#kylux angst
hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024: Day 4: Not You
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Never Love You
Pls reblog I don’t have A03 yet.
Part 1 of 2
Warning: Sexual references, angst, breakup, not a happy ending
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Kylo grabbed his cowl preparing for his departure. His boots sounded heavy against the transpresteel, like he was putting extra weight on every step. Something had him tense but he wasn’t sure what. The door slid open and he jerked his head up, a bit too violently, but the tightness in his shoulders eased when he saw the familiar face of General Hux. 
“Armitage,” He said walking towards him and out stretching an arm to caress his chin. “Come to say goodbye~” He added coyly. But the man didn’t swoon as he normally did, In fact Ren realized he hadn’t in a while. They had both been so busy they barely had time for one another, part of it was his fault he knew, but they’d spent time apart before and there had never been much of an issue.
“So you’re doing this again?” Hux commented dryly, his expression remained empty.
“What? Flirting with my handsome boyfriend?” He asked smirking, But Hux only glared at him.
“You’re more stupid than I thought.”
“Oh stop being like that,” Kylo ran his hand through Hux’s fiery locks pulling them loose so they fell in front of his face. Hux always loved that, at least he used to. This time Hux yanked his head away, brushing his hair out of his face. Kylo persisted, pressing his chest against the shorter man, reaching his arms around him and gently stroking his back, slipping Hux’s jacket off his shoulders. He could feel the tension in his body. Hux wouldn’t even look him in the eye. “Babe, relax. Whatever it is that's bothering you, I’ll make it better.”
“Oh I doubt it, it’s had several years to get better and it never has.” He scoffed crossing his arms, ignoring Kylo’s advances.
“Why do I feel like you're messing with me… Love, you can tell me, I know just how to make you feel better.” Kylo said as he palmed Hux’s ass gently, his large hand sliding perfectly into place. Hux didn’t flinch, instead, he scowled. “Hux you’re doing this on purpose.”
“Oh forgive me for not swooning,” He sneered. “Sex isn’t the fix to everything you know.”
“But it can help~” Kylo insisted a sultry smile slipping onto his face as he gripped him harder, soliciting a sharp gasp from the man
“Ha! You're always the same, think with your dick instead of your head.” Hux shook his head and tried to pull away. 
“Yeah good luck acting like you’re any different,”Kylo huffed. He was starting to get annoyed now.
“Oh so mature. You know, unlike you I can show restraint.” He bit out angrily.
“Oh I know, You like being restrained~” Kylo said dragging his hand lazily across the man’s chest wanting too greedily rip away his uniform even though they hardly had the time.
“Stars, How bad can you be at reading a room? Hmm, let's see how deep you dig this hole of yours.” Hux glared up at him with disapproval, the sharpness in his voice could cut glass. Kylo let go and stepped back feeling guilty.
“Armitage, what's going on? This isn’t you. Even when we were busy before we always made time for each other, and when we were mad, we’d fuck and things would be fine. Now you talk to me so little I feel like you’re avoiding me, and you stopped coming to my quarters to sleep. There’s something troubling you, but I promised I wouldn’t look into your head, so please, please tell me.” He wanted to reach out and grab him, shake him, but he felt it would not be appropriate to touch him again.
“Yes you care now because I’m not giving you attention, Is that it? If you must know I did come to bid you farewell. You are leaving aren’t you?”
Kylo blinked. “Y-Yeah I am. Sorry I was overreacting wasn’t I?” He sighed with relief maybe Hux wasn’t mad at him after all, he had just been focusing on work, and that was it.
“Oh yes, I’m not mad at the fact that you're abandoning your duties to hunt down useless relics, Not at all.” He spoke, his tone acidic, his stare even more so. Kylo felt his anger beginning to surface, he and Hux had been over this a thousand times, talking in circles, they had just agreed they would never find common ground on the subject. the fact that Hux would bring it up?
“It’s not useless Hux! I wouldn’t leave if it weren’t important!” His anger flared, he could feel his hands balling into fists. He knew he could not hold back much longer and he knew Hux knew that too.
“We’re moments from victory! What’s more important than being here in our time of triumph?” Hux shook his head adjusting his jacket to rest on his shoulders again.
“What I’m doing will lead to our victory! You just can’t see it yet!” Kylo paced angrily around the room opening and closing his hands trying to calm himself.
“What I see is a hypocrite!” Hux growled. 
“You’re being ridiculous!”
“Am I?” He questioned walking up to Kylo. “The man who always preaches about burying the past is chasing treasures from a bygone era because some nightmares told him to. You can’t kill your past and chase Vader’s legacy, they’re opposite goals.”
“They’re not nightmares!” He howled. “They’re visions! Voices! The Force is calling me, you wouldn’t understand.” He shook his head gritting his teeth.
“Don’t lecture me on the force Ren, If I don’t understand then make me. Tell me how I should see it.” 
“You should see it as me helping the order. What I’m doing will ensure that we can come out on top, crush the resistance, like you always say.” He placed his hand on Hux’s shoulder trying to show he didn’t want to yell anymore. He didn’t want to keep going like this.
“Like I always say? Helping the order? Helping the order is being here, doing your job. If you didn’t want the responsibilities of being Supreme leader you should have thought of that before killing Snoke. Oh yes, I know it wasn’t the scavenger girl, you didn’t do very well to hide It.” He scowled frowning deeply as he jerked Kylo’s hands off of him.
“I’m sure the order can manage in my absence, or do you think you can’t handle things on your own?” He added. He knew it was rude, petty even, but he didn’t care anymore.
