#landon x josie
bibridlizzie · 1 year
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Josie x Landon
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
“shit, i wasn’t supposed to enjoy that as much as i did.”
“that was better than i thought it would be.”
- Hope Mikaelson
“shit, i wasn’t supposed to enjoy that as much as i did.”
“that was better than i thought it would be.”
pronouns: he/him, male
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To be honest, you weren't completely sure who had been the one to convince you to join the godforsaken musical. Between Josie's puppy eyes, Landon's pleading, and Kaleb's constant boasting of his role as Damon Salvatore, your memory had become fuzzy as to who exactly you finally agreed to. But there you were, script in hand and other students getting your sizes to fit you into the role of Stefan Salvatore.
"You look like you're having the time of your life." You glanced over your shoulder at the redhead, only heaving a sigh to her sarcasm. The ends of her pink-tinted lips twitched upward and she folded her arms over her chest as she ran her eyes over the leather jacket you sported.
"I don't want to hear a word about it."
Tossing her hands in the air, she giggled under her breath. "You got it, boss. I'll keep my mouth shut about this whole... bad boy vibe thing you've got going on."
"Why don't you make yourself useful and help me with these lines? I need to memorize them by tomorrow night or I fear Landon will smother me in my sleep." You offered the script to her and she took it, skimming the page and shrugging casually.
Hope proved to be a rather shitty helper with her monotone reading and her quips about the dialogue and songs. She refused to sing anything, not even amusing you with just a few words, but she continued the task of reading the lines of the other characters until she abruptly stopped.
"You, uh..." Her brows twitched downward. "You're going to kiss Josie?"
"Yeah, she plays Elena Gilbert. Elena's whole thing is having a love triangle between Stefan and Damon, so we obviously have to kiss at some point." You shrugged and the redhead grimaced. "We don't have to kiss, you know. Just read what's next."
"That's not-" Hope cut herself off and cleared her throat, brushing her hair over her shoulder and pressing her lips together. "It's fine, I.. I don't mind." She admitted quietly.
"Oh.. Uhm, okay." The thought of kissing Hope had never crossed your mind before. She'd always seemed untouchable, even after a friendship blossomed between you and her. But there she stood, looking oddly nervous and hesitant.
"We really don't have to, Hope. It's just a kiss. I doubt it'll be anything other than a-" Hope stepped foward, one hand cupping the back of your head while the other one tightly clutched the script. She kissed you, full of shyness and meekness not common to the almost-tribrid. It took you a moment to process Hope Mikaelson of all people was kissing you before you reacted, hands coming to a rest on her waist. She pulled back a few seconds later, face flushed and eyes downcast.
“That was better than I thought it would be.” You murmured half-teasingly half-dazed and Hope released a soft grunt, rolling her eyes at your words.
"(Y/N)! Could you come here? I need to talk to you about a line." Landon called from his spot beside Josie, barely glancing up at you and his ex. You nodded toward Landon and Hope forced a smile, watching you part away from her to approach her two friends. The smile dropped and she lifted a hand to her forehead, touching her warm skin.
Breathlessly, she murmured, “Shit, I wasn’t supposed to enjoy that as much as I did.”
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thesocietalmisfit · 1 year
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girlkisser13 · 4 months
legacies masterlist
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elizabeth "lizzie" saltzman
ethan machado
hope mikaelson
jade salvatore
jedidiah "jed" tien
josette "josie" saltzman
kaleb hawkins
landon kirby
milton "mg" greasley
penelope park
rafael waithe
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trihedaburden · 5 months
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Moodboards for two of my upcoming fics.
First moodboard is for my college AU fic "hey baby, won't you look my way (I can be your new addiction)" and will have Penizzie, Hosie and Lethan.
Second moodboard is for my past and future fic "you can only hate what you could love (if things were a little different)" and it'll have Penizzie, Posie, Finsie and unrequited Hizzie (it'll go between past and future for each chapter and will have intertwining moments to do with canon but still be an AU).
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
49 - The Price of Landon Kirby
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Part 50
Family is More than Blood
Alina’s pov
Shutting the fridge in the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of milk that was for Xavier. I jumped, nearly dropping the bottle on the floor, seeing Lizzie standing on the other side of the door. “Lizzie. You scared the living crap out of me.”
“Calm down, Alina. I just wanted to hang out with you since you’ve been busy with your baby boy.” She leaned against the countertop wearing a white long sleeve shirt and the Salvatore logo pin stuck on the front of it.
I sighed feeling guilty that she spoke the truth. “I’m sorry about that. But I thought you were busy helping my sister find Landon.”
“I was…until she basically declared that she didn’t care if we were going on a dangerous mission. All she cares about is getting her boyfriend back.”
I trailed off turning around so I was facing her. “She loves him. I understand why she wants him back.”
“But she refuses to see anyone else and refuses to care about their safety.” Lizzie flipped her ponytail over her shoulder.
I started walking and exited the kitchen hoping she would just follow me and she did so we could continue talking on foot. We made our way up the stairs to my bedroom seeing Xavier laying awake in his crib. “Lizzie, I just think you’ll understand when you find your person. And you should know by now that us Mikaelson’s are notorious for doing everything to protect the ones we love.”
“Believe I have figured that out over the years. On a different note, what do you think this little guy is going to be supernatural wise?” Lizzie slumped her shoulders tickling Xavier on his feet and his laughter filled the room.
Moving Xavier to lay his head on my chest he made a cooing noise. “Considering Jackson and I are both wolves, he’ll definitely take after that. If he’ll be a hybrid or werewitch I’m not sure yet.”
“In my opinion I think team werewitch should dominate the team heretic - huh why is your dad calling me?” Lizzie smirked back at me feeling her phone vibrating in her pocket.
Shrugging my shoulders I responded. “I don’t know. Answer him.”
“Hey Uncle Klaus, what are you calling me for?” She asked, putting the phone to her ear. I couldn’t hear what he was saying but she hung up the phone seconds later. “You told them about Hope’s suicidal mission?”
“I just told them since it might affect the school.” I answered her question.
She made a face at me, deciding to leave the room without another word. “Okay well I’ll find you later. I have to go spy on my sister's new love interest.” She shut the door behind herself and I threw my head back praying she wouldn’t find out I was lying.
“Did she suspect anything, Lina?” Hope’s voice came into my bedroom when she appeared to be me in astral projection form.
I rolled my eyes at her. “I don’t like lying to her.”
“Like you said she’ll understand when she has someone she loves like us. Now can you get the Ascendant from the office or not?” My older sister asked me.
Bouncing my baby boy in my arms I paused before answering her. “Yeah I’ll get it. But next time I am not lying to Lizzie ever again.” I laid Xavier back down in his crib heading to the office knowing we had a few more hours before the celestial event would be here which was her one chance to bring Landon back home.
Josie’s voice could be heard with me moving through the forest. “Bennett blood?”
My sister Hope answered. “Check.”
“And then, do you have the ascendant?” Josie said.
