#kyle orfman/reader
reidsdaisies · 7 days
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⚘ = fluff/sfw // ☘︎︎ = angst & hurt/comfort // ✶ = sexual themes // ❥ = smut/nsfw
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Gryfflepuff in the Tardis' Masterlist
All my Works, characters are colored by which Hogwarts House I think they're in. I am a Primary Hufflepuff, Secondary Gryffindor and I genuinely think Hufflepuff is the best and most underrated house.
Ninth Doctor - Brooding Time Lord Who Tries To Hide His Light with Darkness
Supernova Series/Season One Masterlist (Ninth Doctor/Tenth Doctor) (Delilah "Lillie" Tyler/Princess Supernova played by Katherine Langford)
Tenth Doctor - Hyperactive Time Lord Who Is Always Being Slapped Born From His Love For a Human Who Tries To Hide His Darkness and Trauma With Light
Campbell Bain - Bipolar Nineteen-Year-Old Walking Ray of Sunshine That Somehow Doesn't Do Well With Girls
Sweet Jane Masterlist (19-year-old Campbell Bain x 18-year-old Traumatized Reader)
Metacrisis Doctor/TenToo (My Headcanon is that he chose the surname "Noble")
Fourteenth Doctor - The Face That Returned, now arguably more Hyperactive and Traumatized
Alec Hardy (Broadchurch) - Grumpy and Broody Scottish Detective With a Heart Condition yet a Heart of Gold (Doesn't Know He's a DILF)
Emmet Carver (Gracepoint) - The American Version of Alec
Crowley (Good Omens) - A Hyperactive Drama Queen "Vaguely Sauntered Downward" Angel Turned Only Demon with an Imagination
Barty Crouch Junior - The (Possibly Bipolar) Misunderstood Boy Who Never Got His Father's Love and Was Manipulated By Voldemort (I think I read that he was actually a Ravenclaw but I do see a lot of Hufflepuff in him, his insistence of a fair fight and honesty and loyalty)
Peter Vincent (Fright Night) - Hyperactive Alcoholic Magician/Vampire Hunter with a Heart of Gold
Dave Tiler (Single Dad) — The sweetheart dad with too many children with so much love in his heart who fate was so cruel to.
Kilgrave (I've never seen Jessica Jones, I just feel like with him having the same accent and looks the same, it might ruin David Tennant's Doctor for me, and I love David Tennant as the Doctor.)
Cale Erendreich (Bad Samarian; Haven't Seen This Either)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) - The Hair; Nomenee for Mother of the Year
Embers In the Sky (Domnique "Nico" Henderson played Georgie Henley; Alex Henderson played by David Tennant)
Killer Queen (Cassandra "Cassie Dare" Henderson played by Zoey Deutch; Pan Henderson played by David Tennant)
Trauma (Emilie Henderson played by Hailee Steinfeld)
Devil Town (Imogen Henderson played by Katherine Langford)
Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf) - The Abused Puppy With a Heart of Gold Who Only Wanted the Power to Defend Himself and To Not Be Scared
Embers in the Sky Season One (Milo Stilinski played by Katherine Langford)
Embers in the Sky Season Two
Embers in the Sky Season Three
Embers in the Sky Season Four
Embers in the Sky Season Five
Embers in the Sky Season Six
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) - The Genius Pretty Boy
Valentía (Zoe Noble-Valdez played by Selena Gomez)
Braveheart (OFC played by Karen Gillan)
Raymond Wadsworth
Chip Taylor
Kyle Orfman
Lesley Juniment-Smith
Fred Weasley
(All of these are Potter!sister!OCs, most of them are of Harry Potter's twin sister)
The Girl Who Lived (Sadie Sink as OC) (Need of a rewrite. Her name was Violet but since then my cousin had a baby daughter who he named Violet so I'm changing this character's name. I just can't write original characters with names of people I know. It's a rule of mine.)
North Star/Falling Star (Metamorphmagus!Cassiopea Potter played by Katherine Langford) (May change the name to Vega Potter)
The Twins Who Lived (Georgie Henley as Currently Unnamed OC)
Embers in the Sky (Emberly "Ember" Potter Played by Caitlin Blackwood/Karen Gillan) She is also the face claim I maintain of Lily Evans/Potter. (Caitlin Blackwood played young Amelia Pond in Doctor Who and is Karen Gillan's real life cousin.)
Yes, there are a lot of David Tennant characters. I don't want to write for the actor himself, I just feel a little creepy doing that. In my numerous Steve Harrington fics, the more recent ones (The OC is always Dustin's older sister, except in one) I think he is the best Doctor and I think he should officially be titled as the biggest Doctor Who Fan ever. (He became an actor because of Doctor Who, he says he thinks he underplays how much he loved Doctor Who, he became the first regenerated Doctor and the first one to last more than one season on the revived Doctor Who, he met his future father-in-law, like a year before he met his wife, Ty Tennant, Georgia's oldest son and David's now adopted son, in 2008, considered the Tenth to be his favorite, and hilariously, his grandfather was nowhere on the five-year-old's list--then David Tennant met Georgia (at the time) Moffat on the set of Doctor Who as she, the daughter of the Fifth Doctor, played the daughter of the Tenth Doctor, I heard that David Tennant met Ty on the set, and according the Peter Davidson, Georgia didn't even realize that he liked her when they started going out (apparently he was offended when she said she hadn't seen any Shakespeare), then David Tennant counts as the unofficial twelfth regeneration (there was the War Doctor who the Doctors deem as not worthy of having the name of the Doctor), then he adopted Ty Tennant and married Georgia; he returned for the 50th and 60th anniversary (and I hope he never stops returning), now is the Fourteenth Doctor, that's three official regenerations, and Good Omens is full of Doctor Who references. I don't think anyone can beat him for the biggest Doctor Who fan. His life like revolves around Doctor Who in a way that every fanboy/fangirl dreams of.
I have created an OC to be the Henderson!OC and Dustin's father and I always choose David Tennant, he just really gives off protective I-will-kill-anyone-who-hurts-you dad vibe and I have a soft spot for an overprotective dad for his daughter (I never had that. My dad wanted a boy--granted the disapproval that's implied is possibly because my mom told me this--and he is ADHD and was always sleeping and then he moved two towns over which was an hour's drive but seemed longer in my ADHD mind but so he could sleep and I could play video games on the Xbox that's memory wouldn't save the game so I continuously had to start over. Oh, and also, there's the fact that a TV fell on me when I was five/six because I didn't understand gravity and I locked myself in the dryer when I was seven/eight. What, is that not normal? 🙄) I'm not a big crier but a father that's willing to do anything for his daughter is your best bet. Sorry for this rant.
*(Can't pinpoint what house Alec Hardy and therefore Emmet Carver would be in, the only blog I've found on it, discussed how he may be a burnt Hufflepuff (just google it, it'll send you to the tumble immediately) but hiscusses his desperation in season two suggests Gryffindor, also implying his ignoring of his heart condition but he's aware that he has it, so he's gone to the hospital and he takes pills, he's just aware that the doctors told him that he may not survive his surgery to have the pacemaker put in and he feels like he owes it to the families to get the closure they deserve, so it doesn't strike me as impulsive but more dedicated, determined, and "unafraid of toil". Then the blog argues that his need to protect people he views as in his care and how he related to the Sandbrooke case as Slytherin but I don't see that. I think perhaps a "Burned Hufflepuff" is accurate.*
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Damsel (Kyle Orfman/Fem!Reader)
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Summary: You find a group to stick with in the zombie apocalypse, and Kyle is the only one with a bed big enough for two people. Couple: Kyle Orfman/Fem!Reader Category: Smut (NSFW, 18+) Content Warning: Gun mention, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (pulling out), mild D/s dynamics, brat kink, Daddy kink, mild degradation/praise, nickname “Princess” Word Count: 6k
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I always thought that the end of the world would be followed by constant disasters of varying levels. The experts had warned us about the downfall of humanity, of the melting of the ice caps and the inevitable storm that never ended. But when the dead came to life, I guess all those theories went out the proverbial window.
Most days the world looked pretty much the same, save for the occasional walking, talking corpse. But that day was not one of the good ones. The rolling thunder was somehow less off-putting than the crackling spit of electricity ripping through the atmosphere.
But there I was, wandering on the side of an abandoned highway littered with empty, looted cars and flanked by forests. I’d meant to return home — or whatever version of it I’d found — sooner than this. Realistically, I figured the last group had left without me after the 48 hour mark. I wouldn’t have blamed them.
When you run into people in the apocalypse, there is always a certain set of risks. The cliques had formed early, and the bonds were, for the most part, pretty unbreakable until someone required a bullet in their skull. I was one of the unfortunate few who never really found a group willing to take me in.
So, I was alone. Terrified, but willing to take the risk of running into a nasty group of lowlifes if it meant shelter from the kind of wildfires Smokey used to warn me about all the damn time.
As I stumbled upon the small local inn, sporting lit windows and a functioning A/C unit, I considered the possibility that it was all an elaborate trap, a mirage of an oasis in the apocalypse. Of all the things that could have been waiting for me on the other side of the door, Judy Orfman was the last thing I ever would’ve considered.
The woman ushered me through before a single droplet of rain had the possibility of slipping through. I wish I could say she was wordless through it all, but she wasn’t. In fact, she said so much in such a short span of time that I honestly couldn’t track half of it.
There were, however, a few recurring themes. One in particular.
“Oh! You’ve got to meet my so— I mean Kyle,” she’d gushed, like the correction would be enough not to rouse my suspicions. “He has a room with extra space for you, dear. And I know it’s probably unsettling to stay with a man, but my son—Kyle— is very respectful.”
Of course, it wouldn’t have been the first nor the last time a mother was wrong about her son. But she’d made it sound like it was the only real chance I’d had of sleeping in a bed that night. And realistically, I was fully prepared to kill a man if it meant a peaceful night’s rest. Wouldn’t be the first time, although I suppose it would be the first fully live one.
Moments later, there I was, standing outside again, but this time in front of a different door. Right after I knocked, I glanced behind me to find Judy still peeking around the corner, although she tried to hide at the last second.
I was thankful for it, though, because it meant when the man named Kyle opened the door, he caught me with a rare, genuine smile. His face, however, looked nothing short of baffled. That would be the second thing that I noticed about him, though. The first thing I’d thought when I’d seen him was twofold: (1) The Orfman family had powerful, beautiful genes, and (2) this man did not need his mother picking up women for him. Not even in the apocalypse.
Nothing he wore was noteworthy. If anything, it looked like he was trying to blend in the same way a soldier in a lineup might. He wasn’t quite good enough at it for me to mistake him for military, but I could tell from lean muscle and a firm hand on his holster that his not being a soldier hadn’t been for a lack of trying.
My slack-jawed staring wasn’t doing either of us any good, though, and it was clear from his equally shocked expression that he wasn’t going to be the one to break the silence.
“Hey, I’m sorry to bother you. I just got here and I was directed to your room by…” I considered referencing her by name, but then decided the more awkward, and thus the funnier way, would be to say, “a very kind woman who I can only assume is… your mom?”
He didn’t laugh at my joke. From the crew cut on his head to the desert eagle in his holster, I really should’ve gotten the feeling he wasn’t a laughing sort of guy.
Instead, he asked, “Why did she send you here?”
Fighting the urge to ask him if we could talk about it inside, rather than continuing to leave me to the storm still raging on behind me, I tried to summon enough courage to laugh.
“Um… I think she was— I mean, I was… sort of hoping I could maybe… stay with you? Just for the night?”
Kyle didn’t answer. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw his grip around the gun loosen. I clung to that hope, the gleam of weak lantern lighting off silver, the sliver of light through the storm.
“It’s kind of scary to sleep alone out here, and I got separated from my group. Who I’m also pretty sure left already, so…”
“So you want to stay… here?” he continued without hesitation, “In my room?”
I once again snuck a look into his room, surprised to see that he let me. He took a step back for a brief second, but then returned to his prominent placement in the threshold.
He was still a few inches away from me, but I could feel the rush of cool, dry air from within the room. Still, that wasn’t the oddest part about him. No, that was the distinct lack of smell. There was no overcompensation of cologne, no body odour, no… nothing. Not until I inched ever so slightly closer and caught the faintest hint of laundry detergent.
I’d also caught his eye, in a number of ways. Frantic, wayward glances seemed impossible for him to control. Every time he would come back to my face, he’d get distracted immediately. Either by the outline of my body in the soaking wet clothes, or by the realization that he should really be looking anywhere else.
“Sorry, is this too weird?” I said to break through the nonexistent chatter.
Kyle started to shake his head yes, then changed direction to try to say no. Neither was particularly convincing.
“It’s fine if it is. I thought it might be weird, but your mom—“
He cut me off before I got too far, stepping aside and beckoning me in with his hand now fully off the weapon.
“No, it’s fine. It’s fine. Come in.”
It wasn’t until I fully entered the room that it had occurred to me why he had questioned my desire to stay in his room. Against the wall on the side of the room not visible from the door was a bed.
Just the one.
I cared less than he might’ve thought I would. After all, it wouldn’t be my first time sleeping on the floor. Probably wouldn’t be the last, either. The only unfortunate part about it was that my sleeping bag — along with basically everything else — was sitting in the lobby and soaking wet.
While I’d been cautiously scoping out the room now that I’d been offered refuge, Kyle had done very little. He was still standing just a couple feet from the door, and staring at me.
I opened my mouth to say something, but he showed no signs of a reaction. For whatever reason, it was the apathy that made my stomach flip. I turned away from him before he could spot any sign of just how flustered I was. That brought my attention to the carefully organized collection of toiletries laid out on his bathroom counter.
“Oh, wow, do you guys have running water here?”
Kyle joined me much faster than I’d been anticipating. I hadn’t even heard him approach me before he was right next to me, barely avoiding touching me.
“Yeah, it even has a water heater,” he answered before stepping past me to flip on the switch. I hadn’t really needed a visual demonstration to believe him, but was nonetheless happy to see the water run clear.
My mind was racing with potential. I was glancing back and forth from the door to the bathroom, wondering how stupid it would be to go get my things in the hope of sneaking a shower.
The desire must’ve been obvious from my actions, because Kyle immediately asked, “Do you… want to shower? You can if yo—“
I didn’t need his permission before I yelled back, “Yes! Oh my god, yes!”
If I’d taken a moment to pause, I would’ve seen the way my enthusiasm made him smile. Although, I would’ve simply written off his fondness as relief that he wouldn’t have to smell the delightful mix of rainwater and body odor.
“I promise I’ll hurry!” I shouted from inside the bathroom, although I had no intention of doing such a thing.
That time, as the door shut behind me, I did manage to catch a glimpse of a charming little smirk sprouted over slightly pink cheeks. I couldn’t be sure if he actually had been as cute as I imagined, or if it’d just been too long since I found a man who hadn’t made me hate him in the first five minutes.
But one thing was clear about this man based purely on his bathroom setup: he took care of himself. Each thing had its place, and each place was carefully cleaned in a way that most people would have given up on the day the apocalypse began.
As the freshwater washed over me, I found myself wondering about the man on the other side of the tile walls. I wondered if he was the kind of person that was calmed by things like the scent of bleach; whether he took the utmost satisfaction in watching the water turn brown and then back to clear as it slipped through the drain.
I had to giggle when I opened his shampoo to find that it smelled exactly like one would expect a guy like him to smell like. Although I much preferred flowers or fruit to the masculine scent of wood and whatever the fuck ‘musk’ was, I was still grateful to find that the product hadn’t completely obliterated my hair.
Instead of dwelling on the fact that I now smelled of a log cabin filled with whiskey and idiots, I closed my eyes and tried to enjoy this small moment of bliss. I was unbothered by the realization that I would be marking this memory with his smell — knowing full well that olfactory memory was one of the strongest — in fact, I reveled in it.
My bliss was enhanced when I heard the gentlest knock on the door, which was answered to reveal only his hand offering a t-shirt and gym shorts. When I finally emerged from the bathroom, what I’m sure was ages later, I found him with his back turned and his hands busy unraveling a sleeping bag over a cot in the corner of the room.
“Oh, thanks! I had my own, though. You didn’t have to lend me one.”
Kyle was, in the very least, kind enough not to point out that my sleeping bag, like the rest of my belongings, was currently drenched and sitting on a pile of towels in the lobby of the inn many doors down. He was also gentlemanly enough to make sure his eyes scanning over my figure in his clothes was quick as could be. However, that was where his mercy began and ended.
“This is mine,” he stated as definitively as humanly possible. “You’re staying in the bed.”
What is this, a bad romcom? I thought to myself. When my dropped jaw apparently hadn’t said enough for him to understand, I somehow managed to make it say words.
“What? No! I can’t take your bed from you.”
Kyle remained stoic, if not a little annoyed at my refusal. In a way, I think he thought I’d only been refusing the offer because I wanted him to insist. But in all actuality, I hadn’t wanted to take his bed because it was big enough for the both of us.
If I hadn’t made it abundantly clear by this point, it had been a long time since I’d found anyone even remotely close to a viable suitor. And Kyle almost made it, too, if not for the regrettable sigh followed by the worst string of words in the English language.
“You’re a damsel in distress. You take the bed. It’s the rules.”
“Excuse me?” I balked, “According to who?”
But without skipping a beat, he gave me an answer that was so infuriatingly charming that I felt inclined to forgive him.
“My mother,” he said, “My mother decided when she sent you to me and you listened.”
I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth because I was worried that if I had let myself speak, I would’ve said something regrettable. I barely knew this man, and what I did know of him was that he was both charming enough for me to not want to strangle him but infuriating enough that I honestly might if he’d wanted me to.
After I took a few deep breaths, I settled.
“You know what? Fine. Sleep on the floor for all I care.”
I’d meant for it to be insulting, or at least mildly condescending. So why was it, then, that when I’d heard him chuckle in response, my heart skipped a beat? Why had I immediately felt my own lips follow, stretching across my cheeks like a smile in return would be any closer to kissing him the way I’d wanted to?
My questions would go unanswered. The man whose mother had funneled me towards him with high praise and overt intentions remained dedicated to the gentlemanly persona he’d adorned from the first time our eyes met.
While I laid there, alone in his bed with a perfect view of his back as he lay a few feet away from me, I tried to think of literally anything else. I wanted to hit myself every time that my mind took notice of another one of his movements. But like a nightmare, the harder I tried to suppress it, the more pervasive the thoughts became.
It was so hard not to notice. The sleeveless shirt revealed enough skin of his back that I could see the prominent arch of his shoulder blades. The broad, albeit bony protrusions of his shoulders that rose and fell with each slow, rhythmic breath. Around his neck was a simple chain bearing dog tags, providing a hint of a gleam each time that the lightning struck.
I decided then that his beauty had not been a figment of a tired, touch starved brain. That strange, soldier-like man had complexities that I wanted to unravel like a kitten with a roll of string. Although I might end up tangled in a foolhardy excitement, I would be willing to deal with the aftermath if it meant that my limbs would be locked with his. Even just for one night.
“Is everything alright?” he asked, turning to remind me just how sculpted his jaw really was.
“Are you cold?” I asked.
“I’m alright, why?”
Finding no other reasonable alternative, I did what anyone would do in that situation. I lied.
“I’m just really chilly and I was wondering if you were, too.”
It was a reasonable solution, although foolish with the little bit of knowledge I had about the man. Because before I could tell him to stop, he was already halfway across the room and pulling an extra blanket from the closet.
“I don’t know how you’re cold,” he muttered, “but here.”
His hands were careful, coming as close as possible without touching me as he draped the extra blanket over my body. Although he couldn’t seem to meet my eyes, they were stuck on him. They bounced along every feature and freckle on his face, trying to memorize the way the little bit of moonlight caught along his skin.
“Goodnight,” he whispered upon the beginning of his retreat.
He never made it far. Almost like one of the walkers, my hand came to life without my knowledge. It shot out to him, grabbing hold of his wrist and halting all movement. I swore we didn’t even breathe.
“Okay, fine, I lied. I’m not cold,” I admitted, unsure of where to go from here. The truth — that I wanted him to come, to touch me and hold me and make me feel something beautiful for once — seemed either too intimate or too crude. I couldn’t decide.
I hardly knew him. I had nothing but loneliness to blame for the way my heart ached for him, my body starved for touch.
My attention was briefly caught by the reflection of lightning off pistols and bullet casings, all in their rightful place. And I came up with an idea.
“I’m… scared,” I whined, frightened to hear how genuine the words sounded. “Will you come lay in bed with me?”
Kyle’s demeanor shifted, a strange defensiveness forming while his eyes wandered over my almost trembling figure. Tucked away underneath the blankets on his bed, he must’ve seen some truth to my words.
Oddly, when he did answer, he phrased it fairly differently.
“You really think I can protect you?”
My toes curled involuntarily, my stomach tensing at the latter half of the phrase. The sentiment behind the words, the thought of someone taking on the role of protector for no reason other than finding me worth having.
I nodded.
Again, he began to shift, although this time literally. His hands were in his pockets, but I could see him readjust himself. He’d tried to hide it behind the sound of clearing his throat, but that did nothing to dissuade me from shamelessly ogling him while he inched closer.
“Fine,” he said simply, “But only because I trust myself not to take advantage of this… delicate situation.”
I would’ve laughed if I hadn’t felt paralyzed. My heart was beating so fucking hard that I thought he might be able to hear it. I didn’t even turn to follow him when he walked to the other side of the Queen sized bed. I just waited; listened and felt for his presence once the sheets started moving.
It felt like neither of us were breathing. My eyes had fluttered shut, waiting for the warmth of a body pressed against mine that seemed like it was never coming. But I wanted to be held by him so badly, that the second I felt his leg brush up against me, I squirmed backwards until I felt his chest against my back.
His breath hitched, a sharp inhale into empty lungs. He wouldn’t breathe again until I reached back and grabbed hold of his hand — not his wrist this time — and draped it over my hip. Kyle stayed dead still in every way but his mouth.
“Your hands are cold,” he pointed out matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, I wasn’t totally lying about being cold.”
Again, silence fell between us. That odd man still hadn’t moved after several moments had passed, other than a brief moment where his hips shifted away from me in a movement that seemed purposeful. I allowed him to retreat. The sting of his rejection would be healed by the softness of his embrace, and the knowledge that there were still men out there who would hold you when you were scared without trying to force anything else out of you.
But I wanted him to try. I wanted him to desire me and my touch the same way I clearly craved his. Although I tried to stave off the thoughts, they wouldn’t stop returning. The wondering and yearning for a reality wherein the gentle man couldn’t resist touching me harder.
I daydreamed at night, unable or unwilling to fall asleep when I was surrounded by him. I wanted to remember each sensation, each twitch of his muscles. The longer I envisioned him lost with me in a passionate exchange of souls and saliva, the harder it became to separate my fantasies from reality. It seemed impossible and downright cruel to sit still when he was there, with blunt nails digging into my hip and his legs winding ever so cautiously with mine until…
Kyle pushed away from my body quickly. He held me at a full arm’s length, but I still felt the force with which he was breathing as his hands remained on me despite the distance.
“Sorry, I—” He continued to struggle for breath, his hands unsure of just how dedicated he should’ve been to letting me go. Eventually, his palm flattened against my hip, softening his arm until he began inching back. “I’m afraid your movements, while probably completely innocent, are having a very unintended effect and…”
But while he was talking, I was doing absolutely nothing subtle. I had grabbed hold of his arm, tugging him back to me at a much greater speed while he dutifully followed my lead. Through that obvious excitement, though, he still managed to choke out a few more words he clearly meant, but didn’t want to say.
“I-I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Kiss me,” I answered.
Before I’d even finished the words, he was already agreeing, “Okay.”
Immediately, I’d forgotten even the vaguest concept of ‘cold.’ The second Kyle’s hand cupped my cheek, I was completely aflame. Engulfed in the white-hot flames of ungodly lust. Without moving our positions, he craned my neck back until our lips met.
From there, I fell apart beneath him. Each staccato breath was devoured by him, each whimper consumed and returned through a wide range of noises of his own. Every now and then, his moans would crack and reveal a song that reminded me of lightning, only to be followed by the thunder of his groans.
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” he mumbled between the kisses.
His hips, which had been still before, were now rocking against mine. Our bodies rolled harshly against one another, seeking friction that we both knew wouldn’t be enough. He must’ve felt my frustration, too, because he quickly switched our positions.
I couldn’t even keep track of my limbs, and I didn’t want to. I wanted him to do what he would with them. I fell like a ragdoll when he flipped me onto my back, looking up at the man now straddling me with half-lidded eyes and my mouth hung open while I struggled to breathe.
