#l'll dance
prettyboyrxpist · 25 days
My little brother Zee wanted to hang with me and my friends cuz were hot and smoke weed and he's a fucking cum hungry faggot.
He genuinely thought I didn't know what he really wanted when he said that he just liked Alessi because no one else he knew liked Mad K, or when he swore he was just staring because he thought Devonte's scars were really cool, but the runt knows by now that Genjutsu of that level doesnt work on me.
Of course I'm sex positive, I'm a slut and I love to nurture more sluts, if he wanted to get his pussy stretched pounded and filled up, if he wanted to fuck my friends, choke on cocks and piss himself in carnal ecstasy, I'm in his corner all the way.
But No One Is Sinking Into My Little Brother's Pussy Before I Do.
So I let him think hes pulled one over on me. I invited him to come camp with us, were gonna roll blunts, drop acid, barbecue and set off fireworks.
All that and the chance to get split open by one of my friends? What self respecting little brother slut could refuse?
And he didn't. Its probably the most impactful decision he's ever made.
Because when we got to camp and fell under the qualia of our intoxicants and cover of starlight and got high enough to see rythmic mandalas dancing in the shadows of our fire and he started touching Alessi's thighs I had no choice but do what i did and it irrevocably changed the direction of our relationship.
I grabbed him by his waist and picked him up and away from Alessi. Alessi's face fell from a grin to an expressionless combination of shock and curiosity. He knew what was about to happen, I'd told the both of them beforehand.
But i dont think they believed I'd really do it.
I carried him over to the tent, playfully shaming his desperation.
"You don't get embarassed, throwing yourself guys you barely know?"
"Of course you dont. Youre a testosterone pumped desperate little cuntboy faggot. All you care about is getting a fat cock in you."
"You want to bounce on dick so fucking bad dont you dirty fucking hole?"
Zee whined like a puppy when he could manage any sound at all in response.
"l'll be honest i thought you'd fold for Devonte before Alessi, but you're such a cum thirsty whore I bet you'd even fuck them both at once."
"Lucky you, youre gonna get them both."
"But first, youre gonna get something soooo much better."
I placed him on his back on the floor of the tent, he didnt let go of me.
Devonte and Alessi stayed close and watched us from just outside the tent, I wish theyd come in but i get it. They probably wanted to keep some distance from the monster who got his little brother tripping balls so he could rape him into a devoted pet cum slut.
I started peeling off Zee's clothes and watched his face twist into sick combination of shame and rapt anticipation. He was blushing redder than a strawberry and he would later confess to me that in that moment he was more afraid that I wouldnt go through with it than anything else (isnt my little brother the best?)
Once his soft pink glistening little cunt was out I was acutely reminded of the fact that I was an animal. And might as well have ripped my clothes from my body. His eyes were fixed on my cock like he'd never seen one before (turns out he hadn't, not irl anyway)
He was already soaking wet, I'd thank Alessi for rizzing him up but all four of us know he was so wet because he was boiling with the uncontrollable ecstasy of knowing he was about to get fucked by his big brother's fat throbbing cock.
I hooked my arms under his knees and pulled them spread nice and wide, the scent of his cum starved little cunny will be burned into my memory for all my time. I couldnt helo myself, I lined us up and forced the tip of my cock into him. Then more of me. Then more, and more until the tip of me was nestled neatly against his cervix, like he was made for me. Probably Because he was, what else are little siblings for?
He looked to be having a rougher time.
Digging his nails into my arms, gasping and opening his sweet little doe eyes so fucking wide and desperate. Pleading with me not to stop. He looked like he was about to cry, but in a good way.
Not that i'd have stopped if it was in a bad way.
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gb-patch · 1 year
Idk if anyone asked this but l'll say it, how did Baxter, Darren and qiu met?
Also btw, love your games
Baxter and Qiu met at the local dance hall, they both took lessons there. Baxter met Ren through Qiu because Qiu/Ren have been friends since they were practically toddlers. Glad you like the games ^^
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dragon-business · 8 months
On the first playthrough we got Majma's business card from a vending machine pretty early in the game. We're absolutely sure Kiryu found it stuck in the bills slot. Small vandalism from an unknown Grand customer.
And then Majima got Kiryu's card too.
And somewhere before the end of y0 they surely met, and Majima got his eye on Kiryu, but canon doesn't specify anything. So here’s how we filled up that blank with disco, fate, and quick time events!
– Majima can't leave Sotenbori, so it's Kiryu who comes there.
The trip is definitely related to the nightlife business, and factually is about something really boring, that leaves Kiryu stuck between the hotel and the conference rooms 24/7.
The trip should've taken just a few days, but the partners keep postponing stuff, due to the "unstable situation with ownership of certain places" in Sotenbori.
(This is totally the side effect of the cabare wars going on there right at the same time) (And Kiryu being busy and stuck in the hotel explains why later in the game he acts like he's seeing Sotenbori and Grand for the first time)
Kiryu is not having a good time. When business gets too much in Kamurocho, he knows where to escape to to chill for a bit. At the very least he can drink in the human trafficking bar or something (it's the one in the Campion district, if you know you know). And because Maharajah chain is not related to his business, Kiryu does enjoy dancing his problems away quite often.
