ptu654 · 8 months
Purrgatory shuffle
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ivorypiano · 1 year
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utaicon · 10 months
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I was never gonna be the perfect son they wanted anyway.
Transfem Kyungsoon icons・★
Nobody requested, self-indulgent・★
Free to use, please reblog if using・★
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mayathemenace · 11 months
started playing purrgatory
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apcomplexhq · 1 month
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✦ Nome do personagem: Kang Kyungsoon. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Gong Yoo - Ator. ✦ Data de nascimento: 31/12/1979. ✦ Idade: 44 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, sul-coreano. ✦ Qualidades: Inteligente, humorado e dedicado. ✦ Defeitos: Teimoso, indeciso e rancoroso. ✦ Moradia: Mount Olympus. ✦ Ocupação: Proprietário do Athena's Templo e Editor nas horas vagas para escritores iniciantes. ✦ Twitter: @MO79KK ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Discreto, pouco fala sobre si, mas é prestativo e ajuda no que puder. Educado e gentil, é normal o ver em algum lugar tomando um café e lendo um livro, escrevendo ou trabalhando com seu notebook. Não gosta de incomodar mas é comum escutar barulhos dele esbarrando nas coisas em casa de madrugada.
TW's na bio: menção a morte, acidente e assassinato. Biografia:
Kyungsoon poderia escrever um livro de sua história, mas ele seria o primeiro a queimar todos os exemplares. Ele cresceu tendo um pouco dos dois mundos, do luxo e da falta dele, seu pai vinha de família rica diferente de sua mãe, o pai herdeiro de uma grande empresa de criação de produtos variados, conheceu a mulher de seus sonhos enquanto fazia uma pesquisa de sabores e gostos populares entre os bairros menos favorecidos com seu amigo. A mulher trabalhava na loja da família que vendia doces coreanos, alguns tradicionais, outros que eram receitas da família, ali começou a história deles e terminou de forma trágica num acidente quando Kyungsoon tinha pouca idade.
A família do pai dele apesar de não aceitar o casamento dos pais de Kyungsoon não fizeram nada para impedir pois não queriam um escândalo maior. O pequeno cresceu com todo o amor e carinho que poderia receber dos pais e por mais que a mãe desconfiasse nunca foi contra a aproximação da família do esposo com o filho, achava que a criança estava amolecendo o coração do casal mais velho. De fato o casal queria a criança pois o viam como herdeiro já que era do mesmo sangue que o deles, mas ainda não aceitavam a mulher. Não tiveram que conviver muito com a nora após o nascimento do neto, quando Kyungsoon tinha seis anos um acidente de carro tirou a vida de seu pai da forma mais traumática que poderia ser para uma criança, ele assistiu o acidente enquanto os avós tentavam arrastar o menino para longe daquela cena, algumas horas depois sua mãe conseguiu chegar ao local desesperada e ao invés de receber qualquer explicação ou conforto recebeu uma chuva de acusações, a família do homem culpava a mulher pelo acidente e assim quase todos os laços entres as duas famílias foram cortados, exceto por Kyungsoon.
Guarda compartilhada, era assim que funcionava a vida do menor mesmo que não juridicamente, a mãe não queria tirar da vida do filho o laço com a família paterna em contrapartida os avós mantinham a ideia de tirar a guarda da criança da mulher mas aceitaram o acordo da criança passar os fins de semana com eles. Com o tempo Kyungsoon se viu com basicamente duas vidas, os negócios de sua família materna passaram por turbulências, iam bem mas não o suficiente para uma vida de luxo, então, com eles tinha uma vida simples, cheia de brincadeiras e risadas, assim como sua parte preferida: as histórias que a mãe contava, de livros ou criando personagens e universos, que coincidentemente sempre tinha alguém parecido com seu pai para salvar o dia. Já quando ficava com seus avós paternos vivia o outro lado da moeda, era ensinado a viver entre as pessoas da alta sociedade, a falar corretamente e se portar respeitosamente, não demorou para que convencessem sua mãe a fazer a troca dos dias, Kyungsoon passava mais tempo com os avós paternos pois para ter um futuro melhor os dois pagavam os melhores colégios e cursos, encaminharam o garoto para seguir os passos do pai, e o mesmo não decepcionava os mais velhos, se dedicava e sempre seguia todas as regras pois queria que o tempo passasse rápido para poder voltar para a casa da mãe nos fins de semana livres e nas férias.
