#kurrent news
sarah-dipitous · 2 months
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My Dabi protector is on duty
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kurrentevent · 1 year
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Kurrent Event is a blog that primarily focuses on providing information related to history and current affairs. The blog covers a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, social issues, and culture. The blog's mission is to keep its readers up-to-date on the latest news and events from around the world while also providing a historical perspective to better understand the present.
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fancoloredglasses · 1 year
Mortal Kombat (My spellchecker is gonna kommit suicide by the end of this), Part 1
(Thanks to Rotten Tomatoes)
[All images are owned by Midway Games NetherRealm Studios and New Line Cinema Warner Bros Discovery. Please don’t sue me or deliver a fatality]
(QUICK NOTE: If the header of this review isn’t enough of a klue, I will be writing this in the style of the game (sorta), which means words that begin with a certain phonetic sound with be spelled...differently. And if you find it hard to read, imagine how hard it was to write!)
In 1992 in arcades across America (and likely other kountries, but I’ve never been to any of them so kan’t konfirm) a game appeared that changed the arcade game dynamic for years to kome. That game, of kourse, was Mortal Kombat.
The plot of the game (such as it was) involved a deadly pit fighting tournament known as Mortal Kombat (naturally) where the heroes of Earth face off against the kombatants of a realm known as Outworld, led by the sorcerer Shang Tsung, the right hand of Outworld’s emperor Shao Kahn (and also presided over the tournament and was the Final Boss, so there wasn’t any konflict of interest or anything)
It wasn’t the graphics, though they were as realistic as 1992 kould make them. It wasn’t the gameplay; it was a fairly standard fighting game in that respect. No, what set the game apart (and sent parents groups nationwide into a frenzy) was how graphic it was.
(Thanks to Kraig...err, Craig Steelyard)
However, the game was popular enough that New Line Cinema made a movie about it three years later that featured all of the karacters from the first game (plus a few from the second in kameos). Now, a movie based on video games was a very new koncept (there were only 2 released before Mortal Kombat) and it wasn’t until 2019 that kritics thought a video game movie was "fresh” (over 60% positive reviews), but just because the kritics panned it (only 45% liked it) doesn’t mean it wasn’t fun. 
So let’s see how they turned one of the most graphically violent video game franchises of the 90s into a PG-13 film. If you would like to watch the film, it’s available with a Max subscription or you can find it behind your favorite paywall.
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We open at a temple in China where a monk named Chan Kang is konfronted by…
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…Shang Tsung, who makes short work of him and konsumes his soul (yeah, that’s kinda Shang’s Thing) as he screams for his brother…
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…Liu Kang, who wakes up in a kold sweat. He receives word that Chan is dead and to return to China (he’s kurrently somewhere in the US)
Meanwhile in Hong Kong…
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Lt. Sonya Blade (leader of an unspecified US agency strike team) is preparing an assault on…
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…an underground koncert? Anyway, she and her team bash their way through the krowd looking for…
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…the krime lord known as Kano, who is in kahoots with Shang Tsung. Shang Tsung has manipulated events such that Sonya will follow Kano onto the boat bound for the Mortal Kombat tournament, with a warning that Sonya must reach the tournament unharmed.
Elsewhere in a nondescript warehouse in Los Angeles…
(Thanks to Fandango)
No sooner does Johnny Cage (how kome his last name starts with a “C”?) leave then “Master Boyd” changes form into…
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So Shang Tsung is backhandedly recruiting the kombatants who will oppose him? Why would he do that?
Later at the temple, Lui has kome home to discover that Chan was to participate in Mortal Kombat when Liu left the temple. Suddenly, he decides he will enter Mortal Kombat to avenge Chan. Then the temple gets a visit from…
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…Lord Raiden, God of Thunder and Lightning (played by Kristopher…err, Christopher Lambert, who speaks with a French accent despite playing a Chinese god)
[FUN FACT: Lambert is very nearly blind. In fact, he was doing all of his swordplay in the Highlander films when he kould barely see!]