So, aimlessly wandering the hotel, he sees from the window, or just hears the glimpse of a disco party in Sotenbori's Maharajah.
(I believe Maharajah was on the same street as the hotel? There were fur trees near the entrance.)
Of course Kiryu waits till Marina will be busy and sneaks out to the club.
Meanwhile, Majima is in the middle of his battle for the title of the best cabare club + Grand duties + Sagava sniffing around. Hard life galore.
At some point he comes to the Maharajah specifically to find Isobe, because he wants to recruit her as a hostess or something like that. She is quite famous, and will attract a new crowd to Sunshine for sure.
Also she might add some dancing to the cabare's evening program. The stage they have is for the musicians, but things can be arranged.
(Isobe will not be so keen on the offer, it's one thing to dance on the dancefloor for your own enjoyment, and a whole other thing to go through the routine on stage. She'd rather train other girls on how to act on the dancefloor of something.) (Isobe is the girl from Majima's dancing substories) (Where Majima danced off all the challenges and became the disco goddess)
Isobe is of course guilt tripping Majima for not visiting the club that much. He jokes that the weight of the problems stiffens his movements, and she laughs it off: "You know, the only way to relax those stiff shoulders is to groove a bit".
She wants to kick him towards the dancefloor. And the best way to do it is to catch him in a bet. So she bets that Majima can't use the fan in his dancing routine or something. "If you prove that you can - l'll come work for you." Majima, being the dance goddess (Scott McCall nod.gif), takes the bait. What does he even have to lose?
Maybe additionally Isobe is worried about some sneaky business going on in the club? And she wants to ask Majima for help, but for that Isobe needs to get him alone.
(Also let's say Majima gets a nickname like all other disco dandies. The crowd knows him as The Lord, and Isobe teasingly calls Majima "mister manager".) (All of this is for plot reasons, bc we don't want Kiryu to add rwo and two about Majima's name and mafia connections)
At the same time, Kiryu is circling around with a drink. There's no friends and dance partners here, and he feels a bit out of place. Though there are some things that remind him of Kamurocho.
In his short time in the disco club: -Locals tried to scam him twice. -There has been at least a couple sneaky ass squeezes. -He paid triple the price for a cocktail with the most ridiculous name on earth (and it was quite mid). True Kamurocho experience. Just like back home .__,
And then Kiryu sees someone putting a pill in a lady's drink and comes up to her to warn about it. After that he assumes the position near the bar, watching other people's drinks like a hawk. This goes on for some time. And let's say that him being around and intrusive like that puts a wrench into the shadowy stuff and deals planned for the night.
The stuff is some new drug, very addictive. The shady people started giving out free samples on the new territory - to people who have money to waste at the disco club. Maybe they even plan to get the girls addicted, and rope them into human trafficking. Perhaps they did the same routine in other districts before. But in Sotenbori all this is in the starting stages for now. 
Isobe is sensing weird shit happening, but she can't pinpoint the guys stirring it, they always slither away. So the help of the super manager might be handy.
Obviously, Kiryu has already befriended people at the bar, someone is pouring their heart out to him, and so on. The shady people don't like it that much.  But beating up Kiryu would attract too much attention, so they want to kick him out painlessly.
So the plan is: if this guy insults lady Isobe, he will definitely be gone forever. He'll be kicked out and banned from ever entering the club.
And somehow they orchestrate the situation where Kiryu is invited to the lounge zone right at the moment when Isobe and Majima leave it to go dance. And right when they pass each other someone trips Kiryu up and he falls forward.
Goin down full force only a heavy boi like him can provide, in slow motion, Kiryu realises what's about to happen.
Trajectory is relentless. 
To his left stands the lady ⬅ To his right – the gentleman ➡ He has instinctively put his hands forward while falling ⬆ ⬅ left hand is about to meet ladies boobs ➡ Right hand is still firmly holding that stupid drink (with the most ridiculous name on earth) ➡🍹 It will certainly spill on the gentleman's tuxedo if Kiryu would not do something ➡❗🍹
(Oh, the quick time events)
Kiryu has half a second to react, and his brain gives him 2 commands:
Do NOT grab the ladies' boobs.
Do NOT wet the gentleman's shirt.
So, with his last braincell, Kiryu decides to throw the cocktail from his right hand to his left 🍹⬅⬅⬅ > wait no. nO. ABORT MISSION.
What happens next is that, obviously, by the nature of inertia, Isobe gets a full splash of cocktail to her face and dress. Everyone GASPS.
And Majima gets. The hand firmly squeezing his left boob. Kiryu didn't want to rip his shirt, so he Gripped Hard. Day saved. High five, brain! Wait, no-
M: …… K: ………. M: your hand. K: M: put your hand somewhere else. K: *slowly puts his hand on Majima's shoulder* *they just look each other in the eyes for a bit* Isobe, with an elegance of a lady: hahah, it seems, I won't be dancing with you tonight, mister manager. What a pity.
