#kuruk deserves to be happy
ehliena · 5 months
Given that there isn’t even a mention of Ummi in the Kyoshi novels (pro- Hei Ran propaganda I tell you!), it’s safe to assume she met Kuruk when he already started fighting spirits. Ummi loved Kuruk at his worst. If Kuruk wasn’t so worn down by fighting the spirits and Father Glowworm, he could have taken down Koh and saved Ummi.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 18 days
Aang: How the hell did you two deal with Kyoshi? Kuruk: No idea what you mean by that, Aang. Yangchen: Nope, what do you mean by "deal?" You mean "interfere?" We're dead! We just watched her. Aang: Like, how were you able to stomach watching her???? Yangchen: Easy, with adoring stares. Kuruk: Did you see the way she handled that one politician? Ugh, beautiful. Not that I would know when it comes to dealing with such a thing, but it really was a sight. Yangchen: Oh no, you're right! It really was. Not how I would do it, but results are sometimes more important than the journey. There's more than one way to bake a cake! Aang: SHE KILLED PEOPLE! HOW COULD YOU STOMACH THAT?! Kuruk: Easy, I just ignored it. Aang: YOU WHAT?! Yangchen: You'd be surprised what closing your eyes and covering your ears can do for your conscious, Aang.
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inlovewithairy · 8 months
sorry guys but people who blame yangchen for all of kuruks problems are stupid and have such a black and white narrow minded view of things
like sure yangchen should have tried harder with the spirits. but jetsuns death was horrific. it literally made me feel ill. yangchen had a lot to do in the physical world she was working herself to death.
all this shit isn't yangchens fault and also. yangchen cares. so much. she's such a sweetheart and I know she would have died to the spirits if she knew what kuruk would have went through. she would fight all those spirits so kuruk didn't have to and I bet it killed her to see kuruk die to yangchens mistakes.
kuruk deserved better and yangchen wishes she could have given him better. she should hug him and give him all the love and happiness he deserves.
and kuruk fans who are mindless yangchen haters shut up and use your brain!!!!!
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southslates · 4 years
happy valentines, @felgia-starr! you requested a zutara celebrity au, so here’s this aha. thanks for organizing this, @gemmica!
don’t be dramatic / 1.2k zutara meet-cute oneshot. on ao3 or under the cut!
“The director is shit,” Azula calls over to Katara as she walks past her dressing room.
Katara stops at the door and raises an eyebrow at Azula’s overdone makeup— she likes playing villains (with depth, she’d said at their last movie night, heroes are so boring) and this complex drama starring an antihero fits her all too well. She manages to look poised and calm, even bloody and covered in fake sweat. Katara isn’t quite sure why Azula is wearing makeup—  considering filming doesn’t start till tomorrow— but the woman is a perfectionist. It’s likely that she may simply be testing out how the stage makeup works on her skin. There’d been a scandal several years ago when she had an allergic reaction to eyeshadow in a dramatic thriller, and kept the puffy eyes while crying about how her mother thought her a monster. 
“Isn’t he your brother?” she smirks, leaning against the side-door. She normally doesn’t pick up minor roles but she just finished the Painted Lady series— a modern remake of a folktale which took two years to film— and she’d wanted to explore something more dynamic before she took a well-deserved vacation. Her character in this film dies halfway through— and it’s Azula’s fault— and the setting is high fantasy rather than historic, so she’s excited to begin. 
“So?” Azula swivels, the lady at her side maneuvering to put away her makeup. “He’s still an ass. Not like the rest of them, though. He won’t touch you. He’ll just scream at you.”
Katara hasn’t met the elusive Zuko Rokura, the young director’s prodigy, though she’s heard enough about Azula’s brother. He’d been set for stardom until his own father, iconic actor Ozai Sozin, had burnt off half his face and left him an angry mess with a ruined future. Apparently, his uncle and sister had helped him find another way to stardom. He’d gotten a movie nominated to the Tui and La Awards last year— the youngest director in years to do so. 
She’d seen him on stage, then, but his face had been covered with a Blue Spirit mask— a nod to his blockbuster film. Nobody knows who actually played the Blue Spirit in the movie, though it’s well known it’s someone prominent in the film industry. Katara is willing to put her money on Jet Malik, the elusive rogue who’d broken up with her right before filming on the movie began. 
“If he screams at me I’ll shove his own hand in his mouth,” Katara stands still as Azula walks over to her, dressed in her silk bathrobe, and kisses her on the cheek, leaving a disturbing red print there. 
“Yeah, I’m not worried about you, Tara. See you tomorrow? Ty said she wants to drag Zuko along to the meet-up, so maybe you’ll get to kick his ass after you get to know him.”
“How bad can he be?” Katara teases as an intern grabs her arm and pulls her towards the infamous man’s office. 
“Watch out!” Azula chuckles. Katara’s aide looks nervously at the hallway in front of them. 
“The front desk said Mr. Rokura’s office is right ahead— we’ll meet you in the dressing room right after!”
“Thanks Meng!” Katara smiles brightly at the girl and falls ahead of her, opening the dramatic obsidian door to Zuko’s office. There’s a receiving desk in the corner, but the boy sitting at it gestures for her to go through a second door, eyes wide, when he quickly takes her in. She smiles and walks in. 
There’s a pale man at the desk, glasses perched on his nose, gazing down at papers littering his hand. All she sees at first is his dark hair, and she wears her most performative grin and holds her hand out. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Rokura.”
Then he looks up, and Katara’s breath stutters. He does have a scar, a rather red and dramatic one at that, taking up the majority of the right side of his visage, but the other side is . . . attractive. The scar is smooth and ridged and a bit alarming but as she acclimates to it in seconds she thinks it’s striking. Not quite attractive, but striking. It gives him a sense of hardness and authority. 
He has a reputation to be rough, that’s certain, but Katara doesn’t take shit from anyone. She shifts her gaze to his eyes, which are the same striking shade as Azula’s, and keeps her hand held sturdy. 
For a second, she’s scared he’ll kiss it or do something else slightly chauvinistic, but he just tilts his glasses up and grasps it firmly, calmly. “Katara Kuruk. I’m so glad you decided to take up my offer. I’m absolutely thrilled to have you.”
“I’m thrilled to be here,” she keeps looking at his eyes as her grip stays firm on his. His hands are incredibly warm and so are his eyes— she was wrong, they’re not like Azula’s. They look kind. 
But she supposes actions are louder than words, and she’s heard plenty of things about Zuko Rokura— formerly Sozin. 
(But she also knows rumors spread far in her industry— fake tweets of her saying a slur were circulated by racist groups on the internet just a few weeks ago, in the wake of this proposal. They’d eventually been officially disproved, but that had been a PR nightmare, not to mention ruined a few of her nights.)
A small smile falls upon his face as he lets her go and settles down, stacking up the papers he’d been looking at. “We’ve exchanged a lot through email, and I think we’re ready to go on paperwork— I just need to officialize all of this right here,” he gestures down. “How are you feeling?”
“I think this script is amazing,” she blushes under his intense gaze. “You co-wrote it, I believe?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “with Aang? I believe you’ve worked with him before.”
“I have! I’ve actually spent the past few years working with my brother on the Painted Lady series, so I’m definitely oddly adjusted to working with someone in a more . . . professional setting.” She’s blushing. Why is she blushing? She’s an actor, damnit, she should be able to control herself— and oh, he’s blushing too. “I mean, that environment was absolutely professional, I just . . .”
“I understand what you mean,” Zuko chuckles. “I’ve been working with Azula and her girlfriend for several years, particularly as starring roles. It’s always great to meet new actors. And I absolutely want us to be comfortable together,” he leans in to her, a little. “I . . .” he starts and then fades off, focusing on her face. 
Katara’s gaze has briefly lowered to stare at his collarbones, and she raises it again to meet his, hoping her face isn’t completely giving her away to this strangely awkward man. She sees no hint of the anger Azula had mentioned. “I wouldn’t want to impose on too much of your time,” she starts, unsure if she’s imagining the magnetic pull between them or the way he’s staring into her eyes. 