Raiden questions Lui’s kommitment (revenge vs. saving the world), but Lui storms off to katch the boat to the tournament. Raiden doesn’t like this…
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[NOTE: in the games Raiden is a playable karacter, but in the movie he’s little more than a koach]
That evening at a seedy pier in Hong Kong, Johnny and Liu arrive but start on the wrong foot (Johnny tries paying Lui to bring his luggage on the boat, so Lui throws Johnny’s luggage into the bay)
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Meanwhile Sonya is staking out the pier with her partner Jackson “Jax” Briggs (one of the karacters from the second game) in search of Kano when...
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…an ominous-looking junk (I’m not kasting shade on the quality of the kraft. That’s what those types of boats are kalled) enters the bay. Sonya spots Kano boarding and immediately rushes aboard without backup. She immediately runs into Johnny (literally)…
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…and they get along swimmingly. I’m starting to think Johnny isn’t exactly a people person.
Sonya goes below deck, where she runs into Shang Tsung. Johnny and Liu kome down for support (for some reason)
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Pretty much.
Then we get the appearance of the last two playable karacters from the game…
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and Scorpion
(Fun Fact for those who have not played the game: later versions of the game had an increasing number of ninja dressed like Sub-Zero and Scorpion. The reason is obvious: a quick kolor change and a kouple of unique special moves and it’s a whole new karacter! They saved a ton on graphics and koding kosts!)
Shang Tsung brags that he has full kontrol over the two, despite their being mortal enemies. Sonya draws her weapon on them, but Sub-Zero…
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…yeah (that’s kinda his thing in the game)
Meanwhile, Scorpion…
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OK, in the game, Scorpion shoots a barbed line at his opponent from…somewhere (“GET OVER HERE!”) This take on the line is both kooler and WAY kreepier!
Then a ball of lightning appears in the hold and morphs into…
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Raiden reminds Shang Tsung that the tournament hasn’t started yet and tells him to bring his attack dogs to heel.
Of course, this is the first time Sonya has heard she’s in a tournament and isn’t too happy about it. Raiden then explains to the three what’s at stake.
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After Raiden has info-dumped the importance of Mortal Kombat (and why, out of the dozens of others on the junk, they are the Chosen Ones)…
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…we are treated to bad special effects, announcing the arrival to the tournament.
What dangers await the Heroes of EarthRealm? Check out Part 2 and find out!
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qkzy · 1 year
scattered pattered
heal inner child add person
a ocean of blue
a blanket of ocean
now i can type about you and me and everyone
everyone afraid
everyone staring at their faces
everyone afraid of death
everyone afraid of decayieveryone decaying all at once
the computer not regeistrating it all
a matter of waiting will this be savedd
shall i ever look at this again
a babcai in tears
happy birthday
oh it is your birthday
oh how lovely
ho the little surpirse turned big
a shock
she shall remember this day forever
the store shall never be the same
aplce of love and surprise almost turning 100
a straberry cake
happy brithday to all the beautiful gfeminis there are plentyfull
little cheer ups
people thinking millino winnigs help
small interactions that stick
using the word lovely
people being confused or amused by the world lovely
are you a bit cold
all the clones saskign teh same thing as if reading off a scripy
which script are wwe in now
some pegs floating
some pegs floating beside the tree
some o pegs float under the tree
i help out the pegs in all the lands
in all a= the ladns i shall gtravel through and thorugh fro and there
heal and droplets ripples and cascades
cash cash boom
cascaed whoooshhh
cold water
fuill time over time nights shfit are my fingers in the right space i am not even looking why look just feel just see the sunshine adn a mometn of silince to be alone with thoguhts but finally not in over flowr not on over board a sore hand a tiger balm helping
i am in the ambient zone which song twas that
i floated too
oliver lang at controls
ona may 21 and now may ending
a izim zima rano
typosa re allwoed
rtyhgin is allows everyhting is celberrated
first ogn was
blue blue white corner
to expansion
let us all expand constanyly
curenyt kurrently konstankyl
al iwth a k
today is the 27
echo omen
oecho omean
echo omen wow
echo omen - new moon ancient eye
solar estie liullably
slow tone collage label
m m works copenhagen.....
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kurrent-news-blog · 6 years
Amber Liu Announces North American “Gone Rogue”Tour
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Writer: Desiree Baxter
f(x) member and soloist, Amber Liu recently announced via Instagram that she'll be going on a tour entitled, "Gone Rogue".  She will have Justin Park as a special guest performing at the following:
Chicago 12/5 Washington, D.C 12/7 Toronto 12/8 New York 12/9 Los Angeles 12/13 San Francisco 12/14
Tickets will go on sale at 9 AM PST on September 21, 2018. Be sure to follow Kurrent News on more info regarding "Gone Rogue".
