#ktr live
nationtoday · 11 months
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nationtodaychannel · 2 years
🔴 Live : ||KTR public meeting at Narayanpet District|@NationTodaychannel ​
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cinnajun · 1 year
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: keep it quiet | ktr
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summary | after an encounter with your best friend’s brother in the middle of the night, you can’t help but falling in love with him—and, perhaps he can’t help falling in love with you, too.
genre | kim taerae x fem!reader, university!au (but over the summer), best friend’s brother!au, y/n is an international student from the united states (sorry for all non usa people)
warnings | alcohol, i plagiarized business proposal, mentions of sex but not explicit
wc | 3.6k
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAERAE!!!!! i’ve always felt like he was so best friend’s brother (+ hanbin is brother’s best friend in case u were wondering) so here’s my best friend’s brother taerae manifesto (@taerrrrrae asked to be tagged)
ft. kep1 members (dayeon is taerae’s sister), billlie members, lsfm members
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i. silencieux
The moment you wake up, your head is spinning and you know you’re not drunk enough to throw up, but you sure feel like you’re going to. Kazuha is asleep with her head on your stomach, and you don’t remember when she ended up there (when you fell asleep, you know she was still playing Monopoly in the living room). To your right, Dayeon is asleep face down on the floor, snoring loudly, and to your left, Sheon and Tsuki had made it up to Dayeon’s bed.
The room is dark, which is disorienting, given you fell asleep when the fluorescent overhead light was still on. As best as you could, you removed Kazuha’s head from your stomach, trying to push yourself up off the floor. A glance at Dayeon’s Hello Kitty-themed, digital clock tells you that it’s 4:34 in the morning, which means you slept for around five-and-a-half hours.
During that time, you’d slept off a lot of the alcohol, but you were still feeling slightly buzzed—the buzz wasn’t enough to keep the hangover away, though. You must’ve drank your weight in vodka, which was not good for you, but Kazuha had insisted on you showing them what an American college kid party was like. And, since you’d been to a single frat party during your senior year of high school, you’d been able to pull it off to an extent (you ordered red solo cups and called it a day).
Deciding you needed to drink some water, you stumbled over Dayeon and emerged out into the hallway, nearly knocking into the wall as you did so. The house was empty as far as you were aware—her parents had gone on vacation, which was why you’d been able to drink all day in the first place. According to Dayeon, though, her older brother was supposedly getting home that night.
You assumed he would probably be asleep by now, so you continued on your conquest to the kitchen, practically falling down the stairs because you didn’t turn the light on. But, once you made it to the bottom, there was nothing in between you and getting your water.
Except for a boy sitting at the island in the kitchen, a mug in one hand and a phone in the other. He’d dimmed the lights in the room, which you didn’t know could happen, and he was blissfully unaware of your presence. At that moment, you registered the quiet sound of bossa nova playing as well, which meant he probably hadn’t heard you stumbling down the stairs.
You froze the moment you saw him, immediately weighing your options—you could either go back upstairs and search for water in Dayeon’s room (or just drink from the tap, which you didn’t want to do but would sacrifice if need be) or you sucked up the anxiety and got a huge cup of ice water.
You didn’t have time to decide, because he turned his head towards you, seemingly confused as to why you’d stopped. “Oh, I thought you were Dayeon,” he said, and you practically swooned.
You didn’t know Dayeon’s brother was point-blank beautiful. His voice was deep too, and you briefly wondered if he’d somehow stepped straight out from a k-drama. He was dressed like he was in a k-drama, too, wearing a black t-shirt and baggy, red sweatpants with a pair of wire-rimmed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose.
“Um, sorry,” you replied, feeling a bit stupid. Your voice sounded foreign in your ears, and you were praying to the gods above that you didn’t sound drunk still. Taerae shook his head, offering you a reassuring smile. You nearly passed out as a dimple bloomed on his cheek, and you began to wonder how Dayeon had never told you that her brother was perfect.
“No, go ahead and do whatever you need to do. I don’t think you were expecting me to be here.”
You nodded haphazardly, taking a few steps toward the cabinets. Taerae went back to scrolling on his phone, where you quickly realized he was reading a book. You picked up the pace, rushing past him and towards the cups that were on the counter. Grabbing one, you quickly filled it with ice and water, suddenly forgetting who was sitting behind you.
Hurriedly, you chugged the glass, practically rejoicing as the ice-cold water flowed down your throat. With a content sigh, you let one of the ice cubes fall into your mouth, and you began crunching on it.
“Are you the one that’s going to be staying with us this summer?”
You choked on the ice, panic flowing through your entire body. You practically swallowed the rest of the cube whole, spinning on the ball of your foot to face him. In your drunkenness, you’d forgotten that you were going to be living at this guy’s house for the rest of your summer and hadn’t even tried to make a good impression.
“Oh, yeah, right. That would be me, yes. I’m [First].”
“Taerae,” he replied. “If you ever need anything, let me know. I have a car.”
It took everything in you to keep your jaw from dropping. The more you learned about this guy, the more insane you felt—whenever Dayeon talked about him, she spoke like he was the biggest loser on the planet. But, right now, he seemed like the farthest thing from a loser.
“Well,” you said, clearing your throat. “I’m going to go back to sleep.”
He smiled at you again, nodding. “Sleep well. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. If you’re up before me, the hangover medicine is in the mirror cabinet.”
You felt the warmth rush to your cheeks when he said that, and you rushed to put your glass in the sink and disappear from the room. “Thank you,” you mumbled, speed-walking around the island. Then, as if he was a psychic, he put his hand on the edge right as you walked into it, protecting you from the stabbing pain of a rock-hard corner. With much more fervor than the last time, you choked out another “Thank you!” before practically running up the stairs and back into the sweet escape of Dayeon’s bedroom.
ii. silencio
A couple of days into your stay at Dayeon’s house, you and Taerae found out that you both went to bed late and woke up early. As a result, your most active times were around the same time; so, the both of you often found yourselves sitting with one another.
Every night, it would be the same set-up: Taerae reading a book and drinking tea, which you found out was chamomile, while you sat across from him, working on the homework for your summer class. Then, at around 3 in the morning, you would pack up for the night. You’d then wake up before him and much before Dayeon, make your breakfast, and while you were eating, he would emerge in the morning.
You also quickly learned that Taerae had, quite literally, no flaws. Once, he sat next to you at the dining table, and he smelled like fresh laundry. On top of that, his breakfast of choice had been a piece of toast with raspberry jam which, for some reason, made you even more enamored with him.
During the day, Taerae didn’t go out much. If he did, he was going to see friends, and Dayeon seemed to be in love with one of his friends (his name was Gyuvin, and he was younger than her, which she didn’t like). She often told him to bring his friends over, but Taerae would just laugh at her and leave with car keys dangling from his hand.
He also restated his offer to take you anywhere you needed to go several times, though it was often directed to both you and Dayeon. You found that very sweet, especially for an older brother—a lot of things about his relationship with Dayeon were picturesque. If you’d had a sibling relationship like theirs, you figured you’d be a very different person.
All in all, he was very kind, which was fatal to anybody with a conscience (especially paired with his face). If the word “beautiful” was a person, you were half convinced that Taerae would be him.
You’d be, quite frankly, utterly stupid if you didn’t try and grow closer to him. So, that’s exactly what you did—at night, when Dayeon was fast asleep and you two were the only ones left alive in the house, you would emerge from the guest bedroom and sit with him. You never spoke unless he spoke first, and generally left him to his own devices, hoping somehow that just sitting in the same room as him would make him fall madly in love with you.
Soon enough, the two of you fell into a routine. You’d sit at the kitchen counter on one of their high stools, either studying or playing random games on your computer while you listened to a podcast. Taerae would read and drink tea, listening to various types of music (from jazz to trot, which you found entertaining).
Then, you made a bold move—instead of sitting at the kitchen counter, you sat yourself down at the table, in the opposite corner. Taerae looked at you for a brief moment but didn’t say anything, which made you feel decently impressed with yourself. In your delusion, you were convinced your plan was “working,” even though you had no proof that he viewed you as anything but Dayeon’s friend. 
And then, it happened. One night, Taerae was out with his friends later than usual, and you’d felt a little discouraged in pulling your little scheme to hang out with him. But, you figured that, if you didn’t go sit down there at least for the hours you usually did, you’d look suspicious (and fall behind on your schoolwork). So, you set up shop, spreading out your books and papers across the table while you compiled them into your notes.
When he got home, it was around 1 in the morning, and you could tell he was drunk from the way his cheeks were flushed (and the fact that he didn’t hang his car keys—in fact, his keys were nowhere to be found). He nodded at you as he walked to his room, shuffling his feet and yawning. You nodded back, suppressing the smile you felt itching at your lips. A moment later, he came out, wearing the same red sweatpants and black sweatshirt that he loved so much.
You then realized that you’d never been able to watch him make his tea, so you found yourself staring at him the entire time he did—from getting out the tea bags from the cabinet to him adding a plethora of little ingredients, like honey and a single drop of cream.
Then, he turned, and you immediately averted your eyes, staring at your computer screen. Taerae sat next to you instead of sitting on the opposite side, still leaving a chair in between you two. You felt yourself tense up but tried to give the illusion of being as relaxed as possible in hopes of keeping your silly crush a secret.
This time around, Taerae didn’t read a book and sat drinking his tea. He put his music on as usual, settling on the same samba jazz he’d been listening to the night you first met. He leaned back into his chair, and you continued to fight the urge to stare at him from the corner of your eye.
“You want to know something?” he asked, a little slur to his words. You looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
“Depends on what ‘something’ is.”
“We barely talk,” he began, laughing at himself. “But I think about you all the time. When we’re not sitting here together, I almost feel miserable. You live in my house and I still feel like we don’t spend enough time together.”
“Woah,” you said, eyes wide. “Are you sure you want to be saying this when you’re drunk?”