Não foi difícil ele conseguir uma vaga numa faculdade respeitada assim que terminou o colegial, difícil foi explicar para os avós paternos que ele iria cursar letras, ao menos ele teve o apoio da mãe, a essa altura já havia perdido os avós maternos, o que fez o garoto se fechar um pouco para as pessoas e achar seu consolo nas pilhas de livros que tinha, por isso decidiu seguir esse caminho. Foi uma conquista dele, então seus avós não poderiam tirar sua escolha mesmo desaprovando totalmente, a briga com os mais velhos fez com que ele voltasse a morar com a mãe, era difícil a rotina de acordar cedo, trânsito, responsabilidades, trabalho na loja para ajudar a mãe, notas, dormir tarde e começar tudo de novo, mas ele conseguia fazer tudo sempre cuidando para manter o sorriso no rosto da mãe. Quando seus avós paternos viram que o garoto não iria sentir falta do luxo e voltar arrependido de contrariá-los, foram atrás do mesmo, depois de muita conversa entraram num acordo, Kyungsoon faria direito para poder assumir a empresa um dia como herdeiro legítimo no lugar de seu pai, e assim fez, terminou letras e iniciou direito em seguida, não largando seu sonhos, junto com direito foi atrás de sua pós e mestrado, novamente contra a vontade dos avós trabalhava numa editora e ali ele foi crescendo dentro da área que gostava.
Enquanto cursava seu mestrado, já havia decidido que ajudaria os avós mas não assumiria a empresa, ele já ganhava reconhecimento como editor chefe, mesmo ainda novo aos olhos de muitos, ele já tinha muita experiência e conhecimento para exercer com excelência seu trabalho, tanto que era requisitado para trabalhos por autores grandes. Nesse momento de sua vida, já havia economizado e aplicado dinheiro, então tinha uma boa poupança sem precisar do dinheiro de seus avós, queria que eles entendessem que ele queria estar com eles mas não pelo dinheiro, por isso compartilhou seus planos de pedir a atual namorada na época em casamento naquele fim de semana, num passeio que faria com ela e com a mãe, convidou os mais velhos que pareciam entender de fato que dinheiro não era o mais importante e aceitaram. Naquele fim de semana a vida de Kyungsoon mudou drasticamente, quando chegaram ao local, mesmo podendo ver as duas mulheres que tanto amava de longe não deixavam ele ultrapassar as marcações, em meio ao desespero pelas notícias repassadas ele assistiu as duas levarem um tiro, uma após a outra sendo segurado por seguranças para que ficasse a salvo, no noticiário do dia seguinte a sentença de sua tristeza “em um assalto quatro pessoas perderam a vida quando o bandido se viu encurralado pela polícia”.
Por um tempo ele morou com seus avós, largou o emprego de editor, vendeu a casa e a loja da mãe, para superar o luto fez seu doutorado fora da Coreia, quando voltou trabalhou com seu avô como CEO da empresa, aprendeu o que podia sobre negócios, gerenciamento, administração e colocou em prática muita coisa que viu na faculdade de direito, enquanto formulava contratos ou analisava os mesmos, não sorria como antes, nem mesmo era tão espontâneo, ficou um tanto frio e colocava seu lado racional sempre acima do emocional. Isso durou poucos anos, uma pequena livraria iria virar novamente sua vida de ponta cabeça, um dos livros que sua mãe tanto amava e lia pra ele estava na vitrine, um livro infantil antigo que provavelmente ficaria ali por muito tempo, por impulso ele entrou, por impulso ele pegou o livro de forma clichê junto com outra pessoa, após uma breve conversa cedeu para que o homem comprasse o livro para a prima pequena, por impulso aceitou o café que o homem ofereceu como agradecimento e sem achar um motivo racional ele e o outro se encontravam todos os sábados para tomar café e falar sobre livros, as conversas triviais viraram desabafos, conversas íntimas com o tempo, haviam se tornado grandes amigos graças a um livro infantil, conselhos eram dados, visitas a casa um do outro, conversavam sobre tudo até mesmo sobre seus gostos por mulheres, Kyungsoon não imaginaria que um dia estaria se declarando para o amigo que trazia pra vida dele o sentido que ele tinha perdido, mais uma vez tiveram uma longa conversa, o homem não ficaria na Coreia, e o mais importante, não sentia o mesmo, mesmo levando um fora Kyungsoon se sentia feliz após ser honesto e desabafar mais uma vez com o amigo, ao escuta-lo dando um outro ponto de vista sobre tudo inclusive sua vida ele repensou seu presente e seu destino, talvez ele tenha confundido o carinho pelo amigo, afinal o mesmo foi quem lhe deu um caminho a seguir lhe lembrando o que é importante, ou talvez ele realmente tenha sentido algo genuíno que mesmo não sendo correspondido ainda teve um belo final com a confirmação de uma grande amizade. Graças a um livro infantil ele fez uma bela amizade que continua até hoje, ele enfrentou mais uma vez os avós esclarecendo que estaria ali para ajudar na empresa mas acharia alguém de confiança para o cargo que queriam para ele, também informou que iria se mudar, fácil não foi mas cumpriria sua promessa, se não achasse alguém capaz iria assumir a empresa, enquanto isso voltaria a sua busca por si que se perdeu no tempo, um antigo colega de trabalho o falou sobre esse lugar que estava aceitando novos moradores e que tinha uma livraria que poderia ser um novo começo para ele, Kyungsoon não pensou muito e comprou o lugar, não iria morar ali a princípio mas seria mais fácil cuidar da livraria se morasse perto da mesma, então novamente mexeu em seu dinheiro e se mudou para Acropolis Complex, com seus contatos trouxe e traz grandes obras da literatura para o local, sempre tentando deixar o lugar com uma vasta opção para todos os gostos, Athena’s Temple acabou virando sua primeira casa de tanto tempo que o mesmo passa lá.
