#and hajime hinata being tired of everyone
lampochkaart · 11 months
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It's not just some drawing, it's actually an illustration I made for my fanfic! You can read it here.
It's something like an introduction for an AU that I talked about here.
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saigethearies · 1 year
osamu and you leave your daughter with her uncle atsumu for the weekend. chaos ensues.
“i woulda felt better leavin’ her with kita or aran.”
you let out a snort at your husband’s statement. “over your own brother? her blood relative?”
you and osamu were driving to a weekend getaway in the mountains. while the two of you were excited for a break and some quality time, there was no denying that there was some apprehension in the car.
it was the first time you’d be away from your baby daughter. as great as a vacation sounded, it would be a lie to say the two of you weren’t reluctant to go.
in order to ease your nerves, a suitable babysitter was chosen.
only osamu didn’t have a lot of faith in your choice.
“exactly, he’s ma brother, so ‘m the only one who understands just how much of ‘n idiot he truly is.”
“but you saw how happy he was to offer to watch her! atsumu loves being a uncle, he won’t half-ass taking care of her. besides, if he ends up needing help your mom is just a call away.”
“ma’s hostin’ her book club this saturday, she can’t just drop everythin’ if tsumu’s dumbass ends up needin’ help.”
you let out a sigh. “samu, just try and relax. i’m sure everything over on his end is fine.”
hinata and bokuto chanted as they watched your daughter crawl across the shiny floor of the msby practice gym.
having grown tired of the play mat and toys her uncle atsumu had laid out for her, the little one decided exploring her surroundings would be far more exciting.
“she’s crawlin’ earlier than most babies would,” atsumu chimed proudly. “must’ve got ma athlete genes.”
sakusa rolled his eyes from behind the fake blonde.
“she’s really going fast! let’s time her to see how quick she can move!” hinata suggested, fascinated by the little human on the ground.
“we’re supposed to be doing passing drills-“
“GREAT IDEA HINATA!” bokuto shouted.
“i give up,” the masked brunette said, moving to sit down on the bleachers since apparently no one was going to actually bother to follow instructions.
atsumu smirked while watching his teammates fawn over his niece. he knew it would be a good idea to just bring her to friday practice. the vibe for fridays was always a little more laid-back, and he knew having a cute little baby around would earn him brownie points with his excitable teammates. who didn’t love babies?
his brown eyes shifted over to sakusa momentarily, who was gazing at his niece with a look of disdain on his face.
okay, maybe he didn’t enjoy kids, but the rest of the team sure did!
“hey hey hey, baby miya! let’s see how quick you can crawl to your uncle tsum-tsum!”
atsumu grinned, moving to kneel on the ground so he can encourage his niece to move towards him. seeing the familiar face of her uncle- who shared a face with her father- had her happily babbling away as she pushed towards him.
“awe, she’s trying to talk!” hinata cooed, lip wobbling as he watched the precious exchange.
“alright, everyone,” a voice boomed. everyone turned to see a muscular figure with a head of spiky black hair enter the gymnasium.
“your coach asked me to come over to ensure you boys were actually practicing,” iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer stated. “i have some specific stamina exercises i want everyone to participate in. we’re gonna start by-“
movement in the lower peripheral of iwa’s vision caught his attention and the former ace found his gaze turning toward the floor.
“…why the hell is there a baby here?”
“don’t fuckin’ curse in front’a ma niece!”
“you just- nevermind,” iwa grunted, trying to be as patient as possible considering there was a literal infant present.
slotting his clipboard into the junction of his shoulder, the athletic trainer bent down to gently pick up your daughter. balancing her on his hip as if he’d done it a million times before, he turned back to the team.
“alright, jumping jacks and high knees, i want those heart rates getting up!”
before atsumu could open his mouth, iwa shot him a pointed look.
“i’ll hold your niece, miya, now get moving.”
the squeaking of shoes against the linoleum floor began to sound off. after ensuring everyone was properly following his instructions, he turned to the baby in his hold.
everyone knew iwaizumi was tough, but few knew how much of a complete softie he could be at times. giving your daughter a small smile, he lifted his hands to wave his fingers at her, to which she smiled back and tried to mimic his movements.
he let out a light laugh. “motor skills coming along there, i see-“
“iwaaaaa-chaaannnnn,” a voice sounded off from behind him.
iwaizumi froze. that voice, that stupid nickname, he knew it from anywhere. he began to turn his head to look behind him, gradually as if he was moving in slow-motion.
there was no way…
“guess who flew all the way from argentina to surprise you with his presence,” oikawa boasted as he stepped into the room. “that’s right, me-“
the seijoh grad fell silent as his chocolate colored eyes fell on the small human in his best friend’s hold.
oikawa blinked once. twice. three times. then-
“since when did you have a kid?”
“tooru, this isn’t-“
“how could you keep this from me?”
“will you please just-“
“a whole child? when?”
“shittykawa just shut up-“
“-and listen to me for a second!”
oikawa finally stopped his tirade, moving towards iwaizumi to study the baby in his arms. he bent down to be eye level with her, the both of them staring at each other curiously.
the brunette hummed to himself, reaching a finger out to poke your daughter’s cheek. “she doesn’t look like you.”
“wow, what an observation, it’s almost like she’s not my kid.”
“then who’s is she-“
“she’s my niece,” atsumu growled out, pushing oikawa away from the baby he was prodding at. he fixed the other man with a glare, well aware of who he was and what position he also played. the fact that this potential rival thought he could casually touch his flesh and blood had the fake blonde heated. “i’m takin’ care’a her for the weekend, which means i ain’t letting no lesser setter lay’a hand on her.”
“lesser setter?”
“oh boy,” iwa said, moving away from the two ego-fueled players. he could tell they were about to scuffle and he couldn’t let a baby be anywhere near that.
placing your little girl safely to the side, iwa crouched in front of her, sounds of “never saw ya at spring nationals” and “let’s see what your stats are, huh?” airing in the background.
“you stay right here, i’m gonna go get them to knock it off.”
standing a few meters away from all the chaos, sakusa watched as iwaizumi tried to wrench the two setters apart. sighing, he shifted his gaze to your daughter sitting unattended on the ground, babbling at nothing in particular.
sakusa grimaced. he really didn’t like babies. they were so…germy. and gross. but, he supposed the babies themselves couldn’t really help that fact. it wasn’t their fault they were so little and had such new immune systems.
a shadow then loomed over your daughter, bokuto and hinata standing over her. now that iwaizumi was too distracted to lead them in workouts, the two’s attention was back on the infant.
“i know!” bokuto exclaimed. “let’s do passing drills with baby miya! we can pass her back and forth to each other!”
“she’ll feel like she’s flying! like she’s a little crow!”
“or an owl!”
“you two will be doing absolutely no such thing with this child,” sakusa interjected, scooping your daughter up and going to sit down on the bench with her.
“but ki-“
he wasn’t a fan of babies, but considering your daughter’s uncle was currently holding oikawa in a headlock, sakusa figured he could keep an eye on her for just a few minutes. it wouldn’t be too much longer before iwa finally decided he’d had enough and smacked the shit out of both of them.
hearing a little gurgle from below him, the brunette cast his eyes downwards. your daughter’s sight was transfixed on him, a smile coming onto her face when she saw she had the spiker’s attention.
from behind his mask, sakusa felt the corners of his lips twitch upwards.
okay, maybe babies were a little cute.
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izurusstuff · 10 months
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⚠️ 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!! ⚠️
message from izurusstuff: hello, lovelies <3 i woke up today and immediately ran to tumblr because of an amazing thought i had >:) it’s inspired by @goddess-of-green’s teacher nagito smut, i highly recommend you check their’s out because it’s awesome and lives in my mind rent free. also this is 18+ only, minors do NOT interact!!! and everyone’s legal age. also there’s spoilers for the danganronpa 3 anime and ending of goodbye despair, so read with caution if you don’t want spoilers
summary: You’re a student at the University of Tokyo a couple years after The Tragedy. The whole ordeal inspired you to become a psychology major with a minor in ethics. It’s your senior year at the university— you only have a semester left until graduation. Everything was perfect until this point, but your high-level ethics professor makes it hard to keep up your perfect grades. Fed up, you confront him, which leads to… something special ;)
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A+ (Teacher!Izuru Kamukura x Fem!Reader Smut)
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It’s another day in class towards the end of the semester. Finals are quickly approaching, and your stoic teacher is handing your papers back at the end of class. For some reason, he just wouldn’t give out A’s in his class. Your perfect 4.0 GPA was going to be brought down by this right before you graduated! You grew tired of his antics. Of course, it didn’t really tick you off until you spent days without sleep trying to finish your paper. Every other source told you that it was amazing and captivating.
But you got a B+, an 89.9
You were basically fuming at that point. It was obvious Professor Kamukura wasn’t going to admit that your paper deserved an A. Rage boiled through your body. Your nostrils flared and your knuckles tightened. You stared into your professors eyes with pure anger. He wouldn’t admit it, but your reaction wasn’t boring to him. He was used to boredom. His eyebrow ever so slightly raised at you, which only pissed you off more.
Without breaking any eye contact, you ripped up your 30 page paper in front of him and slammed it on his desk. Oh boy, he did not know what he was signing up for when he messed with the valedictorian’s perfect GPA.
“Can I help you?” He scoffed.
His apathy was the straw that broke the camel’s back. With your fists balled up, you took a deep breath and let it OUT.
