#kyousuke kindaichi
dailykawa · 2 years
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Kyousuke: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail.
Ishikawa: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the police station.
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bishonenspit · 5 months
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The Case Files of Kindaichi Kyousuke (Kindaichi Kyousuke no Jikenbou • 金第一行助の事件簿) by Yoko Sato (佐藤陽子) - chapter covers from June Magazine (issues from 1978-79)
A detective story with BL elements seemingly based off a pre-existing fictional detective of the same name with characters inspired by surely nobody in particular
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dyeblow · 2 years
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akaashis-bitch · 4 years
Realistic Haikyu!! Boys!
Here are the rest of the Seijoh boys! Let me tell you, Kindaichi and Kyotani were a pain in the ass to do. It spend like 30 minutes trying to color correct Kyotani's hair.
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goinghostie · 3 years
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Happy Birthday, Ishikawa! 💜 02/20
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tobioosetter · 4 years
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im totally can’t handle it rn srsly -
and there they’re. being perfect and having fun like it ain’t killing us now
too much guys this is too much
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sevrinbleu · 3 years
12AM at Kindaichi's house..
Kunimi: What are you calling for?
Kindaichi: I saw a word that is spelled alphabetically, and I forgot the word, Kunimi.
Kunimi: You called me for that? Seriously?
Kunimi, reads a dictionary: ...
Kunimi: It's "ALMOST."
Kindaichi, eyes sparkling: Really awesome.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! masterchef au (second-gen captains vs. first-years edition)
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hello my brain made another thing again. to check out the first masterchef au (captains vs. setters) just click here
due to popular demand, masterchef is hosting another team challenge with volleyball nerds
they had to pay gordon a bit more and ensure the freezer is available at all times in case he needs to hide
so we have team second-gen captains with shirabu, akaashi, yahaba, taketora, ennoshita, and futakuchi
then team first-years with goshiki, lev, koganegawa, hinata, tsukishima, and kindaichi
shirabu is back to win while akaashi had to be patted down to make sure he's not sneaking another rat in
team first years look very nervous except for probs tsukki and goshiki
hinata is always out of frame because all his team members are so tall
they give him a box to stand on while he's cooking and suddenly he's taller than kindaichi
when the time starts, team second-gen are off cooking like pros
most of them have never been to a kitchen
yahaba's poking an onion with the tip of his knife
yahaba: this,,, this isn't how its like in cooking mama
taketora: yah, no shit
ennoshita's washing the dishes and futakuchi tries to tell him he doesn't need to until he realizes that maybe washing the dishes is all he can do
over in team first-years they have Absolutely No Clue
and then hinata's like 'wHY dON'T wE mAKE sOUFFLE'
koganegawa and lev: Y E A H 🤘🤘🤘
none of them know how
everyone else did contemplate helping them but its more fun watching lev crack an entire egg, shell and all, into a bowl and take out the shell bits after
gordon, realizing its going to be a repeat of last time: *surprised pikachu face
kindaichi: do we,,, have a plan tho ???
tsukishima: *pats mysterious bulge in his jacket pocket* we got a back-up plan
meanwhile team second-gen is standing in a circle still trying to figure out what to do
and then futakuchi brings out an alexa device (idk wat these are called im poor)
futakuchi: we must consult a higher power
gordon: is he allowed to do that?
producer: this is a no-rules match
futakuchi: alexa, how do u boil an egg?
taketora: no alexa. play despacito
alexa: *plays despacito*
*cut to montage of futakuchi beating up taketora with despacito playing in the background*
ennoshita: what if,, we jus make a salad? just throw a bunch of leaves and crunchy bread cubes in there?
akaashi: did u mean,,, croutons?
yahaba: i shall make the crunchy bread cubes
shirabu: i'll chop the leaves
akaashi: like how u chopped your bANGS?
