#kyulkyung smut
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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the beautiful pianist
don’t lie
dates with kyulkyung
sweaty and nervous
do i deserve this?
didn’t think the same
of course
christmas special
that’s what i thought
stop that
i need an answer
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ggidolsmuts · 4 years
Just One Night - Pristin/IOI Kyulkyung
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A/N 1: I know she’s Jieqiong, but I read that in Chinese and it throws me off when I write (too used to writing Korean names), so I’m going with Kyulkyung.
"And so we would like to take the time to renegotiate the contract." The client delegate looks at you apologetically.
"Of course... We understand. Please let us know when is a good time to set up another meeting for the renegotiation." You reply politely, your insides twisting. Fuck, what were you going to tell the higher ups?
"Yes, we'll be in touch." The delegate leaves, and you wait till he is out of sound and sight before crumpling up the declined contract, throwing the pen on the desk.
"Tough luck. Have a coffee." You look up, seeing your fellow coworker walk up to you with two cups of coffee in hand.
"Hey Kyulkyung."
"I saw him walk away without signing, no deal?"
"They want to renegotiate, after we spent the whole week hashing out the details! Who the hell does that!"
"Idiots, their loss, it was a good deal for them." She agrees with you.
"Yeah well, it was a good deal for us too... damn it!" Your fist slams the arm of the hotel chair you're sitting in.
"We need to figure out how to spin this for the higher ups." Kyulkyung states in a business-like tone.
"Don't you think I know that, fuck!"
"Hey, don't get snappy with me, I'm not the one who rejected the deal." She rebukes you sharply. Abashed, you apologize.
"You're right, I'm sorry."
"It's okay." She says with a much softer tone, patting you hand for comfort. "Let me call our boss, see if we can work something out."
She leaves you to your thoughts, walking away with phone in hand. You drink your coffee, going too fast and scalding your mouth.
"Shit, hot!"
As if you day can't get any worse.
Half an hour later Kyulkyung returns with a smile, holding a thick stack of papers in hand.
"Hey, cheer up, I have good news."
"What is it?"
"I recommended the boss some concessions to make to the client, he made a few calls, and they agreed!" She gives you a wry smile. "We'll be working right up to Christmas and the week before the New Year, but they'll be coming by to sign the papers right now. We'll have to stay an additional night, we'll miss our flight."
"What, you want us to fly back now and come back some other time?"
"No no, I mean, that seems too easy?"
Kyulkyung smirks at you. "No, it means I'm a better negotiator than you."
"Yeah right, I bring in the most business in the company." You boast.
"And I just brought in the biggest business this company's had this year." She shoots back.
"Fine, that's true, and I nearly fucked it up." You sink back into the chair.
"Aww okay, we brought in the biggest business this year." She corrects her previous statement. "You did some work too."
"Gee thanks."
"Heads up, here he comes." The delegate comes striding back towards you.
"I just heard from my superiors, there were some changes made to the proposal?" He asks, eyes fixed on Kyulkyung.
"Yes. We have made the modifications and here is the revised contract." She hands him the stack of papers she was holding. "Please feel free to review them." She returns to her seat next to you, expecting the review to take some time.
The delegate leafs briefly through the pages.
"I think there are no problems here."
"Excellent, then if you would please sign here, here, here, and..." Surprised, she ruffles through the papers, trying to find the right page.
"I don't believe we've met, Miss...?"
"Kyulkyung. If could you sign right here too. Please initial every page, if you don't mind."
"Of course."
Your heart hammers as the delegate sits down across you, getting his pen out to sign the papers. You notice though, that as he signs the papers the delegate's eyes travel up Kyulkyung's exposed legs, leering at her as she goes through her phone, not realizing what he's doing.
"Hey, you must be cold, have my jacket." You throw the jacket across her lap, draping it over her legs. She looks over at you before looking at the delegate, realizing what is going on.
"Ah... thank you." She smiles at you appreciatively.
With an awkward cough the delegate finishes signing the last page.
"Here you go Miss Kyulkyung."
"Thank you! We will send you a copy of the documents, we look forward to working together."
"Likewise." They shake hands before the delegate moves his hand up her arm. "Miss Kyulkyung could I perhaps interest you in dinner or a drink? Something like this deserves a celebration!" You are incensed, your hands clenching into fists. Before you can say anything however, Kyulkyung shrugs his hand off frostily.
"We would love to, but unfortunately we have to work out further details on our end, so we'll be unavailable to join you, maybe next time."
"That's unfortunate. Never mind then, have a good night, until next time."
"Good bye." The delegate plods away, the two of you waiting till he's out of sight before visibly relaxing.
"Ugh what a creep, come on, let's go celebrate!"
"Wait, don't we have more work to do?"
"No, I just didn't want to celebrate with a slimy pervert like that." She hands you your jacket back. "Thanks for that, by the way." She says softly.
"Not at all."
"You're still paying for dinner, all on your account."
"What? Why?" Kyulkyung cocks one eyebrow up, and that is answer enough. "Fair enough, you closed the deal, what do you want to get?"
"The hotel restaurant is famous I think, especially for their wine collection."
"Come on, you know we're not allowed to expense alcohol."
"Exactly!" With a cackle Kyulkyung gathers her stuff and heads towards the restaurant. You groan and follow her, already feeling the hole that's going to be burned in your pocket.
"How many?"
"Two please."
"Right this way." The host leads the two of you into the restaurant, filled with a bunch of important people in sharp suits and discussing important business, the clink of glasses allowing money to flow.
The waiter shortly arrives to take your order.
"I'll have this pasta." She points to the menu.
"Very good, and you sir?"
"I'll have the lasagna." Kyulkyung looks at you expectantly. "And a bottle of your finest wine." You add with a sigh.
"Excellent sir, we'll be back with your wine shortly."
"A bottle? And here I only wanted a glass, what an alcoholic!" Kyulkyung jokes.
"Like you wouldn't down half the bottle if given the chance." You retort.
"And you'd down the other half oppa!"
"It's after work, we closed the deal, let loose a little oppa." Kyulkyung unties her hair, shaking her head side to side to loosen it. You never really paid attention to her, treating her as just your fellow coworker, but in the moment you found her beautiful.
"Wow..." You let out a gasp unwittingly.
"What? I look better with my hair down don't I?" She laughs at your stunned expression.
"Yeah..." The waiter thankfully saves you from further embarrassment as he comes back with two glasses and a bottle of wine. Kyulkyung samples the wine and likes it, and after pouring a glass for each of you the waiter leaves.
"Cheers!" She holds her glass out to you, a smile on her face.
"Cheers!" With a clink the two of you swiftly down your first glass of wine.
"Damn, whatever this wine costs I'm sure it's worth it!" Kyulkyung remarks, her face already slightly pink.
"Ugh don't remind me." You continue. "I'm just glad you were able to close the deal, you're amazing."
"Oh stop oppa, you're going to make me blush!" She waves you off airily. "Pour me another glass." You pour her one and pour one for yourself too.
"Enough about work oppa, let's talk life." She says as she sips her second glass.
"Sure, what about?"
"Mmm... any women in your life?"
"Wow, going right there are you? No. You?" You sip your own glass of wine.
"No. Bastard cheated on me. Looked like the damn delegate."
"Eh, his loss, if he looked like that guy he was lucky to get you, and he cheats on you? Dumbass."
"Then who would I be lucky to get, hm?" She asks you, her head on her hands, her eyes twinkling.
You think for a while, but the alcohol going through you tells you to fuck it. "Me! Hah!" You laugh a little loudly at your own bravado. "Sorry!" You quickly apologize to the surrounding diners.
"After that? I don't think so!" But Kyulkyung chuckles along with you.
"Ah ha, but you were thinking that weren't you!"
"...Maybe." You're not sure if it's the alcohol or the lighting, but you think her cheeks get redder.
The waiter arrives with the food, and the two of you gobble up your meals, hungry as you were after working late into the evening. The two of you talk more, getting to know each other outside of the office. Eventually you get the bill, painfully wincing at the final number.
"Thank you oppa!" Kyulkyung playfully says as the waiter walks away with your company card.