“Uh, back at the school.” She trailed off.
“Then why are we here?” Josie sounded confused.
“Well, your dad had it spelled. But for a fully operational siphon witch who can break down its barrier, that shouldn't be a problem.” My sister explained right before I came running through the woods with a bag on my shoulder carrying the Ascendant.
“I’m here, Hope.” Reaching inside the bag I dropped it at my feet holding the Ascendant in my hands. “I’ll help you and then I have to get back to Jackson and Xavier.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem, Lina.” Hope said, giving me a nod. I closed my eyes focusing my magic with the object turning red briefly and then returned to its normal color.
Hope held up the coin Josie had put her magic in that suddenly flew out of her hand and we all turned our heads to see my mother and Lizzie standing a few feet away. “Well, it sure as hell is for this one, sister. I told you to leave her out of this.”
“So let me see if I have this right. You are so desperately in love with Landon that you are willing to put us all in extreme danger. Have you lost your ever freaking mind, Hope Andrea Mikaelson!” My mother stomped forward getting in my sister’s face, her fangs sticking out of her mouth. I gulped knowing we were definitely in trouble now.
Raelyn’s pov
“Mom please understand why I am doing this. You would do the same if it was dad.” Hope raised her voice at me.
Vamping in my daughter’s face I growled, raising my freehand attempting to freeze them. “I wouldn’t risk everyone’s lives unless they chose to help me out. But going behind everyone else’s backs to get him back no matter the consequences is the problem here - Immobilus.”
Alina stomped forward shoving me backwards towards my nieces. “You can’t stop us even if you wanted to. Just stay out of the way otherwise you’ll get hurt.” Stepping backwards from her I clutched my hands into fists at my sides, not liking that I felt powerless.
I was standing in the middle of a confrontation between these family members. Klaus was picking up Charming and Rapunzel from the Gilbert house so he wouldn’t notice I was missing for a few hours. “Well, I think we're all clear as to why we're here, so why don't we just skip the verbal sparring and get to the actual fight?”
“I'm not gonna ask again, Lizzie. Give her the coin.” Hope snapped at her.
“Invisique.” Lizzie takes my hand in hers and siphons some magic from me. She throws the now invisible coin across the ground.
Hope gasped. “How could you?”
“Relax. We'll find it later, after we get your boyfriend back.” Lizzie stepped towards my eldest daughter.
Josie sent her sister a weak look. “Lizzie, no. You don't have to do this for me.”
“Yes, I do. Because you're my blind spot, Jo.” She spoke back.
The Saltzman blonde glared at Hope. “You want to do this spell so bad? Let's do the damn spell.”
Standing off to the sidelines with Josie I just silently watched them. Alina finished drawing the protection circle while Lizzie got the Ascendant ready for the spell. “Now step outside the circle.” Hope instructed Alina who stepped backwards over the circle with us.
Lizzie warned her. “And don't come back in. No matter what happens.”
“Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema. Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo…” Hope and Lizzie each held onto the Ascendant and began chanting the words to the spell.
The sky began changing colors and the stars shifted around to be in line with the magical object. “It's working.” Josie muttered out.
“...Carcerema. Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema.”
Lizzie winced, eyeing the object when it began turning red and I could hear her heartbeat beginning to race. “I don't remember this being so painful.”
“Dark magic. The Necromancer was full of it when we trapped him, so the prison world must be radioactive with it. And now it's infecting you.” Josie gasped before I caught a glimpse of black veins crawling up their wrists and their faces. I gasped in horror when a memory flashed through my mind.
“You have to promise not to say anything to the guy and girl outside this door that came with me, this started happening after I did the spell to find you.”
Rolling up the sleeves of my shirt on my right arm I held my forearm out to her seeing her eyes go wide in shock and horror at what she saw. The black veins that had first appeared the spell to consume Esther spell had returned and we’re making their way up my arm. “Holy crap, cuz. We are in serious trouble. If…if that gets worse then you might.”
“Die, I know Jo.” I sniffed through some tears knowing Klaus would hate me if I told him I might die so I needed to fix this before he ever found out about it. “You’re the only family member I trust so I am begging for your help with this.”
Lizzie began panicking. “What do we do?”
Josie raised her voice in a panic. “Sever the connection. Let go.”
“ I can't! ” Lizzie tried to pull away.
Covering my ears with my hands I attempted to block out the increasing sounds of their heartbeats banging against my ear. “This can’t be happening. This isn’t happening right now….where is it, where is it!” Running my hands frantically around the waistband of my jeans I located Josette’s hunting knife I still had on me, death gripping it in my hands.
Hope wasn’t backing down even when the black veins began growing. “Hold on. We can do this. We just have to push through.”
“No, Hope, you could die! Let go!” Josie begged her friend again.
“No!” Hope declares with a stern tone. “I'm not abandoning him again.”
Josie moved past me and shoved her hand down on her sister’s arm, trying to help her with the magic. “ Josie! “ Lizzie cried out in terror.
Hope apologized seeing the two twins struggling. “I'm so sorry.”
“Alina!” I cried out when she ran forward throwing her hands on Hope’s shoulder siphoning from her. The dark magic began traveling between the four girls and there wasn’t a part of their skin that wasn’t covered by it.
I vamped forward to the edge of the protection barrier seeing a figure appear before my eyes again. “Difficult to watch isn’t it?”
“What the hell do you want!” I growled through heavy tears seeing the darker version of myself coming out of my head.
Dark Raelyn smirked evilly, tapping the tip of the hunting knife in my hands. “You know why I’m here, Rae Rae. The only way to save their lives is embracing who you are.”
“No. I…I won’t.” I shook my head no yet she just tilted her head silently telling me I was wrong. My fingers clung onto the blade handle with the teen girls fear consuming my every emotion. Closing my eyes I blurted out the ancient words as fast as possible off my tongue. “Fructose Ispiritus…Fructose Ispiritus!”
Gasping sharply the hunting knife fell into the glass and my hands turned red siphoning all the magic that had been contained inside of it for so long. “Ahhh!….Magia tollux de terras….Magia tollux de terras!” Grasping Alina and Josie’s shoulders wincing I held onto as best I could seeing the black veins disappear from their bodies and transfer onto mine. The Ascendent dropped from their hands when someone grunted and knocked it away from our group of witches.
All of us got thrown backwards to the dirt and the Ascendant dropped into the dust. I groaned holding my head laying beside Hope seeing someone walking to us when the fog cleared and she sounded relieved. “ Landon? “
He replied with a smile. “Long time, no see.”
“Am I dead or is this... another dream?” Hope rose to her feet slowly walking towards her boyfriend in disbelief.
Lizzie slowly rose to her feet helping her sister up at the same time. “No, I'm pretty sure Landon made it back here somehow.”
“Because we totally see him, too.” Josie whispered back.
Alina whipped her head around in my direction seeing me swaying from side to side on my feet. “Mom, are you okay?”
“I….I…my magic is -“ My eyes rolled back in my head and I fell backwards passing out onto the harsh ground.