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Handwriting headcanon inspired by Prubun's HC :
Prussia changed his handwriting through the ages, because the most common fonts and writing styles also changed. At first, I think he would write using the old fashioned Gothic fonts that the monks taught him, like Bastarda, and later with Kurrent/Kurrentschrift type of handwriting. It is executed with a quill, really beautiful and was developed in early 16th century from Bastarda.
But this font was difficult to use with a nib due to all the swirls, so in 1911 the Prussian Ministry of Science, Art and Culture commissioned a graphic artist Ludwig Sütterlin to create a new, simplified font and that's how Sütterlin was born.
This type of font was taught in German schools from 1915 until 1941 and was very popular, so I think that Prussia would begin using it after commissioning the artist. Which btw I find so fitting - he gets upset that his swirly handwriting is not working with the new invention, the nib, so he commissions an actual artist via his ministry to take care of it. What a man. A legend. Prussia takes solving his mundane everyday problems seriously.
Interestingly, after 1941 the font was banned by the Nazi party.
"In 1941 Kurrent / Sütterlin was officially ‘banned’ by Martin Bormann, later private secretary to Adolf Hitler. Instead, teaching was now to focus exclusively on the Latin script (Antiqua) or so-called Normalschrift (“normal script”), which had been taught alongside Sütterlin, and which is in use to this day."
Sütterlin and other Gothic based scripts were banned because the government believed they had "Jewish roots".
So I think Prussia would officially start writing with a 'normalized' style, tho his handwriting would still have natural influences from years of using both Kurrent and Sütterlin - quite noticeable but not ‘strong’ enough for anyone to say anything, which was exactly the point. Like a small, discreet handwriting rebellion, because for him, it was HIS script, and he was not okay with someone taking it away.
"However, many German speakers brought up with this writing system (Sütterlin) continued to use it well into the post-War period."
“Sütterlin was taught in some German schools until the 1970s, but no longer as the primary script."
" Kurrent (the older, swirly one), continued to be taught in school arts classes as an example of “a beautiful script to be executed with a quill” until 1952."
So I personally like the idea that Prussia came back to Sütterlin after the war and still uses it in everyday life. But he can also use Kurrent when he wants to be fancy, write a wish-you-well card or a fuck-you card for Austria.
He writes the prettiest, most well calligrapher Fuck You Cards.
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Poster from 1920s. “Beautiful example of the 'Sütterlin' German style of writing which has pretty much died out”. - This Week in Germany.
It’s not deat yet, Prussia uses it okay ;__; because he’s not dead yet either.
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adozentothedawn · 3 years
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And here you have my horrible penmanship! xD Which might be cursive? I am so confused by the whole cursive argument because over the internet I just absorbed the whole "haha nobody learns that anymore" but then I googled it one day and it seems like that's just Schreibschrift? Or at least people talk about it like that? In german we also have a cursive that nobody learns anymore and it's called Kurrent. Which I technically should really sit down to practice because as a studying historian I kinda need that but...^^°
Anyway, the ink looks like that because it's a new pen and the ink hasn't spread properly in it yet.
Thank you for playing!^^
Ask is here.
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haveyouseenthis · 4 years
Kasin’s Kurrent Obsessions | 04 October 2020
It’s late but it’s better than last time.
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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
I love these movies
Specifically 1-3. 4 & 5 don’t exist as far as I’m concerned.
Listen 4 was a blatant $ grab and 5 was the 1st recycled. Don’t @ me a speak the truth
I love to go back and rewatch this one whenever I’m tired. It makes me laugh and smile.
Most movies I watched with my sister end up becoming my “Good Mood” or “Go-To” movies 
Movies watched when I’ve had a bad day, week, etc. They cheer me up
and this one is no exception. 
T showed it to be spontaneously one weekend morning and I’ve loved it since.
Eric Nam, “Love Die Young” from Before We Begin
Every once in a while it cycles through my playlist and then I just can’t shut it off. 
The first time I heard it I remember being unimpressed
Now i can’t hardly get it out of my head
I think I’ll cover it one day.
