thedenofravenpuff · 7 months
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Return of my anthro buggo changelings I haven't drawn in forever but suddenly had the urge to do today.
- Cicada likes working with the soil to grow foliage, Punaise spends a lot of time cleaning themself to stay pretty. - MisterMech's Krym taking a lazy nap, Ghost just.. being Ghost, hauntingly. - Worm drawing in the dirt when bored enough, Mantis caught stealing a bag of salt for a snack.
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liberte-news · 2 months
Na Krymu se rozšířila cholera. Rusové se ji snaží tajit
epidemiologická situace na dočasně okupovaném Krymu je extrémně nebezpečná a může se kdykoli výrazně zhoršit...
UKRAJINA – Ve třech městech dočasně okupovaného Krymu – Simferopol, Džankoj a Feodosia – bylo zaznamenáno propuknutí cholery, které se okupační správa snaží utajit. Informovala o tom na Facebooku prezidentská mise na Krymu, uvádí Ukrinform. Je třeba poznamenat, že dříve existovaly informace o uzavření pláží ve Feodosii kvůli poruše sběrače odpadních vod a vypouštění odpadních vod do moře, což…
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ocemsemlci · 7 months
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Vojenskoprůmyslový komplex a Zelenského korupčníci polykají evropské peníze jako pralinky, vylidňují Ukrajinu a ženou na zbytečnou smrt statisíce lidí. Vedou válku v zájmu amerických finančních elit, které se snaží oslabit pozici Ruska i Evropy. Zatímco Evropu se však americkým strukturám podařilo srazit na kolena a dílo zkázy dotahují na nich závislé loutky, s Ruskem se jim vůbec nedaří. https://ocemsemlci.cz/stanislav-novotny-o-prohre-eu-a-usa-na-ukrajine-zasadnim-zlomu-a-proc-musi-byt-sjednan-mir/?feed_id=1359
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nelligekata · 1 year
Спецоперація в Криму і чи можливо було зберегти півострів?
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oopsiespooks · 1 month
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about time my blacksmith got a new outfit. thoughts?
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eggs-milk-herring · 5 months
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Очень часто тихий плеск волн и обычная лодка принесут здоровью гораздо больше пользы, чем лучшие врачи,,,
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dazzlerazz · 1 year
Starting my f!alear playthrough!
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symbolism-art-history · 7 months
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Stary Krym by Konstantin Bogaevsky (1872 - 1943)
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alcestas-sloboda · 2 years
i really am just thinking about cities I’ve never been to in my life.
Bucha. Irpin‘. Mariupol‘. Bakhmut. Severodonetsk. Izium. Kupyansk. Lyman. Soledar. Enerhodar. Avdiivka.
about people I’ve never met.
old man with groceries shot by russians on the main square of Bucha. two-month-old baby from Odesa that died with her mother and grandmother under the rubble. little Liza from Vinnytsia. dog Krym crying on the remains of his home and owners. soldiers with Ukrainian bracelet found in the mass grave in Izium. all of the people who were killed by a bomb thrown onto Drama Theatre in Mariupol. whoever was screaming under the debris in Dnipro. the kids that died of starvation or dehydration. boys and girls, men and women from different regiments, brigades, battalions who lost their lives defending mine. those whom I would never be able to unfollow even knowing that I will never see a new post from them.
about all of that.
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ocemsemlci · 2 years
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Stanislav Novotný se ptá Jaroslava Doubravy zdali je současný rusko-americký konflikt na Ukrajině opravdu naší válkou, jak se nám snaží namluvit Fialova vláda https://ocemsemlci.cz/o-cem-se-mlci-jaroslav-doubrava/?feed_id=1087
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denieatsart · 1 year
Nostalgia .