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movedacc6969696969 · 2 years
wtf why doesnt this tag have purple humanoid trans bears
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Made a funky drawing because i wanted to
Sticky note
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purrgatoryquotes · 9 months
"i thought hyenas were supposed to laugh"
"i thought jokes were supposed to be funny"
- kyungsoon
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chaircoal · 7 months
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prompts in order:
1 - heterochromia, , self insert (more of a kinsona), complex fit
2 - rare pair, angle x devil, ms paint
3 - bbg pose, niche interest
4 - 100% saturation, neko, maid dress
5 - fursona, alt outfit :3
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werefeathers · 2 years
kyungsoon, and some ocs
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sherlkore · 2 years
Yang Kyungsoon
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Korean Name: Yang Kyungsoon
English name: Katherine Yang
Nicknames: K, Soos, idiot, human, human idiot.
Age: 25
Height: 6'1
Sexuality: Unlabelled
Ability: Gravity manipulation (ability to manipulate the gravity of any object or individual she gets in contact with. As such, she can change the direction and force of gravity from its standard downward 1G force, as long as the matter is touched somewhere with her body)
Helen Cho, Cho Ji-Hoon - cousins
Mother - Yang Soomin
Father - Yang Haesoo
Kyungsoon is a vessel of the greek god Apocalypse, which granted her the ability to manipulate gravity, why, you ask? She doesn't even know herself, this greek dude one day just decided to choose a vessel, saw the idiot who can't count without using her fingers and said: 'Hmm, yes, that's the one'. She didn't say anything about it to her family the first few years, hoping the god would find himself a better suiting vessel but at the end, she got stuck with him.
She had to learn how to fight and how to control her abilities, and with a god who has zero patience is hard to deal with while training. While being his vessel, Kyungsoon has learned that she was immortal and also had the regeneration ability given by the god.
Kyungsoon often uses her ability for offensive purposes. She can manipulate physical matter from the surrounding area, such as the ground she is in, to use as her weapon and launch at her opponents, crushing them with the force-enhanced matter. Regardless of its size, the object can inflict massive destructive force when its gravity is altered to a greater strength and force. She can also stop bullets shot at her and deflect them back to their sources.
Moreover, Kyungsoon can directly control people's physical gravities. When manipulating her opponents' gravities, she can immobilize their movements by making their bodies heavy or light enough to render them incapacitated. For instance, she can make them levitate by lightening their masses and immediately plunge them to the ground with a heavy force.
She often wears gloves to avoid the Corruption. Corruption is the true form of Kyungsoon's ability and is exceedingly dangerous. This ability allows her to manipulate the gravitons in her surroundings. By increasing her own density, she is capable of crushing a tank with her bare hands. She is also able to shoot balls of compressed gravity that act like black holes that swallow anything. However, she has no control over her ability's true form, she will continue in that state if her ability is not nullified by Apocalypse until she dies, because even if she is immortal and can regenerate, the ability itself is the only source that can truly kill her and Apocalypse needs his vessel to be alive in order to use her.
Kyungsoon is a really clumsy person, acts stupid but is actually smart, looks like an idiot and is actually an idiot but with brain.
Her Corruption form + the abilities of Corruption:
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Hope y'all like her✨💞
@msrochelleromanofffelton @beeinitwarrior @jackiequick @blueboirick
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twogyuu · 1 year
baby, it's cold outside
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Pairing: Seungcheol x fem!reader
Synopsis: You'd think after two years of being by his side, moments like this would get easier.
Genre: Fluff, mild angst, heir!seungcheol, best friend's younger sister!reader, older brother!jihoon
Warnings: One mention of champagne, reader is insecure, unedited, very very very mildly suggestive at the end?
WC: ~2.5K
A/N: For my sugar daddy, mingyu @nu-replies 😘🤣💙 I do apologize at how angsty this turned out (like fr reader needs to stop being so doubtful but honestly same if it was rich hot cheol), but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless 🥺 Best of luck - I hope you get cuffed by Choi Seungcheol this year! Rooting for you, bestie ✊🏻
Drabble to my series, Terrifyingly Innocent! (this takes place about a year and a half since the ending, i think? i cannot math rn LOL - OC's back from Greece, in her senior year!)
Can be read as a stand alone.
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These events never got easier no matter how many of them you attended with Seungcheol. 
