. then, you went to your couch and laid down, pushing your backpack off in the process. you threw a blanket over you and closed your eyes, easily slipping back to sleep.
all of a sudden, you heard pounding in your front door again, "y/n! do you have extra batteries?"
"go ask someone else!"
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sageistri · 3 months
I personally do not think Jin should be blamed in any of the translations with what’s going on today 😭 Army translators already clarified it. I know most PJM’s on my timeline are also not blaming him, but I saw some PJM’s doing it. I also think what happened to that army was too much. I used to follow her when I was an army and she was not a shipper. She shouldn’t have tweeted that, yes, but I also think it’s a genuine mistake. Some people are saying she did it deliberately, and I just don’t think she did.
I've been feeling sick and honestly I've not had the energy to do anything more than scroll through these posts and I also do not have the energy to go back and forth with anyone today or interact with anyone who in anyway believes that army account was definitely thinking "yeah... This will definitely get Jimin dragged, I'm going to post this"
Because yeah she is also an army account I see all the time and she doesn't even engage In fandom discourse and infighting and Everytime they're on my tl it's always related to jjk or one piece. I think it was an honest mistake and was tweeted in the heat of the moment.
Another thing was that I literally saw that exact same translation by a translation account When I first came online and genuinely believed that was exactly what Jin said but as someone who's in these spaces I just knew some people are going to be shady with it and so I would know not to tweet something like that but the truth is not every army is as involved in the this stanning thing as we are , especially when it comes to our flights with kpop stans or akgaes and these type of people don't really think of what antis could say before they make a tweet.
Also saw more vitriol for the army than the antis like her deactivating would stop blinks from using a screenshot they got from weverse. You might say she should have been very careful especially knowing how things about BTS are taken out of context but with them feeling so excited I doubt they were thinking about all that. And then I see people claim she left the tweet up on purpose like they can't comprehend a reality where someone would be off their phone for more than a few hours and then they come online explaining they never meant to bring him any hate and in true Twitter fashion they were still being asked to deactivate.
Now on to Jin, even if he did say that exact same statement I do not get attacking him because there's nothing wrong with it. He just came back from his military service, and it was his welcome live so I highly doubt he was trying to shade Jimin or get him hate. There are a lot of moments where I think members should have pondered on their words more before uttering them but this isn't one of those cases.
It's no one's fault that blinks are deranged, not Jin's and not that army's. Yes as an army you should realize certain things should not be tweeted but it's still baffling that she was dragged over a statement that was technically not a drag to Jimin. For repeating exactly what was translated by weverse? "She shouldn't have taken weverse translation as is and should have checked to make sure it was correct"… I guess.
Like how is Jin's statement even a drag? So what if Jimin actually said he forgot how to sing and Jin repeated it? We only know that it would be used as one because we've been fixated on what people say about his vocals. It would have been a lighthearted joke between them and no one with sense would try to use that as shade but being a Jimin anti seems to have stupidity as one of it's requirements so here we are.
I'm all for army-bashing when deserved, but something about the whole thing just weirded me out I'm sorry. And I wish we would just stick to saying she should have known better, which she should have as someone who's been an army for years than claiming she did it on purpose in order to justify the weird tweets directed at her. Like the way pjms were going in, you would think she was elsedonda's side account.
And honestly I just feel like they couldn't do much to that blink account so that army was used as a replacement for their anger. Like how careful can one be with their tweets, every little thing sets the members up according to everyone...
I think pjms have been engrossed in the hate, which of course makes sense because kpop stans won't keep him out of their mouths that they believe everyone's out to get him and there's no way that could have been a genuine mistake on the armys part or no way Jin's statement was harmless when to the average person who isn't an obsessed kpop Stan or angry pjm, it literally is harmless.
But at the end of the day everyone's free to feel however they want and honestly I'm too sick right now and still on my Jimin high to care too much about this whole thing so good luck to everyone lol.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK Seven MV making sketch BTB
Yay, the subs are back on. And I got to watch it and even understand what he was saying, lol.
Loved it.
I was just sitting here for the 12 minutes with a huge smile on my face.
Because JK is just so adorable. So genuine. So real.
He had the time of his life, and seeing that just made me happy.
Now let's talk about a few thing I took from the BTB, why don't we?
I think I'll start from the fun and make my way to the more serious.
Not too much went on really. It's mostly him enjoying himself.
Being his own chaotic loveable self.
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Trying to keep his eye open with the water pouring down on him, lol.
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Can you imagine just how much fun this all was for him, our daredevil?