Based on my limited experience with him, I got the feeling that he was smarter than people had led him to believe. Because I saw the way that he analyzed every aspect of my expression, carefully noting how badly I was begging him to touch me. Kyle stopped, every few moments, ever so surely, to be absolutely certain that I was still enjoying myself as much as he’d wanted me to.
But something about the way I looked then must have been different than before. There was no more fear in his eyes, no more apprehension or concern that he was ‘taking advantage.’ And he was right to think as much.
The second his fingers reached under the waistband of the shorts he’d provided me, I threw my head back with relief. My hips lifted for him, and he wasted no time in revealing the bare skin underneath.
Once I’d wiggled out of them, Kyle lowered himself above me again. Except, unlike before, he placed only one soft kiss against my lips. I was charmed by the tenderness with which he’d done it, but realized that it had only been shown to me to contrast the delicious torture of rough fingers slipping between my folds.
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” he whispered with saccharine sarcasm.
I wanted to say yes, but just as I went to answer, he began a fast, ruthless pace. It would’ve been impossible for it to hurt because the anticipation was practically pooling at my thighs. The slick sounds of sex were filling the air like the echoing storm outside, and all I could do to answer him was nod.
“You’ve been begging me to fuck you ever since you showed up at my door,” he whispered before he spat, “Brat.”
My mind was spinning, my body unable to do much of anything beyond responding to the rhythmic pumping between my legs.
“Please…” was the only pathetic utterance I could make, and just like everything else, he gladly accepted the offering with no hesitation.
“You want me to take care of you, huh?” he whispered playfully. Then, with that trademark sarcasm that made my teeth rot, he cooed, “I’ll take care of you, Princess.”
But he immediately betrayed the promise, pulling his fingers out of me and laughing at the way I whined.
“Calm down,” he ordered. When my squirming continued, his voice dropped in register and the enunciation of each word became firmer. “I said be patient, you spoiled brat.”
I tried — god as my witness — I tried. But the waiting was torture. I swore, he was taking longer than any human could possibly need. When he had removed all of his own clothing, he was even slow to help me finally remove the last piece of my own. He pulled his shirt off of me and then stared with hungry, greedy eyes at the sight of my fully naked figure.
He took a few more moments to just touch me, to run calloused fingers over softer skin and see how he could make me shake. When he had finally had his fill of my humiliation and desire, he straddled me once more. With one hand, he guided the head of his dick and pressed it just hard enough against my heat for me to feel the muscles start to stretch.
Then, he stopped. My body immediately protested, my back arching and hips rocking as I tried to take more of him in. Kyle didn’t stop the way one might expect, either. He did not force my hips down, nor did he provide an order to stop.
Instead, he forced his fingers past my lips. Although I accepted them, displaying my tongue for him despite the pressure he exerted, he still wasn’t satisfied enough by the submission.
“Beg me,” he commanded.
“Please,” I answered without hesitation. The word was muffled, but I didn’t care. I said it again and again until I choked on it. Until tears welled in my eyes and my whole body was vibrating with need for any movement at all.
“Please what?” he teased.
“Please fuck me,” I warbled, pleased to find that his fingers lifted enough for the words to become understandable again. That way he could hear me perfectly when I rasped, “I want you to fuck me, please.”
What he heard pleased him, clearly. Because Kyle had started to move again, slowly inching deeper into me with each sound of desperation I awarded him. That cold, analytical facade was fading faster with every passing second, revealing a man filled with emotions and fantasies that were equally debaucherous to my own.
“Not so bratty anymore, huh?” he said through a smile. But that smile, too, would fade. When there was almost nowhere left to go, Kyle pressed harder against my hips until he elicited an honest to god scream from my throat. Until he was as far as he could go, with his cock pressed against the very end of me.
“You fit me perfectly,” he groaned. “Fucking made for me.”
I couldn’t argue with him. He had been right. Any protest or agreement would have been lost, anyway, because before I could speak, he withdrew and bottomed out again in an instant. The force with which he fucked me was reflected in my body sliding against the sheet and his dog tags tickling my chest.
I couldn’t breathe, but I still begged him, “I need you, please.”
I didn’t even know what I was asking for. I couldn’t put any words to the thoughts and feelings raging inside of me. All I knew was that I wanted to feel him, the pure, unadulterated honesty behind the front. Sure, I wanted to see the polite, charming boy his mother had spoken so highly of. But more than that, I wanted to see him for who he really was.
A man who wanted something to protect. To feel coveted and strong. To have something of his own, for his consumption alone.
Catching his face in my hands, I tried to kiss him, but wasn’t able to close my lips long enough. Instead, the pleas poured out of me like a prayer until they changed just enough to matter.
“Please fuck me, daddy,” I cried.
The risk was calculated, but it was worth it. As soon as the word left my mouth, any semblance of gentility vanished with it. His rough thrusts became even harder, an almost unbearable pressure of his hips meeting mine with bruising force.
Unable to hold back anything anymore, my mouth dropped open in a moan perfectly timed with the thunder. But while I was more than happy to sing him praise, Kyle was quick to silence it with a firm hand over my mouth. I could feel the way he struggled to keep his touch light, but my head sunk into the pillow and the headboard had already started to shake the walls.
“Be quiet unless you want everyone to know,” he growled before giving a dark little chuckle. “You’d probably like that, though.”
Barely able to keep my eyes open through the pleasure alone, I struggled to memorize the way the drips of sweat clung to his jaw. I just watched and basked in the glory of his ruthless passion. I couldn’t keep my legs up, so I simply let him hold them open while he continued to slam into me with his full force. He finally removed his hand from my mouth, but I was too busy trying to catch my breath to provide him anything but the softest whimpers.
“You know exactly what you’re doing. Using this tight little fucking body—Fuck—“ he cried, his voice breaking from the force with which the word came, “—letting me fuck you so I’ll protect you.”
But Kyle was nothing if not persistent to his clear objective; to thoroughly break me down to my parts so that he could tuck them neatly away. To consume me like an indulgence of the highest sin. There was no feeling as sweet, no taste as delicious as his lips against mine until we both tasted like me. The passion ended purely out of necessity, by nature of his laughter as he came to a conclusion that made my hair stand on end.
“And let me tell you, Princess,” he whispered, “I think it’s gonna work.”
“Please, daddy,” I whined back without pause. Then, just as his hips began to falter, and his jaw dropped open with heavy breath, I repeated, “Take care of me, daddy.”
“Fuck!” was the final eloquent cry, the last sound of pleasure before the silence as he swiftly pulled out of me. His hand continued to work over his aching cock, aided by the wetness left behind, until he finally finished in hot spurts across my stomach. Each drop that hit me still felt hot against my skin, like the gentle embrace of showers and Summer rain.
But after a couple of seconds, the chill of the air conditioning — and the lack of his body heat — kicked in.
“Shit,” he muttered when he’d finally caught his breath. I shared the sentiment.
But when he followed it up with, “Are you alright?” all I could think to respond was, “Gimme towel.”
To his credit, he tried not to mock my slurred speech. I couldn’t blame him when some slipped through, though. I decided it was nice to hear him laugh.
When he returned, he didn’t hand the warm, wet washcloth to me. Instead, he cleaned the mess he’d made with the utmost care. Similar to how he had draped the blankets over me, Kyle made sure that I felt welcomed, comforted, and cared for until the very end.
He climbed back into bed with me without thinking, and when he settled down next to me, I think he realized that he hadn’t stopped to seek permission first. Any worries were sated immediately, because I wrapped my arms and legs around him before he had a chance to protest, either. And neither of us did.
“All dirty again right after my first real shower in like a month,” I said with a heavy sigh to fill the silence.
Kyle snorted in response, displaying his own slurred speech proudly as he muttered, “You can take as many as you want.”
“Oh really?”
Turning to look me in my eyes despite the darkness, he whispered words that sounded like a promise and made my heart stop.
“I told you I’d take care of you.”
I couldn’t be sure if he had mistaken my blissful joy as abject horror, if he simply hadn’t meant for it to sound so intimate, or because he had been shocked to hear his own feelings bleeding through, but Kyle cleared his throat. He rid himself of the tenderness and turned back to stare at the ceiling.
“For the record, as excited as I am by the prospect of fucking you again, I would have protected you regardless.”
When the lightning struck again, I saw an unmistakable pink tint covering his cheeks. And I realized that, sexual persona aside, his mother had absolutely been right about him. No matter how badly he wanted the world to see him otherwise, he was at his core a good boy with a big heart.
“… Hey, Kyle?”
After a moment of silence, and another calculation of risk, I broke into a fit of giggles.
“Your mom got you laid.”
“I’ve changed my mind, suddenly, actually,” he squeaked, shooting up in bed in a feigned attempt at leaving. But the combined sound of our laughter stopped him, and he was already laying back down when he sighed sarcastically, “That sleeping bag is looking real appealing.”
Kyle turned to me again, meeting my eyes as the pouring rain began to settle into a melodious pitter-pattering in tune with our hearts.
“No, stay,” I begged for the umpteenth time that night. “I want you to stay.”
“Sure thing, Princess,” he whispered back. “Whatever you want.”
And, like a true gentleman, Kyle stayed true to his promise.
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darnittumbleweed · 4 years
You’re Not Allowed to Die: A Kyle Orfman Oneshot
i hope this is enjoyable. I took a lot of creative liberties with his character, because we don’t know his backstory. I had to write about him though. My thirst for MGG and my love for that character is too strong to resist. Hopefully it’s not too spoilerly if you haven’t seen Life After Beth.
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One lesson she’d learned over her twenty something odd years of living was that making love on her boyfriend’s full-sized bed, while trying to keep the noise level to a minimum so that his parents nor his brother would hear just what they were up to, was easier said than done.
She’d lost track of the amount of times their bedroom activities had involved her boyfriend’s thin large hand placed over her mouth to muffle the noises he managed to pull from her. Of course during these moments his face was buried against her neck to muffle his own sounds.
They’d unfortunately learned the hard way that they weren’t capable of being quiet...thankfully they’d learned that lesson after her roommate had slammed against the bedroom wall yelling for them to “shut the fuck up and climax already.”
It had been awkward, but at least it hadn’t been his parents that had heard it.
That had technically been the start of her roommate despising Kyle...which had lead Y/N and he to spend more time at his parent’s house vs. her apartment.
They’d figured they’d have equal amounts of privacy at both residences. At least at the Orfman residence they didn’t have to hear snarky comments about their relationship from her moody roommate.
At least they’d solved the issue with his bed creaking which had definitely made it way too obvious just what they’d been up to to anyone who might just pass by his locked bedroom door. The creaking bed had resulted in an awkward conversation, the morning after a tryst, between Kyle and his father about the importance of protection and not giving his parents grandchildren before marriage.
Needless to say, for Y/N dating Kyle Orfman was occasionally filled with awkward little moments.
Y/N wasn’t above admitting that she’d been tempted to run for the hills, on their second date, when Kyle had confessed to her that he still technically lived with his parents and his younger brother.
It should be a red flag after all. That wasn’t the only red flag about Kyle of course.
There was also the fact that he’d tried and failed to gain a spot in the police force more times than he’d willingly admit. He’d been trying for almost a decade now, but he never quite seemed to make it.
It wasn’t that he didn’t know the material needed to actually earn a place in the academy. He’d taken all the courses he’d needed at the local community college. He’d taught her self defense for heavens sake which showed he was more than capable of safely taking down a perp. He could recite local laws and police code to her without even having to think twice. He was a good shot and well versed in gun safety and protocol. He’d even taught Y/N to shoot a gun and had helped her prepare to get a gun license.
Kyle had been to the police academy and he’d managed to do exceedingly well in every test placed in front of him...every test but the obstacle courses.
The physical part of the job screwed Kyle over every single time. He wasn’t unhealthy. He worked out and according to his physician he was in perfectly good health. He probably did drink too much red bull though. He was probably too thin as well to be honest. For the most part though he was physically healthy.
It was just that he’d screwed up his knee when he was eighteen. His poor knee still ached from time to time which meant he’d failed miserably the last few times he’d tried to get through the physical aspects of actually gaining a spot in the local police force.
His knee made his movements through the obstacle course a little clumsy. He was fast enough, but the instructor had decided that Kyle was just too clumsy to earn a spot on the force. He’d gotten so close to passing, only to fail.
By now it had become a bit of a joke among those in charge of the testing. They’d make snarky remarks when Kyle showed up for another test. They asked him why he hadn’t given up by now. They made jokes about him being a wannabe cop.
For Kyle it had been heartbreaking. He’d always wanted to be a cop, ever since he was a child. It was his dream. He loved the idea of protecting and serving his community. He had wanted nothing more than to earn a place on the local police force, but he just couldn’t manage to make his dream a reality.
She was amazed he hadn’t become bitter by now...one thing she’d learned about her boyfriend was that Kyle was filled with a sense of hope and belief that his dream would become a reality. It would just take a little hard work. He firmly believed that if he was determined enough and tried hard enough that he’d make his dream a reality.
He promised her that the second he made his dream come true he’d finally earn enough for them to get a place of their own. Once he was able to get on the force he’d make sure that they could finally start the future they’d talked about time and time again.
For now Kyle worked at what was honestly a little bit of a dead end job as private security for his family’s housing development.
He took his job seriously, probably too seriously. Y/N couldn’t help but to respect his dedication though. He was probably the most dedicated person she’d ever met.
It was one of the first things she’d noticed about him when they’d met a little over a year before.
She’d been a little amused of how out of place he’d looked when he’d walked into the hair salon she’d worked at, looking for a trim to maintain his uppercut. He’d shifted in place looking uncomfortable in the salon as he’d admitted that his usual barber was closed so the owner could attend a funeral.
Y/N could admit she’d found him kind of cute, a little odd and way more clean cut than the kinds of guys she usually found herself drawn to, but cute none the less.
She’d cut his hair for him and she’d be lying if she tried to pretend that she didn’t flirt just the tiniest bit.
He’d seemed to respond to her flirting, a little shyly, but it had been a response none the less.
She’d just been finishing up Kyle’s haircut when some jackass had decided to steal the tip jar off the desk by the cash register.
Y/N had watched dumbfounded as Kyle had jumped up from his seat turning to face her as he’d spoken. “Call the police and report we have a 484 in progress. Tell them I am in pursuit of the perp.”
And with that he’d taken off running after the guy. It had been a bit comical really, Kyle running from the salon the hair-cutting cape still fastened around his shoulders chasing down a guy who was running for his life with a glass tip jar loose change jangling as he ran.
Kyle hadn’t managed to catch the guy...and the cops had seemed unamused and unimpressed as Kyle had all too eagerly explained what had happened using all the appropriate lingo as Y/N had made a police report.
Still though, his attempts to chase down the guy had impressed her. It was sweet really, he’d gone through all of that just to attempt to retrieve a jar full of what was probably less than 100 bucks.
She’d attempted to suggest that they get coffee, hoping she could disguise her attempts to ask him on a date with the guise of just wanting to thank him for going through the trouble...but her stupid boss had interrupted the moment insisting that it was time to shut down the store, they had enough excitement for the day.
So, she’d been forced to part from Kyle mentally cursing her dumb boss for totally cockblocking her.
She’d told herself it was useless really. Y/N never attracted nice guys. It was just her luck, she’d attracted a seemingly nice guy only to have her boss stop her from even getting his number.
Y/N had been stunned when Kyle had shown back up at the salon a few days later his head held high as he’d spoken to her. “I just wanted to update you on the incident that occurred a few days ago.”
Y/N had tiled her head to the side at just how official he sounded...he really was an odd duck. He’d not given her a chance to speak as he spoke again that confidence he’d been displaying tampering down just a little a small grimace crossing his lips. “I tried to get the police to give me a clearer update of the situation, but they weren’t that eager to share. They told me that they’re working on it though.”
Y/N had raised a well manicured brow her head still tilted just a bit as she’d spoken. “Yeah, uh..that officer mentioned that the guy who stole our tip jar is a tweaker...he’s kind of known for pulling this crap.”
She’d paused taking a deep breath deciding to just go for it. Her boss wasn’t hanging around to cockblock her this time around. It was worth a shot. “My lunch break is about to start...do you maybe want to get lunch? My treat, ya know...as a thank you for at least trying to catch the guy.”
“You don’t need to thank me, I was just doing the right thing.” Kyle had insisted that confidence returning to him at her praise.
Y/N had tried not to totally deflate at the response...okay, cool rejection. She could deal with that. Maybe she’d just been reading him wrong. Yeah, he’d seemed to respond to her flirting, but maybe he just wasn’t that into her.
Kyle frowned taking notice of the slump in her shoulders and the avoidance of eye contact. He felt that frown deepen as it hit him just what had happened.
He’d spoken that confidence he’d been displaying dipping off yet again. “Wait...did you mean, like lunch as in a date?”
Y/N tried to hold back the nervous laughter from escaping her. So now he got it. She was tempted to point out that she was almost sure she was going to have to spell it out for him.
She held back the smart comment though choosing instead to nod her head. “I was thinking maybe lunch...and if we like each other enough to want to meet up again, then yeah it could be a date.”
Kyle had nodded his head a shy smile crossing his lips as he’d spoken. “Okay, that sounds good to me.”
That had been that. They’d eaten at a diner down the street from the salon and they’d found out that they did in fact like each other enough to want to meet up again. In fact they’d met up again for dinner the next night.
Her friends and coworkers had a good laugh of course, she’d heard plenty of jokes about how she was taking the whole phrase fuck the police too literally. Then the jokes about how it didn’t count becasue he wasn’t technically a cop.
Her freinds and coworkers thought he was strange.Yeah, Kyle had his odd eccentricities. It was true. 
No, Kyle Orfman wasn’t the perfect guy...he had some baggage and there were some red flags...but he was perfect enough for Y/N.
Sure, he was kind of a stick in the mud most of the time...that official tone of voice she’d spotted from him that day was apparently just part of his personality. He took things pretty seriously, especially his sense of justice and his current job...which gave people the impression that he had no sense of humor. He was by far the most moral person she knew, he had no tolerance for those who broke the law. In Kyle’s eyes breaking the law was still breaking the law no matter how tiny the offense was. His sternness could give people the impression that he was kind of an asshole sometimes...but Y/N didn’t really think that calling him an asshole with a stuck lodged up his ass was really a fair accurate assessment of his personality.
Then of course was the fact that he was a neat-freak, almost to the point of it being OCD. He cleaned his gun nightly insisting that a clean weapon was a maintained weapon. His room was spotless, never even a dirty sock on the floor or an item out of place. He could be high strung, and it took a lot to get him to relax once he got started freaking out...but that was mostly due to his anxiety issues.
She knew that underneath the more abrasive parts of his personality really did lie a sweet guy. She knew that sounded so cliché...an asshole with a heart of gold. It was true though. Kyle was sweet to her. He made her laugh when he wasn’t being such a stick in the mud. The sex was amazing. He doted on her. He made her feel safe...safer than she’d ever felt with anyone. He’d promised her he’d take care of her, and she believed him.
He really was a sweet guy and she was proud to call Kyle Orfman hers.
Y/N struggled to steady her breathing as Kyle finally pulled from her rolling over onto his back the lack of space in his bed meaning that their sweat-dampened bodies remained still touching hip to hip even as he rested on his back.
He made quick work removing the condom from his spent member before tying the rubber and tossing it in the wastebasket by the bed.
She wasn’t surprised as he opened his arms for her she eagerly curling up against him her head resting over his chest.
He stroked her back she frowning as the air flipped on in his room making the sweat on her body feel sticky and leaving her feeling clammy. The air conditioner had felt good on the hot July night when she’d first arrived at Kyle’s parents house for dinner, but now that she was sweaty and nude it felt less than pleasant.
Kyle apparently spotted the frown he moving fast to pull the blue plaid comforter back up over their bodies before they both settled back down.
They lie in silence for a long moment still both trying to settle their breathing as Kyle finally spoke. “So, have you thought about it?”
“Thought about what?” She asked her fingers reaching up to smooth back his hair knowing he hated having even a strand out of place.
She spoke fast to attempt to distract him before he had a chance to push the conversation towards a subject she wasn’t entirely thrilled to talk about. “I love you.”
Kyle gave her a small smile spotting exactly what she was doing. He pressed a quick peck to her lips as he spoke up. “I love you too, which is why I want you to come with me on this vacation.”
She sighed shaking her head her fingers still stroking his hair. “Didn’t your mom and dad say that this whole tropical vacation thing they’re planning is a family only thing when you brought me coming along up with them?”
“They did and you know exactly what I told them?” He replied pausing his head leaning back soaking up her touch. He was definitely a sucker for a little scalp massage.
He spoke again answering the question for her. “I told them that I very much intend on putting a ring on your finger the second I save enough money to actually give you something you deserve, so that makes you my family.”
She felt her cheeks flush ever so slightly at the comment knowing that it wasn’t an entirely new subject for them. As things had begun to grow more and more serious for them they’d begun to discuss plans for the future. Marriage was definitely in those plans, Kyle told her that he had to get on the force first though...he wanted to make sure that he could actually provide for her if he was to marry her.
She’d of course resisted the urge to roll her eyes and point out that she had a job and definitely wasn’t some helpless little woman who needed her husband to be the breadwinner....she held it in though knowing it was just part of who Kyle was. He didn’t mean it that way. He just thought that he should at least have some stability in his life before he made a life with her.
Y/N could admit, the more Kyle failed to secure a spot on the police force, the more she feared that she’d never get that marriage proposal.
She pushed back this fear not having long to focus on it as Kyle spoke again. “If it’s a money thing, I’ve already told you that my parents are perfectly willing to pay your way.”
Y/N resisted the urge to grimace at this comment...yeah it was kind of a money thing.
The socioeconomic differences between her and Kyle’s family had been pretty apparent to her the first time Kyle had insisted on bringing her to his place to meet his family.
They had a freaking pool in their backyard for heavens sake. They lived in Briar Grove which was one of the nicer gated housing communities in town.
Everyone who lived there was upper middle class at least. They all had  McMansions with pools in the backyards and nice maintained yards and housekeepers. Briar Grove had it’s own private security force to monitor the neighborhood...it was a large housing community, but still...they had a security team to watch the area. It was ridiculous.
People in Briar Grove didn’t live in the real world.
It was a far cry from the shitty apartment on a bad side of town her single mother had raised her in. It was an even further cry from the shitty apartment she shared with a roommate now as an adult.
She cleared her throat not exactly wanting to touch on the obvious class differences too deeply as she spoke. “It’s not just that...I mean, I do feel weird when your family tries to do nice things for me. Especially when it involves money...but it’s how my roommate would react that’s making me wary of this whole vacation thing, too. What am I supposed to tell her? That I’m just gallivanting off to some island somewhere for a few weeks and to figure out rent all on her own because I’ll be taking some vacation time and getting a smaller paycheck? She’s already got plenty to say about me dating you Kyle, Pretty sure you whisking me off from rental payments isn’t going to make her anymore pleasant to be around.”
Kyle rolled his eyes a small huff leaving him. “I don’t know why she has such a vendetta against me. I have been nothing but pleasant to her since we met.”
Y/N twisted her lips trying not to chuckle. She raised an eyebrow sending him a look that read that he knew exactly why her roommate hated him. “You lectured her about drug possession when you spotted her with edibles...which is exactly why she refuses to refer to you as anything more than a narc.”
Kyle let out another huff not above starting up the same rant she’d heard a million times when it came to her roommate. “Do you know just how illegal it is to have marijuana in your possession without a valid medical marijuana license in the state of California Y/N? It only became legal for medicinal use in 1996 and you need approval from a physician and a valid and non-expired license to have any form of marijuana in your possession. I know for a fact Ruth does not have a valid reason to have drugs in her possession. I don’t want you getting into trouble because of her carelessness. I don’t think caring about whether or not my girlfriend is caught up in a drug felony charge because of her roommate’s carelessness makes me a narc.”
She resisted the urge to chuckle again at his rant. He really could be high strung as all hell when he wanted to be. She pressed a series of kisses to his jawline knowing that this was usually the best way to shut him up when he got started on his little rants about right and wrong. When he got a little too worked up a little affection was the best way to distract him.
He allowed a soft groan to leave him as she worked her way down to his neck. He held back the stir of lust in his groin as he spoke up not shying away from saying it. “If your roommate is that big of an issue then you could always live with me...I know my room doesn’t have the most space...but we could make it work...you’re here all the time as it is...and your clothing is already filling a few drawers in my dresser.”
