writingwithcolor · 6 months
Dark features/people as blessed, white and light people as sick
ladyoftheseastuff asked:
I'm writing a fantasy story where the world is permanently covered in snow & ice. The people share a common culture & are loyal to their city states, but they are not homogeneous in appearance; there will be many, many characters coded as PoC. The main religion centers on the sun, & those with dark features are 'favoured' by the sun god, while pale people or anyone who has white/blonde hair are thought vulnerable to "snow sickness", a disease caused by environmental factors (1/2) & have other rules and customs to gain religious approval. It's dangerous & infectious but not well understood. It affects social standing and opportunities, but it's meant to be tied with ideas of youth, vitality, & fear of aging & sickness: it's not limited to those coded as white. This is a cultural detail and not part of the main conflict, but I want to avoid unintentional allegories/parallels & fetishization. Is this a concept that's too close to crossing any of those lines? (2/2)
This feels less like a means to show dark skinned people in an empowering light and more like a weak attempt at subversion. My primary concern (which you have not specified) is how do the "blessed" class treat the "sickly" so to speak. We have fantasy stories like The Grisha Trilogy and Girls of Paper and Fire, which deal with magical ability/feature-based segregation and conflict.
In both cases there is a sense of entitlement which comes with hailing from the "favoured" class, quite obvious, since there will always be an inherent othering metaphor whenever you create such a division, whether it was meant to be a source of conflict or not.
However, the two mentioned series use the "magical people are blessed, non magical people are to be pitied" arc which is somewhat more subtle than divisions created just on the basis of skin colour.
Disclaimer as I do not have albinism or vitiligo: The latter can be extremely harmful, and not just in a racial context, but in cases of albinism, vitiligo etc.
~Mod Mimi
The pitfalls of subversions
While it is always lovely to see dark features considered in a favorable way, there are some issues you may come across. Such a story could easily end up dressing those you wished to uphold as bad guys in the readers' eyes, even if the story's society and the sun god etc. thinks they're amazing, and white and light people as the victims of dark people, deserving reader sympathy. This may especially be the case based on how these groups get treated in the story.
These sort of subversions lean dangerously into "reverse discrimination" plots which are not overall accurate or favorable allegories for your real, human audience. There being diversity on both sides doesn't necessary fix this issue or remove racial or ethnic implications. On that note, and as Mimi mentioned, being demonized and ostracized particularly for skin and genetic disorders like albinism is already a thing. What does your concept say of them?
I think Dark/Black as good and Light/white as bad is a doable concept. Your concept differs a bit from simply subverting black/white tropes. This is not just Black good guys and night skies being peaceful or neutral. It's not just white/light villains (as opposed to victims) or snow symbolling death or sickness.
White and light people are quite blatantly being declared as sick and unfavored and they may very well be victims in the reader's eye with the dark people being the villainous, unsympathetic bunch. Is this your intention?
More to consider
Such a concept requires thoughtful, careful planning and intentional writing. You should have an understanding of what your story implies to the readers and the real-life takeaways.
I think it's possible to make dark skin the favored skin of the sun god without it meaning white/light people stand in a negative light and are sick or unworthy.
Consider what it is that you like about the concept of your story. Can you keep the essence of whatever it is that excites you about your ideas, without denying a whole group of people favor? If not, how will you go about telling such a tale that is not meant to symbolize a sort of reversal of roles discrimination?
Why does the sun god get to determine what is good?
Are there other gods that might have different strong opinions? Perhaps who is favored varies by time of day, season, region, culture, god?
Can dark skin get its favor without white and light features being deemed unfavorable as a whole?
How big of a deal does this favor have to be? I advise reconsidering it being the point of discrimination to white/light people for all the reasons already described.
No matter the directions you go, please research and get the appropriate beta-readers for feedback on the in-depth concepts and story.
~Mod Colette
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dragonmaiden79 · 4 years
kiss? 👀😘💖
AIGHT. From the fic at the top of my WIP pile
"He could think of many, many places to kiss on your body that would elicit the same reaction, the many things outside of your imagination that he'd revel in doing to you."