Grateful for finding an empty balcony, you threw one last glance over your shoulder, back at your boyfriend chatting with Wonwoo and another heir named Minghao. You figured someone must've cracked a joke as Seungcheol was chuckling into the back of his hand, his lips pressed together tight to prevent himself from spitting any champagne out. Similarly, Wonwoo had that constipated expression on his face where his lips were pulled between his teeth and he looked anywhere but other people. 
With a heavy sigh, you pushed open the tall balcony window, draped in purple silk, stepping into the cold night. Goosebumps rose on your arm, but you welcomed the breath of fresh air compared to the stuffiness inside. Your heels clicked against the concrete deck, coming to a halt at the stone railing, slowly drinking in the view beneath you. 
You had imagined that this was what it was like standing from the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Wonwoo’s family had rented out a Victorian mansion on the outskirts of the city for a New Year’s celebration. They had invited several business partners and other elite families – many who you recognized from tabloids, but also many you’ve never seen before. The exterior was largely made of sandstone, including the balcony you were standing on, other parts that have been remodeled were constructed with concrete. Despite the cold weather, the lawns on either side of the stone pathway that you had used to come in earlier, were perfectly green and well-trimmed. The shrubs were empty of leaves, but the branches perfectly clipped – you’d like to think that they had purple flowers spotted amidst them in the spring. For miles and miles were just rolling hills, the occasional oak tree interrupting the perfect curves every now and then. The city skyline was well-defined in the dark night, white and yellow lights flickered in the distance, alive for the festivities. 
The serenity of the night was eerie, but oddly comforting. The cold air pierced your lungs with each breath, but it was better than the humidity of so many bodies packed into one building inside. Part of you wanted to stay by your boyfriend’s side, but the lack of lingering eyes from jealous heiresses or disapproving relatives felt like a weight off your shoulder. You were grateful to spend New Year’s with your boyfriend finally after a year abroad, but smiling when it was forced made your cheeks hurt and made you tired. 
You knew to expect this – dating the one and only heir of Sebong Holdings. Since Seungcheol graduated and started taking on more responsibilities in his father’s business, he had slowly been working his way back into the public eye. People whispered behind his back, awaiting his downfall like five years ago when he made the front cover of magazines with Kyungsoon. Others watched him in awe at how he commanded the room whenever he walked in. Mothers had their daughters lined up at his father’s door, awaiting any minute for a chance to make him their son-in-law. You were thankful that Mr. Choi was supportive of your relationship, but the pressure to be a model girlfriend was overwhelming at times – especially when you were only a senior in university, without a business or a fancy title behind your name. According to Wonwoo, news of Seungcheol seeing a “normal person” had spread among the wealthy, but no one seemed to know your name or status quite yet. 
Yet – that was the keyword. 
“There you are,” Seungcheol mumbled as he engulfed you in a back hug. Still with his suit jacket on, he pulled you into his chest, trying his best to cover your bare arms with either sides of the polyester material and shield you from the night. A chill shot down your spine when he nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck. 
“What are you doing?” you chuckled, shifting from foot to foot, your heels growing uncomfortable. You twisted to get a better look at him to no avail. 
“Hugging you – what does it look like?” he mumbled. 
You chuckled softly, spinning in his hold to face him. Your hands rested against his abdomen, the fabric of his white collared shirt warm from his skin. You peered up at him through your lashes, pulling your bottom lip in between your teeth. Despite being together for almost two years now, Seungcheol being this close never failed to make your heart skip a beat. 
“What’s up?” he asked, his voice just low enough for you to hear. His hands rested on your hips. 
You shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “Nothing.”
He cocked an eyebrow at the way your voice shot up an octave. 
“It’s fine really,” you looked down at your feet. 
Gently, Seungcheol grabbed your chin between his pointer finger and thumb, tilting your face up to look at him. His brows were crinkled together, the space between them creased in concern, a soft pout taking over his cherry lips. 
“Did someone say something to you?” he asked, his tone rising – you could see his mind spiraling with hypothetical scenarios. “Do I need to talk to someone?”
“No and no,” you pushed his hand off.
“Then what’s bothering you?”
“It’s New Years, we should be happy,” you sighed, “Let’s just . . . forget about it and talk about it later?” A hand perched on his arm, you turned to face the railing again, waving off in the distance. “It’s almost midnight, isn’t it? We’re gonna miss the fireworks.”
He spun you back around into him.”We should be happy, but you’re not, and therefore, I am not.” He tilted his head to the side. “Now, what’s bothering you? We promised to be honest.”
You did – it was stupid promise, but one that the both of you lived by in order to better communicate with one another. You were stubborn and shy with your feelings and Seungcheol hated burdening you with his own. The constant reminder of the promise was one of the few ways you’d get one or the other to talk.
Your eyes flickered up to his face then back to your fingers that were fiddling with buttons on his jacket. You opened your mouth and then closed it again, formulating the words in the back of your mind. Seungcheol was patient, knowing you always needed a minute or two before expressing your thoughts. 
“It’s . . . all of this,” you mumbled.