Alina rushed over to her mothers body with the other girls all concerned for her safety. “Is she going to wake back up like normal?”
“I don’t think so, look. They aren’t going away like they should. We need to find dad immediately.” Hope declares beginning to panic about what danger she had just put her mother through…and would she ever wake up.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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ke0mara · 6 months
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Summary: Faith Mikaelson has always felt different from her sister. She felt as if there was ominous inside of her that she was sure Hope didn't feel. After losing their parents the two siblings became a lot closer. Whether it was the fact that they didn't want to risk losing each other as well or because they realized that they only had each other left, they did everything they could to protect each other. But things get a lot more difficult when a creature named Malivore starts sending monsters to the Salvator boarding school which forces the students to fight the monsters in order to protect themselves. During this inevitable battle, Faith finds someone who she ends up making an unexpected connection with and she finds out that she may not be as alone as she originally thinks.
wc: 4.4k
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"ALRIGHT GATHER TOGETHER," Dorian said during one of their classes. Everyone then joined hands. Faith was to Josie's left, while Lizzie was to her right. Hope was two seats down from her sister's left. "Chain spells are about the fluid movement of energy from one witch to witch. Where's Penelope Park?" Dorian asked stopping in between Lizzie and Josie.
"Um, lady cramps, Mr. Williams," Lizzie told him making Faith smirk in amusement.
"Sorry, I asked." He said before continuing his teaching. "A disharmonious group makes for an uneven flow." Some people tried to stifle their laughter at the unintended joke, but failed; including Faith, Lizzie, and Josie. Hope just rolled her eyes at their childish behavior. "Okay..." Then a letter flew in and Dorian grabbed it.
"Uh-oh, who's in trouble with the headmaster?" Josie asked.
"Probably the people who started a rumble with the local high school," Hope said giving Lizzie a look.
"Well, we did do something bad too, Hope," Faith whispered leaning closer to her sister to not be heard by Lizzie and Josie. Hope rolled her eyes muttering something under her breath.
"Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman. And babies make four." Dorian told them reading the letter. "Off you go." The girls give each other a confused look.
"THIS MAKES NO SENSE DAD. Why are we being punished?" Lizzie asked irritated as they followed Alaric through the library.
"Because you started a brawl at a charity football game that risked exposing what we really do here," Alaric explained.
"Well, you weren't mad last night," Lizzie argued.
"I was mad last night. My undying love for my daughters just happened to trump my rage. I volunteered everyone in the game, so stop complaining." Alaric said as they stopped walking. "You're lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time."
"Can I at least offer my rebuttal in my defense, if it pleases the court?" Lizzie asked dramatically. Alaric crosses his arms but listens. "First of all, I was provoked. My response was totally proportional considering the levels of abuse I was forced to endure." Hope chuckled in amusement at what she was saying. "And secondly... if anyone should take the blame, it's Josie." She finished making Josie give her an incredulous look as did Faith.
"What?" Josie questioned, betrayal written on her face.
"I'm sorry. I totally cracked under the cross, but if you had just let Kaleb catch the ball—"
"You'd still be in trouble," Alaric said breaking up their bickering.
"But nice job throwing your sister under the bus," Hope said.
"Yeah, Lizzie not cool." Faith agreed.
"Thank you, Hope and Faith," Josie said thanking the girls for defending her. Though that thanks was mostly directed at Hope considering she never defends Josie. But Faith would always defend Josie no matter what and she knew this. Faith would always defend Lizzie too, but in this case, she was the one in the wrong. Lizzie gave a shocked look to Josie at her thanking Hope.
"Speaking of, the bus leaves in ten minutes, and I expect all four of you to be on it working together today, harmoniously and without drama," Alaric told them sternly. "End of debate."
"We weren't even at the game. Why are we being punished?" Hope asked. Faith already knew what they were in trouble for.
"You two know what you did," Alaric said giving the girls a look. "Alright, now, go, all of you. Come on. Faith you wait here I have something to give you." Alaric said pointing to Faith. Josie and Lizzie left but not before giving Faith a questioning gaze. She just shrugged in response not knowing what Alaric needed from her either.
"Seriously?" Hope questioned Alaric.
"What part of what I said needs translating?"
"I want to help you with research."
"Dorian has a master's degree in library science," Alaric said, while Faith just waited patiently. "I think the adults have it covered."
"That's not fair," Hope said walking closer to Alaric. "You only play by the grown-up rules when you don't need something from me."
"Hope, seriously, it's the least we can do after what we did with Landon," Faith said looking at her sister.
"I am spinning right now, Hope. And I can't drag you or anyone else any further into this until I figure out what's going on, okay?" Alaric said. "So right now, I need you to be a kid keeping a dragon-sized secret today until I get some answers." Hope gave him an incredulous look. "Understood?"
"Yeah. Fine." Hope said reluctantly. Alaric then turned to Faith and walked over to her. He placed something in her hands. Faith looked down and saw a small bag with something inside it. She opened it to see the calming herbs she used to take to help keep her anger and sadness in control.
"I don't... need these anymore," Faith said looking up at him.
"Faith, just in case, take them. Okay?" Alaric asked. Faith thought about it and nodded muttering an 'okay' before taking off to leave with her sister. She put the bag with the herbs in her pocket, making a mental note to store them in her room later for safekeeping.
"Make sure you take those," Hope told her sister continuing to look straight ahead while they were walking to the bus.
"I know, I will," Faith said reassuring her sister.
"SO WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?" Lizzie asked as they were getting out of the bus. "My dad never gets mad at you guys. You're the prodigal daughters." Lizzie said bitterly making Faith slightly roll her eyes. "Must have been juicy." The girls got off the bus.
"Sorry, no time for girl talk. Public service awaits." Hope replied bluntly.
"Alright, listen up." Dorian starts. "It's a beautiful day. You have options: litter, weeds, graffiti. Your choice." He finished, handing Kaleb a trash grabber. He snatched it from Dorian reluctantly.
"It's bad enough we get punished while the humans get a pass, but there ain't no way in hell I'm picking up their garbage," Kaleb said trying to hand Lizzie the trash grabber she put her hands up.
"Uh, I don't do trash either," Lizzie said.
"I love trash, as of this moment," Hope said grabbing the trash grabber she then turned to her sister. "Faith, join me?" Faith nodded grabbing the same device Hope had from Dorian, and they both started to walk away.
"Perf. It suits you, Hope." Lizzie said making Faith and Hope turn around and glare at her. "Looks like we're scrubbing paint today," Lizzie told her sister.
"Dad told us to work together, okay, harmoniously," Josie argued.
"Yeah, and he also said without drama, and I am feeling a rage attack coming on, so I will be remaining drama-free over by that wall of graffiti," Lizzie said. "Are you coming or not?"
"I don't know, Lizzie, is there another bus you want to throw me under?" Josie asked rhetorically walking away and to the opposite side of Lizzie, while Hope and Faith watched their interaction.