“Insulting me now, are you? Always have to see yourself as the hero, Everyone’s glorious savior. I don’t need saving. I know how to play my part, you’d do well to know yours or you might find yourself like Snoke, dead and powerless.”
Kylo stepped back, anger consuming him. What was Hux saying? Would he really be that heartless to his own partner? “Are you threatening me? Hux are you threatening to kill me? Even after all we’ve been through? I’m doing this for you! Why can’t you see that!”
“Doing this for me?” Hux laughed. “Ren all I ever asked you to do was stay!” Kylo could hear the hurt in his voice, Hux didn’t feel like Kylo was abandoning the order, he felt like Kylo was abandoning him. He wanted to reassure him but he couldn’t, he was too stubborn, too prideful, they both were.
“You just don’t understand, I have to do this, this is bigger than anything, bigger than the war, bigger than the order.” 
Hux froze. “So it’s not me?” 
Kylo was confused. “What?”
“You’re not doing this for me, for the order, you're not doing this to win the war, you’re doing this for yourself.” He poked Kylo’s chest in an accusatory manner. “I used to think we had the same goals-“
“We do!” Kylo cut him off.
“No, if you leave, you’ve made your decision. This isn’t about making the order better, this is about proving some thing to yourself because you can still can’t get over the fact that there’s still some of your parents in you.”
“I- YOU’RE SO INSUFFERABLE!” He screamed stopping on the ground, Hux stumbled back. Kylo hadn’t thought he used the force, but he must have.
“I Could say the same to you.” Hux said, regaining his footing and crossing his arms.
Kylo took a deep breath. He couldn’t keep doing this, getting angry until he hurt the people he loved. That was the old him, what he used to do. Once he was calm enough he spoke again. “What is this, what are we doing?” 
“Arguing, we do that alot lately.” Hux stated blankly.
“Hux why are we together?” Kylo took a deep breath. It hurt to say but It was a question he needed answered. 
“Good point. I’m breaking up with you.” Hux answered unceremoniously, as if he hadn’t put any thought in it at all.
Kylo panicked. “WAIT WHAT?”
“We always argue, you never listen, we don’t work. If there's no reason for us to be together, then let’s not be together.” Kylo had to admit he did have a point, but he loved Hux, Hux did too, at least that's what he had thought, but he had broken it so quickly, Maybe Kylo had been blind all along.
“You’d leave just like that?”
“As far as I’m concerned, you already left.” Hux said turning his back to him.
“You can’t do this to me! I WON’T LET YOU LEAVE!” He yelled after him, but Kylo just couldn’t force him to stay.
“Oh and you can keep this,” Hux slipped his ring off his finger, the ring Kylo had given him, the ring that he was meant to keep forever, and he threw it to the floor. The cold metal band clattered against the transprestell and rolled to Kylo’s feet. He stared at it, hearing Hux’s footsteps walk away from him. He gripped his head in his hands trying to hold back but he yelled “I’LL NEVER LOVE YOU AGAIN!”
The force of his yell threw Hux back, tumbling through the door. He’d seen Snoke do it before but he never knew what it felt like to do himself. His chest hurt, his throat felt tight. He couldn’t bare to look at Hux sprawled out on the ground, blown back by the blast so he used the force and shut his door quickly. As soon as he was alone tears streamed down his face making his eyes sting. He gripped his saber hilt, and the blade flickered to life. He wanted so badly to stab it through his heart, or the empty pit where it should be, but he drove it through the wall instead. This was it, there was no coming back from this. A broken relationship, of broken men, it had always been made to shatter.
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@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
It's Karma
Day 2 of MakeKyluxSuffer (@makekyluxsuffer) - Blood | Bruises | ‘You’re Hurting Me.’
“Honey. Please stay awake.” Hux said shaking Kylo. The transport to get off the collapsing base was on the way. Kylo only had to hold on until the medics could get there. 
Kylo groaned as Hux applied pressure on his wound. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, looking up at his boyfriend. “You better be.” Hux joked. 
“No,” he said raising his hand to touch Hux’s check “It’s Kama.” 
“And why is it Kama?” Hux asked, he could hear the transport landing close by. “I killed him. I killed my dad. And then I went after the girl and...” 
“Excuse me General. You're going to have to move so we can get him on a stretcher.” Hux followed as Kylo was brought on board the transport and taken to the medical centre in the back.  
Hux sat in the seat, looking at his hands.  
He didn’t care for the planet blowing up behind him. 
All he could focus on was the blood on his hands. 
Hux looked at the doctor. “He’s going to need more medication when we get to the finalizer. But other than that he should be okay.” Hux nodded, unable to find words. “Are you okay sir? That’s quite a lot of blood.” Hux looked back down at his hands. 
“It’s not my blood.” 
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xylavie · 1 year
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I’m gonna look for my tiny hux doodles. So in the mean time, have some of my angst classics lol.
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vulcan-vulcant · 10 months
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No one will find you here, dying alone in the snow, bleeding in the dark
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I am here? I am no one, your shadow --- living in your shadow. We will both perish
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Why Not Me?
For @makekyluxsuffer prompt 4: Forbidden/Unrequited/ “I’ll Always Be Alone.”
If someone had told Armitage Hux back when he was but a cadet that he would be hopelessly in love with an ex-Jedi in a few years, he would have called them crazy.
Then he would have shot them with his blaster for daring to suggest he was able to feel, let alone love.
Yet here he was, the youngest General in the history of the first order, head over heels for Kylo Ren, leader of the Knights of Ren.
His co-commander. His enemy. His reason for trying, his reason for wanting the first order to achieve success. When they won the war, Hux had promised himself he would tell Ren how he felt.
That was until the girl. A lowly scavenger, whose only claim to fame was her mysterious connection to the “Force”.
