#lambo is NOT included for obvious reasons
Something I’ve always wondered about is why Reborn pushed Haru towards Tsuna’s family.
With everyone else in Tsuna’s family there’s a clear reason why Reborn pushed them towards Tsuna & the Vongola:
Kyoko: Tsuna was already interested in her at the start of the series so she was useful for Reborn to use to push Tsuna & his growth
Gokudera: Hayato was already part of the mafia & had connections to people Reborn had worked with e.g. Bianchi & Shamal plus Gokudera had been looking for a family to join for a while making him perfect to be Tsuna’s first subordinate
Yamamoto: Takeshi that whole natural born hitman thing going on with talent & skill that Reborn wouldn’t let go to waste which is why he was included in Tsuna’s family
Lambo: Lambo was already part of the Mafia but being from a weak family means the Bovino are falling over themselves to let one of their own be part of the Vongola, having Lambo join Tsuna’s family also means that Vongola would have an easier time getting any technological advancements the Bovino make without having to lower themselves to negotiating with a weak family, Lambo’s inclusion in Tsuna’s family is beneficial to the Vongola both in appearances & possible future resorces
Ryouhei: Sasagawa is constantly in a dying will mind set giving him a lot of potential when thinking about flames so its obvious that Reborn would want him for Tsuna’s family
Hibari: He’s a powerhouse of course Reborn would want him for Tsuna’s family.
Mukuro & Chrome: Tsuna formed a bond with Mukuro after their fight & both Mukuro & Chrome are incredibly talented mists, Reborn is wary of Mukuro but wants Chrome’s talents for Tsuna’s family
Bianchi, Futa & I-Pin: Were all part of the Mafia already, Reborn’s worked with Bianchi before & having her around would possibly push Gokudera’s own growth forwards making him more useful to Tsuna, Futa is a sought out Mafia asset & I-Pin could act as a companion to Lambo increasing Lambo’s own growth & progress as a guardian 
All these members of Tsuna’s family had logical reasons to be added to Tsuna’s family Tsuna either already had an interest in them, they were naturally talented or they were already connected to the Mafia so why did Reborn push Haru a seemingly ordinary girl into joining Tsuna’s family & the Mafia world?
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Reborn takes note of Haru because he & Tsuna pass her house basically every day but the thing is from the first face to face meeting Reborn pushes the idea of Haru being a romantic interest to Tsuna
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The moment Haru falls for Tsuna, Reborn smirks, that was the end goal to have Haru interested in Tsuna but the thing is why, does Reborn merely want Tsuna to get more used to girls liking him/ having girls around him?
And the thing is Reborn isn’t the only person who has shown an interest in Haru!
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Checkerface has also shown an interest in Haru! We known that Checkerface doesn’t have any family so he’s clearly lying about being ‘the realtor’s son’ & the old lady is said to work alone so most likely the old lady that Haru was friends with was another one of Checkerface’s forms using mist flames which means that Haru casually used to hang around Checkerface & Checkerface even offered her a place to stay if she ever ‘ran away from home’.
Why was Checkerface interested in Haru? Why was he expecting her to run away from home?
Haru a seemingly normal girl drew the attention of both Reborn & Checkerface & we never found out why
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randomkposts · 4 years
Stalker with a crush
K: E, crack idea. Kyoto hitman reborn crossover with Yandere simulator
How the crack crossover would go, depends on who Yandere has a crush on.
The easiest would be Tsuna, who pre-reborn invokes protective feelings in Yandere, and makes them want to go after his bullies. They even had a kidnapping plan prepared, only for Reborn to show up, and all these guys to start surrounding him, like bodyguards.
Though it would be hilarious if Yandere crushed on Hayato, or Hibiri, for different reasons
E:Ong Plus its very norm for Tsuna to straight up tun into someone. And he's a sweetie.
The only time a girl ever liked him first and she's nuts.
K: It would be very Tsuna, wouldn't it
E: It would and it's hilarious for us. Now he can also pressured vy reborn to take the delinquents as a "Decimo" should uphold *something somthing reborn would say*"
Gokudera would probably jump the bomb on that one already goes on the delinquents.
Hibari would be suuuuuuper hard to get to even come to this place and honestly Yan-chan would find him as a t he eat *i mean as long as she ain't breaking rule she good*
K: That one opens up the most scenarios. Like a possible spinoff, where Yandere did go through with the kidnapping earlier, Nana tells her husband, and a crazy struggle opens up to find Tsuna. The Mafia, VS yandare's family, would be quite a battle.
E: Hibiri and Megami teeth clenched teamwork.
K: Yamato has so many fangirls (and boys) that it would probably start up some rivalry's, if Yan's attention is on him.
E:A long line of Yandere? Already implied to have some hands in the underworld. They're pretty damn great at tying up loose ends.
They haaaaate eachother so much. Well maybe Megami does, Hibari doesn't give a fuck.
K: Meanwhile, Tsuna and his future fiancee are in a different town, where nobody's bullying him, and it's a bIt weird, not terrible.
E: Yamato fanclub totally. You know I think Budo knows kendo I believe.
K: "Join the boxing club"
"I have formed my own club"
E: He would try that!!!! Someone would even explain to him you can join the other two clubs but nope!!
K: The other way it could swing, is Yandere becoming a Guardian. What kind of flame do you think they would have?
E: Yandere I always see to have either a cloud flame. Or malleable en9ugh to have storms.
K: I wonder if an argument could be made for lightning flame. Lightning's property is hardening, right? Except, rather than physical hardening being it's first use in the household, it's emotional hardening. We don't question it as much in the show, but Lambo is a 5 year old Hitman. And otherwise seems to be a normalish kid, demanding attention.
What if he hardened himself towards killing, in a bid for parental attention.
Or perhaps, he demands so much attention, because his parents are absentee
E: He was also sent out basically on a death mission by his own family.
Kids gotta be emotionally strong enough to be in a household like that. We never did find out what the hell his parents are even doing.
Not even Fuutas.
K:Yandere, uses hardening properties to achieve a different emotional effect. Hardening against them. Their dad is a kidnapped victim, living with his murderous kidnapping wife who is obsessed with him first and foremost, and teaching the kid to be like her. Social skills were not taught particularly well as a small child, which led to further isolation from peers. They didn't even notice they were doing it, just shut It all out.
E: True. Even Yan mother even see her as a threat. Imagine being on the side of a murderous intentions from your own mother.
Yan has to be emotionally hardened at this point. She is pretty good to have as a mafia ally. I mean it's not far fetched for them to try to control her . I mean they have Mukuro with them. The Yakuza ending also pretty much stated she would join them. She kidnaps a lot of girls and boys without getting caught.
K: Tsuna, catches their attention. This boy, who the school calls no good, who is failing his classes, who is ruthlessly picked on. He keeps coming. And they start to get mad at the people who keep picking on this sweetie, and then he talks to them one day, and that's it. They feel a lot for him & are determined to put a smile on his face.
And while just talking to him would probably do that , Yandere is too shy to do that, and resorts to other things.
And they are unhardening, and finding emotion can be brought to the forefront to do things for him, and he must be Sempi.
Hayato gets kidnaped a few times (and rescued by Bianchi and others), before Yandere realized they both are here to protect Tsuna
Like, before they bond over that, Hayato is out smoking or something, and just gets nabbed.
He has conspiracy theories over who is kidnapping him.
He kind of just wakes up in these random houses.
One time Hibiri rescues him, and goes after Yandere for disturbing the peace, with kidnapping. And Hayato gets rescued from the truck by kusakabe.
The Yakuza are doing the kidnapping, because that would cut into time with Senpai.
E: Other things like leaving encouraging note to him in his locker or small gifts he would like *honestly Tsuna would be so touched if someone even remembers to include him in something. And it is canon option for Senpai*
Would Yandere be more lax in them? If he is also interested in protecting Senpai, then ally?
Stop cutting into time with Senpai, she makes sure he gets home safe!
K: Eventually, they decide, with all the problems that come after Sempai, more people on the job may not be a bad thing.
How would Reborn react to all of this? Would he be dropping cryptic hints.
K: He totally would.
He's probably not liking how much attention Yan would bring if she isn't careful. Impressed with her skills, but honestly who is he to judge in his own profession. Utilize her skills. He would have already gone through her background even her parents. Ryoba history is the most surprising so far.
K:How would Mukuro becoming Sempai possibly come about? As a what if, I mean. It's pretty unlikely, given he's in prison, as is most of the Varia, but this is a crack premise, so it's a possibility, I guess.
If she's the most surprising so far, then he has not gotten far into the family history.
E:Well can it be possible for Chrom to be senpai? She's quiet and sweet. Kind and Senpai can be a girl or boy either way doki doki.
Ahaha yeah, true. He hasn't gona so far cause he wasn't expecting her parents to be ...well a boy who went missing and a girl who was on trial of a decade for murder.
He probably started looking into Yan history if he noticed her skulking around Tsuna.
K: That's a good point.
Operation: find Sempai organs is a go
A family history reading that disturbs Reborn the more he reads it.
The more he goes, the more fucking questions he has. How big is this family even?
He would start looking in local Yakuza history or the underworld to see if Aishi family has connections to it.
K: With Yandere unhardening, through friendship, operation organs may happen anyway How long has this been happening, and why was it none of the reports!!?
E: If senpai cares for his friends and wants them happy, if that makes Senpaj happy she would do it.
They slip under the radar as they please. Reborns a bit chilled at how long this has been going on and no one seems to notice
It happened in literally thousands of people watching and she still was acquitted innocent
Reborn can see Yan as a blessing in a really messed up disguise as she has talking a liking towards Tsuna. Maybe this can work in his favor
K: Who else is in this investigation ?
E: *lol Yan is pretty pissed at how much trouble Reborn puts Senpai in*
WAIT WE FORGOT ABOUT THE REPORTER. (C :Part of reborns investigation? Maybe Info?)
K: Idk, isn't he worried she might kidnapping him?
E: Maybe, but is she did Reborn would be getting kinda loose in his abilities as a hitman if that happens
K: what about info and the rivals?
E:With the right manipulation he can make it work. Yan may be a dangerous girl but she's still too young and is still learning. Rivals? Depends on how they react with Tsuna?
If Yan find out about Kyoko, she a dead girl. Nah jk, Ryohei wouldn't let that happen and IF TSUNA EVER FOUND OUT.
K:It could happen in the future. Just one day, the demecio dissapes.
Does he still have a crush on Kyoko, in this world? It's middle school, and another rival may have caught his interest. maybe Ami?
E: Well I kept thinking back to One day Decimo disappears and honestly i really like that idea he just vanishes
K: Did his lightning grab him, or was it someone else? Can you see Tsuna having a crush on any of the Yansim rivals instead of Kyoko?
E: Yan i wanna say to most. Dedication and honestly it can be the long game. Everyone thinks they're finally as normal as they can get. But one day maybe during a siege, **i wanna say Yan helped it start but that would be redundant maybe take opportunity of it happening to do it* they Tsuna.
Hmmm definitely Ami
Osana is like "ehhh" why she keep going tsuntsun on him
Mida/and the Nurse is obvious no
He might blush *i would too what the hell is the dress code in Akademi???*
Osoro would scare him
Hanako would probably like him to be honest,
K: Would Kokona show up?
E: He think sport club leader Asu is pretty cool
K: and Oka? Osoro?
E: Kokona is fucking sweetie too. OKA IS TOO PRECIOUS. BUT SHE WOULD KINDA SCARE HIM WITH THE OCCULT STUFF. She would remind him of Chrome
K:they should meet!!
E:Osoro would scare him. Like a female Hibari just more hnnn i dunno i say sane to
K: Osoro and Hibari fight a lot due to disturbing the peace. Are they both clouds you think?
E:Uekiya would also be a great choice too!
HIbari would fight her cause of her delinquents. Hibiri isn't going to have that.
I wanna see her delinquents vs the disciplinary committee.
K: Just imagine the students desensitised to Hibiri and Osoro fighting.
"Oh this happens whenever she comes back from suspension"
Reborn is a bit perplexed to find two strong clouds having a frequent battle is normal, and hasn't destroyed the area yet
E: The delinquents from Akademi were former bullied student’s which is why Genka is so lenient on them. She feel guilty on how it went so faR.
