lilitophidian · 3 months
@kugel-bitch ; continued from here 《
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"What's so wrong with wanting to understand? I suppose I forgot MOST angels were against questions. But don't you ever feel degraded when he calls you that of a BITCH? I'd say he's more of a dog than any woman could be."
Raising a brow, she crossed her arms under her bosom. A hand flicked outwards in thought.
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hannah-the-small · 7 months
Resisting urge to brood babies!! Resisting! Resistiiing!!!
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Sleepy imp chirping.
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Hello, my Dear. Sorry for the delayed greeting, I've been in something of a morose malaise.
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originemesis · 3 months
//lore hc dump (for this blog anyway) because ive been inflicting and been having the owwies inflicted upon me this dismal day-
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The first humans were basically heaven's little pet project turned breeding experiment after the fall of man when they realized that heaven and now hell acted as a balancing scale in the sky and that they'd need to keep feeding souls into both to keep both sides in equilibrium.
Adam never really truly falls 'in love' with someone- but he is extraordinarily co-dependent to the point where it appears so (which is just a mild commentary on how statistically men's mortality rate after a spouse passes is a lot higher than vice versa). He was this way with Eve when they were cast out.
Once Adam and Eve died, the scales for heaven and hell were in turmoil because hell already had Lilith in the mix at that point and so they realized they had to split the two- send one to heaven and one to hell to make sure the scales stayed equaled so that hell would not grow too heavy, thus causing heaven to start tipping into it. The seraphim would decide to take Adam because he was the first of the humans and so it looked better on paper. Eve would go to hell with Lucifer and Lilith.
In heaven, Adam of course stuck out like a sore thumb and did not fit in to the heaven scene, even after he'd been angelfied to help negate that fact. He still carried over some distinctly, hard-to-mask human qualities- most notably his music and ability to connect to other angels with it. Since his co-dependence was shattered with the separation from Eve, he began to look for ways to 'fall' or send himself to hell by acting up and testing boundaries in heaven. Of course, the only reason he was there was to keep balance between the sides, so ultimately he just ends up wasting his time, growing more bitter, angry and volatile with each passing millennium spent without his support beam.
One night he does indeed end up 'falling' after playing guitar and taking a nose dive towards Earth. While skydiving and shredding, he notes that he can't pull up all of a sudden and keeps careening down into hell. When the seraphim notice this, they freak out and attempt to retrieve him before he hits. Sera ends up sending a massive blast to an area of demons gathered below that are waiting to see what's coming down, exterminating them in the process. It's after this that Adam can finally pull up and flap back to heaven, shaken but starting to understand. He decides at that point that Eve's probably moved on without him anyway and that he should just commit to heaven's command that to help with the tipping of heaven into hell which almost claimed him with how unbalanced the sides were becoming, they had to continue culling hell's population periodically, and they could use Adam and his flying efforts to gauge when that time should be. (This is why in s1 when many of the angel exorcists are finally slain, Adam won't be flying back because he can't. The scales are tipped too far in hell's favor.)
Eventually some of the seraphs take notice of how much the separation of Adam and Eve has caused for them, and decide Adam has talent- he just needs to direct it to the right place. They give him another support beam in the form of Lute who becomes his lieutenant in the exorcist army. They slowly begin to build a bond up much like he and Eve did after they were thrown from paradise and had to rely on one another so deeply to survive, and the two do the same for one another in the many battles of the many exterminations to come.
He ends up proposing to Lute from an angel to angel stand point, which is more of a promising to be each other's divine weapon (with bonus preens and snuggles) in Eden.
Once he's fallen- he can meet Eve again in the same realm. Only now he's got the same issue that Eve does... the person he cares about is in heaven and he's in hell, and it seems like she's forgotten him and will be more than likely to be the one coming for his head.
If Lute and Adam do end up reconciling and decide they're either going to stay in hell together or try to get him back into heaven, it's going to be the biggest slap to Eve because he's in her position...the one where she doesn't get a happy ending because even though he did try to get back to her before their bond sort of wore off, he stopped caring about it.
And yes, while Adam and Eve are first separated and Adam doesn't have a Lute yet- and POSSIBLY Lilith has left Lucifer during all this... Luci be sliding up in both of their lonely ass dms like 'soooo...i know you're cursed and all to never see your boo again, but i can do a good impression aiyo 👀' since he's lonely now too from Lilith leaving.
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archive-of-the-guild · 7 months
@virtutibusmori / @kugel-bitch from here
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A light chuckle escapes the demon's lips as he mulls over her reply. "Hehe If that's how you feel, i have no issues putting your body through it's paces..."
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"...If... you'd be willing to indulge me in something a little less strenuous first."
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lettherebemonsters · 3 months
"I think we should fistfight a pack of wolves."
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" Oh I'd ram a fist down a fucking werewolf's throat if you're up for it..."
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von-eldritch · 10 months
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grimgrinnrs · 4 months
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Damn right she'll think about it.
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fxllen-cne-archived · 4 months
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The multiverse trembles....
Across all worlds, all realms, all timelines. All could feel something was shifting. Time warps, and reality quakes like thunder before the coming storm that will bring untold desolation.
The hairs of the powers that be stand on end.
All that was connected to the sync with the cosmos could feel it like an animal sensing the barrelling hurricane.
And there was no stopping it.
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villains4hire · 11 months
@kugel-bitch sent in:
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Chuckling a little, she couldn't help but grip them into a hug, "Alright, alright, come here. Want my attention do you? You're not sly, you know." A hand trailing through those locks, it'd be absent-minded and trail, then scritch where Lute liked it best.
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helluvadrummer · 10 months
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@kugel-bitch: She's here, lying in his bed, head propped up on an elbow, just...watching. why? Who knows. How? It's a mystery. But she sure is...present!
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His sleep was... rather quiet for an imp, save for a couple key factors: he tossed and turned a lot, he occasionally snored, and every so often, he'd let out quiet noises of panic, perhaps to indicate a nightmare of sorts. Not uncommon for most demons in Hell, everyone had something they were running from.
Of course, his sleep was rather easy to stir from, and as he let out a soft yawn, his body stretched and he slowly roused, rubbing his eyes as he tried to focus... but the image of the pale white woman next to him snapped him to a fully awake state almost immediately, body on full alert.
He knew not what this woman truly was, but he knew for a fact that she was more than capable of killing him, and that only made being stared at like this all the more terrifying. He had a grip on his knife, but honestly, what could he possibly do with simple steel against... whatever the fuck she was?!
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"U-um... C-can I help you...?"
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hannah-the-small · 5 months
"What did I miss??"
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"Gritt broke his contract, he's going to pay me to look the other way. So... not a lot."
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grimgrinnr · 11 months
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...Y’know what. Fuck it. This would be funny even if it’s all short lived anyway
Burning x Lute ship tag down bellow \/\/\/\/\/
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originemesis · 4 months
"Soooo ~ ... who needs a date in sevenish days?"
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archive-of-the-guild · 7 months
@kugel-bitch from here
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He still snickering to himself a little but pushes it down in order to actually talk to her "Oh calm down. It's not nearly as bad as you seem to think it is." Roako gently wraps the egg in a hand towel and sets it in a large mixing bowl. "Put it under a heating lamp or something for now and wait a couple of days. Then we can tell if it's alive or not."
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starsaught · 11 months
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"Hello, my little fledgling. You are Paimon's darling granddaughter, yes?"
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❝ Unfortunately, one of many. Can I help you with something? ❞
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