#lanfear is a goddess
eyemarchshelby · 10 months
#LANFEAR || Who is she?
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ofthebrownajah · 4 months
While I'm on my Greek mythology comparisons, I can't help thinking of Medea. Medea tricks King Pelias' daughters into chopping their father into pieces so Jason can win the throne. When Jason learns of this, he is horrified and wants to divorce and remarry. Medea learns Jason is going to leave her for another woman, so she poisons the new bride's wedding dress, killing both her and her father. Then she kills her and Jason's children as punishment to him for leaving her. She says her primary goal is make sure he suffers forever. Jason dies alone and despised because of what Medea has done.
Medea's motivations and actions remind me an awful lot of Lanfear, and after looking at 13th depository it turns out she was an inspiration for her character.
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lovers-paradise · 8 months
Always Rooting For The Anti-Hero – Lanfear/F!Reader
A/N: Part 2/4 for a request (part 1 is over on @baubeautyandthegeek:
Hi :) Can you write Lanfear x Lisndrin with these prompts which you posted?
"Someone should punish you for that."
"I believe I could make you do it."
"I don't think you've had enough already."
(If you don't write character x character), then can you do either Lanfear x reader or Liandrin x reader? Whoever you prefer... or just three of them together lol)
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You know when you wake to Lanfear that you are about to get a workout, emotional and physical. Lanfear chuckles at your soft groan, her voice almost lyrically sweet as she approaches the bed. “Someone should punish you for that."
“For what, Love? Wanting a night to rest? You wear me out my goddess.” She smiles at that, hums then murmurs. “Can you handle it?” You shrug, a non-committal admittance you’d try, for her. “I believe I could make you do it." A sigh escapes you then and you raise just enough to kiss her, your voice low and husky. “Then get to work, goddess of lust.” She laughs then and you smile, welcoming her under the blankets and over you, your grip moving against her when she grinds down into you, a closer pressure than usual. She used to want only lips or hands, still, you arch to her, smirk when her eyes blow wide at the new pressure and use her surprise to flip her under you, pinning her in place and working her to release, chuckling softly when she whines at new pressure. "I don't think you've had enough already." Your words are teasing but you smile when she whimpers, leaning to kiss her and continue to reclaim her precious heart and body from the simpering mess that everyone considers a Dragon, she is yours now, all yours.
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Wait, wait wait wait wait wait.
Did the showrunners deliberately schedule Lanfear's Daughter of the Moon outfit reveal for Chinese Mid-Autumn festival, Friday 29th? The Moon-festival? Like, Chang'e, the Moon goddess?
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asha-mage · 2 years
WoT Meta: Lanfear, Mania, and the myth of Endymion
I've been giving a lot of thought lately to Lanfear and her symbolic relationship to the moon and lunar mythology in general. Jordan was really good at weaving in mythological references, both subtle and overt, and Lanfear isn't really an exception. Were initially introduced to her under the alias 'Selene', which naturally brings up the idea of the Greek Moon goddess, and raises her most famous myth: that of Endymion.
The story goes that every night the moon goddess Selene, when crossing the heavens, would see a slumbering shepherd (Endymion) and be entranced by his beauty. Aware however that it was the fate of all mortals to die, she held her distance, and loved from afar until finally she could bear it no longer, and went to Zeus. When asked what she wanted however, Selene stated that she wanted to be able to gaze at Endymion forever, and so Zeus placed Endymion into an eternal slumber from which he would never wake, but nor would he would age. Selene satisfied, took Endymion as her own, and bore fifty children by him.
It's not a reach to point out the parallels between this myth and Lanfear's own love for Rand but the interesting thing about this is that, is how it touches on the Greek concepts of love, in particular the distinction between Eros (romantic love born from physical attraction that becomes spiritual attraction) and it's is twisted twin, Mania (a love which prioritizes ownership of the subject, and control, over their well being). Now the Greeks had a LOT of concepts of love (Agape the unconditional love of humanity, Philia platonic love between friends, Storge love of family, etc) and they're was a lot of nuance in the way they talked about Eros and Mania specifically, because the Greeks understood how thin the line between the two could be, as illustrated by this myth: when Selene chooses to treat Endymion as an object rather then a person, her love becomes one of Mania, rather then one of Eros.
This neatly parallels the situation with Lanfear, who despite her constant claims of how deeply she loves Rand/Lews Therin Telamon, cares much more about controlling and owning him, then she does about his happiness or well being. Like with Selene and Endymion she wants to be with him, but not because of who he is as a person. Her regard for him is all for factor outside of his control (i.e who he was in a past life) and so centers her will and her possession of him above all else.
