razdragana · 2 months
Imam dovoljno godina da znam kad samu sebe lažem i dovoljno godina da znam da mi to ne treba.
I iznova hvatam samu sebe u laži.
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lifeinbooks · 7 months
možda ne plačeš naglas ali da u sebi plačeš čujem pa pališ drugu cigaretu kažeš da je sve u redu lažeš da je sve u redu.
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sarah152 · 2 years
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ti-i-ja-mozda-nekada · 2 months
Kao pobjednika najbolje aplikacije za prevaru partnera stavila bi Whatsapp.
Ljudi dragi šta je ovo?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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ana-anci · 2 years
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Ovo je moje poslednje piće I poslednja cigareta.
Ovo je poslednja pesma Uz koju plačem.
Poslednje sećanje na tebe I poslednja noć u kojoj te grlim mislima.
Ova gorčina u grudima je poslednji otrov Koji mi telom kulja.
Ovo je moja poslednja ispovest I poslednja laž!
Od sutra ću da ćutim i Tišinom te ljubim...
Ljiljana Nikolić
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Asteroidi Truth & Lie & Veritas
Ovi Asteroidi su uglavnom prilično razumljivi zbog svojih imena, ali i “otvoreniji” za spontano & lično tumačenje njihove simbolike, jer nema puno informacija o njima. Mislim da je to zbog njihovog osnovnog, uglavnom lako razumljivog značenja. Truth ~ Istina, Lie ~ Laž, Veritas ~ Spoznaja (ili Otkrovenje) Kada gledate ove Asteroide, orbis aspekta konjunkcije (koji je najvalidniji od svih…
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pleatonitum · 1 year
Da, Biblija je nadahnuta od Boga, evo zašto.
Bog je želio da ljudi donose odluke i budu informirani o dobru i zlu. Kao i izbori koje im On kao Stvoritelj svijeta preporučuje. Zato je Bog inspirirao proroke i apostole da napišu biblioteku od 66 knjiga koju zovemo Biblija ili Sveto Pismo. Da Božja poruka ne bi bila iskrivljena od ljudi koji je prenose, poruka je zapisana i sačuvana u izvornom obliku do danas, tako da svako može provjeriti da…
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nefes-s · 1 year
Music: Dino Merlin - Sve Je Laž 🎵🎼
Günaydın 🌅🌈 Good morning 🌞
Her gün, bir yerden göçmek ne iyi. Her gün, bir yere konmak ne güzel. Bulanmadan, donmadan akmak ne hoş. Dünle beraber gitti cancağızım, ne kadar söz varsa düne ait. Şimdi yeni şeyler söylemek lazım.
Hz. Mevlana
Sevgilerimle 💙❤️
8 Ekim🧚
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razdragana · 6 months
Po ko zna koji put prezirem svoju naivnost
Po ko zna koji put ispala sam glupa
Više i ne brojim
Glupost je skupa
Jednom neću imati da platim
Bilo bi dobro da razum pre toga vratim
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lifeinbooks · 7 months
nitko ne voli laži, a svi lažu
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"Razumi me. Nisam ja kao običan svet. Imam svoje ludilo, živim u drugoj dimenziji i nemam vremena za stvari koje nemaju dušu." - Čarls Bukovski
I posle toliko godina.. ne znam šta da očekujem od sebe. Znam samo da mi je na momente koža pretesna, da mi tada na licu piše sve ono što niko ne čita, da im svojim pogledima vrištim u lice, "spasite me", usne razvučene u osmeh sakrivaju sve to i lažem se, u redu je. A šta (mogu) da urade, u to nisam sigurna, ili je i to laž koju gutam umesto tableta jer. Nisam. Bolesna. I nema svrhe i ne sećam se skoro ničega iz tog perioda, a opet možda sam jedino tad bila kao "dobro". Menjam raspoloženja na nekoliko minuta i jedna neodmerena reč, jedan hladan pogled, jedan film koji se pokreće u mojim moždanim vijugama me bacaju u ponor, i kako? Kako? Kako to izdržati? Hajde mi kaži, kako živeti u ovoj glavi? Umem da odglumim ulogu, samo vidiš u meni raste bes, mržnja, prezir prema svetu koji tapše na kraju te scene i još veći prezir prema onoj koja me osuđujuće gleda iz ogledala, u mraku, kada se zavese spuste. A kad bi upoznali nju, ne bi je voleli, ne vole je, beže od nje i sklanjaju poglede; mislite da ja ne bih pobegla? Osuđena sam na nju, pogrešnu, nikad neće biti prava, nikad vam neće biti po meri(lima). Hajde reci, koga da izaberem? Ako me voliš, ne spašavaj me(ne), heroji m(en)i nisu potrebni. Ovakve kao