#kuroshitsuji 191
messytoybox · 1 year
The case for Ronthello
Ever since Chapter 191 came out, I have been particularly fascinated with how Yana has structured this panel.
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This is the first panel and drawing we have gotten in a long time of all the Grim Reapers somewhat together. The way Yana has every set up in the composition reminds me of a family tree. We have Ronald in the middle, being our beautiful 'golden child' (that is a joke). Then, we have William and Grelle set above him, almost like a mom and dad would continue off on the metaphor. Then we have Sascha, Ludger, Alan, and Eric almost being put off to the side like weird aunts and uncles. ( Cousins?) But who is off to Ronald's right-hand side? It's Othello.
Now where I am getting off to this is for the longest time, Ronald really hasn't had a "partner" in Black Butler canon. And based on the Will The Reaper OVA we know the first time reapers do when they graduate is they get paired off. And it seems we continue on the theme of pairing off when it comes to Reaper, with Alan and Eric being introduced and Sascha and Ludger being introduced together too. This also continues as Yana heavily implies that Grelliam is somewhat canon. So where does that leave our precious blonde boy?
Often when he has been depicted with the group he's often like weirdly to the side while the others are grouped together. (IE the most beautiful death poster and the cafeteria drawing)
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So going back to the earlier picture from chapter 191 and Ronald and Othello being close to one another in this way could hint at there maybe being a future brotherly or something more than that when it comes to their relationship in the future.
Anyway, I hope that makes sense. I'm out of practice when it comes to writing like this. I have a TikTok where I talk about it briefly under the same username. Feel free to put your two cents on it. This is all just my very ...messy opinion.
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so THIS bitch is back
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grelleswife · 2 years
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Though Grelle isn’t the main focus of this month’s chapter (it looks like she’s only mentioned in passing), I’m beyond ecstatic to see new content for my wife! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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luci-on-the-moon · 2 years
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zypria · 2 years
This might be my favorite panel
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Absolutely golden that it was preceded by "heh gonna finish this quickly I have dinner plans". Love to see it
Also me, on a lot of days in strange ways
On a side note -maybe using gardening tools wasn't such a smart idea after all
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ruby-roses-world · 2 years
After reading chapter 191, here are some of my theories:
- Layla has a split personality and Al is her alter ego (Layla -> Alyal);
- Layla is Vega; the room shown in Chapter 117 belonged to a child and had one bed (why not two?!) with two pillows, two plushies, and two dressing tables; Undertaker also said in chapter 151 that Vega is currently busy collecting R!Ciel's food;
- Layla is Baron Heathfield's daughter;
- in this chapter 'Al' said that she did something to the old woman, it's most likely Layla's mother.
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ronaldglasses · 2 years
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ace-aro-taku · 2 years
Black Butler 191 Spoilers
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Heavy Ronald chapter, which is 👌
Layla is a bitch (tm)
Buy one get one Free Bizarre doll
^^2 souls in 1 body
Who the fuck is Al?
RIP Ronald's Scythe, but why???
Sexy reaper has returned, William I've missed you so much!!! 😍😍
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Please support official release
Black Butler #191 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B9Q182QP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_C262S3J9QK4853R6QY4S
Bonus Theory
If Layla keeps saying 'Al' and has death scythe scissors, then could that mean that Undertaker Used Alan's (the one reaper from the play) old soul/memories and combined them with Layla?
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soplichan · 2 years
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kuroi-neko · 2 years
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Chapter 191 is out! This time 18 pages of tasteful food and interesting things 😊🤤
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“Gotcha!” Ronald Knox graces Yana Toboso’s latest website header. ( x )
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also William sighting??? for the first time in years?? where have you BEEN bro
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grelleswife · 2 years
I know Yana probably won’t write such a scene, but I need to see Grelle reunite with her kouhai at the end of all this drama and flip her lid when she learns that he got his arse handed to him by a tiny elementary schooler’s reanimated corpse. She alternates between haranguing him (“Ronald KNOX!!! You trained at the feet of a master! The queen of collections herself! And you still let that impertinent minx run rings around you?! 🤬”) and teasing him mercilessly whenever he attempts to give her lip in the future (“Well, I’m not the one whose precious death scythe got damaged by a mere child, Ronnie.”)
Of course, the rest of dispatch never lets him live it down, either. 😈
Ronald: Tries to flirt with one of the secretaries.
Secretary: Your name’s Knox? Like the loser who took a thrashing from a little girl who’s more undead than we are? 🤔 👀
Ronald: *starts sweating*
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thedarkestcrow · 2 years
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Black Butler Chapter 191
Ronald Knox reveals his true intentions! Will his work wrap up fast enough to avoid overtime?
The official English translation for the new chapter is now available here.
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zypria · 2 years
*wrings you by the neck like a misbehaving cat*
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ronaldglasses · 2 years
this kuro chapter oh my god
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