#kuhl man uk
keepgoing-jakebass · 2 years
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kuhlmagazine: Presenting Jake Bass @josephsinclair @itsjakebass photographed in NYC for @kuhlmagazine Styling @jamesyardley
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sawtheyellowsign · 3 years
You there! You like writing? Reading? Words and phrases, even? I’ve got some writing
My stories “The Un-Drowned Man” and “Florae” are now published for your reading perusal in the anthologies By the Seaside and 206 Word Stories, respectively. Check em out if it strikes your fancy
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shandragdotson · 5 years
How I Sold This Website for $9 Million
Dearest Readers,
I’ve been waiting to tell you this with considerable excitement for a whole year, but the sales contract prevented me from doing so until this moment. And as of April 1st, 2019, I’m officially free to reveal that:
Mr. Money Mustache has been sold!
Yep. I’m not sure if it’s the age-old truism that “Everybody has their price”, or the fact that I got bored after eight years of writing it and just ran out of things to say, but over time I have come to realize that it was time to pass this golden opportunity on to someone else.
The highest bidder in this case was Shamrock Financial Trust*, a financial products company in the Isle of Man, UK that specializes in special premium investments that beat the market while dodging the taxman.
I was unsure of exactly why Shamrock would be willing to pay so much for my collection of five hundred articles mostly about spending less money and investing in index funds. But when you put six zeroes after a number on a check, it is amazing how quickly uncertainty and questions can vanish!
From my understanding, a site like MMM has a certain value just from its ranking in the search engines, and ongoing traffic of several million page views per month and about 33 million unique visitors over its lifetime. But still, those are just numbers on the page and don’t seem real because I haven’t been taking full advantage of the opportunity.
But, the Shamrock leadership team has assured me that the site will take on a vibrant new life, with a team of professional writers churning out fresh content on the daily, and an SEO-optimized stream of monetized offers that deliver maximum value-added solutions to all stakeholders.
And I just thought I’d reach out to see if we could jump on a call to catch up on the bleeding edge of some big data, to see of there’s any Corporate Synergy in our Core Competencies.
Fuck! Don’t you hate corporate bullshit and business buzzwords? Me too.
(thanks to reader Ron Cameron in the comments below for mentioning this incredibly appropriate Weird Al / Crosby Stills and Nash song. It is SO good!)
It was both fun and sickening for me to type that cheerful little story, but hopefully you realized from the title alone that it is April Fool’s Day, and I thought I should play along by with a preposterous headline of my own.
In reality, of course I have no desire to sell this website, because doing so would violate some of the core math of early retirement of happiness:
It would subtract something from my life that brings me true happiness (the ability to be in touch with you, which in turn brings more friends and lots of challenge and a sense of meaning into my life)
while adding more money, which would make absolutely no improvement to my life because I am not feeling any pain due to a shortage of money.
And that’s the real reason I figured this lame April Fool’s prank also contained a life lesson that was worth sharing as a blog article. Because I am still hearing from people every day who are selling out their own lives for their careers.
So many people are using a successful working career and earning loads of money as an excuse for not facing the realities of life.
Although this is certainly not a gender-specific problem, as a 44-year-old man living in a wealthy area I am surrounded by peers who are afflicted by this disease of Success-itis.
People who are rockstars in the corporate sphere and at the peak of their careers, who have become so addicted to the activity that they can’t see they are just chiseled Kuhl-clad rodents jogging in the latest trail runners on a gilded hamster wheel.
Career success is a very sneaky thing, much like a layered salad of Superfood Greens that gradually devolves into a dessert of Creme Brulee enhanced with crystals of Crack Cocaine as you dig deeper. It starts out with all sorts of self-actualization and personal growth, but as you begin dining you are also hooked up to intravenous feeds of ego stoking and copious income. So even as the worthwhile parts fade, you grow more and more addicted to the superficial rewards.
Of course, the standard American tradition is to spend all of this money as soon as you get it, locking in a lifestyle that is so bloated and inefficient that you “need” to keep earning the enormous bucks to “support your family.”