“Is it your mission in life to make everyone miserable? Is it because you got used by your school to become a human weapon? Why the FUCK do you have to be so condescending?! Do you KNOW how hard I worked to be here?! DO YOU?! If you hate people sooo much and you’re always bored by them, why did you take the job here? It’s not like you’re the best of the best! I can name thousands of people who’d be a better teacher for this job than you are… so why do you think you’re hot shit? You’re not… you’re a hurt little boy with some weird complex a-and you’re RUINING everything… so what the fuck is your problem, Kamukura?!”
Holy shit. Your response had him speechless for a brief second. He had to compose himself before staring you down and giving a response. However, you weren’t even CLOSE do being done…
“Your paper was bori-”
“Boring? Yeah, I fucking KNOW! Everything’s boring to you! But I am NOT letting your stubborn ass ruin my perfect GPA, do you understand?! What would capture your attention? Writing my paper on Junko Enoshima? Chiaki Nanami? Ooh I know! How about Hajime Hinata!”
Ouch. The last name really struck a nerve with Izuru. He actually felt a sense of sadness; something he hasn’t felt since he watched Chiaki’s final moments. Kamukura simply walked away, the nerve!
“Oh, you think I’m DONE with you?!”
“Doubtful.” He rolled his eyes, opening the classroom door for you. Huh, weird.
“I’m heading to my office. You can come with or continue your temper tantrum in here until the next class comes.”
You stood in shock for a moment. He was actually inviting you to his office…? I mean, it was in his own weird way, but it counted, right?
He walked in front of you without saying a word, only motioning to the door of his office.
Izuru’s office definitely didn’t fit him. There was a few coffee mugs, packets of chamomile tea, kawaii stuffed animals, a sword, etc. Were these all the gifts his former classmates gave him?
You did as he said, looking around at everything in awe. Kamukura pulled out a folder than had your last name on it with copies of your old papers. You were utterly shocked he kept up with stuff like that.
“[L/N]. Your final semester here.”
“How did you-?”
“You’re valedictorian. I hear about you wherever I go.”
He… knew stuff about you? You were utterly shocked and dumbfounded. You thought you were just another boring face to him.
“I’ll say this one time and one time only. Your response to your grade impressed me. We both know that never happens.”
“Oh. Sorry, I guess?”
“Don’t apologize. It takes away character.”
You looked at the floor and nodded as Professor Kamukura looked through your folder more. Surprisingly, it earned a few impressed eyebrow raises from him.
“Your papers have no mistakes. They’re merely boring to me. Except for your last one on the ethics of Hope’s Peak. For obvious reasons, I do not have any interest in reading a paper about the school that used me.”
Realization hit you, and you actually felt bad for him. It was the first time you did. You looked at the ground and nodded. Kamukura obviously picked up on your regret, which he rolled his eyes to and tapped on the desk to get your attention.
“Why are you remorseful? It’s just a grade. If you need an A that badly, I’ll change it.”
You shook your head. It nearly knocked him out of his seat in surprise.
“No. It’s because you’re still a person, which everyone forgets about. Including me.”
Your humanization of him really REALLY struck a nerve. But in a good way. The tone in the room shifted to a way more positive one, and you swear you saw his mouth turn into an ever so slight smile.
“Your response… was not what I was expecting, Y/N.”
He used your first name?! You jolted up to stare at him in utter disbelief.
“If you want to go, I won’t keep you.”
You shook your head. Neither of you knew what to say next. However, it seemed you two were truly seeing each other as humans. Not human experiment and student who only cared about her grades, but humans… and tension filled the air. Both of you stood up with Izuru locking his office door and backing you against the wall.
Your heart fluttered so incredibly fast. Just mere moments ago, you were about to square up with your teacher. Now you want nothing more than to hold him. Little did you know he felt the same about you.
His red eyes expressed a hint of worry behind them. You could tell he was concerned about hurting you or pressuring you into this.
With a deep breath, you closed the distance between you two and finally kissed him. You expected him to shove you away and call you boring, but his hands merely cupped your face as he deepened the kiss. You melted into it, completely forgetting that he was the reason you wouldn’t have a perfect GPA. But in that moment, you couldn’t care. You didn’t care that you were passionately kissing your teacher who has no emotion towards anything.
“Are you sure you don’t want to leave?” Kamukura asked, not taking his eyes off your mouth. You could tell he wanted nothing more than you to stay with him.
“I’m sure…”
His mouth slightly widened into the barely visible smile he had before. He smiled into another kiss with you, pushing you up against the wall. Izuru obviously knew what you were thinking, but he didn’t want to make the first move out of respect (consent king). So, you took his hands and moved them down to the dip in your hips. He definitely got the memo.
“Tell me if you want to stop.”
You nodded. The kisses got more rough, but he took his time with caressing your body. You loved the passion he was showing, but God you wanted him to hurry up.
Once he got to your chest, you took your shirt off, giving him an uncovered view of your chest. He was mesmerized by your body. Kamukura pulled you into yet another kiss, but this time it was by grabbing your ass. You were surprised by his strength, but then again, he WAS made to be impossibly strong…
While he was doing his own thing to you, you unbuttoned his shirt and watched it slide down his muscular arms. Holy shit. You weren’t expecting that. You should’ve, but you didn’t.
He softly chuckled, and that surprised both of you. Izuru removed his shirt, pulling you closer. You could feel each other’s body heat. You finally took off your bra and slid your skirt down. He took no time in reaching for your chest and caressing it. Meanwhile, you got his pants off. He led the two of you to his desk…
Kamukura laid you down and kissed down your body until he got to the line of your underwear. With a delicate touch, he took them off and put himself between your thighs, looking up at you with curiosity and lust. You whimpered, and that only made him more crazed.
He gently rubbed a finger up your slit, causing you to whimper yet again. You could see his smile through your half lidded gaze.
Finally he stuck a finger in. You gasped out in pleasure, and he slowly moved it in and out. You grabbed his hair and whimpered again. Fuck it, he couldn’t wait any more.
Kamukura removed his last article of clothing and slowly slid into you. Your hands grasped onto his toned back as your moans got louder with every inch he put in. He looked down at you, putting his hands underneath your back as he began his thrusting.
You heard his soft grunts, making you further crazed. You wrapped his legs around his torso and he sped up. The light of the hallway peeking in through his blinds gave his toned body a beautiful glow, and you were starstruck by it.
In an odd moment of wholesomeness, he placed a soft kiss on your forehead while he harshly thrusted into you. The duality, good lord.
Your whimpers and tightening drove him crazy. He sped up as fast as he could, causing his desk to shake. Even if someone heard you two, neither of you cared because of how good you both felt.
Even though it felt like seconds, moments passed before you tightened around him from finishing, therefore making him cum too. Both of you were unbelievably sweaty from the deed, and you laid on his desk staring at the ceiling.
“I’ll change your grade to an A.”
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homoeroticbetrayal · 2 years
Iconic Homoerotic Betrayal: Round 1
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Round 1 Directory
Keeping this short since I'm a bit tired, but basically Komaeda is first introduced as a friendly character Hajime feels close with, however after chapter 1 and onwards Hajime feels betrayed by Komaeda thanks to his actions in the first trial. During the game he still tries to understand him despite being hurt by his actions, though in chapter 4 the feeling of betrayal is mutual as Komaeda finds out Hajime is a reserve course student instead of an ultimate and everyone in the class is part of a world ending terrorist group called the ultimate despair. As for the gay part holy shit there is so much. A classic example would be Komaedas abandoned love confession (which is rather explicitly romantic in nature in jpn), his character songs Poison (literally has a line that says "I love and want to understand him more than anyone else") and Zettai Kibou Birthday (I'm not going to copy the lyrics here, they're too explicit, but tldr the whole song is literally just "I'm gay and thirsty"), the fact that even despite finding out that Hajime is what he hates most he says "I know you don't matter at all.. so why do I still care about you?", whatever the heck that one gun scene in the anime was, nearly everything in island mode (like komaeda saying stuff like "let's get back to our lovenest" or "I don't mind if you just want to see me naked"), Hajime finding his smile comforting, everything regarding them in the 2.5 OVA, the official valentines poster with them that implies that they might've gotten together postgame (though that one is ambiguously canon, it's still official content though), etc. There's even more please help.
Akechi/Joker (Persona 5)
When Akechi shoots Joker (the player) in the head, your relationship status immediately ranks up. Joker's into some kinky shit.
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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Monaca hasn't left the pod room since Monokuma appeared in the simulation. She refuses to talk to anyone and only eats when Chiaki is the one to deliver the food. Otherwise, she spends her time hovering over Nagito's pod.
After months of being left to her own devices, Chiaki finally decided to do something and forced Monaca to get some proper rest, and dragged her over to the hotel. She resisted the entire way there, but once her back hit the bed she was out like a light.
She slept for a long time. The next day, she kept laying in bed, far too tired and sore from bending her back leaning over the pod for days on end. She still refused to talk to anyone, but she accepted food more easily and actually played on the 3DS Chiaki had given her.
Even though Monaca had been moved to her own cottage, the pod room was rarely empty. Hajime spent a considerable amount of time doing everything in his power to make Nagito wake up, barely sparing a minute for breaks or meals.
Hajime was the only one on the room when a hiss came from the only used pod still in the room. He rushed over and stood close by, prepared to greet the last of the group to wake. The hatch opened and Nagito slowly opened his eyes. His gaze was hazy for a few seconds, before recognition sparked and he focused entirely on Hajime.
"Hey, can you hear me?" Hajime wanted to make sure he was fully aware before saying anything else. "Ahh, Izuru Kamukura... No, you're... Hajime Hinata... right?" Nagito's voice was rough from misuse, but still held the same soft and breathy feel it always did. He raised his left hand up, silently asking Hajime for help getting up. Without hesitation, Hajime grabbed it and dragged Nagito up until he was sitting up. "They're both me."