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Funny, just thought about it, but they didn't even talk to Hun Sohee. Not a word. She might as well not have been there. Now I understand that JK is the focus, it's his song, BTBs are about the members, but at the same time, she's a well known and loved Korean actress acting in his MV and not only don't we get to hear from her even once, we also don't really get to see interactions between him and her in the BTB. In a way it feels like they are trying to keep this distance - this is JK, he's singing Seven, he's shooting a MV, but he's disconnected from it. I'm not sure I'm being clear enough here.
Ok, so for example JK explains what the scenes are and says the word girlfriend, god forbid. We know y/ns went into a frenzy over this stupidity. JK explaining the concept of the scene in which he's fighting with his gf, cause that's what the MV is about, and she's his gf in the bloody MV.
But maybe, knowing this fandom, they wanted to keep the delusion to a minimum, not to mention keep Sohee away from the crazy ass fans that are already harassing her by just keeping her off camera as much as possible. Idk, just found it interesting.
JK tells us a little about his acting, lol.
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To all those that are still riding the scripted fanservice bandwagon, time to fucking get off it.
Omg, the way he disses Yoongi, he just LOVES to do that with Yoongi. Now I can kind of understand the "even at 60 years old jeon jungkook will be freaking annoying".🤣🤣
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JK is wearing THE brand again. I'm telling you folks, JM made a huge online order for the two of them!!
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He's just so precious, with this thing he has of checking out his hands, every single time it feels like it's the first time he's seen them, lol. The fascination he had from his water wrinkled fingers. So endearing.
Looks at them in amazement, shows everyone, then back to looking at them again all fascinated.
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You'd think the man has never in his lifetime taken a long shower or had a bath or been in the damn swimming pool. Nah, lol. It's just one of those cute loveable oddities of his.
Did we notice the ASSets?
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And I thought JM was in charge of that body part in the family.
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Well, apparently the competition is on.
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Has JK surpASSed JM?
Should we progrASS? Oopsy...progress?
And now I will take a moment to breathe.
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I went looking for more pics from the BTB and came across this:
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I don't know enough about the movie but do we know of any kind of connection to Jikook? Or this could be the directors tribute to the movie too. In any case it's a fun tribute.
Now for the heavy stuff, or not so heavy just a little more on the serious side.
I wrote a long ass brain fart of a post yesterday. And some of it is very relevant here too.
JK clearly sees the song as a love song. Period.
He did the explicit version for the fun of it (well and also probably because the America market loves a song with profanities in it). But for him it's the fun of not being restricted by the Kpop rules of engagement, the "don't swear because the song will be censored" and "don't swear because it's too adult" or whatever other reasons for it. He's having fun feeling more freedom, and that he's all grown up and can say fucking multiple times out loud.
But when it comes down to it, when asked about it directly, his answer was that he prefers the clean version. Because to him Seven is a love song, not one about the physical act alone. Yes, of course sex is part of it (the song lyrics are kind of loud), but sex is not even half of what loving someone is all about.
We saw JK talking about the love of his life while explaining about the song.
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Him in the BTB about the death scene:
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And at the end of the BTB explaining more:
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And we also have what he said in the interview aired earlier today on Z100 radio.
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The more we get of JK talking about the song the clearer and louder it becomes. I just wish people would only be listening to him.
Anyway, the man is beautiful.
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Love him.
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Not as much as the love of his life does though.
No competition there!!
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kopilot-pop · 5 months
Okayy I get where you’re coming from with the yunjin defending, and the next questions I’m asking fully genuinely.
Before this incident, somi (her friend) and Giselle (also her friend) received so much backlash for promoting Starbucks (somi) and posting McDonald’s (Giselle). After seeing the amount of backlash she got, she removed all her insta posts with Starbucks. Yet afterwards, she got Starbucks and PUBLICLY drank it? That’s what’s confusing to me — how she knew the consequences but still did it?
and what’s also confusing is how Yunjin is one of the most *chronically* online idols. She always knows what’s trending, new dances, and whatnot. And the g3no going on in Palestine isn’t hidden from Korea. I, myself, live in Japan but my dad lives in Korea, and he’s fully aware of the boycott (a 45 year old Asian man). And his alternative is drinking from other coffee shops, cause there is one in every corner of Seoul. After every street you walk, guaranteed 100% you’ll find a coffee shop. So that doesn’t make sense, why Starbucks, even though she highly knows of the ongoing boycott.
Secondly is how Rachel (her sister) liked dozens of pro-Zionists content on Instagram. And I know you guys say that not everyone thinks the same, but I just think it ties into it (personally).