“This?” Seungcheol cocked an eyebrow at you. 
You let go of his jacket and spread your arms to your side, gesturing at your dress, his suit, the party inside. “This – I don’t know what to call it . . . your . . . lifestyle? These big events with these big names.”
Seungcheol nodded, slowly understanding what you were getting at. “And what about this?”
“I’m . . . truly grateful I get to attend them with you every now and then, let alone be invited on New Year’s Eve in a literal castle,” you looked up, the peak of the building towering over you. “Only a few people could imagine being at an event as beautiful and lavish as this,” You sucked in a shaky breath. “But it gets overwhelming sometimes.”
“Like you don’t deserve it?” Seungcheol pressed further, a hint of sorrow in his tone. 
“A little,” you said in a small voice, “I feel . . . mediocre? By your side. Small – like I don’t matter. Like . . . I’m not good enough for . . . your people.”
“Y/N,” Seungcheol hummed. His hands came up to rub your arms, as if to warm them up. He proceeded to wrap his arms around your shoulders, nesting his chin on your shoulder. 
You chuckled half-heartedly. “It’s stupid – I told you . . . same problem, different day.”
“It’s not stupid, okay?” Seungcheol was quick to remind you. “Even if it is the same problem.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. You felt tears pricking at your waterline. You silently cursed yourself for ruining a perfectly beautiful evening – let alone, New Years Eve. 
“What are you sorry for?” Seungcheol chortled. “I’m sorry for not noticing sooner tonight.”
“No,” you whined.
“I am,” he pulled back, frowning at the tears glistening in your eyes. He raised a hand, caressing your cheek, quick to swipe at the first one spilling over. “I love you and that’s all that matters, okay? Big names, rich aunties and uncles – don’t mind them. I want you to be comfortable by my side, but I also know stepping into that role takes time. I’d buy you the whole world if that’s what it takes.”
“You’re exaggerating,” you choked. “And . . . I don’t want the whole world . . .”
“I am, but I would try if you really asked for it,” the corner of Seungcheol’s lips twitched up into a smile. “But I also know,” he slipped both of his hands into your own, “That even if I tell you that right now, it doesn’t really help anyone, so . . . do you wanna get out of here?”
Your lips fell agape at his sudden offer. “The . . . party? And the fireworks?”
“We’ve been here long enough,” Seungcheol tugged at his sleeve, revealing the silver Rolex around his wrist. “As exquisite as you are to look at, I’d rather be comfortable and watch the fireworks with you at home than here. It’s also only eleven – we can make it home in time.”
“Your dad?” you frowned. You didn’t want to disappoint the elder Choi either, not being able to hold up the role as his heir’s soon-to-be-betrothed (in a few years that is.)
Seungcheol shrugged. “Doubt he’d bat an eye – it’s New Year’s after all,” he stepped towards you, the leather soles of his shoes pattering softly against the pavement. “Jihoon can hardly look at us when we talk about kissing . . . you really think he wants to witness what do lover’s do at midnight on nights like this?”
“Wonwoo . . .?”
It’s not that you didn’t want to experience his offer. To this day, he still made you anxious – the good kind of anxious, where butterflies flutter in your belly no matter how hard you clench your abdomen, your throat closes up, and your heart beating erratically. 
“Baby,” Seungcheol threw his head back and stomped his feet playfully. He knew you were just trying to delay the intimate moment longer. “It’s cold outside,” his hand slipped into your own. He flexed his fingers, tightening his grip the second time as he slowly pulled you back towards the balcony door. He smiled at you, saccharine dripping from his eyes, the dimple on the left side of his cheek deepening. 
“Let’s go.”
. . . .
The curtains of the floor-to-ceiling window of Seungcheol’s penthouse were drawn open. The lights of the evening, artificial and natural, spilled into his bedroom, mixing together and casting a haunting blue hue across the floor and his bed where you sat on the edge dressed in one of his hoodies, fuzzy slippers warming your feet. You swung your legs back and forth, admiring the skyline up close now. 
Just exiting the bathroom, Seungcheol quickly clambered onto the bed and sat behind you, his legs on either side of your body. His arms wrapped around your waist, pressing your back into his chest – except this time, there was no suit jacket: just Seungcheol in a plain white t-shirt and his reading glasses, his hair still well-combed from the event earlier. 
“Ten seconds,” Seungcheol whispered into your ear excitedly, peering at his watch sitting on the nightstand next to you. 
“Ten seconds,” you repeated after him, voice equally soft. 
“Are we gonna count down out loud or . . .?” his voice trailed off. 
“Let’s just . . .” you replied, settling into his body.
“Stay like this,” you finished. 
“You like the silence?” Seungcheol asked.
“It’s comfortable.”
“With you, that is,” you added.
Seungcheol smirked. “I have something to say though.”
You hummed softly, letting your head naturally tilt to the side. Seungcheol took it as an opportunity to nuzzle his chin into space. 