"I suppose I should thank you for waking me up? I knew you'd make it to the lowest stratum- I believed in you." Nagito slowly looked up as he talked. "How are the others?" Seeing that he was the same as usual, Hajime smiled. "You're the last one out." At having the others well-being confirmed, Nagito smiled gently. "I'm glad."
"Ah, speaking off... I need to tell them you're awake. Monaca has been worried sick over you, you know. She's been hovering over your pod constantly, Nanami only managed to drag her out a few days ago." At the mention of Monaca, Nagito's face shifted to surprise. "...Monaca-san has been worried...? For... me?"
"Yeah. I'm sure she'll want to see you as soon as possible. I'll send a text to Nanami and she'll bring Monaca here, how does that sound? I doubt you want to be alone right now." Hajime had already brought out his phone and started typing as he spoke. "They'll be here soon."
Just as he finished speaking, the door was slammed open and Monaca wheeled herself over to Nagito as fast as she could. "...B-big Bro...? You're awake? Really, really awake? You... you..." Her voice wavered as tears gathered in her eyes. "You... big... MEANIE!!! You left Monaca all alone! You were supposed to be with Monaca all the time, but you didn't! You liar! Liar liar liar! Don't ever scare Monaca like that again! You're not allowed! Not allowed not allowed not allowed!!!!"
Monaca launched herself into Nagito's arms as she continued to cry out all her frustrations. From a short distance, Hajime and Chiaki stood and watched the tear-filled reunion, happy to finally have everyone back. "...It's a relief to have Komaeda-kun finally back. He was alseep for so long... I had almost began to lose hope." Hajime put his arm on her shoulder. "...Yeah, I get that. I knew he'd wake up eventually, though. It's Komaeda, you know? Things are never easy with this guy, but they tend to work out. One way or another."
Chiaki focused her attention back to Nagito and Monaca, noting that the crying had quieted down to small sobs. The little girl looked tired, but refused to fall asleep just yet. "...Hey hey, Komaeda-kun. We should probably get you moved into one of the cottages now. The pod can't be very comfortable, and we need to do a proper check-up, too."
"And we need to figure out what to do about the hand. You can't keep it, but removing it will be difficult. ...Souda and I will have to prepare a prosthetic replacement too." While Monaca kept her face buried in Nagito's stomach, the man in question turned his attention back to Hajime and Chiaki, smiling at them. "...I don't understand why you'd go so far from someone like me but... I... appreciate it."
"Don't talk like that. You're our friend too, of course we'd do all of this for you." Hajime had an expression that implied something beyond just 'friends', but maybe he was just too embarassed to say it.
Chiaki looked forward to the peaceful times to come.
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Time for my kinlist omg it's so cliché but it's healthy for me, to help understand myself better after my coming out-
So, I think I can classify my current kins in two categories : the dragon side of me, the man side of me and the woman side of me (ah yes, the three genders)
PART 1 : The dragons
Zhongli (Genshin Impact) : Because contracts, skilled in economy, tea, good teacher...etc...
Dan Heng / Imbibitor Lunae (Star Rail) : He REALLY looks like the kind of dragon I see myself. Yes, on that point, I don't see myself low- /s
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PART 2 : The men (You'll see a pattern among the non-dragon kins)
Momose Sunohara (Idolish7) : Still the top, my #1 role model, idol, gay, extrovert...etc...
Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa 2) : A remnant of my previous character, I still love him, because I love my Nagito kinnie <3
Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School) : Yes, I put HIM on this list because trans and because it's MY post so I do whatever the fuck I want. He helped me understand my gender
K1-B0 (Danganronpa V3) : Same as Hinata, but for my Kokichi kinnie <3
Basil (OMORI) : Anxiety, anxiety, photos, flowers, gay, flowers, nature, anxiety. Yes I had interests for photos and flowers when I was a child, and I want them to come back because I know that now, in 2023, I won't be laughed at anymore
Lyney (Genshin Impact) : We have the same "kind" of clothes (partially), we do magic (I don't remember many but I will !), and the mischevious side <3
Nazuna Nito (Ensemble Stars) : Cute and angwy, I like being cute and angwy even if I try not to be angwy)
Niki Shiina (Ensemble Stars) : Food, hungry, vore, food, cooking for everyone
Leo Tsukinaga (Ensemble Stars) : Literally my current biggest, zoomies, random, clingy. That's me.
Chiaki Morisawa (Ensemble Stars) : Same as Leo, but more opened to others, motivating...etc...
Sora Harukawa (Ensemble Stars) : Clingy, video games, feet, and we have some similar autistic traits (although I'm not autistic, just anxious)
Reki Kyan (Sk8) : Gay, energetic and colored (although I'm a "tired e-girl" since the beginning of 2023)
Hanako-kun / Amane Yugi (Toilet-bound Hanako-kun) : Mischevious ghost, clingy, pranky, that's me.
Maou Sadao (Hataraku Maou-sama) : Demon King, I love them, they are hot, so I kin them to keep them to myself.
Bachira Meguru (Blue Lock) : He's weird, cute, clingy and has ABANDONMENT ISSUES LMAO
Many men in Horimiya because they are so perfect and complementary.
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PART 3 : The girls (You were waiting for it, I'm sure of it-)
Ruby Hoshino (Oshi no Ko) : Determined, magnetic, like her mother but I can't really kin Ai because she doesn't have enough development-
Akane Kurokawa (Oshi no Ko) : Anxious actress, someone absolutely perfect to look up to.
Mem-Cho (Oshi no Ko, yeah again, but this anime initiated the changes) : Older but as energetic and magnetic as the others
March 7th (Star Rail) : I love her, I love her colours, her mood, she's so great and energetic, I want to be as cute as her!
Kyōko Hori (Horimiya) : Okay she's giga biphobic but my Hori isn't, the me-Hori isn't! But she has social issues, she's strong, I want to be like her, and she has a kink about hot men being rough with her ////
Princess Syalis (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) : She sleeps. And her love interest is, to me, the Demon King
Chiho Sasaki (Hataraku Maou-sama) : Okay not really a kin but Maou's love interest, so I'm in.
Honestly, I found them but I forgot some-
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Seriously, don't mind me, I try to embrace the cringe but it's hard ;_;
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Hello, this is my first time requesting something like this, so sorry if I ask weirdly. It's fine if you can't get to this request.
Could I get Hajime Hinata x Male! Reader who throws Hajime a surprise birthday party?
Don't worry, you didn't ask weirdly at all! I hope you enjoy!
Hajime with a male! S/O who throws him a surprise party
Warnings: none
Male! reader
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-I feel like Hajime's the type to prefer a laidback birthday celebration as opposed to something extravagant, so you just plan a traditional party with his class and a few friends
-Everyone has their roles, Teruteru makes the cake and Hajime’s favorite dishes, Sonia splits everyone into groups for the set up, and Nagito… isn’t allowed to touch anything
-but Hajime doesn’t know you’re planning this so all he intends to do for his birthday is chill at home with his boyfriend, maybe buy a cake to eat later
-Once his big day roles around, the two of you spend the first half of the day doming hanging out. You tell him happy birthday, but other than that it’s like any other day
-A few hours after you get to his house, you tell him you need to do some grocery shopping and ask if he wants to come along. Hajime, being the lovely man he is, comes with you
-He is a little offended that you interrupted your time together to go shopping on his birthday if all days, but he won’t tell you that
-About halfway through your walk to the store, he realizes you’re going an awfully strange way, but you brush it off, saying it’s a faster route
Hajime: “But we’re going the opposite way?”
-Eventually you reach a park, and you decide to cut through it because “it’s a shortcut” (he knows it’s not). But about halfway through traversing the area, he’s jumpscared by 20 people screaming “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” directly in his face
-He’s startled at first, (despite your odd behavior he had no idea what you were planning) but after recovering he’s very happy and appreciative that you all threw a party for him
-Hajime still struggles with feelings of inferiority compared to his classmates, he sometimes wonders if his friends are his friends because they want to be or if it’s because they’re stuck with him. But moments like this help remind him that his friends really do love him, why else would the be standing here, at a party they threw him with giant smiles on their faces?
-For the entirety if the party you can see him with a small smile on his face as he walks around and interacts with people, he doesn't want to show how excited he is but you can tell just by looking at him
-And nothing goes wrong either! Nobody causes any trouble, the weathers perfect, the foods delicious, and all of Hajime's gifts have genuine thought behind them!
-Once the party's over and everyone's cleaned up and gone home, Hajime thanks you with the goofiest grin on his face for organizing this party. He's so happy and thankful he has a boyfriend as loving and considerate as you
-You end up going back to his place to wind down, you may send the night if you're tired enough, but either way this has definitely become one of his favorite birthdays of all time
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usagirln12003 · 6 months
Hajime Hinata: Hogwarts AU
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Hajime Hinata is a Pureblood wizard (Werewolf/Lycanthrophy) that was born on the 1st of January 1970 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1981, being sorted into Slytherin house.
He has a Red Oak wand with a Dragon Heartstring Core.
His Patronus is a Wolf.
