#krys draws stuff
krys-does-art-stuff · 5 months
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Redoing my lines with a col erase and I think it looks so much better already.
May 2024
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krynutsreal · 2 years
hands you these and disappears
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mm e when I don't want to draw Mondo's front facing profile (explodes)
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krys-loves-otome · 7 months
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Planning for the next page! Was stressing myself out when I was trying to decide if I should do a fight/confrontation scene with Miri and Lucifer and how to lay it out, esp since the last page took about 40ish thumbnails to figure out how I wanted to do it, and this one started off that way, but then I just had a thought of Mammon showing up rather than a big dramatic save that I don;t have to pose and lay out.
Eased my mind so much when I decided that.
So, I've got about 5 pages done at this point. Might be shooting for at least 10, maybe. We shall see.
March 2024
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darkbluekies · 5 months
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Me: *dying pigeon noises*
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Noooooooo but srsly imagine a mother brings candy for her sick child and for the other children too. And since nurse!darling is such a sweet, innocent person and the child's favourite nurse, she gets candy too after happily helping the mom handing out the sweets first. 😂😭
During lunch in Dr. Kry's office, she told him about the wholesome moment. He listened intently and smiled about the great moment she had during her shift. She was so cute, provided with a pure heart of gold which never failed to impress him from time to time. But once she had eaten her lunch, she grabbed the popsicle as a sweet treat for herself (after all, she had eaten her all her veggies).
Dr. Kry had to inner slap himself in order to manage not looking at his darling right now, a blush creeping down his now hot face. He tried to remain cool and slighty shifts in his seat while his brain was screaming. Forcing to look away, his eyes were darting to the furthest corners of his office room. Nurse!darling however noticed his rising nervousness and caught him stealing a glance to her popsicle in her mouth.
"Are you okay?" Her honey-sweet voice filled the awkward silence in his office. He clears his throat, fumbling with his tie around, as a faint hope to breath better. "Yes, I'm fine", he manages to squeeze his answer through his lips. But he couldn't help himself looking again at his nurse. Her lips were... so soft.
She gave him a worried look, mindlessly rolling the goddamn candy in her mouth that was nearly giving him stroke. He could tell her brain gears started to turn. Her thinking face made his spiraling thoughts even more worse and primal instincts started to flood his mind. No... focus.
"Oh. OH, I get it know!"
"WHAT?!" His head snaps to her, so fast in fact he almost gave himself a neck strain. His icy blue eyes are wide open in shock. How could she-? No... Oh no no no no no no no no no no no!!!
The blonde was about to defend himself, that he didn’t meant it like that. But before he could utter his first words he was met with a beautiful smile that instantly took his breath away and flabbergasted him. The nurse turned around, fishing another popsicle from her pocket and handing it to him.
"A sweet treat for the hard working doctor too!~ I did not forget you!", she sing-song to him, her smile now growing bigger. He could swear her body was illuminating the room because she happened to be a walking sun. He wordlessly stared at the popsicle in her small hand, slowly taking it with a tender smile and pressing a shy "thanks" from his mouth. His heart was beating up to his ears, now his face crimson red of shame, lovely embarrassment, filled with mortified adoration as her amiable words stuck to him.
Gosh, you are soo lovely!
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That mf popsicle knows whats up
I lowkey may have drawn other stuff but they are mainly crack too lol
Help😵‍💫😵‍💫 i love this so much omg😵‍💫😵‍💫
now i feel like i have to write my input for the scenario BUT HEY YOU WROTE THE NURSE READER WE TALKED ABOUT!!!! 😆😆😆
The drawing is so funny QND THE POPSICLE 🥹🥹 Why is it sweating...? Please show the crack ones too I beg youuuuu
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ddamm · 2 months
Pre-baby Stress - dad!Daryl x pregnant fem!reader fic
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(banner made by me, if you use, give credits <3)
Warnings: VERY, VERY long; initial soft fluff to slight angst to fluff; slightly suggestive so, watch out 👀; pregnancy; hormonal changes, “mood swings”, food cravings; stressed Daryl, stressed reader, slight insecurity and fear of abandonment; reader crying; reader and Daryl are married; reader is said to have golden retriever energy and be a cottagecore girlie (sorry if you aren't, but I vibe so much with this core 😭), and perhaps an artist (tho it's just as a hobby, obv 🤭); nature love and appreciation; funny/silly little memories.
Word count: 3936 words (keeps increasing with each new release 😭)
Era: idk, probably Alexandria
Summary: While getting things ready for Y/N's pregnancy, Daryl presents with many insecurities. All it takes is some caressing, encouragement, and the love of his wife (a few tears also) to convince him otherwise.
