#kurono in the background: >:O
number1villainstan · 1 year
Rappa: you got a bf? Chisaki: i got a few why Rappa: add me to the roster Chisaki: smart man i like it
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littlepotatowizard · 3 years
Meet my Commandant, Marahuyo.
Basic Info:
Name: Marahuyo (Last name unknown, expunged from files)
Age: Presumably 19-21. No age confirmed. Actual age was recorded, but [REDACTED] for reasons unknown.
Blood type: O+
Marahuyo "Mara" is the commandant of the Gray Raven Squad, but has handled a former squadron before her reassignment.
Most Information about her was under heavy lockdown, most has been speculating that she may have been a migrator from Earth to Babylonia.
Due to the secretive nature of her past, save from the couple few she has revealed, most of the brass keeps an eye on her and orders secret squadrons to watch her every movement. This behavior around her causes Mara to also be wary of other people and often comes off as aloof and cold.
Unbeknownst to most, the only person who knows who she is and what she actually is, is Hassen. She is often seen comfortably chatting with him over tea and has been known to speak casually of him
She is often described as having a peculiar taste of music and prefers music from the golden age. She has also been known to collect items often viewed as "golden age antique".
+True Background+
Her true background is that she was once a patient comatosed in an isolation facility during the earlier stages of the Punishing virus. The facility was then later overrun by hordes of corrupted structures and she was left behind, only life supported by her machine and the backup generators.
When the recon soldiers sent to investigate the facility came and did a sweep, they noticed that the room she was residing in is surrounded by the corrupted but was left untouched. They cleared the area and secured her, taking her to a laboratory owned by Kurono and studied her as they need to find out why she was left alone.
They found out that the virus remains dormant in her and is in no sign of awakening. When they tried to open her up, they noticed that the virus began to influence her other biological matter to trap the scalpel they were using and caused her to wake up. Noticing that she was being cut open, she tried to move and caused the deaths of the people operating on her.
On her way to escape, she left multiple bodies behind and left wandering the wastelands on her own for more than 3 months before encountering the forces from Babylonia. Through sneaking in their cargo shaft, she managed to smuggle herself to the space station, but was subsequently arrested when the virus detectors alarmed.
She was brought up to Nikola who then questioned her on what actually happened to the Kurono Facility, which she refused to answer to. Nikola, fed up with questioning her, but unable to execute her, decided to imprison her. Upon her imprisonment, Hassen learned of the ordeal through his trusted sources and seeked her out.
Their first meeting was full of hostility, with the virus seemingly trying to quickly close up her wound and covering her arms in order to protect her from danger. Seeing her value, Hassen tried to build her trust in him and eventually offered her to start a new life in Babylonia and help with retaking her home. Realizing his proposal was much better than rotting in prison, she accepted his invitation and trained in Faust Academy as a commandant.
After graduation, she became the commandant of the recon squad Heron and then later transferred to Gray Raven due to a special request from Hassen.
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Character: Chronostasis x retired actress reader
@goblinchild99​ Thank you so much for requesting! I always love the ideas you come up with, they’re so much fun to write! I hope this is okay :)
*mentions of a stroke*
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‘Here we go…’ You took a deep breath as you stepped off of your private plane, walking towards the car that was there to pick you up. Today would be your first day in your new home, Japan. You, Y/n L/n used to be a quite famous actress in America. That is until you were working on a big project and the stress got to you…causing you to have a stroke…Thankfully you were okay, but you had to keep your life as stress free as possible, and you knew being in Hollywood would not be the best option. 