“No, no, you absolutely couldn’t,” he almost stutters out. “The first day of filming is tomorrow— I’d want you to rest tonight, but I’m ensuring everyone leaves early. Would you be— I mean would you— want to head out to an early dinner? Just to discuss . . .”
“The set,” Katara swallows, “and the background of the character? In more depth? I heard you conceptualized her.”
She’s read a six page description of her character and spent days practicing her lines. 
“Yes, absolutely,” he says. Katara’s eyes crinkle. This movie may be more fun than she’d anticipated. 
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bexterbex · 4 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 44
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Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Will tag as I go along, Will update tags, Slow Burn, Influenced by Star Trek and other Sci-Fi themes, References to We Happy Few, Tons of References and quotes to George Orwells 1984 see if you can find them all, The First Order is the new Big Brother,  but who is really surprised, Blatant Nazi Symbolism, Interrogation Themes, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Really just drawn out Slow Burn, Don’t repost without permission, Torture themes, Suggestive Themes, Execution themes, Disturbing Themes, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Controlling Kylo Ren, Physical Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Kylo Ren is Not Nice, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Possessive Kylo Ren
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 44: Facing the Consequences
You awoke with pressure behind your ear. As you become more conscious you realized Kylo was leaving a love mark behind it, for whatever reason. “Ah, Kitten is awake. Good, I need to go to training.” He got up from behind you before pulling you up to do the same.
It was just as early as the other morning you had watched him train. You weren’t coherent enough for this, but he had said that he was going to keep an eye on you so that is what he intended on doing. You were a kitten on a leash or a songbird in a cage. You were attached to his hip.
You got up and got ready this time putting on a turtleneck and trousers in an attempt to hide his love marks. You did a subtle amount of makeup in an attempt to draw attention to your face and not the dark bruise behind your ear. When you came out of the bathroom Kylo hooked a finger in your collar while his lips grazed your cheek before whispering in your ear, “I know exactly what you are doing Kitten.” His finger then widens the opening of your neck while his lips dipped down to make one of your marks darker. His other hand came to squeeze your ass, “Mmm Kitten there is no time to play.”
He was telling you there was no time to play? He was the one obsessed with playing with you, you wanted to be left alone. He was the horny one, your spark mostly ignited when he kissed you or touch you in certain ways. Your body often betraying your brain.
Like the last time, you and he were to have breakfast after training. You were greeted by the lieutenant as usual. You all made your way to the room, the only real difference this time was the presence of Captain Phasma. You joined her and Hux on the outside of the circle. Phasma moved so they were now on either side of you.
Kylo and the knights proceeded to spar. He routinely glanced in your direction, you couldn’t tell if it was because he needed to make sure you were there or if it was because he was looking for something else. You made the conscious decision to ignore him.  
The lieutenant produced a cup of stimcaf for you without you having to ask. That man needed a pay raise, you thought as you brought the just right temp liquid to your lips.
You were the first to speak in your little group, “I have been tasked to choose a lady in waiting. And I have no idea how to do it.”
You watched the general who contemplated your predicament, but it was Phasma who spoke up first. “The girl from the shopping center. She seemed to be knowledgable enough about what you would need.”
Before you could respond the Hux asked, “what was her name?”
“Olivia-Rose Gordon,” responded Lieutenant Mitaka.
This caused Hux to look up something on his data pad, “She is 27, unmarried, matchless, no children, a clean record. She would be a good candidate.”
Your head was spinning. “I can’t just ask her to be my lady in waiting.”
“Why not,” asked Phasma.
“Because she might feel pressured to accept and then she will be trapped in space far from home,” the weight of your words not fully hitting you yet.
“I assure you m’lady she will not be trapped. She will be given one of the most prestigious positions in the galaxy. She will be able to travel with you and given many luxuries your planet cannot offer her.”
Your mind was frozen. You knew she would be trapped with you if you were to ask her, would it even be fair? Before you could respond Phasma spoke once more, “she seemed taken with you m’lady, and she seemed interested in the opportunity to travel, she asked about it during her registration.”
“Send someone out of uniform to ask her, I don’t want her to be pressured into it. If she says no, we will need to respect that.”
“As you wish m’lady,” responded the general who then seemed to type out the order on his data pad.
You then just all seem to watch the training, your mind drifted back to the horrifying thought that you will no longer be able to be home in a matter of minutes. That small rational part of your brain kept telling you that you will still be in the solar system for a few days. That you will still be home in a sense.
Your mind then drifted to all the memories you didn’t get to make, all of the Friday nights going out to the bars with Carter and Hayden, all of the birthdays with your nieces and nephews, all of the holidays back at your parents’ place. You had no idea when you would become empress so you had no idea when you would be able to come back, if at all.
If Kylo was any other man you could simply reason with him to end any sort of romantic relationship, and just be platonic matches. You could then be free, and not caged like you are now, but he wasn’t any other man, and your heart wouldn’t be able to take it. You had to face the fact that you loved him, as twisted as he was becoming you did love him.
Another thought drifted into your mind, who would he choose? You were allowed to pick one of your ladies-in-waiting but who would he choose? Did he already know her? Did you already know her? Come to think of it you had yet to ask the general what happened while you were gone. How did Kylo react?
“Tell me general, how did he react to my departure?”
“I was able to have the damage done to your chambers repaired before we returned, but just barely. There are still several communications terminals that need repairs, an entire squadron of ‘troopers are still recovering in the medical bay, as is that female officer,” his voice trailed off.
“Oh, no what did he do to her,” you ask.
“It wasn’t pleasant, to say the least, she has a broken clavicle, a fractured sternum, several cracked ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and broken femur.”
“Why did he do it,” you were concerned you had rather liked her.
“Several reasons apparently, in his eyes she failed to report that you were leaving, both the lieutenant and I had orders from you one way or another as to not tell him, she did not. She had taken a few pieces of jewelry while you were packing, and she has had a not so subtle infatuation with the Supreme Leader. This is not uncommon among some of the younger female officers. Especially if they have had the chance to see him without his helmet.”  
“Even if she did do all that she didn’t deserve to be beaten like that.”
“I say she got off better than execution,” replied Phasma. “She also attempted to seduce him once he cornered her.”
You felt as if you were not talking about the same sweet girl that helped you pack. “But she should have been demoted and reassigned, not have the crap beaten out of her.”
“I would have executed her,” commented Phasma.
You looked at her.
“What? It’s what I would have done,” she reasoned. Even through her helmet, you could hear that she was honestly telling the truth.
“I still feel bad, maybe I should go and apologize to her.”
“I don’t think that would be a wise decision m’lady. I also do not believe the Supreme Leader would allow it,” said Hux.
You frowned. Of course, he wouldn’t, but then again he would probably want to escort you so maybe it was for the best, not having him near her.
Kylo and the knights were wrapping up training, all of the high ranking officers done giving him their morning debriefings. Soon you would be at his will once more, following him wherever he pleased. He took your arm in his and took you back to your chambers.
You both ate breakfast before he got ready for the day, while he was in the shower Trudgen and Kuruk were waiting with you along with the lieutenant. You felt as if this was to tell you there would be no running away while he was busy. Once ready he informed you that he had one last meeting at the White House, to set up General Parnadee as the Commander of Earth.
You went about down the halls to the hangar where you were greeted by the large entourage of Hux, Parnadee, Phasma, Pyre and an escort of ‘troopers. Throughout the flight down to the surface Hux and Parnadee were discussing some of the importance of what she would be doing along with how many ‘troopers she would be expected to recruit initially.
The shuttle lands and you all depart. Kylo’s grip on your arm tightens and you feel the Force around you do too. No running. Even if you did have the chance to run, where would you run to?  
Your parents would send you back, as would Carter and Hayden. The education they had received would be sure of that. You had no idea what state of mind your siblings would be in but you were pretty sure they were in the same boat. The entire planet was in the same boat. Your ark. And it was your covenant with Kylo that would keep it afloat. Your covenant would end the floods, and the suffering they may receive.