(Her snot totally doesn't taste like Malibu swimming pool)
No one listens to her much. Majima is losing his last nerves right here right now, this second.
M: Are you in for some violence tonight? Because it's gonna happen/ K: I can dance with you. M, in a very kansai manner: Wha-t? K: I said I can be your dance partner. M: … K: You know. While the lady is cleaning herself (High five, brain). M: … Isobe, slightly worried about the audience uproar: I don't know if this is a good ide- M: ALRIGHT. I was going to wipe the floor with you, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Someone in the crowd: Hey! The Lord is about to teach that Tokyo boy what's what! DANCE BATTLE! Isobe: …aaand it's too late now. K: Oh, you're into dance battles here too? Sweet. M: What, did you think it's some kind of province, Tokyo boy? Isobe: …. It's totally too late now, ain't it.
(Kiryu hand is still on Majima's shoulder) (Because where else should it go even) (Too late to change positions, human interaction is happening) (You just go forward and improvise)
Majima grabs Kiryu by the collar and drags him to the dancefloor with murderous intentions.
In retrospect, he could've handled the situation much better. In the same way he was handling management, the same way he was juggling invents of his life. But this felt (like the kick in the dick) like a last straw for today. The only thing he wanted now was to punch and claw and forget himself in a feat of mindless violence.
The least he could do is to not do that.
The least he could do is to take this guy, this obstacle, and use him as a little sweet dopamine boost. No one would be hurt by that except this dude's ego. Honestly, the only crime the guy committed was getting in Majima's way today.
The crowd quickly surrounds the stage. Majima gets a bunch of admiring screams, the "Tokyo boy" gets a fair share of booing. But apart from looking around like a puppy, he seems more curious than fazed. This somewhat gets on Majima's nerves. Clearly, it all comes from the arrogance and bad attitude of the guy. Majima has seen too many guys like this, even in the last couple of weeks there's been at least a dozen.
Isobe quickly cleans herself with a pack of 10 yen pocket tissues ™️ and goes to whisper something to the DJ. Her makeup may have been ruined but the synthetic dress has seen worse. So she still behaves like the disco queen and takes her rightful place by the stage. Also she's not gonna stay in the bathroom, when a possible historical event is about to take place.
The music starts, and Majima goes in with a couple moves.
Dancing is a lot like fighting, there's inner structure in both. Maybe that's why he likes to dance so much.
Dancing alone is fine. Just gotta make sure you're true to your rhythm. Dancing against someone - here it comes to who's presence is more overpowering. At least for Majima. Dancing with someone here is where he's having difficulties. He have never been able to fully synchronise with anyone. Outings with hostess girls were almost embarrassing.
The Tokyo boy goes into defence surprisingly smoothly. He acts more cautious than expected. Maybe he's smarter than he looks.
He doesn't attack Majima yet, just looks at what is presented and answers accordingly. He reacts to the movement with his own movement, not mirroring Majima, but taking what Majima's offering and applying it with a little twist. It's amusing to watch, and the boy doesn't even miss a single beat. After a while Majima catches himself doing things just to provoke the boy's reaction. It's kinda curious to see how he would take another blow.
But as curious as it is, Majima can't allow himself to be dependent on someone's reactions. It would mean he doesn't direct the fight- the dance himself. He's gotta lead.
(There was a bit more on the specific way this should play out, but I don't remember now)
The point is, when Kiryu gets more comfortable, he starts to go on the offensive, gathers, dare I say, more fever. So Majima begrudgingly has to adapt to his movements here and there. At one point Kiryu seethes the moment (nice song part, lights are on him) and pulls some impressive moves that he learned directly from Miracle Jonson, and pulls all the attention to himself.
This time they don't synchronise yet. The dance-off is interrupted somehow, and no one wins or loses.
Additional notes: –There's a Whole Thing about feather fans and not knowing what to do with them, for Kiryu and Majima both. –But Isobe counts Majima using them in a fight against the bad guys. –Majima doesn't say he got inspired by the Tokyo boy who grabs in a fight and uses just about everything. –Some plot stuff happens, they barely have time to dance some more. But now it's personal for Majima. He gotta win!!
In a true over the top Yakuza fashion, I wanted to get the underlying plot to the point where they have to fight together against a bunch of baddies, and only then they synchronise, and Majima feels weirdly euphoric.
But it's due for Kiryu to leave, and he disappears like (24 hours) Cinderella.
I've held in my mind a scene where Majima discusses with Isobe later in Sunshine, that maybe he found the one in a million special dance partner. And immediately lost him. Not even catching his name. Isobe understands heavily, because it happened to her once, but what can you do. Gotta work, idk.
– Aaaaand theres an epilogue set after all the main plot stuff. Where Majima, still lost, dishevelled, and healing from the beatings is drinking some Kamurocho bar, not knowing what he's gonna do next. And suddenly he notices Kiryu there, sitting quietly, wearing his red shirt already and sinking of leaving real estate business behind.
And Kiryu, apologising, finally gives Majima his business card and says his name. But he (and I'm so not normal about this) is actually offering Majima his own steel card.
