#kyoshi 🤝 korra
not-aurii · 5 months
I love how Kiyoshi had absolutely no reason to pop up in the "Avatar Day" episode, she did just to be like:
Cuz this wasn't like the times Roku stepped in and took over Aang's body to 1) save them all from burning alive in a volcano, and 2) convince maybe the one person that could teach Aang firebending (at the time) to teach him.
If she hadn't popped up, Aang, Katara and Sokka would have just... left the Island. Aang would sulk for a couple episodes, then Azula would be a bigger problem for them again.
bUT NO she came back from the dead to admit to it, knowing full well she might've just sentenced Aang to death.
She was Proud™ of it.
300 years and that beef is still going strong
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avatar-wtf · 5 months
Korra and Kyoshi really bagged firenation baddies. Good for them.
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whatifitookalilnap · 4 months
Korra 🤝 Kyoshi: the only known Avatars that get a last name because of their rich Fire Nation girlfriends
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senhorahiena · 28 days
I wrote this a while ago, inspired by @kyoshist videos
English is not my fluent language 🤝
— Hey, wait. — Korra catches everyone's attention. — Whether Aang can change his form, appearance... I don't know. When he wants, can you too? — She looks towards the other Avatars and at Aang in his adult form.
— Yes. Everyone stays in the way they feel most comfortable — Yangchen responds with a smile.
— Imagine spending eternity in only one way and that is how you died. — Wan says above, Roku looks at him with silence but judgment. — Not that it's bad... Just... — Roku continues looking at him. — Come on man, why an old man?
Before the argument can continue, Korra speaks again.
— So I can see Kyoshi's face?
- What? — Kyoshi says.
— Oh, I've never seen anything about you without your makeup.
— And it will continue like this.
- And truth. Not even on the Kyoshi Islands did I see any art of his face — Aang chimes in excitedly.
— Because you don't need it.
— They have a Kyoshi point. — Roku says, leaving Wan still trying to defend himself right behind. — You also didn't show me situations without your makeup when you were guiding me.
— I don't care what the three of you want. This is what you will see for the rest of eternity.
— To Suki you would show... — Aang whispers like a spoiled child, now in his younger appearance.
— What was it _Felas__? — Kuruk appears.
— Kuruk... How was Kyoshi younger? — Korra asks.
— Ah.... I think it's very calm — He seems to be trying to remember.
- Calm? — Roku, Korra and Aang say together.
— He was actually a sweet person. I remember... — Kuruk continues
— Kuruk if you keep talking I'll make you die again. — Kyoshi says in a threatening tone.
— Kyoshi, put an end to their curiosity soon. — Yangchen speaks out
- Even you?!
— Come on Kyoshi, you've been ages with that makeup.
- But ...
— Kyoshi, Kyoshi, Kyoshi, Kyoshi — Aang and Korra cheer together
- IT'S OK! I hate you.
In the blink of an eye, Kyoshi takes on his 16-year-old form. A little shorter than what everyone is used to, not that it makes much difference, her traditional war clothes give way to a similar one but in lighter colors, her hair is tied up in a kind of braid, her blue eyes disappear so that the jade greens shine and her face without makeup, just her thick eyebrows and freckles, attract everyone's attention.
The silence remains for a few seconds.
-WHAT IT WAS? — Kyoshi shouted in a voice much thinner than the big, powerless voice she's been carrying all this time.
- GREEN EYES? — Aang shouts excitedly, getting very close to that Kyoshi, a Kyoshi that doesn't give you the same fear and nervousness.
— Aang, I'm half Nomad. You still don't believe it? I had eyes like my father and over time... — Even with a thinner voice, there's still the same irony in the tone.
— I thought the gloves were exaggerated, but your hands are really exaggerated. — Korra says, holding Kyoshi's hand to compare it with hers, their approach makes Kyoshi's face heat up with embarrassment and his striking eyebrows highlight his features even more.
—Is Avatar Kyoshi shy around two excited teenagers? — Kuruk comments with a smile on his face, seeing Kyoshi like that is almost nostalgic for him.
— Shut up Kuruk.
— You have a lot of freckles. If they were in the sun would they become darker?
The nostalgia that runs through Kyoshi is too great for the lack of her makeup to disguise, her face burns and she knows it, she doesn't look at Aang so close to her and much less at Korra who still admires her hands.
— You two could stop touching me. Damn it ...