So, you retired early, packed up and moved to Japan, which had always been a favorite place of yours to visit! You would be living in Musutafu a fairly populated, but also calm part of Japan. You would be living in a nice home and seeing as how you were *ahem* rich, money wouldn’t be a problem. Now that you know the background, let’s get into the good stuff shall we~ You started acting from a pretty young age, around 6. You started in tv shows and movies or whatnot, even staring in a few kids shows and as you got older your passion for acting only grew! Your quirk also helped a lot believe it or not! Your quirk is called Hair morph, and it allows you to change your hair at will. Be it length, color, texture you name it. You can also keep it as what you want it to be pretty much as long as you like, but it is nice to return to H/c every once in a while. Today you had long wavy bright blue hair, because  w h y  n o t ? You had been in Japan for about a month now, pretty much spending your time traveling and meeting knew people. On this specific day you were walking around a park. It wasn’t too populated which was weird since it was such a nice day! You had been walking around, excitedly looking at everything, when a certain persons hair had caught your eye. You considered yourself as a sort of hair enthusiast seeing as your quirk was centered around your hair. So when you found someone with the most peculiar, beautiful silver white hair with arrows at the end!?! You were in love…okay with their hair BUT STILL!! Without even thinking your long wavy bright blue hair had changed to still long silver with arrows at the end. Still in a daze, you didn’t realize the stranger making their way towards you. “Uh…can I help you” You shook your head and looked to the beautiful man in front of you. ‘Oh sh-‘ “uH- no, yes, maybe?” The stranger chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest, white hoodie showing off his toned arms. “Uhm. This is going to sound really weird, but I like your hair, it’s really cool!” He nodded as a small side smile made it’s way to his face. “I noticed.” He pointed to your hair, a confused look made it’s way to your face before it was replaced with a petrified one as you realized your hair had changed. “A-ah, I’m sorry about that,” You nervously chuckled as your hand came up to the back of your neck. “My quirk is hair morph, so sometimes it just happens when I see someone with hair I like…sorry, I bet that was kind of weird to see huh?” He just shook his head, arrow like hair softly moving with him. “Not really. But I’ve gotta say, in all the years I’ve had this hair, you’re the first one to say it’s cool.” Your eyes widened at this, “Really?! But why?! I think it’s unique, not to mention you look really handsome-“ Your eyes widened as you slapped a hand over your mouth, muttering a ‘sorry’. He lightly laughed as he looked down, shaking his head lightly as he dug in his pocket for his phone. “I hope this isn’t too sudden, but I’d like to get to know you better. Would it bother you if I got your number?” Still not recovered from your embarrassing outburst, you gave a small smile as you nodded, handing him your phone as you two exchanged contacts. “Well, I should probably head back, my boss gets real grumpy if I’m ever late, but uh, I’ll text you later…?” “Y/n! Y/n L/n. I didn’t catch your name either…” He smiled at you, “Hari Kurono, bye Y/n.” You nodded giving him a small wave, “Bye Hari, I’ll talk to you soon!” He turned around and started to walk away, you were about to turn around when you heard “Oh! By the way, you pull it off better than I do, you look beautiful.” And with that he turned around and walked away, leaving a stuttering, smiling you behind. It’s safe to say you both very happily texted the other that night, and may have met up not long after…
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
What if Kai had an SO that was a HUGE fan of Rappa. Like they grew up seeing his fights and idolized him. And when SO meets the precepts they and Rappa become pretty good friends. And poor Chisaki can’t get rid of Rappa because he’s still very useful and it would upset his SO.
I LOVED THIS i still need more gifs for my husband...
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It wasn't his intention for you to meet any of the eight precepts of death, never even crossed his mind actually; I mean the only two he lets get close to you are Mimic and Chrono; but the moment you interrupted a meeting between all of them it was bound to happen for he to start making the introductions.
"This is my partner, angel, these are the eight precepts of death that I told you about it once."
"Ah I see! Was I interrupting something important Overhaul? My apologies." You bowed and reffered your boyfriend as the name he was know of... you didn't want Chisaki to start an argument or just to kill everyone in the room just because you referred him as his once given name.
"To be honest, no, you weren't, it has been already decided." He directed his gaze to all of the man on the room "Every one already know their duties so better do something useful with them, am I clear?"
You contained your smirk at seing Kai's serious and comanding voice, and to even think that this is the same man who called you angel in such a soft way almost ever hour.
Mimic suddenly spoke "Yo Rappa? Already know what to do right? Don't mess up."
"I'm not deaf goddammit." Grumbled the man.
You gasped, and immediately flushed at seing Chisaki eyes on your figurine like he was silently asking if you were okay.
No, you weren't okay. Could it be..?
After almost everyone got out of the room, Chisaki was expecting to have some free time to share with you but just as he turned around he found you almost running towards Rappa and poking him on the shoulder.
"E-Excuse me mister but are you the underground fighter Kendo Rappa or am I mistaken?" The man stopped on his tracks and looked at you for a few seconds before sarcastically and questionably answered:
"Yeah I am. Why? A fan or something?"
He killed Rappa five times and brought him back, and for that tone of voice he used on his angel he will murder him each different time in a brand new way if he doesn't back the fuck o-
"Oh my god yes!" You beamed making Rappa and Overhaul very surprised "My uncle brought me each time I heard it that was going to happen a fight which you were on it! I just admired you for years already!"
Chisaki could feel the way Rappa was out of words and that bothered him to no ends. You were a fan of this... this... this bag of brute?
Something in Chisaki soul was feeling sick of jealousy for knowing that 1, you knew Rappa 2; most importantly actually; you fucking admired him.
Rappa brought his hand to rub the back of his neck and talked in a surprised and much friendly voice "Wow wasn't expecting that! You're really watched them?"
"Watched and cheared evertime for you to win! Your combat moves are just so extremely strong and amazing!" You giggled like a fan girl talking to their idol.