There's a moment of pause, when Majima looks at it and Kiryu looks at Majima. And silence lingers long enough for Kiryu to look at the card too and go all: "!!!So sorry! Sorry! Here, here, this one is mine, I just have this one on the ready."
(He may have just taken out both his and Majima's cards on accident, because they sit in the same inner pocket)
And Majima just stares at Kiryu's card now. Because in his pocket is an identical one given to him by Sera.
So Majima takes it out, puts it on the table. And then offers Kiryu another steel card of his. Because Kiryu's one "is a bit worn down already".
The end.
ABBA - VOULES-VOUS is playing in the distance.
– Epilogue thoughts
My last brainsell is on the dancefloor.
Even Kiryu being surprised that “Lord of the Night” is not just a nickname in Kiwami fits here.
I’ve just been thinking of a million possible reasons why Majima could’ve been focused on Kiryu so much. There’s so many. But this one has such a nice underline.
Oh, to meet outside of the yakuza context, to separate because of it, and still inevitably meet again. It’s all in the human connection.
Something something, fate may be at play here, but the main stuff was laid down before it played its main card.
Going insane over tropes and narratives.
– Kiryu doesn’t meet Majima for a while after 0, instead absorbing legends about him from Nishiki and others.
He already started hearing about him and learning history in the game, would definitely get more of it all while Majima moves cites and re-styles himself.
– Kiryu 10000% kept the first card he found, and had it stored somewhere. But maybe after he went to prison for the first time and got out, it got lost somewhere, with Kiryu’s stuff being moved around.
– Majima in karaoke: you dance much better than you sing, Kiryu-chan! Kiryu: *is torn between taking it as a compliment or not*
– Also I can’t believe at some point Majima can say “First thing he did when we met was grab my boob, and ask to be my partner.”
The punchline is that they are getting married ~30 years later, this is Majima’s toast at the wedding.
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headsincloud9 · 1 year
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Part 2 | Part 4
170. "Would you reconsider if I was sober?"
171. "I'm sure I can get some kind of sexual gratification just from staring at him if I try hard enough
172. "Don't fucking touch what is not yours."
173. "l owe you one.
174, "You doing anything later?"
175. "I'm not sure if it's a sexual thing or not."
176. "We're... Just friends."
177. "Friends don't do this kind of shit."
178. "How quickly can you cum."
179, "Think you could warm me up."
180. "Touch me and you lose."
181. "There's people here."
182. "Iknow."
183. "I want him fuck you, so you know I can do it better."
184. "I don't care what you do, just fuck me."
185. "Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck you-"
186. "I'm up for it if you are."
187, "Don't ruin the (furniture)!"
188. "Guess l'll have to cum inside you then."
189, "I don't know what to do." "Then let me teach you,"
190. "Stop dancing like that or I'm going to cum in my pants."
191. "I'm not going to touch you unless you beg."
192. "You can't tease me like that and expect not to be punished."
193. "We've been At it like rabbits, how are you still horny?"
194. "Wanna bet?"
195. "It was so worth the injury though."
196. "Did you just look me up and down and bit your lip? Cause if you did, we're having sex, Right now."
197. "Your ass is going to be seven different shades of red after that stunt.
198, "Dammit now all I can think about is you licking my cock like that damn ice cream."
199. "If 1 have to pull over you won't be able to walk for a week."
200. "Do you think they can hear us through the tent?" "We can."
201. "Please remind me why we're having sex behind a tree."
202. "I know for a fact you can be a hell lot louder than that."
203. "It's not what it looks like." "Yes it is."
204, "Fine. Then you be the judge. Which of us is best?"
205. "If we get caught 1'1l kill you."
206. "Use your mouth."
207, "Show me.
208. "Are you...trying to flirt with me?"
209, "Come sit on my face, let me show you how much I missed you.
210. "I forgot my towell"
211. "You're naked aren't vou."
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daddyy333 · 1 year
His #1 supporter | Eddie Munson x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
word count: 0.3k
warnings: ?
summary: Eddie loves his number one supporter
You watched as Eddie sang his little heart out into the mic, the room packed to the brim of people dancing and singing along. He’s wanted this for as long as he can remember, he can’t believe that he really had genuine fans now.
Despite that, his eyes are stuck on one person. You.
With your pretty hair, the gems you put on your eyes tonight, the corroded coffin crop top you cut up yourself, your tiny little shorts, all of it. You were beautiful. Sipping on beer and singing along to all the songs.
You giggled as he finished the song, panting heavily. He looked so sexy. All sweaty, hair a mess, eyeliner smudged around his eyes and the tank top he was wearing doing little to cover him. You could see through it, all his tattoos as well as the nipple piercings.
He took a few sips of beer and laughed, catching your eye again. “You guys are insane, and I love your support I really do. But I’d just like to take a moment to a appreciate my #1 supporter. Come here, gorgeous” he said and you blushed, shaking your head.
He scoffed and took off his guitar, running over to you and picking you up, throwing you over his shoulder. Everyone was going crazy, and all the girls were jealous. “Isn’t she just the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen?” He asked, smacking your ass gently.