"Fine, Daddy's girls," Lizzie said bitterly making Hope smirk a little. "Anyone else?" They then started to walk in the opposite direction towards the graffiti wall. "Get the lead out MG." MG walked off turning and giving Josie, Faith, and Hope an apologetic look before leaving again with everyone else but the three girls. Josie and Faith sighed.
"You have a future in waste management." She said with a small smile.
"Cleaning up messes is kind of my thing," Josie replied. Faith understood what she meant. Lizzie makes big messes when she's feeling very strong emotions and needs a release. Faith and Josie occasionally help her get through it and clean up the mess together.
"Well, your sister is kind of a dumpster fire," Hope said.
"Seriously, Hope?" Faith questioned. "At least make an attempt to be polite."
"Why do you always pick fights?" Josie asked her. "We've known each other a decade and any time you have the chance, you poke. Faith doesn't, so why do you?"
"You guys do your fair share of poking," Hope said annoyed.
"Yeah, in retaliation to your pokes," Josie explained. "And with you spending so much time with my dad and keeping secrets..."
"We're not keeping secrets." Hope and Faith said at the same time.
"Oh, yeah? What happened when you went to go find Landon Kirby? And Faith what did my dad give you when we left? It must've been important if he didn't want to give it to you in front of the rest of us." Hope and Faith started walking faster in a different direction hoping to evade the girl's questions.
"Nothing happened," Hope replied.
"Nothing important." Faith retorted at the same time as her sister.
"Something clearly did happen. Rafael never showed up at school, Faith, you haven't talked to us since you've been back, and my dad was rattled, so why won't you just tell me?"
"Because there's nothing to tell. Aah!" Faith looked at her sister to see she stabbed herself in the foot with the trash grabber she then grimaced and walked over to her.
"Oh, my god," Josie exclaimed seeing what happened.
"Aah! Ow," Hope said with a look of pain.
"Are you okay? I mean, what should I do?" Josie asked crouching down beside Hope's foot.
"Let's just help her pull it out," Faith told Josie.
"What?" Josie questioned in disbelief.
"I can heal myself. Pull it out." Hope ordered. Josie then started to pull it out with both hands grunting in struggle; Hope wincing in pain, but she still couldn't seem to pull it all the way.
"Move over," Faith ordered Josie. She moved out of the way and Faith stood in front of her sister pulling the object out easily with one hand.
"You poked yourself," Josie told Hope with a large smile. Then all three girls burst into laughter.
"Shut up," Hope said still chuckling.
AFTER A WHILE WHEN THE GIRLS FILLED THEIR garbage bags they started stacking them on top of each other. All of a sudden Josie clutched her stomach and doubled over in pain groaning.
"You ok, Jo?" Faith asked worriedly.
"Yeah, everything ok?" Hope asked sounding concerned as well.
"Yeah, I just think that that's making me a little nauseous," Josie answered looking behind Faith and Hope making them turn their heads to see M.G. making out with Dana.
"Huh," Hope muttered. "Didn't see that coming."
"Gross." Faith mumbled scrunching up her nose.
"It's simple math. M.G. has the hormones of a teenager and the impulse control of a preschooler." Josie explained making Hope chuckle. "He also always goes for the wrong kinds of girls."
"Given my last crush, I can't judge," Hope said as they began walking.
"Well, my last crush was actually Satan incarnate," Josie said and Faith vigorously nodded making Hope chuckle. "That is, I guess unless you count..." Josie trailed off.
"Who?" Hope inquired. Faith knew she meant Rafael. Josie looked to Faith who just shrugged as if to say 'you decide if you want to tell her'.
"Never mind. It really doesn't matter anymore." Josie dismissed. "Lizzie has dibs."
"Dibs?" Hope questioned. "On Rafael? She always calls dibs. When's it gonna be your turn?"
"It just is what it is," Josie muttered. Faith stayed quiet agreeing with what Hope was saying. Lizzie did always call dibs on boys and that wasn't really fair on Josie considering she never got a chance to see if she liked anyone.
"Right, well, that doesn't really make it right." Hope stated causing Josie to stop walking and give her a look. Hope and Faith stopped walking too. "Your dad knows we used black magic. That's why we're in trouble." Hope half-lied purposefully leaving out the part about Landon and the death spell. "Don't worry we didn't tell him that you helped us with the spell." Hope quickly added.
"Thank you," Josie said looking at both Hope and Faith.
"No need for thanks, Josie." Faith said with a small smile.
"And Landon and Rafael took off together," Hope said. " Landon told me he didn't know why he stole the knife. But then he lied about having it, so I don't know what to believe. Then he wrote me and Faith these letters and mine was... I don't know, sweet."
"Lizzie's... sensitive." Josie started wanting to open up to Hope as she did with her. "Our mom is going on these really long recruitment missions recently. That's why she's extra testy. She just really misses her."
"We know the feeling," Hope spoke softly with a small smile glancing at Faith.
"Yeah." Faith spoke just as softly giving her sister a sad smile. Hope started walking again and Faith and Josie followed.
"I remember how your mom used to come by the school. We all used to say how beautiful she was." Josie said.
"She was," Faith said.
"Yeah." Hope agreed.
"We really should have sent you flowers or something, Hope," Josie said guiltily.
"Huh?" Faith questioned in confusion. "But I thought that you gave her a gift too," Faith said remembering how kind and comforting Lizzie and Josie were to her, and the flowers they gave her which were her favorite; Cherry Blossoms, and a gift basket. Then she remembered her sister getting flowers from them too. Josie looked at her with the same guilty expression as before shifting her gaze to the ground.
"They did," Hope told her sister referring to Josie and Lizzie. "Your dad signed your names. It was obvious." Faith understood that they gave her something but not Hope and she couldn't help but wonder if that was Lizzie's idea.
"Okay. We definitely deserve a little bit of poking." Josie said making Hope laugh. "I wonder where the boys are right now."
"There's this spell that our Aunt Freya taught us," Hope said looking at Faith. "It's kind of like a full-immersion video chat."
"Oh. That spell." Faith said in realization.
"Okay, but don't we need something of Landon's to..." Josie trailed off as Hope pulled out Landon's letter. "Is that the letter?" Josie asked.
"You can't tell your dad," Hope said.
"Yeah..." Faith told her. "They don't teach this in school."
Josie nodded and smiled. "This is the kind of secret that I can get behind." Hope smiled while Faith smirked. The three started performing the spell joining hands. Josie siphoned from Hope and Faith. Hope and Faith were able to see Landon and Rafael in the woods and Landon spotted them with a look of confusion on his face.
"Hope? Faith?" He questioned. They gave him a small smile before the scene in front of them disappeared and they were back with Josie who bent over and held her stomach in pain again. Faith looked at her worried and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Jo," Faith began. "What's wrong?" 
"This is twin pain. Somethings wrong. I think Lizzie's in trouble." Josie grunted out. Faith looked at Hope with a worried expression.