Y/N pulled from his neck rolling her eyes as she stared up at him unable to hide the sarcasm from her voice. “Oh yeah, your mom would love that.”
Kyle frowned not missing the tone of her voice. He pressed a kiss to Y/N’s forehead trying to soothe any annoyance in her voice. “She does like you...I know things were rocky at first, but she likes you. My parents love you. They understand why I haven’t gotten a place of my own just yet, and they’d be fine with you living here too...I mean if you contribute to the rent I’m paying them I know it wouldn’t be a problem.”
Y/N resisted the urge to cringe at the suggestion. She loved her boyfriend, she really really did. She did intend on marrying him when he did finally propose after all. She wanted a future with him, but she wasn’t above admitting that it could be awkward navigating an adult relationship around his parents. Kyle was nearly thirty...so it felt a bit strange having his parents so close by. She wasn’t entirely sure she could handle officially living at the Orfman residence 24/7.
At least when Kyle and she could dodge her roommate they could get some alone time. How would they manage alone time if there was no apartment to escape too?
Noah Orfman might like her well enough, Kyle’s father did seem to be happy to see her when she visited. He seemed to notice the way his son looked at her. She wasn’t entirely sure that Judy Orfman completely adored her the way Kyle claimed though...Y/N was more than sure that she wasn’t the girl Judy envisioned for her eldest son.
It had been pretty clear just what Y/N’s background was when she’d had to answer questions about where she went to high school and what her parents did for a living over that first family dinner at the Orfmans.
Y/N had ignored Kyle’s apologetic glances and attempts to change the subject as she’d explained that her mother worked as a waitress on the night shift when she wasn’t spending her nights drunk and Y/N had no idea what her father did for a living because she’d never met the guy.
Needless to say, Y/N had quickly gotten the feeling that a cosmologist from a broken home wasn’t really what Judy Orfman wanted her son to settle down with. She was pretty sure Judy would much rather have Kyle with a daughter of one of her friends.
No, Judy hadn’t been rude to her or outright obvious about her disapproval...but Y/N still had a feeling that Kyle’s mother and she wouldn’t be making friendship bracelets anytime soon.
Y/N quickly decided that she needed to distract her boyfriend before they got into this conversation, She leaned up pressing soft kisses along his jaw working her way up to his lips as she spoke teasing him a smile crossing her lips as she continued to press soft kisses against his skin. “Why are you so intent on taking me on vacation? Are you feeling a little clingy?”
Kyle managed to smile against the kisses as he spoke. “Maybe, I just really want you there. Come on baby, it’s Turks or Cacios. I want you there. We can even get our own room. It’ll be nice. We’ll get some real privacy for once.”
He paused the playful feeling fading the words slipping from him before he could stop them. “I won’t lie though...I probably am feeling kind of clingy...just because ya know...all the crap that’s been happening lately..with my brother and Beth.”
Y/N felt the smile drop from her lips not missing the look in Kyle’s eyes. She felt her stomach churn at the implication behind his words.
His little brother’s girlfriend had died and well, Zachary Orfman wasn’t taking it well. He was spending a lot of time with Beth’s parents enough so that it had seemed to overwhelm them at first given that Kyle had to escort his brother from the Slocum residence.
That was the last thing she’d heard about the entire issue. Kyle seemed to want to shy away from talking about it too much, though she could sense that he was more troubled by the situation than he’d let on. She’d decided not to push it yet though...she knew how Kyle worked. He would need to bring it up first before she pressed him on it.
She spoke knowing he was ready to talk about it now. “Zach’s still having a rough time?”
Kyle let out a small huff rolling her eyes ever so slightly allowing the P to pop at the end of his word. “Yep.”
She raised an eyebrow her fingers beginning to massage his scalp again as she spoke trying to soothe him into opening up. “Talk to me baby, what’s going on?”
Kyle rolled his eyes again letting out another huff. “He’s fucking crazy. He thinks Beth is still alive...he insists she came back...that she was resurrected by the power of love...my mom took him to get his head checked out. They did an MRI and everything. His brain looks normal, and they think he’s just in denial....not dealing with reality. I don’t know.”
“He’s your brother. You love him and you’re worried.” Y/N pointed out Kyle giving her a tight smile his jaw tense despite the stroke to his hair that he’d usually find pleasurable.
Kyle frowned his mouth turning downwards his voice cracking slightly as he tried not to admit the truth. “He’s a pain in my ass, but ya know...he’s my brother. We fight constantly...but I still care. Maybe I should have been more supportive, gone to the funeral with my parents and him. I mean I had to work, but I could have asked for time off. Maybe if I’d been there for him, to support him, he wouldn’t have gone off the rails like this.”
“You can’t blame yourself baby.” Y/N tried to reassure him her fingers continuing to stroke his hair her lips pressing to his cheek.
He let out a soft sigh nodding his head. “I don’t blame him for not wanting to face reality...I mean I get it why he’s losing his freaking mind. I’d be a mess if I was him and I’d lost you...but he’s taking it to the extreme. I don’t really know what to do for him. I know I was harsh with him when I escorted him from Beth’s parents place...but I was just trying to get him out of there before the Slocums took it to the next level. If he kept it up they were going to go over the security forces heads and call the cops. I was just trying to get him out of there. I’m at my wits end with him.”
“You can only do what you’re doing. Just be there, support him. This is just part of the grieving process, once he snaps out of the denial he’s going to need support.” Y/N replied not surprised that he pulled her a little tighter against him apparently seeking her comfort.
They laid in silence for a long moment before Y/N spoke reluctantly pulling from him trying to cheer him up. “Okay, I’m gross and sweaty. So come on, shower then sleep.”
He chuckled happily following her tossing his shirt at her and shoving on his boxers so they’d at least be covered on their trip through the hallway to the bathroom.
Kyle’s lips found hers again as they stepped into the shower he moving her under the spray of the water taking care to wash and condition her hair in between kisses.
They allowed themselves to get lost in soft kisses and touches the sound of a scream causing them to part Kyle’s eyes growing wide.
Y/N spoke a frown crossing her features. “What the fuck was that?”
“I don’t know. I need to investigate.” Kyle remarked turning the shower off Y/N and he both stepping out.
Kyle wrapped a towel around his waist Y/N wrapping a towel around her body as Kyle spoke. “I need to get to my bedroom and get my desert eagle. I want you to stay in the bedroom. I’ll get you when I know the perimeters are cleared.”
Y/N frowned wanting to argue with him but he didn’t give her much of an opportunity he taking her hand in his as they sped through the hallway rushing to his bedroom.
She watched him frantically gather his handgun making sure it was loaded and the safety was on. He turned to her making his way to her and pressing a kiss to her temple. “Just wait here okay, I’ll be right back. Just let me check things out and I’ll come get you once I know everything is clear.”
She frowned once again wanting to argue but not having her chance as Kyle rushed from the room a towel still wrapped around his waist his gun in hand.
She furrowed her brow quickly making her way to the dresser searching the drawers for a spare pair of pajamas she kept stored at his place, keeping her ears open for any noise. She finally located a pale lilac matching cami and pajama short set.
She barely managed to dress when another noise startled her.
Y/N jumped her heart slamming in her chest as both her cell phone and Kyle’s cell phones began to emit a loud sound the emergency alert app Kyle had talked her into installing on her phone going off. It was a good idea to have an emergency alert app on her phone he’d insisted, in case of an earthquake or any other natural disaster. She should be aware of dangers.
He was always looking out for danger...almost to the point that she was tempted to accuse him of being just the slightest bit paranoid.
This was the same man who’d insisted on giving her her own container of the same grade pepper spray he used at work, for her own protection he’d insisted given the neighborhood she lived in. He’d also insisted on teaching her self defense and had talked her into learning to fire a gun and become licensed to carry a gun...not that she had any desire to carry a gun...but she’d just decided to take it as a bonding moment in their relationship.
He’d seemed so excited to teach her how to fire a gun after all...and she had to admit she’d maybe enjoyed being at the shooting range just a little bit. It was just her competitive spirit...she liked improving her shot...getting better and better at hitting the targets head on.
All and all she’d just decided to accept her boyfriend’s paranoia. She’d quickly realized it was just his way of showing her he cared. He wanted her to be able to protect herself in the worst case scenario...though she wasn’t sure what worst case scenario Kyle had in mind.
Y/N felt her heart drop as she swore she could hear another scream over the sound of the alert sirens sounding from the cell phones. The next sound she heard was far louder than the cell phones, it was a sound she’d become accustomed to on the shooting range. Only this time she didn’t have earmuffs to protect her ears.
She stood frozen in space for what seemed like an eternity...there was a gunshot...what was happening? What was with the screams? Kyle had a gun, so was he the one who’d fired? What if he wasn’t the one who’d fired though?
She knew Kyle told her to stay in place, but she wasn’t about to stand here waiting if there was a chance she could get hurt. She needed to investigate.
Y/N made her way downstairs her jaw dropping she feeling dizzy at the sight she walked upon. She noticed the smell first. It was hard to describe. There was only one word she could find to describe it; putrid.
The closest smell she could relate to it was the scent of the dumpsters outside in the back-alley behind the diner her mother waitressed at. Y/N had spent her childhood summers at that diner. The cook would send her on little chores. It was better than sitting there letting her brain rot in front of her coloring books or her gameboy he’d insisted. It was kind of sad, the short order cook at the diner had done more parenting than her own mother.
Anyhow, she’d spent plenty of time taking trash out to those huge dumpsters in that back-alley. The smell was awful on a summer day...there was a butcher next door to the diner. The dumpsters were shared between the two establishments...and she could smell the scent of putrid bits of meat that wasn’t quite worthy of selling rotting away in those dumpsters. It was the smell of decay.
Rotten meat was the closest smell she could think to describe the smell that hit her as soon as she walked downstairs into the living room.
The sight she walked in on made her feel faint her knees feeling unsteady. Was she asleep? Maybe Kyle and she had never made it to the shower? Maybe she’d fallen asleep post lovemaking and this was some kind of weird dream? The heat always did make her have weird dreams.
The room was filled with utter chaos. Chaos was the only way to describe the sight she’d walked in on. The noise coming from the television was ear piercingly loud an emergency alert siren buzzing from the surround sound. Her boyfriend’s parents were frantically speaking both at once trying to calm her boyfriend who was standing at attention his gun in his hand. His gun was trained on someone...or something...no someone.
The older man was recognizable...only from the pictures Y/N had seen around Kyle’s family’s home. His mom had shown her photo albums before, an attempt to at least bond with her once she’d realized Y/N wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
The man Kyle had his gun trained on was his grandfather...but that couldn’t be possible. His grandfather had been dead for a few years now. He’d died before Kyle and Y/N had even met.
His grandfather’s skin...it wasn’t right. It was an ashy gray color and the texture...and it looked so well dry, almost as though it could crumble if someone reached out and touched it.
She furrowed her brow as she spotted the stain on the man’s breast the black fluid leaking from the gunshot staining his white shirt.
He was sitting down apparently not too interested in the utter madness breaking out by his presence.
He stared up at her a polite smile crossing his face his dentures still sparkling white. He stood up ready to move towards her. “Oh, who’s this? You didn’t tell me we had company.”
Kyle moved stepping in front of Y/N his voice frantic. “You stay away from her!”
Judy Orfman spoke her voice just as frantic. “Kyle put the gun down!”
Y/N furrowed her brow her voice equally as frantic. “What the hell is going on?”
Her question wasn’t answered as the front door opened Kyle’s younger brother stepping into the room his brow furrowing as he spotted his dead grandfather. “Oh my god Poppy?”
Kyle turned his gun towards his brother his voice still so frantic. “Zach’s one of them!”
Noah Orfman stepped forward trying to pull the gun from Kyle’s hands. “Enough with the gun Kyle!”
His mother joined in with requests to put the gun down.
Y/N continued to watch the utter chaos play out in front of her she feeling dangerously close to fainting as Poppy turned to Zach greeting him cheerfully with a playful childhood nickname.
Kyle turned his gun to his grandfather again earning more pleads to put the gun down his mother frantically ordering him “don’t shoot Poppy again”
His parents continued to try to calm him expressing their love for him trying to calm him before he shot first and asked questions later. Y/N stood back feeling helpless as she took in the scene.
She snapped out of it knowing she was one of the few people that could probably talk Kyle down at the moment. She moved stepping towards her boyfriend trying her best to make him step back and take a breath. “Come on baby. Just stop and let’s all think for a second. You don’t have to put down the gun, but just lower it for a second.”
Zach joined in trying to soothe his brother. “Come on man, You’re just going to piss him off.”
This was apparently the wrong thing to say Kyle pointing his gun towards his brother his dad trying to calm him and take the gun again. “No, no no, don’t do that.”
Kyle spoke parroting the words Y/N had thought to herself just a few moment ago. “What’s happening? Is this a dream?”
Zach was fast to speak holding his hands up trying to soothe his obviously distressed brother. “No, okay Kyle this is real.”
Kyle held the gun back up aiming it at Zach. Zach spoke shaking his head trying to continue calming him. “I am not one of them.”
Kyle spoke raising his voice becoming more hysterical his aim on Zach dropping for a moment. “How do I know that huh? How do I know you’re not a mole?”
Zach raised his voice exasperated with his brother’s accusation. “Mole? Do you even know what that means?”
Kyle raised the gun again his voice adopting that pitch it always gained when he became totally annoyed or upset. “Whatever asshole!”
His mother and Y/N both spoke at once trying to soothe him. “Kyle that’s your brother” Though Y/N didn’t include the part about going to search for xanax.
Zach spoke his voice still raised. “Drop the gun okay, I never died. You have to have died first, you douchebag. How could I be one of them?”
Kyle spoke lowering the gun the comment that left his lips would have been amusing in any other situation given Zach’s somewhat hippieish comments about love lately. “What happened to all the love stuff?”
Judy spoke shaking her head. “It’s not your fault, this is a confusing situation.”
Y/N moved closer to Kyle reaching out to touch him trying to soothe him. Relieved that Kyle at least seemed calm enough to wrap and arm around her though she was pretty sure they were trying to soothe each other more than anything at the moment.
Poppy spoke leaning forward motioning to Kyle. “I came over for a little visit, my grandson pulled a gun on me.”
Noah Orfman spoke nodding his head. “He shot you.”
Kyle spoke his voice still holding that high pitched crack to it as he yelled. “I’m sorry, he scared me. What was I supposed to do?”
His father and Y/N both attempted to soothe him, but he was upset enough that he pulled from Y/N beginning to pace the room.
She watched her arms wrapping around her waist trying to calm herself as Judy’s phone rang she answering it greeting one of her friends trying to explain that this wasn’t a good time.
The line apparently went dead Judy trying to speak into the phone as Poppy stood up from the seat he’d been sitting at. “That’s it, I’ve heard enough. I’m going up to the attic.”
Kyle rose his gun again aiming it at his grandfather once again stepping in front of Y/N, as Noah spoke “To the attic why?”
Zach spoke answering the question. “They like attics.”
Kyle pointed his gun as his brother again. “How the fuck do you know that?”
Y/N furrowed her brow as Zach spoke from the seat he’d taken he looking exhausted. “Because Beth came back too. That’s where I’ve been going at night.”
Poppy spoke pointing up. “I love an attic. I’m going up.”
Noah tried to soothe his father as he spoke waving to the chair. “Stay, then we can talk.”
Poppy continued to insist that he wanted to go to the attic the back and forth making Y/N feel even more dizzy. Kyle began to pace again only stopping as the door bell rang.
Kyle turned to face it a frown on his face. “Who is that? Who is that? Who is that?”
She sighed watching her boyfriend press his back against one of the double doors his gun raised ready to jump into action, as his mother moved to answer the door.
Y/N felt her heart drop feeling even more faint as the door opened two more of those...things, whatever Poppy was walking in.
Kyle moved back quick to move in front of Y/N again as the two new undead guests spoke. “What are you doing in our house?” “What happened to all the formica?”
Noah stepped forward pointing at their new guests as he spoke to his wife. “Oh my god. It’s the old owners.”
The woman in the pair looked up at Kyle frowning. “Who are you with the gun?”
Poppy spoke motioning to Kyle. “This bastard is the one who shot me.”
Kyle frowned having the sense to look both confused and guilty. “Poppy. It’s me, Kyle.”
Zach stood up fast to speak. “Okay, Mom, Dad, Kyle, Y/N. We need to get out of here. It’s not safe. It’s not too late.”
Kyle took control of the situation the only way he knew how. “Okay, everyone just put your hands where I can see them!”
The male in the zombie pair spoke ignoring Kyle. “I paid 28,000 dollars for this house”
Noah spoke a frown on his face. “28,000 when was that?”
Y/N jumped her hands covering her ears as Kyle took the chance to shoot again hitting the male zombie in the chest he not even reacting.
The action earned pleads from his parents to stop and pleas from Zach that they had to leave before it was too late.
Y/N kept herself tucked away behind Kyle this entire situation making her head spin. This couldn’t be happening. She reached down to pinch herself cringing at the pain realizing that this wasn’t a dream. This was real. How could this all be real?
The male zombie spoke becoming angry. “I’m not going anywhere. This is my house and my attic!”
Poppy was fast to reply that he knew attics apparently insisting that he was going the attic.
Y/N wanted to scream, what was these things obsession with attics?
Y/N watched Zach lie down on the floor speaking to someone on the phone she barely able to make out his words her mind still caught in a loop that this was really happening right now. She frowned almost sure she could hear the sound of smooth jazz playing somewhere in the house
She barely noticed Kyle speak he beginning to pace again. “We need to find a scientist.”
Zach stood up beginning to gather his things. “I got to go.”
he paused as his parents began to plead for him to stay and question where he was going. He spoke explaining himself only a little. “I gotta go. Maury’s outside. I’ll be back in a second and then we can all leave before it’s too late.”
He spoke again giving an order as his father questioned him. “Just start packing, and I will be back.”
Kyle’s attention was caught by the television, Y/N widening her eyes as she took sight of the screen, it was another one of those things...this one was holding a microphone. Kyle spoke nodding at the TV. “Is that Chuck Brenner?”
Y/N felt her head spin all the more. Chuck Brenner was a newsman, he’d died a few years ago. What was happening? Oh god.
Judy spoke her voice surprisingly cheerful. “Oh wow, it is. I used to love him. Good eye, Kyle.”
Noah spoke nodding his head. “Okay, so finally they’re done with their stupid emergency broadcast test.”
Zach spoke his voice sounding utterly exasperated. “It’s not a test. The dead are coming back, okay? Just start packing and I’ll be back.”
And with that the power went out Y/N relieved that Kyle moved back towards her wrapping and arm around her pulling her tight against him.
Zach left Judy speaking to herself. “Unbelievable.”
Poppy was fast to speak. “I think it’s believable.”
Y/N finally dared to speak her voice so soft she was shocked Kyle heard her. “What do we do now?”
Kyle spoke squeezing her all the tighter. “We pack our things. Zach’s right. We have to get out of here.”
Kyle and she moved fast using flashlights to make their way back to his bedroom Kyle pulling a duffle bag from his closet as he began to dump things into it. Y/N moved fast trying her best to help pack a backpack he tossed her way.
Kyle dressed quickly before he moved to his sock dresser feeling it was dark enough to pull the one thing he’d been hiding for months now out quickly shoving it into his duffle bag.
Y/N managed to locate a pair of jeans from the drawer she kept her things in sliding them on her voice shaky. “This can’t be happening. The dead...this, they. They can’t be coming back. Zach said Beth, she came back and now those people that used to own this house and your grandfather.... This can’t be real.”
“I know baby. I keep pinching myself, thinking I’m dreaming. I think my dead grandfather is proof that this is happening though. I should have listened to Zach when he started insisting Beth was back...I just, I didn’t believe him, how could I? I thought he was losing his mind.” Kyle provided as he moved to his desk and began to pack his bullets and other weaponry knowing they’d need it.
“What are we supposed to do? I mean...where are we going to go?” Y/N blurted out her mind going a mile a second.
All she could think of where those post apocalyptic zombie shows her roommate watched. She’d always thought they were so dumb. How could this be happening? Things didn’t go well for people in those shows.
Kyle placed his hands on her shoulders staring down at her doing his best to calm her. “Hey, we’re going to figure this out. There’s got to be some kind of safehouse or something somewhere. We can go there and wait this out...and if worst comes to worst, then there’s got to be like some remote area or something we can go to.”
She nodded her head hoping he was right. There had to be some place they could go.
She felt her blood run cold as she heard a scream sound out. Oh, god, not again.
Kyle moved forward grabbing a hold of his desert eagle again his voice tight. “I need to clear the perimeter. Stay here.”
Y/N frowned her voice stern. “I’m not staying here. I’m coming with you.”
“It’s not safe. I need to make sure everything is clear.” Kyle insisted Y/N fast to speak.
“I’m going with you.”
Kyle sighed nodding his head. “Okay, just stay close.”
She listened to him staying pressed close to him as they moved through the dark house Kyle’s gun raised searching the space.
Y/N felt a chill run down her spine as they came across the cause of this scream. It was Poppy, but he wasn’t the same cheerful creature he’d been just moments ago.
The growl made her feel sick, Poppy was staggering across the room growls leaving him as he began to corner Kyle’s parents.
Kyle acted fast shooting at Poppy hitting him a few times in the back. Poppy turned to face them his eyes cloudy no longer full of life. What the hell, when they’d headed upstairs he’d been talking to Kyle’s father...now he was acting like...well a zombie.
Kyle spoke his voice panicked. “Stay back! Stay back, don’t make me shoot you again!”
Poppy just growled all the move moving even closer. Kyle shot again hitting Poppy a few more times in the chest.
Kyle frowned as his grandfather continued to advance closer and closer to them. Why wasn't he going down? He had one more bullet. He rose his gun hitting Poppy square in the forehead the man finally going down falling to the ground.
Kyle let out a shaky sigh as he spoke out loud. “I had to do it. I-I had to do it. He wasn’t...he wasn’t stopping.”
His parents moved towards him fast to try to soothe him he leaving Y/N’s side he shaking as his parents embraced him.
Y/N let out a cry as she felt a pair of hands place against her back the grip ice cold. She was shoved down on the ground she scrambling away from Kyle and his parents crawling across the room on her back her eyes growing wide as she stared up at her attacker. It was one of the other two zombies, the former owners of the house.
She didn’t even have time to think as the female zombie lowered herself over her beginning to snap at her Y/N managing to hold her back it a difficult act, the woman heavy and so strong.
She struggled to remember every piece of self defense Kyle had taught her. Look for pressure points and strike. Did the undead have pressure points though? Did self defense even work with the undead?
She spoke her voice frantic crying out to Kyle as he struggled to reload his handgun thankful he’d brought along more ammo. “Help!, Help me!”
The gunshot was what she heard the woman’s blackened blood spraying against her her heavy body landing against her. Y/N kicked against her her voice frantic her brain telling her that the woman wasn’t dead and was going to tear a chunk out of her at any second. “Oh god, please no, get her off me! Help me Kyle!”
Kyle moved fast pulling the body from Y/N pulling her up against him struggling to calm her. “It’s okay baby, it’s okay. I’ve got you, it’s okay, she’s dead.”
Y/N let out a scream as the second zombie rounded the corner he moving towards them Kyle raising his gun shooting him in the head the zombie falling to the ground.
Kyle spoke his voice panicked. “We need to leave now!”
The escape from the house was chaotic Y/N and Kyle made their ways back upstairs grabbing their bags. Y/N stared down at her blood soiled shirt the smell making her want to puke. It smelled like death. She felt herself begin to shake her mind a mess. This was happening? Those things they were violent?
She’d be dead if Kyle didn’t act. He’d saved her life. What if she’d gotten bitten? Would she turn into one of those things if she got bitten? Zach said she had to die first to become one of those things, so probably not, but what if that thing had ripped her throat out and she’d died? Would she have come back? She didn’t want to become one of those things.
Kyle took her by surprise pulling baby wipes from his bedside table wiping the gore from her skin the best he could. He moved to his closet pulling out an oversized sweatshirt his voice soft. “Here baby get rid of that top and put this on. I’ll get your shoes.”
She nodded her head focusing on the smell of his sweatshirt. It smelled like his cologne.
Her body continued to shake even as Kyle and she moved back downstairs she watching him and his father take the corpses out to the back patio setting fire to them insisting it was necessary. What if a gunshot to the head wasn’t enough to keep them down? It was better to destroy the body as much as possible.
She kept herself glued to Kyle’s side as they made their way outside to his parent’s car.
