ininked · 4 years
“ here! hold this-- ! “ 
there’s little time given for floyd to take the bubbling vial from azul’s hand as its thrust in his direction. what had begun as a simple halloween game, alchemy being one of his fortes after all, had somehow warped into a rather insane sort of theatrical scene most unbecoming to someone of azul’s usually so put-together manner. one taste of that strange candy and he had shifted from simply odd to seemingly deranged.
of course, there had been brief times when the cracks split and revealed the truth beneath his smile, but this was not an example of his mask slipping, but of something entirely unlike him taking over altogether.
“ it’s not enough, but with the limited resources we should be able to make SOMETHING interesting, fuahaha ! “
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azul bent over the few beakers he’d somehow acquired and began pouring a new bubbling mixture into them before seizing back the vial handed to floyd. combining the acids and components caused smoke to billow from one of the containers, a fluffy pink cloud thick and drifting slowly above their heads. @labebantur​
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quickwits · 4 years
     crystal blue waters as far as the eye can see, sunny skies beaming from overhead, pristine sandy beaches and salt in the breeze, nommin isle is nothing short of paradise on earth... and yet, deep in the heart of a tropical utopia, leon finds himself growing increasingly frustrated: fishing is much more difficult a task than he could have ever anticipated, and stubborn as ever he’s determined to master it. in fact, it’s about the only challenge this island has to offer, which is why he’s even bothered with it at all. it’s something to do, if nothing else, because while food is in no short supply boredom is aplenty.      with his shoes and socks left ashore, leon stalks out a fish in the shallow tide that’s ventured conveniently within his reach. there’s no way he won’t nab this one! he readies himself, patiently... but the moment he makes his move someone else wades too close, and away the fish swims. ugh, darn it!
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     “ ah! h- hey, you scared it away! i almost had it! ”
        ❱❱      @labebantur​   ❤ ‘d  for  a  starter !
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amaikus · 4 years
@labebantur​ / event starter call.
Ramuda is wearing his swimsuit, sunglasses on his face and a big lollipop in his mouth. Why wouldn’t anyone click this island to visit! It’s super sunny, and there’s lots of pretty girls around! He puts a fist to his face and giggles before flopping down on his beach towel. He leans back, sighing loudly as he attempts to sunbathe.
Peace only lasts about ten minutes, though, and there’s a shadow taking too long to pass. He flips his sunglasses up, sits up on his elbows, and frowns.
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“Excuuu~uuuse me? Hello? Can you move, please !!”
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aperturesurvivor · 4 years
event starter call : for @labebantur​​​ !
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IT’S GETTING LESS SURPRISING   to see fellow displaced citizens of Spirale by the hour. While, at first, Chell had felt isolated and alone, that’s not really a concern anymore. On the plus side, it means that she’ll be better off facing the monsters. On the other hand, she doesn’t really like people. 
But honestly, at the end of the day she’s relieved that she’s not here alone. That would be even worse. More of the same, but awful nonetheless. 
She can’t get through a patrol without running into someone. And while she’s more than happy to share her stockpiled resources, she knows better than to just trust anyone. They might all be from Spirale, but... there are a lot of different kinds of people there. Including people that Chell fully knows aren’t that morally upstanding. 
She doesn’t think she’s been spotted yet. So she crouches down behind some rubble, watching the stranger’s movements carefully. 
Naturally, her fabric-wrapped foot lands on some thin sheet metal with a crunch, and, though the fabric muffles it a little bit, it’s still audible. Dammit. 
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isolaradiale · 4 years
hello! his muse sort of died on me so i'm just here to drop floyd leech (twisted wonderland) for the moment. he was housed in townhouse 209. thank you for having him!
Thank you for being here, dropped!
– ⋆ canopus.
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rexerrat · 4 years
@labebantur / s.c.
