#kuroo is soft and sexy
fawn-eyed-girl · 10 months
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Hi everyone! Happy Haikyuu Day!
As part of a lil summer fic exchange with the wonderful @rmakrkn, I am so pleased to share the first chapter of my gift to her. "The Truth About Wolves" (Rated E) is an omegaverse KuroKen and features sexy A!Wolf!Kuroo, O!Cat!Kenma, and lots of Little Red Riding Hood vibes 🐈🐺
Preview below the cut!
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The petrichor became smoky in its scent then; the flower came into view, and Kenma let out a little yelp of excitement, the other scent momentarily disappearing from his mind as he rushed forward…
And right into a wall. A wall… Wait, no, not a wall? 
Kenma stepped back and looked up; a pair of gleaming hazel eyes shone down at him. 
Hazel eyes that belonged to what Kenma would call a devastatingly handsome face: high cheekbones, well-shaped nose, and a smile that spread slowly over that face, one that, when the smile grew wider, Kenma could see a pair of small, sharp fangs. 
It was a man. A tall, gorgeous, and, from what Kenma could see, very well-muscled under his forest-green kimono and tattsuke-bakama-style pants, which were tucked into his kyahan. He wore wooden zori on his feet, and Kenma could see a sword sitting at his hip. 
But it wasn’t the fact it was a man blocking his path to the flower that unnerved Kenma; no.
It was the fact that the man had fangs. And that, as he looked down at Kenma, a pair of large, fluffy, black ears peeked down at him. And that a long, fluffy, black tail waved over the man’s shoulder at Kenma. 
He was a…a…a…
“It’s not safe to stray from the path, Kitten.”
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kissingchoso · 6 months
clearing my drafts and i decided to actually add the characters lmao
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tall characters leaning down to hear what you’re saying. i’m sorry but i’m 5’2 and i already have a soft voice, so no one really can’t hear my ass when i speak.
but imagine, them noticing your lips are moving and you’re in an extremely noisy and crowded environment. they’ll do everything in their power to figure out what you’re saying so they’ll lean down so that your lips are next to their ear and same with you.
“repeat that for me, sweet thing,” they’ll request.
little do they know how you’re internally freaking the fuck out from how close they are, but all you can do is try to restart what you were saying without fucking up too bad. of course they’re listening but they’re also smirking simply because you’re lesning forward a little bit more to ensure they can hear you.
it’ll be even sicker if they ask you to just say the final few words, but this time they use it as an excuse to wrap an arm around your waist and tug you to them so that you have to take a step forward. you can feel their shit eating grin and have no other choice but to comply until they’re lifting their head up and answering with a fucking sexy grin.
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oikawa, kuroo, iwazumi, daichi (he’s taller than me so shush), sugawara, ARAN, aki, gojo, geto, TODO, ino, jean, reiner (walk with me for a bit), ony, steve harrington, eddie munson, ellie williams and ofc your other favs <3
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kaiijo · 9 months
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pairing: kuroo tetsurou x fem! reader content: fluff, timeskip! kuroo (he’s so sexy)
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you’re not really sure when kuroo started calling you his ‘work wife,’ but you honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. like many of your colleagues, you’ve been taken in by his teasing smile and charm and the way he brings you your coffee and bagel in the morning, just the way you like it. “good morning, wifey,” he says as he hands you your breakfast with a flourish. “vanilla latte with oat milk and an extra shot of espresso and a toasted everything bagel with cream cheese.” 
you smile and thank him, sliding the bagel out from the waxy paper bag. you glance back inside and sheepishly open your mouth but kuroo beats you to the punch. “and, of course, your stirrer.” he sticks his hand in the pocket of his slate gray slacks and produces a wooden stirrer. 
you chuckle, “you keep those in your pants just for me?”
“a gentleman always is prepared for a lady!”
“‘gentleman,’” you snort. 
kuroo presses a hand over his heart. “i am a gentleman through and through!”
“uh-huh, keep telling yourself that.” you take a sip of your drink. “but thanks again for breakfast.”
he pats your head and sings out, “anything for my favorite work wife!”
“i better be your only one!” he laughs loudly at your reply, the sound bouncing off the walls as he heads down the hall to his office. 
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when lunchtime rolls around, kuroo, as usual, appears in your doorway with his lunch in hand. he never has the same thing, you’ve come to learn; today’s meal is grilled fish over rice, and kuroo asks, “up for a lunch date?”
you try to fight the warmth rising to your cheeks, still not used to his wording despite the many times he’s asked the exact same thing. you shake your head and sigh, “unfortunately, i’m behind on inputting the quarter two estimations so i think i’ll be working through lunchtime.”
kuroo still walks into your office and comes around to look at your computer screen. “have you been doing these all by hand?”
“here, there’s an easier way to generate these estimates.” with a few clicks and keystrokes, you watch as numbers and figures fill the spreadsheet cells before your very eyes. you slump back in your chair, relieved. you glance up at kuroo. he’s so close that you can very clearly smell the way his cologne mingles with his minty toothpaste. your breath hitches as he stares down at you with pride. “you’re a lifesaver.”
“had to save my lunch time with my work wife.”
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you stifle a yawn as you save your last pitch for the budget board and power off your computer. you looked out the window, the sun beginning to set on the horizon. you roll your chair away and stretch your hold body out, humming in relief as someone knocks on your door. it’s not hard to guess who it is. “come in.”
“hey,” kuroo pokes his head inside, blazer folded across his arm and his lanyard in hand. “ready to go?”
“yep, let me just get my stuff.” you gather your things and sling your bag over your shoulder, locking up your office and following kuroo out. you walk side-by-side in comfortable, tired silence until you get out of the building. “how was the merch presentation?”
“oh, it went really well,” he says. “thanks for letting me co-opt your time for rehearsal.”
“you know i always have time for you.”
kuroo gives you a smile that’s almost way too soft and sweet for you to handle, and you quickly avert your eyes to the street in front of you as you two come to the metro stop. he asks about how your younger brother is settling into college and you inquire about his grandparents, and it’s an endless stream of conversation as you two board the metro together. 
“oh,” kuroo says suddenly, voice shifting to a quieter tone. “i’ve been meaning to ask, do you want to—?”
you desperately want to hear the end of his question but you’re coming up to your stop and you have to hurry home to walk your dog. “sorry! text me the question?”
he shakes his head. “i’ll tell you later. see you tomorrow, wifey.”
you wave to him over the shoulder as the doors close behind you, and you’re left with a warm feeling in your chest and burning curiosity about what he’ll ask you. 
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it’s the next day when your boss calls you into her office, asking you to let the newest employee to the sports promotion division shadow you for a little while until he gets the hang of what you guys do. his name’s nakamura eijun and he seems nice enough so you agree.
nakamura’s in your office as you go over how the jva’s filing and record-keeping online works when kuroo comes in with your daily breakfast. you sit up straighter, ready for him to finish whatever question he was about to ask. 
he stops short when he sees nakamura and asks, “new guy?” nakamura nods and introduces himself, to which kuroo responds with an enthusiastic “i’m kuroo tetsurou. welcome to the team!” and without your usual banter, kuroo drops off your bagel and coffee and leaves without another word. 
he peeks into your office again at lunch and you’re about to wave him inside, but he shakes his head and says, “i’ll come back later!”
he doesn’t. you don’t see kuroo for the rest of the day, which makes your heart sink. it’s the first time in months that he hasn’t followed the unconscious routine the two of your started. you try to look at the silver-lining. kuroo (and thinking about kuroo) is your main distraction of the day, so maybe it was a good thing he didn’t show up so you couldn’t make a fool of yourself. 
what unnerves you, though, is that the following days are much the same. kuroo silently brings you your breakfast and peeks in every now and then, smile never quite meeting his eyes as he sees you eating with nakamura in your office. the days stretch to weeks and you realize two things: one — that kuroo’s avoiding you, and two — nakamura’s a lot less capable than you thought he would be, given that he’s still shadowing you after about two and a half weeks. 
thankfully, you get a little reprieve when nakamura informs you that he’s out sick for the day. you perk up when kuroo comes in with your breakfast and give him your chirpiest “good morning.”
he leans up against your doorframe, glancing around. “your new work husband’s not here today?”
“what are you talking about?”
he says, “your new work husband. he have some emergency or something?”
you frown at his tone. “sorry, let me be more specific. who are you talking about?”
“nakamura,” he responds. finally, he crosses the threshold and hands you your bagel and coffee, the stirrer already inside the bagel bag. he plops down heavily in his chair, arms folded across his chest. 
“you know you’re my one and only,” you say, offering a smile. when he doesn’t reply, your smile fades and you ask, “why do you think he’s my new work husband?”
“he’s been telling everyone that you two spend so much time together that he might as well be.”
you can’t help but roll your eyes and you reach across the desk, tapping your hand on the surface to get kuroo’s attention. he finally meets your gaze and you say, “we’ve been spending a lot of time together because sakura asked me to let him shadow and he’s—” you lower your voice to a conspiratorial whisper, prompting kuroo to lean in closer, “—not very smart.”
you watch as the tension kuroo held in his shoulders disappeared and something like relief washed across his features. you can’t help but laugh a little, “really. is that what got you so grumpy these past few days?”
“hey!” he protests, “i wasn’t grumpy. pouty, maybe, but definitely never grumpy.”
“sure, sure.” you pause and then ask, “why were you so bothered by nakamura saying he’s like my work husband?”
kuroo’s face flushes and with an uncharacteristic shyness, he says, “because, y’know, that’s— that’s our thing. and i’m not too keen on letting someone steal my wife away.”
“good to know you’re a protective husband.”
he chuckles and says, “well, gotta get back to the trenches. those advertisement pitches aren’t going to pitch themselves.”
“don’t i know it.”
as he goes to leave, he hesitates in the doorway. then, he turns back to you and asks, “would you like to have dinner with me tonight? if you’re not doing anything, of course.”
your eyebrows raise but you can’t help the bright smile from breaking across your face. “yeah, that sounds great.”
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a year and a half later.
nakamura and you are sitting in the conference room, brainstorming ways to help boost the sendai frogs’s popularity. nakamura taps his pen against his chin and suggests, “maybe we should tell koganegawa to stop yelling so much?”
“no, their fans like his enthusiasm,” you say. 
“well, tsukishima’s their most popular player… maybe we can ask him to ramp up the fanservice. as in, do any.”
you snort but before you can make some snarky comment about how that absolutely will not happen, a voice comes from behind you. “you’re signing a death wish with that. no way tsukki’ll bite.”
nakamura’s face sours and he mumbles something as kuroo towers over both of you. you grin at him in greeting and give him a playfully chastising look, adding, “you’re right but you know it’s rude to interrupt a conversation.”
“just making sure my wife—” he gives nakamura a very pointed look, “—knows who she’s dealing with.”
you quirk an eyebrow. “your wife is a very capable woman, thank you very much.”
he smirks and bends down closer, deepening his tone. “oh, i know.”
nakamura scowls. “we get it, she’s your work wife.”
“actually…” kuroo’s shit-eating grin grows wide like a cat who got the cream and simultaneously, both of you hold up your left hands, matching silver bands glinting under the fluorescent lights. “she’s my wife-wife now.”
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wake-uptoreality · 3 months
He is kissing you desperately, grabbing your soft curve of hips as he is in total mercy of your beauty...he just came home from an important meeting, so he is still in his suit, hair tottaly messy from how your slide your fingers in there as you plant soft, sweet kisses on his lips that makes him in want...
"Such a tease, baby" he growls.
he bites on his lip as he starts removing his tie with middle and index finger and with his hair messed up, it looks tottaly sexy...you feel butterflies in your stomach as he grabs your wrists together and wraps his tie around your wrists as you cant escape him.
" I think you look better than I do with my ties on, love~"
-> SAKUSA KIYOMI, ushijima wakatoshi, kageyama tobio, IWAIZUMI HAJIME, miya osamu, KUROO TETSURO, kozume kenma, TSUKISHIMA KEI, sawamura daichi.