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I came for the J thirst posts and TDK content (💃), and I stayed because I discovered your wonderful writing, your bright and warm personality, and all of your excellent observations and supportive nature! 💖💖💖
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THANK YOU!!! Oh you’re so kind! I appreciate you so much! I’m so happy I found your writing and I’m blown away that you like mine 😭💖 Thank you for being so lovely!! 💖💕💖 (and omg yes, I’m real happy you like my thirst posts alsnsbbk 😆)
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in4ctiv3bl0g · 4 years
Send this to make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe! 💜💚💜💚 Sending lots of love your way 🌺🌸🌺😊
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😭😭😭😭😭 *hugs you back* thank you so much!! 💜💙💜💙💜💙💜 this really made me happy! 💜💙💜💙 right back at you!! 💜💙💜💙
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jasminau · 4 years
🌺🌼🌷Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are awesome 🌺🌷❤️ 🥰 thank you for being such a great and steadfast friend, I appreciate the absolute hell out of you! 😭💖
fjdjsnfjsjc god these make my day i swear, thank you for being so lovely 🥰❤️🥰❤️
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engagemachine · 4 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
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thank you
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ahsxual · 3 years
I know, I know, I'm late on this!! But, what would you expect from me anyway? Well, I believe that what counts are my good intentions, so I decided to tag some of my favorite blogs and friends from this wonderful app, who mean so, so much to my little heart (as well as my dear followers 💙💙).
I love you all, and I wanted (and needed), to thank you for making me feel so accepted, so happy for having amazing virtual friends, for supporting me, for liking and commenting my work, and for being such great, talented and nice people. I adore you, I love you and I admire your personality and talent.
Even if we never talked to each other, I'm still tagging you, because you have no idea how much happiness I feel whenever I read your work... tagging you, because you always managed to put a big smile on my face whenever I read your work. So, I wanted to tell you that, right here, right now. I simply love your writing: without it, I don't even know what I would do in this goddamn quarantine and how to entertain myself. Anyway, I wish you all lots of happiness, love, success, peace and most importantly, good health for you and your family!! Thank you so much for being here 💖
My favorite cuties: @into-crazy @scaredclowncat @moonimagines @whew-oh-em-gee @obsidian--lion @david-winters-93 @tortles3 @fleckcmscott @ajokeformur-ray @arthurflecc @fan-of-pretty-much-2-much @mermaidpowers1 @jokerownsmysoul @heavymetalnarwhal @jslittlebirdie @joaqz-phoenix @jokerslittlekeeper @arthurskitten @loveemmy08 @loveletterstoledger @shiedagabe @darlingkitt @hyaenaaa @lightishredarmour @jakegwyllinghall @dandydevildog @bloodinmylamb0 @royaleclown @neuroticmermaid @gyllenhaalstories
Cuties that I really want to meet: @mrs-march-ahs @kitwalker02 @jakegyllenhaal-imagines @gyll-yee-haw @mxlti-fand0m-imaginess @secretjakelover @ladyoftheseastuff @notcallingyoualiar @spideyrights @oublierlegarcon @tatestripedsweater @ahswitchy @dirtyahs
I'm sorry if I forgot to tag anyone, but sometimes it's hard to find some usernames. I'll probably add more soon 💞💞💞
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Hi!! Im new to the joker fandom and im just getting started with my blog :) do you have any blogs you recommend for me to follow? I want to interact with this fandom as much as I can and I think this is a good place to start!
Hi, darling! Welcome to Chuckletown!!! We’re such a loving bunch of clowns, I hope you have fun here!💖 Ooooh omg you came to the perfect place, my love, I have lots of recommendations! Buckle up - everything under the cut!💜
I can’t tag her but @mur-raay is so, so good for all things Joker!
My love, my life, @impulsiveclown has written so much and every single piece is just laced with all of the love in that big heart of hers. She deserves so much more love and attention than she receives and the hours you’ll spend reading her writing is time well spent! She’s not necessarily active within this community at the moment, but she is still worth a follow!