ja se uvek snađu. Spasi nju, njoj je potrebnije; zavoli je takvu, nesavršenu, nepromišljenu, neuklopljenu. Nauči je da se prepusti, ona će umeti da veruje da ćeš je uhvatiti kad krene da pada, još uvek ne vidi ništa osim dobrog na ovom svetu. Oni je zbog toga lome na delove, žele da unište u njoj isto ono što su drugi uništili u njima i to je taj začarani krug, ona zariva očnjake u svoje meso jer ipak se svete samo slabi. A valjda se sveti i sebi, jer nije uspela, da ih spasi od njih samih. I možda ni ti nećeš, ne možeš, spasiti me od mene same. Znam(o) kako se ta igra završava, zar ne? Skoro je godina prošla, od kako sam otišla i od one koja je jedina videla sve, nikad se nisam ni šminkala kad sam je viđala, znaš li? Nisam se sređivala za nju, nekad se nisam čak ni češljala, želela sam da joj pokažem svu ružnoću u sebi i gledam kako zgađeno sklanja pogled. Umesto toga, u njenim očima, rečima, postupcima, videla sam samo ljubav i nežnost i beskrajno razumevanje u koje sam želela da se ogrnem i zauvek ostanem tu, sakrivena od celog sveta. Nije bilo dovoljno, kao što mi je i rekla da neće, jer ja moram da želim da mi se pomogne i možda je vreme da pogledam istini u oči. Ne znam kako da prestanem da potapam brodove koji dolaze da me odvuku na obalu, a previše se plašim da sam potopila i onaj poslednji. Sada kada plivam iz sve snage, možda je uzalud, možda je kasno... Molim te, oprosti mi, nemoj me kriviti ako odustanem, a još važnije: nemoj ni sebe. Jer to ja tebi nikad ne bih oprostila.
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zodijak · 4 months
Blizu sam ti i kad sam kilometrima daleko
Ja sam onaj zvuk što ti se učini u mraku
Ja sam onaj bljesak svjetlosti u tramvaju
Ja sam onaj šum kad te spaja na poziv
Ja sam ona sjena od milisekunde
Ja sam onaj glas u glavi
Ja sam osjećaj u želucu
Ja sam dva plava oka koja nestaju
Ja sam ledeni osmijeh u toplom junu
Ja sam tvoja laž i tudja istina
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fcgoretzka · 1 year
Laž | Bojan Cvjetićanin
Pairing: Bojan Cvjetićanin x y/n (she/her)
Author's note: Here we go again, I basically kinda had a dream with this plot so I turned it into a fanfic. I am really happy with the result, it is one of the longest one shots I have written recently so yeah, I hope you enjoy 🦋
Warnings: Slight foul language (almost none). No proofread cause we die like men (as always)
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She was as sure as ever. Bojan had been ignoring her throughout every single Eurovision pre party. It’s not like she was rude towards him or any other member of the group, on the contrary, she always loved hanging out with the band, while the same was for most of them.
During the very first pre party in Barcelona, the place where she met the boys for the first time, Bojan was overly excited to talk to her, gave her compliments and sweet smiles and grew quite fond of the girl before him. Same thing with y/n, she felt her heart skip a beat every time he said something nice about her, the way she looked, the way she acted, her Eurovision song. Jan made fun of them for acting like high schoolers in love but they didn't care at all. They both felt like a missing piece from their hearts was finally found through this meeting. All the boys made her feel at home, even played some party games which ended up with y/n sleeping on top of Kris's lap. So, when they parted, she was more than ecstatic to see them again, after hearing that they would both be performing in Poland a week after.
This pre party could clearly be described as pure chaos. The Slovenians landed some hours before and while they had agreed that they would stay at the airport to wait for her, Bojan backed out, saying that he was so tired that he would call a taxi to drop him at the hotel and he would meet them there. When y/n landed in Warsow, she quickly spotted the boys, gave a hug to Kris as he was the one closer to the gate and then froze. "Where is Bojan? What happened?"she asked as the boys told her he was feeling a little bit off and was already at their hotel. Her heart ached, he must be feeling really off if he chose to not wait for her, so she ushered them all to go to their hotel fast.
While only hugging Kris.