Before you and Kylo enter the room the Hux asked to speak to you for a moment, and by you he meant both of you seeing as Kylo refused to let you go.
“M’lady we have received an answer to your inquiry from earlier this morning,” said Hux.
“We have,” you honestly didn’t expect an answer so soon.
“Yes, m’lady. She has agreed to take the position as your lady-in-waiting. She will join you tomorrow on your departure from the Steadfast to the Supremacy. I have made arrangements for everything she will need. One of our seamstresses will assist you with packing, the lieutenant was kind enough to make an itemized list of your purchases, and everything will be checked. After that, any other trip you shall take one of your ladies-in-waiting will help you prepare,” responded Hux.
Really, he was the one running things, making sure the whole First Order was together and operating with stellar efficiency. Whereas Kylo was the hammer that cracked down anytime he saw fit. He had others do the work, but he made sure those others were people that could do their jobs. Just as he was going to have you be his diplomat. He was an enforcer, a brute, a beast. You would be refined, tame, and calculated. You needed to keep a closer eye on the general to learn tips from him. He almost always knew when to bite back at Kylo and when to hold off, but you suppose it was because they have been doing this dance longer than you had, and he knew all the steps.
Kylo then had Hux enter the room and you were left alone in the hallway with him. A hand came to hook itself under your chin to bring your eyes to meet his, or rather where his were supposed to be under his helmet.
“You will behave yourself. Your people are to believe that Earth is completely under General Parnadee’s control and therefore my control. They are not to know exactly when we are leaving. You will remain quiet unless it is called upon you to speak, do I make myself clear Kitten?”
“Yes, you made yourself very clear, Kylo,” you respond. You could feel his grip on your chin tighten as you said his name. But you had an agreement that if he called you Kitten when you were alone that meant you could call him Kylo.
He released your chin only after his leather-clad thumb swept over your lips, if he wasn’t wearing the helmet he would have kissed you. You entered the room together, much seemed the same except for all the projectors seemed to have video conferences with all of your world’s major leaders, like a giant U.N. meeting. Upon your entrance, everyone stood and gave a weird sort of salute, and in unison said, “Long Live the Supreme Leader.”
All of the eyes of the world leaders looked different than from just over a week ago, they now looked dead. Their eyes had no life behind them, no soul. You were afraid, you were very afraid. Your ark was now tainted with sin, the devil had won. Your people were no longer your people anymore. You were alone in the galaxy.
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herglowinggirl · 3 years
can you see an ending to SOK where yun lives / yun redemption? i've been thinking a lot about the trend of abused kids never getting over their abuse and dying instead, and i feel like FCYee does a good job of writing yun and i don't want to say he's guilty of this trend, but sometimes i wonder if there could've been another ending. sorry if this ask is weird/uncomfy, you don't have to answer. have a nice day!
ok so...I am writing a meta about this (familiar anon i see you) but I feel like it’s worth answering here, too. this is less of a meta and more my personal thoughts so there’s no graphic descriptions of anything but I’ll put it under a cut because it got long, tw for canon typical violence/death.
short answer: yeah, there were workarounds but nothing that wouldn’t change the motifs, themes, plot points of the novels. I think the novels set out to make a different point on abuse than atla (think “it was wrong and it was cruel” as opposed to avatar “the obligation to be more than the sum of her grievances with the world” kyoshi) which isn’t a bad thing, necessarily. also, like, atla was a kids show and the kyoshi novels are ya and they very successfully make points on moral ambiguity and who gets to live and who gets to die. I agree and think f.c. yee handled it pretty well and yun was “meant” to die based on his backstory and evidence discussed below + the fact that he’s emulating the cycle of abuse by the end of the book. could it have been done differently? absolutely. was this story meant to? not really. you already said that it doesn’t feel like yun was killed off instead of writing about him dealing with the impacts of abuse, because the impacts were dealt with and explored just...he died at the end anyway, because of the places dealing with that stuff lead him. quoting a line from below the cut but yes, yun apologism on main. but I very much prefer to do it within canon, I think. 
but would I want to see a version where yun lived? a little, yeah, because I wanted, well, justice for him. I wanted him to reunite with rangi and kyoshi and meet team avatar and live out the rest of his life happy and free from jianzhu because I love yun’s characterization, but as a character he has a bigger part of the narrative than being someone I’m attached to. I think that also begs the question should he have been used in those narratives of abuse the way that he was if someone like me (whose relationships could be classified under “complicated” at the very least) could relate and love him, especially for a YA novel? also not sure. maybe it’s not that deep, especially because what’s already been written and published is all but set in stone (and I am not very interested in writing fix-it fanfiction, just building on canon). 
so those are my personal thoughts summed up (there’s extra rambling on why he was supposed to die + a plot workaround below). when all is said and done, this is a storyline I turn to in order to cope, but if there’s anything similar that perhaps ends with the survivor alive...any recs would be appreciated, from anyone! thank you for asking and making sure I’d feel ok ruminating on it <3 I hope you have a nice day too!
contextual evidence...zoryu going “some people will always change you back to who you were,” rangi asking kyoshi why she didn’t stop yun and kyoshi’s only answer being that seeing him had turned her back to her unsure state, yun trying to rid kyoshi of her fans and all her character growth during the final Boss Battle™...these things are a theme. you can’t strip the books of this touch of some are always meant to end, esp b/c that stuff was set up in trok (I always seem to come back to kyoshi asserting her only duty was to protect her loved ones in yokoya and then her duty becoming something much larger) so I feel like you couldn’t get rid of yun death without significant workarounds in the motifs and plot points in the novels.
that being said, I’m sure there are and were plot workarounds to killing yun. there’s an alternate universe out there where the novels ended with yun being a parallel to lao ge (I’ve talked about how they parallel each other before I think it’s very spicy; here and here), where he becomes jianzhu’s successor and just like lao ge kept kyoshi accountable on the other side of things, this time to the bureaucracy of the earth kingdom instead of lao ge’s agenda. this would also tie up when lao ge said something along the lines of “jianzhu does good work.” the novels are in no way perfect and the ending and pacing in the last third of the book do feel rushed to me (although the last kyoshi pov chapter ends sooo sentimental, enough for me to call f.c. yee a sap) but I feel they do establish the ways that kyoshi is going to cope with being a political figure, but I’ll have to elaborate on that somewhere else, so I digress.
the truth of it is this, and it is very harsh—yun was always supposed to be dead. we see it in how he and kyoshi have very similar backstories and the ways that jianzhu and kelsang are also pitted against each other their kids (well, kelsang’s kid, jianzhu’s pupil) end up dealing with the reasons why they were brought in. kelsang saved kyoshi from the goodness of his heart, he took her in and raised her like his own child (this makes me very emotional...) whereas yun was taken in because he was thought to be the avatar. then it turns out that kyoshi might be the avatar, but she is still kelsang’s daughter first, with kelsang honoring her wishes to keep it secret and letting her comfort him on the iceberg, and then when he believed kyoshi over jianzhu. establishing kyoshi’s humanity is really important in the novels so we can give kelsang a big thank you to him and then later to rangi to make sure kyoshi loves and treats herself well. 
what i’m getting at here is that if yun hadn’t been taken in for being the avatar, he would’ve been dead and it’s a form of uh...narrative checkov’s gun in a way? there’s only so long you can make something of yourself by beating tourists at pai sho. kyoshi and yun both had expiration dates and only by the grace of jianzhu and kelsang did they survive. yun reassures himself that life is a game and “he will survive a turn longer.” his story is always about doing the next thing to survive, to prove he’s worthy of the survival and salvation given to him by jianzhu. kyoshi’s story is not about deserving avatarhood, it’s about becoming the avatar. it’s a key difference in the way the narrative treats them. if he’s hadn’t been mistaken for the avatar, he would literally be nothing. he’d be dead. 
and there’s only so far you can go playing the person who deserved avatarhood if you’re not the avatar, and I think that mainly accounts for discrepancies in the idea of justice and how yun and kyoshi get to act on it because believe me, I would’ve loved to see yun tear the whole thing down. like, to see kyoshi have to kill yun for destroying the system (this is an oversimplification*) and then have her declared the “breakdown of negotiations?” like alright...sure, jan. let the boy kill a few people!! eat the rich!! murder isn’t even that bad anyway (/joking).