“When else would I say it?” he snorted, brushing his hair out of his face. He took another sip of his tea. “I’ll probably regret it in the morning, but at least it’s off my chest. Don’t tell me how you feel. Just go back to your work.”
You cleared your throat, buffering for a moment. Then, you did as he asked, and went back to furiously typing away at your study guide. About fifteen minutes later, Taerae got up and put his mug in the sink, disappearing deeper into the house—but he left the music playing.
iii. silentium
You didn’t see Taerae until the next night. He didn’t come down in the morning, and you noticed his shoes were gone from the rack next to the door. When you asked Dayeon when she emerged from her bedroom at nearly 1 pm, she said she’d gone to get his car and ended up deciding to spend the day with his friend Matthew.
You found it hard to keep a straight face in front of Dayeon for the rest of the day, wanting nothing more than to spill out all of your feelings to her, as she was your best friend. You also knew that she would likely be less than pleased that your stupid plan to get her brother to fall in love with you worked, so you kept your mouth shut.
It was also out of respect for Taerae, too, as he was probably dying of embarrassment while he was out with his friend. And, as you expected, he arrived back to the house well after Dayeon had passed out, eyebags prominent under his eyes.
You were sitting at the dining table playing Tetris, listening to a random podcast that talked about random items and events that piqued the hosts’ interest. He didn’t go into his room or make his tea this time, just sitting down next to you (with one seat in between, of course).
You took your AirPods out and paused your game, leaning back into your chair. “Sorry,” he said, drumming his fingers on the table. “If I made things weird, that’s not cool for you, ‘cause you don’t have anywhere else to go. I’ll probably be out and about more when my parents come back.”
You stayed quiet, devising a plan in your head. Part of you was exasperated that your stupid sit-in-the-same-room tactic worked, and the other part of you was screaming in your head, banging on the walls, and giggling maniacally.
You slid into the chair that separated you two, feeling your heart pounding in your chest. Then, before he could turn to look at you, you planted a quick kiss on his cheek. You felt like a middle schooler doing that, but it was the only thing you could come up with before Taerae gave up and left you alone.
He turned to face you, eyes wide and cheeks red, like they’d been last night. For a moment, you stared at each other, not saying a word. Then, you got an idea that made your head spin at just the thought of it—it was cliche and straight out of a movie scene, but you couldn’t help but want to actualize it.
Taerae seemed to have the same idea, as he leaned over and kissed you with a sort of fervor that you weren’t expecting. You couldn’t help but return the kiss, putting your hands on the sides of his face and pulling him closer to you. He pulled away for a second, tugging his glasses off his face and practically throwing them on the table.
Taerae’s lips were soft against your own, plump and perfect to kiss. You were close enough now that you could smell his cologne, which was light and airy, and you felt like a thousand flowers were blooming in your chest. Taerae ran a hand through your hair, which nearly made you swoon (if you weren’t already swooning.
You must’ve made out for a good ten minutes (at least that’s what it felt like), hugging him close to you like if you were to let go he would disappear in a second. The only thing that managed to draw you apart was the loud sound of Dayeon’s bedroom door opening, which caused you to practically shove him away from you. You nearly fell out of your chair as you rushed to get back to your original seat, patting your hair down and shoving your AirPods into your ear.
Taerae grabbed his glasses, pushing them on carelessly while he stood from his chair and nearly ran to where he kept his tea mugs. He began making his nightly tea, although you could see his hands shaking as he filled his electric kettle with water.
Dayeon skipped down the stairs and over to you, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and leaning down to hover her head above your shoulder. Then, she plucked out your earbud, putting her phone in front of your computer screen.
You prayed to every god that she couldn’t smell Taerae’s cologne on you, trying to focus on her screen. It was a wall of texts, the contact being easily identifiable as Taerae’s friend, Gyuvin. You scanned every word, bringing your hand up to scroll through them.
“He asked you out?” you blurted out, not thinking about the implications of saying that right behind her older brother. It was a panic reaction, a last-ditch attempt to get her away from you so she wouldn’t find out that you’d made out with her brother in her living room. Taerae spun around, and Dayeon detached herself from you immediately, staring at you with betrayal in her eyes. Taerae looked at her with betrayal in his eyes, too, and you suddenly realized that he knew that she had a thing for his friend.
“I knew Matthew wasn’t telling me something,” Taerae scoffed, causing Dayeon to shrink into herself. “How dare you date one of my friends? In what world is that legal?”
“Do you want a free pass to date one of mine?” Dayeon argued back, which caused you to look away with guilt filling your veins. “I’ve had a crush on him for years, I deserve this!”
You hoped that she never found out about you and Taerae.
iv. quiet
It was the night before Dayeon’s parents got home, two weeks before your dorms opened back up, and Dayeon had gone out with Gyuvin, one of his friends, and a couple of your friends. You’d been invited, but you lied and said you weren’t feeling well, thinking of the opportunity to spend the entire night, alone, with your now boyfriend.
Then, he went and ruined it. You stared at your neck in the mirror in absolute horror, looking at the red mark that was blooming on your skin. Taerae sat on the counter, watching you search through your plethora of makeup bags for the green concealer you’d bought back home.
“I can’t believe you did this to me,” you said, finally finding it in your bag of eyeliners. You immediately began dabbing it onto your neck, picking up your beauty blender and trying your best to blend it out.
“This is not my fault,” he shot back, frowning. “I barely even sucked that hard. This is on you. If you didn’t bruise so easily, we wouldn’t be here.”
You shivered, picking up your normal concealer and beginning to spread that out on the green blob you’d created. “Never phrase it like that again. And, for the record, you bit me. I felt it.”
He huffed, hopping off the counter and walking behind you, wrapping his hands around your waist. You blended out the normal concealer as well, letting out a sigh as it (mostly) disappeared. “The night before your parents come home and you do this to me. How cruel is that?”
“Maybe it’s a good thing. Then we won’t have to sneak around for two weeks, right?”
“I would rather die than have your parents assume that I’m having sex with their son, but okay,” you replied, sighing. You stared at him in the mirror, now, putting your hands on his arms. He stared back at you, putting his head on your shoulder. “Either way, I don’t like hickeys. My friends used to show up to school with them all the time, and sometimes they’d end the day with one they didn’t have at the beginning. It always grossed me out.”
“Then it’ll never happen again,” he replied, squeezing your middle. “Promise.”
Taerae kissed your shoulder, humming. “Dayeon’s getting home soon. We should go to bed.”
“Is she coming home?”
“Gyuvin texted me that he and Kazuha are bringing her back. He said she doesn’t feel well, and that she thinks you got her sick.”
“Awkward,” you giggled, nearly frowning when he let go of you. You turned to face him, and he put his hands on the counter, trapping you in between him and the ledge.
“Good night, my love,” he said, pecking you on the lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Be ready for our two weeks of hell.”
“I wouldn’t dream of anything else.”
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thank you for reading !
495 notes · View notes
yeowangies · 4 months
mutual understanding
Chapter I | Chapter II: Time for a little truth | III | IV | V
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PAIRING: Kenpachi/AFAB!Reader CONTENTS: AU - Fantasy, Medieval, Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Pining, Explicit Sexual Content in later chapters. WARNING FOR THIS CHAPTER: Mentions of mild blood and minor violence. WORDCOUNT: 3404
Despite your first hand experience, it was getting difficult to admit to yourself that Kenpachi wasn’t actually as bad as he initially seemed. He was violent and obsessed with fighting, that was obvious and even more so when you started living there, but he had never treated you roughly. Not even a single word out of place towards you, less alone one threatening action. 
I struggle writing this chapter a bit, confrontations are hard lmao but they are always necessary and i'm glad we can move on to sexier parts now!
Let me know if you wanna be tagged!
header by me, divider by @/saradika
taglist: @actuallysaiyan @lol-ktr @vrgelivvvv
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The night was beautiful. It had been raining days prior, and you couldn’t wait to go for a walk in the garden that night. It was the only alone time you had, with no maids trailing behind your every move, not when they didn’t notice you sneaking off.
You rarely went past the trees signaling the limit of the palace. The forest was on the other side, and people rarely went too deep into it, knowing what kind of magical creatures existed was enough to ward anyone off. 
You only wanted to explore a little, not enter the woods completely, but as soon as you took two steps into it, something felt off. 
The first thing you heard was a distant howl, before a gust of air threw you down onto the ground. Your vision got blurry, heat covering your body as claws tightly held onto your arm, digging into your flesh. You couldn’t even scream, completely confused as to what was even happening, and who or what was even attacking you. Blood trickled down your arm, and that was when you could finally let out a shaky cry. 
Whatever was holding you suddenly dropped you, and you fell with your back against the dirt, breathing heavily as the world stopped spinning rapidly enough so you could open your eyes and focus. 
You gasped loudly at the sight above you; an enormous man with an eyepatch and a scar across his face standing in front of you, holding a sword. Half his face covered in blood, making your body shiver in fear.
You barely crawled away before feeling too weak to keep moving, heart beating fast inside your ribcage, and you kept your eyes on the man in front of you, holding onto what was left of your consciousness as you heard far away voices resonating around you.
“Captain Zaraki just saved a girl!”
“Was that a werewolf?!”
“That’s the princess!”
“We need to get her back to the castle!”
You woke up, feeling hot and sweaty under the blankets, gasping for air at the flashback you had for a dream. 
That was the day Kenpachi saved you, the day you met him for the first time. It was embarrassing to even remember, as you had been more afraid of him than you had been of the actual creature that had harmed you. Albeit you hadn’t actually seen the werewolf. You only found that Kenpachi had sliced him in two once you woke up a few days later and one of the maids informed you about it.
You still didn’t know what to think of that experience, only that it made your blood run cold at times.
It has been a couple of weeks since you had moved to the castle, and the days passed by easily. You didn’t feel as tense as the first few days, when you were still testing the waters of the place.