It becomes very easy to justify career-itis as a noble and selfless thing, rather than the lame indulgence it really is, when you are simultaneously addicted to corporate accomplishment, and bad at managing the veritable shitload of money it generates. If you are making a multiple six figure salary in your 40s and still not even financially independent, please grow up and learn a bit about money beyond just buying yourself nice stuff. It should be embarrassing to be still dependent on a paycheck while sitting in such a privileged position.
But even for those of us who get the money part solved, with investments large enough to see us through several prosperous lifetimes, the career addiction still remains strong. The fact that people still end up on redeye flights, missing their kids’ school performances and barking out buzzwords at underlings during endless conference calls even with tens of millions in the bank, should serve as a real warning of how addictive this disease can really be.
So for this April First, I would like to issue a little reminder, for overly successful men and women of my overly rich country:
A successful career is a fine way to learn some life skills and earn some money. But if you’re still doing it at 40 years old, you are probably sucking at something else.
And if you’re still in the office at 50, you’d better be changing the world and not just a cog in a machine that is doing something you don’t believe in.
Since career-itis is an addiction to success, the easiest way to break free is to give yourself permission to suck for a while.
If you are a Successful Career Man and you want to start a family, there is going to be a 20-year period where you are either a half-assed worker, or a half-assed Dad, or both. But you can’t be amazing at both. And that is totally okay.
Because a good life is one that is well-rounded and nuanced. It’s not about PERFORMANCE at all costs. It’s about being okay with trying new things and making mistakes, and growing as a human in exchange for that.
Your kids don’t care if you make $75,000 or $75 million per year, because either of those numbers is more than enough to have all possible doors to happiness open to them.
So my challenge to you is not to work the longest and most fruitful career possible, but rather to move on to new and bigger challenges as soon as you are strong enough to do so. 
Complacency and doubling down on your existing half-satisfying job is a form of weakness. Moving on and trying new things is a sign and source of flexibility and strength. And mental flexibility and strength are the biggest allies you’ll ever find in the long journey through life.
Thus, of course I did not sell this website, and of course I’m going to keep occasionally writing things for it, on my own schedule and nobody else’s, while struggling and fighting and learning in all the other areas of life.
It won’t be perfect, but it will be interesting and fulfilling and awesome. I wish you the same in your badass and ever-changing life!
* This is a fictional name that I picked because it contained the word Sham, plus a real financial company from the Isle of Man sent around some bogus legal threats to a few bloggers several years ago so I thought it would be nice to combine the ideas. 
from Finance http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2019/04/01/how-i-sold-this-website-for-9-million/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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loseranthems · 8 years
fave movies and or shows? fave music artists and or bands?
mmmmmmmmhmhmhmmmm man good questions. i had to simmer on this for a hot minute but
some shit that id rewatch until my corpse rotted into the chair:
>the sopranos. theres seriously nothing on the level of this shit. there isnt a bad episode at all? this is spurring me on to rewatch it again for like the 9276th time just to prove myself wrong lol but, like, there aint. its solid and so fucking well written up until the very last second, and the amount of metas and psychiatric metas and character studies thatve been compiled over the past decade+ are tantamount to the fuckin quality on that shit
>low winter sun. got shelved on AMC for being too dark, so it only got 1 season, BUT, its probably the best one season of anything at all. sopranos level writing, a realistic and unbridled slice of politics and daily grind of detroit. corrupt cops, insane OST? religion as a blurry roadmap to self-destruction? its good yall, and it does it without being too voyeuristic about the state of the city either. had to scrounge gutters to find a DVD of it but if you can buy that shit physical, do it. build an altar for it. votive candles and all man. fantastic, fantastic show. one of the few times the US did a better job than the BBC version.
>wallander. KUHLASSIK yall. dont even come at me unless youve seen this. and not the BBC version either, but henning mankells version with subtitles and shit. wow. and if you go off on a search for it online, uh, lemme know where you find it? i cant find this thing anywhere unless i drop like 90+ on amazon for it and man i like it but for one season? lmao. dont let that draw you back though, its nordic crime done right. its subtle, its understated, its nuanced, its slow going and slow burning and gritty. it hits hard and it plays out like a novel because it was one. so actually if you can find the novels for it, read em first. brilliant shit.
