#kyulkyung angst
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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the beautiful pianist
don’t lie
dates with kyulkyung
sweaty and nervous
do i deserve this?
didn’t think the same
of course
christmas special
that’s what i thought
stop that
i need an answer
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7clankrp-blog · 6 years
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-  The isle is a vast and beautiful place, a place that thrives with clans that are scattered among the island. Will the clans be able to find peace and reconcile? Or will discord bring havoc among the people of the isle. Your decisions affects the story, make a wise choice.It’s a risk worth taking.
[Apply here] [Rules] [Get to know the clans] [Territories] [Positions]
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thatbangtanbloom · 3 years
petals | bts [teaser]
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petals | bts [teaser]
characters: kim namjoon, kim seokjin, min yoongi, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook, reader
pairings: ot7 x reader [just taehyung centric for this part]
categories: angst, fluff, (eventual) smut
genre: idol!bts, idol!reader
a/n: this is Taehyung's teaser. the reader will have interactions with all seven members in the future!
summary: &&- The time when Taehyung and YN are a little bit more than friends and a little bit less than lovers. Alternatively, YN is an idol debuting under BigHit after three project groups and ranking #2 on PRODUCE 101 with her best friends SOMI, CHUNGHA, DOYEON, Kyulkyung, ROA, EUNWOO, RENA. Taehyung, a member of the most popular boy group in the world, finds himself lingering a bit too long around the young starlet and wants to begin again.
“You debuted too young.” Are the words that Taehyung whispers into her ear as he holds her tight in his arms. She is pressed against his chest in the floor of the practice room.
Taehyung had watched as their youngest struggled from not having the same opportunities they had, but he had the opportunity to grow with the people around him. He could only imagine the constant struggle YN felt from moving from group to group in hopes of finding something permanent, only to lose it in the end. It was worrying that she felt this burdened.
“I just.. I just don’t want to lose everything again.” She whispers while looking up at Taehyung. “It was a gamble for them to try to put us as a group when-“
“Shh,” He whispers as he hugs her tightly. Her wet shirt clings to his gray short-sleeved shirt from the hours upon hours she must have been putting in. As the main dancer, he understood far too well the pressure she felt when not everyone was as welcoming to her. “Look at me. You have every bit of talent as the day you debuted and so much more.” He was normally not one to hear flower words, but he felt the need to; he wanted her to know his sincerity.
Was this what Jimin saw all those years ago? The vulnerable starlet afraid of temporary? This seemed like the only viable option: to hold her close and console her.
- - - -
Don't be a silent reader! Let me know what you think. :) Who do you think is next?
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godyunjin · 7 years
Pristin reaction to another idol group flirting with their s/o
(hi lovely anon! thanks for being my first requestor i will never forget this moment (っ˘̩︵˘̩)っ 
since anon didn't give any specific group, i won’t mention anyone since imma loser??? ok enjoy my first post and shitty writing!
Nayoung's glad that you're finally mingling with other idols aside from her group members but when the sunbae or hoobae gets too close to her s/o, she'd jump in the conversation and show the idol flirting with you that you're already taken. 
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Minkyeong / Roa : 
Minkyeong trusts you and believes that you won't lead the other idol on but she will keep on watching from afar, giving the other idol glares and sinister smiles that'll scare him off. 
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Kyungwon / Yuha : 
As soon as she sees you talking to the idol, she'll join the conversation and be much more clingy, and when the idol doesn't seem to notice you guys are dating, she'll probably kiss you in front of the other idol. (lmao this cheeky girl) 
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Eunwoo : 
Eunwoo will take action immediately; she'll interrupt everytime the idol makes a joke or asks something that you'll probably be the one jealous because you'll think she's flirting with him/her. 
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Yebin / Rena : 
This smol bean would probably overreact and probably would start acting rude without realizing it like saying really sarcastic things and laughing sarcastically every time the other idol says a pick up line or joke. You'll probably scold her after she scares the poor guy or girl away but she'll shrug and use her charm to get out of trouble. 
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Kyulkyung : 
This whiny baby would be calling for you from across the room, clinging onto you to take her out for ice cream but you don't want to be rude to the idol talking to you since you're a big fan. Once she gets really jealous, she'll charm the other idol and politely ask them to excuse you from the conversation. 
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Yewon / Yehana : 
This precious baby wouldn't even realize that he/she is flirting with you until the other idol starts doing skinship and touching you and all. She'll probably leave quietly and you'll realize a little while later. You'll end up leaving the other idol to look for Yewon and ensure this little fluffball that she doesn't have to worry about anything. 
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Sungyeon : 
Sungyeon will be obviously annoyed but she'll enjoy watching the other idol's hopeless and shameless flirting before making a move and show him or her that you're already taken.
(pretend that yebin is the idol flirting with u, it fits so well lmaooo)
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Xiyeon/Siyeon : 
She'll just stand next to you the whole time quietly and won't even bother joining the conversation since she knows you're not the type to lead someone on, especially since you're already dating. And to be honest, Siyeon's expressions and glares are enough to scare the other idol away. 
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Kyla : 
Since Kyla is still young, she'll probably be unsure on how to act so she'll probably be sulking somewhere, and you'll see her, so you leave the other idol to comfort Kyla since Kyla isn't really that confident with herself (Please protect this soft baby from haters she deserves all the love in the world)
now here’s you kissing kyla after confronting her
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done! now here’s a psa
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request here
groups i write for
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50shadesof-kpop · 7 years
PRISTIN: Reaction to all of them liking the same girl
Based on this request
Nayoung :
As soon as she notices that the other members are into the girl, she will back down and give advice to her members. And if she feels a bit jealous of the member she will just focus on practice to forget about her crush.
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 Roa :
Unlike Nayoung she will try to highlight a bit by giving her best smile, best pose, being really nice. However, she might not give her all because of the other members, especially if some of them are really really really into the girl.
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Yuha :
Let the war begin! She will try her best to get the girl, she’ll get competitive and tell the other members to get ready! But for real, if she's trying that hard it's because the girl must be special to her.
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 Rena :
She's going to be glued to the girl all the time. She wouldn't use crazy pickup lines or anything, but she wouldn't hide her attraction either. From time to time she would brag about being close with the girl to the members.
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Eunwoo & Kyulkyung :
They will fangirl together about that girl. They will give each other advice and enjoy the awkwardness of the situation (all of them liking the same girl) together, making fun of the other members’ attempts
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 Yehana :
She will act confident in front of the members but will be shy in front of the girl. She will try to be very subtle but fails because she can't help but smile widely in front of her (she's so adorable omg)
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Sungyeon :
A lot like Roa, she will be very nice to the girl, but the situation would be too funny for her to handle. She will easily let it go for the others and return to practice with Nayoung unnie, forgetting the love triangle or rectangle (or any 10 angles geometric figure lmao)
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Xiyeon :
She will put all the chances on her side, she will try to discourage the other members and to highlight herself. She'd definitely be the member Eunwoo and Kyulkyung would like watching the most, she’s so passionate!
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Kyla :
She will try to hide it, even if everyone knows because she’s not as subtle as she thinks she is. She’ll keep denying it all the time.
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stasswrites · 4 years
OLÁÁÁÁÁ!! primeiramente já assistiu o opening trailer das patroas? não? então vai ver. eu quero agradecer toda a recepção de vocês, xuxus, pois arrumei vários plotinhos que eu queria jogar desde o primeiro post que fiz na tag e tô toda bobona aqui com as historinhas e com muita coisa pra responder scrr. vocês são fenomenais. mas como eu sempre fui criança gulosa, eu vou colocar mais uns plots que acabei tendo vontade de jogar conforme fui assistindo filmes, séries, ouvindo músicas e tudo mais. deu muse, quero jogar, não tem segredo. vou colocar uma listinha abaixo do read more porque tem muita coisa! e Ó, tendo interesse, mete o like pra tia te chamar ou vem gritando no imsg. aliás, eu agora tô jogando também por discord graças a uma influência maravilhosah chamada dani e agora a plataforma se tornou uma queridinha para jogar -q mas eu também continuo jogando no tumblr! só não vou jogar no telegram porque sou muito dispersa e não vai ter como mesmo... é isto.