"You're welcome, I'm going to tell the boss how you ordered the alcohol for us."
"You wouldn't! I'll have to tell him you messed up the negotiations then! One secret for another?" She asks cutely.
"Fine." The waiter returns with your card and receipt, and the two of you gather your stuff and head for the front desk.
"Hi, would it be possible to rebook the room we just checked out of? We missed our flight."
"Same here."
"Of course, one moment please." The concierge looks at her computer.
"Unfortunately we only have one room left for the night."
"Crap." You mutter under your breath, going to your phone to see if there are any other hotels near by.
"We'll take it, put the extra night on my card."
"Sure." After some rapid-fire tapping. "Here are your keys."
"Thank you, can you get our luggage for us, we left it here in the morning." The two of you hand the concierge your luggage tags, and a few minutes later your suitcases are rolled out.
"Thank you, have a good night!"
You and Kyulkyung head to the lobby. "Alright, have a good night, I'll see you tomorrow at the airport."
"What? Where are you going?"
"To find another hotel, there's a couple nearby, I'll call to ask if they have rooms left."
"No that's dumb, just come stay in mine."
You are stunned at her words. "No, I don't think that's a good idea. Is it the alcohol getting to you?"
"I am perfectly sober. Come on, it's just one night, plus you save one night in room fees." She tugs on your arm, trying to get you to go with her.
"Are you sure? I don't know about this."
"It's only one night, we have to get up early for our flight anyways." You look outside, the sky dark and the winds blowing harshly outside, buffeting the trees.
"...Fine, I'm taking the couch then."
"Oh I was going to, but since you offered, thank you!" She cheekily grins at you. "Come on, let's go!"
The two of you head to the elevator, Kyulkyung humming while you fidget uneasily in the elevator. With a ding you arrive at your floor.
"This is a bad idea, I'm just gonna go back down and-"
"Oppa! We're here already!" She pulls you out of the elevator. "I'll make you coffee everyday for a week if you just stay tonight okay? Relax!"
You hesitate for a while before answering her. "The fanciest frappucino Starbucks has, everyday."
"Fine fine. Now come on."
She locates the room and pulls you in. It is a nice room, not unlike the one you checked out of this morning - a king bed, desk, TV, and a couch.
"Maybe we should call and ask if they have a separate bed, or if they can make it two doubles instead." You try to negotiate.
"It's fine! Do you want me to take the couch instead if you don't want to sleep on it?"
"No no I'll do it." You follow up with an apology, sensing Kyulkyung getting frustrated at your reticence. "Sorry, just... not used to it."
"What, being in a hotel room with another woman?" Your feel your face burning as she continues. "This can't be your first time, you never traveled with a girlfriend?"
"I have, but..."
"No buts, deal with it."
"Right." The two of you unpack what you need from your suitcases.
"Oppa I'll go shower okay?" Kyulkyung enters the bathroom and you hear the shower turn on.
"Sure, go ahead." You flip on the TV, scrolling through the channels to see what's on - lots of banal sports talk, good, perfect to take the edge of your nervousness. Before too long though you hear the shower turn off, and you scramble to face away from the bathroom door.
"Your turn."
"Can I turn around?"
"Of course."
You turn around to see Kyulkyung dressed in a white bathrobe, the cloth billowing a little under the air conditioner. You find yourself unable to tear your eyes away from the obvious lack of a bra, your eyes following her toned midriff down to her simple white panties. You quickly turn your back to her again.
"You said I could turn around!"
"You can!"
"At least tie your bathrobe!"
"What? Oh, fine." You hear the rustle of cloth. "There, happy?"
"Yes." You weren't, the glimpse of her figure burning into your mind. "I-I'll go shower now."
You gather what you need and head into the bathroom, blasting yourself with cold water to get rid of the heat building in your body. She's your coworker! You remind yourself over and over. You finish your shower quickly and brush your teeth, ready to get settled for the night.
"You shower fast!" Kyulkyung remarks. She's sitting on the bed, drying her hair with a towel. With her damp hair she looked downright sensual, her robes not covering her slim legs at all.
"Uh yeah, I tend to shower fast."
"Got it." She drifts off into silence, and you awkwardly sit on the couch, going through your phone, wondering when you should sleep. Eventually Kyulkyung breaks the silence again.
"Oppa, I think you should sleep on the bed."
"What? No it's fine, it's just one night, I don't want you to sleep on the couch."
"I won't, I meant, we should just both sleep on the bed, it's big enough for the two of us." You look at her, incredulous. You notice the faintest of blushes on her face.
"No, that's insane, no way."
"Look, I don't want you to sleep on the couch either, so just... okay?" She adds on softly. "It's just one night, I'd really rather you not sleep on the couch."
You were conflicted, on one hand it would be entirely unprofessional and inappropriate to share a bed with her. On the other hand, the couch is stiff as a board and from what you remember from your stay here, the bed is awfully soft and comfortable.
"I- fine. Thank you."
"Great, now come to bed." You are glad that Kyulkyung goes to turn down the lights, for you can feel your face burning at her words.
You quickly get under the covers as she begins turning off the room lights, making sure to face away from her. You hear the sound of her disrobing before she slides into bed next to you. Somehow the lack of visuals turn you on even more, your imagination running wild as you feel yourself get hard. Damn it.
"Good night oppa."
"G-good night."
Kyulkyung switches the final lamp off, leaving the two of you in darkness. Try as you might, all you can hear is the hammering of your heart. You hear her toss and turn, the bedsheets rustling far too loudly. You try to stay still, not wanting to make your lack of sleep known, but eventually your arm goes numb as you lay on your side, and you slowly and quietly turn, making sure to look at the ceiling the whole time. Not quiet enough though.
"Oppa? Are you still awake?"
"I can't sleep."
"I-I can tell. Do you want me to get you something?"
"N-no..." After a long pause you hear her turn in bed, she must be facing you now. "Can you kiss me?"
"A good night kiss would help me fall asleep... Please? Just once."
You turn to look at her, her eyes shining even in the darkness. You find yourself unable to say no, your face already drawing closer to hers.
"Just once?" You see her nod, her eyes closing in anticipation.
You scoot closer to her, feeling her body heat burn you. With irresistible attraction you lean in, your hand going to her chin. You tilt her head towards you, and connect your lips with hers.
"Mmm..." The spark is instant, and both of you can't help but let out a soft moan of satisfaction. Her hands go to your arm, trying to tug you in, and you feel yourself being pulled, almost magnetically, closer and closer to her body. It is only when you feel her legs touch yours, seeking to wrap around you that you snap out of your trance.
"W-we shouldn't do this, good night!" You quickly move back to the edge of the bed, as far as you can from her, turning around and facing away from her.
"Hey..." You feel her hand grab your arm, gently turning you on your back. The hand goes to your face, making you face her. "I want it, I want you."
"What are you saying? I-it must be the alcohol!"
"Are you really going to make me say it out loud?" She whines, her frustration clear. "Oppa, you're a great guy, and you've been nothing but professional and nice since I've known you. But please, for just one night, can you stop being such a gentleman?" You feel her shift on the bed, and before you know it she's on top of you, her weight warmly pressing you into the bed.
"Kyulkyung, I don't think-" You feebly put up your last bit of resistance. Her forehead touches yours, her eyes sparkling with desire. Her voice is husky, laced with barely suppressed lust.
"Just one night, I want this."
Kyulkyung strips away any reluctance you have left, locking lips with you tenderly. You allow yourself to wrap around Kyulkyung's tiny waist, marveling at her figure. The kiss is a slow burn, increasing in intensity - your lips part when she asks for entrance, and you feel her enter your mouth greedily with a moan. She eventually breaks away from the kiss, wanting to do something or the other, but you pull her back towards you with a yelp, kissing her hungrily, eager to continue the make out session.
"Oppa wait!" She gets off you, standing and going over to turn on the bedside lamp. You allow yourself to properly take in Kyulkyung's gorgeous body for the first time, her figure and curves delectable, the dim light streaming through the delicious gap in her thighs, promising so much more, and the shape of her breasts perfectly reflected by the bouncing rays.