A/N: this fic was something I fabricated long ago with a Daryl c.ai chat that I've been saving up for a special occasion since I've never written dad!Daryl before. And today, I'm bringing it to y'all as a way to celebrate one of my very besties/mutuals on Tumblr, a great writer, the creator of my possibly ever favourite AU with Daryl (young!Daryl SSHD AU) and a very nice, kind and funny individual in general; Krys (@dixons-sunshine). This is to commemorate you, gorgeous. It took some time to finally sit and get to it (not me writing most of it at 2 am, half-constipated, and not being able to sleep) but it's done now, so I hope you can enjoy it as much as I did when writing it. Everyone, hope you like it too!
Song: Winter Memories - Jordy Chandra (The title says “winter memories” but I am thinking of a mid-spring Sunday morning/noon 😭)
MDNI divider by @cafekitsune, on this post
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(This was supposed to just be suggestive, but since idk if I overdid it, I'm just gonna place this)
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(all babycore dividers used are from @anitalenia, found on this post)
Days were passing by, and things were going pretty well for the community. She was glad they found Alexandria. It was a nice change, and it felt like they could truly have a moment to take a break there, like they could finally be happy and just settle in, trying to have normal lives once again.
And her positive thoughts only increased when a lovely lady from the community gave birth. It was an occasion to celebrate, and for a couple of months passing, it seemed like a lot of good things were happening around, so she couldn't be happier.
Ah, there she was, parading herself in her light cream-coloured sundress, with a white little parasol (courtesy of her loving husband) to protect herself from the sun, as she strolled around the streets, exploring and marvelling at the beauty and tranquilly around her like a happy puppy would on their first stroll into the outside world.
Oh, she loved that dress so much. Not only was it beautiful and fit her personality, but it was also quite adjustable, so she wouldn't need to worry about sore breasts or her belly being uncomfy. She could still remember how comical Daryl's expressions were when she tried explaining to him the concept of aesthetic cores and how she was a cottagecore.
He seemed so lost that she laughed for about 10 minutes before deciding to somewhat draw it to show him what she meant; predicting that a more visual approach would help him understand the concept better. He did admit it was pretty much her vibe after seeing the dresses and all the stuff "a cottagecore likes and does".
After that, whenever he would go out for his runs, he would try to look for dresses like the one she drew, and whenever he couldn't find any, he would bring drawing or painting materials, old cameras, or little flowers he thought she would like. (PD: She always likes them.).
That's how her most favourite memory of a Sunday morning came to be. And like that, every Sunday morning, after her husband would leave for runs or tasks, she would wear her light cream sundress and white sandals and take her white parasol to roam around, greeting everyone and enjoying nature (despite her best friend's advice to rest and her husband's disapproval).
However, she understood why Daryl was so against it in general. He was just worried about her health and safety. After all, she was now in her second trimester of pregnancy, expecting their son or daughter to come into the world in a few more months.
She loved Daryl. Deeply. And she would never question him or his decisions (well, maybe sometimes she would), but she was so tired of staying at home doing nothing for most of the day. And though Carol, Michonne, and a few others would come to visit and spend time with her when her husband was away, Y/N wanted some freedom, some independence.
God knows she would ‘bore to death’ if she had to stay in the same place doing nothing for one more day while everyone else fulfilled their roles.
As she came closer to the small town's pond, she took big strides to approach a blooming peony bush. She loved the smell of its flowers. And as she lightly bent down to sniff the sweet aroma from the round pink flowers, she caught a glimpse out of the corner of her eye of her husband, who was sitting on a bench not far from her. From afar, she could notice a worried expression on his face.
She strode slowly in his direction and placed a hand on his shoulder, greeting him with a warm and loving smile, but instead of the usual “Hey, Sunray” or “Why are ya out 'ta house alone?” she would receive, she heard him grunt.
At that, she furrowed her brows in confusion and slight concern, wanting to know what had made her husband so grumpy at early noon. “Is everything okay, Dar?” She asked in a soft, patient tone.
Daryl looked away from her, not wanting to make eye contact, and sighed in annoyance. “Everythin's fine,” he answered grumpily.
Y/N, knowing her husband and not believing that crap for a second, looked at him more seriously. “Daryl…” She called out his name, insisting he should tell her the truth.
Daryl sighed irritantly, hearing her insist, knowing she wouldn't back down. He then turned his gaze to her and unexpectedly exclaimed, “Ah said everythin's fine, dammit!”
He said this a bit too loudly, not noticing that he had snapped at her.
This action made Y/N flinch, not used to such an alert state in Daryl anymore. Now she was truly worried.
“Hey, hey, honey, it's okay... What's got you so riled up? Is work becoming too much? Or are they not listening to you? Should I go teach them a lesson?” She asked at first, even making a joke to brighten him up, but Daryl only shook his head, still not wanting to speak.