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sachirou-senpai · 22 days
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Father!Kuroo headcanons
A/n: S4 did kuroo so well and he's never looked prettier lmao. thx for being so sexy, don't know what we'd would do without you.
Warnings: Kuroo is a dad?? Children???? Idk kid stuff so like? Crying? idk I'm feeling so weird while writing this.
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→ Has a baby girl!! She's such a daddy's girl. She absolutely hates it when he goes on long trips because she missed him!!
→ Gets so so soft when he sees her do literally anything. Walk? He's soft. Babble? Soft. Smile? He's mush. Smile AT him? Please, he's dead.
→ She's so spoiled because of him. Any clothes, food, toys, pretty much anything she likes Kuroo will buy for her.
→ He loves seeing the two of you together. He'll get this soft dopey look on his face, and then'll go up to you both and kiss all over your faces.
→ Likes to dress her up. Whether it be in a princess dress and bows, or a tuxedo, he just thinks it's absolutely adorable.
→ Brags SO. MUCH. about her. To literally EVERYONE. About the most random things, too. Sftu Kuroo. (No please don't, we love you.)
"Y'know, my daughter drank 5 cups of water today! Can your daughter do that?"
→ He's so engaged in her life!! Will take her to all of her activities and go to her recitals or athletic meets, literally anything she does. He'll cancel his work just to go see her-
→ A fun dad!! Kuroo has lot of fun stories from when he was in highschool and college, so he's never boring. Plus he's generally just a smart dude, so he likes to tell her lots of fun facts.
→ Kuroo!! Gives!! Good!! Hugs!! And his daughter knows it. Always looks for her father when she needs cuddles.
→ Overall, Kuroo is such amazing dad.
(pls i can't why is kuroo so cute 🥺)
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Please reblog if you enjoyed.
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sweetdreamlandstuff · 2 years
Attractive things the Haikyu men do - Part 2
Characters: timeskip Atsumu / Kuroo / Daichi / Kageyama / Sakusa / Bokuto x gender neutral reader
Notes: A collection of things they do or habits they have that are sexy/attractive. Pretty self-explanatory lol (and soft!). Part 1 is here. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! :)
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Atsumu Miya
Atsumu probably has no idea what he does to you, sitting in front of you like that. His muscular thighs are spread, his large hands casually laying on the rests of the armchair.
You gulp, trying to tear your eyes away from his imposing figure. But you’re unable to. He just looks too good tonight, all dressed up, his black suit clinging perfectly to his body.
His hazel eyes find yours. Your eyes widen in surprise when you realize he caught you staring. His lips curl into a smug smirk. He hums absentmindedly, not even listening as Osamu continues to talk with him.
Atsumu slightly sits up, adjusting his trousers. His gaze doesn’t leave yours in the process. You feel your cheeks growing hot, your heart beating loudly in your chest. 
You avert your gaze, not being able to maintain the intense eye contact any longer. You don’t even have to look at him to know that a big shit-eating grin is plastered on his face. And you also know that he's going to tease you about this the whole ride back home.
Tetsurou Kuroo
You look up, your bleary eyes fixing on the man working across from you. The office is dimly lit, the light reflecting off of his black and messy hair.
It’s pretty late, but you two know you have to get this work done today. You have no choice. But there could be worse things than being stuck with Kuroo, you muse as you gaze at him. 
He doesn’t notice you staring, so you let yourself have this moment. His hand is buried in his ruffed-up hair, a slight frown on his face as he scans over the documents. You watch his large hands flip through the pages before he leans back. 
He lets out a long, tired sigh, resting his head against the chair. You swallow against the dryness in your mouth as you watch him move. His slender fingers work; loosening his tie, the small motion so effortless. Yet it intrigues you more than you’d ever care to admit.
Daichi Sawamura
The warmth of his large hand seeps through the thin fabric of your dress. You swear, his hand was meant to rest on the small of your back as if it was carved for him. 
You gulp, trying to concentrate on the conversation unfolding in front of you but in all honesty - you can’t. Especially now that his thumb rubs small circles onto you, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. 
Daichi probably thinks this little movement soothes you, although it has the opposite effect. You swallow hard against the dryness forming in your mouth before you turn your head. 
You watch his side profile, noticing the large smile laying on his lips. His deep voice rings in your ears although you can’t catch the meaning of his words. He’s handsome, of course, he is. But with his hand on your back, guiding you through the crowd, his protective, if not possessive, hands on you - you swear you’ve never found him more attractive.
Tobio Kageyama
“I thought that maybe we could…” Your unfinished sentence hangs in the air, as you watch Kageyama’s hands gliding along the steering wheel.
He puts the car in reverse before he turns his head, looking through the rear window. You stay silent as you observe him doing so. Your eyes glide along his features, noticing the concentrated expression on his face and the sharp cut of his jawline. You ogle his arm, noticing his biceps straining against his shirt.
Kageyama places his hand behind your seat. His fingertips slightly brush against the back of your neck, causing you to shudder. You hold your breath, only exhaling when he’s done. His dark blue eyes search for your gaze.
“What were you saying?” He asks, oblivious to the feeling he caused to rise in you. You don’t have an answer to his question. Your thoughts are now circling around, well, other things. 
Kiyoomi Sakusa
Sakusa usually wakes up before you. That’s why you feel incredibly grateful that you get to see him like this, still sleeping soundly next to you. You know it is only a matter of minutes before he will wake up so you cherish that you can quietly observe him now. 
You take in the sight of him, warmth spreading in your chest. His eyes are closed softly, his breath is falling steadily and his curls hang messily into his face.
You stroke the strand of hair out of his face, admiring the two little moles on his forehead. You don’t know how long you watch him before he awakes.  
You look at him as he slowly peels his eyes open, his gaze slowly clearing and fixing on you. He lazily smiles upon meeting your gaze. 
“Were you staring at me?” He inquires drowsily, his voice barely above a whisper. The sound of his deep, raspy morning voice makes your insides twist. 
“Hm?” You pretend not to have heard him, just to hear his voice once more.
A small smile stretches across his face. You melt at the sight. Oh, how you love him. 
Koutarou Bokuto
Bokuto is, usually, a happy and cheerful person. So it doesn’t surprise you that he loves to hum to himself, to sing loudly in the shower, or quietly to himself when he cooks. 
But what surprises you is how attractive it makes him to you. You’re not sure how to explain it, the effect it has on you, the way it makes your heart flutter and your cheeks flush. Maybe it’s the contrast between his strong, buff figure, and the soft sounds dropping from his lips. 
When you get home from work and he is already at home, you stand there quietly in the frame of the kitchen, just for a minute, to hear him singing absentmindedly, as he chops up some vegetables. 
You’ve never told him how you like it. And you’re not sure if you ever will, considering that telling him that he is a pretty good singer will only go to his head. 
So you just wait until he notices you standing there, watching his expression lighten up upon his eyes meeting you. 
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we-fancy-you · 4 months
Kuroo tetsuro x f!reader We all know how childish Kuroo sometimes may be, but just know that you won't take his shit every time. NSFW 18+ only established relationship, unprotected sex, creampie, riding, teasing a lot, overstimulation, timeskip!kuroo it's pretty vanilla smut
“Don’t push like that!” you said while walking to the bathroom. “I’m sorry.” He said with a lying smirk on his face. “You’re not sorry at all! It’s written all over your face!” He gave a soft snicker before groping your but. “Tetsuro! I am serious! You can’t just do this to me when we are having a serious conversatio- “he was mimicking you with a lousy expression while his hand is mocking your mouth. Knitting your eyebrows together you planned on calling him out for it. As a small feeling of rage bubbled in your stomach and you could almost see red.
For some annoying reason he always did this. Whenever I pointed something about the past week that I didn’t like, out. He would start acting like a horny moody teenager.
“Babe, you take life too seriously. Can’t you just let it go?” “You know what you should do. You should grab the spare blanket and pillow because you’re not sleeping in the same bed as me tonight.”  You puffed out. The burning heat in your veins hadn’t cooled off yet and you were stomping out of the room.
“Ahh, don’t say that. You know you can’t sleep without me.” Even though that’s partly true, your pride didn’t give in. He was being a total jerk and you needed to put him in his place. “I am going to give you a nice one to the jaw. Then were going to see what you need.” “I honestly think you can’t even reach my shoulder from down there.”
That’s it, you couldn’t do it. As your face flushed beat red and felt like had gasoline on it waiting to be lit and set everything a blaze. “You.” you slowly turned around on your heels and looked him dead in the eye. He didn’t flinch a bit and only had that stupid fuck boy smirk displayed on his face. The one that says ‘hey to yah sexy ladies. If anyone want some good dick tonight. Hit me up.’
“What did you just say?” Even though everything of your body was burning. Your voice could make Antarctica gasp. “See you have to even bend your neck to look at me now. How are you going to hit me?” Even though this bastard had the same height as a windmill you weren’t scared off by his petty insults. You pushed him as hard as you could against the wall and pulled him down his collar. “You listen here you little shit, I know you have a hard life with all your work and sport on the side but guess what.” You pulled him so close. Your breath was dancing against his. As much as you hated him, he knew how to turn you on and that ruined hairstyle was doing it.
“I too have a job, and yes work out.” He laughed at that part, the hard and ha! Type of kind. “You working out? I think I have a bigger chance of winning the lottery than to see you working out.”
Another vein in on your forehead pulsed with irritation.
“How did you get so full of yourself? Huh? Was it the old ladies that called you handsome? Because I can promise you, they are blind.”
“No, it’s the fact that you always get wet when we fight.”  As you two were in such a heating argument you didn’t notice his long slender fingers travel to my lower parts. The tip of his index finger suddenly pressed on your clothed clit, and a jolt of pleasure hit your body. Gasping and closing your eyes, his other hand brushed the hair out of your face. “You really are the worst.” You huffed out.
With his big arms he picked you up and walked to the bed. He gently placed you down and was about hover over you when you pushed him back. “You know” he looked confused but listened because he obviously wanted to do something about that tent set up in his pants. “Why do you think you are allowed on top? Hmm. You have been very rude and now all of a sudden you want to use me? No.” you slowly whispered in his ear. You got up pushed him down once more on the bed. “Don’t move.” You said while slowly opening your blouse. He was whistling at your action, but it didn’t faze you. You trailed your hand over his shirt from his neck down to his chest that lingered a bit before you pinched his nipple. He tensed up and you s straddled his lap after that. Slowly rocking your hips just to get the smallest amount of friction between the two of you. His hands were at his sides, and you could feel the pent up frustration he has. “I want to be on top tonight.” you said. Your bedroom experiences usually consist of him being on top or behind. So, you being on top is something special. After you said that his smirk deepened.
“You know you’re hot when you are angry right. My dick is so hard.” you blushed harder and tightly held his face in your hands. “Listen boy.” Rubbing his lower lip. “Tonight, we will do all the things I like. And you can’t complain, can’t whine, or cry.” I brushed my lips to his ear and bit his lobe and blowed lightly. “Yes ma’am” he said while he swallowed big time. “I want to tie you up, but since that takes too much effort you have to promise me to keep your hands behind you.” He slowly nodded as you got of his lap and took off the rest of your clothes, leaving you in a black lace under garments. As you untied your hair you saw his eyes drift to your mounds and licking his lips. But that’s not going to happen yet.
You knelt down between his legs not breaking eye contact and undoing his belt. He was hard and you could feel the light twitching through his trousers. While getting it all off and rubbed his big thigh you could feel goose bumps forming beneath your hand. Softly kissing the muscular part up and down making sure to leave hickeys while making your way up to his centre. His eyes were closed, and he now was laying on the bed with his long legs dangling off. I got up and turned him vertically so I could lay in between his legs. He sighed at your cold hands touching his warm stomach and I teased him more. I missed the touch of his lips him, but you couldn’t give up now.
 Tugging his boxers down for the show to start. You were going to make this painfully long for the both of you.
