fidjiefidjie · 1 month
Alain Delon répond au questionnaire de Proust dans l'émission de Bernard Pivot.. 🖤🌹
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weirdlookindog · 21 days
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Martin van Maële (1863-1926) - Reine du monde (Queen of the World), 1893
illustration for 'La Légende des sexes: Poëmes hystériques' by Edmond Haraucourt
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lepetitdragonvert · 4 months
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Artist : Theodor Kittelsen (1857-1914)
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Alain Delon
Adieu Légende
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twoboysacar · 7 months
Heart Eyes
On ne va pas se voiler la face, actuellement (en ce dernier dimanche de février '24) on est perdu dans le désert "Tinhat", avec juste nos souvenirs et nos espoirs pour nous permettre d'avancer sur le petit sentier ensablé.
Sans surprise, il y en a qui flanchent, qui sont sur le point d'abandonner leur chapeau d'alu sur le bord du chemin, ou qui simplement sont déjà montés dans un autre wagon en route pour un pays plus verdoyant.
On est peut-être plus que quelques uns à garder la foi, à voir au-delà de ce qu'on veut nous faire croire, et à croire que la pluie reviendra bientôt pour nous inonder des sourires de J2 ENSEMBLE.
En attendant ce grand jour, voilà de quoi redonner confiance en l'avenir :
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Then or now... 2005 ou 2024, l'affection qui s'envole de l'un à l'autre est toujours la même ❤️💕😍
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 4 months
It's time to play ✨FIVE FAVORITES✨
This time it's your top five favorite movies! Here's MY top five favorites!
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One Stormy Night/Arashi No Yoru Ni (2005)
Raggedy Ann & Andy a Musical Adventure (1977)
Early Man (2018)
Butterfly Tale (2023)
Storks (2016)
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fredomotophoto · 5 days
Sunset @ Guissény Beach
Sunset @ Guissény Beach par Frédéric Poirier Via Flickr : Couché de soleil à Guissény (France / Finistère Nord)
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kibu-me · 4 months
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"Sleep for all eternity, my foolish beloved".
(aka merlin and the "lord" of the lake a3! version)
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
You are my hero for using the phrase 'perfidious Albion' in your tags. What is the French obsession with Alexandrine meter?
:) Well it's just that for a very long time France considered the 12-syllable verse known as the alexandrine to be the pinnacle of versification. For your poetry or play to be considered high literature it had to be in alexandrines (I was recently reading an English jstor article about translations of Shakespeare in the early 19th century and it went “[French translator] prefers to translate in verse, which means, of course, in alexandrines.” Of course!) We've moved on now and they’re out of style, but we’re still secretly fond of them I think. We were held hostage by alexandrines for so long a lot of French people still have a Stockholm-syndrome preference for their specific flow over other kinds of poetic metre.
They left a strong legacy in our language too—a lot of French sayings / proverbs are alexandrine verses because they’re excerpts from classical theatre and poetry (e.g. “A vaincre sans péril on triomphe sans gloire” from Corneille; “La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure” from La Fontaine; “Qui veut voyager loin ménage sa monture” from Racine; “Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop” from Destouches, “Vingt fois sur le métier remettez votre ouvrage” from Boileau...)
The alexandrine had a long golden age, from the Classicists to the Parnassians (mid-17th to late 19th century)—the Romantics in between were advocating for a kind of “free verse” but it still meant alexandrines and pretty rigid ones at that! (Victor Hugo’s “J’ai disloqué ce grand niais d’alexandrin” was subversive—but it’s still an alexandrine.) Their verse was only considered rebellious because it ignored some of the many rules that went into a perfect classical alexandrine (e.g. no overflow, 4 rests per line, rhyme purity must be respected when it comes to mute consonants, no liaison between the last word of an alexandrine and the first word of the next, the hemistiches of two successive alexandrines mustn’t rhyme, no prepositions or other tool words at the end of a hemistich, etc. etc.)
Then in the 19th century we liberated ourselves from the tyranny of the alexandrine after Verlaine shot them dead (insert Rimbaud joke) by doing things like placing the caesura on the 3rd syllable of a 5-syllable word (“WTF”—Racine) or ending an alexandrine in the middle of a word and treating the first half of the truncated word like a legit rhyme, which made all the Classicists roll over in their grave.
I really like alexandrines personally! I admit they can sound plodding after a while especially with classical rhymes, but they have such a soothing flow. I also love that they are often French at its Frenchest. By which I mean, there are some gorgeous alexandrines that are genuinely the French language at its best and most graceful, and then you have those that can’t help but highlight how absurd our syntax can get.
My favourite types of alexandrines are the ones with a diaeresis in each hemistich because saying them normally feels like walking down the street, while saying them as an alexandrine feels like doing a figure skating routine (e.g. in Racine, “La nation chérie a violé sa foi”); the ones with an AB-BA structure (“Et le fuyant sans cesse incessamment le suit”), the ones with a ternary structure (“Je suis le ténébreux, le veuf, l’inconsolé”, “Je renonce à la Grèce, à Sparte, à ton empire”) and the ones where 1 word sprawls over an entire hemistich (“Voluptueusement dans cette paix profonde...”).
The worst alexandrines imo are the ones that force you to acknowledge how many tiny grammatical bricks are involved in the building of a French sentence. Orally we tend to squish them together so we can forget about them but the merciless alexandrine will demand that you mortify yourself pronouncing all of them, e.g. “O nuit, qu’est-ce que c’est que ces guerriers livides ?” (thank you Victor Hugo for this ignominy) (<- here’s an alexandrine), or “Si ce que je te dis ne se dit pas ainsi”... “Ce que je te (...) ne se” is a horrible succession of words by poetical standards but wait I’ve got worse!
Tu m’as pris mon trésor et t’étonnes tout bas De ce que je ne te le redemande pas
“De ce que je ne te le”—see? French at its Frenchest.
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julith-jurgen · 4 months
Ogrest, La Légende art from the 10 Years of Dofus Artbook
This section of the artbook is filled with a lot of cute art of Ogrest !
Compared to the Aux Trésors part there is a lot of character art in this one !
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Some small concept art
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Some backgrounds
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And little Ogrest with a Dofus :)
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thierry1970 · 1 month
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fidjiefidjie · 1 month
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Alain Delon à St Tropez 1966, Photo de Jean-Marie Périer
Hommage à la légende du cinéma français Alain Delon 🌹🖤🎈qu'il repose en paix 🙏🕊
Bon Dimanche ☕️🥐
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weirdlookindog · 7 months
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Maurice Sand - Les Lupins
illustration from "Lubins ou Lupins" a chapter in "Légendes rustiques" by George Sand.
"... lubins aren’t quite werewolves. “Sorrowful, dreamy and stupid spirits,” she writes, “they spend their lives chatting in an unknown language along the walls of cemeteries. In some places they are accused of breaking into the field of rest and gnawing on bones. In the latter case, they belong to the race of lycanthropes and werewolves, and must be called lupins. But in the case of lubins, manners soften with the name. They do no harm and escape at the slightest sound.” (source)
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lepetitdragonvert · 10 months
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Vid första tonen var det något som brast inne i Agnetas hjärta
Dès la première note, quelque chose se brisa dans le cœur d’Agneta
From the very first note, something broke in Agneta’s heart.
Artist : John Bauer
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soeurdelune · 1 year
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avatars (400 x 640): kim seo-hyung, signés lune/soeurdelune
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solaneceae · 2 months
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the sillies.
art par @paperbaghero
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