And she had Kylo Ren completely wrapped around her dirt-covered fingers from the moment he heard about her.
Hux had lost many nights to a mental competition (usually accompanied by a strong drink) of himself to the girl. The only things she had going for her were her force ability and her body.
Though it wasn’t exactly like she was beautiful, Hux understood the appeal, even if he had never found women attractive and never would.
The truth was Hux succeeded her in every way, the only difference being that he was not a woman, nor was he force-sensitive.
He was 99% sure Ren didn’t care what gender the scavenger was, but it wasn’t like he could make himself un-forcenull. 
Hux found himself despairing, because Ren had it all right there: a person with similar position, someone who could balance out his weakness, someone who wasn’t a golden pillar for the karking Resistance- but no, he wanted the Jakku Rat.
As Hux watched the holo-projected version of Ren propose to the girl (because that what it was, a proposal, no matter how negatively he had worded it) he couldn’t help but react to Ren’s statements.
“Join me,” the past version of Ren pleaded.
Hux stretched his hand out to Ren’s, just as the voice of the girl cried out about “Ben” and all that other nonsense.
He shut the projector off. He knew what happened next.
He had the scars to prove it.
He placed his head in his hands, sliding down against his wall onto the floor of his quarters.
Ren would always be obsessed with her. That was the truth of the matter- Hux could see it in the other man’s eyes.
“I’ll always be alone,” Hux declared.
He could love no one but Ren, and Ren would never love him back.
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radiant-crimson · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Ben Solo Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Ben Solo is a Disaster, Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Armitage Hux Has Feelings, (shocking I know), Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Ben has one braincell and it doesn't work, This started as a songfic but it got out of hand, mention of suicide, Sketchy consent stuff but it's discussed thoroughly, this is not a healthy relationship, Author Is Sleep Deprived, that escalated quickly, Mention of eating disorder, mention of bullying, author might be projecting a tiny bit, Depression, Ben Solo needs a therapist, Armitage Hux is an asshole, Oblivious Ben Solo, Some people have jobs, Ben lives off his parents fortune, Shitfaced melancholia, Ben Solo probably has BPD, Which doesn't justify him being a dick, Amitage Hux is a good friend, but he has a grand total of two friends, three if you include Ben, he's an ass to everyone else, which is part of the appeal ngl, assholes in love, a bit of stalking if you squint, Ben is a little shit sometimes but we love him, Armitage Hux has patience, Ben's full name is not Benjamin, A lot of pointless name-dropping but I'm not sorry, Ben has self-esteem issues, Angst with a Happy Ending, Getting Together Summary:
Ben can always count on Armitage to pick him off the street when he's hammered and alone. The only problem is, Armitage always takes the opportunity to lecture him about it. Of course, Ben gets sulky, because no one likes being scolded, but maybe his annoying friend has some valid arguments.
After all, he only ever calls him when he's high.
Inspired by Arctic Monkey's Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High
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nylon-rabbit · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren Characters: Armitage Hux, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren Additional Tags: Execution, Memories, Armitage Hux Has Feelings, Armitage Hux is Not Nice, Pining, Hux Misses Kylo, Childhood Memories, Protective Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux Needs A Hug, Rescue, Reunions, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mild Gore, Hurt/Comfort, Men Crying Summary:
Facing execution, Hux looks back on his short life and his greatest moments, unaware he is about to experience another…
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kylo-skywalkerr · 1 year
Baby's first (posted) one shot fic hell yeah
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gingersnappish · 7 months
The 2024 Fandom Trumps Hate Charity Auction is LIVE!!!
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Bidding runs 5th March 8am EST to 9th March 8 pm EST!
@fandomtrumpshate is an online multi-fandom auction that benefits a lot of progressive non-profit organizations! Fans 'bid' to donate directly to a listed charity and the winning bidder receives a thank you gift for their donation in the form of the personalized fan work- You can read about exactly how it works HERE and see the FULL LIST OF NON-PROFITS!
Star Wars Fandom has a lot of really lovely works being offered this year - 34 creators are offering their time and talents as a big thank you to the winning bidders for their donations! Please, check them out!
And then...
Help out some wonderful progressive charities (and get a lovely custom fanwork as a thank you gift !
The following are brief summaries and not comprehensive. Please read the full offerings before bidding! The full Star Wars TAG contains all the following listings in their entirety!
Written Fanworks
@shadow-spires is offering a <5K piece for Prequel Trilogy or The Clone Wars! Loves working with Cody, clone culture, and fix-its, AUs, angst with happy endings, and more!
@marroniere is offering 20-50K for Andor, Thrawn Trilogy (new canon), Thrawn Ascendancy, or Ahsoka! Especially interested in anything Thrawn and Chiss, as well as Mon and Cassian from Andor! Versatile in genre and focussed on how characters relate to one another and heal!
finkpishnets is offering 5-10K for Prequel Trilogy or Clone Wars! Happy to work with Obi-Wan/Anakin or Obi-Wan/Cody in canon, diveregent, or AU settings! (also comfortably familiar with the Kenobi series canon)
@dirtbag-linecook-kyloren is offereing 5K per $10 donated! Sequel Trilogy Kylux author specializing in Modern AUs!
@captainlilja is offering 5-10K for Sequel Trilogy or Rebels! Especially interested in Finn/Poe, Finn/Poe/Rey, Zeb/Kallus, Hera/Kanan and happy to work with AroAce characters, AUs, fluff, and kinky-fluff where everybody is in love!
blackat_t7t is offering 5-10K for Book of Boba Fett, Clone Wars, or Mandalorian! Interested in M/M or Genfic, Angst, canon-divergent AUs, anything with a Clones focus or BobaDinn! Also appreciates rairpairs and characters!