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New Post has been published here https://is.gd/8HGPdE
3 Things Every Crypto Trading Journal Needs
This post was originally published here
A trading journal is one of the major elements that separates novice traders from professionals.
Trading journals are intended to track the performance and reasoning behind all trades. They can assist in the critical thinking and decision-making process by demanding a justification for every single trade someone makes.
In most cases, major trading firms require their analysts to keep a trade journal or notes outlining their reasoning and the technical setup into which they’ve entered. 
Ultimately, trading journals are meant to help identify patterns in a trader’s technique that result in losses by highlighting the errors in a trader’s judgment. The end-goal is to create a process for doing so that is both transparent and free from bias, allowing for the kind of reflection that makes a great trader.
Going from good to great
The more you record and write things down, the easier it is to retain and interpret that piece of information with the ability to rule out inconsistencies in your learning. 
The same can be said for keeping track your trades throughout the year with the strategy of improving your mindset – geared towards winning small profitable stakes and reducing personal errors.
Your mental state at the time is, therefore, one of the three major elements you should include in your journal. You’ll want to outline what kind of emotional state you were in when you entered a trade. If you cannot consistently apply a ‘confident’ stance on the trades you are making, then there must be some part of your strategy and technical setup you don’t trust.
For example, let’s say you entered into a long trade with 10 percent of the grubstake on Monday and wrote “uncertain/high-risk trade/cautiously bullish in the mentality section. By Friday, that trade is shaving off 30 percent of your trading account.
A look back at the trading journal will tell what went wrong. To start with, you invested 10 percent of your total funds in a high-risk trade. Seasoned traders test risky waters with small bets and often take hedges in order to minimize losses.
Simply put, your trading journal is like holding up a mirror and monitoring the irrational exuberance and absence of management rules.
Just ask yourself: “am I entering into the right trade feeling confident and does it favor my stringent self-applied ruleset?”
The more you begin to practice writing and recording, the more you will notice your mindset begins to change with it as you develop trust in your own trading style.
Tracking trade performance
This brings us to our second criteria every journal needs: trade performance.
This may seem a little obvious at first glance, as all trading journals should possess an entry/exit position, the position size, and date as well as profit/loss and any stop losses you applied.
However, oftentimes the technical reasoning behind the trade is neglected and this is one of the more crucial elements in trade performance.
Assuming your bias is checked and your rulesets help to separate your emotional state from doing anything drastic – such as going all-in for ‘Lambo gains’ – then the reasoning behind your trades stand as an important justification on why you entered them in the first place.
If from a technical perspective, you spotted a falling wedge followed by a large uptick in growing bullish volume and you took a long trade feeling confident, then that would help to streamline your critical thinking and again highlight areas where you are stronger while indicating other areas in your analysis that need improvement should you lose.
From a fundamentalist point of view, you may wish to note certain major news announcements or a company hiring a particular CEO with an excellent track record that would ultimately affect a company’s bottom line.
What are the conditions?
This brings us to our third criteria all great trading journals should possess: market conditions.
The conditions outline exactly what the current state of a particular market was in at the time when you entered your trade.
This is important because it helps you begin to highlight patterns in your trading style that are inconsistent with market condition. If you map out days in which you feel confident trading, then, by all means, note the market conditions down and give a rough outline of what was happening on that given day.
If you are trading more than 2-4 times a month on uncertain days, then perhaps it’s best you leave that particular market alone or reassess your risk as the market continues its lower highs or sideways momentum.
Remember: the hardest battle lies within yourself. A trade journal is a valuable tool with which you can hold yourself to account for the errors you make, and it goes a long way toward weeding out the inconsistencies in your trading style.
As Brett Steenbarger, the author of “The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets” put it:
“The journal is a business plan. The right plan, executed faithfully, can be the difference between success and failure in any endeavor.”
Disclosure: The author holds no cryptocurrency at the time of writing.
Writing journal image via Shutterstock
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talldarkindividual · 7 years
DropTopWop 1Listen Review
5 Million Intro - Well he starts the song off with a drop top bar so I think this could be a concept album. Southside x Metro on the beat so I don’t even have to tell you that it’s good. Solid intro that makes you ponder on how Gucci makes 5 million a day.
Tho Freestyle - The word “Freestyle” is used very loosely... What exactly is a “Freestyle” anymore. WifisFuneral used this beat on “Hunitts Fifties” and did more with it. “You ain’t come to suck me up? Then what you in the house for” definitely made me ponder on my latest Shacker moment.
Hurt a N*ggas Feelings - The one single that came from the album for obvious reasons... It’s the best song. If you ever thought Gucci couldn’t pull off a full song about bragging about how his lifestyle is better than yours... You’re wrong.
Helpless - “Is there a pussy rehab please tell me” explains the point of this song entirely... Also get back to me if there is would ya Radric?
Met Gala (feat. Offset of Migos) - This might as well be featuring Gucci because as soon as the beat starts you can just imagine Offset sitting in a dark room waiting to kill it. You can’t ever let a Migo start your song because the disappointment the listener gets when they alley pop their bar to someone who is NOT a Migo... Indescribable. This is the song you’ll be bumping at your suburban kickback.
Finesse the Plug (Interlude) - oH thank God a break from the repetitive hooks... annnnnnnd never mind.
Dance with the Devil - This is the most evil sounding beat on the album. 21 Savage is shaking in his chair knowing he wasn’t called for a feature. Gucci speaks on how the money turns people into the worst type of people... Gold Diggers, Flexers, etc.
Both Eyes Closed (feat. 2 Chainz & Young Dolph) - This is probably the most dissappointign track after seeing who was on this track. It’s not the beat but the fact that nobody really finds a solid flow that fits the beat (except Dolph at one point in his verse). Don't come into this expecting a banger.
Bucket List - Gucci is just glad to be out of prison and finally get to the things that really matter... This includes: New Lambos, Drop Top Raris, Mansion, and a Bad Bitch.
Loss 4 Wrdz (Rick Ross) - If you’re not asleep by the time you get here then you definitely won’t make it past this song... Boring in every aspect, Rick Ross in Teflon Don Mode couldn’t even save this song.
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cryptobully-blog · 7 years
Researchers tap AI in the fight against ICO scams
Researchers tap AI in the fight against ICO scams
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There’s no definitive way to tell if an initial coin offering (ICO) is a scam, but a machine learning-based research method could make it easier to avoid the most obvious ones. And that’s good for everyone except the scammers.
A Chinese startup called Shannon.AI, working with researchers from Stanford, University of California Santa Barbara, and the University of Michigan, recently unveiled a white paper detailing an AI designed to sniff out cryptocurrency scams.
When it comes to cryptocurrency investing there’s only one sure-fire way to avoid getting scammed: don’t do it. Sure, the Bitcoin bros and millennial millionaires make it look like we can all drive our lambos to the moon if we invest, but the reality is the majority of ICOs last year were either scams or failed.
As the researchers put it in their white paper:
Despite the fact that ICOs are able to provide fair and lawful investment opportunities, the ease of crowdfunding creates opportunities and incentives for unscrupulous businesses to use ICOs to execute “pump and dump” schemes, in which the ICO initiators drive up the value of the crowdfunded cryptocurrency and then quickly “dump” the coins for a profit.
So how do you separate the scams from the legitimate contenders when they all seem like techno-babble to anyone who isn’t well-versed in reading white papers?
There’s no easy answer. An almost complete lack of any regulation makes it impossible to ‘prove’ a scam until it’s too late. This isn’t about spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD). It’s simple facts.
Part of the reason for this is white papers and websites can be made to look legitimate with relative ease. Simply put, most scammers are counting on the fact that you won’t dedicate as much time to researching their coin as they can to making it appear legitimate.
The problem is made even worse by the general toxicity and shill-like nature of the vast majority of cryptocurrency communities. When you have a large group of people whose common denominator is a mutual investment, coupled by bounty programs for spreading positive messages, it becomes impossible to get a clear picture of a coin’s legitimacy by talking to the people involved with it.
The Shannon.AI team’s white paper outlines a machine learning approach to separating the scams from legitimate projects:
By analyzing 2,251 ICO projects, we correlate the life span and the price change of a digital currency with various levels of its ICO information, including its white papers, founding team, GitHub repository, website, etc. For the best setting, the proposed system is able to identify scam ICO projects with a precision of 0.83 and an F1 score of 0.80.
Credit: Shannon.AI
The number of ICOs has grown at a similar rate to the market cap. Most of them will fail within the first year.
And this is encouraging, even if it isn’t revolutionary. This particular paper showcases an algorithm-based system that essentially automates what savvy investors are already doing by seeking out publicly available information that draws an overall picture of a coin. This is good for a couple of reasons, as the team points out:
Compared against human-designed rating systems, ICORATING has two key advantages. (1) Objectivity: a machine learning model involves less prior knowledge about the world, instead learning the causality from the data, in contrast to humandesigned systems that require massive involvement of human experts, who inevitably introduce biases. (2) Difficulty of manipulation by unscrupulous actors: the credit rating result is output from a machine learning model through black-box training. This process requires minor human involvement and intervention.
Sadly, due to the nature of these scams, when human researchers point out the red flags of a project that appears to be a scam those warnings are usually dismissed by cryptocurrency holders as “paid attacks” or FUD, even when they come from reputable news sites.
It’s easier for a company to attack the messenger than fix any problems pointed out by legitimate researchers and journalists.
But if an AI working in a black box comes to the same conclusions, based on the same readily available information, it could be considered more trustworthy. The Shannon.AI algorithms don’t do anything a person couldn’t do on their own, but they do it much, much faster — and with greater accuracy.
Unless you’re a journalist or researcher who has the luxury of spending days at a time poring over white papers, websites, and Github repositories, you’re probably missing key pieces of information. AI that does the same job in a fraction of the time could make scam ICOs a thing of the past, or at least the minority.
We’ve reached out to the research team to see if there’s any plans to go to market with this tool, or if they’ll be further developing it.
In the mean time, trade with care: for every person who made millions investing in altcoins there are thousands of people who wished they’d paid attention to the red flags before investing.
Want to hear more about AI from the world’s leading experts? Join our Machine:Learners track at TNW Conference 2018. Check out info and get your tickets here.
Read next: Winklevoss twins have a plan to police cryptocurrency trading
ICO News
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5hit-i-l00k-at · 7 years
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price
New Post has been published on http://www.latestcarprice.com/2017/11/2018-lamborghini-terzo-millennio-price.html
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price – Merely once you believe you have the auto industry every determined, it locates a means to get you to issue everything you know. Hardly any car makers tend to be nearly as good on carrying out which like Lamborghini, as well as after showing see on the insanity which is the Terzo Millennio Principle; I may also only throw my fingers up as well as admit beat. I don’t find out ample to know what Lamborghini understands since, should I performed, I would’ve observed the particular Terzo Millennio Idea emerging quite some time back. However, nothing prepares you regarding these kinds of presentation, particularly when the Italian carmaker will be involved. You merely relax, be very impressed, and also try not to piss oneself during this process.
The notion will be unrealistic in a lot of approaches. However, it’s no incident it seems the actual way it will. There’s a goal associated with every sleek detail for the car, in the substantial LMP1-fashion tire arches, all the simple hood, all the large windshield, for all the actual co2 fiber content solar panels which apparently project on every part of the reasoning through just about every path.
The front segment features tips associated with Lamborghini’s fashion DNA. However, there are many fresh factors in it way too. First, I haven’t seen the Lamborghini with that type illumination configuration before. All the decreased hood is yet another fresh method and is particularly a bit jarring to discover the particular windscreen expand up to the identical level because of the headlights. It’s furthermore really worth mentioning how near to the soil the reasoning will be. At least that’s one of the things which you are likely to stay in strategy establish.