Yachiru was actually a good company, despite her short age. She was vivacious and gave you strength and hope with her every move. You even met Ikkaku and Yumichika one night while you took a walk through the gardens, and even though they weren’t as strong as Kenpachi (not that you cared, but they let you know the fact nonetheless), they were much easier to talk to than your husband was. 
Once Kenpachi had given you permission to reorganize the garden (his exact words were ‘do whatever you want’), you focused solely on that, and as the early weeks of fall began, the weeds and overgrown grass had been removed completely. You knew it was a bad time to start planting seeds; if the cold in the first few days didn’t kill the plants, the snow might do that job once winter arrived. But you couldn’t wait; it was the only thing that kept you occupied. 
As soon as you became more familiar with the castle, you realized there wasn’t a library or a banquet hall. Why would there be any of those rooms if Kenpachi did not seem like the type to enjoy those things? Nevertheless, you wanted to fix that, but in order to do that, you had to ask your husband about it, and you felt like you might be overstepping with such an expensive and ambitious project. The garden will have to be done for now, and once that part was done, you could move on to something bigger.
Yachiru was helping you a lot in her own way, spreading the seeds across the soil of the garden (and though you specifically told her not to mix them you knew she was doing it), and once you were done for the day, you headed back into the castle. 
“Are we gonna do that again tomorrow?” She asked cheerfully, running across the entrance. 
“Tomorrow we have another task for the garden, we have to water the soil, remember?” You said, looking at her with a smile. “We have to do that everyday, and hopefully flowers will bloom by spring!”
“We’ll have flowers by spring?” Yumichika asked, walking through the entrance along with Ikkaku. 
“I am planning for that, however it does depend on the weather, and how crude these colder months are.” You replied with a soft smile. “I have faith that they will bloom!”
“Flowers never really grew in that place,” Ikkaku commented, looking at the still brand new garden through the window. “It was always full of weed, nobody really cared for it.”
“My mission is to make this place nicer! Once the garden is done, I wish to create a ballroom!”
“You want a ballroom?” Kenpachi's deep voice resonated from behind you, making you jump. “Why?”
“Well… So people can come over…” You replied quietly, turning around to face him with unsure eyes. 
“Come over for what?” His frown got deeper and it only made you more nervous.
“For socializing! Dancing and eating, mostly.” You replied, confused and slightly irritated. “Is that not to your taste?”
“We never had dances!” Yachiru replied, loud and joyful. “I bet it’s super fun!”
It was your turn to frown when you heard him sigh like he was annoyed before he spoke. 
“I will never understand women.”
An uncomfortable feeling raised inside you, more rapidly than you expected when you noticed from the corner of your eye that Ikkaku was looking at the both of you with eyes wide open, and Yumichika had covered his face with his palm. 
Embarrassed and frustrated, you couldn’t contain it even if you tried. 
“And I do not understand you.” You spat, looking up at Kenpachi as if he wasn’t twice your size. “Are you going to deny this to me? It is your right to do so, but this would not even be an issue if we were not married. You could have vehemently said no to this union, even escape from it! So I might as well enquire why exactly did you accept it? I was the one who had no choice!”
You kept your eyes on his for a moment as he stared at you, wide eyed, as if you had sprouted another head.
Not interested in listening to whatever that could have been said, you ran out of the castle towards the garden.
Kenpachi stood there looking at you as you got smaller the further you ran, and was only brought back to the present time by Yachiru’s voice.
“Dumb Kenny.” Yachiru commented, way too loud for Kenpachi’s taste, but he only turned to look at her, confused and annoyed. She paid him no mind and only ran up down the hall towards the kitchen. 
“What in the hell…” He grunted, unsure of what to do. Under any circumstances, he would start a fight, but even he knew that was a terrible idea. 
“Captain,” Yumichika called for him, making Kenpachi turn to him. “With all due respect, you are an idiot.”
“What?” Kenpachi practically growled, but Yumichika went on despite the threatening tone. 
“This girl is alone here, with no friends, no one she can confide in, and you just made her feel more alienated than ever. She had no choice in coming here, and she cannot leave at her own free will either. I suggest you actually tell her the truth.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“You have affection for her, don’t you?” Yumichika asked softly, not really expecting an answer. “Go talk to her and tell her the truth. She will say she doesn’t want to talk, but pay it no mind. She’ll want to know.”
“How do you even know that?” Ikkaku asked, arching an eyebrow. 
“I actually have the emotional range of a human being.” Yumichika rolled his eyes. 
“Shut up.” Kenpachi grumbled, pondering on the idea of actually telling you how he was feeling for a while before deciding it was the right thing to do. “Fine, whatever.”
Walking out the entrance and towards the garden, he tried to organize his thoughts. It wasn’t like he was a complete prick; he knew what could be insulting to say, he simply didn’t care for those things. But apparently you had been uncomfortable since the moment you’ve been declared husband and wife. 
Kenpachi hadn’t actually thought about anything regarding your life and feelings, simply because he hadn’t paid too much attention to details beyond what you had shown him. He had even let you have the bedroom all for yourself because he assumed you were terrified of him; the way you looked at him the first time you met spoke volumes. And even occasionally you seemed petrified whenever he was around, even after you’ve been in the castle for weeks. 
It had pissed him off to hear you talk about him behind his back the way you had, though it probably came from a place of fear rather than arrogance, no matter that you moved around like the princess you were. That lovely bit of confidence he saw in you when you still lived in the palace diminished terribly when you moved to his castle, or at least around him it did, and he wasn’t going to keep contributing to it. 
Out in the garden, Kenpachi spotted you underneath a tree, sitting on the ground with your knees to your chest. 
It was time for a little truth. 
“I do not wish to speak to you.” You said, voice shaky, as soon as you noticed he was nearby. 
Kenpachi didn’t get any closer, but he spoke, regardless of what you said. 
“Just shut up and listen.” He sentenced, making you turn your head slightly to the side, enough so he could see your glossy eyes. Trying to pay it no mind, he went on. “I know marrying me wasn’t your choice. I was greedy. I didn’t want to refuse that opportunity so I didn’t really put up a fight when your father told me to marry you, even when you made it clear that you think I’m a barbarian. I didn’t care.”
Your frown and sniffle distracted him momentarily, especially when your eyes kept avoiding his. You had turned to face him, but you weren’t actually looking at him at all. 
“I hate how you keep looking at me, like I’m going to kill you at any given chance.” Kenpachi admitted through gritted teeth. “I didn’t really think about how this marriage would affect you so if you wish to leave and go back to the palace, I’ll make it happen.”
He spared you one last glance at you before turning away, when it was clear you wouldn’t respond to his words. You seemed even smaller, and the way you briefly looked at him before he left made you look powerless. 
You stared at Kenpachi as he walked away, surprised and confused, trying to focus on one of the things that he said at a time. 
He was being greedy? About what, exactly? It wasn’t like was using the dowry money to expand his fief. He didn’t even want you to expand the castle at all. His greediness did not involve money, so why did he say that?
You didn’t think it was so noticeable how afraid of him you were, even if it was a fleeting feeling at times. You couldn’t help it; he was imposing and his constant aggressive expression made it impossible for you to see him differently. It had a lot to do with that night when you first met, when he saved you. He hasn’t been the one who hurt you, but your mind just couldn’t fully dissociate what actually happened with the bloodlust he had in his eyes when he looked at you. On top of it all, he heard you calling him a ‘barbarian’ when you were trying to talk your father out of this marriage. 
However, despite your first hand experience, it was getting difficult to admit to yourself that Kenpachi wasn’t actually as bad as he initially seemed. He was violent and obsessed with fighting, that was obvious and even more so when you started living there, but he had never treated you roughly. Not even a single word out of place towards you, less alone one threatening action. 
Not to mention the fact that he adopted a small girl he found in the woods, and the undying loyalty of his men revealed a lot about what kind of person he was. And he had even let you sleep by yourself every night since you got there, knowing your discomfort. 
Maybe it was time to make amends. 
Waiting for Kenpachi that night, you paced around in your nightgown, hoping he’d come to the room after dinner. He usually did even if he didn’t spend the night, so you were ready to talk to him once he got there. 
When the door opened, you looked at him, feeling slightly intimidated. He had the same hard expression he usually wears, but it was starting to feel natural to see him that way, so you immediately relaxed. 
“I do not wish to go back to the palace.” You started promptly once the door was closed. Kenpachi remained impassive, only keeping his eyes on you once he removed the eyepatch. You gulped before going on. “I’m very comfortable here. I have to confess, you’ve treated me more like a person than anyone else might have done before, and I’m very thankful for that. And I’m… sorry, too.”
It was hard to read him at all, he only stared at you without moving a single muscle on his face, but somehow that was helpful enough to keep you talking.
“You saved my life, and I judged you horribly, without even attempting to know you. I insulted you and hurt your pride, so I must ask for your forgiveness.” 
Looking down, you bowed at a ninety degree angle, staying still for a moment before returning to an upright position. You kept your eyes on the floor, waiting for him to say something, hopefully words of encouragement that would mean he accepted your apology, and that you could stay.
“You hurt my pride, huh?” Kenpachi’s gruff voice brought your eyes back up to meet his as he made his way towards you; it surprised you that he was smirking. “Is that what you think you did?”
“I think so… Weren’t my words insulting?”
“For reasons you’re not seeing.” He paused, eying you up and down quickly as his smirk faded. “I didn’t care that I was probably offending you when I accepted your hand. Your father threatened me with my past, saying he would hand me over to another kingdom for the nobles I’ve killed when I was a mercenary.”
Your eyes opened wide at his words. You knew your father was a politician and a strategist before even being a father, but you couldn’t believe your ears. It was startling, but not unrealistic, that he had basically sold you to a murderer. 
“But I couldn’t care less about that, he could have done it and I would have managed to get away anyway.” Kenpachi went on nonchalantly, looking to the side as if he hadn’t given any of the things he was saying a lot of thought. “The reason I ended up accepting your hand, the reason I was greedy, was you.”