After many times of him cumming on your face and mouth. And seeing the masterpiece of hickeys you left behind on his pelvis and v-line. You took off your own panties and pushed his, still hard surprisingly, dick inside you. It felt good and God you were wet. So wet. The slick sound of him rubbing your walls filled the room. Maybe it was because you where on top or maybe the long-time spend on foreplay, but it felt so good. Tears filled your eyes, and you were just slowly moving up and down. Keeping a steady pace so this was going to take a while, but you were right on the edge. If you opened your eyes right now and look at him the sight of him alone could give you your release. Secretly opening one to look at him. Both your hands were on his abs making small marks from your nails, but his Oh, his were giving you an ego boost. One of his hands was between his teeth and the other was pulling his hair. A hard moan escaped your mouth, and you couldn’t even recognize your voice in it. Your stomach was all tingly and skin was set ablaze, the sweat coating your body and his was making you dizzy. Just to get that push you rubbed your clit and your jaw dropped, back arched, and eyes rolled back. You moved your fingers to his nipples and rubbed them making him twitch inside you he was letting out muffled groans all the time this time a hoarse moan left his mouth, and it was so sexy. And you couldn’t take it anymore. You needed him, to touch you, you needed him to fuck you. “Touch me, Tetsu.” You gasped out and at the exact moment he shot up his hips. Sending ripples of sensations and all types of pleasure through your body. And now loads of sexy moans filled the room, the ones you see in movies. You came but he didn’t quit you tried to tell him to slow down but he didn’t the overstimulation was killing but you couldn’t stop it felt too good at the same time. His warm calloused hand grassed your skin as he found the clips of your bra and threw it to the corner of the room. “Finally.” He muttered as his mouth connected to your nipple. The pleasure and pain messing with your brain. “Tetsu, ah, it’s to-ah, much.” You got out. “Oh yeah? Well, I don’t think you’re seeing these hickeys because they also were too much.” He gave one more thrust when he came again. Delicious warm fluid painted your insides and he finally got soft. The smell of sweat filled your nostrils as you saw him pull out.
Your thighs were shaking, and your insides were spasming. Slowly pushing yourself up you felt the warm mix of your fluids run down your thigh. “You look so hot right now with all my cum down your legs. I just want to-.” He scrapped some of it with his fingers and pushed it back in. The sudden touch on your sensitive area made you see starts. Too braindead to form actual words other than a simple “eh” your half open eyes looked at his golden ones as you tried to caress his cheek.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we.” He picked you up kissed your lips on his way to the bathroom.
The next day Kuroo had his weekly volleyball game with his friends and was walking into the changing room.
A few of his friends were already changing into their jerseys.
“Hey guys.” He greeted them and started changing himself.
“Damn Kuroo, I see yah.” Bokuto snickered. “Hmm?” “Yah got laid good didn’t yah.” He pointed to his stomach. Deep purple bruises were visible as he had removed his shirt. “Oh this.” He scratched the back of his head and laughed sheepishly. “He made her real mad this time.” Kenma said while shaking his head.
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hyeque · 2 years
post workout Kuroo brainrot😔 him being all sweaty, panting….oh lord. im bout to burst.
morning ritual [kuroo tetsuro]
warnings: implied sex, teasing and name calling, kuroo is sexy end of story, not proofread
notes: really a warmup as i ease my way back into writing
kuroo, who while isn’t a college or pro volleyball player, still keeps in good shape after he quit. arguably, he’s doing more working out than when he was playing high school volleyball. that’s why his suits are always tightly fitted, pecs showing through his dress shirts, his slacks showing off his thighs and ass in the right ways, biceps peaking through his shirts as well.
one thing you know that he does everyday is go on his morning jogs. he always tries his best not to wake you, but considering the giant always wraps his limbs around you every night, it’s kinda hard to not notice the absence of warmth besides you at 4am. in addition to that, he usually workouts on machinery after his jog (yay for in-home gyms).
the result is a kuroo tetsurō that is reserved for your eyes and your eyes only.
you’re usually “asleep” but this particular morning you happen to be awake early, mourning the absence of your beloved. it’s when you hear the door open and close do you quickly decide to hide yourself in the bedsheets, not wanting to be seen awake.
kuroo slips into your shared bedroom when you pretend to be asleep. you take the time to peek at him out of curiosity.
to say he looks delectable is an understatement. his workout shirt is clinging to his body like a second skin. his hair, while usually wild, lays down slightly just because of how sweaty he is. his slightly tan skin always glistens just right in the light and gives him a flattering glow.
you’re too busy oogling him that you completely miss him walking back in the bedroom. you try to cover your face in hopes he didn’t catch you drooling, but he’s perceptive as ever.
“i know you’re not sleeping, pervert.” he says, and you hear the smirk in his voice. you crack your eye open and there he is, standing over you shirtless.
“m’not a pervert.” you pout, frowning at him.
he tilts his head slightly. “yeah? then why are you eyeing me like a piece of meat right now?” he pulls back the bedsheets and you shiver once the cold air hits your skin. it isn’t long before kuroo’s looming figure is hovering over you.
the smell of his sweaty musk should repulse you, it should. but when it’s him, repulsion is the last thing you feel.
“well i’m allowed to ogle my own boyfriend. you’re not that innocent either mister.” you respond, brushing back hair from his face. you don’t miss the way that his hazel eyes have become clouded with a dusky look.
he laughs, amused by your behavior. “i guess you’re right. i should do something about that, hm?” he grabs your hands, pulling them to the side before peppering your face in kisses. they start out soft but become increasingly rough as he moves over your body.
“oh my god, tetsu! you’re so sweaty!” you giggle and try to push him away, but he continues his ministrations of kissing your face, collarbone, and neck.
“better that way, isn’t it?” he’s tugging your figure towards the edge of the bed, and you feel heat in your lower abdomen at the lack of strength he uses to do it so effortlessly. “don’t have to worry about getting clean twice.”
“maybe…” you mumble, face burning hotly as his lean body shields you. every muscular part of him seems to encase you in a way that calms you, yet excites you all at once. “maybe, if you would do something…”
standing between your legs, he kisses down your skin, tugging off your bottoms and underwear. you hitch your breath at his cold fingers resting on your hips.
his breath hits your glistening core and he smirks, centimeters away from giving you the bliss you need. he stands back up and your eyes instantly fall to the print in his gym shorts.
kuroo often calls it his morning ritual. now he doesn’t believe in superstition or anything like that, but he sure does think that fucking you just right leads to him having a great day. he’s convinced you that a business deal needs to be sealed with your lips wrapped around him, or his face in your cunt. and sometimes he’ll have you thank him for sending you to work full of his cum.
there’s something about kuroo’s stamina post workout that makes him different than any other time. and the same goes for you as well. you become clingier. needier. and he can tell you both needed release more than anything.
a sweet smile appears on kuroo’s face, but nothing about it is comforting. after all, he’s going to break you.
he strips off his reminding article of clothing, hunger in his eyes. “you’re in luck, sweetheart. i still have enough stamina and energy. i could use another workout, and you’re the perfect partner.”
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lentiku · 2 months
he’s there,
standing in the doorway, watching your arms reach behind you to zip up the silky black dress he bought. his eyes devouring your form, the lacey underwear disappearing beneath the dress as the zipper climbs higher and higher before stopping right under your bare shoulder blades, no bra to cover the delicate skin.
“baby, please help me,” you ask sweetly, meeting his eyes in the mirror of the vanity you sat at. he stopped adjusting the tie around his neck and took long strides over to you, not once breaking eye contact until he knelt to the ground behind you. his larger hands covered your own gently and you lowered yours, expectant of him to finish pulling up the zipper so you could get on with finishing your appearance. instead, a soft kiss was placed between your shoulder blades. then another. and another. one right above the other until they reached the nape of your neck before veering to the right. his kisses turned hot as they reached the soft spot right behind your ear, and you felt him nibble a bit as his hands traveled down your waist, finally stopping and gripping the fat of your hips.
“baby, c’mon. we’ve had this reservation for months now; we can’t dally like this or else we’ll be late. i still need to finish my hair and makeup,” you let out a soft moan, his nips becoming harsher and you were sure there was to be a red mark on your neck by the time you made it to the restaurant.
if you made it.
“baby, please,” you said again, your tone a little harsher.
“shh. let me drink up the sight of you right now,” he groaned into your neck, his hands moving back up your body and to the front of your dress, hovering right under the curve of your breasts. “once we leave, i won’t be able to put my hands on you for hours.”
“you’ll survive. now please; my dress.”
“fine, fine,” his hands grazed over your breasts in a teasing fashion, and you were sure he felt how hard your nipples were. letting out a content hum, you could see the smirk on his lips before he grasped the zipper and finished pulling up, cautious of the delicate fabric. “i wish i was the only one to be able to see you like this, you’re so sexy,” he murmured before placing a chaste kiss on your cheek before turning back around to sit on the edge of the bed.
“you see me every day honey, we live together need i remind you,” you teased, fixing up your hair in a loose bun before pulling out some strands to curl later.
“yes, but this is a different you. one that everyone will be looking at, one that people will be wanting and wondering about. one that people will want to steal. i bet someone will even wonder what you sound like,” you watched as he continued with his tie before straightening out his coat and running a hand through his hair.
“you’re the only one who gets me, and will have me,” you hummed, brushing mascara onto your lashes before you turned around, sending his a cheeky smile. “and hear.”
“you naughty minx,” he laughed as you brushed some gloss onto your lips before getting up and doing a spin for him.
“how do i look?”
“beautiful as always. although i don’t understand why you put makeup on, or did your hair. it’ll just become messy later,” he shot you a wink, and you smirked before bending over.
“oh i’m already messy,” you pulled down the lacey underwear you had on and tossed them to him before slipping on the heels by the vanity. “c’mon, lover boy. we gotta go before we’re late,” you said sweetly as you pulled on a coat before grabbing your purse.
needless to say, your hair and makeup were messy before you even got out of the car. and you were late with a few hickeys littering your neck down to your visible cleavage.
characters imagined;
eren, jean, diluc, neuvi, wrio, zhongli, ratio, jing yuan, welt, daichi, iwa, kuroo, oikawa, miya twins, issei, PRO HEROS bakugo, hitoshi, kiri, tamaki, hawks, your fav character <3
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broshot · 1 year
you give him head!! gender neutral reader, all characters are of age
contains MANY characters (some are mentioned multiple times) so most likely got the one you're looking for, if not let me know and I'll add
nsfw under the cut
he would moan and whimper when getting head. would absolutely lose it when you first wrap your lips around the tip of his dick, almost cums then and there. whimpering nonstop from the moment you first touch his dick to the moment he cums. and even after that. like, I'm sorry but he's so touch deprived and since that area is so sensitive he'd just lose it :( poor boy, please give him lots of head!
levi, kazutora, reki, kageyama, scaramouche, aki, angry (souya), chifuyu, megumi, sugawara, armin, shinichiro, mikey, tsukishima,
would love receiving head so much he'd beg for it daily LMAOOO you're just too good at it. he'd place his hand on the back of your head and help you take all of him, will get to set the speed to his liking aswell. won't cum in your mouth unless you want to, loves releasing on your face and chest. remember to close your eyes when he's about to cum!!
ran haitani, kuroo, scaramouche, gojo, hanma, baji, jean, joe, oikawa, bokuto, atsumu,
likes giving head more than receiving it but he'd still love when you give him head. is a bit shy when getting (and giving) head. will moan for sure and probably thrust his hips upwards. you'll know when he's about to cum when his moans get louder and more breathy, will also tell you that he's about to cum. wants to give you head after this.
albedo, yuuji, langa, yamaguchi, asahi azumane, inumaki,
he loves receiving head just as much as giving it. will leak so much precum that it'll drip down your chin, moans and will definetely praise you too. he'd let out soft laugh and a breathy moan before saying something along these lines: "you're doing so good" "your mouth feels amazing" "you look so good like this". would also ask if he can give you head after you finish giving him head.