Tathrin is offering 5-10K for any of the Trilogies and/or Legends/Extended Universe! Enthusiastic about world-building and plot and queering canon! Classic Legends stuff is a favorite, with a love for snubfighter pilots, YJKs, Leia, nb-Revan, and original flavor Boba Fett!
hoebiwan is offering 5-10K for Original and Prequel Trilogies or Legends/Extended Universe! Interested in crack, grief, recovery, anxiety, trans and queer themes!
@geekymoviemom is offering 5-10K for Prequel Trilogy, Clone Wars, Rebels, or Rogue One! Happy to write Anakin/Padme, Cassian/Jyn, Obi-wan & Anakin, Kanan & Ezra, and family stuff for Clone Wars and Rebels Fam! Canon-divergent or in-universe AUs please!
@treescape is offering <5K for any Star Wars! Familiar with all eras and happy to work with most characters or pairs!
@xenomorphic-warrior is offering 10-20K for Original or Prequel Trilogy, Andor, Clone Wars, Mandolorian, Kenobi, and Rogue One! Especially interested in Cody/Obi-wan, Bariss/Ahsoka, Din/Cobb, Lando/Han, Lando/Leia/Han, Cassian/Jyn, Cassian/Jyn/Bohdi, Cassian/Kino and are fond of speculative AUs like horror and sci-fi, mythology, and canon-divergence!
van1lla_v1lla1n is offering <5K for the Sequel Trilogy! Enthusiastic about Rey/Kylo (one or both of them queer) and will write in canonverse or modern AUs! Likes to work with erotic and heavier themes, ambiguous endings!
solas_oiche is offering 10-20K for any Star Wars! Enthusiastic about anything Ahsoka-centric and open to themes and tropes you may want to see!
Kartaylir is offering &lt;5K for Legends/Extended Universe and the Old Republic! Especially interested F/F, darker themes, world-building, and weird lore details! Familiar with Thrawn Trilogy, Shadows of the Empire, and Tales of the Jedi comics, KOTOR, and have written lots for SWTOR!
Ninja is offering 5-10K for Original or Prequel Trilogies, or Mandolorian! Especially interested in working with Fluff, H/C, happy endings, magic, plot twists, crack, and humor! Loves zany hijinks! Good at taking an initial prompt and running with it!
@s-c-g-s-c-g is offering <5K for Prequel Trilogy, Clone Wars, and Legends/Extended Universe! Especially interested in Jedi characters, pre-quel era fic, gen, bonding, H/C, canon-adjacent AUs, and found family! Primarily experienced writing Gen but open to some rairpairs!
Ternary is offering <5K for Prequel Trilogy and Clone Wars! Likes queer themes, ace&aro themes, and exploring disability themes, as well as trauma-recovery, and emotional H/C! Interested in Obi-Wan’s Legends padawanship, Obi-Wan/Quinlan, Obi-Wan/Cody, Quinlan/Fox!
geniecat2 is offering 5-10K words for the Prequel Trilogy, Book of Boba Fett, or Clone Wars! Especially interested in the AceAre spectrum, found family, platonic and romantic CodyWan, Jangobi, and lineage exploration, as well as Clone and Jedi appreciation, JediCorps too!
@musetotheworld is offering 5-10K for the Original and Prequel Trilogies, and Legends/Extended Universe! Loves Legends-inspired plots and has read most of the Legends books! Experience with writing F/F ships, M/F is fine too, also cool with AUs!
Stens_McHenry is offering 5-10K for All Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Mandolorian, and Kenobi! Prefers to write M/M ships and happy to work with AUs and canon-adjacent/divergent works!
MaudeZbornak is offering scaled-by-donation wordcount ($5 = minimum 5K) for All Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Mandolorian, and Kenobi! Happy to work with any pairing for Star Wars and welcomes detailed prompts!
thebeespatella is offering scaled-by-donation wordcount ($10 = 1K) for Andor, Clone Wars, and Rogue One! Especially interested in F/F, trans/gender and exploring corporate surveillance, identity and conformity, colonialism/diaspora, radicalization, trauma, moral injury, and interfacing with technology (cybogs)! Likes Clone troopers, clone culture and clone ships, Imperial/Rebellion era, and spy/thriller AUs! Experienced writer of Cody/Rex!
MayQueen517CactusDragon517 is offering <5K words for the Original and Sequel Trilogies, Rogue One, or Solo! Open to many ideas, smut included! Likes exploring alternative identities like a trans or non-binary or ace/aro interpretation of a character! Likes to communicate lots with their winning bidder, building ideas and sharing snippets!
@elthadriel is offering scaled-by-donation wordcount ($10 = 1K up to 10K) for Clone Wars! Especially interested in Clone troopers and their culture and ships, Imperial/rebellion era, missing war scenes, PWP, Cowboy AUs, bittersweet vibes, Cody/Rex, Echo/Fives/Fox, Thorn/Fox, Rex/Fives/Echo/Cody, Cody/Fox, Ahsoka/Bariss, Bly/Aayla, Cody/Maul!
@cabezadeperro is offering <5K for Prequel Trilogy, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe! Interested in open endings, Imperial era, missing war scenes, cloneships, Jango Fett/Obi-Wan, canon divergence, complicated relationships, codex, Fives/Echo/Fox, Cody/Fox, rewalker, qi’rahsoka!
darktenshi17 is offering two auctions for 5-10K fics for the Sequel Trilogy as well as the Original Trilogy! Open to most ideas (with the exception of Kylo/Rey) and interested in working with F/F, polyships, genderswap, trans or nonbinary characters, unhappy or ambiguous endings!
commanderdameron is offering 10-20K for the Prequel or Sequel Trilogies or Kenobi! Loves character and relationship studies! Interested in exploring canon in more plot-centric ways and excited about world-building from a character-driven mindset! Obi-Wan, Poe, Leia, and Rey are favs, so things that focus on their relationships are welcome!