"Let's go tell Dorian." Faith suggested earning nods from the girls. They went to find Dorian who was sitting at a table. "We need to leave."
"I'm sorry, I can't let you leave," Dorian said.
"No, I need to go home to see my sister," Josie said firmly.
"Your dad's with your sister. And I'm under strict orders to keep you here." Dorian told them.
"What? Why?" Josie asked.
"Yeah, what are you keeping us here for?" Faith added.
"And why are you researching that?" Hope questioned looking at Dorian's book that was open to a page about gargoyles. Dorian quickly closed his book with a sigh and told us what happened with Lizzie.
THEY LEFT AND WENT BACK to the Salvatore Boarding school when they entered Josie called, "Lizzie?"
"I'll check the library," Hope said.
"Yeah, I'll go too," Faith offered. Hope nodded at her and they left to check the library. They were in complete silence until a voice spoke from behind scaring them.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Oh, my god." The two girls yelped in fear.
"You scared us." Faith said breathing out a breath of relief when she saw Alaric there.
"Dorian was supposed to keep you away," Alaric said.
"He tried. He lost," Faith told him. "But here. Killing gargoyles 101. He thought you could translate it." She said giving the book to Alaric.
"Gaulish. Son of a..." Alaric trailed off. Hope and Faith gave him questioning looks before he looked back down to the book.
"So are we on our own, or did the Gauls provide clear instructions?" Hope asked impatiently.
"In a nutshell, it says hit hard, repeat as needed," Alaric replied before they heard the Gargoyle let out a roar.
"Is that...?" Faith inquired referring to the Gargoyle.
"Yeah," Alaric said. "Listen, it poisoned Lizzie. I'm guessing to get my attention. Then it attacked me and took the knife."
"The knife? The dragon knife?" Hope asked incredulously.
"And you're still breathing?" Faith added.
"Oh, I have a theory about that," Alaric mumbled.
"Well, save it," Hope started. "Because we had to take down that containment spell to get inside the school, meaning our monster can get out."
"A containment spell?" Alaric asked. Faith nodded. "Lizzie wanted to make sure whatever attacked her didn't escape into the world. Good girl." Alaric walked over to a table and put the book down. "Alright, well, guess we better find it," He said picking up an axe. "Before it makes the evening news. So how'd you guys take the containment spell down?" 
Before Hope or Faith had the chance to speak a voice did, "They didn't," Josie spoke up walking towards them. "I did. And I have questions." She grabbed the axe from Alaric.
ALARIC, HOPE, FAITH, AND JOSIE walked into a room in search of Emma
"Emma?" Alaric called. "Emma." Emma opened the door in front of them and put a finger to her lips in a 'be quiet' motion. They all heard heavy footsteps and growling so they turned their heads to see the Gargoyle at the top of the steps. It opened its wings and let out a growl before flying down the steps and lunging at Hope making her fall down. It was going to stab her with the knife. Faith quickly leaps forward about to help her sister but Alaric is closer and quicker and jumps in front of Hope.
"Dad!" Josie shouted.
"No!" The Gargoyle stopped its movements; the knife being inches away from Alaric's chest.
Faith held her hand out to Hope who quickly took it pulling herself up while they all stared in shock at what was happening before their eyes. Josie moves as quietly as possible behind the Gargoyle before striking it with the sword making it let out a shriek. It angrily turns toward Josie about to attack her but Alaric hits it with his axe.
"Fluctus inpulsa." Hope chants causing the Gargoyle to drop the knife. "Faith, Josie, help me." She orders. Faith and Josie quickly walk over to her and they join hands; Josie in between Faith and Hope.
"How?" Josie asked.
"Just repeat after me," Hope said.
"Got it," Faith replied.
"Fluctus impulsa." Hope started. Faith and Josie quickly repeated after. "Fluctus inpulss. Flucus inpulsa. Flucus inpulsa. Flucus inpulsa. Flucus inpulsa. Flucus inpulsa." They finished which made the Gargoyle burst into small rocks. They let go of their hands.
"Nice job." Hope threw over her shoulder to all of them.
"How could you jump in front of her like that?" Josie demanded with tears in her eyes. "You could have died, Dad."
"Honey, I knew it wouldn't kill me, because my research said so," Alaric said. Josie stormed away.
"Recovering quickly, thanks to her sister."
"So, how did you know the Gargoyle wouldn't kill you?" Hope asked.
"Gargoyles are protectors," Alaric answered. "And folklore tells a tale of a Gargoyle who once protected a small settlement in France whose villagers revered a powerful relic. A knife."
"Our knife?" Faith questioned.
"As the story goes, the Gargoyle loved the humans he protected so much, he vowed never to harm humanity." He explained. "Instead, he chose to fight evil on their behalf."
"Us being the evil ones in this scenario," Hope asked referring to her and her sister. "Josie, Lizzie." She continued.
"In its mind, yes," Alaric said. "I realized when it didn't hurt me before... it saw me as the one who needed protection."
"I'm not sure that knowing that will make them feel any better." Faith spoke up.
"I should get back to the girls," Alaric muttered walking towards the door.
"Wait." Hope stopped him. "One more thing. You're always telling us that we need to work together. To put our own feelings aside for the school, and for the community. I know I haven't always listened to you with that kind of stuff, but I'm starting to think that it's actually pretty good advice, so... maybe you should take it. Because if you want me and the twins to get along, for them to be happy, for the school to be safe... These secrets are gonna tear us all apart."
"She's right." Faith agreed. "Everyone deserves to know what's happening so they can protect themselves. Be prepared for whatever's coming through those doors next." Alaric looked to be deep in thought about what they were telling him.
"IF YOU'D ASKED ME A WEEK AGO..." Alaric started at the assembly they were having. "I would have told you I knew the difference between myth and fact. I would have said that supernaturals were limited to the species under this roof. I would have said that folklore and fairytales were just stories. But I can no longer say that any of that's true. 'Cause just a few days ago, we were confronted by the existence of a dragon." Murmurs spread throughout the room. "And then, today, our campus was terrorized by a Gargoyle come to life. Some of us... were forced to fight. We won. This time. They were drawn here by a knife that went missing earlier this week. And for whatever reason, these creatures consider us to be the enemy. In their minds were the villains because we wouldn't give them what they wanted. We don't even know why they want it. But we're gonna find out. I can't say for sure what their true intentions are. I can't say there won't be more attacks. That's why I'm telling you this. To warn you. To ask you to look out for each other. To do what's best for one another. Because we're more than just a school. We're family. And we will stand together, we will fight together, and we will win or lose this battle together, no matter what comes next."
FAITH KNOCKED ON THE DOOR TO JOSIE and Lizzie's room. Lizzie opened it and smiled when she Faith.
"I need to talk to you guys about something." Faith stated walking into the dorm.
"What is it," Josie asked sitting up on her bed and patting the space beside her inviting Faith to sit down. Lizzie sat on the other side of Josie,
"Well, it's about why I've kinda been avoiding you," Faith started when she saw their full attention on her she continued. "Well... It happened again. I—I lost control and it happened." Josie and Lizzie gave each other a look knowing what she was talking about.