@jokerownsmysoul is a poet, even her casual posts are truly artistic. She’s so so sweet and so supportive and loving and she deserves the world.
@arthurflecc has the most stunning GIFsets and edits! I don’t know how she does it, honestly. She deserves the world!
@fleckcmscott has an amazing blog and her writing is so full of care and attention, and her series, I - 😍
@jokerflecker always nails the characterisation of Arthur in the asks she answers and she’s also deserving of more love and attention!
@arthurjokersgirl is so full of love and her writing and her casual posts are made up of the same and she’s such a sweet and gentle soul!!! She, too, deserves the world!
My Queen @daincrediblegg is the best to go for in terms of meta, analyses, and her smut is just 🔥🔥🔥🔥. She’s the best Egg and I love her!
@arthur-flecks-lovely-smile has written so much and everything she posts is ✨. She puts so much care and attention into everything!
@ohallthecrushes is another person I’d definitely recommend following, she’s so sweet and lovely to everyone and she works so, so hard at everything she does!
I don’t know her writing sideblog or even if she has one, but I do know that @howdylilflower is also someone who is definitely worth following!!! She puts so much care into everything that she does and her writing is stunning!
@honking4joker is also really sweet and her blog is definitely worth a follow, I adore seeing Rose on my dash.
@arthurflecksgirl is so passionate and so full of love for Arthur and their cosplay is beautiful!!!! You definitely should check them out if you have the time to!
@darkshadow90 writes for a darker!Arthur, and their meta posts are so well articulated and thought out!
These are just the people I thought of from the top of my head, and there are many more people. Just go into the #Arthur Fleck tag and start mass following! I hope I haven’t offended anyone by (accidentally) forgetting, or even just by tagging them! I’ve tagged some people here I don’t interact with and I hope that that’s okay (please let me know if not and I’ll remove you from this list)!
Additionally, if you’re looking to venture into the Ledger!Joker fandom, then I can definitely recommend @jokerslilhyena @tsukiakarinobara @loveletterstoledger @ode-to-ledger @ladyoftheseastuff @fuckliferightnow @moonimagines (she also writes for Phoenix!Joker, so she applies to both lists) @lchan3706  @notcallingyoualiar @into-crazy and I’m sure there’s many more! This is just off the top of my head ksksksk I hope that I’ve given you enough of a scope to at least start with, my love!💜
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xalonelydreamerx · 4 years
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“𝑬𝒇𝒕𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒂. 𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕, 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔. 𝑳𝒆𝒏𝒂 𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒙𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒆𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓. 𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒖𝒓𝒈𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒘”
Moodboard based on Incantare . An amazing dark fic written by @ladyoftheseastuff
The story takes place roughly twelve years before the events of The Dark Knight and it portrays the relationship of a young, problematic Jack Napier and Lena Grey, a girl with a a troubled life and deep love for photography.
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Personal thoughts: Unlikely many other fics with OCs that fail to capture the soul of the original characters, this author has a clear understanding of who the Joker is. The author portrays realistically the horryfing environment of an abusive family and a toxic relationship.
Also, finally for the first time I read a main character who is a person of color and it's not done to romanticize it or to be seen as exotic. And how refreshing to read about a Greek character!
All in all, I 100% recommend it to readers who like dark stories that don't fall down to stereotypes.
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jokerownsmysoul · 4 years
list your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
thank you so much @ladyoftheseastuff for the tag! 🥺💙 It was so difficult to pick only 10, this is only the tip of the iceberg 😂
1. Arthur Fleck - Joker
2. Claire Fraser - Outlander
3. Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal NBC
4. Tenth Doctor - Doctor Who
5. Anne Shirley - Anne with an E
6. Dale Cooper - Twin Peaks
7. Dean Winchester - Supernatural
8. Klaus Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
9. Joey Tribbiani - Friends
10. Gandalf - The Lord of the rings
I tag: @daydreamhustler, @arthurflecc, @daincrediblegg, @will-you-be-there, @instantmashedpotatoez, @ajokeformur-ray, @being-a-virgo-is-not-an-easy-job, @another-her, @mrscarnival, @arthurflecksgirl
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toruhalo · 4 years
Psychotic (1/?)