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^This is from Edith and therefor property of swansgarden on Webtoon.
Edith by swansgarden
I read most of this on when it was on Discover, but I confess I don’t remember much. 
I’m a bad fan, sue me
I love the art style and I Love Edith
     ...Phillip is my husband, too.
True Beauty by Yaongyi
When this first came out I read the first few chapters hesitantly. I ended up putting it down because I thought the message was going towards “she’s only pretty now that she has makeup”. On top of the the first male lead introduced seemed like a douche.
And as someone who as the time was vastly insecure I didn’t need that
With news of it being mad into a drama soon I wanted to give it another shot
I’m glad I did.
For the record I was very wrong about the moral...
Freaking Romance by Snaillords
I’ve seen it advertised a lot so I figured I’d give it a shot. I really like it. The cliffhangers are killer, though.
The Remarried Empress by Alphatart & Sumpul
This one is still a baby, but I think it’s going to be really fun.
Empires and Puzzles
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sarah-dipitous · 2 months
Progress is being made between my cats. Meg ate directly from my hand seconds after I had been petting her sister. Normally, she needs thoroughly inspect every part of me that carries the scent of the other kitty, but it was immediate.
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Learning something new can be soothing in these weird times! I actually tried my hands at embroidery together with my kids. For your inspiration, here are some more Modern Kurrent practice sheets (that I made actually before everything went in lockdown). You can see many of the minuscules are based on zigzag-like forms, so a »u« and an »n« can only be told apart by context and a sort of reversed lying comma over the u. The majuscules are related with Fraktur forms (I also invented some, or sort of combined them with Roundhand versions, as I did with some of the minuscules where the historical versions are very confusing for modern eyes). More on this in my book (sorry, only in German at the moment), or for a classical 19th century pointed pen Kurrent check the book »Ornamental Calligraphy« by George J. Becker, it has a beautiful exemplar. If you have experience with Copperplate, you should easily learn this! — Hoping you’re all safe and healthy! :: #calligraphy #kalligrafie #kalligraphie #kurrent #kurrentscript #kurrentschrift #modernkurrent #pointedpen #spitzfeder #calligralove #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ZijVfKxAY/?igshid=16hyxjlauafcg
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reportstore · 2 years
Lumen, Transverse tie up on commercial property insurance programme
Lumen Risk Services has worked together with Transverse Insurance Group to carry out its UK Commercial Property Insurance market Program.
The program begins by giving monoline property inclusion to multi-family, friendliness, as well as light commercial property accounts.
Plans are on to venture into different lines later.
Cross over CEO and fellow benefactor Erik Matson said: "Lumen has moved toward a section of commercial lines insurance with a consolidated capacity to address the strategy build and organization as well as examination to assist with directing their dispersion accomplices.
"We are eager to be essential for this extraordinary exertion and our capacity to act in lined up with our accomplice to drive results."
Also, Lumen presented its advanced stage KURRENT intended for the commercial insurance market.
The stage offers makers admittance to an entry, which acknowledges entries and supports guarantor correspondences.
It additionally offers admittance to in-drive records and recharges as well as concentrates strategy report conveyance while computerizing support demands.
Lumen CEO Scott Whitaker said: "The InsureTech space has seen amazing measures of capital filling the individual lines throughout the course of recent years, yet it has to a great extent overlooked the huge open door that exists in bigger commercial lines. Lumen is focused on overcoming that issue and establishing the rhythm for advanced development.
"Our exceptional stage offers benefits to each partner in the exchange — insureds, delivering representatives, guarantors, safety net providers, and reinsurers each advantage from admittance to ongoing information examination to assist with driving arrangement and accomplishment for every one of our accomplices."
Last month, Neptune Flood sent off a new $30m premium limit program to grow the accessibility of flood insurance across the US.
The program is supported by Transverse and upheld by a board of worldwide reinsurers, which was put through Acrisure Re.
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chengyengyangds22 · 2 years
Week 10 - Graphic Design
Please expand upon some of the most interesting ideas from your typography readings.