Visual Fanworks
c_art is offering a comic page (per $50 donation) for the Original and Prequel Trilogies! Enthusiastic about Gen and Femslash as well as rarepairs and unusual ideas! Fluff, angst, slice of life, and action all welcome! Black and white pages - will ask the winning bidder for a script or fic to adapt, higher donations = gets more pages!
@temporoyales is offering a drawing/painting for any Star Wars! Any pairings, genders, sexualities are welcome! Likes working with everyday interactions, environmental storytelling, symbolism, genderbending, and costume design! Starting bid gets a black and white portrait and larger bids increase up to fullbody/color!
@gingersnappish is offering a full color book cover/illustration/drawing/comic page/etc for any Star Wars! Specializes in Kylux but open to almost all characters, pairs, ideas! Happy to work with scifi-fantasy design, animals, detailed backgrounds and tech! Will make 2-4 small sketches for the recipient to choose from and then show a refined sketch before finishing the piece!
@nattyjae is offering a comic/drawing/painting/etc for any Star Wars! Scaled donations $5 = black and white, $15 black and white comic, $20 full color illustration, on up to a full color comic page! Loves Clone Wars, Rebels, and Bad Batch but will be happy drawing any Star Wars! Happy to design characters, redraw scenes or visualize AUs!
Beta Reading
@shadow-spires is offering to beta 10-20K for any of the Trilogies, Clone Wars, Rebels, Rogue One!
birbleafs is offering to beta for <5K for any of the Trilogies, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe!
geniecat2 is offering to beta for 5-10K for the Original and Prequel Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe, Mandolorian, and Kenobi!
Podfic Recording
@shadow-spires is offering to record a <5K podfic for any of the Trilogies, Clone Wars, Rebels, or Rogue One: clones centric and Jedi-positive stuff always welcome, as well as OCs!
flowerparrish is offering to record <5K for any of the Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe, Mandalorian, Kenobi, Rebels, Rogue One! They are especially interested in canon-divergent AUs, fix-its, Poly ships, F/F, trans or nonbinary characters, rarepairs and crackships!
kbirb is offering to record fic with wordcount being contribution-based (Donations: First $10 = 2K, +$10 = Additional 1K)! Open to all three Trilogies, Andor, Clone Wars, Mandolorian, Rebels, Rogue One! Especially interested in found family, soulmate AUs, polyamory, trans clone troopers, neopronouns, Jon Antilles rarepairs, Hevy/Fives/Echo, Cody/Obi-Wan, and period pieces (Regency!) Loves recording for an author who wants to hear their fic aloud!
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024: Day 3: Fear
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Always Love You
Pls reblog I don’t have A03 yet.
Part 2 of 2
Part 1
Warning: Rey is dead, Canon divergence, Major character death (Temporary), graphic depictions of gore
I cried while writing this 😁
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Kylo stumbled up from the cold floor. Palpatine, or rather his clone, was dead, but his darkness still hung over exegol and was like a heavy weight pressing against his chest. He took a moment to get his bearings. His injuries from the previous fight were healed, but he still felt disoriented. As if waking up from a deep sleep. He looked back at Rey’s body, glassy eyes staring up at the sky above her. He couldn’t bring himself to touch her. Part of himself felt guilty, she was dead because she saved him. He hadn’t asked for that. Though he hadn’t really had the ability to turn down the offer, so it wasn’t really his fault if she died in the process. She had kissed him, it felt wrong, like betrayal. He tried to shake away the dilemma, honestly it wasn’t surprising. She had always been bent on saving him, or what she assumed saving him was. Apparently more so than preserving her own life. That didn’t make sense to him, but not much made sense to him at the moment. 
He realized he hadn’t contacted the order in a while. He had silenced his comelink on his way to exegol, and he now realized he had no clue what was happening. He pulled out the com from his tunic, luckily it wasn’t busted, but as soon as he switched it on, he was bombarded with messages. Reports of casualties, ship losses. Everything had gone to hell. Then finally he got to the oldest sent message, from allegiant general Pryde. 
“Supreme Leader Ren, our mission to locate the resistance spy has proved most fruitful. The traitor was none other than General Hux. I am pleased  to inform you that he has been dealt with and has been brought to the brig for termination. I will handle it personally and see to it that any information he has shared with the resistance will be brought to your attention.”
Kylo froze, his heart skipped a beat. Hux was the spy? Hux was being terminated?! He wasn’t sure which one he should care about more, but he was instantly filled with dread. He’s mind ran back to the last moment they shared with one another. They had argued. Hux had thrown the engagement ring to the floor. The last words Kylo had said to Hux played back over and over again and his mind. “I will never love you again.” He couldn’t believe it. How could he have said something so stupid? So false? Could he have pushed him to betray the order? No, the order was Hux’s life, more so than it was Ren’s. there must have been an explanation. He needed to find him, he needed him to be okay. But the message had been sent hours ago, and even if Pryde hadn't killed him, the messages of countless casualties didn’t seem very promising. He reached out through, sensing for any form of life form , but Palpatine's darkness clouded everything and his senses were still foggy. He retracted his footsteps. Rushing back through the temple. Once he exited, he saw the rubble of 1000 ships littering the surface of the planet, some debris still crashing through the atmosphere like hundreds of tiny meteors. 