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plotinhos! jogo m/m, f/f e m/f. sem preferência de modalidade e gênero. ♥
I    •  (hpverse) se passando nos anos 70, na ascensão de voldemort e próximo da primeira guerra bruxa. tem que se passar em hogwarts e você pode jogar com canon, um dos marotos, quem quiser, mas eeeeuuuzinha irei jogar com oc, tabo? hsduhdu. é sobre uma amizade que está começando a se abalar por causa da guerra iminente, a forte ideologia de supremacia bruxa. uma parte acredita que não existe such thing como purismo; a outra está com a família contando para que elu se alie na frente de batalha. elus irão continuar amigues? se separarão? há um envolvimento romântico? é passível de ter? possibilidades.
II    •   (baseado num pseudo-bunnie) eu sou a otária dos casamentos mesmo e não to nem aí. KKKKKKKKKKK. não tem segredo esse, só vou traduzir: lago dos cisnes, valsa por tchaikovsky *audio*, mas você está se escondendo nos jardins, no lado de fora de um baile de máscaras lançado em sua homenagem, esperando que eles não o encontrem e te casem com o herdeiro de algum aristocrata rico, porque você sabe que todo o caso foi secretamente planejado, achando que você é o par perfeito para o casamento. só que aí temos ressalvas. muse b é o herdeire de algum aristocrata rico ou não? podemos combinar!
III    •  lembra em b99 quando o jake e a sophia passam por dificuldades porque ele é um policial e isso gera má reputação no trabalho dela, até prejudica? então, queria jogar algo nessas vibes. nós podemos fazer um reserve fake dating, quando eles querem fazer funcionar, mas precisam fingir que não estão juntos, ou que até se destestam. se eu jogo com jake e sophia? jogo, mas só jogo se eu for a sophia ♥
IV    • eu venero o primeiro livro de divergente, apenas. sempre quis jogar uma coisa com a temática, mas não consigo pensar em muita coisa, masss se você também gosta e ao contrário de mim tem uma ideia, chega junto!
V    •  (inspiração em revenge) no qual muse c é herdeire de uma mulher como a victoria. poderosa, chique no úrrrtimo, super influente e bem ruim, também. indo num bar mais humilde, ali mesmo na área dos hamptons, comemorar com os amigos talvez a aprovação na faculdade? idk? muse c conhece muse d, o filhe do dono do bar. são de realidades totalmente diferentes, mas de algum modo se gostam e se completam. o brabo é ter que ficar aturando a victoria, as constantes humilhações por ele ser de uma condição mais humilde etc e aí é meio que uma relação fadada ao fracasso e todo o drama e angst delícia. esse eu queria jogar a partir do momento em que se veem pela primeira vez.
VI    •  aqui nem é um plot direito, eu só queria jogar com os arquétipos (e não canons!) da katniss everdeen e do peeta mellark. sabe, ela toda durona e desconfiada mesmo quando tem nada pra desconfiar; e ele desde sempre apaixonado nela, fazendo tudo por ela mesmo que signifique se sacrificar, etc. posso jogar tanto com a kat quanto o peeta.
VII    •   outro que eu gostaria muito de jogar desde o começo porque eu sou fanfiqueira sim vai peitar??? hKDJFNJ eu assisti um filme sobre esse plot mas realmente não me lembro do nome, deve ser dos anos 90 ou começo dos anos 2000, enfim, é o seguinte: muse e foi convidada para ser madrinha de casamento da irmã, e elas meio que... se detestam por baixo dos panos, sabe? são ácidas uma com a outra, tentam se prejudicar e são bem passivas-agressivas. só que a irmã dessa muse a combinou com um carinha que ela desde sempre detesta e provavelmente vai dar uma confusão se continuarem como par. então ela inventa de última hora que está namorando e contrata muse f, um ator, para fingir ser o tal do namorado e participar de todo o cronograma até o casamento.
VIII    • um príncipe (ou princesa!) que é... assim... o diabo. é o diabo para lidar com a impressa, um diabo no próprio palácio onde mora, está sempre se envolvendo em alguma polêmica --- tipo, nem precisa ser polêmica como se envolver com drogas, coisas ilícitas, elu pode ser apenas extremamente intransigente ou mimade, dependendo da época que vamos jogar, ela podia ser semelhante a lady di que dava o que falar quebrando regras da f*milia real, deixando a r*inha eliz*beth putassa etc, se engajar em causas sociais... mas é só pra dar uma ideia.. mas então tem esse assessore que parece ser a única pessoa no mundo que é capaz de fazer com que elu u escute.
IX    •  (hpverse) eu também queria que esse se passasse em hogwarts... mas é que eu sou uma bobona e sei lá, parece mais nostalgico pra mim JNDJD mas se você quiser muitão e achar que combina mais, jogamos no mundo da magia mesmoh. BOM, ESSA IDEIA É MEIO DOIDA. seria um casal que são super highschool sweethearts, childhood friends que possuem inúmeras memórias juntos, got each others back, são os maiores parceiros que você já viu. no entanto, nas férias um deles presencia uns bruxos cometendo ilicitudes e é flagrado E AÍ VRAU, ELU É OBLIVIADO. e então elu volta para a escola sem responder as cartas do outro e sem memória NENHUMA. sentiu o drama????? sentiu o choro na garganta????? é isso o que eu quero, pra viagem, por favor. bonus points se passar um pouco antes da primeira ou segunda guerra bruxa e esse rolê tiver a ver com o tio voldy, mas minha criatividade não cruzou essa linha de trama -qq. nós podemos pensar juntos ♥
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rostinhos que a tia está se coçando para usar --- você pode tanto me pedir (até curto o desafio, hehe) para usar especificamente no nosso plot que eu vou usar, quanto me vetar caso eu escolha, se você não se sentir legal com a escolha. não se sinta tímide.
(ps: se algum dos listados for problemático eu peço para que me avise e não me julgue muito i’m only human kkk eu tento me educar ao máximo sobre essas coisas mas não tenho como saber os podres de todo mundo, geralmente eu sei quando é muito polêmico etc porque pra falar a vdd sou bem no mundo da lua que só sabe das coisas quando tá todo mundo falando, é. eu sei q sou uma cachorra que devia ter uma lista pra lembrar, mas enfim, o recado tá dado -q)
M: park jimin, mark lee, logan lerman, brandon thwaites, lorenzo zurzolo, jacob elordi, young!leo dicaprio, andy samberg, kim taehyung, hyungwon, manny jacinto, manny montana, jordan fischer, jinyoung (got7), tyler posey, hwang hyunjin (bonus points se ele for irmão gêmeo da yeji do itzy -qq), kim soohyun, choi wooshik, jackson wang, aron piper (se for contra a abby cowen eu SURTO), daniel sharman, henry golding, kang joon seo.
F: bae irene, yeri, joy, wendy, ana de armas, odeya rush, florence pugh, bridget satterlee, samantha logan, hyoyeon, medelyn cline, davika hoorne, young!madchen amick, rosé park, seulgi (essa eu queria pra f/f hehe), danna paola, becky g, elle fanning, yiren, seo yeji, ahn sohee, hyuna, IU, zhou kyulkyung, nicha yontararak (minnie), qualquer mina do twice pois sou a cadelinha oficial das mesmahs.
créditos da divisória: it-goodies.blogspot.com
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soundofseventeen · 5 years
Cheated (Xu Minghao)
I’m leaving y’all with an angst. I don’t own the pics! 
Song inspo! -Bee
Word count: 2351
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Minghao originally planned an audience. He pictured a restaurant, a park, or shopping mall, an arena full of people with eyes on no one but you two. He wanted them to watch him brand you with some kind of mark. But no, he was above that. He knew in time anyone that asked him about you would get the truth. Instead, he sat on the porch swing dragging his feet slowly, waiting for you to grace him with your presence. There was no other soul in sight, having begged and threatened his best friends for the privacy beforehand. He promised he’d give the details soon but he needed to do this first. For the sake of his mind and fragile heart, he needed the truth. So, he waited.
You arrived a while later, looking more like you were about to hit the town or somewhere high class rather than looking like you got out of work a few minutes prior. You waved at him happily, giggling a bit at the sunglasses he wore and up close, and chuckled at how you couldn’t see his eyes. You kissed his cheek, ecstatic that after so many arguments, you were finally on speaking terms again.
“How was work?” He asked. He didn’t miss the way your face looked so clean as opposed to the shine it normally had after a tiring shift.
“It hits differently when it’s supposed to be your day off.” You leaned back on the cushion, raising your legs and tucking them underneath you, letting Minghao’s pace rock you. You closed your eyes, ignoring the vibration of your phone, signifying a text.
“Aren’t you gonna get that?”
“It’s probably just my coworker thanking me. It’s not important.”
