jannathaikarbala · 1 year
I was sitting in my room with the thought of my mind, that how grateful we are to have you OH HUSSAINع.... 🙌
- Alhamdulillah by Ali Shanawar
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amna-minhas · 3 months
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reo12store · 1 year
labbaik ya hussain
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gaytreeku · 1 year
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punteuet · 2 years
Lirik Sholawat Haji Lengkap Arab Latin Dan Artinya
Lirik Sholawat Haji Lengkap Arab Latin Dan Artinya
Ahmadalfajri.com – Lirik Sholawat Haji Lengkap Arab Latin Dan Artinya Pada artikel kali ini, kami akan membagikan sebuah lirik Sholawat yang dapat anda bacakan sebelum berangkat menuju ke tanah suci. Tapi perlu anda perhatikan bahwa lirik di bawah ini menggunakan kalimat haji. Oleh sebab itu, jika anda berangkat ke tanah suci untuk melaksanakan umrah maka kalimat Haji tersebut anda ganti…
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labbaik-ya-hussain-as · 3 months
1400 years ago Imam Hussaine was alone, seeking help, saying "Hal Min Nasirin Yansurna"
Today, Allah embedded his name in the hearts of Millions.
"Labbaik ya Hussain" till our last breath.
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cryingdovesblog · 1 month
Labbaik Al Quds Lana - Labbaik Ay Arz E Muqaddas - Abdullah Mehboob New Nasheed 2023 - SoundCloud
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Ascolta Labbaik Al Quds Lana - Labbaik Ay Arz E Muqaddas - Abdullah Mehboob New Nasheed 2023 di Pendu Production ✪ su #SoundCloud
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quranwithsehar · 6 months
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And ˹remember˺ when Abraham said, “My Lord, make this city ˹of Mecca˺ secure and provide fruits to its people—those among them who believe in Allah and the Last Day.” He answered, “As for those who disbelieve, I will let them enjoy themselves for a little while, then I will condemn them to the torment of the Fire. What an evil destination!” [Al Baqarah - 126]
Ibrahim AS prayed to the Lord and asked Him to transform "the building or structure that was built by him at that time" into a peaceful city. It was a structure of kaaba, not how it looks today. It was surrounded by desert. Nothing at all in sight.
So, Ibrahim AS prayed to not only make it a city all around, but a peaceful one, providing its people with all kinds of food. It was all desert around him; he was looking at nothing while making the dua, but what an imagination. SubhanAllah.
While making dua, why do we limit ourselves? Why do we think, "Nah, Allah won't provide me with that"? Why? Look at the dua of Ibrahim AS. And yes, you might say that he was a prophet, so of course, Allah heard him, but here is a lesson to learn. Ibrahim said yes to everything Allah asked him to do, then he built the Kaabah, and then he made the dua which was fulfilled. So, what is it that you and I need to do to get our duas answered? Try to be like Ibrahim AS. When a command comes to us, we say labbaik to it. We say yes, and we strive our best, we do our best. We give our best. And once we do, once we are in the process of fulfilling Allah’s commands, make dua, ask Him for the impossible, and see it become possible.
He is asking to make the desert into a city, then a secure city, and then a city with a good economy. Safety and prosperity. Two things you need for a stable society. If there is no security, people will not come to live here and will not be safe if they do. If it has no good economy, no all kinds of food, which means no good economy, no prosperity so people will not have jobs to survive there.
So make it a city, make it prosperous, and make it for believers, people who believe in Allah and the Last Day.
Allah replied, even the one who disbelieves, I will provide him a little too. And after I let him enjoy, I will drag him to the punishment of the flame. What a horrible place to go back to.
So, yeah, even those who disbelieve will have the luxuries of dunya too, but their end will be horrible.
May Allah protect us from it. Ameen
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thawabuponthawab · 1 year
“I learned the Talbiyah from the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) who said: Labbaika Allahumma labbaik, labbaika la sharika laka labbaik. Innal-hamda wan- ni’mata laka, wal-mulk. La sharika laka (Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise and blessings are Yours, and all sovereignty, You have no partner).” He said: “And Ibn ‘Umar used to add: Labbaika labbaika labbaika wa sa’daika wal-khairu fi yadaika, labbaika war-raghba’u ilaika wal-‘amal (Here I am, here I am, here I am, and at Your service; all good is in Your Hands, here I am, seeking Your pleasure and striving for Your sake).”
لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ لَبَّيْكَ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ إِنَّ الْحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَالْمُلْكَ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَكَ
Sunan ibn Majah 2918
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gaytreeku · 1 year
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 28 days
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🍂🥀🍂 Lady Zainab (sa), taught us that the hijab does not weaken the women; rather it displays her strength, commitment, and confidence; which is rooted in her deep love of her faith and servitude to Allah (SWT)!
🍂🥀🍂 Labbaik Ya Zainab (sa) 🍂🥀🍂
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repentingxnafs · 1 month
❝ A person will never be considered a muslim even if he says the Shahādah from morning to night, and even if he leaves Shirk, and if he does Hajj every year, and even if he keeps posting about his religious ecstacy in Ramadān and when he's around the Ka'bah, and if he shouts Labbaik in the loudest of his voice, Until he or she adhere to the principles of Walā and Barā— the Bar'ah from Kufr in Kafirin and the Wala to Tawhid and Muwahhidin. You must have Bar'ah from a Kafir and what it entails, because Allāh سبحانه وتعالى despises them, and their Kufr. Both, get that right—both.
A sign of loving Allāh is not just saying it or alleging it, or putting in the bio like they do.
You don't love Allāh until you accept Walā in Him and Barā'ah in Him. ❞
— Shaykh Ahmed Mūsā Jibrīl حفظه الله
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isarasyu · 1 month
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The Story of My First Spiritual Journey. Umrah. 🕋
لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ لَبَّيْكَ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ إِنَّ الْحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَالْمُلْكَ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَكَ
Arab Latin: "Labbaik Allahumma labbaik. Labbaik laa syarika laka labbaik. Innal hamda wan ni'mata laka wal mulk laa syarika lak."
Artinya: "Ya Allah, aku memenuhi panggilan-Mu, Ya Allah aku memenuhi panggilan-Mu, tidak ada sekutu bagi-Mu, sesungguhnya pujian dan kenikmatan hanya milik-Mu, dan kerajaan hanyalah milik-Mu, tiada sekutu bagi-Mu"
Atas segala titik terindah ini, atas undangan istimewa ini, atas segala kemurahan rezeki darimu, dan rasa syukur dan bahagia yang tak terhingga ini. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih yaa Allah untuk panggilan terindah dari mu. Aku adalah hambamu yang penuh dengan dosa, yang pernah dan masih sering melakukan hal tidak baik, yang sering sekali mengeluh ketika engkau berikan ujian. Namun maha baik nya engkau, engkau mempersilahkan aku menjadi tamu mu untuk beribadah di tanah suci mu. Engkau memanggil ku dengan penuh kelembutan, engkau berikan kemudahan jalannya, engkau kirimkan orang orang baik untuk meyakinkan hatiku, dan semua nya tersusun dengan sangat rapih dan indah sejak awal tahun 2024 ini. Engkau menyambut ku dengan penuh kehangatan suka cita, memberikan jamuan yang begitu nikmat, Ya Allah.... Terima kasih banyak. Semua yang terjadi selama disana, aku nikmati setiap detailnya dengan penuh rasa syukur karena rasanya engkau begitu sangat dekat. Begitu banyak cerita yang aku sampaikan dan begitu banyak doa yang aku mohonkan. Semoga engkau mengabulkan segala doa doa ku ya Allah. Dan rasanya aku tidak sabar menunggu kembali panggilan terindah mu lagi ya Allah untuk beribadah kembali di tanah suci. Semoga segera panggilan indah dari mu itu datang untuk ku. Aamiin.
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🍂🥀🍂 Salutations to our most beloved Lady Zainab (sa) the lady of knowledge, patience and courage. The lady who carried the message of Karbala whose voice continues to echo from the courtyard of Yazid (la). The world will never forget Her bravery. ‎
🍂🥀🍂 Labbaik Ya Zainab 🍂🥀🍂
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