He held his head in his hands, almost in a desperate posture, making his wife worry even further. She was going to say something, but a tiny piece of cloth caught her attention. It was then that she got to see the tiny, frill-decorated bib on his right hand.
She put pieces together in her mind like a game of tetris and asked again, with more understanding tone and gentleness in her voice.
“Is it the baby?” Daryl kept quiet, but his shoulders tensed up. Y/N now knew what was ‘the main issue’, and took action immediately, slowly running her hand on his back and giving a few gentle pats to soothe her husband's worry. He looked like he was on the edge.
Daryl's gaze and body seemed to loosen up as he felt her hand on his back. He then tried to explain his concerns.
“I... Ah ain't upset, is jus'...” He trailed off, not knowing how to express his thoughts.
“It's okay, love. You don't have to tell me now if you aren't prepared. Here, let's just sit for a bit, okay? I'm starting to feel heavy again.” Y/N reassured him, not wanting him to feel pressured if he was already so altered.
She had some trouble sitting down next to him, though. Despite not being in the 3rd trimester yet, her belly heaviness seemed to be causing her discomfort when she had to sit or stand up in a rush. But she didn't mind it much; it made her happy because that was the proof of the love Daryl and she had for each other and the life growing inside her.
Daryl noticed her struggle and quickly went from being annoyed to concerned. He stood up and carefully helped Y/N sit down, making sure she was comfortable before taking a seat next to her.
“Damn, ya sure are a heavy load,” he joked. At this, Y/N dramatically gasped and faked being offended.
“Hey! I remind you, you're the one that made me heavy! ~“ She played along, jokingly shoving him to the side with a smile, trying to lighten up his mood, and succeeding brilliantly when she heard him chuckle.
“Well, sugar, if I reckon correctly, it takes two to tango to make a young'un 'round these parts,” he smirked, faking innocence at the fact he got her pregnant.
Y/N gasp-chuckled, defending herself. “But it takes you not wanting to pull out beforehand to make the baby, isn't it right, honey? ~”
She clarified softly, putting her hand on his chest, batting her eyelashes cutely at him, and getting close enough to him to make their lips graze but not touch. All in the name of teasing him.
Daryl chuckled again, feeling attracted to her playful teasing, his breath hitching slightly as her lips grazed against his own. He couldn't help but smirk; his eyes locked onto her gaze.
He gently grabbed her hips, slowly pulling her closer to him to the point of having her almost seated on his lap.
“Oh, but ah know for a fact ya wudn't complainin' at the moment, darlin',” he continued, feeling proud for his little ‘achievement’ as he caressed her thigh over the sundress.
Feeling a little braver than usual, Y/N whispered: “And how would I, when you know how to drill me in the right spot? ~”
She murmured against his lips. Her gaze never left him, and her smile only widened each time he looked down at her lips and looked back at her eyes, obviously enchanted by her charms already.
Daryl's eyes darkened with desire, and his grip on her hips tightened slightly. He felt his heart racing at her words. He pulled her closer to him until their bodies were pressed together.
“Damn, woman… Ya know I ain’t doin' this here.” He groaned softly against her lips while devouring her with his stare. They sure were the only ones at the pond around then, but despite the tall, full, and flourishing grass, bushes, and plants, they could still be easily spotted if they decided to... get loose. (😏)
“Then why do you keep pulling me closer, hm, hun? ~”
It was sort of comical to see him struggle to compose himself in this situation, making Y/N not want to miss out on teasing him to the fullest. She placed both hands on his chest and slowly arranged her position on his lap to sit and view him better.
Daryl let out a low growl as Y/N moved closer. He felt the heat rising within him, his hands roaming from her hips to her backside, gripping it firmly. His breathing becomes heavier as he looks down at Y/N.
“Yar testin' ma limits, sweetheart.”
Y/N smiled innocently, enjoying the effect she had on her husband.
“I guess the preggy hormones are doing their stuff again... I feel kinda—needy,” she admitted a little sheepishly and continued with a more serene tone. “But… that will have to wait for now.”
“Now... Why don't you tell me what got you so fed up before, love?“ She questioned, changing her position once again to avoid making Daryl even more aroused.
She looked into his eyes tenderly and patiently, waiting for him to pour out his heart.
He knew they were a team now that needed trust and communication to get through everything. So she trusted he would be able to let out what was on his mind that made him so tense earlier.
Daryl took a moment to compose himself, gathering his thoughts after being so close to Y/N. He inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly; his grip on her loosened a bit as he leaned back on the bench.
He averted his eyes for a moment, his expression becoming heavier.
“Tis just...everythin', know what am sayin'?” He paused and looked at her belly, then back at her eyes.
“Da kid, da thought of bein' a pa... is like a whole heap to deal with, y'know?” He expressed his deepest concern about your future child.
Seeing her husband so worried brought her heartache. She sighed and wrapped her hands around his head, placing them on her chest as she made circular movements on his scalp in a slow, comforting way.
