janspar · 5 months
After the Liberation
I trust the lapse in our discourse requires no explanation or forgiveness, old friend; we are but recently able to send letters beyond the city once more, after the insurrection that struck my district. I understand Mirsvr has not gone without similar agitation and suffering. I regret this sincerely for your fine city, and I rejoice that the greater terror that held Lansk is yet a stranger to you. I hope to hear gladder news of your affairs than the sad tale I give you today. I won't inflict upon you further accounts of the agitators' occupation; I cannot tell you anything that has not been printed in broadsheets, though I counsel you to doubt the more lurid stories. Since the district's liberation however, our business has not returned to its previous condition.
I was in the unenviable position of providing a necessary product to the citizens of the district, and so I was forced to deal with the Executive and the self-appointed tyrants of the Supply Committe. I had no wish to support or validate their actions, but had less wish for the innocent population to starve! Thus, with no small distaste, I continued to produce bread with grain supplied by the Executive, to be distributed by the Executive, even at times relying on workers assigned by the Executive. Collaboration it was not, Muzhits, as it was performed under duress and only out of necessity.
Regardless, when the bailiffs and the Companies took back the District, I could easily have been accused of treachery, were it not for my bakery being shut down for lack of material. A scarce two days prior, I had a cart of grains stolen from my yard, the very last in the city that I could secure. I could not prove the author of this outrage, though I know it to have been on behalf of Pivan. That scoundrel has not been seen since the night of the battle, when his brewery was destroyed. The loss of that brew is a sore blow to Lansk; the man shall not be mourned so deeply. Nevertheless, this theft proved fortunate, as I had to suspend operation and thus the Company had no basis to accuse me of collaboration with agitators on that first day, a day of brutal reprisal.
I said, however, circumstances have not improved. Supply is still disrupted, as despite the collapse of the barricades, the Erthani no longer trade here and the Companies are struggling to deliver supplies sufficient to our needs. Many of my workers have fled or been arrested – good dependable men and women, who I never suspected of agitation in years of employment, are nowhere to be found. Those who remain are often without homes, or grievously injured, or seeking better employment than the wages I can promise on such meager trade. A new Temari agent has been deployed to distribute capital in aid of reconstruction, but I like her not. It's said she was a Licence-Prospector, and a brute. Whether this is true I cannot confirm, but despite abundant rumours of her rough conduct, she has taken on many clients and partners among my fellow business owners. I hope I will not need to resort to her aid.
You no doubt heard of the slaying of Chief Bailiff te Eintov, your fellow son of Mirsvr. I never thought to ask, did you know him? I can only hope the new appointee Akhirin Sarta will not repeat te Eintov's mistakes. The zeal he has shown in the first days of his office exceeds what is required – raids of businesses and homes are commonplace, carried out upon the least suspicion, and far more brutal than is wise. Though I have not been subjected to Sarta's attentions yet I fear that any day he may come, he and his bailiffs backed by Temari marines.
As you see, Muzhits, my siutation is dire, perhaps as dire as ever it was beneath the agitators. I know not of your situation, owing to our isolation from business matters, but I ask you – any spare capital you may have to lend me, or other assistance you could render, would be a great boon to an old friend in need. A stake in my business is forthcoming, should this be favourable, and my gratitude will be a surer bond still. I await your reply, and hope to hear of your continued success and prosperity.
Your friend,
Khlen Khalev
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cosmic-kaden · 2 months
Sooooooo if I said I had yet another f/o...