*yun is literally declared the residue of kuruk’s generation’s sins by hei-ran. this theme of legacy and cycles of abuse is emulated to him which brings me to acknowledge that yeah, it’s really shitty to see him killed when that theme lives in both him and kyoshi. it is a symbolic ending to the cycle of abuse when kyoshi “puts him away” (did she have to say that!!!) but that shit hurts, man. however the line “I’m sorry I said you would have to live with your pain. Because you won’t,” serves to acknowledge that by the end of the duology, yun himself has become an abuser. he’s shoving kyoshi into boxes, tries to kill rangi (to be fair rangi tried to kill him minutes/seconds earlier but he did try to kill her mom for allowing a man to try to kill him. it’s almost like...a cycle), he holds people hostage, terrorizes and murders several people in his pov chapters...at least lao ge was subtle about his work. 
so yes, yun apologism on main. but I very much prefer to do it within canon, I think. 
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elegygoldsmith · 4 years
Finn's mission to find the last survivor from his FN Corps unit takes him into the enemy's jaws. Leia places a long-distance call to rally Resistance ships, while Kaydel plays operator. Kylo and Kuruk nearly come to blows over long-lost parents -- and the First Order coup gathers steam.
The ending to the Skywalker Saga that we collectively deserved — a tale of mythic return and the final stand of both Dark and Light.
Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27821176/chapters/68316481
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Chapters: 5/20 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Poe Dameron/Finn/Rose Tico, Kaydel Ko Connix/Jannah Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Finn (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Leia Organa, Rose Tico, Armitage Hux, Dopheld Mitaka, Snoke (Star Wars), Kaydel Ko Connix, Poe Dameron, Zorii Bliss, C-3PO (Star Wars), R2-D2 (Star Wars), BB-8 (Star Wars), Fiver (Star Wars), FN-2000 | Zeroes, Enric Pryde, Larma D'Acy, Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Jessika Pava Additional Tags: Screenplay/Script Format, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Reylo - Freeform, Polyamory, Love Triangles, Rey is Nobody (Star Wars), Redeemed Ben Solo, Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Stormtrooper Rebellion (Star Wars), Finn is not Force sensitive, Rey & Rose Tico Are Best Friends, Character Death, Leia Organa dies but it's okay, nothing's ever really gone, mortis gods, Force Ghost Luke Skywalker, Force Ghost Anakin Skywalker, Feral Rey (Star Wars), Finnpoe - Freeform, finnrose - Freeform
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carnistcervine · 4 years
AU Thoughts
So, in my AU where Raava adopts Zuko, I mentioned that there is still an Avatar, just not Raava’s Avatar. So I started thinking up some ideas for what the Avatar would be like if Raava and Vaatu were swapped.
I’m not 100% on these ideas, I might tweak them or use them for their own AU and come up with something else for Raava Adopts Zuko, but this is what I got.
If anyone likes these ideas or the concept, feel free to use them. :D
*There is an old myth concerning the origin of the Avatar, it varies from nation to nation, and even some nations have multiple variants depending on where the tale is told. But the basic rundown is this: Thousands of years ago, in an era before bending, when the greater spirits still roamed the lands and mighty beasts guarded the tribes of man, a human was banished from his home, forced to roam the wilds alone. Tales vary on why he was banished and whether he deserved it, some stories claiming that he was a dirty thief who got finally got caught, others say he was falsely accused of murder, there's even one tale of the man as an almost robin hood style figure who stole food from the rich to help the poor. The man survives in the wilds for a while, seemingly bent by the spirits to turn against his fellow man. He eventually goes on, traveling the world, encountering the eternal spirits. The tales are split on whether the spirits were lovers(cast in an eternal dance) or foes(cast in an eternal struggle), but all tales agree that there were two, a pale one who embodied the light and order of the world, and a dark one who embodied the darkness and chaos. The man attacked the spirits, reasons vary on why, some say he was tricked by the dark one, some say he simply misinterpreted their dance to be a struggle, some say he was just trying to protect someone else. Either way, the spirits are separated and one is wounded. Stories once again diverge on whether it was the pale one or the dark one who was injured, but the result is the same. The balance of the world is egregiously damaged by his actions, and as penance he is forced to absorb the dark spirit and suffer it for ten thousand years. For each mistake he makes, another hundred years are added to his sentence. He spends the rest of his life trying to atone for his mistakes, dying on the battlefield when he's old and grey. Being that his sentence is not yet up, he reincarnates into his next life, and the cycle of the Avatar begins.
*Most dismiss these stories as, well, stories. But they remain the only record of any kind of origin for the mysterious being known as the Avatar.
*As for the Avatar themself, they tend to do whatever the hell they feel like doing. Despite being possessed by a dark spirit, they rarely do anything that could be considered genuinely malicious. The Avatar's presence is often marked before a great disaster or tragedy. Leading some to call them an omen.
*There have been stories of Avatars who gave warnings that were ignored. Then stood by and watched the chaos unfold, smiling and mockingly saying: “I told you so.”
*Being as powerful as they are, there are measures in place to immediately locate the newest Avatar as soon as the previous one perishes.
*One consequence of finding out when the Avatar is so young is that new Avatars are often either snuffed in their cribs or abandoned as small children by parents unable to deal with the dark spirit haunting them.
*Should the Avatar be allowed to live and grow, they will eventually seek aid in learning to control their abilities. Whether they seek the aid in disguise or openly depends mostly on society's view of the Avatar at that time.
*Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom parents are the most likely to snuff out a baby Avatar. In the Fire Nation, having the Avatar for a child is said to mean that Agni himself is angry with you or your family and is punishing you. In the Earth Kingdom it is usually said to mean that a tragedy will soon befall one. Usually the means of avoiding said tragedy is by ridding yourself of the dark spirit and passing it along the elemental chain. In the Water Tribes, the arrival of the Avatar is said to be a sign of change. While it's not uncommon for the Avatar to be killed in it's crib, the usual tradition in the southern tribe is that the head chief raises the Avatar, and in the north, the head healer is set to raise the child. As for the Air Nomads, since it is in their teachings that all life is sacred, and children aren't raised by their parents anyway, Air Nomad Avatars are pretty much never killed young. Instead the Avatar is sent to be cared for and taught by the strongest and most spiritual master. Rather than try and snuff them out, Air Nomads try as much they can to be a guiding force. Leading the Avatar down a good path and hopefully curbing any vicious tendencies.
*While not the first, Yang Chen is quite notable for the peaceful era that her long rein achieved. As for how she achieved such a peace, well, let's just say there's a reason no one dares invoke her name.
*People became much more open and accepting of the Avatar after Yang Chen, however. When Kuruk's time came, he was treated very well by those around him. Times were peaceful, and Kuruk himself was mostly pretty laid back. Well, except for his competitive streak. He'd challenge anyone and everyone to bending competition, or harmless duels. He was also quite the ladies man, only eventually settling down with a woman from his tribe. When she died, he became cold and withdrawn, wandering the world alone and eventually vanishing. His fate unknown.
*Well, he obviously died, as a new Avatar was born, but his body was never found.
*With Kuruk MIA, there was a bit of a power vacuum. Criminals took full advantage of this and terrible gangs roved the lands, killing and pillaging as they pleased.
*At least until Kyoshi showed up.
*Kyoshi was legendary for her ruthlessness. She slaughtered her enemies without so much as a second of hesitation. Some sources say she bathed in their blood and wore their entrails as fashion. While exact details of Kyoshi's apparent brutality are hotly debated among historians, one thing remains clear. Her enemies died quickly, and the world feared her. She was the longest lived Avatar, and the world remained at peace for her reign.