FILMS. gunna go just for top ¾ off the top of my head since this is hard to condense:
>the grey. hoooo weeeeEEE, yeah, this makes me go catatonic for like an hour everytime i finish watching this. adapted from a novel, and it shows in how it tells the story. very chaptered, well paced. its fucking amazing. very lord of the flies, a bunch of dudes wrestling with masculinity and power balance, and its just… gentle about it all. poetic, languid, stark in its novelization of dialogue and how it handles silence. amazing, amazing, amazing.
>Q U O  V A D I S. or any biblical epic, really. but ill sing the praises of quo vadis until i die. forever. holy fucking shit i love this movie. watch in bluray, dont watch it any other way. ill be in your window and dab violently everytime i make eye contact with you if i catch you watching this in 720p. steal a 60" flatscreen and watch it in the back of your GMC savana, or hijack the local entertainment section of your local best buy and put this shit on and watch it there. its so good its worth the risk of prison. seriously. ill send it to you in jail if you fail
>brooklyns finest. hahaha oh my god, its good. its good. guy who did training day did this, and arguably brooklyns finest might be better/his best work? oh my god man, its like a shakespeare play, and all striations that emerge in the characters are tied up elegantly in the end in a way that rivals old plays. so incredibly well done. i guess i just get hard at corrupt cop stories, especially in the 65th precinct. its one of the best (if not THE best) crime dramas set in modern times. like, what if affleck’s ‘the town’ didnt have that shoehorned in romance? and was darker? its like that. and that soundtraaaaack hahaha oh maaaaaaan. anything with green lantern alongside the delfonics is good.
(also im shit at updating it, but i do have a letterboxd if you wanna peep some of my nore notable picks: https://letterboxd.com/vpuvwv/films/)
MUSIC. way too hard to pick TOP OF ALL TIME anything so - shit ive been listening to hard the past week:
>lots of františek jiránek ?? and choral evensongs. lmao i dont have anything to commentate on this since im clearly not a classist cunt from sussex with a posh garden full of basil. but shits good, esp this: https://youtu.be/dZReCxQtQ7U
>connan mockasin. i think i first picked up on him a few years back in some offhand mixtape i downloaded but im back on his shit and goddamn: https://youtu.be/Teyy1A_AJso (also in the same vain of soft spoken guys wailing; old MGMT live sessions, been back on that too lately. just imagine standing in a starbucks with screenplays clackin about and their arrogant hipster shit in the BG. thats what ive been back to lately hahah)
>WILEY: https://youtu.be/sa1glDxNvfk. been outside of its circle for a while but UK grime has been taking me over the past week so, wiley. and donae'o. p money.
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andrewdburton · 5 years
How I Sold This Website for $9 Million
Dearest Readers,
I’ve been waiting to tell you this with considerable excitement for a whole year, but the sales contract prevented me from doing so until this moment. And as of April 1st, 2019, I’m officially free to reveal that:
Mr. Money Mustache has been sold!
Yep. I’m not sure if it’s the age-old truism that “Everybody has their price”, or the fact that I got bored after eight years of writing it and just ran out of things to say, but over time I have come to realize that it was time to pass this golden opportunity on to someone else.
The highest bidder in this case was Shamrock Financial Trust*, a financial products company in the Isle of Man, UK that specializes in special premium investments that beat the market while dodging the taxman.
I was unsure of exactly why Shamrock would be willing to pay so much for my collection of five hundred articles mostly about spending less money and investing in index funds. But when you put six zeroes after a number on a check, it is amazing how quickly uncertainty and questions can vanish!
From my understanding, a site like MMM has a certain value just from its ranking in the search engines, and ongoing traffic of several million page views per month and about 33 million unique visitors over its lifetime. But still, those are just numbers on the page and don’t seem real because I haven’t been taking full advantage of the opportunity.
But, the Shamrock leadership team has assured me that the site will take on a vibrant new life, with a team of professional writers churning out fresh content on the daily, and an SEO-optimized stream of monetized offers that deliver maximum value-added solutions to all stakeholders.
And I just thought I’d reach out to see if we could jump on a call to catch up on the bleeding edge of some big data, to see of there’s any Corporate Synergy in our Core Competencies.
Fuck! Don’t you hate corporate bullshit and business buzzwords? Me too.