“I don’t understand.” 
“Your father offered you to me on a silver plate in exchange for my loyalty, and I accepted, just because I wanted to have you.”
You stared at him, bewildered. 
Kenpachi wanted you? You had seen him for the first time that night you had been attacked in the woods, and you weren’t so vain as to think of yourself so charming that one look would suffice to capture a man’s heart, especially a man like Kenpachi, who seemed so ruthless and aggressive to even care about those kind of things. Even more so when you looked terrified at that moment.
If anything, you were sure that you couldn’t actually judge him based on his expressions if he was telling you he wanted you with such a stoic look. 
His eyes were on you for a while, obviously awaiting a reaction, but as moments passed by in silence, he turned to leave, at which point you decided to speak.
“Wait!” You called for him, and Kenpachi turned to look at you. “Please stay. We’re husband and wife, we should sleep in the same bed, yes?”
“Aren’t you afraid of me?” 
“I’m not-” Kenpachi snorted in disbelief, making you jolt in surprise. You slapped yourself mentally for the slip but went on. “I mean, I was, I won’t deny it! Nevertheless, you’ve been nothing but nice and considerate since I got here.”
His eyes stayed on you to the point where you started to feel self conscious, until he finally sighed and took long steps to approach you. 
Everything about Kenpachi was intimidating; it was inevitable due to his size and expression. But after everything he had told you that day, nothing inside you made you anxious about him. If anything, you could see features that you might consider attractive (not that you didn’t notice them before, but fear and trepidation always won those battles). There was a rugged charm about him. 
“You’re asking me to share a bed with you after everything I told you?” Kenpachi asked with a smirk. “Are you doing it on purpose?”
“You can do whatever you want with me, nothing I say could stop you,” You said, staring back at him, straining your neck in the process. “But you've been attentive enough to make me trust you.”
When his hand slid up your shoulder and into the hair in the back of your neck, it surprised you but not enough to make you react. You were curious about his intentions since he made it clear he desired you for a while. 
“You have a lot of confidence for a tiny woman,” Kenpachi’s grin only grew, making you smile in return. 
“It comes with the royalty title.” You shrugged. “It won’t change anytime soon.”
“I don’t want you to change.”
With a firm grip on your hair, Kenpachi leaned down and kissed you. You made a noise in surprise; he had practically pressed his face against yours, bumping your noses and roughly crashing your lips together. You held onto him, gripping the front of his shirt tightly, when he slid his tongue past your lips and into your mouth. 
You could barely keep your legs from collapsing as he tasted every corner and every inch of your cavity. His desperation for you was palpable, and it made you all the more dizzy. It was difficult to even keep up with him, you were reduced to trembling legs and occasional gasps that left your mouth as you ran out of air. 
If it wasn’t for the arm Kenpachi had slid around your waist, you would have fallen down once he pulled away. The lack of air had made you lightheaded, and your face felt impossibly hot. 
Were kisses supposed to feel that good?
“Another.” You demanded once you’ve caught your breath, gazing at him with pleading eyes as you ran your hands up his tunic to bring him down again. “I demand another.”
With his usual cocky smirk, Kenpachi leaned down to kiss your lips once more. This time a little slower and gentler, but still just as eager. 
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faithst · 1 year
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syn reader and taerae get into a heated argument that leaves both of you angry but taerae still wants to let you know he loves you
genre bf!taerae x gn!reader, fluff, tiny angst if you squint, reader and taerae get into an argument, taerae is a bit scary when mad, reader is stubborn and stressed, going to bed mad wc 0.4k
notes happy taerae day ! decided to do a short drabble instead ! idk how i feel abt this one, its so rushed and i dissociated with life for like a week 😦
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you had gotten home later than usual and taerae was worried sick. you were a bit stressed about work and taerae bombarding you with questions didn’t help with it at all. although taerae had every right to be worried; he just wouldn’t let you off without his nags.
his questions met with none other than silence. every word of his pecking away at your patience. you had enough “taerae, can you stop talking for a moment?” you asked with a raised voice and taerae was taken aback.
usually taerae would respect your boundaries but you had been ignoring him for the past few days and his concerns were met with sudden anger. “i just wanted to know how you were-” he tried to speak up again but you cut him off “you don’t need to, it’s getting annoying.”
although your eyes weren’t on him, the obvious glare into the distance was enough to show how you were feeling. you stood to get away from the intense tension that filled up the room by the second when taerae grabbed your wrist.
“can’t you talk to me?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed as worries pile over him. “i don’t want to.” you respond, looking away from him as taerae speaks up again “what’s bothering you? are you alright?” there he goes again with the questions, making you raise your voice at him. “god, can’t you shut up for once?”
his mood sullens, obviously hurt by your words “i haven’t heard about you for days and i-” he stops momentarily to piece his thoughts together “you know what, it’s whatever.” he didn’t raise his voice nor argue back but that was the scary part; taerae would usually find a way to fix it right in the exact moment but this time he didn’t.
he sat down on the couch, fingers rubbing his temple as both of you seethe in anger. being too stubborn then, you immediately entered your shared bedroom and slammed the door closed.
as you slipped under the covers and swiftly turned off the lights beside you, you heard the door creak open. you thought he would’ve slept in the living room because of what happened but maybe he changed his mind.
taerae settled in bed, looking over to you as your back faced him. he hesitated for a moment, is he doing the right thing? he slid his arm around your waist, snuggling closer to you as he slowly interlocks both of your fingers. his thumb now carressing your hand “i’m sorry.” he whispered. your breath hitched, he still came back for you? of course he did, he always does.
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© keiwook | 2023
tag @bruhiamistake @trashydez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @kpoprhia @taerrrrrae
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nyuoqi · 9 months
            — EXES ALERT     ౨ৎ     KTR
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023 𖤐 confession (on-hold)
✸ SYNOPSIS !  : in which you and taerae went all the way back to the last year of middle school where the two of you were painfully in love with each other yet refused to put on any label because you guys thought this was more fun, and it went on all the way to the second year of high school. well that was until you ghosted him
or in which your situationship from four years ago happens to be your partner for a romance drama
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The sweet aroma of a home-cooked meal filled the air as the atmosphere couldn't feel more like home if not for the loud chatters from your aunt and uncles. On the floor were your little cousins playing around with their toys and chatting just as loud as their parents were.
You were in the kitchen helping your mum preparing dinner to serve to your family. You've always loved being in the kitchen with your mum. Recently however, your mum seemed to be asking you super specific odd questions.
"What will you do if Taerae confess to you tonight? " The knife you were holding to cut a zucchini earlier slipped from your hand and grazed your finger as your heart skipped a beat at the sudden specific question.
"Why are you suddenly asking me that? " Your heart was beating so fast that you swore you could hear it in your ears. You've never told your mum anything about your romantic escapades with Taerae and surely not a single word about Taerae courting you and meeting you tonight. So how did she know all these exactly?
Your mum snickered at your panicked state, as if mocking you or some sort. "You think I don't see the way he looked at you when he dropped you and Jinyoung off this morning? " She let out another scoff and continued to resume simmering the bone broth. "Quit getting so shocked about something so trivial and go wash your finger, it's bleeding. "
Your eyes widened in panic as you lifted your finger to see that it was indeed bleeding. You wasted no time and turned the faucet on, letting the cold water run on your small wound. "Oh right, have you seen Jinyoung today? He wasn't in his bedroom and he has been awfully quiet today. " You tried diverting the topic as a way to mask your embarrassment.
Your mum shrugged, "Maybe he's out with friends. Just let him be, he's an adult he can manage to take care of himself. " You nodded in agreement. The faucet now turned off as you rummaged through cabinets to search for the aid kit to treat your wound. Just as you wrapped your finger with a bandaid, one of your younger cousin tapped your shoulder.
"Some hyung is at the door. He said he's looking for Bae Y/n. "
You glanced at the clock on your wall and saw that it was exactly eight in the afternoon. You looked back at your cousin and patted his head, "Thanks for telling me, Hajun. Can you tell that hyung that I will be there soon? " Your cousin nodded and you smiled as you watched him run towards the living room and to the front door.
Without wasting anymore time, you cleaned up everything you used and head towards the front door too.
"Hi. " A wide smiley man with brunette hair greeted you once you arrived at the front door. "You looked nice today. I guess not coming over before eight was really worth it if it means I can see you all dressed up and pretty for me. "
Crimson red flushed on your cheeks as you felt yourself getting shy at the compliment. "Whatever, come in over. " You brushed it off quickly to conceal how hard your heart was beating against your rib cage.
"Taerae my lovely boy! Oh my gosh I missed you so much! " Your mum trudged from the kitchen to engulfed Taerae in a hug. "I missed you too, auntie. " Taerae smiled and hugged her back.
Your mum pushed his face back and stared into his eyes. "Do not ever disappear like that again no matter what my daughter says. Did you know that I had to find out from the television that you became an actor? " You saw Taerae visibly cartoon-gulped and decided to step in and separate the two.
"Okay enough with the sappy reunion. Can we go eat now? " Your mum rolled her eyes as you separate her from who she consider her favourite son. 
"Actually, can you all go ahead and have dinner first? I need to talk to Y/n for a while. " Your family stood frozen in silence at Taerae's request. You had your finger pointing to yourself in confusion. Taerae bit his lip. "Please. " And with that everyone head towards the dining table.
At the click of your bedroom door, you turned towards Taerae who was already making himself comfortable on your bed. You joined him shortly after that. "So what is it that you wanted to tell me? "
You saw Taerae fumbled with the paper bag in his hand which you saw him hide behind his back since he entered your house.
"Y/n, " he started, voice shaky. "I know I promised you three dates before I officially ask you to be my girlfriend. And I swear I had it all planned out but the moment I heard that you won't be here for long I just had to rush things out— "
Your heart clenched, this cannot be happening.