taketora and ennoshita have to stop shirabu from killing akaashi
meanwhile lev, kogane, and hinata are working on their ✨✨~~souffle~~✨✨
except kogane and lev keep accidentally spilling stuff on hinata because our li'l guy is li'l
gordon: their souffle actually looks pretty decent and by that i mean it looks half-burnt and barely edible
they're so proud of it tho
that is until they're all carrying it to the front when lev accidentally trips and throws the souffle up in the air 
its heading straight to kogane and his Setter Instincts kicks in and he sets. the. souffle
and its heading straight to hinata whose Spiker Instincts kick in
shirabu, watching the entire thing happen: alexa, play mm watcha say
im sorry idk the name of the song
alexa: ~~mm watcha sayyyyyy~~
hinata: *spikes the souffle into the ground*
goshiki: so whats plan B?
tsukishima: *reaches into his jacket* instant mac and cheese
goshiki: good enough
kindaichi's really good at making mac and cheese if that’s possible
like the macaroni is cooked perfectly and all
meanwhile in team setter someone has managed to burn the salad leaves
it was actually ennoshita but he blamed it on futakuchi and everyone believed him
taketora: now we only have crunchy bread cubes
yahaba: this is so sad. alexa play--
shirabu: BUT WE ALSO HAV RAT CHEF !! *points at akaashi*
ennoshita: he didn't bring ratatouille with him
akaashi: his name is remy not ratatouille omg u fake fan
taketora: what if,,, someone sat on akaashi's shoulders,,, and pulled his hair to control him like remy???
all of the next-gen captains who have lost braincells at this point: 🆗️🆒️
so yahaba mounts akaashi's shoulders and u kno,,, does the rat chef thing except both of them are flailing around
kindaichi, watching from the other table: alexa, play the ratatouille theme song
*insert montage of yahaba and akaashi flailing around with the ratatouille theme song playing in the background*
i hope y'all can picture is in ur heads as well as i can because it has the dynamism of a renaissance painting
also did i mention that tsukki smuggled in dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets?
he's frying them with a smol smile on his face
hinata took a picture of it
goshiki's doing the plating and he's arranging all the dinosaur nuggets around a wad of mac and cheese
kindaichi grating fresh parmesan on top
 it looks spectacular
koganegawa and lev eat one of the dino nuggets and tsukki s C R E A M S
kindaichi’s trying to calm tsukki down while goshiki drags koganegawa and lev into the freezer
which stresses gordon out because the freezer was supposed to be his place
have rat chef akaashi and yahaba managed to cook something?
no they both fell to the floor
and are contemplating their life decisions
akaashi: i miss remy
yahaba: me too man
futakuchi and ennoshita decide to add peanut butter and jelly on a plate and sprinkle the crunchy bread cubes on top
and now the judging begins
gordon: *looking at team second-gen's dish* what are you?
taketora: a deconstructed pb & j sandwich
gordon: and there's no way i'm eating this mac and cheese it looks terrible
tsukishima: i thought you'd be used to it with the food from your country
shirabu: *keying 911 into a microwave* hello, police? i'd like to report a m u r d e r
im sorry british food sucks except for like fish and chips which are only good sometimes
gordon: did this child just sass me? 
in the end he chooses team second-gen as the winner but its not because they cooked the best dish but because he feels bad for yahaba and akaashi
also because tsukki sassed him
futakuchi: alexa, play despacito again
also the microwave explodes
koganegawa and lev are still locked in the freezer
(check out pt. 1 feat. captains vs. setters)
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Kyousuke Kindaichi (Kitsutsuki Tanteidokoro)  » May 5
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dailykawa · 2 years
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incorrect-kttk-quotes · 2 months
Kyousuke: Please, I’m begging you, go see a doctor.
Ishikawa: I’m sorry, is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
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ydotome · 4 years
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Illustration: Saki Kaoru Ep 1-12
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cutefujoshiyaoi · 4 years
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thisismytrashok · 4 years
*kindaichi and oikawa prepare a cake for iwaizumi*
oikawa: Oh noooo, we don't have enough candles! Just one is missing...ㅠㅠ
kindaichi: Don't mind it Oikawa, it's fine. You broke his nerves and made him doubt his life decisions so many times, he surely lost one year to live.
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indigomarina · 3 years
Sayaka really deserved better...
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