Shift to the side, as well as you’ll discover among the determining design characteristics in the Terzo Milennio. Solar panels regarded unnecessary are already stripped out in the particular title of producing the concept as light-weight as possible. You will find in certain aspects that this classic intakes in front of the rear wheels have been taken out completely. The outcome is an uncovered section which gives all the breeze an additional place to a great time via unimpeded. The reasoning furthermore features a pair of gills upon each side – another nod to the unbridled center of aerodynamics. It is a similar narrative inside the back end in the concept, even though should I might be awarded an opinion, this is the best part of the Terzo MIllenio. All the standalone is ideal. It’s brutish and chic concurrently, similar to how you’d identify a massive bull using muscle tissue bulging coming from everybody component but moves with all the grace which we people could only dream about. It is gorgeous. It is breathtaking. It is the thing of beauty.
Read Also: 2019 Lamborghini Huracan Performante Price
There is little to speak as far as all the interior is involved. What we should know at this time would be that the principle merely includes a couple of chairs considering that, you realize, body weight savings. Besides that, there is plenty to invest in what kind of interior the notion possesses. Knowing Lamborghini, I picture something of your never-seen-well before established-up which relies upon some form of advanced AI interface with plenty of advanced mumbo-jumbo to produce George Jetson happy.
There are still elements of the drivetrain which talk with our terminology. The initial one is the usage of a variety of electric powered engines, located in all the number of rims. One more is the use of innovative supercapacitors, something which Lamborghini has already fiddled together within the present Aventador.
However, it wouldn’t be considered a Lamborghini concept without the inclusion regarding thoughts-coming modern technology. This is when all those body solar panels enter into all the formula. The thought is the fact rather than the installation of a new awkward battery package inside the car – that is extra weight, amid some other identified nuisances – the electricity storage is designed into the physique individual panels from the car by way of which carbon fibers are sandwiching method I referred to help earlier. Possessing this power source in the body of the car not just works well for creating higher levels of power for that car, but additionally aids it via speedy re-charging, effective renewal about kinetic electricity, along with the gradual destruction of the battery power pack by itself.
The particular technological innovation itself is an obvious photo of the potential. Nevertheless, it is not without the genuine-entire world troubles, one of which is the particular actual integrity from the co2 fibers. As long-lasting as it is, it is no vibration, so there is a likelihood how the substance holes or perhaps breaks, particularly if it’s subjected to an excellent level of electric power virtually flowing within it. To handle which, Lambo, as well as MIT, are considering the technician feature which in essence enables the actual carbon dietary fiber substance mend on its own.
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candello · 7 years
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price
New Post has been published on http://www.latestcarprice.com/2017/11/2018-lamborghini-terzo-millennio-price.html
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price – Merely once you believe you have the auto industry every determined, it locates a means to get you to issue everything you know. Hardly any car makers tend to be nearly as good on carrying out which like Lamborghini, as well as after showing see on the insanity which is the Terzo Millennio Principle; I may also only throw my fingers up as well as admit beat. I don’t find out ample to know what Lamborghini understands since, should I performed, I would’ve observed the particular Terzo Millennio Idea emerging quite some time back. However, nothing prepares you regarding these kinds of presentation, particularly when the Italian carmaker will be involved. You merely relax, be very impressed, and also try not to piss oneself during this process.
The notion will be unrealistic in a lot of approaches. However, it’s no incident it seems the actual way it will. There’s a goal associated with every sleek detail for the car, in the substantial LMP1-fashion tire arches, all the simple hood, all the large windshield, for all the actual co2 fiber content solar panels which apparently project on every part of the reasoning through just about every path.
The front segment features tips associated with Lamborghini’s fashion DNA. However, there are many fresh factors in it way too. First, I haven’t seen the Lamborghini with that type illumination configuration before. All the decreased hood is yet another fresh method and is particularly a bit jarring to discover the particular windscreen expand up to the identical level because of the headlights. It’s furthermore really worth mentioning how near to the soil the reasoning will be. At least that’s one of the things which you are likely to stay in strategy establish.
Shift to the side, as well as you’ll discover among the determining design characteristics in the Terzo Milennio. Solar panels regarded unnecessary are already stripped out in the particular title of producing the concept as light-weight as possible. You will find in certain aspects that this classic intakes in front of the rear wheels have been taken out completely. The outcome is an uncovered section which gives all the breeze an additional place to a great time via unimpeded. The reasoning furthermore features a pair of gills upon each side – another nod to the unbridled center of aerodynamics. It is a similar narrative inside the back end in the concept, even though should I might be awarded an opinion, this is the best part of the Terzo MIllenio. All the standalone is ideal. It’s brutish and chic concurrently, similar to how you’d identify a massive bull using muscle tissue bulging coming from everybody component but moves with all the grace which we people could only dream about. It is gorgeous. It is breathtaking. It is the thing of beauty.
Read Also: 2019 Lamborghini Huracan Performante Price
There is little to speak as far as all the interior is involved. What we should know at this time would be that the principle merely includes a couple of chairs considering that, you realize, body weight savings. Besides that, there is plenty to invest in what kind of interior the notion possesses. Knowing Lamborghini, I picture something of your never-seen-well before established-up which relies upon some form of advanced AI interface with plenty of advanced mumbo-jumbo to produce George Jetson happy.
There are still elements of the drivetrain which talk with our terminology. The initial one is the usage of a variety of electric powered engines, located in all the number of rims. One more is the use of innovative supercapacitors, something which Lamborghini has already fiddled together within the present Aventador.
However, it wouldn’t be considered a Lamborghini concept without the inclusion regarding thoughts-coming modern technology. This is when all those body solar panels enter into all the formula. The thought is the fact rather than the installation of a new awkward battery package inside the car – that is extra weight, amid some other identified nuisances – the electricity storage is designed into the physique individual panels from the car by way of which carbon fibers are sandwiching method I referred to help earlier. Possessing this power source in the body of the car not just works well for creating higher levels of power for that car, but additionally aids it via speedy re-charging, effective renewal about kinetic electricity, along with the gradual destruction of the battery power pack by itself.
The particular technological innovation itself is an obvious photo of the potential. Nevertheless, it is not without the genuine-entire world troubles, one of which is the particular actual integrity from the co2 fibers. As long-lasting as it is, it is no vibration, so there is a likelihood how the substance holes or perhaps breaks, particularly if it’s subjected to an excellent level of electric power virtually flowing within it. To handle which, Lambo, as well as MIT, are considering the technician feature which in essence enables the actual carbon dietary fiber substance mend on its own.
0 notes
iratefate · 7 years
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price
New Post has been published on http://www.latestcarprice.com/2017/11/2018-lamborghini-terzo-millennio-price.html
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price – Merely once you believe you have the auto industry every determined, it locates a means to get you to issue everything you know. Hardly any car makers tend to be nearly as good on carrying out which like Lamborghini, as well as after showing see on the insanity which is the Terzo Millennio Principle; I may also only throw my fingers up as well as admit beat. I don’t find out ample to know what Lamborghini understands since, should I performed, I would’ve observed the particular Terzo Millennio Idea emerging quite some time back. However, nothing prepares you regarding these kinds of presentation, particularly when the Italian carmaker will be involved. You merely relax, be very impressed, and also try not to piss oneself during this process.
The notion will be unrealistic in a lot of approaches. However, it’s no incident it seems the actual way it will. There’s a goal associated with every sleek detail for the car, in the substantial LMP1-fashion tire arches, all the simple hood, all the large windshield, for all the actual co2 fiber content solar panels which apparently project on every part of the reasoning through just about every path.
The front segment features tips associated with Lamborghini’s fashion DNA. However, there are many fresh factors in it way too. First, I haven’t seen the Lamborghini with that type illumination configuration before. All the decreased hood is yet another fresh method and is particularly a bit jarring to discover the particular windscreen expand up to the identical level because of the headlights. It’s furthermore really worth mentioning how near to the soil the reasoning will be. At least that’s one of the things which you are likely to stay in strategy establish.
Shift to the side, as well as you’ll discover among the determining design characteristics in the Terzo Milennio. Solar panels regarded unnecessary are already stripped out in the particular title of producing the concept as light-weight as possible. You will find in certain aspects that this classic intakes in front of the rear wheels have been taken out completely. The outcome is an uncovered section which gives all the breeze an additional place to a great time via unimpeded. The reasoning furthermore features a pair of gills upon each side – another nod to the unbridled center of aerodynamics. It is a similar narrative inside the back end in the concept, even though should I might be awarded an opinion, this is the best part of the Terzo MIllenio. All the standalone is ideal. It’s brutish and chic concurrently, similar to how you’d identify a massive bull using muscle tissue bulging coming from everybody component but moves with all the grace which we people could only dream about. It is gorgeous. It is breathtaking. It is the thing of beauty.
Read Also: 2019 Lamborghini Huracan Performante Price
There is little to speak as far as all the interior is involved. What we should know at this time would be that the principle merely includes a couple of chairs considering that, you realize, body weight savings. Besides that, there is plenty to invest in what kind of interior the notion possesses. Knowing Lamborghini, I picture something of your never-seen-well before established-up which relies upon some form of advanced AI interface with plenty of advanced mumbo-jumbo to produce George Jetson happy.
There are still elements of the drivetrain which talk with our terminology. The initial one is the usage of a variety of electric powered engines, located in all the number of rims. One more is the use of innovative supercapacitors, something which Lamborghini has already fiddled together within the present Aventador.
However, it wouldn’t be considered a Lamborghini concept without the inclusion regarding thoughts-coming modern technology. This is when all those body solar panels enter into all the formula. The thought is the fact rather than the installation of a new awkward battery package inside the car – that is extra weight, amid some other identified nuisances – the electricity storage is designed into the physique individual panels from the car by way of which carbon fibers are sandwiching method I referred to help earlier. Possessing this power source in the body of the car not just works well for creating higher levels of power for that car, but additionally aids it via speedy re-charging, effective renewal about kinetic electricity, along with the gradual destruction of the battery power pack by itself.
The particular technological innovation itself is an obvious photo of the potential. Nevertheless, it is not without the genuine-entire world troubles, one of which is the particular actual integrity from the co2 fibers. As long-lasting as it is, it is no vibration, so there is a likelihood how the substance holes or perhaps breaks, particularly if it’s subjected to an excellent level of electric power virtually flowing within it. To handle which, Lambo, as well as MIT, are considering the technician feature which in essence enables the actual carbon dietary fiber substance mend on its own.
0 notes
mrgoodbar25-blog · 7 years
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price
New Post has been published on http://www.latestcarprice.com/2017/11/2018-lamborghini-terzo-millennio-price.html
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price – Merely once you believe you have the auto industry every determined, it locates a means to get you to issue everything you know. Hardly any car makers tend to be nearly as good on carrying out which like Lamborghini, as well as after showing see on the insanity which is the Terzo Millennio Principle; I may also only throw my fingers up as well as admit beat. I don’t find out ample to know what Lamborghini understands since, should I performed, I would’ve observed the particular Terzo Millennio Idea emerging quite some time back. However, nothing prepares you regarding these kinds of presentation, particularly when the Italian carmaker will be involved. You merely relax, be very impressed, and also try not to piss oneself during this process.
The notion will be unrealistic in a lot of approaches. However, it’s no incident it seems the actual way it will. There’s a goal associated with every sleek detail for the car, in the substantial LMP1-fashion tire arches, all the simple hood, all the large windshield, for all the actual co2 fiber content solar panels which apparently project on every part of the reasoning through just about every path.
The front segment features tips associated with Lamborghini’s fashion DNA. However, there are many fresh factors in it way too. First, I haven’t seen the Lamborghini with that type illumination configuration before. All the decreased hood is yet another fresh method and is particularly a bit jarring to discover the particular windscreen expand up to the identical level because of the headlights. It’s furthermore really worth mentioning how near to the soil the reasoning will be. At least that’s one of the things which you are likely to stay in strategy establish.
Shift to the side, as well as you’ll discover among the determining design characteristics in the Terzo Milennio. Solar panels regarded unnecessary are already stripped out in the particular title of producing the concept as light-weight as possible. You will find in certain aspects that this classic intakes in front of the rear wheels have been taken out completely. The outcome is an uncovered section which gives all the breeze an additional place to a great time via unimpeded. The reasoning furthermore features a pair of gills upon each side – another nod to the unbridled center of aerodynamics. It is a similar narrative inside the back end in the concept, even though should I might be awarded an opinion, this is the best part of the Terzo MIllenio. All the standalone is ideal. It’s brutish and chic concurrently, similar to how you’d identify a massive bull using muscle tissue bulging coming from everybody component but moves with all the grace which we people could only dream about. It is gorgeous. It is breathtaking. It is the thing of beauty.