You giggled and said “Ed’s, you’re crazy” “oh but you love me baby” he said, which was just barely heard through the mic. He chuckled and kissed you softly, grabbing his guitar and extending the strap so both of you could fit in it.
He finished the rest of his set like that, showering you in kisses and singing all the songs about you. God, you loved your crazy rockstar boyfriend.
Taglist: @readsalot73 @hellfire1986baby
As of now l'm writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Maya Hawke
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and l'll add you :)
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breezytealy · 3 months
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Do you like tearing at your face whilst one character pines and the other doesn't clock that their perfect match is Right There? All with a heavy dose of Overarching Next Gen DB Plot? Then boy do I have the MarTen Weekend fic for you!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54507844/chapters/138095443 Despite years of feigned distance to keep their secrets, the Dragon Team's public personas are becoming ever more acquainted, and the deception is beginning to crumble. Complicating matters, Goten harbours feelings for Marron and believes he may have just missed his chance. But that affection may not be as unrequited as he fears.
This is actually a sequel to [JUST WATCH HER...], which is where Goten groks he likes Marron and why, but you can read ODoS as standalone if you roll with the basic 'he likes her' premise and are cool inhaling a tonne of world-building. Both work as jumping on points.
l'll be straight with you lads, as with every fic I write it's an excuse to explore ideas on how ki would work, the human drive for acceptance as well as exploring relationships of all kinds: romantic, platonic, co-dependent fusionic, conflict between our public and private personas and our internal struggle, which IMO lends itself well to the complicated dance of a friends-to-lovers dynamic with the superpowered backdrop. All with a heavy dose of silliness, of course. Meaning - even if this ain't your ship, maybe there's something else here or in the back catalogue to whet that appetite :) Have a good-un!
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5and3nevermind · 1 month
Yoonmin during Ch. 2:
So…I love lists. I can’t explain why, I just do. Maybe it’s because they help put things into perspective? Look at this for instance. As much as we got to see Yoongi and Jimin together in content during Ch. 2, what’s really crazy is how often they hung out in their free time. Seeing it written out and broken into categories drives home (to me) how much time they spend together.
Working together:
💛 Tourism ads
💛 Art for Indigo with Joon
💛 Ddeun Ddeun
💛 Like Crazy and Haegeum dance challenges
💛 Two episodes of Suchwita
💛 Suga | Agust D "road to army" video
💛 Tony Montana
In their free time:
💙 Sushi dinner (according to the chef)
💙 Working out together
💙 Discussing Face Off and human relationships
💙 Getting a meal together after Ddeun Ddeun
💙 Jimin attending two D-Day concerts other than the one where he performed TM and LC
💙 Drinks the day after the second Seoul concert
💙 Drinks prior to Yoongi's enlistment
💙 Celebrating Jimin's birthday
💙 Jimin watching Yoongi's birthday live from home, taking a video of himself watching, and posting it on Weverse
💙 Yoongi attending Jimin's music show recording
💙 Yoongi peeking in on Jimin's dance practices for Vibe
💙 Jimin telling Jimmy Fallon the two members he sees most often are Hobi and Yoongi
💙 Yoongi saying during a d-day event that the member he spoke to most recently was Jimin
💙 Yoongi saying in a live that the member he’d seen that day was Jimin
💙 Jimin appearing in the doorway of Yoongi’s live and then posting on Weverse that he’d chosen his live title for him
💙 Yoongi using two vacation days to attend the enlistment ceremonies for the members.
l'll also add a third category, which seems to be a mixture of work and free-time:
💚 Jimin and Yoongi's live in Newark
💚 Yoongi joining Jimin's video call
💚 Jimin calling in for the 230407 Honey FM
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atomicdarc · 1 month
I decided to lore drop of the two friends, Lovely and meimei :3
Meimei is a clerk and lovely is a ballerina who danced in the cinema, the two became friends and they got got along pretty well. But, until the raiders came and destroyed the planet as they ate everyone and the city. Meimei and lovely were buried alive in the rumbles, only meimei is alive but when she saw lovely got cursed by a big rumble, meimei then held her hand, a raider then kill her by biting her head off. The principles of the planet then "made" those two a magical girls and they got revived, they then kill the raiders without hesitation. For a long times, they have been saving many planets from the raiders, when lovely discovered earth she thought that it wouldn't hurt if you bought mei with her without telling the principles right? Right..? On earth, lovely is the person who know about nightmares so she is the one who can only kill them so that peoples can have a happy and peaceful dreams. But, when the principles found out. They executed lovely, leaving meimei not noticing. But when she found out of lovely death, when she came back from her country just to saw her grave in a desert place, she found out that it's the principals faults so she went to the court and killed them, but the other one is actually her creator. And he killed her with no hesitation. But that's not over when mei woke up..she woke up in a white void and she then was given a weapon which can turned into a liquid that has one eye, it is named "Kumu". The place that meimei is in is the memories and timelines cores, the memories is for meimei to knows about everyone in every timelines and universes. She goes to many timelines and universes to save lovely but she failed, she failed, she failed so many times that she have to go back many times that she forgot about herself. She then decided to make a creation for her to work on her freetime but it failed, so she set it off on earth, and that failed creation is named nuno. Nuno has been erased by meimei after nuno sacrificed herself to save everyone from unicron, meimei wasn't born to be a magical girl, she was made. Made to fight, and in the end she'll end up dead.