"Wow..." You find yourself saying again.
"I look good oppa?"
"You look amazing!"
She clambers back on top of you, grinning. Her hands tug at your t-shirt. "Take off your shirt." They are gone in a flash. Her hands run up and down your upper body, and you are thankful for the decent shape you keep yourself in.
"Mmm you're not so bad yourself."
You find yourself kissing her again, the two of you unable to keep your hands and lips off one another. Your hands drift down her back, cupping her butt and squeezing her cheeks. Kyulkyung's hands trace lines down your body, sneaking under your boxers, finding your cock, hard as iron. You moan when she grips you, drawing a similar moan from her when you squeeze her butt tightly in response.
"Is this for me oppa?" She asks, her hand running up and down your shaft.
"Yes, it's all for you..." You pull on her panties, the fabric sliding down her thighs before she kicks them off her legs. She rolls off you briefly, allowing you to shed the last bit of clothing on the bed. As soon as you do so you are on Kyulkyung - she bites her lip as she looks up at you with anticipation.
"You look beautiful."
"You already have me, no more foreplay." Your hands find its way between her legs, briefly feeling the apex of her thighs before she traps your arm. She was dripping. "I told you, no more foreplay." That worked fine for you, your body burning with want.
You aim your head at her entrance, pausing to look at her. Kyulkyung responds simply, her legs wrapping around you and pulling you into her. You mark the moment of penetration with a loud moan, and your body instinctively does the rest, opening her tight walls up with a smooth thrust.
"Ah fuck!" The cry from her is erotic, like a siren drawing you to her. You are rendered speechless by the pleasure flowing through you, her walls squeezing you wetly, tightly, hotly. You bury your head in her neck, kissing her mindlessly, just enjoying the sensations of her body, her breasts pressed delightfully against you.
"Oppa move..." You pull your hips back and Kyulkyung pants, her breaths already coming fast and shallow. You push back into her, a little more strongly. A wordless wail escapes her, and shockingly you feel her contract around you madly, a wave of juices rushing over your cock. Her fingers dig into your back, her entire body quivering, nestled in the sheets.
You smile at her flushed face, her eyes still shut, the orgasm still gently rocking her senses.
"And here I thought guys finish fast."
"I-I'm just sensitive, okay?" She whines, still short of breath. "You feel so good in me." She adds, her face red at her directness.
"You feel great too. I can't wait to have you cum around me again." You feel her tighten around you on the last sentence. "You'd like that wouldn't you?"
"Do it, please..."
You pull your hips back, Kyulkyung letting out a shrill whine at the friction. As much as you want to watch her facial expressions as you thrust into her, the pleasure forces your eyes shut, her silky wetness far too welcoming for your shaft. You begin steadily thrusting into her, your bodies melding together in the otherwise silent hotel room.
"You're making me feel so good! Oh god why didn't we do this before." You try to focus on her babbling, or her thighs twitching crazily against you, or her stiff nipples against your chest, anything to distract yourself from the pleasurable haze taking over your mind.
"I'm cumming a-again!" Kyulkyung barely manages a gasp before another climax takes her breath away. You watch in awe as your fellow coworker falls apart under your pounding. Her back arches, thrusting her breasts into your face. You suck on her offered breast, overloading her with even more pleasure. You fuck her through her peak this time, reducing her to wordless grunts and gasps as you seek your own climax. The pressure builds tremendously, looking at your lovely bedmate in the throes of passion.
"K-kyulkyung, I'm close. Where do-"
"L-let me." She backs her hips away from you, your slick-coated cock leaving her warmth. She dives under the covers, and soon a just-as-enjoyable orifice is enveloping your shaft, her tongue quickly bringing you to the edge, licking up and down your head and shaft. She cups your balls, giving them a squeeze, tickling the base of your shaft.
"Oh fuck!" Your hips involuntarily lurch forward when your climax rushes up on you, pinning her head down on the bed. You bury your cock deep in her mouth, releasing shot after shot of cum down her throat. Shaking, you manage to get off her, rolling aside weakly when you finish. You are treated to the sight of an impish Kyulkyung crawling back out of the covers, wiping her lips with a grin on her face.
"Not a drop spilled."
"...Wow." Is all you can manage after what just happened.
She scoots closer to you, the two of you sharing an intimate moment together, or so you thought.
"What is it?"
"I want more." She emphasizes her three words by placing a hand on your soft cock.
"But we already-"
"Just one night... and the night is young."
"You are a good negotiator Miss Kyulkyung." You smile devilishly at her.
"Some might say the best in the company."
"Only some." She punches you in the arm. You put her on her back, kissing her before sliding yourself down her body. "Enough work talk, I want to eat you."
"W-wait!" She says in a panic, stopping you halfway down her, at her abs.
"What is it?"
"I've never been... you know."
"He didn't want to do it."
"You're missing out." The last thing you see is the blush on her face before you nestle between her thighs, focusing on the dewy flower in front of you. You lean in, your tongue licking up the slick on her petals. A cry leaves Kyulkyung as soon as you do so, her thighs automatically clamping around your head, her legs finding their way around your neck, locking you in. Not that you'd rather be anywhere else in the world right now. You kiss her, running your tongue along her folds. You find your hearing impaired by her thighs and you stop briefly, raising off the bed to break the hold on your head.
"Don't stop! W-why'd you stop?"
You spread her legs, your hands pinning her thighs to the bed. "I want to hear you." Kyulkyung can only blush as you return to your tasting of her body. Flustered you force a mixture of whines and whimpers from her, drawing all kinds of shapes and circles on her pussy. You look up with satisfaction, watching Kyulkyung's chest heave, her face slack and looking up at the ceiling, trying to process the sensations you're giving her. Her stomach flexes, the muscles in her body twisting and churning, driven mad with pleasure.
You thrust your tongue into her, enjoying the texture of her velvet walls. This draws a loud scream from her, her hand instinctively going to your head, pushing you deeper, wanting more. You are more than happy to give her more, your tongue moving all over her depths, exploring every inch of her.
"Nnngh oppa!" With a squeal and a cry Kyulkyung cums in your mouth, her thighs shaking in your hands. Her upper body arcs beautifully off the bed before crashing back down, a low groan escaping her as you continue to lap at her juices. You kiss your way up her trembling body, leaving a trail of her juices as you go.
"You like that?" You ask, the answer obvious by the smile on her face.
"Love it... I want your cock again though." She remarks, smiling at your renewed hardness. "Can I ride you?"
"Hop on." You sit up on the bed next to her, allowing her to climb on you. Kyulkyung plants a kiss on your mouth before looking down, lining your shaft up with her leaking slit. She slowly lowers herself on you, allowing your head to split her open once more. You slide into her easily, her walls very lubricated from her multiple orgasms.
"Fuck oppa!" Kyulkyung gasps into your mouth, kissing you passionately. "How do you feel so good..."
"That's my question for you..." You pull her tightly against you, your hands exploring her back before going to her face, looking straight at her. "Ride me."
With a moan from both of you she begins moving her hips, grinding down on your shaft. She groans, gyrating her hips, making sure you leave no part of her pussy untouched - a particular angle makes her squeal, and soon she is searching for that sensation again. You moan directly into her ear, every rub of your head on her walls sending jolts of joy through you. You watch her bite her lip when she finds the right angle, and soon she is shaking in your lap, bucking herself on you repeatedly with the same motion over and over, making you hit the pleasure point in her every time.
"Oh god, I can't get enough of you!" She cries as you hug her, your hands on her butt, helping her drive herself to bliss-induced insanity. You nibble on her earlobe, whispering in reply.
"I can't get enough of you either..." You feel her motions get even more erratic. "Cum for me."
"Oh yes yes yes!" As if on command Kyulkyung rides you roughly, her chants getting louder and louder before devolving to wordless moans. They grow quickly to a fever pitch before falling silent. Her pussy grips you impossibly tight, erupting in a rush of fluids on your crotch, her eyes rolling back in her head, mouth open in a perfect "O".
"Fuck you're so hot." You suck on her breast while moving her hips slowly, letting her enjoy the ride down from her orgasm, the sweat dripping off her forehead.