And thirdly is how yunjin is an adult, she knew about the boycott, the reactions she’d get and how tens of thousands of kids (excluding teenagers) have died in the hands of Israelis. (Look at motaz’s page on insta for reference, big tw). She, if not, should know how severe the situation is in Palestine, specifically Rafah and Gaza. Yunjin is not a baby, she doesn’t need to be babied, just like how you guys are babying them for their icky live vocals, it won’t get them anywhere.
And regardless of wether Starbucks donated to Isreal or not, they’ve clearly shown their support to which side they’re on when they’ve fired workers over TWEETS their workers made over solidarity with Palestine. And to add onto it, they only “apologized” after losing BILLIONS of dollars.
That’s just me and my questions.
Hey I’ll answer your questions one by one, and no worries I understand where you’re coming from. (I’m gonna be a bit out of order so please bare with me.)
Again, (jesus I really dont wat to defend sb, so please understand i’m simply stating facts.) Starbucks sued the union because they used their logo to state a political statement. That was the reason they sued them. As stated in their official website, they do not see their company as a political one and doesn’t want to be revolved in ANYTHING related to politics. So that means even if the Union - per say - showed ‘support towards Joe Biden’, or any other political party or ideology, they would’ve acted the same. That’s how I see it.
Nobody was babying Yunjin. I’m not exactly sure if you’re accusing me or people who supported my post of babying her, but I’m clearly not. I stated directly that, I’m not saying not to take her accountable for her actions. Nobody’s babying her, especially me. I’m also not saying that she wasn’t aware of the war. I’m saying her ‘chronically online’ personality is being exaggerated in this situation. She’s a grown woman with a job, and a persona created for the crowd. Personally, I understand Lesserafim and any group in kpop as a CHARACTER. They’re not always real (even if there are exceptions), and seeing the Hun Yunjin and Yunjin of LSF as same is wrong.
Icky vocals? Not helping? That’s just a rude statement for you to make and completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. That was unnecessary.
I’m an only child so I can’t say much of the average sibling dynamic, but I’m pretty sure Rachel and Yunjin are separate entities. They’re different people. Just like how my mother’s Christian and I’m an Atheist, just because you’re a family doesn’t mean you have the same ideology. You trying to link Rachel’s actions with her sister is just a hasty generalization.
I understand your father is in Korea and boycotts Starbucks. That’s great, Im also Korean and boycott, too. But the reason I said Starbucks isn’t as wildly boycotted in Korea compared to other countries is based on my personal interactions. From my school friends, colleagues, random people I’ve seen online, and even my family, quite literally all of them seemed to be unaware of the Starbucks boycott. Every Starbucks I’ve seen near my house (albeit which is in Busan) is filled to the brim with people. That includes shops in non populated areas AND tourist destination areas. Additionally, no news has been widely spread about the boycott on any Korean news websites that I’ve seen. MBC, KBS, and other news sites I’ve checked doesn’t even talk about boycotting at all. (It’s not something to be proud of, yes. I am simply stating a fact. ) With all these reasons I came to the conclusion not alot of Koreans are actively boycotting SB.
Are there alot of coffee shops in Korea? Yes. Are there alot of SB in Korea? Also yes. Korea ranks fourth in Starbucks location amounts. However, with this part of my post you’re focusing too much on a reasoning I understood could be a bit of a reach and not mentioning the reasoning I gave which said SB Korea is separate from the western organization. It’s bought out. Ideologies are different. Emart and the investment company has no statement regarding the war.
Somi and Giselle is completely unrelated to her actual ideologies. Just because they’re friends doesn’t mean they all fucking think the same. It is different people to people, but I don’t think every friend group gets together to discuss the society and political wars happening. You’re making a hasty generalization again - similar to your statement about Rachel. I don’t understand why you’re bringing up the two to counter my post about Huh Yunjin.
Yes, she most likely saw the backlash, and again, she didn’t publicly show “oh hey lookie i’m drinking SB”, she was just going to her company quickly and a few pixels of her cup was caught on a fan’s camera. That’s why I said in the original post that the people accusing her of being a performative activist are hypocrites.
My main point of the post wasn’t to a 100% defend Yunjin. The point was to say, if you’re gonna take someone accountable, do it right. Don’t make a mockery of her, you’re not any better than the people protecting her of her actions blindly. And don’t follow the crowd blindly to just simply get attention.
I don’t really want to fill my posts with these long posts, so if you have anymore follow up questions and discussions please DM me.
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