“And here I thought I was silly for feeling bad about myself and thinking I wouldn't make a good enough mom and wife, while my dear husband was here on his own, questioning his capacity to keep us safe…” She sighed again and continued. “I'm really a bad wife, huh?”
Daryl leaned into Y/N's touch, closing his eyes as she ran her hands through his hair. He sighed deeply, feeling a mix of emotions but still negating her words.
“Nah. Ya ain't a bad wife. Yar da best damn wife. Yar perfect.”
He said it softly as he tried to encourage her. His voice was filled with a hint of frustration afterwards. “Ah jus'... 'm scared I ain't gonna be a good pa. I ain't never had a good example to follow, y'know?”
Y/N knew what he was referring to. They didn't speak so often about their pasts (deciding to let them be and find a future together), but she remembered the little Daryl commented about his family life and his broken relationship with... the man that was his father.
“Whatever happened back then... doesn't determine who you are today. You chose to be different from him, to be more understanding, to wait more patiently, and to love more deeply,” she started.
“Jesus, you've been up and about everywhere looking for baby items just to be prepared when he or she comes around.”
Y/N chuckled, reflecting on all the tiny clothes, toys, and more that Daryl kept bringing back each time he went on a run since he learned Y/N was pregnant with their child. Seeing him come over to her in an excited, uncharacteristic way to show her his new finding was as amusing as endearing.
“You're nothing like him. You're you, and you're better. And I know it scares you. Damn, it scares me too.” She insisted (unnoticedly mild-cursing), knowing well who the man she fell in love with was and how much he matured and developed just by being with you and the others.
Her sudden, brittle voice indicated she was about to cry. She felt the hormones hitting her, making her feel sadder and more vulnerable than she had seconds ago. “But… sniff But I know we will be alright because... sniff because we have you, we have each other, and... sniff and that's all that matters to me, so... we will get to learn how to raise our child together. We w-will set the good example ourselves, o-okay?”
Her voice trembled at the last sentence as she grabbed a hold of his face, pressing his cheeks together to make him look over at her. Finally, she had let go of her emotions and became a teary mess, non-stop sniffing before him.
Almost used to her mood swings already, Daryl couldn't help but chuckle softly despite the seriousness of the situation, amused by the little it took to make her cry now, even if she was already quite emotional beforehand.
“Baby, yar crying... again. I swear yer hormones have been all over the place,” he stated in a playful manner, gently wiping away her tears with his thumb. He then took her hands into his own, holding them gently. The difference in size and texture was kinda silly.
“Still… Yar dang right 'bout us, we're gonna stick together. I ain't never been good at all this family business, but I'll do whatev'r it takes for ya and our young'un.” Daryl promised to her lover, feeling more accepting of his new role.
“I-I can't help it... sniff the pregnancy... sniff I swear I've never been so emotional about everything before... sniff I hate it... And you know I hate swearing too…” She complained, her voice increasing in intensity as she recalled her distaste for swearing and swearing words.
“It just… It hurts me so much when sniff I see you like this... Like you'll get tired of me or sick of us, and—”
Y/N stopped herself, incapable of completing what came to mind as more tears fell. The unlooked-for thought brought a new fear to her mind: a possible future without Daryl, having to tend and care for the baby alone.
It terrified her.
Daryl's expression softened even more as he saw her tear up. Damn hormones got her all upset, and all he wanted to do was take it all away. His chest twisted in pain when she mentioned he could get tired of her, so he gently pulled her closer to him with a firm grip.
“Hey, hey, hey, look at me,” he said, guiding her gaze to his by holding her chin. “Sunray, ya got nothin' to worry about, y'hear me? I ain't goin' nowhere... 'M plum crazy 'bout ya, and I ain't never leaving ya or our young'un, I promise. I ain't getting tired of you, sweetheart; yar everythin' to me.”
He confessed sweet things to her, wanting Y/N to feel the depth of his love for her.
“B-but… sniff the way you sniff yelled before…” She argued between sniffs and hiccups, being so focused on her mood that she kept forgetting to breathe properly.
“I thought I… I did something to sniff get you upset with me again, like... sniff like when sniff I misplaced your crossbow last week and you sniff wouldn't talk to me until I found it…”
She couldn't help but sob at the remembrance, making Daryl feel a pang of guilt when she mentioned his reaction earlier and last week. He had made her so hurt for not talking to her that it still poked at her. And damn, she was crying even more now. He hated seeing her like this. His little sunray was all cloudy because of him.
“Hey, come on now, sweetcheeks... I'm sorry for hollerin' at ya, ait? I was a bit... on edge, but it had nothin' to do with ya, ait? S'not nothin' to worry about.” He spoke softly as he pulled her even closer, his hand gently rubbing her back in soothing circles, just like she did to him minutes ago.