{ 👑 } PERHAPS IT IS A FOOLISH NOTION to allow himself a relaxed state of mind in the presence of the other, and absolutely it is foolish to go about drinking rum so BRAZENLY. And yet, be as it may, Gangrel simply didn't care About himself, about the stranger, about any and every damn thing in the world. Cynical bastard, he is. Knowing the Stars, if he died, he'd just wake up back home in Spirale. without much in the way of repercussions. Stretches across the prow of this particular ship, bottle dangling betwixt sharp fingers, he gazes downwards at the stranger. Spare hand rests to prop beneath his chin.
❝ARE YOU FAMILIAR WITH THE LIFE of a pirate or sailor? Consider myself curious. I can't say I'm much of one. Oh, I had a yearly stint on the deck of a ship, but hah, I don't think a man of the desert is cut out to be a pirate king, eh?❞
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gaeabound · 4 years
he utterly hated this island ━━ where the ocean's presence was suffocating, and the few pieces of land were no different from coastal rock stacks.  on top of that, the promise of shelter and materials belied the need to cross between ships and that infernal ocean;  in fact, if glares could physically cut, his would have long severed the waters by now.  with a grumble, kurowli carefully leans over the rotting wooden rail, making sure his owls remain safe as they both hunted for fish below.  whatever this ship once held in its cupboards has either been eaten by decay or raided, leaving only a few bottles of spirit and a simple bag of salt behind.
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“  if you are searching for resources, best look elsewhere,  ”   he states upon hearing the approach of footsteps.  a stony glance is spared at the other for a moment, before his attention shifts back towards a catch in an owl’s beak.  sadly, much too small to eat.   “  ━━ lest you wish to survive on molded foods, then go right ahead.  ”
@labebantur​​​ /  volaat island   (  shore event sc.  )
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nyctern · 4 years
@labebantur liked for a starter
☽☾ ⋯ Leian had seen something like these wandering the beaches back home. Little shellfish crawled against the rocks, easy to pluck away and set in a thin wired net she’d found amongst a shipwreck. With as many figures she’d seen slipping around in the shadows and shipwrecks, even foraged meals would soon grow scarce, but better still to start now than fight for barrels of useless trinkets.
At least, she’d keep at it, were it not for footsteps amongst the sand. Whirling on quick feat amongst the rocks, wooden sword unsheathes with a flick of her free hand. “Who are you?”
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regemverum · 4 years
@labebantur​ / starter call
Ardyn’s eyes are narrowed and his hands are holding onto the railing so he can look down at the books below him. He tilts his head and looks across the scene -- people are reading different texts, both ancient and illegible, and Ardyn distantly wonders if there’s someone here who curates them. The books to him look worn and barely readable, but if he’s persistent enough he’s sure he will be able to find something that interests him. 
He looks down the stairs and begins his descent, one hand touching along the spines of the books that face him. Some other readers move out of his path and he almost bumps into a couple, but he continues on while humming a tune under his breath. He pauses, hand still on the books and stares at another person in front of him. Shirt untucked, hair a mess, and staring at one page of a particularly well-worn book.
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Ardyn takes off his hat and inclines his head, a slow smile spreading across his face. He leans forward and quickly pulls a book off the shelf, thumbing through it as he smiles more to himself.
“Mm… a librarian on duty, reading through old tomes…” he says, still looking at his own book. There’s nothing useful he can discern, but he keeps up appearances. He lets a beat pass and looks up, grinning just a little. “Wouldn’t your superior be upset if they knew?”
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gallowsbough · 4 years
This one is a remarkable talent. The rental shop owner, despite not understanding Yggdrasil’s confused peals, had wheedled her into renting these shoes. She had hardly begun to sign, thirty? with her hands before one foot was being maneuvered into a mint-colored shoe, then tightly laced before she could react.
These things that weigh down every step— the shop owner had called them sneakers. Pacing in them, she does not feel particularly sneaky. Now, walking is a strange experience, as typically, it is only space that separates her from the earth.
So preoccupied with walking, she collides with a young man, the force not insignificant.