“Okay. Are you headed anywhere after this?”
“I was thinking to the beach. I could use a getaway.”
“That’s nice. I ran into Yoongi a couple days ago at the supermarket; he said the same thing.” Minghao watched your expression, studying the way you froze when he brought up the other boy.
“Did he? It’s been a hot week. I’m sure we won’t be the only ones there.”
“So you’re meeting up with him.”
You exhaled gustily, opening your eyes and sitting upright. Damn those sunglasses for not seeing his expression. “Are trying to imply something?”
“No...are you?”
“Did you really just call me to start a fight?” Xu Minghao’s cool composure had become something you’ve grown to detest. You missed the days when he’d tell you exactly what was in his mind instead of making you guess.
He shook his head nonchalantly. “No, I just wanted to talk to you is all.”
“By starting with your bullshit accusations.”
“I’m not accusing you of anything but if there’s something you’d like to say before I start talking, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
“Do you hear yourself?! Do you know how you sound right now?!” Your annoyance was starting to quickly boil to anger.
“Even when I’m not talking.” He offered a sardonic smile, somewhat breaking his poker face.
“I-That’s not what I meant!” Your phone vibrated again and this time you answered the text.
“Tell Yoongi I said hey.”
“Minghao, what the fuck is your problem?”
“I’m glad you asked.” He pretended to think about his opening statement. “Where were you last week?”
“Is this really what it’s about?!”
“Where were you?” He finally stopped rocking the swing, bringing you to a sudden halt.
“I already told you. Minki broke his wrist and I stayed with him to help him as much as I could after he got discharged from the hospital.”
“Choi Minki, right?”
“The one who goes by Ren, right?”
“Yes.” You glared in his direction, keeping the venom in your mouth as he continued his game.
“The one who’s friends with the American Aron Kwak, right.”
“Fuck Minghao! Yes!” You sighed in exasperation. “Yes I’m talking about him. Why the fuck are you asking me?”
“I just wanted to know why I saw him this morning at the gym learning some choreo from an English song with Chan. You know, without a cast.”
“He’s a fast healer,” you mumbled after you were able to form a sentence.
“Well I’ll be damned then. I’ll have whatever shit he’s been having.” He lowered his glasses slowly, trying to catch a peek at your reaction. You inhaled deeply, hands balling into fists. “What were doing a couple nights ago? You said you had to help Wonwoo with something.” He curled his fingers under his chin. “Oh wait, we were playing Mario Kart that night. Wanna see?”
You shook your head, not bothering to answer him verbally.
“Oh and my favorite! Weren’t you shopping for some birthday presents the other day too with Jeonghan? That’s right! Jeonghan had to take Junhui to the doctor and he said he saw you having a cozy lunch with someone. He sent me a picture too. Wanna see that one?”
You clenched your teeth. He didn’t need to know your private matters.
“When do the lies stop Y/N? Or do you have more?”
“I’m not lying.” You stared at the floor, watching the ants march in line to their destination with keen interest.
“Do you love me?” He asked suddenly.
“Of course I do! What kinda question is that?!” You reached for his hand to reassure him, but he pulled away before you could touch him.
He shook his head. “No you don’t.”
“Yes I do. More than anything in this world.”
“More than Min Yoongi?”
“Stop bringing him into this! He’s just a friend, nothing more.” You could feel the tears in your eyes already. “It’s you Minghao. If I wanted him, I would’ve been with him. Have faith in me.”
“I did remember? And you still cheated on me the first time.”
“How many times do I have to apologize for that? I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. I made a mistake. Let it go.”
“A mistake is erasing something you didn’t need only for you to find out it was still necessary. You looking for a hookup because I was in a different country is not.” Minghao finally removed his sunglasses, revealing the dark bags under his eyes. “Please, please stop lying to me. For once, just be honest.”
“I am. Hao, please believe me. I know what I did was wrong. I learned my lesson. You don't deserve that.”
“Did I deserve it the first time?” He couldn’t help but feel bitter as he asked the question. He spent day in and day out putting his heart and soul into a shit company that worked him to the bone just so he could provide for your extravagant lifestyle, not unlike his despite the constant protests that you could buy what you wanted even if it meant taking longer, but he had felt that responsibility as a boyfriend to fulfill your whims, both big and small. He loved you and he wanted to make sure you knew that.
That is, until he got a call from Zhou Jieqiong (Kyulkyung) one night while he was in Jakarta City getting ready to perform. According to her, she had seen you have dinner with some friends (not that that was suspicious because she was there with her former band mates for a meal and work stuff too) but it struck her as odd when she saw you walk out of a club with someone she couldn’t make out a few hours later and how close in proximity he was of you. He did confront you about it when he got back and although he wasn’t quite sure how he did it, he managed to get you to confess that you messed around and it was none other than someone who worked at Pledis. Minghao was quick to break up with you that first time even though you swore it was to better his career.
You shook your head. “No and I’m gonna spend the rest of my life paying for it.”
“Why’s it so different now?”
“He...I don’t know…” Your covered your mouth to stop the words but it was too late.
Minghao’s façade crumbled. “I knew it.”
“Hao, no! It’s not like that, I swear!”
“So were you never gonna tell Yoongi we got back together?”
“Damn it Y/N! Do I have to spell it out for you?” He felt trapped; he didn’t know where to go or who to turn to. He half hoped someone would show up right now to give him the strength he needed. “Yoongi asked me if it was okay if he could date you. He said he really liked you but because we’re friends…” He trailed off.
“He showed me the texts,” Minghao continued quietly. “You continuously told him we weren’t getting back together. It didn’t work out with us because you didn’t wanna hold me back but you got over it.” He put his sunglasses back on. He wasn’t gonna give you the satisfaction of watching his eyes glaze over.
“It wasn’t me.”
“You’re really going with that response?” When you didn’t answer, he sighed. He leaned close to you until your noses touched and your foreheads rested against each other. He could smell the lemonade you had probably been drinking earlier. “Then how do you explain the nudes?” You were quick to push him away. Your ploy was disappearing faster than you could build it. You couldn’t tell him anything anymore. Your vocabulary faded into nothingness. So you cried, feeling remorse. “I-I’m…”
“Let’s skip the apologies. Why?”
“Why what?”
“If you’re not gonna give me an answer, just go.”
You stood up. “I don’t have to tell you anything. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t love you.” You began walking away from him. It was over this time. No last kiss, no third chance, nothing.
“You mean my money! So tell me this though. What are you gonna do when you find someone with more money than Yoongi? Do the same thing? Or will he actually be worthy of an explanation?”
“Go to hell.”
“Do I tell the devil you’re not that far behind?” He laughed when you threw him the middle finger. “Hey! Say hi to Yoongi for me! I know he had a surprise for you!”
Twelve boys found him still on the porch swing a few hours later, staring blankly at nothing. Junhui, being the bravest in the bunch, sat next to him and extended his hand for his younger friend to take and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I’m sorry.”
Minghao shook his head. “It had to be done.”
“It just sucks that you had to be right,” Jihoon chuckled grimly. “You and your stubbornness.” He moved closer to ruffle his hair. “Now what do we do?”
Minghao looked at his hand still entwined with Jun’s. “Next time I wanna date someone, remind me of this outcome.”
Seokmin perched himself on the other side. “They’re not all like that.”
“Yeah but first Soonyoung hyung and now me? It can’t be a coincidence.”
“Consider it a lesson learned then.”
Everyone huddled around him, staying quiet since they didn’t know what else to say. Each one had taken the cheating differently the first time and no one was particularly happy when Minghao had announced they had gotten back together but they supported the decision. Their golden rule was to never say “I told you so,”, something Seungcheol struggled with at the moment but a glare from Jeonghan kept him quiet.
Mingyu’s sudden cackles broke the silence. So much so that he dropped his phone in the process and cracking his screen a bit which shut him up right away. “Fuck, I just got it fixed.”
“What’s funny?” Seungkwan asked, shaking his arm. “Share with us! I wanna know.” Without waiting for a response, he snatched the cell out of his hand to see. He stayed quiet for a moment and then erupted into his own for of laughter. He leaned into Mingyu’s side where they held each other. One by one, the boys got hold of the phone to see what made their fellow idiot laugh and they joined in on the fun. Granted, some weren’t as loud about it.
Minghao finally got the phone and stared at the picture. It was you at the beach, looking so happy and serene, unlike when you left here. Below you saw the original poster and the caption.
Yoongibts: for those who don’t know, we’re good friends with the boys of Seventeen. This is what happens when someone tries to play us both.