His favorite subject is Transfiguration and his least favorite subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Hajime seems cynical at first glance, but it would be more accurate to describe him as a realist. He is quite skeptical and tends to worry more than the other Hogwarts students, but his worries are usually understandable. He is logical and keen, often annoyed by the idea of not being able to understand someone or something at all. He tends to be quite serious, but he does joke around and often goes along with his 'classmates' eccentric hobbies anyway, and sometimes smiles awkwardly and sheepishly while his friends engage in some of their usual weird behavior. He is sometimes annoyed by some of his classmates and can be snarky towards them in his thoughts as well as blunt while speaking to them, though he's more frank than sarcastic or mean-spirited. Though sometimes a bit submissive (especially with bossy girls), he is not afraid to speak his mind, and he can be rude if annoyed enough (for example, after enduring Hiyoko's attitude while studying in the Slytherin common room, he finally ends up stating "I don't even care anymore"). He can sometimes be short-tempered and snap at others, especially when he's tired or under pressure. He was also quite paranoid during his Hogwarts years and didn't have much interest in friendship, but he later really wanted to believe in his classmates and felt bad about doubting them while investigating his classmates' mysterious murders, though he understood it was necessary. He sometimes regretted exposing the murderers, as shown after singling out a murderer in his fourth year.
Hajime's more aggressive personality brought on by his Lycanthrophy is well-demonstrated when he attempts to punch Juzo Sakakura after he spoke in a very condescending and dehumanizing manner, and slapped Chisa Yukizome's hand away in anger when she tried to help him, which is notably different from the way the other boys stuck in a killing game would have behaved. Notably, he has also referred to Junko Enoshima as an "insane bitch", which is something Makoto wouldn't do even in the case of his worst enemies. Due to his more irritable personality, both Monokuma and Nagito have more or less jokingly compared Hajime to a tsundere, with Nagito calling him "tsuntsun hair" and Monokuma outright calling him a tsundere.
Despite his flaws, Hajime is generally pleasant and easily exhibits kindness and thoughtfulness to others around him; he genuinely cares about everyone. Although he may have trouble understanding or relating to his classmates, he is tolerant of everyone's eccentric personalities and quirks and is always willing to listen and give advice. His fellow Slytherin reinforces this by stating that he spends his time talking with everyone and gets along great with both the girls and the guys. Outside of class, he makes even the most antisocial characters feel more relaxed and they often reveal things about themselves they wouldn't tell anyone else. Due to this particular trait, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu thinks that Hajime should consider becoming a counselor after graduating and Nagito calls him the Ultimate Serenity.
It's also heavily implied that Hajime is romantically inexperienced, appearing somewhat shy and even naive about the topic. He once mentioned that he hadn't really thought about it and has never asked a girl on a date. However, during his Hogwarts years and especially during his fourth year, several of his classmates appear to have a romantic interest in Hajime and he sometimes responds by flirting. He is sometimes shown to be a bit gullible when other people show interest in him, with he himself admitting that he is "kind of dense" while hanging out with Hiyoko Saionji. Ironically, he incorrectly assumes Peko Pekoyama has romantic feelings for him once while they were hanging, while actually she is one of the few people in his friend group who is confirmed to not have any feelings towards him.
Although he tries to hide it, Hajime is very insecure about his status as a werewolf, and it bothers him deeply. This caused him to admire everyone else in Slytherin more than anything, as he believed that being sorted into that house would fix his problem. He wished to be part of something bigger than himself, to become more confident and someone he can be proud of. He felt bitter about being a "half-breed". Chiaki was the one who guided Hajime to see the reality that whether or not he was completely human was irrelevant. It was largely due to her support and encouragement that he was finally able to overcome his depression and gain true confidence.
After Hajime breaks free from the Imperius Curse, he preserves his memories and identifies as Hajime Hinata, accepting that the future includes countless possibilities that can sometimes end in failure. As of being released from St. Mungos, it is revealed that Hajime and his inner wolf's personalities are mixed. Though he identifies as Hajime and acts mostly like him, having the capability to feel, he still becomes overcome with anger easily at times and sometimes his demeanor resembles more that of his inner wolf than Hajime. He is also capable of using his strength from his werewolf form without being transformed, which makes him the strongest person in the U.K if he has reason to be. However, his loved ones has stated that he still has humanity and emotions, which could make him surprisingly weak. "If you've got Kazuichi talking smack about you, you're not all that great", Fuyuhiko said laughing, referring to Kazuichi's "This guy's a Slytherin" comment from their early years at Hogwarts.
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shslskaterboy · 2 years
protagonists for the character questionnaire!
Oh goodness I hope you’re ready for another essay
Makoto my dear boy
Favourite thing? He’s the most some guy ever. Just a little creature. He’s so relatable because who among us hasn’t been in a situation where we feel wildly outclassed and surrounded by people who are cooler and more talented than us? Despite everything he just keeps going, what a legend
Least favourite is people who are wrong about him. How does anyone play that game and say he’s a nothing character? I just don’t get it, stop disrespecting my son
Honestly he’s got way more excellent lines than people give him credit for, but my favourite has to be “I always choose meat over veggies because I’m still in my teens… my meat teens.” Like WHAT are you talking about king I love it
Brotp probably him and Aoi. It’s the positivity besties
Otp is Naegiri. There’s just so much mutual respect between them and the story does a great job of writing them together that I can’t help but love him
Notp is probably just him with anyone that’s not kirigiri, or togami really. Whilst I personally hc Byakuya as aroace I do get why people ship naegami and I do think it’s kinda hilarious
I hc that him and Komaru are besties. Absolutely attached at the hip. They hang out all the time and he loves doing stuff with her, and is so so excited to introduce her to his new friends
The song I associate with him most is Fireflies by Owl City
Favourite art of him is the one where he’s tripping and his shoe just flies the fuck off. What a silly little man I love him
Hajime my beloved (I’m gonna be normal I swear)
To put it as succinctly as possible, he is just my favourite type of guy. He’s such a bitch, he’s so snarky about everything, he’s simultaneously the smartest and dumbest person in any given room, and he actually cares very deeply for things but he won’t readily admit to it. He’s got one of the more interesting arcs to me and in general I find him very relatable. He’s the best, my favourite protagonist probably
Least favourite is maybe less about him and more about Izuru Kamukura, and that is how underused he was. Obviously this is an opinion many people know about me, but it bears repeating because the concept of Kamukura was SO COOL and they barely even touched it and I’m mad about it every single day
Another guy that has so many good lines, but I think my favourite is “I thought I’d finally become someone I could be proud of, not some fucking backup student.” It just hits me so hard every time
Brotp probably him and Fuyuhiko or him and Impostor. I just think those three are the ones in the group with the highest sense of responsibility and they are the tired parents of this silly goofy pack of weirdos
Otp. It’s Komahina. Everyone knows this about me and I will refrain from writing an entire essay about why but suffice it to say. They are prefect
Notp is really anyone who’s not Komaeda, but specifically Nanami and Tsumiki are big on the No list for me
I have so many headcanons that my adhd brain can’t even begin to process them in a cohesive way, so I’ll just say that emo-punk autistic Hinata is my absolute beloved. Also man’s definitely has an anxiety disorder. And nooooo I’m definitely not projecting why do you ask
Unpopular opinion (so far the only character I’ve had one for) is that he’s not bi, he’s just gay. And look I love headcanoning every character ever as bi (again tooooootally not projecting) but whenever I replay/rewatch the game I see him being so gay about the men and being so uninterested in the girls (excepted for the super-forced hinanami stuff that I ignore)
I have sooooo many songs so I had to think about this a lot but I think I’m gonna say the best Hinata song is Life Less Frightening by Rise Against
Every image is the best image of him but specifically this one is so good
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He’s fucking tired of this shit and he wants to be done with this despair nonsense and I love him for it
Shuichi Saihara, whom I am also normal about
It’s so hard to pinpoint why I love Saihara so much, but I think part of it is the fact that underneath his anxious exterior, he is actually very snarky. I’m always a slut for the sarcastic characters and I like the he is that as well as being generally polite to his classmates. He cares deeply and has a tendency to overthink things (totally not relatable) and I just need to give this poor man a HUG
Least favourite thing is how he interacts with Ouma in the canon outside of ftes. A good example of this being when he finds Ouma bleeding from the head on the floor and doesn’t seem to show any actual concern for him, which seems very out of character to me. I just think there was a lot more they could’ve done to build a connection between protag and antag that would’ve served to make the story more interesting, much the way the relationship between Hinata and Komaeda does
Short and sweet, my favourite Saihara line is simply “I refuse.” I am a big supporter of the idea that Shuichi should’ve been allowed to go a little crazy in chapter 6, and his whole telling off hope and despair speech was very fun. He really went “fuck you and your stupid game” and I just love it
Brotp has gotta be Kaito and Maki. I love the training trio and I think they have a great dynamic
Otp is saiouma. And yes I know I just raised a complaint about their lacklustre interactions in the game, but hey, canon can’t hurt me if I don’t look. There is a lot of potential for excellent character dynamics and that’s what I’m gonna focus on
Notp is saimatsu. Sorry anyone who likes them but it’s so comphet to me. Again, that is a gay boy and a lesbian, not a romantic couple
I hc that he really likes singing. Not to a professional degree or anything, but he does it while he works and it serves as a calming vocal stim for him. His voice is definitely very soft and sweet, which doesn’t lend itself well to his preferred genre of music (my sweet sweet emo boy) but that doesn’t stop him from trying
Again, so many songs I could choose from, but I will go with Swing Life Away by Rise Against because he’s just my sweet guy, my love, my boy
And once more, every image of Shuichi is my favourite, but I very specifically love his Serious Face sprite
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I guess the takeaway is I like it when the protags get serious and start to shut shit down
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mythgirlimagines · 2 years
How would the protagonists react to Monokuma’s new motive being repeating the word “moist” at random intervals over the loudspeakers until a murder happens?