She wasn’t sure how long they drove her mind still such a mess. Kyle sat close to her holding her tight against him his hand still locked on his gun, his father searching the radio for a working radio station as his mother drove.
The car jerked to a stop Noah speaking a frown on his face. “Is that Paul Levin?”
Y/N turned her head expecting to see another undead monster her heart calming as she realized the man was very much alive and holding a rifle in his hand.
He made his way to the car Noah unrolling his window ignoring Kyle’s demands not to roll down the window, Mr. Levin speaking. “Noah Orfman? Is that you?”
Noah nodded his head his mind too much of a mess for him to speak outloud, Mr. Levin nodded his head as he spoke again. “I’ve got my place boarded up. We’ve got a safehouse built up. Come on. We’ve got room.”
Y/N paced the floor her mind still such a mess as she watched Kyle place an orange jumpsuit over his clothing as they stood in the Levin’s study.
Lanterns lit all the rooms the windows and doors boarded up. She could hear the sound of sirens and madness taking place outdoors. The world had gone to shit so quickly. Just earlier tonight she’d been making love to her boyfriend, he trying to sweettalk her into going on a vacation with his family...and then everything had gone to hell. It had all happened so fast.
It turned out there were a few people holed up in the Levin household, one of those people was a local sheriff who had decided that they needed to form an army of sorts, take those things out themselves. They needed to form a resistance.
Of course Kyle had jumped at the idea and the sheriff had quickly decided he liked Kyle’s enthusiasm.
Y/N found it hard to be too pleased as she watched her boyfriend be unofficially deputized. This was his dream, she just wished it was happening in any other circumstance.
They’d spent most of the night making plans of attack. Kyle had tried to convince her to go lie down, get some rest.
Y/N found herself unable to move too far from his side though. She knew what he was planning. They were going to hunt those monsters down, fight back. He was placing himself in danger.
She didn’t want him to go. She knew though, that there was no way she was going to talk him out of this.
Kyle apparently sensed her panic he moving back towards her. He placed his hands on her arms stopping her pacing his voice soft. “I’m going to be okay. You know that right?”
“You don’t know that though.” Y/N replied her voice soft her brow furrowing she resisting the urge to beg him not to do this. She knew she couldn’t talk him out of this.
This was his chance to protect and serve. He was going to take it.
He pressed a few soft kisses to her forehead fast to reassure her. “Yes I do, I’m going to be okay.”
She felt her stomach churn unable to stop her eyes from watering Kyle fast to wipe her cheeks his voice gentle. “I am going to go out there and do what I can do to fight this. Then I’m going to come back here to you.”
She spoke her voice soft. “You promise?”
He pressed kisses to her lips his voice reassuring. “I promise. I’m going to be just fine.”
“You’re not allowed to die, okay. Stay sharp and safe. Don’t do anything stupid, please. Don’t die, don’t leave me like that. I can’t, I’m sorry I didn’t answer you when you asked me to move in with you, or when you begged me to go on the vacation. When this is all over I’m going to move in with you and if the vacation does happen then I’ll go, I swear. You have to stay alive so we can do all those things. We have a future together and you’re not allowed to die.” She insisted her eyes still watering.
Kyle felt his own eyes water his voice so gentle he pulling her closer to him. “I will. You don’t have to say sorry, I know it’s a lot...I mean I live with my freaking parents. I asked you to move into my bedroom it was pathetic...and I know the money thing makes you feel uncomfortable.”
“I don’t care about that. I love you Kyle. I really do. I would live with you even if you lived in a cardboard box.” She reassured him he squeezing her all the tighter.
She widened her eyes as he pulled from her pressing a quick kiss to her cheek as he spoke. “Give me a second.”
She watched him rush over to where his parents and he’d dropped their bags when they’d entered the Levin household. She watched him dig around until he let out a triumphant little noise when he finally found what he was looking for.
He made his way back to her her eyes growing wider as she realized what he was holding a little black velvet box. He opened it her eyes staring down at the contents of the box; a ring, a little diamond ring. The diamond was small, a chip of a thing really on a thin gold band. It was beautiful.
Kyle spoke dropping down on to his knees his voice soft. “I’ve been holding on to this for months now. I saved up for it...I, I had to go to a pawn shop to get it. I know that’s not exactly the most romantic thing in the world, but I knew I couldn’t wait until I had more money and I was just going to look when I went to the pawn shop. I wasn’t even looking for rings, but I saw this and it hit me I’ve been waiting for so long to make this happen.  I figured if it’s too sad looking then one day when I have more money we can get it fixed up add more to it.  I-I know I’ve kept you waiting...kept telling you I had to get my life in order before I could ask you this, but I... let’s face it baby. I keep failing to get on the force, it’s probably not going to happen.”
Y/N parted her lips ready to reassure him that it would happen, but Kyle spoke again not giving her a chance to do so. “I love you, and it seems stupid to wait when I know that I love you. I planned on making this romantic...that’s kind of why I was so insistent on trying to talk you into joining my family on vacation. I thought it was perfect ya know, a sign? I wanted to take you to the beach and pop the question or do it at a sunset or something you deserved, but that opportunity might not happen...I mean, the world’s gone to shit. I know that no matter what happens though, no matter what the future looks like, I want to be with you. So, what I’m trying to say. Marry me?”
She nodded her head the words leaving her her eyes watering for far happier reasons. “Yes, of course. Yes, Yes.”
Kyle managed to slip the ring on her hand as he stood up his lips pressing to hers. They kissed for a long while only reluctantly pulling away when there was a knock at the door followed by a stern voice. “Orfman, come on. It’s time.”
Kyle pressed a few more kisses to her lips as he spoke. “I’m leaving a two-way police radio with you, I want you to listen in and notify me if anything happens here. You have to promise me you’ll stay here. I need you to keep any eye on things here. I’m leaving you a gun too, just in case.”
“I don’t own a gun. I thought all you have is the desert eagle and a revolver. You have both with you right now.” She spoke confused by this detail.
Kyle nodded his head reaching into a pocket of his jumpsuit and handing a smith and Wesson handgun over to her his voice soft. “I meant to give this to you...I know you haven’t taken the gun license test yet, It was going to be a gift for when you pass. It’s supposed to have less throwback when it’s fired. I know you hate how much throw back the desert eagle has, so I thought this would be a better option for you.”
She stared down at the gun as Kyle spoke. “Remember aim for the head okay. Just one shot to the head and they go down.”
He pressed another kiss to her lips reluctantly pulling away as there was another knock at the door. “Come on Kyle, break it up lovebirds. We gotta go.”
She stared up at him reluctantly allowing him to pull from her as he spoke. “Remember I’m not allowed to die.”
She nodded her head her voice tight. “I’ll see you when you come back.”
Y/N did what Kyle told her to do, kept the two-way radio on her as she did her best to help new survivors that had been brought into the safehouse.
She felt herself sit down on the sofa her eyes locked down at the radio every sound of Kyle’s voice reassuring her that he was still alive.
It had been hours since he’d left, the sun was up now though it did little to light the area given that the house was still boarded up. It was suspiciously quieter outside. She no longer heard the sound of sirens. She wasn’t sure she liked the silence.
She continued to stare down at the radio trying to reassure herself. He wasn’t going to die she told herself, he promised her.
She felt her eyes stare down at the ring on her finger, he wasn’t going to die because they were engaged.
She had to wonder what the future would hold for them though? Was this their new reality? Was the world just going to be in a state of chaos forever now? Would it constantly be a battle for survival?
Was this just happening in their town? Was it just California? Was this happening all over the United States? Was this happening all over the world? Why hadn’t the news picked up on this if it was happening everywhere?
They couldn’t get a radio station to pick up. There was no way of knowing just how far this thing had spread.
Her mind kept running over what lie ahead now? What was her future going to be?
Kyle and she had spent a lot of time talking about the future. They talked about what they wanted. The perfect future they had in mind involved marriage, Kyle getting a spot on the force, Y/N opening her own salon, a home of their own, and maybe one or two kids.
Was that future even possible with this new world? Maybe some version of it was. They could still get married, just without the license and a real ceremony. Kyle could keep working with the Resistance; protecting and serving in a different way. She could work to maintain wherever they wound up hiding out...keeping the place secure making it as much like a home as possible. She could still cut hair...people would always need haircuts. Wherever they wound up could become their home. They could make it their own. Would bringing kids into this world be a horrible idea though? Why would she bring children into this mad world? Maybe if things got calm enough though, maybe if they found somewhere safe? Maybe then they could have one child at least?
She kept thinking of how quickly everything had changed. How fast the world had changed.
She began to think of all the people she knew, the ones who weren’t here in this safehouse. Were they alive? Was her roommate alive? What about her coworkers? Oh, God, what about Zach? If they never saw Zach again it would destroy Kyle. They bickered all the time, but she knew Kyle loved his little brother. It would break his heart if he never saw him again. The not knowing would destroy Kyle.
Y/N was shocked that her mind turned to her mother. For the first time in a long time she wished she could speak to her mother. Y/N hadn’t really spoken to her mother in a few years now. Being around an angry drunk wasn’t entirely a pleasant experience. For the first time in so long she wanted to hear her mother’s voice though.
She would probably never see her mother again, Y/N realized. She’d spent so long angry with her mother, feeling pissed off at the ways she’d failed. Now she just wished she could see her one more time.
She was pulled from her thoughts as Judy Orfman sat down beside her, her voice soft as she nodded down to the radio. “Have you heard anything?”
“Kyle’s.... cleaning Briar Grove. No, trouble so far. Someone’s hitting a grocery store, seeing if they can gather supplies, something other than frozen bagels.” Y/N replied feeling uneasy unsure of her current relationship with Kyle’s mother.
Judy Orfman seemed to be nice enough to her sure, but Y/N had a feeling she tolerated her for Kyle’s sake.
She widened her eyes as Judy spoke nodding down at the ring on Y/N’s finger. “He finally asked?”
“How’d you know?” Y/N blurted out widening her eyes her fingers brushing against her ring.
“A mother knows. I had a feeling it was coming when he started insisting you should come to Turks and Cacios.” Judy replied Y/N squirming in her seat ready to be told by her future mother in law that she wasn’t happy, that she didn’t approve and never would.
Judy spoke again nodding her head her comment taking Y/N by shock. “It’s about time.”
Y/N didn’t have a chance to question this comment as the door opened more survivors pouring in both women standing from the sofa moving to help everyone settle in.
Y/N kept a tight grip on the radio once again reassuring herself that Kyle would come home. He wasn’t allowed to die.
Y/N felt the breath leave her body as she spotted him. It was three thirty when he arrived. He was covered in blood it staining the orange jumpsuit he’d worn.
He moved slow, so slowly that a little voice in the back of her brain taunted her telling her he’d died while he was out there. He was dead and now he’d come back. That’s what happened when you died now, you came back as a monster.
She ignored that voice knowing it wasn’t true. She’d listened in on the radio heard everything. Briar Grove was all clear. Kyle had cleaned his section and he was heading back.
She moved towards him not even caring about the gore or the smell as he embraced her pulling her tight against him his voice soft. “I told you I’d come back.”
She felt herself begin to sob against him tears of relief hitting her. She placed a hand against his cheek her eyes scanning his body searching for the source of all the blood.
Kyle sighed spotting what she was doing. She felt her stomach turn as he spoke. “It’s not my blood.”
He was relieved that she didn’t pull against him at this confession. He needed her touch more than ever right now.
The things he’d seen out there, it was insane. It was horrifying. He’d spent his entire life wanting to protect, knowing he’d shoot if he had to. It hadn’t been what he’d expected.
He spoke his voice soft. “I saw Zach.”
She stared up at him a frown crossing her features as he spoke. “He had Beth with him...he’s taking her hiking. I gave him my desert eagle, told him to do what he has to do. Told him to meet us back here at 1600.”
She nodded her head her voice soft. “Is he okay?”
“As okay as he can be. I told him I’m sorry for not believing him about Beth...that he’s a good brother and I love him. I had to let him know...just in case.” Kyle admitted she squeezing him tighter at the implication of the words he wouldn’t say.
They held each other for a long while her head resting against his chest the sound of his heartbeat soothing her.
She hadn’t slept, not yet. She couldn’t sleep. She was afraid if she closed her eyes and allowed sleep to come then everyone she loved would be ripped away from her.
She wasn’t sure when she’d be able to sleep again.
She spoke her voice soft. “Your mom and dad are with the others. There’s been a few survivors. Not many, but some have shown up. Mr. Levin keeps trying to pick up a radio station but all we can get is static.”
“I don’t know if there’s many survivors out there. I didn’t see any.” Kyle admitted his stomach in knots. He’d hoped to find more, but all he’d found was the dead.
“What happens now?” Y/N dared to ask Kyle letting out a heavy sigh as he spoke.
“I don’t know. I think the plan is to wait it out until Zach gets here. Once he gets here then we’ll decide what the next step is.”
She spoke her voice soft. “No matter what happens we’ll be together.”
Kyle nodded his head in agreement his voice equally as soft his lips meeting hers. “I know, no matter what the future looks like, we’re going to have each other.”
She closed her eyes her head resting against him. She knew he was right.
Y/N wasn’t sure what the future looked like. She wasn’t sure if this was just how the world was now. The rest of her life might be a fight for survival.
She knew that no matter what happened though, no matter what the future might look like, she had Kyle Orfman by her side.
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enretrogue · 2 years
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐜. 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐜 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐬
(These are not my works; full credit goes to the original writers. If you'd like your work removed, just shoot me a message and I'll remove it for you!)
✪ ~ BIPOC reader or writer (if this is wrong or you’d like it added, let me know!)
Fanfics Rec List
Sherlock Holmes (BBC)
Ransom Drysdale
Multi-Character / Misc. Posts
Kinktober 2021 Masterlist — @the-iceni-bitch
Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)
The Gift of Feeling — @make-me-imagine
Andy Barber
Andy Barber Masterlist — @angrythingstarlight ✪ Fight/F-ck — @angeli-marco-writes Winter Wonderland — @syntheticavenger ✪ Andy Barber Masterlist — @navybrat817 On The Naughty List — @the-iceni-bitch
Ari Levinson
Midnight Warmth — @sparkledfirecracker Deeds For The Big Screen — @sparkledfirecracker From Both Ends — @sparkledfirecracker Mafia Monday — @angrythingstarlight ✪ Tis The Season ft. Ransom Drysdale — @jamalflanagan ✪
Robert “Mr. Freezy” Pronge
Bobby and Kitten: Poison Paradise AU — @the-iceni-bitch
Johnny Storm
Worlds Best Heating Pad — @the-iceni-bitch
Jonathan Pine
Kinktober Day Three — @ragnarachel Kinktober Day Ten — @ragnarachel Kinktober Day Nineteen — @ragnarachel
James Conrad
Kinktober Day Eleven — @ragnarachel
Kyle Orfman
Damsel — @imagining-in-the-margins
Having Bumblebee As Your First Car — @bluebellhairpin
This Must Be Love — @bluebellhairpin
Intuition — @uncpanda
Kakashi Hatake
Daddy’s Best Friends ft. Gojo Satoru — @sukunababy Blades — @sukunababy
Lip Gallagher
Sad/Happy/Angry HC — @jillys-feral-fandoms Single Dad!Lip x Single Mom!Reader — @jillys-feral-fandoms NSFW Scenario Sunday — @jillys-feral-fandoms
Diego Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves Masterlist — @waiting-for-motivation Check Please! — @shelby-love
Matt Casey
Construction Woker!Matt (Scenario Sunday) — @jillys-feral-fandoms Lady — @glitterquadricorn
Nick Amaro
The Babysitter Masterlist — @libraryofloveletters Love You to The Moon and to Saturn Masterlist — @hurricanejjareau
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
If the World is Ending, I Want to Fuck You First
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Summary: You need to do one last thing during the zombie apocalypse.
Pairing: Kyle Orfman (MGG character in Life After Beth) x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: swearing, smut, blowjob, praise kink, sub!kyle, gun violence (used against zombies), vaginal sex, choking, fluffy ending (let me know if i missed anything)
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: okay i know this is a lesser famous mgg character but i beg of you to give this fic a try because i think it’s my best smut yet and i love the ending. you don’t need to have watched the movie to understand (i give a few visuals).
“Open the goddamn door, Jacob,” you pounded on your ex’s door, “I want my shit back.”
A car with sirens pulled up in the driveway. Great, you thought, the cops. But when you turned around, it was just an old tan sedan with ‘Briarwood Security’ written on it.
You turned back around, “Jacob, I know you’re fucking home, you cheating son of a bitch.
“What seems to be the problem here?” a tall, lean man with a slicked back undercut dressed in a beige security uniform approached the front door.
“My cheating ex won’t give me my stuff back,” you continued to pound at the door, “I have a laptop in there!”
He sighed and spoke quietly, “This is technically still trespassing because he didn’t necessarily steal it but let me see what I can do.”
“Jacob Peterson,” he knocked on the door, “This is Briarwood Security. I need you to open the door or I have the clearance to break it down.”
He whispered to you, “I actually don’t,” and you giggled.
Jacob swung open the door with your bag of stuff.
“Take your crap and go,” he shoved the bag into your arms.
“Gladly, asshole,” you checked to make sure everything was in there.
You nodded to the security guard and Jacob slammed the door once again.
“Do you need a ride home?” he asked, noticing your lack of a car.
“I live like a mile away so I just walked here but yeah, if you don’t mind, that would be great,” you accepted.
He opened the trunk for you to put your bag of belongings inside.
“Kyle,” you hummed, looking at his little name tag.
“And you are?”
“Y/N,” you stuck out your hand for him to shake and he accepted it.
“Kyle, I have a proposition for you,” you said as you entered the passenger side of the car.
“Okay…” he looked at you.
“Let me suck your dick.”
Kyle stared straight at you for a minute, not moving.
“Hello?” you asked, waving your hand in front of his face.
“Sorry, what did you say?” he snapped out of his daze.
“Let me suck your dick,” you repeated, “I don’t want his,” you pointed to Jacob’s door, “to be the last dick I sucked and I want him to see your car still parked out here, knowing exactly what we are doing. Plus, you get an orgasm out of it.”
“I’m on the job,” he tried to resist.
“If you really don’t want to, that’s okay. I’m not trying to pressure you. I just think this could be a mutually beneficial agreement.”
Kyle nodded, putting the car in reverse and starting to back out of the driveway. He made it about halfway before he braked and put the car back in park.
“Yeah?” you asked.
“Please,” he begged.
You looked down and as your eyes adjusted to the evening darkness, you could see the obvious bulge strain in his khakis.
You leaned over the center console, untucking his uniform and unbuckling his belt. You slowly unzipped his fly to tease him as he squirmed underneath you.
“Patience, my sweet boy” you hummed and your warm breath fanned out across his dick.
His needy whines were beautiful. You sat back up and removed your shirt, leaving you in just a lacy bralette.
“Please,” he pleaded again.
“Because you asked so nicely,” you leaned back down and licked a long strip up from the base of his dick to the tip, swirling your tongue at the top.
“Fuck,” he groaned, his hands moving to your hair.
“Hands off,” you ordered and he whined but complied.
You took him in inch by inch. He was certainly the biggest you’ve ever been with. You gagged when he bottomed out in your throat.
You could feel him using all his self-control to restrain his hands to his side.
You bobbed your head up and down, taking up a quick pace. His melodic groans filled the car.
“I’m gonna-” he panted, “Can I please cum?”
“Yes, you’ve been such a good boy for me, baby. Let go. You can touch me now,” you spoke.
His hands moved to your hair just as his hips bucked up, shooting his load into your mouth. You accepted it all with a moan and swallowed.
You took a few more gentle sucks before releasing him from your mouth. As you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, Kyle stared at you adoringly.
“Ummm, thank you? I’m not really sure what to say,” he finally spoke.
“Just drive,” you laughed.
You woke up to a loud crashing sound coming from downstairs. You reached for your cell but it was dead even though it was plugged in. The power must have gone out. You grabbed your emergency battery-powered flashlight from underneath your bed and your bottle of pepper spray.
You quietly snuck down the stairs but when you turned the corner, you came face-to-face with your old kindergarten teacher who died a couple of years ago. She was definitely dead but still walking somehow. You screamed as she tried to grab you as you ran for the door.
You burst out of the door to see the street crawling with zombies of dead people you used to know. You ran towards the direction of the police station. You got about a half a mile until the deceased retired high school football coach tackled you to the ground.
You fought and kicked and screamed, trying to avoid him biting you. You thought it was over until you heard the sound of a gunshot and the zombie limply collapsed on top of you. You pushed it off with a yelp.
A hand reached down to help you up, you looked up to see Kyle standing there in a slightly bloody orange jumpsuit.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
You nodded slowly.
“We should get off the street but I’ve cleared this whole neighborhood so we should be okay,” he grabbed your hand.
You looked down at your interlocked hands, “I don’t know if it’s just the adrenaline talking but if the world is ending, I want to fuck you first.”
Kyle smiled softly, “It would be a hell of a last memory but I won’t let anything happen to you.”
He pulled you towards his house and jumped the fence to his backyard.
“I don’t think zombies can climb,” he said, looking up at his childhood treehouse.
“This is a first,” you laughed softly as you headed up the ladder with Kyle right behind you.
“I can feel your eyes staring at my ass,” you said as you climbed the ladder.
“It’s right in front of me! Where do you want me to look?” he defended himself.
“Didn’t say it was a bad thing,” you smirked.
Immediately upon crawling into the treehouse, your lips were on his.
“How do you want it, baby?” you whispered into his ear.
“Ride me, please,” he whined.
You put a hand on his chest and gently pushed him back onto the wooden floor. You unzipped his jumpsuit hastily, ripping your shirt and shorts off in the process.
You released his dick from the confines of his tight black boxers and stroked it a couple of times.
“You ready?” you asked as you lined yourself up above him.
“Yes,” he nodded enthusiastically.
You sank down on his dick, adjusting to the feeling of him inside you. Kyle’s head fell back in pure pleasure.
You wrapped a tentative hand around his neck, only applying more pressure when his moans increased in volume.
His hips were bucking up to meet yours at a ferocious pace.
“Ah fuck! I think I just got a splinter in my ass,” he yelped.
“Shhh baby, you can take it. You’re fucking me so good, my sweet boy,” you continued to ride him and guided his hands up to your boobs.
Kyle groaned at the praise, “I’m close-God, I’m so close.”
“Give me a few more seconds. I know you can, baby,” you frantically rubbed your clit in order to finish with him.
“Okay, fill me up like a good boy,” you whispered into his ear.
Kyle’s hands grappled at your hips as he bucked up into you one last time. As you both came down from your highs, you collapsed on top of him.
The two of you just laid like that for a while. Catching your breath while soaking up the skin-to-skin contact.
“You know I was going to go back to your apartment and ask you on a date? You know…before the whole world went to shit. Besides giving me the best blowjob of my life, you just seemed like a really cool, beautiful girl,” Kyle admitted.
“Too bad you didn’t get the chance, I would have said yes.”
“Can I leave you here for just a second?” he asked quietly.
You hugged him closer, “I would prefer it if you didn’t.”
“Well, I would prefer it if you stayed up here where I know it’s safe. I need to get supplies and I’m armed,” he reasoned with you.
“Promise you’ll come back,” you had tears in your eyes.
“I promise,” he held out his pinky and you wrapped yours around it, both of you kissing your fists.
You and Kyle got redressed and you watched him climb down the ladder and head into his house with his gun fully loaded. And then, you waited. You counted the seconds. You were at 381 when he finally returned.
“Thank god,” you let out a sigh of relief.
He started to unpack the bag he brought with him. He pulled out a blanket and set it on the floor for you both to sit on. Then, pillows. Next, he pulled out leftover cold pizza.
“Ah, gourmet,” you jokingly smiled.
He pulled out red solo cups and placed one in between you both, putting in a rose he plucked from his mom’s rose bush.
Finally, he pulled a very expensive bottle of whiskey from the bag and filled your cups.
“My dad was saving this for a special occasion, I think zombies coming back from the dead and the world ending qualifies,” he grinned.