"That was great oppa, you made me cum so hard." She sighs dreamily, leaning tiredly on your body.
"You mean you made you cum so hard, you did all the work." Her panting breaths serve only to turn you on. "Y-you should get off, I'm pretty close."
She kisses you defiantly. "No, I want to ride you to another orgasm."
"I might cum in-" She silences you with a finger to your lips.
"I am not getting off you, ever."
You desperately try to draw the line. "That's too risky, you're not thinking straight."
"It's all because of you! I'll take the pill tomorrow, please trust me, just for tonight, I want you so much." Kyulkyung wipes the line away, and takes away any say you have in the matter as she begins to ride you again. It takes all your willpower to not explode in her right there and then, instead gritting your teeth, wanting to drive her to another orgasm. You sneak one hand between her legs, finding her aroused clit easily.
"Oh that's-" You interrupt her, rubbing her nub not-so-gently with your finger, forcing a cry from her. Lost in a carnal frenzy she rides you haphazardly, her walls clenching and massaging you rapidly as she races to another climax. She grabs your face in her hands, kissing you softly, not at all in line with the rest of her body, acting with a mind of it's own.
"Cum with me, I'm so close, please don't hold back." When she asks you like that, how can you resist? Your body coils like a spring, your cock throbbing, swelling inside her. She sobs at the sensation. "You're s-so big!"
"Ugh Kyulkyung..." You snap, flooding her warm depths with your scalding cum. In the twitches of your orgasm you rub her clit roughly, spiking Kyulkyung's pleasure and pulling her, screaming, off the edge with you.
"Oh god!" She almost deafens you with her scream of bliss. You almost blackout, the only thing keeping you conscious is the feel of her body against yours, her walls gripping you tightly like a glove. Your senses slowly return to you, hearing her satisfied moans vibrate throughout her body as you hold her close. She collapses on you, melting into a boneless puddle of pleasure, clinging on to you for support.
"You feel so warm..." She kisses your neck, sucking and leaving her mark on you. "You made such a mess in me, you're mine now."
You reply with a mark of your own, making her whine as you suck on her neck. "You made me a mess."
She gets off your lap, and your seed rushes out of her, her pink pussy gaping from being freshly filled.
"Mmm... that feels good."
"Remember to get that pill."
"I will. I'm going to take a shower, join me?"
"I-" The sight of her glistening thighs stained with your white cum interrupts your thoughts. "Sure."
Kyulkyung starts the shower as you step in the stall with her. The two of you cannot keep your hands off each other, touching your bodies all over, kissing under the splatter of the falling water.
"You know, it is not just my cock that needs cleaning."
"I could say the same for my breasts." With a silly grin the two of you finally get around to washing each other, letting the soap wash away all the sweat and tiredness from you. She walks out of the stall while you stop the shower. You turn around to find Kyulkyung bending over, resting on the sink, the water dripping off her hair and body.
"Oppa, I want it again."
"You're insatiable." To her delight, she sees your stiff staff pointing at her.
"You are too." She points one finger at you, curling it back. "Come here." Like an angler hooking a fish she reels you towards her. "Give it to me good."
"Always." You position yourself behind her, the two of you looking at each other through the bathroom mirror, watching each other's expression as you bury yourself in her once more.
"You're still so tight..." You moan through your teeth.
She adds her moan to yours, feeling you rub every inch of her walls, her expression one of pure pleasure, eyes closed, breathing heavily. "You need to fuck me more then..."
You do just that, pumping into her slowly but strongly, the water on your bodies making the sound of your sex even more obscene. Rivulets of water trickle down from her hair, slowly making their way down her toned back, ending at her shapely hips, where they get flung off her body with every clap of your thighs against hers. You grip her hips tightly, squeezing her butt in appreciation as you stuff her over and over again, the acoustics of the bathroom being put to good use, your moans bouncing every which way in the small room.
Wanting to feel more of her, you pull her up by the waist, making her stand while you pump into her from behind. Your hands grasp her breasts greedily, fingers pinching and tweaking her nipples lightly, drawing further moans from Kyulkyung. You begin upping the pace, the two of you swept up in your desires once more.
"O-oppa!" With a cry Kyulkyung melts in your arms once more, her legs buckling when her orgasm hits her. You bend her back over the sink, pounding her rapidly through her climax as you seek your own release. The grasp of her tighter walls prove too much, and you press her against the sink, moaning and releasing another load into her welcoming depths.
Kyulkyung's breath hitches, her body tensing and forgetting to breathe as you fill her to the brim, gasping when your hips finally come to a stop.  Bent over her, you admire her beauty through the mirror before looking down, finding her staring up at you with joy and satisfaction. You share a kiss with her, the bathroom finally quiet again.
Kyulkyung grips your arm for support. "Oppa I'm not sure I can walk... carry me?" You pull out from her and sweep her into your arms and out of the bathroom, neither of you caring about the mess dripping out of her.
"Well, it looks like we'll have a much smaller bed to sleep on." You remark, seeing the significant wet spot Kyulkyung left on the bed.
"It's all your fault..." She blushes, hiding her face in your chest.
You place her on the dry side of the bed before joining her under the covers, with Kyulkyung cuddling up to you, your breathing in sync and peaceful.
"I think I'm addicted to you..." Kyulkyung says, her tired voice barely above a whisper.
"Me too." You kiss her cheek. "I can't get enough of you, you negotiated the fuck out of me." The two of you share a tired laugh at that.
"What happens after tonight?" She asks the painful question on both your minds, finally clear of any baser desires for now.
"...Did you mean it, when you said just one night?"
"I thought I did, but I don't know anymore... What do you want?" You think about it, feeling Kyulkyung hold her breath as she waits for your answer.
"I want more, but we'll have to hide it from the company, or one of us will have to leave, or we can't work together, or-" She smiles and shuts you up with a kiss.
"That's enough for me. Sleep, just for tonight." You sleep, the two of you burrowing under the covers.
You wake up the next morning, daylight already streaming in through the gap in the curtains. You miss the feel of her body against you, but you are treated to the sight of her all dressed up, coming into the room.
"Oh hey oppa, you're awake?"
"Yeah, what time is it?"
"10 am."
"What?! Our flight was at 9!"
"I rescheduled." She sits down on the bed next to you. "I told the boss our flight got cancelled, so we're flying back tomorrow. And also-" She takes a pill out of the small box in her hand and pops it in her mouth. "There. Happy?"
"Yes... but why did you reschedule the flight, we could have gotten up in time."
She leans her head against you, speaking softly. "I got us another night in the room. Yesterday was just one night, but today will be...”
She tries to find the right words. “Just for us, okay?" She adds sultrily. "Plus I have more pills here, it would be a waste to not use them."
You kiss her, feeling yourself get hard already. "There's room service here right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Good." You grab her by the shoulders, pushing her back on to the bed. "Because we are not leaving the room today."
Kyulkyung rolls you over on to your back, sliding her jacket off. She smirks at you, and you hear her skirt being unzipped.
"I already ordered."
A/N 2: Hope you enjoy reading this, been wanting to write a Pinky fic for the longest time. The idea was simple, just two people having fun for one night, but becoming impossibly addicted to one another. Obligatory #WEEFUCKINGWOO (Can you believe that happened this year?) for what happened to Pristin. Thank you for reading!
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7clankrp-blog · 6 years
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-  The isle is a vast and beautiful place, a place that thrives with clans that are scattered among the island. Will the clans be able to find peace and reconcile? Or will discord bring havoc among the people of the isle. Your decisions affects the story, make a wise choice.It’s a risk worth taking.
[Apply here] [Rules] [Get to know the clans] [Territories] [Positions]
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kunlunroleplay · 7 years
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❃ AU ❃ ALL sexualities ❃ literate smut FB role-play❃
❃ Welcome to Alcazar ❃
lnto a world of pure desire, where wolfs, shamans, gumihos and kittens are locked together in fierce mutual passion. United they feel the flow.
Touch, taste, explore.