Are you alright? Dipping her head in apology as she sheepishly explains in soft chimes; I am sorry. I have never worn shoes before… — @labebantur  ❀  sc.
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heroicrow · 4 years
As annoying as it is, the detective has had to resort to approaching people and asking for information the hard way.
He’s been walking around for a while now, and he’s not entirely sure which ward he’s in at the moment. He hasn’t gotten their themes completely memorized, yet.
Most of the information he’s gotten has also been superficial at best. Goro is already tired of this game.
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“Ah... Excuse me.” He turns to a young man who seems to be around his age and smiles, “Do you know of any good cafes around here by chance?” 
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shufflesplit · 4 years
@labebantur​ // starter call.
Cater notices the Leech twin -- which is that one again? -- at a distance. He seems to be distracted, or maybe he’s bored; he can’t tell the difference this far away.
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He approaches, phone in his hand as he waves a little. “Hiya ~ you’re stuck here too, huh? Is your dorm leader also here?”
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kujoutengu · 4 years
Another full moon night meant another sleepless night, which led to Waka wandering around Archimedes ward. He had just gotten out of work and had been planning on returning to his condo in Archimedes when he found himself distracted by the moon above. 
He knew that, when he arrived back home he wouldn’t be able to sleep until sunrise; the nights when the moon was at its fullest left him feeling overly energized, and his mind going a mile a minute. This led to many nights where he could not sleep, no matter what he tried, and he learned early on not to fight it. After all, it was only natural for the people of the moon to be at their most active during this phase of the lunar cycle, and try as he might to pass himself off as a regular mortal, he knew that he was still among the ranks of the Moon Tribe, and ha certain aspects of his people would remain with him. He could not hide or suppress anything, and since he arrived in this city, he saw no need to in the firs place (though old habits died hard.)
The moonlight shining down caught his golden hair, giving it an ethereal glow not unlike the colour of the moon above. His hair, normally kept in a tengu cap was exposed, for his hair tended to attract many customers and aid him in his work at the nearby host club. This led him to leaving his cap back in his apartment on nights where he worked.
It wasn’t until the sound of approaching footsteps reached his ears that Waka tore his gaze from the moon and onto the stranger approaching. 
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“It is rather late to be out for a stroll, is it not?”
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isolaradiale · 4 years
hello! i am applying as per my previous reserve for floyd leech of twisted wonderland! my application can be found at the third link down on the sidebar or, if the popup window doesn't work, at /a
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Floyd!
You will be housed in TOWNHOUSE 209.
You’ll be given an aged broom that you will be able to fly upon up to twenty minutes per day. You’ll also be given a pen.
-- mod altair.
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heistmaster69 · 4 years
pariet lilium
pariet lilium
pariet lilium~by @heistmaster69​
4th Year Draco Malfoy x OC fic. 
~so uhh um I was maybe watching a video about dark academia while writing this and may have gotten a BIT carried away~
gif by @fairylightwishes​ all credit to them!
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Frankie and Cher sat in the back of Potions class while Snape droned on about the effects of crushed versus shaved Bicorn Horn on the end result of a Pepperup potion.
“-now you see that’s exactly what I was talking about. Muggle movie stars are much more attractive than boys at Hogwarts-”
“-Dicaprio, yes.” She whispered.
“Frankie that man is gorgeous-”
‘So fine-”
Cher let out a sigh, while Frankie continued. “All the boys from Dead Poets Society-”
“So it’s decided then-”
“Yes. I’m saving my virginity until I’m of age and Leonardo Dicaprio can come and take it fro-”
“Miss. Reed.” Snape deadpanned. “If you and your friends would be so kind as to stop squealing about muggle boys in my class-I would appreciate it. That will be five points from Slytherin.” 
Cher kicked Frankie under the table. 
“My bad, professor.” She murmured, putting her palm under her chin and turning back to her notes. 