Read Also: 2019 Lamborghini Huracan Performante Price
There is little to speak as far as all the interior is involved. What we should know at this time would be that the principle merely includes a couple of chairs considering that, you realize, body weight savings. Besides that, there is plenty to invest in what kind of interior the notion possesses. Knowing Lamborghini, I picture something of your never-seen-well before established-up which relies upon some form of advanced AI interface with plenty of advanced mumbo-jumbo to produce George Jetson happy.
There are still elements of the drivetrain which talk with our terminology. The initial one is the usage of a variety of electric powered engines, located in all the number of rims. One more is the use of innovative supercapacitors, something which Lamborghini has already fiddled together within the present Aventador.
However, it wouldn’t be considered a Lamborghini concept without the inclusion regarding thoughts-coming modern technology. This is when all those body solar panels enter into all the formula. The thought is the fact rather than the installation of a new awkward battery package inside the car – that is extra weight, amid some other identified nuisances – the electricity storage is designed into the physique individual panels from the car by way of which carbon fibers are sandwiching method I referred to help earlier. Possessing this power source in the body of the car not just works well for creating higher levels of power for that car, but additionally aids it via speedy re-charging, effective renewal about kinetic electricity, along with the gradual destruction of the battery power pack by itself.
The particular technological innovation itself is an obvious photo of the potential. Nevertheless, it is not without the genuine-entire world troubles, one of which is the particular actual integrity from the co2 fibers. As long-lasting as it is, it is no vibration, so there is a likelihood how the substance holes or perhaps breaks, particularly if it’s subjected to an excellent level of electric power virtually flowing within it. To handle which, Lambo, as well as MIT, are considering the technician feature which in essence enables the actual carbon dietary fiber substance mend on its own.
0 notes
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price
New Post has been published on http://www.latestcarprice.com/2017/11/2018-lamborghini-terzo-millennio-price.html
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price
2018 Lamborghini Terzo Millennio Price – Merely once you believe you have the auto industry every determined, it locates a means to get you to issue everything you know. Hardly any car makers tend to be nearly as good on carrying out which like Lamborghini, as well as after showing see on the insanity which is the Terzo Millennio Principle; I may also only throw my fingers up as well as admit beat. I don’t find out ample to know what Lamborghini understands since, should I performed, I would’ve observed the particular Terzo Millennio Idea emerging quite some time back. However, nothing prepares you regarding these kinds of presentation, particularly when the Italian carmaker will be involved. You merely relax, be very impressed, and also try not to piss oneself during this process.
The notion will be unrealistic in a lot of approaches. However, it’s no incident it seems the actual way it will. There’s a goal associated with every sleek detail for the car, in the substantial LMP1-fashion tire arches, all the simple hood, all the large windshield, for all the actual co2 fiber content solar panels which apparently project on every part of the reasoning through just about every path.
The front segment features tips associated with Lamborghini’s fashion DNA. However, there are many fresh factors in it way too. First, I haven’t seen the Lamborghini with that type illumination configuration before. All the decreased hood is yet another fresh method and is particularly a bit jarring to discover the particular windscreen expand up to the identical level because of the headlights. It’s furthermore really worth mentioning how near to the soil the reasoning will be. At least that’s one of the things which you are likely to stay in strategy establish.
Shift to the side, as well as you’ll discover among the determining design characteristics in the Terzo Milennio. Solar panels regarded unnecessary are already stripped out in the particular title of producing the concept as light-weight as possible. You will find in certain aspects that this classic intakes in front of the rear wheels have been taken out completely. The outcome is an uncovered section which gives all the breeze an additional place to a great time via unimpeded. The reasoning furthermore features a pair of gills upon each side – another nod to the unbridled center of aerodynamics. It is a similar narrative inside the back end in the concept, even though should I might be awarded an opinion, this is the best part of the Terzo MIllenio. All the standalone is ideal. It’s brutish and chic concurrently, similar to how you’d identify a massive bull using muscle tissue bulging coming from everybody component but moves with all the grace which we people could only dream about. It is gorgeous. It is breathtaking. It is the thing of beauty.
Read Also: 2019 Lamborghini Huracan Performante Price
There is little to speak as far as all the interior is involved. What we should know at this time would be that the principle merely includes a couple of chairs considering that, you realize, body weight savings. Besides that, there is plenty to invest in what kind of interior the notion possesses. Knowing Lamborghini, I picture something of your never-seen-well before established-up which relies upon some form of advanced AI interface with plenty of advanced mumbo-jumbo to produce George Jetson happy.
There are still elements of the drivetrain which talk with our terminology. The initial one is the usage of a variety of electric powered engines, located in all the number of rims. One more is the use of innovative supercapacitors, something which Lamborghini has already fiddled together within the present Aventador.
However, it wouldn’t be considered a Lamborghini concept without the inclusion regarding thoughts-coming modern technology. This is when all those body solar panels enter into all the formula. The thought is the fact rather than the installation of a new awkward battery package inside the car – that is extra weight, amid some other identified nuisances – the electricity storage is designed into the physique individual panels from the car by way of which carbon fibers are sandwiching method I referred to help earlier. Possessing this power source in the body of the car not just works well for creating higher levels of power for that car, but additionally aids it via speedy re-charging, effective renewal about kinetic electricity, along with the gradual destruction of the battery power pack by itself.
The particular technological innovation itself is an obvious photo of the potential. Nevertheless, it is not without the genuine-entire world troubles, one of which is the particular actual integrity from the co2 fibers. As long-lasting as it is, it is no vibration, so there is a likelihood how the substance holes or perhaps breaks, particularly if it’s subjected to an excellent level of electric power virtually flowing within it. To handle which, Lambo, as well as MIT, are considering the technician feature which in essence enables the actual carbon dietary fiber substance mend on its own.
0 notes
cielofics · 4 years
WARNING(S): OCC's, Parent!bashing, depressing!thoughts, suicidal!tendencies,
NOTES: "Japanese" "Italian" Thinking 'Tsuna's eye speak' [Written Text] -Ghost speak-
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Amano Akira does.
While Mukuro was dealing with things, Tsuna could be seen walking inside a dim room with 5 more people inside. When they saw him, they let a smirk take place on their faces.
"Now, let the show begin~"
"...I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be 'let the meeting begin' not the show, Tsuna-san," said a red-haired teenage boy while pushing his glasses upwards.
"Mou, ________-kun, you shouldn't ruin my mood like that ~" he said quietly.
Everyone in the room noticed this and narrowed their eyes.
"...Is it hurting again?" asked ________. Tsuna merely nodded before looking at his allies.
"We're... missing... two?" he asked brokenly.
"First of all stop speaking Tsuna-kun," said another red haired with a bandage on his nose. "Don't strain your throat further. Besides, we're here," ____ said entering with a blond teenage with a lollipop in his mouth.
Tsuna merely sighed and giggled at his friends over-protectiveness. "Let's start the meeting already, Tsuna-san," ________-kun replied while clutching his stomach.
Everybody else smirked when they saw Tsuna smirking. After all, it was time for the main show to start.
...XX. Meanwhile .XX...
Reborn was shocked was an understatement. For the first time, he has plainly shown his emotions like this. In the beginning, the enigma twin brother was a mystery who needed to be solved but now? It seems his list of investigating is growing every second.
After all, seeing the first generation of the Vongola Famiglia standing right next to the young teens that look like them is surprising. Every first generation was there except the boss, Giotto Vongola.
He looked around and saw that Takeshi, Lambo, and Gokudera were still unconscious. At times, they would frown, other they would smile. Sometimes, they would be expressionless.
Nobody spoke in the silence that followed. Reborn being Reborn demanded, "Explain."
Mukuro raised an eyebrow, "Oya Oya, it seems that the Arcobaleno is demanding answers."
Reborn scowled, "What are you doing here, Rokudo Mukuro? You should be in Vindice."
Mukuro chuckled eerily, "Right now, it does not matters. The question is why aren't you getting your memories?"
"What are you talking about?"
-Nufufu, maybe it's because he isn't a Vongola Guardian?-
Reborn fired a shot. This was getting annoying and he did not know what they were talking about. And he hates not knowing!
"I'll ask again, what are you talking about?" he said releasing a bit of KI.
...[With Tsuna and the rest]...
Everybody was in the middle of discussing when a strong KI interrupted their conversation.
'It seems Reborn is getting frustrated,' Tsuna conveyed to everyone
"frustrated? Why? Shouldn't he be getting his memories at this moment?" ________ asked.
Tsuna chuckled, 'He's not a Guardian so he wouldn't just get his memories like that. Besides, I asked Byakuran not to. It will be too much of a hassle since he knows me so well.'
Everyone made a "O" face.
"Then what would happen?" ____ asked.
'Well, if he hasn't gotten his memories then my guardians will do what I asked them do: to not tell him anything.'
"What do you mean you told them? They don't know that you already have your memories with you," ________ asked
'Before leaving that world, I left a note as if I was following my hyper intuition. That note said that in the case that everyone forgets about me or something. Do not tell anyone else about it until after asking me. Who knows, it can mean something.'
"That's a bit clever... but will they listen?" ____ asked
'Of course! They won't do anything that will cross me!'
"Whatever, let's get on with the meeting, trash," ______ said.
...[Back to Reborn & co]...
"Do not make me repeat myself. What are you talking about?"
Mukuro sighed and glanced at Chrome. Chrome understanding what Mukuro wanted, went up to the Sun Arcobaleno and squat down to his eye level, "Reborn-san, I'm sorry but you will have to wait until our Sky arrives."
"You mean to say, you already revealed yourselves to me, talked around me about something very important and now you say I have who knows how long, to know the answers?"
Chrome sweat-dropped, "Y-Yes."
The KI just increased tenfold. The first generation, in the mean time, was watching the interaction with amused eyes. But they were also thinking about what went wrong that the Sun Arcobaleno could not remember. This could pose a problem in the future.
"Stop playing with me!" Reborn said while shooting another shot. Chrome and Ryohei flinched, Mukuro and Hibari narrowed his eyes. The first generation took this as a cue to leave. They did not want to be involved in this.
"Why were the first generation here in the first place if they were to only spectate?!"
"Listen, I want answers now."
Before anyone could say anything else, the door opened and a brunet came to life.  Said brunet just blinked at the situation before smiling. 'Ah, I came to inform you guys that lunch is ready!'
The temperature in the room dropped a few degrees Celsius.
"We'll be there in a few minutes, Mama," Reborn said through gritted teeth. What a time to interrupt!
Tsuna merely nodded and left. Not bothering to ask why whatever happened was happening.
"Now, explain," Reborn demanded.
Mukuro sighed, "Kufufu, Sun Arcobaleno listen closely. You are free to investigate about us but for the moment, we ourselves need answers in order to fully comprehend our situation. Once we get our answers, we will tell you but for the moment, we can't."
Reborn narrowed his eyes, "Fine.... who is your sky?"
This time Hibari spoke up, "Hmph, an omnivore who does not remembers us at the moment."
"Something like that. But I will say this: Our Sky is strong and we are waiting for his arrival," said Mukuro, while chuckling eerily.
Reborn pondered for a bit as to who could be their sky. He had someone in his mind that was prominent but... it can't be right?
"One more thing," Reborn looked up, "we are only loyal to our Sky, no one else."
".... Is it Sawada Tsunayoshi?"
Mukuro merely chuckled, Chrome smiled faintly, Ryohei pumped his fist in the air, Hibari smirked, "Who knows." They said together. Reborn only lowered his fedora downwards. He was unsatisfied with their answer but the way they said it, can only mean he's right.
Now, another puzzle was added in solving the puzzle known as Sawada Tsunayoshi.  
...[With Gokudera, Takeshi, and Lambo/ Reborn left with Tsuna back at home. Ienari training with dogs outside]...