Guidelines ❃ Masterlist ❃ Handbooks
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thatbangtanbloom · 3 years
petals | bts [teaser]
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petals | bts [teaser]
characters: kim namjoon, kim seokjin, min yoongi, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook, reader
pairings: ot7 x reader [just taehyung centric for this part]
categories: angst, fluff, (eventual) smut
genre: idol!bts, idol!reader
a/n: this is Taehyung's teaser. the reader will have interactions with all seven members in the future!
summary: &&- The time when Taehyung and YN are a little bit more than friends and a little bit less than lovers. Alternatively, YN is an idol debuting under BigHit after three project groups and ranking #2 on PRODUCE 101 with her best friends SOMI, CHUNGHA, DOYEON, Kyulkyung, ROA, EUNWOO, RENA. Taehyung, a member of the most popular boy group in the world, finds himself lingering a bit too long around the young starlet and wants to begin again.
“You debuted too young.” Are the words that Taehyung whispers into her ear as he holds her tight in his arms. She is pressed against his chest in the floor of the practice room.
Taehyung had watched as their youngest struggled from not having the same opportunities they had, but he had the opportunity to grow with the people around him. He could only imagine the constant struggle YN felt from moving from group to group in hopes of finding something permanent, only to lose it in the end. It was worrying that she felt this burdened.
“I just.. I just don’t want to lose everything again.” She whispers while looking up at Taehyung. “It was a gamble for them to try to put us as a group when-“
“Shh,” He whispers as he hugs her tightly. Her wet shirt clings to his gray short-sleeved shirt from the hours upon hours she must have been putting in. As the main dancer, he understood far too well the pressure she felt when not everyone was as welcoming to her. “Look at me. You have every bit of talent as the day you debuted and so much more.” He was normally not one to hear flower words, but he felt the need to; he wanted her to know his sincerity.
Was this what Jimin saw all those years ago? The vulnerable starlet afraid of temporary? This seemed like the only viable option: to hold her close and console her.
- - - -
Don't be a silent reader! Let me know what you think. :) Who do you think is next?
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mintwithchoco · 4 years
rules + idol list
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hey there! i'm mint, a writer (mainly smut based) for kpop girl groups! if you have stumbled upon this page, this means that you may be interested in my stuff. so, here are some information that you need to know about me and my blog!
support me on:
if you are under 18 years old, please don’t interact with this blog.
no hate is needed here, pure positivity is a welcome!
prompts and requests are welcomed as well! but i do have the power to reject them if i'm not interested.
commission guide & rules
things i won’t write about:
rape/nonconsensual/forced sex
manager plot
idol list
list of idols that i’ll write for. if there are any idols that are not mentioned, they are either underage, i don’t know much about them, i can’t think of lewd stuff for them or they are on a hiatus/break.
bold - my ult groups
blue - my bias
Kim Lip
Olivia Hye
New Jeans
Red Velvet
Cheng Xiao
Oh My Girl
Berry Good
Weki Meki
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50shadesof-kpop · 7 years
PRISTIN: Reaction to all of them liking the same girl
Based on this request
Nayoung :
As soon as she notices that the other members are into the girl, she will back down and give advice to her members. And if she feels a bit jealous of the member she will just focus on practice to forget about her crush.
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 Roa :
Unlike Nayoung she will try to highlight a bit by giving her best smile, best pose, being really nice. However, she might not give her all because of the other members, especially if some of them are really really really into the girl.
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Yuha :
Let the war begin! She will try her best to get the girl, she’ll get competitive and tell the other members to get ready! But for real, if she's trying that hard it's because the girl must be special to her.
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 Rena :
She's going to be glued to the girl all the time. She wouldn't use crazy pickup lines or anything, but she wouldn't hide her attraction either. From time to time she would brag about being close with the girl to the members.
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Eunwoo & Kyulkyung :
They will fangirl together about that girl. They will give each other advice and enjoy the awkwardness of the situation (all of them liking the same girl) together, making fun of the other members’ attempts
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 Yehana :
She will act confident in front of the members but will be shy in front of the girl. She will try to be very subtle but fails because she can't help but smile widely in front of her (she's so adorable omg)
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Sungyeon :
A lot like Roa, she will be very nice to the girl, but the situation would be too funny for her to handle. She will easily let it go for the others and return to practice with Nayoung unnie, forgetting the love triangle or rectangle (or any 10 angles geometric figure lmao)
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Xiyeon :
She will put all the chances on her side, she will try to discourage the other members and to highlight herself. She'd definitely be the member Eunwoo and Kyulkyung would like watching the most, she’s so passionate!
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Kyla :
She will try to hide it, even if everyone knows because she’s not as subtle as she thinks she is. She’ll keep denying it all the time.
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girlgrouptrash101 · 6 years
Kyulkyung (Pristin/IOI) - Prove It
Request: “can you do a kyulkyung scenario where her & her gf are on idol producer & her gf gets jealous because of the look on kyulkyung's face (it could be angst, but smut would be great) thanks!”
Word Count: 1,100 Words
Warnings: Smut ahead my fren
A/N: yeah quick side note i have no idea how idol producer works so i probably fucked this up bad but let’s just ignore that ;)
- C
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You had finally returned to China with your girlfriend, Kyulkyung. You were both asked to be judges on Idol Producer, and obviously, you both accepted gratefully. You also took the opportunity to finally meet each other’s families, and everything had gone really well so far.
The show had been running smoothly for almost the whole night, and you had to admit that there was definitely an experienced group of trainees to judge.
You were introduced by the host, along with Kyulkyung and Cheng Xiao, and you went to sit down and watch the trainees performances. You weren’t too harsh on the trainees that stepped up to perform, you knew how hard it was and how daunting it was to compete against so many people who are just as talented as you are.
You were happy to be on television with your girlfriend of course, and when the final trainee approached the stage you had a small smile on your face as the music started.
Things started to change a bit then. The trainee had decided on a very sexy dance to show onstage, and the look on Kyulkyung’s face made your blood boil. You watched as the girl onstage moved her body fluidly, her body swaying perfectly to the beat. You looked over at your girlfriend, and your eyes narrowed when you saw her, her head propped up on her hand, biting her bottom lip. Her eyes followed the performer, she wasn’t missing any of it.
Afterwards, you forced a smile and waved to your fans as the host ended the show, before storming off backstage, pulling your girlfriend behind you.
“What was that huh?” You said arms crossed as you looked at Kyulkyung. She was sitting on the sofa in your shared dressing room.
“What do you mean?” She said, her cute face was the picture of innocence and she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. You moved closer to her, and she pulled you onto her lap.
“You were really eyeing up that last trainee.” You said, your voice only just louder than a whisper. She laughed a little, taking her chin in her hand and pulling you closer. She kissed you, and her tongue started out to lick your bottom lip. You granted her access easily, her tongue slipping in to glide against your own in complete harmony.
“Yah, stop distracting me and answer my question.” You said, finally finding it in yourself to pull away from your girlfriend’s advances.
“Well, I thought she was a good performer and she looked pretty when she danced.” She admitted, caressing your cheek as she stared into your eyes.
“You still shouldn’t have looked at her like that.” You replied, trying to be stern, cursing how whipped you were for the girl in front of you at times like these.
“Like what?” Kyulkyung replies, tightening her grip on your waist.
“Like you wanted to eat her then and there,” You said, making Kyulkyung laugh at you.
“Ah baby, you know the only one I want to eat is you.” She said with a cheeky grin, laughing once again as you rolled your eyes and shoved her shoulder playfully.
“Well, prove it.” You said finally, and your heart rate picked up as you saw how her eyes darkened at your sudden challenge. She didn’t hesitate for a second as she lifted you off her lap, crawling over you.
She kissed your neck with desperation you had never experienced before. You could only hope that she didn’t leave any marks, too caught up in the pleasure to warn her.
You felt the immense heat between your legs as Kyulkyung grabbed your thighs, grinding down on you, continuing her attack on the sensitive skin above your collarbone. Your hands instinctively moved to her ass, holding her and guiding her as she moved her perfect dancer hips on top of you.