"If saving you, is a sin. I'll gladly be the devil..." -Meimei.
Also i made a au of kumu, meimei's weapon l'll tell you later about it! :3
Dude now I understand the doomed yuri part.
You broke my heart 😭
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inksquish · 6 months
Mxes x Reader part 8 Digital secrets!
( Warning: Alot of hotness! )
Vanessa and Steve were working all night with a new antivirus while Gregory got a new toy for Christmas. "Gregory what's wrong" Glam freddy said while he saw the boy's sad look. "It's my fault... I should've warned Y/n about Mxes but Y/n is caught by the virus" Gregory said so he started crying. "Don't worry we'll save Y/n from this... i promise" the glamrock bear said. Y/n made a message for Vanessa and gregory by using the bunny nodes while Mxes is sleeping. "I hope this help or I'll be trapped here" Y/N said so you send the bunny message to vanessa's computer. Glitchtrap grabs your hips so he smiles at you with a heated look. "Hello Y/n... You stay up with something...? How cute~!" Glitch bunny said so he squeezes your breasts that earn a moan from you. "Since you don't let out the Mimic... I'm going to keep you..Y/n" Glitchy said while he rubs your nipples with his finger tips. You tried not to moan but the glitch bunny's fingers is on your underwear now. "....G-Glitchy... I-l'll....' you almost about to wet your underwear but you saw the Mxes smiles then he does the same,
"Oh~ We're going to breed again... Y/n..." Mxes said with a smirk so he made you lay down and gave you a hickies.
( In the Real world)
Vanessa saw a text so she opens it and read it, "Y/n" Vanessa said with surprise so she bit her bottom lip. It says " Vanessa I'm here but I been caught by Glitchtrap & Mxes... I have an idea to get rid of Glitchtrap or the virus will spread..! You have to get the secret anti virus file i got." Vanessa hits the table with her fist so she knows what you mean about the file then Steve puts a hand on Vanessa and sights.
"Shit... this file works we may lose Y/n..." Steve takes off his glasses and cleans them with a towel but he frowns. "I can't get them now since there's a virus..." Steve sights but he has an idea, The old man looks for his card. "I know a friend but he's going to help us with this~" Steve said proudly, Vanessa stares awkward at the old man dancing. Gregroy listens so he hugs Steve then Steve pushes him away. "Road trips!!" said Gregory while he dancing with Steve too.
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afonesha · 2 years
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The Dance
Does it count if nobody knows
About the quiet cries and last goodbyes
huffing fumes .. a sweet perfume
Laying in a crowd room with demons that dance with me
Spins me into a fantasy
Forgetting to remember to forget you
.. and it's over
Rest my eyes until l'm sober
the moon sings to me.. until I dream a dream l'll never have in reality
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breedaboyd · 10 months
8 and 12 with Billy and an ftm! Reader pretty please?
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Prompt: "If you don't change out of those shorts and into some pants, l'll have them around your ankles by lunch." / "I want you now."
Pairing: Billy × FTM!Reader.
Word Count: 1,038.
CW: Desk sex, vaginal fingering.
A/N: This one ran away from me a little. 😬😬
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You're in the small office adjacent to the pool, getting ready for your first lesson of the day. The air is filled with a mix of chlorine and anticipation as you double-check your equipment. Just as you're about to head out to meet your first student, the door creaks open and you look up to see Billy wandering in, characteristically late. A grin immediately tugs at the corners of your lips.
"Morning." He greets with a playful wink.
"Hey." You reply, your voice laced with a hint of flirtatiousness. "Ready for another day?" Billy chuckles, leaning against the doorframe, his tall, lean body perfectly feeling out his wetsuit.
"Absolutely." As you grab your clipboard and lesson plan, you feel Billy's gaze on you. When you look up, you find him unabashedly watching you. It's not the first time you've noticed his lingering glances, but today, there's something different in the way he looks at you.
"Something on your mind?" You ask, your tone teasing. Billy's cheeks flush slightly and he clears his throat.
"Oh, just admirin' your new shorts." You glance down at the sleek black fabric that clings to your body, the material emphasising your wide hips and the soft curve of your backside. A smug grin tugs at your lips as you meet his gaze again.
"You like 'em?" Billy's gaze grows more intense and you can practically feel the heat of his desire.
"Veeeery nice..." He drawls, wetting his lips. You decide to have a little fun, slowly running your fingers under the waistband of your short. His eyes follow your movements and you can practically hear his breath hitch.
"Thanks." You reply innocently, though your eyes dance with mischief. "I figured if I'm gonna spend all day in the pool, I might as well look good doing it." Billy's bright blue gaze darkens as he nods, desire flickering in his eyes. You step closer to the exit to the office — and him — allowing him an even better view of the new shorts that seem to have captured his attention. "'Scuse me, Billy. I need to get to my lesson." He swallows hard and straightens, sliding into the office to make room for you. He leans in a little close, voice dropping to a husky whisper.