ITTO, tanaka, nishinoya, hinata, eren, denji, bokuto, rindou, kazuha,
"are you feeling okay? is it too much? we can take a break if you need to. tell me if it gets too much to handle, I know I'm pretty big." he repeats these sentences SO MUCH. just wants to make sure you're okay and it's not too much :( he's a big dick guy, obviously, and he knows it. he knows it can be hard to handle so he wants to make sure you can handle it. will caress your cheek when you suck him. he loves seeing you with his dick in your mouth btw!
nanami, draken, daichi, erwin, aki, geto, mitsuya, osamu, zhongli, xiao, cherry (sk8), kuroo,
he's in control the whole time. will degrade you, in a way that's not sexy at all. forces you to take it all in your mouth, will have his hand on the back of your head so he can push you down whenever he wants to. and trust me, he WILL cum into your mouth. has a big dick so good luck to you. your jaw will hurt after this. probs little to no aftercare. personally, I would never suck these guys off but you do you! (maybe I'm just a hater)
sukuna, toji, taiju, mahito,
softer version of the above. will give good aftercare, won't cum in your mouth if you don't want him to. will most likely degrade you but also praise you. lets you set the speed unless you want him to, he'll be glad to do so. will moan.
sanzu, happy (nahoya), hanma, atsumu (?), tartaglia/childe,
spoiler alert, I don't play genshin LMAO Idk if they're accurate, Idk if any of these are accurate but I hope you enjoyed reading these anyway
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tetsuswhores · 2 years
work outfit
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multiple characters x reader
Warnings: smut, fem!reader, mentions of oral (m), sexual content, a little pervy character, husband!character.
A/N- reposting again cause tags were being a bitch. Let me know how y'all like it. A main focus of this fic is Iwa-chan cause it's his birthday and happy belated birthday to the love of my life
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He loves it when you wear your work outfit. It's not even anything scandalous or "slutty" yet he feels the stir in his pants as you step out of the bedroom. Slack pants adorning your beautiful legs. He can see the little cleavage that peeks out of your shirt that is slightly unbuttoned. Your hair damp from the shower and sticks on your neck and the whole room fills with the dab of the sweet perfume that you just wore. He hugs you from behind, burying his nose on your neck and nipping your skin softly. 
“What are you doi–” your laughter broke into a soft breathy moan as you felt him growing against you, softly grinding his hard crotch against your ass as he walked over to the nearest wall, pressing you against it. Soft whimpers escape your mouth as his hands find the way towards your breasts and squeezes it harshly, crumpling that part of the shirt. But who cares? You look so professional. So gorgeous and so damn sexy. 
Nobody can  fathom that this is the same woman who loudly moans out like a slut as he drills his cock inside your cunt every night. Nobody but he can see your fucked dumb face after he makes you cum for the umpteenth time the same night. No one but he has to know that the woman who is held  in such high esteem in her office gets intoxicated as he fucks her mouth till he’s raw and both are shuddering in overstimulation.
That’s what he loves about you– he loves how you can be extremely professional during the day in your work. The woman whose intellectual mind is beaten by no one. Yet you are the same woman who is fucked dumb every night by your loving husband as he rewards you and your hard work. 
“Princess, you feel so good. f-fuck I’m gonna cum,” He groans out against your neck, snapping his hips against you, right at the spot which was enough to send you to haze.
“ we’re g-gonna be late– fuck!” you squeal out as he hits that one spot that has you cumming in mere seconds. You feel his hands dancing around your body, groping every curve till he reaches for your chin, tilting it up towards him and engulfs your lips. His tongue fights against yours at the same time  he increases his pace down below. 
He snaked his hand down towards your neglected clit. He took the nub between his two fingers, pinching it hard, which was the final blow to you. 
Your body blissfully floating in high and soon enough you feel him spurting his own orgasm inside you with a drawing moan of your name.
You breathe out heavily to regain your composure, feeling his hand caressing you to bring you down from high. The room filled with the smell of sex and of your own perfume, your slacks piled in one corner. He looks at your disheveled state and grins.
“Sorry, princess, you look too irresistible when you get dressed for work.”
IWAIZUMI HAJIME(28) ATHLETIC TRAINER, Bokuto, Tendou, Mattsun (this fucker has a very specific outfit kink i just know), Kuroo (he would ask you to keep his cum the whole day in your panties) , Atsumu, Suna, Daichi
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Reblog or I'll shoot you
Thanks for reading
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©- tetsuswhores2022 — do not copy, repost my works on any other platform. Please refrain from plagiarizing.
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osamusriceballs · 9 months
The Taste of Love
Kuroo x fem reader
Warnings: NSFW
Words: ~ 1k
About: A one night stand with Kuroo~
"Shhh, I got you."
A whimper gets suck in the back of your throat while he shushes you with a sweet kiss- a kiss so sweet, it hardly matches the vibe of his actions prior.
And as he said- he got you. He brings your legs to his shoulders, effectively hitting deeper with that simple action, and all you can do is mewl and purr while he slowly pushes his cock deeper than he did before.
"S' good-" you grab his messy, raven hair- that has looked messy and bedridden ever since you met him to your defense and grab the stands softly, surprised by how soft they actually feel. Did he not put any product in it? Does it naturally look that way?
Your thoughts get distracted by his grin- his lazy grin that has a cat-like energy that makes you fold for him on the inside. "Tell me how good I make you feel. Tell me all the details, sweetheart." He slows down his movements, allowing you to catch your breath and his hand comes to your cheek to caress it softly- almost lovingly. Your eyes widen when you realize that he wants you to be vocal- in a way that no one has ever asked you to be vocal. "C'mon, sweetheart, don't be shy on me. Not when I'm buried balls deep in your pretty little pussy."
You're clenching around him. Hard. A shameless soft moan leaves your lips, and you rake your nails against his back, leaving a few marks for sure. "It feels good- feel so full, so much-" you feel embarrassed at how breathy the words leave your lips, but his grin intensifies, and he starts to move a little faster again. "You're doing so well, taking me so well. Can you do me favor here, sweetheart? Can you hold back until I tell you to cum? Will you be a good girl for me and do what I tell you?"
You frantically nod your head at his words, the words "good girl" echoing through your head and making your pussy throb with need. His cock hits all the right spots within you, you can basically feel the veins along his cock, rubbing your insides and making the feeling even more pleasurable. "Tetsurou- you're filling me up so good, wanna feel you cum, want to feel full of you." You desperately cling onto his body, your legs trembling, but still safely rest on his shoulders, and you can feel his body tensing at your words.
"You're driving me crazy- so fuckin' hot- gonna fill you up, gonna make you feel so full, just for you, sweetheart-" his words are more of a groan, interrupted by his hard thrusts, and you feel tears in your eyes at the pleasure overwhelming you. Sweet praises leave his lips, that have you melting and shaking underneath him, your thighs tensing and making your ass arch into him, and he groans when he suddenly hits deeper than before. "That's it, sweetheart, cum for me, wanna feel you throb around me, just like that-"
Your hands cling to his body, holding onto him as if he was the only thing keeping you sane, and his name leaves your lips one last time before you arch your back up to him, and he reacts by pushing you down and keeping the pace of his hips, his eyes never leaving your face while you gasp for air and clench almost violently around him. "So hot, let go for me sweetheart, gonna cum with you," he shushes you when you whine from overstimulation, your clit pulsing and your walls throbbing around him, and that's when you feel him tensing and filling you up, sexy groans leaving his lips alongside with sweet praise.
A few moments pass like this, your bodies still interlocked closely, before he inhales deeply, his arms trembling as he leans back and brings his hands to your ankles to pull your legs slowly down. You moan weakly when you feel his cock slide out, dripping with a mixture of your arousal and his, probably staining the dark satin sheets on his bed that look pretty expensive, but he doesn't seem to care about that at all.
He smiles and you close your eyes when he leans down to press a kiss against your lips before he falls to the bed right next to you. "Come here, sweetheart." He opens his arms and wraps them around you, effectively pressing your powerless body against his. His face is just a few centimeters away from yours, and you can feel the heat radiating from his body and how the muscles of his arms around you still slightly shake. "How are your legs? I got a bit carried away, I'm sorry." He smiles sheepishly, a sudden softness in his eyes that makes butterflies erupt in your stomach.
"It's fine. I'll be a bit sore tomorrow though, but that's okay." You smile back, lost in his cat-like hazel eyes- it's hard to focus when he's this close to you with his attractive face and smelling like a seductive mixture of sex and his cologne. "A bit sore, huh? Seems like you'll have to stay here tomorrow, so that I can take care of that." His hand moves down your back, softly caressing your bare ass and then giving your thighs a a few soft strokes. "You want me to stay?" You raise a brow and look at him, and he lets out a small low chuckle. Kuroo closes the distance between your lips and kisses you sweetly again, making you shiver in his embrace.
"More than that. Want everything you're willing to give, sweetheart. And I'm gonna give you everything you're willing to take." His eyes are captivating while he's saying these words, his voice not wavering for a second, conveying his sincerity.
You only manage to nod and to whisper a small "yes" before his hand entangles in your hair and moves your head to the side to press another sweet kiss to your lips- a kiss that tastes like love.
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the-masked-ram · 8 months
Don't Come Morning- Kuroo x Chubby!Fem Reader
This was inspire by the song Stay by Sara Bareilles CW: NSFW, Chubby fem reader, semi public sex, teasing, crying (not sexy), angst, planned break up, happy ending, premature ejaculation (kind of), nickname 'kitten' ----
Your hands hadn’t left each other’s since the night started. Tetsurou’s fingers were woven between yours a little too tightly, gripping harder each time he smiled at someone or laughed. While the party wore on his smile got a little thinner, eyes a little more tired, and laugh a little more out of control. He was forcing himself, trying not to think about the morning, trying to stay in the moment. Once the dawn broke and the light crept across your skin, he would be gone. You’d wake to an empty bed for the first time in three years, and he’d be on a plane half across the world. You would be left with nothing more than the scent of sandalwood and mango on his pillows. A smell that would slowly fade, just like you feared your memories would of him. He avoided looking at you, instead reminding himself of your presence with touches against your voluptuous sides and gentle kisses against your temple. His hand didn’t drop yours, even if that meant dragging you across the room or slowing down his strides. You weren’t sure who was hurting more from this separation, you or him.
It was something the two of you had agreed upon long before getting into this relationship, though. It was already known when he’d asked you out that he’d be leaving for America at the end of his college graduation. He’d been scouted by an amazing company. You couldn’t imagine him turning it down for something as silly as love, someone as miniscule as you. Though you knew it’d hurt in the beginning, you’d liked him at the time, you’d convinced yourself that with the knowledge he would leave in the end, you wouldn’t be able to fall in love with him. Your heart obviously hadn’t gotten the message and now you were hurting so much more than you expected. Your tongue felt so heavy, and your throat was closing up. It was so hard not to pull him away and throw yourself at his feet to convince him to stay. To say over and over why it would be worth his while, what you could do to make him want to remain with you. But that wasn’t fair, that wasn’t what this relationship was. It wasn’t the deal you two had agreed upon, and besides, how could you be better than his dream job? You smiled sardonically at the thought. “Let’s go,” he whispered, breath ghosting over the sensitive skin of your ear and lips dragging a slow kiss along your lobe. “We’ve been here long enough. We’ve got better things to do now.” You could tell what he meant as his hands found purchase on the curve of your hips and his voice dropped to an octave that caused shivers to roll down your spine. You nodded, making some sort of sound you hoped was in agreement and not a visceral moan. His breath cracked on a soft growl, something only you would hear, and you felt his fingers dig into the thickness of your flesh.