"Oh, Faith," Lizzie muttered softly.
"Why do you think it happened? After all this time?" Josie asked.
Faith shrugged, "I don't know. But your dad gave me those herbs that might help it again."
"Why didn't you tell us?' Lizzie asked.
"Well, I guess I was just sort of embarrassed about it," Faith said sheepishly. "I mean I thought it was getting better and for it to just come out of nowhere like this. No one else has this problem, so I felt weak in a way. Like I was too weak to be able to handle my emotions properly that they just ended up spiraling out of control and consuming me." Faith sighed.
"Listen, Faith, you don't have to be embarrassed about it, and you're not weak. You're the strongest person I know. Even after everything you've been through you still keep that same bright smile on your face and I envy you for that. Being able to overcome the pain just to make others and yourself smile." Josie told her. "Believe it or not but you're pretty awesome to be able to do that."
"She's right, Faith, and you're like a sister to us— you are a sister to us. So you should never feel the need to hide these types of things from us. Because we will always be by your side there to listen." Lizzie added with a smile. Faith smiled softly as well very appreciative of Josie and Lizzie. Her heart warming in her chest. They truly were great, and she didn't know what she would do without them.
"Now how about we talk about—" Lizzie spoke suddenly.
Faith groaned and quickly stood up walking towards the door. "No!"
"Oh, Faith come back!" Lizzie pleaded. "You don't even know what I was gonna say!"
"Yes, I do. I know you well enough to know that you were gonna say 'let's talk about boys'. You know what Lizzie? I'm actually really tired." Faith said stopping by the door. She looked to Josie who had a slight smile on her face. She knew that if she left the conversation like this Lizzie would want to talk about boys with Josie which would be awkward since she has a crush on Rafael. "Aren't you tired, Josie?" Josie looked confused for a moment but eventually caught on.
"Yeah—yeah, I am," She mumbled quickly.
"But—" Lizzie started.
"Big spell today," Faith cut Lizzie off. "Takes a lot outta ya'."
"Yeah, it really does." Josie faked a yawn.
"Oh, come on I'm the one who almost died!" Lizzie exclaimed exasperatedly.
"Then you must be super fatigued too. Goodnight, Liz," Faith said ignoring Lizzie's protest. "Night, Jo. Don't keep Josie up Lizzie! Remember she did help save your life so she needs all the sleep she can get to replenish herself." She then walked out of the door and to her and Hope's dorm for some shut-eye.
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Link for story on Wattpad:
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lesbiansaltzman · 1 year
TVDU (The Vampire Diaries Universe) SHIP BRACKET
ROUND 1, BATTLE 21: Janna (Jeremy Gilbert x Anna Zhu, The Vampire Diaries) VS Jandon (Josie Saltzman x Landon Kirby, Legacies)
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coryolanussnow · 1 month
thinking about how both guys that had a crush on josie started crushing on hope
and josie said (“you had a crush on me”) “of course i did? who wouldn’t?”
+ her asking hope to kiss her in season 2… whew
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henelopekru · 2 years
Illicit Affairs
CHAPTER ONE. Welcome Back
A Hope Mikaelson x Penelope Park (Henelope) Fic "Don't call me kid, don't call me baby."
Word Count: 2k words
Summary. Inspired by an old tweet I saw just after the second season of Legacies aired. In which Penelope had returned to Mystic Falls after all, only to realise Josie had moved on. Her so-called romance with a forgotten friend is only a ploy to make her ex-girlfriend jealous, never intending to go as far as it does.
A/N. Honestly this is a fic I've wanted to write for a while now. I actually haven't checked, but I imagine Henelope doesn't get a lot of love since they literally interacted twice the entire show lmao. Also please forgive me if some of this is a little inaccurate to the show, it's been a while since my last rewatch of Legacies!
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Penelope wasn’t sure whether it was the circumstances that made her irritated by seemingly everything or if it was just Mystic Falls High. The school receptionist typing away at a computer likely older than Penelope herself, the ticking of a clock prehistoric in appearance.
8:55am, it read. Penelope frowned, it was far too early to be awake, especially while her body was still combating a severe case of jet lag. How long had she been waiting now? The email she’d gotten after enrolling last night had asked her to arrive at the reception at 8:30, it wouldn’t surprise her if they’d just forgotten about her. She contemplated asking the receptionist, who Penelope was about seventy percent certain was playing a flash game instead of actually doing any work.
She didn’t want to be here, pulling at a loose thread on her chair, trying hard to ignore the oddly stale scent in the air that threatened to make her nauseous. Still, this had been the agreement she’d decided on with her parents, she could come back to Mystic Falls without them, but she had to continue going to school - they just hadn’t specified what school.
Never in a million years would she have imagined she’d be going to a public school of all places, but anywhere sounded better than the Salvatore School right now. She couldn’t go back there, not after what had happened last night.
The plan had been to surprise Josie with her return. After the way their goodbye had gone, Penelope had assumed Josie would be thrilled to have her back. Sure, maybe they wouldn’t have gotten back together, but she’d just been excited at the idea of seeing her again.
But seeing her with someone else? With Landon Kirby of all people?
At least they hadn’t seen her, that Penelope had spotted them first. She’d managed to preserve her pride so far, but she wouldn’t have stood a chance if they’d known she’d seen them. That was the only silver lining she could see for now, but she didn’t feel optimistic enough to try and think of any others. It was a shitty situation, nothing could fix it.
Josie had been the only reason Penelope had even returned, wanting to warn her about the Merge, wanting to love her in spite of all her flaws and in spite of Lizzie. Her new school in Belgium hadn’t been so bad after all, designed completely for witches, the only downside it had was that there was no Josie. She was too late, Josie had moved on and there was no way Penelope could go back to the boarding school, she couldn’t stand seeing her and Landon together again.
The worst part was that she had no real place to be angry or hurt; Penelope had already broken up with Josie, long before she’d even left for Belgium, she’d broken her heart first - so this was what it felt like, karma stung more than Penelope would’ve liked. 
She’d never actually been broken up with before, or rejected, but she got the feeling her situation with Josie was more painful than any other kind of heartbreak could be. It wasn’t that neither of them cared, Penelope had just messed up and it was too late to fix it.
It was her own fault, she’d caused this.
Penelope had hardly had the time to give much thought to the other girl she’d seen near the mill that night, right after she’d left Josie and Landon. The girl was a student - maybe? - but not one that Penelope recognised, she’d simply chalked her down to being a new transfer, she didn’t look young enough to be a freshman, probably around Penelope’s age.
The girl was the last of her worries though, just as she had been last night. Besides, Penelope doubted that she’d even see her again, she didn’t intend on going anywhere near the boarding school.
“The principal will see you now, Miss Park.” The school receptionist mercifully tore Penelope from her thoughts before she could wallow in any more self-pity. 