“And 'bout that crossbow, that was nothin'.”
“But... sniff you got so angry... hiccup I thought you'd hate me forever if I couldn't find it… hiccup and the thing is, you always placed it anywhere! hiccup”
Y/N protested, claiming Daryl was the one constantly dropping his weapon all over the house, but the truth was, she was actually the one changing its location.
The pregnancy sure had its shortcomings, but one of them that mostly affected Y/N was easily misplacing things because she became a lot more forgetful (possibly because of the amount of blood, nutrients, and oxygen she was losing each day to provide to her baby and help him/her keep growing healthily). So, each time she'd see the crossbow somewhere she previously placed it while doing house chores, she'd think it was Daryl who placed it there, and she'd put it somewhere else, and then she'd come across it again and place it somewhere else, over and over again.
It happened multiple times before with less meaningful things, but this was Daryl's crossbow we were talking about. When he would come back home looking for his main weapon, Daryl would find it missing, and when he would ask Y/N, she wouldn't remember where she last saw it.
After hours of scattering the whole house, she felt so silly when they finally found the crossbow inside their wardrobe. She couldn't even remember keeping it there, but... all pointed out that the pregnancy was just taking the best of her, and Daryl's stress wasn't really helping much.
Despite Daryl understanding the situation was a consequence of the pregnancy later on and trying as best as he could to make her feel better, inside her mind, she couldn't help but continue blaming herself for making him angry that day.
The silent treatment he gave her seemed to have broken her heart into two.
Daryl listened to her words, realising the severity of the case and feeling more stupid for not fully catching how much that incident had affected Y/N. Seeing her tears made his heart ache even more.
He ran a hand through his hair in frustration, feeling guilty for causing her so much worry, knowing she had too much on her plate already.
“Hear me out now. I ain't never gonna hate ya, y'hear? It was ma fault for bein' dang careless with where I left ma stuff. I shouldan't given ya the silent treatment; I was jus... frustrated,” he let on, taking the blame to make her feel less remorseful.
“I'm sorry... hiccup I just don't want to make you angry again…” She hiccuped once more, feeling her eyes water up for the nth time.
Daryl gently cupped her face, his calloused thumbs wiping away the tears. “Ya ain't got nothin' to apologise for, sweetheart. Believe me, I'm the one who should be apologisin' to ya.”
Daryl sighed.
“ 'm sorry for giving' ya the silent treatment. I was bein' a damn fool. Ya didn't do nothin' wrong, ait? I'll never be angry with ya for real. I swear,” he admitted.
“Really?…” she asked with a trembling voice and big puppy eyes. He looked into her hazel eyes, his gaze loving.
“Really. I promise.”
He gently brushed a strand of hair from her face; his touch was tender.
“Yar carryin' our baby, remember? Tha's the most important thang rite now. Ain't nothin' else matters more than ya and our young'un. I ain't gonna waste time bein' mad over stupid shit like lost crossbows when I gotta take care of ya,” he professed, making a second vow to himself to keep you and his future child safe.
Y/N sniffed her feelings for the last time and tried to collect herself.
She placed her chin over his head and hugged his neck softly, allowing him to place his head over the beginning of her belly, giving him access to listen to the baby's little movements and her heartbeats.
“I love you, Daryl... I love you so much, I don't know what I would do without you.” She still felt somewhat emotional as she said this, but she gave it her all to avoid crying again.
Daryl wrapped his arms around Y/N while placing his head gently over her belly. He listens intently to her heartbeats, the sound of them comforting him. He momentarily turned his head to place a gentle kiss on her belly, his lips lingering for a moment as he treasured this moment.
“I love ya too, baby. Y'all and this little 'un got me wrapped around yer dang fingers. Don't know what I'd do without y'all...” He hugged her tightly, not wanting to let her go.
He caressed her cheek with his hand, his fingers lightly tracing the contour of her jawline.
He then gently rested his forehead against hers, their breaths mingling as they shared this intimate moment as they looked forward to whatever the future had in store for them because, if anything was sure, it was that they would do anything to stay together in love.
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They stayed on the pond for a while longer until Y/N said:
“I wanna have strawberries and cheese,” and Daryl looked at her like she had gone crazy.
“Berries 'n cheese? You serious?” he questioned. “It tastes good…” she whispered, defending herself.
Daryl shook his head, still not finding sense in those strange pregnancy food cravings, but he still wouldn't deny any of her cravings. If his queen wanted to eat strawberries and cheese, the man would get them for her.
“If tha' what ya want,” he answered, shrugging, making Y/N hug him, glad that he agreed on getting the'snack’ for her.
“I love you, Daryl.” “Love ya too, sweetcheeks.”