“Can I say it yet?”
“So much for silence,” you chuckled. 
The fireworks exploded from a distance, a brilliant gold glittering the sky, followed by a burst of purple and blue. Though the pounding of the fireworks rumbled through your apartment, car horns honked on the streets below, he was the moment.
This was a different Choi Seungcheol you knew from the one clad in a slick black suit earlier. He pouted frequently and couldn't cook well. He was physically affectionate, spending every minute he can laying his head in your lap or his limbs tangled with yours, instead of the shy hold of your hand or the press of his fingers gentle in the small of your back at formal events. This version of Seungcheol preferred spicy tteokbokki from the vendor down the street from your internship to filet mignon on cold days. He felt most content walking down the street with you, hands locked in his pocket and wrapped around a hot pack, rambling about his day and letting his heart lead his words rather than his brain.
And for him, you were the moment. The girl that he might have loved a little longer than he was aware of it. The one who adored cherry blossoms and couldn't dance well. He took photos of without her knowing under the willow tree. She loved him, but she hid it in the depths of the many layers of clothing she wore on the coldest days. She would listen to him until it was dark and her older brother called nagging for her to come back home, mindlessly running her fingers through his hair. It was a burden for anyone to stay by his side, but you stayed nonetheless - even if it was your first relationship.
(He hoped he could also be your last.)
You unraveled yourself from him, Seungcheol willingly released you as you turned around, now standing in between his legs. 
“I’m glad it’s you – whenever, wherever, and always,” Seungcheol said softly. 
“And me, you,” You leaned down, hands resting on his shoulder. “Thank you, truly.”
Smiling into the kiss, your lips locked. Seungcheol was quick to lay back, pulling you down with him, eliciting a small yelp from you. He chuckled heartily, quickly slotting his lips against yours again.
“Happy new year, Y/N,” he whispered between breaths.
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Just today, my submittion, elijah from purrgatory, was eliminated. Beaten by just 1% from 3.5k votes, Elh will be moving on. I shouldn't be terribly upset, as that means people have played purrgatory before and remembered it. What I hate is that nobody has ever talked about it. This was a life-changing game to me, 2nd favorite, and to see nobody singing its praises is disheartening. This post is in remembrance of purrgatory, elijah, and how it effected me.
PART ONE: purrgatory, A GAME BY NIV
music to set the mood
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purrgatory is a free-to-play point & click visual novel, created by Niv. Following your death, you're sent to purrgatory, a place between Heaven and Hell, and you're able to pass time in an afterlife where nothing really matters. You can meet and talk to its seven inhabitants, kyungsoon, oliver, numa, sean, elijah, natalie & tori, listen to their stories and try to remember your own. Fur-ever's not so bad, right?
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The game was originally created during the "I Can't Draw" game jam, by solo developer Niv. Niv has a tumblr, though is largely inactive. From Niv answering a question about inspiration, "The point-and-click style was definitely inspired by early Flash point-and-click games -- I have to point out Daymare Town in particular just because of how similar the art style is. The story and characters come from my love of slice-of-life character-based narratives like Night in the Woods and Undertale. I've also always had a fascination with mazes and wanted to make a game where people just sort of live and hang out in a maze." I'll be talking about the general story, characters, art, and music, while avoiding major spoilers as much as possible. Go ahead and play purrgatory before or after I'm done with this thing, all that matters is you played it. I played through both major endings while inspecting everything, and beat it after 6 hours.
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from left to right- natalie, kyungsoon, elijah, charon, sean, oliver, tori, numa
The gameplay of purrgatory revolves around exploring the labyrinth of purrgatory, talking to its inhabitants, and uncovering what led both them and you here. Nearly everything is inspectable, so click everything you see, and you'll most likely be treated to something humorous. This game loves puns, as the title suggests, and you'll be the one making them whether you like it or not. Every character drawing is traced multiple times over, to create a nice wiggling effect. purrgatory is devoid of color, the residents colors the only ones you'll see.
purrgatory is giant, boasting 80 different screens, and you will have to go through each one at some point. It's easy to get lost here, but muscle memory will guide you. You will first meet charon, the River Styx receptionist. Your interaction is brief, but she'll hand you your form to fill, a one-way trip to purrgatory. After you enter your name and select custom pronouns, she'll mention you're the eighth, "over capacity." You'll be directed to enter the portal and have a chance to ask a question, from, "who am i?", "where am i?" and "who are you?" After this, your only choice is to enter the portal to purrgatory.
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From here, you'll meet kyungsoon the hyena, a cat, and oliver the mouse in the library. As you explore past the starting area, you'll find numa the snail in the flower garden, sean the snake and elijah the pangolin in the writing corner, natalie the moth in the apartment, and tori the owl in the station. Each has their reason for being here, and it's up to you to help them. The personalities of these people are what make this game, as each is written realistically and sympathetically. numa is meek and has trouble controlling her emotions, sean died during his happiest days and considers most of his life wasted, and kyungsoon was slothful during her life and never exerted her efforts anywhere. These are all things they tell you as you help them with what little goals they create for themselves in purrgatory.