(thanks to reader Ron Cameron in the comments below for mentioning this incredibly appropriate Weird Al / Crosby Stills and Nash song. It is SO good!)
It was both fun and sickening for me to type that cheerful little story, but hopefully you realized from the title alone that it is April Fool’s Day, and I thought I should play along by with a preposterous headline of my own.
In reality, of course I have no desire to sell this website, because doing so would violate some of the core math of early retirement of happiness:
It would subtract something from my life that brings me true happiness (the ability to be in touch with you, which in turn brings more friends and lots of challenge and a sense of meaning into my life)
while adding more money, which would make absolutely no improvement to my life because I am not feeling any pain due to a shortage of money.
And that’s the real reason I figured this lame April Fool’s prank also contained a life lesson that was worth sharing as a blog article. Because I am still hearing from people every day who are selling out their own lives for their careers.
So many people are using a successful working career and earning loads of money as an excuse for not facing the realities of life.
Although this is certainly not a gender-specific problem, as a 44-year-old man living in a wealthy area I am surrounded by peers who are afflicted by this disease of Success-itis.
People who are rockstars in the corporate sphere and at the peak of their careers, who have become so addicted to the activity that they can’t see they are just chiseled Kuhl-clad rodents jogging in the latest trail runners on a gilded hamster wheel.
Career success is a very sneaky thing, much like a layered salad of Superfood Greens that gradually devolves into a dessert of Creme Brulee enhanced with crystals of Crack Cocaine as you dig deeper. It starts out with all sorts of self-actualization and personal growth, but as you begin dining you are also hooked up to intravenous feeds of ego stoking and copious income. So even as the worthwhile parts fade, you grow more and more addicted to the superficial rewards.
Of course, the standard American tradition is to spend all of this money as soon as you get it, locking in a lifestyle that is so bloated and inefficient that you “need” to keep earning the enormous bucks to “support your family.”
It becomes very easy to justify career-itis as a noble and selfless thing, rather than the lame indulgence it really is, when you are simultaneously addicted to corporate accomplishment, and bad at managing the veritable shitload of money it generates. If you are making a multiple six figure salary in your 40s and still not even financially independent, please grow up and learn a bit about money beyond just buying yourself nice stuff. It should be embarrassing to be still dependent on a paycheck while sitting in such a privileged position.
But even for those of us who get the money part solved, with investments large enough to see us through several prosperous lifetimes, the career addiction still remains strong. The fact that people still end up on redeye flights, missing their kids’ school performances and barking out buzzwords at underlings during endless conference calls even with tens of millions in the bank, should serve as a real warning of how addictive this disease can really be.
So for this April First, I would like to issue a little reminder, for overly successful men and women of my overly rich country:
A successful career is a fine way to learn some life skills and earn some money. But if you’re still doing it at 40 years old, you are probably sucking at something else.
And if you’re still in the office at 50, you’d better be changing the world and not just a cog in a machine that is doing something you don’t believe in.
Since career-itis is an addiction to success, the easiest way to break free is to give yourself permission to suck for a while.
If you are a Successful Career Man and you want to start a family, there is going to be a 20-year period where you are either a half-assed worker, or a half-assed Dad, or both. But you can’t be amazing at both. And that is totally okay.
Because a good life is one that is well-rounded and nuanced. It’s not about PERFORMANCE at all costs. It’s about being okay with trying new things and making mistakes, and growing as a human in exchange for that.
Your kids don’t care if you make $75,000 or $75 million per year, because either of those numbers is more than enough to have all possible doors to happiness open to them.
So my challenge to you is not to work the longest and most fruitful career possible, but rather to move on to new and bigger challenges as soon as you are strong enough to do so. 
Complacency and doubling down on your existing half-satisfying job is a form of weakness. Moving on and trying new things is a sign and source of flexibility and strength. And mental flexibility and strength are the biggest allies you’ll ever find in the long journey through life.
Thus, of course I did not sell this website, and of course I’m going to keep occasionally writing things for it, on my own schedule and nobody else’s, while struggling and fighting and learning in all the other areas of life.
It won’t be perfect, but it will be interesting and fulfilling and awesome. I wish you the same in your badass and ever-changing life!