Bojan was not sick. He was not feeling off, he was not tired. Bojan simply didn't want to see y/n. It took a lot of strength to not wait for her, to give her a big hug and keep her closer. To look into her eyes, but it was for the best. For the best Bojan had created into his mind. Because he was sure, there was no doubt, everyone could see it. y/n liked Kris. That game of truth or dare planted a seed to his mind, and the way she fell asleep on his lap justified it all together. And it hurt, it hurt like hell. The moment he met her, he felt a deep feeling he had never felt before. He wanted to believe she was feeling the same way, but the chemistry she had with Kris crushed his walls down. He knew he didn't do anything wrong, but you can never talk a person into loving you. In addition, Bojan was adamant to the fact that when you love a person (and we are talking about two people Bojan loves as the same time, y/n and Kris) you must wish the best for them, no matter how much it hurts your heart. So the moment he heard his door knocking and y/n's sweet voice echoed through the hallway, his heart sank deeply down his chest but he got himself together as he heard Kris's voice behind calling his name as well.
Of course there was Kris as well. They liked each other. They were great for each other. They were both kind, outgoing, generous. He never wanted to be someone else more than this exact moment. But he had to be strong. Not let his guards down anymore. He is simply gonna ignore them, act as if he was asleep, they won't care that much, they will shrug it off. They will have more time together. He closed his eyes, turned his back to the door and kicked his feelings. The feelings that are growing more and more every single day.
"Bojan, I am really worried, please open the door."
That's it. That thing over there. Bojan. The way she said his name, the way she tried to come close to a Slovenian accent. He was sure Kris was teaching her how to say his name correctly, he was sure Kris was holding her hand now, he was sure Kris would try to steal the very first kiss. Nevertheless, he made his way to the door, the faster he would get over with the encounter, the better for him. He swiftly turned the doorknob and his eyes fell exactly on top of y/n's. She let out a sigh of relief and wrapped her arms tightly around him. "I missed you Bojan" she said as Bojan himself took advantage of every single second he was in her arms. Because the moment she and Kris would make it official, those hugs will be gone. All the hugs will be for Kris. He will be lucky if he gets a hug at his birthday. He managed to convince everyone that he needed this time alone to relax and will be up and running as soon as possible.
The next two pre parties were hectic as hell and that made Bojan bless the God above for giving him the perfect opportunity to keep the distance he believed would be for the best. Everything kept happening so fast that he really didn't have the time needed to spend some moments with y/n.
Lie. Kris found some time to go out for a drink with her. Along with Jan.
And at that specific moment, the night of the last pre party, she was as sure as ever about that. Bojan is ignoring her. She tried to ask Nace about it during the time between their acts, him not giving her an answer that could please her. And at the moment she stepped her foot on the stage, her eyes searched for Bojan. And every word she sang was for Bojan. Every single emotion she felt was for Bojan. Her eyes were stuck on him, his eyes were stuck on hers. But after her performance, while she made her way towards them, all the way to Bojan, he stepped back and oh-so-slightly motioned Kris towards her way, making him her first hug of the night. Nobody sensed a thing, it was just normal, she wanted Kris's hug more than anyone else's right now.
Lie. She wanted Bojan's hug. She wanted Bojan's compliments. She wanted Bojan's reassurance.
Reaching to the Eurovision rehearsals, Bojan's nerves were on the roof. Seeing y/n and simply waving at her, he justified that on the fact that this event was huge for them, he wanted to give his best, he didn't want to let anyone down. And especially the moment of the actual semi final, where y/n had just qualified and there was only one last spot left for the grand final.
A word Bojan never heard from the pressure and the fact that the only thing he could hear was the pounding heart on his chest, but felt a pair of arms hug him with all their might, repeating the word 'congratulations' over and over again, all the boys joining in this big hug. And Bojan felt nice. Felt relieved. Felt absolutely content and happy. Until Kris turned his attention towards y/n and offered some party drinks, and Bojan sank deep once again. 'I am happy for them. They are my friends, I am happy for them'
Lie. His heart couldn't have sunk any further down his chest.
80 and 78 points for y/n and Joker Out respectively. The word 'favorites' that was chasing both of the acts meaning absolutely nothing, the top 10 more than ten places above. y/n was devastated. She let everyone down, she let her country down, she let the people that supported her down, she let herself down. The first tear made its way down her cheek the moment the presenters announced her televoting points.
You get...21 points.
A loud no way was heard from the delegation next to hers, and that voice was a voice she could recognize from anywhere. Bojan. She too stunned to look at them, her gaze stuck upon the scoreboard. Final results, a 20th place for her and a 21st for Slovenia. After the end of the voting show and the winner's performance, people were slowly making their way outside of the arena, but y/n's gaze stayed at the same point it was before. 20th. She didn't even notice all the delegations leaving and only averted her gaze when she felt a hand touching hers.