The world didn’t end. In fact, you were just starting your new life with your future husband.
taglist (just ask to be added or removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana @hoodpankow @mochionly @spencerreid-187
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athenaeum-simps · 3 years
Credit:- @grimyfrightz on Instagram
Movie:- life after beth (2014)
Character:- kyle orfman
Played by :- mathew grey gubler
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
multiply (kyle orfman/reader)
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Title: multiply Request: no Couple: Kyle Orfman/Fem!reader Category: angst/smut w/ a taste of fluff Content Warning: SEXUAL CONTENT (penetrive sex, unsafe sex, mild hatefuck, grinding/groping, heavy petting, light breathplay (hand over mouth and nose) breeding/impregnation kink, fingering), zombies and zombies eating humans, death, descriptions of death, death of a grandparent (grandmother), mentions of guns and gun violence (but none actually happening), petnames (kitten/officer) Word Count: 5,943 Summary: After narrowly escaping her grandmother eating her, Reader is on her own to find other civilization. She meets the Orfman family and they take her in for safety. Reader and Kyle share a special bond. A/N: I am in love with this piece, so I hope you guys love it as much as I do. thank you to @reidetic for beta/editing this for me! this was also written for @imagining-in-the-margins "there was only one bed" trope challenge for june! thank you all so much for the support! i really do appreciate it. check out my masterlist!
My grandmother was alive… And then she was dead… And now she’s alive again. Which is very confusing because I watched her die. Like I can’t be the only person experiencing this, right? It’s not some weird fever dream either, I don’t think. This has to be a town wide phenomenon.
My grandmother was acting totally normal too. As if she didn’t die. She was living life day to day, making cookies, knitting, and sipping her tea, just like she did before she died. It was like life went back to normal. And then… She tried to eat me. That’s definitely not normal. Is it?
Who eats another person!? Zombies! That’s who! And how do you kill a zombie? I don’t really like that answer. Because I love my grandmother. She’d do nothing to hurt me, except eat me, I guess.
I gotta get out of this house. It’s not safe to stay in the house with her anymore, and it hasn’t been for a long time. So instead of killing her, like any other sane person would do, I just left. I packed my backpack with a few clothes, snacks and water, and I left.
Turns out it was a lot more than a town wide phenomenon. It was country wide. Everyone was experiencing their dead loved ones returning from the dead. Just showing up, like how my grandmother just showed up. It caused something of an uprise, too, considering people don’t just come back to life after being dead, and they’re eating other humans. It wasn’t an uprise. It was terror, pure terror of the people who didn’t die and come back to life.
I hadn’t left my house in a while, at least since my grandmother came back. So I didn’t realize just how dire the situation was. Piles of burnt stuff were all over the place. Cars with shattered windshields were crashed into trees or homes. And the number of bodies just on the street was… incredibly disturbing.
I needed to find any sign of civilization, and quickly. There was no telling just how long I’d make it alone. I probably only had enough water for the next day or two. And the only zombie movies I’ve seen were Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland, and that wasn’t very helpful… Well maybe Zombieland was helpful.
A long branch with a sharp and pointy end was sitting in the middle of the road. I grabbed it, hoping it’d be enough of a weapon to protect me from the disaster around me. I silently hoped, and prayed to whatever God was up there, that I’d find safety before nightfall.
I was beginning to lose hope as the sun started setting; the sky lighting up with the fires around the town. Several people wearing orange jumpsuits came running around the corner, each carrying various weapons in their hands and over their backs. I nearly fell to the ground because of how startled I was. I tried to pay attention to the crowd around me, but the pavement chewed up the palms of my hands.
A guy with a crew cut hairstyle seemingly looked in charge. Weird to have a gangly and scrawny man be in charge of a zombie take out group. He had this weird stature that he held, like he was trying to be intimidating but not everyone took him seriously.
The guy looked right at me and pointed a gun at my head. I slowly lifted my hands and stared at him.
“D-Don’t shoot! I’m human!” I shouted as I stared at him. He stared back, stepping closer to me. He dropped his gun away from me, but still kept his guard up.
“Human my ass!” The guy with the crewcut shouted. I looked at my hands, watching as blood began seeping from my palms. I quickly looked back at him, hoping he’d look at the human blood.
"Thoughts on smooth jazz?!" he asked in a loud tone. I stared up at him, feeling the terror bubble up my throat.
"I-I… Not my first choice in music?" I furrowed my eyebrows, as I wondered what this had to do with anything.
"Thoughts on dirt?!"
"Ew? Good for gardening? I don’t know!” I shouted back before I stumbled to my feet. The guy with the crew cut cautiously stepped closer to me as he examined my face and body. I’d assume it was because he was looking for any impurities I could possibly have. “I almost had to kill my grandmother. But… But I had to leave. I couldn’t do it. So I left. I left because she lunged at me… from across the table,” I mumbled as he stepped back. “I just need somewhere.. To lie low for the time being. I promise I’m safe.” I whispered as I looked at him. The guy looked back at the rest of his team, gauging their thoughts and concerns about letting me go with them.
“You can come with us. But the second you turn your back on us, or turn into them, don't be shocked when I’m the one to put a bullet into your head,” his voice got scary low as he stepped right up to me. I swallowed roughly and nodded.
“Understood,” I whispered as I looked up at him.
I was shoved into the middle of the crowd of orange jumpsuits. The guy with the crewcut took the lead and brought us to a house that was guarded by tall cement and steel fencing. The people who were currently occupying this home knew how to keep themselves safe.
We entered the fenced in yard of the house, the leader making sure everyone got in safely, and no undead beings followed us. Then we entered the house. I was half expecting it to be stripped down, or decayed. But when we got in… It looked like a normal home, just no power, and the windows boarded up.
“Oh! A new person!” A woman exclaimed once I stood in the area that was once a living room. She came right up to my side, looking at me with a bright smile. She was very happy that I was here. “Don’t worry! You’re safe now!” she cooed as she threw her arms around me. I froze, my body refusing to move as she embraced me.
“I-I…” I swallowed roughly as she pulled away from me. I barely had time to say anything else as she pulled us to sit on the couch.
“I’m Judy Orfman. Kyle is my son.” She smiled as she gestured towards the crew cut guy wearing the orange jumpsuit.
“Mom,” Kyle muttered as he pinched the bridge of his nose. I snickered as I looked back at Judy. I smiled softly as I gave her my name. It was weird how homey this place felt, albeit our situation in the world. Part of me wondered if Judy had any part in that.
“My husband, Noah, is out right now. And my other son, Zach, is with one of the women. She also had to kill her grandmother,” Judy whispered that last part. I looked at her with wide eyes, feeling a certain nervousness settle in the pit of my stomach. I could tell she meant well, and I shouldn’t be scared around anyone here. Everything that’s happened is just unsettling. When I woke up this morning I wasn’t expecting to have to escape zombies.
“Is it okay i-if I lie down? I’m just very tired after everything that’s happened.” I I looked between Judy and Kyle.
“Oh! Kyle, honey, you should let her sleep in your room. She obviously needs it,” Judy spoke to her son as she carefully smoothed out my hair. I looked at her with a small smile. I loved how motherly she was. It was definitely something I needed in a time like this.
“I’m not going to do that, Mom.”
“We don’t have any more bed space. You’re the only person with a bed big enough to hold two people. We aren’t going to force her to sleep on the floor or on the couch.”
“I-I don’t have an issue with the flo-”
“Non-sense! Kyle has plenty of space!” Judy clapped her hands together as she glared at Kyle. Kyle looked back at her with wide eyes before dropping his head and mumbling something. Even though Kyle was in charge of the orange jumpsuits, Judy was the head of household. Anyone could argue with her, but she would end up getting her way no matter what. Kyle probably knew better than to fight his mother.
“So it’s agreed then! You guys will share the room!” Judy smiled brightly. “Just no funny business.” She then glared between me and Kyle. I looked at her with wide eyes before shaking my head.
“Ugh! Ew! With him!”
“Her?! Are you serious?”
Even though I basically said what he said, I was still hurt by his utter disgust behind his words. I tried not letting it bother me as I grabbed my backpack and stood up.
“Why don’t you show her around? The bathroom, kitchen, bedroom.” Judy stood up beside me as she looked at her son. Kyle begrudgingly moved towards the opening of the living room, leading off to a new area.
“C’mon,” he grumbled as he looked over at me. I looked at Judy before looking back at Kyle. I dropped my head before dashing up beside him.
Every room he showed, I was met with a new person distraught by the events of the day. Kyle just showed me the room. I didn’t really know what I was expecting when he showed me around the house.
“Finally, this is where I sleep,” Kyle muttered as he gestured towards the closed off bedroom. A small smile grew on my lips as I entered the room, heading right towards the bed. Kyle, however, stopped me by grabbing my backpack and pulling me back to the door. “And just what do you think you’re doing?”
“Judy said I could sleep in here, too. So I figured I should take my side of the bed.” I looked up at him, folding my arms over my chest. A smirk grew across Kyle’s lips before he nodded. At this point we were standing toe-to-toe, and our chests were practically pressed together.
“You’re adorable,” he muttered before pulling my backpack off my back and tossing it to the left side of the bed. “If I find out you’re cuddling with me, you’re outta here. And if I see you going through my shit… You’re dead.”
“Sir, yes, sir.” I whispered before looking away from him. I walked away from him and towards the bed. Even though I wasn’t facing him, I could feel Kyle’s eyes on me as I went through my bag. “Are you just going to stand there and watch me? Or are you going to let me sleep peacefully?” I asked as I dropped my shoulders and the things I was holding.
“Until I know you won’t fuck around with stuff you’re not supposed to…” He spoke out loud. I rolled my eyes before turning to face him.
“Do you want me to just mess with your stuff while you’re here?” I asked as I walked back around to his side of the bed. Kyle’s eyes widened and his jaw steeled as I went to his night stand. “Or will you leave me alone so I can get some rest?”
“I’ll leave you alone the second you back away from that nightstand.” His words were quick and sharp as he spoke. A small smirk grew across my lips as I looked back at him. I stepped away from the night stand and stood in the middle of the room. “I’ll come back in an hour,” he muttered before leaving the room.
With a deep sigh, I returned to my side of the room, finally getting ready to lie down for the first time in what feels like days.
I don’t think time exists anymore. Ever since the world went to shit, it feels like days felt longer than 24 hours. So it was hard to say how long I’d been in this safe house. I wished time was still relevant...
I try not to let things bother me. But I feel like it’s especially hard in this house with all of these people I hardly know. It was even harder because I was still sharing a room with Kyle. And he is probably the worst person I’ve ever met. He talks in his sleep. But he wouldn’t own up to that. Noooo, he’s too good for that.
The first night I realized he was talking in his sleep wasn’t too bad, mostly because it was him talking about stuff that happened before before a stupid zombie apocolyspe. But now it’s just annoying shit. I never get a moment alone anymore.
For a moment of privacy, I sat in the closet. It was just for a moment before the doors swung open and a woman my age sat down beside me.
“Zach wants to go to a stupid graveyard today,” Erica muttered as she sat down. I looked over at her with a raised eyebrow. “He wants to visit Beth’s stupid grave.”
“Beth’s his ex-girlfriend, right?” I asked, still unsure of who people were here. She nodded as she began picking at the loose threads on her pants. “You shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, Erica.”
“Okay, but when the dead start trying to kill me, then I’m going to talk ill of the dead.”
“That’s fair, I suppose,” I muttered as I looked at the floor in front of us. “It’s still not really safe to do that… Little weird.” I glanced back at Erica with a raised brow. She looked back at me and grimaced. I had nothing else to say, granted conversations between us didn’t last too long. We had nothing in common other than our grandmothers tried eating us, therefore we had to kill them. So what was the use of us talking? I knew a friendship would never grow between us.
With a resigned sigh, I stood up, leaving Erica in the closet alone. I ignored her bothersome questions as I walked away from her. I didn’t want to be around her, or really anyone. So I went to the safest place I could think of, hoping no one else would be there, my shared bedroom with Kyle.
Of course, it’d just be my luck that Kyle would also be there. He was sitting at his desk, wearing nothing by his boxers while he cleaned his gun. I just didn’t realize that till I had fully entered the room.
“What the fuck!? What are you doing?! Don’t you knock!?” he shouted as I entered the room more. I turned and looked at him, my eyes wide as I stared at him. “S-Stop staring! Are you crazy!?”
“Me crazy!? You’re the one cleaning your gun half naked!” I shouted as I gestured at his attire. I quickly threw a hand over my eyes as I blindly searched for the bed.
“It's how I relax!” He shouted back. Once my body finally touched the bed, I laid back, quickly throwing a pillow over my face. “Can you leave?”
“How come you get to relax but I don’t? Roommates remember?” I sat up and glared at him. He glared back at me, keeping his hands on his gun.
“It’s so funny to me that you were going to be a police officer?” I scoffed as I laid back. That seemed to strike a chord in him, causing him to stand and look at him.
“What? I didn’t tell-”
“You talk in your sleep,
“No I don’t, Kitten,” Kyle retorted. I stared at him for a moment, trying to comprehend what he just called me. Kitten? Really? Seriously? “If anyone talks in their sleep, it’s you.” He pointed at me. I smirked and shrugged.
“If you say so… Officer.” I grinned before reaching up to shut the lamp off. Kyle stayed sitting in the darkness. I could only imagine his face was beet red, and his knuckles were white as a ghost as he held his gun.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing?” Kyle’s voice came through the mild darkness. I shrugged, even though he couldn’t see me.
“Taking a nap, Officer, because it’s how I relax.”
It had to have been the middle of the night. I couldn’t be too sure. I just knew it was late at night, and Kyle’s whole entire body was clinging to mine as he talked.
“Someone’s gotta repopulate the world… Why… Why don’t you do it with me?” Kyle mumbled into my chest. I stiffened as his hands drifted all over my body. “You’re like the only feasible person to do it with.”
“Okay, first off, rude,” I muttered as I shoved his body off mine. It was impossible to keep him off me though, because the moment his body was away from mine, he knew, and instantly wrapped his arms back around me ten times harder than before. “Secondly, haven’t you heard of personal space,” I groaned as I laid perfectly still on my back. I finally just gave in and let him keep his arms around me. No use in fighting that.
“C’mon, Kitten,” he mused as he nuzzled his head into my chest more. I widened my eyes and looked down at him. “We’d make some pretty cute kids.”
I hate this so fucking much. And there was no way I was getting out of this. I just wish this was when I knew the weird sex dreams started...
I laid perfectly still on the bed. The lights were off, and Kyle was perfectly asleep. I was envious of his sleep. The last time I had a peaceful night of rest was ages ago. The nightmares I had were awful, keeping me awake till dawn. But also, Kyle also talked in his sleep and always clung to me like his life depended on it.
I’d be lying if I said Kyle and I hadn’t gotten close. Even though part of me still hated him, the other part of me knew that he was probably the last person I had to be friends with, other than his mother and Erica.
With a deep groan, I shoved Kyle awake, nearly pushing him to the floor.
“What the hell was that for!?” he shouted from his spot on the ground beside the bed.
“You know when you talk in your sleep…” I spoke aloud. I kept my eyes on him as he glared at me.
“No I don’t,”
“You sure about that, Officer. How else would I know you wanted to be a cop?” I scoffed as I stood up off the bed. Kyle watched as I walked around the bed and stood at the foot of it.
“You… You read through my personal belongings.” He shot back as he stood to his feet.
“Y-You have a diary,” I stifled my laughter as I looked at him. Kyle glared at me again. “No, I only know that because you talk in your sleep. And at first it didn’t bother me too much because it was cute shit like being a police officer, or having a family and kids, and cute shit… But now… For the last week, Kyle, you have been having sex dreams. And I wake up to you clinging to me…” I lifted an accusing finger as I spoke. Kyle looked at me, waiting for me to continue my rant. Which was rather surprising because he hardly lets people finish their thoughts or rants before he interprets them. “Do you know how weird that is?! Having sex dreams about someone who’s just sleeping next to you?” I stared at him for a moment, trying to understand if he was going to say anything. “Whatever, I’m going to help Judy.” I scoffed before turning to leave the room.
“With what? It’s midnight!” He gestured to the dark window. Yeah, that was true. Judy was probably asleep. I just needed to get out of the room and let my frustrations be out instead of held in.
“With something!” I shouted at him.
“Kitten, wait,” Kyle started before grabbing my wrist and pulling me to face him. I spun around on my toes and looked right at him. I couldn’t help but feel annoyance grow on my face as I stared.
“Why do you call me that!?” I shouted at him. Kyle stayed silent as he stared up at me. I could see a certain confusion grow on his face as he tried to connect the dots to my question. “Kitten! Why do you call me that?! You’ve called me that since I got here.”
“Well… I…” Kyle paused for a moment. I watched as his mouth opened and closed a few times, and his jaw clenching momentarily. I stared at him, as he sat in thought for a very long time.
“Whatever,” I scoffed as I turned to leave again.
“Because you’re attractive…” He finally spoke after an eternity of silence. He looked up at me with a stilled face. “Because I’d fuck you,” he stated truthfully. I blinked, taking a step back before I stared at him.
“That’s a bit of a raunchy way to say you want to sleep with me.” I folded my arms over my chest. Kyle smirked before shrugging. “I’ve been sleeping with you for the last month.”
“You-You know what I meant,” he muttered as he approached me again. I stopped right in front of me, our toes just barely touching. “Well, do you?”
“Do I what?”
“Want to have sex with me?”
“You… You want to have sex… During the end of the world. Bit cliche don’t you think?” I was still taken aback that he just asked that. I’m still stuck in the argument we had less than 10 minutes ago. And now he wants to have sex with me?
“Well I wouldn’t say that it’s the end of the world. But that’s essentially what I’m saying… Yeah, I wanna have sex with you, during the end of the world.” Kyle shrugged as he looked at me.
“If you say so… Officer,” I whispered with a shrug. Kyle looked at me, his jaw stealing at my words. “Someone’s gotta repopulate the world.” I smirked at him. I could tell my words did something to him. It was obvious that he did indeed want someone to repopulate with. And I was the winner of that contest. Not that I’m complaining.
“Don’t… Don’t call me that,” he warned as he cornered me between his body and the bed. I took a deep breath as I looked at him, feeling my heart rate pick up in my chest. He still made it possible for me to escape if I wanted to. But, at this point, who says I wanted to escape?
“Why? D-Does it do something to you, Officer?” I whispered as I lifted my hands to his shirt. A small smirk grew across his lips as I smoothed out the wrinkleiness of the fabric against his torso. I could feel the semi toneness of his chest through the light fabric.
“You tell me yourself, Kitten,” he muttered before pressing his hips into mine. My breath was instantly knocked from my lungs as his bulge pressed into my legs. “Tell me now… If you want to stop…” he half growled into my mouth. I quickly shook my head as he pressed his groin into me more.
“P-Please,” I whispered before I pulled my lips between my teeth.
“Please what, Kitten?”
“Don’t stop,” I whimpered into his mouth. He looked down at me, a pleased smirk growing on his lips before he quickly pressed his mouth along my face and then down my jaw. It was impossible to stay down on earth the moment he began leaving little bites across my neck. A soft whimper fell from my lips as he pushed me back down on the bed.
“We gotta be quiet… My parents are in the next room over. Don’t want them hearing us,” he whispered into my ear as he quickly threw a hand over my mouth. I took a deep breath before he pressed his thumb over my nose. “You think you can do that for me, Kitten?” He kept his voice low, almost a growl as he spoke. With his other hand, he carefully pushed past my pajamas and cupped my pussy.
I wanted to nod, but I knew the nod would mean nothing the second I whimpered again. Kyle smirked as he slowly moved his fingers over my clothed sex. I don’t think I’d be able to be quiet...
It just got harder to stay quiet the second he started stroking my clit over my panties. He knew exactly what he was doing. Driving me nuts, that’s what. He could’ve gone slower, and I would’ve hated him for it… Or loved him. At this point they were both interchangeable.
I bit down so hard on my lips I was sure they’d bleed as he moved my underwear to the side. My lungs slowly grew a blaze, feeling a certain tightness in my chest as he slowly moved a finger between my folds, slowly pressing it into my entrance. A dark smirk grew across his lips as he withdrew his hand.
“I didn’t know a kitten could get so wet,” Kyle mused as looked at his glistening fingers. He quickly glanced at me, his smirk growing daker by the second. Then he carefully stuck his fingers between his lips, sucking on them for a brief moment. A soft whimper came from me, causing him to laugh. “She tastes good, too,” he hummed.
Kyle carefully dragged his hand down my side, tracing over my waist and hips, before diving back into my pants and underwear. He knew exactly what he was doing, on purposely making me make noises. Because the second he started stroking over my clit, I couldn’t stop any sound that came from my mouth, even with his hand over it.
“This is already better than any dream I had, Kitten,” he murmured in my ear. I swallowed roughly and nodded. He smirked as he gently pushed a finger into me, quickly followed by a second. “If you’re quiet I’ll move my hand.”
I hummed as I closed my eyes, my head lolling to the side. Kyle dragged his hand from my mouth, sliding it down to my chest. My lips stayed between my teeth, forcing myself to be quiet as he started massaging my breasts.
“D-Don’t stop, whatever you do… Please k-keep going,” I struggled to say as his movements hastened. His thumb carefully brushed against my clit, causing me to push my head back into the bed beneath me.
“You like this, don’t you?” Kyle laughed lightly. I could feel my chest lifting away from the bed the heavier my breath grew. “How long has it been since you’ve been touched like this? Since you’ve been used?”
“Kyle, Kyle, please,” I bit down on my lower lip. I brought one of my hands to rest over my mouth, while the other held his arm.
“I’d call you a desperate, but I’m the one having sex dreams of you.”
The funny thing is… I was desperate. Even though he was the one having the sex dreams, I was the one having the thoughts when I was awake. And a lot of the thoughts were hoping this would happen. Guess we’re bothing having dreams coming true.
It was only a matter of moments before I was finishing over his hand. My eyes stayed closed as I tried catching up with time. And in the few moments I had, Kyle had climbed off the bed and quickly undressed, leaving me still in my pajamas. I didn’t feel rushed, but I hated that I was still wearing clothes.
Once I had my moment of recollection, I sat up, peeling my shirt off and kicking my pants to the floor. I was too busy undressing to even notice that Kyle was staring at me, watching my quickness and excitement. But when I finally did sit back and look at him, he was watching me with a smirk on his lips.
I tried not to let my eyes linger on his body for too long. When I noticed his hard length, I couldn’t help but stare. Then he laughed, forcing me to look up at his face and swallow roughly.
“No, please, keep staring,” he muttered with a smirk. I slowly blinked before shaking my head, silently lifting my hand to him. I could feel my sudden neediness radiating off my body, surely Kyle could sense it from where he was standing.
When he didn’t move, I slowly moved my legs apart, making it so there was space for him to kneel comfortably. He smirked again before crawling onto the bed, coming right up to my face.
“Tell me, Kitten, how badly do you want this,” he whispered against my lips. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before nodding. “Use your words. I trust you know how. You were pretty vocal a few moments ago.”
“I don’t think you understand, Officer, how bad I need you,” I murmured as I looked up at him. The corner of his lips twitched at the nickname I had so lovingly given him. “Only you can help me.”
“Damn right I am,” he muttered before roughly pressing his lips to mine. I threw my arms around his neck as he moved so his length was pressing against me. My breathing stuttered slightly before I began gasping for air as he very slowly entered me.
Once he was fully sheathed in me, Kyle knelt straight up. I stared at him, watching as he hooked his arms under my knees. With that, he managed to press deeper into me, inciting a moan from me.
“More,” I tried to whisper as I looked up at him. His eyes locked with mine for a moment before rolling his hips into mine. He fell into a steady rhythm, hitting the right spots at just the right times.
Any conversation between us ceased to exist, leaving us with struggling moans and gasps for breath. My hands ran over my body, trying to relieve myself of something.
Kyle dropped one of my legs, bringing his hand to between my legs. My head fell back before rolling to rest against my shoulder, feeling the eventual relief in my abdomen.
“You feel so good, Kitten,” Kyle mumbled before dropping my other leg and coming back down to my face. I huffed out a breath of air before lifting a hand to his head. “Better than anything I could ever imagine,” he added before pressing his lips to mine. I hummed, pushing my fingers through his hair.
“I’m gon-gonna cum,” I whined before biting my teeth into his shoulder. Kyle ran his hands up my back before pulling me close.
“Yeah?” he groaned into my ear. I nodded as my breathing grew ragged. “Me too,” he added as his movements grew faulty. He pressed his forehead to mine, his heavy breath fanning across my skin. My eyes stayed glued to his.
“Do it, please do it,” I whimpered. Kyle’s eyes grew darker the moment the heaviness of my words hit him. I don’t think I was supposed to notice his brief pause, but I did. “I’m serious.”