This contrasts very sharply with Rand's other relationships, where both he and his partners want what is best for the other, and a great deal of the conflict is born on them disagreeing on what is best. This is most obvious with Min, where Rand recognizes that being around him is dangerous and because he loves her and wants her out of danger tries to send her away, while Min who knows that the best thing for Rand is to have people who can care for and support him at his side, wants to remain. The same shows up in his relationships with Elayne and Avihenda, though a bit more subtly: that same core conflict of wanting the best for the person you love, even at cost to yourself, demonstrates that their love is inherently unselfish and prioritizes the good of the other over what is best for them personally.
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neuxue · 5 years
Hello! Your Ask: International /multilingual what other fun naming things have you noticed?' I read the books open German and some interesting things has taken place. Well, I then start. The remark "Aan'allein" contains the German word "allein". (allein is german for alone.) "Gaul" is an name for a horse / nag in Germany. Part 1 of 2
And here is Part 2 of 2 Petra is a german female name. And, Mord, the torturer of Milisair bears the perfect name. (Mord is german for murder.) So these were first the most interesting. However, I still have more, if you would like …
These are great! I know embarrassingly little German (I really should fix that), so I hadn’t noticed the Aan’allein connection, but that’s excellent! 
I had a good laugh at Gaul as well–it seems like a lot of characters’ names relate to horses in some language or another, which entertains me.
As for others I’ve noticed…I’m sure I’ve mentioned some of these before but an incomplete list of ones that come to mind (not all purely linguistic, but just some of the ones I’ve noticed and enjoyed): 
All the Arthurian mythology ones (Egwene al’Vere = Guinevere, Gawyn = Gawain, Galad = Galahad, Damodred = Mordred, Elayne = Elaine, Morgase = Morgause, Merrilin = Merlin, Caemlyn = Camelot, Callandor = Excalibur, etc).
Galad also means ‘light’ in one of Tolkien’s elvish languages (can’t remember which one)
And you could tie Thomdril to Tom Bombadil, if you so chose
Moiraine, which is close to Moirai/Moirae (sp?), the three Fates in Greek mythology.
One of my favourites is tel’aran’rhiod, which works as a play on both Arianrhod (a figure in Welsh mythology) and telaraña or tela de araña which is Spanish for ‘spiderweb’
Sa’angreal is probably from ‘sangreal’ which is the Holy Grail
Tarmon Gai’don seems to be a play on Armageddon
Lanfear is very likely from l’enfer which is French for ‘Hell’, which took me an embarrassingly long time to notice
Cyndane echoes Cynthia which, along with Selene, refers to a goddess of the moon
Many (most?) of the other Forsaken seem to be variants of names for (often but not always evil) figures from various mythologies: Asmodean = Asmodeus; Ba’alzamon = Beelzebub; Demandred could (also) be Mordred, maybe; Sammael = Samael; Graendal always reminds me of Grendel from Beowulf; Semirhage might be from Semiramis; Be’lal might be Ba’al; no idea for Mesaana, Moghedien, Rahvin, Balthamel (feels like it should be biblical, but maybe I’m just thinking that because His Dark Materials has an angel named Balthamos), or Aginor (anyone?)
Lews Therin = Lucifer 
Which is made into an even more interesting inversion (of sorts) when you have antagonists who call themselves Gaebril (Gabriel) and ‘the M’hael’ (Michael)
Shai’tan = Satan
Paraan Disen = Paradise (I could probably go on for longer than an atheist should on Rhuidean and the story of the Fall and also of Exodus but we’ll save that for another day)
Élan is French for ‘impetus’ or ‘momentum’ which amuses me greatly
Telamon is a figure from Greek mythology (and Ajax’s father) and a ‘telamon’ is a male figure used as a column to support part of a building, and is also called an ‘atlas’. Any link to Lews Therin Telamon seems like a bit of a stretch, but it’s kind of fun if you take it all the way to Atlas, who held up the sky
Far Madding seems to come from ‘far from the madding crowd’ which could refer either to the Thomas Hardy novel or the Thomas Gray poem
Cauthon is one letter away from ‘caution’, which seems…ironic
Tamlin. Enough said. (I still cannot believe that’s his full name, apparently)
Verin could well be a play on ‘verity’ which is ‘truth’ which would be hilarious
EDIT: I just reread your ask and realised you didn’t ask what other things I’d noticed but were instead referring to when that question WAS asked, but here I went and made a list anyway because...I’m me.
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eyemarchshelby · 9 months
I love Lanfear but I miss Selene
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eyemarchshelby · 1 year
Natasha O'Keeffe new photoshoot by: Benjamin Eagle
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"Some prints from a shoot with the lovely and incredibly talented @natashaokeeffeofficial in early spring" -Benjamin Eagle
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eyemarchshelby · 6 months
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Natasha O'Keeffe as Lanfear || The Wheel of Time S2 BTS
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eyemarchshelby · 11 months
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