thelandswemadeofpaper · 8 months
Gabriel Agreste: you're not good enough for my son
Marinette: 𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 not good enough for your son
Gabriel: excuse me?
Marinette: you heard me
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adriensaltprompts · 4 months
Submitted prompt: A Third Option
Léonce, a young teen from French Africa, found the Fish Miraculous from the old concept art and has been using it to be a superhero when the need arises back home. When their family moves to Paris, they immediately step up to help Ladybug. Hawkmoth poses such a big danger to the world that Léonce works through their social anxiety to try to offer backup despite that… and Chat Noir 1. misgenders Léonce, insisting they’re a he (Chat Noir/Adrien thinks of being nonbinary as an AFAB only thing) and 2. insists that the other Miraculous user needs to back off ‘his girl’.
Ladybug is disgusted on two different fronts. Firstly, she’s not dating him, and secondly, it’s abhorrent to her that anyone would misgender someone even after they’ve stated their pronouns (in French, Léonce goes by iel/iels or on/ons but not by strictly binary pronouns like il/ils or elle/elles).
She’s already in a bad mood the next day at school when Léonce is introduced to the class and Adrien misuses their pronouns there, too. It’s during that day where she puts two things together.
The first is that Adrien’s defense of himself/statements about nonbinary people are word-for-word Chat Noir’s takes.
The second is that Léonce is a nonbinary AMAB black person speaking with an African francais accent who’s skinny and has a gap in their teeth, a combination so specific that it can only mean she’s looking at the Fish Miraculous user.
Now that she’s had the realization Chat Noir is Adrien, and she knows Léonce’s other identity, she has options. She can choose a new partner. She can talk to Chat Noir about how ridiculous it is to accuse an agender aroace person of wanting to ‘steal’ anyone and how gross it is to imply Léonce is lying about their identity (the pins on their jacket are not for show).
She can sit Léonce down while in Ladybug form and apologize for accidentally figuring out their identity but explain how Chat Noir’s harassment is making the fight against Hawkmoth harder and she could use the help, even if he’s not onboard.
Really, the author can take this a hundred directions from here. The salient point is to have an “another Miraculous user appears” plot where the new character isn’t romantically involved with anyone and we don’t default to “Marinette’s partner as Ladybug should also be her dating partner”.
Léonce and Marinette do not need to be romantically involved with anyone to be heroes or have complete character arcs, even if the show seems to insist romance is mandatory. “Should Marinette be with Luka or Adrien?” Marinette can be with no one and be happy, actually. We’re taking a third option.
Bonus points if even minor villains like Lila or Chloé respect Léonce’s pronouns because, while they are assholes, some things are just repugnant even to them. This definitely kills their crushes on Adrien. It’s hard to be into someone who’s just running around being a bigot for no damn reason all the time.
Submitted by anonymous.
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averagesawfan · 4 months
started watching cretaceous camp bc someone I follow won't stop reblogging chaos theory posts and I have now finished the show in less than 3 days
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gardensnakie · 4 months
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the repercussions of a silly dare oof ^^
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sugarsweetvirgo · 5 months
Eve: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird, but emotionally? Imagine the toll!
This is so unintentionally funny because Eve can theoretically take down a whole person with the self defense tools Kaiba supplies her
But no matter what, she'll be an emotional wreck afterwards. Doesn't matter the context, she'll feel awful either way.
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stygicniron · 2 years
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miraculouslycr8n · 1 year
I'm so confused of how no one ever mentions the fact that one day, being the guardian, marinette will have to pass on the miracle box and therefore, lose her sweet memory.
and that makes me cry.
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gloryseized · 2 years
parameddic asked:
"How did you get this scar?"
Meme Tag -- @parameddic
"That scar?" Marinette echoed, voice higher than her usual, indicating some kind of stress as she reached behind her head with her free hand to rub at her hair. The scar in question was a long, thin slice along the back of her hand, long healed but leaving a thin line of silver behind.
And she laughed, realizing a beat later that at least this injury had a reasonable explanation-- unlike the sore muscles and invisible bruises from last night's patrol. "Oh, right, that one. It was a rogue sewing machine accident. You know me, the klutz. It was when I was first learning and the machine got away from me." Her fingers traced the scar, expression softening with the memory.
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recordicons · 2 years
finally got my hands on the wizard furby. now all i need is the autumn furby and my collection of furby designs i like the most will be finished lol
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lespuni · 2 years
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I am going to cry if this happens to me
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heartfullofleeches · 10 months
Imagining K and timid bestie reader meeting back in grade school like
K: You! Nerd! You’re my friend now >:D
Reader, too scared to say no: o-okay 🥲
Poor Baby Reader... K means well, but she's pretty spoiled and definitely didn't know how to interact with the general public after getting everything thrown at her - but she insisted on going to public school. Reader works up all of their courage to pick up a labybug and protect it from their classmates who want to crush it which inadvertently leads to K immediately developing a crush on them being the bug lover she is. Beats the bullies asses' and hardly faces any trouble because of who her parents are. Brings one of her pet spiders to impress her new best friend, but prolly ends up terrifying them in the process. Reader is scared shitless of K because of what she did to their classmates and because she just keeps staring at them in class, but while they think she's imagining throwing them in a bit of hungry spiders - she's thinking of Reader proposing to her with a spooky spider ring.
Reader: P...please don't hurt me...
K: Hurt you? Why would I ever hurt you, silly? Who in their right mind would hurt their best friend?
Reader: Best... friend?
K: Yeah! You're so much cooler than everyone else here. Everyone just wants to be my friend so they can play with my big dumb dollhouses, but they always run away when they see my babies crawling around inside. If they weren't such losers and got to know them they'd like them just as much as I do. You'll get to know me before you try to run away, won't you?