"You don't change out of those shorts and into something else, I'll have them 'round your ankles by lunch." You smirk, the tension between you growing more palpable by the second.
"Is that a promise or a threat?" You shoot back with a grin as you turn to leave the office, giving him a little extra sway in your hips as you go. His eyes follow you until the door swings shut behind you.
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Lunch is a brief respite from the busy day at the swimming pool. Your heart races with anticipation as you find yourself alone with Billy in the office. The playful banter from earlier echoes in your mind, his promise still fresh in your memory. With a slow, deliberate movement, he reaches for the hem of your damp swimming shorts and tugs them down, allowing them to pool around your feet. Your cheeks flush as his actions catch you off-guard. You make a show of stepping out of the shorts, feeling his gaze on you every step of the way.
"Couldn't resist, huh?" You tease, your voice a mixture of playfulness and desire. Billy's lips curl into a smug grin.
"I told you earlier. And it's lunchtime, ain't it?" Before you can respond, he pulls you towards him, his lips crashing into yours. The sensation sends shivers down your spine and you respond eagerly, your fingers tangling into his damp, dirty-blonde hair as the kiss deepens. His hands roam over your body, his touch sending shockwaves through you. You can feel his erection pressing against your hip, making a grin quirk at your lips. He breaks the kiss, his lips trailing down your neck, his breath hot against your skin. "Such a tease..." He murmurs against your pulse point. A breathless laugh escapes you, your fingers clutching his shoulders for support as his lips continue their exploration.
His lips find yours again, his fingers trailing over your bare skin, leaving paths of fire in their wake. Between kisses, he whispers against your skin, his words a mixture of adoration and teasing. "You drive me wild, y'know that?" You tilt your head back, granting him better access to your neck as his lips leave a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses.
"That's the idea." You reply, your voice breathless with want. He nips at your jaw, a combination of bites and soft kisses that leaves you gasping. You guide his mouth back to yours, kissing him fiercely as your fingers trace the contours of his body through his wetsuit. The desk's surface is cool against the back of your thighs, a contrast to the heat building within you.
As his fingers inch their way up your thigh to where you're dripping all over his desk, your body arches, a moan escaping your lips. He slides his fingers inside, long fingers reaching deep inside you as he watches the way you bite your lip to stifle the whine bubbling up in your throat. "More..." You whisper, your voice breathless and needy. Billy's eyes meet yours, a mixture of longing and determination in his gaze. He gives you what you crave, his movements growing more intense, more focused, as he draws his fingers in and out, curling them up against your insides and making your hips buck.
Your gasps and moans fill the room, the air heavy with the shared desire that's taken hold of you both. Each touch, each kiss is a revelation.
And as your reach your peak, your fingers dig into his shoulders. Head rolling back as you bask in the pleasure he thrusts upon you.
"There we go, darlin'. Doesn't that feel better?" He purrs against you ear as you shudder and cum hard around his fingers. His gaze is fixed on you, drinking in every detail, as you lose yourself, thighs shaking as you press your head against his chest, desperately trying to muffle the strangled noises that fall from your lips. "There... Much better."
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jinntakk · 2 months
l feel thirsty. l'm pretty sure l've bothered Karli way too many times about this already. Didn't l just get some water at the bar? Now l'm back asking for another cup.
"l only have bottles" Bartender says.
"l'll take the bottle."
"lt's $5".
l don't argue. l need the water. Let's be smart. Let's save the water for the floor. Get a cup of water at the bar. l feel smart. l ask another bartender for water. He gives me a lot of ice.
ls this what a trip feels like? l feel everything all at once. Now l'm resting against a pillar, trying to stay upright. l feel like l need to sit down. l can feel my heartbeat getting faster. ls this what a panic attack feels like? Why is everyone staring at me? l'm having a panic attack. lt's good that l noticed. lf l know what's happening, l can control it. Breathe dummy. Keep breathing. lt's subsiding, and now l feel the music again. l can breathe again.
"Excuse me," Someone interrupts.
lt's dark and l can't see his face.
"Are you straight?"
My brain feels smoothed out. l can't hold my thoughts. l have to think. Have to concentrate to answer him.
"Yes." lt's all l can muster while my head spins and while my mouth is chewing on ice. He goes back to his group of friends and l go back to the ice, trying to act normal whlie keeping vertical. l'm still leaning and now am out of ice. l'm not sure how much time has passed and there are a lot of people on the floor now. How do l find my friends in this state? Seems like a daunting task.
Music brings me back to the moment. Wow. The sound. l am alive. This feels like what l've been missing. Now l'm walking and l'm stopped by the bass. l'm jumping with the crowd. This is fun. My friends have moved. This l notice. We were by the pillar to the left of us and now we're in the middle. l hand Alex the water bottle, turn to Karli and tell her it was $5 rolling my eyes. l might be high but l am still me. l should've brought my collapsible water bottle.