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A/N: OH MY GOOD GOD, FINALLY. THIS WAS THE LONGEST I'VE EVER WRITTEN. Editing this was such a pain... But was worth it! Also, I may be planning a few more stuff for this cottagecore reader... as well as other projects of course. I think I'm gonna be super occupied now because I've got work, but I'm also planning a travel (and I wanna participate in two Daryl-related writing challenges...).
May God help me because I don't think I can help myself on this 😭 but anws, this was super endearing to write. It went through very little changes since the draft, compared to other stuff I wrote, and I did a collage image banner for it, inspired by @dixons-sunshine whenever she works on her stuff. Yeah, as you can see, all this post is focused on you hahaha, hope you had the greatest day today and I love ya lots. May God keep you for even longer and give you many more reasons to rejoice, celebrate and thank Him IJN 🥰
Now, imma retire now bc I stayed up almost all night trying to edit this... and I got work early in the morning... (seriously, this was like 12 pages on Word... 💀) See ya all around!
Thanks and God bless!~
𓆩 ♱ 𓆪
support divider from @cafekitsune, on this post
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jsabaddict · 1 year
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Well, today is the day!! I apologise deeply for the underwhelming piece, but I tried to shove in as many as my motivation allowed!!
Owners of these orbs, from left to right:
@alexis-draws-stuff @bgsartcavern @woahtriangle @untitled14360 @acn97414 (me, Blixer Eclipses) @preattychilll @glaciers-blorbo-purgatory @aliviasyl @krys-lil-corner @harmonyroundwolf2022 @kitcatttt @lavthequad @trash-jsab @aquabeats @warriormans @interval-au @defness
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For the fanfic asks! 🎈💞🪄🦋
Thank you Krys <3
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
It changed a little over time! at the beginning i was experimenting with POVs and tenses, wanted to write things with more imagery and to spend time making them sound beautiful, but as soon as i started writing more crack/humor fics where i had to break that style i realized i've been limiting myself a lot. then i tried crafting an universal go-to style that can just flow right under my fingers while im concentrated about the idea in my mind - it's too frustrating to think about HOW you're writing something when you care more about WHAT you're writing. @aquagirl1978 described me as a chameleon in writing and i loved it a lot!! i like the idea of being free to change your style depending on what you're doing :)) im trying to teach myself to be like that in drawing too, having one go-to style and experimenting a little every now and then when it fits the theme of what im doing
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
the characters 😭 im easy to please as long as it has my favorite character. i NEVER judge anyone for their grammar, heck i don't care even if you don't start your sentences with uppercase letter... if its something that goes in the way of you sharing that fic with the world (you're not sure about the grammar so you spend time double checking it and get burned out, you're having too little free time to write, proofreading drains you) i want you to know that it's okay not to be perfect and that your idea can reach the people without stressing over all the little details ❤ though of course when you put the extra effort it can be a great way to learn, especially when it comes to grammar! but no burning out!
after the characters the most important for me is the plot! i love a plot that is seemingly another ordinary part from the daily life of the characters but then i discover something unique about it!
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
a couple of compliments for myself in my head to secure them in case noone else says something good HAHAH then getting all cozy in bed and rewarding myself with a good night's sleep because i tend to write very late at night 💔💔 zzz
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
answered here!
-> ask game (you’re never too late to this!) | answered: 🧿 🕯️ 🌈 ; 🦋 🌻
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the-lovely-cambion · 2 years
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This is Mouse, Demitra’s familiar and best friend. He’s always helping Demitra whenever she needs it, whether that be picking up certain ingredients for her elixirs or just for emotional support, he’s always here to help. Although being owned by Demi, he mostly spends his time with Krys, his 1st best friend right next to Demi. He and Krys are like that one friend group that share the same braincell, and their no exception. He always accompanies Krys since she doesn’t like to be alone when going off on her own, plus they both share (somewhat) the same interests with each other. Mouse likes to draw and animate in his free time on Krys drawing tablet, mostly drawing/animate random stuff or just drawing anime (usually that has something to do with Demi). When not that, he’s mostly on his phone (don’t ask) browsing on internet and such. He does communicate with his peers via mind reading, but he does also speak to them (but he has to this “routine” so that people would understand him, this is permanent after the “routine” is done). He’s mostly just like a person, but just a mouse looking familiar, but he’s a good familiar to be around so…(I ran out of ideas on what to put in the last part)
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batteryrose · 2 years
Weirdly specific artist asks! 4, 12, 30
Hiiiiiiiiii krys :3
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Honestly in the beginning Adam is pretty hard to draw because, uhhh I think shorter hair means his head shape is more obvious, and if I don't get it right each time he can very easily looks 'off'. I've drawn him countless times at this point so it's not such a big deal anymore.
Also I love painting his darker skintone I can't complain about this at all when the end result is so!!! Beautiful! But light reflects so differently in darker vs light skintones, I still need to learn.