*With the Avatar having a mostly positive reputation, the Fire Sages opted to let the newest Avatar, Roku enjoy his early years as a normal person. And to their surprise, he was very normal. He didn't have any apparent violent impulses, wasn't withdrawn(even if he did seem a little shy), and overall was very happy and healthy. Like in canon, he grew quite close to Prince Sozin and they enjoyed a good friendship. Roku's status as Avatar was very publicly announced at his and Sozin's birthday. While Sozin was happy to have such a being as his friend, Roku had mixed feelings on harboring a dark spirit within him. He saw how the people around him reacted, they feared him. So he tried his best to show restraint. He'd prove to the world that the Avatar isn't one meant to be feared. His training went mostly smoothly, with only the spiritual training having some... unfortunate mishaps. Eventually he fell in love with a woman that didn't fear him, they got married and at the wedding Sozin told Roku vaguely about his plans of world domination. Roku, uh, didn't approve. But didn't want to make a show, because it was his wedding. So he simply growled at Sozin that he didn't want to hear about it. Then, he found a colony in the Earth Kingdom. He and Fang nearly trashed it in a fit of rage, but he decided to show restraint and told the people to fuck off back to the Fire Nation. Terrified of the Avatar, they did. Roku went to go confront Sozin, they got into an argument, Sozin attacked Roku and a royally pissed off Roku leveled the palace, only barely spared Sozin. In full avatar state, with red glowing eyes and smoky darkness billowing around him, Roku roared at Sozin that if he so much as breathed at the Earth Kingdom wrong he'd string him up by his entrails. Terrified of Roku's threat, Sozin abandoned his ambitions. He and Roku didn't speak again until many years later, when Roku's home erupted. Sozin didn't abandon Roku, but Roku being old and having inhaled too much poisonous gas died not too long after the incident. Sozin stayed by Roku on his deathbed. Roku had grown to regret his harsh treatment of Sozin, feeling he may have judged his old friend wrongly. His last words to him were an apology. Then he passed on, the Avatar Spirit moving to the Air Nomads once again.
*Sozin misinterpreted Roku's apology and subsequent death as the spirits being on his side and thusly went back to trying to achieve his ambitions.
*With Roku's last breath, Aang is born into the Air Nomads. He's left under Monk Gyatso's care. For the most part, Gyatso finds that Aang is a very gentle soul. He enjoys having fun and playing around. They decide not to tell him his true identity until he's older. Aang gets along quite well with his peers and gains many friends very quickly. Despite Gyatso's protests that Aang must be properly nurtured to sooth the dark spirit within him, the Elders decide to reveal the boy's true identity at twelve. Aang, doesn't take it well. The thought of a dark spirit living within him is well, scary. To make matters worse, his friends abandon him, utterly terrified of him. Gyatso tries to help Aang, treating him the same and remaining his last support. Then, because Gyatso insists on letting Aang be a kid, the elders try and separate them. Heartbroken, Aang runs away.
*Sozin still attacks the Air Temples, but not in an attempt to kill them all or rid the Avatar. No, Sozin thinks that the Avatar could be used for his war, so the soldiers are ordered to steal away as many children as possible, while killing anyone and everyone that stands in their way. Aang is frozen, so obviously all of the captured youths are just airbenders. Sozin doesn't have them killed though. No, he has use for them in his war machine...
*The search for the Avatar continues for a fair few decades before they figure that the being may have simply served his sentence and vanished from the world.
*When Katara and Sokka find Aang in the ice, let's just say they have more than a few reasons to be suspicious of him.
*As for Aang, he opts to keep his true nature under wraps for as long as he can.
*Not like anyone is actually looking for him anyway. :p
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Do you have any Avatar Kuruk headcanons?
Hmmmmm I have a few! (under the cut for length)
So Kuruk is known as a party animal, and while I think it has SOME truth, the over exaggeration of it isn't really him. He's kinda Bruce Wayne-ing it half the time. And while he was a bit of a romantic and a little flirty, he wasn't nearly as bad as his reputation later became. Like he wasn't a manwhore/rake or whatever you wanna call him (at least before the spirits). (after the spirits..... I'm tempted to believe that even if he did sleep around....I fear it might've been because he was preyed on like that one maid did, maybe not all the time but I don't think he was surrounded by a lot of good people ;w;).
UNFORTUNATELY, his old team and supposed close friends had their perception colored later in life and forgot his real personality. Remembering only the silver tongue flirt, and thus they thought Yun was the perfect ringer.
The only people who saw his real personality since fighting the spirits was probably Ummi and Nyahitha, and Kelsang (that one time). And ironically that had more similarities with Kyoshi than other's probably saw. (which is why Nyahitha gives her so much shit and clocked her in like five seconds kfjdksjfa)
Kuruk was TOTALLY and 100% working OVERTIME in Rise of Kyoshi. This guy was trying SO FREAKING HARD to get Kyoshi together with Rangi. TT0TT Like he was totes feeding her lines of his poem because of how Rangi looks, and legit forgot Kelsang knew the poem. Kyoshi even mentions how it looked like Rangi was outlined by a spirit during the Chameleon Bay chase, and that spirit HAS to be Kuruk. TT0TT My man is the best wingman, he was trying so hard for his OTP to be together TT0TT
Kuruk and Kyoshi def vibe in the afterlife. They founded the "I Miss My Wife" club. Only for the most miserable though, which is them. ("I get Kuruk but what about Kyoshi-" My headcanon for how Kyoshi's love life goes is not a pleasant one ;w; So yeah, club founders).
Kuruk was totes fine with Kyoshi killing Xu, he probs would've been up in her face like he was with Chaejin/Huazo incident if he wasn't at least a lil' chill about it. Maybe at worse disapproved, but it was probs something like "Eh, he's an ass, you gotta do what you gotta do. Not my move but who am I to judge?"
If the "you get the face of your loved one when reincarnated" is correct, then he is so happy and sad whenever he looks at Kyoshi. Kyoshi might've decided to present herself wearing make up in the afterlife because she saw how much it hurt him.
Because of that, for the time Kyoshi hated him, he was devastated. TT0TT
He's still Yangchen's biggest fanboy, but likes to tease her about spirits. All in good fun tho. He was always so happy to talk with her.......even when his life was falling apart. TT0TT
He likes to brag about having it easy and being sandwiched between two awesome Avatar lady eras. They usually do all the talking for him when ppl hit up the Avatar past selves line (I like to think Kyoshi and then Roku found a better way to deal with spirits, so Kuruk gets to just kick back and delegate to a different Avatar now. His best advice being "don't kill the spirits" now TT0TT). He deserves rest and this is the closest he's getting to it damnit!
HC that Roku is a fanboy of Kyoshi, Kuruk has a soft spot for the boy since he totally GETS IT.
Kuruk tried his best to keep Kyoshi alive when she was younger. Not much you can do as a spirit, but he was always by her side through her worst fevers. It hurt him seeing her like that, especially when his dying wish was to make sure his friends did right by her. TT0TT
He really likes Korra, little upset he didn't get spiritbending, but hey watchu gonna do? He totally took off his hat/coat when talking to her cause of her animal guide tho fkjsadkfja He's glad she brought back the airbenders (especially since it made Yangchen happy).
I'm fascinated by his past relationships with Hei-Ran and Ummi. I think the song "If We Never Met" by John K fits him and Ummi's relationship tbh (since a lot of the lyrics seem to fit what we know about them).
That's all I got right now. I wish we got more information, I hope he gets a novel soon. TT0TT
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qveensbury · 5 years
return to sender; ch. 1
to all the boys i’ve loved before AU
@zutaraweek;     AO3;     zutara week 2019
Zuko should have burned those letters ages ago. They were moments of fantasy, poor facsimiles of what true romance should be. Or at least, if he remembered correctly. He––and he cannot stress this enough––wrote those letters ages ago.
And, they were never meant to be delivered. It was all Uncle Iroh’s fault. He insisted on old fashioned solutions for modern situations.