This is what l remember the most about the night. The crinkle of the water bottle as l squeeze it in my left hand. Feeling the plastic bend to my power. The lights strobing as l notice the people dancing.
'l am nothing.'
'l am a sheep.'
'l am not unique nor original, l am just like everyone else.'
'Drugs are what they feed us so that our minds are always hazy. l must get off the drugs.'
'Wow that was an original thought.'
My mind turns again.
Bright lights and bass make a hell of a combo. There are so many pretty girls here. My brain is playing all of the club scenes in the movies l've watched. This is it. l am seeing the scene in real life. lt makes me smile. l am alive.
The drugs are now in overtime and l am hyper conscious of myself. Did l take too much? Am l making a fool out of myself? Did l go overboard? This isn't okay. Am l a burden to my friends? Wake the fuck up and take care of yourself. l'm usually not responsible. Not as much as a 31 year old should be anyways. But l cannot be the crutch of the group as a 6'3" 200lb man when my friends are all significantly smaller than me. Control yourself Jesus. l don't know when a song begins and ends. l get lost in the music again.
The night ends and it is an addictive feeling. lt scares me. l wrote about not doing weed as much and this definitely has the capacity to drag me down to become something ugly. l will definitely need to moderate myself. Keep my focus on me instead of it. l am still hyper aware of my actions. l hope l didn't do anything wrong. l hope l controlled myself well enough. l'd like to do this again and l'm not sure if l'll enjoy myself as much if l'm alone.
l can see why people go out to these things.
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humblyhobbit · 9 months
a little creative writing~
As some crows migrate to warmer places in the fall, others stay in their homes, staying in place as they watch their families and friends leave them behind like the autumn wind. It brings this sense of loneliness, a sense that while everyone is moving forward, you'll be left behind, sitting and watching. Staying still. At a place of not quite being stuck, but not being able to move on. Some people might resonate with this feeling, myself included.
The place I like to sit is under the biggest tree in the park near my house. The best time is when autumn starts, and the orange-brown leaves start to fall to the forest floor. Some rock and sway, almost like they're dancing down to their doom. It oddly brings me this sense of tranquility. That, while the old leaves on the floor near me will ultimately be left behind to rot forever, when spring comes, new and healthy leaves grow on the trees once more.
Some people might interpret this to be that once you're old and rotten, new people will come to replace you and you will soon be forgotten. But while that is true, no one is truly forgotten. There are always remnants of what once were. People savor the memories they shared with you as their friend, sibling, child or partner. You're never lost, never left behind, only lost in the world of what once was.
I like to associate with the crows. Their ebony black feathers leave behind the only trace of themselves before promptly flying away and becoming one with the wind. Some people only view the crows as a sign of death, danger, something to grimace at and distance themselves from. But no one talks about the positives. Crows are a sign of the rebirth of something new and exciting, loyalty to others, and intelligence. Not many people search for the answers hidden beneath the surface, the traits that most people don't care to look at. And, when they finally seem to care enough to delve beneath the surface, it's already rock hard. The positives are already suppressed far beneath what others can sift through.
The crows don't seem to care, though. They move on, fly away to bigger, better places. A place where they can truly be who they are, a place they can call their home. Driven away by shallow people, they distance themselves before they can truly open up to others once again.
I think about that quite often. Especially when the cool breeze from the savory wind, filling my senses with spices and fresh produce. People walk by with their pumpkin spice flavored everything, gearing up for the decorative and exciting season we call fall. But as others walk forward, moving on from whatever past that might still cling to their fall coats, I stay behind, and savor the bed of fall leaves I've created, laying down under my favorite tree, reflecting. And as I reflect, I just hope that one day l'll die peacefully, just like the nature I so woefully rest myself in.
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bunnyisles · 1 year
HEY!!! This is my first post of my own on our joint account:- i want to take like.... Errrm 5-10 sketch requests! I'm mainly interested in oc work, be that human, humanoid or furry characters!!!
All the sketches I make are going to be used for future examples to be posted on here just so you are aware of that, feel free to dm to talk about it more!!!:D
l'm only doing a maximum of ten free sketches & it's not first come first serve but l'll do my best!!! does a cute little enticing dance batting my insanely long eyelashes*
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sophia-youryandere · 3 years
What's wrong with me? I'm so sick. All of my thoughts make me sick to my stomach. I feel the sickness coming up my throat. When I think about how much I love you, I'm sick because I remember you don't feel the same anymore. When I'm sad about you leaving me, I'm sick because I wish I was enough to make you stay. When I'm angry at myself for feeling how I do about you, I'm sick because these feelings would be ok if you were by my side. And the worst part is I can't make the sick stop. I'm so sick with my love for you. I can't decide if I love it or hate it.
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colddetachment · 5 years
Sooo, it's pretty clear by now that both Maca and Val like to dance very close to their partners... Who's gonna be the angel that's going to write a Juliantina fic based on this video? I mean come on, I can't even believe there isn't one yet.
Help a girl out and pleaseeee write something with this video in mind and send it my way if possíble. (:
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