“You know what-”
“God, Kyle, I know. I know what it’ll mean,” I cut him off, lifting my back up into his body. He looked at me for a brief moment before capturing my lips in a gentle kiss. I threw my arms around his neck, holding him close to me.
“If that’s what you want,” he moaned, his movements turning sloppy. I knew I wasn’t about to last long. “Someone’s gotta have my kid.”
“Let it be me then,” I cried out. My legs wrapped around his waist, keeping him in place. “Please.” My whole body tensed around his as my head fell back as I tried to keep quiet. Kyle looked down at me before putting his hand over my mouth. Then a warmth- that I didn’t realize that I missed- grew in my stomach.
Kyle fell, laying against my body. With that, we fell into silence. The only sound was our heavy breathing and the sounds of crickets outside. The silence was nice though.
“My mother better not find out about this,” Kyle said after an eternity. I laughed and shook my head.
“Then you better hope I don’t end up pregnant, because she’ll find out eventually,” I sighed deeply as I brought my hands to hold the back of his head. His body stiffened before he lifted his head to look down at me.
“I’ll tell her in the morning.”
“Well you don’t have to do that,” I laughed. He stared at me for a moment. “You tell her she’ll probably break us apart. And, well, like I said earlier… Someone’s gotta repopulate the world.”
“No, yeah, you’re right. She’d probably kill me if she found out we’re having sex,” he stated before trying to move away from me. “Actually I think she’d kill me then pray I come back to life for that kid.”
“I’m not living through someone trying to eat me twice.”
“I can change that,” he teased with a smile. I stared at him once I realized what he meant.
“Tomorrow night please. I’m so tired.”
“If you say so,” Kyle laughed before slipping out of the bed.
Some months after the apocalypse ended
“You look mighty dashing in that uniform, Officer.” I looked at Kyle as I smoothed out the few wrinkles in his shirt. I tried my hardest to hold the young boy in my arms the moment he became fussy.
“Don’t start that now. I can’t be late,” Kyle warned as he looked back at me. I smiled and shrugged.
I looked up at Kyle with a soft smile on my lips. Although our son was young, he tried to blindly reach out for his father, but failed as he was just out of the child’s reach. “Be safe out there,” I whispered before pressing my lips to his.
“Of course I will.”
“Good, because your little man will be pissed if he finds out you’re not coming home.” I smiled before kissing him again. “But I think I’ll be even more pissed than your kid.”
“Please. I’ll come home in one piece, with no bites.”
“You better, Officer.” I smirked again.
“Well since you asked so nicely,” Kyle scoffed before rolling his eyes. I smiled and nodded.
“Good luck out there. Judy’s making dinner so be home in a timely manner.”
“Okay, for real, I gotta go. See you later, Little Man.” Kyle smiled as he rubbed the top of his son’s head. I smiled before puckering my lips. “And I’ll be home before you know it.” He quickly pecked my lips. “Love you.”
“Yeah, yeah, love you too. See ya later.” I swung our son over to my other hip, resting him gently on my hip. I turned around and slowly walked back up to our home.
“It’s not too soon for another one, is it?!” He shouted from the end of the driveway. I turned and looked at him as I made it to the front door.
“If anything, we can practice!”
if you want to be a part of a taglist (lmk if ur 18+ for smut) or have any comments about this one-shot, let me know here
taglist: @thebluetint @muffin-cup @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @spencersmagic  @spenciegoob @flipperpenguins @broken-stardust​ 
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darkh3llscap3 · 3 years
Spencer Reid Masterlist
Updated: January 25, 2022
General Masterlist
Spencer Reid-
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Teachers Pet
Teacher! Spencer Reid x female student! reader
Summary: When the sub comes in you feel like you have a real connection but hold off.
Warnings: Student-teacher relationship, slight NSFW, very slight bullying. Also, high fluff...
Scared for you
Boyfriend! Spencer Reid x Injured! Reader
Summary: Spencer gets a call from Emily saying that you got shot.
Warnings: Mention of blood, angst, crying.
Yandere Spencer Reid Pre-relationship headcanons
120 notes · View notes
Let’s Play ~ K.O. (part 1)
A/n: So @httpnxtt mentioned Kyle and a gun kink and I kind of made it my own because she’s nice and let me lol. Big thanks to @sunlight-moonrise and @gretaamyk​ for beta reading!. Also huge thanks to @april-14-blog for the encouragement to actually write this! Without all of these people, this fic wouldn’t have happened, and even if no one else reads it but them and myself, I’m glad I got it written and published :)
Warnings: violence, death (not any major characters), smut (male on male): fingering, oral, hand jobs, gun play kink, penetration.
Word Count: 5700+
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Hands were a hard thing to fight off a super strong creature of death with, but it was either that or Y/n was eaten alive, so there wasn't much of an option.
He'd been doing great with his gun until he'd been tackled from behind. His gun had flown off somewhere- he was just lucky that he'd been able to squirm around so he could fight back at all. He thought if he killed enough time then he might be able to get to his gun, but he couldn't even look away without risking those dirty, rotting teeth sinking into his throat and ripping his vocal chords out. Not a great ending to this story if he was being honest. Not the road he wanted to go down.
A gun show went off and Y/n flinched, eyes wide. But he felt no pain and after only a second's pause, the thing above him that used to be the mailman went limp. He shoved it off of him, rolling to his feet. He stared at the creature, waiting for it to move. But then he saw the bullet wound and the blood coming from the side of its head and he relaxed, standing to his feet fully and searching out his rescuer.
There, only a few feet away actually, was a tall man with brown hair and matching eyes. Y/n's gun was in his hands. Hands that were shaking now. His dark eyes had widened in a look of panic Y/n was getting used to. The two men looked at each other for a long moment. "I killed him," the brunette finally whispered.
"Yes," Y/n confirmed. He put his hands up to show he meant no harm and began to come closer and closer. His goal was half to calm the man down and half to get his gun back. The worst thing that could happen is the man would panic and shoot him, and Y/n couldn't take chances with a bullet wound.
The man took a deep breath and finally lowered the gun from where he'd had it pointed to shoot the now-dead thing that had been trying to kill Y/n. "I did a good thing." It was a struggle for him it seemed. He was trying to convince himself.
Well, that one was easy for Y/n. He was a man of truth, but he didn't even have to tiptoe around this one. "A very good thing," he agreed earnestly. "You saved my life." He began to extend his hands toward the other man's, reaching for his gun just as slowly as he'd approached. "Can I have my gun back please?"
A small nod signaled the man's release of the object, and he even dropped the hand that was attached to the arm furthest from Y/n so he could stretch it out to him. "Here, sorry."
Taking it, Y/n relaxed. He felt safer with a way to defend himself if the need arose. "No need to be sorry. Like I said, you saved my life." It was then the man looked at Y/n, tearing his eyes away from the body he was still staring at. When they looked at each other now, Y/n swore that his heart died in his chest.
Perhaps this was the single worst time to notice this, but Y/n couldn't help it as his gaze took in every inch of the man. He was incredibly attractive, simply put. Even with death all around them, who could simply not see such a pretty face? Y/n was a simple man, and the person that had just saved his life was hot.
He looked away, putting his gun at the back of his belt and clearing his throat. As much as admiring was no sin, getting distracted was. He had to think with the right head- there were more important things. But holy shit if there hadn't been... Y/n might have had to ask this guy on a date.
"Well, thanks." Y/n spoke the words to get out of his head. "Officially." He hesitated as the man nodded. "What's your name?"
"Kyle." His voice was suddenly hoarse and it made him even sexier. Goddamnit!
"Nice to meet you, Kyle." Y/n noticed the look the man was giving him and realized he was waiting for a return in names. "I'm Y/n."
Kyle nodded again. Then he pulled a shiny silver gun out of the holster at his side Y/n was just noticing. His lips must have been really distracting for him to just not pick up on the fact that Kyle was armed... They actually had been that distracting. They made Y/n wonder if Kyle was a good kisser.
"I'm part of the resistance." His grin made him look like a total dork. It was adorable, and Y/n fought not to smile at it. "We have serious firepower, and we're clearing blocks to make sure everyone at the base is safe. Want to join us?"
It was Y/n's turn to nod. "I'd definitely like some purpose in this mass chaos. Where are you headed to next?"
Kyle grinned. "Think you can keep up?"
Y/n cocked an eyebrow. "Do you think YOU can keep up? You look a little too pretty to actually know how to wield that thing."
Y/n's complement seemed to boost Kyle's confidence. "I knew it well enough to shoot that zombie without hitting you."
A soft chuckle resounded through Y/n's chest. "You have me there. Lead the way, Hot Shot."
The pun made Kyle snort. Shaking his head, he turned to look out instead of at Y/n. "Keep up." As he moved forward, Y/n couldn't help but check out the view from the back. "And Keep your eyes on the zombies," Kyle added sharply, though he didn't seem to be shutting Y/n down as much as he was making sure his back was being watched.
"Yes sir," Y/n joked. Kyle didn't respond to that.
Probably because he was distracted by another zombie ducking into sight and turned its hungry eyes on the pair of men. Thankfully, he really was a great shot and he totally nailed the thing. He lowered his gun, smirking as he looked back at Y/n. "I'm already two ahead of you. You sure you can keep up?"
Y/n raised his eyebrows. "Oh, that's how you want to play huh?" Kyle shrugged and Y/n rolled his eyes, searching for his next target. As Kyle went to say something snarky, Y/n found the next dead body. He took aim and shot it stiff before Kyle could even voice his snarky shot. "Careful Kyle. You've unleashed the beast."
Kyle scoffed. "Okay, Mr. Sexy and Smooth. If we're making this competition, what does the winner get?" He shot another zombie, making Y/n jump. "Other than staying alive, I suppose?"
A soft sigh through pursed lips, as Y/n tried to decide. "What do you want?"
Kyle's eyes suddenly ran down Y/n's body and the man shivered under such a look. Before he could respond though there was a scream and both men were rushing to see what had caused it.
There was a small girl pinning a slightly older boy. The boy had a bar in her mouth and that was why he was faring better than Y/n had been earlier. Her nails were digging into his arms though as if she was about to tear his flesh off by hand if she had to. Y/n had to remind himself of two things. First of all, that wasn't a girl anymore. Second, it absolutely would rip his flesh off his bones with its hands if it felt it had to. He went to aim when Kyle helped next to him.
It seemed that between the gunshots and the boy screaming, the noise had drawn a crowd. There were four zombies heading for Y/n and another rolling around with Kyle who was trying to both keep hold of his gun and also get it to the thing's head so he could shoot it. Y/n forced himself to not panic and instead prioritize. He had to keep himself safe first. The boy and Kyle would be much worse off without Y/n there to offer an extra pair of hands wielding a gun.
He took out two before he heard the crunching of the pipe and the gargling of the thing ripping whatever must remain from the boy, going for him again. He'd run out of time, but thankfully before he could switch his attention there was a shot that he found out meant Kyle had taken down his attacker when Y/n looked over to check in on the other man. Kyle got to his knees and turned the barrel of his weapon to the girl, pulling the trigger without hesitation. She fell and the boy collapsed in relief, her fingers falling out of his mouth just as she was attempting to rip his jaw open.
Y/n turned back his attention to the two zombies headed to him to see there were now six.
"Get up!" Kyle yelled at the boy. The kid responded thank god, scrambling between the two armed men who moved to surround Gina s best they could with just two of them. With him between them, they both looked around at the sudden crowd that had come to play. "I have four in front of me and three more to the left." Y/n looked and realized they had less a crowd and more a mob. This wasn't going to go well if they didn't hurry.
"Perfect opportunity to raise those numbers," Y/n mumbled with ease, like he was talking about the cloudy sky or what was on TV. As if this was normal. Kyle chuckled and they both aimed, counting out loud as they took out one zombie after another.
When the street was finally cleared, the silence was deafening. Kyle moves closer to Y/n, the boy having even less room to move around now. "We need to get out of here, in case more show up. At least from the middle of the road. If we just stand here they might overwhelm us, but if we hide and wait for them to come along then-"
"Sounds great and all," Y/n interrupted. Kyle jerked as he was cut off. "But I doubt either of us have many more bullets, and we have a child to get back to safety if you recall."
Kyle hesitated, jaw working as he looked between the kid and the street. Finally, he sighed, shoulders dropping. "Fine. Lead the way."
Y/n felt himself smile at how cute Kyle looked when he was all down trodden like that. It didn't distract him from keeping them all safe and well guided as they made their way back to 'base' as Kyle called it, it did keep him motivated. They returned with only one more dropped body. "What's your name?" Y/n asked as the trio got settled so the two men could stock up on supplies.
"Tyler," the kid responded.
"Tyler," Y/n greeted. "This is Kyle and I'm Y/n. It's safe here. We're part of a group of people who are going to keep clearing the streets so nothing will get to you guys okay?" Tyler nodded.
Just then, one of the much older adults came into the room. "I think we're actually going to call it a night fellas. The sun is going down and that messes with vision. Makes it much easier for them to take us over. They don't have to worry about getting hurt."
"Yes sir," Y/n said in more of a joking way. His words seemed to excite Kyle though, who was getting way too into the spy day dream he was working with. It made Y/n chortle a bit.
When the older man and the boy left the pair of young adults alone, Kyle sidled up to Y/n. "How many did you get? I got fifteen." He said the number with pride and confidence. Y/n already knew this. He had stopped counting out loud, but Kyle hadn't. Too bad his surety that Y/n couldn't beat him was about to be torn down.
Kyle deflated even more and, as if stealing that air, Y/n puffed up in pride. Kyle hesitated though before slowly realizing, "What's... your prize?" He seemed half eager and half trepid. It fueled Y/n for some reason, having enough power to make a man like Kyle some levels of both nervous and excited.
Y/n hummed, moving closer very slowly. He moved behind Kyle, Y/n's breath falling on the other man's neck. Kyle shivered. Now on the other side of Kyle, Y/n leaned over and pressed his lips quickly to Kyle's cheek. "I think that's all I'll claim for now." Then he turned away and began to leave. He heard the shuddering breath of a frustrated man behind him but he didn't give Kyle the satisfaction of him looking back to see exactly what state he was in. Even though he was rather curious... for now, he was having too much fun messing with the poor man.
Kyle, on the other hand, was NOT having fun. Not at all.
Y/n and Kyle went on six runs together over the next three days. They slept at night and then sometimes had to get people back to safety, or stock back up on ammo or food, which brought them back temporarily. Every time they headed back to base, they told the other their tallies and every single time Y/n had won. Kyle has even made them begin to count out loud to prove that Y/n wasn't making a number up. He'd had Y/n say his number before him so Y/n couldn't just say some number above what Kyle said. No matter what he did or how hard he tried, Y/n was better at this than him.
It seemed a bit of a reprieve for him when Y/n tripped one day, twisting his ankle. Unfortunately, it had almost gotten him killed. Focused on the zombies approaching him, Y/n hadn’t watched where he was going and had tripped over a stone that had looked smaller in his peripheral vision. When he’d fallen, he’d dropped his gun and the scramble that he’d gone through to get it back had almost cost too much time. He’d had two zombies on top of him and had by luck alone managed to wiggle into a position to shoot both of them as their faces eagerly lowered to begin to take him chunks at a time. He’d stopped one of them with its teeth in his shoulder. THAT was how close it had been.
Now it was over though, and they were headed back. Kyle seemed irritated though.
"At least now you'll get a few days of practice," Y/n attempted to joke as they traveled as quickly as possible before they'd find themselves in a situation that required them to stop and face down any zombies that might head their way. Thus far a few had been pulled down just by Y/n nabbing them as they passed, but if they got any closer than the two men couldn't chance Y/n missing one, and Kyle helping meant he had to have his hands free, which meant he couldn't help Y/n walk which means they'd basically he stuck in place unless Y/n started crawling. And that would be an even worse plan, because Kyle might trip over Y/n if he couldn't see him. He had to keep his eyes on the zombies, he needed to know where Y/n was so his worry didn't distract him from taking threats out.
Thankfully they hadn't gotten to that point yet.
When the house came into sight, both men relaxed. Kyle helped Y/n inside and to a couch where they both collapsed, tired from the journey. "Nice job out there," Y/n gasped around his heavy breathing.
Kyle chuckled. "Don't patronize me. I know you got way more than me today because I dragged you here."
Y/n rolled his eyes. “You know Kyle, I’m not ALWAYS an ass. You probably saved my life today, and even if not you definitely put yours at risk to make mine easier.” He reached out, placing his hand on top of Kyle’s. “Thank you.”
That only seemed to irritate Kyle more, though that was apparent more from the man’s facial expression, as he didn’t move his hand from Y/n’s. “Can’t you just be a little less-” He cut off, shaking his head and standing to storm away, leaving Y/n wondering what he’d done wrong.
The next week passed a lot like that as Y/n stayed home and healed and helped take care of other people as well. He probably could have gone out sooner if he was pushing it, but he didn’t want to take any chances in case his ankle went weak as he put it through too much and Kyle had to drag him back to the house. That was the reason Y/n had decided Kyle was pissed at him for. The day had been cut short when Y/n had been careless and gotten hurt. It was then that he suddenly got so irritable, and he hadn’t been the same since. It made sense that he would be irritated at getting distracted from the work he was so dedicated to, and then that Y/n didn’t seem to care as much as he did about getting back to it once Y/n was well enough to go back.
The day Y/n did go out, Kyle seemed to be really tense. “You okay?” Y/n asked quietly.
“Shut up,” Kyle snapped. Y/n shrunk in on himself, not sure why Kyle was so pissed. The man seemed to notice and sighed, pausing in their stroll forward. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped. I just need to stay focused and you’re very distracting.” He began walking again, Y/n scrambling to keep up around his confusion.
Wait what? “Distracting?” Y/n asked gently, unsure. They’d been flirty since the first second they’d met. Sure the sexual tension was obvious but that had never seemed to bother Kyle before. Or did he mean that he was bothered by Y/n’s presence? Or that he was worried Y/n would drag him back again? Y/n wasn’t sure if him being a distraction was a good thing or not, and his brain was beginning to spiral with worry.
Kyle huffed.”I swear to god Y/n if you don’t stop, I’ll make you regret it.”
At that Y/n stopped dead. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Orfman?”
For whatever reason, that was what made Kyle break. The taller man spun around, eyes blazing. He looked at Y/n first then around them. There wasn’t even a sign of a zombie in sight. He gripped Y/n’s arm, pulling him roughly toward one of the houses. Y/n wasn’t afraid of Kyle per say, but he was curious enough to go along. His curiosity also held him from saying anything else, in case any questions made him stop.
Kyle led Y/n to the main bedroom and let him go, racing out of the room. Y/n guessed that it was to check to see if the place was empty, because when Kyle returned he didn’t have anything new. He did, however, have his gun drawn. “Kneel down.”
“Wha-?” Y/n began, stepping forward.
“Do it.” Kyle’s voice was hard. It was a command that demanded not to be questioned. Y/n gulped silently, finding himself very eager to obey. It was something he’d never experienced and it took him so off guard that he just did it. “Shirt off,” Kyle ordered next. Y/n’s eyes widened, finally realizing what was about to happen. As he did so, Kyle paused, allowing room for Y/n to stop this. As frustrated as he was, he wasn’t about to do anything Y/n didn’t want him to.
Far too eagerly, Y/n ripped his shirt off. He tossed it to the floor, still on his knees. His eyes followed Kyle dutifully. For all his flirting and big talk, it seemed that in this moment Kyle had unearthed a desperation that Y/n couldn’t contain anymore. He didn’t just want this, he NEEDED it, and if he had to do whatever he was told to get it then that’s what he was going to do.
Kyle smiled to himself, appreciating it. He just stood there and took Y/n in, making the man on the floor feel self conscious. “Do you want me to do anything else?” He asked softly.
A smirk rose to Kyle’s face. “So eager to be bossed around, huh?” Y/n nodded and Kyle seemed to relax, falling into this role like it was made for him. He came closer to Y/n, his hands winding in Y/n’s hair and tugging to Y/n looked up at him. The gun in his other hand moved underneath Y/n’s chin, the end of the barrel grazing his throat. Y/n jerked in surprise. Kyle smirked wider. “Y/n, do you trust me?”
He didn’t even have to think about it. “Yes.”
That was exactly what Kyle needed to hear. “Have you ever been with a man before?”
“Yes,” Y/n answered quickly, wanting to please. “Have you?”
Kyle shook his head. “I haven’t, actually. Is it that different?” When he paused, Y/n shrugged. “Use your words,” Kyle cooed.
“Yeah, for the most part. And more than just the obvious as well. Men go harder, but women go louder which makes a difference for some reason. Men tend to be quiet during sex.”
Nodding, Kyle stayed quiet a few seconds, as if considering the information. “Do you think either one is better?” Y/n shook his head no. “Just different then, huh?” Y/n nodded. “Well,” Kyle purred, nudging the gun to keep Y/n’s chin up as he let go of Y/n’s hair. “Show me the difference, Y/n.” He pointed to his pants and the man on his knees was fast to change his focus from Kyle’s face. His hands worked to undo the pants and pull them down, revealing the bulge underneath the black boxers. Y/n made a soft sound that made Kyle jerk forward. “Don’t waste time,” Kyle barked. “We don’t have all day.” With that, Y/n pulled Kyle’s boxers down as well, allowing his member to spring free. The sight made Y/n lick his lips, looking up at the other man with a question he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to ask. “What?” Kyle prompted, obviously irritated again.
“Do you want me to get it all in? Or can I use my hands too?”
Kyle blushed and Y/n felt his fingers begin to fidget. “Do what you think is necessary.” His voice had dropped and the sound went through Y/n in waves. It was the last thing either of them said before Y/n wrapped his fingers around the base of Kyle’s cock to stabilize it before he wrapped his lips around the tip. He hollowed his cheeks to create better suction as he bobbed his head, making Kyle groan, his head falling back and eyes closing. After a second, Y/n removed his mouth to pump the length with his hands. His fingers slid along the dent just under the head where he knew would be most sensitive. Kyle grabbed his hands to stop him. “I- I need to sit down-” He moved out of Y/n’s reach, sitting on the bed. “Come here.” His eyes were lust blown and Y/n swallowed, crawling over quickly. He didn’t need Kyle to tell him to start again, he just took action. After a few more pumps, Y/n placed his lips on Kyle once more, listening and stealing glances as well as he could without losing focus on what he was doing. He wanted to make sure what he was doing worked, and if it worked he didn’t want to stop doing it. Just when the brunette man seemed to begin to come unwound, he reached forward and grabbed hold of Y/n’s hair again. “Stop,” he growled. Y/n did, pulling his mouth off with a satisfying popping sound that made Kyle shiver. He lifted the hand that still held the gun. “Do you still trust me?”
“I trust you,” Y/n confirmed earnestly, eyes wide and sincere.
Kyle stroked Y/n’s jaw. “Such a good boy.” He leaned forward, pointing the barrel at Y/n’s lips. “Open.” Y/n did, and Kyle fit the thing inside his mouth. Y/n felt his pulse spike. He meant what he said when he’d said he trusted Kyle, but his fight or flight instincts were still responding and it was a little nerve wracking, making it hard to stay still. “Show me,” Kyle demanded softly, his face inches from the side of Y/n’s face. “Show me what you do to make me feel that good. I want to learn so I can duplicate it, but if you do it on me I’m gonna be distracted.”
Y/n steeled himself before beginning to work his mouth around the gun barrel as he did with Kyle. The brunette man suddenly shoved it deeper into Y/n’s mouth, making him gag. Kyle smiled and Y/n blinked the beginning of tears out of his eyes as they threatened to block him from the view. Kyle was obviously getting off on this. The thought was confirmed when Kyle began to stroke himself with his free hand. He watched Y/n, first licking then biting his lip as he touched himself. “God where did you learn to do this?” Y/n paused and he sneered, “Don’t stop. Just because I ask a question doesn’t mean I want you to answer it.” It was a dangerous order. What happened when Kyle DID want him to answer it and he didn’t? Y/n was kind of excited to learn.
Finally Kyle pulled the gun out of Y/n’s mouth. He hummed as Y/n whimpered. “Please,” Y/n begged. “Touch me. Something. Please.”
“So desperate,” Kyle whispered, his breath falling on Y/n’s face. Y/n nodded, scooting closer. His knees were beginning to hurt but he didn’t dare complain. Kyle stood, pointing the gun at Y/n’s forehead. “Stand the fuck up.” Y/n scrambled to his feet. Only now did he realize that Kyle was taller than him. Before it hadn’t been super obvious but now it was clear as day, with how close they were. His thoughts were ripped away from that as Kyle shoved him against the wall aggressively, nestling the gun under his chin. “What do you want?”