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Despite the heavy subject matter, purrgatory is inserted with lots of funny scenes and dialogue from every character. kyungsoon will make sarcastic remarks at your expense while not showing any strong emotion, sean has a sense of humor entwined with lots of internet and ruanch, and numa has many intense scenes of frustration that got me many times. Speaking of the characters, purrgatory consists of a largely LGBT+ cast! From Niv, "Don’t worry about misinterpreting! Every story is a collaboration between creator and reader, after all, so I expect nothing less than people creating their own headcanons. That being said, in MY head, numa and kyungsoon are lesbians, sean is gay, oliver and tori are bi, natalie is aroace, and kyungsoon is of course trans..."
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On music and art: purrgatory has a wonderful soundtrack and sound design! With the low-effort look of the world, the music pairs excellently to the areas and scenes, my favorites being "the warehouse" and "lights out." There are special tracks in there as well, like a rendition of "Fly Me to the Moon" done with meows and a song composed by sean (do not look this up, will spoil). Exploring purrgatory, you'll find the various characters in many activities, such as standing around, sleeping, and laying on the floor. Every character not-still conveys so much emotion, despite looking like this:
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There are a few endings, but only two major ones, which I will call "ghost end" and "feline fine." ghost end is the worst ending. While you were in purrgatory, you did not get to know anyone there, and yet for some reason, you're spared. This is the first ending I got. feline fine is the good ending. You remembered your past and helped everyone, and through comradery, found color.
"purrgatory" is an amazing game, which I wholeheartedly recommend. It's free on Steam right now. Please play it. My favorite character was elijah :3
I applaud the dedication, and I very much hope that people are convinced to check the game out. I know I'm definitely going to read through this more thoroughly later and maybe check out the game.
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majorbaby · 11 months
i was going to make a video compilation but actually i think that would give MASH too much credit or make it seem like I really think this show did generally well by race and racism, plus I can't go back and edit a video if I change my mind at any point. so here's my text-based list of race moments that actually land for me, whether intentional or based on my personal interpretation.
s01e05 The Moose - which is mostly a white saviour episode but actually does do a few things right:
this moment of solidarity between Oliver and Young-Hi
in response to the Swamp Rats' indignation that anyone would sell their child into servitude, Ho-Jon explains very frankly "Well some of the locals sell their kids for money Hawkeye, they have no other means." - not to say that it's right that Young-Hi's parents did that to her, but like, they didn't sell her to get rich, they did it because they're likely living in poverty and they have other younger children to support
Young-Hi cheekily explaining in her letter to Hawkeye "heehee the nuns have no idea I'm Buddhist" she's taking them for a ride, it's great
and Young-Hi's "I am also very beautiful!"
s02e15 Officers Only
Hawkeye introducing a black enlisted man as his brother-in-law - soooo very recently, like I argued this at the mic at my last convention, we've started to rethink the use of"brother" and "sister" to refer to your union comrades has start. if your boss caught you organizing with a friend after work, you would say "oh that's just my brother/sister". arguments against this are gaining traction now because of growing awareness of non-binary people but tbh it should have never been a thing it only protects white people who can reasonably pass as siblings, if you're black or brown you're SOL (as you usually were anyway). so anyway. this is a long ass paragraph just to say that Hawkeye saying " brother-in-law" in the union episode of MASH makes me feel ways. someone was thinking about intersectionality way back then.
s02e19 The Chosen People
Sam Pak in OR at the beginning of the episode, thanking America for saving Korea "from the bottom of our bomb craters." and also just generally making jokes that actually land about the Korean language because he's the one making them, "Pish-posh? That's my mother's family name"
tbh Sam walking around like he owns the base is pretty great in general
s05e08 Dear Sigmund
Klinger: Smaha! Smaha! Potter: [to Private Habib] What'd he say? Habib: He said "Smaha! Smaha!"
If it is Arabic it's funny because Potter assumes Habib will translate and he just repeats the words in Arabic because that is what Klinger literally said. If it is gibberish it's funny because Potter assumes its Arabic and Habib gives him the gibberish. This is one of my favourite gags in the whole show and fun fact also the moment I realized Jamie Farr must be a native speaker because his accent is so natural. It's pretty cool he got to flex that.