Curiously, he swiped on the pictures or rather, videos of him asking you why you were a liar and calling you out for being so shameless. Unlike when you were with him, you had nowhere else to go except backwards, which led to the ocean. Yoongi kept repeating his questions, none of which you answered and the closer he got, the further you backed away. Once you were in the water, out popped Jungkook and Hoseok and they proceeded to dump freezing water as well as bits of fish on you and the video cut off.
Heartbroken as he was,he managed a smile. You got your scarlet better and it was eons better than what he imagined. He just wished he didn’t feel so shitty.
“We’re here for you buddy.”
“Thanks guys.” He finally stood up from the swing to stretch his legs and without a second to spare, he found himself in the middle of a group hug and any numbness he had about the situation melted away and he cried right into Wonwoo’s shoulder. The white picket fence dream he had created with you once upon a time vanished with you and so did everything you planned. The bed full of roses turned to thorns and the living room went up in flames from that stray log.
With time, it the wound would close and scar over and it’d be another story to tell. But for now, all he could do was mourn.
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carat-archive · 6 years
hall of gilded dreams [preview]
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ᴍᴏᴏᴅʙᴏᴀʀᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇʟʏ @wennjunwho!
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➝ summary: Jun doesn’t remember his past, and he doesn’t need to, not when he’s nobody… but the vivid dreams he keeps having might be telling him something different.
You need a lucky break, and the street performer you just caught does look an awful like the lost prince they’re looking for… even if it’s been ten years.
➝ pairing: jun x female reader (ft. jisoo of blackpink, monsta x, kyulkyung of pristin, and other possible mentions)
➝ genre: fluff, angst, space opera, sci-fi, anastasia au
➝ warnings: black markets and other illegal things that involve smuggling. may include cursing, (implied) violence, suggestive content, and more in the future!
➝ words: ? (858 for the preview)
➝ notes: one of the (late) birthday presents for @nothaechan! i hope you like this darling, even if it’s very late! heavily inspired by star wars (especially han and leia) and anastasia, part of the stardust series. special thanks to jane (@wennjunwho) for the moodboard! (also: @choco-seventeen, for my favorite long-haired fire prince jun enthusiast!)
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It’s a glimmer of a distant memory. Something tucked away and hidden, like a torn page from a children’s book of fairy tales. He knows that this can’t possibly be real; the high arches and gilded halls belong to a world that’s not his own, far away from the cots and tents and busy marketplaces that are familiar to him. He sees people outfitted in the finest swaths of fabric money can buy, silks draping off shoulders as they slowly make their way down the hall, wrists and necks adorned with thin metallic bands and sparkling jewels. Pleasant chatter bubbles out of them like the foam of a champagne bottle.
He realizes that this is a dream when he turns to find himself looking down at a young boy. He can’t be more than eight years old, yet there’s something familiar about him, something that reminds Jun of himself. He takes in the suit lined with golden thread, the red brooch pinned to the boy’s chest, and the golden circlet atop his black hair. It’s clear the boy doesn’t see him, not when he walks right by him, not sparing him another glance, and, despite his better judgment, Jun follows him.
He runs through swirling skirts and outstretched arms, finding himself in a lavishly decorated ballroom, the boy still out of reach somehow. The waltz in the background abruptly ends in a screeching dissonance that sends his head reeling. The image crumbles, the walls collapse inwards, and the people simply fade away into dust as flames consume the rest of the scene. Only darkness and fire surround him now.
He wakes up in a cold sweat, eyes meeting the canvas ceiling, and lets out a breath of relief. It may not have been the first time he’s had this dream, but it’s the first time it’s been that vivid. He turns on his side, reaching for his sand-covered pack. His fingers close around the smooth red stone hidden inside. He pulls it out, blinking away sleep to take a closer look. It’s covered in sand, dull from years of neglect, and attached to a single gold chain. There’s no denying that it bears an uncanny resemblance to the jewel in his dreams. He blows the sand off, rubbing it with a spare cloth, attempting to return it to its former sheen, before slipping the chain around his neck, pendant resting against his skin.
Jun doesn’t believe in past lives, or destiny, or anything of the sort, but how can he explain what he sees in his dreams and the object he wears on his chest?
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“Y/N! Wake up!” screams the small metallic voice beside your bed.
You cover your ears with a pillow, turning away from the floating sphere buzzing around your head.
“Emmy! Can a girl get some rest on her own spaceship?” you grumble.
“This piece of junk?” Emmy mutters, with what looks like annoyance blinking across her small screen, “anyways, it’s an emergency!”
“Fine,” you say, throwing back the blanket to slip into your worn boots and jacket. “What’s this about?”
“Um…” Emmy begins to float around nervously in circles, attempting to avoid the question. She lets out something reminiscent of a sigh, “it’s MX.”
You curse under your breath. A message from MX never meant good news. They control the planet of Rhacanwe, the black market hub and safe haven of criminals, despite the planet’s “no rulers” policy. As much as you would hate to do so, you have to pay the required tithes, or you can’t sell your goods in any of the big marketplaces or even use Rhacan services, leaving you to peddle illicitly in various planets, without the protection and stability that came with Rhacanwe.
You run through sleek, winding hallways into the central hub of command, hearing Jisoo argue with the transmission of Hyungwon, MX’s chosen representative.
“That is absolutely ridiculous! We can’t pay these prices, Hyungwon! Friend of the people, my ass!”
“It’s business, darling, nothing personal.”
You clear your throat, causing both parties turn their attention towards you.
“Nice to see that the queen has finally deigned to join us,” Hyungwon drawls out. “What’s wrong Your Majesty, did I interrupt your beauty sleep?”
“Hyungwon, nice to see you’re still playing lackey to the big dogs,” you snap back. “What do they want?”
“Well, they want us to pay their ridiculous tax, all so we can keep selling goods in Rhacanwe,” Jisoo says, rolling her eyes. Her arms are crossed in front of her, clearly annoyed with the demands.
“You’re behind on your tithes, and with the increases and interest, not to mention damages,” he starts.
“Hold on,” you rub your temples, “increases? Interest? When did those happen?”
“Recently,” he responds, placing his hands under his chin, “which is why I decided to let you know.”
“This isn’t a friendly ‘just to let you know!’” you grit out, your hands splayed on the dash in front of you.
Hyungwon sighs, “One million credits. You have two weeks,” and the transmission blinks off.
How the hell are you supposed to come up with one million credits in two weeks?
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girlgrouptrash101 · 6 years
Kyulkyung (Pristin/IOI) - Prove It
Request: “can you do a kyulkyung scenario where her & her gf are on idol producer & her gf gets jealous because of the look on kyulkyung's face (it could be angst, but smut would be great) thanks!”
Word Count: 1,100 Words
Warnings: Smut ahead my fren
A/N: yeah quick side note i have no idea how idol producer works so i probably fucked this up bad but let’s just ignore that ;)
- C
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You had finally returned to China with your girlfriend, Kyulkyung. You were both asked to be judges on Idol Producer, and obviously, you both accepted gratefully. You also took the opportunity to finally meet each other’s families, and everything had gone really well so far.
The show had been running smoothly for almost the whole night, and you had to admit that there was definitely an experienced group of trainees to judge.
You were introduced by the host, along with Kyulkyung and Cheng Xiao, and you went to sit down and watch the trainees performances. You weren’t too harsh on the trainees that stepped up to perform, you knew how hard it was and how daunting it was to compete against so many people who are just as talented as you are.
You were happy to be on television with your girlfriend of course, and when the final trainee approached the stage you had a small smile on your face as the music started.
Things started to change a bit then. The trainee had decided on a very sexy dance to show onstage, and the look on Kyulkyung’s face made your blood boil. You watched as the girl onstage moved her body fluidly, her body swaying perfectly to the beat. You looked over at your girlfriend, and your eyes narrowed when you saw her, her head propped up on her hand, biting her bottom lip. Her eyes followed the performer, she wasn’t missing any of it.
Afterwards, you forced a smile and waved to your fans as the host ended the show, before storming off backstage, pulling your girlfriend behind you.
“What was that huh?” You said arms crossed as you looked at Kyulkyung. She was sitting on the sofa in your shared dressing room.
“What do you mean?” She said, her cute face was the picture of innocence and she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. You moved closer to her, and she pulled you onto her lap.
“You were really eyeing up that last trainee.” You said, your voice only just louder than a whisper. She laughed a little, taking her chin in her hand and pulling you closer. She kissed you, and her tongue started out to lick your bottom lip. You granted her access easily, her tongue slipping in to glide against your own in complete harmony.