Pairings: Ledger!Joker x Female OC
Wordcount: 1445
Warnings: conversations of violence/murder, explicit language
A/N: A special thank you to my friends @fallingthroughstairs​, @ladyoftheseastuff​ !!
previous chapter: prologue
next chapter: 2
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On the daughter's eighteenth birthday, she was transferred to Arkham Asylum from her in-patient psychiatric unit. The doctors confirmed her mental state did not improve, and psychiatrists within the asylum agreed they would handle her case. Passing cells, the girl recognized notorious criminals from the news. As she settled into her cell, she heard many cellmates yelling across the hallway at each other. She cowered into the corner where her bed sat, hoping to not encounter anyone.
"Hey, you," a voice called.
She looked up to discover a man in the room diagonal from hers. He was covered in gnarly looking scars and wore an unsettling smile. She quickly looked down, pretending she couldn't hear. The man huffed and banged against the bars, "I'm talking to you, plum tips." Until that moment, she had completely forgotten the ends of her hair were purple.
She finished blow-drying her freshly dyed hair, feeling defiant yet gratified with herself. A part of her was shaking in fear of how her parents would react, but that was the point. It was a symbol of recalcitrance.
Tiptoeing out of the bathroom, she ran straight into a body. The body disclosed itself as her one and only father. He seized her by the shoulders, ready to ram her to the side until he saw her head.
"You look like a fucking eggplant," he said while staggering away.
That had been three years ago, only a week before the incident. The doctors never bothered cutting her hair, and it never crossed her mind. The man within the enclosure crossways from hers began to spit out profanities, causing a guard to rush over.
"Shut the hell up!" the guard yells.
A soft snicker was then heard from the pitch-black cell directly across from the girl's own. She tried to see who belonged to the sound but detected no movement within. Her environment might be affecting her mental state, she thought.
Standing in line at the cafeteria, the girl directs her eyes to the ground. She hastily obtains her food and secures an unoccupied table, next to a couple of guards. She picks at the poorly made steak fingers, not finding anything appetizing. The room began filling with muffled laughter and the occasional one-sided conversation. Guards strolled between tables but paid no attention to the inmates. Some were pretending to write on the walls, while some just stared off into space. She was gratified she wasn't at that level of insanity, at least not yet. After a while of taking small bites of food, a towering broad-shouldered man approached her table.
"Is this seat taken?" he asked. She shook her head in response. He smiled politely and set his tray down beside hers.
The air between them infused with uncomfortable silence. The girl never once looked up from her lap, playing with a stray string on her striped outfit. The man coughed once he finished his lunch.
"Are you going to eat those?" he points at her tray. She follows his finger to the baby carrots rolled off to the side. She repeats her head shake from the first encounter. The man whoops in delight and scarfs down the orange vegetables.
"I'm Matthew, but my friends call me Sharpener. Nice to meet you," the man grins while extending his hand. The girl pulls her sleeve over her hand and mutually gives a handshake.
"W-where did you g-get the name Sharpener from?" the girl mumbles in question. Sharpener turns in surprise, not expecting her to talk. He laughs, "Oh, I put this guy's finger in one. It was hilarious." They both started laughing together, not aware they were being watched from afar.
“I want a nickname," the girl whispered to herself while lying face-up in her cot. She hated her birth name, Lauren, for several legitimate reasons. One, her parents administered it to her. Two, it sounded like a stuck-up popular girl's name. She sat up and began looking, maybe something would come to her. She gazed at her reflection from the metal frame of the cell bars and saw her aqua eyes. "Blue? No..." She caught a glimpse of her long hair, "Purple? Plum? Violet?" The preceding one caused her to stop. "Violet," she repeated. Purple was her favorite color after all.
“I like it."
Violet yelps and jerks her head around. A resounding cackle follows after her evident panic.