“Anything,” Y/n begged, closing his eyes as his head fell against the wood behind him.
Kyle hummed, considering. “Seem to be wearing a lot of clothes for someone who wants me to touch him.” He was grinning when Y/n shot him a complainant look. “Ah yes, what a good boy. Take them off then.” Immediately Y/n was naked, just in time for Kyle to follow as he slid his own shirt off. Kyle returned the gun to Y/n’s throat, but this time moved it to the right. On the left side of Y/n’s neck, Kyle pressed his lips to the Y/n’s skin. First it was soft kisses until he began to sink his teeth into the flesh just enough to make Y/n suck in a breath, but not enough to leave a mark. He did begin to suck though, running his teeth along the skin to ensure there would be a huge, dark purple mark left behind. Y/n released a breath, but his body remained coiled with tension. “Beg me to fuck you,” Kyle mumbled.
“Please,” Y/n immediately hissed, his body shaking with need. His own member brushed against Kyle’s hand and Y/n flinched. “GOD please, Kyle. Please. Tell what I have to do, I swear I’ll do it.”
“I know baby,” Kyle responded evenly, a satisfied smirk on his face. He reached his hand to Y/n’s shoulder, yanking the man around so he was facing the wall. He then moved very close. Close enough that Y/n could feel Kyle’s breath on his neck and his cock against his hip. “Is this what you want?” He let that same free hand up and down Y/n’s length, relishing the way Y/n wobbled between leaning against the wall and Kyle to keep him standing. “Is it? If not, I can stop.”
“God no,” Y/n groaned, his lips parting in an ‘o’ shape. Finally he let his head drop onto Kyle’s shoulder, used to the feeling of the gun barrel making a path from his neck to his stomach. All his focus was on what Kyle’s other hand was doing. “It feels so good, please don’t stop.”
Kyle sighed, long and breathy. “Turn around.” He leaned just far enough away to allow Y/n to obey and Y/n did obey, just as he had all night. Eagerly and without hesitation. When they were face to face, Kyle tossed the gun behind him on the bed, hooking both hands around Y/n’s waist to make sure the man followed him as he began to move to the bed. “Lay down.” When Y/n did, Kyle crawled over him. “Are you going to keep being a good boy?” Y/n nodded. “Good.” His hands were both now free, but the gun was within grabbing distance so Y/n didn’t write it off yet. It’s just that Kyle needed to keep himself propped up as he touched Y/n, and he only had two hands. The first thing Kyle did was stick two fingers in Y/n’s mouth. Y/n sucked on them, making Kyle smile. But he seemed to have a goal in mind as just when Y/n was getting into it, Kyle slid his fingers out, trailing them down his neck to his chest and beyond. His hands drew shapes lower and lower until he dropped past Y/n’s still eager length to push a finger slowly into the man. “How’s this?”
“Not bad,” Y/n responded through heavy breaths, his body tense.
That continued until Y/n relaxed, Kyle giving the man plenty of time to adjust as he slowly stretched out. Then he slipped another finger in, repeating the process and being just as patient every time to make sure Y/n was ready. “God you’re so pretty.” Y/n hadn’t expected that, his body rolling further into Kyle’s hand. He’d been called a lot of things, but never pretty. There was something sweet about the compliment that made it almost intimate. This wasn’t about sex, him saying that. Kyle was just attracted to Y/n on a base level, and that was all. The way it sent shivers all over Y/n’s body made Kyle’s eyes widen in appreciation. “Okay,” he said finally. “I’m going to fuck you now, okay?”
“Please hurry,” Y/n grunted. He wanted his own release so badly at this point he didn’t give a fuck how he got it.
Kyle chuckled, but responded kindly, rather than being as cruel as someone else might have been about how Y/n technically ordered him even though Kyle was in charge right now. Moving his body to line himself with Y/n’s waiting body, Kyle hesitated only a second before pushing in. Y/n hissed a breath in and Kyle moved slowly. Very slowly, allowing Y/n once again all the time he needed. The pain turned to pleasure as it always di, and soon Y/n’s squeaks turned to soft breathing. With him comfortable with Kyle moving, the brunette focused on pleasuring himself. Or, that’s what Y/n thought at first.
As Kyle continued to fuck Y/n, he wrapped a hand around Y/n’s waiting cock, stroking him in time with the thrusts.
Neither man were going to last long.
When they finally did release, Y/n was both filled with Kyle’s cum as well as covered in his own. It made Kyle smile. When they were both done, Kyle pulled out and got to his feet shakily, leaving the room for a few moments only to return with a towel. “I didn’t want to leave you like…” He motioned to Y/n’s wet stomach. Y/n noticed the sudden shyness of the man; the softness to his words, and the way he wouldn’t look at Y/n. The gentleness with which he cleaned the mess, as if he wished Y/n to be unaware of his touch at all.
And also the speed at which he redressed once the job was done, towel discarded in the corner. Kyle retrieved his gun then cleaned it off as well from the spit that was beginning to dry on it and smudge the clean silver shine. Y/n sat up as Kyle began to move to the door. The man winced and Kyle’s expression tightened. “Are you leaving?” His voice was hoarse, making Kyle’s knuckles turn white as he gripped his gun again, as if it was a safety blanket.
Kyle hesitated. “I don’t think we should work together anymore.”
“Was I bad? Did I do something wrong?” Y/n asked as he moved to his feet, nearly tripping over himself as he pulled his own boxers and pants back on. His knees wobbled but he managed to pull it off.
Obviously trying not to smile as he watched only when he thought Y/n didn’t notice him doing so, Kyle cleared his throat. “No.” It was quiet, strained. “But this can’t happen again.”
Y/n stood, still shirtless. “Kyle-”
“I’ll see you back at the base, Y/n.” And with that he was gone, leaving Y/n confused and alone in the room that still smelled like sex.
What had gone wrong?
Male Reader Tag: @sheepfather
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cmfanencyclopedia · 3 years
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Last updated: 2/26/21
Correct me if I’m wrong
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Reader
Angst and fluff
Masterlist -
Masterlist - includes MGG x Reader, Hotch x Reader, Spencer x Reader, Spencer x OC, Spencer x Canon Characters
All categories
Masterlist - includes Hotch x Fem!Reader, Spencer x GN!Reader
Fluff and angst
Come and Find Me Masterlist - Spencer x Fem!Reader
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Reader, Spencer x Fem!Reader, Emily Prentiss in one
All categories
Masterlist - includes OC, Spencer x Reader, Spencer x Max
Fluff and Angst
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Reader
Mainly smut with some angst
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!OC, Spencer x Fem!Reader, Spencer x GN!Reader, Chip Taylor x Fem!Reader
I think it’s mainly fluff
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader, Dom!Spencer x Reader, Sub!Spencer x Reader
Smut, I’d just call the rest drama
Masterlist - includes MGG x Reader, Spencer x Reader
All categories
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Reader, Kyle Orfman x Reader
Smut and angst
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Reader
All categories
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader
Smut and fluff
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Reader, MGG x Reader, Hotch x Reader, JJ x Reader
All categories
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader, Hotch x Fem!Reader, Emily x Fem!Reader
All categories
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader, Spencer x Male!Reader, Derek x Reader, BAU gen stuff, a lot more, CM crossovers
All categories
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader
All categories, mainly smut
Masterlist - includes Spencer, JJ, Derek, Hotch, Fem!Reader, BAU rewrite
All categories
Twisted Masterlist - Spencer x Fem!Reader
Angst with some fluff
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader, MGG x Fem!Reader
All categories
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Reader
All categories, mainly smut
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader, BAU Team
Smut and fluff
Masterlist - includes Spencer x GN!Reader, Emily x Reader, JJ x Reader, Elle x Reader
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader series
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Reader, Jemily, Penemily, Morcied, Penelope x Reader
All categories
Masterlist - includes Hotch x Reader, Spencer x Reader, Penelope x Reader, BAU x Reader, Fem!Reader and GN!Reader
All categories
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Reader, MGG x Reader
All categories
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader, Derek x Fem!Reader
Fluff and angst I think
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader
Fluff and angst
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Reader, Spencer x Luke x OC, MGG x Reader
Smut and fluff
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader, MGG x Fem!Reader
All categories
Masterlist - includes Spencer x Fem!Reader, GN!Reader, Masc!Trans!Reader, Dom!Spencer x Fem!Reader, Dom!Spencer x Sub!Fem!Reader, MGG x Fem!Reader, MGG x POC!Fem!Reader, Dom!MGG x Fem!Reader
All categories
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Send me a sentence and I'll write the next (definitely more than) 5
Hello lovelies! Sentence prompts are open again! BACK IN BUSINESS BABYYYYY 💛 All are strictly SFW reader inserts, and also please let me know if you want it to be romantic or platonic 💜
You'll spot some new characters have been added to the list 🥰
Ler!Peter 3
Lee!Peter 3
Ler!Harry Osborn (TASM 2 Harry)
Lee!Harry Osborn (TASM 2 Harry)
Ler!Spencer Reid (When I get better at writing lee!Spencer I’ll add him to the list)
Ler!Emily Prentiss (😖🥴)
Ler!Penelope Garcia (my love~ 🥰)
Ler!Peter Maximoff
Lee!Peter Maximoff
Ler!Loki (I will write Loki with any pronouns, please specify which you would like me to write them with 💚)
Ler!Zach Orfman
Lee!Zach Orfman
Ler!Kyle Orfman
Lee!Kyle Orfman
Boutta be back on my bullshit~ /lh /p
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Dastardly Deeds (Kyle Orfman Blurb)
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Content Warning: NSFW, MINORS DNI. Fem!Reader, innocence kink, public sex, unprotected sex, chasing, rough sex, Little Red/Big Bad Wolf references, potential dubcon/CNC triggerRequest: kyle with an innocence kink? bonus for nn of little girl/little red
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A somewhat surprising side effect of the apocalypse was a significantly more varied sex life. Perhaps it was the virus driving you all insane, or maybe evolution resulted in a population of adrenaline junkies waiting for their next fix.
Either way, you and Kyle were no exception.
It had been your idea to take a trip to the remote area of the hiking trail. The dead were minimal in number there, but the privacy was unrivaled.
It had also been your idea to take off running at the first possible chance. He let you go, watching you flitter off into the forest like his own personal fae as you called, “Catch me if you can.”
You knew that he could. You waited with bated breath as you heard the snapping of twigs and rustling leaves. You cursed the whistling wind and your own lungs for hiding the sounds of him, stalking his prey — you — through the forest. As soon as he found you, though, everything changed. Frightened shrieks turned to laughter bubbling out of your mouth until there was no air left but the breath you shared. He kisses you hard, hard enough that you can feel the bark on the tree imprinting through your back. It draws patterns on your skin for him to trace later while remembering how your exhausted muscles immediately submitted to him.
“You alright there, Little Red?” he asks as he unzips his pants. But you’re already hiking up your skirt, nodding fervently as you hook a weary leg around him and clutch his shoulders tight enough that he groans from the sensation.
“Take your prize,” you say with a smile. Kyle is more than happy to claim you. First, he does so by sliding his hand into your underwear and feeling the wetness that had already formed from the pursuit alone.
"You know it's dangerous for a pretty little thing like you to be out here all alone," he teases while he carefully traces your folds, teasing the entrance a few seconds longer before he dips a tentative finger into you.
He groans when he finds no resistance. He is met only with feverish cries and whorish moans. You are desperate for him to do something more before the sun goes down and you are forced to retreat back to close quarters with the others.
"Then help me," you beg. "Please, sir."
Kyle notices you growing restless, and relents in an uncharacteristic display of mercy. His pants are already undone, so it only takes a couple seconds before he is even more exposed than you.
You stare, wide-eyed and seemingly innocent as he strokes himself with one hand and holds you in place against the tree with the other. You can't help but anticipate the way it'll feel when it's inside of you again.
He notices you watching. At first, he says nothing. But then, when you are so hungry that you are licking your lips and bucking your hips, he leans forward to whisper, "Oh, I'm gonna help you alright."
The anticipation builds as he lines himself up at your entrance. He only pushes forward just enough for you to feel the way your body immediately submits to him.
"I'm gonna teach you so much, Little Red..." he says with a dark chuckle. "All about what happens to naughty girls that get lost in the forest."
"Kyle, please," you blubber eagerly. And although he still takes his time slowly working his way inside of you, he is quick to kiss your quivering bottom lip.
"Fuck," he mutters when your hands run through his freshly cut hair. He looks at you. He sees you squirming to try and take more of him while he does everything he can to keep you wanting. Then, with a sated sigh, he whispers, "you're too damn cute to say no to."
There is no more teasing, no more chase. Kyle pulls your body down onto him and his jaw drops when he feels you envelope him. He basks in the burning heat of your body. The body that you offered to him as a well-earned trophy.
You do not complain when he is selfish and brutal in his pace. You are too lost in the sensations. Every fiber of your being is on high-alert, but you have also never been freer. You give yourself to him and you trust that he will heal any piece of you he might bruise.
He will not walk away without bruises, either. Your nails are dug deep in his skin and leaving red paths in their wake. When he comes close enough to kiss, you bite down on his lip in an effort to make him stay close.
He does. He presses you hard against the tree again, panting something that sounds only vaguely like your name as he starts to lose control. You feel him press just a few gentle kisses against your neck before his teeth are buried into the sensitive skin to stifle the sound of him coming undone.
You revel in the feeling of his moans vibrating through broken skin. You try to memorize the feel of bark burning your back and the ache in tired thighs that you refused to let close.
With one harsh thrust, he fills the ache between your legs with his warmth. You cry out with relief, a praise that you almost hope the dead will come to envy. Because you have never been more alive.
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darnittumbleweed · 4 years
You’re Not Allowed to Die: A Kyle Orfman fic. Final Part
Part One: Here
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Y/N couldn’t help but to groan as she awoke the air mattress Kyle and she had been sleeping on for a week, having partially deflated at some point during the night. She kicked the scratchy blanket they’d been given off her body the room far too warm and the blanket far too thick to stop her from feeling overheated.
The electricity was still hit or miss through out most of the city. Power came and went as whatever work crews were still remaining living struggled to reestablish stability at the electric company and provide power to the entire city.
This meant that the Levin household was left feeling hot as the precarious power situation throughout the city made it impossible for the A/C to work against the summer heat.
The room was currently just was warm inside as it was outside the room feeling too hot even in the night.
She rolled onto her back peering up at the high ceiling in Mr. Levin’s study her sleep muddled brain struggling to piece together her surroundings for a brief moment. She sighed as her sleepy brain made sense of her environment and the events of the past few days hit her.
The nightmarish event had only taken place a few days ago, and it had seemingly come to such an abrupt end. No one had any answers to what and how this had all happened.
The Orfman family and Y/N were still seeking shelter at the Levin’s house in Briar Grove. The rest of the survivors had moved on to the community center where a shelter had been set up for those with nowhere else to go. The Orfmans and she had taken the Levin’s offer of staying in the Levin home until the Orfmans managed to secure hotel rooms at least.
The Orfman home had been destroyed and Y/N was sure her apartment wasn’t in great shape. She honestly hadn’t worked up the nerve to go near her apartment. So for now, the Levin house was home.
Y/N furrowed her brow confusion washing over her as it hit her that her fiance wasn’t sleeping beside her. She had fallen asleep with his arms wrapped securely around her waist her face buried against his chest. Even though the room was too hot they’d been unable to resist curling against one another as they slept. They’d found it was the only way they could sleep, in fact. They’d needed to hold on to one another to soothe the other as they struggled to allow sleep to win out over distress.  
She managed to pull herself up from the air mattress her body stiff from discomfort as she moved.
She made her way from the study where Kyle and she had chosen to sleep allowing his parents and his brother to sleep in the spare bedrooms.
She moved slowly making her way down the darkened hallway a strange noise filling the space. It was a squishy wet noise. It reminded her of the sound her shoes made as she moved through sticky mud on the rare occurrence it rained in their corner of California. Her apartment had a large lawn space between the parking lot and apartment complex, It was a nice concept given that it gave tenants with pets plenty of room to walk them and it gave kids who lived in the complex plenty of space to play, but the lawn area wasn’t the nicest. The lawn was more dirt that grass. So every time it rained she had to trek through the mud just to get from her car to her apartment. She’d long ago begun carrying rain boots in her car, just in case. The sound she was moving closer and closer to reminded her of the noise her rain boots made against the thick wet mud. It was a sponge-like slick sound.
The smell was what hit her next, it was that same sickly sweet smell of decayed meat she smelled only days ago at the Orfman residence. She felt a wave of nausea wash over her the smell triggering a memory of when the world as they knew it had gone to hell. She felt her stomach turn as the scent grew stronger and stronger. It was awful, almost overpowering; like sour meat that had been left to grow putrid in the sun. It almost felt as though she stink was surrounding her polluting any chance of taking in a breath of fresh air.
Y/N entered the living area her eyes peering through the darkened room her heart dropping as she spotted the source of the horrible smell and the wet noise she’d heard. She could barely make out the figure in the darkened room. It was knelt over with it’s back facing her. It was resting on it’s knees not even noticing her presence as more of those wet noises spilled from it.
She stepped forward trying to get a clearer look at the figure her blood running cold as she realized the figure was knelt over a body, or at least what was left of a body. The body was ripped to shreds a bloody unrecognizable carcass being all that remained. The blood pouring from the carcass was seeping into the beige rug decorating the wooden floor. The thick remnants of blood and gore were staining the rug crimson.
The figure remained knelt over the carcass still not paying her any mind as she moved closer. Y/N felt bile rise in her throat as she realized the figure was digging it’s hands into the bloodied mess pulling bits of flesh up towards its lips the figure producing a slick noise as it chewed at the gore.
She felt bile rise in her throat as it hit her that the wet sound she was hearing was the sound of blood soaked flesh being ripped from the corpse the creature in front of her ingesting this flesh it’s lips smacking as it chewed.
Y/N backed away her heart racing her mind spinning. This couldn’t be happening. The news said everything was over. The nightmare was supposed to be over. If the nightmare was over, then how was one of those things standing in the Levin’s living area feasting upon the remains of some poor soul?
She backed into an end-table the ceramic vase that had been sitting on the table falling to the ground a crash sounding out in the room as it shattered to jagged pieces on the floor.
The figure lifted its head up standing slowly. Y/N opened her mouth attempting to scream as the figure turned to face her, but the sound died on her lips shock washing over her. It couldn’t be, how was it possible?
The figure standing in front of her was her fiance, but it wasn’t the same Kyle who had fallen asleep beside her hours before.
His eyes were a cloudy lifeless shade of gray, as though a film had washed over his eyes. His eyes were no longer that pretty hazel she loved staring into. His skin was ashen all signs of life having been washed out of his complexion. His chin and lips were painted with thick scarlet gore. Kyle was still chewing at the bits of flesh he’d ripped from the corpse a puddle of blood tinged drool spilling from his lips a pleased noise leaving him as he enjoyed his meal. The white shirt and boxers he’d fallen asleep in were drenched in more gore the smell radiating off of him so putrid it made her stomach turn all the more.
He moved slowly towards her his arms reaching out to her, Y/N stood frozen in place unable to move as her mind struggled to make sense of the scene taking place in front of her.
How was this happening? You had to die to become one of those monsters. You had to die before you came back. Kyle hadn’t died? Kyle had been alive just a few hours ago. How could he possibly be one of those awful creatures?
Kyle parted his lips his voice a graveled growl he continuing to reach for her his arms opening the same way they did when he wanted to embrace her. “What’s wrong baby? Don’t you love me anymore?”
She cried out as he neared her his hands placing upon her upper arms his touch ice cold the gore on his hands staining her skin as he spoke again. “I’m not allowed to die, remember?”
She did her best to fight him but his grip was so strong his mouth lowering over her neck his voice sounding out as his teeth pressed against her skin. “I’m not allowed to die, and neither are you. We’re going to be together forever now.”
His voice sounded out again sounding so frantic, so different from the raspy growl she’d heard just moments before. “Baby, come on baby. It’s okay, come on.”
His voice continued to speak his voice washing over her pulling her mind from the horrors she’d witnessed. “Baby, come on. Wake up. Come on, wake up. It’s just a dream. You’re having a bad dream, wake up.”
Y/N’s eyes peeled open her body shaking as Kyle stared down at her concern written across his features. She stared up at him her panicked brain struggling to make sense of what was happening.
Her body was drenched with sweat and her heart was slamming in her chest. Her breathing was uneven as Kyle continued to speak his voice soft and soothing. He stared down at her his pretty hazel eyes filled with life so different from the cloudy lifeless eyes she’d stared into in her dream. “It’s okay, it’s all okay. It was just a nightmare. Just breathe baby, come on just take a deep breath.”
She struggled to do as he said Kyle embracing her his touch warm his arms wrapping around her holding her close. She pressed her head to his chest the feel of his heart beating soothing her. He was alive.  He wasn’t that horrible monster that had been ready to tear into her flesh as he spat out the very words she’d said to him a little over a month ago in a moment of fear and desperation. He was still her Kyle. He was still her fiance and he was still very much alive. Kyle Orfman was alive.
She pulled back from him just enough to peer at their surroundings. They weren’t in the Levin’s study on that terrible air mattress any longer. They were in their bedroom lying in the new queen sized iron framed bed they’d purchased from a thrift store. There was a warm green and blue quilt covering them warming their bodies as the air conditioner cooled the room. The lamp at Kyle’s bedside lit their surroundings revealing a few moving boxes they’d not gotten around to unpacking yet.
They’d only lived in their new home for less than a month now. Their new home was modest but large enough to grow into. It was a brick cottage style home. It was three bedrooms and two baths. It was a far cry from Kyle’s bedroom at the Orfman household.
They’d had to fill the place with thrift store finds given that they really hadn’t had much to make a home, and Y/N’s apartment had been looted to the point that there was little they could take. They’d made it work though. Slowly but surely the house was becoming a home.
The house was an older home in Briar Grove. It was located on a smaller lot meaning that the home itself was much smaller than the McMansions surrounding it. Kyle had once told Y/N that when the housing development had been built in this area homeowners had been given a choice on the style of home they wanted to be built. Apparently the owners of this home had managed to talk the developers into building a style separate from the styles offered. That was why it looked as though it didn’t truly fit in with the rest of the neighborhood.
The inside of the home was a little on the older side, the former owners apparently not updating it since the eighties. There was no pool in the backyard given that the backyard itself was a little on the smaller side. Kyle had promised her that there was plenty space for Y/N to plant a vegetable garden at least. There was enough room for patio furniture and a small grill at least.
The house was perfect. Y/N didn’t want a pool. She didn’t want a mcmansion. She just wanted a home to grow with the man she was going to marry. Kyle had found that he wanted the same.
They’d been looking at just renting a house or maybe even an apartment somewhere outside of the Briar Grove housing development. The realization that they were getting married and planning a life together had made it clear to Kyle that he needed to get out of his parent’s house. He’d honestly just assumed they’d wind up in an apartment somewhere or maybe a modest one bedroom house if they were lucky. This home had fallen on their radars though, and Kyle’s parents had convinced them to at least take a look at it.
They’d done just that and had fallen in love with it though they’d been a little hesitant to get a mortgage....after all their original plan had just been to lease a place.  
Kyle and Y/N had never really imagined themselves being able to afford a home in Briar Grove, but the world had changed a lot and a side effect of those changes was an economy struggling to recover. Those who no longer had jobs were struggling to find work. The world’s governments and their infrastructures struggled to rebuild themselves. Every level of the government was having to learn how to function again as were other structures of society such as the police, medical services, and schools.
As the economy struggled banks were desperate to sell homes of homeowners who had not survived the events that had taken place a little over a month before. Many homeowners who had survived were simply desperate to sell their homes and get far away from the life they’d been left with.
Y/N was thankful that the previous owners of their home had been a part of the latter group. She couldn’t imagine living in a home knowing that the only reason she was living here was because the former homeowners had been brutally killed by the undead.
Kyle and she had been relieved to hear that the former owners of their home were still alive and well. Kyle had only met them once or twice during his days working for the neighborhood security force. They’d kept to themselves to be honest, but it still felt strange for him to be living in this home.
The former homeowners were just desperate to rid themselves of their home and get far away from the Briar Grove housing development and the city in general. They’d been looking to get far away from the rest of civilization knowing that their lives would never again be what they had been before the world had turned upside down.