“Yah, stop distracting me and answer my question.” You said, finally finding it in yourself to pull away from your girlfriend’s advances.
“Well, I thought she was a good performer and she looked pretty when she danced.” She admitted, caressing your cheek as she stared into your eyes.
“You still shouldn’t have looked at her like that.” You replied, trying to be stern, cursing how whipped you were for the girl in front of you at times like these.
“Like what?” Kyulkyung replies, tightening her grip on your waist.
“Like you wanted to eat her then and there,” You said, making Kyulkyung laugh at you.
“Ah baby, you know the only one I want to eat is you.” She said with a cheeky grin, laughing once again as you rolled your eyes and shoved her shoulder playfully.
“Well, prove it.” You said finally, and your heart rate picked up as you saw how her eyes darkened at your sudden challenge. She didn’t hesitate for a second as she lifted you off her lap, crawling over you.
She kissed your neck with desperation you had never experienced before. You could only hope that she didn’t leave any marks, too caught up in the pleasure to warn her.
You felt the immense heat between your legs as Kyulkyung grabbed your thighs, grinding down on you, continuing her attack on the sensitive skin above your collarbone. Your hands instinctively moved to her ass, holding her and guiding her as she moved her perfect dancer hips on top of you.
Kyulkyung would have kept going like this forever if it wasn’t for your whining that spurred her to go further. She slid herself down to the floor, her fingertips trailing down your thighs, as she looked up at you with a painfully innocent expression.
She smiled her breathtaking eye smile at you, before raking her eyes still down your fully clothed body, as if she could see right through them. Her eyes came to a stop at your skirt that had ridden up, only lately covering the top of your thighs.
Her hands snaked up, fingers swiftly pulling down your panties, that were now soaked. She smirked again, pushing your skirt up and spreading your legs so she could have full access to you.
Her hands wrapped around your thighs and she pulled you closer to her face, so she could get as deep as possible. She started with a long swipe of her tongue, delving between your folds to taste you. The action made you moan loud, you were well on edge after her earlier actions.
She could sense your desperation, and she wasn’t trying to torture you right now, that could wait for later. She licked your core again, her tongue entering you with every thrust. One of her hands left your thigh, and she used it to stimulate your clit, driving you closer to the edge.
After a few more thrusts, you were spiralling over the edge. Kyulkyung’s grunts and pants pushed you even further, coming all over her tongue as she drank up everything you gave her. Once you had finished, she leaned back, both of you gasping for breath. You couldn’t help but laugh at the shine of her lips, with your juices all over her mouth.
At the sound of your laugh, she looked up and smiled at you then, moving up your body to kiss you. The rush of tasting yourself off your girlfriend’s lips sent more heat back into your core. You had to get back to your hotel as soon as possible and repay Kyulkyung.
When she saw you spring up and start packing your bag, along with hers, and she started laughing at the speed you moved it. Once you had finished, she was nearly doubled over, and you were tempted to drag her out of the room then. You went to walk away, but she stopped you.
“Forgetting something?” Kyulkyung’s words made your body turn back around to face her, where she was holding up your panties with a grin on your face.
“Keep them.” You replied, pulling her out of the room and running for a taxi. You had a long night ahead of you, that had only just begun.
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hyunchanee-exo · 5 years
Total Fucking Darkness
A fanfic written by hyunchanee_exo for the Baecon and Eggs Fanfic Fest
Summary: Chanyeol is a freak who tends to burn stuff and Baekhyun is a hot guy with a bewitching secret.
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Tags: Witches, Demons, Fantasy, Action, Magic, Light Angst, Fluff, Smut, Slight Violence (Please check the whole tags before reading)
Word Count: 55,282
This is a little background file about the fanfic and will contain spoilers so only keep on reading if you have finished the fic.
The Writing Process
I have always wanted to write something about witches after I watched Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I vaguely remembered this prompt back when I was claiming my prompt for Will of the Stars (2018) so when the 2019 round opened, I quickly came for this prompt. I feel a bit sorry for the prompter because I turned their idea into this monstrosity but they haven’t reached out to me yet so I’m still hoping they aren’t that disappointed.
Despite being inspired from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, it has absolutely no relation to it at all aside from the fact that it’s all about witches and I incorporated the popular witch trio element into this fic. It is completely something original, especially with my trademark of putting stars and constellations into the lore.
The whole fic has the touch of darkness that you can hear in bury a friend by Billie Eilish.
Also, here is a playlist of all the songs I listened to while writing this.
I developed the plot around November of 2018 but I never got around to really writing it seriously until March because school has been hectic and I’m just graduating from senior highschool. The plot is actually really bland at first. Chanyeol was supposed to only forget Baekhyun, gets rescued from Sungyeol and he is trained until Sungyeol rises. All the ideas from Rena pretending to be his girlfriend, the lore, the little twists throughout with the witch hunters, Chanyeol’s mom and Baekhyun’s ultimate death were not developed until May, a week before I turned the fic in. I’m the master of working under pressure lol.
I had so many people beta read this thing. I’m so grateful especially to Ate Mimi and Ate Lan for being patient with me haha.
Original title of this fic was supposed to be House of Draco but it’s too formal ahahaha.
I’m so proud of this work.
Witch Culture
They worship the stars.
The Roselake Coven collectively lives in a base hidden from human sight called the Roselake Fortress.
The Roselake Institution of Obscure Magic and Cosmic Witchcraft stands in front of the fortress.
Witches all have the standard ability to control magic, but they can also develop secondary abilities.
The witches live an egalitarian society where no matter what you are as long as you are against the darkness and you are with the stars, you are as equal as anybody else.
Technology is banned because it is useless anyway in a place brimming with magic.
Fashion includes anything black.
Witches love jewelry of any kind.
Dark, dramatic make-up is a staple.
The witches in this fic all have powers inspired from Polaris of the Gifted.
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“All of a sudden, Chanyeol brings his arms sharply down in front of his chest, hands curled into fists. A ring of beautiful blue fire bursts out from within his body, setting the people in black on fire. Their shrieks echo into the night as they try to collect their wits and extinguish the flames, which Chanyeol takes as his cue to run the fuck out of there.”
Chanyeol using his powers in this scene kinda looks like this:
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The Houses
This is only a list of all the mentioned houses throughout the fic. It doesn’t mean that these are the only ones that exist. There are actually more.
House Draco, the Dragon - blessed with the ability to control the Abysmal Fires and high aptitude for Offensive Magic
House Aquila, the Eagle - blessed with strong affinity for magic of any kind and the ability to effectively fight off the darkness
House Vulpecula, the Fox - blessed with cunningness and high aptitude for Influential Magic
House Cassiopeia, the Queen - blessed with natural born leadership and high aptitude for Affliction Magic
House Orion, the Hunter - blessed with sensitivity to magic and has sharp senses
House Corvus, the Crow - blessed with high aptitude for Dark Magic
House Leo, the Lion - blessed with the natural ability to heighten physical strength and have high capability in tolerating various kinds of magic
House Pyxis, the Compass - blessed with high aptitude in teleportation of any kind
House Circinus, the Dividing Compass - blessed with the natural ability to locate any person, place or object obscured from sight
Colors of the magical energy harnessed by witches depends on the house that they belong in, although that still depends. For example, a witch might have blue magical energy, hinting their House Draco bloodline, but the witch might be absorbed in other houses because of circumstances.
The Characters
This is Chanyeol, an ascendant of House Draco. He grew up as a mortal, which is why it was hard for him to adjust with witch life, especially after all the trouble he had to go through before becoming an official witch. He always felt lost and confused, but he did his best especially with Baekhyun guiding him so he became more powerful and capable through will and determination.
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Here is Baekhyun of House Aquila, a prodigy among the youth in the coven. He's selfless and prioritizes the safety of the ones he love. He understands the principle of sacrifices and will choose the shortest end of the stick. He's charismatic yet cute at the same time.
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The Oh Family featuring Krystal from f(x) with Sehun and Nayoung from Pristin, the only living ascendants of House Vulpecula in the Roselake Coven. They have been excommunicated from the Roselake Coven simply because they are directly related to Sungyeol. Despite this, they wholeheartedly helped Chanyeol, showing their loyalty to family as long as they are in the right.
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Kahi as the High Priestess with Kyulkyung, Rena and Roa as the Pride Sisters, ascendants of House Cassiopeia. They appear cruel and antagonistic, but that is only because they are fierce and strict when it comes to the safety of the coven.