"I really don't know what to say, that catched me off of guard but than-"
"Angel." Overhaul aproached dangerously in your side, piercing Rappa's face with his deathglare. "I think we have some things to g-"
"Overhaul! You never told me that Kendo Rappa was one of the precepts that worked for you!" You talked without a care on you boyfriend's tone of voice.
Rappa started to respect you right there because no one he knew on this damn base talked so ocassionaly with him, less alone weren't scared for their lives of only hearing his irritaded voice.
And well... we all know that Rappa is the only one who has guts to challenge Overhaul out of everyone who joined the Shie Hassaikai...
So the motherfucker become friends with you; not intentionally to make Chisaki mad, but because you knew a lot about fighting styles and you looked up at his form of fighting to death with only bare hands; already knowing of his boss anger for him to be friends with his SO.
Chisaki was fuming in rage. No one, in this damn base that is know of being a precept, touched or talked with his angel without his knowledge.
And there he was the bastard, calling you by your FIRST NAME and making jokes to make you laugh.
Chisaki tried to make you two lost contacted, he wouldn't break your feelings, he knew that Rappa was one of your idols so he had to take another methods...
"Angel I don't think is really a good idea of you spending too much time with him."
"We don't even spend this much Kai is just like, fifiteen minutes at day at maximun."
"Still what sweetheart?"
"He is a fucking brute, how do you expect me to not worry?"
"Kai he never once touched me, he isn't a suicidal masochistic... I think."
One day you offered that instead of Chrono, Rappa accompanied you on your way to the shopping; or whatever place you were going; and well, Rappa did accept the offer but...
Chisaki broked his cellphone in just a squish of his hand and simply said an instrict threating "no way in hell" and you swear you heard Chrono muttered an "that hurted".
You had to apologize to Chrono all the way in your walk since Rappa's presence was suddenly requested by Overhaul; poor dude died at least five more times only that day; but the man swears he was joking around with you (every joke has a real background so you apologized anyway).
Then you started to notice something about Chisaki that you were allert of...
Evertime Rappa was in the same room as yours, Chisaki just pushed you against him and caged in an one strong arm wrapped around you as he talked normally with someone else.
Despise physical touch? I think the fuck not in this situation.
After the meeting was over Chisaki looked down at you with an serious expression.
"Why do you even want to waste your time around him?" You giggled hopeless.
"Kai, you're the one wasting your time with this jealousy. Just like you're friends with Kurono, I am only... a colleague of Rappa."
"Bold of you to say I would ever be jealous of such a brute..." he scoffed "But is still different these situations."
"My knight." You sweetly spoke, resting your head on his chest "I looked up at him for one time in my life and still do a little but you're really the only one who I desire to spend each hour of my day without ever getting bored." You looked up at him giggling "He only talks about one topic anyway!"
Chisaki stiffed a chuckle of his own and patted your head gently before pressing his lips against your softly.
"Forgive me for just a second love? I will be right back..." Chisaki said alresdy leaving your embrace and consequently making you to stadt to whine.
"C'mon! My kaaaaaaiiii-" you whined outloud.
"Jesus Christ I will be right back, brat." He laughed as he putted his plague mask quickly making his way out of the room.
After some steps he found the man he was looking for, and silently approached behing his back.
He was in a conversation with Nemoto; definitely not pleasant; before the man stiffled a scream as he felt an huge amount of pain emiting from his shoulder...
Chisaki grabbed; gloves completely forgotten; hard on Rappa's shoulder making even Nemoto stand stiff in surprise and slightly afraid of his boss.
"Listen closely, Rappa..." he muttered "If you weren't a useful and available man for my cause and the yakusa, and even counting that my angel admires you a little, I would kill you right here and now with the most painful death every man has every presenced or heard of..." he dugged his nails on his shoulder "So you better be careful with your mouth around them, and if I ever hear a single complain of you coming from my angel, expect to the next time you're killed you won't be back." He finally released the man's shoulder with an scoff while making his way back to his room taking a handkerchief out of his pocket to wipe his hand.
Nemoto looked at Rappa; which was looking like he was finally breathing again; and said it :
"You're really are stupid for being friends exactly with (Y/N) out of all people in here..."
"They're one of my fans what do you want me to do about it?"
Suddenly Rappa was hitted by a bullet and the man sweared out loud in pain.
"Stop talking shit and think for once would be a good example."