Kyulkyung would have kept going like this forever if it wasn’t for your whining that spurred her to go further. She slid herself down to the floor, her fingertips trailing down your thighs, as she looked up at you with a painfully innocent expression.
She smiled her breathtaking eye smile at you, before raking her eyes still down your fully clothed body, as if she could see right through them. Her eyes came to a stop at your skirt that had ridden up, only lately covering the top of your thighs.
Her hands snaked up, fingers swiftly pulling down your panties, that were now soaked. She smirked again, pushing your skirt up and spreading your legs so she could have full access to you.
Her hands wrapped around your thighs and she pulled you closer to her face, so she could get as deep as possible. She started with a long swipe of her tongue, delving between your folds to taste you. The action made you moan loud, you were well on edge after her earlier actions.
She could sense your desperation, and she wasn’t trying to torture you right now, that could wait for later. She licked your core again, her tongue entering you with every thrust. One of her hands left your thigh, and she used it to stimulate your clit, driving you closer to the edge.
After a few more thrusts, you were spiralling over the edge. Kyulkyung’s grunts and pants pushed you even further, coming all over her tongue as she drank up everything you gave her. Once you had finished, she leaned back, both of you gasping for breath. You couldn’t help but laugh at the shine of her lips, with your juices all over her mouth.
At the sound of your laugh, she looked up and smiled at you then, moving up your body to kiss you. The rush of tasting yourself off your girlfriend’s lips sent more heat back into your core. You had to get back to your hotel as soon as possible and repay Kyulkyung.
When she saw you spring up and start packing your bag, along with hers, and she started laughing at the speed you moved it. Once you had finished, she was nearly doubled over, and you were tempted to drag her out of the room then. You went to walk away, but she stopped you.
“Forgetting something?” Kyulkyung’s words made your body turn back around to face her, where she was holding up your panties with a grin on your face.
“Keep them.” You replied, pulling her out of the room and running for a taxi. You had a long night ahead of you, that had only just begun.
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hyunchanee-exo · 5 years
Total Fucking Darkness
A fanfic written by hyunchanee_exo for the Baecon and Eggs Fanfic Fest
Summary: Chanyeol is a freak who tends to burn stuff and Baekhyun is a hot guy with a bewitching secret.
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Tags: Witches, Demons, Fantasy, Action, Magic, Light Angst, Fluff, Smut, Slight Violence (Please check the whole tags before reading)
Word Count: 55,282
This is a little background file about the fanfic and will contain spoilers so only keep on reading if you have finished the fic.
The Writing Process
I have always wanted to write something about witches after I watched Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I vaguely remembered this prompt back when I was claiming my prompt for Will of the Stars (2018) so when the 2019 round opened, I quickly came for this prompt. I feel a bit sorry for the prompter because I turned their idea into this monstrosity but they haven’t reached out to me yet so I’m still hoping they aren’t that disappointed.
Despite being inspired from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, it has absolutely no relation to it at all aside from the fact that it’s all about witches and I incorporated the popular witch trio element into this fic. It is completely something original, especially with my trademark of putting stars and constellations into the lore.
The whole fic has the touch of darkness that you can hear in bury a friend by Billie Eilish.
Also, here is a playlist of all the songs I listened to while writing this.
I developed the plot around November of 2018 but I never got around to really writing it seriously until March because school has been hectic and I’m just graduating from senior highschool. The plot is actually really bland at first. Chanyeol was supposed to only forget Baekhyun, gets rescued from Sungyeol and he is trained until Sungyeol rises. All the ideas from Rena pretending to be his girlfriend, the lore, the little twists throughout with the witch hunters, Chanyeol’s mom and Baekhyun’s ultimate death were not developed until May, a week before I turned the fic in. I’m the master of working under pressure lol.
I had so many people beta read this thing. I’m so grateful especially to Ate Mimi and Ate Lan for being patient with me haha.
Original title of this fic was supposed to be House of Draco but it’s too formal ahahaha.
I’m so proud of this work.
Witch Culture
They worship the stars.
The Roselake Coven collectively lives in a base hidden from human sight called the Roselake Fortress.
The Roselake Institution of Obscure Magic and Cosmic Witchcraft stands in front of the fortress.
Witches all have the standard ability to control magic, but they can also develop secondary abilities.
The witches live an egalitarian society where no matter what you are as long as you are against the darkness and you are with the stars, you are as equal as anybody else.
Technology is banned because it is useless anyway in a place brimming with magic.
Fashion includes anything black.
Witches love jewelry of any kind.
Dark, dramatic make-up is a staple.
The witches in this fic all have powers inspired from Polaris of the Gifted.
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“All of a sudden, Chanyeol brings his arms sharply down in front of his chest, hands curled into fists. A ring of beautiful blue fire bursts out from within his body, setting the people in black on fire. Their shrieks echo into the night as they try to collect their wits and extinguish the flames, which Chanyeol takes as his cue to run the fuck out of there.”
Chanyeol using his powers in this scene kinda looks like this:
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The Houses
This is only a list of all the mentioned houses throughout the fic. It doesn’t mean that these are the only ones that exist. There are actually more.
House Draco, the Dragon - blessed with the ability to control the Abysmal Fires and high aptitude for Offensive Magic
House Aquila, the Eagle - blessed with strong affinity for magic of any kind and the ability to effectively fight off the darkness
House Vulpecula, the Fox - blessed with cunningness and high aptitude for Influential Magic
House Cassiopeia, the Queen - blessed with natural born leadership and high aptitude for Affliction Magic
House Orion, the Hunter - blessed with sensitivity to magic and has sharp senses
House Corvus, the Crow - blessed with high aptitude for Dark Magic
House Leo, the Lion - blessed with the natural ability to heighten physical strength and have high capability in tolerating various kinds of magic
House Pyxis, the Compass - blessed with high aptitude in teleportation of any kind
House Circinus, the Dividing Compass - blessed with the natural ability to locate any person, place or object obscured from sight
Colors of the magical energy harnessed by witches depends on the house that they belong in, although that still depends. For example, a witch might have blue magical energy, hinting their House Draco bloodline, but the witch might be absorbed in other houses because of circumstances.
The Characters
This is Chanyeol, an ascendant of House Draco. He grew up as a mortal, which is why it was hard for him to adjust with witch life, especially after all the trouble he had to go through before becoming an official witch. He always felt lost and confused, but he did his best especially with Baekhyun guiding him so he became more powerful and capable through will and determination.
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Here is Baekhyun of House Aquila, a prodigy among the youth in the coven. He's selfless and prioritizes the safety of the ones he love. He understands the principle of sacrifices and will choose the shortest end of the stick. He's charismatic yet cute at the same time.
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The Oh Family featuring Krystal from f(x) with Sehun and Nayoung from Pristin, the only living ascendants of House Vulpecula in the Roselake Coven. They have been excommunicated from the Roselake Coven simply because they are directly related to Sungyeol. Despite this, they wholeheartedly helped Chanyeol, showing their loyalty to family as long as they are in the right.
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Kahi as the High Priestess with Kyulkyung, Rena and Roa as the Pride Sisters, ascendants of House Cassiopeia. They appear cruel and antagonistic, but that is only because they are fierce and strict when it comes to the safety of the coven.
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ITZY as Baekhyun's half-sisters, ascendants of House Aquila. Even if Baekhyun feels a bit distant from them because they aren’t blood-related and he constantly has the need to take up the responsibility of keeping witches safe from their upcoming doom, they look up to him as an admirable older brother.
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Kai of House Corvus and Kyungsoo from House Orion a.k.a fluffy boyfriends who are close friends with Baekhyun. Kyungsoo is quite bubbly, naive and maybe a bit airheaded at times, but he is smart and very powerful. Jongin is the exact opposite of him and because of their match, they come in a set.
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The Roselake Institution of Obscure Magic and Cosmic Witchcraft Council Leader Yixing of House Leo with council members Jongdae of House Pyxis and Minseok of House Circinus. They are always busy because aside from keeping the student witches in check, they have to cooperate with the higher authorities to keep the peace.
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These are star-crossed lovers Witch Sehun and Witch Hunter Junmyeon. The witch hunters in the fic were dormant and had not been trained to be one only making them legacies rather than actual hunters, but the demons manipulated them in order to capture the witches.