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ITZY as Baekhyun's half-sisters, ascendants of House Aquila. Even if Baekhyun feels a bit distant from them because they aren’t blood-related and he constantly has the need to take up the responsibility of keeping witches safe from their upcoming doom, they look up to him as an admirable older brother.
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Kai of House Corvus and Kyungsoo from House Orion a.k.a fluffy boyfriends who are close friends with Baekhyun. Kyungsoo is quite bubbly, naive and maybe a bit airheaded at times, but he is smart and very powerful. Jongin is the exact opposite of him and because of their match, they come in a set.
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The Roselake Institution of Obscure Magic and Cosmic Witchcraft Council Leader Yixing of House Leo with council members Jongdae of House Pyxis and Minseok of House Circinus. They are always busy because aside from keeping the student witches in check, they have to cooperate with the higher authorities to keep the peace.
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These are star-crossed lovers Witch Sehun and Witch Hunter Junmyeon. The witch hunters in the fic were dormant and had not been trained to be one only making them legacies rather than actual hunters, but the demons manipulated them in order to capture the witches.
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So far, that is all. If you have any more questions, feel free to hit me up on Twitter or shoot me an ask here!
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
Pristin reactions
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you hog the duvet while sleeping
they kiss you
you hug them from behind
accidentally hitting the youngest member
their gf wants a kiss
having a mochi maknae
their bf breaking up with them
bf wants them back
bf being close with another member
they realize they like girls
bf dies in carcrash
bf not giving her enough attention
you initiate skinship
confessing to you
bf is a comedian
bf is a foreigner
gf wanting to be a little spoon
taking care of a baby
being an older sister
dating a nerdy guy
bf kisses them first
picnic with pristin
baby au
s.o rolls off the bed while they’re sleeping
s.o is affectionate with another member
pushing s.o/ s.o pushes them off the bed
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girls-scenarios · 6 years
What requests are on your to do list right now?
Admin Kiwi:
Tzuyu Secretary AULoona Date HeadcanonsWitch Yoojung AUCriminal Yeonwoo and Cop Reader AURena and Tattoo Artist Reader AUYuqi Weekly Idol ScenarioKyulkyung TV Judge AU
Admin Lee:
Moonbyul ScenarioDoyeon Angst/FluffDoctor!Rose AUPoly Rena and RoaIrene Andriod AUSana Holiday Prompt
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Your dog/cat dying(Sub Unit) You being depressed(Sub Unit)
Dating in high school♡ You’re Overreacting | Fluff slight Angst☆ I Still Love You | Fluff and Angst☆
Yuha A vacation/trip♡
Dating/being her girlfriend♡
Rely On Me | Fluff☆ Photo Perfect | Fluff☆ Blush | Fluff☆
A coffee date♡ Blooming | Fluff☆ Lavender | Fluff☆ Merry Xmas! | Fluff☆
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
heir! seventeen // yoon jeonghan
♥ fluffy!! and sum angst
♥ 2.1k words
♥ summary: being yoon jeonghan’s deskmate has its pros and cons but what happens when the cons outweigh nearly everything?
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yoon jeonghan; the heir to a large conglomerate group and also one of THE most good-looking heirs in the entire of Pledis High
everyone likes to assume that he lives such a picture perfect life because, he looks perfect?? every moment of the day??
the students in his class even tried to take an unglam photo of him before whenever he takes his naps between classes, and all of them turn out so photogenic
even his group of friends advice them to give up because in all of their 7 years knowing him, there has never been a time when he looked remotely ugly
jeonghan will give them hell if they exposed him lmao
he actually does pretty well in school, rarely failing any of his exams or tests and most of the time, if he ever did, it was because he missed class for a photoshoot
other than that, he's practically a perfect dreamboat that everyone envies and swoons over because bOi if you dont have either one of these emotions around him, there's something wrong with you
and thats what your friends always tell you
"are you sure your heart doesnt flutter when you see him?"
"uhh hh no?? i mean, he's pretty but my heart doesn't skip a beat or anything,"
"sometimes i wonder why we're even friends,"
"hEY :(("
sO why weren't you attracted to this man who's been sculptured meticulously by the gods??? you don't know either lmao
you were more focused on becoming a good example to your little siblings so that when you take over your father's insurance company as the chairperson, you'd be more than prepared
and as the new semester began, you went to your first class in accounting and scrolled through your phone as you waited
students rushed in at the very last minute, some still sneaking a few bites for breakfast before your teacher walked in to begin roll call
"Jeonghan?? Yoon Jeonghan?"
" he went off for another photoshoot, sir" Joshua replied while your classmates began murmuring about who knows what
"I've already planned seating arrangements so please check it in front and go to your seats. we'll begin class in 5,"
and as you walk up to the front, everyone was murmuring as always but this time, their eyes bore holes through your soul
wtH is goinG On?? until you look towards the piece of paper and see none other than THE yoon jeonghan having a seat next to you
and his friend, Joshua, pats your back and youre just like????
"so you're his deskmate for this class? take care of him well, yeah?" Joshua flashes a friendly yet devious smile before everyone was shooed by the teacher to take their seats
and you swear to yourself because you can feel every pair of eyes in the room staring holes through your head
and you're just silently cursing because you didnt ask for this!! :((
and being the sweet deskmate that you were, you ensured jeonghan had his own set of notes prepared before you went to your next class
but even before you could step outside, you were dragged back into the room, a group of girls hovering you with fire in their eyes
wtF??? is it what you think they're gonna do??? because you can merely pack a punch
and one of them steps up in front of you, a face that seemed familiar, and by the way the other girls stepped aside for her to 'shine' in front of you with her excessive jewellery, you just new she was the leader of a jeonghan cult
"let me say this just once, lay a finger on my hannie and i'll make sure your parent's business will be destroyed and unrepairable,"
she was hissing at you with her disgustingly pearly white teeth and her well-manicured nails digging through your cheeks
and you have to admit, this evil aura around this classmate of yours is really terrifying you
to the point where your knees were turning into jelly and that your fingers were desperately clinging onto the desk behind you to balance yourself
saved by the bell, she scoffed at you, swaying her hips as her minions followed her trail
and with a deep and shaky sigh, you gather your things for next period, which you would be inevitably late to
"there's always something wrong when you play with your food, (y/n). you always try to gorge it down even when you can't," your best friend, Kyulkyung, tilts her head as she sips on her drink
"It's nothing, really"
"the last time you said ‘it was nothing’ was when someone put bricks into your bag and stole all your notes. don't even try to 'it's nothing' us," as Minghao lays his tray on the table and takes a seat beside you
and then your walls start to collapse and tears threaten to spill
after taking a closer look at you, Minghao gasps in horror, grabbing your face gently towards him as he inspects the dents in your cheeks, flesh tearing
and Kyulkung and Minghao was ready to fight whoever did that to you, especially with how defeated and afraid you looked
"Don't. she's my classmate and her father is my parent's sponsor. If we do anything to hurt her, it's the end for me, for my family,"
and they understood your decisions
but that didn't mean that they wouldn't do anything about it
from that day onwards, they would always walk you to class, and wait outside your classroom whenever they ended – your safety being their top priority
and during this period of time, jeonghan notices
i mean,,, how could he not notice the way you passed him his set of notes you wrote for him that day so sneakily and the fact that you always try to avoid a n y of his questions
"hey (y/n), do you know-"
"sorry, i don't," you reply, whiLE you're doing the said question with much ease
and it feels like something is driving you away from this specific lesson, the only lesson you had with him
and he takes it as you're trying to avoid him
and he's been nothing but polite to you ever since he appeared for the next lesson after that photoshoot
and he's just so??? confused??