Penelope nodded, standing up from her seat in the waiting room, boots squeaking as they made contact with the rubber floors. She grimaced at the harsh sound, approaching the door to the headmaster’s office, reading over the newly placed name plate.
‘Principal A. Saltzman’
It didn’t come as a complete surprise to Penelope, she’d known Alaric had taken a job in Mystic Falls High. Perhaps she hadn’t known it was the job of principal, but it made sense, considering he’d been the headmaster at the Salvatore school. Still, that didn’t take away the dreadful awkwardness that she knew would come with having to talk to her ex-girlfriend’s father.
With a near inaudible sigh, Penelope knocked on the door, waiting for permission from the man inside before she entered the office, unsure of what to expect.
“Take a seat, Penelope.” Alaric gestured towards the empty seat across from his side of the desk, hitting the witch with an odd sense of deja vu from her first day at the Salvatore Boarding School. It felt like forever ago now, since she’d first convinced her parents to allow her to move from her home in New Orleans to a small town in Virginia.
Sitting down, Penelope wouldn’t even dare to look Alaric in the eye, out of.. What? Embarrassment? Guilt? She couldn’t pinpoint it exactly, but both seemed to apply. Embarrassed she’d believed Josie would just take her back, guilty they’d even broken up in the first place. Penelope wondered if Alaric knew about Josie and Landon, if the kiss she’d witnessed the night before had been the first of many to come or if they’d been together since Penelope had left for Belgium.
The silence in the room was deafening, as Alaric quietly flicked through his computer screen, likely looking through Penelope’s files from her last two schools. 
She wondered if Alaric resented her, for everything that had happened. She’d never had to worry about that when she first broke up with Josie. While he’d been the headmaster at Salvatore’s, there’d been no room for him to take sides and if anything, Penelope wasn’t sure she’d ever seen him take Josie’s side - it was obvious he struggled to balance being a father and a headmaster all at once.
But now, they were in a different school, where maybe he could allow his love towards his daughters to take the forefront more often. Despite her silent disagreements Penelope had towards Alaric, mainly ones that involved him not telling Lizzie and Josie about the merge, she actually liked him. Surprisingly - even to her - she’d actually be quite disheartened if he treated her differently.
Eventually, Penelope cleared her throat, “Why did you leave the boarding school?” She asked, leaning back in her seat. In a way, she was relieved Alaric was her headmaster again, she didn’t feel like trying to suss out a brand new person.
Alaric was too occupied with the computer to look up, although Penelope didn’t take offence, she knew what he was like and it was just nice to have some sense of familiarity after everything that had happened since she’d come back.
“I thought the school would be more suited to a headmaster that can help better than I can.” He explained vaguely after a pause, looking up from the screen in front of him.
She let out a quiet burst of laughter, it had never been a secret that Alaric was ill-equipped when it came to running a school of supernatural teenagers. “You mean someone who’s not a human, right?” Penelope asked, earning a glare from Alaric.
“Penelope.” He began in a hiss, “You don’t know who could be listening.”
Penelope only shrugged in response, although she knew he was right, so she decided not to press any further. Even if she was hurting more than she’d care to admit, she knew throwing the rest of her former classmates under the bus would be unfair. Perhaps the council had stopped vampire hunting years ago, but there was no use in risking it.
“You applied for your enrollment quite late.” Alaric noted, looking up from his screen to shoot her a knowing glance. Maybe this Josie and Landon thing had been going on for a while. “Last night, to be exact. You’re lucky I recognised your name.”
Penelope could only pray that Alaric wouldn’t mention Josie. She wasn’t sure she could handle even the mention of her former girlfriend’s name right now.
She chose not to offer an explanation, to be safe, “So can I still enrol?” Penelope asked nonchalantly, like she had other options. Technically, she could go back to Belgium, but how would she even explain what had happened to her parents? They’d had no idea about her and Josie and for good reason, they never would have approved of the relationship.
Alaric nodded, “You can, but I don’t understand, Penelope.” He answered, finally tearing his full attention away from the computer, resting his arms on the desk he sat at, “You fit in well at the boarding school, you were well liked.. I just don’t see what you gain from coming here instead.”
Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, Penelope sat up straight. “Maybe I want a different experience.” She shot back, just about managing to hold back her sarcasm. She made a point of lowering her voice as she continued, “Besides, it’s not like I need help controlling my magic, I grew up around witches in the French Quarter.”
“And you’re sure there’s not another reason?” Alaric asked, as though he already knew but was just waiting for Penelope to confess the truth.
Penelope nodded in response; a lie that Alaric appeared to see right now.
He paused uncertainly, “Have you spoken to Josie since you got back? I know she missed having you around school.” Alaric commented, a statement that caused Penelope’s heart to sink.
She didn’t want to think about how Josie must’ve felt after she left, their tearful goodbye had been painful enough. She wondered how long it had taken after that for her to grow close with Landon, if he was just a rebound or if Josie really loved him - neither option was preferable.
“No, I broke up with her, remember?” Penelope clarified, feigning disinterest. She almost immediately dropped the act, more so out of shame rather than the fact that she was talking to Josie’s father. He probably didn’t think very highly of her after she broke his daughter’s heart the first time around. “If I see her, I’ll say hi..”
Seemingly satisfied with the answer he’d been given, Alaric momentarily returned his attention back towards the computer, clicking and typing a few times before he spoke, “Then congratulations, Penelope, you’re officially a student at Mystic Falls High.” He announced, not bothering to lace his tone with enthusiasm, he knew it was the last thing Penelope wanted.
With another click at the computer, a sheet of paper appeared from the printer behind Alaric’s desk, the machinery making a soft buzz. He turned around in his chair to grab the paper, handing it to Penelope. “This has your timetable and your locker number.” He stated, pointing towards each area where the necessary information was located.
Taking the paper in her hands, Penelope quickly skimmed over the information, enough to know that her first lesson of the day was History. She nodded, “Thanks, Alaric.” Penelope acknowledged.
“That’s Mr Saltzman to you.” Alaric corrected her half-heartedly. He shook his head, knowing that she wouldn’t listen, Penelope had been too close to Josie and the rest of the Saltzman family - excluding Lizzie, of course - to even consider Alaric an authority figure. “Just be careful what you call me around the other students.”
Penelope nodded again, humming in amusement as she stood up from her seat. “Yeah, sure.” She mumbled, gathering her things and folding up the sheet Alaric had given her, “I guess I’ll see you around then."
For the first time during the entire exchange, Alaric offered Penelope a smile. Strangely enough, Penelope found it reassuring, easing nerves she didn’t know she had about her first day, “Good luck today.” He said, “And welcome back to Mystic Falls.”
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bibridlizzie · 1 year
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Josie x Landon
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naddiecase5488 · 1 year
So outta boredom I made a edit/POV
POV: Hope is with Landon… but for some reason she can’t seem to get rid of the thoughts of her one night stand with a certain siphoner when her humanity was off.