They both look at each other with the same evil, hugging Kyoshi, never knowing when they would have another opportunity to see her like that.
— This is nostalgic. — Wan says smiling.
Yangchen finally approaches, taking advantage of the chance, she touches Kyoshi's face who looks at her from the corner.
— I remember the day I saw you for the first time.
Kyoshi at that moment bursts throwing the two youngest Avatars away and going back to his makeup. She doesn't say anything, just the sound of a door slamming as she walks away from them.
— That was dirty. — Kuruk says towards Yangchen. Even if the two didn't get along, that was the kind of humor he enjoyed.
— We’ll never see her like this again — Yangchen says
- Not even. — Roku comments finally, the comments stuck in his head
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guymaito · 3 years
PLEASE do tell those atla hcs :3
!!ofc most of these will prolly be about the past avatars
Roku knows how to play several instruments but mainly plays the tsungi horn
Hakoda knows how to dance and would sometimes pull Bato and Kya into a random dance
Modern AU Szeto likes the coolmathgames website
Korra, Mako and Bolin decided to go back to pro bending post canon
Again, this is more TLOK than ATLA but, Bumi, Kya and Tenzin adored hanging out with Grampkoda and Grampato, they always had cool stories to tell and even had embarrassing stories bout Ma and Uncle Sokka and all their other aunts and uncles
Like the cloudbabies, Iroh II loved visiting his Great Uncle Iroh he had stories about Grampa he never heard of and had really nice tea 
Korra and Kuruk have a brother-sister dynamic while Kyoshi and Kuruk have a very chaotic dynamic
Kyoshi has burnt down the kitchen several times, Hei Ran and Rangi has banned her from the kitchen permanently 
Hei Ran 🤝 Ummi
Affectionately bullying Kuruk
Kuruk unironically likes terrible plays
Roku gets freckles in the summer, mainly on his shoulders and back but some do appear on his face
Roku knows how to sing, but only sings to Ta Min, their kids and grandkids and parents and siblings
Roku is the youngest of 7 kids and is the only boy of the family, everyone was expecting him to be a girl, even his parents, so it was quite the surprise when he turned out to be a boy
Yangchan is prolly the ‘shortest’ air nomad, being 6′5-6′7, most air nomads are 6′10/6′11 or taller in Kyoshi’s case
Besides the arrow shape, no two air nomad’s tattoos look the same, one nomad could have trees within their tattoos while the other could have mountains
Earthbenders also have tattoos, they look similar to Ghazan’a but thinner, but instead of the gear tattoos he had they have either the Earth Kingdom insignia or a simplified drawing of a mountain
Wan eventually got three other cat deers, their names were Ai, Kalliak and Lui
Hakoda has a lisp, it affects his b’s and p’s and often swapped the sounds they made, like instead of making the ‘puh’ sound for p and pronouncing words with it normally, he makes the ‘buh’ sound pronounces words with it like ‘push’ and ‘pull’ like ‘bush’ and ‘bull’, same thing with ‘buh’ sound
Piandao is dyslexic so he writes in a way that doesn’t mess with his dyslexia as much
Piandao is also lactose intolerant but still has things like milk and ice cream
Aang knows how to make and likes wearing dresses and skirts
Aang had made a few skirts for Zuko cause he wanted to try them out, now he often makes Zuko skirts
Aang likes braiding flowers into his friends hair, mainly Katara’s, Sokka’s and Mai’s
Mai taught Aang and Toph how to throw knives
Toph couldn’t get the hang of it at first but realized she could bend the metal and got the hang of it quickly
Sokka and Hakoda are both shorter than their s/o’s, Hakoda being more than a foot shorter than Bato and Kya while Sokka was 8 inches shorter than Yue, is 11 inches shorter than Zuko and is a foot shorter than Suki 
Sokka and Hakoda are also similar heights, Hakoda being 5′5 and Sokka is 5′4
Kya is definitely able to win a fight against Hakoda and Bato, Hakoda finds that he doesn’t mind while Bato gets unusually competitive and constantly tries to beat her but fails each time
Kuruk is Sokka and Katara’s distant relative, a distant grandfather, distant cousin? who knows
Roku just adores Zuko and Azula, he would take every opportunity he could to babysit or visit the Fire Nation Palace and he would teach them firebending tricks
Zuko and Azula both adore him back and would often asked (read: demanded) to visit Great Grandfather Roku
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