The world had changed and everyone was rethinking their lives it seemed. People were either struggling to rebuild their lives and find some sense of normalcy or they were struggling to escape their lives and rediscover a way to live. People were struggling to find meaning in their lives and make sense of what had happened.
Y/N knew Kyle and she were some of the lucky ones all things considered. No her job wasn’t exactly coming back as the owner of the salon had been one of the unfortunate ones who had died. She was stuck looking for a new job, but it wasn’t easy to find one as not many people were thinking about hair cuts or beauty treatments.
Kyle had been luckier when it came to the employment game. Kyle had been officially offered a job with the local police force.
His work with the resistance had impressed that old sheriff who they’d been holed up with at the Levin residence. The sheriff had made sure that Kyle had a place with the force. He was actually responsible for the rebuilding of the entire police force. It was an intimidating position to be in.
The police had been the first respondents along with all the other necessary emergency medical responders when the world had gone to hell. A lot of them had been wiped out.  The military hadn’t even been capable of totally handling the situation in their city at least. At least in their city groups like the resistance Kyle had been involved with were the ones who rid the city of the undead.
No one had been prepared for what had happened. That was why everything had gone to shit so easily.  
It wasn’t just a physical attack when you thought about it...it had been a psychological one as well. Those things that had come back had the faces of those people had once loved. Even when the undead had grown rabid it had taken a toll on those who had been left with no choice but to kill them.
Kyle had admitted the only way he’d been able to reconcile what he had to do was by telling himself that the undead were suffering. If any piece of the people they’d loved remained in those creatures then they were in pain. He had to put them out of their misery.
That experience had changed Kyle...he was left traumatized by the events, but everyone was traumatized. It was hard to address trauma when the entire population of the world was going through the same trauma.
Kyle had also been left with a sense of determination to help rebuild the world...to make the police force better than it had been. It had been corrupt and weak as far as Kyle was concerned. Now Kyle was left struggling to rebuild the entire force with the old sheriff. He was struggling to find the right people for the job, to make sure that everything was handled correctly. Kyle had taken it seriously. He wanted it to be better than it had been, stronger, more honest. He wanted this new force to align with his ideas of justice and protection. He had been strict when it came to rebuilding it all. It wasn’t a rebuild he’d insisted, it was a total overhaul.
He’d also created a task force meant to take action if the dead ever rose again. It was a necessary measure needed with the world they’d been left with. Y/N just hoped that this task force never had to take action.
Kyle rocked her against him doing his best to soothe her and remind her that everything was okay now. She couldn’t stop the tears from leaving her dampening his shirt as she tried to push the horrifying visions she’d witnessed in her dreams. She knew she was sobbing as she struggled to bring herself out of her own head, out of her own fears.
She buried her face against his chest further as a knock sounded out at their bedroom door. The door creaked open Kyle’s younger brother sticking his head in Zach staring down at his older brother and future sister in law. “Is everything okay? I thought I heard crying.”
“It’s fine. It’s just nightmares.” Kyle replied clinching his jaw Y/N not pulling from his chest.
Kyle took a deep breath trying not to engage in the same type of senseless sibling bickering Zach and he had engaged in for years.
Kyle’s parents had been the ones who’d suggested that Zach move in with Kyle and Y/N. They had the room after all, and it might be good for Zach after all he’d been through.
Kyle had been a little resistant of the idea, Zach and he had always butted heads after all, but he’d given in with a little coaxing from Y/N. It was only going to be a temporary thing she’d reminded him, just until Zach finished his schooling...which might take a little while given that most of the schools from elementary all the way up to university level were scrambling to rebuild and restructure themselves.
Of course Y/N had laid down some ground rules when it came to having the brothers under the same roof. She’d been the one who’d put her foot down after their first spat. She’d told them quite frankly that they could in her own words: “learn to at least pretend to get along and act like adults especially after all the shit we’ve lived through.” She’d lectured them and told them to cut the shit or she was going to be the one who moved back in with Noah and Judy Orfman and left Kyle and Zach to murder one another in this house.
That had been what it had taken for Kyle and Zach to make an effort to get along. They’d realized Y/N was right after all. They’d lived through hell. The least they could do was find a way to get along, to work towards a decent bond. This was a second chance really, a chance to have the relationship they’d resisted their entire lives.
Zach nodded his head sending Y/N an apologetic look and murmuring a goodnight as he shut the door leaving Kyle and Y/N alone once again.
Kyle continued to rock her against him her eyes still watering. He ran his hand along her back, underneath the t-shirt she’d slept in, rubbing soothing circles against her skin knowing that this was the best way to soothe her.  Needing to soothe her wasn’t a new experience for Kyle. Y/N had spent more than a few nights doing the same for him. Much like the rest of the world’s population both Y/N and Kyle found themselves plagued with nightmares about the events that had taken place a little over a month before when the dead had risen and the world had become such a horrifying place.
Society was still struggling to come to grips with the events that had taken place. The events had become known by the media simply as the “Resurrected Event” Y/N guessed referring to those horrible creatures as the resurrected just sounded nicer than saying the undead or zombies.
Scientists and religious figures struggled to make sense of it all, though no one had a clear answer. Still the television, the internet, and the news were filled with interviews with the top minds of science and religious leaders throwing out their own ideas of what had caused the Resurrected Event.
Scientists threw around several theories about how the dead had returned.
One theory suggested that the dead had risen possibly due to chemicals released from pesticides used on the grasses that covered many cemeteries. Perhaps over time all those chemicals had found their ways through caskets and seeped into the flesh of the dead causing this unforeseen reaction. Another theory had been a secret military experiment involving chem trails that had been released from the atmosphere from jets. Y/N had even heard a theory that suggested that the undead had simply been another step towards the evolution of man. Yet another theory had been that the undead were a result of some sort of parasite that had somehow taken over the corpses of loved ones imitating the undead until the parasites ate away enough of the brain to produce mindless bloodthirsty monsters.
Religious leaders suggested that the undead had risen as the rapture had been upon mankind and that man was foolish enough to question God and interrupt what was meant to be. This theory irritated Y/N to be honest, mostly because it suggested that people who had done what Kyle had done had somehow committed some sort of sin by trying to rid the world of those monsters. What were they expected to do, allow those things to eat them alive as part of God’s plan?
She’d long ago stopped listening to the news. She felt that no one had any answers, not really. People were just throwing theories out hoping something would stick.
What had happened was just so senseless, so surreal. People were scrambling to find reason within an event that didn’t seem capable of having any sort of clear reason to it.
Other questions had plagued those who had been left behind.
There was the question of if the undead truly were their loved ones. If the resurrected were in fact their loved ones then why would their loved ones would turn on the living so suddenly?
Had they just grown confused with the realization that they’d come back to the land of the living? Had their brains just rotted so much that they were left with some base sense of hunger? Why had they hungered for flesh? Did they envy the living so much that they just wanted to destroy those who still had life?
Some survivors believed it was possible that souls had returned to the bodies they’d once inhabited and had risen to return to their former lives until the realization that they were dead hit and they went mad and attacked the living. Some believed that the undead had been soulless. That their bodies had been running on biology and had been simply accessing memories from their former lives moving around repeating their former routines as their bodies continued to rot. As rot set into the brain then the undead were reduced to rabid animals.
It seemed that those who remained had been left with more questions than answers.
Kyle spoke his voice soft as Y/N’s sobs began to quieten. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Y/N was tempted to say ‘no’ to resist even having to admit what she’d faced in her dreams. She held back the urge though knowing that she needed to open up with him. He was going to be her husband. She should be able to be honest with him.
She spoke only pulling back from his chest far enough to speak her voice soft. “It was just like all the other dreams. We were still at the Levin’s this time...still sleeping on that air mattress in the study. In my dream I woke up and you weren’t in bed beside me anymore. I couldn’t find you so I got up and went looking...and I found you, but you weren’t you anymore.”
Kyle squeezed her a little tighter already knowing how to finish her story. “I was one of those things...and I attacked you.”
Y/N nodded her head feeling helpless unable to form the words. The dream was always the same. It didn’t matter what location they were in, she would always somehow be separated from Kyle only to find him as one of those monsters.
She resisted the urge to gaze up at Kyle almost fearing she would see an upset expression on his face. The first time she’d opened up to him about the details of this nightmare he’d been hurt...she could tell.
She could still remember the soft words he’d whispered a frown crossing his features that very first time she’d described the horrors in her dreams. “Baby, I’d never hurt you. You know that.”
She’d reassured him that of course she new he’d never hurt her. Kyle would never lie a fingertip on her, she knew this. She trusted him more than she’d ever trusted anyone.
As time had gone on though, Kyle had realized that the dreams went much deeper than any fear that he might harm her. She didn’t think he’d hurt her, the dream was more complex than that.
She worked up the nerve to speak expressing that complexity out loud. “I think it’s just my brain throwing my worst fears at me...I’ve lost so much Kyle. I mean, I lost my job and my apartment was pretty much a wreck when we were able to go check it out. So, I lost so many of my belongings...my roommate was...dead.”
She paused chills running down her back at the memory, Kyle squeezing her all the tighter. Her roommate had been torn to shreds.
Clean up crews had removed the bodies of the undead and the victims from the streets and homes, but you could still see hints of the mess left behind.
Kyle pressed a kiss to her temple as she spoke again her voice cracking as she struggled not to start crying again. “I assume that my mother is dead as well...I mean, she’s pretty much disappeared off the face of the earth. So she’s presumed dead. My boss is dead, I don’t see any of my old coworkers because my job is gone. I’ve lost so much already Kyle. You’re all I have left, the only positive thing. My brain taunts me with the possibility of losing you. I think that’s why I keep dreaming about you becoming one of those things.”
Kyle pressed another kiss to her temple his voice soft and soothing. “You know that’s not going to happen right? I won’t become one of those things. We signed the paperwork for cremation. If there’s a chance of coming back still we aren’t going to let it happen.”
Y/N felt another chill run down her spine knowing that Kyle’s words were meant to be comforting, but it was still a harrowing thing to imagine.
The handling of the dead had changed since the Resurrected Event. Cremation was the popular choice now when it came of how to lie your loved ones to rest.
People had begun to sign and file clauses in their wills that stated that they wanted to be cremated if and when they died. Kyle’s entire family had filled out the proper paperwork to ensure cremation would be the only way their bodies were disposed of, Y/N had signed the paperwork as well.
If there was a chance of the dead coming back again someday, neither Kyle nor Y/N wanted to give their souls bodies to return to. The idea sounded horrifying. The undead were suffering. Coming back would guarantee endless suffering.
The only other option available besides cremation was burial, but burials were handled with strict preventative measures now. The deceased would have a long bolt impaled through the backs of their heads. The theory was that if destroying the brain killed the undead then perhaps destroying the brain of the deceased would stop them from ever returning to begin with. Just in case steel sheets were placed over graves now, it was mandatory if you wanted to be buried in the state of California.
The idea of returning to her corpse only to be trapped entombed in the earth for all eternity sounded horrifying to Y/N.
She forced her mind to pull away from death practices as she spoke her voice scratchy from crying. “I know, my brain still wants to taunt me with the possibility of losing you though. You’re the last sense of happiness I have left.”
“You won’t lose me. I promise. I’ve survived this far, I’m not going anywhere.” Kyle replied he doing his best to reassure her pressing a soft kiss to her lips neither minding the stale taste of sleep on their breaths.
They kissed for a long while before Kyle pulled away speaking again. “I know how it is though, the fear. I mean, how many nights have you held me while I sobbed over dreams?”
It was her turn to squeeze him she practically wrapping herself around him Kyle and she a mess of tangled limbs.
Kyle began to stroke her back again his voice tense. “I dream about the same situation. My dream is usually the same. I’m still back with the resistance. I’m clearing out a house and I can hear something off in a back bedroom somewhere...so I raise my gun ready to shoot until I find you...but you aren’t you..not anymore. You’re one of those things and you look up at me. Your eyes look so empty. All I can think about is how much I love looking into your eyes, but now they don’t look the same...the just look so wrong. I just freeze up, I can’t shoot you. I love you too much to make myself fire the gun. I know you’re suffering, but I can’t make myself have mercy on you. You start moving towards me and I can’t force myself to run. You’re so awful looking...just decaying away before my eyes. Your flesh is so gray and you’re so cold. You sound like you’re trying to say my name, but it’s so raspy sounding. You’ve still got my engagement ring on your finger and I can’t take my eyes off it. The dream always ends the same. I just let you tear into me...I let you kill me, because I know that if you’re dead then I don’t want to live any longer. I know I’d rather be dead and risk becoming like you then have to kill you and live the rest of my life without you.”
He let out a shaky sigh the memory of the dream making his heart ache. He’s surprised he can remember it in such detail. He never really remembered his dreams before the nightmares had started. He wished he didn’t remember these dreams.
He spoke again his voice so weak. “I think I’m afraid of the same thing you are, losing you. I know I’d still have my family...I was one of the lucky ones. My family lived, most of the people I knew survived. I wouldn’t be able to keep living if you didn’t survive though. I think my brain knows that and it uses it to it’s advantage to haunt me. I’m having a hard time dealing with everything...I think we all are. You’re the most important person in my life. The thought of losing you after all I’ve seen. It frightens me.”
He felt his own eyes begin to water as he spoke up once again. “I spent my entire life wanting to get on the force, loving shooting guns, loving the idea of protecting. I wasn’t what I thought it’d be. It was horrible. I saw so many familiar faces and all I could think was that I survived and they didn’t and how unfair it was that they didn’t make it.”
“I know baby. I wish I could say I completely understood. I can’t though...I didn’t see what you did. I was pretty useless during the entire event.” Y/N admitted insecurity escaping her as she thought of the role she’d played during the entire Resurrected Event.
“You weren’t useless.” Kyle remarked a frown crossing his features his eyes still watering.
Y/N wiped the tears from his cheeks shaking her head as she replied. “Yes I was. I did nothing but get attacked and hide in a safe-house. I would have been ripped to shreds if you hadn’t been there to save my life that night.”
She buried her face against his chest shame washing over her. She kept thinking back to everything that had happened. She’s been such a coward. She’d felt like a pathetic damsel in distress. Every single time she’d sworn that she didn’t need anyone to protect her had come back to bite her in the ass that night.
Kyle pulled his hand from her back placing it against her cheek forcing her to look up at him. “You survived Y/N. Baby I didn’t need you to fire a gun or clear the streets or do anything more. You did what you were capable of in that moment. I think we all did. I mean, you almost died that night. If I hadn’t have gotten my ammo in my gun and been able to fire that night then you wouldn’t have been able to hold her off much longer. You fought her the best you could. My mom told me what you did at the Levin’s, how you held everything together and listened in on the radio...how you took care of survivors as they came in. You did exactly what I knew you’d do. Don’t let me hear you call yourself useless again.”
Y/N managed to give him a smile though it came out as weak. Kyle pressed his lips to hers her head resting against his chest once more as they pulled from the kiss.
She sighed knowing it would be a long time until she was able to fall back to sleep. Her mind still felt like a muddled mess even with Kyle’s reassurances.
She had to wonder how much longer she’d have nights like this. She had a feeling she would experience nights like this for the rest of her life. That was how trauma worked wasn’t it?
She managed to speak needing to pull her mind from this mess. She knew her voice sounded needy almost begging. “Talk to me about something nice. Talk to me about the future.”
Kyle’s hand returned underneath her shirt beginning to rub her back again a tight smile crossing his lips as he spoke. “Well I can’t tell you about the wedding, because my mom and you are keeping most of the finer details of those plans a secret from me.”
Y/N let out a small giggle at this comment the sound making Kyle’s heart swoon. He so rarely got to hear her laughter nowadays. She spoke managing to press a quick peck to his lips. “It’s a surprise. You’re involved with the planning that won’t spoil the surprise.”
Kyle gave her a genuine smile relieved to see that her spirits seemed to be lightening. He knew she had a point, some of the finer details about the wedding should be a surprise to him.
Planning the wedding had been a comfort for everyone, It was a return to some sense of normalcy at least. It gave everyone something positive to look forward to.
Kyle continued to massage her back as he spoke up. “I do know that the wedding is going to be in my parent’s backyard. It’s going to be small, but that’s what we want even if my mom wants to invite every single person she knows. We’re going to get married, and I’m taking you somewhere nice for our honeymoon. It might only be the California coast, but we’re still going to make it romantic.”
He paused pressing a kiss to her temple as he spoke again. “And on our honeymoon we’re going to get started on a family of our own.”
Y/N widened her eyes this declaration leaving her feeling torn. She wanted a family with him. They’d talked about kids before...but that was before the event had happened. She spoke not helping but to voice her uncertainties. “You aren’t afraid...I mean, you aren’t scared of us bringing a child into this world when things could go to hell all over again?”
Kyle furrowed his brow his lips pressing to her temple once again a bit surprised by how sure of his words he was. The answer screamed in the back of his brain. “I’m terrified. I think we both know that life is fragile...that things can change in an instant. I think that’s why it seems senseless to wait. I spent so long waiting in our relationship...waiting to move out and give you a private place to visit me...waiting to propose...waiting to grow up. I don’t want to wait anymore. I don’t want another catastrophic life threatening event to be the thing that forces me to take that next step with you. There’s always a risk that the dead could rise again. The fear of it happening again will probably never disappear. I don’t want that fear to stop us from living though. We want kids. I don’t want anything to stop us from trying to make that happen. I love you and I just want to live. We survived, not it’s time for us to thrive.”
“I love you too. We can’t stop living.” Y/N replied  her fears fading in an instant. She knew he was right. They’d survived. They had to make the most of their lives.
“We won’t stop living. We survived.” Kyle insisted as she began to press kisses along his jawline.
Their lips met another ‘I love you’ being shared between them as clothing was shed they allowing themselves to get lost in one another. They were alive and they were going to feel alive.
Kyle was right. They might live the rest of their lives fearing that the dead could rise again, but that wasn’t going to stop them from living. No matter what happened they shouldn’t deny themselves happiness.
They had survived.
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Only One Bed Fic Rec List 🛏
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SFW Spencer Fics
Gender Neutral Reader
Hot Cocoa & Cuddles by @reidgraygubler: Reader is freezing while they’re working on a case in Alaska. Spencer has some fun facts about body temperatures and conserving body heat
Side Effects Might Vary by @specialagentsergio: An unexpected side effect brings you and Spencer closer—literally—when he’s prescribed a medication to help relieve his chronic nightmares.
It Can Wait Till Morning by @broken-stardust: Derek realizes that Spencer and Reader aren’t going to confess their feelings to each other, so he puts them in a situation where they’ll be forced to.
Atlas by @spectaclespencer: After getting shot Spencer is on bedrest, and begs Reader to stay with him just a little while longer.
Female Reader
Alcohols and Coffee by @strawberryspence: Spencer just really wants to date you and the alcohol finally gives him the courage to ask you out.
Malade by @spencerreidat3am: Being sick means a visit from the doctor.
Assorted SFW Fics
Will You Remember by @nerdyfangirl67 (Hotch, GN!Reader): Reader is a little tipsy/drunk. Character (Hotch) takes them to their apartment. Reader insists they sleep in the same bed.
Capture my Heart by @fortheloveofcriminalminds (Ralvez): Spencer Reid isn’t a big drinker. A night at Rossi’s and one bed makes him realise drinking isn’t all bad if it means he ends up in Luke’s arms.
The Warmest Hour by @lollipopgal (Franklin, GN!Reader): Reader and Franklin hate each other, but the heater is broken and it’s freezing.
Take Care by @reidgraygubler (Lesley, GN!Reader): Lesley takes care of reader after they had too much to drink
NSFW Spencer Fics
Female Reader
Morning Glory by me: Spencer goes into way too much detail about nocturnal penile tumescence (or morning wood, or morning glory, or whatever pejorative you prefer).
Get Lucky by me: The fire alarm in your apartment building goes off at 3AM after a pipe bursts. You only (barely) know the FBI agent who lives in the building, but he offers to share a hotel room, with you.
Homecoming in Vegas by @andiebeaword: Spencer gets an invitation to his 25th High School Reunion. Reader volunteers herself to accompany him.
Rough Night by @andiebeaword: Person A checks into hotel for the night. Person B has been driving all night and stops and checks in. Problem is….A is already in said room.
Assorted NSFW Fics
Demons by @emberfrostlovesloki (Hotch, Fem!Reader) : The team is forced into very close quarters during a case in Alaska. A mix-up in rooms has Aaron and Reader closer than ever.
Damsel by me (Kyle Orfman, Fem!Reader): You find a group to stick with in the zombie apocalypse, and Kyle is the only one with a bed big enough for two people.
Multiply by @reidgraygubler (Kyle Orfman, Fem!Reader): After narrowly escaping her grandmother eating her, Reader is on her own to find other civilization. The Orfman family takes her in. Reader and Kyle share a special bond.
Teen Dream by @kirencer (Chip Taylor, GN!AFAB!Reader): Chip’s not an idiot. He’s just a bit blind. Especially when it comes to the blatant feelings that Reader has for him.
Ruin It by @boldlyvoid (Spencer/Ethan): Spencer never had sleepovers as a kid, so now that he’s an adult he’s always sleeping over at Ethan’s house, and he’ll take any excuse to crawl into bed beside him.
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Enemies to Lovers Fic Rec List 🔥
Hey everyone! I want to start by saying thank you so much to everyone who participated - it was so much fun to write alongside you all, and I can’t wait to share everyone’s hard work.
Without further ado, here are all of the entries for the Enemies to Lovers Challenge!
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SFW Spencer Fics
Female Reader
Affection by @mercy-burning: Spencer and Reader decidedly hate each other. But when a near-death experience puts one of them in a coma, their mutual hatred might have to take a backseat— Or will it?
Begin Again by @boldlyvoid: Spencer’s best friend at CalTech suddenly stopped talking to him when they were 14… he never thought this was why.
Rationalizations by @specialagentsergio: You’re the psych evaluation for Spencer. You think he’s full of shit, so you refuse to sign his clearance form until he actually tells the truth.
Fear & Regret by @kahootlobbymusic: In the two years Spencer and Reader have worked together they have never liked each other, but during a traumatic experience, true feelings come to light.
Despise by @leahblackk: Reader is new in the BAU, Spencer doesn’t like changes therefore he doesn’t like reader.
All is Fair in Love and War by @radiant-reid: Spencer had spent 29 years of his life without an enemy.
Male Reader
Pretty Boy by me: Spencer thinks you’re just the bully who likes to pull his pigtails.
Maybe Hotch was Right by @broken-stardust: Spencer and Reader don’t get along, but things change when Spencer finds him during a personal moment.
SFW Assorted Fics
That Thin Line by @nerdyfangirl67 (Hotch/GN!Reader) “Those things I said to you…I just wish I could go back and stop myself from ever saying them.”
Begrudging Allies by @ontheoddoccasioniwritestuff: (Hotch/Trans!Man Reader) Aaron and Reader’s marriage is suitable enough, given that Aaron secretly loves men and Reader secretly is a man.
Can't Buy My Love by @i-am-calm-and-its-doctor (Derek/GN!Reader) In which Derek Morgan gets a date, and an empty wallet. Strictly for charity.
NSFW Spencer Fics (18+, Minors DNI)
Female Reader
Truce by me: Spencer doesn’t like his new boss.
Icarus and the Moon by me: Spencer is in love with a criminal… again.
Study Session by me: Spencer really hates his student, but he can’t resist her.
Opposing Counsel by me: Spencer runs into his childhood rival at trial for a case. Now that they’re older, they found a new way to resolve their differences.
The Objective & The Occult by me: Reader is a witch and Spencer is a scientist, can I make it any more obvious?
Myth or Movie by @mercy-burning: Unbeknownst to the two of them, Reader and Spencer’s children have worked up a plan to get them to meet…
Make You Sweat by @wheelsup: Reader and spencer never got along, and that doesn’t have to change just because they hooked up one time.
Still Worth Fighting For by @criminal-minds-reider: Reader and Spencer’s Marriage is hanging on by a thread. But neither of them are willing to let the other go…
Star-Crossed by @andiebeaword: Spencer gets the surprise of his life when his old rival/crush surprises him by kissing him as part of a game.
NSFW Assorted Fics (18+, Minors DNI)
Female Reader
Rowdy Neighbors by @reidgraygubler: (Wes, Fem!Reader) Reader meets her new neighbor, Wes, who she hates.
Lane Courtesy by @imagining-in-the-margins (Franklin, Fem!Reader) Franklin can't stand the new girl at the alley.
Thank you to everyone who participated!
Happy reading!
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