"Why you all... jumpy?" The voice continues. The man who bothered her not even five hours ago has been relocated for violent behavior, so she was the only one left in the hallway. Violet registers that the sound is coming from the dark ominous cell directly across. She grips the edge of the blanket, shifting it up closer to her chest.
"W-who are you?" Violet asks.
"Me? I'm a voice... a voice you've got buried so far down in your pretty little head. Or maybe it's coming to the surface... Stuffed under layers of societal teachings, that is just itching to get out..." After the last word fades into the depths, the owner of the strange vocalization came up to the bars.
He was lean and wiry, with an angular jaw and impressive bone structure. His sinister brown eyes were hooded with interest and adorning a broad charming smile. Atop his head was unwashed shoulder length dirty blonde hair with a hint of green. Attached to his cheeks were deep scars stretched from the corners of his mouth to his ears. People might say the scars were ugly, but Violet thought they merely added to his allurement. Violet could feel her heart pounding fiercely within her ribcage, but was she excited or scared?
 "Joker...?" Violet recalls doctors gossiping over that name during her hospitalization. They described him as a man who had a sharp Glasgow smile and wore clown makeup. Rumored to be the one who pushed Batman to kill Harvey Dent.
“One and only..."
“Are y-you not allowed to wear f-face paint here?" Violet questions.
The Joker smiles even wider, "No... It's against their code." He pauses to tilt his head. "Why do you ask? You want to see me in my best moments?" The accusation makes Violet flush a fiery red on her cheeks. In all honesty, she did want to see that. She wanted to see what made him... him.
"N-no, I was just curious..."
"Well ya know, curiosity killed the cat. Slaughtered him in pieces actually..." He giggled to himself. The joke made a small smirk to appear on Violet's face.
The Joker hummed to himself and itched his greasy head. "So... Why you in the loony bin? Ya got a... mental problem?"
 Violet averted her eyes and swallowed what felt like a thousand needles in her throat. "I-I killed someone."
"Classic... Who was it? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Stalker?"
He chuckled and leaned his forehead against the cold bars. "Tell me more."
"My parents... abused me all my life. I never knew happiness around them. I began to have dreams about killing them and decided to go through with it. My mother got away, and I still think about it every day. And I don't regret killing him, not one bit. He deserves to rot in hell for all I care." Violet grips the edge of the bed harshly with whitening knuckles.
The Joker licks his lips and whistles lowly. "Quite a story... You want to... uh... know something?" Violet looks up in interest.
"You didn't stutter," he says with half-lidded eyes.
Violet straightens her posture, "O-oh. I-I guess I got too focused." “Mhm." Joker slowly sits down, laboriously dragging his hand against the bars. Violet leans eagerly closer to observe his hands in motion. His fingernails were overgrown and hid some dirt and grime underneath. The creases on his palms were discolored, might've been from all of the face paint and a distinct lack of hygiene. "So," Violet clears her throat," H-how did you get caught? O-or was it your plan?" The Joker huffs and picks at his pant leg. "I wouldn't call it a... plan. I'm flexible, and uh... very unpredictable." She also overheard rumors he was a genius in planning his next move, especially with Harvey Dent and the girl named Rachel. His previous statement puzzled her, but maybe he didn't see himself as a guy who made plans. "The Batman hung me upside down on a ninety-story building... the uh SWAT team got me," he interrupts her thoughts. "T-that must've been s-scary."  "Not if you're the scary one."
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2, 3, 7, 13! 💖
Hello there!! Oh these are lovely 💜 
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
I’d say my true feel-good movie is My Neighbor Totoro! Buuuut... I watch The Dark Knight kind of a lot. 🙈
3. what’s your favorite candle scent?
Ohhhh. Pine. 😊
7. what color brings you peace?
Green. 💚 Especially that vibrant green when you’re looking up at a tree with the sunlight hitting the leaves. Yeah, that’s good shit. 
13. what’s your comfort food?
Mmmm Pad Thai with tofu. I never get tired of it!
🥰 Thank you for asking!! 