* This is a fictional name that I picked because it contained the word Sham, plus a real financial company from the Isle of Man sent around some bogus legal threats to a few bloggers several years ago so I thought it would be nice to combine the ideas. 
from Finance http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2019/04/01/how-i-sold-this-website-for-9-million/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
damonbation · 5 years
How I Sold This Website for $9 Million
Dearest Readers,
I’ve been waiting to tell you this with considerable excitement for a whole year, but the sales contract prevented me from doing so until this moment. And as of April 1st, 2019, I’m officially free to reveal that:
Mr. Money Mustache has been sold!
Yep. I’m not sure if it’s the age-old truism that “Everybody has their price”, or the fact that I got bored after eight years of writing it and just ran out of things to say, but over time I have come to realize that it was time to pass this golden opportunity on to someone else.
The highest bidder in this case was Shamrock Financial Trust*, a financial products company in the Isle of Man, UK that specializes in special premium investments that beat the market while dodging the taxman.
I was unsure of exactly why Shamrock would be willing to pay so much for my collection of five hundred articles mostly about spending less money and investing in index funds. But when you put six zeroes after a number on a check, it is amazing how quickly uncertainty and questions can vanish!
From my understanding, a site like MMM has a certain value just from its ranking in the search engines, and ongoing traffic of several million page views per month and about 33 million unique visitors over its lifetime. But still, those are just numbers on the page and don’t seem real because I haven’t been taking full advantage of the opportunity.
But, the Shamrock leadership team has assured me that the site will take on a vibrant new life, with a team of professional writers churning out fresh content on the daily, and an SEO-optimized stream of monetized offers that deliver maximum value-added solutions to all stakeholders.
And I just thought I’d reach out to see if we could jump on a call to catch up on the bleeding edge of some big data, to see of there’s any Corporate Synergy in our Core Competencies.
Fuck! Don’t you hate corporate bullshit and business buzzwords? Me too.
(thanks to reader Ron Cameron in the comments below for mentioning this incredibly appropriate Weird Al / Crosby Stills and Nash song. It’s so good!)
It was both fun and sickening for me to type that cheerful little story, but hopefully you realized from the title alone that it is April Fool’s Day, and I thought I should play along by with a preposterous headline of my own.
In reality, of course I have no desire to sell this website, because doing so would violate some of the core math of early retirement of happiness:
It would subtract something from my life that brings me true happiness (the ability to be in touch with you, which in turn brings more friends and lots of challenge and a sense of meaning into my life)
while adding more money, which would make absolutely no improvement to my life because I am not feeling any pain due to a shortage of money.
And that’s the real reason I figured this lame April Fool’s prank also contained a life lesson that was worth sharing as a blog article. Because I am still hearing from people every day who are selling out their own lives for their careers.
So many people are using a successful working career and earning loads of money as an excuse for not facing the realities of life.
Although this is certainly not a gender-specific problem, as a 44-year-old man living in a wealthy area I am surrounded by peers who are afflicted by this disease of Success-itis.
People who are rockstars in the corporate sphere and at the peak of their careers, who have become so addicted to the activity that they can’t see they are just chiseled Kuhl-clad rodents jogging in the latest trail runners on a gilded hamster wheel.
Career success is a very sneaky thing, much like a layered salad of Superfood Greens that gradually devolves into a dessert of Creme Brulee enhanced with crystals of Crack Cocaine as you dig deeper. It starts out with all sorts of self-actualization and personal growth, but as you begin dining you are also hooked up to intravenous feeds of ego stoking and copious income. So even as the worthwhile parts fade, you grow more and more addicted to the superficial rewards.
Of course, the standard American tradition is to spend all of this money as soon as you get it, locking in a lifestyle that is so bloated and inefficient that you “need” to keep earning the enormous bucks to “support your family.”
It becomes very easy to justify career-itis as a noble and selfless thing, rather than the lame indulgence it really is, when you are simultaneously addicted to corporate accomplishment, and bad at managing the veritable shitload of money it generates. If you are making a multiple six figure salary in your 40s and still not even financially independent, please grow up and learn a bit about money beyond just buying yourself nice stuff. It should be embarrassing to be still dependent on a paycheck while sitting in such a privileged position.