"But don't worry! I prepared you a present to replace the third date. " The brown paper bag he was trying so hard to hide from earlier was now shoved into your hands. "It's not really pretty considering that I only had six hours to complete it but I hope you like it. "
You carefully undid the tape on the paper bag so that it won't tear. Once done, you smiled in satisfaction at the perfect state of the bag before fishing out the content inside.
It was a small floral pouch. It wasn't big at all, in fact you can probably only store coins and cards in it. You observed the pouch and saw some imperfections to it. But you didn't care, not when Taerae spent his time and energy into this.
"I hope it's okay. " His voice small and faint in the background. "I know it's not perfect but I hope you like it. And just so you know, Jinyoung helped me which is why you haven't been seeing him today— "
"It's gorgeous. " You cut him off. Your eyes looked at him and smiled, Taerae who had been a nervous wreck earlier smiled together with you. His eyes travelled to the pouch you were holding and saw your bandage-wrapped finger.
"You're hurt. " He blurted out. You were about to question what he meant by that when you remembered your wounded finger. "Oh it's nothing. I just cut myself when cooking just now. "
You tried hiding your hand with the wounded finger but Taerae was quicker as he grabbed onto it. "It's really nothing. It will probably heal in a few days and— oh. " Your rambling was cut short when Taerae lifted that hand and place a kiss on top of your bandaged finger.
"My mum used to tell me that the best medicine for a wound is a kiss. So now I'm kissing your wound better. "
You felt your body get hotter, painting your face crimson red. Taerae chuckled, "Are you blushing? You know what, this colour suits you well. You should ask your makeup artist for this colour from now on. " You gasped lightly as he quoted the same words you told him during your dinner together with Hanbin and Junhyeon. The dinner where he confessed his feelings to you and made you fall for him all over again (not that you were any less in love with him).
Taerae continued to stare at you, his eyes occasionally dropping towards your lips. He leaned forward and grabbed the back of your head, tilting his head. Your heart beat against your ribs when you realised what was about to happen. His lips were only millimetres away from touching yours when you pulled yourself back, face flushed.
"I'm sorry I can't Taerae, I— " you chocked on your words as you tried calming yourself down. Taerae froze in shocked when you pulled yourself away from him. Was he acting too carelessly? Was he going too fast?
"No I am to one who should be sorry. I mean, who am I to kiss you when I haven't even asked you out. " You turned your face towards him and held his hand. "No it wasn't your fault. It's just that I also have my own confession plan tomorrow and it's so perfect and I feel bad that I keep on making you take me out on dates while I sit around and do nothing. "
"Now that I think of it, it's so rude of me to reject your kiss and your offer to be your girlfriend just because I haven't taken you out on a date— Taerae, kiss me. " Taerae's eyes widened as he was taken aback by your sudden demand.
He shook his head in refusal. "I'm not kissing you out of pity, Y/n. If you want to wait until tomorrow then I will wait until tomorrow. "
It was now your turn to shook your head, "Just kiss me. We've kissed before in the drama. What's much of a difference if i were to kiss you here right now. " Your persistence nearly made Taerae caved in but he stood to his guard.
"No. I'm not kissing you today. " Your lips pouted at those words which did not went unnoticed by Taerae. "Stop pouting, you look like a duck. "
You scoffed at him.
"Now quit sulking and let's head to dinner, shall we? I'm pretty sure your family is wondering what we've been doing in here. "
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TAGLIST : @jebaewon @lluvjjun @yongzgf @francinethings23 @alwayswook @222brainrot @planethyuka @xinxinyy @rikimylove @ilovewonyo @haohyo @euphoriashimkongz @ilovechanhee @wtfhyuck @xxpr3ttyk173rxx @wccycc @replayenthusiast @samvagejkflxhrt @shotaroswifeyily @stryroses @cosmic-marauder @woncoree @haowonbins @147file @i-yeseo @cyberpunksunwoo @chaerybae @wonyoungsvirus @minfolio @07yujin @imsodazed @marshwatz (send an ask or reply to this post if u would like to be added)
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matthyeu · 1 year
you love mozart ― ktr.
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pairing ⇢ kim taerae x gn!reader 
genre ⇢ angst, forbidden love, royal!au
warnings ⇢ slight violence, i find it kinda cliche but it’s cute
word count ⇢ 2.8k
synopsis ⇢ no one ever understood why a prince was so caught up in playing an instrument when there were people hired to play music, people like you. (part 2)
notes ⇢ this time on prince!zb1 who want to do everything but be a prince (ummm i just like royal aus ig??) + it is pertinent to my plans
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a quick tune was all taerae needed before he started his mid-morning guitar session. it was really the only time he was allowed to practice his skills. early morning or late night would wake people, even when he tried not to. his father would always come into his room to lecture about the needs of other people before his outrageous need to play music. then during the day, he would be too busy doing other princely matters he didn’t even consider necessary. 
it was rare for him to let something distract him from his limited time to play; however, at the sound of another instrument’s melody, he couldn’t help but wonder who produced it. as far as he knew, the piano in the middle of the palace was for mere decoration, not use. there wasn’t even anyone who could play it!
but there you were, sitting at the piano bench and focusing on the sheet music in front of you. well, for the most of it. at some points you even closed your eyes, the movement of your fingers coming naturally to you as they produced music. 
“enjoy the music, son?”
he turned on his heel to meet his father’s gaze, the father who disapproved so greatly of his musical ambitions. 
“you’ve never cared for music, father. you always tell me i’m causing a ruckus when playing, so why hire someone to do the same. isn’t one of me already enough for you?” he pondered. 
“well, now that there is someone who can play–extremely well may i add–there should be no need for you to fiddle with your own instrument. leave it up to the professionals, the ones who actually spend their whole lives practicing to be able to play well. instead, do carry on with your own duties. more time means more things to be done.” 
as his father left, taerae could only look back at you, a slight jealousy growing in his eyes. how could someone be granted with a life where they were able to play music whenever they wanted? why was he granted a life of luxury and duties when he could have been like you? 
as much as he wanted to hate you for being able to live his dream, he couldn’t. how could he when you immediately stood up from the bench to bow upon opening your eyes and seeing him. he could tell you were kind, not someone he could hate for baseless reasons. 
“do you have a specific song you want to hear, your highness?” 
still, he could not face you so easily, for you still held a power he didn’t have, the only one he didn’t have. you held the power of freedom, the freedom to play music whenever you wanted to cheer people up, which was the only thing taerae ever wanted in his life. 
“no thank you. do carry on.” 
he walked away from you without another word. after all, if his father was using you as a means of diminishing his passion for music, it was in his best interest to not be discouraged by your musical ability. one day he would be like that too. 
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it didn’t take very long for taerae to stop ignoring you. you sat at the piano day after day, playing music whenever anyone asked, whether it be the cleaners who wanted background music to work to or a visitor who wanted a warm welcome. it was hard to not become interested in the pianist who put everything into every note. 
that was why one week after your arrival, taerae couldn’t help but stand and watch you play as he was heading back to his room after a long day of meetings. he watched with a content smile on his face, taking in the music you played. you played more beautifully than any of the pianists he had seen in recitals. 
“your highness!” 
your exclamation forced his eyes open to see you standing in a stiff bow. a panic ensued in him, waving his hands around as if a sign to tell you it was alright. of course, you couldn’t see anything in your bowed state. 
“it’s far alright,” he attempted again with his voice, “it wasn’t my intent of scaring you. i was just enjoying the music. you can stand. no need to bow any longer.” 
upon command you shot back up, hands folded in front of you. you looked frightened, as if you were scared he would do something to you. taerae wouldn’t even think of doing anything. he admired having someone so similar to him in his home. 
“would you…like me to play something for you?” you hesitated, unable to look him in the eye. 
he tried giving you a reassuring smile that he was safe, but he didn’t know if that would reach your petrified state. “sure, that would be lovely.” 
immediately you went back to sitting on the piano bench, finger hovering over the keys to play. however, you didn’t begin playing right away. you seemed to be in deep thought about something, probably what you wanted to play for him. in the end, you couldn’t decide, and instead, asked a question to help. 
“do you prefer beethoven or mozart?” 
he chuckled at your nervous question, but answered quickly to ease those nerves. “i prefer beethoven.” 
you quickly flipped through your book of sheet music, trying to find the perfect piece to play to him. though, your frantic hands did make you drop several sheets, which made you even more panicked. 
taerae understood how you felt though. most people were nervous in the presence of royalty. he tried to make conversation, so you could feel a little more comfortable around him. after all, he wanted to know more about how your pursuit of your career came about. 
“how about you, whose pieces do you prefer?” he asked as you finally pulled the appropriate sheet music on the music rack. 
he nodded, “yes, who do you prefer out of beethoven and mozart?” 
you thought about it for a moment as you placed your hands on the appropriate keys to start the piece. “well, i prefer mozart. i think his pieces tend to be more fun than beethoven’s.” 
taerae’s smile widened seeing as you began to feel less tense around him, so he let you play. as you played, he recognized the melody more. you were playing one of his favorite pieces. 
“tempest,” he finally said once you paused your hands. 
you nodded. “i just thought you’d appreciate that one. a lot of people have asked me to play moonlight sonata, so i wanted to change it up a bit.” 
“sonata no. 17 is one of my favorites actually, especially the movement you played.” 
“really?” you asked, now turning to him, “do you enjoy classical music?” 
“very much,” he confirmed, “my father tries to get me out to recitals, hoping that listening to music would rid me of my need to play myself. it has only strengthened it.” 
“play? are you a pianist?” 
he shook his head. “no i could never play the piano. i like playing guitar when i find the time to.” 