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in4ctiv3bl0g · 4 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It's time to spread positivity! 💖💖💖💖💖
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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3 😭😭😭😭
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jasminau · 4 years
m, n, p, r, s! 💖
thank you sm for sending me this ask, Jen <3
M - If I forgive betrayal.
oo ok it honestly depends, but usually i don’t. the only time i’ve rly forgiven someone is if i’m rly close w them and the apology matched what happened. but other things are unforgivable so theres that lol!
N - If you want to know how I treat my friends.
my friends literally mean the world to me, and it takes me a while to get close with ppl bc of issues but i try to make them as happy as i can. and most of the times its their needs over mine, which i gotta work on just for my sake lmao
P - What kind of music I like.
lord ok so i like psychedelic, indie, popular.. honestly just anything tbh just as long as it has a good beat or sick electric guitar 
R - For me to tell 10 of my curiosities.
this just means odd little details about me, right?? who knows lol!
i have a bow and arrow bc i wanted to be Katniss Everdeen when i was like 12, one day my cousin was playing w it and i ran in front of the target bc i didnt even realise and i nearly got shot in the leg w the arrow asghdfgshfg
i can’t eat stuff that has like a slimey texture, or specific noodles idek why
i cannot stand minimalist aesthetics lmao, like give us some flavour, put some patterns everywhere
i feel like my personality is always changing bc every time i get a new favourite character my brain is like oh we must be that now lol, but thats also probably to do w my personality disorder ajhdsfgd
i become obsessive pretty quickly and i go in deeeppp. ive been obsessed w ledger joker since november now and i started writing fics and i think about him constantly, its a whole mess but its fun lmao
the first time i was taken to a psychiatrist was when i was maybe 11 bc one time all i would do is come home from school and go straight to bed to daydream asdhfdg like granted i have problems but back then i was truly just doing it bc it was fun
this one is also weird but i love watching pimple popping videos on youtube lol
i got my dogs when i was probably at my worst mentally so they know when i’m not doing well and they come over and lie on my lap its so freaking cute
ever since i read percy jackson when i was 14, ive been in love w greek mythology (yes im that kind of person lmao)
english was my favourite class bc i genuinely enjoyed writing essays and ‘deep diving’ on all the hidden meanings and metaphors in books/movies
S - 2 habits.
i pick my nails and the skin around the nail bed constantly, so its truly no surprise whenever they start bleeding
i’m alwayyysss daydreaming, i can’t stop i swear lmao
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ahsxual · 4 years
Ok, sooo I just wanted to spread some love to some wonderful people who matter a lot to me: even tho I never saw them in real life, I don't care!! What matters is that, even if they don't know, they manage to put a smile on my face every time I see them in my notifications. It's also important to refer that I deeply appreciate all my followers. The ones who I'll mention down below are the ones who I interact and see more often in my notifications. So yeahhh, here we go:
@heavymetalnarwhal / @feral-trash-panda: the special cutie who talks to me every day and who actually makes an effort to get a nice and decent conversation with me! Hey girlie, you know what?? I ADORE you. Thank you so, so much for being so nice and patient with me, I won't forget!! 💖
@moonimagines: my other sweetheart, my beautiful, my love, the precious girl who's always supporting me in the comments of my fics, tagging me and asking me questions when almost nobody else does. Do you know how much that means to me?? I APPRECIATE YOU!! 💗
@jokersspookyhyena: my favorite writer of all time. Every time I see she has posted a new fic, my heart starts pumping wildly!! Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to read your work, to make me feel SO excited, accepted and happy (and horny lmao) for reading them, I love your work and I love you!! 💜💚
@harlequinjoke: Idk if you will see this, but I still want to tell you that no matter for how long we haven't talked, you will always be my sweet Harlequin. The first who I really talked to and enjoyed every moment/conversation. You're such a kind and pretty soul, you're so funny, so cute... you are perfect!! Love you a lot beautiful ❤️🖤