He dragged you away with those firm hands, smiling more and nodding falsely cheery goodbyes. You could see between the crevices in his hazel eyes, see the storm raging beyond the horizon. He finally broke once the two of you slid into the privacy of the elevator, his hands changing from roaming too greedy. Touches changing from light brushes to aggressive grabbing. His lips crashed against yours, his teeth dug into the plush skin, coaxing you to open your mouth on a gasp. It was needy, hungry, frantic, like he wanted to taste every part of you before he was forced to leave. Like the fact this was your last time together was pushing him to mark things against your skin, words he could never say but at least could show you in teeth imprints and swollen lips. He stole your breath, fed you his, made you completely reliant on him. Tears rolled down your face, hot and acidic, but you swallowed the hiccupping sobs that tried to push their way up. Instead kissing him back just as hard, your hands winding their way into the lapels of his coat and pulling him impossibly closer. You wanted to feel everything, every part of him down to his soul, down to the beat of his heart. You wanted to remember every second, every taste, every sound, and every sight of tonight so you could replay it over and over for years while your heart mended. Perhaps you could learn to live without Kuroo… but the thought of it alone sent more tears to the floor and made the sobs finally break free.
Tetsurou kissed you harder, swallowing your cries of despair, he pulled away to kissed at the saline staining your face. The smile he gifted you with was pained and so broken you swore he was about to shatter any moment. “Tetsu,” you breathed, pulling him back. The kiss turned slower, like he was sipping the taste of you from your lips. Slowly licking back in and across the top of your tongue. Pulling back just enough to shush you quietly when you whined, wrapping your thigh around his leg to grind against his jeans. “We’re about to hit the ground floor, kitten,” he whispered, voice strained. He pulled back from your clinging hands and your needy mouth. His fingers once again found yours, weaving tightly around them to hold you close and bring your hand to his lips so he could press them across the back of your wrist softly. He breathed in the soft scent clinging to your skin and smiled a true smile down at you, something that told nothing of the future and was only about the present. He smiled because all he saw was you and all he cared about was leading you from the elevator into the crisp night air.
You waited in silence on the curb for him to flag down a taxi. Instead of speaking, you soaked yourself in the warmth of his touch, the linger taste of his lips, and the duality of his scent. The raucous noise of too many cars and pedestrians surrounded you. The two of you had walked this neighborhood often, caught up in each other and the coffee in your hands. This place held the invisible imprints of your soles and silent echoes of your voices. You had once been happily blind to this coming future. Willfully ignorant even though you knew what was coming, it had been so easy to ignore it. You basked in the present just as much as you basked in the past. You did anything to avoid thoughts of the future barreling around the corner as the taxi pulled up and Tetsurou opened the door for you. Kuroo was quick to pull you onto his lap as soon as he was in the back. His fingers dragging along the strip of skin exposed by the slit in your dress. Your thigh jumped under his explorative touch, and he chuckled against your shoulder.
He rattled off the address to the taxi driver before turning to you and whispering in your ear, “Keep those full lips closed, kitten. Those sweet moans are only for me to hear. But I can’t wait anymore.” He hissed as you wiggled against him while his fingers dipped under your dress, brushing along the lace of your panties and encouraging your thick thighs to part a little more. His hazel eyes narrowed, a playful glint in them even with the darkened storm clouds waiting at the edges. Neither of you mentioned it, neither of you spoke about the fact he’d be gone, instead his fingers teased more slick from your needy pussy. He traced your puffy lips with lazy touches and smirked wider each time your body jumped to follow his retreating movements.
You muffled a whine by biting into the flesh of your lower lip. His brow pinched and you could practically see his pupils widen in the flashing lights from outside. “What did I tell you about staying quiet?” he teased, pressing bittersweet kisses with just a bit too much teeth, against your cleavage. “C-can’t help it, Tetsu,” you whimpered, hips jerking violently as he finally pressed the pad of his finger against your throbbing clit. He stared at your thoughtfully before his steadying hand left your hip and instead curled around the back of your neck, “Then I’ll help you.”
When his lips met yours, it was electric, your body arcing toward every place where his skin met yours in a hope to make the pressure continue and increase. Tetsurou wasn’t an idiot, he wouldn’t bring you to the edge in the back of a cab, but lord did he love to tease. He had no issue swallowing your moans as he crushed his lips against yours and his fingers worked you slowly back and forth along the line of too much stimulation and not enough. It was hard to breathe, even though you stole as much air from Kuroo as you provided. But your lungs were working overtime and failing you, the air felt sticky, and your arousal coated his pants, your underwear, parts of your dress, his fingers, your thighs, it was just everywhere. It was disgustingly sinful, it made you feel filthy in the best way. You wanted to wallow in the embarrassment flooding through your bones as it twisted your walls tighter. Before the taxi arrived at your stop, his hands had stopped their dance along your folds. You weren’t sure if you even noticed when it happened, but suddenly he was kissing you like he had in the elevator. With tongue and teeth and so much unexpressed emotion tumbling through silent actions. You felt like he was feeding on every sound that he caught from your mouth.
This was what it was like to be kissed by someone you loved, who also loved you back. It just… it was never meant to be this painful. It was never meant to feel like you were having your heart shredded and throat crushed. He was stealing pieces from you in that moment. Pieces you would never get back. Pieces you willingly gave long ago and knew once this happened you would be left with less. You would forever be changed by tomorrow. He drew you back to the present by pulling away from your kiss swollen lips and shushing your whimpers of misery and confusion with fingers sliding between yours again. He gave a wad of cash to the taxi driver and mumbled an apology that the man never acknowledged. Once you were in the cold air again you glanced up at the building that housed your apartment. You realized you would probably have to move from here, since everything would hold too many memories of Kuroo Tetsurou and the perfect love that was never meant to be. Kuroo was too lost to the now and once again brought you back, dragging you behind him with urgent pulls of his hand and a look in his eye that you knew but you had never seen so enflamed. He moved you through the lobby into the elevator, not once slowing, his eagerness and desperation finally bared to the light. You were lucky to be the only ones in the elevator, because you weren’t sure how long you could keep your hands from touching him, or his from touching you. The width of his fingers engulfed your plush sides, roved up to cup the edges of your breasts and thumb along the front teasingly, before he finally settled at the smoothness of your jaw. He tilted your head to meet your sparkling gaze and his mouth found yours again. A careful game of advance and retreat was happening, his tongue licking broad stripes along your palate to tickling lightly back along your teeth. He pulled back, watched the way your pupils gaped for him and how your lips were both a mixture of moist and raw from too much aggression too quickly. One hand trailed to the back of your skull, tracing the hairs at your nape so lightly that it sent tingles racing up your scalp and down your spine. His other fingers came to curl around the fragile skin of your trachea, feeling your pulse flutter excitedly under his touch. He made your heart race like this, he did this. He looked at you and saw love and adoration looking back. For once, in the entire time of this relationship Kuroo truly questioned whether he could give you up. It was so real now. With tomorrow looming over him and even with his frantic need to bury himself in you so he could stay stuck in the present, he knew these last few precious hours was all he had left. And with that unescapable knowledge burning in his blood, he wondered if losing you was worth the opportunities waiting for him in America.
There would always be opportunities but… there was only one you. With that thought zapping him back into motion, he pushed you up against the humming wall of the elevator, his forearm rested by your head as he kept his other hand still delicately perched on your throat. He followed the lure of the vibration your pulse created, kissing the corner of your mouth and across to the edge of your jaw. Brushing his nose and lips languidly along your ear. “God, been waiting for this all night, kitten,” he growled.
You shuddered under his touch, fingers digging deep into the muscles of his bicep, anchoring yourself and hoping that Tetsurou could keep you here with him. You felt like you were floating, too much heat running through your body and head stuffed full of cotton. With a twist you tried to pull away from his seeking lips and teeth. “T’much, Tetsu,” you mumbled, tongue heavy from lust. He chuckled, “Yeah?” But he didn’t let up, his fingers flexing lightly around your neck. You gasped in response, arching eagerly under his commanding grip, and he met your mouth with a blistering heat and the lingering taste of unfiltered sake. Your hands drifted up, sinking into his poorly tamed hair, tugging at it in hopes to pull him deeper, so you could drink from his lips easier.
You were lightheaded, practically drunk from the sweet taste of alcohol and insistent kisses by the time Kuroo broke from you again. The elevator ride had felt like a paradox of seconds and hours. A swirling mass of stolen moments and grabbing hands. He pushed and you pulled your way along the hallway, stumbling and too focused on never letting one another go to look where you were stepping. The two of you were lucky it was so late, no one wandered the corridor to take in your debauched appearances. But to you he never looked more alluring, and to him you never looked more gorgeous. Once the door closed behind you all bets were off, everything sped up and the need increased, the pressure reaching unfathomable heights. Your dress was discarded as his fingers dragged against your soft skin. Pressing at curves he revealed and the rolls he loved so much. He gripped you, bit at your jaw and neck, and he breathed you in until he was high on your scent. Your nails scratched at his hard flesh as you pulled his clothes from his body, and he guided you to the bedroom.
Every time he caught your eyes, the look you were pinned with was nearly enough to steal what little breath you could capture. The way he stared was a dangerous mixture of lust and agony. Flames of deeper emotions desperate to escape and make themselves known, but he kissed your exposed skin instead, letting himself drown in the sin before him. Letting himself ache with the knowledge you would never know how he truly felt. The touch of his skin against yours caused a shudder to wrack your spine, and you squirmed against his seeking hands, a whimper rolling from your throat. “Tetsu, please, please, just…” you weren’t even sure what you were asking for, but when he guided you down onto the cool cotton sheets of the bed, you sighed with relief. “I got you, Kitten,” he hummed, soothingly, his knuckles brushing a line down your plush stomach. “I always got you.”
You let him take control, you let yourself fall slave to the sensations, and forget about any thoughts that had once been plaguing you. Instead, just the temptation of flesh took over your conscious. “Follow my lead,” he murmured against the curve of your breast, nipping sharply at the soft skin underneath. His hands cupped the fat of your thighs, parting them to rest his cock against your still clothed clit. You could feel him twitch with each beat of his heart, and your body responded in kind. Your hips canting upward of their own accord to find friction for you both, causing Kuroo to growl in appreciation as his lips closed around your nipple. Your body arced under him, one set of fingers digging deep into the tight skin of his back and the other twisting in the sheets. His eyes watched every shift of your emotions, every time your throat constricted, and every time your teeth sank into your lower lip. Hazel irises stared at you from underneath the mess he called hair, made even worse by your greedy hands from earlier. Those eyes made you burn alive, your walls clenching around nothing.
He braced himself against his forearm, raising himself above you as his other palm settled in a firm grip against the thick curve of your hip. He met the roll of your pelvis over and over, the head of his cock catching on your clit, making him pant and you gasp. “So pretty like this,” he sighed even as his head fell back on his shoulders and his thrusts became harder. The way his throat worked over the breaths he took and every time he groaned, made warmth pool lower in your gut and you knew your panties were far from salvageable. The way they slid against you, all slippery and wet with your fluids made you shiver especially when Kuroo’s head rolled to the side, and he looked at you from under those incredibly long lashes.
“Mmm, someone’s enjoying themselves,” he said with a flash of that arrogant captain’s smirk he still carried with him so many years later. “D-don’t point it out,” you whined, wriggling in his grasp. “Why? Did it make you embarrassed?” he said with a pout now puckering his lips even as his smile threatened to crack it again. You felt a heady mixture of shame and arousal flood through you, making you wetter, readier.   “Mhm,” he answered for you while you trembled, reaching closer and closer to your first peak of the night. “Love it when you’re all shy and sloppy for me.” You wanted to snap back and deny every little teasing word that spilled from his sinful lips, but your muscles were tightening painfully, and your lungs were devoid of air. The only sounds you could make were wanton moans that heated the room to an unbearable level. You twisted beneath him violently, body bucking to encourage everything to break inside you. And it finally did, with a such an aggressive snap that your spine curved and froze, your scream broke into a silent rasp, and Kuroo slowed to a gentle rock to help the twitches fade from your muscles.