That sure is a motive
Makoto Naegi:
…That was the motive?
Well, then they should be fine, right?
They’d all be fine.
Hajime Hinata:
That sure was a different motive.
Was there really nowhere it couldn’t be heard?
Wouldn’t Monokuma get tired eventually?
Komaru Naegi:
She actually hated that word.
And there was no way to block it out!
She just had to endure it somehow.
Kaede Akamatsu:
Okay, she just had to keep checking in with everyone!
Definitely a weird motive, but they could handle it!
At least, she hoped so.
Shuichi Saihara:
He was mostly confused.
Was that really going to lead to murder?
Though he kept his guard up regardless.
Camila Ishikawa:
He really couldn’t have chosen a different word?
It didn’t bother her specifically, but it was certainly annoying.
Maybe she could convince him to stop…?
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aeoki · 2 years
High and Low: At World’s End - Chapter 7
Location: Australian Town Characters: Tomoya. Hinata. Mitsuru & NEGI
Season: Autumn Writer: Akira
TL Note:
The Japanese language has a system of honorific speech to show respect to elders or people you are not familiar with. It's generally considered rude to not use honorific speech when speaking to the aforementioned people. (Hence, NEGI's reaction to Tomoya.)
Hammering down the nail that sticks out - This is a Japanese proverb used to describe conformity meaning those who are different will be forcefully coerced to conform with the community.
< The next morning, near a cheap hotel in the most northern part of Australia. >
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NEGI: “I’ve got more or less a gist of the situation.”
“In other words, we’ve got to cross the entire country somehow, right?”
Mitsuru: Yeah! We’ve gotta go zoooom from the top to the bottom! And in the end, all we gotta do is get to the town in the south where Hajime-chan is~!
NEGI: “Easier said than done, you know… That’s gonna be incredibly difficult. Do you know just how big Australia is?”
Tomoya: Yeah… I really think this is a ridiculous plan.
But even if we gave up halfway, we don’t even know if there will be people to come save us.
It seems this project has a lot of stuff hidden from us, so in the worse case, they might just leave us to die in the wild if we whine and make a fuss.
That’s why we have to somehow reach “ES II”, where Hajime is supposed to be, on our own.
All while filming the TV show – “High and Low” – perfectly, so that they can’t complain about us afterwards.
NEGI: “You should be using honorifics[1] with me.”
Tomoya: Huh…?
NEGI: “Just so you know, I am older than you.”
Tomoya: Oh, I see. Sorry. But Kurone told me I didn’t have to use it.
NEGI: “Hmm. Well, that’s okay then. Japanese customs like honorific speech is a bit annoying and I bet I’m simply ‘Hitsugi Kurone’ in all of your eyes, anyway.”
“You can treat me like how you’d treat my little brother.”
Tomoya: I see. That’ll be great then. But, umm, NEGI…-senpai? You are a girl so I don’t think it’s right for us to treat you the same way we would treat Kurone.
NEGI: “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m used to it already. If anything, it’ll just be annoying if you go out of your way to do stuff for me.”
“Anyway, I’ll be your driver, just as Anzu asked me to. I’d like it if you can essentially ignore my existence.”
“When I’m fronting the entire time, it affects my brother’s mental state badly… It can’t be helped, though. Doesn’t look like there’s anyone else who can drive.”
Mitsuru: Ahaha! Anzu Nee-chan regrets not getting her driver’s licence because of the pickle we’re in right now!
NEGI: “There’s no use crying over split milk. It might be better for you guys to get your licence when you’re of age.” 
“It’ll open a lot of new work doors for you. And it seems the easiest ID to use in Japan is a driver’s licence. A bit weird if you ask me.”
“It thinks it’s racially homogeneous and no one has to prove anything to be friends and get along with each other.”
“There weren’t any issues when everyone assumed they’re all the same people and work that way.”
“I think it’s about time it realises reality isn’t like that.”
Mitsuru: Uhh? Are we being yelled at? Sorry!
NEGI: “...There’s no point in saying this to you guys.”
“Actually, if possible, I’d like kids like you guys to open their eyes, though. Try to get away from the adult’s brainwashing.”
“Well, whatever. I’ve talked too much and now I’m tired… I’ll go hire a random car from the rental shop, so wait here.”
Mitsuru: Okay! Thanks, Hitsugi-chan! Pick a cool one, okay?
NEGI: “I’m not Hitsugi and sorry to break it to you, but I’m going to pick one based on its price. We’ve gotta save as much money as we can, right?”
“I’m off so see you later. Be good boys, okay?”
Tomoya: Ah, okay! Thank you! Be careful, NEGI-senpai!
Mitsuru: …Negi? What’s that? A nickname?
Tomoya: You’re really something, Mitsuru. There was something clearly weird about Kurone’s speech and behaviour but you just talked to them like normal.
I didn’t really hesitate because I knew that they were a bit “weird” from the Sports Festival.
But it was your first time talking to the older sister – NEGI-senpai, right?
Mitsuru: Sister? Uh, Hitsugi-chan’s Hitsugi-chan, y’know~?
They were a bit mature and talked like a girl, though? I thought maybe that’s what they were in the mood for! It’s morning so maybe they were sleepy!
Besides, it looks like I’m the only one who’s brought their determined selves along.
I’m always 100% Mitsuru Tenma. But everyone else tends to change depending on their mood for the day. Even you, Tomoya-chan, y’know?
I’m me every day but since everyone changes the way they talk and act depending on the day, I’m used to it.
Tomoya: Hmm, so that’s how you see the world, huh… True, no matter what happens, it always feels like you’re the same person, Mitsuru.
Mitsuru: Things were different when I was filming the drama though. I have to get into character so once I finish filming, I almost forget who I am, y’know!
Tomoya: I know what you mean~ I sometimes get like that when I’m up on stage too.
I’ve trained for over a year at the Drama Club to engrave that kind of essence into my mind and body, but you’ve soaked it up like it was no big deal from the very start, huh… I’m a bit annoyed at that.
Mitsuru: ? ? I’m sorry for that?
Tomoya: It’s fine. You shouldn’t have to put yourself down just because you’ve got the skills for it. It’s awful to hammer down the nail that sticks out[2] .
Mitsuru: The stuff you say sometimes is pretty hard to understand, y’know~ …Hm?
Hinata: Hey, guys~ What a lovely morning, huh ♪ 
Tomoya: Morning, Hinata. We already said hi to each other just a while ago, though.
Mitsuru: Sorry for asking you to wake up Hime-chan and the others, Hinata-chan!
Hinata: It’s fine, it’s not something that I don’t like to do, anyway. Anzu-san helped too.
Well, we couldn’t have a girl charge into a boy’s room, so actually, I was the one who woke everyone up.
You probably asked me to do it with Anzu-san since things are pretty awkward between us right now.
Things have been really awkward ever since “Repayment Fest” last year… I’d prefer it if you didn’t do stuff like this.
There’s no law in the world that says I have to get along with everyone, right?
Tomoya: There’s no such law but I’d like you guys to get along while we’re on the school trip. It’ll be really bad if everyone else starts feeling awkward too.
It’ll be a hellish trip with the worst memories.
Hinata: It’s already pretty bad though… We’ve practically been chucked out to Australia with nothing but ourselves.
Well, it’s not the first time that’s happened to me, so I’m not super panicked or anything. This is nothing compared to when I left home when I was younger.
But Hime-kun grew up pampered so he might be really stressed about it all. We should be nice to him.
I’ll do my best to be careful and keep an eye out for him too.
Tomoya: Thanks. With these members, you and I are about the only people with common sense, after all. We’ve got to keep things together.
Hinata: Ahaha. Calling me “someone with common sense” is actually an insult to me since I’m trying to sell our unit as an eccentric pair of twins, you know~♪
And Tetora-kun’s gotten better than before.
Tomoya: It looks like he’s having a tough time in “RYUUSEITAI”, huh. Maybe he grew up a bit after experiencing the hardships of life.
But he stands out quite a bit seeing as he broke the school rules by holding the “Dragon King Competition” and causing small fires here and there.
He’s basically a problem child in my books.
Hinata: Ahaha. It’s hard to see someone differently once you’ve labelled them as a “bad person”, huh.
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marysunshine23 · 1 year
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Okay, lemme explain.
S Rank - Best of the Best
Magical Miracle Girl Usami - I. Love. Her. Like... I feel like if I were a magical girl, I’d be Usami. I want to cosplay her. I just... I love her so much.
Nagito Komaeda - I mean... He’s clearly neuro-divergent, he’s chronically ill, he’s basically chaotic neutral, and I’ve loved him almost as long as I’ve loved the series. What can I say?
Angie Yonaga- PRAISE BE TO ATUA. She’s a vibe. I want to be her friend.
Kokichi Oma - A perfect example of “I initially hated him with every fiber of my being, but then he did a thing and now I like him”.
Korekiyo Shinguji - Similar to Kokichi, but the incestuous thoughts kind of... eh...
A Rank - I love them, but...
Ibuki Mioda - They did her dirty, I swear.
Mikan Tsumiki - I may prefer more masc-presenting women, but I would date her.
Kotoko Utsugi - I will protect this brat for the rest of my life
Monophanie - I dunno. I just think she’s neat. You know… besides the incestuous stuff…
Monomi - Monokuma did her dirty. And… again… incestuous stuff…
Aoi Asahina - I love her relationship with Sakura! But I also feel like she was just… token big boobs girl…
Miu Iruma - I love the spin of having a super-perverted girl. But also kind of the token big boob girl.