“i’m sure you’re amazing for what time you have. i imagine it’s quite difficult to have time for yourself when you’re preparing to take over a whole kingdom. it sounds a bit tedious with all the meetings and whatever else princes usually do in their lives.” 
he rolled his eyes while leaning on the piano. “believe me, it’s a whole lot of gibberish and things i probably won’t even remember a week from now. it’s so boring to sit around while people discuss things i have no say in yet as i’m in no position of power. i wish i had more allotted time to practice, but i’m always doing these things. even now, it’s quite hard when i have to play to myself.” 
“then, would you perhaps want to play for me?” you offered, “no one would question any noise if it came from here. besides, i could be the audience you wanted.” 
it was an offer taerae thought he would never receive, so he went straight to his room to retrieve his instrument. perhaps, having you around wasn’t the worst after all. 
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the next few weeks were filled with a lot of things, mainly you playing beethoven for taerae and taerae playing some of his own pieces to you. 
you two had bonded over many things. you both had told many stories, stories that would be far too long to tell only over the short amount of time he had between his work. instead, he often invited you over to his room past dark, when everyone was sleep and could not catch the pianist sneaking into the prince’s room. 
mid-talk, taerae winced at the way you played with his fingers, the calluses on his fingers stung in contact with your hands. you hesitantly pulled your hands away, but he nodded as an indication that it was alright for you to continue. 
“i just want to be able to play more. the calluses have been in development, but because my schedule is so irregular, it always seems to pain me more than needed.” 
“you just have to give it time,” you explained, “eventually the calluses will help you play more frequently.” 
“that’s just it! i don’t have the time even if they have developed. my father has so many other plans for me that i feel these calluses will just be a pain in my hands when i have to do something else. i can’t play the guitar when i have so many other things to do,” he complained. 
by then, you had already dropped taerae’s hands to pay more attention to him. you had to think long and hard about his predicament, but you eventually came up with an answer: “you should just tell your father you want to be a guitarist.” 
he looked at you and then leaned back, trying to find some sign of joking in your expression. why would you encourage him to defy his own father? why were you encouraging him to go against the king? he found no sign of that, just your stoic expression staring back at him. 
“you’re insane, how could i–” 
he looked at you, the seriousness not burning in your eyes. those eyes knew he was hesitating. 
“you want to be a guitarist. you don’t want to fill your day with whatever princely duties there are,” you laid out, “you shouldn’t have to give up on your dream because of a life planned before you even had a say in it.”
he sighed, taking your hand into his and barely feeling the tenderness of your fingers. there were so many things you didn’t know about his life, and he didn’t want you encouraging things that were impossible. 
“it’s impossible. i can’t–” 
oh you loved to cut him off. “nothing is impossible. dreams are for you to follow, not for them to stay as dreams. if you love to do something, you should do it, even if there is something holding you back. this is your life and, you get to live it for yourself. this isn’t a life someone else dictates for you. you are your own person. you can make your own decisions. you can follow your dream if you believe you can. i believe you can.” 
he wanted to believe you, but there were so many things that could go wrong. he leaned in further to keep the conversation close and quiet. such a risky topic made him fear more that someone may be eavesdropping on you two. 
“i’m terrified,” he admitted, “i’m terrified about what would happen if i go against my father. i’m terrified i’ll be left alone in this world if i try to follow my dreams of being a guitarist. i’m just terrified.” 
you held his shoulders, leaning in yourself to try to calm him down. 
“you will not be alone,” you guaranteed, “you will always have me. i am a musician, and i am happy with what i’m doing. i’m not living a luxurious life, but i’m happy. i don’t want you to be living a life where you’re not happy.” 
it was hard to understand the words you were saying. the close proximity made taerae’s main focus your face, especially your lips. 
when you found him not paying attention to you, you made eye contact with him, soon mimicking his actions when you realized what had him preoccupied. 
without much thought, you two closed the gap between you two, lips against each other for a brief moment. for a moment, taerae felt like his worries had all washed away, like he was finally free from his life. 
however, it did have to end eventually when you abruptly pulled away, clearly shocked at your own actions. you couldn’t believe what you had done. 
“i should go,” you stammered, getting up from his bed, “i hope you’ll listen to my suggestion. i just want you to be happy.”
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holding his hand to his cheek, taerae stared at the king. it was a cruel reminder that before this man was a father, one who should accept the decisions of his child, he was the king, one who only cared about raising the perfect future ruler. 
“you are a prince, not a guitarist. your main job is to learn about the ways this kingdom is handled because it will be yours someday. you have no time to play a role you don’t fit.” 
when he remembered your words, he was able to fight back. “the role i don’t fit is not the guitarist. it’s the prince.” 
the king scoffed. “you can’t deny what’s in your blood. it’s who you are, who you were born as. you were foolish to think you could. why even try?” 
he was silent, not knowing what else to say. he did, however, find some courage to speak up more when he realized his father understood more about his thoughts. 
“the pianist…”
“that pianist is the one who ruined you!” 
no, he couldn’t pull you into this mess. you only pushed him. this was the dream he had always had. you had nothing to do with it. 
“father, stop! this is my own doing. don’t pull other people into it!” 
that didn’t stop the king. taerae desperately followed behind the fuming man, pleading for him to not accuse you of something you didn’t do. he knew what the king was capable of, and he didn’t want you to face the consequences of his actions. 
still, he was useless, thrown away by his own father before watching you be tormented by someone much more powerful than you. 
you who were so adamant about him following his dreams. you who were so passionate about defending a love for music. you who were so brave in his eyes. they all crumbled down at the sight of the angry king. him being thrown by his own father only enforced the nauseating feeling in your chest. 
he wanted to speak, to yell so badly, but there was a knot in his throat. the only communication he had was in his eyes. i’m sorry.
even through the fear in your eyes, you managed to send one back. it’s okay. 
“you were supposed to put out the flame that was his desire to play music on that dreaded instrument. you only fed it more kindling.” 
“i don’t what you’re talking about your–” 
“don’t even try to lie to me. i have gotten reports of your exchanges after his works, how you talk for times when he passes about music. i’ve heard the way you’ve played for him and only gave him more reason to love music. and now, there’s no need for you anymore because you’ve proven to me that there will only be trouble so long as you are here.” 
the king looked back at his son, an evil look in his eyes forming. taerae knew what was going to happen. 
“away with you.” 
upon orders, several soldiers and guards came to your side. when you struggled, they only put more force on you, using your own body weight to destroy what you loved the most. every part of you would soon be gone from the palace, both yourself and the piano you gave life to. it was all his fault. 
when he tried to reach you, there were more people holding them back. he was powerless. finally, he found the courage to talk again, the knot in his throat untying itself. 
“i’ll find you somehow!” he called out, “i will! even if it does take a hundred years, maybe even more. just remember! you love mozart. i love beethoven.” 
taerae meant it figuratively when he said he would continue searching for you even past a hundred years. he didn’t know it would really be around two hundred until he could hear you play the piano again. 
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killthcromeo · 21 days
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kill the romeo ( hangul: 로미오를 죽여라; stylized as KTR ) is a four membered group under starship entertainment. the lineup includes hayes, kaede, yemi, and yize. they made their debut on march 19, 2018, with the korean single “sweet juice.”
starship entertainment took an unconventional approach with kill the romeo, aiming to draw international attention to the company. their comeback strategy involves a unique system: for each korean release, there's a corresponding english comeback within the same year, and sometimes an additional release in another language. this approach ensures that fans of KTR worldwide feel seen.
the group also stands out because every member was born in 2002. fans, also known as arrows, and netizens in general think this shared birth year was meant to ensure better chemistry and a youthful vibe at their debut since they were all around 16.
quick facts
official fandom name: arrows.
fandom name explanation: cupid uses an arrow to make people fall in love, love is what caused the demise of romeo.
official fandom colors: blood red and pitch black.
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○ ៹ ★  jo haseung ( hangul: 조하승; born march 23rd, 2002 in south gyeongsang, south korea ), best known by stage name HAYES ( 헤이즈 ), is the face of the group, lead vocalist, and sub rapper of kill the romeo. growing up in a home where his dad is no where to be found and his mother might as well have been out with him, haseung has more trouble trusting people than just casting judgement. he’s rebellious, smart, and alluring. he’s known to back-talk to authority figures and push away people who try to help him. But, ultimately, haseung does want people to like him; he just doesn’t know how to let them in. if you can get past haseung’s gruff exterior, maybe you can see the funny, quick-witted, and kind hearted guy underneath all the walls.
stage name:  hayes (헤이즈).
given name:  jo haseung (조하승).
other name:  hayes jo.
nicknames:  hayhay, white swan, smart alec.
age:  twenty two years old.
date of birth:  march 23rd, 2002.
zodiac sign:  aries.
chinese zodiac:  horse.
nationality:  american.
ethnicity:  south korean.
birth place:  south gyeongsang, south korea.
hometown:  san diego, california.
height:  176 cm.
blood type:  type a.
face claim:  park wonbin (riize).
languages:  korean (mother tongue).  english (fluent).
occupation:  idol. mc.
years active:  2018 - present.
years trained:  five years.
company:  starship entertainment (2013 - present).
group:  kill the romeo.
debut date:  march 19th, 2018.
representative emoji:  🦢.
✦  hayes debuted solo on december 30th, 2019 with his single nervous.
✦  he used to hate anything with avocado on it and refused to eat it until one day he just thought he was being dramatic and tried it again, now loves it.
✦  he always takes very very cold showers, even in the winter.
✦  he has a phobia of birds after one bit his neck while he was at recess when he was seven. still has the scar.
✦  for a very long time after debut (and still with newer fans) it was hard for people to tell him and yize apart. even their staff got them mixed up in the beginning and they wore name tags.
✦  he’s not good at lying, people can almost always tell when he’s lying because it’s obvious.
✦  he has a fear of heights, and usually when the group goes to amusement parks he avoids the rides like the plague and just tries the food. 