@ajokeformur-ray: ohh this girl right here should get the award of the kindest soul on this planet!! We have only talked a few times, but I could still see how nice, how dedicated, how patient and kind you are. You are genuine and good to everyone, and that's such a wonderful gift to this world! I'm happy I had the pleasure of meeting someone like you... oh wait, that's not possible because you're unique! Never change who you are ❤️
@mermaidpowers1 this angel!! The one who always appears in my notifications, the one who requested me a fanfic when I wanted to write, the one who's always there and we barely shared a word! I wish I could talk to you more, because I really like you! 🤗🧡
@liz-rdwitch: my beautiful, my sweetheart. We've stopped talking for a while, but I still like you so so much! I wish I could talk to you again, because you're so so nice!! It would be a pleasure to go back to the old days lol 💕
@arthurflecc: you... you're just... amazing! I have no words to describe you... You offered to help me whenever I needed it most, you could be mad at me or at something that we both know, however you chose to be kind and respectful, which is something that I deeply admire in you and won't forget. Thank you so much for everything, you are an amazing person!! 💚
@fan-of-pretty-much-2-much: well, of course I wouldn't forget about you!! I love your comments and opinions on my fics, it really makes my days better!! Thank you so, so much for it, I truly appreciate it and you as well 🤍
@mountainjiwish: my bestieee!! You should get so much more recognition for your incredible, unique and extraordinary work. You have a future in writing, my man! Thank you for all you did for me, I couldn't think of anyone better to be by my side. You're my rock, my confident, (this will sound controversial, but you know what I mean) even my brother! Thank you for being in my life, I appreciate you a lot 🖤🖤
@bloodinmylamb0: Ohh girl, you should know how strong, nice and courageous you are!! I love chatting with you, you're such an interesting person to talk to. I wish you all the best luck in this world, and can't wait to see you happy for good!! Whenever you need it, I will be always here 💓
@jokerownsmysoul: omggg you're so, so nice and kind!! Such an angel that we have here: you're so cute, so kind-hearted, and I appreciate every comment you make! Thank you for liking my work, there's nothing that makes me happier than to know that! 💘
@impulsiveclown: Ohh I won't forget about you!! Your comments are so, so precious to me. They make my heart melt just from reading them! Thanks for all your support on my fics, it means a lot to me, sweetie 💞
The beauties who will be tagged after this essay, mean so much to me as well! I just can't say much about you because I haven't talk to you yet (but I wish!!), so I don't know exactly what to say. However, I still appreciate each and every single one of you, and let me tell you that whenever you need it, you can always send me a message! I will always be here, helping whenever you need anything, and I'm available to talk about whatever you want 💝: @arthurflecksgirl @arthurskitten @ode-to-ledger @jokerslittlekeeper @joaqz-phoenix @loveletterstoledger @antonija89 @jokers-pencil @melancholiqueclown @ivedescoveredheathsjoker @hypnoticjoker @joaquinfeed @call-me-harley-quinn @ohallthecrushes @daddyarthurfleck @daincrediblegg @royaleclown @anyatheladyclown @jxkermp4 @notcallingyoualiar @ladyoftheseastuff @funtomimagines @arthurjokersgirl @lchan3706 @tsukiakarinobara @arthurflecksboothang @into-crazy @forever-fleck @honking4joker @clownpropsandcigarettes @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend @iartsometimes @chocolateanddemons @ellovett (I'm so sorry if I didn't tag someone!! I'll probably add you once I notice <33)
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misfitgirlwrites · 4 years
Clumsy Bunny (Joker x Jenna)
This is a personalized request for the first-place winner of the 500 follower giveaway! Joker's way of teasing isn't as playful as it should come off but he means well...sometimes.
Personalized requests are available through commissions!
@ladyoftheseastuff​ I hope you enjoy!!!!
Joker Used: Ledger’s Joker
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It’s always good to have a designated day for chores, or else Jenna would never get anything done. Sweep and mop, wipe down surfaces, dust, wash dishes; it usually took the whole day due to the several brakes taken in between. Only this time, Joker made this day one of his surprise visit days as well. It didn’t make a big difference to Jenna since he can be quiet when he wants to be. It was just a matter of him making a mess of something she just cleaned up.
