#lampochka writes
lampochkaart · 1 month
Hi, everyone!
It took me a while but I finaly finished writing a short fic for my DRV3 Infinity Train AU!! It's kind of a continuation of this small comic I made!
I'd be happy if you could check it out :)
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lampochkaart · 4 months
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Hey, guys!
I finally found time and energy to edit and rewrite some parts in my fic for my DRV3 Exlibrium AU
I also drew a picture that appears in this fic that you can see in this post
You can read the new version of the fic here:
I rewrote some things I didn't exactly liked, and added a scene inside the House of Bones (because I realised that you need knowledge of the comic itself to understand what happens and most people who read the fic do not have that knowledge so i shouldn't be a coward and actually write the scene)
So, anyway, if you're interested, you can read it, I think I turned out pretty cool
Also, I will edit the other fic of this AU soon too
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lampochkaart · 10 months
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Annoying Guest
An illustration I made for my fic.
It is also a part of AU that I talked about here.
This is not a ship, so please don't tag it as such
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lampochkaart · 11 months
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It's not just some drawing, it's actually an illustration I made for my fanfic! You can read it here.
It's something like an introduction for an AU that I talked about here.
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lampochkaart · 1 year
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Little analysis⬇️
I don't think we talk enough about how manipulative Kirumi can be. When she was considered the main suspect, she began to lie, emphasizing that she always valued the needs of others more than her own. This is partly true, but in that situation she was not caring about THEM, but about other people. And in order to remove suspicion from herself (and make everyone vote incorrectly), she used any methods. She even tried to evoke pity by crying. But the dirtiest method she used was that she used Kaede's wish to convince them that she would never try to deceive them. She knew that this wish became a symbol of hope for the group, she knew that Kaede was very important to Shuichi, she knew that it was still very difficult for him to reveal the truth. But she used it to her advantage.
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When she was found out and already chosen as the killer, Kirumi tried to force everyone to fight Monokuma for her (which would inevitably lead to someone's death), causing everyone to feel guilty towards the entire country for which she was responsible. And it almost worked.
But Kaito brought everyone to their senses with his speech that there is no such thing as the “price of life.” They can't just give their lives because "it's would be better that way". Their lives matter. " Life's purpose is to be lived". He firmly stated that he wanted to live, which was actually a very brave act, because people could've called him an egoist for putting his life before the lives of an entire nation. However, he was supported by... Kokichi. He brought the group's attention to what Kirumi was actually trying to do. He revealed that she planned to use them to escape. And she confirmed that he was right with her words.
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Also how different her behavior was before this from how aggressive she becomes when she sees that her tactics didn't work (and at a couple of other points during the class trial when she was just starting to get accused).
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I'm NOT trying to make her out to be a villain and say she's bad. But I don't like how this imperfect side of her character is often ignored. She is often positioned only as a selfless servant, which in my opinion is wrong. I DO NOT deny her selfless devotion, but I believe that the trial brought out another side of her. She really wanted to survive. She really wanted to get out. I believe that one of the reasons of her breakdown was due to the fact that she broke under the pressure of all the responsibility that was placed on her.
In the official manga, Kiyo analogizes their situation to a tradition called "jincan", where many poisonous insects are sealed in a jar and they begin to devour each other until only one insect remains. Kirumi reasons with him that if any being sees a chance to get out of the hell they are locked in, they will do anything to achieve this goal.
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I love how Danganronpa often defies obvious expectations. Like, you expect Kirumi to become a killer because someone will use her and she won't be able to refuse because of her desire to serve. But in reality, she almost sacrificed the lives of the entire group in order to get out herself.
In conclusion, I think it is important to recognize Kirumi not only as a obedient Ultimate Servant, but also as a girl who desperately wants to live, who is ready to do ANYTHING to get out. She is ready to go to great lengths if necessary to achieve this goal.
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Many of Kirumi's moments have a theme of surviving no matter what: her behavior at the Class Trial (the fact that she initially tried to frame Himiko, who can not stand up for herself), her manipulation at the end of the trial, her breakdown before her execution, execution itself, where she tries to escape so desperately that she climbs up a thorny vine through a tunnel, not stopping even when circular saws appear from the walls (her escape attempt was clearly part of the execution, Monokuma knew what she will try to do and made sure to cause her as much despair as possible, giving her hope of getting out).
She wanted to get out not only to continue to serve, but also because she just wanted to survive. She wanted to do something not only for the sake of others, but also for her own sake. Perhaps for the first time in her life.
I love seeing complex characters who have many sides and flaws. So I find it strange to see that sometimes Kirumi is only described as a obedient servant. She is so much more than that. This is exactly what I love about Kirumi, what makes her so interesting.
Uh, hey. I just wanted to ask if you would be intrested in seeing here more of my drv3 analysis (spoiler: most of them are ch 5 related). And if you are, should i make drawings to accompany them (like in the beginning of this post) or just post them as they are
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lampochkaart · 5 years
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   Hi! I'm Lampochka and I'm going to post here some stuff.
   I think this is obvious, but just in case, I’ll write:
    All arts that I post here are mine (this does not apply to screenshots from various cartoons, etc.). If I want to post someone else's art, I will ask the author for permission to publish and be sure to sign a nickname or leave a link. Also, if I repost others' works, I in no way assign authorship. I just want to share my impressions.
    One more thing. I do not want my arts to be used for personal purposes. Therefore, if you want to put a picture on a wallpaper or on an avatar, always ask me. I categorically forbid to give out my arts as yours.
    I also forbid using my characters. That means don't take them, don't copy/don't take the design, don't use anywhere and etc. If you are an artist, then you must understand how painful and terrible this is. And if you're not ... Just believe me.
(but I have nothing against fanart)
    Well that's all.  I just feel calmer writing this.
   So, these are my "Tangled the Series" fanarts. This is Rapunzel and Eugene in new outfits and Cassandra.
   Привет! Я Лампочка, и я собираюсь выкладывать тут разные штуки.
   Я считаю это очевидным, но на всякий случай напишу:
   Все рисунки, которые я здесь выкладываю — мои (это не касается скриншотов из различных мультфильмов и т.п.). Если я захочу выложить чужой рисунок, я спрошу у автора разрешения на публикацию и обязательно подпишу ник или оставлю ссылку. Также, если я делаю репост чужих работт, я ни в коем случае не присваиваю авторство. Я просто хочу поделиться впечатлениями.
   Еще кое-то. Я не хочу, чтобы мои рисунки использовались в личных целях. Поэтому, если хотите поставить рисунок на обои или на аватарку, всегда спрашивайте у меня. Выдавать мое творчество за свое я категорически запрещаю.
   Так же я запрещаю использовать своих персонажей. Ни под каким предлогом не берите их, не срисовывайте/не берите дизайн, не используйте нигде и т.д. Если вы художник, то вы должны понимать насколько это все больно и ужасно. А если нет... Просто поверьте мне.
(но я не имею ничего против фанарта)
   Чтож, это все. Я просто чувствую себя спокойнее, написав это.
   Короче, это мои два новых фанарта на "Tangled  the Series". Это Рапунцель с Юджином в новых аутфитах и Кассандра.
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