"Ugh, my head hurts," mumbled Gokudera waking up. He looked around before noticing that the baseball freak and the stupid cow was in a similar position like him.
"Oya, you're awake?" came a familiar voice.
Gokudera furrowed his eyebrows, "...Mukuro?"
"Kufufu, it seems it was a success," Mukuro replied.
"Success?" asked Takeshi after waking up.
"Regaining your memories that is," this time a girl's voice answered them.
"Chrome/nee!" Takeshi and Lambo exclaimed.
"What's going on?" Gokudera demanded.
"Well, are you can see, you got your memor-" Mukuro was cut off.
"I was talking about the message that was left to us," Gokudera growled at Mukuro for stating the obvious.
"We don't know to the EXTREME either!" exclaimed Ryohei this time.
"What do you mean?"
"Kufufu, just what he said, we haven't been able to decode it completely yet," Mukuro said
Everybody was silent. Recalling the words said to them in the end,
'Life has ended once but will shine once again once gathered. Two Skies present. One living in the shadows, blissfully unaware, while the other shrouded in darkness. While one suffers, the other takes the others place. However, when the rightful sky is on the verge of being broken, the elements will arrive but remain ignorant. Until the end is near. Time is running... Hurry and help... The balance is crumbling...... After all, the Sky can only carry so much until it breaks.'
"We can certainly tell that something is not right but what is causing the imbalance is uncertain," said Mukuro seriously.
Hibari spoke up this time, "We can assume that that two skies they are talking about are Omnivore and his herbivorous brother but...."
"What is it Skylark?" asked Gokudera
"...'when the rightful sky is on the verge of being broken,' what does that mean?" Chrome completed for him  
"It can't be.. that Tsuna is...?" asked Yamamoto a bit scared for his friend that saved him many times.
"It can't be, baseball-freak!" exclaimed Gokudera but even he was fidgeting nervously. As a matter of fact, everyone was including Mukuro and Hibari. Over the years, both had changed.
Mukuro had become more accepting of Tsunayoshi and showed more care towards him and his friends/comrades. Tsunayoshi was his light and ray of hope. If something happened to him, then Mukuro can be sure that he wouldn't be able to control his insanity. After all, Tsunayoshi is his chain that is controlling him completely and at the same time, is not.
Hibari himself had acknowledged Tsunayoshi's presence and anybody that brought harm to him would be dealt by him. He had shown Hibari the difference between liking to be alone and being alone. Not to mention, he accepted him as he was. Just like Mukuro, Hibari's reason for remaining as he is, is only because of Tsunayoshi. He, who holds complete power over him yet let's him do what he wants until a certain point.  
While they were thinking of what was wrong, Chrome interjected something. "Reborn-san doesn't remembers anything."
Gokudera, Lambo and Takeshi narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean?"
After explaining what happened, everyone could only look at each other. Things were not going as planned.
"Ah that's right, how did you guys remember?" Takeshi asked the four that already remembered them.
Mukuro and Hibari smirked while Chrome smiled shyly. Ryohei pumped his fists in the air yelling, "EXTREME!"
"Hn. Same."
"H-Hai, Mukuro-sama was the reason."
Everyone turned towards Mukuro who laughing his eerie laugh
"I received my memories thanks to Daemon Spade," Mukuro said while counting down in his head.
"WHAT?!" Gokudera, Lambo, Takeshi, and Ryohei exclaimed. "THAT DAEMON SPADE?!"
"Kufufu, yes"
"How?" asked Hibari who was standing far away from the crowd.
"Kufufu, while in Vindice. He gave me my VG (Vongola Gear) that helped me recall my memories. He also left me the others VG's with me. After receiving my memories, I found a better reason to escape and so I did. First, I went for my dear Chrome and returned her memories to her too. It seems that Mist Flames are required to activate the memories though."
Everyone was listening carefully. "That's when I went in search for our Sky and I found him in charge of Nebesa. Then I pulled some strings here and there to get the Skylark and Turf-top to remember."
Silence reigned the room. Everyone was processing this information before Mukuro broke it again. "You three do realize that you are wearing your VG's or is somehow in your possession right?" This question was directed at Takeshi, Lambo, and Gokudera.
The three glanced and indeed their VG's were there.
"Yare Yare, now that this is done.... what should we do about Tsuna-nii?" asked Lambo out of boredom.
"...Bossu already has his VG... but he doesn't...." Chrome said quietly but everyone heard.
"So his VG is not the key to his memories?" Takeshi said
That's when everyone blinked. "Maybe, that is the key?" said Gokudera hesitantly.
"Yare, Yare, don't you think that his VG is the key to his memories but is just fooling us?"
Everyone looked at each before saying, "Naah. Not possible."
"Kufufu, we know Tsunayoshi-kun like the back of our hand, we'll know when he's trying to pull a prank on us," Mukuro said. (A/N: Are you sure??)
"That's right! Tsuna won't lie to us! We're his family after all," Takeshi said while laughing.
"Yare Yare, guess you are right."
"That's right, Jyuudaime won't lie to us!" (A/N: Oh how wrong they are XD)
...[Tsunayoshi and Reborn together]...
While the guardians were reminiscing about their past, Tsunayoshi was on his computer he had gotten as present from his mother before she started ignoring him. While Reborn was perched on Tsuna's head, looking over at what Tsuna was doing.  
"Did you know about the Mafia before I came?"
Tsuna stopped typing. Instead, he placed Reborn on his lap, looking at him directly. 'Yes, I do.'
'...I've been attacked before by Mafioso...'
Reborn was surprised. His reports did not say anything about him being attacked. "Attacked?" Tsuna nodded his head in approval. "What happened to them?"
'They would not cause trouble ever again.'
Reborn clutched his fedora tightly. "When did it start?"
'When I was 8. Nebesa was partially made for this reason you know?'
"So now, they protect you?"
A nod.
"Did you find out who was the sender and why they attacked you?"
Tsuna tensed. Reborn looked at him questionably. 'I do.'
"Who was it?"
'I'm sorry Reborn, I can't tell you but I can give you a hint: He's someone who you know well. Also, please promise me you won't tell this to anyone?'
"Fine, I promise.."
Tsuna's computer made a noise. A noise that showed that he had a message. Reborn and Tsuna looked at each other before checking what it was.  
Checking what it was, both the partners-in-crime froze at the message in front of them. One tensed while the other let out profanities. Both of them did not want to deal with this. Obviously, both had different reasons.
"Tsuna, put away anything that can reveal our playtime activity."
Tsuna merely nodded and went to work. Hiding things he didn't need anyone to find. Especially the person that was about to come... He didn't have any relationship with the one coming over and was the cause of most of his problems.
That's why he didn't need to do anything that can give away anything.
-.-Iemitsu was coming home-.-
0 notes
click2watch · 6 years
3 Things Every Crypto Trading Journal Needs
A trading journal is one of the major elements that separates novice traders from professionals.
Trading journals are intended to track the performance and reasoning behind all trades. They can assist in the critical thinking and decision-making process by demanding a justification for every single trade someone makes.
In most cases, major trading firms require their analysts to keep a trade journal or notes outlining their reasoning and the technical setup into which they’ve entered. 
Ultimately, trading journals are meant to help identify patterns in a trader’s technique that result in losses by highlighting the errors in a trader’s judgment. The end-goal is to create a process for doing so that is both transparent and free from bias, allowing for the kind of reflection that makes a great trader.
Going from good to great
The more you record and write things down, the easier it is to retain and interpret that piece of information with the ability to rule out inconsistencies in your learning. 
The same can be said for keeping track your trades throughout the year with the strategy of improving your mindset – geared towards winning small profitable stakes and reducing personal errors.
Your mental state at the time is, therefore, one of the three major elements you should include in your journal. You’ll want to outline what kind of emotional state you were in when you entered a trade. If you cannot consistently apply a ‘confident’ stance on the trades you are making, then there must be some part of your strategy and technical setup you don’t trust.
For example, let’s say you entered into a long trade with 10 percent of the grubstake on Monday and wrote “uncertain/high-risk trade/cautiously bullish in the mentality section. By Friday, that trade is shaving off 30 percent of your trading account.
A look back at the trading journal will tell what went wrong. To start with, you invested 10 percent of your total funds in a high-risk trade. Seasoned traders test risky waters with small bets and often take hedges in order to minimize losses.
Simply put, your trading journal is like holding up a mirror and monitoring the irrational exuberance and absence of management rules.
Just ask yourself: “am I entering into the right trade feeling confident and does it favor my stringent self-applied ruleset?”
The more you begin to practice writing and recording, the more you will notice your mindset begins to change with it as you develop trust in your own trading style.
Tracking trade performance
This brings us to our second criteria every journal needs: trade performance.
This may seem a little obvious at first glance, as all trading journals should possess an entry/exit position, the position size, and date as well as profit/loss and any stop losses you applied.
However, oftentimes the technical reasoning behind the trade is neglected and this is one of the more crucial elements in trade performance.
Assuming your bias is checked and your rulesets help to separate your emotional state from doing anything drastic – such as going all-in for ‘Lambo gains’ – then the reasoning behind your trades stand as an important justification on why you entered them in the first place.
If from a technical perspective, you spotted a falling wedge followed by a large uptick in growing bullish volume and you took a long trade feeling confident, then that would help to streamline your critical thinking and again highlight areas where you are stronger while indicating other areas in your analysis that need improvement should you lose.
From a fundamentalist point of view, you may wish to note certain major news announcements or a company hiring a particular CEO with an excellent track record that would ultimately affect a company’s bottom line.
What are the conditions?
This brings us to our third criteria all great trading journals should possess: market conditions.
The conditions outline exactly what the current state of a particular market was in at the time when you entered your trade.
This is important because it helps you begin to highlight patterns in your trading style that are inconsistent with market condition. If you map out days in which you feel confident trading, then, by all means, note the market conditions down and give a rough outline of what was happening on that given day.
If you are trading more than 2-4 times a month on uncertain days, then perhaps it’s best you leave that particular market alone or reassess your risk as the market continues its lower highs or sideways momentum.
Remember: the hardest battle lies within yourself. A trade journal is a valuable tool with which you can hold yourself to account for the errors you make, and it goes a long way toward weeding out the inconsistencies in your trading style.
As Brett Steenbarger, the author of “The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets” put it:
“The journal is a business plan. The right plan, executed faithfully, can be the difference between success and failure in any endeavor.”
Disclosure: The author holds no cryptocurrency at the time of writing.
Writing journal image via Shutterstock
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ianmkeenan · 6 years
Information about Lamborghini:
Adverse reactions
Flowering time
Lamborghini is a famous Italian manufacturer of sports cars and SUVs. With cars that cost hundreds and thousands of dollars, this brand is out of the reach of most. Luckily, an affordable alternative that brings the same level of enjoyment is available in the cannabis industry by the same name.
A Sativa-dominant hybrid, Lamborghini is famous for its pleasant cerebral high and soothing body buzz. Not only that, its THC levels of 14% to 17% appeal to a vast demographic – including beginners.
Its wonderful effects are thanks to two of the world’s most premium strains. From Lamb’s Bread, it inherited its energizing mental high and anti-depressant qualities. Meanwhile, Holy Grail Kush lent its Indica effects as well as pepper-shaped buds.
One should note that there is another strain that goes by the name Lambo. It has similar effects but is a three-way cross between Jamaican Purple, Super Afghan, and Jamaican Haze.
Information about Lamborghini:
ORIGINLamb’s Bread and Holy Grail KushEFFECTSRelaxed - 10 Sleepy - 10 Euphoric - 9 Happy - 9 Uplifted - 2ADVERSE REACTIONS (NEGATIVE)Dry eyes - 10 Paranoid - 5FRAGRANCEKushy, sweet, sour, tangy, lime, pineFLAVORSCitric, lemon, lime, sweet, woody, sour, dieselMEDICALDepression - 10 Stress - 10 Fatigue - 5 Headaches - 5 Insomnia - 5FLOWERING TIME INDOORS9 to 11 weeksFLOWERING TIME OUTDOORSEarly to mid-NovemberTHC CONTENT %14% to 17%CBD %Less than 1%INDICA / SATIVA %30%/70%INDOOR YIELD12 to 16 ounces per square meterOUTDOOR YIELD16 ounces or more per plantCLIMATEWarm climate
* 10 is the highest * 1 is the lowest
Lamborghini begins with an uplifting cerebral head high. After a few puffs, a sense of euphoria clears the mind. It is not uncommon to see users beam with happiness at this stage. Many even find themselves smiling for the most mundane reasons. Regardless, the upbeat disposition brings out the best in one.