"Please don't cry, you were amazing on stage. I am so proud of you" he told her as the silent tears kept making their way down her cheeks. "And so what? What if I was indeed that good on stage? It doesn't even matter because I failed everyone that believes in me" she raised her voice, new tears almost escaping the corners of her eyes. Bojan hated seeing her cry, it broke his heart into million little pieces. "I believe in you and you haven't failed me, y/n" he simply added as she looked at him. Just a small look into his eyes turned her deep sadness into anger. Anger for every single moment he set her aside, every single moment he ignored her. He thought he had the right to support her now, after all those countless days that she felt left out?
"You have got to be kidding me Bojan. After all those days that you don't pay the slightest attention to me, that you do everything you can to ignore me, now you want to support me? Does this seem normal to you?" she burst out, her voice raising with every word she said. Bojan stood quiet, not sure on how to react, on what to say. Should he mention Kris? Should he mention his feelings? Should he just close his eyes and follow his heart?
"I don't want to steal time from you and Kris, y/n" he simply stated, a lump forming in his throat just by the thought that passed by his mind. "You make each other happy, and I am sure you fit each other perfectly.". y/n stayed shocked by what he said, did Bojan seriously think that there was something going on between her and Kris? "Wait, where did that come from? I don't like Kris, what are you saying? Who told you that?" she said looking at Bojan more serious than ever. Bojan averted her gaze and she got a gentle hold of his chin, turning his face to look at her. "Bojan, please answer me".
"Jure also noticed that, not before me though"
"Even if he did notice that, Bojan, why didn't he start ignoring me as you did? This makes zero sense, please tell me what's the matter" she stated and Bojan couldn't control himself anymore.
"Because Jure doesn't have feelings for you. Jure doesn't suppress his whole entity because his love for you is growing stronger and stronger. Because Jure is not me y/n"
y/n stared into Bojan's eyes, as he saw them glistening with tears. Bojan felt his whole head spinning, y/n not answering to his sudden outburst. 'I fucked up'
Suddenly, y/n's hand found its way on Bojan's cheek. " You are really dumb aren't you?" she simply stated as Bojan furrowed his eyebrows. And then he caught a glimpse of her gaze. No, there was no way he was imagining things. Her gaze averted between his eyes and his lips, he saw that. Bojan nodded and y/n got this as a cue to instantly lock her lips with the sweet pair of his, while his hands moved to her small back. "It's me? Not Kris? It's me?" Bojan said out of breath as she smiled. " It couldn't be anyone else but you. You have a lot of broken parts to fix here, you made me feel like the least wanted person for more than a month now" she stated, the smile never leaving her lips. Bojan nodded, regret filling his mind and thoughts.
He wasn't at the airport to pick her up, he didn't hug her after the pre parties, he didn't spend time with her during the rehearsals. He missed a hell lot of opportunities to make so many memories with her, all because of his haunting thoughts. He wrapped his arms around her small frame, kissing the top of her head.
"Can we start this process by getting you a congratulations drink? The drink that I chose not to get to you during the pre parties?"
She simply nodded as she heard a voice coming from the main entrance of the arena "I fucking told you Jan, you owe me 50 euros."
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gtaradi · 2 years
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phlegmaticdreamer · 5 months
O kako mrzim rastanke, životna fobija mi je bespomoćno posmatranje iz daljine kako se u trenutku obrušavaju zidovi nečega što me je držalo na optimalnom nivou življenja.
Konture ostavljenih će blijedjeti do konačnog nestanka i to je skroz prirodno ali lažna obećanja ostaju kao ožiljci koji se ne mogu zaliječiti.
O kada bi svi ljudi skupili muda i trčali u susret budućnosti i bili malo iskreni, ovakvih tekstova ne bi ni bilo. Kako smo jučer bili nešto što danas želimo da više nismo?
Ne, ne živimo danas u takvom vremenu kao što mnogi mislite jer svjedoci toga su Dučići, Selimovići, Šantići, Krleže i drugi. Čovjek je uvijek bio zaključan u ambalaži koja prezire svoj sadržaj, gdje je laž nova istina a ljubav samo citat, ali čovjek ti je teški hajvan i ono malo duše što ima, šejtan mu je dao da mu bude teže.
Ja sad živim kao da mi fali pola tijela, a ti Lažo negdje cijela.
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saganyst · 6 months
Dobro došli u doba
Gdje je ljubav misaona imenica
Gdje vlada blud, nemoral, nevjera i laž
Gdje su prava prijateljstva rijetka
Gdje zlo i nepravda stanuje oko nas
Gdje svijet živi u mržnji
Gdje svakodnevno proizlaze loše vijesti
Gdje izbijaju ratovi, sukobi, svađe, nemiri
Gdje dom (planeta) ispašta zbog ljudskog nemara, nedostatka empatije, sebičnosti
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