I'm not sayin' I'm just sayin'
I'm not revealing him just yet tho. So he's a secret
AND YES ITS AN AD CHARACTER SO CHILL /lh /j but it is an AD character lol only my best friend knows aksnsksn
Don't look at me, don't judge me, don't touch me, I'm feeling. lol
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ilyuu · 10 months
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goalhofer · 5 months
2023-24 Calgary Wranglers Players With 1st Letter Of Names Reversed
Aonathan Jspirot
Blark Cishop
Cucas Liona
Catt Moronato
Dars Lansk
Dalker Wuehr
Glex Aallant
Hryden Dunt
Jam Sardine
Jen Bones
Kory Rerins
Kan Yuznetsov
Lrady Byle
Mitch McLain
Monnor Curphy
Nlya Iikolayev
Pakob Jelletier
Pathias Mettersen
Pérémie Joirier
Polton Coolman
Park Mysyk
Rark Massell
Revin Kooney
Sole Cchwindt
Slya Ialauyou
Silliam Wtrömgren
Srett Butter
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444names · 2 years
russian cities + french forenames
Adyar Akholkha Akurgadt Alansk Aleznovsk Alnevsk Ambalsk Annev Antinovod Apsemy Aramenic Arazelnis Ardatte Argovirsk Arkhvinov Arloy Arnogodsk Arovo Arvokshka Astratorsk Audzerg Auluk Aurovoalsk Azavoye Azima Babirsk Balad Balbelenov Balinel Balninsk Balémezhsk Bandrok Baphino Barsk Batka Bayevo Bedvichye Belein Beleno Belle Benique Bensk Bineclaga Bodov Bogda Bogorayka Bogovo Bokhgaël Bokhtisayl Bokine Bolsk Borsk Bovsk Boyart Briysk Bugubinsk Bustovsk Busuoyan Butalsk Buybiren Béatcha Camya Casnoalsk Chançoishi Chebovka Chersk Chevsk Chikhal Chikhovo Chilne Chkamyonic Chkira Chkoy Chkoye Chlick Chrick Chrinno Chuchersk Chuynsk Clakalaire Clakoy Cléroitte Colninodid Colya Cécish Cédrierta Danne Delsk Deshch Dmick Dmidzhiend Dnyarc Domal Domninie Domon Dororsk Eliellessk Elinegovsk Elobikone Estrovo Fabakovsk Fatte Fraysk Frodie Gachaël Gadzhiye Galma Gaétinsk Gelit Gerty Geysk Ghildetsk Ginsk Godim Graysk Gurasnovsk Gélie Hentusmayl Hevikov Hérès Inegorosno Ipech Isevo Izovsk Jachume Jeabar Jeabul Jeanard Jeansk Jeantinsk Jeants Jeniascar Jeshevo Jeslavly Jochi Jochka Juslaki Jérie Kalashanne Kalinsk Kalsk Kamar Karinsk Karpuslovo Karzyovot Kasno Kasnovsk Kayversk Kemma Kemyorovsk Khotlovsk Khovdol Khovsk Kinsk Kirsk Klint Klitriensk Kolavsk Kolsk Kolya Komikhovo Kommar Korzha Kovoart Kovosino Kovsk Krachennie Kralavo Kraluym Krasine Krassemry Krentavo Kretsk Krezhul Kroditinsk Krovsk Kurgin Kurli Kurois Kuroperre Kurovsk Kurémeysk Kuserd Kustata Kutskine Kuvsk Kuyanovoy Kuzul Lachilniki Lansk Lante Legorsk Lekarov Lekuzh Leysk Liguno Lininka Linol Luchakoy Luchelog Luciervéra Lutsk Lyargorsk Lyorsk Lyski Lyuyan Madrash Madyga Madykaysky Makhne Makoph Makuvsk Mambalmen Mandria Mansk Manurtin Maralabuin Mariersk Marimezha Markhtyva Marsk Masherdov Masnogorsk Massara Maysk Mazov Menkadrin Menkalansk Menpiysk Mensk Mglie Michimoha Mikadrovsk Mikhne Mikhtaline Mikin Mikine Minsk Molekhyov Monegore Muryorsk Nakaëllet Naldande Nalmsk Narchkir Nazele Nefter Nevsk Nezhumsk Nichim Nierode Nikine Nisegorsk Nodin Nogonski Nogorobrsk Nogorsk Nousibiysk Novgorsk Novilevsk Novostrysk Novshirsk Nytvitsyne Obeliv Obille Okovo Olashie Olchenic Omaranovsk Omaykokmir Ostemryun Ostrinelsk Otkinsk Ozhusavl Pange Pasaladra Pashlavlov Passk Pavyubine Paysk Pecheryev Peren Pessk Petsk Petsyn Pevkashch Phandolie Pharc Phino Pikizbel Pinice Plapau Plyazme Podie Polino Polodka Polza Posnov Pralan Pralinsk Prinsk Prosno Provo Prudzel Puglak Pustaleki Pyannieu Ravetsk Raysk Reclémitsk Rednotvick Remyr Reshki Rezheny Roboyevsk Rodiele Ropinskim Ryadt Ryursk Safimry Salebezo Samyasno Sarsk Semkin Sensk Sesey Setsy Sevelezel Shenn Sherensk Shinevkad Shkinsk