After thirty minutes of finally convincing the clown to sit down and keep still, Jenna continued her tasks. There had to be some tune playing through the woman’s head as she worked. Despite the swaying and humming to a beat unknown to him, there were times where she stumbled and tripped a bit, and that was when Joker decided that watching her was a lot more entertaining than whatever was on the TV.
He figured Jenna was bound to fall or break something soon at the rate she was going, and he wouldn’t give any warning once it was going to happen. Joker’s dark eyes watched closely as the woman finally tripped, taking a few plastic bowls with her.
Jenna let out a small curse and quickly rose to her feet, picking up everything she dropped before continuing on. She didn’t look in Joker’s direction, embarrassed that she even fell, to begin with. It took everything in him to not start cackling on the spot. It carried on like this, much to Joker’s liking. Every trip and stumble earned a quick glance in the clown’s direction and he made sure his eyes were focused on the TV every time she looked his way. After watching her fall again, he finally turned a bit in his seat.
“At this rate, you’ll, uh, break something.”
“I won’t! It’s just a bit hard to focus, that’s all.” Jenna replied quickly, growing flustered.
“I didn’t know you were this clumsy,” he cackled.
Jenna huffed and side-eyed him before focusing on her current task again.
“That’s why you don’t have glass dishes. I get it now-ah.”
The woman quickly caught on to his taunting tone, “I can get glass dishes if I wanted to.” She shot back.
“Oh really? I think you’d break ‘em all, doll.”
“I wouldn’t! You’re just being mean.”
“Not mean. Truthful-ah.” Joker shot back, “I’m surprised you’ve never set the place on fire before.”
“I’m sure you’ve dropped something before.”
“Uh, sure. After I hit my head maybe.”
Jenna huffed, “well it’s not like I’m purposefully doing this, J.”
“Oh, I know. That’s what makes it funny.”
“…You were watching me the whole time, weren’t you?”
“And you couldn’t help me?!”
“I was enjoying the show.”
Jenna felt even more embarrassed but she was also upset. “It’s not funny, asshole!”
Joker’s eyes focused on her again and he arched a brow. It seemed like she was actually upset.
Jenna gave up on finishing her last chore, throwing down what she had in her hands and settled for crossing her arms.
Joker sighed and stood up, “don’t tell me you’re actually upset--”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Don’t be like that. I was only teasing.”
“Didn’t seem like it,” Jenna muttered, moving past him and towards her bedroom.
Joker waited a few minutes before going into her bedroom.
“Get out.”
“Nope.” He climbed onto the bed and grabbed her before she could move away.
“Joker, I’m serious!”
“So am I. You’re mad at me.”
“Because you were being mean--”
“I was joking. Just a bit of, uh, playful teasing.” Joker cooed. He pulled Jenna close and wrapped his arms around her.
His hugs were usually tight and possessive, but this one was a bit different. It wasn’t as tight and it caught Jenna off guard just a little.
Maybe this was his way of apologizing. It was silent for a while until Joker decided to speak again, “still mad?”
“Maybe. Are you apologizing?” Jenna moved closer.
“…I never heard that word before. What language is that?”
Jenna rolled her eyes and nudged him as he chuckled.
“I dunno, watching you stumbling around was, uh, cute. You’re like my clumsy bunny.” He grinned as Jenna’s eyes widened a bit.
She blushed and covered her face, just the reaction Joker was looking for.
“…Apology accepted.” She glanced at him as he let out a stubborn grunt. He’d never admit that he was apologizing. “Now come help me finish my chores so we can watch TV together.”
“To make sure you don’t fall again?” Joker teased.
“Don’t push your luck, Mr. Clown.” Jenna placed a kiss on his cheek before tugging on his arm, “it’s chore time!”
She was lucky he loved her.
Ledger Joker Tag List: @toasterking​ @amethystmoonprincess​ @faded-reality​ @theawkwardarchaeopteryx​ @ridiculousnerd​ 
If you would like to be added to my tag list for Ledger Joker or anything else let me know! My asks and inbox are open to all!
(Also if you still want to be tagged in my stories and you change your username, send me a message so I can edit my list!!)
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