TIP: Looking to buy Lamborghini seeds? Check out this marijuana seed shop
After about an hour or two, a wave of relaxation envelops the body. It starts at the temples as a light pressure but soon intensifies into a buzzing sensation. Used to the limit of one’s tolerance, it could cause a heaviness to spread all over the limbs and the muscles. Besides soothing the body, it also promotes laziness. In excess, though, it locks people to their couches until a drowsiness sets in and whisks off users into dreamland.
Lamborghini Effects - Image powered by Budgenius.com
Though sedated, there is still possibility for light physical activity. This is because the mental buzz at the onset keeps users from fully succumbing to sleep until after the high wanes. For this reason, it is best to toke Lamborghini on a lazy day, preferably in the late afternoon or hours before bedtime.
From Holy Grail Kush, Lamborghini earned its Kush undertones. Tantalizing the nasal senses at the first whiff, though, is sweet aroma with the tanginess of lime. Broken apart, it blends with refreshing fragrance of pine.
Drawing in Lamborghini brings out its full terpene profile. It is zesty and tangy with obvious notes of citric fruits like lemon and lime. Blending in the background is a sweet yet woody undertone that is strongly reminiscent of pine. On the exhale, a sour diesel aftertaste is evident.
Adverse Reaction
The reddening of the eyes is a common side effect that comes with the consumption of Lamborghini. Along with it is a possible case of cottonmouth. This is because cannabinoids strip away moisture from both areas. Though usually mild, some beginners may find the dryness uncomfortable. In which case, hydration is the solution.
Lamborghini Adverse Reaction - Image powered by Seedfinder.eu
In large doses, Lamborghini’s clearheaded high turns into an overwhelmingly keen awareness. However, this is rare and largely dependent on one’s tolerance to THC. Still, it is best to pace and moderate one’s usage of marijuana.
An offspring of Lamb’s Breath, Lamborghini can soothe symptoms for mental conditions like depression and PTSD. Its uplifting mental high clears away negativity and raises levels of happiness. For casual users, the upbeat disposition can be used to bust away stress.
TIP: Looking to buy Lamborghini seeds? Check out this marijuana seed shop
Besides being a wonderful ally against negativity, Lamborghini is also an analgesic. By relaxing the muscles from the temples, it soothes away all kinds of aches and pains including headaches. At the same time, it also eases away fatigue.
Lamborghini Medical - Image powered by Allbud.com
Finally, after all clouds of negativity vanish into thin air along with all the tension in the body, one can call it a day and fall asleep.
Though Lamborghini is a Sativa-leaning strain, its buds take on an Indica shape. They are small and extremely dense like peppercorns. Once ready for harvest, its color turn into a vivid, forest green with undertones of gold and flashes of amber pistils. A frosty blanket of crystallized trichomes covers the entire nug.
The plant’s structure, on the other hand, is largely Sativa. When grown indoors, it is best to top the plant early in order to keep their height manageable. Regardless of the medium, Lamborghini should be cultivated in a Sea of Green set-up.
Sadly, it does not appear that seeds in any form are available from the original breeder.
Flowering Time
Indoors It takes 9 to 11 weeks for Lamborghini to mature indoors. Each square meter produces 12 to 16 ounces of buds.
Outdoors Out in the garden, Lamborghini yields up to 16 ounces of buds by the second or third week of November.
Have you ever smoked or grown your own Lamborghini? Please let me know what you think about this marijuana strain in the comments below.
The post Lamborghini appeared first on I Love Growing Marijuana.
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jesusvasser · 6 years
Porsche Controls the Future for Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini
It may be that all’s well that ends well, but at this point, it is difficult to predict what shape the end will assume. The “end,” in this case, is the point in time when the reorganization of the VW group’s luxury and sports car division, as masterminded by Porsche, is complete and fully functional.
The plan is for Porsche to coordinate the future activities (and to control the flow of revenues) of Lamborghini, Bentley, and Bugatti. The marques will share architectures and componentry, and pool their efforts to address essential challenges like electrification, digitalization, and autonomous driving.
In the wake of this major strategic revision, Porsche has announced that it intends to cut costs at a rate of $2.3 billion per year until 2022. The money saved will be instantly reinvested in new technologies most of which happen to have a low return on investment. The key efficiency gains will be had in improvements to research and development, procurement, and production.
OLD TROOPERS AND THE NEW GUARD FIGHT IT OUT The premium brands are run by Bram Schot (who replaced Rupert Stadler at Audi), Oliver Blume (Porsche), Adrian Hallmark (who took over from Wolfgang Dürheimer at Bentley) and Stephan Winkelmann (Bugatti).
The dark horse on the management carousel is Peter Duesmann who will join VW when his retention period expires in summer 2020. The ex-BMW top manager has three options: he could replace a potentially underperforming Bram Schot at Audi, he could become COO of the VW group, or he could step in for Oliver Blume at Porsche.
As always, the strings are going to be pulled by the supervisory board, which is controlled by the Porsche and Piech families. In a rare show of agreement, they want to promote Porsche chairman Blume to the board of the VW group. Blume’s successor may be Duesmann, who has a strong motorsport track record and is a dyed-in-the-wool car guy. Schot is said to be safe in his position at Audi at the moment, but he must get the brand back in shape—or the board will find a new number one.
HOW NOT TO HANDLE A LUXURY BRAND From Wolfsburg’s vantage point, Audi is a potential future casualty—not least because of Dieselgate—but right now the biggest problem child is Bentley. According to a German business weekly, the Bentley boys are currently losing nearly $20,000 on every vehicle sold. In the first half of 2018, losses amounted to more than $90 million as sales fell by 15 percent. If Adrian Hallmark increases the marque’s annual output from about 10,500 to 15,000 units, he would likely only repeat the mistakes made by every Bentley boss since the departure of Franz-Josef Paefgen. Volume is a blessing and a curse for every luxury brand. Flooding the dealers with hard-to-sell stock, counter-productive rapid-succession facelifts, embarrassing design issues (Bentayga, Mulsanne), and a total lack of low-emissions engines, hybrids, or electric vehicles is bound to stifle demand, ruin resale values, and put an emphasis on the “olde” in Bentley’s olde worlde brand image. The fact that Audi is not getting its act together in terms of Crewe-bound future-emissions-ready engines only adds insult to injury.
BUGATTI IS BACK ON TRACK—WITH A VENGEANCE Perhaps messieurs Winterkorn, Müller, or Diess should have put Stephan Winkelmann in charge of the Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini triplets, and made Oliver Blume run the Audi & Porsche Show.
Winkelmann is feared for his crackdown management style, the ruthless pursuit of a chosen target, and his egocentric personality. But let´s face it: Lamborghini owes what it is today to the fit and fashion-conscious tri-lingual Berlin-born jack-of-all-trades. Although his interregnum at Audi Sport lasted only a year, he kicked off three projects that may put the rudderless appendix back on track. At Bugatti, he stepped in for Wolfgang Dürheimer whose legacy was the amazing Chiron. Instead of leaning back and watching 70 cars a year leave les ateliers in Molsheim, Winkelmann once again switched to attack mode. The Divo, to be built by Italdesign, was his first attention-grabbing product, and there will be more.
Insiders are expecting a limited run of aerodynamically advanced lightweight Superleggeras, an even more track-oriented Chiron SS, and a completely re-skinned targa-top Chiron Aperta. In addition, Bugatti is reportedly pondering an all-electric high-end model, which may materialize in cooperation with Porsche, Rimac, and Dallara.
A DARK HORSE BY THE NAME OF LAMBORGHINI Rumor has it that Lamborghini will soon be transferred from Audi ownership to the luxury and sport division masterminded by Porsche. The ambitious completion date is Jan 1, 2019. If the tall legal hurdles posed by Italian corporate law can be overcome, Ducati Enterprises would be the new holding company representing the group’s remaining interests in Italy. Stefano Domenicali who used to run Ferrari’s F1 team, remains Lamborghini chairman with Maurizio Reggiani as his CTO. The revised game plan caught Audi and Lamborghini with surprise—and at a critical point in time for the Raging Bull’s future product portfolio.
You see, the Italians had hoped to complete the Aventador and Huracán replacements before the Zuffenhausen bean counters could intervene. Since both models were to share their monofuselage carbon fiber architecture, the ragazzi from Sant’Agata would have been all but untouchable by Porsche’s synergy-creating aspirations for the next ten years. Will that happen? Possibly.
Although the next-generation Aventador has been pushed back to 2022, the project is thought to be too far down the road to be revoked. It’s a wild-looking thing, overtly aggressive and expressively stylish, a badass wedge adorned with plenty of trademark Y symbols. The modular monofuselage can be divided in three elements: the front axle driven by two electric motors, the backbone center section that houses the batteries, and the drivetrain assembly comprising V-12 engine, new dual-clutch Getrag transmission, third e-motor, and rear suspension.
Still normally aspirated, the modified V-12 will be good for around 770 hp. Add 300 kW (402 hp) of electric power, and you’re looking at nearly 1,200 hp without pulling out all the stops. Since there is no way this monster machine DNA can be integrated in a rival VW group architecture, the flagship will almost certainly proceed as planned.
A similar carbon fiber layout is in the works for the next Huracán, which also remains faithful to its non-turbo engine. The upgraded 5.2-liter V-10 is said to be good for 650 hp. Thanks to a 250 kW (335 hp) electric power boost, Lamborghini’s AWD bestseller should be able to keep up with the Ferrari 488.
It will, however, be important to come to grips with the weight penalty caused by energy cells, motors, and performance electronics. In addition, the monofuselage hardware is still way over budget, and there are no obvious scale effects with respect to Audi and Porsche.
So what to do? Right now, the decision makers are looking at two alternatives. Option one is to keep Huracán in lock-step with the R8, but this approach works only if Audi actually wants a new R8, and if this R8 comes with a watertight business case. Option two is to create a new aluminum-intensive modular multi-brand sports car architecture to open up a broader scope of opportunities. The latter route may be the most likely.
ADVANCED GERMAN ENGINEERING AT A CROSSROADS Internally known as Mimo II, this electrified lightweight structure would be developed by Porsche for the repeatedly delayed Ferrari 488 fighter known as the 960. The same Mimo II architecture could also see use in the future Huracán and the R8 replacement, with expectations of a 650-hp V-8 PHEV powertrain. Electrification is the catchword here. You see, Mimo II is flexible enough to cater for ICE, HEV, PHEV, and BEV applications.
To keep complexity at bay, we hear that the J1 platform prepared for the Porsche Taycan will, for cost reasons, remain a one-off, which is another way of saying that it and any successor are all but dead for group use. The rumored SPAZ and SPE future architectures may share a similar fate, since the research and development wizards reckon that the existing MMB/MHB platforms can be electrified at relatively little expense. In essence, this would leave the group with three premium components sets: PPE/PPC for larger cars and SUVs; Monofuselage or Mimo for high-performance sports cars; and MMB/MHB evo for Cayman and 911.
Audi may replace the R8 with one of three options, including an all-electric PB18-inspired car, a Huracán II derivative, or a Mimo II-based sports car, but since no decision has been made, we’re not going to see anything in the flesh before 2022.
Alternatively, the R8 could simply go away. An intriguing, equally unconfirmed alternative is the recreation of the iconic Ur-Quattro, which could be a synthesis of the many show cars Audi has devoted to this theme. Another possibility is said to be a limited-edition supercar described as a TT RS on steroids. Radically aggressive in appearance and fitted with a 500-hp-plus five-cylinder turbo engine, this 2+2-seater may indeed have what it takes to replace the R8.