The order had lost. Everything and everyone was gone. Kylo didn’t feel any particular regret about it. Towards the end of the war, he had forgotten exactly what he had been fighting for. He had always planned to create a new order, something better, something that would protect every citizen, something that he and Hux could rule together side-by-side. He tried to bury the fantasies in the back of his mind. He needed to focus on the present right now. dwelling on what could’ve been or could be, wasn’t going to help anything. He tried reaching out again. His senses still felt dampened but now he was out of the temple he could push past the murky darkness just a little. But a little wasn’t enough, all he sensed was death and hopelessness. 
Then it hit him. Hux had been right. If he hadn’t gone chasing the sith way finder, if he hadn’t made the deal with Palpatine, none of this would have happened. It had been for himself. He had abandoned the order. But he couldn’t abandon Hux. He pulled out his comlink again searching for any record of prisoner termination. There was nothing. He skimmed through messages searching through ship records. He found what he was looking for. The Supremacy was amongst the lost ships, it was somewhere crashed on the surface, he just had to find it, and hope that the impact hadn’t destroyed it and everyone inside. He ran frantically around the surface of the planet. Telling himself that the force would guide him, but he knew he was just thrashing around in the dark like a mad man. He didn’t know how much time he had, or if he even had any time at all. 
Finally after what seemed like an eternity of searching he came across the Supremacy, or what was left of it. It had been split down the middle and was slowly sinking into the planet's surface. It was so crushed and mangled he couldn’t tell which half was which. He chose one stumbling through the dark hallways, tripping over lose wires dodging dislodged beams, trying not to look at the bodies of the troopers that lay on the floors. He ducked through a doenwed cealing squeezing his way through a small passageway, and he found himself on the bridge. It had collapsed into a lower hallway. He’d gone the wrong way. He went to turn around and go back but he hesitated taking in the destruction. Burnt, charred bodies laid out on warped transpresteel, one decapitated. Because the bridge had collapsed the floor was at an angle, all of the debris both organic and inorganic, had piled into one mangled mess by the door. Strewn atop the viscus pile, was a body so ruined Kylo couldn’t discern who it was aside from the uniform. A charcoal gray, much darker than that of a typical officer. Only Two people on the bridge would have worn such a color and style, and he knew it was not Hux. Which only meant one thing. It was Enric Pryde. 
Rage filled his body. He picked of Pryde’s corpse with the force. “You monster! You’ll pay!” He screamed into the silence, knowing no one could hear him, and there was nothing he could do to Pryde anymore. He squeezed his hand into a fist anger coursing through his veins filling every inch of his body. The copse compressed with his fist. He squeezed Pryde’s head so tightly with his force grip it exploded, flesh and bile flying outward with a dissatisfying squelching sound. He dropped the body and it crumpled to the floor, Pryde’s mangled skull staring back at him. Kylo was seething, he no longer had his lightsaber so he pulled a piece of metal from the wall and bashed the body so many times it was no more than a pile of mush. Then he dropped to his knees holding his head. Pryde was the one person he knew for sure would know what had become of Hux and he was dead.
He had left to chase silly nightmares, left Hux. Hadn’t been there to protect him. And if all these people were dead, surely there was no way Hux could have survived. 
“Ren, all I ever asked you to do was stay!”
Hux’s words echoed through his mind, a cruel reminder. He had been so blind, and now he was being punished for it. Then something caught his eye. A shiny object lay on the floor beside Pryde’s body. Dog tags. Probably Pryde’s. He got closer to them, they were slightly scorched, but still readable. They read “Armitage Hux.” He snatched them up frantically, examining them. The chain was broken, Pryde had pulled them off Hux’s neck, the Kriffing bastard! He shook his head, mentally scolding himself. He had trained himself to stop using that word, even when describing people like Pryde, since Hux hated it so much. He held the dog tags gently in his hands. Remembering how pretty they looked laid out on Hux’s chest. There had to be something more here, this had to be a sign. He had gotten visions from touching his grandfather’s helmet before, he had to try. 
He closed his eyes, squeezing the dog tags so tight he knew they’d leave an imprint on his hand. He reached out with the force. At first all he got was silence, but then there was something, something so faint he couldn’t quite make out what it was. It was like a small faint light, blinking slowly, like a pulse or heartbeat slowly beating in his mind. He stood up, all dizziness was gone. He wasn’t sure what he was running towards but he was sure that he needed to follow it and he didn’t have much time. He ran through the remnants of the Supremacy, further and further into the belly of the crashed ship. 
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, everything was a blur, but he arrived at the brig. The brig was made of some of the strongest metal, and in the center of the ship, to make it more difficult for prisoners to escape, but it also meant it wasn’t as damaged as the rest of the ship. A slight sense of hope filled his heart as he saw it was mostly intact. As much as he hated the thought of Pryde dragging him away, if Hux hadn’t been arrested, he would have died with everyone else. 
He rushed through the halls, most of the cells blown open, crushed like aluminum cans. Then he found it. The door bent open at a jagged angle, the ceiling slightly caved in. It was an interrogation room, or glorified torture chamber. Kylo could sense Hux’s force signature, it was so faint, so weak. He rushed forward and panicked searching frantically. He saw his foot from under the collapsed ceiling. “HUX?!” He yelled, scrambling forward and pushing the twisted metal away. 
There was his foot, but to his horror there was no body. He stared at the severed leg in horror, a jagged cut right through the shin bone dry blood streaked across the floor from where it had slid as the ship crashed. He screamed in a way he didn’t know he was capable of screaming and let go of the ceiling panel he was holding back. He looked away and squeezed his eyes shut as the metal swung back crashing down onto the severed limb with a terrifying crunch. Then he felt the metal of the dog tags still digging into the skin of his palm, and that light in his mind's eye slowly getting dimmer. He jerked his head around seeing the silhouette of a crumpled body on the opposite side of the room, shrouded in darkness. He rushed forward hoping he was not too late. 