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○ ៹ ★  nonaka kaede ( kanji: 野中楓; born may 1st, 2002 in tokyo, japan ), best known by stage name KAEDE ( 카에데 ), is the leader dancer, main vocalist, and leader of kill the romeo. kaede is a fashionable, free-spirited individualist. she copes with the trauma of her childhood by living a life free of responsibility, if she doesn’t think about it it never happened. she uses humor as a defense mechanism and isn’t afraid to say whatever pops into her head, even if in appropriate at the tine. she has a sensitive side too, however. and though her sarcastic manner and unseriousness means people aren’t inclined to take her seriously, she actually knows a lot about how the world works and how people think.
stage name:  kaede (카에데).
given name:  nonaka kaede (野中楓).
other name:  n/a.
nicknames:  kae, dumber (to yize’s dumb), thing 1.
age:  twenty two years old.
date of birth:  may 1st, 2002.
zodiac sign:  taurus.
chinese zodiac:  horse.
nationality:  japanese.
ethnicity:  japanese.
birth place:  tokyo, japan.
hometown:  tokyo, japan.
height:  157 cm.
blood type:  type o.
face claim:  kondō chisa (xg).
languages:  japanese (mother tongue).  english (fluent). korean (fluent).
occupation:  idol.
years active:  2018 - present.
years trained:  two years.
company:  starship entertainment (2016 - present).
group:  kill the romeo.
debut date:  march 19th, 2018.
representative emoji:  🐥.
✦  kaede debuted solo on march 30th, 2020 with her single into you.
✦  the opposite of yemi, kaede is only allowed to have headpiece mics because she has accidentally thrown multiple handheld ones.
✦  when she runs out of room to carry things with his hands he uses his mouth/teeth, which triggers people (yemi) so badly.
✦  was almost considered to be leader but fell to the ground sobbing, begging them not to choose her.
✦  she was bad at live singing during their debut not because she couldn’t sing, but because she would get so overwhelming excited to be performing that her voice would get shaky.
✦  she is banned from the kitchen and using several utensils like knives and metal forks because of how clumsy she is.
✦  despite being at starship for 8 years, she gets lost still and needs her members to help her find where she is. she is the reason every member has each others’ location.
✦  if she had to choose which member’s solo music she enjoys listening to the most, she’d say yize.
✦  she’s not very coordinated at all, she’s a baby deer in a human body.
✦  kaede is vegatarian, because she doesn’t like the texture of most meat products.
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○ ៹ ★  adeyemi caspari ( born january 15th, 2002 in adelaide, australia ), best known by stage name YEMI ( 예미 ), is the leader dancer, lead rapper, and visual of kill the romeo. adeyemi is nothing else if not seen by the men in her life. after her father left her and her mother alone, she unfortunately craves any type of attention she can get. she tries so hard to win over men in her life that she often loses sight of who she is. she’s sweet, insecure, and emotional. adeyemi wears her heart on her sleeve, and that makes her vulnerable to a lot of heartbreak. she wants someone to love her for her and not the persona she has put on, but she’s not sure who she is either.
stage name:  yemi (예미).
given name:  adeyemi caspari.
nicknames:  bambi, yemi, ade
age:  twenty two years old.
date of birth:  january 15th, 2002.
zodiac sign:  capricorn.
chinese zodiac:  horse.
nationality:  australian.
ethnicity:  ghanian-swiss.
birth place:  adelaide, australia.
hometown:  adelaide, australia.
height:  166 cm.
blood type:  type b.
face claim:  meret manon (katseye).
languages:  english (mother tongue).  swiss-german (fluent). french (fluent). korean (mostly fluent).
occupation:  idol. actress.
years active:  2018 - present.
years trained:  three years.
company:  starship entertainment (2015 - present).
group:  kill the romeo.
debut date:  march 19th, 2018.
representative emoji:  🦌.
✦  yemi debuted solo on july 30th, 2020 with her single chihiro.
✦  yemi’s not allowed to have headpiece mics because she has a habit of singing the other member’s parts and doesn’t know how to stop.
✦  yemi doesn’t move her arms when she walks or runs, they just stay still at her sides.
✦  she hates talking on the phone, every call she gets goes straight to voicemail. even the ceo has to text her if they want a response.
✦  she either remembers your name right off the bat or it takes her weeks of interactions to be able to remember it, no in between. but she’s really great when it comes to faces.
✦ she sniffs everything before using it, like even random things like her mic.
✦  she has an anxious tic of blinking really rapidly, fans pick up on it a lot during interviews.
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○ ៹ ★  ruan yize ( hanzi: 阮宜澤; born october 1st, 2002 in taipei, taiwan ), best known by stage name YIZE ( 이제 ), is the main dancer, main rapper, lead vocalist, and center of kill the romeo. growing up constantly in second place to his older brother, yize naturally developed a huge inferiority complex and a short fuse. never allowed to express his emotions properly, he often bottles up his emotions until he genuinely cannot hold them anymore and tends to explode, music has been helping it really has, but he’s still angry. even as an adult, yize constantly feels the need to prove himself. though he doesn’t like to show it, he also has a softer, more sensitive side too. he’s deeply loyal to those he cares about and absolutely fearless when it comes to helping people (if he’s in the mood).
stage name:  yize (이제).
given name:  ruan yize (阮宜澤).
nicknames:  thing 2, dumb (to kaede’s dumber), yi
age:  twenty one years old.
date of birth:  october 1st, 2002.
zodiac sign:  libra.
chinese zodiac:  horse.
nationality:  taiwanese.
ethnicity:  taiwanese.
birth place:  taipei, taiwan.
hometown:  taipei, taiwan.
height:  178 cm.
blood type:  type ab.
face claim:  wang yihsiang (&team).
languages:  mandarin (mother tongue).  english (fluent). korean (mostly fluent).
occupation:  idol. actor.
years active:  2018 - present.
years trained:  two years.
company:  starship entertainment (2016 - present).
group:  kill the romeo.
debut date:  march 19th, 2018.
representative emoji:  🦊.
✦  yize debuted solo on october 30th, 2020 with his single cruel.
✦  yize clenches his fists before doing stuff because it helps him feel stronger and more in control. so in a lot of fancams you can see his fists balled together before the music starts.
✦  when excited, he hiccups and slightly trembles. he’s not sure why he just does.
✦  for a very long time after debut (and still with newer fans) it was hard for people to tell him and hayes apart. even their staff got them mixed up in the beginning and they wore name tags.
✦  yize was scouted through his sound cloud account, to which he already had several songs.
✦  yize carries a chococat figure he got in one of those sanrio blind boxes in his pocket at all times. he’s stressed whenever he forgets it at the dorm.
✦  he is not a morning person. he needs at least an hour before being able to function beyond just nodding and grumbling.
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roseworth · 10 months
vote in my poll boy but also im gonna skew my own results by giving my opinion. here’s my personal ranking of rose writers
sean mckeever: FRESH HELL <3 literally THE rose book. also tt03 #57 slayed. he ALMOST gets knocked down on the list because a) the fucking shitshow that was terror titans and b) he backtracked on like 3 different character arcs as soon as he started writing tt and it pisses me off. but he redeemed himself with fresh hell
geoff johns: i hate johns so much. but he solidified sooo much about rose as a character that he has pretty much the definitive rose. what he did completely defined rose's relationship with her father and her attitude towards the titans/being a hero in general. whether they realize it or not, every rose writer after johns is writing his version of her. as much as i hate him he is one of the best rose writers and i will stand by that
christopher priest: i have not made it a secret that i love ds16. there are some aspects of his characterization that i dont agree with but for the most part he killed it tbh. hating her dad but still coming back to him, loving her brother but still keeping him at arms length, HOSUN!!! HER HMONG FAMILY!!!!!!! ily priest
ed brisson: SLAY. the only reason he's not higher is because i dont like the fact in general that she chose to be on stormwatch (she would not do that), and he used baby rose in ktr and didnt even mention lili (and DID mention that foster family. im still mad). other than that!!! everything about her struggle to be a good person in batb was soooo good, and so much about ktr was so good for her <3 thank u mr brisson
marv wolfman: i feel a little bad not ranking him higher given that. he created rose. but she doesnt really do much in the issues he writes. which is fair given that she was a new character that was just made to hang around on the sidelines at the time, so theres not a lot to judge in his writing. but he definitely laid the foundation that johns expanded on, and he was the one that made her so uh thnx marv
jt krul: i wish he had gotten more time :( i wish he had gotten to do whatever he was planning with lili, i wish we could've gotten to see more of his rose. his rose was def a different take than before given that she was more... mellowed out ig? it was a lot more lighthearted, just her hanging out with the team, being an older sister to damian (<3), and looking for her mom. hes not my fav just because i like it when shes a crazy bitch instead of a normal girl, but i completely understand why people like his rose. not to mention tt03 #77-78 slays so unbelievably hard
jay faerber: NANNY ROSE <33333 i love love love rose in titans 99 <3 this version of rose is DRASTICALLY different than any other rose, which is the reason hes in the bottom half, but i like it in the sense that its nice to know that she was just hanging out in between the two worst things to ever happen to her (her mom dying & slade drugging her). rose with roy and lian lives rent free in my head every single day of my life i love it so much, also that issue with rose & toni was so fun. titans 99 rose you will always be famous
adam beechen: he is going to hell for what he did to cass but for rose? he was fine. he helped with that one really good wilson family arc (tt03 #43-46), and wrote the only pre-52 rose & jason interaction (#47) so he gets points for that. and batgirl 2008 was pretty good for rose. but unfortunately he just didnt make enough of an impact on me to be ranked any higher
matthew rosenberg: unfortunately im mentally ill so i have a detailed explanation of what i think of rosenberg's rose but the short version is: i like him, he writes a good rose. its fun, shes well-written for the most part, but there are some :/ parts about it to me. i think if he continues writing her he'd be ranked higher but for now hes sitting pretty near the bottom of the list
devin grayson: i used to really like devin grayson's rose but. i have since changed my mind. it doesnt feel like rose. this is NOT the rose that stabbed her eye out because she thought slade was disappointed in her! shes too Quirky Girl here even though this is theoretically during the period where shes being drugged (honestly. i dont think grayson actually knew about the super soldier serum. and if she did it does not show) and we've seen rose in this era in tt03 and bg00, and this arc does not read as the same character at all. it was a good arc for her, and she had a lot of good moments here! but the characterization overall wasnt great
joshua williamson: i won't go on a whole tangent about the way williamson writes but. he has no sense of character voice, his characters all feel like blank slates to get the plot across, there are no character decisions being made besides what's needed for the plot. theres not a lot that i can put my finger on and say that its bad, but there are so few choices being made that its hard to say anything about his rose. to put a completely different character in rose's place in robin 2021, all you'd have to do is switch a few words around. williamson uses a vague idea of who a character is to guide what he wants them to do, and all his characters come out shallow. his rose wasnt BAD but it wasnt good at all
scott lobdell: every day i blow on a dandelion and wish for scott lobdell to kill himself
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yujinniw · 1 year
MIDNIGHT RAIN — KTR | 03-perfect image
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2:11 am, it was cold and rainy surprisingly in the summer. I felt everything crushing down on me. If it was work, family, scandals? It was just too much, I and lots of others are not machines, we cannot do everything perfectly like they want us to. But the only thing I can do is smile and act as if nothing has ever happened, Even if I try there will be so many shits that I don't want other's to handle because of me.