Reader: I guess?...
K: Yay! I knew you'd love me! We're going to be the best of friends..
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So, basically according to TA... What the fans "want":
A well written story;
Likable characters with a tangible character growth (no resets);
Sympathetic villain (wants to bring Emilie back for Adrien's sake);
Main couple has chemistry in all versions of themselves (Marinette/LB has feelings for CN unlike in the show, Marinette can actually talk to Adrien, and he's in love with "the girl behind the mask" not just LB);
Ladybug and Chat Noir being equals and working together to defeat Hawkmoth;
Adrien standing up to his father and telling him how he feels;
Chat Noir being in the final battle against his father!;
"Ladybug doesn't exist without Marinette", her powers are not what makes her special;
Gabriel's love for his son being more powerful than his hatered for Ladybug and Chat Noir;
Marinette and Adrien know each other's identities before getting together (no lies);
The heroes winning in the end and saving the world.
What the fans "need":
Thin-as-air badly written story full of retcons;
Obnoxious female lead with obsessive stalker tendencies (that are rewarded at the end);
Male protagonist that is not allowed to take charge of his situation and is nothing but a trophy for the female lead (TA described Adrien as being Marinette's "Ken", so... he's canonically just an accessory for her character. That's... nice...);
Badly written villain (inconsistent as the rest of the plot, they wanted him to be sympathetic, but ends up coming across as just selfish, then downright deranged in s5);
Unhealty dynamics (Marinette stalking Adrien, CN not taking "no" for an answer, pictures of their person of interest on walls and pc) and there's only interest for one of their personas, Marinette-> Adrien, Adrien-> Labybug (Marinette is not interested in CN and Adrien doesn't show romantic interest in Marinette up until s5);
"I don't need Chat Noir for every mission. He's just like any other temporary holder". LB is the only leader (everybody is beneath her, even CN);
Chat Noir (one of the titular characters) not being in the final battle against his own father;
Adrien never learns the truth about his family or himself, meanwhile Marinette does (thus having more power over him... once again.... *cough* Chat Blanc) and still dates him;
Marinette has all the power, she's the bestest ever and she can do everything by herself (CN not needed);
Villain wins, destroys the world and recreates it to his desires;
Ladybug fails as a hero.
You know what? I'm pretty sure no one "needs" that. I'll stick with the movie. Sure, it's not perfect, but it's lightyears better than the show.
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eh-whereismycat · 1 year
I feel like the fact that Felix is created from the emotion of jealousy explained his behaviour in his first episode to some extent, the way he impersonated Adrien out of jealousy, because Adrien has friends and crush (which he couldn't has neither of those until the death of Colt, stated in Representation, Colt's has the power to control Felix's feelings whenever he is attached to someone)
Yea, at this point of the plot we can all agree that Adrien is abused by Gabriel, but it was not this worse before Gabriel lose his fricking senses, poor parenting and madness asided, he "loved" Adrien when he obeyed him.
In Felix's eyes, even if he's obeying his father, Colt would just beat him up real bad, both mentally and possibly physically. But Adrien could live under a false impression of love and freedom, was able to express his feelings and bonding with his friends occasionally, NOT knowing the fear that his life is bonded with a fucking ring. BUT still, Adrien did not fight for his authority despite he has much more chance than him (Felix clearly doesn't know Adrien is Chat Noir).
Heck, of course he is jealous.
And while he is created from jealousy, Adrien is possibly created from a more loving and positive emotions, talking about identity crisis.
The core ingredient of his soul, the feeling that he is different from all the other humans, and the difference between him and Adrien, the only one kin he has before Kagami, he is filled with jealousy.
Regardless of all of these, he forms a similar understanding with the sweet boi Adrien about parenting and life.
During Pretension, Felix said "your duty is to protect them, love them, help them discover their own meaning to their existence."
During Representation, Adrien/Chat Noir yelled "that have a child is to help them blossom, to grow, to find themselves and to be free!"
As in S5 we see Felix is becoming more soft and sentimental towards his mother, duusu, also Kagami, and how Kagami is helping him to trust and works with Labybugs, this boi is growing up form his past, and I can see he is going to be filled with much more joyful emotions other than the jealousy that created him, I think we are all looking forward for these kids' future. They are breaking their parents' curse.
But still, please get them all into group therapy.
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monpetitchattriste · 10 months
I was talking to the bakery manager at work about miraculous (She has never watched the show)
And I was ranting about the love square and kinda explaining it and different interactions between them.
And she stopped me mid rant and was like I think Labybug and Adriens should date
And I have never felt more proud of myself. I have covered her to the ladrien side.
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chibi-foxdraw · 1 year
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Luka (hawk moth ) and labybug in reality I like this madness but have if I put an ally or an antagonist
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iceagegems · 3 months
Okay hear me out: A Miraculous Labybug AU where Lamine Yamal is Ladybug and Jude Bellingham is Cat Noir.
The fic itself is set in this new age Barcelona vs Real Madrid type plot, where everything is margia coded but its not quite a marfia (yet). Also I don't want a ship between Lamine and Jude cause no but I'd love to see a string friendship dynamic.
Here is the backstory I thought of so far: Lamine finds the Ladybug Miraculous alongside the spirit box but the other Miraculous' are missing including Cat Noirs and Tiki tells him to look for that one first so he does. The way Lamine finds it is a villian (who is someone using a Miraculous) attacks and Jude comes to Lamines aid under Plages instructions. They agree not to reveal their identities until all the Miraculous' are back but where could they have gone and how do you even get someone to give up something like that, powers like those?
Also bonus points for some of the Miraculous' not being with a current player maybe someone was lend one and for some reason never gave it back or maybe they stole it, who knows?!?
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