Hux’s body was mutilated and mangled. His skin was a painting of violence inflicted on him by Pryde’s torture. His body was bare and paler than normal Gashes, burns, angry bruises littered his gaunt frame. There was a blaster wound on his left thigh and a bloody bandage wrapped around his chest. But perhaps most unsettling was his eyes, open, staring blankly back at him, the green-blue hues dulled and glassy. He ran to him collapsing to his knees holding his head in his hands. His body was limp. His skin was cold. His pulse fading. 
He wasn’t breathing. 
“Hux please no, don't do This to me. You can’t leave me alone like this!” It was futile. His body was too far gone, there was no way he could save him. “Please Armitage” He said through tears, “I need you.” It was deafeningly quiet.
He was dead. 
Kylo held Hux’s lifeless body in his arms. All sense of warmth and life was gone from his body. He looked so small, so broken. And It was Kylo’s fault. Never again would he hear his voice, smell his hair, see the fire in his eyes, or that rare smile he remembered so fondly. His body felt like jello, he didn’t know what to do. Hux’s dead eyes stared back at him, but he couldn’t bring himself to close them. Hoping maybe he’d blink himself back to life and everything would be fine. But everything wasn’t fine. Ren’s perfect future lay in flames, the engagement ring still left on the floor of his quarters, lost forever. “I will never love you again” played over and over in his mind. That was the last thing he’d said. He sobbed, burrying his face in Hux’s chest, holding him tightly like he would never let go.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” He repeated over and over again knowing he could never be forgiven. There was no going back, he had thought during their last argument. There was no fixing it. How could he have been so foolish? If he had only gone after Hux then maybe things would be different. He looked down at the lifeless body in his hands, he looked so dull, all the color drained from his skin and hair. His pale lips parted slightly, leaving behind an expression of indifference. Not peace, not discomfort, just nothing at all. Blank, emotionless. He leaned down and kissed them one last time. His lips were cold. It wasn’t the same. 
He cried until he was numb, shaking with the effort. He didn’t know what to do or wear to go. He found himself wishing Rey had let him die. But Rey hadn’t, she had… she had brought him back to life. What if he brought Hux back to life? Just enough to keep him alive, get him medical attention, and everything would be fine. 
He had to try. He reached out and poured all his energy into the man before him, struggling to keep his mind focused, even though his body was screaming at him, telling him “no!”. “PLEASE!” He yelled, and then suddenly a surge of energy flowed through him, the force enveloped his body surrounding him. His life force poured out like a flood and he tried not to worry if he could stop it. Just a little more, he just needed a little more. He could sense everything, feel everything, see everything, but then the energy began to fade. As he put all his power into saving Hux, he himself began to slip. He had to hold on, just a little longer. If he lost consciousness neither of them would get off of this planet alive and it would all be for not. 
Then he heard it, the faint sound of breathing. At first he thought it was his own, but then he saw the steady rise and fall of Hux’s chest, and his eyes slid closed. 
“Hux?!” He pulled him into his arms gently, fighting off fatigue as tears welled in his eyes once more. “Oh Armie.” He held him close savoring every moment, giving them both a chance to rest. Then with Hux gingerly cradled in his arms he stood and made his way out of the Supremacy, making his way back to his TIE as fast as his tired legs could carry him. “Don’t worry love, everything’s going to be okay, I’ll make sure everything’s okay. I’ll make sure you’re okay… I’ll… I-”
“I will Always Love you”
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Originally I was going to make this even more sad. But maybe I’ll save that for a part three, spoiler alert Hux is not as okay as you think he is 😀
Anyway here was the song that came on WHILE I was writing the death scene (thank you so much Spotify) 
@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
It feels like fly.
Day 1 of MakeKyluxSuffer (@makekyluxsuffer) - Kidnapping | Rescue | ‘Take Me Instead.’ 
Hux yelled as he ran through the ship towards the hanger. The resistance had made their way onto the ship. From the bridge Hux was able to see the security footage of them taking Ren and dragging him towards the hanger. 
Hux needed to stop them, so he decided to run after them, and run he did. He didn’t stop he only worried about getting to Kylo in time to stop the resistance taking someone else Hux loved. They had already taken his mum and his dad from him, and he was about to let them take his fiancé too. Hux rounded the corner into the hanger. There stood Kylo being spoken to by General Organa. “KYLO!”  
Hux felt something hit him. 
He brought his hand down to his stomach. 
Kylo looked at him with horror in his eyes. 
Hux looked up at General Organa.  
The blaster she held was aimed at him. 
He looked down. 
He had been shot. 
Kylo raced over and was able to catch Hux as he fell backwards. “Baby, please. You have to stay with me.” Hux looked up at Kylo, pure love in his eyes, he reached an arm to wipe away the tear that fell. “Please, Armi. The wedding is only a week away.” There was a gasp from behind, but Kylo ignored it. 
“I love you.” Hux said closing his eyes. 
Hux’s breathing stopped. 
Kylo let out a shrill scream.  
“Take me,” He yelled up at the sky. “Take me instead. Not him. Anyone but him.” 
But nothing happened. 
Kylo clutched onto Hux’s body, sobbing into his fiancé’s hair, as the resistance and his mother stood there watching. 
Just mumbling 3 words over and over. 
“Take Me Instead.” 