Everything was too much, body buzzing with too much energy, mind fuzzing with too much serotonin, and cunt throbbing with too much sensation. You wanted it to stop and yet, you hoped it never ended. You prayed that this very night would stretch into eternity, and just as you thought that you felt the graze of Kuroo’s thumb against your cheek and the trail of warm moisture left behind. “Don’t cry,” he murmured, slowing his rocking down until it ended completely. “Not for me, not over this.” Though his words sounded sure, his tone was weak and there was a fragility in his smile when you managed to clear your eyes. You offered him an equally broken grin, something waiting to be cobbled back together by the man above you. Only he could fix this situation. And yet, he had caused it, so there was no hope for your poor shattered heart. Your chest hitched as you swallowed back a sob.
“Just felt really good,” you lied, and he knew it, but he rolled with it because that was easier. “Did it now?” he whispered, kissing the rest of the tears from your face. You left his question unanswered, instead your hand traced down his side, nails skittering teasingly along his skin. Only to end with a gentle grasp around the base of dick. Tetsurou groaned, his body pitching toward you and head falling against the crook of your shoulder as his hips pulled back and pushed forward. The skin along his arms shuddered and goosebumps appeared while his frame spasmed under your hands. He fucked into the delicate grasp of your fingers and whispered words into your skin, so breathy and light beneath his moans that you had no hope to hear them. “Ngh, g’nna- fuck,” his hips rocked faster, and his cock twitched in your hand. “C’mon, do it. You know you want to cum on me,” you breathed with excitement.
That threw him headlong into the orgasm he was trying to edge, with no hope to control it he came with a snarl and sunk his teeth into your soft shoulder. He painted the gentle slope of your stomach white, marking you as his. He couldn’t help but look down and feel a sense of pride mixed with loss as he watched the viscous liquid spread along your flesh. Your hand slipped from him, bringing it to your lips to lick it clean and he watched with his dick trying to twitch valiantly back to life. “Damn, gonna have to keep myself busy,” he murmured to himself, he sent you that familiar smirk as he dropped down to where his cum cooled on your stomach.
He licked across it, nipping at the plush skin, cleaning you and relishing in the taste of himself mixed with the salt of your sweat. He nosed his way further down, trailing kisses along your eagerly twitching hips. His large palm came up to rest against your groin to keep you still as he worked his way around your panties. “Tease,” you huffed, and he met your adoring gaze. “Always,” he responded, and there was something in that word, which whispered eternity, something that reminded you of the intense pain twisting in your gut along with the fluttering warmth, and it made you frown again. Kuroo knew too and he hurried to distract you, hooking his finger in your soaked panties and dragging them down your thick legs. Gracing every few inches of skin he touched with a featherlight kiss until he at last reached your ankles. On the way back up his lips were sloppier, more open, there was more tongue and a flash of teeth here and there for a soft sting. It chased away the doubt for that moment, made you writhe under his hands as he spread your legs and rested between them.
He laved a stripe across the entirety of your pussy, swallowing the fluids waiting for him like it was the best liquor in the world. He settled in, watching you through hooded eyes as his tongue danced across your clit, drawing loose circles and half-assed kanji in the way he knew you liked. You felt your back arching, frantic to get more pressure, get closer, just. Get. More. “Ah, don’t rush, just lay back. I’ll get you there,” his hand pressed harder against your lower abdomen, pushing you back against the bed. Slowly he increased the tension as your moans slipped into babbling and your hands wound tight in his hair. His fingers worked you open right when your words turned into screams, and he curled them expertly to feel the resounding clench of your walls. He knew you so well, he knew every little tell and knew just what you needed when. He never left you wanting, Kuroo made sure of that.
His tongue pressed more insistently, the circles got tighter, he added suction, and his fingers scissored and stroked. He watched as you shook apart under him and fluids poured into his greedy mouth. “G-god fucking damn,” you hissed once you had control over your voice again, though your hips still jerked from the sparks shooting through you. Kuroo pulled off, eying you with that sleepy smoldering stare that made everything inside you open up and beg for more. Rocking back on his heels, he took the hand coated in your slick and spread it along his revived erection, thrusting into the sensation with a huff of impatience while his lids fell shut.
He inhaled sharply, choked up on the base, and muttered, “Shit, slow down.” You weren’t supposed to hear that, but you giggled, and he cracked an eye open to shoot you a grin. “I’m not even gonna apologize if I cum too soon, no one can blame me,” he growled, pressing into you with a sigh. You squealed, immediately clamping down on the intrusion in your excitement and causing Kuroo to swear as he almost pushed forward to fast. “Fuck, it’s almost like you want me to lose control,” he snarled through grit teeth, and you could hear his molars squeak when he lowered himself onto his forearms. “Relax for me, kitten.”
His thumb came down to gently pet your clit and you shuddered, breathing intently through your nose before your walls opened up. “Tha-at’s it, good girl,” he choked out as he sank in. “Always so fucking gorgeous under me.” The pace he set was slow, neither one of you too urgent now to get a taste of each other, and Testurou apparently trying to edge himself. You met his deep languid strokes, and each time he pressed inward he hitched his hips up to stroke along a part of your velvet insides that caused a white-hot flame to lick up your spine.
“God, Tetsu,” you moaned, his hand finding the one knitted in the sheets and weaving tightly between your fingers. His lips found yours, his eyes never leaving your face in the gloom. He kissed you until you couldn’t breathe, until you were sloppy and pliable beneath and begging for faster and harder. He indulged, fucking you until you were screaming and toes curling. “C’mon, I’m not cumming before you,” he panted, grinding his teeth as he hiked your knee over his shoulder and strummed your clit with his unoccupied hand. The other still held yours, squeezing tightly and pressing it high above your head until you felt tight like a bowstring. With the added insistent pressure at your clit, you rasped out a soft cry, your body clamping around him and he jerked forward, careful to steady himself by removing his hand from your cunt to place it on the bed.
He choked out a groan and shuddered as he reached the crest of orgasm and felt himself empty inside you. The room was silent save for the heavy rhythm of your combined panting when he pulled from you. You squeaked because of how swollen and sore you were, and he smiled apologetically. All levity from before, what little there had been, was gone. Now in the silence there was just the morning waiting for you. “Want to take a shower?” he asked slowly, voice soft and hesitant. The atmosphere felt fragile, but you nodded and joined him. The rest of the night was spent getting ready for bed, filled with soft kisses and still resolutely ignoring daybreak. He wrapped you in his arms as he felt your breathing finally even out. “Why didn’t you ask me to stay?” he whispered, and he let the tears come.
---- You woke to heat on your back and sun leaking through the shades. You frowned as you turned and squinted at the offending window that dared wake you. Then your frown deepened as you noticed the place where Kuroo should be sleeping. He wasn’t there…. Then it hit you and the crying started hard, so painfully hard, with shakes, screams, and hiccups. You curled into yourself as you realized he was gone. He had really left. Your hands grabbed at your head and nails sank into your scalp. The world stopped there it seemed, intent to prolong your agony. You had nowhere to be that day, nowhere to go. You could reach out to friends, but did you really want to pretend to be anything close to ok? So instead, you spent the early morning hours wallowing in misery until eventually your bladder pushed you out of bed. When you stepped into the bathroom a post-it waited for you, and you idly read it.
‘Hey Kitten, there’s so much I want to say, but the most important thing is to come down to cat café where our first date was at 10am.’ -Tetsurou You stood still for a moment, your hand shaking as you touched the post it. Why? Why would he want you to go to the café? You were frozen for a few minutes longer until you blinked yourself out of your stupor and ran into the bedroom check the time. “Fuck!” you screamed. The clock read 9:30am. You needed to book it, and not be naked. You quickly pulled on t-shirt and a pair of leggings. You were putting on your shoes by 9:40 and was out the door by 9:45 by the time you made sure you had everything.
You were going to be late. Was this a highly time sensitive thing? What did this mean? What did this fucking mean?! You felt like you were going to pass out as you ran as fast as you could, and you honestly weren’t sure if it was because you didn’t really run much or if it was because you were actively having an anxiety attack while running. Probably the second. That sounded like a bad idea. When you arrived you checked your phone and it was 10:15am and you were shaking, terrified that you were too late for whatever this was. That you’d missed out on whatever the last thing Kuroo had given you. “Kitten,” a voice said behind you.
You knew that voice, God you’d know that voice until you died. You’d dream of that voice. You trembled hand curling tightly around your cellphone. “Please don’t be hallucinating,” you whispered. “Turn around,” he said, and you could hear the smile in his voice. You turned with tears pricking at your eyes and you asked in a shaky voice, “Kuroo Tetsurou why aren’t you on a plane to America?”
“Because I found something worth staying for,” he responded, that smile wide and practically glowing. “I found you.”
---Taglist @crowned-peony
50 notes · View notes
wake-uptoreality · 2 years
You are riding the exercise bike. Moving your legs smoothly as the metal squeaks in rhythm. He looks at you without breaking the sharp eye-contact. He gulps as you buckle your hips. Man hormones making his body tremble, wanting and needing your body from afar. Ever since you asked him to be your trainer, he hadn't stopped thinking about you. You continued your job as he continued his staring. Oh how he wanted to be between those delicious thighs. He snaps out of it at last as you huff and tap the foot on the floor. "Watch it" you glare at him, but he smirks, becoming more interested in his sweet, little student.
-> ARAN, nishinoya, KOMORI, yaku, meian, hanamaki.
He is stretching your back. Holding your arms, his back arches as the result your spine cracks. He being your trainer shouldn't feel anything towards you, but when your pretty lips leave the blessed sounds caused by him, he swears that his heart beats in his throat. He wasn't pervert, but somehow you made him feel like one. He just couldn't get enough of your body, especially when it was pressed against him so tightly that he swore he couldn't breathe. You were too innocent to notice the lingering touches on your figure a little bit longer. He made it his goal to train you good. Maybe not only just one, but also another way.
-> OSAMU, kyotani, bokuto, USHIJIMA, semi, ROMERO.
"No, no more please" you whine as he uses his strength to spread your legs wider. His ears become deaf at the sound of your whimpers. He doesn't want to lose control over himself and do the tiny things he has only ever done in his dreams, but you aren't really helping him, are you? Just as he saw your glossy eyes from your tears and prettily flushed up cheeks, his breath hitches from how sexy you look like this. He has never ever looked at someone like the way he looks at you. How couldn't he? When you are so beautifully spread for him and for his sight only.
-> sakusa, KAGEYAMA, KITA, aone, matsukawa, Iwaizumi, AKAASHI.
Jumping up and down wasn't your favorite thing to do, it was actually his. He sitting on his chair, legs-crossed, his eyes never leaving the sport's bra you happily picked up today for training. Your soft breast jigging everytime your feet touches the floor. You tried to stop the uncomfortable movement with cupping it with your hands, but he gazes at you darkly. You gulp down the saliva that has been stuck in your throat. You know that he doesn't like when you do something he hasn't told you to do. Of course with you obeying to him, you put the hands down.
-> OIKAWA, atsumu, hinata, KUROO, SUNA, tsukishima.
1K notes · View notes
perfectly-unsad · 2 years
Wrong Person, Wrong Time
Pairings - fem!reader x kuroo, fem!reader x kenma
Warnings - 18+ angst, cheating, swearing, hurt no/little comfort, anxious reader, symptoms of depression, alcohol, drunk confessions, drunk sex, unprotected sex, unrequited feelings, rebound sex, not proof read
Word count - 5k
A/n - My first Tumblr post, I’m sweating. I hope you all like it! I’ve never written drunk speech before, so sorry if it isn’t great!
{Part 2}
Everything had been going so well with Kuroo lately, you had been dating since senior year in high school and 5 years later your relationship was perfect. You had gone through a rough patch one year ago, Kuroo had been distant and disinterested in you, no matter how hard you tried. Driving home early from work, the heartache of those rough days flashed through your mind...
You looked at yourself in the mirror anxiously as you held your satin dressing gown open. Black, lacey lingerie adorned your body and surprisingly... you felt good. Dare you say, you felt sexy. Kuroo hadn't touched you in nearly two months, blaming it on how tired he was from work, but you couldn't help but think he just wasn't attracted to you anymore.