s05e11 Hawk's Nightmare
this is just me, but I love that Hawkeye describes the people of Crabapple Cove as never changing colour, always the same "off-white" - this was a time you almost never heard white people acknowledge their whiteness, except when speaking about racism. really struck me the first time i heard it. probably my favourite thing from Hawkeye re: race and it's not intentional. I definitely prefer it to his white saviourism
s06e08 In Love and War
the exchange between Kyungsoon and Hawkeye where the extent of his naiveté is put on display, "You're being awfully practical about this" "I thought you liked that about me [list of things she had to do for survival that Hawkeye initially admired in her but is now throwing in her face]"
episode ends in Hawkeye having to accept that sometimes love is irrelevant, the circumstances are what they are (the love was there and it didn't matter, but it was there) - this imo is the only episode of MASH that even begins to touch on the realities of being a Korean civilian in the war
s08e03 Guerilla My Dreams
the gang fails to save a woman from being taken away and she will likely die, as would've probably happened irl. sometimes being on a sitcom isn't enough to save you from your fate as a prisoner of war and it was good to be reminded of that for once. it's the white saviour trope averted.
s08e08 Private Finance
I can at least appreciate that this time when someone is explaining how all sides of the war are to blame for the scourge of war, it's a young Korean girl in her own words. rest of the episode is questionable but normally such a line would go to Hawkeye.
s08e15 Yessir that's Our Baby
the Korean official biting back when Hawkeye tries to accuse him (on behalf of the country) for not recognizing mixed-race babies as Korean, stating that neither does America recognize mixed-race babies with American fathers as Americans, unlike France and the UK
s11e01 Hey Look Me Over
this episode is textually about the very specific and not uncommon experience of being desexualized as a fat, Asian-American woman - it deserves a proper episode recap/analysis with that lens and I'm planning on take a stab at it if/when I ever get around to that ep in my rewatch. these stories were not being told in mainstream media until like, five years ago. there are some the hypersexualized or fetishized Asian woman in media and usually the movie/show/comic is doing that as a selling point rather than commentary. it's unfortunate we haven't progressed much since that moment 40 years ago.
[citation needed, cannot remember the name of the episode]
while admitted a Korean doctor tells Hawkeye he wishes things were different and that he could work alongside Hawkeye and BJ and Hawkeye asks with perfect American ignorance (paraphrase), "You'd want to do that?" and he responds, "You treat the enemy, why can't I?"
And finally, Soon-Lee and Klinger in GFA, a little bit in As Time Goes By. I started writing an essay on Klinger as the romantic lead of GFA but I think I'm going to try to make it a video essay so I can include clips from the show without having to make a bunch of gifs.
But in a nutshell, Klinger gets to do stuff in GFA that the often emasculated brown man still doesn't get to do much on television. As MASH progressed we did occasionally get to see Klinger take on a more serious role, Alan Alda has spoken on trying to do that for the character rather than rehash dramatic plotlines for Hawkeye or BJ who got plenty of their own.
Having Klinger represented that way gives audiences a chance to see him more three-dimensionally. As someone who is capable of romantic love, attraction, courage and someone who might be sexually desirable to others - in a less direct way than Kellye demands of Hawkeye in Hey Look Me Over. I think the lack of subtlety in Hey Look Me Over is great because there can be no question about what that episode is supposed to do and also because it drives home that Hawkeye is so blinded by his preconceived notions of what a "desirable woman" looks and sounds like that Kellye has to scream it in his face before he realizes what he's been doing. But it's also nice to have an example that's woven into the writing and cinematography.
Normally I don't like to add these kinds of disclaimers because I value open conversation but if you're rb'ing, please be mindful of your tags. I intentionally excluded a lot of the moments where I know I'm supposed to give this show an A+ for its progressivism when it has a white person demonstrating basic human decency. That bar is just too low for me.
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minheelovelee · 8 months
epex masterlist
- ot8 - making out^ playlists^ college boyfriends^ cuddling ideal types first dates confessing jealousy mtl to date a foreigner nsfw links* how they give head - hyungs* - maknaes* favorite positions - hyungs* - maknaes* as your boyfriend - mu* - amin* nsfw a-z - wish* - keum* - mu* - amin* - baek* - ayden* - yewang* - jeff* - text imagines - telling them you like them - hyungs^ - maknaes - ex-boyfriend!epex^ asking for a selfie - hyungs - top 3 kinks* ass vs. boobs* dom? sub? switch?* losing your virginities - wish* - keum* - mu*
- wish - #kdawit semi-public* thigh riding* shower* nudes ft. amin^ following him around - keum - #keumdong dom!keum* needy!keum* car* bathtub* first time w/birthday boy * his gf on her period 03some ft. mu* - mu - #mew sleepovers getting a pet soft myu thoughts kyungsoon* loves praise* 03some ft. keum* - amin - #minu likes girls in skirts* tutor* double penetration ft. baek* after his live* nudes ft. wish* - baekseung - #baek double penetration ft. amin* - ayden - #den really likes eating pussy* making out^ sharing ft. jeff* - part 2* - yewang - #wang as his non-idol girlfriend* size + breeding kink* late-night drive* dom!yewang + overstimulation* fingers* - jeff - #jho sharing ft. ayden* - part 2* thigh riding* vocal thoughts*
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“Bury your gays” yeah no
they’re both dead already how do you
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(This was the only good quality image of them I could find i’m gonna make my own soon probably)
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