But, the delivery, Zuko suspected, was Azula’s doing. She’d left for an immersion program and wouldn’t be back for two months.
Enough time for Zuko’s life to fall apart.
Dramatics were a given when Zuko hit snags. But for once, the situation deserved it.
Because his ex-best friend’s ex girlfriend got a letter, too.
Zuko’s only heads-up was Yue’s letter coming back because of an invalid address.
Yue was his first crush. Another corporate kid dragged around to events to present a perfect family. Iroh suggested a letter would be cathartic. Mistake number one. It was pre-scar. It was in his possession and in his control.
That meant four more letters were in the wild.
Zuko wrote another letter to Song the summer he and his uncle were traveling through a rural part of the state. The crush was fleeting. He hadn’t met someone who understood  what living with a scar meant. There was little Zuko could do about that letter.
Zuko wrote a letter to Mai, another corporate kid...who went to his high school. There was always hints of mutual attraction but that was all before his scar and his time away with his Uncle. They saw each other now that he’d move back but hadn’t really interacted.
“Um, hi Mai.”
“Ryuku.” Mai closed her locker door.  “I got your letter from four years ago.”
Pink creeped into his neck. “Yea, about that. I––”
“What? Did Azula get into your room or something? Agni, she’s so childish.”
“That’s what it looks like.” Zuko rubbed the back of his neck.
“If you’re here to announce you’re in love with me, you can save it, Ryuku.”
“I,” wasn’t, “Okay. Thanks Mai.”
“Besides, you’re probably the last person on the planet to know but I’m a lesbian. I know Azula sent that letter,” Mai rolled her eyes, “but, you’ve been in your own little world you probably didn’t realize Ty Lee and I are dating.”
“I’m sorry. I–Things have been crazy the past couple years.”
Mai snorted, crossing her arms. “They’ve been crazy for everyone.”
“Congratulations. You seem happier.”
Zuko watched Mai’s face relax by a millimeter.
“I am.” She shifted her feet. “Thanks Zuko.”
He nodded.
“Who else did you send letters to?”
“I did–”
“Azula sent them. I know.”
“Jin and Katara.”
“Holy crap!”
“I know.”
“You like Jin?” Mai’s eyes widened.
“I liked Jin.”
“Hey idiot! You know Jin has a massive crush on you, right?”
Zuko frowned. “What? Why?”
Mai’s nose wrinkled her nose. “Zuko, you know people attracted to men think you’re cute right?”
Zuko, in turn, furrowed his brow. “But–”
“Ugh! Look I don’t have time to hold your hand. But, you’re gonna have to figure that out. Later Zuko.”
When Zuko moved back, he was the only waitstaff at his uncle’s tea shop that summer. No one knew him there pre-scar.
It was a fresh start.
Uncle Iroh would say how each day was an empty tea cup and we got to decide what would fill it. At first, Zuko would roll his eyes. But soon, he began to see it reflected during his return.
His interactions with Jin felt like that––the opportunity to just be a boy with a girl. No parents shepherding them with expectations. No friends to mind. They could just be.
It was sweet. It was brief.
He didn’t think it through. It was another mistake.
Zuko wasn’t prepared to let anyone down. So, he made himself scarce; he needed to regroup with Uncle.
“You’re a really hard person to find Zuko.”
Zuko jerked his head up. Agni.
No one was in the library this early in the school year.
Blue eyes.
Not Jin.
“Katara, I–.”
“I got your letter.”
“Yea, Azula sent them. I–They were private. Kind of like journals.”
“Oh.” Katara played with her braid. “Hmm, you know Jet and I just broke up and I’ve been taking time to myself. I know the letter was dated ages ago but I wanted to make sure you knew I wasn’t looking for a relationship.”
“Yea, neither was I.”
Katara nodded. “Great. I guess I’ll let you get back to studying.”
“Thanks.” Zuko rested his face against his palm and returning to the book in front of him.
“Oh no.”
Zuko looked up. “What happened?”
“Quick move over,” she hissed, ducking down, nearly sitting in Zuko’s lap. “Move!” She hissed again.
He did.
Katara hunched near Zuko nearly burying her face in his shoulder.
“What is it?”
Zuko scanned the room. “I see him.”
“Well don’t look!”
He looked away.
And, saw Jin.
“What?” Katara raised her head.
“It’s Jin.”
Jin’s back was to them. She turned around slowly. She had his letter in her hand.
“I see her. I also see you were busy, Romeo.”
Zuko blushed, “Shut up.”
“Is that why you’re here?”
“Katara,” Zuko groaned, letting his head full to the table.
“Act natural,” she whispered.
Fingers ran through his hair and he nearly jerked back.
He turned to face Katara. She looked at him, her eyes soft, her chin leaning against one hand, the other running through his hair.
Zuko struggled to keep his eyes open. “Katara?”
She scanned the room. “They’re gone.” She pulled her hand away from him. “I hope it was okay that I touched your hair.”
Zuko didn’t trust his voice, so he nodded.
“Great!” Katara looked down to find her bag. “I’ll see you around.” She winked at him.
Her letter was a mistake.
What he felt for Katara should have never left his thoughts.
Zuko didn’t remember the exact moment he and Jet became best friends. Zuko dumped a lot of his concerns about his father on Jet and Jet always had a plot or joke to distract him. And, if Jet needed a place to stay because his parents were traveling or a place to do homework. Ursa always welcomed him as Zuko’s friend.
Then, there was a girl. Katara Kuruk moved to the neighborhood when they were in the eighth grade. A crush on Katara was almost like a chickenpox that spread around.
Zuko thought being Jet’s best friend made him immune. Jet, who took every opportunity to share how amazing he would be as Katara’s boyfriend.
Zuko almost thought nothing of it when they played spin the bottle at a birthday party and Katara’s bottle.
It was just a game. And, maybe Zuko should have turned it down or convince Jet to sub for him.
Katara closed the closet door behind her. “Are you nervous?” Her voice asked in the darkness.
“A little.” He’d never kissed someone before.
“I am too. It’s my first kiss.”
Zuko paused. “Don’t you want that to be with your boyfriend or something?”
“That could take ages.”
Should I tell her it’s not?
Soft lips touched his.
Zuko’s heart stopped.
He leaned forward and kissed back. His forehead wrinkled and he pulled away. It was just a reflex. He turned away from Katara. “We should go.”
“Ok.” Katara opened the door and took Zuko’s hand.
Zuko flinched at the light outside. The first thing he could properly see was Katara’s smile at him, like an arrow through his chest.
The next thing he saw was Jet.
Zuko pulled his hand out of Katara’s.
“Hey buddy! What’s going on?” Jet walked up to them. He smiled but Zuko saw the intensity in his eyes.
“We were playing Spin the Bottle.” Katara answered.
“Cool. Hey, Katara, do you mind letting Zuko and I talk?”
“Sure, see you.”
The tightness in Jet’s voice raised the hairs on Zuko’s neck. He took a step back.
“You know I’m into her. Why would you––”
“No shut up!” Jet shoved Zuko. “You’re so spineless. I thought you were my friend!”
“I told you Katara was playing and you didn’t care.”
Jet narrowed his eyes. “Oh, now you wanna grow a pair.”
“Shut up.” Zuko’s fist curled.
“Or what? You’ll call your mommy? I’m sure she’s just as disappointed in you as your dad is.”
Zuko lunged forward grabbing Jet’s collar and punched him. “I said shut up!” Zuko shook his head.
“Jet? Zuko?”
Zuko let go of Jet and pulled away.
Katara brushed past the crowd, squeezing between the two of them. “Are you okay? Zuko? Zuko, what happened?”
Zuko shook his head backing away. He turned around and made his way out. It’s too much.
“Zuko?” He could hear Katara’s voice maybe three feet behind him. “Zuko?”
“Ow, wait. Katara?”
He’s gonna get what he always wanted. Zuko walked home from the party. Hope he’s happy.
Katara and Jet started dating not long after. Not officially, since her father had issues with his middle-school-aged dating a high schooler.