Yet another alternative is an ultra-lightweight high-performance two-seater halo car, assembled by a coachbuilder at no more than 500 units in total—think super-R8. Last but not least, there is the striking zero-emission 400-kW (536 hp) Audi e-tron GT shooting brake, which shares its genetic material with the Porsche Taycan and the Bentley Barnato—though remember our previous caveat about the viability of the J1 architecture.
Lamborghini will add an Urus plug-in hybrid in 2020 and facelift the Urus in 2022. There will be no Urus coupé, but we do expect an Urus Performante range-topper. What about a fourth model range? Not in the foreseeable future. The closest thing to a fourth Lambo was the 2008 Estoque, which ticked all the boxes when there was still a market for ultra-high-performance saloons.
If Lamborghini ever does extend its line-up, it will probably by a potent four-seater, two-door, Espada-style luxury GT based on the upcoming PPE/PPC platform. Beyond that, the folks in Sant’Agata are still keen on extreme one-offs like Egoista and Terzo Millenio; exclusive, tailor-made editions of no more than 20 units such as Veneno and Sesto Elemento; and limited-edition hypercars like the Aventador SVJ. Currently in the works are said to be a Paris-Dakar Huracán and a de-contented rear-wheel drive Aventador Ultima.
Porsche is about to release the next 911, dubbed 992. Originally, this was meant to be the final iteration of the MHB toolkit, but since the 992 architecture can accommodate PHEV componentry, we would not be surprised to see it live on in modified form. While the 992 retains the classic rear-engine layout, the still-pending 960 would be a mid-engine coupé featuring a six-cylinder boxer and a 200-kW (268-hp) electric front-wheel drive system.
Although Porsche has allegedly signed off the Boxster/Cayman replacement (codenamed 983), it’s another low-margin project because the segment is in free fall. We hear that 983 is package-protected for a straight-five engine in case Audi feels like replacing the TT with a proper sports car.
Rumor also has it that Porsche is investigating an all-electric sports car scenario. Derived from the MMB components set, there is talk of a neo-Cayman E (two motors good for 400 hp, 100-kWh battery) and a neo-919 E (three motors rated at 600 hp, 125 kWh battery).
IN HINDSIGHT, YOU ARE NOT ALWAYS WISER While Porsche’s return on investment is second only to Ferrari, Audi is seriously overstaffed and worryingly over budget. Would it not have made more sense to put Audi and Porsche together in one cooperative group, while creating a separate, partly autonomous subdivision for Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini?
Audi and Porsche are the biggest earners within the VW group, and already share heavily in terms of technology and development. In a nutshell, Audi needs Porsche more than Porsche needs Audi, but they still both need each other.
The post Porsche Controls the Future for Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2Nx1p24 via IFTTT
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jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
Porsche Controls the Future for Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini
It may be that all’s well that ends well, but at this point, it is difficult to predict what shape the end will assume. The “end,” in this case, is the point in time when the reorganization of the VW group’s luxury and sports car division, as masterminded by Porsche, is complete and fully functional.
The plan is for Porsche to coordinate the future activities (and to control the flow of revenues) of Lamborghini, Bentley, and Bugatti. The marques will share architectures and componentry, and pool their efforts to address essential challenges like electrification, digitalization, and autonomous driving.
In the wake of this major strategic revision, Porsche has announced that it intends to cut costs at a rate of $2.3 billion per year until 2022. The money saved will be instantly reinvested in new technologies most of which happen to have a low return on investment. The key efficiency gains will be had in improvements to research and development, procurement, and production.
OLD TROOPERS AND THE NEW GUARD FIGHT IT OUT The premium brands are run by Bram Schot (who replaced Rupert Stadler at Audi), Oliver Blume (Porsche), Adrian Hallmark (who took over from Wolfgang Dürheimer at Bentley) and Stephan Winkelmann (Bugatti).
The dark horse on the management carousel is Peter Duesmann who will join VW when his retention period expires in summer 2020. The ex-BMW top manager has three options: he could replace a potentially underperforming Bram Schot at Audi, he could become COO of the VW group, or he could step in for Oliver Blume at Porsche.
As always, the strings are going to be pulled by the supervisory board, which is controlled by the Porsche and Piech families. In a rare show of agreement, they want to promote Porsche chairman Blume to the board of the VW group. Blume’s successor may be Duesmann, who has a strong motorsport track record and is a dyed-in-the-wool car guy. Schot is said to be safe in his position at Audi at the moment, but he must get the brand back in shape—or the board will find a new number one.
HOW NOT TO HANDLE A LUXURY BRAND From Wolfsburg’s vantage point, Audi is a potential future casualty—not least because of Dieselgate—but right now the biggest problem child is Bentley. According to a German business weekly, the Bentley boys are currently losing nearly $20,000 on every vehicle sold. In the first half of 2018, losses amounted to more than $90 million as sales fell by 15 percent. If Adrian Hallmark increases the marque’s annual output from about 10,500 to 15,000 units, he would likely only repeat the mistakes made by every Bentley boss since the departure of Franz-Josef Paefgen. Volume is a blessing and a curse for every luxury brand. Flooding the dealers with hard-to-sell stock, counter-productive rapid-succession facelifts, embarrassing design issues (Bentayga, Mulsanne), and a total lack of low-emissions engines, hybrids, or electric vehicles is bound to stifle demand, ruin resale values, and put an emphasis on the “olde” in Bentley’s olde worlde brand image. The fact that Audi is not getting its act together in terms of Crewe-bound future-emissions-ready engines only adds insult to injury.
BUGATTI IS BACK ON TRACK—WITH A VENGEANCE Perhaps messieurs Winterkorn, Müller, or Diess should have put Stephan Winkelmann in charge of the Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini triplets, and made Oliver Blume run the Audi & Porsche Show.
Winkelmann is feared for his crackdown management style, the ruthless pursuit of a chosen target, and his egocentric personality. But let´s face it: Lamborghini owes what it is today to the fit and fashion-conscious tri-lingual Berlin-born jack-of-all-trades. Although his interregnum at Audi Sport lasted only a year, he kicked off three projects that may put the rudderless appendix back on track. At Bugatti, he stepped in for Wolfgang Dürheimer whose legacy was the amazing Chiron. Instead of leaning back and watching 70 cars a year leave les ateliers in Molsheim, Winkelmann once again switched to attack mode. The Divo, to be built by Italdesign, was his first attention-grabbing product, and there will be more.
Insiders are expecting a limited run of aerodynamically advanced lightweight Superleggeras, an even more track-oriented Chiron SS, and a completely re-skinned targa-top Chiron Aperta. In addition, Bugatti is reportedly pondering an all-electric high-end model, which may materialize in cooperation with Porsche, Rimac, and Dallara.
A DARK HORSE BY THE NAME OF LAMBORGHINI Rumor has it that Lamborghini will soon be transferred from Audi ownership to the luxury and sport division masterminded by Porsche. The ambitious completion date is Jan 1, 2019. If the tall legal hurdles posed by Italian corporate law can be overcome, Ducati Enterprises would be the new holding company representing the group’s remaining interests in Italy. Stefano Domenicali who used to run Ferrari’s F1 team, remains Lamborghini chairman with Maurizio Reggiani as his CTO. The revised game plan caught Audi and Lamborghini with surprise—and at a critical point in time for the Raging Bull’s future product portfolio.
You see, the Italians had hoped to complete the Aventador and Huracán replacements before the Zuffenhausen bean counters could intervene. Since both models were to share their monofuselage carbon fiber architecture, the ragazzi from Sant’Agata would have been all but untouchable by Porsche’s synergy-creating aspirations for the next ten years. Will that happen? Possibly.
Although the next-generation Aventador has been pushed back to 2022, the project is thought to be too far down the road to be revoked. It’s a wild-looking thing, overtly aggressive and expressively stylish, a badass wedge adorned with plenty of trademark Y symbols. The modular monofuselage can be divided in three elements: the front axle driven by two electric motors, the backbone center section that houses the batteries, and the drivetrain assembly comprising V-12 engine, new dual-clutch Getrag transmission, third e-motor, and rear suspension.
Still normally aspirated, the modified V-12 will be good for around 770 hp. Add 300 kW (402 hp) of electric power, and you’re looking at nearly 1,200 hp without pulling out all the stops. Since there is no way this monster machine DNA can be integrated in a rival VW group architecture, the flagship will almost certainly proceed as planned.
A similar carbon fiber layout is in the works for the next Huracán, which also remains faithful to its non-turbo engine. The upgraded 5.2-liter V-10 is said to be good for 650 hp. Thanks to a 250 kW (335 hp) electric power boost, Lamborghini’s AWD bestseller should be able to keep up with the Ferrari 488.
It will, however, be important to come to grips with the weight penalty caused by energy cells, motors, and performance electronics. In addition, the monofuselage hardware is still way over budget, and there are no obvious scale effects with respect to Audi and Porsche.
So what to do? Right now, the decision makers are looking at two alternatives. Option one is to keep Huracán in lock-step with the R8, but this approach works only if Audi actually wants a new R8, and if this R8 comes with a watertight business case. Option two is to create a new aluminum-intensive modular multi-brand sports car architecture to open up a broader scope of opportunities. The latter route may be the most likely.
ADVANCED GERMAN ENGINEERING AT A CROSSROADS Internally known as Mimo II, this electrified lightweight structure would be developed by Porsche for the repeatedly delayed Ferrari 488 fighter known as the 960. The same Mimo II architecture could also see use in the future Huracán and the R8 replacement, with expectations of a 650-hp V-8 PHEV powertrain. Electrification is the catchword here. You see, Mimo II is flexible enough to cater for ICE, HEV, PHEV, and BEV applications.
To keep complexity at bay, we hear that the J1 platform prepared for the Porsche Taycan will, for cost reasons, remain a one-off, which is another way of saying that it and any successor are all but dead for group use. The rumored SPAZ and SPE future architectures may share a similar fate, since the research and development wizards reckon that the existing MMB/MHB platforms can be electrified at relatively little expense. In essence, this would leave the group with three premium components sets: PPE/PPC for larger cars and SUVs; Monofuselage or Mimo for high-performance sports cars; and MMB/MHB evo for Cayman and 911.
Audi may replace the R8 with one of three options, including an all-electric PB18-inspired car, a Huracán II derivative, or a Mimo II-based sports car, but since no decision has been made, we’re not going to see anything in the flesh before 2022.
Alternatively, the R8 could simply go away. An intriguing, equally unconfirmed alternative is the recreation of the iconic Ur-Quattro, which could be a synthesis of the many show cars Audi has devoted to this theme. Another possibility is said to be a limited-edition supercar described as a TT RS on steroids. Radically aggressive in appearance and fitted with a 500-hp-plus five-cylinder turbo engine, this 2+2-seater may indeed have what it takes to replace the R8.
Yet another alternative is an ultra-lightweight high-performance two-seater halo car, assembled by a coachbuilder at no more than 500 units in total—think super-R8. Last but not least, there is the striking zero-emission 400-kW (536 hp) Audi e-tron GT shooting brake, which shares its genetic material with the Porsche Taycan and the Bentley Barnato—though remember our previous caveat about the viability of the J1 architecture.
Lamborghini will add an Urus plug-in hybrid in 2020 and facelift the Urus in 2022. There will be no Urus coupé, but we do expect an Urus Performante range-topper. What about a fourth model range? Not in the foreseeable future. The closest thing to a fourth Lambo was the 2008 Estoque, which ticked all the boxes when there was still a market for ultra-high-performance saloons.
If Lamborghini ever does extend its line-up, it will probably by a potent four-seater, two-door, Espada-style luxury GT based on the upcoming PPE/PPC platform. Beyond that, the folks in Sant’Agata are still keen on extreme one-offs like Egoista and Terzo Millenio; exclusive, tailor-made editions of no more than 20 units such as Veneno and Sesto Elemento; and limited-edition hypercars like the Aventador SVJ. Currently in the works are said to be a Paris-Dakar Huracán and a de-contented rear-wheel drive Aventador Ultima.