Potions had to be her third favorite class, Frankie didn’t mind it at all, it’s just, she was a little distracted, recently. It seemed like her single-ness was beginning to get to her and she found herself daydreaming during class. She didn’t want to be as obsessed as she was, but Frankie couldn’t really help it. She wanted the movie-scene first kiss and the romance novel passion, as unattainable as it is, she craved it. 
But the thing is-Frankie never let herself daydream about people she knew. In reality, none of the people she’s liked would ever like her back, and it just hurt her because she knew that no one would ever have feelings for Frankie as she did for them. Every time she let her walls down she got hurt. 
A lot of the people Frankie has met have made sure she knows that she will never be as valuable, never as loved, as beautiful, as successful as others because she wasn’t as thin as others. Frankie loved herself. But her ‘friends’, her family? It seemed like they hated her for it...
Magic had always interested Frankie. Being a witch or wizard usually goes over the heads of purebloods, with the mere prospect of having the gift coming so naturally to all of them. Frankie’s isolated upbringing, rarely seeing her parents and being brought up by a strange yet kind tutor who instructed her in all sorts of topics, ranging from basic arithmetic to discovering Frankie’s magical abilities. Ms. Selwyn, around Frankie’s parents, and Kendra, during her tutoring sessions daily during childhood. 
These memories with Kendra have a warm haze to them, and whenever Frankie reminisced, a smile would find its way onto her face. We would stand together in the garden, during the golden sunsets, and she would say;
“Magic is an incredible gift, it is beautiful and infinitely important. We hold the power of the universe in our hands.” 
Young Frankie would stare wide-eyed, confused, and tug on the side of Kendra’s robe,
“Ms. Kendra, what’s the universe?” Frankie would ask.
“The universe is everything.”
“Everything? How much is that?” 
Kendra would smile so gently and kneel down beside Frankie, grasping her small hands and gesturing towards the sky alive with color.
“More than we could ever know.”
Kendra knew the power purebloods held with the Ministry, after all, the Selwyns and the Reeds were a part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. The Ministry was still hypnotized by the status and the blood purity that these upper-class families held and overlooked the small laws broken by the elite, so Kendra and Frankie would practice small magic in their free time-in secret. The Reeds would never want their precious-little-delicate-perfect-pureblood baby daughter learning anything but the proper protocol for stuffy dinners with the Prewetts, the Malfoys, the Greengrasses, the Bulstrodes, the Parkinsons, the Notts, the Flints, or any other sort of perfect families that they could put in their larger-than-life estate. 
Nevertheless, Kendra would take Frankie into the garden behind the mansion, near the rippling brook by a big oak tree. They would sit in the shade of the branches and Frankie would learn about everything her family didn’t want her to know. She learned about the inequality between purebloods, half-bloods, and muggleborns and as Kendra told her of the First Wizarding War, Frankie felt her heart shatter into a thousand pieces. How could someone think they were any better than another human being due to their blood? Their lineage? How they treat those supposedly ‘less than’? This realization caused a rift to form between Frankie and her parents-the entirety of what being Sacred 28 pureblooded perfection was. 
She despised it.
Kendra warned her though, she spoke softly the words that shoved Frankie into a vault, locked her away, and threw away the key.
“I don’t know if this will ever change.”
Little Frankie blinked quickly, her wide eyes sore and puffy from tears. “Why?” She cried. 
“They will never relinquish the privilege that this supremacy gives them.” Kendra let out a deep sigh and placed a tender hand on Frankie’s shoulder. 
“I think you’re wrong, Miss Kendra.”
“I hope I am, Miss Frankie. I think you could make a difference.”
This upbringing of acceptance and wonder from Kendra instilled a unique view of magic in Frankie. She saw it as a privilege and took an interest in a side of magic that tended to be overlooked until necessary. Frankie liked to create spells and potions. Specifically, she had a fixation on wandless magic. It was crazy to her-she could create life from her hands. How so many of her friends and peers overlooked this, she understood but wished more people wouldn’t call people like her Loony Lovegood. 