With any long-term relationship came comfort. You had gotten lax with your appearance, you didn't do your makeup at home, stayed in your pyjamas during your days off, didn't shave as frequently as you probably should have... But as you stared at yourself in the mirror, a smile crept onto your lips. You had done your hair, your makeup, your skin was smooth and soft and this brand new underwear was exactly the style you knew Kuroo liked.
Re-tying your silky smooth, thigh length dressing gown, you made your way to the kitchen as you continued to make Kuroos favourite dinner. You inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of the delicious dish as it neared the sweet spot of being perfectly cooked.
Keys jingled in the door and your heart thumped with excitement as you raced over to see your boyfriend, who sighed as he kicked his shoes off at the front door and hung up his coat, not even giving you a second glance.
"Hey, baby, how was work?" You ask sweetly, now fiddling with the long sleeves of your dressing gown nervously. Already, his reaction wasn't as you hoped, but you silenced those thoughts and convinced yourself that your expectations had been unrealistically high.
"Long." He huffed, grazing your waist with his hand to brush past you, butterflies forming in your stomach. That was something, a smile crept onto your face as you followed him into the living room. He hadn't touched you beyond what felt like an obligatory kiss on the cheek before work, so this was surely a good sign.
"I'm making your favourite, grilled salted mackerel pike." You beamed at him, hoping for some kind of enthusiasm.
"I'm not really hungry." He brushed you off. Immediately, your smile faded.
"Did you already eat or-?" You questioned and he let out an irritated sigh.
"Can you please not do this now?" He replied in an exasperated tone. Your chest tightened.
"Do what?" You asked, already considering giving up any plans you had of intimacy tonight.
"Start nagging me as soon as I get home. I've literally just walked through the door and you're qiving me a hard time." He was tense as he lay back on the couch, waving his hand in annoyance.
"I just want to know why you're not hungry, Tetsu. I'm not questioning you, but if you're not going to eat the food I've been preparing I want to know why, so did you already eat?" You asked, your voice trembled a bit nearer the end of your sentence as your emotions came bubbling up. All the excitement you had felt just moments before he got home had turned to disappointment, embarassment and anger.
"I'm just gonna go to bed." He announced as he stood up from the couch, but you blocked him from retreating away as you moved in front of him.
"No, Tetsu, please, just fucking speak to me. Is it me? Do you not love me anymore?" You pleaded, tears welling in your eyes.
"Y/n, move out of my way, you're being ridiculous." He frowned, still not even looking at you.
"I'm ridiculous?" You scoffed. "Tetsu, I asked you one reasonable question and you're acting like I'm cross examining you like a criminal!" You couldn't hold back your tears as they ran down your face. A small part of you hoped he'd see how much he was hurting you, but he either didn't notice or didn't care.
"And I told you, I'm fucking tired from work! They've got me working overtime most days, I came home early today because you begged me for days to be here but nothing is ever fucking good enough for you, is it!?" He raised his voice at you, something he never really did, but at least he was actually looking at you now. Watching the makeup you spent ages perfecting run down your face.
"Can you not hear yourself? I've had to beg you for DAYS to come home, not early Tetsu, just on time! This is the time you're supposed to be home everyday! All I wanted was to have a nice dinner with you, to spend time with you and I was even hoping you'd be able to be around me long enough to actually fuck me, but that's clearly not happening, is it?" You hoped he would understand now, hoped he could see how desperate you were just to be around him, to hear him laugh, to enjoy his company. But your heart shattered when his only response was an exasperated eye roll. "You know what... I'm going to stay with my parents tonight. Fuck you." You spat your words at him like venom. Moving out of his way to go to the bedroom.
As soon as the door was shut you burst into tears as your breathing became erratic and shallow while you stuffed some clothes into a backpack. When you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror you only hurt your own feelings, seeing the mascara and eyeliner leaving a black trail down your face, your lipstick now smudged from your crying. Of course he didn't find you attractive anymore.
You furiously wiped it all away with the makeup wipes in your drawers until you could see the natural redness of your skin from crying. Your cheeks and nose practically glowing, the whites of your eyes stained red and your eyelashes clumped together and wet. You ripped off your dressing gown and the stupidly expensive lingerie set, putting on a more comfortable and casual outfit.
Once you were sorted you opened the bedroom door, walking through the living room and towards the front door. Here you were, a crying, shaking, blubbering mess, but when you looked over your shoulder at your boyfriend, he was just sitting on the couch watching TV completely unbothered. He didn't look at you, or ask you to stay or make any kind of effort. That's what hurt the most. You slammed the front door closed just as your nose began to pick up hints of a dinner that was now burnt.
You shook the memory of that day from your mind as you pulled up to the house. That was the past, and it wasn't like that anymore. Kuroo had managed to convince you to come back, promised he would try harder, promised to be more considerate of your feelings. So far, he had lived up to those promises. Now, you had plans to do something nice for him as an early anniversary present. You had come home from work early with his favourite takeout in hand, as well as a neatly wrapped rolex watch that he had casually mentioned liking a few months ago.
An unsettling feeling churned in your stomach as you stepped out of the car, takeout in one hand and present in your pocket. You took your keys out to unlock the front door, your brow furrowing when you realised it was never locked. Kuroo had left for work before you, and you definitely remember locking it.
When you stepped inside the house the feeling in your stomach intensified, before you could even take off your shoes you noticed Kuroos smart work shoes at the door, along with a pair of kitten heels. Not yours. Your stomach churned and chest tightened as you dropped the takeout on the floor, your legs working on autopilot as you made your way to the bedroom.
An all too familiar sound got louder and louder the closer you got. Skin slapping against skin, a woman's high pitched moaning and Kuroos moans. Your hands shook as you reached for the doorhandle.
"Ngh - Tetsu, fuck," You could feel your heart being physically torn in two at this strangers mention of your boyfriends name, but that was nothing compared to what came next "tell me I'm better than her, Tetsu, who's pussy do you love?" Your hand froze, you weren't sure why but you needed to hear his answer. There was a brief hesitation from him and you actually felt... Hopeful?
"Yours, baby, I love fucking your pussy." Your lip quivered as tears filled your eyes. Your hand finally touching the cool metal of the door handle and clicking it open, the door being pushed forward to reveal the scene in front of you.
A woman you had never seen before on her hands and knees, your raven haired boyfriend furiously rutting his hips against hers with desperation. It only took a second for him to notice you standing in the doorway, immediately he pulled out of her, pulling the blanket on the bed to cover his erection.
"Y/n, wait! Please, its not what it looks like!" He called out to you as you made your way to the front door. You could hear his quick footsteps coming up behind you, your body spinning around when he grabbed your wrist.
"Don't fucking touch me!" You shouted at him, ripping your arm out of his grasp.
"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please just listen-" He began raising his hand up in surrender, he was completely naked and holding his work t-shirt to cover himself up.
"Shut the fuck up you piece of shit, I don't want to hear a single fucking thing from you. I'm fucking done." You say, trembling from rage as you back away from him.
"I know, just let me explain, please." He begged, but you had turned around and were opening the front door. That was until he slammed it shut in front of you, his hand reaching above your head to keep it closed. "You're not leaving, let's just talk about this!" He pleaded, his voice trembling as if he was about to cry. You whipped your head around to shoot him a nasty glare.
"You want to explain? Okay, okay, how long have you been fucking that whore?" You question, folding your arms across your chest, making sure not to touch him.
"Y/n, come on-"
"No, you insisted on explaining. Apparently you're not letting me leave until I hear your fucking explanation, so go ahead. Explain to me how long you've been fucking her." Your harsh gaze dared him to lie, and a silence fell between you two as you stared at him expectantly.
"Just over a year." He admitted, your lips thinned into a line as you nodded your head in disbelief, all the times he had sex with you between now and then flashed in your mind as you realised he had probably had sex with her and that same day come home to fuck you. His hands that so lovingly caressed every part of your body had been touching hers too. His lips that gave you such passionate kisses and told you how much he loved you did the same to her. Nausea swirled in your throat.
"I'm gonna be sick." You said, leaning forward slightly as your stomach tightened. Kuroo moved to rub your back, something that would have been comforting in any other circumstance. "I told you not to fucking touch me!" You screamed at him, slapping his hand away from you. You breathed in quick, deep breaths as you stared at him with pure hatred. He met your gaze with a pathetic look, apologetic and tearful.
"Please, I can fix this, I promise." He pleaded. "I don't want to lose you."
"No, you can't fix this. You disgust me. Looking at you makes me feel disgusted, you're making me want to throw up. I never want to see you ever again." Your voice was shaky but firm. You meant every single word. You turned to open the front door again and this time he didn't stop you before you slammed it behind you. When you opened it again he was still standing there and gave you a surprised and hopeful look, tears running down his face. "Happy early anniversay." You spat, taking the small wrapped up box that protected the expensive watch out of your pocket and launching it at him before slamming the door again.
Two weeks had passed since your very messy breakup with Kuroo. He had moved all of his stuff out of the house, rent wise the timing was actually perfect as your contract was up in the next few days. You had packed away most of your things in preparation of moving to somewhere cheaper, so your house looked depressingly empty.
Kuroo had tried to contact you on a few different apps, but you simply blocked him on everything. You hadn't left the house for those two weeks, ordering groceries online to be delivered directly to you. You hadn't been looking after yourself at all really, you had showered for the first time since your breakup just that morning. With the TV packed away, there was nothing for you to do but lay on the couch, staring out the closed window.
Four gentle knocks sounded at the front door, but you weren't expecting any deliveries so you didn't move a muscle to answer it. However, when the knocks got harder just a moment later it brought a frown to your face as you stumbled to your feet, dragging yourself over to answer it. Your frown faded and turned to a look of surprise when you opened the door to see Kuroos childhood best friend - and one of your closest friends - looking back at you.
"K-kenma, what are you doing here?" You ask suspiciously, peering outside to see if Kuroo was around.
"I came to check on you." He answered. "Kuroo isn't with me, if that's who you're looking for." He said quietly.
"Sorry..." You apologised for your behaviour. "Uh, come in." You opened the door wider for him, beckoning him inside.
"Thanks... So, how are you doing?" He questioned, glancing around at the nearly empty house, only the absolute bare essentials remaining such as the couch, fridge, microwave and so on.
"What are you doing here, Kenma?" You ask bluntly as you ignored his question, it didn't sound rude more like you were tired. He stopped in the living room, eyeing the blanket and pillow that was on the couch.
"I came to give you this," He said, pulling a small box out of his jacket pocket and handing it out to me. It immediately reminded me of the box I had thrown at Kuroo "and to, you know, make sure you're okay." He added once you had taken it from his hands, scratching the back of his neck.
"What's this for?" You question, looking down at the gift and then back up at him.
"Do you not know?" He questioned, his head tilting slightly. "It's your birthday." He pointed out, you furrowed your brows, pulling your phone out to try and click it on, only to see it was out of battery. You let out a sigh, deciding to believe him.
"Well, since it's my birthday," You began, gently placing the box on the kitchen counter, opening one of the cupboards and taking out a bottle of wine "do you want to have a drink with me?" You asked with a small smile, but Kenma knew that it wasn't your usual smile.
"Uh, yeah I guess so. Just one though." Kenma agreed reluctantly, eyeing the gift you had put down without even opening before walking over to the couch with you, the bottle and two plastic cups in your hand.
"I don't think I've ever seen you drink, you know." You chuckled as you sit on the couch, moving the blanket out of his way for him to sit next to you.
"I don't really drink." He answered, watching with intimidated eyes as you fill his plastic cup to the top.
"Well, aren't I lucky to see it then?" You laugh again before you began to drink from you cup, Kenma watching and following suit, but you don't miss the contortion of his face at the taste. "Yeah, I've never been a big fan of wine myself..." You admit, glancing at your cup before drinking some more.