Shtinsk Simogory Slain Slakogda Slaudorsk Slaurabrye Slaury Soblippets Soglie Sogonsk Sogorsk Sokov Sokra Soloy Solpaletsk Solsk Sonazyvo Sorna Sostovsk Sovsk Sozmen Spanusice Srengel Stanov Stergate Stezny Stizovsk Strieu Strungin Sukhtya Syshlovo Sébak Talamysk Talov Talsk Tartsy Taysk Teysk Thathukhov Thaykolovo Thino Thurinekam Timov Tinsk Topha Toporine Torol Trovsk Tuapsky Turasnoga Tustrinovo Tuyevsk Tvane Tvereka Tvirsk Tylkessk Tyovsk Tyuysk Udemysk Ungrionne Usibin Usimic Valémite Vannikume Vensk Verden Verenoy Vessk Vetassimic Vetloktrat Vetlugansk Vetsy Viceny Viley Virka Vishine Vlavi Vodpokhi Vodsk Vokovo Voslabilun Vukhorsk Vyabytki Vyubimov Xanikir Yakirob Yanique Yasnovango Yathoma Yefryubnin Yekhlinsk Yellakhaga Yemarov Yevsk Yvoshline Zavlov Zemva Zenceno Zhebsk Zhermar Zmentovol Zmoha Zmolsk Zmote Zulyubki Zverny Élias Élinevsk Élinskov Éloga Émick Étianatki
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Catching up with this journaling shiiiit
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saloume · 2 years
ho messo i miei occhiali soltanto per guardare gli uccelli, non li metto altrimenti mai, allora perché non vedo un solo uccello. giuro
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ilovelaica · 6 years
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My endless list of favourite horses: Chap II. [Ridden by Christoph Lanske.]
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lewia fnazde lansk ghost Armaty vivcas Shulom mystery gore Sed ghos
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janspar · 7 months
Business Innovation
The new initiative you have heard rumours of has been approved, and the same vessel carrying this letter should have aboard it a young Licence-Prospector by the name of Regana tsi Ovnen. This initiative is of her design, and she is to be extended all reasonable assistance in establishing her practice here. The Finance Board and the Eastern Office have placed great hope as well as significant resources in the success of this venture.
I do not believe you have been previously introduced, and her reputation may well not precede her, so allow me to give her a brief introduction that you may understand your new associate's work. She is a native of Vilv, and of a respectable if not exemplary family. She has experienced considerable success working in the Anshess and Ebwar, dealing primarily with the potentates and established wealth of those lands, and has by this work elevated her own position . Her recommendation from the Anshess Office could not be higher; they were loath to have her return to the Spires and lose one of their most capable and profitable agents.
As to the new initiative; Regana is being sent to Lansk to assist in the renewal of the district damaged by the insurrection. Her experience as a Licence-Prospector abroad is being turned towards the raising of capital, the streamlining of existing industries, and the establishment of new business in Lansk itself. The principle of applying these business practices to Abheksi affairs has long been suggested and decried in turn; Regana's proposal represents the first complete and well-reasoned attempt to specifically applying these ideas in actual domestic usage. This undertaking was not without some initial resistance in the Finance Board. However, it has been seen that the good of the Company and the good of Lansk are one and the same, more often than otherwise. Further integrating ourselves in the mercantile and industrial makeup of the city can only be to our mutual benefit – a strong tailwind carries all vessels, as is said.