12. Easiest part of body to draw
Man I don't know I keep finding things get harder and harder to draw the more I WANT to make it harder! (more specific expressions, angles, poses, features,) but I'd say, in isolation, I guess the eyes are okay, and often the first thing I draw even before the rest of the face and head shape. I don't often have problems drawing the hands either.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
Looking back I think most of my stuff is appropriately-rated. But I found this piece with my ikevamp Hegel and Sigmund Freud ocs that I think is sooo smart and cool but understandably no one knew the references to. (and its not like my dumb ass even explained either.)
Ask me!
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refriedrambles · 7 months
Alexandria is just a fucked up gremlin version Snow White, but she's not wishing for a prince, she was wishing for a family and we see her during the happily ever after
So I have labeled this project Space temporarily. Still working on Being Fired, but I want to rewatch IZ for that first and just haven't done it yet.
As of now I've got three solid characters for Space with arcs and themes. This is gonna be a long term project with a different approach from anything else I've tried to write so far. I want it to be an ensemble cast, but I wanna get a good idea of who everyone is and what their arc could be first.
For solid characters I have Zsolt, desperate for validation and running from his past. He's a mechanic/maintenance/occasional pilot for the ship. Incredibly Zim inspired. A bit of Jack Spicer too. Pathetic theater villain my favorite kinda character, I'm gonna give him something! The perpetual nature of these characters hurts me and that's what draws me to Chack or PRaZr. I want them to just get a win for once and I know just giving them the love of those they idolize isn't the way to go about it and doesn't really make a good story on it's own, but it's gets the itched scratched. Doesn't hurt that the Tallest are my favorites in IZ and Chase is pretty high on the list Xiaolin Showdown either. But that's not really the direction I think this needs to go. It could eventually but definitely not during the main arc. I will probably give Zsolt an idol that dismisses and possibly despises them, but he won't learn from finally get their love. He's going to work through his issues. His mask will be shattered and he's going to have to face what's left underneath. Failure and self loathing
Krys, basically just Krysa but merged with another character of mine named Crow. She's the ship's captain and she does a bit of everything, but often overlaps with Zsolt's duties cause it's the stuff she enjoys the most. Her main thing is she's what's keeping the ship together, from being a peacekeeper for the crew to finding out where and how they're going to get the resources they need to stay afloat. She's got a lot on her plate and some pretty well hidden trust issues that totally aren't going to become a problem later. A bit Cale inspired, but I've also started injecting her with some of my personal issues. Aside from that she's just a culmination of shit load of recurring traits from my characters throughout the years.
I have so many red head girl characters with fucked up lives and an odd amount of them are makers. All of them isolated in some way, often involving parental death or murder, and frequently missing body parts and I'm definitely gonna have to dig into the why of that with Krys. They're often also completely out of place in their current environments too, but they've dug out a little hole for themselves nonetheless. Often from a fallen civilization and now aimlessly wondering a new one. Look I've made this connection before, but I've never really dug into it and I think I really need to.
Looking at Maliph I've always been far more aware of what parts of me I put into her. But not for Maka or Crow or Muryuim or Red or C or Krysa (and those are only the ones I can remember off the top of my head.) A big through line with all these characters and more is this unyielding curiosity, a level of education and learning I simply don't have. A confidence I've never had, despite the hell they've been through. I think Maliph is a character I just need to say fuck it with and write about with out caring about the flaws of her/his world. Without censoring myself. But that's got nothing to do with Space, that's just a character I was unconsciously working out a lot of stuff with. There is another through line with Maliph and Krysa (not necessarily Krys tho) that sticks out to me that I really really don't wanna think about. I think I'm gonna have to do some deep self reflection there, but not now.
The third character despite having an arc and a theme, I have no name for. Or design but considering they're a shape shifter I think that's excusable for now. For now I'm calling them Shifty. Alex is gonna pick them up, but I'm not quite sure what their role on the ship will be yet. An outsider and outcast like most of the others, but unlike them it's because of the paranoia and panic around the very idea of shape shifter. They've always tried to blend into their surroundings for safety. Where Zsolt pleads for acknowledgement, Shifty pleads for anonymity to be unseen, unnoticed. To just be allowed to survive. They don't know who they are and think they never will. All they want is a place they can just breathe. Humans are very rare in the part of the Galaxy they're in, but they are known about. After being confronted one too many times by those of the species he is pretending to be, he takes on the form of a human, so they have an easy excuse for any odd behaviors. When he mets Alex after while looking for a way off planet. (Not sure if I'm gonna leave Alex human, but if she is she's wearing her mask so he doesn't know) Inspired by Beast Boy, Nimona, and Maliph. They might not be as solid as I was thinking. Identity, dysphoria, alienation, dehumanization
Then there's Alex and Krill, but Alex's Snow White thing probably happens before the story and she's pretty well adjusted so I don't have much of an arc for her yet (maybe something about learning to accept things without feeling indebted to someone for it or being a bit too transactional in her thinking?). Krill. I don't know yet. He's kinda a pure evil character and while most of the main cast do fall into the criminal category, none are as heinous or remorseless as Krill. Alex is a pocket full of sunshine. Krill is a monster in almost every sense of the word. He's there out of necessity. And once Krys invited the devil in she knew she had little chance to get him out again. But luckily he's willing to play by her rules. For now at least.