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So far, that is all. If you have any more questions, feel free to hit me up on Twitter or shoot me an ask here!
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sonatine-krp-blog · 6 years
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→ Pristin’s Kyulkyung.
Sonatine is a MeWe based, semi-smut kpop roleplay where we strive to bring out everyone’s unique melody. We’re semi-lit but we do lean towards the more lit side. → INDEX → ABOUT → MASTER LIST → RULES → APPLY → MESSAGE
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subjisoo · 7 years
Drowning (I Thought You'd Never Ask Sequel)
Words: 16.5k
Genre: smut
Synopsis: Soonyoung is forced to face his feelings for Seokmin when his best friend gets married. Panic and angst ensues as Soonyoung realised that he isn't in love with his boyfriend afterall.
Content: rugby major!seokmin, dance major!soonyoung, anal sex, blow jobs, ANGST, happy ending, loads of side pairs this time around but the main one is Kyulkyung/Nayoung
Author’s Note: this is part two of my ever iconic fic I Thought You’d Never Ask which yall slept on bc you’re COWARDS anyway. You don’t have to read it but ( highly recommend it bc. I did That™
read on ao3 / Sporty Skirty AU / Soonseok Fic Fest
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
Pristin reactions
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you hog the duvet while sleeping
they kiss you
you hug them from behind
accidentally hitting the youngest member
their gf wants a kiss
having a mochi maknae
their bf breaking up with them
bf wants them back
bf being close with another member
they realize they like girls
bf dies in carcrash
bf not giving her enough attention
you initiate skinship
confessing to you
bf is a comedian
bf is a foreigner
gf wanting to be a little spoon
taking care of a baby
being an older sister
dating a nerdy guy
bf kisses them first
picnic with pristin
baby au
s.o rolls off the bed while they’re sleeping
s.o is affectionate with another member
pushing s.o/ s.o pushes them off the bed
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ggidolsmuts · 4 years
Groups are listed in alphabetical order, cross-group stuff at the bottom.
Savage(d) - Karina [TW] 
Orgasmic State of Mind - Karina
Do Not Disturb - Chorong
Exception - Naeun
Paradise in Thailand - (G)I-dle Minnie, Blackpink Lisa, CLC Sorn
Childish - Jisoo
Doppelganger - Fromis_9 Gyuri, Jisoo
Brave Girls:
Missed Messages - Yujeong
Boyfriend Material - Elkie
Paradise in Thailand - (G)I-dle Minnie, Blackpink Lisa, CLC Sorn
Seven Minutes in Heaven - Yeeun
Special Treatment - Yeeun
Oppaheimer - Yeeun
Participation - Woohee
Paint Job - Chaeyeon
Of Gifts and Curses - Dami
Playing House - JiU
Guilty as Charged - SuA
Guilty Pleasures - Gahyeon
Fromis App Part 9: How-to - Sihyeon
Fromis App Part 10: Learning to shut up - Yiren
Everflow - Yiren
Captured - Hani
Fromis App Part 1: From I_ to S_ - Saerom
Fromis App Part 2: Rideshare - Saerom, Nagyung
Doppelganger - Gyuri, Blackpink Jisoo
Fromis App Part 5: Mask - Jisun
Fromis App Part 6: Investing - Jiwon
Fromis App Part 7: Turntables - Saerom, Seoyeon, Hayoung, Chaeyoung
Fromis App Part 8: Aural Sex Made Real - Jisun, Nagyung
Fromis App Part 11: Switch Off - Gyuri
Fromis App Part 12: Ups and Downs - Jiwon
Fromis App Part 13: (F)App Developer - Nagyung
Fromis App Part 14: Snug and Secure - Hayoung
Fromis App Part 15: Cost of Free - Seoyeon
SinB mini-series
“Oops” - SinB
“Oops I did it again” - SinB
Club Mago - Yuju
Fromis App Part 4: Tell Me Your Wish - Sowon
Anniversary - Miyeon
Paradise in Thailand - (G)I-dle Minnie, Blackpink Lisa, CLC Sorn
Fromis App Part 3: Assistant - (G)I-dle Soyeon ft. Red Velvet Seulgi, Chungha, GFriend SinB
Nymph(o) - Yuqi
I Never Die, I Only Breed series:
Level 1 - Shuhua
Level 2 - Yuqi, Shuhua
Level 3 - Soyeon
Cutscene - Yuqi, Shuhua
Level 4 - Minnie
Level 5 - Miyeon [TW]
Windowsill - Shuhua
Wanted - Hana
Win/Lose/Cheat - Sejeong
건물 사이에 피어난 장미 (Rose in the Concrete Jungle) - Riina
Radio Silence - Sohye
Chungha Mini-series
Part 1: Chemistry
Part 2: Adrenaline
Part 3: Dopamine
Just One Night - Kyulkyung
Win/Lose/Cheat - Sejeong
Paint Job - Chaeyeon
Busting - Nayoung
Itzy Air
Part 1: Club Membership - Lia
Part 2: Protocols - Yeji
Part 3: Customer Feedback - Ryujin ft. Yeji
Aegyo Avoidance - Yeji, Iz*One Minju
Angel and Devil - Chaeryeong, Iz*One Minju
Ask Minju and Yeji Shall Receive - Yeji
Our Love Language is Sex - Ryujin
Creative Writing - IU
Handles - IU
Minimum Payments - Jang Manwol
Treva Queen - Rocket Punch Yeonhee ft. Iz*One Eunbi
Chocolate Love - Yuri
Colors - Chaeyeon
Chaewon mini-series
CC - Chaewon (Smut ver., Fluff ver.)
Homemade Movies - Chaewon
Aegyo Avoidance - Minju, ITZY Yeji
Angel and Devil - Minju, ITZY Chaeryeong
Cherry Blossom Blooming - Sakura
Pump and Dump - Chaeyeon
Seasons of Love - Eunbi, Yena
Aegyo Restricted - Hitomi
Render - Yena (KR version: 어떤사람 만들기)
Coming Home - Jiyoung
Rear Windows - Xiaoting, Yujin
Xiaoting’s Shouting - Xiaoting (CN version: 小婷发情)
Bases Loaded, Holes Filled - Yujin, Xiaoting, Mashiro
Le Sserafim:
What Happens in Vegas - Huh Yunjin
Sin, Hormones, and the Starlet’s Boyfriend - Huh Yunjin, Somi
Fire in the Belly (and the Womb) - Huh Yunjin
“Smart” Home - Sakura, Chaewon
Jinsoul mini-series
Reconnecting - Jinsoul
Disconnecting - Jinsoul 
Yves mini-series
Butterfly - Yves
Caterpillar - Yves
Haseul mini-series
Feverish - Haseul
Burning - Haseul
Of Seaweed and Pancakes - Heejin, Hyunjin
Shopping - Jinsoul
What Would Zeus Do - ARTMS (Jinsoul, Haseul, Kim Lip, Heejin, Choerry)
Hweshik - Yein
Getaway - Jisoo
Happy Ending - Kei, Yein
Sushi - Sujeong
A Lovelyz Winter Wonderland - Jisoo, Yein, Mijoo
Photos - Jisoo
Tight Spaces - Yein
Dressed for “Success” - Sujeong
Oh My Girl:
OMG series
Part 1: Remote Control - Jiho
Part 2: No Fair - Binnie
Part 3: A Gift? - Yooa
Part 4: Games - Seunghee
Part 5: Exploration - Arin
Part 6: Soundproof - Hyojung
Part 7: Mirror - Mimi ft. Binnie
Part 8: Role Play - Binnie ft. Jiho
Part 9: Capture - Yooa
Part 10: “On” Set - Binnie
Part 11: Seungfree - Seunghee
Part 12: Stud(y)ing - Oh My Girl
Arin mini-series
Penpals - Arin
Roleplaying - Arin
Just One Night - Kyulkyung
Busting - Nayoung
Purple Kiss:
Happy Coincidence - Park Jieun
Red Velvet:
Bike Ride - Seulgi
Checkmate - Irene
Valentine’s Roulette - Wendy
Reader Feedback - Seulgi
Haul-lelujah - Seulgi
Rocket Punch:
Treva Queen - Rocket Punch Yeonhee ft. Iz*One Eunbi
Ring Ring - Yeonhee