Zuko’s father gave him his scar the same week he and Jet had their falling out. HIs mother sent him to live with his uncle during the divorce.
And, Zuko wrote Katara’s letter.
Because, it turns out he wasn’t immune.
Zuko laid his face against the counter of the Jasmine Dragon.
What a day.
Zuko jerked up.
“Your uncle said it was ok to speak to you during your shift. Is that ok?”
my other zutara week fics
a/n: sorry this is gonna end on a cliffhanger for at least two months. i have the rest plotted. the next chapter is the zutara week day 3 prompt “shattered” and the last chapter is the day 5 prompt “easier.” and it should only be 2 more chapters unless i break up “shattered” into two parts.
letters sent in order: yue mai katara song jin
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bexterbex · 4 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 52
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Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Will tag as I go along, Will update tags, Slow Burn, Influenced by Star Trek and other Sci-Fi themes, References to We Happy Few, Tons of References and quotes to George Orwells 1984 see if you can find them all, The First Order is the new Big Brother,  but who is really surprised, Blatant Nazi Symbolism, Interrogation Themes, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Really just drawn out Slow Burn, Don’t repost without permission, Torture themes, Suggestive Themes, Execution themes, Disturbing Themes, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Controlling Kylo Ren, Physical Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Kylo Ren is Not Nice, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Possessive Kylo Ren, A character shamelessly based on Zelda
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 52: Gossip and Glass
You woke up to the pressure behind your ear and felt a soft pillow of skin move across your cheek and to your lips. “I need to go Kitten, but I promise to let you know if I need you to do anything.” Another kiss to your lips before he disappeared. You were alone for a few minutes before you heard the ring of the doorbell. You groaned but got up to answer it.
Passing by all the broken glass and furniture, you wondered who you would have to talk to get it all cleaned up and fixed. Adlez and Olivia-Rose were the first to enter after you opened the door with a remote that you found on the ground. You yawned as you rested against what was the remains of one of your couches.
Adlez froze as she took in the sight of you, “I thought we fixed you last night. What happened?”
As you got up to lead them into your dressing room you saw the lieutenant’s face at the sight of everything. You felt bad for him, knowing he was the one who would have to place all of the purchase orders and other things to make the living space inhabitable once more.
You entered your dressing room and sat down at your vanity allowing Olivia-Rose to work on your hair. “You did fix me, then I became a mess. And we worked it out for the most part.”
“You didn’t have sex with him did you,” asked Adlez pulling out your outfit for the day.
“No,” you said reassuring her.
“Good,” she said firmly. “This morning we will draw you a bath, I believe you need it after last night.” She then left the dressing room.
“But everything worked out, right,” asked Olivia-Rose.
You smiled at her through the reflection in your vanity mirror. “Yes, for the most part, it did. I think we will be fine for now.” This caused her to smile.
Adlez came back into the room and announced that your bath was ready. You and Olivia-Rose followed her into the bathroom. Both just waiting for you to get in. Even though you had been naked in front of them before when they changed you, this was a bit different.
“There is no need to be embarrassed m’lady. We have already seen you naked. And proudly more times than the Supreme Leader, much to his frustration,” claimed Adlez.
This caused a laugh from you, and it broke the uneasiness. You undressed and climbed into the soothing tub. Adlez had filled the water with various fragrant oils.
“Speaking of that, there is something I have to tell you.” Now you had both women’s utmost attention.
“Go on,” said Adlez as she lathered up a fluffy sponge and started working on your legs. Olivia-Rose was tending to your hair.
“After we made up,” you started.
“And made out,” butted in Olivia-Rose which caused a devilish smirk from Adlez.
“He did his usual of taking a shower to relieve himself of his urges. This time he purposefully left the bathroom door open. Allowing me to hear everything,” heat rising to your face at the memory.
“Mmm I bet the sounds were delicious,” said Adlez, the smirk deepening. You heard a hum of agreement from Olivia-Rose.
“But that isn’t the best part. He came out of the bathroom in only his towel,” if it wasn’t for the hot bath making you already red, you would have flushed with color.
“And that isn’t normal,” asked Adlez rather sarcastically. You could hear her in your mind saying that was a typical man behavior.
“No, it isn’t. But he then changed in our room in front of me, giving me a full show.” That part of the memory was playing on a full loop.
Adlez’s eyes came up to meet yours, her eyes full of curiosity. “How full was it?”
You smirked and responded, “Very full, and of course, being the proper lady I am I averted my gaze but the show wasn’t over. He put on his pants, but he remained commando.”
“Mmm he was a commander,” you heard Adlez comment.
“And then he fully adjusted himself for show.”
“And a show it was,” commented Olivia-Rose.
You turned around to meet her eye, rather shocked but pleased she was opening up, even if it was talking about this.  
“He then had the gall to walk back to the bed and asked if I liked it.” A shiver ran down your spine at the memory of him being so close like that.
“What did you respond,” asked Adlez, you could tell she was on the edge of her seat.
“That I had no idea what he was talking about.” You were sure she would be proud of your response. Holding your ground.
“Good,” said Adlez, turning back to lather up your arm.
“But then he said ‘Well, I guess next time I will have to just do what I was going to do, and crawl into bed naked. After all, do hands have to stay above clothing if there is none?’ Can you believe that?”
“He’s got some nerve, but we’ll do better. Remind me of this when you change for bed. I have got just the trick,” said Adlez now lathering up the rest of your torso.
It felt odd having them wash you, but in a way, it was rather relaxing. Almost massaging away the pain from yesterday. They finished up cleaning you, shaving you, and prompted you to get out. Then they had you sit back down on the edge of the tub while they oiled and lotioned you up. Once they were finished they dressed you and escorted you back to the dressing room to finish your hair and makeup for the morning.
You all walked into the dining room to order breakfast and coffee. Once again speaking about nothing important in particular. You could see the lieutenant was stressed so you ordered him a cup of tea along with his usual cup of coffee. Before you could finish your breakfast your phone pinged with a message from Kylo, ‘The knights will be guarding you from outside the chambers from now on unless you are alone, then they will be inside with you.’
“Well, so far he is keeping his promise,” you said.  
“Praise the Supreme Leader, he can learn,” said Adlez. You looked at her for a moment, questioning her phrases but dropped it as one of her quirks.
The lieutenant seemed a bit thrilled at this piece of information so you decided to ask him about it. “Is this good news lieutenant?”
He nodded rather quickly, “Yes, m’lady. The Knights of Ren are rather unnerving.” You could see him swallow back fear. “And if the Supreme Leader is messaging you things it means he won’t be angry with me if your reaction isn’t good, like when I pass along information.”
“So you're saying you would get in trouble,” you looked at the short brunette man with confusion.  
“Yes Ma’am,” you could see that he was rather uncomfortable with the question like he just got in trouble all over again.
“When was this? I’ve never seen him confront you in front of me.” You racked your brain at all of the possibilities. Not finding any time that Kylo confronted the lieutenant in your presence.
“Well ma’am you may not be required to attend his morning training and debriefing sessions, but I am.” This came as a shock to you. The poor lieutenant had to get up at an awful time just to be berated without you present.
“And this is when he criticizes you for something that is in no way your fault,” you were mad now. He has done nothing wrong, but Kylo doesn’t see it that way, like the man child he is.
“Yes, ma’am.” He still had a look of worry on his face.
“Well, that will have to change. You are my assistant and I should be informed of any ‘punishment’ you should receive, and if you deserve it. And you most certainly have not,” you were learning from Adlez rather quickly that you had a backbone and you were going to use it.
“Yes, ma’am,” said the lieutenant as he started to make notes.
“M’lady we will add it to the list of things the Supreme Leader needs to work on,” said Adlez who nodded to the lieutenant.
“Oh, he royally screwed up by assigning you to me.” with that both of you shared a laugh.
“M’lady there isn’t anything on the agenda this morning. And the technicians should be here soon to fix and clean up the mess. You will have a learning lunch with the general to go over proper meal etiquette and your normal lesson is to follow. And dinner with the Supreme Leader as usual,” said the lieutenant.