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I worked rlly hard on this because it brings back fun memories . I used to be on scratch a lot , had a lot of friends there . I dislike the place now but back then it was super fun , and the undertale fandom was pretty much at its peak there . I was pretty close friends with one of the most popular Scratchers there , Krym ( at the time ) and I looked up to them a lot . Their main rp account was as Error , while I liked to use an Errormare kid of mine , Tale . We would constantly roleplay and talk , and we even stayed up late one night together when both of us were scared of our houses at the time . I always thought I was annoying , so thanks for tolerating me Krym lol . I remember a lot of amazing stuff from Scratch , and I learned a lot . Fun times .
Shoutout to Krym , if you ever see this , you're awesome . No matter what you think , you are . :)
~ Deni , formerly Mira or Lisa .
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cheyla-v · 11 months
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Ripple Effects, ch. 5: A Working Day
“What does Krym think?”
Harry automatically looked around for the ACE before remembering—Krym wasn’t guarding Killigan right now because some of the guards at the far border of the realm had reported a breach and Queen Regent Esperanza, Alcandor’s mother, had wanted to investigate it herself. A member of the Crimson Tide was always required to go with her when she left the castle, to limit the amount of chaos she would inevitably cause. It had been Krym’s turn to go this time. 
“They approve,” he answered. 
Killigan’s smile grew. “Good, because Alcandor won’t,” they said. “I don’t think he’s ever quite forgiven the Captain for the pendant incident.”
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ally-notebook · 1 year
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You can find close ups and better quality pictures on the wiki!
[ID: Five screenshots of Clanne from Fire Emblem: Engage from his pages in the ally notebook. In the first screenshot, the left page is a polaroid of Clanne, glancing to his let with his fist clenched in front of his chest, his body turned slightly to the right. He wears his steward clothes, a mix of greens, blacks, and tans, and there's a jar of pickles hanging from his belt. The page on the right reads:
'Clanne. Initial Class: Mage. Birthday: March 10th. Basic Info: Framme's twin. 33rd Steward of the Dragon, following in Vander's footsteps. Was present when Divine Dragon Krym (Alear) awoke.'
The second screenshot is of the next few pages of the ally notebook. On the left page, there is a polaroid of Clanne in battle, his left arm out in the middle of casting a spell. There is a concentrated look in his eyes. The page to the right of it reads:
'Likes: The Divine Dragon, cleaning, studying, cooking, reading, pickles, philosophy. Dislikes: Bugs, exercise, scary stories, riding in vehicles, himself when he's in a bad mood.'
In the third screenshot, there's a polaroid of Clanne in the Frost set on the left page, a set of silver robes with dark gray triangle details and a white collar. He is reaching out towards the Divine Dragon, the picture having been taken from their point of view. The page on the right reads:
'Hobbies: Aiding the Divine Dragon. Talents: Making pickles, memorizing poetry. Background: Born to a family of holy workers. Earned his position through his devotion to the Divine Dragon.'
In the fourth screenshot, there is a polaroid of Clanne standing in front of a table, the picture being taken of his front. A basket and a few jars lay in the foreground. Clanne is holding a pickle in his left hand, holding it up to his face with a smile. The page on the right reads:
'Height: 5'3. Ring Size: 5 | J 1/2. Personality: Thoughtful and passionate. A quick, clever worker. With Framme, he formed a fab club for the Divine Dragon. Best board game player in the army.
In the fifth screenshot, there's a polaroid of Clanne on the left page. He is standing before the Divine Dragon, the picture having been taken from their point of view. His hands are cupped together in front of him, an excited yet calm look on his face. The Pact Ring sits on his left ring finger, sparkling blue. The page next to it reads:
'Life with Clanne: He wears the Pact Ring when he's alone, gazing at it and imagining a day when he will feel tall enough to stand by the Divine Dragon's side and offer his protection in battle.'
End ID.]
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eggs-milk-herring · 5 months
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Что может быть лучше только сорванного с дерева инжира? Просто так или с бокалом вина и кусочком хорошего сыра,,,
,,, разве только в детстве, инжир честно захваченный летней ночью с соседского сада,,,)
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oopsiespooks · 6 months
saw an opportunity to share dragons in rainbow formation, and couldn't resist joining in >:)
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krym | baer | findel
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clover | geshyor | llyr
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eiryn | krin | echo
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