I think I'm gonna use the Purple analysis (Tallest analysis really, can't do one without the other given how they are treated as a unit in the show, plus contrast and all that) as an excuse to finally learn how to write an essay.
I have come down with a sickness, but am doing pretty well. My brain's been on overdrive with possibilities! And insomnia. And story crafting!
I've figured out a partial plan on studying for that test I've been actively avoiding for years. (Essays. Curse you essays.)
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krys-does-art-stuff · 21 days
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A typical meal time scene in Hideyoshi's house, with Masamune inviting himself over because why not.
Couldn't think of what I wanted with just Masa and Houki for their shared birthday, but through a relatively recent ask I got on main, thought it would be cute with a meal time scene inspired by the ask.
So, Happy Birthday to Masamune and Houki, my beloveds.
Sept 2024
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krynutsreal · 2 years
ok um hands you a crumb hands you a crumb ha
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these are old bye
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krys-loves-otome · 6 months
Stealing the idea from @/scummy-writes and @/solomons-poison because now I'm curious and wanting to know
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darkbluekies · 1 year
hi hi how have you been if it's no trouble and if you are taking requests can I request your ocs with an artist reader that gives them a painted picture of themselves, If it's too difficult pls ignore this. Thanks and have a great day/night♡
(sorry if my grammar is bad)
A/N: I'm so sorry, there might have been some translation error in my brain that said that yn gave the yanderes a picture of themselves, not of yn! I'm still not 100% sure what you mean, but I wrote this. I hope you'll like it even if it's the wrong interpretation :(♡
Warnings: a bit suggestive parts in Edmund's and Silas’s
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You’re quietly coming into his office with something behind your back. Silas looks curious, asking you what you want since you never come down to his office. Youquickly give the paper over to him and attempts to run, but he lets his men lock the doors before you have the time to reach them.
“Now, now, don’t run. Let’s see what you’ve given me … wow, baby, this is magnificent. You drew me? Why haven’t you told me that you have such a talent, little thing? Now, don’t get all shy now. I really like it. I’ll keep it right here on my desk. Come here now so I can give you a kiss.”
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Dr Kry:
He can tell that you’ve been drawing something for over an hour by now, but you haven’t let him see it. Everytime he comes close you pull the paper away. He’s growing curious, he can’t deny that. By lunchtime, you give him your artwork. He scans it with a small smile on his face.
“You made this of me? How sweet of you. I will cherish this dearly, I promise. Do you like to draw? Do you want me to buy you some supplies?”
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King Edmund:
He has hundreds of portraits from all ages. Every year there's a new portrait of him (and you) hung in the throne room. But when you give him a messy sketch of him that you made while waiting for him to finish a meeting, he's mesmerized. You've caught something that the other painters haven't. There's something real about your sketch. Something human that has gotten erased in the official portraits.
"This is so beautiful, my jewel. You have a wonderful talent. I want you to paint my next portrait. And I'll do whatever pose you want, wearing whatever you want."
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She likes to make some sketches too. But nothing professional. Just some doodles when she's bored. She has let you borrowed her sketchbook while she's gone in a warehouse to retrieve stuff you want nothing to do with. You draw her from memory and when she returns you hand the book back. She catches a glimpse of the small cartoonish sketch you've made of her.
"Is this supposed to be me? Why did you make my face so round? I have a jawline, you know. I'm just teasing, I know it's an art style. It's stupidly cute somehow. I'll make one of you later and then we'll keep them in our phonecases, got it?"
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You're not paying attention in class again. It's okay, though! Hedwig will give you her notes. You're leaning against the wall, doodling. You start to draw your girlfriend, picturing her side profile magnificently.
"Y/N, we'll work in pairs now- … oh, is that me? Wow, you're amazing! You have to show me more later, I didn't know you had such good talent! Can I keep it? Thank you, I'll hang it in my locker and get reminded of you every time I open it!"
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luriart · 5 years
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Luci is so fun to draw so I had to draw him with the squad!
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krys-imeteri-hikari · 6 years
The moment that makes me feel old
Seeing a post about how a person is celebrating their OC turning 9 years old this year makes me realize I have some characters turning 11 this year, some pushing for 15.
My characters are becoming teenagers, and some are literally half my age at this point.
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Send help.
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