Knock Knock - Yunkyoung ft. Yeonhee
Click Click - Suyun
Take 15 - Seohyun
Cheeky Icy Thong - Sieun
Bridesmaid - Eunjung
Weki Meki:
Siesta - Ji Suyeon
Wildflower - Yoojung
Bodyguard Mini-series
Part 1: Partner - Seola
Part 2: Heiress - Eunseo, Yeoreum
Part 2.5: Denial - Eunseo
Part 3: Revellers - Bona ft. Eunseo, Exy
Part 4: Lost and Found - Eunseo, Seola
Epilogue: Making Choices and Memories - Yeoreum, Eunseo
Leadership - Exy
No Questions Allowed - Bona
Work Distractions - Dawon
Thirsty and Trapped - Dawon
Dichotomy - Nana
Move - Nana
Misc and Cross-Groups:
Treva Queen - Rocket Punch Yeonhee ft. Iz*One Eunbi
Paradise in Thailand - (G)I-dle Minnie, Blackpink Lisa, CLC Sorn
Bucket List - AKB48 Shitao Miu
Yeonwoo miniseries:
Confidence Booster - Yeonwoo
Career Killer, Decision Maker - Yeonwoo
Fromis App:
Part 1: From I_ to S_ - Fromis_9 Saerom
Part 2: Rideshare - Fromis_9 Saerom, Nagyung
Part 3: Assistant - (G)I-dle Soyeon ft. Red Velvet Seulgi, Chungha, GFriend SinB
Part 4: Tell Me Your Wish - GFriend Sowon
Part 5: Mask - Fromis_9 Jisun
Part 6: Investing - Fromis_9 Jiwon
Part 7: Turntables - Fromis_9 Saerom, Seoyeon, Hayoung, Chaeyoung
Part 8: Aural Sex Made Real - Fromis_9 Jisun, Nagyung
Part 9: How-to - Everglow Sihyeon
Part 10: Learning to shut up - Everglow Yiren
Part 11: Switch Off - Fromis_9 Gyuri
Part 12: Ups and Downs - Fromis_9 Jiwon
Part 13: (F)App Develoepr - Fromis_9 Nagyung
Part 14: Snug and Secure - Fromis_9 Hayoung
Part 15: Cost of Free - Fromis_9 Seoyeon
Doppelganger - Fromis_9 Gyuri, Blackpink Jisoo
Aegyo Avoidance - Iz*One Minju, ITZY Yeji
Angel and Devil - Iz*One Minju, ITZY Chaeryeong
Professionally Unprofessional - Jaekyung
The Escort - Seolhyun
Sin, Hormones, and the Starlet’s Boyfriend - Le Sserafim Yunjin, Somi
Kim Sejeong, Master Baiter - Sejeong, Kang Mina, Somi
Super Short Smuts:
10 minute challenge - SinB
Celebration - Jiho
Outfit Choice - Hyomin
NSFW Tag Games - Sex Positions
NSFW Tag Games - Threesomes
NSFW Tag Games - Locations
NSFW Tag Games - Relationships
Naked Risk - Naeun
NSFW Tag Games - Places in a stadium/concert hall
15 minute challenge - Tzuyu
Interview Prep - Eunbi
Illicit Miss Kim - Sejeong
Poolside Snack - Somi
OOTD - Fromis_9 Hayoung
Hot and Cold - Fromis_9 Nagyung
A Calm Breeze - Loona Vivi
Experiments - Twice Dahyun
La Petite Mort - Jung Hoyeon
NSFW Tag Games - Adult Entertainment
Doing it for the ‘gram - Twice Nayeon
Spot the difference - Minju
Snake-charmed - Noze
Timing - Taeyeon
NSFW Tag Games - Delphi
Little Nightie - Loona Yves
Little Late Nightie - Loona Yves
Snapping - Twice Dahyun
Fearless - Le Sserafim Sakura
Soft and hard “wares” - Eunbi
Lowrise - Bibi
Sunkissed - Fromis_9 Jisun
Bullseye - Jo Yuri
Dirty Sheets for Dirty Couples - Somi
Hype Boy, Hype Girl - Kep1er Yujin
Stocking Stuffer - aespa Karina
Repurpose, Refill, Refractory Period - Oh My Girl Yooa
Figlio Di Puttana - Somi
Eat Your Greens - Oh My Girl Yubin
Post-match Activities - ARTMS Heejin
Invitation - Loossemble Hyunjin
Panda Making - Dreamcatcher Dami
2K notes · View notes
bestofme-krp-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
character information: name: zhou jieqiong stage name (if applicable): kyulkyung group or occupation: pristin would you like to be added to our smut group?: yes?
You got the best of me! You’ve got 3 days to submit your link to the admins, have a wonderful time!
0 notes
ao3feed-jensoo · 6 years
by Bouton_de_rose
Kim Taehyung never imagined that his life would turn out like this.
At the age of 23 and freshly out of college, Taehyung and his girlfriend, Jang-mi, finally settle in a small apartment in the middle of Seoul to finally start their careers and, hopefully, create a family. But what Taehyung didn't expected was to have his life turned upside down when his new boss brings him to a business dinner with one of his closest associate and friend, Park Jimin. Jimin is beautiful, confident, mysterious and captivating, and Taehyung can't help but to be attracted to him the second he first lay his eyes on him. That's probably why he's so surprised when Jimin invites him to another dinner... with just the two of them. Slowly, Taehyung finds himself thinking about Jimin a lot more than he probably should and he doesn't know how to stop it.
But is Jimin really who he thinks he is? Or is there something more to this man, that Taehyung has yet to see? Jimin has secrets, that Taehyung knows. But just how dark and dangerous can they be?
Words: 542, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, BLACKPINK (Band)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Kim Taehyung | V, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon | RM, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Jennie Kim, Kim Jisoo (BLACKPINK), Zhou Jie Qiong | Kyulkyung, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Taehyung | V/Original Female Character(s), Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin, Jennie Kim/Kim Jisoo
Additional Tags: Violence, Smut, Threesome - M/M/M, Male Homosexuality, Female Homosexuality, Heterosexuality, Emotional Manipulation, Love, Minor Character Death, Spanking
0 notes
girlgrouptrash101 · 6 years
Pristin Masterlist
Pristin Reaction to Having Their First Kiss With Their S/O
Pristin Reaction to Spending the Day Cuddling with Their S/O
Pristin Reaction to Another Idol Flirting With Their S/O
Pristin Reaction to Their S/O Cursing in English Multiple Times Over A Video Game
Pristin Reaction to Their Shy S/O Cursing And Rapping with Their Group
Pristin Reaction to Their S/O Shooting an Action Movie
Pristin Reaction to Their S/O Being Jealous
Pristin Reaction to Their S/O Performing ‘Lie’ by BTS Blindfolded
Pristin Reaction to A ‘Fan’ Throwing Something at Their S/O
Pristin Reaction to Their S/O Ripping Their Shirt During Rehearsals
Pristin Reaction to Waking Their S/O Up
Pristin Reaction to Watching A Movie with Their S/O
Pristin Reaction to Their S/O Being The Ace for Running for Their Group at ISAC
Pristin Reaction to Their S/O Having a Kiss Scene in Their MV
Pristin Reaction to Their Crush Talking About Their Diets and Workouts
Pristin Reaction to Breaking Up with Their S/O and Wanting to Get Back Together
The Idea of Being in Love (Fluff)
Prove It (Smut)
First Evaluation (Fluff)
Runway (Fluff)
As Your ____ Series:
Yuha as Your Girlfriend
Eunwoo as Your Girlfriend
Poly! Series:
Dating Poly!Yaebwoo
Dating Poly!JieXiao
Dating Poly!2Kyung
Dating Poly!MinkYebin
Fake Snaps:
Fake Texts:
Fake Instagrams:
Tumblr media
79 notes · View notes