The traditional German script, blackletter was one of the topics I found interesting in the reading. I found an article that talked more about blackletter history in Germany. The textbook reading on page 97, said that “German printing utilized blackletter, which was also called Fraktur.” From the article I had found that the meaning of Fraktur came from a Latin meaning, “broken script, or fractured.” Germany used Fraktur to print government publications because of the how they thought that their writing was strong and more serious, like compared to what the other Western European were using, Antiqua. Fraktur was consider complex to write for very simple activity or notes, therefore at the time Germans would use a different writing called Kurrent. 
Another topic that I found interesting was the digital typography. Examples or pictures of some types of lettering shown on page 359, reminds of things like a play script or something like a library catalog card. I wanted to point out that typeface like Arcadia designed by Neville Brody, I probably would use it, but not as much. The designing of the letters is tall and skinny, when I think whether I should typeface like these I think in logos and titles may be the best fit, rather than text paragraphs.
Of course, I would say the most common typefaces that I read about were part of the contemporary typography. Like Arial, Verdana, and Comic Sans are very common currently and it isn’t surprising that they were part of this typography topic. Typefaces that I don’t see or use as much would probably be bits typeface by Paul Elliman, the Not Caslon typeface by Mark Andresen, and FF Kosmik typeface by Erik van Blokland. If I were to write a paper these designs would not be a good choice.
Eskilson, Stephen J. Graphic Design A New History. 2nd Edition. Lawrence King Publishing, 2012.
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writhingwinky · 3 years
I do still think people who think they'd have a more fulfilling life if they were their current age in, like the 50s or earlier usually aren't considering a lot of factors, but in their defence at least they're going back to a time where by 2021 they'd be anywhere from really old to dead. I never got people who said they wish they were their current age/born in the 90s cause they hate kurrent yeer. It's an upside of getting to experience a relatively small amount of the old things I think are cool, when they were new(and probably mostly either overhyped or unheard of to most people) while-like with all "born in the wrong generation" scenarios, making me go through my youth without luxuries like a smartphone, every good piece of post99 media and food that hasn't been invented yet. And for what? To experience all the things I dont like about current times, but in my middle ages?
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impact24pr · 3 years
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kurrent-news-blog · 6 years
EXO’s Lay Will Make a U.S Debut
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Writer: Desiree Baxter
EXO's Lay is killing two birds with one stone. Not only will he be joining various artists in making an October comeback, but he will also be making his US debut.  Lay will be releasing his third full-length album titled, "NAMANANA" on October 19. There will be a total of 22 tracks, 11 being his Chinese songs and the other half will be the English version of them.
Be sure to follow Kurrent News on more info regarding Lay’s comeback, as well as your trustworthy source for recent news and creative pieces on all things South Korea!
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orbemnews · 3 years
Lumen, Transverse partner to launch commercial property insurance program Lumen Risk Services and Transverse Insurance Group have partnered to launch a new commercial property insurance program. The non-admitted program will initially offer monoline property coverage for multifamily, hospitality and light commercial property accounts, with plans to expand into other lines of coverage in the future. Lumen has also announced the launch of KURRENT, a new digital platform for the commercial insurance space. KURRENT gives producers access to a portal that accepts submissions, facilitates underwriter communications, centralizes delivery of policy documents, automates endorsement requests, and provides easy access to in-force accounts and renewals. The platform also delivers real-time analytics on the producer’s entire book of business at Lumen. “We are beyond thrilled to launch Lumen’s first commercial property program in partnership with Transverse Insurance Group,” said Scott Whitaker, CEO of Lumen Risk Services. “Our two organizations are uniquely aligned in how we see the future of insurance programs and our mutual desire to lead with technological innovation. This gives us a chance to showcase our proprietary, cloud-based platform that will set the standard for the commercial lines space and virtually eliminates the need for any other outside systems.” Read next: Transverse Insurance Group bolsters leadership team Erik Matson, co-founder and CEO of Transverse, noted that the partnership is another example of Transverse’s insurance acumen and ability to partner with an MGA. Lumen has approached a segment of commercial lines insurance with a combined ability to solve the policy construct and administration, he said, as well as analytics to help guide their distribution partners. “We are excited to be part of this great effort and our ability to act in parallel with our partner to drive results,” he said. “We strive to combine the talent and experience of our team with the flexibility of our hybrid fronting structure to underwrite great MGAs and their programs.” Source link Orbem News #Commercial #insurance #Launch #Lumen #partner #Program #property #Transverse
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