Hajime Hinata - Of all the protags, he just seemed the most fleshed out. Also. Tig o’ bitties on a guy
Junko Enoshima - Fun design? Check. Interesting Personality? Check. Would wear similar clothes? Check.
Kaito Momota - I feel like we’d be best friends.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru - He and Mondo are the best homo ship in the series fight me
Mondo Owada - He and Kiyotaka are the best homo ship in this series fight me
Rantaro Amami - He’s the midpoint between Nagito and Shun Kamiya from Tribe Nine and you can’t tell me he’s not
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu - Severely underrated. And he and Peko are the best canon relationship in the series fight me
Peko Pekoyama - At first I thought she was just meant to be a sexy Sakura, but I felt like she was super underestimated as a rival and a character. And she and Fuyuhiko are the best canon ship in the series fight me
Sonia Nevermind - First of all, her name. Secondly, I love that she was just… always 100% herself. Like… she was a princess into horror shit. I dig that.
Sayaka Maizono - I kinda wish she was in the series longer. I just really liked her.
Mahiru Koizumi - She’s the mom friend and I love it.
Kaede Akamatsu - I wanted her to be the protag, is that so much to ask?
Gundham Tanaka - He’s the type of person we all wish society would let us be; absolutely unhinged and in our own world.
Gonta Gokuhara - Best bean.
Chisa Yukizome - Ultimate Mom is best.
Monodam - I mean, he had everyone’s best interest at heart.
Ruruka Ando - Excuse me, she makes sweets and she’s cute.
Yuta Asahina - Good boi. Possible sister complex.
B Rank - I mean, they’re good, but…
Kirumi Tojo - I mostly like her because of her design and her execution.
Leon Kuwata - Not gonna lie, he was my first Danganronpa crush. Had I not read his Free Time events, I might have ranked him higher.
Maki Harukawa - At first I was thoroughly pissed off that she was the Ultimate Childcare Provider, but then her true identity came through and I liked her a lot more.
Chiaki Nanami - She’d be higher but I feel like the developers got tired part way through per backstory and just threw something together
Himiko Yumeno - She did the whole “too much effort” schtick for too long.
K1-B0 - Underrated.
Sakura Ogami - Great character overall, but I feel like her design was just… 100% shock value.
Shuichi Saihara - Like… I’d be fine if the game started with him being the protagonist, but I’m still kinda peeved that they just threw him in last minute.
Tenko Chabashira - I’m sorry, misandry is not a personality trait or a quirk and the joke got old quick.
Tsumugi Shirogane - I hate her and everything having to do with the ending of this series.
Toko Fukawa - Why are people cool with her but not Miss Piggy? At least Kermit is into what Miss Piggy does.
Genocider Jack/Jill - Yandere.
Jataro Kemuri - He’d be higher if it weren’t for his voice.
Hiroko Hagakure - 
Akane Owari - Token Big Boob Girl mixed with zero impulse control. But her and Nekomaru are cute together so…
Celestia Ludenberg - 
Chihiro Fujisaki - Let our friend be happy, okay?
Nekomaru Nidai - He made me tired.
Izuru Kamukura - He’s fine. He’s mostly here because he’s in Hajime’s body.
Masaru Daimon - I’ve worked with children like him. They’re fun!
Monosuke - I like the mobster penny pincher persona that he’s got going on.
Monotaro - I liked him for 90% of the game. But then the incest stuff happened and… yeah…
Shirokuma - I knew he was putting on a ruse from the beginning, but I enjoyed him
Taichi Fujisaki- WHAT A GOOD PARENT.
Kiyondo - I think I prefer them in separate bodies, but it’s a sweet sentiment and an… interesting way to cope.
C Rank - They’re Fine
In C Rank, if I don’t mention them by name, it’s just “they’re fine”.
Kyoka Kirigiri - I wish we knew more. Like… she seems very two dimensional
Mukuro Ikusaba - I’m glad we had some time with her in the anime… but it wasn’t enough. More please!
Haiji Towa - The only reason he isn’t lower is that he got his comeuppance
Koichi Kazakura - That’s blond Johnny Depp and you can’t say he’s not.
Monokuma - I actually threw him in C because I didn’t know where else to throw him. I actually don’t have a lot of feelings about him as a character.
D Rank - Either I hate them or I don’t know them
I’m only elaborating on some.
Teruteru Hanamura - Perverted characters that are just there to be perverted are annoying.
Monokid - I absolutely hate that he represents the percentage of people that shit in the shower. Like… I’m so glad he died first. I hate him so much.
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She’s just standing there… menacingly!
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...So when can I talk with Master Fuyuhiko? Sorry but I'm feeling a bit tired right now...
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Well the last time I check, he was in Italy right now and the timezone should be 5 PM I believe.
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So if you wish to talk with him, I can get him on and you 2 can talk.
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Thank you, I just... I need to make sure he's okay...
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Don't worry Peko, even if Fuyuhiko isn't here with us - I'm sure he would want you to focus on your own health.
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He say that he wants you to have a life outside of the Kuzuruyu Clan.
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Hajime is correct, I'm sure once Nagi talks with him; you can speak with him and he'll assure you that he's okay.
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Yeah and trust me, the dude did get along with us better and promise to work towards a better future.
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So he did, huh?
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Yeah I mean... the guy can still have a temper but he started to work with us and got along so if your worried; don't be.
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I see... that's good to hear, I'm happy to hear Master Fuyuhiko was able to move on and get along with everyone...
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So thank you 4, for being there for my young master when I couldn't be.
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That's good to hear, and will be sure we are here to help you too...
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*As then Hajime hugs Peko* Wh-what are you doing...?
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I just figure you needed this, don't worry - I know your interested in him.
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...I see, then thank you.
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See? You got nothing to worry about; Hajime, Sonia, Akane and Kazuichi where there to help and support him while you were gone so you don't need to-.
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... *Hajime lowers his hand*
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*sees where Hajime's hand is going and then quickly slaps it* ?!
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*whispers* Hajime Hinata, What are you doing with that hand there!
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Hu-Huh?! What...?
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Hajime, what are you doing...?
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*pulls Hajime away from Peko* No-Nothing just saw something and-.
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*Looks at Hajime's pants*...
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...Hajime, please come with me, I... I need to do a check-up, seems that your a little too excited.
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Wa-Wait hold on, I can explain!
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No just come with me, now! Masuyo and Hotaru just keep an eye on everyone and call the Usami bot if anything comes up...!
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*Nagi drags Hajime out of the room and back in the hall where her and Peko came from*...
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Sure thing ma'am, make sure he's got something good to read; will make sure nothing bad happens while you uh, deal with the problem...
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The stars shine we meet again
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jEY0P71
by My_favorite_second (Fanta_dona)
Kokichi wakes up in an unknown location and finds himself wishing he was still dead. What he is seeing in front of his eyes cannot be true, he is probably dead.
 Tsumugi Shirogane stares at him and all that can come out of his mouth is
"Can't my dear Shirogane stop staring at me~?" You like me?"
"You know very well that's not the case," Shirogane hisses through clenched teeth.
"The question here is why are they all alive, more specifically why are we alive?" She whispers in his ear and her voice sounds clearly annoyed as if the thought of him being alive bothers her.
"I think the bigger question is why no one seems to remember the game of killing my dear plain Jane." Kokichi doesn't like being taken over, let alone not being the one with the power.
Kokichi has no idea why he is alive and tries to find out what is going on with four other people who seem to be in the same situation or why Tsumugi also seems to have a different attitude than he knew.
Words: 643, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Oma Kokichi, Shirogane Tsumugi, Nanami Chiaki, Enoshima Junko, Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Saihara Shuichi, Hinata Hajime, Akamatsu Kaede, Gokuhara Gonta, Amami Rantaro, Harukawa Maki, Komaeda Nagito, Togami Byakuya
Relationships: Oma Kokichi & Everyone, Oma Kokichi & Shirogane Tsumugi, Enoshima Junko & Oma Kokichi, Enoshima Junko & Shirogane Tsumugi, Enoshima Junko & Naegi Makoto, Oma Kokichi & Saihara Shuichi, Nanami Chiaki & Oma Kokichi, Hinata Hajime & Nanami Chiaki
Additional Tags: Oma Kokichi Needs a Hug, Oma Kokichi Is a Little Shit, Oma Kokichi-centric, Oma Kokichi Being Oma Kokichi, Oma Kokichi Lies Less, Oma Kokichi Has Trust Issues, Oma Kokichi Is a Mess, Tired Shirogane Tsumugi, Everyone Needs A Hug, Enoshima Junko Being An Asshole, Nanami Chiaki Lives, Confused Naegi Makoto, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - Hope's Peak Academy (Dangan Ronpa), Minor Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyoko is so Done, Detective Saihara Shuichi, Sweet Gokuhara Gonta, Akamatsu Kaede Lives, Confused Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito Being Komaeda Nagito, Komaeda Nagito Is Obsessed With Hope
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jEY0P71
0 notes
m-y-fandoms · 2 years
COMMISSION: Gundham Tanaka x Female Reader Part 1
Info: Island Mode, no despair. Takes place on Jabberwock Island. Genre is Fluff, oblivious crush to lovers, SFW, cute flirting. Reader uses she/her. Reader is the Ultimate Cardiologist, focused on medical stuff and knowledge of the heart!
Total fic length is 7K words split into 3 parts.