Frankie hid a tattered mahogany-colored, pleather-bound journal in her pillowcase. This journal rarely let the safety of her room, only transferring annually between her estate and Hogwarts. It was never shown to a soul, and it contained her life’s work in what could barely be considered spell-creation. Notes and random scribbles littered the pages, but if it were ever to be lost, Frankie would lose everything she’s done since she was six years, four months, and thirteen days old and Kendra told her about spell-creation. She thinks she would cry.
“Oi Francesca-” A voice called.
“-you’re not allowed to call me that, Blaise.” Frankie chuckled as he jogged up to her, stopping to lean against the wall with a smirk.
“I don’t care, you’re Francesca to me. Anyway, Potions, what happened in poti-” Blaise looked over his shoulder and shouted to Theo. “Oi Theodore, get your arse over here!” Blaise had a thing for using people’s full name-even if it’s not really their name, (ie Daphnessa/Pansleigh.) Frankie rolled her eyes as Theo strolled, shoulders taut, up to Blaise
“Frankie, what happened in Potions? You love potions, you’re always talking about how Potions is a really cool way to learn about how magic affects the world-”
“-Potions is a super cool way to learn about how magic affects the world-” Blaise interjected, wrapping an arm around Theo’s broad shoulders.
 Theo turns to Blaise with a sarcastic stare at him. “Yeah, that.”
I want to have a stupid dumb kiss already. Which is stupid dumb and I don’t even care but I’m horny for love.
“Oh, yeah I-I didn’t sleep well last night.” Frankie choked out.
“It was kind of a relief, your constant enthusiasm about Snape’s class is alarming.” Theo snickered. Blaise snorted as he and Theo sauntered towards the Great Hall. Frankie let out a breath and followed soon after the two boys let for lunch to get to the common room.
Frankie’s boots tapped gently against the cold stone floor of the dungeons. Dust hung low in the air, illuminated by the amber glow of hanging torches that littered the walls. The dungeons are always shown as a dingy, disgusting place but Frankie found the common room comforting. She stilled in front of the entrance and spoke softly the password. 
“Labebantur anguis.” 
The wall dragged inwards with a low scraping sound, revealing her home. The estate is not a home, the estate is merely her stage, acting as the perfect daughter for an audience of haughty purebloods. This common room was perfect, smelling like pine and cotton and the perfect temperature. Green rugs and plush couches in front of a fireplace, tables and booths next to an espresso machine and a tea kettle. Arching windows and pillars showcasing the beauty under the Black Lake. This is home.
She stepped past the commons and walked up the winding stairs to the shared dormitories. Cher laid on Frankie’s bed with Daphne with parchment and quills set out on the emerald silk sheets.
“If you two spill ink on my bed one more time I’ll hex you in your sleep.” Frankie shrugged out of her robe and fell back onto Cher’s bed. The two girls giggled and returned to their subsequent conversations.
Cher was gorgeous. She radiated kindness and had an aura about her that made her seem impenetrable, yet she was humble. She had a crooked smile that never failed to bring one to Frankie’s face. Her eyes shone with emotion and were a deep brown that glimmered at all times. She was incredibly brilliant and the top of many of her classes. With the exception of Potions, Frankie held that spot proudly. 
Everyone says that perfect Hermione Granger, the “brightest witch of her age”, is the top of every class, but ever since she had to use her time to deal with the two rambunctious children that are her friends, she holds strong at about fourth. Frankie had to admit, she had a burning jealousy of Granger. She managed to befriend Potter in her first year, as well as make friends with many of the teachers, ace her classes, and save the entire school three times by now. Not to mention, she was also very pretty. This envy flared its deep green color whenever Frankie so much as heard the name Granger. 
“Earth to Reed?” Frankie snapped out of her covetous haze and met Daphne’s eyes. “Pansy’s bringing up lunch, get started on your essay, like, now.” 