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evilpenguinrika · 5 months
Hope and Landon had gotten back together months after everyone got their memories of Hope back. Yet despite their happy reunion, something was still amiss in their relationship. And that something was Josie. All the couple wanted to do was have Josie back in their lives, but it proved to be harder than expected since Josie still held a bitter grudge against the two of them. Josie had been burned one too many times. After being cruelly dumped by Landon for her best friend and first love Hope, she vowed to never be involved with them ever again. Yet despite all the avoidance and bitterness she felt towards the two, she still felt a shameful longing to be with them. And it didn’t help her broken heart when Hope and Landon kept eagerly trying to make amends with her. Or, I'm taking the dumb Handosie love triangle in s2 and turning it into a Handosie throuple
Listen. I may be primarily a Hosie shipper, but I am also first and foremost, a Multishipper at heart. I just wanna write my silly little self-indulgent Handosie throuple
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meredithbeckham · 1 year
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aughts · 2 years
thinking about hosie right now … missing them & the potential they had 😔
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
65 - The Life We Choose
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Part 66
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus @dragonixfrye @samsgirl93
- So I decided to just skip the Star Wars episode even though I really wanted to write for it. My mind just had no inspiration so this is the new chapter enjoy
Maddie’s POV
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I sat up in the bed climbing out of the bed shrugging on some blue jeans wearing one of Klaus’s shirts that I had slept in the night before. Letting my hair fall down my shoulders I opened the door seeing my husband talking with someone on the phone. “Sweetheart, slow down. What are you talking about? Someone raised another monster and then you were turned into pandas.”
“Nik, what’s going on. Are they coming back home?” I asked entering the room listening in on the conversation with my vampire hearing. Our daughters and Josie had gone to look for Lizzie to bring her home from a weird witch cult.
He put the phone on speaker, sitting it down on the table in the middle of the art study. Little Henry was asleep in another room and Landon had left the school for a few days. “The girls are coming back, Maddie. But we might need to prepare the school for another attack. Here’s your mother’s, Hope.”
“Mom. Dad, don’t freak out but we got drugged and there was this Star Wars thing that in the end told me what we have always been regretting. I have to become a Tribrid like Nikola.” Our young daughter explained where I met my husband’s nervous gaze on me.
Running a hand through my hair I didn’t want to hear what she was saying. Everyday a small part of me beats myself up for Nikola dying right in front of Klaus and I. We had to watch our child die even though she came back just like we did. “We will talk through that when you all get back. But under no circumstances will we say that is our only option.”
“Mom, it’s the truth though. Landon and Nikola are soulmates. But our Tribrid blood can kill him.” She tried to say until I raised my voice.
Hitting my hands on the wooden table I shouted towards her not wanting to have this conversation over the phone. “No! Hope Andrea Mikaelson. You and the girls get back here. Do you understand me. You are not becoming the Tribrid yet!”
“Alright we will see you when you get home.” Klaus picked up the phone and hung up the call sensing that I was letting my emotions get the better of me. “Come here, Mads.”
He wrapped his arms around me tugging me into his chest seeing some tears starting to slip down my face. Flinging my arms around his neck I started crying, clutching the fabric of his jacket in between my fingers. “I don’t want them to have to turn to save others, Klaus. They are my children…They deserve everything good in the world!”
My mother said that a parent would do anything for their child. To keep them safe, to see them smile and everything above that. He broke the hug and still kept one hand on my lower back with his other wiping away some falling tears. “Maddie, listen to me. We will not let anyone hurt them. It doesn’t matter who comes to stand against us. I swear to you that I will tear the world apart to ensure that our daughters will be safe.”
“Yeah but we can say that all we want but can it really happen….can that be so true just as your family says always and forever.” My voice cracked a little while I gripped his shirt in my hands. They trailed up messing with the dog necklace that he kept wearing because I enjoyed playing with it when I was bored. “We may be immortal but even we have limits, Nik….I am terrified that we might not get any more good days…like the day the girls were born, the day we were wed…everything since the day we met!”
He cups my face in his hands, resting his forehead gently against mine releasing a breath. “Then let’s shove those fears deep down. I’ll take you back whenever you want. You know all you have to do is ask, love.”
“Show me the moment you fell in love with me. I want to see when we were less stressed and innocent before the girls come home and it all goes into the back of my mind for months.” Wrapping my arms back around his neck, closing my eyes feeling him enter my mind.
Laying on my stomach on my bed I was just staring up at the ceiling super bored out of my mind. Surprisingly today was pretty normal for the town of Mystic Falls and to be honest it annoys me very much. Lifting my head up I heard someone knock on my window so when I turned my head I saw Klaus sitting on the window seal. “Klaus, what on earth are you doing. You’re gonna fall from there.”
“If you’re worried about me dying Maddie in case you’ve forgotten I am already dead.” He pointed out sending me a half smile still just sitting on the seal waiting for me to open the window.
Getting to my feet I shake my head unlocking the door pushing it up allowing him inside even though he could have easily gotten through on his own. My mother had invited him already so that wasn’t a problem at all. “Hah hah yes I am aware, Nik. Now what are you doing here in the middle of the night? My mother will consider this creepy and that you are trespassing.”
“Let’s aim to change that shall we, Maddie. May I come inside or am I forced to remain outside and just look at the beautiful blonde through some glass?” He asked, giving me the deep blue doggy eyes, making my heart skip a beat at his words.
Turning my head back towards the door to my bedroom I smiled taking a few steps back letting him inside. “Come in, Nik.”
He vamped in front of me where I lifted my head up a little. “The reason I am here in the middle of the night is because I want to show you something. Take my girl somewhere for a little adventure. Do you accept?” He extended his right hand waiting for me to put my hand in it and I slowly did.
He squeezed my hand gently in his vamping us outside the house where I closed my eyes, flinging my arms around him, not opening my eyes until it felt like we weren’t moving. “Klaus!”
“Open your eyes, Maddie. Trust me you’ll enjoy this.” He whispered in my ear where I felt his arms wrapping around my waist as I opened my eyes sucking in a breath seeing the entire town of Mystic Falls so tiny from where we were standing now.
Lifting my head up my nose brushed against his seeing that we were standing on the top of the clock tower in the middle of the town. “I can’t believe you brought me up here. You better not let me fall.”
“I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing, love. I must say you are making me fall in love with you by not being terrified up here.” He shrugged his shoulders where I wrapped my arms around his neck smiling. “Not afraid of such a life with a supernatural hybrid and all.”
Meeting his deep blue eyes I leaned up on my toes kissing him slowly where he deepened it. “Klaus, Elena always freaks about this crazy life but I am just choosing to accept it. I accept everything that comes with being you, Klaus Mikaelson. No matter what happens in our lives.”
Footsteps rushed through the mansion where we broke from our mind dive seeing the door get opened in a panic noticing it was Alaric. He bends over out of breath since he was a human trying to tell us something. “Maddie - Klaus, I….there…was…an attack at….Mystic High….Malivore…is…here.”
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