So here I am, finding it amusing how such a big tourist attraction could feel so empty for once. But damn FOR ONCE MAN thank you rain! It was nice taking all that fresh air in, feeling the warm breeze hitting my skin was not too fun but hey it is the summer, unless you live in the UK or something.
I was just minding my own business until, I saw this dude coming closer to where I was. His hair was messy, kinda looked like he just got up from a nightmare, Yikes. But I couldn't see his face, he was wearing a mask. '....masks of course, the people with the hottest hair always wear a mask.' I thought to myself 'How am I supposed to know if you're really hot or not..'
'Should I go talk to him?' 'No chae miyeon, privacy.' I slapped myself to reality. But I think it was kinda too loud considering how he suddenly turned his head my direction. 'great. JUST GREAT.' All those thoughts were gone as soon as I heard a tired voice saying; "Are you okay?" I tilted my head up to looked at him 'SHIT. what am I supposed to reply with. Yea yea I'm fine, no you looked like you fell down from heaven itself. okay.... why was that even an option.'
"Yea, just thought there was a mosquito." WOW such a great answer congratulations. He just nodded before sitting down beside me 'FUCK HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ACT MORE NORMAL NOW YOU'RE NEXT TO ME.' hold up. act I can act FOR FUCK SAKES.
"Why are you awake and up here so late." He asked me before I could... "Just needed some fresh air. what about you?" "Needed to clear my mind." same bitch, same. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" He asked, which caught me off guard "Oh I do mind." WHAT THE HECK! NO NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!! "Oh... sorry then" he responded while scratching the nape of his neck. Miyeon Chae, This is the result of your action take responsibility
"Depends on what you're going to do with them," "Keep it to yourself? Sell it on the black market. I don't know." I retorted back. Should I tell him my real name? should I lie? Decision making should not be anywhere near me.. BUT back to reality, He chuckled at my words and responded with "Yes... I will sell it on the black market. Now give me your name." "Woww such a creep..." OMG WHAT IF HE IS A CREEP.
"No actually, do you mind if I get your name?" Right... my name... "Miyeon, Chae Miyeon" I said holding my hand out to his "As in the Actor? Or a normal person" Hah.. this bitch. " Don't know whatever you think I guess." He laugh while shaking my hand. "Kim Taerae."
If I'm being honest, His hand was huge. Would probably have me flying from one slap with that hand. But then I looked back to what he said was his name, Kim Taerae. I looked up to meet his covered face. Gorgeous eyes babes. But the hair, face shaped and hand. did match the description of the ZB1 Kim Taerae.
Eyes widened when I come back to my senses that this gorgeous looking dude right here, who still has my hand in his. Could actually be Kim Taerae Zerobaseone.. I took my hand away " I should probably get going..." "It was nice meeting you." I said quickly before running to my car. yes I drove here...
"I'm done for."
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sypnosis : One of the many famous actress was spotted at a park holding hands with their boyfriend, which was rumored to be Chae Miyeon, and Kim Taerae of Zerobaseone.
a/n: Really feeling like writing today woke up at 4 am and decided yk what I'm going to write the whole of chapter 3😖 ANYWAYSSS THEY MET or did they ykyk😶
donate to the poor | masterlist | ahah..
tag-list: @sparklingsjy, @xinxinyy,@wtfhyuck
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Me: *looking pissed off*
Tsukasa, Haruto and the likes: Hehehe... Oh
Emu: Soooo...
Me: They thought it would be fun to shoot someone out of a cannon and right into a dimensional gate.
Tsukasa: I get explored more of your universe... and more fun-
Me: Y'all wreck my home which was supposed to be safe zone number 1. And destroyed a wall section of KTR's house! Shredded and burned both versions of Eiji's underwear. Two Eiji's, your and mine version. Practically almost identical at this point.
Shinnosuke: How many underwear?
Me: All except a quarter of it.
Me: Then they also ruined my 7 precious babies' birthday party who were born on the same day. And... Sento... stop trying to coerce Kiba and my kids to give you some tech from my place. Because Kiba, Misora and your eldest daughter told me.
Emu: *rolls a sheet of metal with his bare hands perfectly*
Haruto: Where...
Sento: Please.
Me: No. And for fuck sake, they're 6 and 3, you jackass! *takes s breather* My 52 kids are my pride and joy. They are not to be messed with or thrown into your shenanigans. Or *dark and booming voice* I will delete you from existence if I have to.
Me: Now do we understand this... hmm.
Them: *nods in fear*
Shinnosuke and Emu: Y'all still getting the beatin.
Riders reaction.
Really, at this point, one should just find a way to Tsukasa-proof their homes (and lives maybe) because wherever he goes, trouble and chaos is sure to follow
And is it me or do you keep getting more and more kids every time you send in an ask
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veshialles · 1 year
anyway i have decided the [extinct ancient species/civilization] in KTR should have crescent-shaped antlers growing from their skulls.
partly to make then more distinct from the other species in my worldbuilding but also because I saw these bad boys on Heroforge and I think it looks sick as fuck actually
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plus every extremely-advanced extinct ancient civilization deserves to have a gaudy headpiece (even if it's attached to their bones). My lore justification so far is that, since their people live underground and existed in a time long before using magic to directly enhance one's anatomy was outlawed in many kingdoms, these guys decided to start growing these antlers as some extra skull protection against cave-ins and such. And possibly there could be different designs for different castes? idk
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
Crypt Dwellers
You need the right cells in the right place for your organs to work – a process known as tissue patterning. In your colon lining, stem cells that help maintain tissue patterning reside in structures called crypts. Researchers developed human 2D organoids to mimic the colon lining and investigate the role of ERK, an enzyme implicated in tissue patterning. Cells were genetically engineered to contain a sensor that reacts to ERK activity levels, ERK-KTR (pictured, right) and a cell nucleus marker (left). Seeing ERK-KTR fluorescence in the cell cytoplasm means high ERK activity and in the nucleus, low ERK activity. Using live-cell fluorescence microscopy, they found low ERK activity in crypt-like structures (centre) and high activity in more mobile cells peripherally. Chemically activating ERK in all cells caused crypt-like structures and stem cells to disappear, while blocking ERK increased stem cell numbers. Your colon lining, therefore, needs coordinated ERK signalling to maintain itself.
Written by Lux Fatimathas
Video from work by Kelvin W Pond and colleagues
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife, September 2022
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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bigtvmojify · 3 months
నాన్న .. నావల్ల కావటం లేదు.. జైల్లో నేను ఉండలేకున్నా | Kavitha Delhi Liquor Case | KCR | KTR | BIGTV
నాన్న .. నావల్ల కావటం లేదు.. జైల్లో నేను ఉండలేకున్నా | Kavitha Delhi Liquor Case | KCR | KTR | BIGTV #kavita #delhiliquor #kcr #latestnews #bigtvnews Watch LIVE Stream : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueJsgNKeq8c 🔔 Subscribe to our channel ✅ Stay Connected to Us. 👉 Website: https://ift.tt/7j6XDdh 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/1cmYw6K 👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/bigtvtelugu 👉 WhatsApp:…
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dleena2023 · 3 months
dearest zofgk & ktr
it's a blessed day today, friday. and our prayers and do'a will definitely be answered. in sha Allah. lck summer season 2024 has started and ngawwwwwwwwwww I CAN'T BELIEVE ITTTTTTTTT. TIME FLIES SO FAST AND IT'S MID OF THE YEAR ALREADY?! we have passed through msi and now it's up summer. each of you did well my bois so let's do our ultimate best and be better this season, aites? this is our last chance to prove ourselves. to redeem ourselves. i missed you bois a loooot since the last stream got cancalled :') and now i'm back to seeing you alls sooon!!! which is like in 3 minutes time live hahaha. anyways, i wish you all the best for our journey throughout this summer and let's clinch our 1st victory today/tonight against nongshim in sha Allah. to qualify for playoffs-semis-finals and win it all. because nothing is impossible. and i believe in miracles. in sha Allah aminnn.
rooting for you this summer
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nationtoday · 11 months
@NationTodaychannel#telangananews #cmkcr #PublicMeeting at #jadcherla |#nationtoday CM KCR , #ktr | #telanganaelections2023 ||@NationTodaychannel trs praja ashirvada sabha,kcr participating in praja ashirvada sabha at rajanna sircilla,telangana party,brs party president sri. kcr participating in praja ashirvada sabha at rajanna sircilla,brs party kruthgnatha sabha at rajanna sircilla,rajanna sircilla live,ktr at praja ashirvada sabha,trs party,minister
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