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xylavie · 11 months
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Finally found my first set of doodles in the kylux fandom. 🫶
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vulcan-vulcant · 10 months
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K/ Foolish enough to get yourself captured?
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H/ Just get me out of here
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lvsifer · 6 months
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern
tagged by @seamayweed thank you so much 💕
Quick disclaimer: the tags added here are to give a general impression, pls heed the ao3 tags if you want to read them as many of these include unhealthy dynamics etc. ♡
1. true faith. (TLT: John/Alecto, John/Mercy/Augustine) character study
For almost ten thousand years Alecto dreams in her tomb.
2. Night Moth (Silmarillion: Mairon/Witchking of Angmar) slow burn, seduction
The mountains rise high and crack black into the storming sky, here in the North where winds whip the landscape into desert, where all is barren stone and blackness save the snowy crests of the mountains, one man has long since claimed his stronghold. 
3. more than blood hooks (Fantastic Beasts: Albus/Gellert, Gellert/Aurelius, Albus/Aurelius) exploration of grief, dead dove
The wind blows cold and wet, scatters snow on every surface until at last the world is white with silence.
4. lean to my wound; burn on (HOTD: Rhaenyra/Daemon, Rhaenyra/Alicent) coming of age, gender exploration
Rhaenyra is four years old and hiding behind her father’s chair, clasping her wooden sword.
5. No Sacrilege (IWTV: Lestat/Louis) pwp, Louis in a dress, love
It’s a sweltering summer night, the heat so thick it stills the world by day and now sweetens the dusk.
6. missing link (BTS: Jhope/Yoongi) pwp, kink, cnc roleplay, web cams
Yoongi opens the website, dick in hand.
7. Friction (Star Wars: Kylo Ren/General Hux) Vader survives AU, action, politics, war, classic kylux
“I killed Luke Skywalker. The last Jedi is dead.”
8. Bangtan High cowritten with Elinad ♡ (BTS: ot7 and all variations of ships) teacher!AU, mutual pining, angst, fluff, slice of life
A sheet of fog dusts the town, wetting the air with the smell of rotting leaves.
9. doubtless while we dream (BTS: Jhope/Yoongi, Taehyung/Yoongi, Jhope/Taehyung, Jhope/Taehyung/Yoongi) pwp, hurt/comfort
The sun sets dirty over the noise of Manhattan's streets, and neon streaks the city in the onset of night.
10. and this dark soil (Fantastic Beasts: Gellert/Credence (Aurelius), Gellert/Albus) unhealthy relationships, manipulation
Grindelwald takes him to the darkling forests of Austria, over the jagged ranges of the alps, through valleys shrouded in the gossamers of fog, until at last they reach Nurmengard.
Alright. I love to start with descriptions most of the time, unless I start with sword or dick in hand, it seems. Crying at myself here.
Tagging @jamlocked @fraeuleinfriedhof @cilil @saintstars @curufiin @liesmyth @crackinthecup @theskeletonprior @seebestattung @sightetsound @killpilled and whoever else might wanna do it, just feel free to tag me! 💕
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Love the angst potential for Hitaka with previous Kylux... Imagine Hux can't stop staring at the ugly, huge bruise on Mitaka's throat and wondering
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The Cycle
For @makekyluxsuffer prompt 5: sacrifice/guilt/ “You were never meant to find out.”
Hux knew that being the spy for the resistance came with its risks. He knew that, more likely than not, one day he would be found out and killed.
He just hadn’t expected Kylo to realize, to be the one to discover him. 
Kylo was holding the unconscious body of the scavenger in his arms, his mask covering any facial expressions he must have been making. On the other side of the hallway, Hux was leading the rebels to their ship, blaster gun in his hands.
“Rey!” the traitorous stormtrooper called out.
The Supreme Leader took one glance at the four of them- a discraced general, a Resistance fighter pilot, a defective stormtrooper, and a Wookie- and promptly turned into another hallway, stomping away from them.
While Hux was relieved Ren hadn’t called reinforcements (probably because he had actually gotten what he had wanted all along) and in turn cause all of their deaths, he couldn’t help the disappointment that settled in his heart, even as he continued to lead the Rebels to their ship, despite the protests of the man who was now calling himself “Finn”. 
But this only served to further his belief that Ren had stopped caring about him altogether, tossing him aside and forgetting about him.
Hux was nothing but scum in the other man’s eyes, which was why he had sided with the Resistance in the first place.
This interaction should have only enforced his thinking and motivations- but instead, he couldn’t help the guilt he felt.
He had betrayed the First Order, and had betrayed Kylo Ren. He had betrayed his former lover. Of course he felt guilty, after all of that.
Why was he second guessing himself now? The Resistance pilot, that insufferable fool, was arguing that Hux should come with them.
Hux entertained the thought for a moment- finally escaping from Ren, and all of the memories they shared- but denied it.
Perhaps he was mad, but he would rather die knowing he had not fully betrayed Ren- at least, not in the way the other man had betrayed him. He would never love the enemy.
The cycle of guilt and hatred had ended up here, with Hux panting on the floor, blaster wound in his leg.
Just as he was about to get up, to march to his execution he knew he deserved, Ren was at his side, helping him up.
“You fool, what are you doing?”
“You were the spy,” Ren said, not answering his question.
“You were never meant to find out.”
“I let the scavenger go,” Ren said.
“You did what-”
“No one has to know. This has gone on long enough. I miss having someone actually competent at my side.”
Hux snorted at that, knowing Ren had probably been fuming having to work with Pryde of all people.
“I miss you,” Ren said softly.
Hux shifted in the other man’s hold, grasping onto his cloak.
“I’m right here, you fool. You have me.”
It was time for the cycle to right itself.
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