Porsche is about to release the next 911, dubbed 992. Originally, this was meant to be the final iteration of the MHB toolkit, but since the 992 architecture can accommodate PHEV componentry, we would not be surprised to see it live on in modified form. While the 992 retains the classic rear-engine layout, the still-pending 960 would be a mid-engine coupé featuring a six-cylinder boxer and a 200-kW (268-hp) electric front-wheel drive system.
Although Porsche has allegedly signed off the Boxster/Cayman replacement (codenamed 983), it’s another low-margin project because the segment is in free fall. We hear that 983 is package-protected for a straight-five engine in case Audi feels like replacing the TT with a proper sports car.
Rumor also has it that Porsche is investigating an all-electric sports car scenario. Derived from the MMB components set, there is talk of a neo-Cayman E (two motors good for 400 hp, 100-kWh battery) and a neo-919 E (three motors rated at 600 hp, 125 kWh battery).
IN HINDSIGHT, YOU ARE NOT ALWAYS WISER While Porsche’s return on investment is second only to Ferrari, Audi is seriously overstaffed and worryingly over budget. Would it not have made more sense to put Audi and Porsche together in one cooperative group, while creating a separate, partly autonomous subdivision for Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini?
Audi and Porsche are the biggest earners within the VW group, and already share heavily in terms of technology and development. In a nutshell, Audi needs Porsche more than Porsche needs Audi, but they still both need each other.
The post Porsche Controls the Future for Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2Nx1p24 via IFTTT
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
Porsche Controls the Future for Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini
It may be that all’s well that ends well, but at this point, it is difficult to predict what shape the end will assume. The “end,” in this case, is the point in time when the reorganization of the VW group’s luxury and sports car division, as masterminded by Porsche, is complete and fully functional.
The plan is for Porsche to coordinate the future activities (and to control the flow of revenues) of Lamborghini, Bentley, and Bugatti. The marques will share architectures and componentry, and pool their efforts to address essential challenges like electrification, digitalization, and autonomous driving.
In the wake of this major strategic revision, Porsche has announced that it intends to cut costs at a rate of $2.3 billion per year until 2022. The money saved will be instantly reinvested in new technologies most of which happen to have a low return on investment. The key efficiency gains will be had in improvements to research and development, procurement, and production.
OLD TROOPERS AND THE NEW GUARD FIGHT IT OUT The premium brands are run by Bram Schot (who replaced Rupert Stadler at Audi), Oliver Blume (Porsche), Adrian Hallmark (who took over from Wolfgang Dürheimer at Bentley) and Stephan Winkelmann (Bugatti).
The dark horse on the management carousel is Peter Duesmann who will join VW when his retention period expires in summer 2020. The ex-BMW top manager has three options: he could replace a potentially underperforming Bram Schot at Audi, he could become COO of the VW group, or he could step in for Oliver Blume at Porsche.
As always, the strings are going to be pulled by the supervisory board, which is controlled by the Porsche and Piech families. In a rare show of agreement, they want to promote Porsche chairman Blume to the board of the VW group. Blume’s successor may be Duesmann, who has a strong motorsport track record and is a dyed-in-the-wool car guy. Schot is said to be safe in his position at Audi at the moment, but he must get the brand back in shape—or the board will find a new number one.
HOW NOT TO HANDLE A LUXURY BRAND From Wolfsburg’s vantage point, Audi is a potential future casualty—not least because of Dieselgate—but right now the biggest problem child is Bentley. According to a German business weekly, the Bentley boys are currently losing nearly $20,000 on every vehicle sold. In the first half of 2018, losses amounted to more than $90 million as sales fell by 15 percent. If Adrian Hallmark increases the marque’s annual output from about 10,500 to 15,000 units, he would likely only repeat the mistakes made by every Bentley boss since the departure of Franz-Josef Paefgen. Volume is a blessing and a curse for every luxury brand. Flooding the dealers with hard-to-sell stock, counter-productive rapid-succession facelifts, embarrassing design issues (Bentayga, Mulsanne), and a total lack of low-emissions engines, hybrids, or electric vehicles is bound to stifle demand, ruin resale values, and put an emphasis on the “olde” in Bentley’s olde worlde brand image. The fact that Audi is not getting its act together in terms of Crewe-bound future-emissions-ready engines only adds insult to injury.
BUGATTI IS BACK ON TRACK—WITH A VENGEANCE Perhaps messieurs Winterkorn, Müller, or Diess should have put Stephan Winkelmann in charge of the Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini triplets, and made Oliver Blume run the Audi & Porsche Show.
Winkelmann is feared for his crackdown management style, the ruthless pursuit of a chosen target, and his egocentric personality. But let´s face it: Lamborghini owes what it is today to the fit and fashion-conscious tri-lingual Berlin-born jack-of-all-trades. Although his interregnum at Audi Sport lasted only a year, he kicked off three projects that may put the rudderless appendix back on track. At Bugatti, he stepped in for Wolfgang Dürheimer whose legacy was the amazing Chiron. Instead of leaning back and watching 70 cars a year leave les ateliers in Molsheim, Winkelmann once again switched to attack mode. The Divo, to be built by Italdesign, was his first attention-grabbing product, and there will be more.
Insiders are expecting a limited run of aerodynamically advanced lightweight Superleggeras, an even more track-oriented Chiron SS, and a completely re-skinned targa-top Chiron Aperta. In addition, Bugatti is reportedly pondering an all-electric high-end model, which may materialize in cooperation with Porsche, Rimac, and Dallara.
A DARK HORSE BY THE NAME OF LAMBORGHINI Rumor has it that Lamborghini will soon be transferred from Audi ownership to the luxury and sport division masterminded by Porsche. The ambitious completion date is Jan 1, 2019. If the tall legal hurdles posed by Italian corporate law can be overcome, Ducati Enterprises would be the new holding company representing the group’s remaining interests in Italy. Stefano Domenicali who used to run Ferrari’s F1 team, remains Lamborghini chairman with Maurizio Reggiani as his CTO. The revised game plan caught Audi and Lamborghini with surprise—and at a critical point in time for the Raging Bull’s future product portfolio.
You see, the Italians had hoped to complete the Aventador and Huracán replacements before the Zuffenhausen bean counters could intervene. Since both models were to share their monofuselage carbon fiber architecture, the ragazzi from Sant’Agata would have been all but untouchable by Porsche’s synergy-creating aspirations for the next ten years. Will that happen? Possibly.
Although the next-generation Aventador has been pushed back to 2022, the project is thought to be too far down the road to be revoked. It’s a wild-looking thing, overtly aggressive and expressively stylish, a badass wedge adorned with plenty of trademark Y symbols. The modular monofuselage can be divided in three elements: the front axle driven by two electric motors, the backbone center section that houses the batteries, and the drivetrain assembly comprising V-12 engine, new dual-clutch Getrag transmission, third e-motor, and rear suspension.
Still normally aspirated, the modified V-12 will be good for around 770 hp. Add 300 kW (402 hp) of electric power, and you’re looking at nearly 1,200 hp without pulling out all the stops. Since there is no way this monster machine DNA can be integrated in a rival VW group architecture, the flagship will almost certainly proceed as planned.
A similar carbon fiber layout is in the works for the next Huracán, which also remains faithful to its non-turbo engine. The upgraded 5.2-liter V-10 is said to be good for 650 hp. Thanks to a 250 kW (335 hp) electric power boost, Lamborghini’s AWD bestseller should be able to keep up with the Ferrari 488.
It will, however, be important to come to grips with the weight penalty caused by energy cells, motors, and performance electronics. In addition, the monofuselage hardware is still way over budget, and there are no obvious scale effects with respect to Audi and Porsche.
So what to do? Right now, the decision makers are looking at two alternatives. Option one is to keep Huracán in lock-step with the R8, but this approach works only if Audi actually wants a new R8, and if this R8 comes with a watertight business case. Option two is to create a new aluminum-intensive modular multi-brand sports car architecture to open up a broader scope of opportunities. The latter route may be the most likely.
ADVANCED GERMAN ENGINEERING AT A CROSSROADS Internally known as Mimo II, this electrified lightweight structure would be developed by Porsche for the repeatedly delayed Ferrari 488 fighter known as the 960. The same Mimo II architecture could also see use in the future Huracán and the R8 replacement, with expectations of a 650-hp V-8 PHEV powertrain. Electrification is the catchword here. You see, Mimo II is flexible enough to cater for ICE, HEV, PHEV, and BEV applications.
To keep complexity at bay, we hear that the J1 platform prepared for the Porsche Taycan will, for cost reasons, remain a one-off, which is another way of saying that it and any successor are all but dead for group use. The rumored SPAZ and SPE future architectures may share a similar fate, since the research and development wizards reckon that the existing MMB/MHB platforms can be electrified at relatively little expense. In essence, this would leave the group with three premium components sets: PPE/PPC for larger cars and SUVs; Monofuselage or Mimo for high-performance sports cars; and MMB/MHB evo for Cayman and 911.
Audi may replace the R8 with one of three options, including an all-electric PB18-inspired car, a Huracán II derivative, or a Mimo II-based sports car, but since no decision has been made, we’re not going to see anything in the flesh before 2022.
Alternatively, the R8 could simply go away. An intriguing, equally unconfirmed alternative is the recreation of the iconic Ur-Quattro, which could be a synthesis of the many show cars Audi has devoted to this theme. Another possibility is said to be a limited-edition supercar described as a TT RS on steroids. Radically aggressive in appearance and fitted with a 500-hp-plus five-cylinder turbo engine, this 2+2-seater may indeed have what it takes to replace the R8.
Yet another alternative is an ultra-lightweight high-performance two-seater halo car, assembled by a coachbuilder at no more than 500 units in total—think super-R8. Last but not least, there is the striking zero-emission 400-kW (536 hp) Audi e-tron GT shooting brake, which shares its genetic material with the Porsche Taycan and the Bentley Barnato—though remember our previous caveat about the viability of the J1 architecture.
Lamborghini will add an Urus plug-in hybrid in 2020 and facelift the Urus in 2022. There will be no Urus coupé, but we do expect an Urus Performante range-topper. What about a fourth model range? Not in the foreseeable future. The closest thing to a fourth Lambo was the 2008 Estoque, which ticked all the boxes when there was still a market for ultra-high-performance saloons.
If Lamborghini ever does extend its line-up, it will probably by a potent four-seater, two-door, Espada-style luxury GT based on the upcoming PPE/PPC platform. Beyond that, the folks in Sant’Agata are still keen on extreme one-offs like Egoista and Terzo Millenio; exclusive, tailor-made editions of no more than 20 units such as Veneno and Sesto Elemento; and limited-edition hypercars like the Aventador SVJ. Currently in the works are said to be a Paris-Dakar Huracán and a de-contented rear-wheel drive Aventador Ultima.
Porsche is about to release the next 911, dubbed 992. Originally, this was meant to be the final iteration of the MHB toolkit, but since the 992 architecture can accommodate PHEV componentry, we would not be surprised to see it live on in modified form. While the 992 retains the classic rear-engine layout, the still-pending 960 would be a mid-engine coupé featuring a six-cylinder boxer and a 200-kW (268-hp) electric front-wheel drive system.
Although Porsche has allegedly signed off the Boxster/Cayman replacement (codenamed 983), it’s another low-margin project because the segment is in free fall. We hear that 983 is package-protected for a straight-five engine in case Audi feels like replacing the TT with a proper sports car.
Rumor also has it that Porsche is investigating an all-electric sports car scenario. Derived from the MMB components set, there is talk of a neo-Cayman E (two motors good for 400 hp, 100-kWh battery) and a neo-919 E (three motors rated at 600 hp, 125 kWh battery).
IN HINDSIGHT, YOU ARE NOT ALWAYS WISER While Porsche’s return on investment is second only to Ferrari, Audi is seriously overstaffed and worryingly over budget. Would it not have made more sense to put Audi and Porsche together in one cooperative group, while creating a separate, partly autonomous subdivision for Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini?
Audi and Porsche are the biggest earners within the VW group, and already share heavily in terms of technology and development. In a nutshell, Audi needs Porsche more than Porsche needs Audi, but they still both need each other.
The post Porsche Controls the Future for Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, and Lamborghini appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 https://ift.tt/2Nx1p24 via IFTTT
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