Part 2 Part 3
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It had been mere hours since they’d all arrived on this island, Y/N and her classmates, that is. They’d been given the run-down by this strange animatronic rabbit named Usami - who claimed to be their teacher - but their heads still pounded with the mystery of it all. At best, the more positive of their crowd were pushing their questions to the back of their minds and trying to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and at worst, the skeptics of their group, like the spiky-headed Hajime Hinata, were investigating ruthlessly and refusing to take the white bunny at her word. Determined to figure out why they were here and how on Earth none of them could remember traveling to this deserted island, Hajime and a few others were making rounds, patrolling the different islands, insistent on not having a lick of fun. Y/N on the other hand, anxious about both the crowd of strangers around her and the scale of the island, tired for no obvious reason, and dazed, merely sat with her other more nervously-inclined peers and listened to Usami explain things, just one more time.
Their new “teacher” Usami (though Y/N could’ve sworn there were no four-legged instructors mentioned on Hope’s Peak’s website) had handed out these curious little golden crystals to each of the students, and urged them to get to know each other, form bonds, make friends, and spread hope throughout the island. When they felt like their relationship with another of the students had reached a new level, when their bond strengthened deep in their hearts, they were to exchange one of these crystals, dubbed Hope Fragments. Usami, knowing how teens would do anything to get a school assignment quickly out of the way, warned that she would be watching always, so mindlessly giving away one’s Hope Fragments to get it over with would not be tolerated.
At first, upon hearing these words, Y/N squirmed in her skin, shook in her boots. She was completely and utterly socially inept, and was positive that her classmates would be able to tell almost immediately. She’d never had any friends to begin with, but this school trip might end with her going into the negatives. On the other hand… she couldn’t deny the tiny seed of excitement that threatened to bloom inside of her. This could be good: social interactions forced by a teacher. They had to get rid of those fragments, right? They couldn’t reject her, it’s an assignment, mandatory hangouts… did thinking like that make her the Ultimate Loser? Maybe. Was this mindset selfish? Forcing her peers to deal with her awkward self - a girl who lacked any social grace - surely they would find a way to get out of being around her…
Now her mind was racing once again. Was this a competition? Is this for a grade? She began to perspirate at the thought.
Free to roam, the cynical members of the class got to work ignoring Usami’s assignment. Rather than make friends, they asked if anyone could remember anything: a boat, a plane, a permission slip, what day it was, their ultimate talents, anything for context. Hajime spat his words at rabbit, asking how this was even educational. Surely a prestigious academy had better coursework and lessons in mind. Y/N, resolved to not be the absolute largest disappointment on the island, moseyed around, scoping out the wide range of personalities and talents she had to compete with.
Some time had passed, and the sun still shined as brightly as ever. When they first arrived it must have been early morning, if the heat and position of the sun were anything to go by. Now it was around noon, and Y/N had successfully made it around the entire first island, where everyone congregated and agreed to make their home base, what with the resort and amenities. People wandered to the other islands, but always made their way back, so she had the opportunity to (albeit awkwardly and briefly) make almost everyone’s acquaintance. There were but a few names left on her list to check off. Some classmates she pointedly spent more time with, thinking she’d click with them better, but in the end always tore herself away from the conversation first, not wanting to come off as needy or be a bother. A couple of the talented teens were a joy to converse with, and others she made a note to avoid. There was the handsy Teruteru, and the vitriolic Hiyoko, who reminded her too much of her middle school bullies to ever get close to, but then there were, on the other end of the spectrum, absolute rays of sunshine like Sonia Nevermind or Ibuki Mioda. Beautiful and extroverted girls like that were the type she admired. Of course, there were quite a few of the students that she found highly attractive. Akane’s form was stunning, Chiaki was adorable, Hajime had a classic handsomeness, and most of all, she found herself particularly taken with the animal lover, the Ultimate Breeder, Gundham Tanaka. She could sense that he was an introvert, a bit of an outcast, and she always found herself drawn to those types. Not only did she find familiarity in them, but she felt the need to befriend them, so they never had to feel the way she did. Gundham was definitely different, that was obvious, but besides that, he was extremely good looking. Though he often hid hid face in the layers of his purple scarf, she’d gotten a good look at him several times, as he somehow seemed to be in the same place she was all morning. He was striking, pale and uniquely dressed, mysteriously interesting.
At the moment, Y/N was with Mikan, who seemed to cling to her every word and gesture. She was rapidly asking questions, wanting desperately to get to know Y/N more and more. It came as a shock to Y/N, who had never known anyone to latch onto to her like this. She chalked it up to their similar interests and experiences - Mikan being the Ultimate Nurse and Y/N being the Ultimate Cardiologist- but felt uncomfortable all the same. This was a totally new experience for her. 
It was after a good while of chatting with Mikan that she noticed Gundham once again, staring from the other end of the super market, over near the snack section. Mikan was very sweet, if a bit skittish, but Y/N needed a bit of a break from all the questions. Since she hadn’t officially introduced herself to the Ultimate Breeder, she politely bowed to Mikan and made a swift exit, shuffling over to where Gundham was. He seemed to see her coming and finally realize he was staring, looking away quickly.
“I don’t believe I’ve gotten your introduction fragment yet,” she smiled timidly, cautiously. She held out hers, spinning it around in her hand before tucking it back into her bag. He snorted a small exhale of acknowledgement through his nostrils, before digging his chin back into the depths of the scarf. “I uh… I think we have to get at least one fragment from everyone today, so uh… do you maybe wanna head to the ranch with me? We can talk on the way there, it’s the only place I haven’t checked out on the main island yet. Also, I heard you like animals, you know with you talent an’ all. So…?” Her words trailed off, waiting for a response apprehensively.
“... Very well,” he seemed to hesitate, huffing before giving a response, “but keep your distance, lest you be infected with the curse that plagues my earthly vessel. Mere mortals such as yourself could not begin to comprehend the danger.” He gestured dramatically before opening the door to the market, allowing her to exit first.
Uh… okay dude… wasn’t planning to get close anyways… she thought, a bit amused inside her own head. She’d heard through the gossip of the others that Gundham was a bit odd and eccentric, but now she would get to see it firsthand and up close. She didn’t mind however, as again, the loners, the misfits, and the weirdos often drew her interest. Already she could tell he would have a particular way of talking, and for some reason, it didn’t bother her a bit, like it clearly bothered the others enough for them to mention it.
The made their way to the ranch in silence, until Y/N could feel that silence a little too much for comfort and spoke up:
“So you’re Gundham Tanaka right? I’m Y/N L/N. It’s nice to meet you officially. I think I’ve gotten to most of the other students.” She hugged the strap of her school bag a bit tighter, as if it would provide some sense of security.
“Ahh, so I see that once again my reputation precedes me! Yes… I am Gundham Tanaka, overlord of ice. You already knew my name, and remember it well, for it is the name that shall one day rule this dark plane of existence. I shall remember your title, and our contract will be sealed for all eternity with this dark catalyst thrust upon us by the un-rabbit!” Little claws reached up from a fold in his scarf, a Hope Fragment clasped between them. Gundham pinched the gem from the little hamster’s grasp, and presented it to her like a cursed artifact.
“Oh my goodness, is that a hamster?!” She gasped at the sight of the furball releasing the gem to its master. Upon picking up the heightening tone of her voice, three more rodents of varying fur patterns and size popped out, taking up their posts on their master’s shoulders or nestled in his coiffed hair. “Four hamsters?!” Gundham jumped back a bit, startled by the sudden raise in her voice, but soon steadied himself.
“These are the Four Dark Devas of Destruction. Hamsters are merely their temporary form while their souls are ensnared on this hell planet. You will address them with respect!” The hamsters, looking prideful, seemed to agree with their owner’s words.
“Oh, y-yes, of course, my bad. May I hold one of them? I love animals, especially tiny ones.” She bent forward to get a better look at the one on his right shoulder, and he took another step back, uneasy. She noticed this, and stood back up with an apologetic look. Maybe she was overstepping, she thought, however Gundham seemed to stop and consider her request, looking away in thought for a moment.
“...It is not my choice who my Devas choose to deem worthy of their touch, however it has come to my attention that the Devas sense no malicious intent in you, so yes, you may for the moment, hold greatness in your grasp.” And like clockwork, a loyal little hamster slid down its master’s coat sleeve and jumped ship from his arm to hers. She gasped, her mouth a bit agape, thoroughly impressed. The little creature crawled upward to her wrist as she raised her hands slowly so she could cup it securely.
“So cute!” She nuzzled the Deva to her cheek as they continued their trek to the ranch. “And so noble, of course!” She decided to play along to appease Gundham as she saw a potential friend, her very first potential friend, in him. Gundham’s cheeks warmed a bit, flustered at both her compliment and the sight of her cuddling Maga-Z to her face.
“Of course,” he cleared his throat, “I see you are an excellent judge of energies.” She smiled at his version of a returned compliment, quickly thinking of a way to keep the conversation going, as was taught to her in all of her self help and socializing books.
“So, all these islands, what is there like five of six of them? It’s a bit overwhelming, huh? I mean, Usami didn’t even mention how long we have to explore or get all these fragments… or when we would get to head back home. Ah, speaking of -” Y/N shifted the Deva to one hand, reaching for her fragment to hand to the boy beside her. “Our intro fragment. Everyone has deemed introductions worthy of the first trade. I have a ton of them, so here’s my first one for you!” He recoiled a bit from her touch, avoiding skin-to-skin contact altogether by switching to his bandaged hand before reaching out again. Even then, he snacthed it from her to evade her touch. Highly empathetic for negative emotions, she was already starting to understand that this whole facade, this whole act was a wall he put up. He chased people off, acted strange so he could confirm and guard against the things people were going to say about him anyway. She wondered what made him that way in the first place. It was clear that he didn’t like people getting close, physically or emotionally, and she could respect that. She’d felt like that often as well.