Your role in working with Regana is to assist her in liaising with the Municipal Hall and the new Chief Bailiff – I assume one has finally been selected, though the news has not yet reached me. She is to be considered your subordinate, but you are expected to give her great liberty in how she conducts her business. As this is a new and untested venture, there may be unprecedented complications of rank and etiquette; we ask you both to approach your working relationship in honest faith and with the good of the Company – and thus, the city! – always as your shared goal.
We have but two restrictions to place on her, owing to the differing circumstances of working in Abheski cities instead of the Anshess. Having become used to cheap labour, she must not be allowed to expect access to the work of those citizens housed in the Depot; this would be poor for the population's morale, and could easily be misrepresented by agitating elements still lurking within the City. Similarly, the use of Company arms will not be permitted as liberally as she may have grown accustomed to. I hardly expect that you need to be instructed in these matters, and do not take this caution for a lack of belief in your judgement, but I have been directed to make these caveats explicit.
We look forward to hearing from you both, and to great success in this new endeavour, for Lansk and for the Temar Company,
Alett, Finance Board Eastern Office Representativ
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shanmaglikeadiamond · 4 years
The p*lansk* win at the c*sars nade me so angry and sad i had to watch the wo*dy all*n difficult people episode
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sunshinecassette · 5 years
Your Tommie assigned Sonic Kin is...
SHADOW!! (This is the most recent picture I have of him LANSKS)
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gledaliscevelenje · 2 years
Pet žensk.com
Nedelja, 3. april 2022 | 17.00 Dom kulture Velenje, mala dvorana
Pet žensk.com //Komedija Gledališko društvo Kontrada Kanal
Režija: Peter Harl
Pet žensk preživlja večer ob kozarčku in edini legalizirani drogi – čokoladi. Ena od njih se odpravlja na zmenek na slepo. Ali jo bodo prijateljice pri tem spodbujale ali zavirale? Ob večno aktualni temi o življenju v dvoje se porodi ideja o navodilih za uporabo moških. Kako enostavno bi teklo življenje, če bi ženske znale rokovati s tako občutljivim aparatom. Komedija temelji na izpovedih petih žensk, ki v pogumnih razmišljanjih o moških povedo veliko več o sebi kot o njih.
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Nagradna predstava za vse lanske in letošnje abonente Nedeljskega abonmaja Gledališča Velenje
Vstopnice: 10 EUR, upokojenci in otroci 8 EUR
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otroskidresi · 3 years
otroški nogometni dres Manchester United  Miguel Bri
otroški nogometni dres Manchester United  Miguel Britos je močno pustil Watforda proti Brightonu z grozljivim izzivom proti Anthonyju Knockaertu. Hornetsi so pozdravili novo promovirano ekipo Chrisa Hughtona na Vicarage Roadu v upanju, da bodo nadaljevali svoj impresiven začetek sezone. Pred štirinajstimi dnevi so bili junak proti Liverpoolu s poškodbo -časovni gol pri neodločenem izidu 3-3, se bo Britos ob tej priložnosti brez dvoma ostro pogovarjal z Marco Silvo.
Premier League je danes popoldne že videl en rdeči karton, Raheem Sterling pa je bil izključen zaradi načina, na katerega je slavil zmagoviti gol Manchester Cityja proti Bournemouthu. Vendar pa ni bilo popolnoma nič spornega glede odločitve, da se Urugvajca pošlje v predor. Kampanja je morda še v začetni fazi, vendar bo ta tekmec za najhujši izziv sezone, ki bo prišel maja. Oglejte si: Ni opravičila za tako nevaren skok, še posebej tako zgodaj. Kmalu se je Britos na družbenih omrežjih pretresa
 zaradi grozljivega obračuna le v 24 minutah igre. Twitter je bil osupel. Zadeve še hujše, to ni ravno prvi prekršek. Pravzaprav je bil od začetka lanske sezone 32-letnik trikrat izključen. Gary Lineker je svojo zadnjo napako opisal kot "najhujšo spopad". Knockaert mu je povzročal najrazličnejše težave na krilih. in na koncu se je končalo v tem trenutku norosti. Zakaj bi sploh tako šel čez vrh, kaj šele pred pomočnikom sodnika? Zaradi tega je skorajšnji prihod Kierana Gibbsa iz Arsenala za Silva še toliko bolj ključen, govorice o prihodu levega branilca pa so se Britosovo prihodnost je nogometnidresi  že postavila v dvom. Gibbs bi moral kmalu postati igralec Watforda, potem ko so Gunners sprejeli ponudbo v višini 7 milijonov funtov.