so on the next lesson when the teacher was about to wrap up, jeonghan was already packing his bag, ready to intercept
while your two best friends watched out for you outside the classroom
and just as the teacher announced that class was dismissed, jeonghan grabs you by the wrist and you tense up
to the point that you couldn't even react to the situation and simply just,, stood there
and you could feel the pairs of eyes in the room staring through you yet again and you just want to disappear, hoping if you closed your eyes tight enough that time would rewind
but that was impossible
"(y/n), I'm sorry if this is sudden but I just want to know if I did anything to piss you off,"
and with that little courage you had left, you looked around the room
a grave mistake
the one and only Miss Kim, the leader of the Jeonghan Cult, is staring right back at you, her arms folded while her lips formed into a tight-lipped frown
and you stiffen even more, jeonghan noticing the change in your behaviour as he connected the dots, glancing between you and her
without another word, you were dragged out by none other than jeonghan himself and for a second you almost trip from the anxiety and the nervousness bubbling inside you
and your best friends stood there in shock, jaws hitting the floor as their eyes followed your figure running down the hall with mr yoon
"do they think it's a damn kdrama?" Minghao muttered, in disbelief with the way that you guys were attracting attention from left and right
"oh shut up, (y/n) hasn't had any romance in their life for years," rUdE kyulkung
and as you were running through the hallway with Jeonghan, your heart beat is racing through your chest and if it weren't for his strong grip around your wrist, you would have probably let your fatigue consume you
the both of you pant, leaning against the wall while you slid down onto the floor legs too tired to function
"someone's threatening you, right?" was the first words that tumble out from his mouth
and you couldn't rub off the chill running down your spine while you hung your head low, away from him
"if it's because of Kim Areum, I'm very sorry. This isn't the first time that she's done it," he sigh, plopping down next to you
why was he apologizing? it wasn't his fault and neither did he intend for her to do this, or at least that's what you know of
maybe it was the adrenaline still rushing through your vines
or the stress being unbearable for you to handle
but you began spilling words without knowing
"why the fuck are you apologizing for? it's not like you planned all this right? this isn't the first time for me to deal with this people either, so i can handle myself,"
"you can tell yourself that but i won't let someone like you get pushed down for nothing,"
"someone like me? what do you even mean-"
"can't you tell that I like you, (y/n)?"
OOOooooOoo shit's bout to go down
and your head shot up towards you, nearly giving you whiplash as you lips part to talk, but to no avail
but jeonghan avoids your eyes, chuckling to himself as he ran his hand through his hair
"w-when??" was all you could muster as you anxiously waited his reply
"i don't know, maybe ever since sophomore year?"
and bOI LET ME TELL YOU this guy right here always found you intriguing since the first time he saw you during a volleyball game between your school and another neighborhood school
he was there to support one of his best friends while you were probably doing the same, except your energy was beyond his
seeing you cheer the loudest with your other two friends, holding banners and having paint on your cheeks as if you become a completely different person compared to your quiet and calm personality in school
and he was amazed that you actually had something more than just the quiet girl in his school
you were more than people assumed you to be and oh my god, jeonghan wanted to see that side of you even more, to see you be yourself than hide yourself in your little shell
he didn't know why he did nor did he realize the pounding of his heart when he saw you with that wide grin plastered on your face during that volleyball game
but as what his parents advised him to do was to, "follow his heart,"
that was so foking cheesy please excuse me while i shut myself in a corner
and here he was confessing to his long time crush while the both of you sat side by side, having an actual conversation besides the short yes and no's you would give him in class
"i never knew you felt that way about me," you mumbled, bringing your knees closer to your body while you attempted to hide the pink hues rising onto your cheeks
“But now you do, and I’ll do anything I can to stop Areum. Anything for you,” he mumbled while your heart is pounding through your ears 
“T-That sounds nice and everything b-but-”
you didn’t know how to react, to the fact that one of the most popular men in this school liked little old you
but to him, you weren’t plain, or boring or anything you assumed yourself to be
because he can never forget the gorgeous smile plastered on your face that day, no matter how long ago it was, he still found you as beautiful now
“Why don’t we find a compromise. I’ll find a non-harmful way to get Areum off your back and... you go on a date with me. Sounds good?”
You couldn’t ignore the heat rising in your cheeks even if you tried and with a hesitant nod, jeonghan took your hand gently in his and planted a soft kiss
“You better not forget our date okay, princess?”
let’s just say jeonghan broke some of the rules, sneaked a little here and there and snitched Areum by telling on her to her parents, nearly getting her pulled out of the school for his safety and others
but you had to admit, that date with him was pretty fun wink WOnk
and maybe because he finally managed to steal your heart uwu
A/N: this is longer than i expected :O also i should probably write for the other groups because i’ve only written for svt for the past 2 months OOPS hope you guys enjoyed it anyway ^^
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情人眼里出西施 (Part 2)
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[Admin Lyric: Sorry that I took some time to upload this. I've been having really bad writers block lately.]
{Part 1} {Part 2} {Part 3}
情人眼里出西施 - Qínɡrén yǎn lǐ chū xīshī (Love Is Blind)
Characters: Minghao, Rest of Seventeen, Kyulkyung, Donghan, Dahyun (basically some 98 liners)
Genre: College Au, Angst, Fluff I guess
Word Count: 2,300+
Warnings: Language
Hansol was confused. He looked at you, eyebrows knit together. You’ll have to tell him later about your run in with The8. You were actually sad at the fact that Junhui was friends with that dude. You were still embarrassed and wanted nothing to do with him, you didn’t even want to have see him let alone have a fucking conversation with this asshole. You took a deep breath and gave him your best fake smile.
“Hello… again…”
“Your nose isn’t bleeding this time.” He chuckled a little. Fuck him, you thought. Why does he have to bring that back up.
“Yeah, it stopped awhile ago…” You were looking down at your feet. Hansol could tell you didn’t feel comfortable with him. He grabbed your hand and stood up.
“Wanna go buy some decorations for your room?” The8’s eyes widened. You wondered why. There are a lot of Koreans who can speak English.
“You’re from the states?” Hansol took his eyes away from you and stared at him. He nodded.
“Yeah, so is y/n.”
“I should’ve known you were.” He pointed at you and smiled.
“I could tell you had an accent but I couldn’t decipher it. It’s cute.” You were shocked. You hadn’t actually thought that he would smile at you and tell you that your accent was cute. You tried to ignore the faint blush forming on your cheeks and moved your gaze back to Junhui.
“Well, We’ll be back shortly. It was nice meeting you. I hope we can become good friends.” You smiled and he smiled back at you, grin wide and almost child like. You put your hand out again awkwardly. He looked at your hand and then walked up to you and gave you a big hug.
“Don’t be awkward with me if your gonna be my friend, let alone my roommate.” You were uncomfortable. You eventually put your arms around him and hugged him back. His smile widened. You looked at The8 while Junhui bear hugged you still. He rolled his eyes.
“I’m just gonna warn you, he’s real fucking clingy. Just saying...” Junhui let go of you.
“So, you act like it’s a problem!”
“Why are you so mean to me? I’m hurt” Junhui let go of you and put his hands over his face. The8 rolled his eyes again.
“I’m not mean to you, I only state the truth and if the truth hurts, it hurts I can’t change that.” You sighed. Was he really that much of an ass? You looked at Hansol and he looked at you and nodded.
“Well uh, this conversation was awkward as shit and we’ll be back.” You both started walking to the door when you felt a hand around your wrist. You turned your head to see that dudes hand on it. He grabbed your shoulders to turn you more towards him and put his hand out.
“I keep promises you know.” Your eyes widened. You had forgotten that he said he would shake your hand and tell you his name when you saw each other again. You shook his hand and he smiled.
“Xu Minghao is my name.” You smiled slightly. Minghao, that’s a nice name. He doesn’t deserve it.
“Thanks, my name is Y/F/N Y/L/N.” He smiled and ruffled your hair.
“Don’t stay out too late kids.” You and Hansol laughed.
“Alright mom…”
You and Hansol walked together to the craft store arm in arm. Some girls on campus gave you weird looks. You were aware of the fact that Hansol was popular where ever he was because he had the aura about him that made anyone want to approach him and he was cute. You didn’t really care though considering the fact that he was just your best friend. Just because you two were walking with your arms linked together, doesn’t mean that you were dating him but you guessed that’s not what others thought.
“So like how do you know him?” Hansol glanced at you and wiggled his eyebrows. You hit his arm slightly and sighed.
“Well, Seungkwan had been so obsessed about finding you that he walked way too fucking fast and I tripped and fell. My nose started bleeding and Minghao was nice enough to give me some tissues.” Hansol laughed. You frowned.
“I told Seungkwan that he was walking too fast and he didn’t even listen!” You pouted. Hansol stopped walking and so did you. He gave you a hug.
“My poor baby. I’m sorry!” He chuckled. You swatted at him to move. He laughed louder. You grabbed his arm and looped it with yours again.
“Its not funny…”
The both of ended up buying way too much stuff from the craft store but went back to your dorm anyway. You knocked on the door because you forgot your keys and to your luck, Junhui was still there and had opened the door for you two.
“Ooo! What did you guys get?” He was almost jumping up and down. You didn’t even buy him anything.