"Are you... sleeping on the couch?" He asks cautiously, looking at the pillow beside your hips.
"Yep." You reply honestly. "I can't... sleep in the bed." You admit, more solemnly.
"Why's that?" He asked, taking another polite sip from his cup.
"Kuroo didn't tell you? I guess that's not surprising... Well, when I caught him cheating on me it was in our- my, bed." You explain to him.
"Shit..." He said quietly, you nod in agreement.
"Shit indeed..." You slug back the remainder of your drink before filling up your cup again, feeling your cheeks warm up as the buzz of alcohol floated around your mind. "Walked right in on him fucking her from behind." You confess, probably, no, definitely oversharing. "I never really cared for that position, but Kuroo always liked it I guess." You glance at Kenma as he finishes his drink, slugging it back like you did yours.
"Well, Kuroo is an idiot." Kenma replies as he looks at his empty cup, you pick up the bottle to pour him some more but he's hesitant "I should probably get going." Your eyes dull a bit when he says that.
"Oh, sure." You begin, the disappointment in your voice evident, and you made no attempt to hide it. "Well, thanks for coming to see me. And for the gift." You add, only remembering it again now but still not making any moves to go open it. Kenma noticed your sad tone and expression and gave a small sigh.
"Okay, I'll stay for one more drink." He caved, emphasising the 'one' as he held his cup out to you. You gave him a thankful smile and filled it up again, watching him grimace at the taste, which encouraged you to take another gulp of your own.
"So, wh'ts up with you Kema?" You slurred slightly, feeling too lazy to fully pronounce every word. Kenma shrugged in response, only now was his tense body starting to relax.
"Nothin'." He brushed off your question, his own buzz now blurring into the tipsy territory as his cheeks began to redden.
"Awh c'm on, no girls yer seeing?" You asked, and he shook his head no.
"Dated a lil', didn' like any of 'em." He confessed.
"'M sure you'll find a great girl soon." You encouraged him, putting your hand on his shoulder to comfort him, it lingered there a bit longer than it should have and he noticed. He looked over at you but thats when you removed your hand and looked away, finishing off this drink too.
Kenma ended up staying for a few more than two drinks, the two of you reminiscing over high school and college. Well, it was mostly you talking and Kenma listening.
"Yer drunk." You giggled at Kenma. "C'mon," You stumbled to your feet, wobbling a bit before regaining your balance and grabbing his two hands to pull him up "ya c'n schleep in m'bed." He brought himself to his feet, allowing you to drag him to your bedroom. As soon as you opened the door you shuddered, remember what had happened in here. Everything but the bed had already been packed away, so it looked cold and empty.
Kenma flopped onto the bed, lying on his back as his honey coloured eyes watched you. "G'night." You mumbled, turning to leave, but you were spun back around by a grip on your wrist yanking you over until you fell directly on top of him. "K'ma, wht're yo-" You couldn't even finish your slurred sentence before his lips against yours shut you up.
You didn't kiss him back straight away, shocked by his liquid courage, but honestly... being wanted like this felt good. When you did kiss him back, he seemed surprised, more surprised than you had been at his initial kiss, but you shrugged it off, tpo drunk to care.
Without stopping the kiss you moved one of your knees on each side of his legs to straddle him, brushing your hands under his coat to slide it off. You lowered your hips ever so slightly, grinding against him to feel the bulge in his jeans which worked a low moan out of your throat and directly down his.
His hands, which had started on your waist, slid under the hoodie you wore and began to work their way up your body until they felt the material of your bra. Taking the chance to deepen the kiss, Kenma did just that while he reached around and unclasped the obstacle, paving the way for you to snatch your bra off from under your hoodie.
You broke the kiss for just a moment when you felt his surprisingly rough hands cup your tits, squeezing them gently as he ran his thumb over your budding nipples. You continued to moan into him before your hands wandered down to his belt, fumbling to unbuckle it in your current state. Eventually though, you managed to pulled it out of the belt loops of his pants and began to undo the button and zip of his jeans.
"Want you t'fuck me." You whispered against his lips, feeling his dick twitch beneath you at the words. You smiled as you hooked your fingers beneath his boxers and pulled them down a bit, his cock springing free before you lifted your body to take off the shorts you had been wearing.
His moan when you grabbed his base was low and guttural, his grip on your tits increased for a second and made you squeal on surprise. You positioned yourself on top of his tip, rubbing your entrance a few times.
"Yer so wet already." Kenma hummed, but was silenced when you slowly sank down on him. He let out a quiet gasp as his head bullied its way through your velvety walls, a moan slipping past your lips. He was bigger than you thought he would be, considering his height, probably around 6.5 inches and quite thick. Kuroo was bigger, but not quite so girthy.
"Yer too thick," You huffed, stopping your descent before he bottomed out, struggling a bit with his size.
"Look a'me," Kenma cooed, placing one of his hands on your chin and lifting your head to meet his lidded gaze "wanna see yer face." His tone was encouraging, if you hadn't been so drunk you might have noticed the affection concealed within it.
His hands moved down to your hips, slowly sinking you further and further onto him. You both maintained eye contact as your mouth fell open and your brows turned up at the feeling of him forcing himself in. With a quiet squeal your hips finally met his, neither of you breaking the obscenely intimate eye contact. "Been wantin' t'see that face fer s'long." Kenma confessed.
You couldn't think about the weight of those words as your mind focused on the feeling of how he stretching you out, your body moulding to suit him perfectly as you began to rock back and forward on his dick, the pressure you felt in your lower stomach of his tip hitting your cervix combined with your own movements was incredible. Kenma seemed perfectly content to watch as you used him to get off, but even so, he slid his hand between your bodies to start rubbing your clit.
"Fuck, plese, jus' like that," You moaned, Kenma did as he was told while he also began to kiss your neck, leaving sloppy markings in his path. "I'm gunna..." Your voice was shaky as the coil in your stomach tightened and tightened until it eventually snapped, your muscles all tensing and releasing, your toes curling as you grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, all while you creamed his dick. He let out a trembling moan as your walls tightened around him to the point of it almost being painful.
He didn't give you a moment to rest before he began to thrust into you, lifting you and bringing you back down in sync with his own movements. Your sensitive cunt trembling as he rutted into you like a bitch in heat, absolutely desperate for his own release.
"Lemme see yer tits." He breathed, it took a second for you to register what he said, but you found yourself obeying his demand as you lifted your hoodie over your head, giving him a perfect view of your tits bouncing in his face as you rode him. He slowed down for just a second before resmuing his previous pace so that he could encompass one of your nipples in his mouth, his tongue pressing and flicking the sensitive bud. You wrapped your arms around his head for support, resting them on his shoulders while gripping his soft hair as he continued to use you.
"M'gunna," He hissed, his thrusts becoming sloppy and only now did he free your nipple from his mouth.
"Inside, plese, want you inside." You promptly cut him off, the words alone were enough to send him over the edge as he buried himself deep inside of you, hot ropes of cum filling you up until it began to spill out from the sides.
You both breathed each other in heavily, the fatigue and sleepiness from alcohol forcing its way to the front of your brain now that your base desire had been satisfied. You drunkenly cleaned yourselves up before collapsing into the bed together, a few forgotten words shared between the two of you.
What you weren't expecting was to feel Kenma wrap one arm around your waist and pull you towards him, the other hand he used to gently play with your hair, resting his chin on the top of your head. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you basked in the affectionate embrace, remembering all the times Kuroo had held you in a similar way. You shut your eyes and pressed your body closer to his, the two of you drifting off to sleep together.
"I love you." Kenma admitted in little more than a whisper, under the false assumption that you were asleep. Your eyes shot open but your body didn't move. Did you hear that right? He definitely said that. He probably didn't mean it though, he was drunk, everyone says stupid stuff when they're drunk. You couldnt shake the feeling that suddenly hit you like a ten tonne truck.
Morning came, the sun shining through the curtainless windows which stirred Kenma from his sleep, blinking himself awake. He winced at the feeling of a throbbing headache, taking in his unfamiliar surroundings. That's when he remembered the events of last night. A small smile crept onto his face, but it soon disappeared when he looked beside him, expecting to see your sleeping form, but was met with an empty bed.
"Y/n," He called out with a yawn as he stretched and exited the bedroom. Silence. He walked into the living room, half expecting to see you sleeping on the couch, but you were still no where to be found. What did catch his eye was the opened present he had gotten for you, and the hand written note below it. Immediately he felt his heart drop as he approached, picking up the note to read it.
Last night was a lot of fun, not that I remember much of it that was a lie, but I'm grateful you came over. Sorry for being such a mess, it was pretty embarassing so can we pretend like this didn't happen? I opened your present, I can't believe you remembered that from high school. You already made me feel much better by coming to see me, so I can't accept it, I'm sorry. Give it to your next girlfriend, she'll love it (if she has good taste!)
- Y/n x
Kenma flipped the letter over, unsurprised that nothing was written on the back. He let out a sigh and put it back on the counter, picking up the small gift box and flicking the lid open to showcase a beautiful cherry blossom necklace with a gemstone centre on a silver chain.
You remembered it immediately from the time you, Kuroo and Kenma had been out shopping over the weekend during high school. You noticed it in the window of a jewellery shop, dropping hints to Kuroo that you loved it. However, nothing came of those hints. Kenma, on the other hand, had not only remembered that from all those years ago but also bought it for you. You couldn't remember the exact price, but you knew it was expensive, which was also part of the reason why you couldn't accept it from him.
Kenma examined the necklace, a frown crossing his face before he shut the lid again. For you, last night had been a drunken mistake, and while it was far from what he had imagined your first time together being like, it was the culmination of years worth of pining and love for him. You had never been just a friend to him, and he had never been anything more to you.
Sometimes, it's just not meant to be.
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osamusbigtits · 5 months
kenma breathes out, laughing softly as he does. kuroo laces their fingers together, leaning up slightly to kiss kenma. always needing to touch and kiss. to feel kenma in every possible way.
"need you," kuroo says softly and kisses kenma's chin.
"hold on," kenma mumbles, his own fingers still working him open. his thighs burn already. the sight of kuroo all pretty and needy underneath him is too good to pass up.
besides, he can get kuroo worked up and then get dicked down even harder.
kenma kisses kuroo, slipping his tongue into kuroo's wet and waiting mouth. kenma pulls his fingers out and then wraps them around kuroo's dick. kuroo shifts, impatient with anticipation.
they both gasp when kenma finally lets kuroo in. kenma always gets a little dizzy when he takes kuroo, his head rushing with pleasure and warmth.
the hand on kenma's thigh squeezes, and kenma knows kuroo's holding back.
"tetsurou," kenma breathes. "my thighs hurt." he presses his forehead against kuroo's.
kuroo laughs, a breathless, sexy laugh that has kenma needing to move. "want me to take over?" he asks. kenma only shakes his head.
kenma sinks down, taking kuroo entirely. and, fuck, it feels so good. he pants, trying to catch his breath. kuroo groans soft and kisses kenma.
turning his head to press against kuroo's cheek instead, kenma gathers up some strength. he can give kuroo a few minutes at the very least.
this was much easier before kuroo had any stamina during sex.
kuroo's hands slip under the shirt kenma's wearing, kuroo's shirt that's far too big for kenma. but kenma loves the way kuroo can't keep his eyes off of kenma when he wears it, notices the hungry looks at the bright and bold "kuroo" on the back of the shirt as kenma walks around the house.
the first roll of kenma's hips has them both moaning. kuroo's hands tighten around kenma's waist.
it feels so good. but kenma's thighs ache.
"I can't," kenma huffs, ready to give up.
"I told you to wait to get on top." kuroo kisses the tip of kenma's nose before he rolls them over. he holds kenma's lower back effortless, something that still sends tingles through kenma's nerves. "you okay?"
kenma nods. "just fuck me already."
"what are you gonna do if I just stay like this forever?" kuroo teases and nips at kenma's neck. kenma groans and kuroo laughs. "don't worry. I've got you."
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