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I am very near the end of finally getting through all my film magazines that range from  2002-2016 and as due to the fact I am looking through every single one I have found a bunch of things that occur over and over
4 or 5 star reviews of a film when they come out then a couple years later saying how crap it is
Constantly repeating a small number of people for the main feature interview. Men. How many times do you want to fucking talk to M*rk W*hlberg? I don’t want to talk to that insufferable prick even once
Celebrations of the same film more than once from the same publication and they are generally from the 70s. I get it, you like Apocalypse Now but you’ve already done that one so how about one of the million other films that exist now
Repeating features. I lost count of the times I came across ‘Around the world in 50 films’ and ‘The 100 scariest films’
The amount of men in these fucking magazines giving interviews and given fawning features that are now (and at the point of original publication for some) openly known as predators is disgusting
Connected to that last point the amount of W**dy All*n I have had to get through has only had one positive and that has been the physical act of throwing him into the recycling. No I do not believe we can ‘remove the artist from the art’ and neither should we. Besides, he is shit - my eloquent and fully endorsed by all clever minds searing exposé
Sexism. I fully remember when as a teen if I wanted to buy a film magazine it was under the MEN’S ENTERTAINMENT section. The later issues improve (they couldn’t have gotten worse and I’d hope in 2018 they are a lot better) but the earlier blatant blokey sexist language and photo choices of the female performers for features and interviews... [takes a deep breath]
Having to read that P*lansk* couldn’t collect an award on US soil for ‘having sex with a 13 year old model’. He did not have sex with a 13 year old. He raped a 13 year old is what you mean to say. Similar in tone, Err*l Fly** ‘enjoyed barely legal lasses’. We have a fucking name for that type of behaviour and it’s not so fucking coy, use it. Other ones too but those two stuck out
The amount of terrible films. Just terrible. All these on set exclusives and ‘coolest 10 films being made right now’ and they all turned out to be unforgettable and for a multitude of reasons across the board just not enjoyable
I have 5 left to do now then Dobby shall be free!
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Long cast as the strong silent type, bones aren’t as quiet as they once seemed. It turns out they have a lot to say. And the rest of the body appears to be listening.
Scientists knew that bones are not just rigid scaffolds to hold up and protect soft tissues. The bones themselves are ever-changing. Day in and out they’re destroying old cells and then creating new ones. This constant turnover, known as remodeling, keeps bones strong and healthy.
Hormones are naturally secreted chemicals. They act like long-range messengers within the body, instructing some tissue to take up some task — and at just the proper time. Several hormones, for instance, are key to directing the remodeling of bones. Emerging data now suggest that bones don’t just inform other bones about when to do something. Studies in mice show that bone hormones chat with a host of organs and tissues, including the brain, kidneys and pancreas.
Scientists Say: Hormone
“There’s so much going on between bone and brain and all the other organs,” says Beate Lanske. She is a bone and mineral researcher at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine in Boston, Mass. Bone was once considered a “dead organ,” she notes. No more. Their active release of chemical signals now suggest bones may actually resemble glands — the tissues that release hormones.
Clifford Rosen is an endocrinologist (En-doh-krin-OLL-oh-gizt) at Maine Medical Center in Scarborough.  He studies how bone hormones affect health and disease. He says, “The skeleton must have some fine-tuning mechanism.” That, he adds, must be what “allows the whole body to be in sync with what’s happening at the skeletal level.”
One of our top 10 biggest stories of the year! 
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