Frankie tipped her head in agreement and reached into her bag to pick out her Astronomy notes. “Five sheets of parchment? Is Professor Sinistra trying to kill us?” 
“I think I might just use one sheet for every word: Sorry, I, Don’t, Want, To.” Cher counted on her fingers with a snort.
Daphne tugged at her bottom lip with her pinkie. “Maybe Frankie can use one of the spells from her secret journal to erase this essay from Sinistra’s mind.”
“That spell already exists, you toad.” Pansy swung the door open with several food items floating behind her, a slice of pumpkin bread levitating into Frankie’s waiting hands. “It’s called Obliviate, it has murderous side effects, and, next week it’s Reed’s turn to get the food.”
“Thank you Pans,” Cher cheered, mouth full of a danish pastry.
“Plus, the boys were bugging us to sit with them more often.” Pansy sat beside Frankie, parchment in hand. Daphne rolled her eyes.
“It’s one day a week, they’ll get over it eventually.”
“The students at Uagadou are so lucky. They have a good Astronomy program and they live in a cloud.” 
Cher scoffed. “They don’t live in a cloud, Pans, They live in a castle-that’s on a cloud. It’s very particular.”
“I want to live in a castle.”
“You idiot, you do.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you bloody mean?”
“Nothi-whatever-what are we doing for Hogsmeade tomorrow?”
Draco. Bloody. Malfoy. 
He walks around the school all high and mighty, like he owns the place, yet he acts like a right prat to many of its inhabitants. It’s like the boy was born with a stick up his arse. Yet, Frankie knew how he was raised, not that it’s an excuse. He doesn’t want to be the way he is, but he’s not some broken boy for her to fix. 
She’s had many conversations in the common room with Malfoy after nights of nightmares. She’s shared hugs that linger a second too long and strange glances during lectures. His stone grey eyes held an emotion behind them that she couldn’t understand. It made her uncomfortable, the strange buzz on her skin where his hand met. The fluttery feeling in the pit of her stomach when they got too close. She didn’t like it. It made her feel like a creep.
She sees the way he looks at Cher. Frankie doesn’t compare to a golden, legs-for-days goddess with a waist the same circumference as Frankie’s thigh. Besides, a Malfoy should be with someone the same physical caliber as him. Frankie’s mother prayed to the ghost of Merlin that Frankie would blossom into a beautiful flower, but as her mother continuously reminded her, 
“You are a disgrace. Nothing but a weed in a garden of perfection.”
It’s not hard to believe. Many pureblood parents held a disdain for their children in private. Frankie was lucky to have someone like Kendra. Other teenagers didn’t have anyone. Frankie was lucky, not special. A mere weed, removable by a weak pull. A thorn on an otherwise perfect rose, fit to be plucked, ignored by onlookers.
Draco Malfoy was never written in the stars for someone like Frankie. 
Not that she liked him or anything. He was, as stated before, a right prat. A good looking one, but a prat nonetheless. They didn’t talk much, at all, instead seeking solace in the late hours of the night, a deep bond hidden from their friends. How could two people who were supposedly so perfect, be so broken?
pariet lilium.
chapter two
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aperturesurvivor · 4 years
To go off of my last post, below the cut is a list of my event threads and their current status: 
definitely keeping/canon
perpetualquestions errantkatana (complete) deathreversed wicked-nasty-flamethrower lxfemmerouge nurotoxin lyrafallen dimittere
less than 2 replies each (dropping monday)
leftaremybcnes intelite schoollivingpresident labebantur
unreplied starters (dropping now)
amaikus cutwarmth
Again, if you want to drop/not continue a thread I have marked continue (dropping the thread means it won’t be considered canon, not continuing it means it’ll still be canon but we’ll just need to plot out ooc how it ends), or you want to continue a thread I’ve marked dropped/to be dropped but don’t have time to reply, just shoot me an IM. 
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