But even for those of us who get the money part solved, with investments large enough to see us through several prosperous lifetimes, the career addiction still remains strong. The fact that people still end up on redeye flights, missing their kids’ school performances and barking out buzzwords at underlings during endless conference calls even with tens of millions in the bank, should serve as a real warning of how addictive this disease can really be.
So for this April First, I would like to issue a little reminder, for overly successful men and women of my overly rich country:
A successful career is a fine way to learn some life skills and earn some money. But if you’re still doing it at 40 years old, you are probably sucking at something else.
And if you’re still in the office at 50, you’d better be changing the world and not just a cog in a machine that is doing something you don’t believe in.
Since career-itis is an addiction to success, the easiest way to break free is to give yourself permission to suck for a while.
If you are a Successful Career Man and you want to start a family, there is going to be a 20-year period where you are either a half-assed worker, or a half-assed Dad, or both. But you can’t be amazing at both. And that is totally okay.
Because a good life is one that is well-rounded and nuanced. It’s not about PERFORMANCE at all costs. It’s about being okay with trying new things and making mistakes, and growing as a human in exchange for that.
Your kids don’t care if you make $75,000 or $75 million per year, because either of those numbers is more than enough to have all possible doors to happiness open to them.
So my challenge to you is not to work the longest and most fruitful career possible, but rather to move on to new and bigger challenges as soon as you are strong enough to do so. 
Complacency and doubling down on your existing half-satisfying job is a form of weakness. Moving on and trying new things is a sign and source of flexibility and strength. And mental flexibility and strength are the biggest allies you’ll ever find in the long journey through life.
Thus, of course I did not sell this website, and of course I’m going to keep occasionally writing things for it, on my own schedule and nobody else’s, while struggling and fighting and learning in all the other areas of life.
It won’t be perfect, but it will be interesting and fulfilling and awesome. I wish you the same in your badass and ever-changing life!
* This is a fictional name that I picked because it contained the word Sham, plus a real financial company from the Isle of Man sent around some bogus legal threats to a few bloggers several years ago so I thought it would be nice to combine the ideas. 
from Money 101 http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2019/04/01/how-i-sold-this-website-for-9-million/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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keepgoing-jakebass · 2 years
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kuhlmagazine: KÜHL HEAT Limited Edition Cover Model @itsjakebass Photography @claudioharris Video Editor @oalanjones Wearing @scotch_official @fabricpr
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keepgoing-jakebass · 5 years
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kuhlmanuk: KÜHL HEAT Limited Edition Out Now!
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keepgoing-jakebass · 5 years
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claudioharris: KÜHL HEAT @kuhlmanuk Cover Model @itsjakebass Graphic Designer @jsphbnt.graphisme.illustration Video Editor @oalanjones Grooming @margheritafabbro_mua on behalf of @studio50makeup Jake wears @scotch_soda @fabricpr #kuhlmanuk #jakebass
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keepgoing-jakebass · 5 years
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kuhlmanuk: KÜHL HEAT Limited Edition Out Now!
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keepgoing-jakebass · 5 years
Tumblr media
kuhlmanuk: KÜHL HEAT Limited Edition Out Now! Link in bio Cover Model @itsjakebass Photography @claudioharris Graphic Designer @jsphbnt.graphisme.illustration Video Editor @oalanjones Grooming @margheritafabbro_mua on behalf of @studio50makeup Jake wears @umbroukofficial @fabricpr
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keepgoing-jakebass · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
kuhlmanuk: KÜHL HEAT Limited Edition Out Now! Link in bio Cover Model @itsjakebass Photography @claudioharris Graphic Designer @jsphbnt.graphisme.illustration Video Editor @oalanjones Grooming @margheritafabbro_mua on behalf of @studio50makeup Wearing @umbroukofficial @fabricpr
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keepgoing-jakebass · 5 years
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Jake Bass | Photographed by Claudio Harris / KÜHL HEAT Limited Edition
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keepgoing-jakebass · 5 years
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itsjakebass: KÜHLHEAT. - LIMITED @kuhlmanuk kuhlmanuk #thickthiessavelives
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keepgoing-jakebass · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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keepgoing-jakebass · 5 years
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kuhlmanuk: KÜHL HEAT Limited Edition Out Now!
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