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ask-the-mirage-lord · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Persona 5, Genei Ibun Roku #FE | Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Amamiya Ren & Aoi Itsuki, Aoi Itsuki & Tsurugi Yashiro, Aoi Itsuki & Kitagawa Yusuke, Amamiya Ren & Kitagawa Yusuke, Amamiya Ren & Tsurugi Yashiro, Kurusu Akira & Aoi Itsuki, Kitagawa Yusuke & Kurusu Akira, Kurusu Akira & Tsurugi Yashiro, Kurono Kiria/Tsurugi Yashiro, Akechi Goro/Kitagawa Yusuke, Amamiya Ren/Sakamoto Ryuji, Kurusu Akira/Sakamoto Ryuji, Persona 5 Protagonist/Sakamoto Ryuji, Akagi Touma/Aoi Itsuki, Persona 5 Protagonist & Aoi Itsuki, Persona 5 Protagonist & Tsurugi Yashiro, Kitagawa Yusuke & Persona 5 Protagonist, Aoi Itsuki & Shimazaki Maiko Characters: Amamiya Ren (Persona Series), Kurusu Akira, Kitagawa Yusuke, Tsurugi Yashiro, Kurono Kiria, Akechi Goro, Aoi Itsuki, Persona 5 Protagonist, Akagi Touma, Sakamoto Ryuji Additional Tags: Yashiro and Yusuke you two BETTER eat, that’s it. That’s the whole fic., The relationships are pretty background so you can ignore them, anyway I’m starting to ship Akekita and you can blame @a_salty_alto, so that’s why background akekita Summary:
Should I be sleeping? Yes. Did I write a fic about Itsuki and Ren trying to get Yusuke and Yashiro to eat? Also yes. 
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ao3feed-p5-boyslove · 4 years
by Ravenoftheskyes
Words: 837, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Persona 5, Genei Ibun Roku #FE | Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Amamiya Ren (Persona Series), Kurusu Akira, Kitagawa Yusuke, Tsurugi Yashiro, Kurono Kiria, Akechi Goro, Aoi Itsuki, Persona 5 Protagonist, Akagi Touma, Sakamoto Ryuji
Relationships: Amamiya Ren & Aoi Itsuki, Aoi Itsuki & Tsurugi Yashiro, Aoi Itsuki & Kitagawa Yusuke, Amamiya Ren & Kitagawa Yusuke, Amamiya Ren & Tsurugi Yashiro, Kurusu Akira & Aoi Itsuki, Kitagawa Yusuke & Kurusu Akira, Kurusu Akira & Tsurugi Yashiro, Kurono Kiria/Tsurugi Yashiro, Akechi Goro/Kitagawa Yusuke, Amamiya Ren/Sakamoto Ryuji, Kurusu Akira/Sakamoto Ryuji, Persona 5 Protagonist/Sakamoto Ryuji, Akagi Touma/Aoi Itsuki, Persona 5 Protagonist & Aoi Itsuki, Persona 5 Protagonist & Tsurugi Yashiro, Kitagawa Yusuke & Persona 5 Protagonist, Aoi Itsuki & Shimazaki Maiko
Additional Tags: Yashiro and Yusuke you two BETTER eat, that’s it. That’s the whole fic., The relationships are pretty background so you can ignore them, anyway I’m starting to ship Akekita and you can blame @a_salty_alto, so that’s why background akekita
0 notes
ao3feed-p5-boyslove · 4 years
by Ravenoftheskyes
Words: 837, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Persona 5, Genei Ibun Roku #FE | Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Amamiya Ren (Persona Series), Kurusu Akira, Kitagawa Yusuke, Tsurugi Yashiro, Kurono Kiria, Akechi Goro, Aoi Itsuki, Persona 5 Protagonist, Akagi Touma, Sakamoto Ryuji
Relationships: Amamiya Ren & Aoi Itsuki, Aoi Itsuki & Tsurugi Yashiro, Aoi Itsuki & Kitagawa Yusuke, Amamiya Ren & Kitagawa Yusuke, Amamiya Ren & Tsurugi Yashiro, Kurusu Akira & Aoi Itsuki, Kitagawa Yusuke & Kurusu Akira, Kurusu Akira & Tsurugi Yashiro, Kurono Kiria/Tsurugi Yashiro, Akechi Goro/Kitagawa Yusuke, Amamiya Ren/Sakamoto Ryuji, Kurusu Akira/Sakamoto Ryuji, Persona 5 Protagonist/Sakamoto Ryuji, Akagi Touma/Aoi Itsuki, Persona 5 Protagonist & Aoi Itsuki, Persona 5 Protagonist & Tsurugi Yashiro, Kitagawa Yusuke & Persona 5 Protagonist, Aoi Itsuki & Shimazaki Maiko
Additional Tags: Yashiro and Yusuke you two BETTER eat, that’s it. That’s the whole fic., The relationships are pretty background so you can ignore them, anyway I’m starting to ship Akekita and you can blame @a_salty_alto, so that’s why background akekita
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