“What shall we do with the morning then,” you asked.
“I have an idea,” said Adlez with a sly grin. “But you will have to trust me.”
You were scared by what that meant, but also rather excited. You followed her and Olivia-Rose out of your chambers where you were followed by the lieutenant, Trudgen and Kuruk. You were winding the endlessly large halls of the Supremacy to who knows where, but you were excited.
A/N: The last few chapters have been Beta Read by Ace_Tactician on Ao3. Thanks!
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qveensbury · 7 years
rumor has it - Hometown Glory: chapter 1
prologue {also on AO3}
“I didn’t know you sat next to Izumi Sozin.” Katara scrubbed the dishes in the sink glancing at her daughter sitting at the kitchen table.
“The new girl?” Kya shrugged. “Yea, we sit next to each other for homeroom.”
“Her dad and I used to be best friends.”
Kya looked up from her bowl of cereal. There was something in her mom’s tone. “When?” She squinted.
“We went to high school together. He and your uncle are like brothers now. But when Zuk— Mr. Sozin was a sophomore and Sokka was a freshmen they argued all the time. If it wasn’t this, it was that. Something happened the year before I came to high school that smoothed all the tension. Of , I didn’t believe it was that easy for two people to reconcile.” She chuckled, “So, I held my doubts and made them pretty obvious.
“But, Mr. Sozin acted like he had something to prove and he did so with all the sincerity he could. But things didn’t turn around until he had to shake me out of a low self-esteem rut. He reminded me why I wanted to go to medical school. Not a lot of people were cheering me on to chase my own dreams.”
“What about Mrs. Sozin? Did you know her in high school?” Hello Mom? He’s married. Kya rolled her eyes.
“No, I didn’t know Mrs. Sozin in high school. I met her when Zuko brought her home for the holidays one year.”
“Maybe Izumi and her mom would like to do a Mommy/Daughter double date.”
Katara almost dropped the cup in her hand. “Kya, Mrs. Sozin passed away two years ago.”
Kya felt her breath catch. She made eye contact with her mom.
Katara continued quieter, slower, “They moved back to Republic City because Zuko wanted to be closer to his family. Family was always important to him.”
“What made you two stop being best friends?”
Her mother shrugged. “Who knows. Us just being kids. Getting busy, growing apart.”
Kya gritted her teeth and looked back into her cereal bowl. That phrase was Katara Kuruk for “your dad happened”. 
Zuko plopped down next to Izumi.
“Did you know you’re sitting next to my best friend’s daughter?”
Izumi looked at him over the rim of her glasses. “Kya?”
“Yea, her mom and her uncle were my best friends in high school.”
Izumi raised an eyebrow. That was a tone he would use when he talked about Mom.
“Who’s her uncle?”
“Sokka, you remember Sokka. He visited once and brought some robotics kits for you?”
“The loud one,” she noted, nodding her head.
Zuko laughed. “Yes.”
“What happened?”
“What do you mean?”
“You sound happy when you talk about Kya’s mom but I’ve never heard about her before or met her.”
“Well,” Zuko scratched the top of his head. “Her boyfriend was a little jealous of our relationship.”
“You guys dated?” Zuko adamantly shook his head and she frowned. “Then why was he so irritated?”
Zuko paused. “I’m not sure. Maybe he thought I was a threat. I’m not sure.”
Aunt Azula said her father always did this, pretended he didn’t know instead of just saying.
“I think that’s stupid. If I had a friend and his girlfriend told me we couldn’t hang out, I wouldn’t want him to be her boyfriend.”
“It’s not always that easy Izumi,” he commented softly.
That was the other tone he used when he talked about Mom.
“Well is he gonna make a big fuss about you two reconnecting?”
This pause lasted longer than the ones before. Aunt Azula often told Izumi she asked very adult questions for an eleven year old but this pause felt different. Izumi looked at her dad and saw he had the “difficult answer” face.
“He and Katara aren’t together.” He leaned back to look at the ceiling.
Izumi wasn’t sure if she should be pleased or terrified.
Izumi was in her seat already when Kya came in at homeroom Monday morning. When she came in on a warpath. Izumi only looked up when Kya laid her hands on her desk.
“Kya,” she greeted her.
“My mom is doing perfectly fine on her own. She doesn’t need your dad swooping in for a couple months and then moving on. We don’t need a dad,” Kya spat.
Izumi squinted. "And my dad hasn't been on a date since he married my mom. I don't need a mom."
"Good." Kya sat in her seat
"Good." Izumi opened her planner.
"Since when did I have so many classes with the new girl."
Bumi looked up from his lunch. "Maybe you're taking this too seriously, Kya."
Kya pouted crossing her arms. "C'mon we've seen this dance: enter some guy, Mom is super happy, guy makes promises he can't or won't keep, they argue, they break-up, he leaves, Mom closes up and embarrasses us at the grocery store."
"True,” Bumi drew out his answer.
"So, we should stop it before it starts.”
"I don't know. Mom knows what she's doing."
Kya rolled her eyes. "She thinks she knows more than she does."
Bumi shrugged. "I guess it couldn't hurt to help.”
"Exactly Bumi."
Izumi didn't understand how Kya's eyes hadn't froze in that glare. Apparently, being a single dad was a crime now and she would bear the sins of her father.
This was the chattiness that she hoped to escape at a co-ed school.
As far as she was concerned, the last thing in her dad's mind was dating, let alone interfering with his best friend's life. Maybe Kya didn't get the message.
Either way Izumi didn't need the headache. If Kya wanted to have nothing to do with her, she'd survive. As long as her dad was happy. He deserved some rest.
The final bell rang. Izumi ignored Kya and kept her face as blank as she could manage. She felt the heat as she left her locker and walked towards the parent pick-up exit.
She could hear Kya complaining to her twin and snorted at how much power the other girl was giving her.
Izumi scanned the line of cars waiting for her transition glasses to adjust to the sunlight. She spotted her dad but paused when she saw him talking to a darker skinned woman.
Her father was relaxed. His arms were crossed in front of him as he said something. The woman turned her head to the side and responded prompting her father to start laughing.
Izumi's eyes widened. 
The woman started laughing and grabbed his arm to try and hold herself up. She felt someone come stand beside her and turned to find Kya staring at her father and the woman. Izumi started to see the similarities between the twins and the woman with her father.
"I've never seen my dad laugh like that. Even when my mom was alive."
"That's the happiest I've seen my mom in months."
"They were best friends in high school," Izumi added after a beat.
"I guess it isn’t up to us."
Izumi gave her a puzzled look.
"I mean they're adults, Kya. Did you think we could have kept them apart?" Bumi interjected. "If Mom likes him, she can talk to him."
"I would do anything to get my dad to laugh like that every now and again."
"I guess we don't have a choice. The way my mom talked about your dad sounded like she loved him."
"My Dad, too. It was how he talks about Mom." Izumi started to realize what Kya was getting at.
"So we have to let it happen and do everything to keep them together. I can't watch my mom get over another breakup."
"That's a pretty big plan," Izumi raised her eyebrow at her classmate.
"You've never met my uncle. He always plans big."
The loud one. "Oh I have and I'm starting to see more of the family resemblance."
"Whatever Izumi. We're doing this for them."
Katara and Zuko waved at their kids and the children walked over to meet them.
"Guys this is Zuk--Mr. Sozin."
"Izumi, this is Ms. Katara Kuruk."
"Nice to meet you." Izumi greeted, examining the older woman.
"Tui and La, Zuko. She's the spitting image of Azula."
He chuckled, "That's a new one. Kya looks just like you and Bumi looks like you and Aang."
"Really? I think he's a mix of Sokka and Aang." Katara ruffled his hair, smiling down at him. Bumi beamed back at his mother.
Izumi made eye contact with  Kya and raised her eyebrows. "We didn't stand a chance of stopping this," she mouthed.
It would be like standing in the way of a rolling boulder.
next >
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