As he took her fragment, another Deva slid down from its owner’s crown, Gundham’s own fragment in it’s mouth, and dove into her school bag. Transaction complete.
“Hmm… it seems the Devas have taken a liking to you. You should be honored.” He admitted. She nodded back, happily accepting the second Deva now nesting into her hair.
Arriving at the ranch, they looked around for awhile before she enquired about his acceptance into Hope’s Peak. How he was scouted, and all that. Gundham of course put on a performance for something that could be described in a few sentences, then it was her turn. She revealed her story to him, about how she was a bit of an accidental discovery. While on a vacation to Tokyo, a famous voice actor who was also on vacation went into sudden cardiac arrest at a cafe where she was eating lunch. She used her medical knowledge to essentially save his life, and as fate would have it, a Hope’s Peak Academy alumni was there to witness the event and notified his contacts back at the academy. Soon enough she was contacted and asked to come aboard after a deep dive into the hard work of her past. She knew all those internships, books, study sessions and online courses would pay off one day.
“So you are a witch of the heart, then.” Gundham commented after she finished. “Not only are you able to cast spells over the hearts of men and hold the power of life and death, but you have mind controlled your way into a most coveted position.” He looked over the animal pens as he spoke, already contemplating how to improve them.
“My field of study is cardiology, if that’s what you mean. Medical progress and study is my entire life. But you’re right, for fate to align so well and all of these things to fall into place perfectly for me to be scouted, I must be some sort of witch…” she grineed sheepishly, hoping her humor wasn’t too bold or cheesy. She wasn’t used to joking around with others. He nodded his agreement back to her.
“Yes…” a hint of suspicion lingered in his voice, “That Mikan is definitely a witch, and you seem to be in a coven with her…”
“Well, don’t worry, animals are safe from my heart spells. I have no power over them.” She now had all four Devas crawling over her, examining her hair between their claws, biting at her sleeves. Gundham took in the sight, more than slightly taken aback by their opinion of her. Was she casting a heart spell on him? No matter, he would never speak those words aloud anyway.
“Hmpf…” he scoffed. “No one has power over the Devas, not even I.”
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inumaki-roll · 4 years
i was curious how the DR (( nagito, hajime, makoto, rantaro, shuichi, chihiro, byakuya, izuru, kazuichi, & kiibo if that’s okayyahdsh sorry)) & AOT guys would react if their s/o who is selectively clingy w certain people kinda back off suddenly because they just feel.. embarrassed?? like when they were a kid people reacted negatively to their clinginess and would ignore them for it. and they just feel so dumb to show emotion & showing their clinginess? and they feel like they’re being a bother and being annoying too... & suddenly just feel like closing off from the world lol? i’ve been feeling like this recently and i’d love to see what they’d do if that’s possible please!! thank you so much!!
hi anon !! i’m this way too dw HWKWBWN 
i hope it’s alright that i only did the danganronpa boys and eren, armin, jean, + levi but if you want i’ll def redo it later with more of the boys !! i’m really sorry today has been a wicked long day for me bc of doctor appointments and i have to write an email to my principal of my school because of a certain incident so i’ve been a little stressed with that and report cards coming up </3
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- mod rantaro ✧・゚: *✧
- he can completely understand 
- he’d make sure everyone left you alone and he’d let you stay in his dorm during the day and night 
- he’d love the clingyness please 
- he wouldn’t even get annoyed with it either 
- if you thought you were annoying him he’d be so panicky 
- waving his arms everywhere while frantically telling you how much he enjoys your company 
- he’d be so mad at the people who told you you’re annoying 
- constant reassurance- headpats, hugs, light kisses on your face, and lots of hand holding 
- he might act a bit annoyed, but as soon as he sees your insecure about coming off as annoying he softens right up 
- he’d make sure no one messes with you because he can be quite intimidating 
- he stays by your side all the time in public 
- he would mention how he enjoys having you around him and he’s delighted that you’re so comfortable around him 
- in public hed let you hold onto his elbow if you’re feeling like you don’t belong in a conversation and if you got really uncomfortable hed leave right now away 
- he gets so flustered when you cling to him 
- he loves it when you’re sitting right near him while he’s working on a computer 
- he gets all smiley please he’s just too cute 
- every so often he’ll turn his head away from the screen and plant a little kiss on your cheek to show that he’s not ignoring you 
- i think he’d rather just hang out with you in each other’s dorms during freetime instead of socializing anyways 
- he’d like teaching you little programming things 
- he’s worried he might bore you so he programs something to your interests 
- he’d literally never get tired of it bc he can be quite clingy as well 
- lots and lots of affection 
- he’d love it if you stayed with him while he worked on something 
- he’d love showing off and showing you how to do mechanic things 
- hed literally YELL at anyone who calls you annoying 
- he could never even think for a second you’re annoying or too clingy 
- he’d bop someone on a head with a wrench for you <3
- omg please. 
- nagito would feel like he wouldn’t deserve your clingyness 
- he’d tell you that over and over again too 
- he’d watch his words carefully to not say something that may offend you 
- he wouldn’t even mind that you’re clingy, sometimes he might get a little like “woah this is a lot of affection for me and i’m not used to it” and may accidentally distance himself for a short time but would recognize that he did that and remembers that you need someone and hed apologize and would never leave you alone again 
- he’d smother you with affection right back 
- he thinks you’re more deserving of affection than he is, so he gives back the same energy 
- tsundere hajime would be so like 🤨🤨🤨
- he wouldn’t know how to respond at first but he’d warm up quickly because he also likes the attention 
- all the affection makes him feel so,,, special 
- he loves it even though he may need a break once in a while, due to his stress 
- he never ever even thinks of you as annoying and will argue with someone who thinks you are 
- like a full on argument 
- he’d  always tell you how much he values your quality time 
- he might sometimes accidentally mirror your actions and “cling” a bit too by subconsciously draping his arm over you when your next to him or always being able to find your hand while walking together 
- he’d be so confused on why you’re clinging to him, since he’s not a very touchy person
- he’d ask you this too and he’d understand that he’s special because you aren’t like this with everyone 
- he’d do anything for you to make you feel more comfortable about being a clingy person and he explains to you that it’s not your fault you’re like this and to not get mad at yourself because it’s a normal feeling that lots of people go through 
- he’d  always have a hand holding yours or an arm around your shoulder
- he’d think it’s very endearing that you’re clingy 
- so much quality time spent together finding random things to keep each other occupied 
- sometimes he can feel exhausted or just drained and will just flop himself onto you and just lay in your lap and let out a big sigh and literally lay there forever 
- he’d also enjoy it quite a lot 
- he’d always offer for you to tag along if he’s going somewhere but he never wants you to feel out of place 
- he’d literally welcome all the affection pls 
- he’d literally go “aww” at it too 
- he’d feel so content when he has your attention 
- rantaro supremacy 
- okay why do i think he’d ruffle your hair as a way of intimacy too 
- flustered emo detective
- he’d hide his face a bit when he receives a lot of attention because it gets him so blushy 
- he’d be a little hesitant but,,, lots of pecks on the lips 
- he’d also never even dream about calling you clingy or annoying because it could make you upset 
- he wants you to be content and comfortable so he’ll always let you be near him
- play with his hair while he works on a case i’m ajsjkabssk
- he’d immediately feel less stressed and worked up 
- oh boy 
- he always loves the clingyness because it helps him understand humans better 
- he likes seeing all the different types of affection that you can give and will remember it and test it out on you later 
- he like offers you little things for hanging out with him 
- he’ll give you a flower for just being near him please he’s just too <333
- “y/n! thank you for your time today. i collected valuable data, now saved to my memory bank and it also let me get to know you better. i think it would’ve been a bit rude that you did not benefit from this so i hope you accept this flower as a sign of my graditude and as a thank you for being an extraordinary s/o.” 
- also a bit confused 
- why do you want to cling to him ?? he can get violent and loud sometimes ?? 
- he might be hesitant to accept the affection but would warm up 
- he would be very,,, quiet while receiving affection 
- like he becomes so focused on that 
- will fight anyone who thinks you’re annoying 
- when he finds out you’re really only like this around him he’s so shocked but honored 
- he’d try his best to make you happy and comfortable 
- he’d love love love holding hands 
- bae would be shy shy 
- he’d be so scared to mess up 
- he’d literally freeze the first time he gets affection and would melt right into it 
- like just pull him into a tight hug for the first time and he’d just freeze and go 
- “y/n.... i-i really like this. can we stay like this for a bit? please?” and would hug you back tightly 
- then he gets used to it 
- he welcomes all the affection and he smiles widely whenever you go to him and he tries to hide it 
- he’d try his absolute hardest to make you happy and would cling right back 
- he’d be flustered and try to act tough at the same time akshakue 
- i think he’d like tracing his fingers around your back and arms 
- big hugs 
- you have to let go first on hugs, he never lets go [hes scared he might loose you] 
- gets a little nervous and panicky if you aren’t being your usual clingy self 
- he wouldn’t really respond 
- he’d let you cling onto him and will let you follow him around 
- he’d warm up to it very slowly
- and one day randomly returns the affection 
- i think he’d like little kisses on the knuckles or hands 
- he wouldnt get annoyed because he’s one of the only ones who’s treated this way by you so he wouldnt want to hurt your feelings 
- if you did get insecure he would give reassurance by a kiss and a “pep talk” 
- won’t tolerate anyone calling you annoying 
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