“Just some things to make my room look some what decent.” Junhui stopped jumping and frowned.
“I can’t see what you got?” He pouted and you smiled. Minghao rolled his eyes.
“No you can’t because it’s a surprise~” You sang and he pouted again.
“Please!” You put your finger up and shook it. Minghao sighed loudley. You looked at him curiously. He was sat on the floor, legs crossed with a beer in one hand and his phone in the other. You put your bag of random shit down on the ground, which Junhui gladly rummaged through, and sat near him. He looked up at you from his phone and stared at you.
“What?” You shook your head.
“Nothing, just wanted to see what you were doing.” He eyed you curiously and looked at his phone again.
“Won’t your boyfriend be mad with you being this close to me?” Your eyes widened then you tilted your head towards him more.
“What boyfriend?” He looked up from him phone and pointed at Hansol who was talking to Junhui. You laughed.
“He’s not my boyfriend. I’ve known Hansol since I was 13 but we’re not dating.” He smiled then laughed. You laughed again with him.
“Sorry, you guys look good together though.” You scrunched your nose up at the thought of dating Hansol. He’s like a brother to you, no romantic feelings have ever shown themselves since you’ve met him. Minghao looked at you and giggled. His giggle was cute and you smiled. He leaned close to your face and whispered.
“Well now I can have you to myself.” You shivered from the feeling of his breath on your skin. You could smell the beer on him from him being so close to you. He smirked and backed up, he went back to being on his phone. What the fuck? Did you ever tell him you were his? No, so why did he think that? You blinked a few times staring off into space. Minghao looked at you again and smiled.
“Babe, I’m just joking.” You whipped your head towards him and bumped your forehead with his. It hurt. You rubbed you head and so did Minghao.
“Why the hell did you turn your head like that?” He glared at you. He tried to look mad but he looked more amused then mad.
“I don’t know, uhh…YOU CALLED ME BABE!? And why were you so fucking close to me? If you weren’t maybe I wouldn’t have bumped my head against yours.” Minghao smirked. You rolled your eyes at him.
“What’s wrong with calling you babe?” You looked back at him and smacked the back of his head, beer almost spilling on the floor. He yelped.
“It’s literally only been like 3 hours since I’ve met you!”
“Actually it’s been like 4 hours.”
“Wow, that makes a big difference Hao.” Minghao looked at you doe eyed. You rolled your eyes at him again.
“Did you just give me a nickname?” You sighed. Is this what’s it gonna be like around him?
“Technically, it’s just a shortened version of your name not so much a nickname. Like Jun is short for Junhui.” Minghao looked at you bitterly and shook his head.
“Its still a nickname like when I called you babe.” He smirked at you. You almost slapped it off of his face. You weren’t comfortable around people you barely knew and for him to call you babe was uncomfortable. Just the fact that you’re even talking to him right now after the embarrassing moment is punishment in it self. Hansol called your name. You took your attention away from the annoying thing next to you and got up from the ground. Minghao smiled and pulled you back down to the ground only for you to land right in his lap.
You looked at him angrily, face red from blushing at the fact that you were sitting on him.
“I like the view.” You frowned. Then pushed his face towards a complete opposite direction so you couldn’t see his face. You were blushing so hard you thought you probably looked like a tomato. You pushed yourself off of his lap and practically ran to Hansol and hid in his chest. Minghao on the other hand found you adorable and rather funny. Hansol just looked at you like a dumb ass and put his arms around you. Your muscles relaxed at his touch and you were no longer tense. You sighed quietly and turned your head out of his chest to get some air because boy smelled like straight cologne. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Minghao get up and throw out his now empty beer bottle and sit back on the floor.
You sighed and let go of Hansol.
“Are you okay?” You nodded and ran your fingers through your hair.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“No she’s not!” You looked in Minghao’s direction and glared at him. He giggled and resumed being on his phone.
“Did I miss something?” You turned your attention away from the douche and turned it back towards Hansol.
“Don’t listen to him, he’s just…well…annoying.” You could feel Minghao’s eye roll without having to see it. You sighed and walked over to Junhui and practically pried the bag of stuff out his hands. He pouted and you chuckled then gave him some washy tape that had cool patterns on it. He grinned widely and trapped you in a bear hug, oxygen leaving you lungs momentarily.
“Thank you! I don’t know what I’ll put it on but I’ll definitely use it for…something.” You laughed and smiled at him.
“You’re welcome Junhui, its not much though.” He smiled widely and practically ran to his room. You chuckled and went to your room as well to go paint and add shit around your room.
You lied a few pieces of newspaper on the floor in front of you and started to paint some medium sized letters that spelled out your name. It was kinda cheesy but it made your tan colored desk stand out and not look so plain. You saw something move through your peripheral vision and it sat down on the floor in front of you. The figure picked up a letter and started to paint it with another brush. You didn’t really say anything because you thought that it was probably Hansol, but it wasn’t.
“Why red?” You jumped at the sound of Minghao’s voice. He giggled then continued painting. You rolled your eyes.
“Because I like red?” Minghao looked up at you through squinted eyes.
“I thought you’d like a more… girly color. Should’ve known by the way you were dressed.” You scoffed then stood up and pointed towards the door.
“Get out.” Minghao raised his left eyebrow.
“Why?” You didn’t want him around you. He was an annoying asshole who you wanted to beat the shit out of and you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. Painting was therapeutic to you and he was ruining it. You sighed. 
“You just insulted my fashion in front of my face and-“
“Hello? Is anyone here? Wait! CHAEYOUNG DON’T LEAVE ME!” You walked past Minghao, brush still moving, and went toward the living area. It was a girl, about the same height as you but a bit shorter. The other girl was shorter then the other with bags in her hands.
“I’m uh… Dahyun. I’m your roommate right? I didn’t get the wrong room?” You shook your head. Dahyun was a girl! You thanked god that you weren’t rooming with 3 guys. You wondered if Donghan and Jieqiong were there too. You missed them.
“Junhui! Come meet Dahyun!” He ran out of his room and slipped a little bit because of his socks. You tried not to laugh but failed. He pouted at you and you instantly uwued.
He bowed to her and introduced himself to her. They ended up in a conversation which reminded you. Where was Hansol? You looked around a bit and found him asleep on Seungkwan’s unmade bed. You cooed and ruffled his hair a little then walked back out carefully and shut the door. You sent Seungkwan a quick text to not get surprised if Hansol was sleeping in his bed. You thought you should go have a conversation with Dahyun because you didnt know and but you were too shy to do that. You shook your head. The sooner the better.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around to reveal a paint covered Minghao holding the fully painted letters of your name. You eyed him curiously. He must of knew you were suspicious of him because he rolled his eyes.
“I’m not always mean, I just like teasing you.”  
“I don’t believe you.” 
“I really do like your fashion sense though. It’s unique, it’s you. And I guess I could say you’re somewhat pretty?” Minghao instantly laughed when he saw your facial expression. You raised your hand at him and he flinched a little.   
“Hey, I didn’t have to do this.” 
“Why did you anyway? Are you actually nice?” You faked a gasp and Minghao frowned. 
“No, I felt bad cause I saw you painting earlier and it was very amateur, I thought I’d look better if some one who knows art did it.” You rolled your eyes but smiled. Maybe you could get used to him.
“Thank you Hao.”
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ao3feed-junhao · 6 years
by figure8
Rule number one of going undercover: don’t fall in love with your goddamn target.
Words: 9556, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of run this town
Fandoms: SEVENTEEN (Band), K-pop, C-Pop
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Wen Jun Hui | Jun, Xu Ming Hao | The8, Zhang Yi Xing | Lay, Kim Mingyu, Yoon Jeonghan, Lee Seokmin | DK, Zhou Jie Qiong | Kyulkyung, Zhu Zhengting | Jung Jung, Wang Ziyi, Hong Jisoo | Joshua, Jackson Wang
Relationships: Wen Jun Hui | Jun/Xu Ming Hao | The8, Kim Mingyu & Xu Ming Hao | The8, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Mob, Organized Crime, Undercover, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, (only one of them knows they’re enemies though lmao), Slow-ish burn, Pining, Dubious Consent Due To Identity Issues, Power Dynamics, Light Dom/sub, Moral Dilemmas, Dubious Morality, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, as uhhh happy as it can be i guess, Non-Linear Narrative, it’s marked as part of a series but it’s a standalone trust me, these tags truly make it sound worse than it is pfkfkjfjg, Additional Warnings In Author's Note
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